Brocade Fiber Channel Fabric Element Status


Applicable on all Fiber channel devices that support the FIBER-CHANNEL-FE-MIB and SW-MIB. Monitors the status of the fiber channel modules,port statistics like traffic rate on the port fiber elements,port status etc.,


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Fiber channel FE Module Statusfiberchannel.module.statusFiber Channel Module Status
Fiber Channel FE Port Stats - Extfiberchannel_port_available_buffersFiber Channel Port Available Bufferscount
fiberchannel_port_linkfailuresFiber Channel Port Link Failurespsec
fiberchannel_port_c3frame_discardsFiber Channel Port Class 3 Frame Discardspsec
fiberchannel_port_invalidtxwordsFiber Channel Port Invalid Tx Wordspsec
fiberchannel_port_siglossesFiber Channel Port Signal Lossespsec
fiberchannel_port_c3frames_outFiber Channel Port Class 3 Frames Outpsec
fiberchannel_port_offlineseq_outFiber Channel Port Issued Offline Sequencespsec
fiberchannel_port_offlineseq_inFiber Channel Port Received Offline Sequencespsec
fiberchannel_port_c3frames_inFiber Channel Port Class 3 Frames Inpsec
fiberchannel_port_statusFiber Channel Port Operational Status
fiberchannel_port_invalidcrcFiber Channel Port Invalid CRCspsec
fiberchannel_port_synclossesFiber Channel Port Sync Lossespsec
Fiber Channel Max FE Modulesfiberchannel.fabric.modules.maxFiber Channel Fabric Modules Max

Brocade Fiber Channel Fabric Element Status - v2

This template will be deprecated soon.


Applicable on all Fiber channel devices that support the FIBER-CHANNEL-FE-MIB and SW-MIB. Monitors the status of the fiber channel modules,port statistics like traffic rate on the port fiber elements,port status. Added additional metrics like link reset ins,linkreset outs,crc errors,crc errors,crc errors with a good EOF. Validated on G620 switch.



Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Fiber Channel FE Port Stats Ext - v2fiberchannel_port_statusFiber Channel Port Operational StatusMonitors the operational status of fiber channel port.[OIDs:,,]
fiberchannel_port_c3frame_discardsFiber Channel Port Class 3 Frame DiscardspsecMonitors number of Class 3 frames discarded by this FxPort.[OID:]
fiberchannel_port_c3frames_inFiber Channel Port Class 3 Frames InpsecMonitors the number of Class 3 frames received by this FxPort from its attached NxPort.[OID:]
fiberchannel_port_c3frames_outFiber Channel Port Class 3 Frames OutpsecMonitors the number of Class 3 frames delivered through this FxPort to its attached NxPort.[OID:]
fiberchannel_port_linkreset_outFiberchannel Port Link ResetOutpsecThe number of Link Reset received by this FxPort.[]
fiberchannel_port_offlineseq_inFiber Channel Port Received Offline SequencespsecMonitors the number of Offline Sequence received by this FxPort.[OID:]
fiberchannel_port_linkfailuresFiber Channel Port Link FailurespsecMonitors the number of link failures detected by this FxPort.[OID:]
fiberchannel_port_invalidtxwordsFiber Channel Port Invalid Tx WordspsecMonitors the number of invalid transmission word detected by the FxPort.[OID:]
fiberchannel_port_offlineseq_outFiber Channel Port Issued Offline SequencespsecMonitors the number of Offline Sequence issued by this FxPort.[OID:]
fiberchannel_port_invalidcrcFiber Channel Port Invalid CRCspsecMonitors the number of invalid CRC detected by this FxPort.[OID:]
Fiber Channel CRC Erros - Extfiberchannel_port_invalid_crc_g_eofFiberchannel Port Invalid CRC Good EOFPer SecondMonitors fiber channel switch port CRC errors with a good EOF.[]
fiberchannel_port_invalid_crc_errosFiberchannel Port Invalid CRC ErrorsPer SecondMonitors the number of invalid CRC Errors.[]
Fiber Channel FE Port Stats Ext - v2fiberchannel_port_linkreset_inFiberchannel Port Link ResetinpsecThe number of Link Reset Protocol received by this FxPort.[]
fiberchannel_port_synclossesFiber Channel Port Sync LossespsecMonitors the number of loss of synchronization detected by the FxPort.[OID:]
fiberchannel_port_available_buffersFiber Channel Port Available BufferscountMonitors the number of buffers currently available for receiving frames from the attached port in the buffer-to-buffer flow control.[OID:]
fiberchannel_port_siglossesFiber Channel Port Signal LossespsecMonitors the number of loss of signal detected by the FxPort.[OID:]

Brocade Fiber Channel Fabric Element Status - v3


Applicable on all Fiber channel devices that support the FIBER-CHANNEL-FE-MIB and SW-MIB. Monitors the status of the fiber channel modules,port statistics like traffic rate on the port fiber elements,port status. Added additional metrics like link reset ins,linkreset outs,crc errors,crc errors,crc errors with a good EOF. Validated on G620 switch.



Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Fiber Channel FE Port Stats Ext - v2fiberchannel_port_c3frame_discardsFiber Channel Port Class 3 Frame DiscardspsecMonitors number of Class 3 frames discarded by this FxPort.[OID:]
fiberchannel_port_offlineseq_outFiber Channel Port Issued Offline SequencespsecMonitors the number of Offline Sequence issued by this FxPort.[OID:]
fiberchannel_port_statusFiber Channel Port Operational StatusMonitors the operational status of fiber channel port.[OIDs:,,]
fiberchannel_port_linkfailuresFiber Channel Port Link FailurespsecMonitors the number of link failures detected by this FxPort.[OID:]
fiberchannel_port_offlineseq_inFiber Channel Port Received Offline SequencespsecMonitors the number of Offline Sequence received by this FxPort.[OID:]
fiberchannel_port_c3frames_inFiber Channel Port Class 3 Frames InpsecMonitors the number of Class 3 frames received by this FxPort from its attached NxPort.[OID:]
fiberchannel_port_available_buffersFiber Channel Port Available BufferscountMonitors the number of buffers currently available for receiving frames from the attached port in the buffer-to-buffer flow control.[OID:]
fiberchannel_port_c3frames_outFiber Channel Port Class 3 Frames OutpsecMonitors the number of Class 3 frames delivered through this FxPort to its attached NxPort.[OID:]
fiberchannel_port_siglossesFiber Channel Port Signal LossespsecMonitors the number of invalid CRC detected by this FxPort.[OID:]
fiberchannel_port_linkreset_inFiberchannel Port Link ResetinpsecThe number of Link Reset Protocol received by this FxPort.[]
fiberchannel_port_linkreset_outFiberchannel Port Link ResetOutpsecThe number of Link Reset received by this FxPort.[]
fiberchannel_port_synclossesFiber Channel Port Sync LossespsecMonitors the number of loss of synchronization detected by the FxPort.[OID:]
fiberchannel_port_invalidtxwordsFiber Channel Port Invalid Tx WordspsecMonitors the number of invalid transmission word detected by the FxPort.[OID:]
fiberchannel_port_invalidcrcFiber Channel Port Invalid CRCspsecMonitors the number of invalid CRC detected by this FxPort.[OID:]
Fiber Channel CRC Erros Ext - v2fiberchannel_port_invalid_crc_g_eofFiberchannel Port Invalid CRC Good EOFPer SecondMonitors fiber channel switch port CRC errors with a good EOF.[]
fiberchannel_port_invalid_crc_errosFiberchannel Port Invalid CRC ErrorsPer SecondMonitors the number of invalid CRC Errors.[]

Brocade FOS - Basic Performance


This template is applicable on Brocade FOS devices. Monitors the basic prameters like CPU utilization,memory usage.


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Brocade FOS - Basic Performancebrocade_fos_cpu_UtilizationBrocade FOS CPU Utilization%It provides the brocade FOS devices CPU utilization.[SW-MIB::swCpuUsage:]
brocade_fos_memory_UtilizationBrocade FOS Memory Utilization%It monitors the brocade fos devices memory utilization.[swMemUsage:]

Brocade Foundry Switch Monitors - G2


This template is applicable on Brocade Foundry switches. Monitors the status of power supply and fan. Also monitors temperature,CPU utilization,chassis CPU,memory usage.[Validate on Brocade ICX7250-24 switch. SysObjId:].


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Brocade - Foundry Switch Chassis Fan Fan StatusMonitors the fan operation status. Possible values are 1- other,2- normal,3- failure.[OIDs:,]
Brocade - Foundry Switch Module CPU Utilizationmodule.cpu.utilModule CPU Utilization%Monitors the statistical CPU utilization in units of percent.[OIDs:,,]
Brocade - Foundry Switch Performancesystem.cpu.utilizationCPU Utilization%Monitors the statistics collection of 1 minute CPU utilization.[OID:]
system.memory.util.percentMemory Utilization%Monitors the system dynamic memory utilization,in unit of percentage.[OID:]
system.memory.totalMemory TotalBytesMonitors the total amount of system dynamic memory,in number of bytes.[OID:]
system.memory.freeMemory FreeBytesMonitors the free amount of system dynamic memory,in number of bytes.[OID:]
Brocade - Foundry Switch Power Supply Statuschasis.power.stausChassis Power StatusMonitors the power supply operation status. Possible values are 1- other,2- normal,3- failure.[OIDs:,]
Brocade - Foundry Switch TemperaturetemperatureTemperatureCMonitors the temperature of the sensor in degrees Celcius.[OIDs:,]

Brocade Hardware and Health Status


Applicable on Brocade NOS and FOS devices.Monitors the status values of temperature,fan,power supply monitors and operational status,flash operational status.


