Week of July 05, 2024 (17.2.5)

Classic Gateway


  • Open ssh packages have now been upgraded to address critical vulnerabilities.

Week of June 13, 2024 (17.2.0)

Common Gateway


The following enhancements applicable to both Classic and NextGen Gateways:.

  • Enhanced Oracle DB monitoring to provide more specific authentication alerts. Instead of generic notifications. Now, alerts are sent for a particular instance by considering both the instance name and the monitor’s name. This helps you to:
    • Identify the exact cause of authentication failures
    • Reduce repetitive alerts
    • Streamline troubleshooting efforts
  • Added support for configuration backups to AOS-CX OS.
  • Introduced events, volume utilization, and status monitoring support for Pure Storage.
  • Added support to show SSD disk information for SSH-discovered devices.
  • Added SSL support to PostgreSQL and MS SQL database monitoring.

Bug Fixes

The following bug fixes apply to both Classic and NextGen Gateways:

  • Added fixes for Vnxe discovery and monitoring issues. Previously, responses from all Vnxe devices were stored in a single folder, causing problems. Now, a separate folder is created for each device to store response information.
  • Resolved the issue where backup jobs were not deleted from the gateway database if the job has one device, and the device was removed.

Classic Gateway


Chrome packages have now been upgraded to address ZERO day vulnerabilities.

Week of May 18, 2024 (17.1.2)


Bug Fixes

  • Resolved an issue where enabling IIS log management with agent log monitoring set to true resulted in CPU utilization reaching 100%. The system now operates efficiently without causing high CPU usage.
  • Resolved an issue with the 64-bit Windows Agent installer that prevented handling of 32-bit registry paths for installed software. Both 32-bit and 64-bit software information are now correctly reported.
  • Fixed an issue where the agent incorrectly identified devices as cloned due to case-sensitive system UUID comparisons. The agent now uses case-insensitive system UUID comparisons, ensuring existing alert entries are not mistakenly deleted after an agent restarts.
  • Fixed an issue where agent logs displayed “unsupported charset in German locale ISO-8859-9” errors when deployed on Windows servers in Gebrüder Weiss. Support for the ISO-8859-9 charset has been added to resolve this issue.
  • Resolved an issue preventing patches from being installed despite having the latest agent version on servers. This issue was caused by unnecessary comparison of patch names during installation, which was affected by dynamic changes in the system locale.

Week of April 23, 2024 (17.1.0)



  • You can now choose to add a secondary proxy while downloading an agent for enhanced security. This is an optional feature. See Document for more information on secondary proxy and how to enable it.
  • Added support for all German language locale types (de-at, de-de, de-li, de-lu, de-ch) to the agent. The agent can now read German characters.
  • Enhanced the agent to support running scripts with both POSIX shell and bash scripting. Previously, the agent was limited to using only POSIX shell for running scripts by default.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where colons weren’t functioning in Alert tokens because the values contained multiple colons. You can now enter values with multiple colons in the alert tokens.
  • The asset data showed a mismatch between the disk free space (available space) and the total disk space. This issue has now been resolved.
  • Scripts with macros were failing because the cloud was sending the password in encrypted format. This issue has been resolved as the agent can now decrypt the password.

Common Gateway


The following enhancements applicable to both Classic and NextGen Gateways:.

  • Introduced monitoring support for Pure Storage volume status. You can monitor the status of Pure Storage volumes and receive alerts regarding any status changes.
  • Added multi-IP support for WLAN discovery. Discovery can now handle multiple IP addresses associated with WLAN devices.
  • Introduced SSL certificate-based monitoring support to MSSQL and PostgreSQL databases to monitor the SSL certificates associated with the MSSQL and PostgreSQL database instances.
  • Enhanced the alerting mechanism for VMware authentication failures. You can now receive more accurate and timely alerts whenever authentication failures occur in VMware environments.

Bug Fixes

The following bug fixes apply to both Classic and NextGen Gateways:

  • Resolved an issue where adding a new performance metric to an existing VMware template was not functioning correctly.
  • Fixed a typo error in Nutanix Host, Cluster Make, and Model Names, which was causing issues with Nutanix integration functionality.
  • There was performance issue with VNXe Discovery and Monitoring across multiple integrations. The issue has been resolved and now it works smoothly.
  • Fixed Netapp Cluster volume metrics issues, ensuring accurate reporting of volume metrics for Netapp Cluster storage systems.

