Tomee Microprofile Jvm Template




No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Tomee Microprofile Jvm Monitorapache.tomee.microprofile.jvm.non_heap_memory_usedApache Tomee Microprofile JVM Non Heap Memory UsedBytesThe total Java non-heap memory used.
apache.tomee.microprofile.jvm.heap_memory_usedApache Tomee Microprofile JVM Heap Memory UsedBytesThe total Java heap memory used.
apache.tomee.microprofile.jvm.gc.collection.countApache Tomee Microprofile JVM GC Collection CountcountThe number of garbage collections that have occurred.
apache.tomee.microprofile.jvm.thread.countApache Tomee Microprofile JVM Thread CountcountDisplays the number of active threads in the system.
apache.tomee.microprofile.jvm.thread.peakcountApache Tomee Microprofile JVM Thread PeakCountcountPeak number of threads running in the JVM since it started.
apache.tomee.microprofile.jvm.thread.current_cpu_timeApache Tomee Microprofile JVM Thread Current Cpu TimemsDisplays the total CPU time for the current thread in milliseconds.
apache.tomee.microprofile.jvm.thread.current_user_timeApache Tomee Microprofile JVM Thread Current User TimemsDisplays the CPU time that the current thread has executed in user mode, in milliseconds.
apache.tomee.microprofile.jvm.daemonthread.countApache Tomee Microprofile JVM Daemon Thread CountcountDisplays the number of threads marked as daemons in the system.
apache.tomee.microprofile.jvm.memorypool.codecache.peak_usage_committedApache Tomee Microprofile JVM Memorypool Codecache Peak Usage CommittedKBThe total codecache memory committed to be used.
apache.tomee.microprofile.jvm.memorypool.metaspace.peak_usage_committedApache Tomee Microprofile JVM Memorypool Metaspace Peak Usage CommittedKBThe total metaspace memory committed to be used.
apache.tomee.microprofile.jvm.memorypool.survivorspace.peak_usage_committedApache Tomee Microprofile JVM Memorypool Survivorspace Peak Usage CommittedKBThe total survivorspace memory committed to be used.
apache.tomee.microprofile.jvm.memorypool.tenuredgen.peak_usage_committedApache Tomee Microprofile JVM Memorypool Tenuredgen Peak Usage CommittedKBThe total tenuredgen memory committed to be used.
apache.tomee.microprofile.jvm.heap_memory_committedApache Tomee Microprofile JVM Heap Memory CommittedBytesThe total Java heap memory committed to be used.
apache.tomee.microprofile.jvm.heap_memory_initApache Tomee Microprofile JVM Heap Memory InitBytesThe initial Java heap memory allocated.
apache.tomee.microprofile.jvm.heap_memory_maxApache Tomee Microprofile JVM Heap Memory MaxBytesThe maximum Java heap memory available.
apache.tomee.microprofile.jvm.non_heap_memory_committedApache Tomee Microprofile JVM Non Heap Memory CommittedBytesThe total Java non-heap memory committed to be used.
apache.tomee.microprofile.jvm.non_heap_memory_initApache Tomee Microprofile JVM Non Heap Memory InitBytesThe initial Java non-heap memory allocated.
apache.tomee.microprofile.jvm.non_heap_memory_maxApache Tomee Microprofile JVM Non Heap Memory MaxBytesThe maximum Java non-heap memory available.