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Brocade - Foundry Switch TemperaturetemperatureTemperatureCMonitors the temperature of the sensor in degrees Celcius.[OIDs:,]
Brocade FC Port Physical Statusbrocade.switch.fc.port.physical.stateFC Port Physical StateThis object identifies the physical state of the port: 1- No Card- no card present in this switch slot,2- No Transceiver- no transceiver module in this port (noGbic(2) was used previously. Transceiver is the generic name for GBIC,SFP etc),3- Laser Fault- the module is signaling a laser fault (defective Transceiver),4- No Light- the module is not receiving light,5- No Sync- the module is receiving light but is out of sync,6- In Sync- the module is receiving light and is in sync,7- Port Fault- the port is marked faulty (defective Transceiver,cable or device),8- DiagFault- the port failed diagnostics (defective G_Port or FL_Port card or motherboard),9- Lock Ref- the port is locking to the reference signal. Alert is generated when the physical state is equal to 4- No Light,7- Port Fault.[OIDs:,]
Brocade SAN Switch Sensor StatusMonitors the current status of the fan sensor. Possible values are 1- normal,2- faulty,3- below-min,4- nominal,5- above-max,6- absent.[OIDs:,,,] Sensor ValuerpmMonitors the current value (reading) of the fan sensor. The value,-2147483648,represents an unknown quantity. It also means that the sensor does not have the capability to measure the actual value.[OID:,,,]
Brocade SAN Switch Operational Statusbrocade.san.switch.operational.statusSwitch Operational StatusMonitors the current operational status of the switch. Possible operational status values are 1- Online : the switch is accessible by an external fibre channel port,2- Offline : the switch is not accessible,3- Testing : the switch is in a built-in test mode and is not accessible by an external fibre channel port,4- Faulty : the switch is not operational.[OIDs:,]
brocade.san.switch.flash.operational.statusFlash Operational StatusMonitors the flash operational status of the switch. Possible flash operational status values are 0- Unknown,1- SW current : the flash contains the current firmware image or configuration file,2- SW fw upgraded : the flash contains the image upgraded from the flash DL host,3- SW Cf Uploaded : the switch configuration file has been uploaded to the host,4- SW Cf Downloaded : the switch configuration file has been downloaded from the host,5- SW Fw corrupted : the firmware in the flash of the switch is corrupted.[OIDs:,]
Brocade SAN Switch Power Supply Sensor ValueMonitors the current value (reading) of the power supply sensor. The value,-2147483648,represents an unknown quantity. It also means that the sensor does not have the capability to measure the actual value.[OID:,,,] Supply Sensor StatusMonitors the current status of the power supply sensor. Possible values are 1- unknown,2- faulty,3- below-min,4- nominal,5- above-max,6- absent.[OIDs:,,,]
Brocade Switch Additional HA-MIB Monitorsbrocade.switch.cp.statusControl Processor StatusMonitors the current status of the Control Processor (CP). Possible values are 1- other,2- unknown,3- active,4- standby,5- failed.[OIDs:,]
brocade.switch.fru.statusFRU StatusMonitors the current status of the FRU object in the slot. Possible values are 1- other,2- unknown,3- on,4- off,5- faulty.[OIDs:,]
brocade.switch.bp.statusBlade Processor StatusMonitors the Blade Processor (BP) status. Possible values are 1- on,2- off,3- faulty,4- unknown,5- others.[OIDs:,]
Brocade Switch Statusbrocade.switch.ha.statusHigh Availability StatusMonitors whether the system is redundant or not. Possible value are 0- redundant,1- nonredundant.[OID:]
brocade.switch.beacon.operational.statusSwitch Beacon Operational StatusMonitors the current operational status of the switch beacon. When the beacon is on (1),the LEDs on the front panel of the switch run alternately from left to right and right to left. The color is yellow. When the beacon is off (2),each LED will be in their its regular status indicating color and state.[OID:]

Brocade Ironware - Basic Performance


This template is applicable on Brocade Ironware devices. Monitors the basic prameters like CPU utilization,memory usage.


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Brocade Ironware Switch Basic monitoringBrocade_ironware_os_cpu_UtilizationBrocade Ironware OS CPU Utilization%It monitors the brocade ironware OS switch CPU utilization.[FOUNDRY-SN-AGENT-MIB::snAgGblCpuUtil1MinAvg:]
brocade_ironware_os_memory_UtilizationBrocade Ironware OS Memory Utilization%It monitors the brocade ironware OS memory utilization.[FOUNDRY-SN-AGENT-MIB::snAgGblDynMemUtil:]

Brocade NOS - Basic Performance


This template is applicable on Brocade NOS devices. Monitors the basic prameters like CPU utilization,memory usage.


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Brocade NOS - Basic Performancebrocade_nos_memory_UtilizationBrocade NOS Memory Utilization%It monitors the brocade nos devices memory utilization.[swMemUsage:]
brocade_nos_cpu_UtilizationBrocade NOS CPU Utilization%It provides the brocade NOS devices CPU utilization.[SW-MIB::swCpuUsage:]

Brocade SAN Switch - Enhanced


This template serves as an alternative to the Brocade SAN Switch Status - G2 template, featuring the following updates:

  • Poll Interval: Decreased to 5 minutes for more frequent monitoring.
  • Additional Metrics:
    • CRC Errors
    • Encoding (ENC) Errors

Features This template is designed for Brocade SAN Switches and supports the following functionalities:

  • Monitors the status of:
    • Temperature
    • Fan
    • Power Supply
    • Operational Status
    • Flash Operational Status
    • SFP Stats
  • Applicability: Tested on Brocade Silkworm Series and VDX Series Fibre Channel Switches.


  • Use the Fiber Channel templates alongside this template for comprehensive monitoring.

