Agentless G2 - Windows OS Service Status

Note: This template has a bug at the monitor level. We recommend using the latest template (Agentless G2 - Windows OS Service Status - v2)


Monitors Windows services with regex support. Provide ServiceNames with comma-separated values and regex support using the following syntax: service name1,service name2,regexPattern1,regexPattern2.


  • Works on Windows Gateway with version 16.0.0 and above.
  • End device SSH credentials need to be added on end device itself.

Template Usage Guidelines:

While assigning the template on device, need to provide comma-separated service names and services regex patterns . Syntax: service name1,service name2,regexPattern1,regexPattern

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Agentless G2 - Windows OS Service StatusSystem_Windows_Service_Status_ExtSystem Windows Service Status ExtMonitors the current status of the windows services that match with the given service name(s) or regex patterns(s). Below are the possible values: Stopped - 0,Running - 1,Start Pending - 2,Stop Pending - 3,Continue Pending - 4,Pause Pending - 5,Paused - 6,Unknown - 7

Agentless G2 - Windows OS Service Status - v2


Monitors Windows services with regex support. Provide ServiceNames with comma-separated values and regex support using the following syntax: service name1, service name2, regexPattern1, regexPattern2. Supported version: Works on Windows Gateway with version 16.0.0 and above.


Works on Windows Gateway with version 16.0.0 and above.

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Agentless G2 - Windows OS Service Status - v2System_Windows_Service_Status_ExtSystem Windows Service Status Ext%It gives the current status of the services by matching with the given service name(s) or regex patterns(s). Below are the possible values: Stopped - 0, Running - 1, Start Pending - 2, Stop Pending - 3, Continue Pending - 4, Pause Pending - 5, Paused - 6, Unknown - 7.

Array Networks


Template to monitor the array networks metrics like memory utilization,CPU utilization,CPU temperature,Fan speed,powersupply state,health status,health connection failures,cache status,VIP status.



Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Array Networks Powersupply Statusarray_networks_PowersupplyStateArray Networks Powersupply StateMonitors the array networks powersupply state.[CA-SNMP-MIB8::powerstate:]
Array Networks Health Monitoringarray_networks_HealthConnectionFailuresArray Networks Health Connection FailurescountMonitors the Array Networks Health Connection Failures.[CA-SNMP-MIB8::hcConnFail:]
array_networks_HealthStatusArray Networks Health StatusMonitors the array networks health status.[CA-SNMP-MIB8::hcStatus:,hcConnFail:]
Array Networks Performance Monitoringarray_networks_MemoryUtilizationArray Networks Memory Utilization%Monitors the array networks memory utilization.[CA-SNMP-MIB8::sysMemoryUtilization:]
array_networks_CPU_UtilizationArray Networks CPU Utilization%Monitors the array networks CPU utilization.[CA-SNMP-MIB8::cpuUtilization:]
Array Networks Fan and Temperature - EXTarray_networks_TemperatureArray Networks TemperatureCelsiusMonitors the array networks system andCPU temperature.[CA-SNMP-MIB8::cputemp:]
array_networks_FanSpeedArray Networks Fan SpeedrpmMonitors the array networks fan speed.[CA-SNMP-MIB8::fanspeed:]
Array Networks Cache and VIP Statusarray_networks_VIP_StatusArray Networks VIP StatusMonitors the array networks VIP status.[CA-SNMP-MIB8::vipStatus:]
array_networks_CacheStatusArray Networks Cache StatusMonitors the array networks cache status.[CA-SNMP-MIB8::cacheStatus:,]

AudioCodes Control Element Performance


Template for AudioCodes control elements performance monitoring. It monitors Media Realm Packet Jitter,Media Realm Packet Delay,Media Realm Bytes Transmitted,Media Realm Bytes Received,Media Realm MOS(Mean Opinion Score),Media Realm Packet Loss Received,Media Realm Packet Loss Transmitted,SIP Atttempted Calls,SIP Call Duration,SIP Total Call Duration,SIP Failed Calls,SIP Success Fax Calls,SIP Trunk Group Utilization,SIP Trunk Group Utilization Percentage. Validated on Mediant 3000. SysObjid :


The device should have support for AC-PM-Control-MIB.

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
AudioCodes - SIP Trunk Group Utilization Trunk Group Utilization PercentageIt monitors the AudioCodes SIP trunk group utilization percentage.[AC-PM-Control-MIB::acPMSIPTrunkGroupPercentageUtilizationVal:].
AudioCodes - SIP Trunk Group Trunk Group UtilizationIt monitors the AudioCodes SIP trunk group utilization.[AC-PM-Control-MIB::acPMSIPTrunkGroupUtilizationVal:].
AudioCodes - SIP Success Fax Success Fax CallsIt monitors the AudioCodes SIP success fax calls.[AC-PM-Control-MIB::acPMSIPFaxSuccessCallsVal:].
AudioCodes - SIP Failed Failed CallsIt monitors the AudioCodes SIP failed calls.[AC-PM-Control-MIB::acPMSIPFailCallsVal:].
AudioCodes - SIP Call Call DurationIt monitors the AudioCodes SIP call duration.[AC-PM-Control-MIB::acPMSIPCallDurationVal:]. Total Call DurationIt monitors the AudioCodes SIP total call duration.[AC-PM-Control-MIB::acPMSIPCallDurationTotal:].
AudioCodes - SIP Atttempted Attempted CallsIt monitors the AudioCodes SIP attempted calls.[AC-PM-Control-MIB::acPMSIPAttemptedCallsVal:].
AudioCodes - Media Realm Packet Loss Realm Packet Loss TransmittedIt monitors the AudioCodes media realm packet loss transmitted.[AC-PM-Control-MIB::acPMMediaRealmPacketLossTxVal:].
AudioCodes - Media Realm Packet Loss Realm Packet Loss ReceivedIt monitors the AudioCodes media realm packet loss received.[AC-PM-Control-MIB::acPMMediaRealmPacketLossRxVal:].
AudioCodes - Media Realm Packet Realm Packet JitterIt monitors the AudioCodes media realm packet jitter.[AC-PM-Control-MIB::acPMMediaRealmVERealmPacketJitterVal:]
AudioCodes - Media Realm Packet Realm Packet DelayIt monitors AudioCodes media realm packet delay.[AC-PM-Control-MIB::acPMMediaRealmVERealmPacketDelayVal:].
AudioCodes - Media Realm MOS(Mean Opinion Score) Realm MOS(Mean Opinion Score)It monitors the AudioCodes media realm MOS(Mean Opinion Score).[AC-PM-Control-MIB::acPMMediaRealmRealmMOSVal:].
AudioCodes - Media Realm Bytes Realm Bytes TransmittedBpsIt monitors the AudioCodes media realm bytes transmitted.[AC-PM-Control-MIB::acPMMediaRealmBytesTxVal:].
AudioCodes - Media Realm Bytes Realm Bytes ReceivedBpsIt monitors the AudioCodes media realm bytes received.[AC-PM-Control-MIB::acPMMediaRealmBytesRxVal:].

BGP Neighbour Status - G2


BGP Neighbour Status Monitoring.


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
BGP Neighbour Statusbgp.neighbour.statusBGP Neighbour StatusProvides BGP peer connection state. Possible values are 1- Idle,2- Connect,3- Active,4- Opensent,5- Openconfirm,6- Established [OID:,,,].

Big Cloud Fabric (BCF) Switch Hardware Monitors


It monitors the Big Cloud Fabric (BCF) Switch hardware parameters like Fan status,Fan speed,Power supply status,Temperature reading and Temperature status. Validated on Switch Light OS SWL-OS-BCF-4.0.0(0).


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Big Cloud Fabric (BCF) Switch Fan StatusIt monitors the Big Cloud Fabric switches fan status.[OID:,] SpeedrpmIt monitors the rotation speed of the fan in RPM.[OID:]
Big Cloud Fabric (BCF) Switch Power Supply Statusbcf.switch.psu.statusPower Supply StatusIt monitors the Big Cloud Fabric (BCF) power supply unit sensors status.[OIDs:,,]
Big Cloud Fabric (BCF) Switch Temperature Statusbcf.switch.temperature.statusTemperature StatusIt monitors the Big Cloud Fabric (BCF) Switch Temperature Status.[OIDs:,,]
bcf.switch.temperature.valueTemperature in mCIt monitors the temperature of this sensor in mC.[OIDs:,]

Buffalo - Terastation NAS(Network Attached Storage)


Template to monitor Buffalo Terastation NAS parameters like Array Status,Array Capacity,Array Used,Array Utilization,Disk Capacity,Disk Used,Disk Utilization,Disk Smart Status,Disk Status,Failover Status,iSCSI Volume Status,Logical Volume Capacity,Logical Volume Used,Logical Volume Utilization. Validated on BUFFALO-TeraStation -TS51210R - Ver.4.60.


Device should have support for BUFFALO-NAS-MIB.

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Buffalo - Terastation NAS Arraybuffalo.terastation.nas.arrray.statusArray StatusIt monitors the status of a RAID array. This value is read from the 'arrayx' line in the file at /etc/melco/diskinfo.
  • -'NotSupport(-1)' means the RAID mode is not supported.
  • -'off(1)' means the RAID array is not configured.
  • -'raid0(2)' means the RAID array is being used as a RAID 0 array.
  • -'raid1(3)' means the RAID array is being used as a RAID 1 array.
  • -'raid5(4)' means the RAID array is being used as a RAID 5 array.
  • -'raid6(5)' means the RAID array is being used as a RAID 6 array.
  • -'raid10(6)' means the RAID array is being used as a RAID 10 array.
  • -'raid50(7)' means the RAID array is being used as a RAID 50 array.
  • -'raid51(8)' means the RAID array is being used as a RAID 51 array.
  • -'raid60(9)' means the RAID array is being used as a RAID 60 array.
  • -'raid61(10)' means the RAID array is being used as a RAID 61 array.
[BUFFALO-NAS-MIB :: nasArrayStatus :]
buffalo.terastation.nas.arrray.capacityArray CapacityGBIt monitors the the maximum capacity of each array.The defaultvalue is '-1'.[BUFFALO-NAS-MIB :: nasArrayCapacity :]
buffalo.terastation.nas.arrray.usedArray UsedGBIt monitors the usage of each array. The default value is '-1'.[BUFFALO-NAS-MIB :: nasArrayUsed :]
buffalo.terastation.nas.arrray.utilizationArray Utilization%It monitors the Array Utilization [BUFFALO-NAS-MIB :: nasArrayCapacity :,nasArrayUsed :]
Buffalo - Terastation NAS Diskbuffalo.terastation.nas.disk.capacityDisk CapacityGBIt monitors the the maximum capacity of each drive The default value is '-1'.[BUFFALO-NAS-MIB :: nasDiskCapacity :]
buffalo.terastation.nas.disk.usedDisk UsedGBIt monitors the usage of each drive. The default value is '-1'.[BUFFALO-NAS-MIB :: nasDiskUsed :]
buffalo.terastation.nas.disk.utilizationDisk Utilization%It monitors the Disk Utilization [BUFFALO-NAS-MIB :: nasDiskCapacity :,nasDiskUsed :] Smart StatusMonitors the S.M.A.R.T. status of this storage device. Possible values are unavailable ( -2 ),unknown ( -1 ),normal ( 1 ),caution ( 2 ),fail ( 3 ) [BUFFALO-NAS-MIB :: nasDiskSMARTStauts :]
Buffalo - TeraStation NAS Disk Statusbuffalo.terastation.nas.disk.statusDisk StatusIt monitors the status of internal drives. This value is read from the 'diskx' line in the file at /etc/melco/diskinfo.
  • -'notSupport(-1)' means the drive slot does not exist.
  • -'normal(1)' means the drive is being used as a JBOD.
  • -'array1(2)' means the drive is being used as a part of array 1.
  • -'array2(3)' means the drive is being used as a part of array 2.
  • -'standby(4)' means the drive is waiting as a spare drive.
  • -'degrade(5)' means the drive has degraded and has been removed from the array.
  • -'remove(6)' means the drive has been dismounted by a user.
  • -'standbyRemoved(7)' means the drive is configured as a spare drive and disconnected from the TeraStation.
  • -'degradeRemoved(8)' means the drive has degraded,and has been removed from the array and disconnected from the TeraStation.
  • -'removeRemoved(9)' means the drive has been dismounted by a user and is disconnected from the TeraStation.
  • -'array3(10)' means the drive is being used as a part of array 3.
  • -'array4(11)' means the drive is being used as a part of array 4.
  • -'mediaCartridge(12)' means the drive is configured as a media cartridge.
  • -'array5(13)' means the drive is being used as a part of array 5.
  • -'array6(14)' means the drive is being used as a part of array 6
[BUFFALO-NAS-MIB :: nasDiskStatus :]
Buffalo - Terastation NAS Failover Statusbuffalo.terastation.nas.failure.statusFailover StatusIt monitors the Failover Status possible values are idle ( 0 ),busy ( 1 ),startingMain ( 2 ),startingBackup ( 3 ),initializing ( 4 ),stopping ( 32 ) [BUFFALO-NAS-MIB :: nasFailoverStatus :]
Buffalo - Terastation NAS iSCSI Volume Statusbuffalo.terastation.nas.iscsi.statusiSCSI Volume StatusIt monitors the the connection status of the iSCSI volume. -'unknown(-1)' means the iSCSI volume is in an unknown state. -'connected(1)' means the iSCSI volume is connected via the iSCSI initiator. -'standing-by(2)' means the iSCSI volume is disconnected from the iSCSI initiator.[BUFFALO-NAS-MIB :: nasISCSIStatus :]
Buffalo - Terastation NAS Logical Volume CapacityGBIt monitors the Logical Volume Capacity [BUFFALO-NAS-MIB :: nasLVCapacity :] Volume UsedGBIt monitors the logical volume Used.[BUFFALO-NAS-MIB :: nasLVUsed :] Volume Utilization%It monitors the logical volume utilization [BUFFALO-NAS-MIB :: nasLVCapacity :,nasLVUsed :]

Bycast StorageGRID - Overall System Status


Template to monitor the Bycast StorageGRID Overall System Status. Enterprise OID : .BYCAST-STORAGEGRID-MIB.


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Bycast StorageGRID - Overall System Statusbycast.storagegrid.overall.system.statusOverall System StatusIt monitors the system status of a StorageGRID.Possible values are unknown(1),adminDown(11),normal(21),notice(31),minor(41),major(51),critical(61) [BYCAST-STORAGEGRID-MIB::status:].

Cyxtera Appgate


Template to monitor Cyxtera Appgate parameters like Sdp Appliance,Ctrl Authentication & Authorization,Ctrl License,Sdp Appliance Network Interfaces,Sdp Appliance Roles,Sdp Vpn,Ctrl Client Authentications Total,Ctrl Client Authentications Error,Ctrl Client AuthorizationTotal,Ctrl Client Authorization Error,Ctrl Admin Authentication Total,Ctrl Admin Authentication Error,Ctrl Admin Authorization Total,Ctrl Admin Authorization Error,Total number of entitled users in license,Total number of entitled sites in license,Total usage of licensed users,Total usage of licensed sites,Cyxtera appgate sdp appliance parameters like Sdp Appliance Cpu Usage Percent,Sdp Appliance Disk Usage Percent,Sdp Appliance Disk Total Bytes,Sdp Appliance Disk Used Bytes,Sdp Appliance Memory Usage Percent,Sdp Appliance Memory Total Bytes,Sdp Appliance Memory Used Bytes,Sdp Appliance Status,Sdp Appliance Upgrade Status,Sdp Appliance Network Interfaces parameters like Sdp Appliance Nic Tx Speed,Sdp Appliance Nic Rx Speed,Cyxtera appgate sdp appliance roles status,Role number of sessions,Sdp VpnTotal Memory Usage,Sdp VpnTotal Sessions.[CYXTERA-MIB :: ctrlClientAuthenticationTotal :,ctrlClientAuthenticationError :,ctrlClientAuthorizationTotal :,ctrlClientAuthorizationError :,ctrlAdminAuthenticationTotal :,ctrlAdminAuthenticationError :,ctrlAdminAuthorizationTotal :,ctrlAdminAuthorizationError :,ctrlLicenseEntitledUsers :,ctrlLicenseEntitledSites :,ctrlLicenseUsedUsers :,ctrlLicenseUsedSites :,sdpApplianceCpuUsagePercent :,sdpApplianceDiskUsagePercent :,sdpApplianceDiskTotalBytes :,sdpApplianceDiskUsedBytes :,sdpApplianceMemoryUsagePercent :,sdpApplianceMemoryTotalBytes :,sdpApplianceMemoryUsedBytes :,sdpApplianceStatus :,sdpApplianceUpgradeStatus :,sdpApplianceNicTxSpeed :,sdpApplianceNicRxSpeed :,sdpApplianceRoleStatus :,sdpApplianceRoleNumberOfSessions :,vpnTotalMemoryUsage :,vpnTotalSessions :]


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Cyxtera Appgate - Ctrl Authentication & Authorizationcyxtera_appgate_ctrladminauthentication_CtrlAdminAuthenticationTotalCyxtera Appgate Ctrl Admin Authentication TotalcountMonitors the cyxtera appgate ctrl admin total authentication.[CYXTERA-MIB :: ctrlAdminAuthenticationTotal :]
cyxtera_appgate_ctrladminauthorizationtotal_CtrlAdminAuthorizationTotalCyxtera Appgate Ctrl Admin Authorization TotalcountMonitors the cyxtera appgate ctrl admin total authorization.[CYXTERA-MIB :: ctrlAdminAuthorizationTotal :]
cyxtera_appgate_ctrlclientauthentication_CtrlClientAuthenticationErrorCyxtera Appgate Ctrl Client Authentications ErrorcountMonitors the cyxtera appgate ctrl client authentications total error.[CYXTERA-MIB :: ctrlClientAuthenticationError :]
cyxtera_appgate_ctrladminauthorizationerror_CtrlAdminAuthorizationErrorCyxtera Appgate Ctrl Admin Authorization ErrorcountMonitors the cyxtera appgate ctrl admin total authorization error.[CYXTERA-MIB :: ctrlAdminAuthorizationError :]
cyxtera_appgate_ctrlclientauthentication_CtrlClientAuthenticationTotalCyxtera Appgate Ctrl Client Authentications TotalcountMonitors the cyxtera appgate ctrl client total authentications.[CYXTERA-MIB :: ctrlClientAuthenticationTotal :]
cyxtera_appgate_ctrlclientauthentication_CtrlClientAuthorizationTotalCyxtera Appgate Ctrl Client Authorization TotalcountMonitors the cyxtera appgate ctrl client total authorization.[CYXTERA-MIB :: ctrlClientAuthorizationTotal :]
cyxtera_appgate_ctrlclientauthentication_CtrlClientAuthorizationErrorCyxtera Appgate Ctrl Client Authorization ErrorcountMonitors the cyxtera appgate ctrl total client authorization error.[CYXTERA-MIB :: ctrlClientAuthorizationError :]
cyxtera_appgate_ctrladminauthenticationerror_CtrlAdminAuthenticationErrorCyxtera Appgate Ctrl Admin Authentication ErrorcountMonitors the cyxtera appgate ctrl admin total error authentication.[CYXTERA-MIB :: ctrlAdminAuthenticationError :]
Cyxtera Appgate - Ctrl Licensecyxtera_appgate_ctrlLicense_CtrlLicenseUsedSitesCyxtera Appgate Ctrl License Used SitescountMonitors the total usage of licensed sites.[CYXTERA-MIB :: ctrlLicenseUsedSites :]
cyxtera_appgate_ctrlLicense_CtrlLicenseEntitledSitesCyxtera Appgate Ctrl License Entitled SitescountMonitors the total number of entitled sites in cyxtera appgate ctrl license.[CYXTERA-MIB :: ctrlLicenseEntitledSites :]
cyxtera_appgate_ctrlLicense_CtrlLicenseEntitledUsersCyxtera Appgate Ctrl License Entitled UserscountMonitors the total number of entitled users in cyxtera appgate ctrl license.[CYXTERA-MIB :: ctrlLicenseEntitledUsers :]
cyxtera_appgate_ctrlLicense_CtrlLicenseUsedUsersCyxtera Appgate Ctrl License Used UserscountMonitors the total usage of licensed users.[CYXTERA-MIB :: ctrlLicenseUsedUsers :]
Cyxtera Appgate - Sdp Appliancecyxtera_appgate_sdpappliance_SdpApplianceMemoryUsedGBCyxtera Appgate Sdp Appliance Memory Used GBGBMonitors the cyxtera appgate sdp appliance memory used in GB.[CYXTERA-MIB :: sdpApplianceMemoryUsedBytes :]
cyxtera_appgate_sdpappliance_SdpApplianceStatusCyxtera Appgate Sdp Appliance StatusMonitors the status of cyxtera appgate sdp appliance. Alert will be generated when the status is not Healthy.[CYXTERA-MIB :: sdpApplianceStatus :]
cyxtera_appgate_sdpappliance_SdpApplianceDiskUsagePercentCyxtera Appgate Sdp Appliance Disk Usage Percent%Monitors the cyxtera appgate sdp appliance disk usage in percent.[CYXTERA-MIB :: sdpApplianceDiskUsagePercent :]
cyxtera_appgate_sdpappliance_SdpApplianceCpuUsagePercentCyxtera Appgate Sdp Appliance Cpu Usage Percent%Monitors the cyxtera appgate sdp appliance cpu usage in percent.[CYXTERA-MIB :: sdpApplianceCpuUsagePercent :]
cyxtera_appgate_sdpappliance_SdpApplianceDiskTotalGBCyxtera Appgate Sdp Appliance Disk Total GBGBMonitors the cyxtera appgate sdp appliance disk total in GB.[CYXTERA-MIB :: sdpApplianceDiskTotalBytes :]
cyxtera_appgate_sdpappliance_SdpApplianceUpgradeStatusCyxtera Appgate Sdp Appliance Upgrade StatusMonitors the cyxtera appgate sdp appliance upgrade status.[CYXTERA-MIB :: sdpApplianceUpgradeStatus :]
cyxtera_appgate_sdpappliance_SdpApplianceDiskUsedGBCyxtera Appgate Sdp Appliance Disk Used GBGBMonitors the cyxtera appgate sdp appliance disk used in GB.[CYXTERA-MIB :: sdpApplianceDiskUsedBytes :]
cyxtera_appgate_sdpappliance_SdpApplianceMemoryUsagePercentCyxtera Appgate Sdp Appliance Memory Usage Percent%Monitors the cyxtera appgate sdp appliance memory usage in percent.[CYXTERA-MIB :: sdpApplianceMemoryUsagePercent :]
cyxtera_appgate_sdpappliance_SdpApplianceMemoryTotalGBCyxtera Appgate Sdp Appliance Memory Total GBGBMonitors the cyxtera appgate sdp appliance memory total in GB.[CYXTERA-MIB :: sdpApplianceMemoryTotalBytes :]
Cyxtera Appgate - Sdp Appliance Network Interfacescyxtera_appgate_sdpappliancenetworkinterfaces_SdpApplianceNicTxSpeedCyxtera Appgate Sdp Appliance Nic Tx SpeedKbpsMonitors the cyxtera appgate sdp appliance network interface tx speed.[CYXTERA-MIB :: sdpApplianceNicTxSpeed :]
cyxtera_appgate_sdpappliancenetworkinterfaces_SdpApplianceNicRxSpeedCyxtera Appgate Sdp Appliance Nic Rx SpeedKbpsMonitors the cyxtera appgate sdp appliance network interface Rx Speed.[CYXTERA-MIB :: sdpApplianceNicRxSpeed :]
Cyxtera Appgate - Sdp Appliance Rolescyxtera_appgate_sdpapplianceroles_SdpApplianceRoleNumberOfSessionsCyxtera Appgate Sdp Appliance Role Number Of SessionscountMonitors the cyxtera appgate sdp appliance role number of sessions.[CYXTERA-MIB :: sdpApplianceRoleNumberOfSessions :]
cyxtera_appgate_sdpapplianceroles_SdpApplianceRoleStatusCyxtera Appgate Sdp Appliance Role StatusMonitors the cyxtera appgate sdp appliance role status.Alert will be generated when the status is not Healthy.[CYXTERA-MIB :: sdpApplianceRoleStatus :]
Cyxtera Appgate - Sdp Vpncyxtera_appgate_sdpvpn_VpnTotalMemoryUsageCyxtera Appgate Sdp VpnTotal Memory UsageBytesMonitors the total memory usage by the firewall engine in bytes.[CYXTERA-MIB :: vpnTotalMemoryUsage :]
cyxtera_appgate_sdpvpn_VpnTotalSessionsCyxtera Appgate Sdp Vpn Total SessionscountMonitors the total number of sessions in VPN.[CYXTERA-MIB :: vpnTotalSessions :]

Dns - Performance


It monitors dns metrics like dns name response time and dns name response state.


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Dns - Name Response TimemsThe response time for DNS query for a given record,tagged by hostname Name resolved stateNULLDns state whether it is resolved or not. If it is resolved returns boolean value

Dot3 Interface Statistics


Monitors the statistics for a collection of Ethernet-like interfaces attached to a particular system.


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Dot3 Statsdot3.excessive.collisionsInterface Excessive Collisions CountMonitors the current number of frames for which transmission on a particular interface fails due to excessive collisions.[OID:]
dot3.internal.mac.rcverrorsInterface Internal MAC Receive ErrorsMonitors the current number of frames for which reception on a particular interface fails due to an internal MAC sub-layer receive error.[OID:]
dot3.Internal.mac.transmiterrorsInterface Internal MAC Transmit ErrorsMonitors the current number of frames for which transmission on a interface fails due to an internal sub-layer transmit error.[OID:]
dot3.late.collisionsInterface Late CollisionsMonitors the current number of times that a collision is on a particular interface later than slot-time into the transmission of a packet.[OID:]
dot3.multiple.collision.framesInterface Multiple Collision FramesMonitors the current number of frames that are involved in more than one collision and are subsequently transmitted successfully.[OID:]
dot3.single.collision.framesInterface Single CollisionsMonitors the current number of frames that are involved in a single collision,and are subsequently transmitted successfully.[OID:]
fcs.errorsInterface FCS ErrorsProvides the current number of frames received on a particular interface that are an integral number of octets in length but do not pass the FCS check.[OID:]

DS1 Interface Statistics - G2


Monitors errored seconds,severely errored seconds and unavailable seconds on DS1 interfaces.


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
DS1 Interface Errored SecondsMonitors the number of Errored Seconds encountered by a DS1 interface in the previous 24-hour interval.[OIDs:,] Severely Errored SecondsMonitors the number of Severely Errored Seconds encountered by a DS1 interface in the previous 24-hour interval.[OIDs:,] Unavailable SecondsMonitors the number of Unavailable Seconds encountered by a DS1 interface in the previous 24-hour interval.[OIDs:,]

Eaton PDU - Performance


Provides all the PDU parameters such as - the environmental Input Power,Voltage and Current measurements,Strapping status,Communication status of the EPDU,controller - sensor status etc


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Eaton PDU Basic Detailseaton.pdu.frequency.statusInput Frequency StatusStatus of the measured input frequency relative to the nominal frequency and the admitted tolerance.[OID :]
eaton.pdu.internal.statusEaton PDU Internal StatusProvides status of the internal failure inside the PDU.[OID:]
eaton.pdu.strapping.statusEaton PDU Strapping StatusProvides status of the external communication with a strapping unit.[OID:]
eaton.pdu.communication.statusEaton PDU Communication StatusProvides status of the internal communication with the PDU.[OID:]
Eaton PDU Contact Sensor PDU Contact State - 2Provides the state of the contact sensor.Possible values are 1: contactBad(-1),2: contactOpen(0) and 3: contactClosed(1).[OID:,]. PDU Contact StateProvides the state of the contact sensor.Possible values are 1: contactBad(-1),2: contactOpen(0) and 3: contactClosed(1).[OID:,]. PDU Contact Probe Status - 1Indicates whether a probe is connected or not. Will not be returned if the contact sensor is internal to the ePDU,in that case only contactState should be read. Possible values are 1: bad(-1),2: disconnected(0) and 3: connected(1).[OID:]. PDU Contact Probe Status - 2Indicates whether a probe is connected or not .Will not be returned if the contact sensor is internal to the ePDU,in that case only contactState should be read. Possible values are 1: bad(-1),2: disconnected(0) and 3: connected(1).[OID:].
Eaton PDU Humidity Statuseaton.pdu.humidity.probe.statusEaton PDU Humidity Probe StatusIndicates whether a probe is connected or not. Possible values are 1: bad(-1),2: disconnected(0) and 3: connected(1).[OID:]
eaton.pdu.humidity.threshold.statusEaton PDU Humidity Threshold StatusProvides status of the measured humidity relative to the configured thresholds. Possible values are 1: good(0),2: lowWarning(1),3: lowCritical(2),4: highWarning(3) and 5: highCritical(4).[OID:]
eaton.pdu.humidity.valueEaton PDU Humidity ValueProvides the Humidity Value. Units are tenths of a percent relative humidity.[OID:].
Eaton PDU Input Voltage and CurrentInput Voltage Value - 2mVAn input voltage measurement value. Units are millivolts.
eaton.pdu.input.current.2Input Current Value - 2ampsAn input current measurement value. Units are milliamps.
eaton.pdu.input.current.1Input Current Value - 1ampsAn input current measurement value. Units are milliamps.
eaton.pdu.input.voltage.1Input Voltage Value - 1mVAn input voltage measurement value. Units are millivolts.
Eaton PDU Temperatureeaton.pdu.temperature.valueEaton PDU Temperature ValueCelsiusProvides Temperature. Units are in tenths of a degree according to the scale specified by temperatureScale (either Fahrenheit or Celsius). Divide by ten to get degrees.
eaton.pdu.temperature.probe.statusEaton PDU Temperature Probe StatusIndicates whether a probe is connected or not. Possible Values are 1: bad(-1),2: disconnected(0) and 3: connected(1) .[OID : enterprises.534.]
eaton.pdu.temperature.threshold.statusEaton PDU Temperature Threshold StatusProvides status of the measured temperature relative to the configured thresholds. Possible values 1: good(0),2: lowWarning(1),3: lowCritical(2),4: highWarning(3) and 5: highCritical(4).[OID:]
Eaton PDU Total Input Power Measurementseaton.pdu.input.VAEaton PDU Input Total VAProvides input Total VA value. Units are VA. A negative value indicates that this object is not available.[OID:].
eaton.pdu.input.wattsEaton PDU Input WattsWProvides input Watts value. Units are Watts. A negative value indicates that this object is not available.[OID:]

Eaton XUPS Health


Template to monitor Xtreme Unidirectional Protection System (XUPS). Monitors battery capacity,battery current,battery voltage,battery time remaining,environment temperature,output load,input frequency,output frequency,battery status (ABM) and Ambient Temperature. Can be applied on all the XUPS devices.


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
XUPS Battery Statisticsxups.battery.capacityXUPS Battery Capacity%Provides the XUPS battery percent charge.[OID:]
xups.battery.currentXUPS Battery CurrentampsProvides the Xtreme Unidirectional Protection System (XUPS) battery current as reported by the UPS metering. Current is positive when discharging,negative when recharging the battery. Alert will get generated when the value is greater than equal to 30.[OID:]
xups.battery.voltageXUPS Battery VoltagevBattery voltage as reported by the UPS meters. Monitor failure indicates a problem with the voltage being supplied to end devices. There may not be enough voltage presently being provided to attached devices. As a result,devices may not operate as expected.[OID:]
xups.battery.time.remainingXUPS Battery Time RemainingsProvides the XUPS battery run time in seconds before UPS turns off due to low battery.[OID:].
XUPS Battery Status (ABM)xups.battery.abm.statusXUPS Battery Status (ABM)The status of the Advanced Battery Management.[OID:]
XUPS Environment Temperaturexups.environment.ambient.temperatureXUPS Environment Ambient TemperatureCProvides the Xtreme Unidirectional Protection System (XUPS) reading of the ambient temperature in the vicinity of the UPS or SNMP agent. Alert wil get generated when the value is not equal to zero.[OID:].
xups.environment.remote.temperatureXUPS Environment Remote TemperatureCProvides the XUPS reading of a remote temperature sensor connected to the UPS or SNMP agent.[OID:].
XUPS I/O Frequencyxups.input.frequencyXUPS Input FrequencyHzThe utility line frequency in tenths of Hz. Monitor failure indicates that the power being supplied to devices is fluctuating. Devices may be susceptible to problems with receiving power at varying frequencies.[OID:]
xups.output.frequencyXUPS Output FrequencyHzThe measured UPS output frequency in tenths of Hz. Monitor failure indicates that the power being supplied to devices is fluctuating. Devices may be susceptible to problems when receiving power at varying frequencies. Note: This configuration assumes that 60 Hz is nominal. Non-North American countries may have different nominal frequencies. As well,if your equipment is very sensitive,the range of acceptable values should be adjusted accordingly.[OID:]
XUPS Output Loadxups.output.loadXUPS Output Load%The UPS output load in percent of rated capacity. Monitor failure indicates that the percentage load attached to the UPS has been exceeded. The output load affects the running time of all components being supplied battery power.[OID:]
XUPS Output Statusxups.output.statusXUPS Output StatusThe present source of output power.[OID:]

EMC RPA Cluster Performance


EMC RPA Cluster Performance.


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
EMC RPA Cluster Performance Monitorstorage.emcrpa.cluster.traffic.applicationthroughputstatistics.applicationincomingwritesEMCRPA Cluster Traffic Application IncomingWritesNULLEMCRPA Cluster Traffic Application IncomingWrites
storage.emcrpa.cluster.traffic.applicationthroughputstatistics.inthroughputEMCRPA Cluster Traffic Application InThroughputMbpsEMCRPA Cluster Traffic Application InThroughput
storage.emcrpa.cluster.traffic.connectionscompressionratio.compressionratioEMCRPA Cluster Traffic Connections CompressionRatioNULLEMCRPA Cluster Traffic Connections CompressionRatio
storage.emcrpa.cluster.traffic.initthroughputstatistics.connectionsoutthroughput.outthroughputEMCRPA Cluster Traffic Connection OutThroughputMbpsEMCRPA Cluster Traffic Connection OutThroughput
storage.emcrpa.cluster.traffic.initthroughputstatistics.inthroughputEMCRPA Cluster Traffice InThroughputMbpsEMCRPA Cluster Traffice InThroughput
storage.emcrpa.cluster.traffic.applicationthroughputstatistics.connectionsoutthroughputEMCRPA Cluster Traffic Connections OutThroughputMbpsEMCRPA Cluster Traffic Connections OutThroughput

EMC RPA Consistency Group Performance


EMC RPA Consistency Group Performance


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
EMC RPA Consistency Group Performance Monitorstorage.emcrpa.consistencygroupcopystatistics.averageIncomingThroughputEMCRPA ConsistencyGroup Average IncomingThroughputMbpsEMCRPA ConsistencyGroup Average IncomingThroughput
storage.emcrpa.consistencygroupcopystatistics.averageincomingwritesEMCRPA ConsitencyGroup Average IncomingWritesNULLEMCRPA ConsitencyGroup Average IncomingWrites
storage.emcrpa.consistencygroupcopystatistics.incomingThroughputEMCRPA ConsistencyGroup IncomingThroughputMbpsEMCRPA ConsistencyGroup IncomingThroughput
storage.emcrpa.consistencygroupcopystatistics.incomingWritesEMCRPA ConsitencyGroup IncomingWritesNULLEMCRPA ConsitencyGroup IncomingWrites
storage.emcrpa.consistencygroupcopystatistics.journalstatistics.distributionfinishedEMCRPA ConsistencyGroup Distribution Finished StateNULLEMCRPA ConsistencyGroup Distribution Finished State
storage.emcrpa.consistencygroupcopystatistics.journalStatistics.imageAccessSizeLeftInBytesEMCRPA ConsistencyGroup Journal Image Access Size Left in BytesBytesEMCRPA ConsistencyGroup Journal Image Access Size Left in Bytes
storage.emcrpa.consistencygroupcopystatistics.journalstatistics.imageaccesstimeleftinsecondsEMCRPA ConsitencyGroup Image Access Time LeftsEMCRPA ConsitencyGroup Image Access Time Left
storage.emcrpa.consistencygroupcopystatistics.journalstatistics.imageaccesstotalsizeinbytesEMCRPA ConsistencyGroup Image Access Total SizeBytesEMCRPA ConsistencyGroup Image Access Total Size
storage.emcrpa.consistencygroupcopystatistics.journalstatistics.tspusagepercentageEMCRPA ConsistencyGroup Tsp Usage Percentage%EMCRPA ConsistencyGroup Tsp Usage Percentage
storage.emcrpa.consistencygroupcopystatistics.journalstatistics.tspusageinbytesEMCRPA ConsistencyGroup Tsp Usage in BytesBytesEMCRPA ConsistencyGroup Tsp Usage in Bytes
storage.emcrpa.consistencygroupcopystatistics.journalstatistics.journallaginbytesEMCRPA ConsistencyGroup Journal Lag in BytesBytesEMCRPA ConsistencyGroup Journal Lag in Bytes
storage.emcrpa.consistencygroupcopystatistics.journalstatistics.consolidationstatistics.savedSpaceEMCRPA ConsistencyGroup Journal SavedSpaceNULLEMCRPA ConsistencyGroup Journal SavedSpace
storage.emcrpa.consistencygroupcopystatistics.journal.consolidation.percentageOfSavedSpaceEMCRPA ConsitencyGroup Journal Consolidation SavedSpace Percentage%EMCRPA ConsitencyGroup Journal Consolidation SavedSpace Percentage
storage.emcrpa.consistencygroupcopystatistics.journalstatistics.fastforwardEMCRPA ConsitencyGroup Journal FastForword StateNULLEMCRPA ConsitencyGroup Journal FastForword State
storage.emcrpa.consistencygroupcopystatistics.journalstatistics.movingfrom.timeinmicrosecondsEMCRPA ConsistencyGroup Move From TimemicrosecEMCRPA ConsistencyGroup Move From Time
storage.emcrpa.consistencygroupcopystatistics.journalstatistics.movingto.timeinmicrosecondsEMCRPA ConsistencyGroup Move To TimemicrosecEMCRPA ConsistencyGroup Move To Time
storage.emcrpa.consistencygroupcopystatistics.journalstatistics.actualjournalsizeinbytesEMCRPA ConsitencyGroup Actual JournalSize in BytesBytesEMCRPA ConsitencyGroup Actual JournalSize in Bytes
storage.emcrpa.consistencygroupcopystatistics.journalstatistics.actualjournalusageinbytesEMCRPA ConsistencyGroup Actual Journal Usage in BytesBytesEMCRPA ConsistencyGroup Actual Journal Usage in Bytes
storage.emcrpa.consistencygrouplinkstatistics.initstatistics.initcompletionportionEMCRPA ConsistencyGroup Init Completion PortionNULLEMCRPA ConsistencyGroup Init Completion Portion
storage.emcrpa.consistencygrouplinkstatistics.initstatistics.initincomingthroughputEMCRPA ConsistencyGroup Init IncomingThroughputMbpsEMCRPA ConsistencyGroup Init IncomingThroughput
storage.emcrpa.consistencygrouplinkstatistics.initstatistics.initoutgoingthroughputEMCRPA ConsistencyGroup Link Init OutgoingThroughputMbpsEMCRPA ConsistencyGroup Link Init OutgoingThroughput
storage.emcrpa.consistencygrouplinkstatistics.initstatistics.numberOfgridsEMCRPA ConsistencyGroup Link Init Grid CountNULLEMCRPA ConsistencyGroup Link Init Grid Count
storage.emcrpa.consistencygrouplinkstatistics.pipestatistics.averagejournalcompressionratioEMCRPA ConsistencyGroup Pipe Average Journal CompressionRatioNULLEMCRPA ConsistencyGroup Pipe Average Journal CompressionRatio
storage.emcrpa.consistencygrouplinkstatistics.pipestatistics.compressionratioEMCRPA ConsistencyGroup Pipe CompressionRatioNULLEMCRPA ConsistencyGroup Pipe CompressionRatio
storage.emcrpa.consistencygrouplinkstatistics.pipestatistics.detachdatarateEMCRPA ConsistencyGroup Link Pipe Detach DataNULLEMCRPA ConsistencyGroup Link Pipe Detach Data
storage.emcrpa.consistencygrouplinkstatistics.pipestatistics.detachdataEMCRPA ConsistencyGroup Link Detach DataNULLEMCRPA ConsistencyGroup Link Detach Data
storage.emcrpa.consistencygrouplinkstatistics.pipestatistics.transactioncounterEMCRPA ConsistencyGroup Link Pipe Transaction CounterNULLEMCRPA ConsistencyGroup Link Pipe Transaction Counter
storage.emcrpa.consistencygrouplinkstatistics.pipestatistics.timecounterEMCRPA ConsistencyGroup Link TimeCounterNULLEMCRPA ConsistencyGroup Link TimeCounter
storage.emcrpa.consistencygrouplinkstatistics.pipestatistics.datacounterEMCRPA ConsistencyGroup Pipe DatacounterNULLEMCRPA ConsistencyGroup Pipe Datacounter
storage.emcrpa.consistencygrouplinkstatistics.pipestatistics.numberofgridsEMCRPA ConsistencyGroup Link Pipe Grid CountNULLEMCRPA ConsistencyGroup Link Pipe Grid Count
storage.emcrpa.consistencygrouplinkstatistics.pipestatistics.outgoingthroughputEMCRPA ConsistencyGroup Link Pipe Outgoing ThroughputMbpsEMCRPA ConsistencyGroup Link Pipe Outgoing Throughput
storage.emcrpa.consistencygrouplinkstatistics.pipestatistics.replicationmodeEMCRPA ConsistencyGroup Link ReplicationModeEMCRPA ConsistencyGroup Link ReplicationMode
storage.emcrpa.consistencygrouplinkstatistics.pipestatistics.syncremotelinkEMCRPA ConsistencyGroup Sync RemoteLinkNULLEMCRPA ConsistencyGroup Sync RemoteLink
storage.emcrpa.consistencygrouplinkstatistics.pipestatistics.deduplicationratioEMCRPA ConsistencyGroup Link DeduplicationRatioNULLEMCRPA ConsistencyGroup Link DeduplicationRatio
storage.emcrpa.consistencyGroupLinkStatistics.pipe.averageDeduplicationRatiossEMCRPA ConsistencyGroupLink Pipe Deduplication Average RatioNULLEMCRPA ConsistencyGroupLink Pipe Deduplication Average Ratio

EMCRPA RPA Performance


EMCRPA RPA Performance


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
EMCRPA RPA Performance Monitorstorage.emcrpa.rpa.cpuusageEMCRPA RPA Cpu Usage%EMCRPA RPA Cpu Usage
storage.emcrpa.rpa.traffic.applicationthroughputstatistics.applicationincomingwritesEMCRPA RPA Traffic Application IncomingWritesNULLEMCRPA RPA Traffic Application IncomingWrites
storage.emcrpa.rpa.traffic.applicationthroughputstatistics.connectionsoutthroughput.outthroughputEMCRPA RPA Traffic Application Connections OutThroughputMbpsEMCRPA RPA Traffic Application Connections OutThroughput
storage.emcrpa.rpa.traffic.applicationthroughputstatistics.inthroughputEMCRPA RPA Traffic Application InThroughputMbpsEMCRPA RPA Traffic Application InThroughput
storage.emcrpa.rpa.traffic.connectionscompressionratio.compressionratioEMCRPA RPA Traffic CompressionRatioNULLEMCRPA RPA Traffic CompressionRatio
storage.emcrpa.rpa.traffic.initthroughputstatistics.connectionsoutthroughput.outthroughputEMCRPA RPA Traffic Init Connections OutThroughputMbpsEMCRPA RPA Traffic Init Connections OutThroughput
storage.emcrpa.rpa.traffic.initthroughputstatistics.inthroughputEMCRPA RPA Traffic InThroughputMbpsEMCRPA RPA Traffic InThroughput

Enterasys CTRON Chassis Monitors - G2


Applicable on the Enterasys Networks C5 and B5. Monitors CTRON Chassis Fan Module State,power supply state etc. Can be applied on Enterasys Networks,Inc. C5G124-24P2 Rev SNMP Obj Id=


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
CTRON Chassis Environment Fan Chassis Environment Fan StateMonitors the status of the chassis fan. Possible values are 1- unknown,2- normal,3- testing,4- slow,5- inoperative,6- off.[OIDs:,,]
CTRON Chassis Fan Module Chassis Fan Module StateMonitors the fan modules state. Possible status values are 1- infoNotAvailable,2- notInstalled,3- installedAndOperating,4- installedAndNotOperating.[OIDs:,]
CTRON Chassis Power Supply Chassis Power Supply StateMonitors the power supply's state. Possible values are 1- infoNotAvailable,2- notInstalled,3- installedAndOperating,4- installedAndNotOperating.[OIDs:,]

Entity Operational State


Template to monitors the entities (like Fan,Power,Temperature,Voltage etc.) operational status [ENTITY-MIB :: entPhysicalName :,ENTITY-STATE-MIB :: entStateOper :]


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Entity Operational Stateentity_operational_stateEntity Operational StateMonitors the entities (like Fan,Power,Temperature,Voltage etc.) operational status. Possible values for the operational status are: 1-unknown,2-inoperable,3-operable,4-testing.[ENTITY-MIB :: entPhysicalName :,ENTITY-STATE-MIB :: entStateOper :]

Entity Physical Sensor Reading and Status - Ext


Template to monitor entity physical sensors (like electric potential ac,electric potential dc,electric current,power,frequency,temperature,percent relative humidity,shaft revolutions per minute and cubic meters per minute (airflow)) values and their operational statuses. Prerequisites: Device should support ENTITY-SENSOR-MIB,ENTITY-MIB and their tables like entPhySensorType-,entPhySensorScale-,entPhySensorPrecision-,entPhySensorValue-,entPhySensorOperStatus-,entPhysicalName-


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Entity Physical Sensor Reading and Status - Extent.physical.sensor.frequencyFrequencyHzIt represents an Entity Frequency Sensor value.[ENTITY-SENSOR-MIB::OIDs:,,,,]
ent.physical.sensor.relative.humidityRelative Humidity(RH) %%It represents an Entity Relative Humidity(RH) Sensor value.[ENTITY-SENSOR-MIB::OIDs:,,,,]
ent.physical.sensor.electric.currentElectric CurrentampsIt represents an Entity Electric Current Sensor value.[ENTITY-SENSOR-MIB::OIDs:,,,,]
ent.physical.sensor.rpmRPMrpmIt represents an Entity RPM Sensor value.[ENTITY-SENSOR-MIB::OIDs:,,,,]
ent.physical.sensor.powerPowerWIt represents an Entity Power Sensor value.[ENTITY-SENSOR-MIB::OIDs:,,,,]
ent.physical.sensor.operational.statusOperational StatusMonitors the physical sensors (like Fan,Power,Temperature,Voltage etc.) operational status. Possible values for the operational status are: 1- ok: indicates that the agent can obtain the sensor value,2- unavailable: indicates that the agent presently cannot obtain the sensor value,3- nonoperational: indicates that the agent believes the sensor is broken. The sensor could have a hard failure (disconnected wire),or a soft failure such as out-of-range,jittery,or wildly fluctuating readings.[ENTITY-SENSOR-MIB::entPhySensorOperStatus-,entPhysicalName-]
ent.physical.sensor.electric.potential.dcElectric Potential DCvIt represents an Entity Electric Potential DC Sensor value.[ENTITY-SENSOR-MIB::OIDs:,,,,]
ent.physical.sensor.electric.potential.acElectric Potential ACvIt represents an Entity Electric Potential AC Sensor value.[ENTITY-SENSOR-MIB::OIDs:,,,,]
ent.physical.sensor.airflowAirflow (cmm)It represents an Entity Cubic Meters per minute (airflow) Sensor value.[ENTITY-SENSOR-MIB::OIDs:,,,,]
ent.physical.sensor.temperatureCelsiusIt represents an Entity Temperature Sensor value.[ENTITY-SENSOR-MIB::OIDs:,,,,]

Entity Physical Sensor Reading and Status - Ext - Rev2


Template to monitor entity physical sensors (like electric potential ac,electric potential dc,electric current,power,frequency,temperature,percent relative humidity,shaft revolutions per minute and cubic meters per minute (airflow)) values and their operational statuses. REVISION: 202107310000Z. Description: Enhanced the script to take entPhysicalDescr incase of empty entPhysicalName.


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Entity Physical Sensor Reading and Status - Ext - Rev2ent.physical.sensor.frequencyFrequencyHzIt represents an Entity Frequency Sensor value.[ENTITY-SENSOR-MIB::OIDs:,,,,]
ent.physical.sensor.relative.humidityRelative Humidity(RH) %%It represents an Entity Relative Humidity(RH) Sensor value.[ENTITY-SENSOR-MIB::OIDs:,,,,]
ent.physical.sensor.electric.currentElectric CurrentampsIt represents an Entity Electric Current Sensor value.[ENTITY-SENSOR-MIB::OIDs:,,,,]
ent.physical.sensor.rpmRPMrpmIt represents an Entity RPM Sensor value.[ENTITY-SENSOR-MIB::OIDs:,,,,]
ent.physical.sensor.powerPowerWIt represents an Entity Power Sensor value.[ENTITY-SENSOR-MIB::OIDs:,,,,]
ent.physical.sensor.operational.statusOperational StatusMonitors the physical sensors (like Fan,Power,Temperature,Voltage etc.) operational status. Possible values for the operational status are: 1- ok: indicates that the agent can obtain the sensor value,2- unavailable: indicates that the agent presently cannot obtain the sensor value,3- nonoperational: indicates that the agent believes the sensor is broken. The sensor could have a hard failure (disconnected wire),or a soft failure such as out-of-range,jittery,or wildly fluctuating readings.[ENTITY-SENSOR-MIB::entPhySensorOperStatus-,entPhysicalName-]
ent.physical.sensor.electric.potential.dcElectric Potential DCvIt represents an Entity Electric Potential DC Sensor value.[ENTITY-SENSOR-MIB::OIDs:,,,,]
ent.physical.sensor.electric.potential.acElectric Potential ACvIt represents an Entity Electric Potential AC Sensor value.[ENTITY-SENSOR-MIB::OIDs:,,,,]
ent.physical.sensor.airflowAirflow (cmm)It represents an Entity Cubic Meters per minute (airflow) Sensor value.[ENTITY-SENSOR-MIB::OIDs:,,,,]
ent.physical.sensor.temperatureCelsiusIt represents an Entity Temperature Sensor value.[ENTITY-SENSOR-MIB::OIDs:,,,,]

Entity Physical Sensor Status


Monitors the entity physical sensors (like Fan,Power,Temperature,Voltage etc.) operational status and their most recently measured values.[OIDs:,,,]


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Entity Physical Sensor Statusphysical.sensor.operational.statusPhysical Sensor Operational StatusMonitors the physical sensors (like Fan,Power,Temperature,Voltage etc.) operational status and their most recently measured values. Possible values for the operational status are: 1- ok: indicates that the agent can obtain the sensor value,2- unavailable: indicates that the agent presently cannot obtain the sensor value,3- nonoperational: indicates that the agent believes the sensor is broken. The sensor could have a hard failure (disconnected wire),or a soft failure such as out-of-range,jittery,or wildly fluctuating readings.[OIDs:,,]

Ethernet-like Interface PAUSE Stats


Monitors the MAC Control frames received and transmitted through ethernet-like interfaces with an opcode indicating the PAUSE operation.


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Ethernet-like Interfaces PAUSE Statsnetwork.interface.pause.frames.inPAUSE In FramespsecRepresents the MAC Control frames received on this interface with an opcode indicating the PAUSE operation.[OIDs:,]
network.interface.pause.frames.outPAUSE Out FramespsecRepresents the MAC Control frames transmitted on this interface with an opcode indicating the PAUSE operation.[OIDs:,]

Extreme Enterasys - Hardware Monitoring


This template is applicable on Extreme Enterasys devices. Monitors the basic parameters like fan and power supply status.


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Extreme Enterasys FAN Enterasys FAN StatusMonitors the FAN module status.[OID:,].
Extreme Enterasys Power Supply Enterasys Power Supply StatusMonitors the Power suply state.[OID:,]

Extreme Enterasys - Performance


This template is applicable on Extreme Enterasys devices. Monitors the basic parameters like CPU utilization,memory utilization.


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Extreme Enterasys - Memory Utilizationextreme_enterasys_memory_UtilizationExtreme Enterasys Memory Utilization%It monitors the extreme enterasys memory utilization.[etsysResourceStorageSize:,etsysResourceStorageAvailable:]
Extreme Enterasys CPU Utilizationextreme.enterasys.cpu.utilizationExtreme Enterasys CPU Utilization%Monitors the Enterasys switch average processor CPU over the last 1min.[OID:].

Extreme VSP 7200 Series


Template to monitor Extreme VSP 7200 Series Switches . It monitors Power Supply Status,2k Card Operational Status,VOSS System Sensor Temperature,VOSS System Temperature Status,CPU Utilization,Memory Utilization,CP System CPU Temperature,CP System MAC Temperature,CP System PHY1 Temperature,CP System PHY2 Temperature,CP System MAC2 Temperature.


Device should have support for RAPID-CITY.mib

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Extreme - 2k Card Operational Statusextreme.2k.card.operational.status2k Card Operational StatusIt monitors the Extreme 2k card operational status. Possible values are 1 - up,2 - down,3 - testing,4 - unknown,5 - dormant,6 - upMaster,7 - upDormant,8 - upWarmstandby.[RAPID-CITY.mib::rc2kCardFrontOperStatus -]
Extreme - Power Supply Supply StatusIt monitors the Extreme power supply status. Possible values are 1 - unknown(status can not be determined),2 - up(present and supplying power),3 - down(present,but failure indicated) [RAPID-CITY.mib::rcChasPowerSupplyOperStatus -]
Extreme - Single CP Systemextreme.cp.system.cpu.temperatureCP System CPU TemperatureCelsiusIt monitors the temperature in celsius of the air near CPU area.[RAPID-CITY.mib::rcSingleCpSystemCpuTemperature -]
extreme.cp.system.mac.temperatureCP System MAC TemperatureCelsiusIt monitors the temperature in celsius of the air near MAC area.[RAPID-CITY.mib::rcSingleCpSystemMacTemperature -]
extreme.cp.system.phy1.temperatureCP System PHY1 TemperatureCelsiusIt monitors the temperature in celsius of the air near PHY1 area.[RAPID-CITY.mib::rcSingleCpSystemPhy1Temperature -]
extreme.cp.system.phy2.temperatureCP System PHY2 TemperatureCelsiusIt monitors the temperature in celsius of the air near PHY2 area.[RAPID-CITY.mib::rcSingleCpSystemPhy2Temperature -]
extreme.cp.system.mac2.temperatureCP System MAC2 TemperatureCelsiusIt monitors the temperature in celsius of the air near MAC2 area.[RAPID-CITY.mib::rcSingleCpSystemMac2Temperature -]
Extreme - Slot Performanceextreme.cpu.utilizationCPU Utilization%It monitors the Extreme CPU utilization in percentage [RAPID-CITY.mib::rcKhiSlotCpuCurrentUtil -]
extreme.memory.utilizationMemory Utilization%It monitors the extreme memory utilization in percentage.[RAPID-CITY.mib::rcKhiSlotMemUtil -]
Extreme - VOSS System Sensor Temperatureextreme.voss.system.sensor.temperatureVOSS System Sensor TemperatureCelsiusIt monitors the Extreme VOSS(VSP Operating System Software) system sensor temperature value.[RAPID-CITY.mib::rcVossSystemTemperatureTemperature -]
extreme.voss.system.temperature.statusVOSS System Temperature StatusIt monitors the Extreme VOSS system temperature status. Possible values are 1 - normal,2 - highWarning,3 - highCritial.[RAPID-CITY.mib::rcVossSystemTemperatureStatus -].

Extreme VSP 8400 Series


Template to monitor Extreme VSP 8400 Series Switches . It monitors Power Supply Status,RSMLT Operational Status,RSMLT Peer Operational Status,2k Card Operational Status,VOSS System Sensor Temperature,VOSS System Temperature Status,CPU Utilization,Memory Utilization,CP System CPU Temperature,CP System MAC Temperature,CP System PHY1 Temperature,CP System PHY2 Temperature,CP System MAC2 Temperature.


Device should have support for RAPID-CITY.mib

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Extreme - 2k Card Operational Statusextreme.2k.card.operational.status2k Card Operational StatusIt monitors the Extreme 2k card operational status. Possible values are 1 - up,2 - down,3 - testing,4 - unknown,5 - dormant,6 - upMaster,7 - upDormant,8 - upWarmstandby.[RAPID-CITY.mib::rc2kCardFrontOperStatus -]
Extreme - Power Supply Supply StatusIt monitors the Extreme power supply status. Possible values are 1 - unknown(status can not be determined),2 - up(present and supplying power),3 - down(present,but failure indicated) [RAPID-CITY.mib::rcChasPowerSupplyOperStatus -]
Extreme - Single CP Systemextreme.cp.system.cpu.temperatureCP System CPU TemperatureCelsiusIt monitors the temperature in celsius of the air near CPU area.[RAPID-CITY.mib::rcSingleCpSystemCpuTemperature -]
extreme.cp.system.mac.temperatureCP System MAC TemperatureCelsiusIt monitors the temperature in celsius of the air near MAC area.[RAPID-CITY.mib::rcSingleCpSystemMacTemperature -]
extreme.cp.system.phy1.temperatureCP System PHY1 TemperatureCelsiusIt monitors the temperature in celsius of the air near PHY1 area.[RAPID-CITY.mib::rcSingleCpSystemPhy1Temperature -]
extreme.cp.system.phy2.temperatureCP System PHY2 TemperatureCelsiusIt monitors the temperature in celsius of the air near PHY2 area.[RAPID-CITY.mib::rcSingleCpSystemPhy2Temperature -]
extreme.cp.system.mac2.temperatureCP System MAC2 TemperatureCelsiusIt monitors the temperature in celsius of the air near MAC2 area.[RAPID-CITY.mib::rcSingleCpSystemMac2Temperature -]
Extreme - Slot Performanceextreme.cpu.utilizationCPU Utilization%It monitors the Extreme CPU utilization in percentage [RAPID-CITY.mib::rcKhiSlotCpuCurrentUtil -]
extreme.memory.utilizationMemory Utilization%It monitors the extreme memory utilization in percentage.[RAPID-CITY.mib::rcKhiSlotMemUtil -]
Extreme - VOSS System Sensor Temperatureextreme.voss.system.sensor.temperatureVOSS System Sensor TemperatureCelsiusIt monitors the Extreme VOSS(VSP Operating System Software) system sensor temperature value.[RAPID-CITY.mib::rcVossSystemTemperatureTemperature -]
extreme.voss.system.temperature.statusVOSS System Temperature StatusIt monitors the Extreme VOSS system temperature status. Possible values are 1 - normal,2 - highWarning,3 - highCritial.[RAPID-CITY.mib::rcVossSystemTemperatureStatus -].
Extreme - RSMLT Operational Statusextreme.rsmlt.operational.statusRSMLT Operational StatusIt monitors the Extreme RSMLT operational status. Possible values are 1 - up,2 - down [RAPID-CITY.mib::rcIpRsmltOperOperStatus -].
Extreme - RSMLT Peer Operational Statusextreme.rsmlt.peer.operational.statusRSMLT Peer Operational StatusIt monitors the Extreme RSMLT peer operational status. Possible values are 1 - up,2 - down [RAPID-CITY.mib::rcIpRsmltPeerOperStatus -].

Extreme VSP 8600 Series


Template to monitor Extreme VSP 8600 Series Switches . It monitors Power Supply Status,RSMLT Operational Status,RSMLT Peer Operational Status,2k Card Operational Status,VOSS System Sensor Temperature,VOSS System Temperature Status,CPU Utilization,Memory Utilization,CP System CPU Temperature,CP System MAC Temperature,CP System PHY1 Temperature,CP System PHY2 Temperature,CP System MAC2 Temperature.


Device should have support for RAPID-CITY.mib

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Extreme - 2k Card Operational Statusextreme.2k.card.operational.status2k Card Operational StatusIt monitors the Extreme 2k card operational status. Possible values are 1 - up,2 - down,3 - testing,4 - unknown,5 - dormant,6 - upMaster,7 - upDormant,8 - upWarmstandby.[RAPID-CITY.mib::rc2kCardFrontOperStatus -]
Extreme - Power Supply Supply StatusIt monitors the Extreme power supply status. Possible values are 1 - unknown(status can not be determined),2 - up(present and supplying power),3 - down(present,but failure indicated) [RAPID-CITY.mib::rcChasPowerSupplyOperStatus -]
Extreme - Single CP Systemextreme.cp.system.cpu.temperatureCP System CPU TemperatureCelsiusIt monitors the temperature in celsius of the air near CPU area.[RAPID-CITY.mib::rcSingleCpSystemCpuTemperature -]
extreme.cp.system.mac.temperatureCP System MAC TemperatureCelsiusIt monitors the temperature in celsius of the air near MAC area.[RAPID-CITY.mib::rcSingleCpSystemMacTemperature -]
extreme.cp.system.phy1.temperatureCP System PHY1 TemperatureCelsiusIt monitors the temperature in celsius of the air near PHY1 area.[RAPID-CITY.mib::rcSingleCpSystemPhy1Temperature -]
extreme.cp.system.phy2.temperatureCP System PHY2 TemperatureCelsiusIt monitors the temperature in celsius of the air near PHY2 area.[RAPID-CITY.mib::rcSingleCpSystemPhy2Temperature -]
extreme.cp.system.mac2.temperatureCP System MAC2 TemperatureCelsiusIt monitors the temperature in celsius of the air near MAC2 area.[RAPID-CITY.mib::rcSingleCpSystemMac2Temperature -]
Extreme - Slot Performanceextreme.cpu.utilizationCPU Utilization%It monitors the Extreme CPU utilization in percentage [RAPID-CITY.mib::rcKhiSlotCpuCurrentUtil -]
extreme.memory.utilizationMemory Utilization%It monitors the extreme memory utilization in percentage.[RAPID-CITY.mib::rcKhiSlotMemUtil -]
Extreme - VOSS System Sensor Temperatureextreme.voss.system.sensor.temperatureVOSS System Sensor TemperatureCelsiusIt monitors the Extreme VOSS(VSP Operating System Software) system sensor temperature value.[RAPID-CITY.mib::rcVossSystemTemperatureTemperature -]
extreme.voss.system.temperature.statusVOSS System Temperature StatusIt monitors the Extreme VOSS system temperature status. Possible values are 1 - normal,2 - highWarning,3 - highCritial.[RAPID-CITY.mib::rcVossSystemTemperatureStatus -].
Extreme - RSMLT Operational Statusextreme.rsmlt.operational.statusRSMLT Operational StatusIt monitors the Extreme RSMLT operational status. Possible values are 1 - up,2 - down [RAPID-CITY.mib::rcIpRsmltOperOperStatus -].
Extreme - RSMLT Peer Operational Statusextreme.rsmlt.peer.operational.statusRSMLT Peer Operational StatusIt monitors the Extreme RSMLT peer operational status. Possible values are 1 - up,2 - down [RAPID-CITY.mib::rcIpRsmltPeerOperStatus -].

Extreme WiNG - Access Point


Template to monitor Extreme WiNG access point performance and statistics like Global Client Count,Global Client Count,CPU Load (%),Online Radios Count,Device Online Status,Radio Traffic and RF Statistics on AP,Radio Traffic and RF Statistics on RF Domain,AP Fault Detection,AP Radio,RF Domain Radio,RF Domain - WLAN. Validated on AP7632. sysObjectID :


The device should have support for WING-MIB.