apache.tomee.microprofile.jvm.memorypool.codecache.peak_usageApache Tomee Microprofile JVM Memorypool Codecache Peak Usage UsedBytesDisplays the peak usage of code cache in kilo bytes.
apache.tomee.microprofile.jvm.memorypool.codecache.peak_usage_initApache Tomee Microprofile JVM Memorypool Codecache Peak Usage InitKBDisplays the initial peak usage max of code cache in kilo bytes.
apache.tomee.microprofile.jvm.memorypool.codecache.peak_usage_maxApache Tomee Microprofile JVM Memorypool Codecache Peak Usage MaxKBDisplays the maximum peak usage of code cache in kilo bytes.
apache.tomee.microprofile.jvm.memorypool.edenspace.peak_usageApache Tomee Microprofile JVM Memorypool Edenspace Peak Usage UsedKBDisplays the peak usage of edenspace in kilo bytes.
apache.tomee.microprofile.jvm.memorypool.edenspace.peak_usage_maxApache Tomee Microprofile JVM Memorypool Edenspace Peak Usage MaxKBDisplays the maximum peak usage max of edenspace in kilo bytes.
apache.tomee.microprofile.jvm.memorypool.edenspace.peak_usage_initApache Tomee Microprofile JVM Memorypool Edenspace Peak Usage InitKBDisplays the initial peak usage of edenspace in kilo bytes.
apache.tomee.microprofile.jvm.memorypool.metaspace.peak_usage_initApache Tomee Microprofile JVM Memorypool Metaspace Peak Usage InitKBDisplays the initial peak usage of metaspace in kilo bytes.
apache.tomee.microprofile.jvm.memorypool.metaspace.peak_usageApache Tomee Microprofile JVM Memorypool Metaspace Peak Usage UsedKBDisplays the peak usage of metaspace in kilo bytes.
apache.tomee.microprofile.jvm.memorypool.metaspace.peak_usage_maxApache Tomee Microprofile JVM Memorypool Metaspace Peak Usage MaxKBDisplays the maximum peak usage of metaspace in kilo bytes.
apache.tomee.microprofile.jvm.memorypool.survivorspace.peak_usageApache Tomee Microprofile JVM Memorypool Survivorspace Peak UsageKBDisplays the peak usage of survivorspace in kilo bytes.
apache.tomee.microprofile.jvm.memorypool.survivorspace.peak_usage_initApache Tomee Microprofile JVM Memorypool Survivorspace Peak Usage InitKBDisplays the initial peak usage max of survivorspace in kilo bytes.
apache.tomee.microprofile.jvm.memorypool.survivorspace.peak_usage_maxApache Tomee Microprofile JVM Memorypool Survivorspace Peak Usage MaxKBDisplays the peak maximum usage of survivorspace in kilo bytes.
apache.tomee.microprofile.jvm.memorypool.tenuredgen.peak_usageApache Tomee Microprofile JVM Memorypool Tenuredgen Peak Usage UsedKBDisplays the peak usage of tenuredgen in kilo bytes.
apache.tomee.microprofile.jvm.memorypool.tenuredgen.peak_usage.initApache Tomee Microprofile JVM Memorypool Tenuredgen Peak Usage InitKBDisplays the initial peak usage max of tenuredgen in kilo bytes.
apache.tomee.microprofile.jvm.memorypool.tenuredgen.peak_usage.maxApache Tomee Microprofile JVM Memorypool Tenuredgen Peak Usage MaxKBDisplays the peak maximum usage of tenuredgen in kilo bytes.
apache.tomee.microprofile.jvm.memorypool.edenspace.peak_usage_committedApache Tomee Microprofile JVM Memorypool Edenspace Peak Usage CommittedKBThe total edenspace memory committed to be used.