Validated SysObjectId -


Device should support SW-MIB

Supported Metrics

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Brocade Switch CRC And Encoding(ENC) Errorsbrocade_switch_fc_port_rx_crc_errors_CounterValueBrocade Switch FC Port Rx Crc Errors Counter ValuecountIt monitors the number of CRC errors detected for the frames received. Delta refers to the difference between the current error count and the previous error count. (SW-MIB :: swFCPortRxCrcs :
brocade_switch_fc_port_rx_crc_errors_CounterDeltaBrocade Switch FC Port Rx Crc Errors Counter DeltaThis monitors the number of delta CRC errors detected for the frames received. Here Counter Delta refers to the difference between the current error count and the previous error count. (SW-MIB :: swFCPortRxCrcs :
brocade_switch_fc_port_rx_enc_errors_in_CounterValueBrocade Switch FC Port Rx Enc Errors Counter ValueIt monitors the number of encoding error or disparity error inside frames received. Delta refers to the difference between the current error count and the previous error count. (SW-MIB :: swFCPortRxEncInFrs :
brocade_switch_fc_port_rx_enc_errors_in_CounterDeltaBrocade Switch FC Port Rx Enc Errors Counter DeltaIt monitors the number of encoding errors in Delta or disparity errors in the frames received. Delta refers to the difference between the current error count and the previous error count. (SW-MIB :: swFCPortRxEncInFrs :
brocade_switch_fc_port_rx_enc_errors_out_CounterValueBrocade Switch FC Port Rx Enc Errors Counter ValueIt monitors the number of encoding error or disparity error outside frames received. Delta refers to the difference between the current error count and the previous error count. (SW-MIB :: swFCPortRxEncOutFrs :
brocade_switch_fc_port_rx_enc_errors_out_CounterDaltaBrocade Switch FC Port Rx Enc Errors Out Counter DaltaIt monitors the number of encoding error or disparity error outside frames received. Delta refers to the difference between the current error count and the previous error count. (SW-MIB :: swFCPortRxEncOutFrs :
Brocade Switch Additional Monitorsbrocade.switch.beacon.operational.statusSwitch Beacon Operational StatusMonitors the current operational status of the switch beacon. When the beacon is on (1), the LEDs on the front panel of the switch run alternately from left to right and right to left. The color is yellow. When the beacon is off (2), each LED will be in its regular status indicating color and state. [OID:]
brocade.switch.cpu.utilizationSwitch CPU Utilization%Monitors the system's CPU usage. [OID:]
brocade.switch.memory.utilizationSwitch Memory Utilization%Monitors the system's memory usage. [OID:]
brocade.switch.ha.statusHigh Availability StatusMonitors whether the system is redundant or not. Possible values are 0- redundant, 1- nonredundant. [OID:]
Brocade Switch Additional HA-MIB Monitorsbrocade.switch.fru.statusFRU StatusMonitors the current status of the FRU object in the slot. Possible values are 1- other, 2- unknown, 3- on, 4- off, 5- faulty. [OIDs:,]
brocade.switch.cp.statusControl Processor StatusMonitors the current status of the Control Processor (CP). Possible values are 1- other, 2- unknown, 3- active, 4- standby, 5- failed. [OIDs:,]
brocade.switch.bp.statusBlade Processor StatusMonitors the Blade Processor (BP) status. Possible values are 1- on, 2- off, 3- faulty, 4- unknown, 5- others. [OIDs:,]
Brocade FC Port Physical Statusbrocade.switch.fc.port.physical.stateFC Port Physical StateThis object identifies the physical state of the port: 1- No Card- no card present in this switch slot, 2- No Transceiver- no transceiver module in this port (noGbic(2) was used previously. Transceiver is the generic name for GBIC, SFP etc), 3- Laser Fault- the module is signaling a laser fault (defective Transceiver), 4- No Light- the module is not receiving light, 5- No Sync- the module is receiving light but is out of sync, 6- In Sync- the module is receiving light and is in sync, 7- Port Fault- the port is marked faulty (defective Transceiver, cable or device), 8- DiagFault- the port failed diagnostics (defective G_Port or FL_Port card or motherboard), 9- Lock Ref- the port is locking to the reference signal. Alert is generated when the physical state is equal to 4- No Light, 7- Port Fault. [OIDs:,]
Brocade SAN Switch Sensor StatusMonitors the current status of the fan sensor. Possible values are 1- normal,2- faulty,3- below-min,4- nominal,5- above-max,6- absent.[OIDs:,,,] Sensor ValuerpmMonitors the current value (reading) of the fan sensor. The value,-2147483648,represents an unknown quantity. It also means that the sensor does not have the capability to measure the actual value.[OID:,,,]
Brocade SAN Switch Operational Statusbrocade.san.switch.operational.statusSwitch Operational StatusMonitors the current operational status of the switch. Possible operational status values are 1- Online : the switch is accessible by an external fibre channel port,2- Offline : the switch is not accessible,3- Testing : the switch is in a built-in test mode and is not accessible by an external fibre channel port,4- Faulty : the switch is not operational.[OIDs:,]
brocade.san.switch.flash.operational.statusFlash Operational StatusMonitors the flash operational status of the switch. Possible flash operational status values are 0- Unknown,1- SW current : the flash contains the current firmware image or configuration file,2- SW fw upgraded : the flash contains the image upgraded from the flash DL host,3- SW Cf Uploaded : the switch configuration file has been uploaded to the host,4- SW Cf Downloaded : the switch configuration file has been downloaded from the host,5- SW Fw corrupted : the firmware in the flash of the switch is corrupted.[OIDs:,]
Brocade SAN Switch Power Supply Sensor ValueMonitors the current value (reading) of the power supply sensor. The value,-2147483648,represents an unknown quantity. It also means that the sensor does not have the capability to measure the actual value.[OID:,,,] Supply Sensor StatusMonitors the current status of the power supply sensor. Possible values are 1- unknown,2- faulty,3- below-min,4- nominal,5- above-max,6- absent.[OIDs:,,,]
Brocade SAN Switch SFP Currentbrocade.san.switch.sfp.currentSFP CurrentampsMonitors the current of SFP in amps.[OID:]
Brocade SAN Switch SFP Rx Powerbrocade.san.switch.sfp.rxpowerSFP Rx PowerdBmMonitors the Rx power consumption of SFP in dBm.[OID:]
Brocade SAN Switch SFP Temperaturebrocade.san.switch.sfp.temperatureSFP TemperatureCMonitors the temperature of SFP in centigrade.[OID:]
Brocade SAN Switch SFP Tx Powerbrocade.san.switch.sfp.txpowerSFP Tx PowerdBmMonitors the Tx power consumption of SFP.[OID:]
Brocade SAN Switch SFP Voltagebrocade.san.switch.sfp.voltageSFP VoltagemVMonitors the voltage of SFP in millivolts.[OID:]
Brocade SAN Switch Temperaturesystem.temperature.statusTemperature Sensor StatusMonitors the current status of the temperature sensor. Possible values are 1- unknown,2- faulty,3- below-min,4- nominal,5- above-max,6- absent.[OIDs:,,,]
system.temperature.valueTemperature Sensor ValueCMonitors the current value (reading) of the temperature sensor. The value,-2147483648,represents an unknown quantity. It also means that the sensor does not have the capability to measure the actual value.[OID:,,,]
Brocade Switch FC Port Operational Statusswitch.fiberchannel.port.oper.statusSwitch FC Port Operational StatusMonitors the the operational status of the port. The online(1) state indicates that user frames can be passed. The unknown(0) state indicates that likely the port module is physically absent. Other possible states are 2- Offline,3- testing,4- faulty.[OIDs:,,]

Brocade SAN Switch Status - G2


Applicable on Brocade SAN switch. Tested on a Brocade Silkworm series and VDX Series Fibre Channel Switch. Monitors the status values of temperature,fan,power supply monitors and operational status,flash operational status and SFP stats etc.,Use the Fiber Channel templates along with this template.