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Extreme WiNG - AP Fault Detectionextreme.wing.ap.fault.detectionAP Fault DetectionIt monitors whether any fault has been detected on the AP.Possible value are true(1),false(2).[WING-MIB::wingStatsDevWlApInfoFaultDetected:].
Extreme WiNG - AP Radio StateIt monitors the radio state.Possible values are On(1),Off(2).[WING-MIB::wingStatsDevWlRadioState:]. Radio PowerdBmIt monitors the current power the radio is operating at.[WING-MIB::wingStatsDevWlRadioCurPower:]. Radio Client CountcountIt monitors the number of clients associated to the radio.[WING-MIB::wingStatsDevWlRadioNumClient:].
Extreme WiNG - Device Online Online StatusIt monitors the device online status.[WING-MIB::wingStatsDevOnline:].
Extreme WiNG - Global Client CountcountIt monitors the global client count.[WING-MIB::wingStatsNocGlobalClientCount:].
extreme.wing.offline.device.countOffline Device CountcountIt monitors the offline device count.[WING-MIB::wingStatsNocDevOffLineInfoCount:].
extreme.wing.cpu.loadCPU Load (%)%It monitors the CPU load in percentage.[WING-MIB::wingStatsDevSysInfoOnCurrentDeviceLoadLimitS0:].
Extreme WiNG - Radio Traffic and RF Statistics - Radio Quality IndexIt monitors the quality of the medium in percentage.Possible values are 0-20: very poor quality,20-40: poor quality,40-60: average quality,60-100: good quality.[WING-MIB::wingStatsDevWlRadioStatQIndex:]. Radio Bytes Tx RatevBpsIt monitors the number of data bytes transmitted from radio to clients.[WING-MIB::wingStatsDevWlRadioStatTxBytes:]. Radio Bytes Rx RateBpsIt monitors the number of data bytes received from clients to radio.[WING-MIB::wingStatsDevWlRadioStatRxBytes:]. Radio Tx Dropped RateBpsIt monitors the number of packets of data dropped on transmission.[WING-MIB::wingStatsDevWlRadioStatTxDropped:]. Radio Rx Error RateBpsIt monitors the number of packets of data received with errors.[WING-MIB::wingStatsDevWlRadioStatRxErrors:]. Radio NoisedBmIt monitors the noise level in units of dbm.[WING-MIB::wingStatsDevWlRadioStatNoise:]. Radio SNRdBIt monitors the signal to noise ratio in units of db.[WING-MIB::wingStatsDevWlRadioStatSnr:]. Radio Total ClientscountIt monitors the total number of clients.[WING-MIB::wingStatsDevWlRadioStatNumClients:]. Radio Signal StrengthdBmIt monitors the signal strength in units of dbm.[WING-MIB::wingStatsDevWlRadioStatSignal:].
Extreme WiNG - Radio Traffic and RF Statistics - RF Domain Radio Quality IndexIt monitors the quality of the medium in percentage. Possible values are 0-20: very poor quality,20-40: poor quality,40-60: average quality,60-100: good quality.[WING-MIB::wingStatsRfdWlRadioStatQIndex:]. Domain Radio NoisedBmIt monitors the noise level in units of dbm.[WING-MIB::wingStatsRfdWlRadioStatNoise:]. Domain Radio Bytes Tx RateBpsIt monitors the number of data bytes transmitted from radio to clients.[WING-MIB::wingStatsRfdWlRadioStatTxBytes:]. Domain Radio Bytes Rx RateBpsIt monitors the number of data bytes received from clients to radio.[WING-MIB::wingStatsRfdWlRadioStatRxBytes:]. Domain Radio Tx Dropped RateBpsIt monitors the number of packets of data dropped on transmission.[WING-MIB::wingStatsRfdWlRadioStatTxDropped:]. Domain Radio Rx Error RateBpsIt monitors the number of packets of data received with errors.[WING-MIB::wingStatsRfdWlRadioStatRxErrors:]. Domain Radio SNRdBIt monitors the signal to noise ratio in units of db.[WING-MIB::wingStatsRfdWlRadioStatSnr:]. Domain Radio Total ClientscountIt monitors the total number of clients.[WING-MIB::wingStatsRfdWlRadioStatNumClients:]. Domain Radio Signal StrengthdBmIt monitors the signal strength in units of dbm.[WING-MIB::wingStatsRfdWlRadioStatSignal:].
Extreme WiNG - RF Domain - WLANextreme.wing.rfd.wlan.tx.bytes.rateRF Domain WLAN Bytes Tx RateBpsIt monitors the tx data frames per ssid.[WING-MIB::wingStatsRfdWlWlanTxBytes:].
extreme.wing.rfd.wlan.rx.bytes.rateRF Domain WLAN Bytes Rx RateBpsIt monitors the rx data frames per ssid.[WING-MIB::wingStatsRfdWlWlanRxBytes;].
extreme.wing.rfd.wlan.tx.dropped.rateRF Domain WLAN Tx Dropped RateBpsIt monitors the dropped tx packets.[WING-MIB::wingStatsRfdWlWlanTxDropped:].
extreme.wing.rfd.wlan.rx.error.rateRF Domain WLAN Rx Error RateBpsIt monitors the received error packets.[WING-MIB::wingStatsRfdWlWlanRxErrors:].
Extreme WiNG - RF Domain Domain Radio StateIt monitors the radio state.Possible values are On(1),Off(2).[WING-MIB::wingStatsRfdWlRadioState:]. Domain Radio PowerdBmIt monitors the current power the radio is operating at.[WING-MIB::wingStatsRfdWlRadioCurPower:]. Domain Radio Client CountcountIt monitors the number of clients associated to the radio.[WING-MIB::wingStatsRfdWlRadioNumClient:].

Extreme WiNG - WLAN Controller


Template to monitor Extreme WiNG access point performance and statistics like Global Client Count,Global Client Count,CPU Load (%),Adopted Devices Online Status,Device Online Status,Radio Traffic and RF Statistics on AP,Radio Traffic and RF Statistics on RF Domain,AP Fault Detection,AP Radio,RF Domain Radio,RF Domain - WLAN. Validated on NX7500. sysObjectID :


The device should have support for WING-MIB.

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Extreme WiNG - Adopted Devices Online Devices Online StatusIt monitors the adopted devices online status.[WING-MIB::wingStatsDevAdoptDevOnline:].
Extreme WiNG - AP Fault Detectionextreme.wing.ap.fault.detectionAP Fault DetectionIt monitors whether any fault has been detected on the AP.Possible value are true(1),false(2).[WING-MIB::wingStatsDevWlApInfoFaultDetected:].
Extreme WiNG - AP Radio StateIt monitors the radio state.Possible values are On(1),Off(2).[WING-MIB::wingStatsDevWlRadioState:]. Radio PowerdBmIt monitors the current power the radio is operating at.[WING-MIB::wingStatsDevWlRadioCurPower:]. Radio Client CountcountIt monitors the number of clients associated to the radio.[WING-MIB::wingStatsDevWlRadioNumClient:].
Extreme WiNG - Device Online Online StatusIt monitors the device online status.[WING-MIB::wingStatsDevOnline:].
Extreme WiNG - Global Client CountcountIt monitors the global client count.[WING-MIB::wingStatsNocGlobalClientCount:].
extreme.wing.offline.device.countOffline Device CountcountIt monitors the offline device count.[WING-MIB::wingStatsNocDevOffLineInfoCount:].
extreme.wing.cpu.loadCPU Load (%)%It monitors the CPU load in percentage.[WING-MIB::wingStatsDevSysInfoOnCurrentDeviceLoadLimitS0:].
Extreme WiNG - Radio Traffic and RF Statistics - Radio Quality IndexIt monitors the quality of the medium in percentage.Possible values are 0-20: very poor quality,20-40: poor quality,40-60: average quality,60-100: good quality.[WING-MIB::wingStatsDevWlRadioStatQIndex:]. Radio Bytes Tx RatevBpsIt monitors the number of data bytes transmitted from radio to clients.[WING-MIB::wingStatsDevWlRadioStatTxBytes:]. Radio Bytes Rx RateBpsIt monitors the number of data bytes received from clients to radio.[WING-MIB::wingStatsDevWlRadioStatRxBytes:]. Radio Tx Dropped RateBpsIt monitors the number of packets of data dropped on transmission.[WING-MIB::wingStatsDevWlRadioStatTxDropped:]. Radio Rx Error RateBpsIt monitors the number of packets of data received with errors.[WING-MIB::wingStatsDevWlRadioStatRxErrors:]. Radio NoisedBmIt monitors the noise level in units of dbm.[WING-MIB::wingStatsDevWlRadioStatNoise:]. Radio SNRdBIt monitors the signal to noise ratio in units of db.[WING-MIB::wingStatsDevWlRadioStatSnr:]. Radio Total ClientscountIt monitors the total number of clients.[WING-MIB::wingStatsDevWlRadioStatNumClients:]. Radio Signal StrengthdBmIt monitors the signal strength in units of dbm.[WING-MIB::wingStatsDevWlRadioStatSignal:].
Extreme WiNG - Radio Traffic and RF Statistics - RF Domain Radio Quality IndexIt monitors the quality of the medium in percentage. Possible values are 0-20: very poor quality,20-40: poor quality,40-60: average quality,60-100: good quality.[WING-MIB::wingStatsRfdWlRadioStatQIndex:]. Domain Radio NoisedBmIt monitors the noise level in units of dbm.[WING-MIB::wingStatsRfdWlRadioStatNoise:]. Domain Radio Bytes Tx RateBpsIt monitors the number of data bytes transmitted from radio to clients.[WING-MIB::wingStatsRfdWlRadioStatTxBytes:]. Domain Radio Bytes Rx RateBpsIt monitors the number of data bytes received from clients to radio.[WING-MIB::wingStatsRfdWlRadioStatRxBytes:]. Domain Radio Tx Dropped RateBpsIt monitors the number of packets of data dropped on transmission.[WING-MIB::wingStatsRfdWlRadioStatTxDropped:]. Domain Radio Rx Error RateBpsIt monitors the number of packets of data received with errors.[WING-MIB::wingStatsRfdWlRadioStatRxErrors:]. Domain Radio SNRdBIt monitors the signal to noise ratio in units of db.[WING-MIB::wingStatsRfdWlRadioStatSnr:]. Domain Radio Total ClientscountIt monitors the total number of clients.[WING-MIB::wingStatsRfdWlRadioStatNumClients:]. Domain Radio Signal StrengthdBmIt monitors the signal strength in units of dbm.[WING-MIB::wingStatsRfdWlRadioStatSignal:].
Extreme WiNG - RF Domain - WLANextreme.wing.rfd.wlan.tx.bytes.rateRF Domain WLAN Bytes Tx RateBpsIt monitors the tx data frames per ssid.[WING-MIB::wingStatsRfdWlWlanTxBytes:].
extreme.wing.rfd.wlan.rx.bytes.rateRF Domain WLAN Bytes Rx RateBpsIt monitors the rx data frames per ssid.[WING-MIB::wingStatsRfdWlWlanRxBytes;].
extreme.wing.rfd.wlan.tx.dropped.rateRF Domain WLAN Tx Dropped RateBpsIt monitors the dropped tx packets.[WING-MIB::wingStatsRfdWlWlanTxDropped:].
extreme.wing.rfd.wlan.rx.error.rateRF Domain WLAN Rx Error RateBpsIt monitors the received error packets.[WING-MIB::wingStatsRfdWlWlanRxErrors:].
Extreme WiNG - RF Domain Domain Radio StateIt monitors the radio state.Possible values are On(1),Off(2).[WING-MIB::wingStatsRfdWlRadioState:]. Domain Radio PowerdBmIt monitors the current power the radio is operating at.[WING-MIB::wingStatsRfdWlRadioCurPower:]. Domain Radio Client CountcountIt monitors the number of clients associated to the radio.[WING-MIB::wingStatsRfdWlRadioNumClient:].

ExtremeNetworks WLAN Controller - G2


Applicable on the extreme wireless controller devices. Monitors the access point state,wireless controller temporary license days remaining and link failures in paired status. Can be applied on Extreme Networks Wireless Controller - V2110,System Version SNMP Obj Id=


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Extreme Wireless AP Stateextreme.wireless.apstateExtreme Wireless AP StateMonitors the the current state of the access point. Active means that access point has registered with this controller at some point of time and still has active connection with this controller. This variable has meaning in the context of the controller that query is done. Inactive mean access point has lost the connection with this controller,Possible status values are 1-Active,2- Inactive.[OIDs:,]
Extreme Wireless Controller License Days Remainingextreme.wirelesscontroller.temp.licensedaysremainingExtreme Wireless Controller License Days RemainingDaysMonitors the number of days is left for the temporary license to expire.[OIDs:,,]
Extreme Wireless Controller Link Failures Detectextreme.wirelesscontroller.detect.linkfailuresExtreme Wireless Controller Link Failures DetectsMonitors the link failures details of availability pairing. Time to detect link failure between two controllers in availability pairing,the value can be set to values between 2-30 seconds. Based on the availability status only we are monitoring the link failure,it will be monitored only when it is in paired status.[OIDs:,]

ExtremeXOS Switch Monitors


Monitors the system CPU utilization,system memory utilization,system uptime,power supply,power alarm status,fan operational status and the current temperature of the ExtremeXOS switch. Validated on ExtremeXOS X440 switch (SysObjID: enterprises.1916.2.175,enterprises.1916.2.177)


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Extreme XOS Current Temperature and Power Alarm Statusextreme.current.temperatureExtreme Current TemperatureFThis monitor provides the current temperature in degrees celcius measured inside device enclosure.[OID:]
extreme.power.alarm.statusExtreme Power Alarm StatusThis monitor provides the alarm state of the power supply to a device. Alarm state indicates either fan failure or overtemperature condition. The possible status values are 1- True and 2- false.[OID:]
Extreme XOS Fan Operational Fan Operational StatusThis monitor provides the operational status of a cooling fan. The possible status values are : 1- True and 2- False,which are boolean.[OID:]
Extreme XOS Power Supply Power Supply StatusThis monitor provides the status of the power supply. Possible status values are 1 - Not Present,2- Present and OK,3- Present and NOT OK.[OID:]
Extreme XOS System CPU Utilizationextreme.system.cpu.utilization.5minCPU Utilization 5min%Monitors the CPU utilization by system resources. This is the CPU utilization of the system resources in the last 5 minutes.[OIDs: extremeCpuMonitorSystemUtilization5mins -]
Extreme XOS System Memory Utilizationextreme.system.memory.utilizationSystem Memory Utilization%Monitors the total amount of memory used by system services in %.[OIDs:,]
extreme.system.memory.freeSystem Memory FreeKBTotal amount of free memory in Kbytes in the system.[OIDs:]
System Uptimesystem.uptimeSystem UptimesThe time since the SNMP agent in the system was last re-initialized.[OID :]

ExtremeXOS Switch Port Monitors


It monitors the ExtemeXOS switch’s port statistics like average bandwidth utilization in the transmit(Tx) and receive(Rx) direction and monitors the number of packets dropped due to congestion on this port. Validated on ExtremeXOS X440 switch (SysObjID: enterprises.1916.2.175,enterprises.1916.2.177) Note: While assigning this template user should select ports manually which need to be monitored.


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Extreme XOS Port Monitoringextreme.average.port.tx.utilizationExtreme Average Port Transmit Utilization%This monitor provides the reported average bandwidth in the transmit direction. When displayed,it shows as an Integer value i.e 99.99% is displayed as 9999.[OID:]
extreme.average.port.rx.utilizationExtreme Average Port Receive Utilization%This monitor provides the reported average bandwidth in the receive direction. When displayed,it shows as an Integer value i.e 99.99% is displayed as 9999.[OID:]
extreme.congestion.drop.packetsExtreme Congestion Drop PacketsThis monitor provides the number of packets dropped due to congestion on this port.[OID:]

Fiberstore Switch Performance


Template to monitor the Fiberstore Switch performance statistics like Memory utilization and CPU utilization.[FIBERSTORE-MIB :: memTotalFree :,memTotalUsed :,fiveMinutes :]


Device must have support for FIBERSTORE-MIB

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Fiberstore Switch - Performancefiberstore_switch_MemoryUtilizationFiberstore Switch Memory Utilization%Monitors the Fiberstore Switch Memory Utilization.[FIBERSTORE-MIB :: memTotalFree :,memTotalUsed :]
fiberstore_switch_CpuFiveMinutesFiberstore Switch CPU Utilization FiveMinutes%Monitors the CPU usage within five minutes.[FIBERSTORE-MIB :: fiveMinutes :]

Fiberstore Switch Hardware


Template to monitor the Fiberstore Switch hardware statistics like Fan status,fan speed,Power status,Slot Status and Transeiver current Status.[FIBERSTORE-MIB :: devMFanStatus :,devMFanSpeed :,devMPowerStatus :,lswSlotStatus :,transceiveStatus :]


Device must have support for FIBERSTORE-MIB

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Fiberstore Switch - Powerfiberstore_switch_PowerStatusFiberstore Switch Power StatusMonitors the Fiberstore Switch Power Status.[FIBERSTORE-MIB :: devMPowerStatus :] Possible values are : 1 : present,2 : absent,3 : unsupport.
fiberstore_switch_SlotStatusFiberstore Switch Slot StatusMonitors the Fiberstore Switch Slot Status. Include absent,creating,initing,syncing,fail,ready,uninit,conflict.[FIBERSTORE-MIB :: lswSlotStatus :]
fiberstore_switch_TransceiverStatusFiberstore Switch Transceiver StatusMonitors the FiberStore Switch Transeiver current Status.[FIBERSTORE-MIB :: transceiveStatus :]
fiberstore_switch_FanStatusFiberstore Switch Fan StatusMonitors the Fiberstore Switch Fan Status.[FIBERSTORE-MIB :: devMFanStatus :] Possible values are : 1 : active,2 : deactive,3 : notInstall,4 : unsupport.
fiberstore_switch_FanSpeedFiberstore Switch Fan Speed%Monitors the Fiberstore Switch Fan Speed.[FIBERSTORE-MIB :: devMFanSpeed :]

Fiberstore Switch Vlan


Template to monitors the Fiberstore Switch Vlan status,row status,if config,packets in and out,bytes in and out and status en.[FIBERSTORE-MIB :: vlanStatus :,vlanRowStatus :,vlanIfConfig :,vlanStatsPktIn :,vlanStatsPktOut :,vlanStatsByteIn :,vlanStatsByteOut :,vlanStatsEn :]


Device must have support for FIBERSTORE-MIB

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Fiberstore Switch - Vlanfiberstore_switch_VlanStatusFiberstore Switch Vlan StatusMonitors the VLAN Status[FIBERSTORE-MIB :: vlanStatus :] Possible values are : 1 : inactive,2 : active.
fiberstore_switch_VlanStatsPktInFiberstore Switch Vlan Packets Inpackets/secMonitors the Ingress packtes number of Vlan.[FIBERSTORE-MIB :: vlanStatsPktIn :]
fiberstore_switch_VlanStatsPktOutFiberstore Switch Vlan Packets Outpackets/secMonitors the Egress packtes number of Vlan.[FIBERSTORE-MIB :: vlanStatsPktOut :]
fiberstore_switch_VlanStatsByteInFiberstore Switch Vlan Bytes InBpsMonitors the Ingress bytes number of Vlan.[FIBERSTORE-MIB :: vlanStatsByteIn :]
fiberstore_switch_VlanStatsByteOutFiberstore Switch Vlan Bytes OutBpsMonitors the Egress bytes number of Vlan.[FIBERSTORE-MIB :: vlanStatsByteOut :]

Fiber Channel Connection Unit Status - G2


Applicable on Fiber channel SAN switches like HP Storage Works 2000 Modular Smart Array or Brocade or Qlogic SAN devices. Monitors the Status of connection unit,sensors and ports.


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Fiber Channel Connection Unit Portfiberchannel.connection.unit.portstatusConnection Unit Port StatusMonitors the overall protocol status for the port. Possible values are 1- unknown,2- unused,3- ready,4- warning,5- failure,6- notparticipating,7- initializing,8- bypass,9- ols.[OIDs:,,,]
fiberchannel.connection.unit.porthwstateConnection Unit Port Hardware StateMonitors the hardware detected state of the port. Possible values are 1- unknown,2- failed,3- bypassed,4- active,5- loopback,6- txfault,7- noMedia,8- linkDown.[OIDs:,,,]
Fiber Channel Connection Unit Sensor Statusfiberchannel.connection.unit.sensorstatusConnection Unit Sensor StatusMonitors the status indicated by the sensor. Possible values are 1- unknown,2- other,3- ok,4- warning,5- failed.[OIDs:,,,]
Fiber Channel Connection Unit Statusfiberchannel.connection.unit.statusConnection Unit StatusMonitors the Overall status of the connectivity unit. The goal of this object is to be the single poll point to check the status of the connunit. Possible values are 1- unknown,2- unused,3- ok,4- warning,5- failed.[OIDs:,]

Fiber Channel Fabric Element Status - G2

Applicable on all Fiber channel devices that support the FIBER-CHANNEL-FE-MIB. Monitors the status of the fiber channel modules,port statistics like traffic rate on the port fiber elements,port status etc.,


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Fiber channel FE Module Statusfiberchannel.module.statusFiber Channel Module StatusMonitors the operational status of the fiber channel fabric element module. Possible values are 1- online: the module is functioning properly,2- offline: the module is not available,3- testing: the module is under testing and 4- faulty: the module is defective in some way.[OIDs:,]
Fiber Channel FE Port Statsfiberchannel.port.statusFiber Channel Port Operational StatusMonitors the operational status of fiber channel port.[OIDs:,,]
fiberchannel.port.linkfailuresFiber Channel Port Link FailurespsecMonitors the number of link failures detected by this FxPort.[OID:]
fiberchannel.port.synclossesFiber Channel Port Sync LossespsecMonitors the number of loss of synchronization detected by the FxPort.[OID:]
fiberchannel.port.siglossesFiber Channel Port Signal LossespsecMonitors the number of loss of signal detected by the FxPort.[OID:]
fiberchannel.port.invalidcrcFiber Channel Port Invalid CRCspsecMonitors the number of invalid CRC detected by this FxPort.[OID:]
fiberchannel.port.invalidtxwordsFiber Channel Port Invalid Tx WordspsecMonitors the number of invalid transmission word detected by the FxPort.[OID:]
fiberchannel.port.offlineseq.inFiber Channel Port Received Offline SequencespsecMonitors the number of Offline Sequence received by this FxPort.[OID:]
fiberchannel.port.offlineseq.outFiber Channel Port Issued Offline SequencespsecMonitors the number of Offline Sequence issued by this FxPort.[OID:]
fiberchannel.port.c3frames.inFiber Channel Port Class 3 Frames InpsecMonitors the number of Class 3 frames received by this FxPort from its attached NxPort.[OID:]
fiberchannel.port.c3frames.outFiber Channel Port Class 3 Frames OutpsecMonitors the number of Class 3 frames delivered through this FxPort to its attached NxPort.[OID:]
fiberchannel.port.c3frame.discardsFiber Channel Port Class 3 Frame DiscardspsecMonitors number of Class 3 frames discarded by this FxPort.[OID:]
fiberchannel.port.available.buffersFiber Channel Port Available BuffersMonitors the number of buffers currently available for receiving frames from the attached port in the buffer-to-buffer flow control.[OID:]
Fiber Channel Max FE Modulesfiberchannel.fabric.modules.maxFiber Channel Fabric Modules MaxMonitors the maximum number of modules in the Fabric Element,regardless of their current state.[OIDs:,,]

Fortinet Fortigate DHCP Lease


It monitor lease usage of the DHCP server.Validated on FGT_100F Firewall, SysObjOID :[FORTINET-FORTIGATE-MIB :: fgDhcpLeaseUsage :]


Device should support FORTINET-FORTIGATE-MIB

Supported Metrics

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Fortinet Fortigate DHCP Leasefortinet_fortigate_dhcp_LeaseFortinet Fortigate DHCP Lease%It monitor lease usage of the DHCP server [FORTINET-FORTIGATE-MIB :: fgDhcpLeaseUsage :].



Template to monitor the Fluentd attributes like Retry Count,Buffer Queue Length,Total Buffer Queued Size. Validated on Fluentd v4.6.5


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Fluentdfluentd.buffer_total_queued_sizeFluentd Total Buffer Queued SizeBytesThe size of the buffer queue for this plugin.
fluentd.retry_countFluentd Retry countNULLThe number of retries for this plugin.
fluentd.buffer_queue_lengthFluentd Buffer Queue LengthNULLThe length of the buffer queue for this plugin.

Fortinet Fortiadc


Template to monitor Instantaneous System Memory Usage,Instantaneous System Log Disk Usage,Instantaneous System Load,CPU 5min Avg Usage,CPU Temperature,Device Temperature,Device Fan Speed,Device Fan Status,Disk State,Milli Voltage,Power Supply Voltage,GLB(Global Load Balancer) Server Status,Clientside Throughput,Clientside SSL Throughput,Concurrent Client SSL Sessions,SLB Hit Certificate Percentage,SLB Cache Hit Bytes.


The device should have support for FORTINET-FORTIADC-MIB

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Fortinet Fortiadc - Client-side Statisticsfortinet.fortiadc.clientside.throughputClient-side ThroughputIt monitors the client-side throughput ingress and egress.[FORTINET-FORTIADC-MIB::fadcClientSideThroughput:].
fortinet.fortiadc.clientside.ssl.throughputClient-side SSL ThroughputIt monitors the client-side SSL-only (encrypted) throughput.[FORTINET-FORTIADC-MIB::fadcClientSideSSLThroughput:].
fortinet.fortiadc.concurrent.client.ssl.sessionsConcurrent Client SSL SessionsIt monitors the concurrent client-side SSL sessions[FORTINET-FORTIADC-MIB::fadcConcurrentClientSSLSessions:].
Fortinet Fortiadc - CPU Temperaturefortinet.fortiadc.cpu.temperatureCPU TemperatureCelsiusIt monitors the air temperature of the host CPU.[FORTINET-FORTIADC-MIB::fadcCPUTemp:].
Fortinet Fortiadc - CPU Usagefortinet.fortiadc.cpu.5min.avg.usageCPU 5min Avg Usage%It monitors the average of cpu usage in 5 min[FORTINET-FORTIADC-MIB::fadcCpu5minAvgUsage:].
Fortinet Fortiadc - Device Temperaturefortinet.fortiadc.device.temperatureDevice TemperatureCelsiusIt monitors the air temperature of the device.[FORTINET-FORTIADC-MIB::fadcDeviceTempValue:].
Fortinet Fortiadc - Disk Statusfortinet.fortiadc.disk.stateDisk StateIt monitors the state of disk.[FORTINET-FORTIADC-MIB::fadcDiskState:]
Fortinet Fortiadc - Fan SpeedrpmIt monitors the device fan speed.[FORTINET-FORTIADC-MIB::fadcDeviceFanSpeed:]. Fan StatusIt monitors the device fan tray status.[FORTINET-FORTIADC-MIB::fadcDeviceFanStatus:].
Fortinet Fortiadc - GLB Server Statusfortinet.fortiadc.glb.server.statusGLB(Global Load Balancer) Server StatusIt monitors the status of specified GLB server.[FORTINET-FORTIADC-MIB::fadcGLBServerStatus:].
Fortinet Fortiadc - SLB SSL Cache Utilfortinet.fortiadc.slb.hit.cert.percentSLB Hit Certificate Percentage%It monitors the SLB(Server Load Balacing) certificate cache hit percentage of specified virtual server.[FORTINET-FORTIADC-MIB::fadcSLBHitCertPercentage:]
fortinet.fortiadc.slb.cache.hit.bytesSLB Cache Hit BytesBytesIt monitors the SLB(Server Load Balacing) cache hit bytes of specified virtual server.[FORTINET-FORTIADC-MIB::fadcSLBCacheHitBytes:]
Fortinet Fortiadc - System Performancefortinet.fortiadc.sys.mem.usageInstantaneous System Memory Usage%It monitors the instantaneous memory utilization.[FORTINET-FORTIADC-MIB::fadcSysMemUsage:].
fortinet.fortiadc.sys.log.disk.usageInstantaneous System Log Disk Usage%It monitors the instantaneous log disk usage.[FORTINET-FORTIADC-MIB::fadcSysLogDiskUsage:]
fortinet.fortiadc.sys.loadInstantaneous System LoadIt monitors the instantaneous system load.[FORTINET-FORTIADC-MIB::fadcSysLoad:]
Fortinet Fortiadc - Voltagefortinet.fortiadc.voltageMilli VoltagemVIt monitors the milli-voltage value.[FORTINET-FORTIADC-MIB::fadcVoltage:]
fortinet.fortiadc.powersupply.voltagePower Supply VoltagevIt monitors the system power supply voltage value.[FORTINET-FORTIADC-MIB::fadcPowerSupplyVoltage:]

Fortinet Fortigate - Hardware Sensor Status


Provides the list of device specific hardware sensors status.


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Fortinet Fortigate Hardware Sensor Statusfortinet_fortigate_FgHwSensorEntAlarmStatusFortinet Fortigate Hardware Sensor Alarm StatusProvides the fortinet fortigate hardware sensor alarm status.[FORTINET-FORTIGATE-MIB::fgHwSensorEntAlarmStatus:]

Fortinet Fortigate VPN Tunnel Status


Template to monitor the current status of tunnel (up or down).[FORTINET-FORTIGATE-MIB :: fgVpnTunEntStatus :,fgVpnTunEntPhase2Name :]


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Fortinet Fortigate VPN Tunnel Statusfortigate_vpn_TunnelStatusFortigate VPN Tunnel StatusMonitors the current status of tunnel (up or down).[FORTINET-FORTIGATE-MIB :: fgVpnTunEntStatus :].Possible values are down(1),up(2).

Fortinet FortiSwitch - Performance


Template to monitor the Fortinet Fortiswitch for CPU,Memory and Disk utilization as a part of performance metrics.


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Fortinet FortiSwitch Performancefortinet_FortiSwitch_FsSysCpuUtilizationFortinet FortiSwitch System CPU Utilization%Monitors the fortinet fortiswitch system CPU utilization.[FORTINET-FORTISWITCH-MIB::fsSysCpuUsage:]
fortinet_FortiSwitch_FsSysMemUtilizationFortinet FortiSwitch System Memory Utilization%Monitors the fortinet fortiswitch system memory utilization.[FORTINET-FORTISWITCH-MIB::fsSysMemUsage:,fsSysMemCapacity:]
fortinet_FortiSwitch_FsSysDiskUtilizationFortinet FortiSwitch System Disk Utilization%Monitors the fortinet fortiswitch system disk utilization.[FORTINET-FORTISWITCH-MIB::fsSysDiskUsage:,fsSysDiskCapacity:]

Fortinet FortiWeb - Performance


Template to monitor the Fortinet FortiWeb firewall for CPU,Memory and Disk utilization as a part of performance metrics


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Fortinet FortiWeb Performancefortinet_fortiweb_fwSysCpuUtilizationFortinet FortiWeb System CPU Utilization%Monitors the fortinet fortiweb system CPU utilization.[FORTINET-FORTIWEB-MIB::fwSysCpuUsage:]
fortinet_Fortiweb_fwSysDiskUtilizationFortinet FortiWeb System Disk Utilization%Monitors the fortinet fortiweb system disk utilization.[FORTINET-FORTIWEB-MIB::fwSysDiskUsage:,fwSysDiskCapacity:]
fortinet_fortiweb_fwSysMemUtilizationFortinet FortiWeb System Memory Utilization%Monitors the fortinet fortiweb system memory utilization.[FORTINET-FORTIWEB-MIB::fwSysMemUsage:,fwSysMemCapacity:]

Fortinet-Fortigate-FortiAnalyzer and FortiManager Performance


Template for Fortinet Fortigate firewall based - specific applications - such as FM (fortiManager) and FA (FortiAnalyzer)


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Fortinet FortiManager Performance Monitorsfortimanager.system.cpu.utilizationFortinet FortiManager CPU Utilization%This monitor provides the current CPU utilization in percentage. Alert is generated when the utlization exceeds the given threshold.[OID :]
fortimanager.system.disk.utilizationFortinet FortiManager Disk Utilization%This monitor provides the current disk utilization from the total hard disk capacity in percentage. Alert is generated when the utlization exceeds the threshold percentage.[OID :,]
fortimanager.system.memory.utilizationFortinet FortiManager Memory Utilization%This monitor provides the current memory utilization from the total physical and swap memory installed in percentage. Alert is generated when the utiliation exceeds the threshold percentage.[OID :,]

Fortinet-Fortigate-FW-HA Cluster Performance


Template to monitor Fortinet Fortigate Firewall High Availability cluster unit performance metrics like CPU usage,Memory usage,Network bandwidth utilization,Session count and cluster sync status. This template is created on FORTINET-FORTIGATE-MIB OIDs and validated on FGT_301E [SysObjId:]


Device should respond for FORTINET-FORTIGATE-MIB::fgHaStatsTable OID

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Fortinet Fortigate High Availability Cluster Performance - Extfortinet.fortigate.ha.stats.cpu.utilFortigate HA CPU Utlization%Provides the Fortinet Fortigate HA stats CPU utilization percentage of the specified cluster member [OID:]
fortinet.fortigate.ha.stats.memory.utilFortigate HA Memory Utlization%Provides the Fortinet Fortigate memory utilization percentage of the specified cluster member [OID:] HA Network UtlizationKbpsProvides the Fortinet Fortigate network bandwidth usage of specified cluster member (in kbps) [FORTINET-FORTIGATE-MIB::fgHaStatsNetUsage -]
fortinet.fortigate.ha.stat.session.countFortigate HA Session CountIt represents the current session count of specified cluster member.[FORTINET-FORTIGATE-MIB::fgHaStatsSesCount -]
fortinet.fortigate.ha.stat.sync.statusFortigate HA Cluster Sync StatusRepresents the current ha cluster sync status. Possible status values are 0 - unsynchronized and 1- synchronized.[FORTINET-FORTIGATE-MIB::fgHaStatsSyncStatus -]



Template to monitor Fortinet Fortigate Firewall Anti-virus statistics,IPS/IDS statistics and Web-filter statistics for a particular virtual domain. This template is created on FORTINET-FORTIGATE-MIB OIDs and validated on FGT_301E [SysObjId:]


Device should respond for FORTINET-FORTIGATE-MIB OIDs.

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Fortinet Fortigate Intrusion - With Component VD Namefortinet.fortigate.intrusion.detectedFortinet Fortigate Intrusion DetectedProvides the Fortinet Fortigate number of intrusions detected since start-up in this virtual domain [OID:,]
fortinet.fortigate.intrusions.blockedFortinet Fortigate Intrusions BlockedNumber of intrusions blocked since start-up in this virtual domain.[OID :]
Fortinet Fortigate Virus - With Component VD Namefortinet.fortigate.virus.detectedFortinet Fortigate Virus DetectedProvides the Fortinet Fortigate number of virus transmissions detected in the virtual domain since start-up.[OID :]
fortinet.fortigate.virus.blockedFortinet Fortigate Virus BlockedProvides the Fortinet Fortigate umber of virus transmissions blocked in the virtual domain since start-up [OID:].
Fortinet Fortigate Webfilter Stats - With Component VD Namefortinet.webfilter.http.sessions.blockedFortinet Webfilter HTTP Sessions BlockedProvides the Fortinet Fortigate number of HTTP sessions blocked by Web-filter since start-up.[OID :]
fortinet.webfilter.https.sessions.blockedFortinet Webfilter HTTPS Sessions BlockedProvides the Fortinet Fortigate number of HTTPS sessions blocked by Web-filter since start-up.[OID :]
fortinet.webfilter.http.urls.blockedFortinet Webfilter HTTP URLs BlockedProvides the Fortinet Fortigate number of HTTP URLS blocked by Web-filter since start-up.[OID :]
fortinet.webfilter.https.urls.blockedFortinet Webfilter HTTPS URLs BlockedProvides the Fortinet Fortigate number of HTTPS URLS blocked by Web-filter since start-up .[OID :]

Fortinet-Fortigate-FW-System Performance


Template to monitor Fortinet Fortigate Firewall System performance parameters like CPU utilization,Memory utilization,Disk utilization,Active Sessions and Low Memory Utilization. This template is created on FORTINET-FORTIGATE-MIB OIDs and validated on FGT_301E [SysObjId:]


Device should respond for FORTINET-FORTIGATE-MIB OIDs.

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Fortinet Fortigate Performance Monitors - Extfortinet.fortigate.cpu.utilizationFortigate CPU Utilization%Provides the Fortinet Fortigate CPU Utilization percentage [OID:]
fortinet.fortigate.memory.utilizationFortigate Memory Utilization%Provides the Fortinet Fortigate current memory utilization (percentage) and total physical memory (RAM) installed (KB) [OID:,]
fortinet.fortigate.disk.utilizationFortigate Disk Utilization%Provides the Fortinet Fortigate total hard disk capacity (MB),if disk is present and current hard disk usage (MB) and disk utilization percentage [OID:,]
fortinet.fortigate.sessions.countActive SessionsIt represents the number of active sessions on the device.[FORTINET-FORTIGATE-MIB::fgSysSesCount.0 -]
fortinet.fortigate.low.memory.utilizationLow Memory Utilization%It represents current lowmem utilization (percentage). Lowmem is memory available for the kernel's own data structures and kernel specific tables. The system can get into a bad state if it runs out of lowmem.[FORTINET-FORTIGATE-MIB::fgSysLowMemUsage.0 -,fgSysLowMemCapacity.0 -]

Fortinet Fortigate License Expiry Monitor - Ext


Monitors the Fortinet Fortigate Contract License Expiry Time and Version License Expiry Time in Days.[ FORTINET-FORTIGATE-MIB :: fgLicContractExpiry :, fgLicVersionExpiry : ]

Note: “For these metrics, we are receiving the expiry time in both ‘Date Format’ and ‘n/a’ string formats directly from the End Device. To monitor the Contract License Expiry Time and Version License Expiry Time in days, we are disregarding the metrics that contain ‘n/a’ values and returning the remaining metric values in days”. Validated on Fortinet Firewall FortiGate-60E v6.4.10,build2000,220824 (GA.M) [ SysObjectOID :: ]


Device must have support for FORTINET-FORTIGATE-MIB

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Fortinet Fortigate License Expiry Monitor - Extfortinet_fortigate_ContractLicenseExpiryFortinet Fortigate Contract License ExpiryDaysMonitors the Fortinet Fortigate Contract License Expiry Time in Days.[ FORTINET-FORTIGATE-MIB :: fgLicContractExpiry : ]
Note: "For this metric, we are receiving the expiry time in both 'Date Format' and 'n/a' string formats directly from the End Device. To monitor the Contract License Expiry Time in days, we are disregarding the metrics that contain 'n/a' values and returning the remaining metric values in days."
fortinet_fortigate_VersionLicenceExpiryFortinet Fortigate Version License ExpiryDaysMonitors the Fortinet Fortigate Version License Expiry Time in Days. [ FORTINET-FORTIGATE-MIB :: fgLicVersionExpiry :]
Note: "For this metric, we are receiving the expiry time in both 'Date Format' and 'n/a' string formats directly from the End Device. To monitor the Version License Expiry Time in days, we are disregarding the metrics that contain 'n/a' values and returning the remaining metric values in days."

FTP Template


FTP Template


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
FTP Monitorftp.transmit.timeFTP Transmit TimesFTP Transmit Time
ftp.receive.timeFTP Receive TimesFTP Receive Time
ftp.transmit.speedFTP Transmit SpeedBpsFTP Transmit Speed
ftp.receive.speedFTP Receive SpeedBpsFTP Receive Speed
ftp.response.timeFTP Response TimesResponse Time
ftp.service.statusFTP Service StatusNULLService Status UP 0 Down 1

FTP Template Monitor


FTP Template Monitor


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
FTP Monitorftp.transmit.timeFTP Transmit TimesFTP Transmit Time
ftp.receive.timeFTP Receive TimesFTP Receive Time
ftp.transmit.speedFTP Transmit SpeedBpsFTP Transmit Speed
ftp.receive.speedFTP Receive SpeedBpsFTP Receive Speed
ftp.response.timeFTP Response TimesResponse Time
ftp.service.statusFTP Service StatusNULLService Status UP 0 Down 1

Fujitsu Raid Server Statistics


Template to monitor the fujitsu raid server statistics like fujitsu raid logical drive status,fujitsu raid physical device status,fujitsu raid controller status,fujitsu raid server overall status.[FSC-RAID-MIB]


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Fujitsu Raid Controller Statusfujitsu_raid_svrCtrlStatusFujitsu Raid Server Controller StatusMonitors the fujitsu raid server controller status.[FSC-RAID-MIB::svrCtrlStatus:].Possible values are ok(1),prefailure(2),failure(3)
fujitsu_raid_svrCtrlBBUStatusFujitsu Raid Server Controller Battery Backup Unit StatusMonitors the fujitsu raid server controller battery backup unit status.[FSC-RAID-MIB::svrCtrlBBUStatus:].Possible values are notAvailable(1),onLine(2),onBattery(3)onBatteryLow(4),charging(5),discharging(6),failed(7).
fujitsu_raid_svrCtrlBBUStatusExFujitsu Raid Server Controller Battery Backup Unit Status EXMonitors the fujitsu raid server controller battery backup unit status EX.[FSC-RAID-MIB::svrCtrlBBUStatusEx:].Possible values are unknown(1),notInstalled(2),normal(3),charging(4),discharging(5),warning(6),failed(7).
Fujitsu Raid Logical Drive Statusfujitsu_raid_svrLogicalDriveStatusExFujitsu Raid Server Logical Drive Status ExMonitors the Fujitsu Raid Server Logical Drive Status Ex[FSC-RAID-MIB::svrLogicalDriveStatusEx:]. Possible values are unknown(1),operational(2),partiallyDegraded(3),degraded(4),failed(5),rebuilding(6),checking(7),mdcing(8),initializing(9),backgroundInitializing(10),migrating(11),copying(12),offline(13),spareInUse(14),erasing(15).
fujitsu_raid_svrLogicalDriveStatusFujitsu Raid Server Logical Drive StatusMonitors the fujitsu raid Server logical drive status.[FSC-RAID-MIB::svrLogicalDriveStatus:].Possible values are unknown(1),online(2),degraded(3),offline(4),rebuilding(5),verifying(6),initializing(7),morphing(8),partialDegraded(9)
fujitsu_raid_svrLogicalDriveInitStatusFujitsu Raid Server Logical Drive Initialization StatusMonitors the fujitsu raid server logical drive initialization status.[FSC-RAID-MIB::svrLogicalDriveInitStatus:]. Possible values are unknown(1),initialized(2),notInitialized(3).
fujitsu_raid_svrLogicalDriveTotalSizeFujitsu Raid Server Logical Drive Total SizeGBMonitors the fujitsu raid server logical drive total size.[FSC-RAID-MIB::svrLogicalDriveTotalSize:]
Fujitsu Raid Physical Device Statusfujitsu_raid_svrPhysicalDeviceErrorsFujitsu Raid Server Physical Device ErrorscountMonitors the fujitsu raid server physical device errors.[FSC-RAID-MIB::svrPhysicalDeviceErrors:]
fujitsu_raid_SvrPhysicalDeviceStatusFujitsu Raid Server Physical Device StatusMonitors the fujitsu raid server physical device status.[FSC-RAID-MIB::svrPhysicalDeviceStatus:]. Possible values are unknown(1),noDisk(2),online(3),ready(4),failed(5),rebuilding(6),hotspareGlobal(7),hotspareDedicated(8),offline(9),unconfiguredFailed(10),formatting(11),dead(12).
fujitsu_raid_svrPhysicalDevicePowerStatusFujitsu Raid Server Physical Device Power StatusMonitors the fujitsu raid server physical device power status.[FSC-RAID-MIB::svrPhysicalDevicePowerStatus:]. Possible values are active(1),stopped(2),transition(3).
fujitsu_raid_SvrPhysicalDeviceSmartStatusFujitsu Raid Server Physical Device Smart StatusMonitors the fujitsu raid server physical device status.[FSC-RAID-MIB::svrPhysicalDeviceSmartStatus:].Possible values are ok(1),failurePredicted(2),smartNotAvailable(3),smartMonitoringDisabled(4)
fujitsu_raid_svrPhysicalDeviceCapacityFujitsu Raid Server Physical Device CapacityGBMonitors the Fujitsu raid server physical device capacity.[FSC-RAID-MIB::svrPhysicalDeviceCapacity:].
fujitsu_raid_svrPhysicalDeviceStatusExFujitsu Raid Server Physical Device Status ExMonitors the fujitsu raid server physical device status Ex.[FSC-RAID-MIB::svrPhysicalDeviceStatusEx:].Possible values are unknown(1),noDisk(2),available(3),operational(4),failed(5),rebuilding(6),globalHotSpare(7),dedicatedHotSpare(8),offline(9),unconfiguredFailed(10),failedMissing(11),copyBack(12),redundantCopy(13),waiting(14),preparing(15),migrating(16),jbod(17),shielded(18),clearing(19),erasing(20).
Fujitsu Raid Server Statusfujitsu_raid_svrStatusPhysicalDevicesFujitsu Raid Server Status Physical DevicesMonitors the Fujitsu raid server status physical devices.[FSC-RAID-MIB::svrStatusPhysicalDevices:].Possible values are ok(1),prefailure(2),failure(3).
fujitsu_raid_svrStatusLogicalDrivesFujitsu Raid Server Status Logical DrivesMonitors the fujitsu raid server status logical drives.[FSC-RAID-MIB::svrStatusLogicalDrives:].Possible values are ok(1),prefailure(2),failure(3).
fujitsu_raid_svrStatusOverallFujitsu Raid Server Status OverallMonitors the fujitsu raid server status overall.[FSC-RAID-MIB::svrStatusOverall:].Possible values are ok(1),prefailure(2),failure(3).
fujitsu_raid_svrStatusControllersFujitsu Raid Server Status ControllersMonitors the fujitsu raid server status controllers.[FSC-RAID-MIB::svrStatusControllers:].Possible values are ok(1),prefailure(2),failure(3).

Fujitsu Storage Disk Array E150


Template to monitor Fujitsu Storage Disk Array parameters like BCU Status,BTU parameters like Status,Charge,BUD Status,Channel Adapter Status,Controller Enclosure Inlet Thermal Sensor Status,Controller Enclosure PSU Status,Controller Enclosure Status,Controller Enclosure Thermal Sensor Status,Controller Module CPU Status,Controller Module Fan Status,Controller Module Memory Status,Controller Module NAS Performance parameters like CPU Busy,Free Memory,disk parameters like Status,Component Status,Drive Enclosure Inlet Thermal Sensor Status,Drive Enclosure Status,Drive Enclosure Thermal Sensor Status,Enclosure Power,FEM Status,IOM Status,LAN Port parameters like MNT Port State,RMT Port State,FST Port State,Machine Temperature,Mgt Open Volume Status,Mgt Raid Group Status,Overall System Status,PFM Status,PSU Status,SCU parameters like Status,Voltage. This template is applicable on DX60 S3,DX100 S3,DX200,DX500 S3,DX600 S3,DX8100 S3,AF250,AF650.


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Fujitsu Disk Array - BCU Statusfujitsu_diskarray_BCUStatusFujitsu Disk Array BCU StatusIt monitors the state of this BTU/BBU. But,it doesn't become warning or alarm when maintaining it. Possible values are normal(1),alarm(2),warning(3),invalid(4),maintenance(5),undefined(6).[FJDARY-E150::fjdaryBcuStatus:].
Fujitsu Disk Array - BTUfujitsu_diskarray_BTUChargeFujitsu Disk Array BTU Charge%It monitors the charge rate of BTU/BBU.[FJDARY-E150::fjdaryBtuCharge:].
fujitsu_diskarray_BTUStatusFujitsu Disk Array BTU StatusIt monitors the state of this BTU/BBU. But,it doesn't become warning or alarm when maintaining it. Possible values are normal(1),alarm(2),warning(3),invalid(4),maintenance(5),undefined(6).[FJDARY-E150::fjdaryBtuStatus:].
Fujitsu Disk Array - BUD Statusfujitsu_diskarray_BUDStatusFujitsu Disk Array BUD StatusIt monitors the state of this BUD. But,it doesn't become warning or alarm when maintaining it. Possible values are normal(1),alarm(2),warning(3),invalid(4),maintenance(5),undefined(6).[FJDARY-E150::fjdaryBudStatus:].
Fujitsu Disk Array - Channel Adapter Statusfujitsu_diskarray_ChannelAdapterStatusFujitsu Disk Array Channel Adapter StatusIt monitors the state of this CA. But,it doesn't become warning or alarm when maintaining it. Possible values are normal(1),alarm(2),warning(3),invalid(4),maintenance(5),undefined(6).[FJDARY-E150::fjdaryCaStatus:].
Fujitsu Disk Array - Controller Enclosure Inlet Thermal Sensor Statusfujitsu_diskarray_controllerenclosure_InletThermalSensorStatusFujitsu Disk Array Controller Enclosure Inlet Thermal Sensor StatusIt monitors the state of this CE inlet thermal sensor. But,it doesn't become warning or alarm when maintaining it. Possible values are normal(1),alarm(2),warning(3),invalid(4),maintenance(5),undefined(6).[FJDARY-E150::fjdaryCeinletthmlStatus:].
Fujitsu Disk Array - Controller Enclosure PSU Statusfujitsu_diskarray_controllerenclosure_PSUStatusFujitsu Disk Array Controller Enclosure PSU StatusIt monitors the state of this CPSU. But,it doesn't become warning or alarm when maintaining it. Possible values are normal(1),alarm(2),warning(3),invalid(4),maintenance(5),undefined(6).[FJDARY-E150::fjdaryCpsuStatus:].
Fujitsu Disk Array - Controller Enclosure Statusfujitsu_diskarray_controllerenclosure_StatusFujitsu Disk Array Controller Enclosure StatusIt monitors the state of this CE. But,it doesn't become warning or alarm when maintaining it. Possible values are normal(1),alarm(2),warning(3),invalid(4),maintenance(5),undefined(6)[FJDARY-E150::fjdaryCeStatus:].
Fujitsu Disk Array - Controller Enclosure Thermal Sensor Statusfujitsu_diskarray_controllerenclosure_ThermalSensorStatusFujitsu Disk Array Controller Enclosure Thermal Sensor StatusIt monitors the state of this CE thermal sensor. But,it doesn't become warning or alarm when maintaining it. Possible values are normal(1),alarm(2),warning(3),invalid(4),maintenance(5),undefined(6).[FJDARY-E150::fjdaryCethmlStatus:].
Fujitsu Disk Array - Controller Module CPU Statusfujitsu_diskarray_controllermodule_CPUStatusFujitsu Disk Array Controller Module CPU StatusIt monitors the state of this CM CPU. But,it doesn't become warning or alarm when maintaining it. Possible values are normal(1),alarm(2),warning(3),invalid(4),maintenance(5),undefined(6).[FJDARY-E150::fjdaryCmcpuStatus:].
Fujitsu Disk Array - Controller Module Fan Statusfujitsu_diskarray_controllermodule_FanStatusFujitsu Disk Array Controller Module Fan StatusIt monitors the state of this CM fan. But,it doesn't become warning or alarm when maintaining it. Possible values are normal(1),alarm(2),warning(3),invalid(4),maintenance(5),undefined(6).[FJDARY-E150::fjdaryCmfanStatus:].
Fujitsu Disk Array - Controller Module Memory Statusfujitsu_diskarray_controllermodule_MemoryStatusFujitsu Disk Array Controller Module Memory StatusIt monitors the state of this CM memory. But,it doesn't become warning or alarm when maintaining it. Possible values are normal(1),alarm(2),warning(3),invalid(4),maintenance(5),undefined(6).[FJDARY-E150::fjdaryCmmemoryStatus:].
Fujitsu Disk Array - Controller Module NAS Performancefujitsu_diskarray_controllermodule_nas_CPUBusyFujitsu Disk Array Controller Module NAS CPU Busy%It monitors the average of CPU busy rate for NAS.[FJDARY-E150::fjdaryPfCmNasCPUBusy:].
fujitsu_diskarray_controllermodule_nas_FreeMemoryFujitsu Disk Array Controller Module NAS Free MemoryMBIt monitors the unused amount of the memory.[FJDARY-E150::fjdaryPfCmNasFreeMemory:].
Fujitsu Disk Array - Diskfujitsu_diskarray_DiskComponentStatusFujitsu Disk Array Disk Component StatusIt monitors the the state of this disk. But,it doesn't become warning or alarm when maintaining it. Possible values are normal(1),alarm(2),warning(3),invalid(4),maintenance(5),undefined(6).[FJDARY-E150::fjdaryDiskCompStatus:].
fujitsu_diskarray_DiskStatusFujitsu Disk Array Disk StatusIt monitors the state of this Disk. But,it doesn't become warning or alarm when maintaining it. Possible values are available(1),broken(2),notavailable(3),notsupported(4),present(5),readying(6),recovering(7),partbroken(64),spare(65),formatting(66),unformatted(67),notexist(68),copying(69).[FJDARY-E150::fjdaryDiskStatus:].
Fujitsu Disk Array - Drive Enclosure Inlet Thermal Sensor Statusfujitsu_diskarray_driveenclosure_InletThermalSensorStatusFujitsu Disk Array Drive Enclosure Inlet Thermal Sensor StatusIt monitors the state of this DE inlet thermal sensor. But,it doesn't become warning or alarm when maintaining it. Possible values are normal(1),alarm(2),warning(3),invalid(4),maintenance(5),undefined(6).[FJDARY-E150::fjdaryDeinletthmlStatus:].
Fujitsu Disk Array - Drive Enclosure Statusfujitsu_diskarray_driveenclosure_StatusFujitsu Disk Array Drive Enclosure StatusIt monitors the state of this DE. But,it doesn't become warning or alarm when maintaining it. Possible values are normal(1),alarm(2),warning(3),invalid(4),maintenance(5),undefined(6).[FJDARY-E150::fjdaryDeStatus:].
Fujitsu Disk Array - Drive Enclosure Thermal Sensor Statusfujitsu_diskarray_driveenclosure_ThermalSensorStatusFujitsu Disk Array Drive Enclosure Thermal Sensor StatusIt monitors the state of this DE thermal sensor. But,it doesn't become warning or alarm when maintaining it. Possible values are normal(1),alarm(2),warning(3),invalid(4),maintenance(5),undefined(6).[FJDARY-E150::fjdaryDethmlStatus:].
Fujitsu Disk Array - Enclosure Powerfujitsu_diskarray_EnclosurePowerFujitsu Disk Array Enclosure PowerWIt monitors the average power consumption shown during one hour in the past.[FJDARY-E150::fjdaryEncPowerInfo0:].
Fujitsu Disk Array - FEM Statusfujitsu_diskarray_FEMStatusFujitsu Disk Array FEM StatusIt monitors the state of this FEM. But,it doesn't become warning or alarm when maintaining it. Possible values are normal(1),alarm(2),warning(3),invalid(4),maintenance(5),undefined(6).[FJDARY-E150::fjdaryFemStatus:].
Fujitsu Disk Array - IOM Statusfujitsu_diskarray_IOMStatusFujitsu Disk Array IOM StatusIt monitors the state of this IOM. But,it doesn't become warning or alarm when maintaining it. Possible values are normal(1),alarm(2),warning(3),invalid(4),maintenance(5),undefined(6).[FJDARY-E150::fjdaryIomStatus:].
Fujitsu Disk Array - LAN Portfujitsu_diskarray_lanport_FSTPortStateFujitsu Disk Array LAN Port FST Port StateIt monitors the FST port state. Possible values are linkup(1),undefined(4),linkdown(6),unknown(7).[FJDARY-E150::fjdaryLanportStatus2:].
fujitsu_diskarray_lanport_MNTPortStateFujitsu Disk Array LAN Port MNT Port StateIt monitors the MNT port state. Possible values are linkup(1),undefined(4),linkdown(6),unknown(7).[FJDARY-E150::fjdaryLanportStatus0:].
fujitsu_diskarray_lanport_RMTPortStateFujitsu Disk Array LAN Port RMT Port StateIt monitors the RMT port state. Possible values are linkup(1),undefined(4),linkdown(6),unknown(7).[FJDARY-E150::fjdaryLanportStatus1:].
Fujitsu Disk Array - Machine Temperaturefujitsu_diskarray_MachineTemperatureFujitsu Disk Array Machine TemperatureCelsiusIt monitors the maximum temperature shown during one hour in the past.[FJDARY-E150::fjdaryMachineTempInfo0:].
Fujitsu Disk Array - Mgt Open Volume Statusfujitsu_diskarray_MgtOpenVolumeStatusFujitsu Disk Array Mgt Open Volume StatusIt monitors the status of open volume. Possible values are unknown(1),ok(2),degraded(3),error(6),dormant(15).[FJDARY-E150::fjdaryMgtOpVolumeStatus:].
Fujitsu Disk Array - Mgt Raid Group Statusfujitsu_diskarray_MgtRaidGroupStatusFujitsu Disk Array Mgt Raid Group StatusIt monitors the status of raid group. Possible values are unknown(1),ok(2),degraded(3),error(6),dormant(15).[FJDARY-E150::fjdaryMgtRaidGrpStatus:].
Fujitsu Disk Array - Overall System Statusfujitsu_diskarray_OverallSystemStatusFujitsu Disk Array Overall System StatusIt monitors the overall status of this system. Status becomes warning or failed when there are broken parts in the system. But,it doesn't become warning or failed when maintaining it. Possible values are unknown(1),unused(2),ok(3),warning(4),failed(5).[FJDARY-E150::fjdaryUnitStatus:]
Fujitsu Disk Array - PFM Statusfujitsu_diskarray_PFMStatusFujitsu Disk Array PFM StatusIt monitors the state of this PFM. But,it doesn't become warning or alarm when maintaining it. Possible values are normal(1),alarm(2),warning(3),invalid(4),maintenance(5),undefined(6).[FJDARY-E150::fjdaryPfmStatus:].
Fujitsu Disk Array - PSU Statusfujitsu_diskarray_PSUStatusFujitsu Disk Array PSU StatusIt monitors the state of this PSU. But,it doesn't become warning or alarm when maintaining it. Possible values are normal(1),alarm(2),warning(3),invalid(4),maintenance(5),undefined(6).[FJDARY-E150::fjdaryPsuStatus:].
Fujitsu Disk Array - SCUfujitsu_diskarray_SCUVoltageFujitsu Disk Array SCU VoltagevIt monitors the voltage of this SCU.[FJDARY-E150::fjdaryScuVoltage:].
fujitsu_diskarray_SCUStatusFujitsu Disk Array SCU StatusIt monitors the state of this SCU. But,it doesn't become warning or alarm when maintaining it. Possible values are normal(1),alarm(2),warning(3),invalid(4),maintenance(5),undefined(6).[FJDARY-E150::fjdaryScuStatus:].

Fujitsu Storage Disk Array E153


Template to monitor Fujitsu Storage Disk Array parameters like BCU Status,BTU parameters like Status,Charge,BUD Status,Channel Adapter Status,Controller Enclosure Inlet Thermal Sensor Status,Controller Enclosure PSU Status,Controller Enclosure Status,Controller Enclosure Thermal Sensor Status,Controller Module CPU Status,Controller Module Fan Status,Controller Module Memory Status,disk parameters like Status,Component Status,Drive Enclosure Inlet Thermal Sensor Status,Drive Enclosure Status,Drive Enclosure Thermal Sensor Status,Enclosure Power,FEM Status,IOM Status,LAN Port parameters like MNT Port State,RMT Port State,FST Port State,Machine Temperature,Mgt Open Volume Status,Mgt Raid Group Status,Overall System Status,PSU Status,Mgt Disk Status,Mgt Disk Comp Status,Mgt Pf Disk Busy Rate,Pf Disk Busy Rate,Pf CPU Busy Rate.


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Fujitsu Disk Array E153 - Pf Controller Module CPUfujitsu_diskarray_e153_PfCmBusyFujitsu Disk Array Pf CPU Busy Rate%It represents the the average of CPU busy rate.[FJDARY-E153 :: fjdaryPfCmBusy :]
Fujitsu Disk Array E153 - Pf Diskfujitsu_diskarray_e153_PfDiskBusyFujitsu Disk Array Pf Disk Busy Rate%it monitors the disk busy rate in percent.[FJDARY-E153 :: fjdaryPfDiskBusy :]
Fujitsu Disk Array E153 - BTUfujitsu_diskarray_e153_BTUStatusFujitsu Disk Array BTU StatusIt monitors the state of this BTU/BBU. But,it doesn't become warning or alarm when maintaining it. Possible values are normal(1),alarm(2),warning(3),invalid(4),maintenance(5),undefined(6).[FJDARY-E153 :: fjdaryBtuStatus :]
fujitsu_diskarray_e153_BTUChargeFujitsu Disk Array BTU Charge%It monitors the charge rate of BTU/BBU.[FJDARY-E153 :: fjdaryBtuCharge :]
Fujitsu Disk Array E153 - BUD Statusfujitsu_diskarray_e153_BUDStatusFujitsu Disk Array BUD StatusIt monitors the state of this BUD. But,it doesn't become warning or alarm when maintaining it. Possible values are normal(1),alarm(2),warning(3),invalid(4),maintenance(5),undefined(6).[FJDARY-E153 :: fjdaryBudStatus :]
Fujitsu Disk Array E153 - Channel Adapter Statusfujitsu_diskarray_e153_ChannelAdapterStatusFujitsu Disk Array Channel Adapter StatusIt monitors the state of this CA. But,it doesn't become warning or alarm when maintaining it. Possible values are normal(1),alarm(2),warning(3),invalid(4),maintenance(5),undefined(6).[FJDARY-E153 :: fjdaryCaStatus :]
Fujitsu Disk Array E153 - Controller Enclosure Inlet Thermal Sensor Statusfujitsu_diskarray_e153_ControllerEnclosureInletThermalSensorStatusFujitsu Disk Array Controller Enclosure Inlet Thermal Sensor StatusIt monitors the state of this CE inlet thermal sensor. But,it doesn't become warning or alarm when maintaining it. Possible values are normal(1),alarm(2),warning(3),invalid(4),maintenance(5),undefined(6).[FJDARY-E153 :: fjdaryCeinletthmlStatus :]
Fujitsu Disk Array E153 - Controller Enclosure PSU Statusfujitsu_diskarray_e153_ControllerEnclosurePSUStatusFujitsu Disk Array Controller Enclosure PSU StatusIt monitors the state of this CPSU. But,it doesn't become warning or alarm when maintaining it. Possible values are normal(1),alarm(2),warning(3),invalid(4),maintenance(5),undefined(6).[FJDARY-E153 :: fjdaryCpsuStatus :]
Fujitsu Disk Array E153 - Controller Enclosure Statusfujitsu_diskarray_e153_ControllerEnclosureStatusFujitsu Disk Array Controller Enclosure Statust monitors the state of this CE. But,it doesn't become warning or alarm when maintaining it. Possible values are normal(1),alarm(2),warning(3),invalid(4),maintenance(5),undefined(6).[FJDARY-E153 :: fjdaryCeStatus :]
Fujitsu Disk Array E153 - Controller Enclosure Thermal Sensor Statusfujitsu_diskarray_e153_ControllerEnclosureThermalSensorStatusFujitsu Disk Array Controller Enclosure Thermal Sensor StatusIt monitors the state of this CE thermal sensor. But,it doesn't become warning or alarm when maintaining it. Possible values are normal(1),alarm(2),warning(3),invalid(4),maintenance(5),undefined(6).[FJDARY-E153 :: fjdaryCethmlStatus :]
Fujitsu Disk Array E153 - Controller Module CPU Statusfujitsu_diskarray_e153_ControllerModuleCPUStatusFujitsu Disk Array Controller Module CPU StatusIt monitors the state of this CM CPU. But,it doesn't become warning or alarm when maintaining it. Possible values are normal(1),alarm(2),warning(3),invalid(4),maintenance(5),undefined(6).[FJDARY-E153 :: fjdaryCmcpuStatus :]
Fujitsu Disk Array E153 - Controller Module Memory Statusfujitsu_diskarray_e153_ControllerModuleMemoryStatusFujitsu Disk Array Controller Module Memory StatusIt monitors the state of this CM memory. But,it doesn't become warning or alarm when maintaining it. Possible values are normal(1),alarm(2),warning(3),invalid(4),maintenance(5),undefined(6).[FJDARY-E153 :: fjdaryCmmemoryStatus :]
Fujitsu Disk Array E153 - Controller Module Statusfujitsu_diskarray_e153_ControllerModuleStatusFujitsu Disk Array Controller Module StatusIt monitors the status of Controller Module. But,it doesn't become warning or alarm when maintaining it. Possible values are normal(1),alarm(2),warning(3),invalid(4),maintenance(5),undefined(6).[FJDARY-E153 :: fjdaryCmStatus :]
Fujitsu Disk Array E153 - Diskfujitsu_diskarray_e153_DiskComponentStatusFujitsu Disk Array Disk Component StatusIt monitors the the state of this disk. But,it doesn't become warning or alarm when maintaining it. Possible values are normal(1),alarm(2),warning(3),invalid(4),maintenance(5),undefined(6).[FJDARY-E153 :: fjdaryDiskCompStatus :]
fujitsu_diskarray_e153_DiskStatusFujitsu Disk Array Disk StatusIt monitors the state of this Disk. But,it doesn't become warning or alarm when maintaining it. Possible values are available(1),broken(2),notavailable(3),notsupported(4),present(5),readying(6),recovering(7),partbroken(64),spare(65),formatting(66),unformatted(67),notexist(68),copying(69).[FJDARY-E153 :: fjdaryDiskStatus :]
Fujitsu Disk Array E153 - Drive Enclosure Inlet Thermal Sensor Statusfujitsu_diskarray_e153_DriveEnclosureInletThermalSensorStatusFujitsu Disk Array Drive Enclosure Inlet Thermal Sensor StatusIt monitors the state of this DE inlet thermal sensor. But,it doesn't become warning or alarm when maintaining it. Possible values are normal(1),alarm(2),warning(3),invalid(4),maintenance(5),undefined(6).[FJDARY-E153 :: fjdaryDeinletthmlStatus :]
Fujitsu Disk Array E153 - Drive Enclosure Statusfujitsu_diskarray_e153_DriveEnclosureStatusFujitsu Disk Array Drive Enclosure StatusIt monitors the state of this DE. But,it doesn't become warning or alarm when maintaining it. Possible values are normal(1),alarm(2),warning(3),invalid(4),maintenance(5),undefined(6).[FJDARY-E153 :: fjdaryDeStatus :]
Fujitsu Disk Array E153 - Drive Enclosure Thermal Sensor Statusfujitsu_diskarray_e153_DriveEnclosureThermalSensorStatusFujitsu Disk Array Drive Enclosure Thermal Sensor StatusIt monitors the state of this DE thermal sensor. But,it doesn't become warning or alarm when maintaining it. Possible values are normal(1),alarm(2),warning(3),invalid(4),maintenance(5),undefined(6).[FJDARY-E153 :: fjdaryDethmlStatus :]
Fujitsu Disk Array E153 - Enclosure Powerfujitsu_diskarray_e153_EnclosurePowerFujitsu Disk Array Enclosure PowerWIt monitors the average power consumption shown during one hour in the past.[FJDARY-E153 :: fjdaryEncPowerInfo0 :]
Fujitsu Disk Array E153 - FEM Statusfujitsu_diskarray_e153_FEMStatusFujitsu Disk Array FEM StatusIt monitors the state of this FEM. But,it doesn't become warning or alarm when maintaining it. Possible values are normal(1),alarm(2),warning(3),invalid(4),maintenance(5),undefined(6).[FJDARY-E153 :: fjdaryFemStatus :]
Fujitsu Disk Array E153 - IOM Statusfujitsu_diskarray_e153_IOMStatusFujitsu Disk Array IOM StatusIt monitors the state of this IOM. But,it doesn't become warning or alarm when maintaining it. Possible values are normal(1),alarm(2),warning(3),invalid(4),maintenance(5),undefined(6).[FJDARY-E153 :: fjdaryIomStatus :]
Fujitsu Disk Array E153 - Machine Temperaturefujitsu_diskarray_e153_MachineTemperatureFujitsu Disk Array Machine TemperatureCelsiusIt monitors the maximum temperature shown during one hour in the past.[FJDARY-E153 :: fjdaryMachineTempInfo0 :]
Fujitsu Disk Array E153 - Mgt Disk Statusfujitsu_diskarray_e153_MgtDiskStatusFujitsu Disk Array Mgt Disk StatusIt monitors the state of Mgt Disk. But,it doesn't become warning or alarm when maintaining it. Possible values are available(1),broken(2),notavailable(3),notsupported(4),present(5),readying(6),recovering(7),partbroken(64),spare(65),formatting(66),unformatted(67),notexist(68),copying(69).[FJDARY-E153 :: fjdaryMgtDiskStatus :]
fujitsu_diskarray_e153_MgtDiskCompStatusFujitsu Disk Array Mgt Disk Comp StatusIt monitors the the state of this disk. But,it doesn't become warning or alarm when maintaining it. Possible values are normal(1),alarm(2),warning(3),invalid(4),maintenance(5),undefined(6).[FJDARY-E153 :: fjdaryMgtDiskCompStatus :]
Fujitsu Disk Array E153 - Mgt Open Volume Statusfujitsu_diskarray_e153_MgtOpenVolumeStatusFujitsu Disk Array Mgt Open Volume StatusIt monitors the status of open volume. Possible values are unknown(1),ok(2),degraded(3),error(6),dormant(15).[FJDARY-E153 :: fjdaryMgtOpVolumeStatus :]
Fujitsu Disk Array E153 - Mgt Pf Diskfujitsu_diskarray_e153_MgtPfDiskBusyFujitsu Disk Array Mgt Pf Disk Busy Rate%It monitors the mgt pf disk busy rate.[FJDARY-E153 :: fjdaryMgtPfDiskBusy :]
Fujitsu Disk Array E153 - Mgt Raid Group Statusfujitsu_diskarray_e153_MgtRaidGroupStatusFujitsu Disk Array Mgt Raid Group StatusIt monitors the status of raid group. Possible values are unknown(1),ok(2),degraded(3),error(6),dormant(15).[FJDARY-E153 :: fjdaryMgtRaidGrpStatus :]
Fujitsu Disk Array E153 - Overall System Statusfujitsu_diskarray_e153_OverallSystemStatusFujitsu Disk Array Overall System StatusIt monitors the overall status of this system. Status becomes warning or failed when there are broken parts in the system. But,it doesn't become warning or failed when maintaining it. Possible values are unknown(1),unused(2),ok(3),warning(4),failed(5).[FJDARY-E153 :: fjdaryUnitStatus :]
Fujitsu Disk Array E153 - PSU Statusfujitsu_diskarray_e153_PSUStatusFujitsu Disk Array PSU StatusIt monitors the state of this PSU. But,it doesn't become warning or alarm when maintaining it. Possible values are normal(1),alarm(2),warning(3),invalid(4),maintenance(5),undefined(6).[FJDARY-E153 :: fjdaryPsuStatus :]
Fujitsu Disk Array E153- LAN Portfujitsu_diskarray_e153_lanport_MNTPortStateFujitsu Disk Array LAN Port MNT Port StateIt monitors the MNT port state. Possible values are linkup(1),undefined(4),linkdown(6),unknown(7).[FJDARY-E153 :: fjdaryLanportStatus0 :]
fujitsu_diskarray_e153_lanport_RMTPortStateFujitsu Disk Array LAN Port RMT Port StateIt monitors the RMT port state. Possible values are linkup(1),undefined(4),linkdown(6),unknown(7).[FJDARY-E153 :: fjdaryLanportStatus1 :]
fujitsu_diskarray_e153_lanport_FSTPortStateFujitsu Disk Array LAN Port FST Port StateIt monitors the FST port state. Possible values are linkup(1),undefined(4),linkdown(6),unknown(7).[FJDARY-E153 :: fjdaryLanportStatus2 :]

G2 - Agentless VyOS NOS 2012g VPN Tunnels Status


Monitors the state of VPN tunnels on VyOS, indicating whether the tunnels are up, down, etc.