TomEE Microprofile Template


This template contains monitor related to TomEE Microprofile


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
TomEE Microprofile Monitorapache.tomee.microprofile.threadpool.threads.maxApache Tomee Microprofile Max ThreadscountThe maximum number of allowed worker threads.
apache.tomee.microprofile.threadpool.threads.countApache Tomee Microprofile Threads CountcountThe number of threads managed by the thread pool.
apache.tomee.microprofile.threadpool.threads.busyApache Tomee Microprofile Threads BusycountThe number of threads that are in use.
apache.tomee.microprofile.globalrequestprocessor.bytes_sentApache Tomee Microprofile Global Request Processor Bytes SentBytesBytes per second sent by all the request processors.
apache.tomee.microprofile.globalrequestprocessor.bytes_rcvdApache Tomee Microprofile Global Request Processor Bytes ReceivedBytesBytes per second received by all request processors.
apache.tomee.microprofile.globalrequestprocessor.error_countApache Tomee Microprofile Global Request Processor Error CountcountThe number of errors per second on all request processors.
apache.tomee.microprofile.globalrequestprocessor.request_countApache Tomee Microprofile Global Request Processor Request CountcountThe number of requests per second across all request processors.
apache.tomee.microprofile.globalrequestprocessor.max_timeApache Tomee Microprofile Global Request Processor Max TimemsThe longest request processing time (in milliseconds).
apache.tomee.microprofile.globalrequestprocessor.processing_timeApache Tomee Microprofile Global Request Processor Processing TimemsThe sum of request processing times across all requests handled by the request processors (in milliseconds) per second.
apache.tomee.microprofile.servlet.processing_timeApache Tomee Microprofile Servlet Processing TimemsThe sum of request processing times across all requests to the servlet (in milliseconds) per second.
apache.tomee.microprofile.servlet.error_countApache Tomee Microprofile Servlet Error CountcountThe number of erroneous requests received by the servlet per second.
apache.tomee.microprofile.servlet.request_countApache Tomee Microprofile Servlet Request CountcountThe number of requests received by the servlet per second.
apache.tomee.microprofile.cache.access_countApache Tomee Microprofile Cache Access CountcountThe number of accesses to the cache per second.
apache.tomee.microprofile.cache.hits_countApache Tomee Microprofile Cache Hits CountcountThe number of cache hits per second.
apache.tomee.microprofile.jsp.countApache Tomee Microprofile JSP CountcountThe number of JSPs per second that have been loaded in the web module.
apache.tomee.microprofile.jsp.reload_countApache Tomee Microprofile JSP Reload CountcountThe number of JSPs per second that have been reloaded in the web module.

Tomee Plume Jvm Template




No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Tomee Plume Jvm Monitorapache.tomee.plume.jvm.daemonthread.countApache Tomee Plume JVM Daemon Thread CountcountDisplays the number of threads marked as daemons in the system.
apache.tomee.plume.jvm.gc.collection.countApache Tomee Plume JVM GC Collection CountcountThe number of garbage collections that have occurred.
apache.tomee.plume.jvm.heap_memory_committedApache Tomee Plume JVM Heap Memory CommittedBytesThe total Java heap memory committed to be used.
apache.tomee.plume.jvm.heap_memory_initApache Tomee Plume JVM Heap Memory InitBytesThe initial Java heap memory allocated.
apache.tomee.plume.jvm.heap_memory_maxApache Tomee Plume JVM Heap Memory MaxBytesThe maximum Java heap memory available.
apache.tomee.plume.jvm.heap_memory_usedApache Tomee Plume JVM Heap Memory UsedBytesThe total Java heap memory used.
apache.tomee.plume.jvm.memorypool.codecache.peak_usageApache Tomee Plume JVM Memorypool Codecache Peak Usage UsedBytesDisplays the peak usage of code cache in kilobytes.
apache.tomee.plume.jvm.memorypool.codecache.peak_usage_committedApache Tomee Plume JVM Memorypool Codecache Peak Usage CommittedKBThe total code cache memory committed to be used.
apache.tomee.plume.jvm.memorypool.codecache.peak_usage_initApache Tomee Plume JVM Memorypool Codecache Peak Usage InitKBDisplays the initial peak usage max of code cache in kilobytes.
apache.tomee.plume.jvm.memorypool.codecache.peak_usage_maxApache Tomee Plume JVM Memorypool Codecache Peak Usage MaxKBDisplays the maximum peak usage of code cache in kilobytes.
apache.tomee.plume.jvm.memorypool.edenspace.peak_usageApache Tomee Plume JVM Memorypool Edenspace Peak Usage UsedKBDisplays the peak usage of edenspace in kilobytes.
apache.tomee.plume.jvm.memorypool.edenspace.peak_usage_committedApache Tomee Plume JVM Memorypool Edenspace Peak Usage CommittedKBThe total edenspace memory committed to be used.

TomEE Plume Template


This template contains monitors related to TomEE Plume.