No prerequisite

Supported Metrics

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Brocade Switch CRC And Encoding(ENC) Errorsbrocade_switch_fc_port_rx_crc_errors_CounterValueBrocade Switch FC Port Rx Crc Errors Counter ValuecountIt monitors the number of CRC errors detected for the frames received. Delta refers to the difference between the current error count and the previous error count. (SW-MIB :: swFCPortRxCrcs :
brocade_switch_fc_port_rx_crc_errors_CounterDeltaBrocade Switch FC Port Rx Crc Errors Counter DeltaThis monitors the number of delta CRC errors detected for the frames received. Here Counter Delta refers to the difference between the current error count and the previous error count. (SW-MIB :: swFCPortRxCrcs :
brocade_switch_fc_port_rx_enc_errors_in_CounterValueBrocade Switch FC Port Rx Enc Errors Counter ValueIt monitors the number of encoding error or disparity error inside frames received. Delta refers to the difference between the current error count and the previous error count. (SW-MIB :: swFCPortRxEncInFrs :
brocade_switch_fc_port_rx_enc_errors_in_CounterDeltaBrocade Switch FC Port Rx Enc Errors Counter DeltaIt monitors the number of encoding errors in Delta or disparity errors in the frames received. Delta refers to the difference between the current error count and the previous error count. (SW-MIB :: swFCPortRxEncInFrs :
brocade_switch_fc_port_rx_enc_errors_out_CounterValueBrocade Switch FC Port Rx Enc Errors Counter ValueIt monitors the number of encoding error or disparity error outside frames received. Delta refers to the difference between the current error count and the previous error count. (SW-MIB :: swFCPortRxEncOutFrs :
brocade_switch_fc_port_rx_enc_errors_out_CounterDeltaBrocade Switch FC Port Rx Enc Errors Out Counter DeltaIt monitors the number of encoding error or disparity error outside frames received. Delta refers to the difference between the current error count and the previous error count. (SW-MIB :: swFCPortRxEncOutFrs :
Brocade Switch Additional HA-MIB Monitorsbrocade.switch.fru.statusFRU StatusMonitors the current status of the FRU object in the slot. Possible values are 1- other, 2- unknown, 3- on, 4- off, 5- faulty. [OIDs:,]
brocade.switch.cp.statusControl Processor StatusMonitors the current status of the Control Processor (CP). Possible values are 1- other, 2- unknown, 3- active, 4- standby, 5- failed. [OIDs:,]
brocade.switch.bp.statusBlade Processor StatusMonitors the Blade Processor (BP) status. Possible values are 1- on, 2- off, 3- faulty, 4- unknown, 5- others. [OIDs:,]
Brocade Switch Additional HA-MIB Monitorsbrocade.switch.fru.statusFRU StatusMonitors the current status of the FRU object in the slot. Possible values are 1- other, 2- unknown, 3- on, 4- off, 5- faulty. [OIDs:,]
Brocade FC Port Physical Statusbrocade.switch.fc.port.physical.stateFC Port Physical StateThis object identifies the physical state of the port: 1- No Card- no card present in this switch slot,2- No Transceiver- no transceiver module in this port (noGbic(2) was used previously. Transceiver is the generic name for GBIC,SFP etc),3- Laser Fault- the module is signaling a laser fault (defective Transceiver),4- No Light- the module is not receiving light,5- No Sync- the module is receiving light but is out of sync,6- In Sync- the module is receiving light and is in sync,7- Port Fault- the port is marked faulty (defective Transceiver,cable or device),8- DiagFault- the port failed diagnostics (defective G_Port or FL_Port card or motherboard),9- Lock Ref- the port is locking to the reference signal. Alert is generated when the physical state is equal to 4- No Light,7- Port Fault.[OIDs:,]
Brocade SAN Switch Sensor StatusMonitors the current status of the fan sensor. Possible values are 1- normal,2- faulty,3- below-min,4- nominal,5- above-max,6- absent.[OIDs:,,,] Sensor ValuerpmMonitors the current value (reading) of the fan sensor. The value,-2147483648,represents an unknown quantity. It also means that the sensor does not have the capability to measure the actual value.[OID:,,,]
Brocade SAN Switch Operational Statusbrocade.san.switch.operational.statusSwitch Operational StatusMonitors the current operational status of the switch. Possible operational status values are 1- Online : the switch is accessible by an external fibre channel port,2- Offline : the switch is not accessible,3- Testing : the switch is in a built-in test mode and is not accessible by an external fibre channel port,4- Faulty : the switch is not operational.[OIDs:,]
brocade.san.switch.flash.operational.statusFlash Operational StatusMonitors the flash operational status of the switch. Possible flash operational status values are 0- Unknown,1- SW current : the flash contains the current firmware image or configuration file,2- SW fw upgraded : the flash contains the image upgraded from the flash DL host,3- SW Cf Uploaded : the switch configuration file has been uploaded to the host,4- SW Cf Downloaded : the switch configuration file has been downloaded from the host,5- SW Fw corrupted : the firmware in the flash of the switch is corrupted.[OIDs:,]
Brocade SAN Switch Power Supply Sensor StatusMonitors the current status of the power supply sensor. Possible values are 1- unknown,2- faulty,3- below-min,4- nominal,5- above-max,6- absent.[OIDs:,,,] Supply Sensor ValueMonitors the current value (reading) of the power supply sensor. The value,-2147483648,represents an unknown quantity. It also means that the sensor does not have the capability to measure the actual value.[OID:,,,]
Brocade SAN Switch SFP Currentbrocade.san.switch.sfp.currentSFP CurrentampsMonitors the current of SFP in amps.[OID:]
Brocade SAN Switch SFP Rx Powerbrocade.san.switch.sfp.rxpowerSFP Rx PowerdBmMonitors the Rx power consumption of SFP in dBm.[OID:]
Brocade SAN Switch SFP Temperaturebrocade.san.switch.sfp.temperatureSFP TemperatureCMonitors the temperature of SFP in centigrade.[OID:]
Brocade SAN Switch SFP Tx Powerbrocade.san.switch.sfp.txpowerSFP Tx PowerdBmMonitors the Tx power consumption of SFP.[OID:]
Brocade SAN Switch SFP Voltagebrocade.san.switch.sfp.voltageSFP VoltagemVMonitors the voltage of SFP in millivolts.[OID:]
Brocade SAN Switch Temperaturesystem.temperature.statusTemperature Sensor StatusMonitors the current status of the temperature sensor. Possible values are 1- unknown,2- faulty,3- below-min,4- nominal,5- above-max,6- absent.[OIDs:,,,]
system.temperature.valueTemperature Sensor ValueCMonitors the current value (reading) of the temperature sensor. The value,-2147483648,represents an unknown quantity. It also means that the sensor does not have the capability to measure the actual value.[OID:,,,]
Brocade Switch Additional HA-MIB Monitorsbrocade.switch.fru.statusFRU StatusMonitors the current status of the FRU object in the slot. Possible values are 1- other,2- unknown,3- on,4- off,5- faulty.[OIDs:,]
brocade.switch.cp.statusControl Processor StatusMonitors the current status of the Control Processor (CP). Possible values are 1- other,2- unknown,3- active,4- standby,5- failed.[OIDs:,]
brocade.switch.bp.statusBlade Processor StatusMonitors the Blade Processor (BP) status. Possible values are 1- on,2- off,3- faulty,4- unknown,5- others.[OIDs:,]
Brocade Switch Additional Monitorsbrocade.switch.beacon.operational.statusSwitch Beacon Operational StatusMonitors the current operational status of the switch beacon. When the beacon is on (1),the LEDs on the front panel of the switch run alternately from left to right and right to left. The color is yellow. When the beacon is off (2),each LED will be in their its regular status indicating color and state.[OID:]
brocade.switch.cpu.utilizationSwitch CPU Utilization%Monitors the system's cpu usage.[OID:]
brocade.switch.memory.utilizationSwitch Memory Utilization%Monitors the system's memory usage.[OID:]
brocade.switch.ha.statusHigh Availability StatusMonitors whether the system is redundant or not. Possible value are 0- redundant,1- nonredundant.[OID:]
Brocade Switch FC Port Operational Statusswitch.fiberchannel.port.oper.statusSwitch FC Port Operational StatusMonitors the the operational status of the port. The online(1) state indicates that user frames can be passed. The unknown(0) state indicates that likely the port module is physically absent. Other possible states are 2- Offline,3- testing,4- faulty.[OIDs:,,]