  • SSH Credentials need to be assigned on end device.
  • This template requires Gateway version 14.0.0 or later.

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
G2 - Agentless VyOS NOS 2012g VPN Tunnels Statusvyos_vpn_tunnel_statesVyOS VPN Tunnel States-Monitors the state of VPN tunnels on VyOS, indicating whether the tunnels are up, down, etc.

G2 - Agentless VyOS 1.3.0 VPN Tunnels Monitor


Monitors the state of VPN tunnels on VyOS,indicating whether the tunnels are up,down,etc.


  • File path /opt/vyatta/etc/functions/script-template must be available in the system.
  • SSH Credentials need to be assigned on end device.
  • script-template file must be available in system
  • Requires gateway version 14.0.0 or later.

Template Tags: Agentless

Template Description:
Monitors the status of VPN tunnels on VyOS,providing insights into whether the tunnels are operational or experiencing issues.

Template Usage Guidelines:

  • While applying this template on the device, users need to provide specific input parameters in any one of the below 2 formats (Either UpTunnels or AllTunnels, along with path of script-template file). The default value is set to “AllTunnels and /opt/vyatta/etc/functions/script-template”

    • Format 1: Tunnels To Monitor:AllTunnels,Source Path:/opt/vyatta/etc/functions/script-template

      If “AllTunnels” is specified as custom script arguments, the script monitors all configured tunnels.

    • Format 2: Tunnels To Monitor:UpTunnels,Source Path:/opt/vyatta/etc/functions/script-template

      If “UpTunnels” is provided as custom script arguments, the script monitors only operational(up) tunnels.

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
G2 - Agentless VyOS 1.3.0 VPN Tunnels Monitorvyos_vpn_tunnel_statesVyOS VPN Tunnel States-Monitors the state of VPN tunnels on VyOS,indicating whether the tunnels are up,down,etc.

G2 - EMC Clariion LUN Template


G2 - EMC Clariion LUN Template. This Template is applicable for storage array lun.


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
G2 - EMC Clariion LUN Monitoremc.clariion.lun.totalthroughputEMC CLARiiON LUN Total ThroughputpsecAverage number of requests that is passed through the LUN per second.,Command: /opt/Navisphere/bin/naviseccli -h <ip-address> -User <user-name> -Password <password> -Scope 0 lun -list / getlun -all
emc.clariion.lun.readthroughputEMC CLARiiON LUN Read ThroughputpsecAverage number of read requests that is passed through the LUN per second.,Command: /opt/Navisphere/bin/naviseccli -h <ip-address> -User <user-name> -Password <password> -Scope 0 lun -list / getlun -all
emc.clariion.lun.writethroughputEMC CLARiiON LUN Write ThroughputpsecAverage number of write requests that is passed through the LUN per second.,Command: /opt/Navisphere/bin/naviseccli -h <ip-address> -User <user-name> -Password <password> -Scope 0 lun -list / getlun -all
emc.clariion.lun.statusEMC CLARiiON LUN StatusDisplays the status of the lun.,Command : /opt/Navisphere/bin/naviseccli -h <ip-address> -User <user-name> -Password <password> -Scope 0 lun -list / getlun -all
emc.clariion.lun.writebandwidthEMC CLARiiON LUN Write BandwidthMBpsThe total write bandwidth for the LUN.,Command: /opt/Navisphere/bin/naviseccli -h <ip-address> -User <user-name> -Password <password> -Scope 0 lun -list / getlun -all
emc.clariion.lun.readbandwidthEMC CLARiiON LUN Read BandwidthMBpsThe total read bandwidth for the LUN.,Command : /opt/Navisphere/bin/naviseccli -h <ip-address> -User <user-name> -Password <password> -Scope 0 lun -list / getlun -all
emc.clariion.lun.totalbandwidthEMC CLARiiON LUN Total BandwidthMBpsThe total bandwidth for the LUN.,Command : /opt/Navisphere/bin/naviseccli -h <ip-address> -User <user-name> -Password <password> -Scope 0 lun -list / getlun -all
emc.clariion.lun.trespasses-spaEMC CLARiiON LUN Trespasses SPAThe number of trespasses by SP A for the LUN.
emc.clariion.lun.trespasses-spbEMC CLARiiON LUN Trespasses SPBThe number of trespasses by SP B for the LUN.,Command : /opt/Navisphere/bin/naviseccli -h <ip-address> -User <user-name> -Password <password> -Scope 0 lun -list / getlun -all
emc.clariion.lun.trespassesEMC CLARiiON LUN TrespassesThe total number of trespasses for the LUN.,Command : /opt/Navisphere/bin/naviseccli -h <ip-address> -User <user-name> -Password <password> -Scope 0 lun -list / getlun -all
emc.clariion.lun.trespasses-pasthourEMC CLARiiON LUN Trespasses Past HourThe number of trespasses for the LUN in the past hour.,Command: /opt/Navisphere/bin/naviseccli -h <ip-address> -User <user-name> -Password <password> -Scope 0 lun -list / getlun -all
emc.clariion.lun.trespasses-stateEMC CLARiiON LUN Trespasses StateState of the LUN Trespass.,Command : /opt/Navisphere/bin/naviseccli -h <ip-address> -User <user-name> -Password <password> -Scope 0 lun -list / getlun -all
emc.clariion.lun.totalsofterrorsEMC CLARiiON LUN Total Soft ErrorsThe Soft errors on the LUN.,Command : /opt/Navisphere/bin/naviseccli -h <ip-address> -User <user-name> -Password <password> -Scope 0 lun -list / getlun -all
emc.clariion.lun.totalharderrorsEMC CLARiiON LUN Total Hard ErrorsThe Hard errors on the LUN.,Command : /opt/Navisphere/bin/naviseccli -h <ip-address> -User <user-name> -Password <password> -Scope 0 lun -list / getlun -all
emc.clariion.lun.servicetimeEMC CLARiiON LUN Service TimemsThe total time spent to serve the request.,Command: /opt/Navisphere/bin/naviseccli -h <ip-address> -User <user-name> -Password <password> -Scope 0 lun -list / getlun -all
emc.clariion.lun.percentidleEMC CLARiiON LUN Percent Idle%The percent of time that the LUN is idle.,Command : /opt/Navisphere/bin/naviseccli -h <ip-address> -User <user-name> -Password <password> -Scope 0 lun -list / getlun -all
emc.clariion.lun.percentbusyEMC CLARiiON LUN Percent Busy%The percent of time that the LUN is busy.,Command : /opt/Navisphere/bin/naviseccli -h <ip-address> -User <user-name> -Password <password> -Scope 0 lun -list / getlun -all
emc.clariion.lun.capacityEMC CLARiiON LUN CapacityGBThe capacity of the LUN in Gigabytes.,Command : /opt/Navisphere/bin/naviseccli -h <ip-address> -User <user-name> -Password <password> -Scope 0 lun -list / getlun -all

G2 - EMC Clariion Storage Array Cache Template


G2 - EMC Clariion Storage Array Cache Template. This Template is applicable for storage array.


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
G2 - EMC Clariion Storage Array Cache Monitoremc.clariion.cache.percentdirtypagesEMC CLARiiON Cache Percent Dirty Pages%Percentage of dirty pages currently in cache.,Command : /opt/Navisphere/bin/naviseccli -h <ip-address> -User <user-name> -Password <password> -Scope 0 getcache

G2 - EMC Clariion Storage Array Disk Template


G2 - EMC Clariion Storage Array Disk Template. This Template is applicable for storage array.


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
G2 - EMC Clariion Storage Array Disk Monitoremc.clariion.disk.percentbusyEMC CLARiiON Disk Utilization%Indicates percent utilization of the Disk.,Command : /opt/Navisphere/bin/naviseccli -h <ip-address> -User <user-name> -Password <password> -Scope 0 getdisk,Formula : Percent busy = (Busy Ticks / (Busy Ticks + Idle Ticks)) * 100
emc.clariion.disk.readthroughputEMC CLARiiON Disk Read ThroughputpsecIndicates the number of read requests made per second to this disk.,Command : /opt/Navisphere/bin/naviseccli -h <ip-address> -User <user-name> -Password <password> -Scope 0 getdisk
emc.clariion.disk.writethroughputEMC CLARiiON Disk Write ThroughputpsecIndicates the number of write requests made per second to this disk.,Command : /opt/Navisphere/bin/naviseccli -h <ip-address> -User <user-name> -Password <password> -Scope 0 getdisk
emc.clariion.disk.readbandwidthEMC CLARiiON Disk Read BandwidthMBpsMega Bytes of data read per second from the disks on the vnx array.,Command : /opt/Navisphere/bin/naviseccli -h <ip-address> -User <user-name> -Password <password> -Scope 0 getdisk
emc.clariion.disk.writebandwidthEMC CLARiiON Disk Write BandwidthMBpsMega Bytes of data written per second on the disks on the vnx array.,Command : /opt/Navisphere/bin/naviseccli -h <ip-address> -User <user-name> -Password <password> -Scope 0 getdisk
emc.clariion.disk.readerrorsEMC CLARiiON Disk Read ErrorsIndicates the number of hard read errors in this disk.,Command : /opt/Navisphere/bin/naviseccli -h <ip-address> -User <user-name> -Password <password> -Scope 0 getdisk
emc.clariion.disk.writeerrorsEMC CLARiiON Disk Write ErrorsIndicates the number of hard write errors in this disk.,Command: /opt/Navisphere/bin/naviseccli -h <ip-address> -User <user-name> -Password <password> -Scope 0 getdisk
emc.clariion.disk.stateEMC CLARiiON Disk StateIndicates the state of the disk,Command: /opt/Navisphere/bin/naviseccli -h <ip-address> -User <user-name> -Password <<password> -Scope 0 getdisk

G2 - EMC Clariion Storage Array Fast Cache Template


G2 - EMC Clariion Storage Array Fast Cache Template. This Template is applicable for storage array.


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
G2 - EMC Clariion Storage Array Fast Cache Monitoremc.clariion.fastcache.stateEMC CLARiiON Fast Cache StateState of the Fast Cache.,Command: /opt/Navisphere/bin/naviseccli -h <ip-address> -User <user-name> -Password <password> -Scope 0 cache -fast -info -status -perfData
emc.clariion.fastcache.percentdirtyspaEMC CLARiiON Fast Cache Percentage Dirty SPA%The Fast Cache Percentage Dirty for Storage Processor A.,Command: /opt/Navisphere/bin/naviseccli -h <ip-address> -User <user-name> -Password <password> -Scope 0 cache -fast -info -status -perfData
emc.clariion.fastcache.percentdirtyspbEMC CLARiiON Fast Cache Percentage Dirty SPB%The Fast Cache Percentage Dirty for Storage Processor B,Command: /opt/Navisphere/bin/naviseccli -h <ip-address> -User <user-name> -Password <password> -Scope 0 cache -fast -info -status -perfData
emc.clariion.fastcache.sizeEMC CLARiiON Fast Cache SizeGBThe size of the fast cache.,Command: /opt/Navisphere/bin/naviseccli -h <ip-address> -User <user-name> -Password <password> -Scope 0 cache -fast -info -status -perfData

G2 - EMC Clariion Storage Array HBA Template


G2 - EMC Clariion Storage Array Host Bus Adapter Template. This Template is applicable for storage array.


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
G2 - EMC Clariion Storage Array HBA Monitoremc.clariion.hba.stateEMC CLARiiON Host Bus Adapter StateIndicates State of the Host bus adapter.,Command : /opt/Navisphere/bin/naviseccli -h <ip-address> -User <user-name> -Password -Scope 0 port -list

G2 - EMC Clariion Storage Array System Template


G2 - EMC Clariion Storage Array System Template. This Template is applicable for storage array.


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
G2 - EMC Clariion Storage Array System Monitoremc.clariion.system.totalrawspaceEMC CLARiiON System Total Raw SpaceGBThe total raw storage capacity of the system.,Command : /opt/Navisphere/bin/naviseccli -h <ip-address> -User <user-name> -Password <password> -Scope 0 getdisk.,this metric is calculated from number of Enabled,Unbound,Hot spare ready disks total space
emc.clariion.system.configuredstoragecapacityEMC CLARiiON System Configured Storage CapacityGBThe total configured disk capacity of the system.,Command : /opt/Navisphere/bin/naviseccli -h <ip-address> -User <user-name> -Password <password> -Scope 0 getdisk. This metric is calculated from number of Enabled disks total space
emc.clariion.system.luncountEMC CLARiiON System Lun CountThe total number of LUNs. Command : /opt/Navisphere/bin/naviseccli -h <ip-address> -User <user-name> -Password <password> -Scope 0 getlun -name
emc.clariion.system.diskcountEMC CLARiiON System Disk CountThe total number of disks.,Command : /opt/Navisphere/bin/naviseccli -h <ip-address> -User <user-name> -Password <password> -Scope 0 getdisk
emc.clariion.system.configureddiskcountEMC CLARiiON System Configured Disk CountThe number of configured disks.,Command : /opt/Navisphere/bin/naviseccli -h <ip-address> -User <user-name> -Password <password> -Scope 0 getdisk. This metric is calculated from number of Enabled disks
emc.clariion.system.unconfigureddiskcountEMC CLARiiON System UnConfigured Disk CountThe number of unconfigured disks.,Command : /opt/Navisphere/bin/naviseccli -h <ip-address> -User <user-name> -Password <password> -Scope 0 getdisk. This metric is calculated from number of unbound disks
emc.clariion.system.hotsparediskcountEMC CLARiiON System Hot Spared Disk CountThe total number of hot spare disks which are ready.,Command : /opt/Navisphere/bin/naviseccli -h <ip-address> -User <user-name> -Password <password> -Scope 0 getdisk. This metric is calculated from number of hot spared disks.

G2 - EMC Clariion Storage Pool Template


G2 - EMC Clariion Storage Pool Template. This Template is applicable for block and raid pool.


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
G2 - EMC Clariion Storage Pool Monitoremc.clariion.storagepool.availablesizeEMC CLARiiON Storage Pool Available SizeGBStorage Pool available capacity.,CLARiiON have two type of storage pools. Block pool and Raid pool. If it is block pool then command is /opt/Navisphere/bin/naviseccli -h <ip-address> -User <user-name> -Password <password> -Scope 0 storagepool -list.,If it is raid pool command is /opt/Navisphere/bin/naviseccli -h <ip-address> -User <user-name> -Password <password> -Scope 0 getrg
emc.clariion.storagepool.utilizationEMC CLARiiON Storage Pool Utilization%Pool Utilization.,CLARiiON have two type of storage pools. Block pool and Raid pool. If it is block pool then command is /opt/Navisphere/bin/naviseccli -h <ip-address> -User <user-name> -Password <password> -Scope 0 storagepool -list.,If it is raid pool command is /opt/Navisphere/bin/naviseccli -h <ip-address> -User <user-name> -Password <password> -Scope 0 getrg
emc.clariion.storagepool.statusEMC CLARiiON Storage Pool StatusDisplays the information for the current state of the pool. CLARiiON have two type of storage pools. Block pool and Raid pool. If it is block pool then command is /opt/Navisphere/bin/naviseccli -h <ip-address> -User <user-name> -Password <password> -Scope 0 storagepool -list.,If it is raid pool command is /opt/Navisphere/bin/naviseccli -h <ip-address> -User <user-name> -Password <password> -Scope 0 getrg
emc.clariion.storagepool.rawcapacityEMC CLARiiON Storage Pool Raw CapacityGBThe raw capacity of the Pool. CLARiiON have two type of storage pools. Block pool and Raid pool. If it is block pool then command is /opt/Navisphere/bin/naviseccli -h <ip-address> -User <user-name> -Password <password> -Scope 0 storagepool -list.,If it is raid pool command is /opt/Navisphere/bin/naviseccli -h <ip-address> -User <user-name> -Password <password> -Scope 0 getrg
emc.clariion.storagepool.percentfreeEMC CLARiiON Storage Pool Percent Free%The percent of the Pool that is free.,CLARiiON have two type of storage pools. Block pool and Raid pool. If it is block pool then command is /opt/Navisphere/bin/naviseccli -h <ip-address> -User <user-name> -Password <password> -Scope 0 storagepool -list.,If it is raid pool command is /opt/Navisphere/bin/naviseccli -h <ip-address> -User <user-name> -Password <password> -Scope 0 getrg
emc.clariion.storagepool.numberoflunsEMC CLARiiON Storage Pool Number of LUNsThe number of LUNs using the pool.,CLARiiON have two type of storage pools. Block pool and Raid pool. If it is block pool then command is /opt/Navisphere/bin/naviseccli -h <ip-address> -User <user-name> -Password <password> -Scope 0 storagepool -list.,If it is raid pool command is /opt/Navisphere/bin/naviseccli -h lt;ip-address> -User <user-name> -Password <password> -Scope 0 getrg
emc.clariion.storagepool.logicalcapacityEMC CLARiiON Storage Pool Logical CapacityGBThe logical capacity of the pool.,CLARiiON have two type of storage pools. Block pool and Raid pool. If it is block pool then command is /opt/Navisphere/bin/naviseccli -h <ip-address> -User <user-name> -Password <password> -Scope 0 storagepool -list.,If it is raid pool command is /opt/Navisphere/bin/naviseccli -h <ip-address> -User <user-name> -Password <password> -Scope 0 getrg

G2 - EMC Clariion Storage Processor Template


G2 - EMC Clariion Storage Processor Template. This Template is applicable for block and raid processor.


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
G2 - EMC Clariion Storage Processor Monitoremc.clariion.storageprocessor.prctbusyEMC CLARiiON Storage Processor Percent Busy%Indicates percent utilization of the storage processor.,Command : /opt/Navisphere/bin/naviseccli -h <ip-address> -User <user-name> -Password <password> -Scope 0 getall -sp
emc.clariion.storageprocessor.prctidleEMC CLARiiON Storage Processor Percent Idle%Indicates the percentage of time for the storage processor was idle.,Command : /opt/Navisphere/bin/naviseccli -h <ip-address> -User <user-name> -Password <password> -Scope 0 getall -sp
emc.clariion.storageprocessor.totalthroughputEMC CLARiiON Storage Processor Total ThroughputpsecAverage number of requests that is passed through the storage processor per second.,Command : /opt/Navisphere/bin/naviseccli -h <ip-address> -User <user-name> -Password <password> -Scope 0 getall -sp
emc.clariion.storageprocessor.readthroughputEMC CLARiiON Storage Processor Read ThroughputpsecAverage number of read requests that is passed through the storage processor per second.,Command : /opt/Navisphere/bin/naviseccli -h <ip-address> -User <user-name> -Password <password> -Scope 0 getall -sp
emc.clariion.storageprocessor.writethroughputEMC Clariion Storage Processor Write ThroughputpsecAverage number of write requests that is passed through the storage processor per second.,Command : /opt/Navisphere/bin/naviseccli -h <ip-address> -User <user-name> -Password <password> -Scope 0 getall -sp
emc.clariion.storageprocessor.statusEMC CLARiiON Storage Processor StatusStatus of the Storage Processor,Command : /opt/Navisphere/bin/naviseccli -h <ip-address> -User <user-name> -Password <password> -Scope 0 getcrus -spa/-spb
emc.clariion.storageprocessor.readcachestateEMC CLARiiON Storage Processor Read Cache StateStorage Processor Read Cache state.,Command : /opt/Navisphere/bin/naviseccli -h <ip-address> -User <user-name> -Password <password> -Scope 0 getall -sp
emc.clariion.storageprocessor.writecachestateEMC CLARiiON Storage Processor Write Cache StateStorage Processor Write Cache state.,Command : /opt/Navisphere/bin/naviseccli -h <ip-address> -User <user-name> -Password <password> -Scope 0 getall -sp
emc.clariion.storageprocessor.cablestatusEMC CLARiiON Storage Processor Cable StatusStorage Processor Cabling status.,Command : /opt/Navisphere/bin/naviseccli -h <ip-address> -User <user-name> -Password <password> -Scope 0 getcrus -cablingspsa/-cablingspsb
emc.clariion.storageprocessor.cpustatusEMC CLARiiON Storage Processor CPU StatusStorage Processor CPU status.,Command : /opt/Navisphere/bin/naviseccli -h <ip-address> -User <user-name> -Password <password> -Scope 0 getcrus -cpua/-cpub
emc.clariion.storageprocessor.fanstatusEMC CLARiiON Storage Processor Fan StatusStorage Processor Fan status.,Command : /opt/Navisphere/bin/naviseccli -h <ip-address> -User <user-name> -Password <password> -Scope 0 getcrus -fana/-fanb
emc.clariion.storageprocessor.lccstatusEMC CLARiiON Storage Processor LCC StatusStorage Processor link control card status.,Command : /opt/Navisphere/bin/naviseccli -h <ip-address> -User <user-name> -Password <password> -Scope 0 getcrus -lcca/-lccb
emc.clariion.storageprocessor.spsstatusEMC CLARiiON Storage Processor SPS StatusStorage Processor standby power supply status.,Command : /opt/Navisphere/bin/naviseccli -h <ip-address> -User <user-name> -Password <password> -Scope 0 getcrus -spsa/-spsb
emc.clariion.storageprocessor.powerstatusEMC CLARiiON Storage Processor Power StatusStorage Processor power status.,Command : /opt/Navisphere/bin/naviseccli -h <ip-address> -User <user-name> -Password <password> -Scope 0 getcrus -all
emc.clariion.storageprocessor.fault-led-statusEMC CLARiiON Storage Processor Fault LED StatusStatus of fault LED.,Command : /opt/Navisphere/bin/naviseccli -h <ip-address> -User <user-name> -Password <password> -Scope 0 getall -sp
emc.clariion.storageprocessor.statistics-logging-statusEMC CLARiiON Storage Processor Statistics Logging StatusStatus of Statistics Logging. This Serve for performance monitoring.,Command : /opt/Navisphere/bin/naviseccli -h <ip-address> -User <user-name> -Password <password> -Scope 0 getall -sp
emc.clariion.storageprocessor.responsetimeEMC CLARiiON Storage Processor Response TimemsAmount of time it takes for a storage processor to process an input-output request.,Command : /opt/Navisphere/bin/naviseccli -h <ip-address> -User <user-name> -Password <password> -Scope 0 getall -sp,Formula : Response time : 1000 * (Queue length/throughput)
emc.clariion.storageprocessor.totalwritesEMC CLARiiON Storage Processor Total WritesNumber of write operations performed by the storage processor.,Command : /opt/Navisphere/bin/naviseccli -h <ip-address> -User <user-name> -Password <password> -Scope 0 getall -sp
emc.clariion.storageprocessor.totalreadsEMC CLARiiON Storage Processor Total ReadsNumber of read operations to the storage processor.,Command : /opt/Navisphere/bin/naviseccli -h <ip-address> -User <user-name> -Password <password> -Scope 0 getall -sp
emc.clariion.storageprocessor.servicetimeEMC CLARiiON Storage Processor Service TimemsThe total time spent to serve the request. Command : /opt/Navisphere/bin/naviseccli -h <ip-address> -User <user-name> -Password <password> -Scope 0 getall -sp,Formula : Service time = 1000 * (Utilization/throughput)
emc.clariion.storageprocessor.blocksreadEMC CLARiiON Storage Processor Blocks Read Per SecondNumber of blocks transferred for read operations.,Command : /opt/Navisphere/bin/naviseccli -h <ip-address> -User <user-name> -Password <password> -Scope 0 getall -sp
emc.clariion.storageprocessor.blockswrittenEMC CLARiiON Storage Processor Blocks Written Per SecondNumber of blocks transferred for write operations.,Command : /opt/Navisphere/bin/naviseccli -h <ip-address> -User <user-name> -Password <password> -Scope 0 getall -sp
emc.clariion.storageprocessor.averagebusy-queuelengthEMC CLARiiON Storage Processor Average Busy QueuelengthThe average number of outstanding requests.,Command : /opt/Navisphere/bin/naviseccli -h <ip-address> -User <user-name> -Password <password> -Scope 0 getall -sp,Formula : Average Busy Queue Length : (Sum Queue Lengths - (Number arrivals With Non Zero Queue / 2)) / (Read Throughput [IO/s] + Write Throughput [IO/s])

G2 EMC VMAX Adapter Template


This template is applicable to the storage array processor (adapter).


The device should be added using integrations. The corresponding resource should exist. The gateway should be up and running. Storage Array should be reachable from Gateway. Storage Array (Device) and its resources should be in a managed state.

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
G2 EMC VMAX Adapter Monitorvmax.array.adapter.kbytestransferredAdapter KBytes TransferredKBpsAdapter KBytes Transferred
vmax.array.adapter.readiosAdapter ReadIOssAdapter ReadIOs
vmax.array.adapter.totaliosAdapter TotalIOssAdapter TotalIOs
vmax.array.adapter.writeiosAdapter WriteIOssAdapter WriteIOs

G2 EMC VMAX Array Template


G2 EMC VMAX Array Template


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
G2 EMC VMAX Array Monitorvmax.array.kbytesreadArray KBytes ReadKBpsArray KBytes Read
vmax.array.kbytestransferredArray KBytes TransferredKBpsArray KBytes Transferred
vmax.array.kbyteswrittenArray KBytes WrittenKBpsArray KBytes Written
vmax.array.readhitiosArray ReadHitIOssArray ReadHitIOs
vmax.array.readiosArray ReadIOssArray ReadIOs
vmax.array.totaliosArray TotalIOssArray TotalIOs
vmax.array.writehitiosArray WriteHitIOssArray WriteHitIOs
vmax.array.writeiosArray WriteIOssArray WriteIOs

G2 EMC VMAX BE FC Port Template


This template is applicable to the storage array (device).


The device should be added using integrations. The corresponding resource should exist. The gateway should be up and running. Storage Array should be reachable from Gateway. Storage Array (Device) and its resources should be in a managed state.

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
G2 EMC VMAX BE FC Port Monitorvmax.array.backendfcport.kbytestransferredBack End FCPort KBytes TransferredKBpsBack End FCPort KBytes Transferred
vmax.array.backendfcport.totaliosBack End FCPort TotalIOssBack End FCPort TotalIOs

G2 EMC VMAX Disk Template


G2 EMC VMAX Disk Template


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
G2 EMC VMAX Disk Monitorvmax.array.disk.kbytesreadDisk KBytes ReadKBpsDisk KBytes Read
vmax.array.disk.kbytestransferredDisk KBytes TransferredKBpsDisk KBytes Transferred
vmax.array.disk.kbyteswrittenDisk KBytes WrittenKBpsDisk KBytes Written
vmax.array.disk.statusDisk StatusNULLDisk Status
vmax.array.disk.utilizationDisk Utilization%Disk Utilization
vmax.array.disk.readiosDisk ReadIOssDisk ReadIOs
vmax.array.disk.totaliosDisk TotalIOssDisk TotalIOs
vmax.array.disk.writeiosDisk WriteIOssDisk WriteIOs

G2 EMC VMAX FE FC Port Template


This template is applicable to the storage array (device).


The device should be added using integrations. The corresponding resource should exist. The gateway should be up and running. Storage Array should be reachable from Gateway. Storage Array (Device) and its resources should be in a managed state.

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
G2 EMC VMAX FE FC Port Monitorvmax.array.frontendfcport.kbytestransferredFront End FCPort KBytes TransferredKBpsFront End FCPort KBytes Transferred
vmax.array.frontendfcport.totaliosFront End FCPort TotalIOssFront End FCPort TotalIOs

G2 EMC VMAX Storage Pool Template


G2 EMC VMAX Storage Pool Template


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
G2 EMC VMAX Storage Pool Monitorvmax.array.storagepool.statusStorage Pool StatusNULLStatus of the Storage Pool
vmax.array.storagepool.utilizationStorage Pool Utilization%Utilization for Storage Pool

G2 EMC VMAX Volume Template


G2 EMC VMAX Volume Monitor


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
G2 EMC VMAX Volume Monitorvmax.array.volume.kbytesreadVolume Kbytes ReadKBpsThe cumulative number of kilobytes read.
vmax.array.volume.kbytestransferredVolume Kbytes TransferredKBpsThe cumulative number of kilobytes transferred for read or write.
vmax.array.volume.kbyteswrittenVolume Kbytes WrittenKBpsThe cumulative number of kilobytes write.
vmax.array.volume.readhitiosVolume ReadHitIOssThe cumulative count of all read cache hits (reads from cache),which represents the number of track reads received from components above that have been treated by cache as a total hit on prestage or non-prestage data.
vmax.array.volume.writehitiosVolume WriteHitIOssThe cumulative count of write cache hits (writes that went directly to cache without blocking),which represents the number of track writes received from components above,and processed in fast write mode
vmax.array.volume.operationalstatusVolume Operational StatusNULLOperational Status of the Volume
vmax.array.volume.healthstateVolume Health StateNULLHealth State of the Volume
vmax.array.volume.utilizationVolume Utilization Percentage%Percentage Utilization of the Volume
vmax.array.volume.readiosVolume ReadIOssThe cumulative number of Read I/O operations for the Volume.
vmax.array.volume.writeiosVolume WriteIOssThe cumulative number of Write I/O operations for the Volume.
vmax.array.volume.totaliosVolume TotalIOssThe cumulative number of I/O operations for the Volume (read and write).

G2 - EMC VNX LUN Template


G2 - EMC VNX LUN Template. This template is applicable for storage array lun.


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
G2 - EMC VNX LUN Monitoremc.vnx.lun.totalthroughputEMC VNX LUN Total ThroughputpsecAverage number of requests that is passed through the LUN per second.,Command : /opt/Navisphere/bin/naviseccli -h <ip-address> -User <user-name> -Password <password> -Scope 0 lun -list / getlun -all
emc.vnx.lun.readthroughputEMC VNX LUN Read ThroughputpsecAverage number of read requests that is passed through the LUN per second.,Command : /opt/Navisphere/bin/naviseccli -h <ip-address> -User <user-name> -Password <password> -Scope 0 lun -list / getlun -all
emc.vnx.lun.writethroughputEMC VNX LUN Write ThroughputpsecAverage number of write requests that is passed through the LUN per second.,Command : /opt/Navisphere/bin/naviseccli -h <ip-address> -User <user-name> -Password <password> -Scope 0 lun -list / getlun -all
emc.vnx.lun.statusEMC VNX LUN StatusDisplays the status of the lun.,Command : /opt/Navisphere/bin/naviseccli -h <ip-address> -User <user-name> -Password <password> -Scope 0 lun -list / getlun -all
emc.vnx.lun.writebandwidthEMC VNX LUN Write BandwidthMBpsThe total write bandwidth for the LUN..,Command : /opt/Navisphere/bin/naviseccli -h <ip-address> -User <user-name> -Password <password> -Scope 0 lun -list / getlun -all
emc.vnx.lun.readbandwidthEMC VNX LUN Read BandwidthMBpsThe total read bandwidth for the LUN.,Command : /opt/Navisphere/bin/naviseccli -h <ip-address> -User <user-name> -Password <password> -Scope 0 lun -list / getlun -all
emc.vnx.lun.totalbandwidthEMC VNX LUN Total BandwidthMBpsThe total bandwidth for the LUN.,Command : /opt/Navisphere/bin/naviseccli -h <ip-address> -User <user-name> -Password <password> -Scope 0 lun -list / getlun -all
emc.vnx.lun.trespasses-spaEMC VNX LUN SPA Tres PassesThe number of trespasses by SP A for the LUN.,Command : /opt/Navisphere/bin/naviseccli -h <ip-address> -User <user-name> -Password <password> -Scope 0 lun -list / getlun -all
emc.vnx.lun.trespasses-spbEMC VNX LUN SPB Tres PassesThe number of trespasses by SP B for the LUN.,Command : /opt/Navisphere/bin/naviseccli -h <ip-address> -User <user-name> -Password <password> -Scope 0 lun -list / getlun -all
emc.vnx.lun.trespassesEMC VNX LUN Tres PassesThe total number of trespasses for the LUN.,Command : /opt/Navisphere/bin/naviseccli -h <ip-address> -User <user-name> -Password <password> -Scope 0 lun -list / getlun -all
emc.vnx.lun.trespasses-pasthourEMC VNX LUN Tres Passes Past HourThe number of trespasses for the LUN in the past hour.,Command : /opt/Navisphere/bin/naviseccli -h <ip-address> -User <user-name> -Password <password> -Scope 0 lun -list / getlun -all
emc.vnx.lun.trespasses-stateEMC VNX LUN Tres Passes StateState of the LUN Trespass.,Command : /opt/Navisphere/bin/naviseccli -h <ip-address> -User <user-name> -Password <password> -Scope 0 lun -list / getlun -all
emc.vnx.lun.totalsofterrorsEMC VNX LUN Total Soft ErrorsThe Soft errors on the LUN.,Command : /opt/Navisphere/bin/naviseccli -h <ip-address> -User <user-name> -Password <password> -Scope 0 lun -list / getlun -all
emc.vnx.lun.totalharderrorsEMC VNX LUN Total Hard ErrorsThe Hard errors on the LUN.,Command : /opt/Navisphere/bin/naviseccli -h <ip-address> -User <user-name> -Password <password> -Scope 0 lun -list / getlun -all
emc.vnx.lun.servicetimeEMC VNX LUN Service TimemsThe total time spent to serve the request.
emc.vnx.lun.percentidleEMC VNX LUN Percent Idle%The percent of time that the LUN is idle. Command : /opt/Navisphere/bin/naviseccli -h <ip-address> -User <user-name> -Password <password> -Scope 0 lun -list / getlun -all
emc.vnx.lun.percentbusyEMC VNX LUN Percent Busy%The percent of time that the LUN is busy.,Command : /opt/Navisphere/bin/naviseccli -h <ip-address> -User <user-name> -Password <password> -Scope 0 lun -list / getlun -all
emc.vnx.lun.capacityEMC VNX LUN CapacityGBThe capacity of the LUN in Gigabytes.,

G2 - EMC VNX NAS Storage Array Data Mover Template


G2 - EMC VNX NAS Storage Array Data Mover Template. This template is applicable for storage array


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
G2 - EMC VNX NAS Storage Array Data Mover Monitoremc.vnx.mover.cpuutilizationEMC VNX Data Mover CPU Utilization%Data Mover CPU Utilization,OpsRamp used XML API to get this metric
emc.vnx.mover.memoryutilizationEMC VNX Data Mover Memoty Utilization%Data Mover Memory Utilization OpsRamp used XML API to get this metric
emc.vnx.mover.statusEMC VNX Data Mover StatusStatus of the Data mover,OpsRamp used XML API to get this metric

G2 - EMC VNX NAS Storage Array Events Template


G2 - EMC VNX NAS Storage Array Events Template. This template is applicable for storage array.


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
G2 - EMC VNX NAS Storage Array Events Monitoremc.vnx.event.0x13608900caA Celerra Database error was detectedNULLAn inconsistency in the Celerra database files was detected. Run the $NAS_DB/tools/dbchk tool to identify the exact error
emc.vnx.event.0x1460870065The Jserver failed to start after three tries.NULLThe Jserver failed to start after three tries.
emc.vnx.event.0x1660890131nasdb backup NAS DB checkpoint done.NULLnasdb backup NAS DB checkpoint done.
emc.vnx.event.0x1660890132nasdb backup Celerra database backup done.NULLnasdb backup Celerra database backup done.

G2 - EMC VNX NAS Storage Array File System Template


G2 - EMC VNX NAS Storage Array File System Template. This template is applicable for storage array.


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
G2 - EMC VNX NAS Storage Array File System Monitoremc.vnx.filesystem.availablesizeEMC VNX File System Available SizeGBFile system available size,OpsRamp used XML API to get this metric.
emc.vnx.filesystem.utilizationEMC VNX File System Utilization%File system utilization,OpsRamp used XML API to get this metric
emc.vnx.filesystem.availablefilesEMC VNX File System Available FilesFile system available files,OpsRamp used XML API to get this metric

G2 - EMC VNX NAS Storage Array System Template


G2 - EMC VNX NAS Storage Array System Template. This template is applicable for storage array.


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
G2 - EMC VNX NAS Storage Array System Monitoremc.vnx.systempower.statusEMC VNX System Power StatusPower status of the System,OpsRamp used XML API to get this metric
emc.vnx.storagesystem.statusEMC VNX Storage System StatusStatus of the Storage System,OpsRamp used XML API to get this metric
emc.vnx.storagesystempower.statusEMC VNX Storage System Power StatusPower status of the Storage System,OpsRamp used XML API to get this metric

G2 - EMC VNX NAS Storage Array Virtual Data Mover Template


G2 - EMC VNX NAS Storage Array Virtual Data Mover Template


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
G2 - EMC VNX NAS Storage Array Virtual Data Mover Monitoremc.vnx.vdm.statusEMC VNX Virtual Data Mover StatusStatus of the Virtual Data mover. OpsRamp used XML API to get this metric.
emc.vnx.vdm.stateEMC VNX Virtual Data Mover StateState of the Virtual Data mover OpsRamp used XML API to get this metric

G2 - EMC VNX NAS Storage Pool Template


G2 - EMC VNX NAS Storage Pool Template. This template is applicable for File Storage Pool.


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
G2 - EMC VNX NAS Storage Pool Monitoremc.vnx.storagepool.availablesizeEMC VNX Storage Pool Available SizeGBStorage Pool available capacity.,VNX have 3 type of storage pools. File pool,Block pool and Raid pool. If it is file pool OpsRamp used XML api to calculate this metric. If it is block pool then command is /opt/Navisphere/bin/naviseccli -h <ip-address> -User <user-name> -Password <password> -Scope 0 storagepool -list.,If it is raid pool command is /opt/Navisphere/bin/naviseccli -h <ip-address> -User <user-name> -Password <password> -Scope 0 getrg
emc.vnx.storagepool.utilizationEMC VNX Storage Pool Utilization%Pool utilization.,VNX have 3 type of storage pools. File pool,Block pool and Raid pool. If it is file pool OpsRamp used XML api to calculate this metric. If it is block pool then command is /opt/Navisphere/bin/naviseccli -h <ip-address> -User <user-name> -Password <password> -Scope 0 storagepool -list.,If it is raid pool command is /opt/Navisphere/bin/naviseccli -h <ip-address> -User <user-name> -Password <password> -Scope 0 getrg
emc.vnx.storagepool.statusEMC VNX Storage Pool StatusDisplays the information for the current state of the pool.,VNX have 3 type of storage pools. File pool,Block pool and Raid pool. If it is file pool OpsRamp used XML api to calculate this metric. If it is block pool then command is /opt/Navisphere/bin/naviseccli -h <ip-address> -User <user-name> -Password <password> -Scope 0 storagepool -list.,If it is raid pool command is /opt/Navisphere/bin/naviseccli -h <ip-address> -User <user-name> -Password <password> -Scope 0 getrg
emc.vnx.storagepool.percentfreeEMC VNX Storage Pool Percentage Free%The percent of the Pool that is free.,VNX have 3 type of storage pools. File pool,Block pool and Raid pool. If it is file pool OpsRamp used XML api to calculate this metric. If it is block pool then command is /opt/Navisphere/bin/naviseccli -h <ip-address> -User <user-name> -Password <password> -Scope 0 storagepool -list.,If it is raid pool command is /opt/Navisphere/bin/naviseccli -h <ip-address> -User <user-name> -Password <password> -Scope 0 getrg

G2 - EMC VNX Primary Control Station Template


G2 - EMC VNX Primary Control Station Template. This template is applicable for primary control station.


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
G2 - EMC VNX Primary Control Station Monitoremc.vnx.primarycs.statusEMC VNX Primary Control Station StatusStatus of the Primary Control station.,OpsRamp used XML API to get this metric.

G2 - EMC VNX SAN Storage Array Disk Template


G2 - EMC VNX SAN Storage Array Disk Template. This template is applicable for storage array.


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
G2 - EMC VNX SAN Storage Array Disk Monitoremc.vnx.disk.percentbusyEMC VNX Disk Utilization%Indicates percent utilization of the Disk,Command : /opt/Navisphere/bin/naviseccli -h <ip-address> -User <user-name> -Password <password> -Scope 0 getdisk,Formula : Percent busy = (Busy Ticks / (Busy Ticks + Idle Ticks)) * 100
emc.vnx.disk.readthroughputEMC VNX Disk Read ThroughputpsecIndicates the number of read requests made per second to this disk.,Command : /opt/Navisphere/bin/naviseccli -h <ip-address> -User <user-name> -Password <password> -Scope 0 getdisk
emc.vnx.disk.writethroughputEMC VNX Disk Write ThroughputpsecIndicates the number of write requests made per second to this disk.,Command : /opt/Navisphere/bin/naviseccli -h <ip-address> -User <user-name> -Password <password> -Scope 0 getdisk
emc.vnx.disk.readbandwidthEMC VNX Disk Read BandwidthMBpsMega Bytes of data read per second from the disks on the vnx array.,Command : /opt/Navisphere/bin/naviseccli -h <ip-address> -User <user-name> -Password <password> -Scope 0 getdisk
emc.vnx.disk.writebandwidthEMC VNX Disk Write BandwidthMBpsMega Bytes of data written per second on the disks on the vnx array.,Command : /opt/Navisphere/bin/naviseccli -h <ip-address> -User <user-name> -Password <password> -Scope 0 getdisk
emc.vnx.disk.readerrorsEMC VNX Disk Read ErrorsIndicates the number of hard read errors in this disk.,Command : /opt/Navisphere/bin/naviseccli -h <ip-address> -User <user-name> -Password <password> -Scope 0 getdisk
emc.vnx.disk.writeerrorsEMC VNX Disk Write ErrorsIndicates the number of hard write errors in this disk.,Command : /opt/Navisphere/bin/naviseccli -h <ip-address> -User <user-name> -Password <password> -Scope 0 getdisk
emc.vnx.disk.stateEMC VNX Disk StateIndicates the state of the disk,Command : /opt/Navisphere/bin/naviseccli -h <ip-address> -User <user-name> -Password <password> -Scope 0 getdisk
emc.vnx.system.hotsparediskcountEMC VNX System Hot Spared Disk CountThe total number of hot spare disks which are ready.,Command : /opt/Navisphere/bin/naviseccli -h <ip-address> -User <user-name> -Password <password> -Scope 0 getdisk This metric is calculated from number of hot spared disks

G2 - EMC VNX SAN Storage Array Fast Cache Template


G2 - EMC VNX SAN Storage Array Fast Cache Template. This template is applicable for storage array


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
G2 - EMC VNX SAN Storage Array Fast Cache Monitoremc.vnx.fastcache.stateEMC VNX Fast Cache StateState of the Fast Cache Command : /opt/Navisphere/bin/naviseccli -h <ip-address> -User <user-name> -Password <password> -Scope 0 cache -fast -info -status -perfData
emc.vnx.fastcache.percentdirtyspaEMC VNX Fast Cache Percentage Dirty SPA%The Fast Cache Percentage Dirty for Storage Processor A,Command : /opt/Navisphere/bin/naviseccli -h <ip-address> -User <user-name> -Password <password> -Scope 0 cache -fast -info -status -perfData
emc.vnx.fastcache.percentdirtyspbEMC VNX Fast Cache Percentage Dirty SPB%The Fast Cache Percentage Dirty for Storage Processor B.,Command : /opt/Navisphere/bin/naviseccli -h <ip-address> -User <user-name> -Password <password> -Scope 0 cache -fast -info -status -perfData
emc.vnx.fastcache.sizeEMC VNX Fast Cache SizeGBThe size of the fast cache.,Command : /opt/Navisphere/bin/naviseccli -h <ip-address> -User <user-name> -Password <password> -Scope 0 cache -fast -info -status -perfData

G2 - EMC VNX SAN Storage Array Faults Template


G2 - EMC VNX SAN Storage Array Faults Template


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
G2 - EMC VNX SAN Storage Array Faults Monitoremc.vnx.system.faultscountEMC VNX System Faults CountThe number of faults in the system.,Command : /opt/Navisphere/bin/naviseccli -h <ip-address> -User <user-name> -Password <password> -Scope 0 faults -list
emc.vnx.system.faultsEMC VNX System FaultsNULLEMC VNX System Faults

G2 - EMC VNX SAN Storage Array HBA Template


G2 - EMC VNX SAN Storage Array HBA Template. This template is applicable for storage array.


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
G2 - EMC VNX SAN Storage Array HBA Monitoremc.vnx.hba.stateEMC VNX Host Bus Adapter StateIndicates State of the Host bus adapter.,Command : /opt/Navisphere/bin/naviseccli -h <ip-address> -User <user-name> -Password <password> -Scope 0 port -list

G2 - EMC VNX SAN Storage Array System Template


G2 - EMC VNX SAN Storage Array System Template. This template is applicable for storage array.


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
G2 - EMC VNX SAN Storage Array System Monitoremc.vnx.system.totalrawspaceEMC VNX System Total Raw SpaceGBThe total raw storage capacity of the system.,Command : /opt/Navisphere/bin/naviseccli -h <ip-address> -User <user-name> -Password <password> -Scope 0 getdisk This metric is calculated from number of Enabled,Unbound,Hot spare ready disks total space
emc.vnx.system.configuredstoragecapacityEMC VNX System Configured Storage CapacityGBThe total configured disk capacity of the system.,Command : /opt/Navisphere/bin/naviseccli -h <ip-address> -User <user-name> -Password <password> -Scope 0 getdisk This metric is calculated from number of Enabled disks total space
emc.vnx.system.luncountEMC VNX System Lun CountThe total number of LUNs. Command : /opt/Navisphere/bin/naviseccli -h <ip-address> -User <user-name> -Password <password> -Scope 0 getlun -name
emc.vnx.system.diskcountEMC VNX System Disk CountThe total number of disks.,Command : /opt/Navisphere/bin/naviseccli -h <ip-address> -User <user-name> -Password <password> -Scope 0 getdisk
emc.vnx.system.configureddiskcountEMC VNX System Configured Disk CountThe number of configured disks.,Command : /opt/Navisphere/bin/naviseccli -h <ip-address> -User <user-name> -Password <password> -Scope 0 getdisk. This metric is calculated from number of Enabled disks
emc.vnx.system.unconfigureddiskcountEMC VNX System UnConfigured Disk CountThe number of unconfigured disks.,Command : /opt/Navisphere/bin/naviseccli -h <ip-address> -User <user-name> -Password <password> -Scope 0 getdisk. This metric is calculated from number of unbound disks
emc.vnx.system.hotsparediskcountEMC VNX System Hot Spared Disk CountThe total number of hot spare disks which are ready.,Command : /opt/Navisphere/bin/naviseccli -h <ip-address> -User <user-name> -Password <password> -Scope 0 getdisk. This metric is calculated from number of hot spared disks

G2 - EMC VNX SAN Storage Pool Template


G2 - EMC VNX SAN Storage Pool Template. This template is applicable for block and raid pool.


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
G2 - EMC VNX SAN Storage Pool Monitoremc.vnx.storagepool.availablesizeEMC VNX Storage Pool Available SizeGBStorage Pool available capacity.,VNX have 3 type of storage pools. File pool,Block pool and Raid pool. If it is file pool OpsRamp used XML api to calculate this metric. If it is block pool then command is /opt/Navisphere/bin/naviseccli -h <ip-address> -User <user-name> -Password <password> -Scope 0 storagepool -list.,If it is raid pool command is /opt/Navisphere/bin/naviseccli -h <ip-address> -User <user-name> -Password <password> -Scope 0 getrg
emc.vnx.storagepool.utilizationEMC VNX Storage Pool Utilization%Pool utilization.,VNX have 3 type of storage pools. File pool,Block pool and Raid pool. If it is file pool OpsRamp used XML api to calculate this metric. If it is block pool then command is /opt/Navisphere/bin/naviseccli -h <ip-address> -User <user-name> -Password <password> -Scope 0 storagepool -list.,If it is raid pool command is /opt/Navisphere/bin/naviseccli -h <ip-address> -User <user-name> -Password <password> -Scope 0 getrg
emc.vnx.storagepool.statusEMC VNX Storage Pool StatusDisplays the information for the current state of the pool.,VNX have 3 type of storage pools. File pool,Block pool and Raid pool. If it is file pool OpsRamp used XML api to calculate this metric. If it is block pool then command is /opt/Navisphere/bin/naviseccli -h <ip-address> -User <user-name> -Password <password> -Scope 0 storagepool -list.,If it is raid pool command is /opt/Navisphere/bin/naviseccli -h <ip-address> -User <user-name> -Password <password> -Scope 0 getrg
emc.vnx.storagepool.rawcapacityEMC VNX Storage Pool Raw CapacityGBThe raw capacity of the Pool. VNX have 3 type of storage pools. File pool,Block pool and Raid pool. For file pools unable to get raw capacity. If it is block pool then command is /opt/Navisphere/bin/naviseccli -h <ip-address> -User <user-name> -Password <password> -Scope 0 storagepool -list.,If it is raid pool command is /opt/Navisphere/bin/naviseccli -h <ip-address> -User <user-name> -Password <password> -Scope 0 getrg
emc.vnx.storagepool.percentfreeEMC VNX Storage Pool Percentage Free%The percent of the Pool that is free.,VNX have 3 type of storage pools. File pool,Block pool and Raid pool. If it is file pool OpsRamp used XML api to calculate this metric. If it is block pool then command is /opt/Navisphere/bin/naviseccli -h <ip-address> -User <user-name> -Password <password> -Scope 0 storagepool -list.,If it is raid pool command is /opt/Navisphere/bin/naviseccli -h <ip-address> -User <user-name> -Password <password> -Scope 0 getrg
emc.vnx.storagepool.numberoflunsEMC VNX Storage Pool Number of LunsThe number of LUNs using the pool.,VNX have 3 type of storage pools. File pool,Block pool and Raid pool. File pool didn't have luns. If it is block pool then command is /opt/Navisphere/bin/naviseccli -h <ip-address> -User <user-name> -Password <password> -Scope 0 storagepool -list.,If it is raid pool command is /opt/Navisphere/bin/naviseccli -h <ip-address> -User <user-name> -Password <password> -Scope 0 getrg
emc.vnx.storagepool.logicalcapacityEMC VNX Storage Pool Logical CapacityGBThe logical capacity of the pool. VNX have 3 type of storage pools. File pool,Block pool and Raid pool. If it is file pool unable to get logical capacity of the storage pool. If it is block pool then command is /opt/Navisphere/bin/naviseccli -h <ip-address> -User <user-name> -Password <password> -Scope 0 storagepool -list.,If it is raid pool command is /opt/Navisphere/bin/naviseccli -h <ip-address> -User <user-name> -Password <password> -Scope 0 getrg

G2 - EMC VNX Secondary Control Station Template


G2 - EMC VNX Secondary Control Station Template. This template is applicable for secondary control station.


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
G2 - EMC VNX Secondary Control Station Monitoremc.vnx.secondarycs.statusEMC VNX Secondary Control Station StatusStatus of the Secondary Control station.,OpsRamp used XML API to get this metric.

G2 - EMC VNX Storage Processor Template


G2 - EMC VNX Storage Processor Template. This template is applicable for storage processor


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
G2 - EMC VNX Storage Processor Monitoremc.vnx.storageprocessor.prctbusyEMC VNX Storage Processor Percent Busy%Indicates percent utilization of the storage processor.,Command : /opt/Navisphere/bin/naviseccli -h <ip-address> -User <user-name> -Password <password> -Scope 0 getall -sp
emc.vnx.storageprocessor.totalthroughputEMC VNX Storage Processor Total ThroughputpsecAverage number of requests that is passed through the storage processor per second.,Command : /opt/Navisphere/bin/naviseccli -h <ip-address> -User <user-name> -Password <password> -Scope 0 getall -sp
emc.vnx.storageprocessor.readthroughputEMC VNX Storage Processor Read ThroughputpsecAverage number of read requests that is passed through the storage processor per second.,Command : Command : /opt/Navisphere/bin/naviseccli -h <ip-address> -User <user-name> -Password <password> -Scope 0 getall -sp
emc.vnx.storageprocessor.writethroughputEMC VNX Storage Processor Write ThroughputpsecAverage number of write requests that is passed through the storage processor per second.,Command : /opt/Navisphere/bin/naviseccli -h <ip-address> -User <user-name> -Password <password> -Scope 0 getall -sp
emc.vnx.storageprocessor.statusEMC VNX Storage Processor StatusStatus of the Storage Processor,Command : /opt/Navisphere/bin/naviseccli -h <ip-address> -User <user-name> -Password <password> -Scope 0 getcrus -spa
emc.vnx.storageprocessor.readcachestateEMC VNX Storage Processor Read Cache StateStorage Processor Read Cache state.,Command : /opt/Navisphere/bin/naviseccli -h <ip-address> -User <user-name> -Password <password> -Scope 0 getall -sp
emc.vnx.storageprocessor.writecachestateEMC VNX Storage Processor Write Cache StateStorage Processor Write Cache state.,Command : /opt/Navisphere/bin/naviseccli -h <ip-address> -User <user-name> -Password <password> -Scope 0 getall -sp
emc.vnx.storageprocessor.cablestatusEMC VNX Storage Processor Cable StatusStorage Processor Cabling status.,Command : /opt/Navisphere/bin/naviseccli -h <ip-address> -User <user-name> -Password <password> -Scope 0 getcrus -cablingspsa/-cablingspsb
emc.vnx.storageprocessor.cpustatusEMC VNX Storage Processor CPU StatusStorage Processor CPU status.,Command : /opt/Navisphere/bin/naviseccli -h <ip-address> -User <user-name> -Password <password> -Scope 0 getcrus -cpua/-cpub
emc.vnx.storageprocessor.fanstatusEMC VNX Storage Processor Fan StatusStorage Processor Fan status.,Command : /opt/Navisphere/bin/naviseccli -h <ip-address> -User <user-name> -Password <password> -Scope 0 getcrus -fana/-fanb
emc.vnx.storageprocessor.lccstatusEMC VNX Storage Processor LCC StatusStorage Processor link control card status.,Command : /opt/Navisphere/bin/naviseccli -h <ip-address> -User <user-name> -Password <password> -Scope 0 getcrus -lcca/-lccb
emc.vnx.storageprocessor.spsstatusEMC VNX Storage Processor SPS StatusStorage Processor standby power supply status.,Command : /opt/Navisphere/bin/naviseccli -h <ip-address> -User <user-name> -Password <password> -Scope 0 getcrus -spsa/-spsb
emc.vnx.storageprocessor.powerstatusEMC VNX Storage Processor Power StatusStorage Processor power status.,Command : /opt/Navisphere/bin/naviseccli -h <ip-address> -User <user-name> -Password <password> -Scope 0 getcrus -all
emc.vnx.storageprocessor.fault-led-statusEMC VNX Storage Processor Fault LED StatusStatus of fault LED.,Command : /opt/Navisphere/bin/naviseccli -h <ip-address> -User <user-name> -Password <password> -Scope 0 getall -sp
emc.vnx.storageprocessor.statistics-logging-statusEMC VNX Storage Processor Statistics Logging StatusStatus of Statistics Logging. This Serve for performance monitoring.,Command : /opt/Navisphere/bin/naviseccli -h <ip-address> -User <user-name> -Password <password> -Scope 0 getall -sp
emc.vnx.storageprocessor.responsetimeEMC VNX Storage Processor Response TimemsAmount of time it takes for a storage processor to process an input-output request.,Command : /opt/Navisphere/bin/naviseccli -h <ip-address> -User <user-name> -Password <password> -Scope 0 getall -sp Formula : Response time : 1000 * (Queue length/throughput)
emc.vnx.storageprocessor.totalwritesEMC VNX Storage Processor Total WritesNumber of write operations performed by the storage processor.,Command : /opt/Navisphere/bin/naviseccli -h <ip-address> -User <user-name> -Password <password> -Scope 0 getall -sp
emc.vnx.storageprocessor.totalreadsEMC VNX Storage Processor Total ReadsNumber of read operations to the storage processor.,Command : /opt/Navisphere/bin/naviseccli -h <ip-address> -User <user-name> -Password <password> -Scope 0 getall -sp
emc.vnx.storageprocessor.blocksreadEMC VNX Storage Processor Blocks Read Per SecondNumber of blocks transferred for read operations.,Command : /opt/Navisphere/bin/naviseccli -h <ip-address> -User <user-name> -Password <password> -Scope 0 getall -sp
emc.vnx.storageprocessor.blockswrittenEMC VNX Storage Processor Blocks Written Per SecondNumber of blocks transferred for write operations.,Command : /opt/Navisphere/bin/naviseccli -h <ip-address> -User <user-name> -Password <password> -Scope 0 getall -sp
emc.vnx.storageprocessor.averagebusy-queuelengthEMC VNX Storage Processor Average Busy QueuelengthThe average number of outstanding requests.,Command : /opt/Navisphere/bin/naviseccli -h <ip-address> -User <user-name> -Password <password> -Scope 0 getall -sp Formula : Average Busy Queue Length : (Sum Queue Lengths - (Number arrivals With Non Zero Queue / 2)) / (Read Throughput [IO/s] + Write Throughput [IO/s])
emc.vnx.storageprocessor.servicetimeEMC VNX Storage Processor Service TimemsThe total time spent to serve the request.Command : /opt/Navisphere/bin/naviseccli -h <ip-address> -User <user-name> -Password <password> -Scope 0 getall -sp Formula : Service time = 1000 * (Utilization/throughput)
emc.vnx.storageprocessor.prctidleEMC VNX Storage Processor Percent Idle%Indicates the percentage of time for the storage processor was idle.,Command : /opt/Navisphere/bin/naviseccli -h <ip-address> -User <user-name> -Password <password> -Scope 0 getall -sp

G2 - EMC VNX Volume Template


G2 - EMC VNX Volume Template. This template is applicable for storage array volume.


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
G2 - EMC VNX Volume Monitoremc.vnx.volume.availablesizeEMC VNX Volume Available SizeGBVolume available capacity.,OpsRamp used XML API to get this metric.
emc.vnx.volume.utilizationEMC VNX Volume Utilization%Indicates volume utilization.,OpsRamp used XML API to get this metric.
emc.vnx.volume.statusEMC VNX Volume StatusDisplays the information for the current state of the volume.,OpsRamp used XML API to get this metric.

G2 - EMC VNXe Status Template


This template monitors status of components and applicable for storage array.


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
G2 - EMC VNXe Status Monitoremc.vnxe.battery.statusEMC VNXe Battery StatusNULLEMC VNXe Battery Status. Command is : /opt/emc/uemcli- -d <ip-address> -port 443 -u <scope/username> -p <password> -sslPolicy accept -t 240 -noheader /env/bat show -output csv
emc.vnxe.cache.statusEMC VNXe Cache StatusNULLStatus of the Cache. Command is : /opt/emc/uemcli- -d <ip-address> -port 443 -u <scope/username> -p <password> -sslPolicy accept -t 240 -noheader /env/ccard show -output csv
emc.vnxe.dae.statusEMC VNXe DAE StatusNULLStatus of the Disk Array Enclosure (DAE). Command is : /opt/emc/uemcli- -d <ip-address> -port 443 -u <scope/username> -p <password> -sslPolicy accept -t 240 -noheader /env/dae show -output csv
emc.vnxe.dpe.statusEMC VNXe DPE StatusNULLStatus of the Disk Processor Enclosure (DPE). Command is : /opt/emc/uemcli- -d <ip-address> -port 443 -u <scope/username> -p <password> -sslPolicy accept -t 240 -noheader /env/dpe show -output csv
emc.vnxe.ethernet.statusEMC VNXe Ethernet StatusNULLStatus of the Ethernet Port. Command is : /opt/emc/uemcli- -d <ip-address> -port 443 -u <scope/username> -p <password> -sslPolicy accept -t 240 -noheader /net/port/eth show -output csv VNXe Fan StatusNULLStatus of the Fan. Command is : /opt/emc/uemcli- -d <ip-address> -port 443 -u <scope/username> -p <password> -sslPolicy accept -t 240 -noheader /env/fan show -output csv
emc.vnxe.fcport.statusEMC VNXe FC Port StatusNULLStatus of the FC Port. Command is : /opt/emc/uemcli- -d <ip-address> -port 443 -u <scope/username> -p <password> -sslPolicy accept -t 240 -noheader /net/port/fc show -output csv VNXe Host StatusNULLStatus of the Host. Command is : /opt/emc/uemcli- -d <ip-address> -port 443 -u <scope/username> -p <password> -sslPolicy accept -t 240 -noheader /remote/host show -output csv VNXe IO StatusNULLStatus of the IO Module. Command is : /opt/emc/uemcli- -d <ip-address> -port 443 -u <scope/username> -p <password> -sslPolicy accept -t 240 -noheader /env/iomodule show -output csv
emc.vnxe.iscsinode.statusEMC VNXe iSCSI Node StatusNULLStatus of the iSCSI Node. Command is : /opt/emc/uemcli- -d <ip-address> -port 443 -u <scope/username> -p <password> -sslPolicy accept -t 240 -noheader /net/iscsi/node show -output csv
emc.vnxe.lcc.statusEMC VNXe LCC StatusNULLStatus of the Manage link control card (LCC). Command is : /opt/emc/uemcli- -d <ip-address> -port 443 -u <scope/username> -p <password> -sslPolicy accept -t 240 -noheader /env/lcc show -output csv
emc.vnxe.license.statusEMC VNXe License StatusNULLStatus of the License. Command is : /opt/emc/uemcli- -d <ip-address> -port 443 -u <scope/username> -p <password> -sslPolicy accept -t 240 -noheader /sys/lic show -output csv VNXe Memory Module StatusNULLStatus of the Memory Module (MM). Command is : /opt/emc/uemcli- -d <ip-address> -port 443 -u <scope/username> -p <password> -sslPolicy accept -t 240 -noheader /env/mm show -output csv
emc.vnxe.powersupply.statusEMC VNXe Power Supply StatusNULLStatus of the Power Supply. Command is : /opt/emc/uemcli- -d <ip-address> -port 443 -u <scope/username> -p <password> -sslPolicy accept -t 240 -noheader /env/ps show -output csv
emc.vnxe.ssd.statusEMC VNXe SSD StatusNULLStatus of the Solid State Drive (SSD). Command is : /opt/emc/uemcli- -d <ip-address> -port 443 -u <scope/username> -p <password> -sslPolicy accept -t 240 -noheader /env/ssd show -output csv
emc.vnxe.system.statusEMC VNXe System StatusNULLStatus of the System. Command is : /opt/emc/uemcli- -d <ip-address> -port 443 -u <scope/username> -p <password> -sslPolicy accept -t 240 -noheader /sys/general show -output csv
emc.vnxe.vmfsdatastore.statusEMC VNXe VMFS Data Store StatusNULLStatus of the VMFS Data Store. Command is : /opt/emc/uemcli- -d <ip-address> -port 443 -u <scope/username> -p <password> -sslPolicy accept -t 240 -noheader /stor/prov/vmware/vmfs show -output csv
emc.vnxe.snapshot.stateEMC VNXe Snapshot StatusNULLStatus of the Snapshot. Command is : /opt/emc/uemcli- -d <ip-address> -port 443 -u <scope/username> -p <password> -sslPolicy accept -t 240 -noheader /prot/snap show -output csv
emc.vnxe.replicationsession.statusEMC VNXe Replication Session StatussStatus of the Replication Session. Command is : /opt/emc/uemcli- -d <ip-address> -port 443 -u <scope/username> -p <password> -sslPolicy accept -t 240 -noheader /prot/rep/session show -output csv

G2 - EMC VNXe Storage Array CIFS Template


This template is applicable for storage array.