Classic Gateway

Security Enhancements

Following are the security improvements in classic gateway:

  • Fixed an issue where multiple X-Frame-Options headers were present in the gateway response. Now, the extra X-Frame-Options header has been removed from response.
  • Fixed an issue where multiple X-Content-Type-Options headers were present in the gateway response. Now, the extra X-Content-Type-Options header has been removed from response.
  • Fixed the Proxy Disclosure issue by disabling TRACE and TRACK on both the proxy and origin web server.

NextGen Gateway

Security Enhancement

Moved sensitive information from ConfigMap to Secrets ensuring higher level of security and protection of your gateway data.

Week of February 07, 2024 (17.0.0)

Agent Enhancements

Windows Agent Installation for Non-Admin Users

We are providing the Windows Agent installation with the following options to install the agent using user accounts:

  • Default User: OpsRamp agent automatically creates a default user during installation.
  • Custom User: You can provide existing user account credentials instead of using the default user during installation.

See Windows Agent Non-Admin Support for more details.

MicroK8s Support

From the Kubernetes Agent version 17.0.0, OpsRamp introduces support for MicroK8s discovery and monitoring. This enhancement allows users to leverage MicroK8s, a lightweight and scalable Kubernetes system, for deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications.

See MicroK8s for more details.

Additional Metrics support for K8s-ApiServer Monitoring

The container agent has now extended its support to include the following metrics in K8s API server monitoring:

  • Kube Apiserver Request Terminations Total
  • Kube Apiserver Request Duration Seconds Count
  • Kube Apiserver Request Duration Seconds Sum
  • Kube Apiserver Up

See Kubernetes API server for more details.

Support for Custom Namespaces in Kube Metrics Server

Provided support for a custom namespace in the Kube Metric Server template. This improvement enables users to specify the desired namespace when applying the templates.

See Kubernetes Metrics Server for more details.

Support to Monitor large size Log File

In the previous agent version, the initial configuration accepted log files with sizes up to 1GB. If the size exceeded this threshold, it would prompt a warning alert.

This restriction has now been expanded, allowing the monitoring of log files with sizes up to 5GB.

See Log Files for more details.

Container Agent Support in Linux-ARM based Architecture

The container agent now supports Linux-ARM-based architecture and incorporates all the features available in the existing Linux-AMD container agent.

Provided Support for MySQL Metrics

OpsRamp has provided support for the following MySQL metrics in MySQL Advanced monitor template:

  • Mysql Innodb log waits
  • Mysql long running process
  • Mysql Index Usage

See G2 Agent Template Details for more details.

Ability to recognize Patches Installed by Sources

In the previous versions, the existing agents did not provide details about the individual accountable for installing a particular patch. With this update, the agent will now show the username who performed the patch installation.

Common Gateway Enhancements

The following enhancements are common to both Classic and NextGen Gateway Appliance models.

View the Count of Monitored Metrics in Gateway

Users can view the count of monitored metrics collected by the gateway for the last 15 minutes. Navigate to the Gateway device details page > Dashboard to access information regarding overview of the number of monitored metrics collected within the specified timeframe.

Enhanced Configuration backup feature to Process large Payloads

The configuration backup feature has been enhanced to efficiently handle large payloads. With this enhancement, the configuration backup process is now optimized to manage and process substantial amounts of data.

SNMP timeout Alerting features to send Alert based on time duration

The SNMP timeout alerts have been upgraded to introduce a time duration-based approach. This enhancement provides more flexibility and accuracy in alerting, allowing alerts to be triggered based on the duration of SNMP timeouts rather than a count of consecutive failures.

Support for Additional Aruba OS Model Devices in Network Configuration backup Module

The Network configuration backup module has been enhanced to support additional Aruba OS model devices. This enhancement ensures that the configuration backup functionality is now compatible with a broader range of Aruba OS devices, accommodating diverse network setups.

Included HPE/Aruba Port-Channel Details in Network Topology

The Gateway has been enhanced to incorporate HPE/Aruba Port Channel details in the topology response. This enhances the visibility and comprehensiveness of network topology information provided by the Gateway.