Brocade SFP Statistics


Applicable on Brocade FOS devices. Monitors the SFP statistics.


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Brocade SAN Switch SFP Statsbrocade.san.switch.sfp.temperatureSFP TemperatureCMonitors the temperature of SFP in centigrade.[OID:]
brocade.san.switch.sfp.voltageSFP VoltagemVMonitors the voltage of SFP in millivolts.[OID:]
brocade.san.switch.sfp.rxpowerSFP Rx PowerdBmMonitors the Rx power consumption of SFP in dBm.[OID:]
brocade.san.switch.sfp.txpowerSFP Tx PowerdBmMonitors the Tx power consumption of SFP.[OID:]
brocade.san.switch.sfp.currentSFP CurrentampsMonitors the current of SFP in amps.[OID:]

Brocade Silkworm FC Switch


Template to monitor Brocade’s Silkworm Series Fibre Channel Switch Operational Status and its Statistics like Class3 Discards,Invalid Words,Link Loss,Signal Loss,Sync Loss.


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Brocade Switch - FiberChannel Port Class3 Discardsbrocade.fiberchannel.port.class3.discardsFiberChannel Port Class3 DiscardspsecIt monitors the number of Class 3 frames that the port has discarded.[SW-MIB::swFCPortC3Discards:].
Brocade Switch - RLS Statisticsbrocade.rls.invalid.wordsRLS - Invalid WordscountIt monitors the invalid word count for the end device RLS (Read Link Status).Component is represented as Port of the end device and Alpa of the end device with dotted separation.[SW-MIB::swEndDeviceInvalidWord:].
brocade.rls.signal.lossRLS - Signal LosscountIt monitors the signal loss count for the end device RLS (Read Link Status).Component is represented as Port of the end device and Alpa of the end device with dotted separation.[SW-MIB::swEndDeviceSigLoss:].
brocade.rls.sync.lossRLS - Sync LosscountIt monitors the sync loss count for the end device RLS(Read Link Status).Component is represented as Port of the end device and Alpa of the end device with dotted separation.[SW-MIB::swEndDeviceSyncLoss:]. - Link LosscountIt monitors the link failures count for the end device RLS (Read Link Status).Component is represented as Port of the end device and Alpa of the end device with dotted separation.[SW-MIB::swEndDeviceLinkFailure:].
Brocade Switch - Statusbrocade.switch.operational.statusSwitch Operational StatusIt monitors the current operational status of the switch. Possible values are 1: online,2: offline,3: testing,4: faulty.[SW-MIB::swOperStatus:].