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
G2 - EMC VNXe Storage Array CIFS Monitoremc.vnxe.cifs.readavgsizeEMC VNXe CIFS Read Average SizeKBAverage CIFS read size. Command is : /opt/emc/uemcli- -d <ip-address> -port 443 -u <scope/username> -p <password> -sslPolicy accept -t 240 -noheader /metrics/value/rt -path sp.* show -interval 10 -count 1 -expand -output csv
emc.vnxe.cifs.readbytesEMC VNXe CIFS Read BytesKBpsNumber of CIFS bytes read. Command is : /opt/emc/uemcli- -d <ip-address> -port 443 -u <scope/username> -p <password> -sslPolicy accept -t 240 -noheader /metrics/value/rt -path sp.* show -interval 10 -count 1 -expand -output csv
emc.vnxe.cifs.readsEMC VNXe CIFS ReadspsecNumber of CIFS read operations. Command is : /opt/emc/uemcli- -d <ip-address> -port 443 -u <scope/username> -p <password> -sslPolicy accept -t 240 -noheader /metrics/value/rt -path sp.* show -interval 10 -count 1 -expand -output csv
emc.vnxe.cifs.totalopsEMC VNXe CIFS Total OperationspsecTotal number of CIFS operations. Command is : /opt/emc/uemcli- -d <ip-address> -port 443 -u <scope/username> -p <password> -sslPolicy accept -t 240 -noheader /metrics/value/rt -path sp.* show -interval 10 -count 1 -expand -output csv
emc.vnxe.cifs.writeavgsizeEMC VNXe CIFS Write Average SizeKBAverage CIFS write size. Command is : /opt/emc/uemcli- -d <ip-address> -port 443 -u <scope/username> -p <password> -sslPolicy accept -t 240 -noheader /metrics/value/rt -path sp.* show -interval 10 -count 1 -expand -output csv
emc.vnxe.cifs.writebytesEMC VNXe CIFS Write BytesKBpsNumber of CIFS bytes write. Command is : /opt/emc/uemcli- -d <ip-address> -port 443 -u <scope/username> -p <password> -sslPolicy accept -t 240 -noheader /metrics/value/rt -path sp.* show -interval 10 -count 1 -expand -output csv
emc.vnxe.cifs.writesEMC VNXe CIFS WritespsecNumber of CIFS write operations. Command is : /opt/emc/uemcli- -d <ip-address> -port 443 -u <scope/username> -p <password> -sslPolicy accept -t 240 -noheader /metrics/value/rt -path sp.* show -interval 10 -count 1 -expand -output csv

G2 - EMC VNXe Storage Array CPU Template


This template is applicable for storage array.


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
G2 - EMC VNXe Storage Array CPU Monitoremc.vnxe.cpu.summaryutilizationEMC VNXe CPU Summary Utilization%CPU Summary Utilization. Command is : /opt/emc/uemcli- -d <ip-address> -port 443 -u <scope/username> -p <password> -sslPolicy accept -t 240 -noheader /metrics/value/rt -path sp.*.cpu show -interval 10 -count 1 -expand -output csv
emc.vnxe.cpu.uptimeEMC VNXe CPU UptimesTime since boot up in seconds. Command is : /opt/emc/uemcli- -d <ip-address> -port 443 -u <scope/username> -p <password> -sslPolicy accept -t 240 -noheader /metrics/value/rt -path sp.*.cpu show -interval 10 -count 1 -expand -output csv

G2 - EMC VNXe Storage Array Disk Template


This template is applicable for storage array.


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
G2 - EMC VNXe Storage Array Disk Monitoremc.vnxe.disk.averagequeuelengthEMC VNXe Disk Average Queue LengthNULLAverage Queue Length for the disk. Command is : /opt/emc/uemcli- -d <ip-address> -port 443 -u <scope/username> -p <password> -sslPolicy accept -t 240 -noheader /metrics/value/rt -path sp.*.physical.disk show -interval 10 -count 1 -expand -output csv
emc.vnxe.disk.readbytesEMC VNXe Disk Read BytesKBpsNumber of bytes read from this disk. Command is : /opt/emc/uemcli- -d <ip-address> -port 443 -u <scope/username> -p <password> -sslPolicy accept -t 240 -noheader /metrics/value/rt -path sp.*.physical.disk show -interval 10 -count 1 -expand -output csv
emc.vnxe.disk.readsEMC VNXe Disk ReadspsecReads from this disk. Command is : /opt/emc/uemcli- -d <ip-address> -port 443 -u <scope/username> -p <password> -sslPolicy accept -t 240 -noheader /metrics/value/rt -path sp.*.physical.disk show -interval 10 -count 1 -expand -output csv
emc.vnxe.disk.responsetimeEMC VNXe Disk Response timemicrosecAverage response time for this disk,measured in microseconds. This measures the average time it takes for a disk request to complete. Command is : /opt/emc/uemcli- -d <ip-address> -port 443 -u <scope/username> -p <password> -sslPolicy accept -t 240 -noheader /metrics/value/rt -path sp.*.physical.disk show -interval 10 -count 1 -expand -output csv
emc.vnxe.disk.servicetimeEMC VNXe Disk Service timemicrosecAverage service time for this disk,measured in microseconds. This measures the average time the disk spends on each individual request. Command is : /opt/emc/uemcli- -d <ip-address> -port 443 -u <scope/username> -p <password> -sslPolicy accept -t 240 -noheader /metrics/value/rt -path sp.*.physical.disk show -interval 10 -count 1 -expand -output csv
emc.vnxe.disk.statusEMC VNXe Disk StatusNULLStatus of the Disk. Command is : /opt/emc/uemcli- -d <ip-address> -port 443 -u <scope/username> -p <password> -sslPolicy accept -t 240 -noheader /env/disk show -output csv
emc.vnxe.disk.totalcallsEMC VNXe Disk Total CallspsecTotal Reads and Writes for this disk. Command is : /opt/emc/uemcli- -d <ip-address> -port 443 -u <scope/username> -p <password> -sslPolicy accept -t 240 -noheader /metrics/value/rt -path sp.*.physical.disk show -interval 10 -count 1 -expand -output csv
emc.vnxe.disk.utilizationEMC VNXe Disk Utilization%Utilization % for this disk. Command is : /opt/emc/uemcli- -d <ip-address> -port 443 -u <scope/username> -p <password> -sslPolicy accept -t 240 -noheader /metrics/value/rt -path sp.*.physical.disk show -interval 10 -count 1 -expand -output csv
emc.vnxe.disk.writebytesEMC VNXe Disk Write BytesKBpsNumber of bytes written to this disk. Command is : /opt/emc/uemcli- -d <ip-address> -port 443 -u <scope/username> -p <password> -sslPolicy accept -t 240 -noheader /metrics/value/rt -path sp.*.physical.disk show -interval 10 -count 1 -expand -output csv
emc.vnxe.disk.writesEMC VNXe Disk WritespsecWrites to this disk. Command is : /opt/emc/uemcli- -d <ip-address> -port 443 -u <scope/username> -p <password> -sslPolicy accept -t 240 -noheader /metrics/value/rt -path sp.*.physical.disk show -interval 10 -count 1 -expand -output csv

G2 - EMC VNXe Storage Array Network Template


This template is applicable for storage array.


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
G2 - EMC VNXe Storage Array Network VNXe Network Bytes inKBpsNumber of octets read from network device. Command is : /opt/emc/uemcli- -d <ip-address> -port 443 -u <scope/username> -p <password> -sslPolicy accept -t 240 -noheader /metrics/value/rt -path sp.*.net.device show -interval 10 -count 1 -expand -output csv VNXe Network Bytes outKBpsNumber of octets written to network device. Command is : /opt/emc/uemcli- -d <ip-address> -port 443 -u <scope/username> -p <password> -sslPolicy accept -t 240 -noheader /metrics/value/rt -path sp.*.net.device show -interval 10 -count 1 -expand -output csv VNXe Network Packets inpsecNumber of packets read from network device. Command is : /opt/emc/uemcli- -d <ip-address> -port 443 -u <scope/username> -p <password> -sslPolicy accept -t 240 -noheader /metrics/value/rt -path sp.*.net.device show -interval 10 -count 1 -expand -output csv VNXe Network Packets outpsecNumber of packets written to network device. Command is : /opt/emc/uemcli- -d <ip-address> -port 443 -u <scope/username> -p <password> -sslPolicy accept -t 240 -noheader /metrics/value/rt -path sp.*.net.device show -interval 10 -count 1 -expand -output csv

G2 - EMC VNXe Storage Array NFS Datastore Template


This template is applicable for storage array.


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
G2 - EMC VNXe Storage Array NFS Datastore Monitoremc.vnxe.nfsdatastore.availablesizeEMC VNXe NFS Data Store Available SizeGBNFS Data Store Available Size. Command is : /opt/emc/uemcli- -d <ip-address> -port 443 -u <scope/username> -p <password> -sslPolicy accept -t 240 -noheader /stor/prov/vmware/nfs show -output csv
emc.vnxe.nfsdatastore.statusEMC VNXe NFS Data Store StatusNULLStatus of the NFS Data store. Command is : /opt/emc/uemcli- -d <ip-address> -port 443 -u <scope/username> -p <password> -sslPolicy accept -t 240 -noheader /stor/prov/vmware/nfs show -output csv
emc.vnxe.nfsdatastore.utilizationEMC VNXe NFS Data Store Utilization%NFS Data Store Utilization. Command is : /opt/emc/uemcli- -d <ip-address> -port 443 -u <scope/username> -p <password> -sslPolicy accept -t 240 -noheader /stor/prov/vmware/nfs show -output csv

G2 - EMC VNXe Storage Array NFS Template


This template is applicable for storage array.


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
G2 - EMC VNXe Storage Array NFS Monitoremc.vnxe.nfs.readavgsizeEMC VNXe NFS Read Average SizeKBAverage NFS read size. Command is : /opt/emc/uemcli- -d <ip-address> -port 443 -u <scope/username> -p <password> -sslPolicy accept -t 240 -noheader /metrics/value/rt -path sp.*.nfs.basic show -interval 10 -count 1 -expand -output csv
emc.vnxe.nfs.readbytesEMC VNXe NFS Read BytesKBpsNumber of NFS bytes read. Command is : /opt/emc/uemcli- -d <ip-address> -port 443 -u <scope/username> -p <password> -sslPolicy accept -t 240 -noheader /metrics/value/rt -path sp.*.nfs.basic show -interval 10 -count 1 -expand -output csv
emc.vnxe.nfs.readsEMC VNXe NFS ReadspsecNumber of NFS read operations. Command is : /opt/emc/uemcli- -d <ip-address> -port 443 -u <scope/username> -p <password> -sslPolicy accept -t 240 -noheader /metrics/value/rt -path sp.*.nfs.basic show -interval 10 -count 1 -expand -output csv
emc.vnxe.nfs.writeavgsizeEMC VNXe NFS Write Average SizeKBAverage NFS write size. Command is : /opt/emc/uemcli- -d <ip-address> -port 443 -u <scope/username> -p <password> -sslPolicy accept -t 240 -noheader /metrics/value/rt -path sp.*.nfs.basic show -interval 10 -count 1 -expand -output csv
emc.vnxe.nfs.writebytesEMC VNXe NFS Write BytesKBpsNumber of NFS bytes write. Command is : /opt/emc/uemcli- -d <ip-address> -port 443 -u <scope/username> -p <password> -sslPolicy accept -t 240 -noheader /metrics/value/rt -path sp.*.nfs.basic show -interval 10 -count 1 -expand -output csv
emc.vnxe.nfs.writesEMC VNXe NFS WritespsecNumber of NFS write operations. Command is : /opt/emc/uemcli- -d <ip-address> -port 443 -u <scope/username> -p <password> -sslPolicy accept -t 240 -noheader /metrics/value/rt -path sp.*.nfs.basic show -interval 10 -count 1 -expand -output csv

G2 - EMC VNXe Storage Pool Template


This template is applicable for storage pool or aggregate.


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
G2 - EMC VNXe Storage Pool Monitoremc.vnxe.storagepool.availablesizeEMC VNXe Storage Pool Available SizeGBStorage pool available size. Command is : /opt/emc/uemcli- -d <ip-address> -port 443 -u <scope/username> -p <password> -sslPolicy accept -t 240 -noheader /stor/config/pool show -output csv
emc.vnxe.storagepool.statusEMC VNXe Storage Pool StatusNULLEMC VNXe Storage Pool Status. Command is : /opt/emc/uemcli- -d <ip-address> -port 443 -u <scope/username> -p <password> -sslPolicy accept -t 240 -noheader /stor/config/pool show -output csv
emc.vnxe.storagepool.utilizationEMC VNXe Storage Pool Utilization%Storage pool Utilization. Command is : /opt/emc/uemcli- -d <ip-address> -port 443 -u <scope/username> -p <password> -sslPolicy accept -t 240 -noheader /stor/config/pool show -output csv

G2 - EMC VNXe Storage Processor Template


This template is applicable for storage processor.


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
G2 - EMC VNXe Storage Processor Monitoremc.vnxe.storageprocessor.readblocksEMC VNXe Storage Processor Read BlockspsecBlocks read from this SP. Command is : /opt/emc/uemcli- -d <ip-address> -port 443 -u <scope/username> -p <password> -sslPolicy accept -t 240 -noheader /metrics/value/rt -path sp.*.storage.summary show -interval 10 -count 1 -expand -output csv
emc.vnxe.storageprocessor.readbytesEMC VNXe Storage Processor Read BytesKBpsNumber of bytes read from this SP. Command is : /opt/emc/uemcli- -d <ip-address> -port 443 -u <scope/username> -p <password> -sslPolicy accept -t 240 -noheader /metrics/value/rt -path sp.*.storage.summary show -interval 10 -count 1 -expand -output csv
emc.vnxe.storageprocessor.readsEMC VNXe Storage Processor ReadspsecReads from this SP. Command is : /opt/emc/uemcli- -d <ip-address> -port 443 -u <scope/username> -p <password> -sslPolicy accept -t 240 -noheader /metrics/value/rt -path sp.*.storage.summary show -interval 10 -count 1 -expand -output csv
emc.vnxe.storageprocessor.statusEMC VNXe Storage Processor StatusNULLStatus of the Storage Processor. Command is : /opt/emc/uemcli- -d <ip-address> -port 443 -u <scope/username> -p <password> -sslPolicy accept -t 240 -noheader /env/sp show -output csv
emc.vnxe.storageprocessor.totalbytesEMC VNXe Storage Processor Total BytesKBpsTotal number of read and write bytes on this sp. Command is : /opt/emc/uemcli- -d <ip-address> -port 443 -u <scope/username> -p <password> -sslPolicy accept -t 240 -noheader /metrics/value/rt -path sp.*.storage.summary show -interval 10 -count 1 -expand -output csv
emc.vnxe.storageprocessor.totalcallsEMC VNXe Storage Processor Total CallspsecTotal number of read and write requests on this SP. Command is : /opt/emc/uemcli- -d <ip-address> -port 443 -u <scope/username> -p <password> -sslPolicy accept -t 240 -noheader /metrics/value/rt -path sp.*.storage.summary show -interval 10 -count 1 -expand -output csv
emc.vnxe.storageprocessor.writeblocksEMC VNXe Storage Processor Write BlockspsecBlocks write to this SP. Command is : /opt/emc/uemcli- -d <ip-address> -port 443 -u <scope/username> -p <password> -sslPolicy accept -t 240 -noheader /metrics/value/rt -path sp.*.storage.summary show -interval 10 -count 1 -expand -output csv
emc.vnxe.storageprocessor.writebytesEMC VNXe Storage Processor Write BytesKBpsNumber of bytes write to this SP. Command is : /opt/emc/uemcli- -d <ip-address> -port 443 -u <scope/username> -p <password> -sslPolicy accept -t 240 -noheader /metrics/value/rt -path sp.*.storage.summary show -interval 10 -count 1 -expand -output csv
emc.vnxe.storageprocessor.writesEMC VNXe Storage Processor WritespsecWrites to this SP. Command is : /opt/emc/uemcli- -d <ip-address> -port 443 -u <scope/username> -p <password> -sslPolicy accept -t 240 -noheader /metrics/value/rt -path sp.*.storage.summary show -interval 10 -count 1 -expand -output csv

G2 - Agentless Linux Services Status


Monitors the status of the overall state the service is in. It can be active, reloading, inactive, failed, activating, or deactivating.


  • SSH credentials need to be assigned on end device.
  • This template requires Gateway version 14.0.0 or later.
  • This template only works on systems having Systemd as the default init system.

Template Tags: Agentless

Template Usage Guidelines

When applying this template to a device, you have to provide specific input parameters in one of the following two formats:

Format 1 all (case-insensitive)

  • If all is specified as the custom script argument, the script monitors all available services.
  • It also includes alert tokens that provide additional information, such as:
    • The total count of services.
    • The count of services in each available state.

Format 2 tuned, opsramp.*, systemd (provide service names without the .service extension)

  • Specify comma-separated service names or service regex patterns for focused monitoring.
  • The script filters and retrieves status information about only the mentioned services.


  • It is recommended that you specify particular service names in the input parameters.
  • Monitoring all services (all) can significantly increase the system load, especially in environments with a large number of services.

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
G2 - Agentless Linux Services Statussystem_linux_services_statusSystem Linux Services StatusMonitors the status of the overall state the service is in. It can be active, reloading, inactive, failed, activating, or deactivating.

G2 - Linux Agentless Process Statistics


Monitors the process statistics like instance count,Threads count,open fds count,cpu usage % and memory usage %,for Linux OS through Linux gateway.

Template Usage Guidelines:

Template expects user to provide input parameters in any one of the below three formats only:

Format 1: The format uses ::: to delimit mode and processes.
Format 2: The format uses @@@ to delimit multiple processes.
Format 3: The format uses ;;; to delimit processes and their friendly names.


  • In the first two formats (with “includeArgs” and “excludeArgs” as modes),a friendly name is mandatory.
  • In formats 1 and 2,if the provided process name or process regex matches multiple process names in the system,the template will provide collective data for all of them,using the friendly name provided by the user as the component name.
  • In Format 3 (with the mode set to ‘exactProcessName’),regex patterns and friendly names are not supported. This format only works for exact process names present in the system.

Format 1: Template will match the given process name or process regex only with the process names in the system.

Valid Case Example:


Invalid Case Example:


Format 2: Template will match the given process name or process regex with all the process names and its arguments in the system.

Valid Case Example:


Invalid Case Example:


Format 3: Template will collect monitoring data,only if the given exact process name is found in the system.

Valid Case Example:


Invalid Case Example:



End device SSH credentials need to be added on End device itself.

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
G2 - Linux Agentless Process Statistics Monitorprocess_instances_countProcess Instances CountCountMonitors Instance count of each process of Linux Device.
process_threads_countProcess Threads CountCountMonitors thread count of each process of Linux Device
process_openfds_countProcess Openfds CountCountMonitors open file descriptors count of each process of Linux Device.
process_memory_utilization_in_percentageProcess Memory Utilization PercentagePercentageMonitors Memory Usage of each process of Linux Device.
prcoess_cpu_utilization_in_percentagePrcoess CPU Utilization PercentagePercentageMonitors Cpu Usage of each process of Linux Device.

G2 - Linux - PostgresDB Aliveness Check Status

This template will be deprecated soon.


To monitor the aliveness of the postgres database


  • Gateway 7.0.0 and above.
  • SSH credentials assigned on target machine and must have permission to access the provided .env file.
  • Create a Postgres environment file and provide the file path as input parameter while applying the template.
  • You need to provide env path for single instance - <env path> & for multiple instances - <env path>,<env path2>,<env path3>
  • Along with setting up postgres environment this env file should contain other parameters like PGDATABASE,PGARCHIVEDIR,PGDATADIR,PGWALDIR,PGPORT,SERVICENAME."

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
G2 - Linux - PostgresDB Aliveness Check Status Monitorpostgres_check_dbalivePostgres Check DBAlivePostgres Check DBAlive

G2 - Linux - PostgresDB Aliveness Check Status - v2


To monitor the aliveness of the postgres database

Template Usage Guidelines:

  • Create a Postgres environment file and provide the file path as input parameter while applying the template.
  • We need to provide env path for single instance - <env path> & for multiple instances - <env path1>,<env path2>,<env path3>
  • Along with setting up postgres environment,this env file should contain other parameters like PGDATABASE,PGARCHIVEDIR,PGDATADIR,PGWALDIR,PGPORT,SERVICENAME.
  • Sample pg_new_5432.env file data: export PATH=$PATH:/usr/pgsql-12/bin/ PGDATABASE=postgres PGPORT=5432 PGARCHIVEDIR=/var/lib/pgsql/backups_main/archive/ PGDATADIR=/var/lib/pgsql/12/data PGWALDIR=/var/lib/pgsql/12/data/pg_wal SERVICENAME=postgresql-12


SSH Credentials need to be assigned on end device.

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
G2 - Linux - PostgresDB Aliveness Check Status Monitor - v2postgres_check_dbalivePostgres Check DBAliveTo monitor the aliveness of the postgres database

G2 MSSQL Database Access Methods Template


G2 MSSQL Database Access Methods Template


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
G2 MSSQL Database Access Methods splitspsecThe number of page splits per second that occur as the result of overflowing index pages.
mssql.full.scansFull scanspsecNumber of unrestricted full scans. These can either be base table or full index scans.

G2 MSSQL Database Access Methods Template - v2.0


This template supports windows and SQL server authentication modes Integration is done through JDBC and SQL queries.


Gateway 7.0.0 and above,SQL Server 2008 and above.

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
G2 MSSQL Database Access Methods Monitor - splitspsecThe number of page splits per second that occur as the result of overflowing index pages.
mssql.full.scansFull scanspsecNumber of unrestricted full scans. These can either be base table or full index scans.

G2 MSSQL Database Agent Jobs Template


This template supports for both SQL and Windows Authentication. Integration is done through JDBC and MSSQL queries and tested in MSSQL v18.9.1


Gateway 7.0.0 and above.

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
G2-MSSQLDB-Agent Jobs Monitormssql_db_agentJobsStatusMSSQL DB Agent Jobs StatusNULLMSSQL DB Agent Jobs Status : This metric collects mssql agent job status latest information (in last 15mins only): Below are the possible status values - 0 : Failed 1 : Successful 2 : Retry 3 : Cancelled 4 : InProgress

G2 MSSQL Database AlwaysOn Template


This template supports for both SQL and Windows Authentication. Integration is done through JDBC and MSSQL queries and tested in MSSQL v18.9.1.


Gateway 7.0.0 and above.

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
G2-MSSQLDB-AlwaysON Monitormssql_db_alwaysOn_AG_SynchronizationHealth8MSSQL AlwaysOn Availability Group Synchronization HealthNULLMSSQL AlwaysOn Availability Group Synchronization Health - Below are the possible values: 0 : NOT_HEALTHY 1 : PARTIALLY_HEALTHY 2 : HEALTHY
mssql_db_alwaysOn_DBAvailability_SynchronizationHealthMSSQL AlwaysOn DataBase Availability Synchronization HealthNULLMSSQL AlwaysOn DataBase Availability Synchronization Health - Below are the possible states: 0 : NOT_HEALTHY 1 : PARTIALLY_HEALTHY 2 : HEALTHY
mssql_db_alwaysOn_listener_stateMSSQL AlwaysOn Listener StateNULLMSSQL AlwaysOn Listener State - Below are the possible values: 0 : OFFLINE 1 : ONLINE 2 : ONLINE_PENDING 3 : FAILED

G2 MSSQL Database AlwaysOn Template - v2


This template supports for both SQL and Windows Authentication. Integration is done through JDBC and MSSQL queries and tested in MSSQL v18.9.1.


Gateway 7.0.0 and above.

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
G2-MSSQLDB-AlwaysON Monitormssql_db_alwaysOn_AG_SynchronizationHealth8MSSQL AlwaysOn Availability Group Synchronization HealthNULLMSSQL AlwaysOn Availability Group Synchronization Health - Below are the possible values: 0 : NOT_HEALTHY 1 : PARTIALLY_HEALTHY 2 : HEALTHY
mssql_db_alwaysOn_DBAvailability_SynchronizationHealthMSSQL AlwaysOn DataBase Availability Synchronization HealthNULLMSSQL AlwaysOn DataBase Availability Synchronization Health - Below are the possible states: 0 : NOT_HEALTHY 1 : PARTIALLY_HEALTHY 2 : HEALTHY
mssql_db_alwaysOn_listener_stateMSSQL AlwaysOn Listener StateNULLMSSQL AlwaysOn Listener State - Below are the possible values: 0 : OFFLINE 1 : ONLINE 2 : ONLINE_PENDING 3 : FAILED
mssql_db_alwaysOn_agListener_ConsolidatedStateMSSQL DB AlwaysOn AGListener Consolidated StateNULLMonitors MSSQL AlwaysOn Listener Consolidated State with same dnsName. If state = (0 - offline)/(2 - online pending)/(3 - Failed) as Critical and State = (1 - Online) as Ok

G2 - MSSQL Database Availability SQL Server Authentication


MSSQL DB Database Availability SQL Server Authentication Note: 1. Need to provide \ (backward slashes) instead of \ (single slash). If the SQLServerName contains DomainName\UserName needs to be provided like this DomainName\UserName 2. Add the credential set with this name SQL_credentials.


End device SSH credentials need to be added on end device itself.

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
G2 - MSSQL Database Availability SQL Server Authenticationmssql_db_database_availability_sql_authMSSQL DB Database Availability SQL Server AuthenticationNULLMSSQL DB Database Availability SQL Server Authentication Note: 1. Need to provide \\ (backward slashes) instead of \ (single slash). If the SQLServerName contains DomainName\UserName need to provide like this DomainName\\UserName 2. Add the credential set with this name SQL_credentials

G2 MSSQL Database Backup Template


This template supports for both SQL and Windows Authentication. Integration is done through JDBC and MSSQL queries and tested in MSSQL v18.9.1


Gateway 7.0.0 and above.4

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
G2-MSSQLDB-Backup Monitormssql_db_backup_daysSinceLastDifferentialBackupMSSQL DB Backup Days Since Last Differential BackupDaysMSSQL DB Backup Days Since Last Differential Backup
mssql_db_backup_daysSinceLastFullBackupMSSQL DB Backup Days Since Last Full BackupDaysMSSQL DB Backup Days Since Last Full Backup
mssql_db_backup_daysSinceLastLogBackupMSSQL DB Backup Days Since Last Log BackupDaysMSSQL DB Backup Days Since Last Log Backup

G2 MSSQL Database Buffer Template


G2 MSSQL Database Buffer Template


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
G2 MSSQL Database Buffer readspsecNumber of physical database page reads issued. Page writeswpsNumber of physical database page writes issued.
mssql.buffer.lazy.writesBuffer lazy writeswpsNumber of buffers written by buffer manager's lazy writer.
mssql.checkpoint.pagesCheckpoint pagespsecIndicates the number of pages flushed to disk per second by a checkpoint or other operation that require all dirty pages to be flushed.

G2 MSSQL Database Buffer Template - v2.0


This template supports windows and SQL server authentication modes Integration is done through JDBC and SQL queries.


Gateway 7.0.0 and above,SQL Server 2008 and above.

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
G2 MSSQL Database Buffer Monitor - readspsecNumber of physical database page reads issued. Page writeswpsNumber of physical database page writes issued.
mssql.buffer.lazy.writesBuffer lazy writeswpsNumber of buffers written by buffer manager's lazy writer.
mssql.checkpoint.pagesCheckpoint pagespsecIndicates the number of pages flushed to disk per second by a checkpoint or other operation that require all dirty pages to be flushed.

G2 MSSQL Database CPU Template


This template supports for both SQL and Windows Authentication. Integration is done through JDBC and MSSQL queries and tested in MSSQL v18.9.1.


Gateway 7.0.0 and above.

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
G2-MSSQLDB-CPU Monitormssql_cpuIoBusyMSSQL CPU I0BusymicrosecMSSQL CPU IoBusy
mssql_cpuBusyMSSQL CPU BusymicrosecMSSQL CPU Busy

G2 MSSQL Database Databases Template


G2 MSSQL Database Databases Template


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
G2 MSSQL Database Databases Monitormssql.log.flushesLog FlushespsecThe number of log flushes.
mssql.db.transactionsDb transactionspsecThe number of transactions started for the database. File SizeKBThe cumulative size of all the data files in the database.
mssql.lock.deadlocksDeadlockspsecThe number of lock requests that resulted in a deadlock.

G2 MSSQL Database Databases Template - v2.0


This template supports windows and SQL server authentication modes Integration is done through JDBC and SQL queries.


Gateway 7.0.0 and above,SQL Server 2008 and above.

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
G2 MSSQL Database Databases Monitor - v2.0mssql.log.flushesLog FlushespsecThe number of log flushes.
mssql.db.transactionsDb transactionspsecThe number of transactions started for the database. File SizeKBThe cumulative size of all the data files in the database.
mssql.lock.deadlocksDeadlockspsecThe number of lock requests that resulted in a deadlock.

G2 MSSQL Database General Statistics Template


G2 MSSQL Database General Statistics Template


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
G2 MSSQL Database General Statistics Monitormssql.user.connectionsUser connectionsNULLThe number of users connected to the system.
mssql.blocked.processBlocked processesNULLThe number of currently blocked processes.

G2 MSSQL Database General Statistics Template - v2.0


This template supports windows and SQL server authentication modes Integration is done through JDBC and SQL queries.


Gateway 7.0.0 and above,SQL Server 2008 and above.

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
G2 MSSQL Database General Statistics Monitor - v2.0mssql.user.connectionsUser connectionsNULLThe number of users connected to the system.
mssql.blocked.processBlocked processesNULLThe number of currently blocked processes.

G2 MSSQL Database Latches Template


G2 MSSQL Database Latches Template


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
G2 MSSQL Database Latches Monitormssql.latch.waitsLatch waitspsecNumber of latch requests that could not be granted immediately and had to wait before being granted.

G2 MSSQL Database Latches Template - v2.0


This template supports windows and SQL server authentication modes Integration is done through JDBC and SQL queries.


Gateway 7.0.0 and above,SQL Server 2008 and above.

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
G2 MSSQL Database Latches Monitor - v2.0mssql.latch.waitsLatch waitspsecNumber of latch requests that could not be granted immediately and had to wait before being granted.

G2 MSSQL Database Locks Template


G2 MSSQL Database Locks Template


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
G2 MSSQL Database Locks Monitormssql.lock.waitsLock waitspsecNumber of lock requests that could not be satisfied immediately and required the caller to wait before being granted the lock.
mssql.avg.lock.wait.timeAverage lock wait timemsThe average amount of wait time (milliseconds) for each lock request that resulted in a wait.
mssql.lock.timeoutsLock timeoutspsecNumber of lock requests that timed out. This includes requests for no wait locks.

G2 MSSQL Database Locks Template - v2.0


This template supports windows and SQL server authentication modes Integration is done through JDBC and SQL queries.


Gateway 7.0.0 and above,SQL Server 2008 and above.

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
G2 MSSQL Database Locks Monitor - v2.0mssql.lock.waitsLock waitspsecNumber of lock requests that could not be satisfied immediately and required the caller to wait before being granted the lock.
mssql.avg.lock.wait.timeAverage lock wait timemsThe average amount of wait time (milliseconds) for each lock request that resulted in a wait.
mssql.lock.timeoutsLock timeoutspsecNumber of lock requests that timed out. This includes requests for no wait locks.

G2 MSSQL Database Memory Manager Template


G2 MSSQL Database Memory Manager Template


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
G2 MSSQL Database Memory Manager server memoryKBTotal amount of dynamic memory the server is currently consuming
mssql.memory.grants.pendingMemory Grants PendingNULLCurrent number of processes waiting for a workspace memory grant
mssql.database.cache.memoryDatabase cache memoryKBAmount of memory the server is currently using for the database cache.
mssql.connection.memoryConnection MemoryKBTotal amount of dynamic memory the server is using for maintaining connections.
mssql.lock.memoryLock MemoryKBTotal amount of dynamic memory the server is using for locks MemoryKBAmount of memory the server is currently not using.
mssql.sql.cache.memorySQL Cache MemoryKBTotal amount of dynamic memory the server is using for the dynamic SQL cache
mssql.optimizer.memoryOptimizer MemoryKBTotal amount of dynamic memory the server is using for query optimization

G2 MSSQL Database Memory Manager Template - v2.0


This template supports windows and SQL server authentication modes Integration is done through JDBC and SQL queries.


Gateway 7.0.0 and above,SQL Server 2008 and above.

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
G2 MSSQL Database Memory Manager Monitor - server memoryKBTotal amount of dynamic memory the server is currently consuming
mssql.memory.grants.pendingMemory Grants PendingNULLCurrent number of processes waiting for a workspace memory grant
mssql.database.cache.memoryDatabase cache memoryKBAmount of memory the server is currently using for the database cache.
mssql.connection.memoryConnection MemoryKBTotal amount of dynamic memory the server is using for maintaining connections.
mssql.lock.memoryLock MemoryKBTotal amount of dynamic memory the server is using for locks MemoryKBAmount of memory the server is currently not using.
mssql.sql.cache.memorySQL Cache MemoryKBTotal amount of dynamic memory the server is using for the dynamic SQL cache
mssql.optimizer.memoryOptimizer MemoryKBTotal amount of dynamic memory the server is using for query optimization

G2 MSSQL Database Miscellaneous Template


G2 MSSQL Database Miscellaneous Template


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
G2 MSSQL Database Miscellaneous Monitormsql.last.elapsed.timeLast elapsed timemicrosecElapsed time,reported in microseconds (but only accurate to milliseconds),for the most recently completed execution of this plan.
mssql.buffer.cache.hit.ratioBuffer cache hit ratioNonePercentage of pages that were found in the buffer pool without having to incur a read from disk.
mssql.procedure.cache.hit.ratioProcedure Cache Hit RatioNULLProcedure Cache Hit ratio (calculated from server start-up) PageLifeExpectancysNumber of seconds a page will stay in the buffer pool without references.

G2 MSSQL Database Miscellaneous Template - v2.0


This template supports windows and SQL server authentication modes Integration is done through JDBC and SQL queries.


Gateway 7.0.0 and above,SQL Server 2008 and above.

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
G2 MSSQL Database Miscellaneous Monitor - v2.0msql.last.elapsed.timeLast elapsed timemicrosecElapsed time,reported in microseconds (but only accurate to milliseconds),for the most recently completed execution of this plan.
mssql.buffer.cache.hit.ratioBuffer cache hit ratioNonePercentage of pages that were found in the buffer pool without having to incur a read from disk.
mssql.procedure.cache.hit.ratioProcedure Cache Hit RatioNULLProcedure Cache Hit ratio (calculated from server start-up) PageLifeExpectancysNumber of seconds a page will stay in the buffer pool without references.

G2 MSSQL Database Resource pool Stats Template


G2 MSSQL Database Resource pool Stats Template


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
G2 MSSQL Database Resource pool Stats Monitormssql.resource.pool.used.memoryResource pool used memoryKBThe amount of memory used,in kilobytes (KB),for the resource pool. pool disk read IOropsNumber of read operations from the disk in the last second.
mssql.resource.pool.disk.write.ioResource pool disk write IOwpsNumber of bytes written to the disk in the last second.

G2 MSSQL Database Resource pool Stats Template - v2.0


This template supports windows and SQL server authentication modes Integration is done through JDBC and SQL queries.


Gateway 7.0.0 and above,SQL Server 2008 and above.

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
G2 MSSQL Database Resource pool Stats Monitor - v2.0mssql.resource.pool.used.memoryResource pool used memoryKBThe amount of memory used,in kilobytes (KB),for the resource pool. pool disk read IOropsNumber of read operations from the disk in the last second.
mssql.resource.pool.disk.write.ioResource pool disk write IOwpsNumber of bytes written to the disk in the last second.

G2 MSSQL Database SQL Statistics Template


G2 MSSQL Database SQL Statistics Template


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
G2 MSSQL Database SQL Statistics Monitormssql.batch.requestsBatch requestspsecNumber of SQL batch requests received by server.
mssql.sql.compilationsSql compilationspsecNumber of SQL compilations.
msql.sql.recompilationsSql recompilationspsecNumber of statement recompiles per second. Counts the number of times statement recompiles are triggered. Generally,you want the recompiles to be low.

G2 MSSQL Database SQL Statistics Template - v2.0


This template supports windows and SQL server authentication modes Integration is done through JDBC and SQL queries.


Gateway 7.0.0 and above,SQL Server 2008 and above.

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
G2 MSSQL Database SQL Statistics Monitor - v2.0mssql.batch.requestsBatch requestspsecNumber of SQL batch requests received by server.
mssql.sql.compilationsSql compilationspsecNumber of SQL compilations.
msql.sql.recompilationsSql recompilationspsecNumber of statement recompiles per second. Counts the number of times statement recompiles are triggered. Generally,you want the recompiles to be low.

G2 MSSQL Database Transactions Time Template


G2 MSSQL Database Transactions Time Template


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
G2 MSSQL Database Transactions Monitormssql.longest.transaction timeLongest transaction timesThe length of time (in seconds) since the start of the transaction that has been active longer than any other current transaction. This counter only shows activity when the database is under read committed snapshot isolation level. It does not log any activity if the database is in any other isolation level.

G2 MSSQL Database Transactions Time Template - v2.0


This template supports windows and SQL server authentication modes Integration is done through JDBC and SQL queries.


Gateway 7.0.0 and above,SQL Server 2008 and above.

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
G2 MSSQL Database Transactions Monitor - v2.0mssql.longest.transaction timeLongest transaction timesThe length of time (in seconds) since the start of the transaction that has been active longer than any other current transaction. This counter only shows activity when the database is under read committed snapshot isolation level. It does not log any activity if the database is in any other isolation level.

G2 - MSSQL Database Monitoring


Monitors MSSQL Database metrics like mssql.avg.lock.wait.time,mssql.buffer.cache.hit.ratio,mssql.sql.cache.memory,,mssql_db_databases_count,mssql.full.scans,,,mssql_server_uptime,,mssql.db.transactions,mssql_db_database_status,mssql_db_database_active_users,mssql_db_database_datafiles_freespace,mssql_db_database_freespace,mssql_db_database_log_cachehit_ratio,mssql_db_database_logfiles_freespace.


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
G2 - MSSQL Database Backup Statusmssql_db_backup_minutesSinceLastFullBackupMSSQL Database Backup status in minutes since Last Full BackupmMonitors Database Backup status in Minutes since Last Full Backup
vmssql_db_minutesSinceLastTransaction_log_backupMSSQL DB Minutes Since Last Transaction Log BackupmMonitors Database transaction log backup in minutes
G2 - MSSQL Database Page writeswpsNumber of physical database page writes issued.
mssql.sql.cache.memorySQL Cache MemoryKBTotal amount of dynamic memory the server is using for the dynamic SQL cache
mssql_db_database_logfiles_freespaceMSSQL database LogFiles Freespace%Monitors MSSQL database LogFiles free space
mssql.db.transactionsDb transactionspsecThe number of transactions started for the database.
mssql.avg.lock.wait.timeAverage lock wait timemsThe average amount of wait time (milliseconds) for each lock request that resulted in a wait.
mssql_db_database_statusMSSQ DB Database StatusNULL0 = ONLINE 1 = RESTORING 2 = RECOVERING SQL Server 2008 and later 3 = RECOVERY_PENDING SQL Server 2008 and later 4 = SUSPECT 5 = EMERGENCY SQL Server 2008 and later 6 = OFFLINE SQL Server 2008 and later 7 = COPYING Azure SQL Database Active Geo-Replication 10 = OFFLINE_SECONDARY Azure SQL Database Active Geo-Replication readspsecNumber of physical database page reads issued.
mssql_db_databases_countMSSQL DB Databases CountcountShow the count of total number of databases
mssql.buffer.cache.hit.ratioBuffer cache hit ratioNonePercentage of pages that were found in the buffer pool without having to incur a read from disk.
mssql_db_database_freespaceMSSQL Database Freespace%Monitors Database Freespace in Percentage
mssql_server_uptimeMSSQL Server UptimeDaysMonitors the uptime (in days) of the database server server memoryKBTotal amount of dynamic memory the server is currently consuming
mssql_db_database_datafiles_freespaceMSSQL Database DataFiles FreeSpace%Monitors datafiles free space regardless of auto-growth
mssql_db_database_active_usersMSSQL Database Active UserscountMonitors the number of active user transactions per database.
mssql_db_database_log_cachehit_ratioMSSQL Database Log CacheHit Ratio%Monitors MSSQL database log cache-hit ratio File SizeKBThe cumulative size of all the data files in the database.
mssql.full.scansFull scanspsecNumber of unrestricted full scans. These can either be base table or full index scans.
G2-MSSQLDB-Agent Jobs Monitormssql_db_agentJobsStatusMSSQL DB Agent Jobs StatusNULLMSSQL DB Agent Jobs Status : This metric collects mssql agent job status latest information (in last 15mins only): Below are the possible status values - 0 : Failed 1 : Successful 2 : Retry 3 : Cancelled 4 : InProgress

G2 - MSSQL Database Monitoring - v2

This template will be deprecated soon.


Monitors MSSQL Database metrics like mssql.avg.lock.wait.time,mssql.buffer.cache.hit.ratio,mssql.sql.cache.memory,,mssql_db_databases_count,mssql.full.scans,,,mssql_server_uptime,,mssql.db.transactions,mssql_db_database_status,mssql_db_database_active_users,mssql_db_database_datafiles_freespace,mssql_db_database_freespace,mssql_db_database_log_cachehit_ratio,mssql_db_database_logfiles_freespace


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
G2 - MSSQL Database Backup Status - v2mssql_db_backup_minutesSinceLastFullBackupMSSQL Database Backup status in minutes since Last Full BackupmMonitors Database Backup status in Minutes since Last Full Backup
vmssql_db_minutesSinceLastTransaction_log_backupMSSQL DB Minutes Since Last Transaction Log BackupmMonitors Database transaction log backup in minutes
G2 - MSSQL Database Monitoring - Page writeswpsNumber of physical database page writes issued.
mssql.sql.cache.memorySQL Cache MemoryKBTotal amount of dynamic memory the server is using for the dynamic SQL cache
mssql_db_database_logfiles_freespaceMSSQL database LogFiles Freespace%Monitors MSSQL database LogFiles free space
mssql.db.transactionsDb transactionspsecThe number of transactions started for the database.
mssql.avg.lock.wait.timeAverage lock wait timemsThe average amount of wait time (milliseconds) for each lock request that resulted in a wait.
mssql_db_database_statusMSSQ DB Database StatusNULL0 = ONLINE 1 = RESTORING 2 = RECOVERING SQL Server 2008 and later 3 = RECOVERY_PENDING SQL Server 2008 and later 4 = SUSPECT 5 = EMERGENCY SQL Server 2008 and later 6 = OFFLINE SQL Server 2008 and later 7 = COPYING Azure SQL Database Active Geo-Replication 10 = OFFLINE_SECONDARY Azure SQL Database Active Geo-Replication readspsecNumber of physical database page reads issued.
mssql_db_databases_countMSSQL DB Databases CountcountShow the count of total number of databases
mssql.buffer.cache.hit.ratioBuffer cache hit ratioNonePercentage of pages that were found in the buffer pool without having to incur a read from disk.
mssql_db_database_freespaceMSSQL Database Freespace%Monitors Database Freespace in Percentage
mssql_server_uptimeMSSQL Server UptimeDaysMonitors the uptime (in days) of the database server server memoryKBTotal amount of dynamic memory the server is currently consuming
mssql_db_database_datafiles_freespaceMSSQL Database DataFiles FreeSpace%Monitors datafiles free space regardless of auto-growth
mssql_db_database_active_usersMSSQL Database Active UserscountMonitors the number of active user transactions per database.
mssql_db_database_log_cachehit_ratioMSSQL Database Log CacheHit Ratio%Monitors MSSQL database log cache-hit ratio File SizeKBThe cumulative size of all the data files in the database.
mssql.full.scansFull scanspsecNumber of unrestricted full scans. These can either be base table or full index scans.
G2-MSSQLDB-Agent Jobs Monitormssql_db_agentJobsStatusMSSQL DB Agent Jobs StatusNULLMSSQL DB Agent Jobs Status : This metric collects mssql agent job status latest information (in last 15mins only): Below are the possible status values - 0 : Failed 1 : Successful 2 : Retry 3 : Cancelled 4 : InProgress

G2 - MSSQL Database Monitoring - v3

This template will be deprecated soon.


Monitors MSSQL Database metrics like mssql.avg.lock.wait.time,mssql.buffer.cache.hit.ratio,mssql.sql.cache.memory,,mssql_db_databases_count,mssql.full.scans,,,mssql_server_uptime,,mssql.db.transactions,mssql_db_database_status,mssql_db_database_active_users,mssql_db_database_datafiles_freespace,mssql_db_database_freespace,mssql_db_database_log_cachehit_ratio,mssql_db_database_logfiles_freespace


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
G2 - MSSQL Database Backup Status - v2mssql_db_backup_minutesSinceLastFullBackupMSSQL Database Backup status in minutes since Last Full BackupmMonitors Database Backup status in Minutes since Last Full Backup
vmssql_db_minutesSinceLastTransaction_log_backupMSSQL DB Minutes Since Last Transaction Log BackupmMonitors Database transaction log backup in minutes
G2 - MSSQL Database Monitoring - Page writeswpsNumber of physical database page writes issued.
mssql.sql.cache.memorySQL Cache MemoryKBTotal amount of dynamic memory the server is using for the dynamic SQL cache
mssql_db_database_logfiles_freespaceMSSQL database LogFiles Freespace%Monitors MSSQL database LogFiles free space
mssql.db.transactionsDb transactionspsecThe number of transactions started for the database.
mssql.avg.lock.wait.timeAverage lock wait timemsThe average amount of wait time (milliseconds) for each lock request that resulted in a wait.
mssql_db_database_statusMSSQ DB Database StatusNULL0 = ONLINE 1 = RESTORING 2 = RECOVERING SQL Server 2008 and later 3 = RECOVERY_PENDING SQL Server 2008 and later 4 = SUSPECT 5 = EMERGENCY SQL Server 2008 and later 6 = OFFLINE SQL Server 2008 and later 7 = COPYING Azure SQL Database Active Geo-Replication 10 = OFFLINE_SECONDARY Azure SQL Database Active Geo-Replication readspsecNumber of physical database page reads issued.
mssql_db_databases_countMSSQL DB Databases CountcountShow the count of total number of databases
mssql.buffer.cache.hit.ratioBuffer cache hit ratioNonePercentage of pages that were found in the buffer pool without having to incur a read from disk.
mssql_db_database_freespaceMSSQL Database Freespace%Monitors Database Freespace in Percentage
mssql_server_uptimeMSSQL Server UptimeDaysMonitors the uptime (in days) of the database server server memoryKBTotal amount of dynamic memory the server is currently consuming
mssql_db_database_datafiles_freespaceMSSQL Database DataFiles FreeSpace%Monitors datafiles free space regardless of auto-growth
mssql_db_database_active_usersMSSQL Database Active UserscountMonitors the number of active user transactions per database.
mssql_db_database_log_cachehit_ratioMSSQL Database Log CacheHit Ratio%Monitors MSSQL database log cache-hit ratio File SizeKBThe cumulative size of all the data files in the database.
mssql.full.scansFull scanspsecNumber of unrestricted full scans. These can either be base table or full index scans.
G2-MSSQLDB-Agent Jobs Monitormssql_db_agentJobsStatusMSSQL DB Agent Jobs StatusNULLMSSQL DB Agent Jobs Status : This metric collects mssql agent job status latest information (in last 15mins only): Below are the possible status values - 0 : Failed 1 : Successful 2 : Retry 3 : Cancelled 4 : InProgress

G2 - MSSQL Database Monitoring - v4


Monitors MSSQL Database metrics like mssql.avg.lock.wait.time,mssql.buffer.cache.hit.ratio,mssql.sql.cache.memory,,mssql_db_databases_count,mssql.full.scans,,,mssql_server_uptime,,mssql.db.transactions,mssql_db_database_status,mssql_db_database_active_users,mssql_db_database_datafiles_freespace,mssql_db_database_freespace,mssql_db_database_log_cachehit_ratio,mssql_db_database_logfiles_freespace


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
G2 - MSSQL Database Backup Status - v2mssql_db_backup_minutesSinceLastFullBackupMSSQL Database Backup status in minutes since Last Full BackupmMonitors Database Backup status in Minutes since Last Full Backup
vmssql_db_minutesSinceLastTransaction_log_backupMSSQL DB Minutes Since Last Transaction Log BackupmMonitors Database transaction log backup in minutes
G2 - MSSQL Database Monitoring - Page writeswpsNumber of physical database page writes issued.
mssql.sql.cache.memorySQL Cache MemoryKBTotal amount of dynamic memory the server is using for the dynamic SQL cache
mssql_db_database_logfiles_freespaceMSSQL database LogFiles Freespace%Monitors MSSQL database LogFiles free space
mssql.db.transactionsDb transactionspsecThe number of transactions started for the database.
mssql.avg.lock.wait.timeAverage lock wait timemsThe average amount of wait time (milliseconds) for each lock request that resulted in a wait.
mssql_db_database_statusMSSQ DB Database StatusNULL0 = ONLINE 1 = RESTORING 2 = RECOVERING SQL Server 2008 and later 3 = RECOVERY_PENDING SQL Server 2008 and later 4 = SUSPECT 5 = EMERGENCY SQL Server 2008 and later 6 = OFFLINE SQL Server 2008 and later 7 = COPYING Azure SQL Database Active Geo-Replication 10 = OFFLINE_SECONDARY Azure SQL Database Active Geo-Replication readspsecNumber of physical database page reads issued.
mssql_db_databases_countMSSQL DB Databases CountcountShow the count of total number of databases
mssql.buffer.cache.hit.ratioBuffer cache hit ratioNonePercentage of pages that were found in the buffer pool without having to incur a read from disk.
mssql_db_database_freespaceMSSQL Database Freespace%Monitors Database Freespace in Percentage
mssql_server_uptimeMSSQL Server UptimeDaysMonitors the uptime (in days) of the database server server memoryKBTotal amount of dynamic memory the server is currently consuming
mssql_db_database_datafiles_freespaceMSSQL Database DataFiles FreeSpace%Monitors datafiles free space regardless of auto-growth
mssql_db_database_active_usersMSSQL Database Active UserscountMonitors the number of active user transactions per database.
mssql_db_database_log_cachehit_ratioMSSQL Database Log CacheHit Ratio%Monitors MSSQL database log cache-hit ratio File SizeKBThe cumulative size of all the data files in the database.
mssql.full.scansFull scanspsecNumber of unrestricted full scans. These can either be base table or full index scans.
mssql_buffer_cache_hit_ratio_percentBuffer cache hit ratio in PercentageNULLPercentage of pages that were found in the buffer pool without having to incur a read from disk.
G2-MSSQLDB-Agent Jobs Monitormssql_db_agentJobsStatusMSSQL DB Agent Jobs StatusNULLMSSQL DB Agent Jobs Status : This metric collects mssql agent job status latest information (in last 15mins only): Below are the possible status values - 0 : Failed 1 : Successful 2 : Retry 3 : Cancelled 4 : InProgress

G2 - MSSQL DB Filegroup Freespace


G2 - MSSQL DB Filegroup Freespace


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
G2 - MSSQL DB Filegroup Freespacemssql_db_filegroup_freespace_with_available_diskMSSQL DB Filegroup Freespace with Available Disk%Monitor MSSQL DB Filegroup Freespace with Available Disk
mssql_db_filegroup_freespaceMSSQL DB Filegroup Freespace%Monitors MSSQL DB Filegroup Freespace

G2 - MSSQL DB Filegroup Freespace - v2


G2 - MSSQL DB Filegroup Freespace


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
G2 - MSSQL DB Filegroup Freespace - v2mssql_db_filegroup_freespace_with_available_diskMSSQL DB Filegroup Freespace with Available Disk%Monitor MSSQL DB Filegroup Freespace with Available Disk
mssql_db_filegroup_freespaceMSSQL DB Filegroup Freespace%Monitors MSSQL DB Filegroup Freespace

G2 - MSSQL DB Instance CPU Utilization


G2 - MSSQL DB Instance CPU Utilization


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
G2 - MSSQL DB Instance CPU Utilizationmssql_db_instance_cpu_utilizationMSSQL Database Instance CPU Utilization%Monitors MSSQL Database Instance CPU Utilization in percentage

G2 - MSSQL DB Instance CPU Utilization - v2


G2 - MSSQL DB Instance CPU Utilization


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
G2 - MSSQL DB Instance CPU Utilization - v2mssql_db_instance_cpu_utilizationMSSQL Database Instance CPU Utilization%Monitors MSSQL Database Instance CPU Utilization in percentage

G2 - MSSQL DB Instance Free Connections


G2 - MSSQL DB Instance Free Connections


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
G2 - MSSQL DB Instance Free Connectionsmssql_db_instance_free_connectionsMSSQL Database Instance Free Connections%Monitors MSSQL Database Instance Free Connections in percentage

G2 - MSSQL DB Instance Free Connections - v2


G2 - MSSQL DB Instance Free Connections


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
G2 - MSSQL DB Instance Free Connections - v2mssql_db_instance_free_connectionsMSSQL Database Instance Free Connections%Monitors MSSQL Database Instance Free Connections in percentage

G2 - MSSQL DB LogFile Freespace with Available Disk


G2 - MSSQL DB LogFile Freespace with Available Disk


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
G2 - MSSQL DB LogFile Freespace with Available Diskmssql_db_logfile_freespace_with_available_diskMSSQL DB Logfile Freespace with Available Disk%Monitors MSSQL DB Logfile Freespace with Available Disk in percentage

G2 - MSSQL DB LogFile Freespace with Available Disk - v2


G2 - MSSQL DB LogFile Freespace with Available Disk


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
G2 - MSSQL DB LogFile Freespace with Available Disk - v2mssql_db_logfile_freespace_with_available_diskMSSQL DB Logfile Freespace with Available Disk%Monitors MSSQL DB Logfile Freespace with Available Disk in percentage

G2 - MSSQL DB Long Running Queries - v2


G2 - MSSQL DB Long Running Queries


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
G2 - MSSQL DB Long Running Queries - v2mssql_db_long_running_queries_last_5minMSSQL Database Long Running queries Last 5 minutescountMonitors MSSQL Database Long Running queries count Last 5 minutes

G2 - MSSQL DB Server IO Busy


G2 - MSSQL DB Server IO Busy


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
G2 - MSSQL DB Server IO Busymssql_db_server_IO_busyMSSQL DB Server IO Busy%Monitors MSSQL DB Server IO Busy

G2 - MSSQL DB Server IO Busy - v2


G2 - MSSQL DB Server IO Busy


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
G2 - MSSQL DB Server IO Busy - v2mssql_db_server_IO_busyMSSQL DB Server IO Busy%Monitors MSSQL DB Server IO Busy

G2 - MSSQL DB WorkSpace Memory


G2 - MSSQL DB WorkSpace Memory


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
G2 - MSSQL DB WorkSpace Memorymssql_db_workspace_memoryMSSQL Database Workspace Memory Percentage%Monitors MSSQL Database Workspace Memory in Percentage

G2 - MSSQL DB WorkSpace Memory - v2


G2 - MSSQL DB WorkSpace Memory


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
G2 - MSSQL DB WorkSpace Memory - v2mssql_db_workspace_memoryMSSQL Database Workspace Memory Percentage%Monitors MSSQL Database Workspace Memory in Percentage

G2 PostgreSQL Activity Long Transactions Template-MultiInstance


G2 PostgreSQL Activity Long Transactions Template-MultiInstance

No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
G2 PostgreSQL Activity Long Transactions Monitor-MultiInstancepostgresql.activity.long.transactionsPostgreSQL Activity Long TransactionshMonitors PostgreSQL activity long transactions in hours.

G2 PostgreSQL Database Blockhits Template


G2 PostgreSQL Database Blockhits Template


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Advanced Cloud PostgreSQL Database BlockHits Monitorpostgresql.statiotables.toastblkshitPostgresql Statio Tables Toast Blks HitNULLNumber of buffer hits in this table's TOAST table (if any).
postgresql.statiotables.idxblkshitPostgresql Statio Tables Idx Blks HitcountNumber of buffer hits in all indexes on this table.
postgresql.database.blkshitPostgresql Database Blocks HitsNULLNumber of times disk blocks were found already in the buffer cache,so that a read was not necessary (this only includes hits in the PostgreSQL buffer cache,not the operating system's file system cache).
postgresql.statioindexes.bufferhitsPostgresql Statio Indexes Buffer HitsNULLNumber of buffer hits in this index.

G2 PostgreSQL Database Blockhits Template-MultiInstance

This template will be deprecated soon.


Monitors Postgres DB agent metrics like postgresql.statiotables.toastblkshit,postgresql.statiotables.idxblkshit…..


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Advanced Cloud PostgreSQL Database BlockHits Monitor-MultiInstancepostgresql.statiotables.toastblkshitPostgresql Statio Tables Toast Blks HitNULLNumber of buffer hits in this table's TOAST table (if any).
postgresql.statiotables.idxblkshitPostgresql Statio Tables Idx Blks HitcountNumber of buffer hits in all indexes on this table.
postgresql.database.blkshitPostgresql Database Blocks HitsNULLNumber of times disk blocks were found already in the buffer cache,so that a read was not necessary (this only includes hits in the PostgreSQL buffer cache,not the operating system's file system cache).
postgresql.statioindexes.bufferhitsPostgresql Statio Indexes Buffer HitsNULLNumber of buffer hits in this index.

G2 PostgreSQL Database Blockhits Template-MultiInstance - v2


Monitors Postgres DB agent metrics like postgresql.statiotables.toastblkshit,postgresql.statiotables.idxblkshit…..



Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Advanced Cloud PostgreSQL Database BlockHits Monitor-MultiInstance - v2postgresql.statiotables.toastblkshitPostgresql Statio Tables Toast Blks HitNULLNumber of buffer hits in this table's TOAST table (if any).
postgresql.statiotables.idxblkshitPostgresql Statio Tables Idx Blks HitcountNumber of buffer hits in all indexes on this table.
postgresql.database.blkshitPostgresql Database Blocks HitsNULLNumber of times disk blocks were found already in the buffer cache,so that a read was not necessary (this only includes hits in the PostgreSQL buffer cache,not the operating system's file system cache).
postgresql.statioindexes.bufferhitsPostgresql Statio Indexes Buffer HitsNULLNumber of buffer hits in this index.

G2 PostgreSQL Database Connection Statistics Template


G2 PostgreSQL Database Connection Statistics Template


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
G2 PostgreSQL Database Connection Statistics Monitorpostgresql.database.connectionsPostgresql Database ConnectionsNULLThe number of active connections to postgres database.
postgresql.settings.connectionPostgresql Settings ConnectionsNULLThe number of connections to this database as a fraction of the maximum number of allowed connections.
postgresql.user_tables.rows_countPostgresql User Tables Rows Countcountnumber of rows scans
postgresql.max_connectionsPostgresql Max ConnectionsNULLThe maximum number of client connections allowed to this database.shown as connection
postgresql.user.table.countUser Table CountNULLIt monitors the number of user tables in current database.

G2 PostgreSQL Database Connection Statistics Template-MultiInstance

This template will be deprecated soon.


Monitors Postgres DB agent metrics like postgresql.database.connections,postgresql.settings.connection


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
G2 PostgreSQL Database Connection Statistics Monitor-MultiInstancepostgresql.database.connectionsPostgresql Database ConnectionsNULLThe number of active connections to postgres database.
postgresql.settings.connectionPostgresql Settings ConnectionsNULLThe number of connections to this database as a fraction of the maximum number of allowed connections.
postgresql.user_tables.rows_countPostgresql User Tables Rows Countcountnumber of rows scans
postgresql.max_connectionsPostgresql Max ConnectionsNULLThe maximum number of client connections allowed to this database.shown as connection
postgresql.user.table.countUser Table CountNULLIt monitors the number of user tables in current database.

G2 PostgreSQL Database Connection Statistics Template-MultiInstance - v2


Monitors Postgres DB agent metrics like postgresql.database.connections,postgresql.settings.connection



Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
G2 PostgreSQL Database Connection Statistics Monitor-MultiInstance - v2postgresql.database.connectionsPostgresql Database ConnectionsNULLThe number of active connections to postgres database.
postgresql.settings.connectionPostgresql Settings ConnectionsNULLThe number of connections to this database as a fraction of the maximum number of allowed connections.
postgresql.user_tables.rows_countPostgresql User Tables Rows Countcountnumber of rows scans
postgresql.max_connectionsPostgresql Max ConnectionsNULLThe maximum number of client connections allowed to this database.shown as connection
postgresql.user.table.countUser Table CountNULLIt monitors the number of user tables in current database.

G2 PostgreSQL Database CPU Utilization Template


G2 PostgreSQL Database CPU Utilization Template


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
G2 PostgreSQL Database Cpu Utilization Monitorpostgresql.activity.long_transactionsPostgresql Activity Long TransactionshLong-running transactions are bad because they prevent Postgres from vacuuming old data. This causes database bloat and,in extreme circumstances,shutdown due to transaction ID (xid) wraparound. Transactions should be kept as short as possible,ideally less than a minute.

G2 PostgreSQL Database Deadlocks Template


G2 PostgreSQL Database Deadlocks Template


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
G2 PostgreSQL Database Deadlocks Monitorpostgresql.database.deadlocksPostgresql Database DeadlockscountNumber of deadlocks detected in this database
postgresql.database.conflict.deadlocksPostgresql Database Conflict DeadlockscountNumber of conflicts in this database that have been canceled due to deadlocks

G2 PostgreSQL Database Deadlocks Template-MultiInstance

This template will be deprecated soon.


Monitors Postgres DB agent metrics like postgresql.database.deadlocks,postgresql.database.conflict.deadlocks


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
G2 PostgreSQL Database Deadlocks Monitor-MultiInstancepostgresql.database.deadlocksPostgresql Database DeadlockscountNumber of deadlocks detected in this database
postgresql.database.conflict.deadlocksPostgresql Database Conflict DeadlockscountNumber of conflicts in this database that have been canceled due to deadlocks

G2 PostgreSQL Database Deadlocks Template-MultiInstance - v2


Monitors Postgres DB agent metrics like postgresql.database.deadlocks,postgresql.database.conflict.deadlocks



Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
G2 PostgreSQL Database Deadlocks Monitor-MultiInstance - v2postgresql.database.deadlocksPostgresql Database DeadlockscountNumber of deadlocks detected in this database
postgresql.database.conflict.deadlocksPostgresql Database Conflict DeadlockscountNumber of conflicts in this database that have been canceled due to deadlocks

G2 PostgreSQL Database Disk Usage Template


G2 PostgreSQL Database Disk Usage Template


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
G2-PostgresqlDB-Disk-Usage-Monitorpostgresql.class.relpagesPostgresql Class RelpagescountThis query is used to display the tables and their respective indexes in descending order of relpages.

G2 PostgreSQL Database Disk Usage Template-MultiInstance

This template will be deprecated soon.


Monitors Postgres DB agent metrics like postgresql.class.relpages


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
G2 PostgreSQL Database Disk Usage Monitor-MultiInstancepostgresql.class.relpagesPostgresql Class RelpagescountThis query is used to display the tables and their respective indexes in descending order of relpages.

G2 PostgreSQL Database Disk Usage Template-MultiInstance - v2


Monitors Postgres DB agent metrics like postgresql.class.relpages



Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
G2 PostgreSQL Database Disk Usage Monitor-MultiInstance - v2postgresql.class.relpagesPostgresql Class RelpagescountThis query is used to display the tables and their respective indexes in descending order of relpages.

G2 PostgreSQL Database IO Template


G2 PostgreSQL Database IO Template


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
G2 PostgreSQL Database IO Monitorpostgresql.statio_tables.buffer_hitsPostgresql Statio Tables Buffer HitshpsNumber of buffer hits in this table.
postgresql.statio_tables.index_block_readPostgresql Statio Tables Index Block ReadNULLNumber of disk blocks read from all indexes on this table.
postgresql.statio_tables.index_buffer_hitPostgresql Statio Tables Index Buffer HitshpsNumber of buffer hits in all indexes on this table.