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
TomEE Plume Monitorapache.tomee.plume.cache.access_countApache Tomee Plume Cache Access CountcountThe number of accesses to the cache per second.
apache.tomee.plume.cache.hits_countApache Tomee Plume Cache Hits CountcountThe number of cache hits per second.
apache.tomee.plume.globalrequestprocessor.bytes_rcvdApache Tomee Plume Global Request Processor Bytes ReceivedBytesBytes per second received by all request processors.
apache.tomee.plume.globalrequestprocessor.bytes_sentApache Tomee Plume Global Request Processor Bytes SentBytesBytes per second sent by all the request processors.
apache.tomee.plume.globalrequestprocessor.error_countApache Tomee Plume Global Request Processor Error CountcountThe number of errors per second on all request processors.
apache.tomee.plume.globalrequestprocessor.max_timeApache Tomee Plume Global Request Processor Max TimemsThe longest request processing time (in milliseconds).
apache.tomee.plume.globalrequestprocessor.processing_timeApache Tomee Plume Global Request Processor Processing TimemsThe sum of request processing times across all requests handled by the request processors (in milliseconds) per second.
apache.tomee.plume.globalrequestprocessor.request_countApache Tomee Plume Global Request Processor Request CountcountThe number of requests per second across all request processors.
apache.tomee.plume.jsp.countApache Tomee Plume JSP CountcountThe number of JSPs per second that have been loaded in the web module.
apache.tomee.plume.jsp.reload_countApache Tomee Plume JSP Reload CountcountThe number of JSPs per second that have been reloaded in the web module.
apache.tomee.plume.threadpool.threads.maxApache Tomee Plume Threadpool Threads MaxcountThe maximum number of allowed worker threads.
apache.tomee.plume.threadpool.threads.countApache Tomee Plume Threadpool Threads CountcountThe number of threads managed by the thread pool.
apache.tomee.plume.threadpool.threads.busyApache Tomee Plume Threadpool Threads BusycountThe number of threads that are in use.
apache.tomee.plume.servlet.processing_timeApache Tomee Plume Servlet Processing TimemsThe sum of request processing times across all requests to the servlet (in milliseconds) per second.
apache.tomee.plume.servlet.error_countApache Tomee Plume Servlet Error CountcountThe number of erroneous requests received by the servlet per second.
apache.tomee.plume.servlet.request_countApache Tomee Plume Servlet Request CountcountThe number of requests received by the servlet per second.

Tomee Plus Jvm Template




No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Tomee Plus Jvm Tomee Plus JVM Daemon Thread CountcountNULL Tomee Plus JVM GC Collection CountcountNULL Tomee Plus JVM Heap Memory CommittedBytesNULL Tomee Plus JVM Heap Memory InitBytesNULL Tomee Plus JVM Heap Memory MaxBytesNULL Tomee Plus JVM Heap Memory UsedBytesNULL Tomee Plus JVM Memorypool Codecache Peak Usage UsedBytesNULL Tomee Plus JVM Memorypool Codecache Peak Usage CommittedKBNULL Tomee Plus JVM Memorypool Codecache Peak Usage InitKBNULL Tomee Plus JVM Memorypool Codecache Peak Usage MaxKBNULL Tomee Plus JVM Memorypool Edenspace Peak Usage UsedKBNULL Tomee Plus JVM Memorypool Edenspace Peak Usage CommittedKBNULL Tomee Plus JVM Memorypool Edenspace Peak Usage InitKBNULL Tomee Plus JVM Memorypool Edenspace Peak Usage MaxKBNULL Tomee Plus JVM Memorypool Metaspace Peak Usage UsedKBNULL Tomee Plus JVM Memorypool Metaspace Peak Usage CommittedKBNULL Tomee Plus JVM Memorypool Metaspace Peak Usage InitKBNULL Tomee Plus JVM Memorypool Metaspace Peak Usage MaxKBNULL Tomee Plus JVM Memorypool Survivorspace Peak UsageKBNULL Tomee Plus JVM Memorypool Survivorspace Peak Usage CommittedKBNULL Tomee Plus JVM Memorypool Survivorspace Peak Usage InitKBNULL Tomee Plus JVM Memorypool Survivorspace Peak Usage MaxKBNULL Tomee Plus JVM Memorypool Tenuredgen Peak Usage UsedKBNULL Tomee Plus JVM Memorypool Tenuredgen Peak Usage InitKBNULL Tomee Plus JVM Memorypool Tenuredgen Peak Usage MaxKBNULL Tomee Plus JVM Memorypool Tenuredgen Peak Usage CommittedKBNULL Tomee Plus JVM Non Heap Memory CommittedBytesNULL Tomee Plus JVM Non Heap Memory InitBytesNULL Tomee Plus JVM Non Heap Memory MaxBytesNULL Tomee Plus JVM Non Heap Memory UsedBytesNULL Tomee Plus JVM Thread CountcountNULL Tomee Plus JVM Thread Current Cpu TimemsNULL Tomee Plus JVM Thread Current User TimemsNULL Tomee Plus JVM Thread PeakCountcountNULL