Users can now gain insights into the Port Channel details associated with HPE/Aruba devices directly from the topology response, allowing for a more comprehensive understanding of the network infrastructure and regarding Port Channel configurations.

Support for Microsoft Extension of OAuth 2.0 Authentication

OpsRamp supports Microsoft extension of OAuth 2.0 authentication. The following optional message body parameters will now be supported when making a request to the token.

  • Resource
  • use_windows_client_authentication
  • requested_token_use
  • assertion
  • csr
  • csr_type
  • x5c
  • tbidv2

See HTTP/HTTPS Synthetic Monitors for more details.

Support for individual transaction times in HTTP Synthetic transaction

HTTP Synthetic transaction actions to support individual transaction time. Users can choose to switch to individual transaction times for each action rather than the current cumulative time in synthetic transactions. This will help users to track the time spent in each of the actions as a metric.

See SCRIPT – HTTP Transaction for more details.

Security Enhancement

  • Application security improved by upgrading vulnerable jars to the latest version from maven library.
  • Stopped logging the sensitive information in the gateway logger file while restarting some services vprobe, appliance, etc.
  • Stopped logging the sensitive information in the gateway logger file while enabling Synthetic Agent.

Bug Fixes

  • The issue where users could not retrieve the latest metric information for the vprobe performance template has been resolved.
  • Fixed issues with utilization and Network Interface Cards (NIC) status metrics for Pure Storage.
  • Resolved the issue where a hardcoded value was being used for MYSQL monitoring metrics when the device did not provide a metric value response. Now, no metric value will be sent in the following cases. (mysql_Replication_Status,mysql_slave_IO_Running_Status,mysql_slave_Sql_Running_Status metrics)

NextGen Gateway Enhancements

IP range Support in K3s Installation

The OpsRamp collector tool has been enhanced to support IP range configurations for K3s installations. Users can now specify an IP range within the Kubernetes network range to be allocated during the installation process. This enhancement provides increased flexibility and control over the network configuration within the specified IP range.

Note: This feature is only available for users who are using OpsRamp provided ISO/OVA.

See Installing NextGen Gateway in HA Mode for more details.
See Installation of NextGen Gateway using ISO for more details.

Introduced distributed Redis cache for SDK Apps

OpsRamp introduced a Redis distributed cache for SDK apps to improve app performance. This improvement will pave the way for supporting gateway clustering in upcoming releases.

Bug Fixes

The Gateway tunnel experiencing flapping while loading the LB/Proxy IP from the gateway service has now been addressed.

Security Enhancement

OS level security has been improved by upgrading OS packages to the latest version from Ubuntu 20.04 repository and application dependency packages.

Classic Gateway Enhancements

Verify the SNMPv3 Credentials Working Status

Users can now verify the functionality of SNMPv3 credentials directly from the Gateway web UI.

This feature allows users to verify the SNMPv3 reachability and response for a device without logging into the gateway.

See Configure SNMP V3 trap credential for more details.

Optimized the Gateway OVA Deployment

The Gateway OVA (Open Virtual Appliance) deployment process has been improved to make configuration tasks easier and setup more efficient. Users can now easily configure the following settings during the deployment:

  • Network settings
  • Perform gateway registration
  • Specify NTP servers
  • Enable/disable the Squid proxy

See Deploy a Gateway on VMware ESXi Server for more details.

Security Enhancement

  • OS level security has been improved by upgrading OS packages to the latest version from Ubuntu 22.04 repository.
  • User authentication is evaluated when logging in through the shell. If users have direct access to root with sudo permissions, they can run commands without entering a password.
  • Restricted some of the file permissions on the Gateway from unsafe settings to prevent unauthorized users from modifying or corrupting them.
  • We have added authentication to the default postgres user account in the PostgreSQL database.

Bug Fixes

The classic gateway webUI was broken due to “Rate limiting” introduced on the Gateway API call to avoid DOS attacks has now been resolved.

Windows Gateway Enhancements

Alerting capabilities for Remote PowerShell Monitoring

Alerting capabilities for Remote PowerShell Monitoring have been improved, moving from device-level to monitor-level alerting.

Users can now receive more detailed alerts for Remote PowerShell Monitoring, allowing for better understanding and quicker responses to a specific monitoring event.