G2 PostgreSQL Database IO Template-MultiInstance

This template will be deprecated soon.


Monitors Postgres DB agent metrics like postgresql.statio_tables.buffer_hits


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
G2 PostgreSQL Database IO Monitor-MultiInstancepostgresql.statio_tables.buffer_hitsPostgresql Statio Tables Buffer HitshpsNumber of buffer hits in this table.
postgresql.statio_tables.index_block_readPostgresql Statio Tables Index Block ReadNULLNumber of disk blocks read from all indexes on this table.
postgresql.statio_tables.index_buffer_hitPostgresql Statio Tables Index Buffer HitshpsNumber of buffer hits in all indexes on this table.

G2 PostgreSQL Database IO Template-MultiInstance - v2


Monitors Postgres DB agent metrics like postgresql.statio_tables.buffer_hits



Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
G2 PostgreSQL Database IO Monitor-MultiInstance - v2postgresql.statio_tables.buffer_hitsPostgresql Statio Tables Buffer HitshpsNumber of buffer hits in this table.
postgresql.statio_tables.index_block_readPostgresql Statio Tables Index Block ReadNULLNumber of disk blocks read from all indexes on this table.
postgresql.statio_tables.index_buffer_hitPostgresql Statio Tables Index Buffer HitshpsNumber of buffer hits in all indexes on this table.

G2 PostgreSQL Database Locks Template


G2 PostgreSQL Database Locks Template


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
G2 PostgreSQL Database Locks Monitorpostgresql.usertable.rowsdeadPostgresql User Table Rows DeadNULLThis query gives the number of dead rows (tuples) in the table.
postgresql.database.deadlocksPostgresql Database DeadlockscountNumber of deadlocks detected in this database2.
postgresql.locks.grantedPostgresql Locks GrantedNULLTrue if lock is held,false if lock is awaited.

G2 PostgreSQL Database Locks Template-MultiInstance

This template will be deprecated soon.


Monitors Postgres DB agent metrics like postgresql.usertable.rowsdead,postgresql.database.deadlocks,postgresql.locks.granted


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
G2 PostgreSQL Database Locks Monitor-MultiInstancepostgresql.usertable.rowsdeadPostgresql User Table Rows DeadNULLThis query gives the number of dead rows (tuples) in the table.
postgresql.database.deadlocksPostgresql Database DeadlockscountNumber of deadlocks detected in this database2.
postgresql.locks.grantedPostgresql Locks GrantedNULLTrue if lock is held,false if lock is awaited.

G2 PostgreSQL Database Locks Template-MultiInstance - v2


Monitors Postgres DB agent metrics like postgresql.usertable.rowsdead,postgresql.database.deadlocks,postgresql.locks.granted



Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
G2 PostgreSQL Database Locks Monitor-MultiInstance - v2postgresql.usertable.rowsdeadPostgresql User Table Rows DeadNULLThis query gives the number of dead rows (tuples) in the table.
postgresql.database.deadlocksPostgresql Database DeadlockscountNumber of deadlocks detected in this database2.
postgresql.locks.grantedPostgresql Locks GrantedNULLTrue if lock is held,false if lock is awaited.

G2 PostgreSQL Database Memory Template


G2 PostgreSQL Database Memory Template


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
G2 PostgreSQL Database Memory Monitorpostgresql.database.sizePostgresql Database SizeGBThis helps is know the size of the database.

G2 PostgreSQL Database Memory Template-MultiInstance

This template will be deprecated soon.


Monitors Postgres DB agent metrics like postgresql.database.size


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
G2 PostgreSQL Database Memory Monitor-MultiInstancepostgresql.database.sizePostgresql Database SizeGBThis helps is know the size of the database.

G2 PostgreSQL Database Memory Template-MultiInstance - v2


Monitors Postgres DB agent metrics like postgresql.database.size



Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
G2 PostgreSQL Database Memory Monitor-MultiInstancepostgresql.database.sizePostgresql Database SizeGBThis helps is know the size of the database.

G2 PostgreSQL Database Performance Template


G2 PostgreSQL Database Performance Template


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
G2 PostgreSQL Database Performance Monitorpostgresql.database.temp_bytesPostgresql Database Temporary BytesNULLTotal amount of data written to temporary files by queries in this database. All temporary files are counted,regardless of why the temporary file was created,and regardless of the log_temp_files setting.
postgresql.database.rows_fetchedPostgresql Database Rows FetchedNULLNumber of rows fetched by queries in this database.
postgresql.database.rows_returnedPostgresql Database Rows ReturnedNULLNumber of rows returned by queries in this database.
postgresql.database.rows_updatedPostgresql Database Rows UpdatedNULLNumber of rows updated by queries in this database.
postgresql.database.rows_deletedPostgresql Database Rows DeletedNULLNumber of rows deleted by queries in this database.
postgresql.database.rows_insertedPostgresql Database Rows InsertedNULLNumber of rows inserted by queries in this database.
postgresql.stat_tables.seq_tup_readPostgresql Tables Row Sequential ScanNULLNumber of live rows fetched by sequential scans.
postgresql.bgwriter.buffers_checkpointPostgresql Bgwriter Buffers CheckpointNULLNumber of buffers written during checkpoints.
postgresql.bgwriter.buffers_cleanPostgresql Bgwriter Buffers CleanNULLNumber of buffers written by the background writer.
postgresql.bgwriter.buffers_backendPostgresql Bgwriter Buffers BackendNULLNumber of buffers written directly by a backend
postgresql.bgwriter.checkpoints_timedPostgresql Bgwriter Checkpoints TimedNULLNumber of scheduled checkpoints that have been performed
postgresql.bgwriter.checkpoints_reqPostgresql Bgwriter Checkpoints TimedNULLNumber of scheduled checkpoints that have been performed

G2 PostgreSQL Database Performance Template-MultiInstance

This template will be deprecated soon.


Monitors Postgres DB agent metrics like postgresql.database.temp_bytes,postgresql.database.rows_fetched,postgresql.database.rows_returned….


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
G2 PostgreSQL Database Performance Monitor-MultiInstancepostgresql.database.temp_bytesPostgresql Database Temporary BytesNULLTotal amount of data written to temporary files by queries in this database. All temporary files are counted,regardless of why the temporary file was created,and regardless of the log_temp_files setting.
postgresql.database.rows_fetchedPostgresql Database Rows FetchedNULLNumber of rows fetched by queries in this database.
postgresql.database.rows_returnedPostgresql Database Rows ReturnedNULLNumber of rows returned by queries in this database.
postgresql.database.rows_updatedPostgresql Database Rows UpdatedNULLNumber of rows updated by queries in this database.
postgresql.database.rows_deletedPostgresql Database Rows DeletedNULLNumber of rows deleted by queries in this database.
postgresql.database.rows_insertedPostgresql Database Rows InsertedNULLNumber of rows inserted by queries in this database.
postgresql.stat_tables.seq_tup_readPostgresql Tables Row Sequential ScanNULLNumber of live rows fetched by sequential scans.
postgresql.bgwriter.buffers_checkpointPostgresql Bgwriter Buffers CheckpointNULLNumber of buffers written during checkpoints.
postgresql.bgwriter.buffers_cleanPostgresql Bgwriter Buffers CleanNULLNumber of buffers written by the background writer.
postgresql.bgwriter.buffers_backendPostgresql Bgwriter Buffers BackendNULLNumber of buffers written directly by a backend
postgresql.bgwriter.checkpoints_timedPostgresql Bgwriter Checkpoints TimedNULLNumber of scheduled checkpoints that have been performed
postgresql.bgwriter.checkpoints_reqPostgresql Bgwriter Checkpoints TimedNULLNumber of scheduled checkpoints that have been performed

G2 PostgreSQL Database Performance Template-MultiInstance - v2


Monitors Postgres DB agent metrics like postgresql.database.temp_bytes,postgresql.database.rows_fetched,postgresql.database.rows_returned….



Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
G2 PostgreSQL Database Performance Monitor-MultiInstance - v2postgresql.database.temp_bytesPostgresql Database Temporary BytesNULLTotal amount of data written to temporary files by queries in this database. All temporary files are counted,regardless of why the temporary file was created,and regardless of the log_temp_files setting.
postgresql.database.rows_fetchedPostgresql Database Rows FetchedNULLNumber of rows fetched by queries in this database.
postgresql.database.rows_returnedPostgresql Database Rows ReturnedNULLNumber of rows returned by queries in this database.
postgresql.database.rows_updatedPostgresql Database Rows UpdatedNULLNumber of rows updated by queries in this database.
postgresql.database.rows_deletedPostgresql Database Rows DeletedNULLNumber of rows deleted by queries in this database.
postgresql.database.rows_insertedPostgresql Database Rows InsertedNULLNumber of rows inserted by queries in this database.
postgresql.stat_tables.seq_tup_readPostgresql Tables Row Sequential ScanNULLNumber of live rows fetched by sequential scans.
postgresql.bgwriter.buffers_checkpointPostgresql Bgwriter Buffers CheckpointNULLNumber of buffers written during checkpoints.
postgresql.bgwriter.buffers_cleanPostgresql Bgwriter Buffers CleanNULLNumber of buffers written by the background writer.
postgresql.bgwriter.buffers_backendPostgresql Bgwriter Buffers BackendNULLNumber of buffers written directly by a backend
postgresql.bgwriter.checkpoints_timedPostgresql Bgwriter Checkpoints TimedNULLNumber of scheduled checkpoints that have been performed
postgresql.bgwriter.checkpoints_reqPostgresql Bgwriter Checkpoints TimedNULLNumber of scheduled checkpoints that have been performed

G2 PostgreSQL Database Session Template


G2 PostgreSQL Database Session Template


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
G2 PostgreSQL Database Session Monitorpostgresql.activity.countPostgresql Activity CountNULLThis will tell you how close you are to hitting your max_connections limit,and show up any clients which are leaking database connections.
postgresql.locks.countPostgresql Locks CountNULLThe number of connections blocked waiting for a lock can be an indicator of a slow transaction with an exclusive lock.

G2 PostgreSQL Database Session Template-MultiInstance

This template will be deprecated soon.


Monitors Postgres DB agent metrics like postgresql.activity.count,postgresql.locks.count


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
G2 PostgreSQL Database Session Monitor-MultiInstancepostgresql.activity.countPostgresql Activity CountNULLThis will tell you how close you are to hitting your max_connections limit,and show up any clients which are leaking database connections.
postgresql.locks.countPostgresql Locks CountNULLThe number of connections blocked waiting for a lock can be an indicator of a slow transaction with an exclusive lock.

G2 PostgreSQL Database Session Template-MultiInstance - v2


Monitors Postgres DB agent metrics like postgresql.activity.count,postgresql.locks.count



Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
G2 PostgreSQL Database Session Monitor-MultiInstance - v2postgresql.activity.countPostgresql Activity CountNULLThis will tell you how close you are to hitting your max_connections limit,and show up any clients which are leaking database connections.
postgresql.locks.countPostgresql Locks CountNULLThe number of connections blocked waiting for a lock can be an indicator of a slow transaction with an exclusive lock.

G2 PostgreSQL Database Transactions Rollback Template


G2 PostgreSQL Database Transactions Rollback Template


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
G2 PostgreSQL Database Transactions RolledBack Monitorpostgresql.database.transaction.rollbackPostgresql Database Transactions RolledBackNULLNumber of transactions in this database that have been rolled back.

G2 PostgreSQL Database Transactions Rollback Template-MultiInstance

This template will be deprecated soon.


Monitors Postgres DB agent metrics like postgresql.database.transaction.rollback


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
G2 PostgreSQL Database Transactions RollBack Monitor-MultiInstancepostgresql.database.transaction.rollbackPostgresql Database Transactions RolledBackNULLNumber of transactions in this database that have been rolled back.

G2 PostgreSQL Database Transactions Rollback Template-MultiInstance - v2


Monitors Postgres DB agent metrics like postgresql.database.transaction.rollback



Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
G2 PostgreSQL Database Transactions RollBack Monitor-MultiInstance - v2postgresql.database.transaction.rollbackPostgresql Database Transactions RolledBackNULLNumber of transactions in this database that have been rolled back.

G2 PostgreSQL Hot Standby Feature Status Template-MultiInstance


G2 PostgreSQL Hot Standby Feature Status Template-MultiInstance


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
G2 PostgreSQL Hot Standby Feature Status Hot Standby Feature StatusNULLShow the Hot Standby mode is either on or off. 1 means "on" & 0 means "off"

G2-Cisco-UCS-B-Series-Fabric InterConnects Performance- Global


Monitors the Hardware along with network components like switch card status,switch ether net port and fiber channel port status.


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
CISCO UCS Fabric UCS Switch Fan operstateNULLCISCO UCS Switch Fan operstate
ucs.sys.switch.switchcard.operstateCISCO UCS SwitchCard operstateNULLCISCO UCS SwitchCard operstate
ucs.sys.switch.psu.operstateCISCO UCS Switch PSU operstateNULLCISCO UCS Switch PSU operstate
ucs.sys.switch.operabilityCISCO UCS Switch operabilityNULLCISCO UCS Switch operability UCS Switch Fan voltageNULLCISCO UCS Switch Fan voltage
ucs.sys.switch.psu.powerCISCO UCS Switch PSU powerNULLCISCO UCS Switch PSU power
ucs.sys.switch.switchcard.powerCISCO UCS SwitchCard powerNULLCISCO UCS SwitchCard power
ucs.sys.switch.switchcard.stateCISCO UCS SwitchCard stateCISCO UCS SwitchCard state

G2-Hitachi VSP Array Group Template


Applicable for devices added through Integration / API => On Array Group.


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
G2-Hitachi VSP Array Group Monitorhitachivsp.array.arraygroup.operational-statusArray Group Operational StatusNULLArray Group Operational Status Group Health StateNULLArray Group Health State

G2-Hitachi VSP Battery Template on Storage Array


Applicable for devices added through Integration / API => On Storage Array


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
G2-Hitachi VSP Battery Monitorhitachivsp.array.battery.operational-statusBattery Operational StatusNULLBattery Operational Status Health StateNULLBattery Health State.

G2-Hitachi VSP Disk Template on Storage Array


Applicable for devices added through integration / API => on Storage Array.


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
G2-Hitachi VSP Disk Monitorhitachivsp.array.disk.operational-statusDisk Operational StatusNULLDisk Operational Status Health StateNULLDisk Health State

G2-Hitachi VSP DKC Chassis Template on Storage Array


Applicable for devices added through Integration / API => on Storage Array.


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
G2-Hitachi VSP DKC Chassis Monitorhitachivsp.array.dkcchassis.operational-statusDKC Chassis Operational StatusNULLDKC Chassis Operational Status Chassis Health StateNULLDKC Chassis Health State

G2-Hitachi VSP DKU Chassis Template on Storage Array


Applicable on devices added through Integration / API => on Storage Array.


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
G2-Hitachi VSP DKU Chassis Monitorhitachivsp.array.dkuchassis.operational-statusDKU Chassis Operational StatusNULLDKU Chassis Operational Status Chassis Health StateNULLDKU Chassis Health State

G2-Hitachi VSP DP Pool Template


Applicable for devices added through Integration / API => On DP Pool / Thin Pool.


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
G2-Hitachi VSP DP Pool Monitorhitachivsp.array.thinpool.operational-statusThin Pool Operational StatusNULLThin Pool Operational Status. Pool Health StateNULLThin Pool Health State.
hitachivsp.array.thinpool.percent-usedThin Pool Utilization%Thin Pool Utilization
hitachivsp.array.thinpool.percent-freeThin Pool Percent Free%Thin Pool Percent Free. Storage Pool Space LimitGBThin Storage Pool Space Limit
hitachivsp.array.thinpool.thinprovision-metadataspaceThin Storage Pool MetaDataSpaceGBThin Storage Pool MetaDataSpace

G2-Hitachi VSP Fan Template on Storage Array


Applicable for devices added through Integration / API => on Storage Array.


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
G2-Hitachi VSP Fan Operational StatusNULLFan Operational Status Health StateNULLFan Health State

G2-Hitachi VSP FCPort Template on Storage Array


Applicable for devices added through Integration / API => on Storage Array.


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
G2-Hitachi VSP FC Port Port Health StateNULLFC Port Health State
hitachivsp.array.fcport.kbytes-transferredPort Kbytes TransferredKBPort Kbytes Transferred in the sample period Total IOscountPort Total IOs in the sample period
hitavhivsp.array.fcport.operational-statusFC Port Operational StatusNULLFC Port Operational Status
hitachivsp.array.fcport.max-speedPort Max SpeedHzPort Max Speed
hitachivsp.array.fcport.speedPort SpeedHzPort Speed

G2-Hitachi VSP Power Supply Template on Storage Array


Applicable for devices added through Integration / API => on Storage Array.


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
G2-Hitachi VSP Power Supply Monitorhitachivsp.array.powersupply.operational-statusPower Supply Operational StatusNULLPower Supply Operational Status Supply Health StateNULLPower Supply Health State

G2-Hitachi VSP Storage Array Template


Applicable for devices added through integration / API => On Storage Array.


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
G2-Hitachi VSP Storage Array Monitorhitachivsp.array.wbemserver.operational-statusWBEM Server Operational StatusNULLWBEM Server Operational Status Server Health StateNULLWBEM Server Health State
hitachivsp.array.operational-statusStorage System Operational StatusNULLStorage System Operational Status System Health StateNULLStorage System Health State
hitachivsp.array.kbytes-transferredArray Kbytes TransferredKBArray Kbytes Transferred in the sample period Total IOscountArray Total IOs in the sample period

G2-Hitachi VSP Storage Pool Template


Applicable for devices added through Integration / API => On Storage Pool.


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
G2-Hitachi VSP Storage Pool Monitorhitachivsp.array.storagepool.operational-statusStorage Pool Operational StatusNULLStorage Pool Operational Status Pool Health StateNULLStorage Pool Health State

G2-Hitachi VSP Storage Processor Template


Applicable for devices added through Integration / API => On Storage Processor.


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
G2-Hitachi VSP Storage Processor Monitorhitachivsp.array.storageprocessor.operational-statusStorage Processor Operational StatusNULLStorage Processor Operational Status Processor Health StateNULLStorage Processor Health State

G2-Hitachi VSP Storage Volume Template


Applicable for devices added through Integration / API => On Storage Volume.


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
G2-Hitachi VSP Storage Volume Monitorhitachivsp.array.volume.operational-statusStorage Volume Operational StatusNULLStorage Volume Operational Status Volume Health StateNULLStorage Volume Health State
hitachivsp.array.volume.kbytes-transferredVolume Kbytes TransferredKBVolume Kbytes Transferred in the sample period
hitachivsp.array.volume.readhit-iosVolume Read Hit IOscountVolume Read Hit IOs in the sample period Read IOscountVolume Read IOs in the sample period
hitachivsp.array.volume.writehit-iosVolume Write Hit IOscountVolume Write Hit IOs in the sample period
hitachivsp.array.volume.write-iosVolume Write IOscountVolume Write IOs in the sample period Total IOscountVolume Total IOs in the sample period

G2-MSSQLDB-AlwaysON-Database Replication State


This template supports for both SQL and Windows Authentication. Integration is done through JDBC and MSSQL queries and tested in MSSQL v18.9.1


Gateway 7.0.0 and above.

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
G2-MSSQLDB-AlwaysON-Database Replication Statemssql_alwayson_database_replicaStateMSSQL Alwayson Database Replica StateNULLIt monitor the MSSQL Always On Database Replica synchronization state along with role description. Below are the possible states: PRIMARY_NOT SYNCHRONIZING - 0 PRIMARY_SYNCHRONIZING - 1 PRIMARY_SYNCHRONIZED - 2 PRIMARY_REVERTING - 3 PRIMARY_INITIALIZING - 4 SECONDARY_NOT SYNCHRONIZING - 5 SECONDARY_SYNCHRONIZING - 6 SECONDARY_SYNCHRONIZED - 7 SECONDARY_REVERTING - 8 SECONDARY_INITIALIZING - 9

G2-Storage-EMC PowerScale-Isilon-Cluster


Template to monitor Dell EMC PowerScale Isilon Cluster parameters like Total Bytes,Used Bytes,Free Bytes,Cluster Health,Node Count,Cluster Offline Nodes,Throughput Rate In,Throughput Rate Out,Interface Input Rate,Interface Output Rate,Cluster CPU User,Cluster CPU Nice,Cluster CPU System,Cluster CPU Interrupt,Cluster CPU Idle Pct [ISILON-MIB :: ifsTotalBytes :,ifsUsedBytes :,ifsFreeBytes :,clusterHealth :,nodeCount :,offlineNodes :,clusterIfsInBitsPerSecond :,clusterIfsOutBitsPerSecond :,clusterNetworkInBitsPerSecond :,clusterNetworkOutBitsPerSecond :,clusterCPUUser :,clusterCPUNice :,clusterCPUSystem :,clusterCPUInterrupt :,clusterCPUIdlePct :]


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Dell EMC Isilon Cluster Capacity Statsemc_isilon_cluster_ifsUsedSizeCluster Ifs Used SizeGBProvides the number of bytes used in the /ifs filesystem.[ISILON-MIB :: ifsUsedBytes :]
emc_isilon_cluster_IfsUtilizationCluster Ifs Utilization%Provides the utilization of the ifs file system.[ISILON-MIB :: ifsTotalBytes :,ifsUsedBytes :]
emc_isilon_cluster_IfsTotalSizeCluster Ifs Total SizeGBProvides the total cluster capacity of the /ifs filesystem in bytes.[ISILON-MIB :: ifsTotalBytes :]
emc_isilon_cluster_ifsFreeSizeCluster Ifs Free SizeGBProvides the number of bytes free in the /ifs filesystem (includes Virtual Hot Spare).[ISILON-MIB :: ifsFreeBytes :]
Dell EMC Isilon Cluster CPU Statisticsemc_isilon_Cluster_ClusterCPUSystemCluster CPU SystemProvides the average amount of CPU (per mil) used by system processes within the last 5 seconds for all CPUs.[ISILON-MIB :: clusterCPUSystem :]
emc_isilon_Cluster_ClusterCPUInterruptCluster CPU InterruptProvides the average amount of CPU (per mil) used by interrupts processes within the last 5 seconds for all CPUs.[ISILON-MIB :: clusterCPUInterrupt :]
emc_isilon_Cluster_ClusterCPUNiceCluster CPU NiceProvides the average amount of CPU (per mil) used by nice processes within the last 5 seconds for all CPUs.[ISILON-MIB :: clusterCPUNice :]
emc_isilon_Cluster_ClusterCPUUserCluster CPU UserProvides the average amount of CPU (per mil) used by user processes within the last 5 seconds for all CPUs.[ISILON-MIB :: clusterCPUUser :]
emc_isilon_Cluster_ClusterCPUIdlePctCluster CPU Idle PctProvides the average amount of CPU time (per mil) averaged for all nodes averaged for all nodes over the last 5 seconds.
Dell EMC Isilon Cluster Statsemc_isilon_ClusterHealthCluster HealthMonitors the overall health status of the cluster. Possible status values of the node health status are 0- Ok,1- Attention,2- Down,3- Invalid. Alert will be generated when the health status is 2- Down,3- Invalid.[ISILON-MIB :: clusterHealth :].
emc_isilon_Cluster_NodeCountCluster Node CountcountMonitors the total number of nodes in the cluster [ISILON-MIB :: nodeCount :]
emc_isilon_Cluster_ClusterIfsInBitsPerSecondCluster Ifs Throughput Rate InbpsProviddes the cumulative throughput rate (bits per second) into /ifs [ISILON-MIB :: clusterIfsInBitsPerSecond :]
emc_isilon_Cluster_ClusterNetworkInBitsPerSecondCluster Network Throughput Rate InbpsProvides the the cumulative input rate (bits per second) for all external interfaces [ISILON-MIB :: clusterNetworkInBitsPerSecond :]
emc_isilon_Cluster_ClusterNetworkOutBitsPerSecondCluster Network Throughput Rate OutbpsProvides the cumulative output rate (bits per second) for all external interfaces [ISILON-MIB :: clusterNetworkOutBitsPerSecond :]
emc_isilon_Cluster_clusterIfsOutBitsPerSecondCluster Ifs Throughput Rate OutbpsProvides the cumulative throughput rate (bits per second) out of/ifs [ISILON-MIB :: clusterIfsOutBitsPerSecond :]
emc_isilon_Cluster_OfflineNodesCluster Offline NodescountProvides a comma-separted list of the logical node numbers of the offline nodes in the cluster.[ISILON-MIB :: offlineNodes :]

G2-Storage-EMC PowerScale-Isilon-Hardware


Template to monitor Dell EMC PowerScale Isilon Hardware parameters like Fan Speed,Temparature Sensor Value,Power Sensor Value,License Status [ISILON-MIB :: fanSpeed :,tempSensorValue :,powerSensorValue :,licenseStatus :].


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Dell EMC Isilon Fanemc_isilon_fan_FanSpeedFan SpeedrpmProvides the current speed of the fan in revolutions per minute.[ISILON-MIB :: fanSpeed :]
Dell EMC Isilon License Statusemc_isilon_license_LicenseStatusLicense StatusMonitors the status of the license. It may be licensed,unlicensed,or an evaluation license. Possible status values are - 1 - Expired,-2 - Inactive,0- Activated,1- Evaluation. Alert will be generated when the license status is -1- Expired.[ISILON-MIB :: licenseStatus :]
Dell EMC Isilon Power Sensoremc_isilon_power_PowerSensorValuePower SensorvMonitors the current reading of the sensor in volts or amps.[ISILON-MIB :: powerSensorValue :]
Dell EMC Isilon Temperature Sensoremc_isilon_temparature_TempSensorValueTemparature Sensor ValueCelsiusMonitors the current reading of the temperature sensor in degrees celsius. sensor[ISILON-MIB :: tempSensorValue :]

G2-Storage-EMC PowerScale-Isilon-Node


Template to monitor Dell EMC PowerScale Isilon Node parameters likeNode Health,Throughput Rate In,Throughput Rate Out,Interface Input Rate,Interface Output Rate,Node CPU User,Node CPU Nice,Node CPU System,Node CPU Interrupt,Node CPU Idle,Minimum Input Operations,Maximum Input Operations,Average Input Operations,Minimum Output Operations,Maximum Output Operations,Average Output Operations,Minimum Latency,Maximum Latency,Average Latency,Disk Operations,Disk Input Rate,Disk Output Rate,Disk Status,Disk Size.[ISILON-MIB :: nodeHealth :,nodeIfsInBitsPerSecond :,nodeIfsOutBitsPerSecond :,nodeNetworkInBitsPerSecond :,nodeNetworkOutBitsPerSecond :,nodeCPUUser :,nodeCPUNice :,nodeCPUSystem :,nodeCPUInterrupt :,nodeCPUIdle :,inMinBytes :,inMaxBytes :,inAvgBytes :,outMinBytes :,outMaxBytes :,outAvgBytes :,latencyMin :,latencyMax :,latencyAverage :,diskPerfOpsPerSecond :,diskPerfInBitsPerSecond :,diskPerfOutBitsPerSecond :,diskStatus :,diskSizeBytes :].


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Dell EMC Isilon Disk Performanceemc_isilon_disk_DiskPerfInBitsPerSecondDisk Input RatebpsProvides the input rate (bits per second) into this disk.[ISILON-MIB :: diskPerfInBitsPerSecond :]
emc_isilon_disk_DiskPerfOutBitsPerSecondDisk Output RatebpsProvides the output rate (bits per second) from this disk.[ISILON-MIB :: diskPerfOutBitsPerSecond :]
emc_isilon_disk_DiskPerfOpsPerSecondDisk OperationspsecProvides the value of number of disk operations per second.[ISILON-MIB :: diskPerfOpsPerSecond :]
Dell EMC Isilon Disk Statusemc_isilon_disk_DiskSizeBytesDisk SizeGBMonitors the size of the disk in bytes.[ISILON-MIB :: diskSizeBytes :]
emc_isilon_disk_DiskStatusDisk StatusMonitors the status of the Disk. Alert will be generated when the status is not Healthy.[ISILON-MIB :: diskStatus :]
Dell EMC Isilon Node Statisticsemc_isilon_node_NodeIfsOutBitsPerSecondNode Ifs Throughput Rate OutbpsProvides the throughput rate (bits per second) out of/ifs through this node.[ISILON-MIB :: nodeIfsOutBitsPerSecond :]
emc_isilon_node_NodeIfsInBitsPerSecondNode Ifs Throughput Rate InbpsProvides the throughput rate (bits per second) into /ifs through this node.[ISILON-MIB :: nodeIfsInBitsPerSecond :]
emc_isilon_node_NodeHealthNode HealthMonitors the node health status and gives the details about the basic node type as well. Possible status values of the node health status are 0- Ok,1- Attention,2- Down,3- Invalid. Alert will be generated when the health status is 2- Down,3- Invalid.[ISILON-MIB :: nodeHealth :]
emc_isilon_node_NodeNetworkOutBitsPerSecondNode Network Throughput Rate OutbpsProvides the total output rate (bits per second) from the node's external interfaces.[ISILON-MIB ::]
emc_isilon_node_NodeNetworkInBitsPerSecondNode Network Throughput Rate InbpsProvides the total input rate (bits per second) into the node's external interfaces.[ISILON-MIB :: nodeNetworkInBitsPerSecond :]
Dell EMC Isilon Node CPU Statisticsemc_isilon_node_NodeCPUUserNode CPU UserProvides the average amount of CPU (per mil) used by user processes within the last 5 seconds for all CPUs.[ISILON-MIB :: nodeCPUUser :]
emc_isilon_node_NodeCPUSystemNode CPU SystemProvides the average amount of CPU (per mil) used by system processes within the last 5 seconds for all CPUs.[ISILON-MIB :: nodeCPUSystem :]
emc_isilon_node_NodeCPUIdleNode CPU IdleProvides the average amount of CPU (per mil) used by idle processes within the last 5 seconds for all CPUs.[ISILON-MIB :: nodeCPUIdle :]
emc_isilon_node_NodeCPUInterruptNode CPU InterruptProvides the average amount of CPU (per mil) used by interrupts processes within the last 5 seconds for all CPUs.[ISILON-MIB :: nodeCPUInterrupt :]
emc_isilon_node_NodeCPUNiceNode CPU NiceProvides the average amount of CPU (per mil) used by nice processes within the last 5 seconds for all CPUs.[ISILON-MIB :: nodeCPUNice :]
Dell EMC Node Protocol Statisticsemc_isilon_node_OutMaxBytesMaximum Output SizeBytesMonitors the largest output size in bytes of all operations for the protocol.[ISILON-MIB :: outMaxBytes :]
emc_isilon_node_OutMinBytesMinimum Output SizeBytesMonitors the smallest output size in bytes of all operations for the protocol.[ISILON-MIB :: outMinBytes :]
emc_isilon_node_LatencyMinMinimum LatencymicrosecProvides the minimum latency in microseconds for all operations for the protocol.[ISILON-MIB :: latencyMin :]
emc_isilon_node_OutAvgBytesAverage Output SizeBytesMonitors the average output size in bytes of all operations for the protocol.[ISILON-MIB :: outAvgBytes :]
emc_isilon_node_latencyAverageAverage LatencymicrosecProvides the average latency in microseconds for all operations for the protocol.[ISILON-MIB :: latencyAverage :]
emc_isilon_node_LatencyMaxMaximum LatencymicrosecProvides the maximum latency in microseconds for all operations for the protocol.[ISILON-MIB :: latencyMax :]
emc_isilon_node_InMinBytesMinimum Input SizeBytesProvides the smallest input size in bytes of all operations for the protocol.[ISILON-MIB ::]
emc_isilon_node_InMaxBytesMaximum Input SizeBytesMonitors the largest input size in bytes of all operations for the protocol.[ISILON-MIB :: inMaxBytes :]
emc_isilon_node_InAvgBytesAverage Input SizeBytesMonitors the average input size in bytes for all operations for the protocol.[ISILON-MIB :: inAvgBytes :]

G2-Storage-EMC-Xtremio Cluster Array


G2-Storage-EMC-Xtremio Cluster Array


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
EMC Xtremio Cluster Monitorxtremio.array.cluster.overall-efficiencyCluster Overall EfficiencyCluster Overall Efficiency
xtremio.array.cluster.sys-health-stateCluster Health StateCluster Health State
xtremio.array.cluster.sys-stateCluster StateCluster State
xtremio.array.cluster.sys-mgr-conn-stateCluster Connection StateCluster Connection State Data Reduction RatioCluster Data Reduction Ratio Space Saving RatioCluster Space Saving Ratio
xtremio.array.cluster.dedup-ratioCluster Deduplication RatioCluster Deduplication Ratio
xtremio.array.cluster.compression-factorCluster Compression Reduction RatioCluster Compression Reduction Ratio
xtremio.array.cluster.thin-provisioning-ratioCluster Thin Provisioning Saving%Cluster Thin Provisioning Saving
xtremio.array.cluster.vol-sizeCluster Volume CapacityGBCluster Volume Capacity
xtremio.array.cluster.logical-space-in-useCluster Volume Used SpaceGbCluster Volume Used Space
xtremio.array.cluster.volume-percent-usedCluster Volume Percent Used%Cluster Volume Percent Used
xtremio.array.cluster.volume-free-spaceCluster Volume Free SpaceGBCluster Volume Free Space
xtremio.array.cluster.volume-free-percentCluster Volume Free Percent%Cluster Volume Free Percent
xtremio.array.cluster.ud-ssd-spaceCluster Physical CapacityGBCluster Physical Capacity
xtremio.array.cluster.ud-ssd-space-in-useCluster Physical Space in UseGBCluster Physical Space in Use
xtremio.array.cluster.physical-percent-usedCluster Physical Percent Used%Cluster Physical Percent Used
xtremio.array.cluster.physical-free-spaceCluster Physical Free SpaceGBCluster Physical Free Space Physical Free Percent%Cluster Physical Free Percent
xtremio.array.cluster.totalbandwidthCluster Total BandwidthKBpsCluster Total Bandwidth
xtremio.array.cluster.readbandwidthCluster Read BandwidthKBpsCluster Read Bandwidth
xtremio.array.cluster.writebandwidthCluster Write BandwidthKBpsCluster Write Bandwidth
xtremio.array.cluster.iopsCluster Total IOPSCluster Total IOPS
xtremio.array.cluster.rd-iopsCluster Read IOPSCluster Read IOPS
xtremio.array.cluster.wr-iopsCluster Write IOPSCluster Write IOPS
xtremio.array.cluster.avg-latencyCluster Total LatencymsCluster Total Latency
xtremio.array.cluster.rd-latencyCluster Read LatencymsCluster Read Latency
xtremio.array.cluster.wr-latencyCluster Write LatencymsCluster Write Latency

G2-Storage-EMC-XtremIO Cluster Array Battery


Monitors the Cluster Array battery status and its parameters.


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
EMC Xtremio Battery InputBattery Input
xtremio.cluster.bbu.fru-lifecycle-stateBBU Lifecycle StateBattery Lifecycle State Connection StateBattery Connection State Charge in Percent%Battery Charge in Percent Load in Percent%Battery Load in Percent Load LevelBattery Load Level

G2-Storage-EMC-XtremIO Cluster Array Disk


Monitors the Cluster Array disk parameters.


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
EMC Xtremio Disk Array Enclosure Monitorxtremio.cluster.dae.fru-lifecycle-stateDAE Lifecycle StateDAE Lifecycle State
EMC Xtremio Disk Monitorxtremio.cluster.ssd.fru-lifecycle-stateSSD FRU Lifecycle StateSSD FRU Lifecycle State
xtremio.cluster.ssd.ssd-size-in-kbSSD Capacity GBGBSSD Capacity GB
xtremio.cluster.ssd.ssd-space-in-useSSD Used GBGBSSD Used GB
xtremio.cluster.ssd.ssd-percent-usedSSD Percent Used%SSD Percent Used
xtremio.cluster.ssd.percent-endurance-remainingSSD Percent Endurance Remaining%SSD Percent Endurance Remaining
xtremio.cluster.ssd.ssd-failure-reasonSSD Failure ReasonSSD Failure Reason
xtremio.cluster.ssd.bandwidthSSD Total BandwidthKBpsSSD Total Bandwidth
xtremio.cluster.ssd.readbandwidthSSD Read BandwidthKBpsSSD Read Bandwidth
xtremio.cluster.ssd.writebandwidthSSD Write BandwidthKBpsSSD Write Bandwidth
xtremio.cluster.ssd.iopsSSD Total IOPSSSD Total IOPS
xtremio.cluster.ssd.rd-iopsSSD Read IOPSSSD Read IOPS
xtremio.cluster.ssd.wr-iopsSSD Write IOPSSSD Write IOPS

G2-Storage-EMC-XtremIO Cluster Array-DAE Controller


Monitors the DAE Controller parameters


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
EMC Xtremio DAE Controller Monitorxtremio.cluster.daecontroller.fru-lifecycle-stateDAE Controller Lifecycle StateDAE Controller Lifecycle State
xtremio.cluster.daecontroller.enabled-stateDAE Controller Enabled StateDAE Controller Enabled State
xtremio.cluster.daecontroller.sas1-port-stateDAE Controller SAS1 Port StateDAE Controller SAS1 Port State
xtremio.cluster.daecontroller.sas2-port-stateDAE Controller SAS2 Port StateDAE Controller SAS2 Port State

G2-Storage-EMC-XtremIO Cluster Array-DPG & IG


Monitors the Data Protection Group,Initiator Group and Infiband Switch parameters.


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
EMC Xtremio Data Protection Group Group Protection StateData Protection Group Protection State
xtremio.cluster.dataprotectiongroup.ssd-sizeDP Group Total SSD SizeGBData Protection Group Total SSD Size
xtremio.cluster.dataprotectiongroup.useful-ssd-spaceDP Group Useful SSD SpaceGBData Protection Group Useful SSD Space
xtremio.cluster.dataprotectiongroup.ud-ssd-spaceDP Group User SpaceGBData Protection Group User Space
xtremio.cluster.dataprotectiongroup.ud-ssd-space-in-useDP Group In Use User SpaceGBData Protection Group In Use User Space
xtremio.cluster.dataprotectiongroup.rg-ud-ssd-percent-free-spaceDP Group Free User Space Percent%Data Protection Group Free User Space Percent
EMC Xtremio Infiband Switch Monitorxtremio.cluster.infibandswitch.fru-lifecycle-stateInfiband Switch Lifecycle StateInfiband Switch Lifecycle State
EMC Xtremio Initiator Group Monitorxtremio.cluster.initiatorgroup.totalbandwidthIgrp Total BandwidthKBpsInitiator Group Total Bandwidth
xtremio.cluster.initiatorgroup.readbandwidthIgrp Read BandwidthKBpsInitiator Group Read Bandwidth
xtremio.cluster.initiatorgroup.writebandwidthIgrp Write BandwidthKBpsInitiator Group Write Bandwidth
xtremio.cluster.initiatorgroup.iopsIgrp Total IOPSInitiator Group Total IOPS
xtremio.cluster.initiatorgroup.rd-iopsIgrp Read IOPSInitiator Group Read IOPS
xtremio.cluster.initiatorgroup.wr-iopsIgrp Write IOPSInitiator Group Write IOPS

G2-Storage-EMC-Xtremio Cluster Volume


This template is applicable for Cluster Volume of Xtremio. This template monitors performance related to particular Cluster Volume.


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
EMC Xtremio Cluster Volume Monitorxtremio.cluster.volume.vol-sizeCapacity GBGBCapacity GB
xtremio.cluster.volume.logical-space-in-useUsed GBGBUsed GB
xtremio.cluster.volume.volume-percent-usedPercent Used%Percent Used
xtremio.cluster.volume.totalbandwidthTotal BandwidthKBpsTotal Bandwidth
xtremio.cluster.volume.readbandwidthRead BandwidthKBpsRead Bandwidth
xtremio.cluster.volume.writebandwidthWrite BandwidthKBpsWrite Bandwidth
xtremio.cluster.volume.iopsTotal IOPSNULLTotal IOPS
xtremio.cluster.volume.rd-iopsRead IOPSNULLRead IOPS
xtremio.cluster.volume.wr-iopsWrite IOPSNULLWrite IOPS
xtremio.cluster.volume.avg-latencyAverage LatencymsAverage Latency
xtremio.cluster.volume.rd-latencyRead LatencymsRead Latency
xtremio.cluster.volume.wr-latencyWrite LatencymsWrite Latency



Applicable on Storage Controller / Controller


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
EMC Xtremio Controller Monitorxtremio.cluster.storagecontroller.fru-lifecycle-stateController Lifecycle StateController Lifecycle State
xtremio.cluster.storagecontroller.node-health-stateController Health StateController Health State
xtremio.cluster.storagecontroller.enabled-stateController Enabled StateController Enabled State
xtremio.cluster.storagecontroller.node-mgr-conn-stateConrtoller Connection StateController Connection State
xtremio.cluster.storagecontroller.sas1-port-stateController SAS1 Port StateController SAS1 Port State
xtremio.cluster.storagecontroller.sas2-port-stateController SAS2 Port StateController SAS2 Port State

G2-VPLEX-Local Cluster Array Template


This template is applicable for Cluster Array component in VPLEX. It monitors connectivity status and failover of that Cluster Array.


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
VPLEX Local Cluster Array Array Connectivity StatusCluster Array Connectivity Status Array Fail OverCluster Array Fail Over

G2-VPLEX-Local Cluster Local-Device Template


This template is applicable for Cluster Device of VPLEX. This template monitors health state and operational status of that Cluster Device.


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
VPLEX Cluster Local Device Device Health StateCluster Device Health State
vplex.cluster.device.operational-statusCluster Local Device Operational StatusCluster Local Device Operational Status

G2-VPLEX-Local Cluster Template


This template is applicable for Cluster of VPLEX. This template monitors UPS operational-status,battery-status,Cluster operational-status and health-state.


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
VPLEX Local Cluster Operational StatusUPS Operational Status Battery StatusUPS Battery Status
vplex.array.cluster.operational-statusCluster Operational StatusCluster Operational Status Health StateCluster Health State

G2-VPLEX-Local Consistency Group Template


This template is applicable for Consistency Group of VPLEX. This template monitors operational-status of that Consistency Group.


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
VPLEX Local Consistency Group Monitorvplex.cluster.consistency-group.operational-statusConsistency Group Operational StatusConsistency Group Operational Status

G2-VPLEX-Local Director Template


This template is applicable for Director of VPLEX. This template monitors different metrics of that Director.


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
VPLEX Local Director Monitorvplex.engine.director.fe-opsDirector Front End Throughputcounts/sDirector Front End Throughput
vplex.engine.director.fe-readDirector Front End Read Bandwidthcounts/sDirector Front End Read Bandwidth
vplex.engine.director.fe-writeDirector Front End Write Bandwidthcounts/sDirector Front End Write Bandwidth Back End Read Throughputcounts/sDirector Back End Read Throughput Back End Write Throughputcounts/sDirector Back End Write Throughput Back End Throughputcounts/sDirector Back End Throughput Back End Read BandwidthKBpsDirector Back End Read Bandwidth Back End Write BandwidthKBpsDirector Back End Write Bandwidth
vplex.engine.director.busyDirector CPU Utilization%Director CPU Utilization
vplex.engine.director.per-cpu-busy-cpu0Director CPU0 Utilization%Director CPU0 Utilization
vplex.engine.director.per-cpu-busy-cpu1Director CPU1 Utilization%Director CPU1 Utilization
vplex.engine.director.per-cpu-busy-cpu2Director CPU2 Utilization%Director CPU2 Utilization
vplex.engine.director.per-cpu-busy-cpu3Director CPU3 Utilization%Director CPU3 Utilization
vplex.engine.director.per-cpu-busy-cpu4Director CPU4 Utilization%Director CPU0 Utilization
vplex.engine.director.per-cpu-busy-cpu5Director CPU5 Utilization%Director CPU5 Utilization
vplex.engine.director.per-cpu-busy-cpu6Director CPU6 Utilization%Director CPU6 Utilization
vplex.engine.director.per-cpu-busy-cpu7Director CPU7 Utilization%Director CPU7 Utilization Health StateDirector Health State
vplex.engine.director.operational-statusDirector Operational StatusDirector Operational Status
vplex.engine.director.communication-statusDirector Communication StatusDirector Communication Status
vplex.engine.director.disk.operational-statusDirector Disk Operational StatusDirector Disk Operational Status
vplex.engine.director.ports.operational-statusDirector Ports Operational StatusDirector Ports Operational Status
vplex.engine.director.ports.port-statusDirector Ports Port StatusDirector Ports Port Status Front End Read LatencymsDirector Front End Read Latency
vplex.engine.director.write-latDirector Front End Write LatencymsDirector Front End Write Latency Back End Read LatencymsDirector Back End Read Latency Back End Write LatencymsDirector Back End Write Latency

G2-VPLEX-Local Engine Template


This template is applicable for Engine of VPLEX. This template monitors different status metrics of that Engine.


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
VPLEX Local Engine Monitorvplex.array.engine.operational-statusEngine Operational StatusEngine Operational Status Health StateEngine Health State
vplex.array.engine.power-supplies.temperature-threshold-exceededPower Supply Temperature Threshold ExceededPower Supply Temperature Threshold Exceeded
vplex.array.engine.power-supplies.operational-statusPower Supply Operational StatusPower Supply Operational Status
vplex.array.engine.stand-by-power-supplies.operational-statusStand by Power Supplies Operational StatusStand by Power Supplies Operational Status
vplex.array.engine.stand-by-power-supplies.battery-statusEngine Standby Power Supply BatteryStatusEngine Standby Power Supply BatteryStatus

G2-VPLEX-Local Extent Template.


This template is applicable for Extent of VPLEX. This template monitors operational-status and health-state of that Extent


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
VPLEX Local Extent Monitorvplex.cluster.extent.operational-statusExtent Operational StatusExtent Operational Status Health StateExtent Health State

G2-VPLEX-Local LUN Template


This template is applicable for LUN of VPLEX. This template monitors different metrics of that LUN.


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
VPLEX Local LUN Monitorvplex.cluster.lun.operational-statusVirtual Volume Operational StatusVirtual Volume Operational Status
vplex.cluster.lun.service-statusVirtual Volume Service StatusVirtual Volume Service Status
vplex.cluster.lun.fe-lu-opsLun Throughputcounts/sLun Throughput (total read and write IOPS) Volume Health StateVirtual Volume Health State
vplex.cluster.lun.fe-lu-writeVirtual Volume Write BandwidthKBpsVirtual Volume Write Bandwidth
vplex.cluster.lun.fe-lu-readVirtual Volume Read BandwidthKBpsVirtual Volume Read Bandwidth
vplex.cluster.lun.fe-lu-read-latVirtual Volume Read LatencymicrosecVirtual Volume Read Latency Volume Write LatencymicrosecVirtual Volume Write Latency

G2-VPLEX-Local Storage View Template


This template is applicable for Storage View of VPLEX. This template monitors operational-status of that Storage View.


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
VPLEX Local Storage View View Operational StatusStorage View Operational Status

G2-VPLEX-Local Volume Template


This template is applicable for Volume of VPLEX. This template monitors operational-status and health-state of that Volume.


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
VPLEX Local Volume Monitorvplex.cluster.volume.operational-statusCluster Volume Operational StatusCluster Volume Operational Status Volume Health StateCluster Volume Health State

Gateway - Linux Network Remote Monitoring


Gateway - Linux Network Remote Monitoring


End device SSH credentials need to be added on End device itself.

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Gateway - Linux Network Network In packetspackets/secMonitors in Packets of each interface for Linux Devices Network In ErrorsErrors per SecMonitors network in errors of each interface for Linux Devices Network Out ErrorsErrors per SecMonitors Network Out traffic of each interface for Linux Devices Network Out TrafficKbpsMonitors Out traffic of each interface for Linux Devices Network Out DiscardspsecMonitors network Out Discards of each interface for Linux Devices Network In trafficKbpsMonitors In traffic of each interface for Linux Devices Network In discardspsecMonitors Network in discards of each interface for Linux Devices Network out packetspackets/secMonitors Out packets of each interface for Linux Devices

Gateway - Linux OS Performance Remote Monitoring


Gateway - Linux OS Performance Remote Monitoring


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Gateway - Linux OS Performance Monitorsystem.cpu.loadSystem CPU LoadNULLMonitors the system's last 1min,5min and 15min load. It sends per cpu core load average.
system.memory.usage.utilizationSystem Memory Utilization%Physical and virtual memory usage in percentage.
system.disk.usage.utilizationSystem Disk Utilization%Monitors disk utilization in percentage
system.os.uptimeSystem UptimemTime lapsed since last reboot in minutes
system.cpu.usage.statsSystem CPU Usage Statistics%Monitors cpu time in percentage spent in various program spaces. User - The processor time spent running user space processes. System - The amount of time that the CPU spent running the kernel. IOWait - The time the CPU spends idle while waiting for an I/O operation to complete. Idle - The time the processor spends idle. Steal - The time virtual CPU has spent waiting for the hypervisor to service another virtual CPU running on a different virtual machine. Kernal Time,Total Time
system.disk.usage.freespaceSystem FreeDisk UsageGBMonitors the Free Space usage in GB
system.disk.usage.usedspaceSystem Disk UsedSpaceGBMonitors disk used space in GB
system.cpu.usage.utilizationSystem CPU Utilization%The percentage of elapsed time that the processor spends to execute a non-Idle thread(This does not include CPU steal time)
system.memory.usage.usedspaceSystem Memory Used SpaceGBPhysical and virtual memory usage in GB
system.disk.inode.utilizationSystem Disk Inode Utilization%This monitor is to collect DISK Inode metrics for all physical disks in a server.

Gateway - Linux OS Performance Remote Monitoring - V2


Template to monitor basic OS performance metrics and validate it on below Linux flavors: CentOS Linux 7 (core),Fedora 31,Suse Linux Enterprise Server 1,Ubuntu 18.04.5 Lts


  1. Applicable on devices which are managed by Linux gateway 10.0.0 and above versions.
  2. SSH credentials should be assigned at device level.
  3. The credentials of user assigned on the device must have permissions to create the required temporary files/folders in any one of the following directories: /var/log, /home/$USER, or /home.

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Gateway - Linux OS Performance Monitor - V2system.cpu.loadSystem CPU LoadNULLMonitors the system's last 1min,5min and 15min load. It sends per cpu core load average.
system.memory.usage.utilizationSystem Memory Utilization%Physical and virtual memory usage in percentage.
system.disk.usage.utilizationSystem Disk Utilization%Monitors disk utilization in percentage
system.os.uptimeSystem UptimemTime lapsed since last reboot in minutes
system.cpu.usage.statsSystem CPU Usage Statistics%Monitors cpu time in percentage spent in various program spaces. User - The processor time spent running user space processes. System - The amount of time that the CPU spent running the kernel. IOWait - The time the CPU spends idle while waiting for an I/O operation to complete. Idle - The time the processor spends idle. Steal - The time virtual CPU has spent waiting for the hypervisor to service another virtual CPU running on a different virtual machine. Kernal Time,Total Time
system.disk.usage.freespaceSystem FreeDisk UsageGBMonitors the Free Space usage in GB
system.disk.usage.usedspaceSystem Disk UsedSpaceGBMonitors disk used space in GB
system.cpu.usage.utilizationSystem CPU Utilization%The percentage of elapsed time that the processor spends to execute a non-Idle thread(This does not include CPU steal time)
system.memory.usage.usedspaceSystem Memory Used SpaceGBPhysical and virtual memory usage in GB
system.disk.inode.utilizationSystem Disk Inode Utilization%This monitor is to collect DISK Inode metrics for all physical disks in a server.

Gateway - Linux OS Performance Remote Monitoring - V3


Template to monitor basic OS performance metrics and validated it on below Linux flavors: CentOS Linux 7 (core) ,Fedora 31 ,Suse Linux Enterprise Server 1 ,Ubuntu 18.04.5 Lts . Prerequisites: 1. Applicable on devices which are managed by Linux gateway 10.0.0 and above versions 2. SSH credentials should be assigned at device level. In version 3 of the template, we have corrected thresholds for disk usage free space metric.


  1. Applicable on devices which are managed by Linux gateway 10.0.0 and above versions.
  2. SSH credentials should be assigned at device level.
  3. The credentials of user assigned on the device must have permissions to create the required temporary files/folders in any one of the following directories: /var/log, /home/$USER, or /home.

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Gateway - Linux OS Performance Monitor - v3system.cpu.loadSystem CPU LoadNULLMonitors the system's last 1min,5min and 15min load. It sends per cpu core load average.
system.memory.usage.utilizationSystem Memory Utilization%Physical and virtual memory usage in percentage.
system.disk.usage.utilizationSystem Disk Utilization%Monitors disk utilization in percentage
system.os.uptimeSystem UptimemTime lapsed since last reboot in minutes
system.cpu.usage.statsSystem CPU Usage Statistics%Monitors cpu time in percentage spent in various program spaces. User - The processor time spent running user space processes. System - The amount of time that the CPU spent running the kernel. IOWait - The time the CPU spends idle while waiting for an I/O operation to complete. Idle - The time the processor spends idle. Steal - The time virtual CPU has spent waiting for the hypervisor to service another virtual CPU running on a different virtual machine. Kernal Time,Total Time
system.disk.usage.freespaceSystem FreeDisk UsageGBMonitors the Free Space usage in GB
system.disk.usage.usedspaceSystem Disk UsedSpaceGBMonitors disk used space in GB
system.cpu.usage.utilizationSystem CPU Utilization%The percentage of elapsed time that the processor spends to execute a non-Idle thread(This does not include CPU steal time)
system.memory.usage.usedspaceSystem Memory Used SpaceGBPhysical and virtual memory usage in GB
system.disk.inode.utilizationSystem Disk Inode Utilization%This monitor is to collect DISK Inode metrics for all physical disks in a server.

Glassfish JVM Template


Glassfish JVM Template


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Glassfish JVM Monitorglassfish.jvm.memorypool.codecache.peak_usage_usedGlassfish JVM Memorypool Codecache Peak Usage UsedBytesNULL
glassfish.jvm.memorypool.codecache.peak_usage_initGlassfish JVM Memorypool Codecache Peak Usage InitKBNULL
glassfish.jvm.memorypool.codecache.peak_usage_maxGlassfish JVM Memorypool Codecache Peak Usage MaxKBNULL
glassfish.jvm.memorypool.edenspace.peak_usage_usedGlassfish JVM Memorypool Edenspace Peak Usage UsedKBNULL
glassfish.jvm.memorypool.edenspace.peak_usage_committedGlassfish JVM Memorypool.edenspace Peak Usage CommittedKBNULL
glassfish.jvm.memorypool.edenspace.peak_usage_initGlassfish JVM Memorypool Edenspace Peak Usage InitKBNULL
glassfish.jvm.memorypool.edenspace.peak_usage_maxGlassfish JVM Memorypool Edenspace Peak Usage MaxKBNULL
glassfish.jvm.memorypool.metaspace.peak_usage_usedGlassfish JVM Memorypool Metaspace Peak Usage UsedKBNULL
glassfish.jvm.memorypool.metaspace.peak_usage_committedGlassfish JVM Memorypool.metaspace Peak Usage CommittedKBNULL
glassfish.jvm.memorypool.metaspace.peak_usage_initGlassfish JVM Memorypool Metaspace Peak Usage InitKBNULL
glassfish.jvm.memorypool.metaspace.peak_usage_maxGlassfish JVM Memorypool Metaspace Peak Usage MaxKBNULL
glassfish.jvm.memorypool.survivorspace.peak_usage_usedGlassfish JVM Memorypool Survivorspace Peak UsageKBNULL
glassfish.jvm.memorypool.survivorspace.peak_usage_committedGlassfish JVM Memorypool Survivorspace Peak Usage CommittedKBNULL
glassfish.jvm.memorypool.survivorspace.peak_usage_initGlassfish JVM Memorypool Survivorspace Peak Usage InitKBNULL
glassfish.jvm.memorypool.survivorspace.peak_usage_maxGlassfish JVM Memorypool Survivorspace Peak Usage MaxKBNULL
glassfish.jvm.memorypool.tenuredgen.peak_usage_usedGlassfish JVM Memorypool Tenuredgen Peak Usage UsedKBNULL
glassfish.jvm.memorypool.tenuredgen.peak_usage.initGlassfish JVM Memorypool Tenuredgen Peak Usage InitKBNULL
glassfish.jvm.memorypool.tenuredgen.peak_usage.maxGlassfish JVM Memorypool Tenuredgen Peak Usage MaxKBNULL
glassfish.jvm.memorypool.tenuredgen.peak_usage_committedGlassfish JVM Memorypool Tenuredgen Peak Usage CommittedKBNULL
glassfish.jvm.memorypool.codecache.peak_usage_committedGlassfish JVM Memorypool Codecache Peak Usage CommittedKBNULL
glassfish.jvm.gc.collection.countGlassfish JVM GC Collection CountcountThe number of garbage collections that have ocurred.
glassfish.jvm.gc.thread.countGlasssfish JVM GC Thread CountcountThe total number of garbage collections that have occurred

Glassfish Thread,Memory,Sessions Template


Glassfish Thread,Memory,Sessions Template


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Glassfish Memory Monitorglassfish.memory.usedheapsize.countGlassfish Memory Used Heap SizeBytesamount of used heap memory in bytes
glassfish.memory.usednonheapsize.countGlassfish Memory Used Non Heap SizeBytesamount of used non heap size memory in bytes
glassfish.memory.committedheapsize.countGlassfish Memory Committed Heap SizeBytesamount of memory in bytes that is committed for the Java virtual machine to use
glassfish.memory.committednonheapsize.countGlassfish Memory Committed Non Heap SizeBytesamount of memory in bytes that is committed for the Java virtual machine to use
glassfish.memory.maxheapsize.countGlassfish Memory Max Heap SizeBytesmaximum amount of heap memory in bytes that can be used for memory management
glassfish.memory.maxnonheapsize.countGlassfish Memory Max Non Heap SizeBytesmaximum amount of non heap memory in bytes that can be used for memory management
Glassfish Sessions Monitorglassfish.activesessionscurrentGlassfish Active Session CurrentcountNumber of active sessions
glassfish.activatedsessionstotalGlassfish Total Activated SessionscountTotal number of sessions ever activated
glassfish.expiredsessionstotalGlassfish Total Expired SessionscountTotal number of sessions ever expired
glassfish.passivatedsessionstotalGlassfish Total Passivated SessionscountTotal number of sessions ever passivated
glassfish.persistedsessionstotalGlassfish Total Persisted SessionscountTotal number of sessions ever persisted
glassfish.sessionstotalGlassfish Total SessionscountTotal number of sessions ever created
glassfish.rejectedsessionstotalGlassfish Total Rejected SessioscountTotal number of sessions ever rejected
Glassfish Thread Monitorglassfish.totalstartedthreadcountGlassfish Total Started Thread CountcountReturns the total number of threads created and also started since the Java virtual machine started
glassfish.daemonthreadcountGlassfish Daemon Thread CountcountReturns the current number of live daemon threads
glassfish.threadcountGlassfish Thread CountcountReturns the current number of live threads including both daemon and non-daemon threads

Glassfish Transaction,Classes,System Stats Template


Glassfish Transaction,Classes,System Stats Template


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Glassfish Classes Monitorglassfish.loadedclass.countGlassfish Loaded Class Countcountnumber of classes currently loaded in the JVM
glassfish.unloadedclass.countGlassfish UnLoaded CountcountTotal number of classes unloaded since the JVM started
glassfish.totalservletsloaded.countGlassfish Total Servlets LoadedcountTotal number of Servlets ever loaded
glassfish.activeservletsloaded.countGlassfish Active Servlets LoadedcountNumber of Servlets loaded
glassfish.jsp.totaljspcountGlassfish JSP Total CountcountTotal number of JSP pages ever loaded
glassfish.jsp.jsperrorcountGlassfish JSP Error CountcountTotal number of errors triggered by JSP page invocations
glassfish.jsp.jspreloadedcountGlassfish JSP Reloaded CountcountTotal number of JSP pages that were reloaded
glassfish.jsp.jspcountGlassfish JSP CountcountNumber of active JSP pages
Glassfish System Stats Monitorglassfish.jvm.uptimeGlassfish JVM Uptimemsuptime of the Java virtual machine in milliseconds
glassfish.servlet.processingtimeGlassfish Servlet Processing TimemsAverage response time
glassfish.request.processingtimeGlassfish Request Processing TimemsAverage request processing time
glassfish.request.errorcountGlassfish Request Error CountcountCumulative value of the error count,with error count representing the number of cases where the response code was greater than or equal to 400
glassfish.request.requestcountGlassfish Request Request CountcountCumulative number of requests processed so far
Glassfish Transaction Monitorglassfish.transaction.committedcountGlassfish Transaction Committed CountcountProvides the number of transactions that have been committed.
glassfish.transaction.rolledbackcountGlassfish Transaction Rolledback CountcountProvides the number of transactions that have been rolled back.
glassfish.transaction.activecountGlassfish Transaction Active CountcountProvides the number of transactions that are currently active.
glassfish.transaction.service.stateGlassfish Transaction StateNULLIndicates if the transaction service has been frozen.

HAProxy Performance Template

This template will be deprecated soon.


HAProxy Performance Templace


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
HA Proxy Monitorhaproxy.denied_req_rateHAProxy-DeniedRequestsReq per SecThe rate of denied requests.
haproxy.denied_resp_rateHAProxy-DeniedResponsesRes per SecThe rate of denied responses.
haproxy.errors_con_rateHAProxy-ConnectionErrorsErrors per SecThe rate of connection errors.
haproxy.errors_req_rateHAProxy-RequestErrorsErrors per SecThe rate of request errors.
haproxy.errors_resp_rateHAProxy-ResponseErrorsErrors per SecThe rate of response errors.
haproxy.lastchk_timeHAProxy-LastHealthCheckTimemsTime in ms took to finish last health check.
haproxy.mbytes_in_rateHAProxy-DataReceivedMBpsThe rate at which the data is received per server in MB.
haproxy.mbytes_out_rateHAProxy-DataSentMBpsThe rate at which the data is sent per server in MB.
haproxy.requests_queueHAProxy-QueuedRequestsNULLNumber of requests in the server queue.
haproxy.requests_rateHAProxy-RequestsReq per SecThe rate of received HTTP requests.
haproxy.servers_activeHAProxy-ActiveServersNULLNumber of current active servers (backend). Validates against total active servers.
haproxy.servers_backupHAProxy-BackupServersNULLNumber of current backup servers (backend). Validates against total backup servers.
haproxy.statusHAProxy StatusChecks the status of the backend servers.
haproxy.session_currentHAProxy-SessionsActiveNULLCurrent number of concurrent connections.
haproxy.session_rateHAProxy-SessionsSessions per SecNumber of sessions per second.
haproxy.warning.retr_rateHAProxy-WarnRetriesRetries per SecThe rate of retries (warning).
haproxy.warning.redis_rateHAProxy-WarnRedispatchesDispatches per SecThe rate of dispatches (warning).
haproxy.http.errors_1xxHAProxy 1xx HTTP ErrorNumber of HTTP error responses with 1xx code
haproxy.http.errors_2xxHAProxy 2xx HTTP ErrorNumber of HTTP error responses with 2xx code
haproxy.http.errors_3xxHAProxy 3xx HTTP ErrorNumber of HTTP error responses with 3xx code
haproxy.http.errors_4xxHAProxy 4xx HTTP ErrorNumber of HTTP error responses with 4xx code
haproxy.http.errors_5xxHAProxy 5xx HTTP ErrorNumber of HTTP error responses with 5xx code
haproxy.requests.totalHAProxy Total RequestsNULLTotal number of HTTP requests received
haproxy.http.errors.otherHAProxy Http Other ErrorsNULLhttp responses with other codes (protocol error)
haproxy.queue.timeHAProxy Queue TimemsThe average queue time in ms over the 1024 last requests
haproxy.connect.timeHAProxy Connect TimemsThe average connect time in ms over the 1024 last requests
haproxy.response.timeHAProxy Response TimemsThe average response time in ms over the 1024 last requests (0 for TCP)
haproxy.session.timeHAProxy Session TimemsThe average total session time in ms over the 1024 last requests.
haproxy.server.downtimeHAProxy Server DowntimesTotal downtime (in seconds). The value for the backend is the downtime for the whole backend,not the sum of the server downtime.