TomEE Plus Template


This template contains monitors related to TomEE Plus.


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
TomEE Plus Tomee Plus Cache Access CountcountThe number of accesses to the cache per second. Tomee Plus Cache Hits CountcountThe number of cache hits per second. Tomee Plus Global Request Processor Bytes ReceivedBytesBytes per second received by all request processors. Tomee Plus Global Request Processor Bytes SentBytesBytes per second sent by all the request processors. Tomee Plus Global Request Processor Error CountcountThe number of errors per second on all request processors. Tomee Plus Global Request Processor Max TimemsThe longest request processing time (in milliseconds). Tomee Plus Global Request Processor Processing TimemsThe sum of request processing times across all requests handled by the request processors (in milliseconds) per second. Tomee Plus Global Request Processor Request CountcountThe number of requests per second across all request processors. Tomee Plus JSP CountcountThe number of JSPs per second that have been loaded in the web module. Tomee Plus JSP Reload CountcountThe number of JSPs per second that have been reloaded in the web module. Tomee Plus Threads MaxcountThe maximum number of allowed worker threads. Tomee Plus Threads CountcountThe number of threads managed by the thread pool. Tomee Plus Threads BusycountThe number of threads that are in use. Tomee Plus Servlet Processing TimemsThe sum of request processing times across all requests to the servlet (in milliseconds) per second. Tomee Plus Servlet Error CountcountThe number of erroneous requests received by the servlet per second. Tomee Plus Servlet Request CountcountThe number of requests received by the servlet per second.