Brocade ZXTM (Virtual Traffic Manager) - Node


Template to monitor Brocade ZXTM (Virtual Traffic Manager) Node parameters like Node State,Traffic In,Traffic Out,Current TCP Connections,Pooled Connections,New Connections and Failures. Validated on Brocade Virtual Traffic Manager v10.1.


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Brocade ZXTM - Nodebrocade.zxtm.node.traffic.inNode - Traffic InKbpsIt monitors Brocade ZXTM (Virtual Traffic Manager) - Node incoming traffic.[ZXTM-MIB-SMIv2::nodeInet46BytesToNode -]
brocade.zxtm.node.pooled.connNode - Pooled ConnectionsIt monitors Brocade ZXTM (Virtual Traffic Manager) - Node Pooled Connections (Requests that reused an existing pooled/keepalive connection rather than creating a new TCP connection) [ZXTM-MIB-SMIv2::nodeInet46PooledConn -]
brocade.zxtm.node.stateNode - StateIt monitors Brocade ZXTM (Virtual Traffic Manager) - Node state. Possible state values are 1: alive,2: dead and 3: unknown [ZXTM-MIB-SMIv2::nodeInet46State]
brocade.zxtm.node.current.connNode - Current ConnectionsIt monitors Brocade ZXTM (Virtual Traffic Manager) - Node Current Connections (Current connections established to this node,includes idle connections) [ZXTM-MIB-SMIv2::nodeInet46CurrentConn -] - New ConnectionsIt monitors Brocade ZXTM (Virtual Traffic Manager) - Node New Connections (Requests that created a new connection to this node).[ZXTM-MIB-SMIv2::nodeInet46NewConn -]
brocade.zxtm.node.traffic.outNode - Traffic OutKbpsIt monitors Brocade ZXTM (Virtual Traffic Manager) - Node outgoing traffic.[ZXTM-MIB-SMIv2::nodeInet46BytesFromNode -]
brocade.zxtm.node.failuresNode - FailuresIt monitors Brocade ZXTM (Virtual Traffic Manager) - Node Failures.[ZXTM-MIB-SMIv2::nodeInet46Failures -]

Brocade ZXTM (Virtual Traffic Manager) - System Performance


Template to monitor Brocade ZXTM (Virtual Traffic Manager) system performance parameters like CPU,Memory,Swap Memory,Traffic,TCP Connections and Uptime. Validated on Brocade Virtual Traffic Manager v10.1.


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Brocade ZXTM - CPU Statsbrocade.zxtm.sys.cpu.idleCPUs Idle %%It monitors Brocade ZXTM (Virtual Traffic Manager) system CPU statistics like Percentage of time that the CPUs are idle.[ZXTM-MIB-SMIv2::sysCPUIdlePercent]
brocade.zxtm.sys.cpu.userCPUs User Busy %%It monitors Brocade ZXTM (Virtual Traffic Manager) system CPU statistics like percentage of time that the CPUs are busy running user-space code.[ZXTM-MIB-SMIv2::sysCPUUserBusyPercent -]
brocade.zxtm.sys.cpu.systemCPUs System Busy %%It monitors Brocade ZXTM (Virtual Traffic Manager) system CPU statistics like percentage of time that the CPUs are busy running system code.[ZXTM-MIB-SMIv2::sysCPUSystemBusyPercent]
Brocade ZXTM - CPU Utilizationbrocade.zxtm.sys.cpu.utilizationCPU Utilization%It monitors Brocade ZXTM (Virtual Traffic Manager) System CPU Utilization in %.[ZXTM-MIB-SMIv2::sysCPUBusyPercent -]
Brocade ZXTM - Memorybrocade.zxtm.sys.memory.usedMemory UsedMBIt monitors Brocade ZXTM (Virtual Traffic Manager) system memory used (MBytes).[ZXTM-MIB-SMIv2::sysMemInUse -]
brocade.zxtm.sys.memory.freeMemory FreeMBIt monitors Brocade ZXTM (Virtual Traffic Manager) system free memory (MBytes).[ZXTM-MIB-SMIv2::sysMemFree -]
brocade.zxtm.sys.memory.utilizationMemory Utilization%It monitors Brocade ZXTM (Virtual Traffic Manager) system memory utilization(%).[ZXTM-MIB-SMIv2::sysMemTotal -,sysMemInUse -]
Brocade ZXTM - Network In - TotalKbpsIt monitors Brocade ZXTM (Virtual Traffic Manager) - Total Incoming traffic (from clients to traffic manager).[ZXTM-MIB-SMIv2::totalBytesIn -] Out - TotalKbpsIt monitors Brocade ZXTM (Virtual Traffic Manager) - Total outgoing traffic (from traffic manager to clients).[ZXTM-MIB-SMIv2::totalBytesOut -]
Brocade ZXTM - Swap Memorybrocade.zxtm.sys.swap.memory.utilizationSwap Memory Utilization%It monitors Brocade ZXTM (Virtual Traffic Manager) system's swap space utilization in %.[ZXTM-MIB-SMIv2::sysMemSwapped -,sysMemSwapTotal -]
brocade.zxtm.sys.swap.memory.freeSwap Memory FreeMBIt monitors Brocade ZXTM (Virtual Traffic Manager) system's amount of swap space free (MBytes).[ZXTM-MIB-SMIv2::sysMemSwapped -,sysMemSwapTotal -]
brocade.zxtm.sys.swap.memory.usedSwap Memory UsedMBIt monitors Brocade ZXTM (Virtual Traffic Manager) system's amount of swap space in use (MBytes).[ZXTM-MIB-SMIv2::sysMemSwapped -]
Brocade ZXTM - Total Current Current ConnectionsIt monitors Brocade ZXTM (Virtual Traffic Manager) - Number of TCP connections currently established.[ZXTM-MIB-SMIv2::totalCurrentConn -]
System Uptimesystem.uptimeSystem UptimesThe time since the SNMP agent in the system was last re-initialized.[OID :]