HBase Master JVM Template


HBase Master JVM Template


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
HBase Master JVM Monitorhbase.jvm.thread.countHBase JVM Thread CountcountDisplays the number of active threads in the system.
hbase.jvm.thread.peakcountHBase JVM Thread PeakCountcountpeak number of threads running in the JVM since it started.
hbase.jvm.heap_memory_initHBase JVM Heap Memory InitBytesThe initial Java heap memory allocated.
hbase.jvm.heap_memory_maxHBase JVM Heap Memory MaxBytesThe maximum Java heap memory available.
hbase.jvm.non_heap_memory_committedHBase JVM Non Heap Memory CommittedBytesThe total Java non-heap memory committed to be used.
hbase.jvm.non_heap_memory_initHBase JVM Non Heap Memory InitBytesThe initial Java non-heap memory allocated.
hbase.jvm.non_heap_memory_usedHBase JVM Non Heap Memory UsedBytesThe total Java non-heap memory used.
hbase.jvm.non_heap_memory_maxHBase JVM Non Heap Memory MaxBytesThe maximum Java non-heap memory available.
hbase.jvm.memorypool.codecache.peak_usage_usedHBase JVM MemoryPool Codecache Peak Usage UsedKBDisplays the peak usage of code cache in kilo bytes
hbase.jvm.memorypool.codecache.peak_usage_initHBase JVM MemoryPool Codecache Peak Usage InitKBDisplays the initial peak usage max of code cache in kilo bytes
hbase.jvm.memorypool.edenspace.peak_usage_maxHBase JVM MemoryPol Edenspace Peak Usage MaxKBDisplays the maximum peak usage max of edenspace in kilo bytes
hbase.jvm.memorypool.edenspace.peak_usage_initHBase JVM MemoryPool Edenspace Peak Usage InitKBDisplays the initial peak usage of edenspace in kilo bytes
hbase.jvm.memorypool.edenspace.peak_usage_committedHBase JVM MemoryPool Edenspace Peak Usage CommittedKBThe total edenspace memory committed to be used
hbase.jvm.memorypool.metaspace.peak_usage_initHBase JVM MemoryPool Metaspace Peak Usage InitKBDisplays the initial peak usage of metaspace in kilo bytes
hbase.jvm.memorypool.metaspace.peak_usage_usedHBase JVM MemoryPool Metaspace Peak Usage UsedKBDisplays the peak usage of metaspace in kilo bytes
hbase.jvm.memorypool.metaspace.peak_usage_maxHBase JVM MemoryPool Metaspace Peak Usage MaxKBDisplays the maximum peak usage of metaspace in kilo bytes
hbase.jvm.memorypool.metaspace.peak_usage_committedHBase JVM MemoryPool Metaspace Peak Usage CommittedKBThe total metaspace memory committed to be used
hbase.jvm.memorypool.survivorspace.peak_usage_usedHBase JVM MemoryPool Survivorspace Peak Usage UsedKBDisplays the peak usage of survivorspace in kilo bytes
hbase.jvm.memorypool.survivorspace.peak_usage_initHBase JVM MemoryPool Survivorspace Peak Usage InitKBDisplays the initial peak usage max of survivorspace in kilo bytes
hbase.jvm.memorypool.survivorspace.peak_usage_maxHBase JVM MemoryPol SurvivorspacePeak Usage MaxKBDisplays the peak maximum usage of survivorspace in kilo bytes
hbase.jvm.memorypool.survivorspace.peak_usage_committedHBase JVM MemoryPool Survivorspace Peak Usage CommittedKBThe total survivorspace memory committed to be used
hbase.jvm.memorypool.tenuredgen.peak_usageHBase JVM MemoryPool Tenuredgen Peak UsageKBDisplays the peak usage of tenuredgen in kilo bytes
hbase.jvm.memorypool.tenuredgen.peak_usage.initHBase JVM MemoryPool Tenuredgen Peak Usage InitKBDisplays the initial peak usage max of tenuredgen in kilo bytes
hbase.jvm.memorypool.tenuredgen.peak_usage.maxHBase JVM MemoryPool Tenuredgen Peak Usage MaxKBDisplays the peak maximum usage of tenuredgen in kilo bytes
hbase.jvm.memorypool.tenuredgen.peak_usage_committedHBase JVM MemoryPol Edenspace Peak Usage CommittedKBThe total tenuredgen memory committed to be used
hbase.jvm.gc.collection.countHBase JVM GC Collection Countcountthe number of garbage collections that have ocurred.
hbase.jvm.gc.thread.countHBase JVM GC Thread CountcountThe total number of garbage collections that have occurred
hbase.jvm.totalstartedthread.countHBase JVM TotalStartedThread CountcountDisplays the number of threads marked as daemons in the system.
hbase.jvm.daemonthread.countHBase JVM Daemonthread CountcountDisplays the number of threads marked as daemons in the system.
hbase.jvm.heap_memory_usedHBase JVM Heap Memory UsedBytesThe total Java heap memory used.
hbase.jvm.heap_memory_committedHBase JVM Heap Memory CommittedBytesThe total Java heap memory committed to be used.
hbase.jvm.memorypool.codecache.peak_usage_maxHBase JVM MemoryPool Codecache Peak Usage MaxKBDisplays the maximum peak usage of code cache in kilo bytes
hbase.jvm.memorypool.codecache.peak_usage_committedHBase JVM MemoryPool Codecache Peak Usage CommittedKBThe total codecache memory committed to be used
hbase.jvm.memorypool.edenspace.peak_usage_usedHBase JVM MemoryPool Edenspace Peak Usage UsedKBDisplays the peak usage of edenspace in kilo bytes

HBase Master Performance Template


HBase Master Performance Template


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
HBase Master Performance Monitorhbase.master.regionservers.countHBase Master RegionServers CountcountNumber of live regionservers
hbase.master.deadregionservers.countHBase Master Dead RegionServers CountcountNumber of dead regionservers
hbase.master.starttimeHBase Master StartTimemsMaster Start Time
hbase.master.activetimeHBase Master ActiveTimemsMaster Active Time
hbase.master.clusterrequestsHBase Master ClusterRequestsReq per SecCluster requests
hbase.master.ritcountHBase Master RitCountcountThe number of regions in transition
hbase.master.ritcountoverthresholdHBase Master RitCount OverthresholdcountThe number of regions that have been in transition longer than a threshold time (default: 60 seconds)
hbase.master.ritoldestageHBase Master RitoldestageNULLThe age of the longest region in transition,in milliseconds
hbase.master.openconnections.countHBase Master OpenConnections CountcountNumber of open connections.
hbase.master.activehandler.countHBase Master ActiveHandler CountcountNumber of active rpc handlers.
hbase.master.receivedbytesHBase Master ReceivedBytesBytesNumber of bytes received.
hbase.master.assignminHBase Master AssignminmsAssign Region Min
hbase.master.assignmaxHBase Master AssignMaxmsAssign Region Max
hbase.master.assignmeanHBase Master AssignMeanmsAssign Region Mean
hbase.master.assignmedianHBase Master AssignMedianmsAssign Region Median
hbase.master.assign99thpercentileHBase Master Assign99thpercentilemsAssign Region Time 99%
hbase.master.queuesizeHBase Master QueueSizeBytesNumber of bytes in the call queues.
hbase.master.callsingeneralqueue.countHBase Master Callsingeneralqueue CountcountNumber of calls in the general call queue.
hbase.master.callsinreplicationqueue.countHBase Master Callsinreplicationqueue CountcountNumber of calls in the replication call queue.
hbase.master.callsinpriorityqueue.countHBase Master Callsinpriorityqueue CountcountNumber of calls in the priority call queue.
hbase.master.totalcalltime.maxHBase Master Totalcalltime Maxmstotal call time,including both queued and processing time.
hbase.master.totalcalltime.minHBase Master Totalcalltime Minmstotal call time,including both queued and processing time.
hbase.master.totalcalltime.meanHBase Master Totalcalltime Meanmstotal call time,including both queued and processing time.
hbase.master.totalcalltime.medianHBase Master Totalcalltime Medianmstotal call time,including both queued and processing time.
hbase.master.totalcalltime.99thpercentileHBase Master Totalcalltime 99thpercentilemstotal call time,including both queued and processing time.
hbase.master.tag.isactivemasterHBase Master Tag IsactivemasterNULLIs Active Master

HBase Regionserver Jvm Template




No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
HBase Regionserver Jvm Monitorhbase.regionserver.jvm.daemonthread.countHBase Regionserver JVM Daemonthread CountcountDisplays the number of threads marked as daemons in the system.
hbase.regionserver.jvm.gc.collection.countHBase Regionserver JVM GC Collection CountcountThe number of garbage collections that have ocurred.
hbase.regionserver.jvm.gc.thread.countHBase Regionserver JVM GC Thread CountcountThe total number of garbage collections that have occurred
hbase.regionserver.jvm.heap_memory_committedHBase Regionserver JVM Heap Memory CommittedBytesThe total Java heap memory committed to be used.
hbase.regionserver.jvm.heap_memory_initHBase Regionserver JVM Heap Memory InitBytesThe initial Java heap memory allocated.
hbase.regionserver.jvm.heap_memory_maxHBase Regionserver JVM Heap Memory MaxBytesThe maximum Java heap memory available.
hbase.regionserver.jvm.heap_memory_usedHBase Regionserver JVM Heap Memory UsedBytesThe total Java heap memory used.
hbase.regionserver.jvm.memorypool.cmsoldgen.peak_usageHBase Regionserver JVM Memorypool Cmsoldgen Peak UsageKBDisplays the peak usage of cmsoldgen in kilo bytes
hbase.regionserver.jvm.memorypool.cmsoldgen.peak_usage.initHBase Regionserver JVM Memorypool Cmsoldgen Peak Usage InitKBDisplays the initial peak usage max of cmsoldgen in kilo bytes
hbase.regionserver.jvm.memorypool.cmsoldgen.peak_usage.maxHBase Regionserver JVM Memorypool Cmsoldgen Peak Usage MaxKBDisplays the peak maximum usage of cmsoldgen in kilo bytes
hbase.regionserver.jvm.memorypool.cmsoldgen.peak_usage_committedHBase Regionserver JVM Memorypool Cmsoldgen Peak Usage CommittedKBThe total cmsoldgen memory committed to be used
hbase.regionserver.jvm.memorypool.codecache.peak_usage_committedHBase Regionserver JVM Memorypool Codecache Peak Usage CommittedKBThe total codecache memory committed to be used
hbase.regionserver.jvm.memorypool.codecache.peak_usage_initHBase Regionserver JVM Memorypool Codecache Peak Usage InitKBDisplays the initial peak usage max of code cache in kilo bytes
hbase.regionserver.jvm.memorypool.codecache.peak_usage_maxHBase Regionserver JVM Memorypool Codecache Peak Usage MaxKBDisplays the maximum peak usage of code cache in kilo bytes
hbase.regionserver.jvm.memorypool.codecache.peak_usage_usedHBase Regionserver JVM Memorypool Codecache Peak Usage UsedKBDisplays the peak usage of code cache in kilo bytes
hbase.regionserver.jvm.memorypool.edenspace.peak_usage_committedHBase Regionserver JVM Memorypool Par Eden Space Peak Usage CommittedKBThe total Par Eden Space memory committed to be used
hbase.regionserver.jvm.memorypool.edenspace.peak_usage_initHBase Regionserver JVM Memorypool Par edenspace Peak Usage InitKBDisplays the initial peak usage of paredenspace in kilo bytes
hbase.regionserver.jvm.memorypool.edenspace.peak_usage_maxHBase Regionserver JVM Memorypool Pardenspace Peak Usage MaxKBDisplays the maximum peak usage max of Paredenspace in kilo bytes
hbase.regionserver.jvm.memorypool.edenspace.peak_usage_usedHBase Regionserver JVM Memorypool Pardenspace Peak Usage UsedKBDisplays the peak usage of paredenspace in kilo bytes
hbase.regionserver.jvm.memorypool.metaspace.peak_usage_committedHBase Regionserver JVM Memorypool Metaspace Peak Usage CommittedKBThe total metaspace memory committed to be used
hbase.regionserver.jvm.memorypool.metaspace.peak_usage_initHBase Regionserver JVM Memorypool Metaspace Peak Usage InitKBDisplays the initial peak usage of metaspace in kilo bytes
hbase.regionserver.jvm.memorypool.metaspace.peak_usage_maxHBase Regionserver JVM Memorypool Metaspace Peak Usage MaxKBDisplays the maximum peak usage of metaspace in kilo bytes
hbase.regionserver.jvm.memorypool.metaspace.peak_usage_usedHBase Regionserver JVM Memorypool Metaspace Peak Usage UsedKBDisplays the peak usage of metaspace in kilo bytes
hbase.regionserver.jvm.memorypool.survivorspace.peak_usage_committedHBase Regionserver JVM Memorypool Parsurvivorspace Peak Usage CommittedKBThe total parsurvivorspace memory committed to be used
hbase.regionserver.jvm.memorypool.survivorspace.peak_usage_initHBase Regionserver JVM Memorypool Parsurvivorspace Peak Usage InitKBDisplays the initial peak usage max of parsurvivorspace in kilo bytes
hbase.regionserver.jvm.memorypool.survivorspace.peak_usage_maxHBase Regionserver JVM Memorypool Parsurvivorspace Peak Usage MaxKBDisplays the peak maximum usage of parsurvivorspace in kilo bytes
hbase.regionserver.jvm.memorypool.survivorspace.peak_usage_usedHBase Regionserver JVM Memorypool ParSurvivorspace Peak Usage UsedKBDisplays the peak usage of parsurvivorspace in kilo bytes
hbase.regionserver.jvm.non_heap_memory_committedHBase Regionserver JVM Non Heap Memory CommittedBytesThe total Java non-heap memory committed to be used.
hbase.regionserver.jvm.non_heap_memory_initHBase Regionserver JVM Non Heap Memory InitBytesThe initial Java non-heap memory allocated.
hbase.regionserver.jvm.non_heap_memory_maxHBase Regionserver JVM Non Heap Memory MaxBytesThe maximum Java non-heap memory available.
hbase.regionserver.jvm.non_heap_memory_usedHBase Regionserver JVM Non Heap Memory UsedBytesThe total Java non-heap memory used.
hbase.regionserver.jvm.thread.countHBase Regionserver JVM Thread CountcountDisplays the number of active threads in the system.
hbase.regionserver.jvm.thread.peakcountHBase Regionserver JVM Thread Peak Countcountpeak number of threads running in the JVM since it started.
hbase.regionserver.jvm.totalstartedthread.countHBase Regionserver JVM Totalstartedthread CountcountDisplays the number of threads marked as daemons in the system.

HBase Regionserver Template


HBase Regionserver Template


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
HBase Regionserver Monitorhbase.regionserver.ipc.queue_sizeHBase Region Server IPC Queue SizeBytesNumber of bytes in the call queues.
hbase.regionserver.ipc.num_open_connectionsHBase Region Server IPC Number of Open ConnectionscountNumber of open connections.
hbase.regionserver.ipc.num_active_handlerHBase Region Server IPC Num Active HandlercountThe number of active RPC handlers.
hbase.regionserver.ipc.total_call_time_maxHBase Region Server IPC Total Call Time MaxmsTotal call time,including both queued and processing time.
hbase.regionserver.regions.num_regionsHBase Region Server Regions Num RegionscountNumber of regions in the metrics system
hbase.regionserver.server.region_countHBase Region Server Region Count for ServercountNumber of regions
hbase.regionserver.server.store_countHBase Region Server Store Count for ServercountNumber of Stores
hbase.regionserver.server.hlog_file_countHBase Region Server Hlog File Count for ServercountNumber of WAL Files
hbase.regionserver.server.hlog_file_sizeHBase Region Server Hlog File Size for ServerBytesSize of all WAL Files
hbase.regionserver.server.store_file_countHBase Region Server Store File Count for ServercountNumber of Store Files
hbase.regionserver.server.mem_store_sizeHBase Region Server Mem Store Size for ServerBytesSize of the mem store
hbase.regionserver.server.store_file_sizeHBase Region Server Store File Size for ServerBytesSize of store files being served.
hbase.regionserver.server.total_request_countHBase Region Server Total Request Count for ServercountA total number of requests this RegionServer has answered.
hbase.regionserver.server.read_request_countHBase Region Server Read Request Count for ServercountThe number of reading requests this region server has answered.
hbase.regionserver.wal.append_time.num_opsHBase Regionserver WAL Appen Time Num OpsmsTime an append to the log took.
hbase.regionserver.server.write_request_countHBase Region Server Write Request Count for ServercountNumber of Checks and Mutate calls that failed the checks.
hbase.regionserver.wal.low_replica_roll_requestHBase Regionserver WAL Low Replica Roll RequestmsHow many times a log roll was requested due to too few DN's in the write pipeline.
hbase.regionserver.server.check_mutate_passed_countHBase Region Server Check Mutate Passed Count for ServercountNumber of Checks and Mutate calls that passed the checks.
hbase.regionserver.wal.append_countHBase Regionserver WAL Append CountcountNumber of appends to the write ahead log.
hbase.regionserver.wal.roll_requestHBase Regionserver WAL Roll RequestmsHow many times a log roll has been requested total
hbase.regionserver.wal.slow_append_countHBase Regionserver WAL Slow Append CountcountNumber of appends that were slow.
hbase.regionserver.wal.sync_time.num_opsHBase Regionserver WAL Sync Time Num OpsmsThe time it took to sync the WAL to HDFS.
hbase.regionserver.wal.append_size.num_opsHBase Regionserver WAL Append Size Num OpsBytesSize (in bytes) of the data appended to the WAL.
hbase.regionserver.server.slow_get_countHBase Regionserver Server Slow Get CountcountThe number of Gets that took over 1000ms to complete
hbase.regionserver.server.split_success_countHBase Regionserver Server Split Success CountcountNumber of successfully executed splits
hbase.regionserver.server.split_request_countHBase Regionserver Server Split Request CountcountNumber of splits requested
hbase.regionserver.server.slow_delete_countHBase Regionserver Server Slow Delete CountcountThe number of Deletes that took over 1000ms to complete
hbase.regionserver.server.slow_append_countHBase Regionserver Server Slow Append CountcountThe number of Appends that took over 1000ms to complete
hbase.regionserver.server.blocked_request_countHBase Regionserver Server Blocked Request CountcountThe number of blocked requests because of memstore size is larger than blockingMemStoreSize
hbase.regionserver.server.major_compacted_cells_sizeHBase Regionserver Server Major Compacted Cells SizeBytesThe total amount of data processed during major compactions,in bytes
hbase.regionserver.server.compacted_cells_sizeHBase Regionserver Server Compacted Cells SizeBytesThe total amount of data processed during minor compactions,in bytes
hbase.regionserver.server.flushed_cells_sizeHBase Regionserver Server Flushed Cells SizeBytesThe total amount of data flushed to disk,in bytes
hbase.regionserver.server.major_compacted_cells_countHBase Regionserver Server Major Compacted Cells CountcountThe number of cells processed during major compactions
hbase.regionserver.server.compacted_cells_countHBase Regionserver Server Compacted Cells CountcountThe number of cells processed during minor compactions
hbase.regionserver.server.flushed_cells_countHBase Regionserver Server Flushed Cells CountcountThe number of cells flushed to disk
hbase.regionserver.server.updates_blocked_timeHBase Regionserver Server Updates Blocked TimemsNumber of MS updates have been blocked so that the memstore can be flushed.
hbase.regionserver.server.block_cache_failed_insertion_countHBase Regionserver Server Block Cache Failed Insertion CountmsNumber of times that a block cache insertion failed. Usually due to size restrictions.
hbase.regionserver.server.block_cache_express_hit_percentHBase Regionserver Server Block Cache Express Hit Percent%The percent of the time that requests with the cache turned on hit the cache.
hbase.regionserver.server.block_cache_hit_percentHBase Regionserver Server.block Cache Hit Percent%Percent of block cache requests that are hits
hbase.regionserver.server.block_cache_eviction_count_primaryHBase Regionserver Server Block Cache Eviction Count PrimarycountCount of the number of blocks evicted from primary replica in the block cache.
hbase.regionserver.server.block_cache_eviction_countHBase Regionserver Server Block Cache Eviction CountcountCount of the number of blocks evicted from the block cache.
hbase.regionserver.server.block_cache_miss_count_primaryHBase Regionserver Server Block Cache Miss Count PrimarycountNumber of requests for a block of primary replica that missed the block cache.
hbase.regionserver.server.block_cache_miss_countHBase Regionserver Server Block Cache Miss CountcountNumber of requests for a block that missed the block cache.
hbase.regionserver.server.block_cache_hit_count_primaryHBase Regionserver Server Block Cache Hit Count PrimarycountCount of hit on primary replica in the block cache.
hbase.regionserver.server.block_cache_hit_countHBase Regionserver Server Block Cache Hit CountcountCount of the hit on the block cache.
hbase.regionserver.server.block_cache_sizeHBase Regionserver Server Block Cache SizeBytesSize of the block cache.
hbase.regionserver.server.block_cache_countHBase Regionserver Server Block Cache CountcountNumber of block in the block cache.
hbase.regionserver.server.block_cache_free_sizeHBase Regionserver Server Block Cache Free SizeBytesSize of the block cache that is not occupied.
hbase.regionserver.server.flush_queue_lengthHBase Regionserver Server Flush Queue LengthcountLength of the queue for region flushes
hbase.regionserver.server.compaction_queue_lengthHBase Regionserver Server Compaction Queue LengthcountLength of the queue for compactions.
hbase.regionserver.server.split_queue_lengthHBase Regionserver Server Split Queue LengthcountLength of the queue for splits.
hbase.regionserver.server.percent_files_local_secondary_regionsHBase Regionserver Server Percent Files Local Secondary Regions%The percent of HFiles used by secondary regions that are stored on the local hdfs data node.
hbase.regionserver.server.percent_files_localHBase Regionserver Server Percent Files Local%The percent of HFiles that are stored on the local hdfs data node.
hbase.regionserver.server.mutations_without_wal_sizeHBase Regionserver Server Mutations Without Wal SizeBytesSize of data that has been sent by clients with the write ahead logging turned off.
hbase.regionserver.server.mutations_without_wal_countHBase Regionserver Server Mutations Without Wal CountcountNumber of mutations that have been sent by clients with the write ahead logging turned off.
hbase.regionserver.server.static_bloom_sizeHBase Regionserver Server Static Bloom SizeBytesUncompressed size of the static bloom filters.
hbase.regionserver.server.static_index_sizeHBase Regionserver Server Static Index SizeBytesUncompressed size of the static indexes.
hbase.regionserver.server.store_file_index_sizeHBase Regionserver Server Store File Index SizeBytesSize of indexes in storefiles on disk.

HBase Sample Template




No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
HBase Sample Monitorhbase.regionserver.ipc.queue_sizeHBase Region Server IPC Queue SizeBytesNumber of bytes in the call queues.

HDFS DataNode Template


HDFS DataNode Template


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
HDFS DataNode JVM Monitorhdfs.datanode.memory.non.heap.usedHDFS DataNode Non Heap Memory UsedMBCurrent non-heap memory used in MB
hdfs.datanode.memory.non.heap.committedHDFS DataNode Non Heap Memory CommittedMBCurrent non-heap memory committed in MB
hdfs.datanode.memory.non.heap.maxHDFS DataNode Non Heap Memory MaxMBMax non-heap memory size in MB
hdfs.datanode.memory.heap.usedHDFS DataNode Heap Memory UsedMBCurrent heap memory used in MB
hdfs.datanode.memory.heap.committedHDFS DataNode Heap Memory CommittedMBCurrent heap memory committed in MB
hdfs.datanode.memory.heap.maxHDFS DataNode Heap Memory MaxMBMax heap memory size in MB
hdfs.datanode.memory.maxHDFS DataNode Max MemoryMBMax memory size in MB
hdfs.datanode.threads.newHDFS DataNode New ThreadscountCurrent number of NEW threads
hdfs.datanode.threads.runnableHDFS DataNode Runnable ThreadscountCurrent number of RUNNABLE threads
hdfs.datanode.threads.blockedHDFS DataNode Blocked ThreadscountCurrent number of BLOCKED threads
hdfs.datanode.threads.waitingHDFS DataNode Waiting ThreadscountCurrent number of WAITING threads
hdfs.datanode.threads.timed.waitingHDFS DataNode Timed Waiting ThreadscountCurrent number of TIMED_WAITING threads
hdfs.datanode.threads.terminatedHDFS DataNode Terminated ThreadscountCurrent number of TERMINATED threads
HDFS DataNode Monitorhdfs.datanode.dfs.remainingHDFS DataNode DFS RemainingBytesThe remaining disk space left
hdfs.datanode.dfs.capacityHDFS DataNode DFS CapacityBytesTotal configured HDFS storage capacity
hdfs.datanode.dfs.usedHDFS DataNode DFS UsedBytesTotal HDFS storage used
hdfs.datanode.cache.capacityHDFS DataNode Cache CapacityBytesThe capacity of the HDFS cache on this DataNode.
hdfs.datanode.cache.usedHDFS DataNode Cache UsedBytesThe total cache used.
hdfs.datanode.last.volume.failure.dateHDFS DataNode Last Volume Failure DatemsThe date/time of the last volume failure in milliseconds since epoch
hdfs.datanode.estimated.capacity.lost.totalHDFS DataNode Total Lost Estimated CapacityBytesThe estimated capacity lost in bytes
hdfs.datanode.num.blocks.cachedHDFS DataNode Blocks Cached NumbercountThe number of blocks cached DataNode Blocks Failed To Cache NumbercountThe total number of blocks the DataNode failed to cache. DataNode Blocks Failed To Uncache NumbercountThe total number of blocks the DataNode failed to uncache.
hdfs.datanode.num.failed.volumesHDFS DataNode Failed Volumes NumbercountTotal number of failed volumes

HDFS DataNode Template Monitor


HDFS DataNode Template Monitor


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
HDFS DataNode Monitorhdfs.datanode.dfs.remainingHDFS DataNode DFS RemainingBytesThe remaining disk space left
hdfs.datanode.dfs.capacityHDFS DataNode DFS CapacityBytesTotal configured HDFS storage capacity
hdfs.datanode.dfs.usedHDFS DataNode DFS UsedBytesTotal HDFS storage used
hdfs.datanode.cache.capacityHDFS DataNode Cache CapacityBytesThe capacity of the HDFS cache on this DataNode.
hdfs.datanode.cache.usedHDFS DataNode Cache UsedBytesThe total cache used.
hdfs.datanode.last.volume.failure.dateHDFS DataNode Last Volume Failure DatemsThe date/time of the last volume failure in milliseconds since epoch
hdfs.datanode.estimated.capacity.lost.totalHDFS DataNode Total Lost Estimated CapacityBytesThe estimated capacity lost in bytes
hdfs.datanode.num.blocks.cachedHDFS DataNode Blocks Cached NumbercountThe number of blocks cached DataNode Blocks Failed To Cache NumbercountThe total number of blocks the DataNode failed to cache. DataNode Blocks Failed To Uncache NumbercountThe total number of blocks the DataNode failed to uncache.
hdfs.datanode.num.failed.volumesHDFS DataNode Failed Volumes NumbercountTotal number of failed volumes

HDFS NameNode Template


HDFS NameNode Template


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
HDFS NameNode JVM Monitorhdfs.namenode.non.heap.memory.usedHDFS Namenode Non Heap Memory UsedMBCurrent non-heap memory used in MB
hdfs.namenode.non_heap_memory_committedHDFS Namenode Non Heap Memory CommittedMBCurrent non-heap memory committed in MB
hdfs.namenode.non_heap_memory_maxHDFS Namenode Non Heap Memory MaxMBMax non-heap memory size in MB
hdfs.namenode.heap_memory_usedHDFS Namenode Heap Memory UsedMBCurrent heap memory used in MB
hdfs.namenode.heap_memory_committedHDFS Namenode Heap Memory CommittedMBCurrent heap memory committed in MB
hdfs.namenode.heap_memory_maxHDFS Namenode Heap Memory MaxNULLMax heap memory size in MB
hdfs.namenode.max.memoryHDFS Namenode Max MemoryNULLJVM Max memory size in MB
hdfs.namenode.threads_newHDFS Namenode New ThreadscountCurrent number of NEW threads
hdfs.namenode.threads_blockedHDFS Namenode Blocked ThreadscountCurrent number of BLOCKED threads
hdfs.namenode.threads_waitingHDFS Namenode Waiting ThreadscountCurrent number of WAITING threads
hdfs.namenode.threads_timed_waitingHDFS Namenode Timed Waiting ThreadscountCurrent number of TIMED_WAITING threads
hdfs.namenode.threads_terminatedHDFS Namenode Terminated ThreadscountCurrent number of TERMINATED threads
hdfs.namenode.threads_runnableHDFS Namenode Runnable ThreadscountCurrent number of RUNNABLE threads
HDFS NameNode Monitorhdfs.namenode.blocks.totalHDFS Namenode Total blockscountTotal number of allocated blocks in the system
hdfs.namenode.capacity.remainingHDFS Namenode Remaining CapacityBytesRemaining disk space left in bytes
hdfs.namenode.capacity.usedHDFS Namenode Used CapacityBytesCapacity used by Namenodes.
hdfs.namenode.capacity.totalHDFS Namenode Total CapacityBytesTotal capacity of the Namenode in bytes
hdfs.namenode.files.totalHDFS Namenode Total FilescountTotal number of files Namenode Total LoadcountTotal load on the file system
hdfs.namenode.scheduled.replication.blocksHDFS Namenode Scheduled Replication BlockscountCurrent number of blocks scheduled for replications.
hdfs.namenode.pending.deletion.blocksHDFS Namenode Pending Deletion BlockscountCurrent number of blocks pending for deletion.
hdfs.namenode.under.replicated.blocksHDFS Namenode Under Replicated BlockscountNumber of under replicated blocks
hdfs.namenode.pending.replication.blocksHDFS Namenode Pending Replication BlockscountNumber of blocks pending for replication.
hdfs.namenode.max.objectsHDFS Namenode Max ObjectscountMaximum number of files HDFS supports. Namenode Live Data NodescountTotal number of live data nodes. Namenode Total Dead DataNodescountTotal number of dead data nodes Namenode Decomm Live Data NodescountNumber of decommissioning live data nodes Namenode Decomm Dead Data NodescountNumber of decommissioning dead data nodes Namenode Decomm Data NodescountNumber of decommissioning data nodes Namenode Stale DataNodescountNumber of stale data nodes
hdfs.namenode.num.stale.storagesHDFS Namenode Stale StoragescountNumber of stale storages
hdfs.namenode.missing.blocksHDFS Namenode Missing BlockscountNumber of missing blocks
hdfs.namenode.corrupt.blocksHDFS Namenode Corrupt blockscountNumber of corrupt blocks
hdfs.namenode.statusHDFS Namenode StatusNULLNameNode Status,displays,1 : active Mode,2 : Standby Mode

Hitachi DF RAID Monitors


Monitors the DF RAID command statistics like number of received read/write commands,read/write hit commands and read/write hit rate to the LUN and to the internal LUN. Also it monitors the write date rate in the cache memory.[Hitachi-DF-RAID-LAN-MIB.mib]


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Hitachi DF Cache Memory Write Data Memory Write Data RateRepresents the write data rate in the cache memory.[OID:]
Hitachi DF Internal LUN Command LUN Received Read CommandsRepresents the number of received read commands to the internal LUN.[OIDs:,] LUN Read Hit CommandsRepresents the number of read hit commands to the internal LUN.[OIDs:,] LUN Read Hit RateRepresents the read hit rate to the internal LUN.[OIDs:,]
hitachi.df.internal.lun.received.write.commandsInternal LUN Received Write CommandsRepresents the number of received write commands to the internal LUN.[OIDs:,]
hitachi.df.internal.lun.write.hit.commandsInternal LUN Write Hit CommandsRepresents the number of write hit commands to the internal LUN.[OIDs:,]
hitachi.df.internal.lun.write.hit.rateInternal LUN Write Hit RateRepresents the write hit rate to the internal LUN.[OIDs:,]
Hitachi DF LUN Command Recieved Read CommandsRepresents the number of received read commands.[OIDs:,] Read Hit CommandsRepresents the number of read hit commands to LUN.[OIDs:,] Read Hit RateRepresents the read hit rate to LUN.[OIDs:,]
hitachi.df.lun.received.write.commandsLUN Received Write CommandsRepresents the number of received write commands.[OIDs:,]
hitachi.df.lun.write.hit.commandsLUN Write Hit CommandsRepresents the number of write hit commands to LUN.[OIDs:,]
hitachi.df.lun.write.hit.rateLUN Write Hit RateRepresents the write hit rate to LUN.[OIDs:,]

Hitachi HCP


Template to monitor Hitachi HCP parameters like Services Status,System,Node,Storage,Storage Component,Storage Pool,Tenant,Storage License,Compression Stats and Replication.


This template defined on HCP-MIB and validated on HCP version

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Hitachi HCP - Systemhcp_system_SpindownStorageCapacityHCP System Spindown Storage CapacityGBIt monitors the total amount of spindown storage capacity on all storage nodes [HCP-MIB :: spindownStorageCapacity :]
hcp_system_SpindownStorageUtilizationHCP System Spindown Storage Utilization%It monitors the total amount of spindown storage utilized on all storage node.
hcp_system_IndexedObjectCountHCP System Indexed Object CountcountIt monitors the number of indexed,and therefore searchable,objects stored in the repository [HCP-MIB :: indexedObjectCount :]
hcp_system_EconomyStorageUsageHCP System Economy Storage UsageGBIt monitors the total amount of used space on all S-Series nodes [HCP-MIB :: economyStorageUsage :]
hcp_system_systemDplSafeOrUnsafeHCP System Dpl Safe Or UnsafeIt monitors whether HCP system DPL setting is below what is considered safe or not. Possible values are 1 - Unsafe 2 - Safe [HCP-MIB :: systemDplUnsafe :]
hcp_system_SpindownStorageUsageHCP System Spindown Storage UsageGBIt monitors the total amount of used space in spindown storage on all storage nodes [HCP-MIB :: spindownStorageUsage :]
hcp_system_IndexingTotalSharedVolumesCapacityHCP System Indexing Total Shared Volumes CapacityTBIt monitors the total space on all shared volumes [HCP-MIB :: indexingTotalSharedVolumesCapacity :]
hcp_system_EconomyStorageCapacityHCP System Economy Storage CapacityGBIt monitors the Total amount of storage capacity on all S-Series nodes [HCP-MIB :: economyStorageCapacity :]
hcp_system_TotalCapacityHCP System Total CapacityTBIt monitors the total amount of storage space in the HCP system,in bytes [HCP-MIB :: totalCapacity :]
hcp_system_UnavailableObjectsHCP System Unavailable ObjectscountIt monitors the total number of unavailable objects in the HCP system [HCP-MIB :: unavailableObjects :]
hcp_system_EconomyStorageUtilizationHCP System Economy Storage Utilization%It monitors the total amount of space utilized on all S-Series nodes.
hcp_system_ProtectedVolumeHCP System Protected VolumeGBIt monitors the amount of storage space,in bytes,currently occupied by all stored data,including original file data,metadata [HCP-MIB :: protectedVolume :]

Hitachi HCP - Node Uptime


Template to monitor the Hitachi HCP nodes uptime. Validated it on Hitachi HCP G10 v9.2.1.9. System Object OID: MIB Name: HCP-MIB


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Hitachi HCP - Node Uptimehcp_node_UptimeHCP Node UptimeDaysIt represents the Hitachi HCP Node uptime.[HCP-MIB::nodeBootTime -,nodeIP -]

Hitachi HCP Ver2


Template to monitor Hitachi hcp parameters like Services Status,System,Node,Storage,Storage Component,Storage Pool,Tenant,Storage License,Compression Stats and Replication.


This template defined on HCP-MIB and validated on HCP version

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Hitachi HCP - System Ver2hcp_system_SpindownStorageCapacityHCP System Spindown Storage CapacityGBIt monitors the total amount of spindown storage capacity on all storage nodes [HCP-MIB :: spindownStorageCapacity :]
hcp_system_SpindownStorageUtilizationHCP System Spindown Storage Utilization%It monitors the total amount of spindown storage utilized on all storage node.
hcp_system_IndexedObjectCountHCP System Indexed Object CountcountIt monitors the number of indexed,and therefore searchable,objects stored in the repository [HCP-MIB :: indexedObjectCount :]
hcp_system_EconomyStorageUsageHCP System Economy Storage UsageGBIt monitors the total amount of used space on all S-Series nodes [HCP-MIB :: economyStorageUsage :]
hcp_system_systemDplSafeOrUnsafeHCP System Dpl Safe Or UnsafeIt monitors whether HCP system DPL setting is below what is considered safe or not. Possible values are 1 - Unsafe 2 - Safe [HCP-MIB :: systemDplUnsafe :]
hcp_system_SpindownStorageUsageHCP System Spindown Storage UsageGBIt monitors the total amount of used space in spindown storage on all storage nodes [HCP-MIB :: spindownStorageUsage :]
hcp_system_IndexingTotalSharedVolumesCapacityHCP System Indexing Total Shared Volumes CapacityTBIt monitors the total space on all shared volumes [HCP-MIB :: indexingTotalSharedVolumesCapacity :]
hcp_system_EconomyStorageCapacityHCP System Economy Storage CapacityGBIt monitors the Total amount of storage capacity on all S-Series nodes [HCP-MIB :: economyStorageCapacity :]
hcp_system_TotalCapacityHCP System Total CapacityTBIt monitors the total amount of storage space in the HCP system,in bytes [HCP-MIB :: totalCapacity :]
hcp_system_UnavailableObjectsHCP System Unavailable ObjectscountIt monitors the total number of unavailable objects in the HCP system [HCP-MIB :: unavailableObjects :]
hcp_system_EconomyStorageUtilizationHCP System Economy Storage Utilization%It monitors the total amount of space utilized on all S-Series nodes.
hcp_system_ProtectedVolumeHCP System Protected VolumeGBIt monitors the amount of storage space,in bytes,currently occupied by all stored data,including original file data,metadata [HCP-MIB :: protectedVolume :]
hcp_system_IrreparableObjectsPresentHCP System Irreparable Objects PresentMonitors whether the repository contains any irreparable objects or not.[HCP-MIB :: irreparableObjectsPresent :]
hcp_system_NonReplicatingIrreparableObjectsHCP System Non Replicating Irreparable ObjectscountMonitors the total number of objects in the HCP system that currently cannot be replicated because they are irreparable.[HCP-MIB :: nonReplicatingIrreparableObjects :]
Hitachi HCP - Compression Stats Ver1hcp_compression_ObjectsCompressedHCP Compression Objects CompressedcountIt monitors the number of objects and parts of multipart objects currently compressed [HCP-MIB :: compressionObjectsCompressed :]
hcp_compression_PercentSpaceSavedHCP Compression Percent Space Saved%It monitors the amount of storage space currently saved by object and part compression,expressed as a percentage of the total space available for storing objects and parts of multipart objects [HCP-MIB :: compressionPercentSpaceSaved :]
Hitachi HCP - Node Ver1hcp_node_NicDegradedHCP Node Nic DegradedIt monitors the indication of whether (1) or not (2) the node has a degraded [HCP-MIB :: nodeNicDegraded :]
hcp_node_MemoryTotalHCP Node Memory TotalGBIt monitors the total amount of memory on the node,in bytes [HCP-MIB :: nodeMemoryTotal :]
hcp_node_StatusHCP Node StatusIt monitors the current status of the node .Possible values are unavailable(0),available(4) [HCP-MIB :: nodeStatus :]
hcp_node_UtilizationPercentHCP Node Utilization Percent%It monitors the total amount of space utilized on all the logical volumes managed by the nodes.
hcp_node_SANStatusHCP Node SAN StatusIt monitors the indication of the status of the SAN path [HCP-MIB :: nodeSANStatus :]
hcp_node_CapacityHCP Node CapacityGBIt monitors the total amount of storage space on all the logical volumes managed by the node,in bytes [HCP-MIB :: nodeCapacity :]
hcp_node_NicFailureHCP Node NIc FailureIt monitors the indication of whether (1) or not (2) the node has a failed NIC [HCP-MIB :: nodeNicFailure :]
hcp_node_AvailabilityHCP Node AvailabilityGBIt monitors the total amount of unused space on all the logical volumes managed by the node,in bytes [HCP-MIB :: nodeAvailability :]
hcp_node_UsageHCP Node UsageGBIt monitors the total amount of used space on all the logical volumes managed by the node,in bytes [HCP-MIB :: nodeUsage :]
Hitachi HCP - Replication Ver1hcp_replication_LinkStatusHCP Replication Link StatusIt monitors the status of the replication link [HCP-MIB :: replicationLinkStatus :]
hcp_replication_LinkErrorsPerSecondHCP Replication Link Errors Per SecondspsecIt monitors the cached number of errors that have occurred on the replication link during the past minute,in errors per second [HCP-MIB :: replicationLinkErrorsPerSecond :]
hcp_replication_LinkSuspendedOrNotHCP Replication Link Suspended Or NotIt monitors the suspends (1) or resumes (2) t state of he replication link [HCP-MIB :: replicationLinkSuspended :]
hcp_replication_LinkOperationsPerSecondHCP Replication Link Operations Per SecondpsecIt monitors the cached operation rate for the replication link during the past minute,in operations per second [HCP-MIB :: replicationLinkOperationsPerSecond :]
hcp_replication_LinkBytesPerSecondHCP Replication Link Bytes Per SecondBpsIt monitors the cached data transmission rate for the replication link during the past minute,in bytes per second [HCP-MIB :: replicationLinkBytesPerSecond :]
Hitachi HCP - Services Status Ver2hcp_service_DispositionStatusHCP Service Disposition StatusIt monitors the Current status of the disposition service. Possible values are waiting(-1),stopped(0),completed(1),ongoing(2),running(3),fixing(4),unrecoverable(5),stopping(6),disabled(7) [HCP-MIB :: dispositionStatus :]
hcp_service_DuplicateEliminationStatusHCP Service Duplicate Elimination StatusIt monitors the current status of the duplicate elimination service. Possible values are waiting(-1),stopped(0),completed(1),ongoing(2),running(3),fixing(4),unrecoverable(5),stopping(6),disabled(7).[HCP-MIB :: duplicateEliminationStatus :]
hcp_service_CompressionStatusHCP Service Compression StatusIt monitors the current status of the compression service. Possible values are waiting(-1),stopped(0),completed(1),ongoing(2),running(3),fixing(4),unrecoverable(5),stopping(6),disabled(7) [HCP-MIB :: compressionStatus :]
hcp_service_CapacityBalancingStatusHCP Service Capacity Balancing StatusIt monitors the current status of the capacity balancing service. Possible values are waiting(-1),stopped(0),completed(1),ongoing(2),running(3),fixing(4),unrecoverable(5),stopping(6),disabled(7) [HCP-MIB :: capacityBalancingStatus :]
hcp_service_StorageTieringStatusHCP Service Storage Tiering StatusIt monitors the current status of the storage tiering service. Possible values are waiting(-1),stopped(0),completed(1),ongoing(2),running(3),fixing(4),unrecoverable(5),stopping(6),disabled(7) [HCP-MIB :: storageTieringStatus :]
hcp_service_GarbageCollectionStatusHCP Service Garbage Collection StatusIt monitors the current status of the garbage collection service. Possible values are waiting(-1),stopped(0),completed(1),ongoing(2),running(3),fixing(4),unrecoverable(5),stopping(6),disabled(7) [HCP-MIB :: garbageCollectionStatus :]
hcp_service_ProtectionStatusHCP Service Protection StatusIt monitors the current status of the protection service. Possible values are waiting(-1),stopped(0),completed(1),ongoing(2),running(3),fixing(4),unrecoverable(5),stopping(6),disabled(7) [HCP-MIB :: protectionStatus :]
hcp_service_ScavengingStatusHCP Service Scavenging StatusIt monitors the current status of the scavenging service. Possible values are waiting(-1),stopped(0),completed(1),ongoing(2),running(3),fixing(4),unrecoverable(5),stopping(6),disabled(7)[HCP-MIB :: scavengingStatus :]
hcp_service_ContentVerificationStatusHCP Service Content Verification StatusMonitors the current status of the content verification service.Possible values are waiting(-1),stopped(0),completed(1),ongoing(2),running(3),fixing(4),unrecoverable(5),stopping(6),disabled(7) [HCP-MIB :: contentVerificationStatus :]
Hitachi HCP - Storage Component Status Ver1hcp_storagecomponent_StatusHCP Storage Component StatusIt monitors the status of storage component. Possible values are good(0),warning(1),error(2) [HCP-MIB :: storageComponentStatus :]
Hitachi HCP - Storage License Ver1hcp_storage_ExtendedLicensedCapacityHCP Storage Extended Licensed CapacityTBIt monitors the licensed capacity for extended storage [HCP-MIB :: storageExtendedLicensedCapacity :]
hcp_storage_LicensedCapacityHCP Storage Licensed CapacityTBIt monitors the licensed capacity for HCP and HCP S-node storage [HCP-MIB :: storageLicensedCapacity :]
hcp_storage_UsedCapacityHCP Storage Used CapacityTBIt monitors the total space used between HCP and HCP S-node storage [HCP-MIB :: storageUsedCapacity :]
hcp_storage_ExtendedLicenseUtilizationHCP Storage Extended License Utilization%It monitors the total space utilized on extended storage.
hcp_storage_ActiveUsedCapacityHCP Storage Active Used CapacityTBIt monitors the total space used on active storage [HCP-MIB :: storageActiveUsedCapacity :]
hcp_storage_ActiveLicensedCapacityHCP Storage Active Licensed CapacityTBIt monitors the Licensed capacity for active storage [HCP-MIB :: storageActiveLicensedCapacity :]
hcp_storage_LicenseUtilizationHCP Storage License Utilization%It monitors the total space utilized between HCP and HCP S-node storage
hcp_storage_ActiveLicenseUtilizationHCP Storage Active License Utilization%It monitors the total space utilized on active storage
hcp_storage_ExtendedUsedCapacityHCP Storage Extended Used CapacityTBIt monitors the total space used on extended storage [HCP-MIB :: storageExtendedUsedCapacity :]
Hitachi HCP - Storage Pool Status Ver1hcp_storagepool_StatusHCP Storage Pool StatusIt monitors the status of storage pool . Possible values are good(0),warning(1),error(2) [HCP-MIB :: storagePoolStatus :]
Hitachi HCP - Storage Ver2hcp_storage_AvailabilityHCP Storage AvailabilityGBIt monitors the amount of unused space on the logical volume,in bytes [HCP-MIB :: storageAvailability :]
hcp_storage_CapacityHCP Storage CapapcityGBIt monitors the total amount of space on the logical volume,in bytes [HCP-MIB :: storageCapacity :]
hcp_storage_UsageHCP Storage UsageGBIt monitors the amount of used space on the logical volume,in bytes [HCP-MIB :: storageUsage :]
hcp_storage_UtilizationHCP Storage Utilization%It monitors the total amount of space utilized on the logical volumes.
hcp_storage_VolumeSpinStateValueHCP Storage Volume Spin State ValueMonitors the volume spin state.[HCP-MIB :: volumeSpinStateValue :]. Possible values are Unknown(0),Spinup requested(1),Spinup wait(2),Spinup error(4),Spinup in progress(8),Spinup fail(16),Spinning(32),Spindown requested(64),Spindown wait(128),Spindown error(256),Spindown fail(512),Spun down(1024),Failed(268435456).
hcp_storage_StatusHCP Storage StatusIt monitors the current status of the logical volume. Possible values are unavailable(0),broken(1),suspended(2),initialized(3),available(4),degraded(5) [HCP-MIB :: storageStatus :]
Hitachi HCP - Tenant Ver2hcp_tenant_LogicalStorageSpaceUsedHCP Tenant Logical Storage Space UsedMBIt monitors the total size,in bytes,of the stored data and custom metadata before it was added to the namespaces owned by the tenant [HCP-MIB :: tenantLogicalBytesUsed :]
hcp_tenant_ObjectsStoredHCP Tenant Objects StoredcountIt monitors the number of objects currently stored in all namespaces owned by the tenant [HCP-MIB :: tenantObjectsStored :]
hcp_tenant_PhysicalStorageSpaceUsedHCP Tenant Physical Storage Space UsedMBIt monitors the Total amount of storage,in bytes,used by all the namespaces owned by the tenant to store object data and metadata [HCP-MIB :: tenantPhysicalBytesUsed :]
hcp_tenant_ObjectsIndexedHCP Tenant Objects IndexedcountIt monitors the number of indexed objects currently stored in all namespaces owned by the tenant [HCP-MIB :: tenantObjectsIndexed :]
hcp_tenant_TenantCapacityHCP Tenant Capacity%Monitors the tenant capacity
hcp_tenant_HardQuotaHCP Tenant Hard QuotaGBIt monitors the hard quota for the tenant [HCP-MIB :: tenantHardQuota :]
hcp_tenant_SoftQuotaHCP Tenant Soft Quota%It monitors the Soft quota for the tenant [HCP-MIB :: tenantSoftQuota :]
hcp_tenant_IsTenantOwnsNonReplicatedDpl1NamespaceHCP Tenant Is Tenant Owns Non Replicated Dpl1 NamespaceIt monitors the indication of whether (1) or not (2) the tenant owns any non-replicated namespaces with a DPL that is considered unsafe for the HCP system hardware configuration [HCP-MIB :: nonReplicatedDpl1Namespace :]

Hitachi HNAS


Template to monitor Hitachi HNAS parameters like chassis drive status,CIFS Traffic parameters like Bytes Read,Bytes Written,cluster quorum device status,CPU Utilization,Fan parameters like Speed Status,Speed,field programmable gate array utilization,NFS Traffic parameters like Bytes Read,Bytes Written,NVRAM pool waited allocations,power supply unit status,Temperature Sensor parameters like Status,Reading.


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Hitachi HNAS - Chassis Drive Statushnas_chassisdrive_StatusHNAS Chassis Drive StatusIt monitors the RAID status of the chassis drive. Possible values are raidUnknown(1),raidDegraded(2),raidRebuilding(3),raidFailed(4),raidInvalid(5),raidGood(6). Component or instance is represented as chassis drive cluster node ID and chassis drive ID with dotted notation.[BLUEARC-SERVER-MIB::chassisDriveStatus:].
Hitachi HNAS - CIFS Traffichnas_cifs_BytesWrittenHNAS CIFS Bytes WrittenBpsIt monitors the number of bytes written.[BLUEARC-SERVER-MIB::protocolXferStatsBytesWritten:].
hnas_cifs_BytesReadHNAS CIFS Bytes ReadBpsIt monitors the number of bytes read.[BLUEARC-SERVER-MIB::protocolXferStatsBytesRead:].
Hitachi HNAS - Cluster Quorum Device Statushnas_clusterquorum_DeviceStatusHNAS Cluster Quorum Device StatusIt monitors the status of the quorum device. Possible values are unknown(0),unconfigured(1),offLine(2),owned(3),configured(4),granted(5),clusterNodeNotUp(6),misconfigured(7).[BLUEARC-SERVER-MIB::clusterQuorumDeviceStatus:].
Hitachi HNAS - CPU Utilizationhnas_CpuUtilizationHNAS CPU Utilization%It monitors the HNAS CPU utilization. Component or instance is represented as Cluster Node Index and CPU Index with dotted notation.[BLUEARC-SERVER-MIB::cpuUtilization:].
Hitachi HNAS - Fanhnas_fan_SpeedStatusHNAS Fan Speed StatusIt monitors the speed status of the fan. Possible values are ok(1),warning(2),severe(3),unknown(4). Component or instance is represented as fan cluster node ID and fan ID with dotted notation.[BLUEARC-SERVER-MIB::fanSpeedStatus:].
hnas_fan_SpeedHNAS Fan SpeedrpmIt monitors the speed of the fan. Component or instance is represented as fan cluster node ID and fan ID with dotted notation.[BLUEARC-SERVER-MIB::fanSpeed:].
Hitachi HNAS - Field Programmable Gate Array Utilizationhnas_fpga_UtilizationHNAS FPGA Utilization%It monitors the current percentage usage averaged over the last second of this Field Programmable Gate Array.[BLUEARC-SERVER-MIB::fpgaUtilization:].
Hitachi HNAS - NFS Traffichnas_nfs_BytesReadHNAS NFS Bytes ReadBpsIt monitors the number of bytes read.[BLUEARC-SERVER-MIB::protocolXferStatsBytesRead:].
hnas_nfs_BytesWrittenHNAS NFS Bytes WrittenBpsIt monitors the number of bytes written.[BLUEARC-SERVER-MIB::protocolXferStatsBytesWritten:].
Hitachi HNAS - NVRAM Pool Waited Allocationshnas_nvrampool_WaitedAllocationsHNAS NVRAM Pool Waited AllocationscountIt monitors the number of allocations,for the entire NVRAM pool,for which a wait has occurred.[BLUEARC-SERVER-MIB::nvramPoolStatsWaitedAllocs:].
Hitachi HNAS - Power Supply Unit Statushnas_powersupplyunit_StatusHNAS Power Supply Unit StatusIt monitors the status of the power supply unit. Possible values are ok(1),failed(2),notFitted(3),unknown(4). Component or instance is represented as power supply unit cluster node ID and power supply unit ID with dotted notation.[BLUEARC-SERVER-MIB::psuStatus:].
Hitachi HNAS - Temperature Sensorhnas_temperaturesensor_ReadingHNAS Temperature Sensor ReadingCelsiusIt monitors the temperature taken by the sensor in degrees Celsius. Component or instance is represented as temperature sensor cluster node ID and temperature sensor ID with dotted notation.[BLUEARC-SERVER-MIB::temperatureSensorCReading:].
hnas_temperaturesensor_StatusHNAS Temperature Sensor StatusIt monitors whether the temperature measurement is within the expected range. Component or instance is represented as temperature sensor cluster node ID and temperature sensor ID with dotted notation. Possible values are ok(1),tempWarning(2),tempSevere(3),tempSensorFailed(4),tempSensorWarning(5),unknown(6).[BLUEARC-SERVER-MIB::temperatureSensorStatus:].

Hitachi HNAS - v2


Template to monitor Hitachi HNAS parameters like chassis drive status,CIFS Traffic parameters like Bytes Read,Bytes Written,cluster quorum device status,CPU Utilization,Fan parameters like Speed Status,Speed,field programmable gate array utilization,NFS Traffic parameters like Bytes Read,Bytes Written,NVRAM pool waited allocations,power supply unit status,Temperature Sensor parameters like Status,Reading.


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Hitachi HNAS - Chassis Drive Statushnas_chassisdrive_StatusHNAS Chassis Drive StatusIt monitors the RAID status of the chassis drive. Possible values are raidUnknown(1),raidDegraded(2),raidRebuilding(3),raidFailed(4),raidInvalid(5),raidGood(6). Component or instance is represented as chassis drive cluster node ID and chassis drive ID with dotted notation.[BLUEARC-SERVER-MIB::chassisDriveStatus:].
Hitachi HNAS - CIFS Traffichnas_cifs_BytesWrittenHNAS CIFS Bytes WrittenBpsIt monitors the number of bytes written.[BLUEARC-SERVER-MIB::protocolXferStatsBytesWritten:].
hnas_cifs_BytesReadHNAS CIFS Bytes ReadBpsIt monitors the number of bytes read.[BLUEARC-SERVER-MIB::protocolXferStatsBytesRead:].
Hitachi HNAS - Cluster Quorum Device Statushnas_clusterquorum_DeviceStatusHNAS Cluster Quorum Device StatusIt monitors the status of the quorum device. Possible values are unknown(0),unconfigured(1),offLine(2),owned(3),configured(4),granted(5),clusterNodeNotUp(6),misconfigured(7).[BLUEARC-SERVER-MIB::clusterQuorumDeviceStatus:].
Hitachi HNAS - CPU Utilizationhnas_CpuUtilizationHNAS CPU Utilization%It monitors the HNAS CPU utilization. Component or instance is represented as Cluster Node Index and CPU Index with dotted notation.[BLUEARC-SERVER-MIB::cpuUtilization:].
Hitachi HNAS - Fanhnas_fan_SpeedStatusHNAS Fan Speed StatusIt monitors the speed status of the fan. Possible values are ok(1),warning(2),severe(3),unknown(4). Component or instance is represented as fan cluster node ID and fan ID with dotted notation.[BLUEARC-SERVER-MIB::fanSpeedStatus:].
hnas_fan_SpeedHNAS Fan SpeedrpmIt monitors the speed of the fan. Component or instance is represented as fan cluster node ID and fan ID with dotted notation.[BLUEARC-SERVER-MIB::fanSpeed:].
Hitachi HNAS - Field Programmable Gate Array Utilizationhnas_fpga_UtilizationHNAS FPGA Utilization%It monitors the current percentage usage averaged over the last second of this Field Programmable Gate Array.[BLUEARC-SERVER-MIB::fpgaUtilization:].
Hitachi HNAS - NFS Traffichnas_nfs_BytesReadHNAS NFS Bytes ReadBpsIt monitors the number of bytes read.[BLUEARC-SERVER-MIB::protocolXferStatsBytesRead:].
hnas_nfs_BytesWrittenHNAS NFS Bytes WrittenBpsIt monitors the number of bytes written.[BLUEARC-SERVER-MIB::protocolXferStatsBytesWritten:].
Hitachi HNAS - NVRAM Pool Waited Allocationshnas_nvrampool_WaitedAllocationsHNAS NVRAM Pool Waited AllocationscountIt monitors the number of allocations,for the entire NVRAM pool,for which a wait has occurred.[BLUEARC-SERVER-MIB::nvramPoolStatsWaitedAllocs:].
Hitachi HNAS - Power Supply Unit Statushnas_powersupplyunit_StatusHNAS Power Supply Unit StatusIt monitors the status of the power supply unit. Possible values are ok(1),failed(2),notFitted(3),unknown(4). Component or instance is represented as power supply unit cluster node ID and power supply unit ID with dotted notation.[BLUEARC-SERVER-MIB::psuStatus:].
Hitachi HNAS - Temperature Sensorhnas_temperaturesensor_ReadingHNAS Temperature Sensor ReadingCelsiusIt monitors the temperature taken by the sensor in degrees Celsius. Component or instance is represented as temperature sensor cluster node ID and temperature sensor ID with dotted notation.[BLUEARC-SERVER-MIB::temperatureSensorCReading:].
hnas_temperaturesensor_StatusHNAS Temperature Sensor StatusIt monitors whether the temperature measurement is within the expected range. Component or instance is represented as temperature sensor cluster node ID and temperature sensor ID with dotted notation. Possible values are ok(1),tempWarning(2),tempSevere(3),tempSensorFailed(4),tempSensorWarning(5),unknown(6).[BLUEARC-SERVER-MIB::temperatureSensorStatus:].
Hitachi HNAS - Span Capacity Utilizationhnas_span_CapacityTotalHNAS Span Capacity Total(GB)GBIt monitors the total span capacity in GB.[BLUEARC-SERVER-MIB :: spanCapacityTotalUpper :,spanCapacityTotalLower :]
hnas_span_CapacityUsedHNAS Span Capacity Used(GB)GBIt monitors the span capacity used in GB.[BLUEARC-SERVER-MIB :: spanCapacityUsedUpper :,spanCapacityUsedLower :]
hnas_span_CapacityUtilizationHNAS Span Capacity Utilization(%)%It monitors the span capacity utilization in percentage.It monitors the HNAS span capacity utilization parameters like Span Capacity Total,Span Capacity Used,Span Capacity Utilization.[BLUEARC-SERVER-MIB :: spanCapacityTotalUpper :,spanCapacityTotalLower :,spanCapacityUsedUpper :,spanCapacityUsedLower :]
Hitachi HNAS - Volume(File System) Statisticshnas_filesystem_VolumeStatusHNAS Filesystem Volume StatusMonitors the status of the volume (i.e. file system).[BLUEARC-SERVER-MIB :: volumeStatus :].Possible values are unformatted(1),mounted(2),formatted(3),needsChecking(4).
hnas_filesystem_VolumeCapacityHNAS Filesystem Volume CapacityGBMonitors the volume's (i.e. file system's) capacity in bytes.[BLUEARC-SERVER-MIB :: volumeCapacity :]
hnas_filesystem_VolumeFreeCapacityHNAS Filesystem Volume FreeGBMonitors the remaining free volume (i.e. file system) capacity in GB.[BLUEARC-SERVER-MIB :: volumeFreeCapacity :]
hnas_filesystem_VolumeUtilizationHNAS Filesystem Volume Utilization%Monitors the HNAS Filesystem Volume Utilization.[BLUEARC-SERVER-MIB :: volumeFreeCapacity :,volumeCapacity :]

Hitachi Storage Hardware Status


Monitors the hardware parameters of Hitachi disk controllers and disk units such as fan,power supply,processor state,cache and environment.


Tested on USP V = RAID600. sysObjectID: enterprises.

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Hitachi Disk Controller (DKC) Hardware Monitorhitachi.disk.controller.hardware.processorHitachi Disk Controller Hardware ProcessorThis monitor provides the status of the hardware (HW) disk controller (DKC) processor. The possible status values are 1- No Error,2- Acute,3- Serious,4- Moderate,5- Service.[OID:]
hitachi.disk.controller.hardware.powersupplyHitachi Disk Controller Hardware Power SupplyThis monitor provides the status of the hardware (HW) disk controller (DKC) power supply. The possible status values are 1- No Error,2- Acute,3- Serious,4- Moderate,5- Service.[OID:]
hitachi.disk.controller.hardware.cacheHitachi Disk Controller Hardware CacheThis monitor provides the status of the hardware (HW) disk controller (DKC) cache. The possible status values are 1- No Error,2- Acute,3- Serious,4- Moderate,5- Service.[OID:]
hitachi.disk.controller.hardware.fanHitachi Disk Controller Hardware FanThis monitor provides the status of the hardware (HW) disk controller (DKC) fan. The possible status values are 1- No Error,2- Acute,3- Serious,4- Moderate,5- Service.[OID:]
hitachi.disk.controller.hardware.batteryHitachi Disk Controller Hardware BatteryThis monitor provides the status of the hardware (HW) disk controller (DKC) battery. The possible status values are 1- No Error,2- Acute,3- Serious,4- Moderate,5- Service.[OID:]
hitachi.disk.controller.hardware.environmentHitachi Disk Controller Hardware EnvironnmentThis monitor provides the status of the hardware (HW) disk controller (DKC) environment. The possible status values are 1- No Error,2- Acute,3- Serious,4- Moderate,5- Service.[OID:]
Hitachi Disk Unit (DKU) Hardware Monitorhitachi.disk.unit.hardware.environmentHitachi Disk Unit Hardware EnvironmentThis monitor provides the status of the hardware (HW) disk unit (DKU) environment. The possible status values are 1- No Error,2- Acute,3- Serious,4- Moderate,5- Service.[OID:]
hitachi.disk.unit.hardware.powersupplyHitachi Disk Unit Hardware Power SupplyThis monitor provides the status of the hardware (HW) disk unit (DKU) power supply. The possible status values are 1- No Error,2- Acute,3- Serious,4- Moderate,5- Service.[OID:]
hitachi.disk.unit.hardware.fanHitachi Disk Unit Hardware FanThis monitor provides the status of the hardware (HW) disk unit (DKU) fan. The possible status values are 1- No Error,2- Acute,3- Serious,4- Moderate,5- Service.[OID:]
hitachi.disk.unit.hardware.driveHitachi Disk Unit Hardware DriveThis monitor provides the status of the hardware (HW) disk unit (DKU) drive. The possible status values are 1- No Error,2- Acute,3- Serious,4- Moderate,5- Service.[OID:]

Host System Uptime


Template to provide the amount of time since this host was last initialized.