Tomee Webprofile Jvm Template




No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Tomee Webprofile Jvm Monitorapache.tomee.webprofile.jvm.daemonthread.countApache Tomee Webprofile JVM Daemon Thread CountcountDisplays the number of threads marked as daemons in the system.
apache.tomee.webprofile.jvm.gc.collection.countApache Tomee Webprofile JVM GC Collection CountcountThe number of garbage collections that have occurred.
apache.tomee.webprofile.jvm.heap_memory_committedApache Tomee Webprofile JVM Heap Memory CommittedBytesThe total Java heap memory committed to be used.
apache.tomee.webprofile.jvm.heap_memory_initApache Tomee Webprofile JVM Heap Memory InitBytesThe initial Java heap memory allocated.
apache.tomee.webprofile.jvm.heap_memory_maxApache Tomee Webprofile JVM Heap Memory MaxBytesThe maximum Java heap memory available.
apache.tomee.webprofile.jvm.heap_memory_usedApache Tomee Webprofile JVM Heap Memory UsedBytesThe total Java heap memory used.
apache.tomee.webprofile.jvm.memorypool.codecache.peak_usageApache Tomee Webprofile JVM Memorypool Codecache Peak Usage UsedBytesDisplays the peak usage of code cache in kilobytes.
apache.tomee.webprofile.jvm.memorypool.codecache.peak_usage_committedApache Tomee Webprofile JVM Memorypool Codecache Peak Usage CommittedKBThe total code cache memory committed to be used.
apache.tomee.webprofile.jvm.memorypool.codecache.peak_usage_initApache Tomee Webprofile JVM Memorypool Codecache Peak Usage InitKBDisplays the initial peak usage max of code cache in kilobytes.
apache.tomee.webprofile.jvm.memorypool.codecache.peak_usage_maxApache Tomee Webprofile JVM Memorypool Codecache Peak Usage MaxKBDisplays the maximum peak usage of code cache in kilobytes.
apache.tomee.webprofile.jvm.memorypool.edenspace.peak_usageApache Tomee Webprofile JVM Memorypool Edenspace Peak Usage UsedKBDisplays the peak usage of edenspace in kilobytes.
apache.tomee.webprofile.jvm.memorypool.edenspace.peak_usage_committedApache Tomee Webprofile JVM Memorypool Edenspace Peak Usage CommittedKBThe total edenspace memory committed to be used.
apache.tomee.webprofile.jvm.memorypool.edenspace.peak_usage_initApache Tomee Webprofile JVM Memorypool Edenspace Peak Usage InitKBDisplays the initial peak usage of edenspace in kilobytes.
apache.tomee.webprofile.jvm.memorypool.edenspace.peak_usage_maxApache Tomee Webprofile JVM Memorypool Edenspace Peak Usage MaxKBDisplays the maximum peak usage max of edenspace in kilobytes.
apache.tomee.webprofile.jvm.memorypool.metaspace.peak_usageApache Tomee Webprofile JVM Memorypool Metaspace Peak Usage UsedKBDisplays the peak usage of metaspace in kilobytes.
apache.tomee.webprofile.jvm.memorypool.metaspace.peak_usage_committedApache Tomee Webprofile JVM Memorypool Metaspace Peak Usage CommittedKBThe total metaspace memory committed to be used.
apache.tomee.webprofile.jvm.memorypool.metaspace.peak_usage_initApache Tomee Webprofile JVM Memorypool Metaspace Peak Usage InitKBDisplays the initial peak usage of metaspace in kilobytes.
apache.tomee.webprofile.jvm.memorypool.metaspace.peak_usage_maxApache Tomee Webprofile JVM Memorypool Metaspace Peak Usage MaxKBDisplays the maximum peak usage of metaspace in kilobytes.
apache.tomee.webprofile.jvm.memorypool.survivorspace.peak_usageApache Tomee Webprofile JVM Memorypool Survivorspace Peak UsageKBDisplays the peak usage of survivorspace in kilobytes.
apache.tomee.webprofile.jvm.memorypool.survivorspace.peak_usage_committedApache Tomee Webprofile JVM Memorypool Survivorspace Peak Usage CommittedKBThe total survivorspace memory committed to be used.
apache.tomee.webprofile.jvm.memorypool.survivorspace.peak_usage_initApache Tomee Webprofile JVM Memorypool Survivorspace Peak Usage InitKBDisplays the initial peak usage max of survivorspace in kilobytes.
apache.tomee.webprofile.jvm.memorypool.survivorspace.peak_usage_maxApache Tomee Webprofile JVM Memorypool Survivorspace Peak Usage MaxKBDisplays the peak maximum usage of survivorspace in kilobytes.
apache.tomee.webprofile.jvm.memorypool.tenuredgen.peak_usageApache Tomee Webprofile JVM Memorypool Tenuredgen Peak Usage UsedKBDisplays the peak usage of tenuredgen in kilobytes.
apache.tomee.webprofile.jvm.memorypool.tenuredgen.peak_usage.initApache Tomee Webprofile JVM Memorypool Tenuredgen Peak Usage InitKBDisplays the initial peak usage max of tenuredgen in kilobytes.
apache.tomee.webprofile.jvm.memorypool.tenuredgen.peak_usage.maxApache Tomee Webprofile JVM Memorypool Tenuredgen Peak Usage MaxKBDisplays the peak maximum usage of tenuredgen in kilobytes.
apache.tomee.webprofile.jvm.memorypool.tenuredgen.peak_usage_committedApache Tomee Webprofile JVM Memorypool Tenuredgen Peak Usage CommittedKBThe total tenuredgen memory committed to be used.
apache.tomee.webprofile.jvm.non_heap_memory_committedApache Tomee Webprofile JVM Non Heap Memory CommittedBytesThe total Java non-heap memory committed to be used.
apache.tomee.webprofile.jvm.non_heap_memory_initApache Tomee Webprofile JVM Non Heap Memory InitBytesThe initial Java non-heap memory allocated.
apache.tomee.webprofile.jvm.non_heap_memory_maxApache Tomee Webprofile JVM Non Heap Memory MaxBytesThe maximum Java non-heap memory available.
apache.tomee.webprofile.jvm.non_heap_memory_usedApache Tomee Webprofile JVM Non Heap Memory UsedBytesThe total Java non-heap memory used.
apache.tomee.webprofile.jvm.thread.countApache Tomee Webprofile JVM Thread CountcountDisplays the number of active threads in the system.
apache.tomee.webprofile.jvm.thread.current_cpu_timeApache Tomee Webprofile JVM Thread Current Cpu TimemsDisplays the total CPU time for the current thread in milliseconds.
apache.tomee.webprofile.jvm.thread.current_user_timeApache Tomee Webprofile JVM Thread Current User TimemsDisplays the CPU time that the current thread has executed in user mode, in milliseconds.
apache.tomee.webprofile.jvm.thread.peakcountApache Tomee Webprofile JVM Thread PeakCountcountPeak number of threads running in the JVM since it started.