Brocade ZXTM (Virtual Traffic Manager) - Virtual Server


Template to monitor Brocade ZXTM (Virtual Traffic Manager) Virtual Server parameters like Traffic in,Traffic out,Discards,Direct replies,Connection timeouts,Data timeouts,Current Connections,Client Keep Alive Timeouts,Gzip connections,HTTP Cache Hits,HTTP Cache Lookups,HTTP Location Headers Rewritten and HTTP Cookies Rewritten. Validated on Brocade Virtual Traffic Manager v10.1.


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Brocade ZXTM - Virtual Server Connectionsbrocade.zxtm.virtual.server.keepalive.timeoutsVirtual Server - Client Keepalive TimeoutsIt monitors Brocade ZXTM (Virtual Traffic Manager) - Virtual Server Client Keepalive Timeouts (Connections closed by this virtual server because the 'keepalive_timeout' interval was exceeded).[ZXTM-MIB-SMIv2::virtualserverKeepaliveTimedOut -]
brocade.zxtm.virtual.server.current.connVirtual Server - Current ConnectionsIt monitors Brocade ZXTM (Virtual Traffic Manager) - Virtual Server Current Connections(TCP connections currently established to this virtual server).[ZXTM-MIB-SMIv2::virtualserverCurrentConn -]
brocade.zxtm.virtual.server.conn.using.gzipVirtual Server - Connections using GzipConnections using Gzip(Responses which have been compressed by content compression) [ZXTM-MIB-SMIv2:: virtualserverGzip -]
Brocade ZXTM - Virtual Server HTTP Cachebrocade.zxtm.virtual.server.http.cache.lookupsVirtual Server - HTTP Cache LookupsIt monitors Brocade ZXTM (Virtual Traffic Manager) - Virtual Server HTTP Cache Lookups(HTTP requests that are looked up in the web cache by this virtual server).[ZXTM-MIB-SMIv2::virtualserverHttpCacheLookups -]
brocade.zxtm.virtual.server.http.cache.hitsVirtual Server - HTTP Cache HitsIt monitors Brocade ZXTM (Virtual Traffic Manager) - Virtual Server HTTP Cache Hits(HTTP responses sent directly from the web cache by this virtual server).[ZXTM-MIB-SMIv2::virtualserverHttpCacheHits -]
Brocade ZXTM - Virtual Server HTTP Rewritesbrocade.zxtm.virtual.server.http.rewritten.cookiesVirtual Server - HTTP Cookies RewrittenIt monitors Brocade ZXTM (Virtual Traffic Manager) - Virtual Server HTTP Cookies Rewritten (HTTP Set-Cookie headers,supplied by a node,that have been rewritten).[ZXTM-MIB-SMIv2::virtualserverHttpRewriteCookie -]
brocade.zxtm.virtual.server.http.rewritten.location.headersVirtual Server - HTTP Location Headers RewrittenIt monitors Brocade ZXTM (Virtual Traffic Manager) - Virtual Server HTTP Location Headers Rewritten (HTTP Location headers,supplied by a node,that have been rewritten).[ZXTM-MIB-SMIv2::virtualserverHttpRewriteLocation -]
Brocade ZXTM - Virtual Server Responsesbrocade.zxtm.virtual.server.discardsVirtual Server - DiscardspsecIt monitors Brocade ZXTM (Virtual Traffic Manager) - Virtual Server Discards (Connections discarded by this virtual server).[ZXTM-MIB-SMIv2::virtualserverDiscard -] Server - Direct RepliespsecIt monitors Brocade ZXTM (Virtual Traffic Manager) - Virtual Server Direct Replies (Direct replies from this virtual server,without forwarding to a node).[ZXTM-MIB-SMIv2::virtualserverDirectReplies -]
brocade.zxtm.virtual.server.conn.timeoutsVirtual Server - Connection TimeoutspsecIt monitors Brocade ZXTM (Virtual Traffic Manager) - Virtual Server Connection Timeouts (Connections closed by this virtual server because the 'connect_timeout' interval was exceeded).[ZXTM-MIB-SMIv2::virtualserverConnectTimedOut] Server - Data TimeoutspsecIt monitors Brocade ZXTM (Virtual Traffic Manager) - Virtual Server Data Timeouts (Connections closed by this virtual server because the 'timeout' interval was exceeded).[ZXTM-MIB-SMIv2::virtualserverDataTimedOut -]
Brocade ZXTM - Virtual Server Trafficbrocade.zxtm.virtual.server.traffic.outVirtual Server - Traffic OutKbpsIt monitors Brocade ZXTM (Virtual Traffic Manager) - Outgoing traffic from virtual server to clients.[ZXTM-MIB-SMIv2::virtualserverBytesOut -]
brocade.zxtm.virtual.server.traffic.inVirtual Server - Traffic InKbpsIt monitors Brocade ZXTM (Virtual Traffic Manager) - Incoming traffic from clients to this virtual server.[ZXTM-MIB-SMIv2::virtualserverBytesIn -]