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Host System Uptimesystem.uptimeSystem UptimesThe amount of time since this host was last initialized.[OID -]

Huawei Datacomm Entity - Performance


Template to monitor the huawei entity cpu utilization and memory utilization.[HUAWEI-ENTITY-EXTENT-MIB :: hwEntityCpuUsage :,hwEntityMemUsage :]


Device must support HUAWEI-ENTITY-EXTENT-MIB

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Huawei Datacomm Entity - Performancehuawei_datacomm_entity_CpuUsageHuawei Entity Cpu Utilization%Monitors the overall CPU usage on the entity.[HUAWEI-ENTITY-EXTENT-MIB :: hwEntityCpuUsage :]
huawei_datacomm_entity_MemUsageHuawei Entity Memory Utilization%Monitors the memory usage for the entity.[HUAWEI-ENTITY-EXTENT-MIB :: hwEntityMemUsage :]

Huawei Datacomm Entity - Hardware


Template to monitor the hardware statistics like voltage sensor status and value,battery state,fan state and speed,power supply,Storage Utilization,emperature sensor status and value.[HUAWEI-ENTITY-EXTENT-MIB :: hwEntityVolStatus :,hwEntityVolCurValue :,hwBatteryState :,hwBatteryRemainPercent :,hwEntityFanSpeed :,hwEntityFanState :,hwEntityPwrState :,hwStorageEntSpace :,hwStorageEntSpaceFree :,hwEntityTempStatus :,hwEntityTempValue :]


Device must support HUAWEI-ENTITY-EXTENT-MIB

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Huawei Datacomm Entity - Voltagehuawei_datacomm_entity_VolStatusHuawei Entity Voltage Sensor StatusMonitors the the current status of a voltage sensor.[HUAWEI-ENTITY-EXTENT-MIB :: hwEntityVolStatus :].ossible values are normal(1),major(2),fatal(3).
huawei_datacomm_entity_VolCurValueHuawei Entity Voltage Sensor ValuemVMonitors the voltage sensor value in millivolt.[HUAWEI-ENTITY-EXTENT-MIB :: hwEntityVolCurValue :]
Huawei Datacomm Entity - Fanhuawei_datacomm_entity_FanSpeedHuawei Entity Fan Speed%Monitors the the rotation speed (in percentage of the full speed) of the fan.[HUAWEI-ENTITY-EXTENT-MIB :: hwEntityFanSpeed :]
huawei_datacomm_entity_FanStateHuawei Entity Fan StateMonitors the state of the fan.[HUAWEI-ENTITY-EXTENT-MIB :: hwEntityFanState :].Possible values are normal(1),abnormal(2).
Huawei Datacomm Entity - Power Supplyhuawei_datacomm_entity_PowerStateHuawei Power Supply StateMonitors the state of the power supply .[HUAWEI-ENTITY-EXTENT-MIB :: hwEntityPwrState :].Possible values are supply(1),notSupply(2),sleep(3),unknown(4)
Huawei Datacomm Entity - Storage Utilizationhuawei_datacomm_entity_storage_UtilizationHuawei Entity Storage Utilization%Monitors the huawei entity storage utilization.[HUAWEI-ENTITY-EXTENT-MIB :: hwStorageEntSpace :,hwStorageEntSpaceFree :]
Huawei Datacomm Entity - Temperaturehuawei_datacomm_entity_TempStatusHuawei Entity Temperature Sensor StatusMonitors the current status of a temperature sensor.[HUAWEI-ENTITY-EXTENT-MIB :: hwEntityTempStatus :].Possible values are normal(1),minor(2),major(3),fatal(4)
huawei_datacomm_entity_TempValueHuawei Entity Temperature Sensor ValueCelsiusMonitors the temperature sensor value in Celsius .[HUAWEI-ENTITY-EXTENT-MIB :: hwEntityTempValue :]
Huawei Datacomm Entity - Batteryhuawei_datacomm_battery_StateHuawei Battery StateMonitors the state of lithium battery.[HUAWEI-ENTITY-EXTENT-MIB :: hwBatteryState :].Possible values are charge(1),discharge(2),full(3),abnormal(4).
huawei_datacomm_battery_RemainPercentHuawei Battery Remain PercentMinutesMonitors the remained time of lithium battery.[HUAWEI-ENTITY-EXTENT-MIB :: hwBatteryRemainPercent :]

Huawei ISM Storage Performance Statistics


Monitors the Huawei ISM Storage Performance Statistics like CPU Usage,Total IOPS,Read IOPS,Write IOPS,Total Traffic,Read Traffic,Write Traffic,Average IO Response Time,Average Read IO Latency,Average Write IO Latency.[ISM-PERFORMANCE-MIB :: hwPerfNodeCPUUsage :,hwPerfNodeTotalIOPS :,hwPerfNodeReadIOPS :,hwPerfNodeWriteIOPS :,hwPerfNodeTotalTraffic :,hwPerfNodeReadTraffic :,hwPerfNodeWriteTraffic :,hwPerfLunTotalIOPS :,hwPerfLunReadIOPS :,hwPerfLunWriteIOPS :,hwPerfLunTotalTraffic :,hwPerfLunReadTraffic :,hwPerfLunWriteTraffic :,hwPerfLunAverageIOResponseTime :,hwPerfLunAverageReadIOLatency :,hwPerfLunAverageWriteIOLatency :]



Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Huawei ISM Storage Performance - Nodehuawei_ism_storage_HwPerfNodeTotalIOPSHuawei ISM Storage Performance Node Total IOPSIOPSMonitors the Total IOPS of the node.[ISM-PERFORMANCE-MIB :: hwPerfNodeTotalIOPS :]
huawei_ism_storage_HwPerfNodeWriteIOPSHuawei ISM Storage Performance Node Write IOPSIOPSMonitors the Write IOPS of the node.[ISM-PERFORMANCE-MIB :: hwPerfNodeWriteIOPS :]
huawei_ism_storage_HwPerfNodeReadIOPSHuawei ISM StoragePerformance Node Read IOPSIOPSMonitors the Read IOPS of the node.[ISM-PERFORMANCE-MIB :: hwPerfNodeReadIOPS :]
huawei_ism_storage_HwPerfNodeTotalTrafficHuawei ISM Storage Performance Node Total TrafficMBpsMonitors the Total bandwidth for the node.[ISM-PERFORMANCE-MIB :: hwPerfNodeTotalTraffic :]
huawei_ism_storage_HwPerfNodeReadTrafficHuawei ISM Storage Performance Node Read TrafficMBpsMonitors the Read bandwidth for the node.[ISM-PERFORMANCE-MIB :: hwPerfNodeReadTraffic :]
huawei_ism_storage_HwPerfNodeWriteTrafficHuawei ISM Storage Performance Node Write TrafficMBpsMonitors the Write bandwidth for the node.[ISM-PERFORMANCE-MIB :: hwPerfNodeWriteTraffic :]
huawei_ism_storage_HwPerfNodeCPUUsageHuawei ISM Storage Performance Node CPU Usage%Monitors the CPU usage of the node.[ISM-PERFORMANCE-MIB :: hwPerfNodeCPUUsage :]
Huawei Storage ISM Performance - Lunhuawei_ism_storage_HwPerfLunReadIOPSHuawei ISM Storage Performance Lun Read IOPSIOPSMonitors the Current read IOPS of the LUN.[ISM-PERFORMANCE-MIB :: hwPerfLunReadIOPS :]
huawei_ism_storage_HwPerfLunAverageIOResponseTimeHuawei ISM Storage Performance Lun Average IO Response TimemicrosecMonitors the Average IO response time.[ISM-PERFORMANCE-MIB :: hwPerfLunAverageIOResponseTime :]
huawei_ism_storage_HwPerfLunTotalTrafficHuawei ISM Storage Performance Lun Total TrafficMBpsMonitors the Current total bandwidth for the LUN.[ISM-PERFORMANCE-MIB :: hwPerfLunTotalTraffic :]
huawei_ism_storage_HwPerfLunWriteTrafficHuawei ISM Storage Performance Lun Write TrafficMBpsMonitors the Current write bandwidth for the LUN.[ISM-PERFORMANCE-MIB :: hwPerfLunWriteTraffic :]
huawei_ism_storage_HwPerfLunAverageWriteIOLatencyHuawei ISM Storage Performance Lun Average Write IO LatencymicrosecMonitors the Average write IO response time.[ISM-PERFORMANCE-MIB :: hwPerfLunAverageWriteIOLatency :]
huawei_ism_storage_HwPerfLunReadTrafficHuawei ISM Storage Performance Lun Read TrafficMBpsMonitors the Current read bandwidth for the LUN.[ISM-PERFORMANCE-MIB :: hwPerfLunReadTraffic :]
huawei_ism_storage_HwPerfLunTotalIOPSHuawei ISM Storage Performance Lun Total IOPSIOPSMonitors the Current IOPS of the LUN.[ISM-PERFORMANCE-MIB :: hwPerfLunTotalIOPS :]
huawei_ism_storage_HwPerfLunAverageReadIOLatencyHuawei ISM Storage Performance Lun Average Read IO LatencymicrosecMonitors the Average read IO response time.[ISM-PERFORMANCE-MIB :: hwPerfLunAverageReadIOLatency :]
huawei_ism_storage_HwPerfLunWriteIOPSHuawei ISM Storage Performance Lun Write IOPSIOPSMonitors the Current write IOPS of the LUN.[ISM-PERFORMANCE-MIB :: hwPerfLunWriteIOPS :]

Huawei Storage Hardware Statistics


Monitors the Huawei Storage Hardware Statistics like Fan,Power,Controller,BBU,Disk and Enclosure.[HUAWEI-STORAGE-HARDWARE-MIB :: hwInfoFanHealthStatus :,hwInfoFanRunningStatus :,hwInfoPowerHealthStatus :,hwInfoPowerRunningStatus :,hwInfoControllerHealthStatus :,hwInfoControllerRunningStatus :,hwInfoControllerCPUUsage :,hwInfoControllerMemoryUsage :,hwInfoBBUHealthStatus :,hwInfoBBURunningStatus :,hwInfoDiskHealthStatus :,hwInfoDiskRunningStatus :,hwInfoDiskTemperature :,hwInfoEnclosureHealthStatus :,hwInfoEnclosureRunningStatus :,hwInfoEnclosureTemperature :]



Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Huawei Storage - Powerhuawei_storage_HwInfoPowerRunningStatusHuawei Storage Power Running StatusMonitors the Operating status of a power supply.[HUAWEI-STORAGE-HARDWARE-MIB :: hwInfoPowerRunningStatus :] Possible values are : 1 : Normal,2 : Running,3 : Not running,4 : Not existed,5 : Sleep in high temperature,6 : Starting,7 : Power failure rotection,8 : Spin down,9 : Started,10 : Link Up,11 : Link Down,12 : Powering on,13 : Powered off,14 : Pre-copy,15 : Copyback,16 : Reconstruction,17 : Expansion,18 : Unformatted,19 : Formatting,20 : Unmapped,21 : Initial synchronizing,22 : Consistent,23 : Synchronizing,24 : Synchronized,25 : Unsynchronized,26 : Split,27 : Online,28 : Offline,29 : Locked,30 : Enabled,31 : Disabled,32 : Balancing,33 : To be recovered,34 : Interrupted,35 : Invalid,36 : Not start,37 : Queuing,38 : Stopped,39 : Copying,40 : Completed,41 : Paused,42 : Reverse synchronizing,43 : Activated,44 : Restore,45 : Inactive,46 : Idle,47 : Powering off,48 : Charging,49 : Charging completed,50 : Discharging,51 : Upgrading,52 : Power Lost,53 : Initializing,54 : Apply change,55 : Online disable,56 : Offline disable,57 : Online frozen,58 : Offline frozen,59 : Closed,60 : Removing,61 : In service,62 : Out of service,63 : Running normal,64 : Running fail,65 : Running success,66 : Running success,67 : Running failed,68 : Waiting,69 : Canceling,70 : Canceled,71 : About to synchronize,72 : Synchronizing data,73 : Failed to synchronize,74 : Fault,75 : Migrating,76 : Migrated,77 : Activating,78 : Deactivating,79 : Start failed,80 : Stop failed,81 : Decommissioning,82 : Decommissioned,83 : Recommissioning,84 : Replacing node,85 : Scheduling,86 : Pausing,87 : Suspending,88 : Suspended,89 : Overload,90 : To be switch,91 : Switching,92 : To be cleanup,93 : Forced start,94 : Error,95 : Job completed,96 : Partition Migrating,97 : Mount,98 : Umount,99 : INSTALLING,100 : To Be Synchronized,101 : Connecting,102 : Service Switching,103 : Power-on failed,104 : REPAIRING,105 : abnormal,106 : Deleting,107 : Modifying,108 : Running(clearing data),109 : Running(synchronizing data),110 : Standby,111 : STOPPING,112 : RESTORE FAULT,113 : Cut Over,114 : Erasing,115 : Verifying,119 : Creating.
Huawei Storage - Powerhuawei_storage_HwInfoPowerHealthStatusHuawei Storage Power Health StatusMonitors the Health status of a power supply.[HUAWEI-STORAGE-HARDWARE-MIB :: hwInfoPowerHealthStatus :] Possible values are : 1: Normal,2 : Fault,3 : Pre-Fail,4 : Partially Broken,5 : Degraded,6 : Bad Sectors Found,7 : Bit Errors Found,8 : Consistent,9 : Inconsistent,10 : Busy,11 : No Input,12 : Low Battery,13 : Single Link Fault,14 : Invalid,15 : Write Protect,16 : single link,17 : No Redundant Link,18 : Offline.
Huawei Storage - Enclosurehuawei_storage_HwInfoEnclosureHealthStatusHuawei Storage Enclosure Health StatusMonitors the Health status of an enclosure.[HUAWEI-STORAGE-HARDWARE-MIB :: hwInfoEnclosureHealthStatus :] Possible values are : 1: Normal,2 : Fault,3 : Pre-Fail,4 : Partially Broken,5 : Degraded,6 : Bad Sectors Found,7 : Bit Errors Found,8 : Consistent,9 : Inconsistent,10 : Busy,11 : No Input,12 : Low Battery,13 : Single Link Fault,14 : Invalid,15 : Write Protect,16 : single link,17 : No Redundant Link,18 : Offline.
huawei_storage_HwInfoEnclosureTemperatureHuawei Storage Enclosure TemperatureCelsiusMonitors the Enclosure temperature.[HUAWEI-STORAGE-HARDWARE-MIB :: hwInfoEnclosureTemperature :]
huawei_storage_HwInfoEnclosureRunningStatusHuawei Storage Enclosure Running StatusMonitors the Operating status of an enclosure.[HUAWEI-STORAGE-HARDWARE-MIB :: hwInfoEnclosureRunningStatus :] Possible values are : 1 : Normal,2 : Running,3 : Not running,4 : Not existed,5 : Sleep in high temperature,6 : Starting,7 : Power failure rotection,8 : Spin down,9 : Started,10 : Link Up,11 : Link Down,12 : Powering on,13 : Powered off,14 : Pre-copy,15 : Copyback,16 : Reconstruction,17 : Expansion,18 : Unformatted,19 : Formatting,20 : Unmapped,21 : Initial synchronizing,22 : Consistent,23 : Synchronizing,24 : Synchronized,25 : Unsynchronized,26 : Split,27 : Online,28 : Offline,29 : Locked,30 : Enabled,31 : Disabled,32 : Balancing,33 : To be recovered,34 : Interrupted,35 : Invalid,36 : Not start,37 : Queuing,38 : Stopped,39 : Copying,40 : Completed,41 : Paused,42 : Reverse synchronizing,43 : Activated,44 : Restore,45 : Inactive,46 : Idle,47 : Powering off,48 : Charging,49 : Charging completed,50 : Discharging,51 : Upgrading,52 : Power Lost,53 : Initializing,54 : Apply change,55 : Online disable,56 : Offline disable,57 : Online frozen,58 : Offline frozen,59 : Closed,60 : Removing,61 : In service,62 : Out of service,63 : Running normal,64 : Running fail,65 : Running success,66 : Running success,67 : Running failed,68 : Waiting,69 : Canceling,70 : Canceled,71 : About to synchronize,72 : Synchronizing data,73 : Failed to synchronize,74 : Fault,75 : Migrating,76 : Migrated,77 : Activating,78 : Deactivating,79 : Start failed,80 : Stop failed,81 : Decommissioning,82 : Decommissioned,83 : Recommissioning,84 : Replacing node,85 : Scheduling,86 : Pausing,87 : Suspending,88 : Suspended,89 : Overload,90 : To be switch,91 : Switching,92 : To be cleanup,93 : Forced start,94 : Error,95 : Job completed,96 : Partition Migrating,97 : Mount,98 : Umount,99 : INSTALLING,100 : To Be Synchronized,101 : Connecting,102 : Service Switching,103 : Power-on failed,104 : REPAIRING,105 : abnormal,106 : Deleting,107 : Modifying,108 : Running(clearing data),109 : Running(synchronizing data),110 : Standby,111 : STOPPING,112 : RESTORE FAULT,113 : Cut Over,114 : Erasing,115 : Verifying,119 : Creating.
Huawei Storage - BBUhuawei_storage_HwInfoBBUHealthStatusHuawei Storage BBU Health StatusMonitors the Health status of a BBU.[HUAWEI-STORAGE-HARDWARE-MIB :: hwInfoBBUHealthStatus :] Possible values are : 1: Normal,2 : Fault,3 : Pre-Fail,4 : Partially Broken,5 : Degraded,6 : Bad Sectors Found,7 : Bit Errors Found,8 : Consistent,9 : Inconsistent,10 : Busy,11 : No Input,12 : Low Battery,13 : Single Link Fault,14 : Invalid,15 : Write Protect,16 : single link,17 : No Redundant Link,18 : Offline.
huawei_storage_HwInfoBBURunningStatusHuawei Storage BBU Running StatusMonitors the Running status of a BBU.[HUAWEI-STORAGE-HARDWARE-MIB :: hwInfoBBURunningStatus :] Possible values are : 1 : Normal,2 : Running,3 : Not running,4 : Not existed,5 : Sleep in high temperature,6 : Starting,7 : Power failure rotection,8 : Spin down,9 : Started,10 : Link Up,11 : Link Down,12 : Powering on,13 : Powered off,14 : Pre-copy,15 : Copyback,16 : Reconstruction,17 : Expansion,18 : Unformatted,19 : Formatting,20 : Unmapped,21 : Initial synchronizing,22 : Consistent,23 : Synchronizing,24 : Synchronized,25 : Unsynchronized,26 : Split,27 : Online,28 : Offline,29 : Locked,30 : Enabled,31 : Disabled,32 : Balancing,33 : To be recovered,34 : Interrupted,35 : Invalid,36 : Not start,37 : Queuing,38 : Stopped,39 : Copying,40 : Completed,41 : Paused,42 : Reverse synchronizing,43 : Activated,44 : Restore,45 : Inactive,46 : Idle,47 : Powering off,48 : Charging,49 : Charging completed,50 : Discharging,51 : Upgrading,52 : Power Lost,53 : Initializing,54 : Apply change,55 : Online disable,56 : Offline disable,57 : Online frozen,58 : Offline frozen,59 : Closed,60 : Removing,61 : In service,62 : Out of service,63 : Running normal,64 : Running fail,65 : Running success,66 : Running success,67 : Running failed,68 : Waiting,69 : Canceling,70 : Canceled,71 : About to synchronize,72 : Synchronizing data,73 : Failed to synchronize,74 : Fault,75 : Migrating,76 : Migrated,77 : Activating,78 : Deactivating,79 : Start failed,80 : Stop failed,81 : Decommissioning,82 : Decommissioned,83 : Recommissioning,84 : Replacing node,85 : Scheduling,86 : Pausing,87 : Suspending,88 : Suspended,89 : Overload,90 : To be switch,91 : Switching,92 : To be cleanup,93 : Forced start,94 : Error,95 : Job completed,96 : Partition Migrating,97 : Mount,98 : Umount,99 : INSTALLING,100 : To Be Synchronized,101 : Connecting,102 : Service Switching,103 : Power-on failed,104 : REPAIRING,105 : abnormal,106 : Deleting,107 : Modifying,108 : Running(clearing data),109 : Running(synchronizing data),110 : Standby,111 : STOPPING,112 : RESTORE FAULT,113 : Cut Over,114 : Erasing,115 : Verifying,119 : Creating.
Huawei Storage - Controllerhuawei_storage_HwInfoControllerRunningStatusHuawei Storage Controller Running StatusMonitors the Huawei Storage Controller running status.[HUAWEI-STORAGE-HARDWARE-MIB :: hwInfoControllerRunningStatus :]. Possible values are : 1 : Normal,2 : Running,3 : Not running,4 : Not existed,5 : Sleep in high temperature,6 : Starting,7 : Power failure rotection,8 : Spin down,9 : Started,10 : Link Up,11 : Link Down,12 : Powering on,13 : Powered off,14 : Pre-copy,15 : Copyback,16 : Reconstruction,17 : Expansion,18 : Unformatted,19 : Formatting,20 : Unmapped,21 : Initial synchronizing,22 : Consistent,23 : Synchronizing,24 : Synchronized,25 : Unsynchronized,26 : Split,27 : Online,28 : Offline,29 : Locked,30 : Enabled,31 : Disabled,32 : Balancing,33 : To be recovered,34 : Interrupted,35 : Invalid,36 : Not start,37 : Queuing,38 : Stopped,39 : Copying,40 : Completed,41 : Paused,42 : Reverse synchronizing,43 : Activated,44 : Restore,45 : Inactive,46 : Idle,47 : Powering off,48 : Charging,49 : Charging completed,50 : Discharging,51 : Upgrading,52 : Power Lost,53 : Initializing,54 : Apply change,55 : Online disable,56 : Offline disable,57 : Online frozen,58 : Offline frozen,59 : Closed,60 : Removing,61 : In service,62 : Out of service,63 : Running normal,64 : Running fail,65 : Running success,66 : Running success,67 : Running failed,68 : Waiting,69 : Canceling,70 : Canceled,71 : About to synchronize,72 : Synchronizing data,73 : Failed to synchronize,74 : Fault,75 : Migrating,76 : Migrated,77 : Activating,78 : Deactivating,79 : Start failed,80 : Stop failed,81 : Decommissioning,82 : Decommissioned,83 : Recommissioning,84 : Replacing node,85 : Scheduling,86 : Pausing,87 : Suspending,88 : Suspended,89 : Overload,90 : To be switch,91 : Switching,92 : To be cleanup,93 : Forced start,94 : Error,95 : Job completed,96 : Partition Migrating,97 : Mount,98 : Umount,99 : INSTALLING,100 : To Be Synchronized,101 : Connecting,102 : Service Switching,103 : Power-on failed,104 : REPAIRING,105 : abnormal,106 : Deleting,107 : Modifying,108 : Running(clearing data),109 : Running(synchronizing data),110 : Standby,111 : STOPPING,112 : RESTORE FAULT,113 : Cut Over,114 : Erasing,115 : Verifying,119 : Creating.
huawei_storage_HwInfoControllerHealthStatusHuawei Storage Controller Health StatusMonitors the Huawei Storage Controller health status.[HUAWEI-STORAGE-HARDWARE-MIB :: hwInfoControllerHealthStatus :] Possible values are : 1: Normal,2 : Fault,3 : Pre-Fail,4 : Partially Broken,5 : Degraded,6 : Bad Sectors Found,7 : Bit Errors Found,8 : Consistent,9 : Inconsistent,10 : Busy,11 : No Input,12 : Low Battery,13 : Single Link Fault,14 : Invalid,15 : Write Protect,16 : single link,17 : No Redundant Link,18 : Offline.
huawei_storage_HwInfoControllerCPUUsageHuawei Storage Controller CPU Usage%Monitors the CPU usage of a Huawei Storage Controller.[HUAWEI-STORAGE-HARDWARE-MIB :: hwInfoControllerCPUUsage :]
huawei_storage_HwInfoControllerMemoryUsageHuawei Storage Controller Memory Usage%Monitors the Memory usage of the operating system in the Huawei Storage controller.[HUAWEI-STORAGE-HARDWARE-MIB :: hwInfoControllerMemoryUsage :]
Huawei Storage - Diskhuawei_storage_HwInfoDiskHealthStatusHuawei Storage Disk Health StatusMonitors the Disk health status.[HUAWEI-STORAGE-HARDWARE-MIB :: hwInfoDiskHealthStatus :]. Possible values are : 1: Normal,2 : Fault,3 : Pre-Fail,4 : Partially Broken,5 : Degraded,6 : Bad Sectors Found,7 : Bit Errors Found,8 : Consistent,9 : Inconsistent,10 : Busy,11 : No Input,12 : Low Battery,13 : Single Link Fault,14 : Invalid,15 : Write Protect,16 : single link,17 : No Redundant Link,18 : Offline.
huawei_storage_HwInfoDiskRunningStatusHuawei Storage Disk Running StatusMonitors the Disk running status.[HUAWEI-STORAGE-HARDWARE-MIB :: hwInfoDiskRunningStatus :] Possible values are : 1 : Normal,2 : Running,3 : Not running,4 : Not existed,5 : Sleep in high temperature,6 : Starting,7 : Power failure rotection,8 : Spin down,9 : Started,10 : Link Up,11 : Link Down,12 : Powering on,13 : Powered off,14 : Pre-copy,15 : Copyback,16 : Reconstruction,17 : Expansion,18 : Unformatted,19 : Formatting,20 : Unmapped,21 : Initial synchronizing,22 : Consistent,23 : Synchronizing,24 : Synchronized,25 : Unsynchronized,26 : Split,27 : Online,28 : Offline,29 : Locked,30 : Enabled,31 : Disabled,32 : Balancing,33 : To be recovered,34 : Interrupted,35 : Invalid,36 : Not start,37 : Queuing,38 : Stopped,39 : Copying,40 : Completed,41 : Paused,42 : Reverse synchronizing,43 : Activated,44 : Restore,45 : Inactive,46 : Idle,47 : Powering off,48 : Charging,49 : Charging completed,50 : Discharging,51 : Upgrading,52 : Power Lost,53 : Initializing,54 : Apply change,55 : Online disable,56 : Offline disable,57 : Online frozen,58 : Offline frozen,59 : Closed,60 : Removing,61 : In service,62 : Out of service,63 : Running normal,64 : Running fail,65 : Running success,66 : Running success,67 : Running failed,68 : Waiting,69 : Canceling,70 : Canceled,71 : About to synchronize,72 : Synchronizing data,73 : Failed to synchronize,74 : Fault,75 : Migrating,76 : Migrated,77 : Activating,78 : Deactivating,79 : Start failed,80 : Stop failed,81 : Decommissioning,82 : Decommissioned,83 : Recommissioning,84 : Replacing node,85 : Scheduling,86 : Pausing,87 : Suspending,88 : Suspended,89 : Overload,90 : To be switch,91 : Switching,92 : To be cleanup,93 : Forced start,94 : Error,95 : Job completed,96 : Partition Migrating,97 : Mount,98 : Umount,99 : INSTALLING,100 : To Be Synchronized,101 : Connecting,102 : Service Switching,103 : Power-on failed,104 : REPAIRING,105 : abnormal,106 : Deleting,107 : Modifying,108 : Running(clearing data),109 : Running(synchronizing data),110 : Standby,111 : STOPPING,112 : RESTORE FAULT,113 : Cut Over,114 : Erasing,115 : Verifying,119 : Creating.
huawei_storage_HwInfoDiskTemperatureHuawei Storage Disk TemperatureCelsiusMonitors the Huawei Storage Disk Temperature.[HUAWEI-STORAGE-HARDWARE-MIB :: hwInfoDiskTemperature :]
Huawei Storage - Fanhuawei_storage_HwInfoFanHealthStatusHuawei Storage Fan Health StatusMonitors the Health status of a fan.[HUAWEI-STORAGE-HARDWARE-MIB :: hwInfoFanHealthStatus :] Possible values are : 1: Normal,2 : Fault,3 : Pre-Fail,4 : Partially Broken,5 : Degraded,6 : Bad Sectors Found,7 : Bit Errors Found,8 : Consistent,9 : Inconsistent,10 : Busy,11 : No Input,12 : Low Battery,13 : Single Link Fault,14 : Invalid,15 : Write Protect,16 : single link,17 : No Redundant Link,18 : Offline.
huawei_storage_HwInfoFanRunningStatusHuawei Storage Fan Running StatusMonitors the Operating status of a fan.[HUAWEI-STORAGE-HARDWARE-MIB :: hwInfoFanRunningStatus :] Possible values are : 1 : Normal,2 : Running,3 : Not running,4 : Not existed,5 : Sleep in high temperature,6 : Starting,7 : Power failure rotection,8 : Spin down,9 : Started,10 : Link Up,11 : Link Down,12 : Powering on,13 : Powered off,14 : Pre-copy,15 : Copyback,16 : Reconstruction,17 : Expansion,18 : Unformatted,19 : Formatting,20 : Unmapped,21 : Initial synchronizing,22 : Consistent,23 : Synchronizing,24 : Synchronized,25 : Unsynchronized,26 : Split,27 : Online,28 : Offline,29 : Locked,30 : Enabled,31 : Disabled,32 : Balancing,33 : To be recovered,34 : Interrupted,35 : Invalid,36 : Not start,37 : Queuing,38 : Stopped,39 : Copying,40 : Completed,41 : Paused,42 : Reverse synchronizing,43 : Activated,44 : Restore,45 : Inactive,46 : Idle,47 : Powering off,48 : Charging,49 : Charging completed,50 : Discharging,51 : Upgrading,52 : Power Lost,53 : Initializing,54 : Apply change,55 : Online disable,56 : Offline disable,57 : Online frozen,58 : Offline frozen,59 : Closed,60 : Removing,61 : In service,62 : Out of service,63 : Running normal,64 : Running fail,65 : Running success,66 : Running success,67 : Running failed,68 : Waiting,69 : Canceling,70 : Canceled,71 : About to synchronize,72 : Synchronizing data,73 : Failed to synchronize,74 : Fault,75 : Migrating,76 : Migrated,77 : Activating,78 : Deactivating,79 : Start failed,80 : Stop failed,81 : Decommissioning,82 : Decommissioned,83 : Recommissioning,84 : Replacing node,85 : Scheduling,86 : Pausing,87 : Suspending,88 : Suspended,89 : Overload,90 : To be switch,91 : Switching,92 : To be cleanup,93 : Forced start,94 : Error,95 : Job completed,96 : Partition Migrating,97 : Mount,98 : Umount,99 : INSTALLING,100 : To Be Synchronized,101 : Connecting,102 : Service Switching,103 : Power-on failed,104 : REPAIRING,105 : abnormal,106 : Deleting,107 : Modifying,108 : Running(clearing data),109 : Running(synchronizing data),110 : Standby,111 : STOPPING,112 : RESTORE FAULT,113 : Cut Over,114 : Erasing,115 : Verifying,119 : Creating.

Huawei Storage Pool Statistics


Monitors the Huawei Storage Pool Statistics like Health Status,Running Status,Total Capacity,Subscribed Capacity,Free Capacity and Storage Pool Capacity Utilization.[HUAWEI-STORAGE-SPACE-MIB :: hwInfoStoragePoolHealthStatus :,hwInfoStoragePoolRunningStatus :,hwInfoStoragePoolTotalCapacity :,hwInfoStoragePoolSubscribedCapacity :,hwInfoStoragePoolFreeCapacity :]



Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Huawei Storage Pool - Statisticshuawei_storage_HwInfoStoragePoolSubscribedCapacityHuawei Storage Pool Subscribed CapacityMBMonitors the Used capacity of a storage pool.[HUAWEI-STORAGE-SPACE-MIB :: hwInfoStoragePoolSubscribedCapacity :]
huawei_storage_HwInfoStoragePoolTotalCapacityHuawei Storage Pool Total CapacityMBMonitors the Total capacity of a storage pool.[HUAWEI-STORAGE-SPACE-MIB :: hwInfoStoragePoolTotalCapacity :]
huawei_storage_StoragePoolCapacityUtilizationHuawei Storage Pool Capacity Utilization%Monitors the Huawei Storage Pool Capacity Utilization in percentage.
huawei_storage_HwInfoStoragePoolHealthStatusHuawei Storage Pool Health StatusMonitors the Health status of a storage pool.[HUAWEI-STORAGE-SPACE-MIB :: hwInfoStoragePoolHealthStatus :] Possible values are : 1: Normal,2 : Fault,3 : Pre-Fail,4 : Partially Broken,5 : Degraded,6 : Bad Sectors Found,7 : Bit Errors Found,8 : Consistent,9 : Inconsistent,10 : Busy,11 : No Input,12 : Low Battery,13 : Single Link Fault,14 : Invalid,15 : Write Protect,16 : single link,17 : No Redundant Link,18 : Offline.
huawei_storage_HwInfoStoragePoolRunningStatusHuawei Storage Pool Running StatusMonitors the Operating status of a storage pool.[HUAWEI-STORAGE-SPACE-MIB :: hwInfoStoragePoolRunningStatus :] Possible values are : 1 : Normal,2 : Running,3 : Not running,4 : Not existed,5 : Sleep in high temperature,6 : Starting,7 : Power failure rotection,8 : Spin down,9 : Started,10 : Link Up,11 : Link Down,12 : Powering on,13 : Powered off,14 : Pre-copy,15 : Copyback,16 : Reconstruction,17 : Expansion,18 : Unformatted,19 : Formatting,20 : Unmapped,21 : Initial synchronizing,22 : Consistent,23 : Synchronizing,24 : Synchronized,25 : Unsynchronized,26 : Split,27 : Online,28 : Offline,29 : Locked,30 : Enabled,31 : Disabled,32 : Balancing,33 : To be recovered,34 : Interrupted,35 : Invalid,36 : Not start,37 : Queuing,38 : Stopped,39 : Copying,40 : Completed,41 : Paused,42 : Reverse synchronizing,43 : Activated,44 : Restore,45 : Inactive,46 : Idle,47 : Powering off,48 : Charging,49 : Charging completed,50 : Discharging,51 : Upgrading,52 : Power Lost,53 : Initializing,54 : Apply change,55 : Online disable,56 : Offline disable,57 : Online frozen,58 : Offline frozen,59 : Closed,60 : Removing,61 : In service,62 : Out of service,63 : Running normal,64 : Running fail,65 : Running success,66 : Running success,67 : Running failed,68 : Waiting,69 : Canceling,70 : Canceled,71 : About to synchronize,72 : Synchronizing data,73 : Failed to synchronize,74 : Fault,75 : Migrating,76 : Migrated,77 : Activating,78 : Deactivating,79 : Start failed,80 : Stop failed,81 : Decommissioning,82 : Decommissioned,83 : Recommissioning,84 : Replacing node,85 : Scheduling,86 : Pausing,87 : Suspending,88 : Suspended,89 : Overload,90 : To be switch,91 : Switching,92 : To be cleanup,93 : Forced start,94 : Error,95 : Job completed,96 : Partition Migrating,97 : Mount,98 : Umount,99 : INSTALLING,100 : To Be Synchronized,101 : Connecting,102 : Service Switching,103 : Power-on failed,104 : REPAIRING,105 : abnormal,106 : Deleting,107 : Modifying,108 : Running(clearing data),109 : Running(synchronizing data),110 : Standby,111 : STOPPING,112 : RESTORE FAULT,113 : Cut Over,114 : Erasing,115 : Verifying,119 : Creating.
huawei_storage_HwInfoStoragePoolFreeCapacityHuawei Storage Pool Free CapacityMBMonitors the Available capacity of a storage pool.[HUAWEI-STORAGE-SPACE-MIB :: hwInfoStoragePoolFreeCapacity :]

Huawei ISM Storage Statistics


Monitors the Huawei ISM Storage statistics like Storage status,used capacity,total capacity,Lun Capacity and Lun Status.[ISM-STORAGE-SVC-MIB :: status :,usedCapacity :,totalCapacity :,hwStorageLunCapacity :,hwStorageLunStatus :]



Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Huawei ISM Storage - Statushuawei_storage_CapacityUtilizationHuawei ISM Storage Capacity Utilization%Monitors the Huawei ISM Storage Capacity Utilization.
huawei_storage_UsedCapacityHuawei ISM Storage Used CapacityMBMonitors the Used capacity of the storage device.[ISM-STORAGE-SVC-MIB :: usedCapacity :]
huawei_storage_StatusHuawei ISM Storage StatusMonitors the System operating status.[ISM-STORAGE-SVC-MIB :: status :] Possible values are : 1 : Normal,2 : Running,3 : Not running,4 : Not existed,5 : Sleep in high temperature,6 : Starting,7 : Power failure rotection,8 : Spin down,9 : Started,10 : Link Up,11 : Link Down,12 : Powering on,13 : Powered off,14 : Pre-copy,15 : Copyback,16 : Reconstruction,17 : Expansion,18 : Unformatted,19 : Formatting,20 : Unmapped,21 : Initial synchronizing,22 : Consistent,23 : Synchronizing,24 : Synchronized,25 : Unsynchronized,26 : Split,27 : Online,28 : Offline,29 : Locked,30 : Enabled,31 : Disabled,32 : Balancing,33 : To be recovered,34 : Interrupted,35 : Invalid,36 : Not start,37 : Queuing,38 : Stopped,39 : Copying,40 : Completed,41 : Paused,42 : Reverse synchronizing,43 : Activated,44 : Restore,45 : Inactive,46 : Idle,47 : Powering off,48 : Charging,49 : Charging completed,50 : Discharging,51 : Upgrading,52 : Power Lost,53 : Initializing,54 : Apply change,55 : Online disable,56 : Offline disable,57 : Online frozen,58 : Offline frozen,59 : Closed,60 : Removing,61 : In service,62 : Out of service,63 : Running normal,64 : Running fail,65 : Running success,66 : Running success,67 : Running failed,68 : Waiting,69 : Canceling,70 : Canceled,71 : About to synchronize,72 : Synchronizing data,73 : Failed to synchronize,74 : Fault,75 : Migrating,76 : Migrated,77 : Activating,78 : Deactivating,79 : Start failed,80 : Stop failed,81 : Decommissioning,82 : Decommissioned,83 : Recommissioning,84 : Replacing node,85 : Scheduling,86 : Pausing,87 : Suspending,88 : Suspended,89 : Overload,90 : To be switch,91 : Switching,92 : To be cleanup,93 : Forced start,94 : Error,95 : Job completed,96 : Partition Migrating,97 : Mount,98 : Umount,99 : INSTALLING,100 : To Be Synchronized,101 : Connecting,102 : Service Switching,103 : Power-on failed,104 : REPAIRING,105 : abnormal,106 : Deleting,107 : Modifying,108 : Running(clearing data),109 : Running(synchronizing data),110 : Standby,111 : STOPPING,112 : RESTORE FAULT,113 : Cut Over,114 : Erasing,115 : Verifying,119 : Creating.
huawei_storage_TotalCapacityHuawei ISM Storage Total CapacityMBMonitors the Total capacity of the storage device.[ISM-STORAGE-SVC-MIB :: totalCapacity :]
Huawei ISM Storage - Lunhuawei_storage_HwStorageLunStatusHuawei ISM Storage Lun StatusMonitors the Status of the LUN.[ISM-STORAGE-SVC-MIB :: hwStorageLunStatus :] Possible values are : 1: normal,2 : fault,3 : notformat,4 : formatting.
huawei_storage_HwStorageLunCapacityHuawei ISM Storage Lun CapacityKBMonitors the Capacity of the LUN.[ISM-STORAGE-SVC-MIB :: hwStorageLunCapacity :]



Monitors HyperflexAlarmMonitor metrics


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
HyperflexAlarmMonitorhyperflex_cluster_alarm_HXA-CLU-0012Hyperflex Alarm HXA CLU 0012NULLHyperflex Alarm HXA CLU 0012
hyperflex_cluster_alarm_HXA-CLU-0016Hyperflex Alarm HXA CLU 0016NULLHyperflex Alarm HXA CLU 0016



Monitors HyperflexClusterEventsMonitor metrics


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
HyperflexClusterEventsMonitorhyperflex_cluster_event_HXSshAccessToggleActionSuccessHyperflex Event HXSshAccessToggleActionSuccessNULLHyperflex Event HXSshAccessToggleActionSuccess
hyperflex_cluster_event_NodeDecommissionedEventHyperflex Event NodeDecommissionedEventNULLHyperflex Event NodeDecommissionedEvent
hyperflex_cluster_event_ClusterPolicyComplianceDegradedEventHyperflex Event ClusterPolicyComplianceDegradedEventNULLHyperflex Event ClusterPolicyComplianceDegradedEvent
hyperflex_cluster_event_ClusterAddedEventHyperflex Event ClusterAddedEventNULLHyperflex Event ClusterAddedEvent
hyperflex_cluster_event_AlarmResetByEventHyperflex Event AlarmResetByEventNULLHyperflex Event AlarmResetByEvent
hyperflex_cluster_event_ClusterUpgradeCompletedEventHyperflex Event ClusterUpgradeCompletedEventNULLHyperflex Event ClusterUpgradeCompletedEvent
hyperflex_cluster_event_ClusterReadyEventHyperflex Event ClusterReadyEventNULLHyperflex Event ClusterReadyEvent
hyperflex_cluster_event_SmartLicenseEvalExpiredEventHyperflex Event SmartLicenseEvalExpiredEventNULLHyperflex Event SmartLicenseEvalExpiredEvent
hyperflex_cluster_event_NodeUpgradeStartedEventHyperflex Event NodeUpgradeStartedEventNULLHyperflex Event NodeUpgradeStartedEvent
hyperflex_cluster_event_NodeUpgradeCompletedEventHyperflex Event NodeUpgradeCompletedEventNULLHyperflex Event NodeUpgradeCompletedEvent
hyperflex_cluster_event_ClusterPolicyComplianceFailedEventHyperflex Event ClusterPolicyComplianceFailedEventNULLHyperflex Event ClusterPolicyComplianceFailedEvent
hyperflex_cluster_event_ClusterUnhealthyEventHyperflex Event ClusterUnhealthyEventNULLHyperflex Event ClusterUnhealthyEvent
hyperflex_cluster_event_SmartLicenseOutOfComplianceEventHyperflex Event SmartLicenseOutOfComplianceEventNULLHyperflex Event SmartLicenseOutOfComplianceEvent
hyperflex_cluster_event_NodeReadyForIOEventHyperflex Event NodeReadyForIOEventNULLHyperflex Event NodeReadyForIOEvent
hyperflex_cluster_event_AlarmTriggeredHyperflex Event AlarmTriggeredNULLHyperflex Event AlarmTriggered
hyperflex_cluster_event_NodeMaintenanceExitedEventHyperflex Event NodeMaintenanceExitedEventNULLHyperflex Event NodeMaintenanceExitedEvent
hyperflex_cluster_event_HXLocalUserWarningEventHyperflex Event HXLocalUserWarningEventNULLHyperflex Event HXLocalUserWarningEvent
hyperflex_cluster_event_VCConnectionUpHyperflex Event VCConnectionUpNULLHyperflex Event VCConnectionUp
hyperflex_cluster_event_ClusterHealthNormalEventHyperflex Event ClusterHealthNormalEventNULLHyperflex Event ClusterHealthNormalEvent
hyperflex_cluster_event_ClusterPolicyComplianceSatisfiedEventHyperflex Event ClusterPolicyComplianceSatisfiedEventNULLHyperflex Event ClusterPolicyComplianceSatisfiedEvent
hyperflex_cluster_event_NodeMaintenanceEnteredEventHyperflex Event NodeMaintenanceEnteredEventNULLHyperflex Event NodeMaintenanceEnteredEvent
hyperflex_cluster_event_ClusterPolicyComplianceImprovedEventHyperflex Event ClusterPolicyComplianceImprovedEventNULLHyperflex Event ClusterPolicyComplianceImprovedEvent
hyperflex_cluster_event_VCConnectionDownHyperflex Event VCConnectionDownNULLHyperflex Event VCConnectionDown
hyperflex_cluster_event_ClusterUpgradeStartedEventHyperflex Event ClusterUpgradeStartedEventNULLHyperflex Event ClusterUpgradeStartedEvent



Monitors HyperflexClusterPerformanceMonitor metrics


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
HyperflexClusterPerformanceMonitorhyperflex_cluster_Stats_Counters_NFSReads_RateCluster Read IOPSNULLCluster Read IOPS
hyperflex_cluster_Stats_Counters_NFSWrites_CountCluster Write LatencyNULLCluster Write Latency
hyperflex_cluster_Stats_Counters_NFSWrites_RateCluster Write IOPSNULLCluster Write IOPS
hyperflex_cluster_stats_Counters_NFSReads_BytesCluster Read ThroughPutNULLCluster Read ThroughPut
hyperflex_cluster_Stats_Counters_NFSWrites_BytesCluster Write ThroughPutNULLCluster Write ThroughPut
hyperflex_cluster_Stats_Counters_NFSReads_CountCluster Read LatencyNULLCluster Read Latency



Monitors HyperflexClusterMonitor metrics


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
HyperflexClusterMonitorhyperflex_cluster_CompressionSavingsHyperflex Cluster CompressionSavings%Hyperflex Cluster CompressionSavings
hyperflex_cluster_TotalSavingsHyperflex Cluster TotalSavings%Hyperflex Cluster TotalSavings
hyperflex_cluster_CapacityUtilizationHyperflex Cluster CapacityUtilization%Hyperflex Cluster CapacityUtilization
hyperflex_cluster_PolicyComplianceHyperflex Cluster PolicyComplianceNULLHyperflex Cluster PolicyCompliance
hyperflex_cluster_StateHyperflex Cluster StateNULLHyperflex Cluster State
hyperflex_cluster_UsedCapacityHyperflex Cluster UsedCapacityTBHyperflex Cluster UsedCapacity
hyperflex_cluster_FreeCapacityHyperflex Cluster FreeCapacityTBHyperflex Cluster FreeCapacity
hyperflex_cluster_SpaceStatusHyperflex Cluster SpaceStatusNULLHyperflex Cluster SpaceStatus
hyperflex_cluster_ResiliencyStateHyperflex Cluster ResiliencyStateNULLHyperflex Cluster ResiliencyState
hyperflex_cluster_RawCapacityHyperflex Cluster RawCapacityTBHyperflex Cluster RawCapacity
hyperflex_cluster_TotalCapacityHyperflex Cluster TotalCapacityTBHyperflex Cluster TotalCapacity
hyperflex_cluster_DeduplicationSavingsHyperflex Cluster DeduplicationSavings%Hyperflex Cluster DeduplicationSavings



Monitors HyperflexControllerVMMonitor metrics


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
hyperflex_cluster_node_controller_vm_Disk_CountHyperflex Node controllerVM Disk CountcountHyperflex Node controllerVM Disk Count
hyperflex_cluster_node_controller_vm_ConfiguredMemoryHyperflex Node controllerVM Configured MemoryBytesHyperflex Node controllerVM Configured Memory
hyperflex_cluster_node_controller_vm_StateHyperflex Node controllerVM StateNULLHyperflex Node controllerVM State



Monitors HyperflexDatastoreMonitor metrics


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
HyperflexDatastoreMonitorhyperflex_cluster_datastore_TotalCapacityhyperflex Datastore TotalCapacityTBhyperflex Datastore TotalCapacity
hyperflex_cluster_datastore_UsedCapacityHyperflex Datastore UsedCapacityTBHyperflex Datastore UsedCapacity
hyperflex_cluster_datastore_MirrorsHyperflex Datastore MirrorscountHyperflex Datastore Mirrors
hyperflex_cluster_datastore_ProvisionedCapacityHyperflex Datastore ProvisionedCapacityTBHyperflex Datastore ProvisionedCapacity
hyperflex_cluster_datastore_StatusHyperflex Datastore StatusNULLHyperflex Datastore Status
hyperflex_cluster_datastore_FreeCapacityHyperflex Datastore FreeCapacityTB-Hyperflex_ Datastore FreeCapacity
hyperflex_cluster_datastore_Num_of_StripesforLargeFilesHyperflex Datastore NumofStripesforLargeFilescountHyperflex Datastore NumofStripesforLargeFiles
hyperflex_cluster_datastore_DataBlock_SizeHyperflex Datastore DataBlock SizeKBHyperflex Datastore DataBlock Size
hyperflex_cluster_datastore_UtlizationHyperflex Datastore Utlization%Hyperflex Datastore Utlization
hyperflex_cluster_datastore_UnCompressedUsedHyperflex Datastore UnCompressedUsedKBHyperflex Datastore UnCompressedUsed



Monitors HyperflexHostPerformanceMonitor metrics


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
HyperflexHostPerformanceMonitorhyperflex_cluster_node_Stats_Counters_NFSWrites_RateHyperflex Host Write IOPSNULLHyperflex Host Write IOPS
hyperflex_cluster_node_Stats_Counters_NFSWrites_BytesHyperflex Host Write ThroughPutNULLHyperflex Host Write ThroughPut
hyperflex_cluster_node_Stats_Counters_NFSReads_CountHyperflex Host Read LatencyNULLHyperflex Host Read Latency
hyperflex_cluster_node_Stats_Counters_NFSReads_RateHyperflex Host Read IOPSNULLHyperflex Host Read IOPS
hyperflex_cluster_node_Stats_Counters_NFSWrites_CountHyperflex Host Write LatencyNULLHyperflex Host Write Latency
hyperflex_cluster_node_Stats_Counters_NFSReads_BytesHyperflex Host Read ThroughPutNULLHyperflex Host Read ThroughPut



Monitors hyperflex host status info. Validated against hyperflex version 4.0.2d-35606.


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
HyperflexHostMonitorhyperflex_cluster_host_StatusHyperflex Host StatusNULLhyperflex host status info. 0- OFFLINE,1- ONLINE



Monitors HyperflexNodeDiskMonitor metrics


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
HyperflexNodeDiskMonitorhyperflex_cluster_node_Disk_UtilizationHyperflex Node Disk Utilization%Hyperflex Node Disk Utilization
hyperflex_cluster_node_Disk_StatusHyperflex Node Disk StatusNULLHyperflex Node Disk Status
hyperflex_cluster_node_Disk_CapacityHyperflex Node Disk CapacityGBHyperflex Node Disk Capacity
hyperflex_cluster_node_Disk_UsageHyperflex Node Disk UsageNULLHyperflex Node Disk Usage
hyperflex_cluster_node_Disk_UsedCapacityHyperflex Node Disk UsedCapacityGBHyperflex Node Disk UsedCapacity
hyperflex_cluster_node_Disk_TypeHyperflex Node Disk TypeNULLHyperflex Node Disk Type
hyperflex_cluster_node_Disk_FreeCapacityHyperflex Node Disk FreeCapacityGBHyperflex Node Disk FreeCapacity
hyperflex_cluster_node_Disk_StateHyperflex Node Disk StateNULLHyperflex Node Disk State
hyperflex_cluster_node_Disk_MediumHyperflex Node Disk MediumNULLHyperflex Node Disk Medium


This template will be deprecated soon.


Monitors HyperflexNodeMonitor metrics


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
HyperflexNodeMonitorhyperflex_cluster_node_StateHyperflex Node StateNULLHyperflex Node State



Monitors HyperflexVirtualMachineMonitor metrics


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
HyperflexVirtualMachineMonitorhyperflex_cluster_virtualmachine_Storage_FreeCapacityHyperflex Virtualmachine Storage FreeCapacityGBHyperflex Virtualmachine Storage FreeCapacity
hyperflex_cluster_virtualmachine_Storage_UtlizationHyperflex Virtualmachine Storage Utlization%Hyperflex Virtualmachine Storage Utlization
hyperflex_cluster_virtualmachine_Storage_CapacityHyperflex Virtualmachine Storage CapacityGBHyperflex Virtualmachine Storage Capacity
hyperflex_cluster_virtualmachine_Storage_UsedCapacityHyperflex Virtualmachine Storage UsedCapacityGBHyperflex Virtualmachine Storage UsedCapacity
hyperflex_cluster_virtualmachine_StateHyperflex Virtualmachine StateNULLHyperflex Virtualmachine State



monitors hyperv host metrics


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Hyperv_Host_Monitorhyperv_memory_usage_Total_Physical_Memory_In_GBTotal Physical MemoryGB
hyperv_memory_usage_Virtual_TLB_PagesVirtual TLB Pagescount
hyperv_network_statistics_Network_Adapters_Bytes_Sent_Per_SecNetwork Adapters Bytes SentBps
hyperv_cpu_usage_Idle_CPU_UtilizationIdle CPU Utilization%
hyperv_network_statistics_Virtual_Switch_Bytes_Received_Per_SecVirtual Switch Bytes ReceivedBps
hyperv_memory_usage_Page_File_UsagePage File UsageGB
hyperv_network_statistics_Virtual_Switch_Bytes_Sent_Per_SecVirtual Switch Bytes SentBps
hyperv_memory_usage_Virtual_Memory_In_GBVirtual MemoryGB
hyperv_cpu_usage_Hypervisor_CPU_UtilizationHypervisor CPU Utilization%
hyperv_cpu_usage_Total_CPU_UtilizationTotal CPU Utilization%
hyperv_system_services_Virtual_System_Management_ServiceHyperv Virtual System Management ServiceNULLHyperv Virtual System Management Service
hyperv_network_statistics_Virtual_Switch_Packets_Per_SecVirtual Switch Total Packetspackets/sec
hyperv_network_statistics_Network_Adapters_Bytes_Received_Per_SecNetwork Adapters Bytes ReceivedBps
hyperv_network_statistics_Network_Adapters_Packets_Sent_Per_SecNetwork Adapters Packets Sentpackets/sec
hyperv_network_statistics_Network_Adapters_Bytes_Total_Per_SecNetwork Adapters Total BytesBps
hyperv_network_statistics_Network_Adapters_Packets_Per_SecNetwork Adapter Packets Per Secpackets/sec
hyperv_network_statistics_Legacy_Network_Adapters_Bytes_Received_Per_SecLegacy Network Adapters Bytes ReceivedBps
hyperv_memory_usage_Total_Remote_Physical_PagesTotal Remote Physical Pagescount
hyperv_network_statistics_Legacy_Network_Adapters_Bytes_Sent_Per_SecLegacy Network Adapters Bytes SentBps
hyperv_system_services_Networking_Management_ServiceHyperv Networking Management ServiceNULLHyperv Networking Management Service
hyperv_memory_usage_Available_MBytesAvailable MBytesMB
hyperv_network_statistics_Virtual_Switch_Packets_Sent_Per_SecVirtual Switch Packets Sentpackets/sec
hyperv_system_services_Image_Management_ServiceHyperv Image Management ServiceNULLHyperv Image Management Service
hyperv_cpu_usage_Guest_CPU_UtilizationGuest CPU Utilization%
hyperv_network_statistics_Legacy_Network_Adapters_Bytes_DroppedLegacy Network Adapters Bytes DroppedBps
hyperv_network_statistics_Legacy_Network_Adapters_Frames_Sent_Per_SecLegacy Network Adapters Frames SentNULL
hyperv_memory_usage_SwapMemoryUsage_In_GBSwap Memory UsageGB
hyperv_network_statistics_Virtual_Switch_Packets_Received_Per_SecVirtual Switch Packets Receivedpackets/sec
hyperv_memory_usage_Deposited_PagesDeposited Pagescount
hyperv_network_statistics_Network_Adapters_Packets_Received_Per_SecNetwork Adapters Packets Receivedpackets/sec
hyperv_network_statistics_Virtual_Switch_Bytes_Per_SecVirtual Switch Bytes Per SecBps



Monitors hyperv storage disk metrics


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Hyperv_Storage_Disk_Monitorhyperv_storage_statistics_Logical_Disk_Transfer_Per_SecLogical Disk TransferNULL
hyperv_storage_disk_UtilizationStorage Disk Utilization%The percentage utilization of disk
hyperv_storage_statistics_Physical_Disk_Bytes_Per_SecPhysical Disk Bytes Per SecBps
hyperv_storage_disk_Healthy_StatusStorage Disk Healthy StatusNULLDisk healthy status
hyperv_storage_statistics_Logical_Disk_Bytes_Per_SecLogical Disk Bytes Per SecBps
hyperv_storage_statistics_Physical_Disk_Queue_LengthPhysical Disk Queue LengthNULL
hyperv_storage_statistics_Physical_Disk_Transfer_Per_SecPhysical Disk TransferNULL
hyperv_storage_statistics_Logical_Disk_Queue_LengthLogical Disk Queue LengthNULL
hyperv_storage_disk_Operational_StatusStorage Disk Operational StatusNULLDisk operational status



Monitors CPU utilization,memory utilization,dns statistics,dhcp statistics,ddns statistics,grid status,replication status,global services status and DHCP subnet usage of infoblox appliance.


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Host System Uptimesystem.uptimeSystem UptimesThe amount of time since this host was last initialized.[OID -]
Infoblox Appliance Performance Monitoringib.system.cpu.usageCPU Usage%Provides current average CPU usage.[OID:]
ib.system.mem.usageMemory Usage%Provides current Memory usage.[OID:]
ib.cpu.temperatureInfoblox CPU TemperatureCProvides the temperature of the Infoblox CPU.[OID:]
ib.member.grid.statusGrid statusProvides the current member status (either Active or Passive) if there are several Infoblox appliances put together in a grid (= acting as one Infoblox but highly available).[OIDs:] 5min DNS Responses to Invalid PortProvides number of DNS responses to invalid ports during the last 5 minutes.[OID:] 5min Invalid TXID DNS Responses CountProvides number of DNS responses with an invalid TXID during the last 5 minutes.[OID:]
ib.dns.zonetransfer.countZone Transfer CountTotal number of successful zone transfers from an Infoblox primary or secondary DNS server to a DNS client,since the DNS service was last restarted. Note that this counter tracks the number of successful full zone transfers (AXFRs) and incremental zone transfers (IXFRs).[OID:]
ib.dns.nonauthoritative.avglatency.5minIncoming DNS Queries Non-Authoritative Reply Average LatencymsAverage Latencies (in microseconds) for incoming DNS queries during the last 5 minutes where the reply was non authoritative.[OIDs:,]
ib.dns.authoritative.avglatency.5minIncoming DNS Queries Authoritative Reply Average LatencymsProvides average Latencies (in microseconds) for incoming DNS queries during the last 5 minutes where the reply was authoritative.[OIDs:,]
ib.dns.summary.successDNS Success Responses SummarypsecProvides success DNS responses summary per second.
ib.dns.summary.nxrrsetNxRRset DNS Queries SummarypsecProvides number of DNS queries summary (per second) received for non-existent record.
ib.dns.summary.nxdomainNxDomain DNS Queries SummarypsecProvides number of DNS queries summary (per second) received for non-existent domain.
ib.dns.summary.failureFailed DNS Queries SummarypsecProvides number of Failed queries summary (per second).
ib.ddns.update.successSuccessful DDNS UpdatespsecProvides number of successful dynamic DNS updates per second.[OID:]
ib.ddns.update.failuresFailed DDNS UpdatespsecProvides number of failure dynamic DNS updates per second.[OID:]
ib.ddns.update.rejectsRejected DDNS UpdatespsecProvides number of dynamic DNS update rejects per second may be due to permission failure.[OID:]
ib.ddns.update.prerequisite.rejectsPrerequisite Failed DDNS Rejected UpdatespsecProvides number of dynamic DNS update rejects per second due to prerequisite failure.[OID:]
ib.dhcp.requests.receivedReceived DHCP RequestspsecProvides number of dhcp requests received per second.[OID:]
ib.dhcp.offers.sentDHCP Offers SentpsecProvides number of dhcp offers sent per second.[OID:]
ib.dhcp.releases.receivedReceived DHCP ReleasespsecProvides number of dhcp releases received per second.[OID:]
ib.dhcp.acks.sentDHCP Acks SentpsecProvides number of DHCP acknowledgements sent per second.[OID:]
ib.dhcp.nacks.sentDHCP Nacks SentpsecProvides number of DHCP negative acknowledgements sent per second.[OID:]
ib.dhcp.declines.receivedReceived DHCP DeclinespsecProvides number of DHCP declines received per second.[OID:]
ib.dhcp.discovers.receivedReceived DHCP Discovery MessagespsecMonitors the number of discovery messages received per second.[OID:]
ib.dhcp.informs.receivedReceived DHCP InformspsecMonitors the number of informs received per second.[OID:]
ib.dhcp.others.receivedOther DHCP MessagespsecMonitors the number of other messages received per second.[OID:]
ib.dns.hitratioDNS Hit RatioMonitors the dns hit ratio.[OID:]
Infoblox DHCP Subnet Usageib.dhcp.subnet.usageDHCP Subnet Used Percentage%Provides percentage of dynamic DHCP address for subnet leased out at this time. Fixed addresses are always counted as leased for this calculation if the fixed addresses are within ranges of leases.[OIDs:,,]
Infoblox Physical Node1 Temperatureib.node1.temperatureInfoblox Node1 TemperatureCMonitors the Infoblox Node1 temperature.[OID:,]
Infoblox Physical Node2 Temperatureib.node2.temperatureInfoblox Node2 TemperatureCMonitors the Infoblox Node2 temperatures.[OID:,]
Infoblox Replication Statusib.node.replication.statusNode Replication StatusProvides the current status of replication between Infoblox appliances (if Primary and Secondary are configured). Does not make sense on a standalone Infoblox appliance. Replication status can only be checked if this appliance is "Active" in the grid.[OIDs:,,,]
ib.node.queuesize.frommasterSent Queue Size From MasterMonitors the sent queue size from master.[OID:]
ib.node.queuesize.tomasterReceive Queue Size To MasterMonitors the receive queue size to master.[OID:]
Infoblox Services Statusib.service.statusInfoblox Service StatusMonitors Infoblox services status. Possible status values are working(1),warning(2),failed(3),inactive(4),unknown(5).[OIDs:,,]
ib.service.nameInfoblox Service NameGives the names for infoblox services. Possible service names are dhcp(1),dns(2),ntp(3),radius(4),tftp(5),http-file-dist(6),ftp(7),bloxtools-move(8),bloxtools(9),node-status(10),disk-usage(11),enet-lan(12),enet-lan2(13),enet-ha(14),enet-mgmt(15),lcd(16),memory(17),replication(18),db-object(19),raid-summary(20),raid-disk1(21),raid-disk2(22),raid-disk3(23),raid-disk4(24),fan1(25),fan2(26),fan3(27),power-supply(28),ntp-sync(29),cpu1-temp(30),cpu2-temp(31),sys-temp(32),raid-battery(33),cpu-usage(34),ospf(35),bgp(36).[OID:]

Infortrend SAN


Template to monitor Infortrend SAN parameters like Total Cache Blocks,Dirty Cache Blocks,Current Sensor reading,Fan Status,Fan RPM,HDD Status,HDD Reads,HDD Writes,Failed Drive Count,Online Drive Count,Reads,Status,Writes,Redundant Controller Status,Temperature,Voltage Sensor Value. Validated on Infortrend ES S12F-G1842 sysObjectID :


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Infortrend - Cache Blocksinfortrend.cache.blocks.dirtyDirty Cache BlockscountIt monitors the number of dirty cache blocks.[IFT-SNMP-MIB::cacheDirty:].
infortrend.cache.blocks.totalTotal Cache BlockscountIt monitors the total number of cache blocks.[IFT-SNMP-MIB::cacheTotal:].
Infortrend - Current Sensorinfortrend.current.sensor.readingCurrentmAIt monitors the infortrend current in Milliamps.[IFT-SNMP-MIB::luDevValue:,luDevValueUnit:].
Infortrend - StatusIt monitors the fan status. Possible values are 0:Normal,1:Lowest speed,2:Second lowest speed,3:Third lowest speed,4:Intermediate speed,5:Third highest speed,6:Second highest speed,7: Highest speed.[IFT-SNMP-MIB::luDevValue:,luDevValueUnit:]. RPMrpmIt monitors the fan RPM.[IFT-SNMP-MIB::luDevValue:,luDevValueUnit:].
Infortrend - Hard Disk Driveinfortrend.hdd.statusHDD StatusIt monitors the hard disk drive status.Possible values are 0 : New Drive,1 : On-Line Drive,2 : Used Drive,3 : Spare Drive,4 : Drive Initialization in Progress,5 : Drive Rebuild in Progress,6 : Add Drive to Logical Drive in Progress,9 : Global Spare Drive,17 : Drive is in process of Cloning another Drive,18 : Drive is a valid Clone of another Drive,19 : Drive is in process of Copying from another Drive(for Copy/Replace LD Expansion function),63 : Drive Absent,252 : Missing Global Spare Drive,253 : Missing Spare Drive,254 : Missing Drive,255 : Failed Drive.[IFT-SNMP-MIB::hddStatus:].
infortrend.hdd.readsHDD ReadsMBpsIt monitors the drive read statistic in MB/S.[IFT-SNMP-MIB::hddReadStatistic:].
infortrend.hdd.writesHDD WritesMBpsIt monitors the drive write statistic in MB/S.[IFT-SNMP-MIB::hddWriteStatistic:].
Infortrend - Logical Drive WritesMBpsIt monitors the logical drive write statistic in MB/S.[IFT-SNMP-MIB::ldWriteStatistic:]. Drive Online Hard Drive CountcountIt monitors the on-line hard drive count on logical drive.[IFT-SNMP-MIB::ldOnlineDrvCnt:]. Drive StatusIt monitors the logical drive status. Possible values are 0 : Good,1 : Rebuilding,2 : Initializing,3 : Degraded,4 : Dead,5 : Invalid,6 : Incomplete,7 : Drive Missing.[IFT-SNMP-MIB::ldStatus:]. Drive Failed Hard Drive CountcountIt monitors the failed hard drive count on logical drive.[IFT-SNMP-MIB::ldFailedDrvCnt:]. Drive ReadsMBpsIt monitors the logical drive read statistic in MB/S.[IFT-SNMP-MIB::ldReadStatistic:].
Infortrend - Redundant Controller Statusinfortrend.redundant.controller.statusRedundant Controller StatusIt monitors the redundant controller status. Possible values are 0 - Inactive,1 - Scanning,17 - Detected,18 - Enabled,63 - Controller Failed.[IFT-SNMP-MIB::redCtlrStatus:].
Infortrend - Temperatureinfortrend.temperature.sensor.readingTemperatureCelsiusIt monitors the temperature in Degreed C.[IFT-SNMP-MIB::luDevValue:,luDevValueUnit:].
Infortrend - Voltage Sensorinfortrend.voltage.sensor.readingVoltagemVIt monitors the Infortrend voltage sensor reading in Millivolt.[IFT-SNMP-MIB::luDevValue:,luDevValueUnit:].

Interface Group Status


Monitors the interface operational status. This monitor is applicable only when you want a consolidated alert if more than 1 interface goes down.[OIDs:, and]


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Interface Group Statusnetwork.interface.up.countInterfaces Up CountMonitors the interface operational status. This monitor is applicable only when you want a consolidated alert if more than 1 interface goes down.[OIDs:, and]

Interface Operational Status


Monitors the Interface Status only when interface admin status is Up.


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
SNMP Interface - 32-bit Counternetwork.interface.statusInterface StatusThis metric represents the status of the interface based on the values derived from ifAdminStatus and ifOperStatus. It generates alerts if interface operational status is not in Up or Dormant state even interface admin status is Up.[OID: ifOperStatus-; ifAdminStatus-]

ISIS Adjacency State


Template to monitor the adjacent state of Intermediate System.[ISIS-MIB::isisISAdjState::,isisISAdjIPAddressType :,isisISAdjIPAddress :]


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
ISIS Adjacent Stateisis_adj_stateISIS IS Adjacent StateIt monitors the adjacent state of an intermediate system.