TomEE Webprofile Template


This template contains monitors related to TomEE Webprofile.


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
TomEE Webprofile Monitorapache.tomee.webprofile.cache.access_countApache Tomee Webprofile Cache Access CountcountThe number of accesses to the cache per second.
apache.tomee.webprofile.cache.hits_countApache Tomee Webprofile Cache Hits CountcountThe number of cache hits per second.
apache.tomee.webprofile.globalrequestprocessor.bytes_rcvdApache Tomee Webprofile Global Request Processor Bytes ReceivedBytesBytes per second received by all request processors.
apache.tomee.webprofile.globalrequestprocessor.bytes_sentApache Tomee Webprofile Global Request Processor Bytes SentBytesBytes per second sent by all the request processors.
apache.tomee.webprofile.globalrequestprocessor.error_countApache Tomee Webprofile Global Request Processor Error CountcountThe number of errors per second on all request processors.
apache.tomee.webprofile.globalrequestprocessor.max_timeApache Tomee Webprofile Global Request Processor Max TimemsThe longest request processing time (in milliseconds).
apache.tomee.webprofile.globalrequestprocessor.processing_timeApache Tomee Webprofile Global Request Processor Processing TimemsThe sum of request processing times across all requests handled by the request processors (in milliseconds) per second.
apache.tomee.webprofile.globalrequestprocessor.request_countApache Tomee Webprofile Global Request Processor Request CountcountThe number of requests per second across all request processors.
apache.tomee.webprofile.jsp.countApache Tomee Webprofile JSP CountcountThe number of JSPs per second that have been loaded in the web module.
apache.tomee.webprofile.jsp.reload_countApache Tomee Webprofile JSP Reload CountcountThe number of JSPs per second that have been reloaded in the web module.
apache.tomee.webprofile.threadpool.threads.maxApache Tomee Webprofile Threadpool Threads MaxcountThe maximum number of allowed worker threads.
apache.tomee.webprofile.threadpool.threads.countApache Tomee Webprofile Threadpool Threads CountcountThe number of threads managed by the thread pool.
apache.tomee.webprofile.threadpool.threads.busyApache Tomee Webprofile Threadpool Threads BusycountThe number of threads that are in use.
apache.tomee.webprofile.servlet.processing_timeApache Tomee Webprofile Servlet Processing TimemsThe sum of request processing times across all requests to the servlet (in milliseconds) per second.
apache.tomee.webprofile.servlet.error_countApache Tomee Webprofile Servlet Error CountcountThe number of erroneous requests received by the servlet per second.
apache.tomee.webprofile.servlet.request_countApache Tomee Webprofile Servlet Request CountcountThe number of requests received by the servlet per second.