Ivanti Pulse Secure Performance Statistics


Monitors the Pulse Secure Performance statistics like CPU,Memory,SWAP and Disk utilization and user statistics like Signed In Web Users,Ive Concurrent Users,Cluster Concurrent Users,log file full percentage and the blade temperature.[PULSESECURE-PSG-MIB :: iveCpuUtil :,iveMemoryUtil :,iveSwapUtil :,diskFullPercent :,signedInWebUsers :,iveConcurrentUsers :,clusterConcurrentUsers :,logFullPercent :,iveTemperature :]


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Ivanti Pulse Secure - SSL VPN Appliance Monitorpulse_secure_LogFullPercentPulse Secure Log Full Percentage%Monitors the Pulse Secure Log File Full Percentage.[PULSESECURE-PSG-MIB :: logFullPercent :]
pulse_secure_IveTemperaturePulse Secure Ive TemperatureCMonitors the Pulse Secure Ive Temperature.[PULSESECURE-PSG-MIB :: iveTemperature :]
Ivanti Pulse Secure - System Performancepulse_secure_DiskFullPercentPulse Secure Disk Full Percentage%Monitors the Pulse Secure Disk Full Percentage.[PULSESECURE-PSG-MIB :: diskFullPercent :]
pulse_secure_IveMemoryUtilPulse Secure Ive Memory Utilization%Monitors the Pulse Secure Memory Utilization.[PULSESECURE-PSG-MIB :: iveMemoryUtil :]
pulse_secure_IveCpuUtilPulse Secure Ive Cpu Utilization%Monitors the Pulse Secure CPU Utilization.[PULSESECURE-PSG-MIB :: iveCpuUtil :]
pulse_secure_IveSwapUtilPulse Secure Ive Swap Utilization%Monitors the Pulse Secure Swap Utilization.[PULSESECURE-PSG-MIB :: iveSwapUtil :]
Ivanti Pulse Secure - User Statisticspulse_secure_SignedInWebUsersPulse Secure Signed In Web UsersMonitors the Pulse Secure Signed In Web Users.[PULSESECURE-PSG-MIB :: signedInWebUsers :]
pulse_secure_ClusterConcurrentUsersPulse Secure Cluster Concurrent UsersMonitors the Pulse Secure Cluster Concurrent Users.[PULSESECURE-PSG-MIB :: clusterConcurrentUsers :]
pulse_secure_IveConcurrentUsersPulse Secure Ive Concurrent UsersMonitors the Pulse Secure Ive Concurrent Users.[PULSESECURE-PSG-MIB :: iveConcurrentUsers :]

Jetty Jvm Template


Jetty Jvm Template


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Jetty Jvm Monitorjetty.jvm.thread.countJetty Jvm Thread CountcountDisplays the number of active threads in the system.
jetty.jvm.thread.peakcountJetty Jvm Thread Peak CountcountPeak number of threads running in the JVM since it started.
jetty.jvm.totalstartedthread.countJetty Jvm TotalStarted Thread CountcountDisplays the number of threads marked as daemons in the system.
jetty.jvm.non_heap_memory_committedJetty Jvm Committed Non Heap MemoryBytesThe total Java non-heap memory committed to be used.
jetty.jvm.non_heap_memory_initJetty Jvm Non Heap Memory InitBytesThe initial Java non-heap memory allocated.
jetty.jvm.non_heap_memory_usedJetty Jvm Used Non Heap MemoryBytesThe total Java non-heap memory used.
jetty.jvm.non_heap_memory_maxJetty Jvm Max Non Heap MemoryBytesThe maximum Java non-heap memory available.
jetty.jvm.memorypool.edenspace.peak_usage_usedJetty Jvm Memory Pool Edenspace Peak Usage UsedKBDisplays the peak usage of edenspace in kilo bytes
jetty.jvm.memorypool.metaspace.peak_usage_initJetty Jvm Memory Pool Metaspace Peak Usage InitKBDisplays the initial peak usage of metaspace in kilo bytes
jetty.jvm.memorypool.metaspace.peak_usage_usedJetty Jvm Memory Pool Metaspace Peak Usage UsedKBDisplays the peak usage of metaspace in kilo bytes
jetty.jvm.memorypool.metaspace.peak_usage_maxJetty Jvm Memorypool MetaSpace Peak Usage MaxKBDisplays the maximum peak usage of metaspace in kilo bytes
jetty.jvm.memorypool.metaspace.peak_usage_committedJetty Jvm Memory Pool MetaSpace Peak Usage CommittedKBThe total metaspace memory committed to be used
jetty.jvm.memorypool.survivorspace.peak_usage_usedJetty Jvm Memory Pool Survivorspace Peak Usage UsedKBDisplays the peak usage of survivorspace in kilo bytes
jetty.jvm.memorypool.survivorspace.peak_usage_initJetty Jvm Memory Pool Survivorspace Peak Usage InitKBDisplays the initial peak usage max of survivorspace in kilo bytes
jetty.jvm.memorypool.survivorspace.peak_usage_maxJetty Jvm Memory Pool SurvivorsSpace Peak Usage MaxKBDisplays the peak maximum usage of survivorspace in kilo bytes
jetty.jvm.memorypool.survivorspace.peak_usage_committedJetty Jvm Memory Pool Survivor Space Peak Usage CommittedKBThe total survivorspace memory committed to be used
jetty.jvm.memorypool.tenuredgen.peak_usageJetty Jvm Memory Pool Tenuredgen Peak UsageKBDisplays the peak usage of tenuredgen in kilo bytes
jetty.jvm.memorypool.tenuredgen.peak_usage.initJetty Jvm Memory Pool Tenuredgen Peak Usage InitKBDisplays the initial peak usage max of tenuredgen in kilo bytes
jetty.jvm.memorypool.tenuredgen.peak_usage.maxKBDisplays the peak maximum usage of tenuredgen in kilo bytes
jetty.jvm.memorypool.tenuredgen.peak_usage_committedJetty Jvm Memory Pool Tenuredgen Peak Usage CommittedKBThe total tenuredgen memory committed to be used
jetty.jvm.daemonthread.countJetty Jvm DeamonThread CountcountDisplays the number of threads marked as daemons in the system.
jetty.jvm.heap_memory_usedJetty Jvm Used Heap MemoryBytesThe total Java heap memory used.
jetty.jvm.heap_memory_committedJetty Jvm Committed Heap MemoryBytesThe total Java heap memory committed to be used.
jetty.jvm.heap_memory_initJetty Jvm Heap Memory InitBytesThe initial Java heap memory allocated.
jetty.jvm.heap_memory_maxJetty Jvm Max Heap MemoryBytesThe maximum Java heap memory available.
jetty.jvm.memorypool.codecache.peak_usage_usedJetty Jvm Memorypool Codecache peak Usage UsedKBDisplays the peak usage of code cache in kilo bytes
jetty.jvm.memorypool.codecache.peak_usage_initJetty Jvm Memorypool Codecache Peak Usage InitKBDisplays the initial peak usage max of code cache in kilo bytes
jetty.jvm.memorypool.codecache.peak_usage_committedJetty Jvm Memorypool Codecache Peak Usage CommittedKBThe total codecache memory committed to be used
jetty.jvm.memorypool.edenspace.peak_usage_maxJetty Jvm Memory Pool Edenspace peak Usage MaxKBDisplays the maximum peak usage max of edenspace in kilo bytes
jetty.jvm.memorypool.edenspace.peak_usage_initJetty Jvm Memory Pool EdenSpace Peak Usage InitKBDisplays the initial peak usage of edenspace in kilo bytes
jetty.jvm.memorypool.edenspace.peak_usage_committedJetty Jvm Memory Pool Edenspace Peak usage CommittedKBThe total edenspace memory committed to be used.
jetty.jvm.gc.collection.countJetty Jvm Gc Collection CountcountThe number of garbage collections that have ocurred.
jetty.jvm.gc.thread.countJetty Jvm Gc Thread CountcountThe total number of garbage collections that have occurred.
jetty.jvm.memorypool.codecache.peak_usage_maximumJetty Jvm Max Memory Pool CodeCache Peak UsageKBDisplays the maximum peak usage of code cache in kilo bytes

Jetty Template


Jetty Template


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Jetty Monitorjetty.sessionhandler.sessions.createdJetty Sessionhandler Sessions CreatedcountNumber of sessions created by this node
jetty.defaultsessioncache.sessionscurrentJetty Defaultsessioncache SessionscurrentcountThe DefaultSessionCache holds sessions in memory..current sessions in cache
jetty.threadpool.minthreadsJetty ThreadPool Min Threadscountminimum number of threads in the pool
jetty.sessionhandler.sessiontime.maxJetty Sessionhandler Sessiontime MaxsSessionHandler cleans up expired sessions...maximum amount of time sessions have remained active (in s)
jetty.threadpool.threadsJetty ThreadPool ThreadscountNumber of threads in the pool
jetty.threadpool.lowonthreadsJetty ThreadPool LowonthreadsNULLThread pool is low on threads
jetty.threadpool.stoptimeoutJetty ThreadPool StoptimeoutmsThe stop timeout in milliseconds
jetty.defaultsessioncache.sessionstotalJetty Defaultsessioncache SessionstotalcountTotal sessions in cache
jetty.threadpool.busythreadsJetty ThreadPool BusythreadscountNumber of busy threads in the pool
jetty.threadpool.idlethreadsJetty ThreadPool IdlethreadscountNumber of idle threads in the pool
jetty.threadpool.reservedthreadsJetty ThreadPool Reserved ThreadscountThe number of reserved threads in the pool
jetty.sessionhandler.sessionstimecstddevJetty Sessionhandler SessiontimecstddevsStandard deviation a session remained valid (in s)
jetty.threadpool.lowthreadsthresholdJetty ThreadPool LowthreadsthresholdcountThreshold at which the pool is low on threads
jetty.sessionhandler.sessionstime.meanJetty Sessionhandler Sessiontime MeansMean time sessions remain valid (in s)
jetty.threadpool.queuesizeJetty ThreadPool QueuesizecountNumber of jobs queued waiting for a thread
jetty.defaultsessioncache.sessionsmaxJetty Defaultsessioncache SessionsmaxcountMax sessions in cache
jetty.threadpool.detaileddumpJetty ThreadPool DetaileddumpNULLReports additional details in the dump
jetty.threadpool.maxthreadsJetty ThreadPool Max ThreadscountMaximum number of threads in the pool
jetty.sessionhandler.sessiontime.totalJetty Sessionhandler Sessiontime TotalsTotal time sessions have remained valid
jetty.threadpool.daemonJetty ThreadPool DaemonNULLThread pool uses daemon threads

JIRA JVM MonitorTemplate


JIRA Jvm Template


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
JIRA JVM Monitorjira.jvm.thread.countJIRA JVM Thread CountcountDisplays the number of active threads in the system.
jira.jvm.thread.peakcountJIRA JVM Thread PeakCountcountPeak number of threads running in the JVM since it started.
jira.jvm.totalstartedthread.countJIRA JVM TotalStarted Thread CountcountDisplays the number of threads marked as daemons in the system.
jira.jvm.non_heap_memory_committedJIRA JVM Non Heap Memory CommittedBytesThe total Java non-heap memory committed to be used.
jira.jvm.non_heap_memory_initJIRA JVM Non Heap Memory initBytesThe initial Java non-heap memory allocated.
jira.jvm.non_heap_memory_usedJIRA JVM Non Heap Memory UsedBytesThe total Java non-heap memory used.
jira.jvm.non_heap_memory_maxJIRA JVM Max Non Heap MemoryBytesThe maximum Java non-heap memory available.
jira.jvm.memorypool.edenspace.peak_usage_usedJIRA JVM Memory EdenSpace Usage UsedKBDisplays the peak usage of edenspace in kilo bytes
jira.jvm.memorypool.metaspace.peak_usage_initJIRA JVM Memory Metaspace Peak Usuage InitKBDisplays the initial peak usage of metaspace in kilo bytes
jira.jvm.memorypool.metaspace.peak_usage_usedJIRA JVM Memory Metasoace Peak Usuage UsedKBDisplays the peak usage of metaspace in kilo bytes.
jira.jvm.memorypool.metaspace.peak_usage_maxJIRA JVM Memory Metaspace Peak Usauge MaxKBDisplays the maximum peak usage of metaspace in kilo bytes.
jira.jvm.memorypool.metaspace.peak_usage_committedJIRA JVM Memorypool Metaspace Peak Usage CommittedKBThe total metaspace memory committed to be used.
jira.jvm.memorypool.survivorspace.peak_usage_usedJIRA JVM Memorypool Survivorspace Peak Usage UsedKBDisplays the peak usage of survivorspace in kilo bytes.
jira.jvm.memorypool.survivorspace.peak_usage_initJIRA JVM Memorypool Survivorspace Peak Usage InitKBDisplays the initial peak usage max of survivorspace in kilo bytes.
jira.jvm.memorypool.survivorspace.peak_usage_maxJIRA JVM Memorypool Survivorspace Peak Usage MaxKBDisplays the peak maximum usage of survivorspace in kilo bytes.
jira.jvm.memorypool.survivorspace.peak_usage_committedJIRA JVM Memory Survivorspace Peak Usage CommitKBThe total survivorspace memory committed to be used.
jira.jvm.memorypool.tenuredgen.peak_usageJIRA JVM Memorypool Tenuredgen Peak UsageKBDisplays the peak usage of tenuredgen in kilo bytes.
jira.jvm.memorypool.tenuredgen.peak_usage.initJIRA JVM Memorypool Tenuredgen Peak Usage InitKBDisplays the initial peak usage max of tenuredgen in kilo bytes.
jira.jvm.memorypool.tenuredgen.peak_usage.maxJIRA JVM Memorypool Max Tenuredgen Peak UsageKBDisplays the peak maximum usage of tenuredgen in kilo bytes.
jira.jvm.memorypool.tenuredgen.peak_usage_committedJIRA JVM Memorypool Committed Tenuredgen Peak UsageKBThe total tenuredgen memory committed to be used.
jira.jvm.daemonthread.countJIRA JVM DeamonThread CountcountDisplays the number of threads marked as daemons in the system.
jira.jvm.heap_memory_usedJIRA JVM Heap Memory UsedBytesThe total Java heap memory used.
jira.jvm.heap_memory_committedJIRA JVM Heap Memory CommittedBytesThe total Java heap memory committed to be used.
jira.jvm.heap_memory_initJIRA JVM Heap Memory InitBytesThe initial Java heap memory allocated.
jira.jvm.heap_memory_maxJIRA JVM Max Heap MemoryBytesThe maximum Java heap memory available.
jira.jvm.memorypool.codecache.peak_usage_usedJIRA JVM MemoryPool Codecache Peak UsedKBDisplays the peak usage of code cache in kilo bytes.
jira.jvm.memorypool.codecache.peak_usage_initJIRA JVM MemoryPool Codecache Usuage InitKBDisplays the initial peak usage max of code cache in kilo bytes.
jira.jvm.memorypool.codecache.peak_usage_maxJIRA JVM MemoryPool Codecache Usuage MaxKB< /td>Displays the maximum peak usage of code cache in kilo bytes.
jira.jvm.memorypool.codecache.peak_usage_committedJIRA JVM MemoryPool Codecache Usuage CommittedKBThe total codecache memory committed to be used.
jira.jvm.memorypool.edenspace.peak_usage_maxJIRA JVM Memory EdenSpacePeak Max UsageKBDisplays the maximum peak usage max of edenspace in kilo bytes.
jira.jvm.memorypool.edenspace.peak_usage_initJIRA JVM MemoryPool EdenSpace Peak Usuage InitKBDisplays the initial peak usage of edenspace in kilo bytes.
jira.jvm.memorypool.edenspace.peak_usage_committedJIRA JVM Memory Pool EdenSpace Peak Usuage CommittedKBThe total edenspace memory committed to be used.
jira.jvm.gc.collection.countJIRA JVM Collection CountcountThe number of garbage collections that have ocurred.
jira.jvm.gc.thread.countJIRA JVM Thread CountcountThe total number of garbage collections that have occurred.

JIRA JVM Template


JIRA JVM Template


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
JIRA JVM Monitorjira.jvm.thread.countJIRA JVM Thread CountcountDisplays the number of active threads in the system.
jira.jvm.thread.peakcountJIRA JVM Thread PeakCountcountPeak number of threads running in the JVM since it started.
jira.jvm.totalstartedthread.countJIRA JVM TotalStarted Thread CountcountDisplays the number of threads marked as daemons in the system.
jira.jvm.non_heap_memory_committedJIRA JVM Non Heap Memory CommittedBytesThe total Java non-heap memory committed to be used.
jira.jvm.non_heap_memory_initJIRA JVM Non Heap Memory initBytesThe initial Java non-heap memory allocated.
jira.jvm.non_heap_memory_usedJIRA JVM Non Heap Memory UsedBytesThe total Java non-heap memory used.
jira.jvm.non_heap_memory_maxJIRA JVM Max Non Heap MemoryBytesThe maximum Java non-heap memory available.
jira.jvm.memorypool.edenspace.peak_usage_usedJIRA JVM Memory EdenSpace Usage UsedKBDisplays the peak usage of edenspace in kilo bytes
jira.jvm.memorypool.metaspace.peak_usage_initJIRA JVM Memory Metaspace Peak Usuage InitKBDisplays the initial peak usage of metaspace in kilo bytes
jira.jvm.memorypool.metaspace.peak_usage_usedJIRA JVM Memory Metasoace Peak Usuage UsedKBDisplays the peak usage of metaspace in kilo bytes
jira.jvm.memorypool.metaspace.peak_usage_maxJIRA JVM Memory Metaspace Peak Usauge MaxKBDisplays the maximum peak usage of metaspace in kilo bytes
jira.jvm.memorypool.metaspace.peak_usage_committedJIRA JVM Memorypool Metaspace Peak Usage CommittedKBThe total metaspace memory committed to be used
jira.jvm.memorypool.survivorspace.peak_usage_usedJIRA JVM Memorypool Survivorspace Peak Usage UsedKBDisplays the peak usage of survivorspace in kilo bytes
jira.jvm.memorypool.survivorspace.peak_usage_initJIRA JVM Memorypool Survivorspace Peak Usage InitKBDisplays the initial peak usage max of survivorspace in kilo bytes
jira.jvm.memorypool.survivorspace.peak_usage_maxJIRA JVM Memorypool Survivorspace Peak Usage MaxKBDisplays the peak maximum usage of survivorspace in kilo bytes
jira.jvm.memorypool.survivorspace.peak_usage_committedJIRA JVM Memory Survivorspace Peak Usage CommitKBThe total survivorspace memory committed to be used
jira.jvm.memorypool.tenuredgen.peak_usageJIRA JVM Memorypool Tenuredgen Peak UsageKBDisplays the peak usage of tenuredgen in kilo bytes
jira.jvm.memorypool.tenuredgen.peak_usage.initJIRA JVM Memorypool Tenuredgen Peak Usage InitKBDisplays the initial peak usage max of tenuredgen in kilo bytes
jira.jvm.memorypool.tenuredgen.peak_usage.maxJIRA JVM Memorypool Max Tenuredgen Peak UsageKBDisplays the peak maximum usage of tenuredgen in kilo bytes
jira.jvm.memorypool.tenuredgen.peak_usage_committedJIRA JVM Memorypool Committed Tenuredgen Peak UsageKBThe total tenuredgen memory committed to be used

JIRA Template


JIRA Template


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
JIRA Monitorjira.quicksearch.concurrent.searchJira QuickSearch Concurrent SearchcountQuickSearch Concurrent Search
jira.web.requests.invocation.countJira Web Requests Invocation CountcountWeb Requests Web Requests Total Elapsed TimemsWeb Requests Total Elapsed Time Issue Search CountcountIssue Search Count
jira.issue.updated.countJira Issue Updated CountcountIssue Updated Count
jira.issue.worklogged.countJira Issue WorkLogged CountcountIssue WorkLogged Count
jira.dashboard.view.countJIRA Dashboard View CountcountDashboard View Count
jira.db.conns.invocation.countJira DB Conns Invocation CountcountDB Conns Invocation Count DB Conns Total Elapsed TimemsDB Conns Total Elapsed Time
jira.db.conns.borrowedJira DB Conns BorrowedcountDB Conns Borrowed DB Conns Time To BorrowmsDB Conns Time To Borrow
jira.db.reads.invocation.countJira DB Reads Invocation CountcountDB Reads Invocation Count DB Reads Total Elapsed TimemsDB Reads Total Elapsed Time
jira.db.writes.invocation.countJira DB Writes Invocation CountcountDB Writes Invocation Count DB Writes Total Elapsed TimemsDB Writes Total Elapsed Time
jira.entity.attachments.totalJira Entity Attachments TotalcountEntity Attachments Total
jira.entity.components.totalJira Entity Components TotalcountEntity Components Total
jira.entity.customfields.totalJira Entity CustomFields TotalcountEntity CustomFields Total
jira.entity.filters.totalJira Entity Filters TotalcountEntity Filters Total
jira.entity.groups.totalJira Entity Groups TotalcountEntity Groups Total
jira.entity.issues.totalJira Entity Issues TotalcountEntity Issues Total
jira.entity.users.totalJira Entity Users TotalcountEntity Users Total
jira.entity.versions.totalJira Entity Versions TotalcountEntity Versions Total
jira.issue.assigned.countJira Issue Assigned CountcountIssue Assigned Count
jira.issue.created.countJira Issue Created CountcountIssue Created Count Issue Link CountcountIssue Link Count

JVM Basic Template


JVM-Uptime, JVM.GC.collection_count, JVM.GC.collection_time, JVM.Mem.heap_committed, JVM.Mem.heap_used, JVM.Mem.non_heap_committed, JVM.Mem.non_heap_used, JVM.Threads, JVM.OpenFDs, jvm.sys.load.average


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
JMX Basicjvm.uptimeJVM Uptime in MillisecondmsJVM Uptime in Millisecond
jvm.gc.collection_countJVM Garbage Objects CountNumber of garbage objects collected
jvm.gc.collection_timeJVM Garbage Collection TimemsTime taken in Milliseconds for collection of the garbage objects.
jvm.mem.heap_committedJVM Heap Memory CommittedGBHeap memory committed (in MB) for the server
jvm.mem.heap_usedJVM Heap Memory UsedGBHeap memory usage (in MB) of the server
jvm.mem.non_heap_committedJVM non heap memory committedGBNon-heap Memory committed in MB
jvm.mem.non_heap_usedJVM non heap memory usedGBNon-heap memory usage (in MB) of the server
jvm.threadsJVM Thread CountNumber of threads Open File Descriptors CountNumber of Open file descriptors of the server
jvm.sys.load.averageJVM System Load AverageJVM System Load Average

JVM Basic Template - v2


JVM-Uptime, JVM.GC.collection_count, JVM.GC.collection_time, JVM.Mem.heap_committed, JVM.Mem.heap_used, JVM.Mem.non_heap_committed, JVM.Mem.non_heap_used,JVM.Threads, JVM.OpenFDs, jvm.sys.load.average


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
JVM Basic Template - V2jvm.uptimeJVM Uptime in MillisecondmsJVM Uptime in Millisecond
jvm.gc.collection_countJVM Garbage Objects CountNumber of garbage objects collected
jvm.gc.collection_timeJVM Garbage Collection TimemsTime taken in Milliseconds for collection of the garbage objects.
jvm.mem.heap_committedJVM Heap Memory CommittedGBHeap memory committed (in MB) for the server
jvm.mem.heap_usedJVM Heap Memory UsedGBHeap memory usage (in MB) of the server
jvm.mem.non_heap_committedJVM non heap memory committedGBNon-heap Memory committed in MB
jvm.mem.non_heap_usedJVM non heap memory usedGBNon-heap memory usage (in MB) of the server
jvm.threadsJVM Thread CountNumber of threads Open File Descriptors CountNumber of Open file descriptors of the server
jvm.sys.load.averageJVM System Load AverageJVM System Load Average

Kemp Load Balancer - G2


Applicable on the Kemp Load Balancer. Monitors the HA state, RS statistics, Total RS active connections, RS State, VS State.


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Kemp LB HA Stateb100.ha.stateHA StateMonitors the current state of HA on current machine. Possible values are 0- none,1- master, 2- standby, 3- passive. [ OID:]
Kemp LB Real Server Total RS Active ConnectionMonitors the number of active connection for this real server. [OIDs:,] RS Out BytesBpsMonitors the total number of outgoing bytes from this real server. [OIDs:,] RS In BytesBpsMonitors the total number of incoming bytes from this real server. [OID:,] RS ConnectionspsecMonitors the total number of connections for this real server. [OIDs:,]
Kemp LB RS Active Active ConnectionsMonitors the number of active connection for this real server. [OIDs:,]
Kemp LB RS RS StateMonitors the current state of real server. Possible values are 1- inService, 2- outOfService, 4- disabled. [OIDs:,]
b100.vs.stateB100 VS StateMonitors the state of virtual server. Possible status values are 1- inService, 2- outOfService, 4- disabled, 5- sorry, 6- redirect, 7- errormsg. [OIDs:,]

Korenix Jetnet4508V2 Switch - Port Statistics


Template to monitor Korenix Jetnet4508V2 (sysObjectID : Switch port statistics like Rx bad packets, Rx abort packets, Tx bad packets, Packet collision.


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Korenix Jetnet4508V2 Switch - Port Statisticskorenix_Jetnet4508V2_PortRxAbortPacketsPort Rx Abort Packetspacket/minIt monitors the count of abort frames when receive, which is the total number of discarded and filtered frames.[Jetnet4508V2.MIB::swPortStatRXAbortPkt:].
korenix_Jetnet4508V2_PortTxBadPacketsPort Tx Bad Packetspacket/minIt monitors the count of FCSErr frames when transmit.[Jetnet4508V2.MIB::swPortStatTXBadPkt:].
korenix_Jetnet4508V2_PortPacketCollisionPort Packet Collisionpacket/minIt monitors the count of collision.[Jetnet4508V2.MIB::swPortStatPacketCollision:].
korenix_Jetnet4508V2_PortRxBadPacketsPort Rx Bad Packetspacket/minIt monitors the count of bad frames received, which is the total number of undersize, fragment, oversize, jabber, RxErr and FCSErr frames. [Jetnet4508V2.MIB::swPortStatRXBadPkt:].

Korenix Jetnet5010G Switch - Hardware Status


Template to monitor Korenix Jetnet5010G (sysObjectID : Switch hardware status parameters like LED power1 status, power2 status, DI1 status, DI2 status, DO1 status, DO2 status, RM status.


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Korenix Jetnet5010G Switch - Hardware Statuskorenix_Jetnet5010G_LedPower1StatusLED Power1 StatusIt monitors the status of Power 1 LED. Possible values are on(1), blinkNormal(2), blinkFast(3), off(4). [Jetnet5010G.MIB::ledPower1Status:].
korenix_Jetnet5010G_LedDI2StatusLED DI2 StatusIt monitors the status of DI2 LED. Possible values are on(1), blinkNormal(2), blinkFast(3), off(4). [Jetnet5010G.MIB::ledDI2Status:].
korenix_Jetnet5010G_LedDI1StatusLED DI1 StatusIt monitors the status of DI1 LED. Possible values are on(1), blinkNormal(2), blinkFast(3), off(4). [Jetnet5010G.MIB::ledDI1Status:].
korenix_Jetnet5010G_LedRMStatusLED RM StatusIt monitors the status of RM LED. Possible values are on(1), blinkNormal(2), blinkFast(3), off(4). [Jetnet5010G.MIB::ledRMStatus:].
korenix_Jetnet5010G_LedDO1StatusLED DO1 StatusIt monitors the status of DO1 LED. Possible values are on(1), blinkNormal(2), blinkFast(3), off(4). [Jetnet5010G.MIB::ledDO1Status:].
korenix_Jetnet5010G_LedDO2StatusLED DO2 StatusIt monitors the status of DO2 LED. Possible values are on(1), blinkNormal(2), blinkFast(3), off(4). [Jetnet5010G.MIB::ledDO2Status:].
korenix_Jetnet5010G_LedPower2StatusLED Power2 StatusIt monitors the status of Power 2 LED. Possible values are on(1), blinkNormal(2), blinkFast(3), off(4). [Jetnet5010G.MIB::ledPower2Status:].

Korenix Jetnet5010G Switch - Port SFP


Template to monitor Korenix Jetnet5010G (sysObjectID : Switch SFP parameters like Temperature Current, Tx Power Current, Rx Power Current.


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Korenix Jetnet5010G Switch - Port SFPkorenix_Jetnet5010G_PortSfpDdmTxPowerPort SFP Ddm Tx PowerdBmIt monitors the current SFP transmitted power of port.[Jetnet5010G.MIB::portSfpDdmTxPowerCurrent:].
korenix_Jetnet5010G_PortSfpDdmRxPowerPort SFP Ddm Rx PowerdBmIt monitors the current SFP received power of port.[Jetnet5010G.MIB::portSfpDdmRxPowerCurrent:].
korenix_Jetnet5010G_PortSfpDdmTemperaturePort SFP Ddm TemperatureCelsiusIt monitors the current SFP temperature of port. [Jetnet5010G.MIB::portSfpDdmTempatureCurrent:].

Korenix Jetnet5010G Switch - Port Statistics


Template to monitor Korenix Jetnet5010G (sysObjectID : Switch port statistics like Rx bad packets, Rx abort packets, Tx bad packets, Packet collision.


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Korenix Jetnet5010G Switch - Port Statisticskorenix_Jetnet5010G_PortRxBadPacketsPort Rx Bad Packetspacket/minIt monitors the count of bad frames received, which is the total number of undersize, fragment, oversize, jabber, RxErr and FCSErr frames. [Jetnet5010G.MIB::swPortStatRXBadPkt:].
korenix_Jetnet5010G_PortPacketCollisionPort Packet Collisionpacket/minIt monitors the count of collision.[Jetnet5010G.MIB::swPortStatPacketCollision:].
korenix_Jetnet5010G_PortTxBadPacketsPort Tx Bad Packetspacket/minIt monitors the count of FCSErr frames when transmit.[Jetnet5010G.MIB::swPortStatTXBadPkt:].
korenix_Jetnet5010G_PortRxAbortPacketsPort Rx Abort Packetspacket/minIt monitors the count of abort frames when receive, which is the total number of discarded and filtered frames.[Jetnet5010G.MIB::swPortStatRXAbortPkt:].

Korenix Jetnet5310G Switch - Hardware Status


Template to monitor Korenix Jetnet5310G (sysObjectID : Switch hardware status parameters like LED power1 status, power2 status, DI1 status, DO1 status, ready status, RM status, RF status.


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Korenix Jetnet5310G Switch - Hardware Statuskorenix_Jetnet5310G_LedRFStatusLED RF StatusIt monitors the status of RF LED. Possible values are on(1), blinkNormal(2), blinkFast(3), off(4). [Jetnet5310G.MIB::ledRFStatus:].
korenix_Jetnet5310G_LedRMStatusLED RM StatusIt monitors the status of RM LED. Possible values are on(1), blinkNormal(2), blinkFast(3), off(4). [Jetnet5310G.MIB::ledRMStatus:].
korenix_Jetnet5310G_LedDO1StatusLED DO1 StatusIt monitors the status of DO1 LED. Possible values are on(1), blinkNormal(2), blinkFast(3), off(4). [Jetnet5310G.MIB::ledDO1Status:].
korenix_Jetnet5310G_LedPower2StatusLED Power2 StatusIt monitors the status of Power 2 LED. Possible values are on(1), blinkNormal(2), blinkFast(3), off(4). [Jetnet5310G.MIB::ledPower2Status:].
korenix_Jetnet5310G_LedDI1StatusLED DI1 StatusIt monitors the status of DI1 LED. Possible values are on(1), blinkNormal(2), blinkFast(3), off(4). [Jetnet5310G.MIB::ledDI1Status:].
korenix_Jetnet5310G_LedPower1StatusLED Power1 StatusIt monitors the status of Power 1 LED. Possible values are on(1), blinkNormal(2), blinkFast(3), off(4). [Jetnet5310G.MIB::ledPower1Status:].
korenix_Jetnet5310G_LedReadyStatusLED Ready StatusIt monitors the status of System Ready LED. Possible values are on(1), blinkNormal(2), blinkFast(3), off(4). [Jetnet5310G.MIB::ledRDYStatus:].

Korenix Jetnet5310G Switch - Port SFP


Template to monitor Korenix Jetnet5310G (sysObjectID : Switch SFP parameters like Temperature Current, Tx Power Current, Rx Power Current.


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Korenix Jetnet5310G Switch - Port SFPkorenix_Jetnet5310G_PortSfpDdmTemperaturePort SFP Ddm TemperatureCelsiusIt monitors the current SFP temperature of port. [Jetnet5310G.MIB::portSfpDdmTempatureCurrent:].
korenix_Jetnet5310G_PortSfpDdmRxPowerPort SFP Ddm Rx PowerdBmIt monitors the current SFP received power of port.[Jetnet5310G.MIB::portSfpDdmRxPowerCurrent:].
korenix_Jetnet5310G_PortSfpDdmTxPowerPort SFP Ddm Tx PowerdBmIt monitors the current SFP transmitted power of port.[Jetnet5310G.MIB::portSfpDdmTxPowerCurrent:].

Korenix Jetnet5310G Switch - Port Statistics


Template to monitor Korenix Jetnet5310G (sysObjectID : Switch port statistics like Rx bad packets, Rx abort packets, Tx bad packets, Packet collision.


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Korenix Jetnet5310G Switch - Port Statisticskorenix_Jetnet5310G_PortPacketCollisionPort Packet Collisionpacket/minIt monitors the count of collision.[Jetnet5310G.MIB::swPortStatPacketCollision:].
korenix_Jetnet5310G_PortRxAbortPacketsPort Rx Abort Packetspacket/minIt monitors the count of abort frames when receive, which is the total number of discarded and filtered frames.[Jetnet5310G.MIB::swPortStatRXAbortPkt:].
korenix_Jetnet5310G_PortRxBadPacketsPort Rx Bad Packetspacket/minIt monitors the count of bad frames received, which is the total number of undersize, fragment, oversize, jabber, RxErr and FCSErr frames. [Jetnet5310G.MIB::swPortStatRXBadPkt:].
korenix_Jetnet5310G_PortTxBadPacketsPort Tx Bad Packetspacket/minIt monitors the count of FCSErr frames when transmit.[Jetnet5310G.MIB::swPortStatTXBadPkt:].

Korenix Jetnet6059G Switch - Hardware Status


Template to monitor Korenix Jetnet6059G (sysObjectID : Switch hardware status parameters like LED power1 status, power2 status, DI1 status, DO1 status, ready status, RM status, RF status.


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Korenix Jetnet6059G Switch - Hardware Statuskorenix_Jetnet6059G_LedPower1StatusLED Power1 StatusIt monitors the status of Power 1 LED. Possible values are on(1), blinkNormal(2), blinkFast(3), off(4). [Jetnet6059G.MIB::ledPower1Status:].
korenix_Jetnet6059G_LedPower2StatusLED Power2 StatusIt monitors the status of Power 2 LED. Possible values are on(1), blinkNormal(2), blinkFast(3), off(4). [Jetnet6059G.MIB::ledPower2Status:].
korenix_Jetnet6059G_LedRFStatusLED RF StatusIt monitors the status of RF LED. Possible values are on(1), blinkNormal(2), blinkFast(3), off(4). [Jetnet6059G.MIB::ledRFStatus:].
korenix_Jetnet6059G_LedDI1StatusLED DI1 StatusIt monitors the status of DI1 LED. Possible values are on(1), blinkNormal(2), blinkFast(3), off(4). [Jetnet6059G.MIB::ledDI1Status:].
korenix_Jetnet6059G_LedReadyStatusLED Ready StatusIt monitors the status of System Ready LED. Possible values are on(1), blinkNormal(2), blinkFast(3), off(4). [Jetnet6059G.MIB::ledRDYStatus:].
korenix_Jetnet6059G_LedDO1StatusLED DO1 StatusIt monitors the status of DO1 LED. Possible values are on(1), blinkNormal(2), blinkFast(3), off(4). [Jetnet6059G.MIB::ledDO1Status:].
korenix_Jetnet6059G_LedRMStatusLED RM StatusIt monitors the status of RM LED. Possible values are on(1), blinkNormal(2), blinkFast(3), off(4). [Jetnet6059G.MIB::ledRMStatus:].

Korenix Jetnet6059G Switch - Port SFP


Template to monitor Korenix Jetnet6059G (sysObjectID : Switch SFP parameters like Temperature Current, Tx Power Current, Rx Power Current.


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Korenix Jetnet6059G Switch - Port SFPkorenix_Jetnet6059G_PortSfpDdmTxPowerPort SFP Ddm Tx PowerdBmIt monitors the current SFP transmitted power of port.[Jetnet6059G.MIB::portSfpDdmTxPowerCurrent:].
korenix_Jetnet6059G_PortSfpDdmRxPowerPort SFP Ddm Rx PowerdBmIt monitors the current SFP received power of port.[Jetnet6059G.MIB::portSfpDdmRxPowerCurrent:].
korenix_Jetnet6059G_PortSfpDdmTemperaturePort SFP Ddm TemperatureCelsiusIt monitors the current SFP temperature of port. [Jetnet6059G.MIB::portSfpDdmTempatureCurrent:].

Korenix Jetnet6059G Switch - Port Statistics


Template to monitor Korenix Jetnet6059G (sysObjectID : Switch port statistics like Rx bad packets, Rx abort packets, Tx bad packets, Packet collision.


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Korenix Jetnet6059G Switch - Port Statisticskorenix_Jetnet6059G_PortTxBadPacketsPort Tx Bad Packetspacket/minIt monitors the count of FCSErr frames when transmit.[Jetnet6059G.MIB::swPortStatTXBadPkt:].
korenix_Jetnet6059G_PortRxBadPacketsPort Rx Bad Packetspacket/minIt monitors the count of bad frames received, which is the total number of undersize, fragment, oversize, jabber, RxErr and FCSErr frames. [Jetnet6059G.MIB::swPortStatRXBadPkt:].
korenix_Jetnet6059G_PortRxAbortPacketsPort Rx Abort Packetspacket/minIt monitors the count of abort frames when receive, which is the total number of discarded and filtered frames.[Jetnet6059G.MIB::swPortStatRXAbortPkt:].
korenix_Jetnet6059G_PortPacketCollisionPort Packet Collisionpacket/minIt monitors the count of collision.[Jetnet6059G.MIB::swPortStatPacketCollision:].

Liebert - PDU


Template to monitor Liebert PDU parameters like system status,power source neutral current,receptacle branch real power,receptacle branch apparent power, receptacle branch electrical current (SysObjId:



Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Liebert PDU Receptacle Branchliebert.pdu.receptacle.branch.real.powerPDU Receptacle Branch Real PowerWIt gives the line-to-neutral measurement of the Real Power [LIEBERT-GP-PDU-MIB :: lgpPduRbEntryPwr -]
liebert.pdu.receptacle.branch.apparent.powerPDU Receptacle Branch Apparent Power(VoltAmp)It gives the line-to-neutral measurement of the Apparent Power(VoltAmp) [LIEBERT-GP-PDU-MIB :: lgpPduRbEntryAp -]
liebert.pdu.receptacle.branch.electrical.currentPDU Receptacle Branch Electrical Current(Amp-AC-RMS)It gives the line-to-neutral measurement of the Electrical Current measured in Amperes RMS (Root Mean Squared) [LIEBERT-GP-PDU-MIB :: lgpPduRbEntryEcHundredths -]
Liebert PDU Power Sourceliebert.pdu.powersource.neutral.currentPDU Powersource Neutral Current(Amp-AC-RMS)It measures the neutral current at the PDU's power source in Amperes RMS (Root Mean Squared) [LIEBERT-GP-PDU-MIB :: lgpPduPsEntryEcNeutral -]
Liebert PDU System Healthliebert.pdu.system.statusPDU System StatusIt monitors the PDU system status[LIEBERT-GP-PDU-MIB :: lgpPduEntrySysStatus -]

Liebert - System Health


Template to monitors Liebert system health parameters like Dehumidifying State, Heating State, Cooling Capacity, Cooling State, Humidifying State, System State, humidity value and temperature value. [Validated on Liebert IS-UNITY-DP Communications Card. SysObjId:]



Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Liebert Environmental Humidityvertiv.liebert.humidity.valueHumidity Measurment%It monitors the measured humidity value. Units: percent Relative Humidity. [LIEBERT-GP-ENVIRONMENTAL-MIB::lgpEnvHumidityMeasurementRel -, lgpEnvHumidityDescrRel -]
Liebert Environmental Statesvertiv.liebert.system.stateSystem StateIt monitors the present state of the Liebert system. Possible state values are 1: on, 2: off, 3: standby. [LIEBERT-GP-ENVIRONMENTAL-MIB::lgpEnvStateSystem -]
vertiv.liebert.cooling.stateCooling StateIt monitors the present state of the cooling subsystem. Possible state values are 1:On, 2:Off. [LIEBERT-GP-ENVIRONMENTAL-MIB::lgpEnvStateCooling -]
vertiv.liebert.heating.stateHeating StateIt monitors the present state of the heating subsystem. Possible state values are 1:On, 2:Off. [LIEBERT-GP-ENVIRONMENTAL-MIB::lgpEnvStateHeating -]
vertiv.liebert.humidifier.stateHumidifying StateIt monitors the present state of the humidifier subsystem. Possible state values are 1: on, 2: off. [LIEBERT-GP-ENVIRONMENTAL-MIB::lgpEnvStateHumidifying]
vertiv.liebert.dehumidifier.stateDehumidifying StateIt monitors the present state of the dehumidifier subsystem. Possible state values are 1:on, 2:off. [LIEBERT-GP-ENVIRONMENTAL-MIB::lgpEnvStateDehumidifying -]
vertiv.liebert.cooling.capacityCooling Capacity%It monitors the percentage of the cooling capacity presently in use. [LIEBERT-GP-ENVIRONMENTAL-MIB::lgpEnvStateCoolingCapacity -]
Liebert Environmental Temperaturevertiv.liebert.temperature.valueTemp Measurement FFIt monitors the measured temperature value. Units: degrees Fahrenheit. [LIEBERT-GP-ENVIRONMENTAL-MIB::lgpEnvTemperatureDescrDegF - -]

Lighttpd Performance Template


Lighttpd Performance Template


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Lighttpd Performance Monitorlighttpd.uptimeLighttpd UptimesThe amount of time the server has been up and running.
lighttpd.busy.workersLighttpd Busy WorkerscountThe number of active connections.
lighttpd.idle.workersLighttpd Idle WorkerscountThe number of idle connections.
lighttpd.totalkbytesLighttpd TotalBytescountThe number of bytes sent and received since start.
lighttpd.totalaccessesLighttpd Total AccessescountThe number of hits since start.

LM Sensors


Monitors Temperature, Fan Speed and Voltages with LM sensors on Linux hosts.


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
LM Sensors Fan Sensors FansrpmProvides the rotation speed of the fan in RPM. [OIDs:,]
LM Sensors Miscellaneouslm.misc.sensor.valueMISC Sensor ValueProvides the value of miscellaneous sensor. [OIDs:,]
LM Sensors Temperatureslm.temp.sensor.valueLM Sensors TemperaturesCProvides the temperature on this sensor in degree Centigrade. [OIDs:,]
LM Sensors Voltageslm.voltage.sensor.valueLM Sensors VoltagesmVProvides the voltage in mV. [OIDs:,]

Mcafee Email Gateway (MEG) - Hardware


Template to monitor Mcafee Gateway system hardware parameters like Temperature State, Voltage State, Power Supplies State, Cooling State, Other Modules State, Up State, Bridge State, Raid State.


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Mcafee Email Gateway - Hardwaremcafee_gateway_hardware_CoolingStateMcafee Gateway Hardware Cooling StateMonitors the health of the Cooling Sensors [MCAFEE-MEG-MIB :: hardware-cooling-state :] Possible values are healthy(0), operational-but-requires-attention(1), end-of-life-reached(3), near-end-of-life(4), corrupt-dats(5), corrupt-configuration(6), requires-immediate-attention(7), critical(8), unknown-state(9), disabled(10), not-applicable(11).
mcafee_gateway_hardware_UpsStateMcafee Gateway Hardware Ups StateMonitors the health of the UPS [MCAFEE-MEG-MIB :: ups-state :] Possible values are healthy(0), operational-but-requires-attention(1), end-of-life-reached(3), near-end-of-life(4), corrupt-dats(5), corrupt-configuration(6), requires-immediate-attention(7), critical(8), unknown-state(9), disabled(10), not-applicable(11).
mcafee_gateway_hardware_PowerSuppliesStateMcafee Gateway Hardware Power Supplies StateMonitors the health of the Power Supplies Sensors [MCAFEE-MEG-MIB :: hardware-power-supplies-state :]nPossible values are healthy(0), operational-but-requires-attention(1), end-of-life-reached(3), near-end-of-life(4), corrupt-dats(5), corrupt-configuration(6), requires-immediate-attention(7), critical(8), unknown-state(9), disabled(10), not-applicable(11).
mcafee_gateway_hardware_VoltageStateMcafee Gateway Hardware Voltage StateMonitors the health of the voltage Sensors [MCAFEE-MEG-MIB :: hardware-voltage-state :] Possible values are healthy(0), operational-but-requires-attention(1), end-of-life-reached(3), near-end-of-life(4), corrupt-dats(5), corrupt-configuration(6), requires-immediate-attention(7), critical(8), unknown-state(9), disabled(10), not-applicable(11)
mcafee_gateway_hardware_BridgeStateMcafee Gateway Hardware Bridge StateMonitors the health of bridge mode [MCAFEE-MEG-MIB :: bridge-state :] Possible values are healthy(0), operational-but-requires-attention(1), end-of-life-reached(3), near-end-of-life(4), corrupt-dats(5), corrupt-configuration(6), requires-immediate-attention(7), critical(8), unknown-state(9), disabled(10), not-applicable(11).
mcafee_gateway_hardware_OtherModulesStateMcafee Gateway Hardware Other Modules StateMonitors the health of Other Hardware Sensors [MCAFEE-MEG-MIB :: hardware-other-modules-state :] Possible values are healthy(0), operational-but-requires-attention(1), end-of-life-reached(3), near-end-of-life(4), corrupt-dats(5), corrupt-configuration(6), requires-immediate-attention(7), critical(8), unknown-state(9), disabled(10), not-applicable(11).
mcafee_gateway_hardware_RaidStateMcafee Gateway Hardware Raid StateMonitors the health of the RAID/Disk System [MCAFEE-MEG-MIB :: raid-state :] Possible values are healthy(0), operational-but-requires-attention(1), end-of-life-reached(3), near-end-of-life(4), corrupt-dats(5), corrupt-configuration(6), requires-immediate-attention(7), critical(8), unknown-state(9), disabled(10), not-applicable(11).
mcafee_gateway_hardware_TemperatureStateMcafee Gateway Hardware Temperature StateMonitors the health of the temperature Sensors[MCAFEE-MEG-MIB :: hardware-temperature-state :] Possible values are healthy(0), operational-but-requires-attention(1), end-of-life-reached(3), near-end-of-life(4), corrupt-dats(5), corrupt-configuration(6), requires-immediate-attention(7), critical(8), unknown-state(9), disabled(10), not-applicable(11)

Mcafee Email Gateway (MEG) - Pop3


Template to monitor pop3 statistics like Pop3 Blocked Connections, Pop3 Neat Scan Result Detection Packers Scanner, Pop3 Neat Scan Result Detection Pups Scanner, Pop3 Neat Scan Result Detection Virus Scanner, Pop3 Conn Messages, Pop3 State, Pop3 Total Bytes, Pop3 Total Connections, Pop3 Detect Total.


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Mcafee Email Gateway - Pop3mcafee_gateway_pop3_ConnMessagesMcafee Gateway Pop3 Conn MessagescountMonitors the total number of e-mail messages [MCAFEE-MEG-MIB :: pop3-conn-messages :]
mcafee_gateway_pop3_NeatScanResultDetectionPackersScannerMcafee Gateway Pop3 Neat Scan Result Detection Packers ScannercountMonitors the total number of packers detected by the McAfee AV engine [MCAFEE-MEG-MIB :: pop3-neat-scanresult-detection-packers-scanner-mcafee :]
mcafee_gateway_pop3_NeatScanresultDetectionPupsScannerMcafee Gateway Pop3 Neat Scan Result Detection Pups ScannercountMonitors the total number of PUPs detected by the McAfee AV engine [MCAFEE-MEG-MIB :: pop3-neat-scanresult-detection-pups-scanner-mcafee :]
mcafee_gateway_pop3_BlockedConnectionsMcafee Gateway Pop3 Blocked ConnectionscountMonitors the connections that have been blocked [MCAFEE-MEG-MIB :: pop3-BlockedConnections :]
mcafee_gateway_pop3_TotalConnectionsMcafee Gateway Pop3 Total ConnectionscountMonitors the total connections used [MCAFEE-MEG-MIB :: pop3-TotalConnections :]
mcafee_gateway_pop3_NeatScanresultDetectionVirusScannerMcafee Gateway Pop3 Neat Scan Result Detection Virus Scannercountmonitors the total number of viruses detected by the McAfee AV engine [MCAFEE-MEG-MIB :: pop3-neat-scanresult-detection-virus-scanner-mcafee :]
mcafee_gateway_pop3_DetectTotalMcafee Gateway Pop3 Detect TotalcountMonitors the number of total detections [MCAFEE-MEG-MIB :: pop3-detect-total :]
mcafee_gateway_pop3_StateMcafee Gateway Pop3 StateMonitors the health of the POP3 protocol [MCAFEE-MEG-MIB :: pop3-state :], Possible values are healthy(0), operational-but-requires-attention(1), end-of-life-reached(3), near-end-of-life(4), corrupt-dats(5), corrupt-configuration(6), requires-immediate-attention(7), critical(8), unknown-state(9), disabled(10), not-applicable(11).
mcafee_gateway_pop3_TotalBytesMcafee Gateway Pop3 Total BytescountMonitors the total data transferred through a proxy [MCAFEE-MEG-MIB :: pop3-TotalBytes :]

Mcafee Email Gateway (MEG) - SMTP


Template to monitor SMTP parameters like Smtp State, Smtp Blocked Connections, Smtp Compliancy In, Smtp Compliancy Out, Smtp Detect Content Total, Smtp Detect Directory Harvest, Smtp Detect DKim, Smtp Detect Packers Scanner Mcafee, Smtp Detect Pups In Scanner Mcafee, Smtp Detect Virus In Scanner Mcafee, Smtp Detect Virus Out Scanner Mcafee, Smtp Detect Pups Out Scanner Mcafee, Smtp Messages In, Smtp Messages Out, Smtp Detect Packers, Smtp Blocked Phish In, Smtp Blocked Phish Out, Smtp Blocked Pups In ,Smtp Blocked Pups Out, Smtp Blocked Rbl In, Smtp Blocked Rbl Out, Smtp Blocked Sender Connection Total Out, Smtp Blocked Spam Out, Smtp Blocked Spam In, Smtp Blocked Threshold Exceeded In, Smtp Total Bytes, Smtp Total Connections, Smtp Blocked Virus In, Smtp Blocked Virus Out, Smtp Detect Virus.


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Mcafee Email Gateway - SMTPmcafee_gateway_smtp_DetectVirusOutScannerMcafeeMcafee Gateway Smtp Detect Virus Out ScannercountMonitors the number of Outbound viruses detected by the McAfee AV engine [MCAFEE-MEG-MIB :: smtp-detect-virus-out-scanner-mcafee :]
mcafee_gateway_smtp_BlockedPupsInMcafee Gateway Smtp Blocked Pups IncountMonitors the number of inbound potentially unwanted program blocked [MCAFEE-MEG-MIB :: smtp-blocked-pups-in :]
mcafee_gateway_smtp_DetectDkimMcafee Gateway Smtp Detect DKimcountMonitors the total number of DKIM based detections [MCAFEE-MEG-MIB :: smtp-detect-dkim :]
mcafee_gateway_smtp_BlockedSenderConnectionTotalOutMcafee Gateway Smtp Blocked Sender Connection Total OutcountMonitors the total number of blocked outbound e-mail messages due to sender/connection checks [MCAFEE-MEG-MIB :: smtp-blocked-sender-connection-total-out :]
mcafee_gateway_smtp_DetectVirusInScannerMcafeeMcafee Gateway Smtp Detect Virus In ScannercountMonitors the number of Inbound viruses detected by the McAfee AV engine [MCAFEE-MEG-MIB :: smtp-detect-virus-in-scanner-mcafee :]
mcafee_gateway_smtp_BlockedPupsOutMcafee Gateway Smtp Blocked Pups OutcountMonitors the number of outbound potentially unwanted program blocked [MCAFEE-MEG-MIB :: smtp-blocked-pups-out :]
mcafee_gateway_smtp_BlockedSpamOutMcafee Gateway Smtp Blocked Spam OutcountMonitors the number of outbound spam blocked by SpamKiller [MCAFEE-MEG-MIB :: smtp-blocked-spam-out :]
mcafee_gateway_smtp_BlockedPhishOutMcafee Gateway Smtp Blocked Phish OutcountMonitors the number of outbound phish blocked by SpamKiller [MCAFEE-MEG-MIB :: smtp-blocked-phish-out :]
mcafee_gateway_smtp_DetectDirectoryHarvestMcafee Gateway Smtp Detect Directory HarvestcountMonitors the total number of Directoy Harvest based detections [MCAFEE-MEG-MIB :: smtp-detect-directory-harvest :]
mcafee_gateway_smtp_MessagesInMcafee Gateway Smtp Messages IncountMonitors the number of Inbound e-mail messages [MCAFEE-MEG-MIB :: smtp-messages-in :]
mcafee_gateway_smtp_TotalConnectionsMcafee Gateway Smtp Total ConnectionscountMonitors the total connections used [MCAFEE-MEG-MIB :: smtp-TotalConnections :]
mcafee_gateway_smtp_BlockedSpamInMcafee Gateway Smtp Blocked Spam IncountMonitors the number of inbound spam blocked by SpamKiller [MCAFEE-MEG-MIB :: smtp-blocked-spam-in :]
mcafee_gateway_smtp_BlockedThresholdExceededInMcafee Gateway Smtp Blocked Threshold Exceeded IncountMonitors the total number of inbound emails rejected for exceeding the cumulative threshold score (sum of all cumulative rejects) [MCAFEE-MEG-MIB :: smtp-blocked-threshold-exceeded-in :]
mcafee_gateway_smtp_CompliancyInMcafee Gateway Smtp Compliancy IncountMonitors the number of inbound Compliance blocked [MCAFEE-MEG-MIB :: smtp-blocked-compliancy-in :]
mcafee_gateway_smtp_BlockedPhishInMcafee Gateway Smtp Blocked Phish IncountMonitors the number of inbound phish blocked by SpamKiller [MCAFEE-MEG-MIB :: smtp-blocked-phish-in :]
mcafee_gateway_smtp_StateMcafee Gateway Smtp StateMonitors the health of the SMTP protocol [MCAFEE-MEG-MIB :: smtp-state :] Possible values are healthy(0) , operational-but-requires-attention(1) , end-of-life-reached(3) , near-end-of-life(4) , corrupt-dats(5) , corrupt-configuration(6) , requires-immediate-attention(7) , critical(8) , unknown-state(9) , disabled(10) , not-applicable(11) .
mcafee_gateway_smtp_TotalBytesMcafee Gateway Smtp Total BytescountMonitors the total data transferred through a proxy [MCAFEE-MEG-MIB :: smtp-TotalBytes :]
mcafee_gateway_smtp_DetectVirusMcafee Gateway Smtp Detect ViruscountMonitors the total number of viruses detected [MCAFEE-MEG-MIB :: smtp-detect-virus :]
mcafee_gateway_smtp_DetectPackersScannerMcafeeMcafee Gateway Smtp Detect Packers Scanner McafeecountMonitors the total number of packers detected by the McAfee AV [MCAFEE-MEG-MIB :: smtp-detect-packers-scanner-mcafee :]
mcafee_gateway_smtp_BlockedVirusOutMcafee Gateway Smtp Blocked Virus OutcountMonitors the number of outbound viruses blocked [MCAFEE-MEG-MIB :: smtp-blocked-virus-out :]
mcafee_gateway_smtp_DetectContentTotalMcafee Gateway Smtp Detect Content TotalcountMonitors the total number of Content detections [MCAFEE-MEG-MIB :: smtp-detect-content-total :]
mcafee_gateway_smtp_BlockedConnectionsMcafee Gateway Smtp Blocked ConnectionscountMonitors the connections that have been blocked [MCAFEE-MEG-MIB :: smtp-BlockedConnections :]
mcafee_gateway_smtp_MessagesOutMcafee Gateway Smtp Messages OutcountMonitors the number of Outbound e-mail messages [MCAFEE-MEG-MIB :: smtp-messages-out :]
mcafee_gateway_smtp_CompliancyOutMcafee Gateway Smtp Compliancy OutcountMonitors the number of outbound Compliance blocked [MCAFEE-MEG-MIB :: smtp-blocked-compliancy-out :]
mcafee_gateway_smtp_BlockedVirusInMcafee Gateway Smtp Blocked Virus IncountMonitors the number of inbound viruses blocked [MCAFEE-MEG-MIB :: smtp-blocked-virus-in :]
mcafee_gateway_smtp_BlockedRblOutMcafee Gateway Smtp Blocked Rbl OutcountMonitors the total number of blocked outbound e-mail messages due to RBL checks [MCAFEE-MEG-MIB :: smtp-blocked-rbl-out :]
mcafee_gateway_smtp_DetectPackersMcafee Gateway Smtp Detect PackerscountMonitors the total number of packers detected [MCAFEE-MEG-MIB :: smtp-detect-packers :]
mcafee_gateway_smtp_BlockedRblInMcafee Gateway Smtp Blocked Rbl IncountMonitors the total number of blocked inbound e-mail messages due to RBL checks [MCAFEE-MEG-MIB :: smtp-blocked-rbl-in :]
mcafee_gateway_smtp_DetectPupsInScannerMcafeeMcafee Gateway Smtp Detect Pups In Scanner McafeecountMonitors the number of PUPs detected from outside by the McAfee AV engine [MCAFEE-MEG-MIB :: smtp-detect-pups-in-scanner-mcafee :]
mcafee_gateway_smtp_DetectPupsOutScannerMcafeeMcafee Gateway Smtp Detect Pups Out ScannercountMonitors the number of PUPs detected from inside by the McAfee AV engine [MCAFEE-MEG-MIB :: smtp-detect-pups-out-scanner-mcafee :]

Mcafee Email Gateway (MEG) - System


Template to monitor Mcafee Gateway system parameters like Uptime , Cpu Busy , Memory Percent Used , Memory Free , Memory Total , Memory Swap Percent Used , Fs Deferred Percent Dused , Fs Deferred Dfree , Fs Deferred Dtotal , Fs Deferred Percent Iused , Fs Deferred Ifree , Fs Deferred Itotal , Fs Quarantine Percent Dused , Fs Quarantine Dfree , Fs Quarantine Dtotal , Fs Quarantine Percent Iused , Fs Quarantine Ifree , Fs Quarantine Itotal , Fs Scandir Percent Dused , Fs Scandir Dfree , Fs Scandir Dtotal , Fs Scandir Percent Iused , Fs Scandir Ifree , Fs Scandir Itotal , Fs Logs Percent Dused , Fs Logs Dfree , Fs Logs Dtotal , Fs Logs Percent Iused , Fs Logs Ifree , Fs Logs Itotal , Fs VarPercent Dused , Fs Var Dfree , Fs Var Dtotal , Fs Var Percent Iused , Fs Var Ifree , Fs Var Itotal , Fs Wk Percent Dused , Fs Wk Dfree , Fs Wk Dtotal , Fs Wk Percent Iused , Fs Wk Ifree , FsWk Itotal


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Mcafee Email Gateway - Systemmcafee_gateway_system_FsScandirIfreeMcafee Gateway System Fs Scandir IfreeKBMonitors the scandir partition files free [MCAFEE-MEG-MIB :: fs-scandir-ifree :]
mcafee_gateway_system_FsLogsPercentDusedMcafee Gateway System Fs Logs Percent Dused%Monitors the percentage of used disk space on Logging partition [MCAFEE-MEG-MIB :: fs-logs-percent-dused :]
mcafee_gateway_system_FsScandirPercentDusedMcafee Gateway System_Fs Scandir Percent Dused%Monitors the percentage of used disk space on Scandir partition [MCAFEE-MEG-MIB :: fs-scandir-percent-dused :]
mcafee_gateway_system_FsDeferredPercentIusedMcafee Gateway System Fs Deferred Percent Iused%Monitors the percentage of files used on Deferred partition [MCAFEE-MEG-MIB :: fs-deferred-percent-iused :]
mcafee_gateway_system_MemPercentUsedMcafee Gateway System Mem Percent Used%Displays the percentage of the processor memory usage [MCAFEE-MEG-MIB :: mem-percent-used :]
mcafee_gateway_system_MemSwapPercentUsedMcafee Gateway System Mem Swap Percent Used%Displays the percentage of processor memory swap usage [MCAFEE-MEG-MIB :: mem-swap-percent-used :]
mcafee_gateway_system_FsLogsItotalMcafee Gateway System Fs Logs ItotalKBMonitors the logging partition total files [MCAFEE-MEG-MIB :: fs-logs-itotal :]
mcafee_gateway_system_FsVarPercentIusedMcafee Gateway System Fs Var Percent Iused%Monitors the percentage of files used on VAR partition [MCAFEE-MEG-MIB :: fs-var-percent-iused :]
mcafee_gateway_system_FsWkPercentIusedMcafee Gateway System Fs Wk Percent Iused%Monitors the percentage of files used on Working partition [MCAFEE-MEG-MIB :: fs-wk-percent-iused :]
mcafee_gateway_system_FsDeferredItotalMcafee Gateway System Fs Deferred ItotalKBMonitors the deferred partition total files [MCAFEE-MEG-MIB :: fs-deferred-itotal :]
mcafee_gateway_system_FsQuarantinePercentIusedMcafee Gateway System Fs Quarantine Percent Iused%Monitors the percentage of used free on Quarantine partition [MCAFEE-MEG-MIB :: fs-quarantine-percent-iused :]
mcafee_gateway_system_FsWkIfreeMcafee Gateway System Fs Wk IfreeKBMonitors the working partition files free [MCAFEE-MEG-MIB :: fs-wk-ifree :]
mcafee_gateway_system_FsQuarantinePercentDusedMcafee Gateway System Fs Quarantine Percent Dused%Monitors the percentage of used disk space on quarantine partition [MCAFEE-MEG-MIB :: fs-quarantine-percent-dused :]
mcafee_gateway_system_FsVarDtotalMcafee Gateway System Fs Var DtotalKBMonitors the VAR partition total disk space [MCAFEE-MEG-MIB :: fs-var-dtotal :]
mcafee_gateway_system_FsDeferredDfreeMcafee Gateway System Fs Deferred DfreeKBMonitors the deferred partition free disk space [MCAFEE-MEG-MIB :: fs-deferred-dfree :]
mcafee_gateway_system_FsScandirDtotalMcafee Gateway System Fs Scandir DtotalKBMonitors the scandir partition total disk space [MCAFEE-MEG-MIB :: fs-scandir-dtotal :]
mcafee_gateway_system_MemCachedMcafee Gateway System Mem CachedKBDisplays the processor memory cache [MCAFEE-MEG-MIB :: mem-cached :]
mcafee_gateway_system_FsQuarantineIfreeMcafee Gateway System Fs Quarantine IfreeKBMonitors the quarantine partition files free [MCAFEE-MEG-MIB :: fs-quarantine-ifree :]
mcafee_gateway_system_FsVarDfreeMcafee Gateway System Fs Var DfreeKBMonitors the VAR partition free disk space [MCAFEE-MEG-MIB :: fs-var-dfree :]
mcafee_gateway_system_FsLogsDtotalMcafee Gateway System Fs Logs DtotalKBMonitors the logging partition total disk space [MCAFEE-MEG-MIB :: fs-logs-dtotal :]
mcafee_gateway_system_FsDeferredDtotalMcafee Gateway System Fs Deferred DtotalKBMonitors the deferred partition total disk space [MCAFEE-MEG-MIB :: fs-deferred-dtotal :]
mcafee_gateway_system_FsQuarantineItotalMcafee Gateway System Fs Quarantine ItotalKBMonitors the quarantine partition total files [MCAFEE-MEG-MIB :: fs-quarantine-itotal :]
mcafee_gateway_system_FsLogsDfreeMcafee Gateway System Fs Logs DfreeKBMonitors the logging partition free disk space [MCAFEE-MEG-MIB :: fs-logs-dfree :]
mcafee_gateway_system_FsScandirDfreeMcafee Gateway System Fs Scandir DfreeKBMonitors the scandir partition free disk space [MCAFEE-MEG-MIB :: fs-scandir-dfree :]
mcafee_gateway_system_FsScandirItotalMcafee Gateway System Fs Scandir ItotalKBMonitors the scandir partition total files [MCAFEE-MEG-MIB :: fs-scandir-itotal :]
mcafee_gateway_system_CpuBusyMcafee Gateway System Cpu Busy%Monitors the overall usage of one or more processors [MCAFEE-MEG-MIB :: cpu-busy :]
mcafee_gateway_system_FsQuarantineDfreeMcafee Gateway System Fs Quarantine DfreeKBMonitors the quarantine partition free disk space [MCAFEE-MEG-MIB : fs-quarantine-dfree :]
mcafee_gateway_system_FsDeferredPercentDusedMcafee Gateway System Fs Deferred Percent Dused%Monitors the percentage of used disk space on deferred partition [MCAFEE-MEG-MIB :: fs-deferred-percent-dused :]
mcafee_gateway_system_MemFreeMcafee Gateway System Mem FreeKBDisplays the processor memory free [MCAFEE-MEG-MIB :: mem-free :]
mcafee_gateway_system_FsQuarantineDtotalMcafee Gateway System Fs Quarantine DtotalKBMonitors the quarantine partition total disk space [MCAFEE-MEG-MIB :: fs-quarantine-dtotal :]
mcafee_gateway_system_FsWkDtotalMcafee Gateway System Fs Wk DtotalKBMonitors the working partition total disk space [MCAFEE-MEG-MIB :: fs-wk-dtotal :]
mcafee_gateway_system_FsLogsPercentIusedMcafee Gateway System Fs Logs Percent Iused%Monitors the percentage of files used on Logging partition [MCAFEE-MEG-MIB :: fs-logs-percent-iused :]
mcafee_gateway_system_FsDeferredIfreeMcafee Gateway System Fs Deferred IfreeKBMonitors the deferred partition files free [MCAFEE-MEG-MIB :: fs-deferred-ifree :]
mcafee_gateway_system_FsLogsIfreeMcafee Gateway System Fs Logs IfreeKBMonitors the logging partition files free [MCAFEE-MEG-MIB :: fs-logs-ifree :]
mcafee_gateway_system_FsWkPercentDusedMcafee Gateway System Fs Wk Percent Dused%Monitors the percentage of used disk space on Working partition [MCAFEE-MEG-MIB :: fs-wk-percent-dused :]
mcafee_gateway_system_FsScandirPercentIusedMcafee Gateway System Fs Scandir Percent Iused%Monitors the percentage of files used on Scandir partition [MCAFEE-MEG-MIB :: fs-scandir-percent-iused :]
mcafee_gateway_system_FsWkItotalMcafee Gateway System FsWk ItotalKBMonitors the working partition total files [MCAFEE-MEG-MIB :: fs-wk-itotal :]
mcafee_gateway_system_FsVarPercentDusedMcafee Gateway System_Fs VarPercent Dused%Monitors the percentage of used disk space on VAR partition [fs-var-percent-dused : fs-var-percent-dused :]
mcafee_gateway_system_FsWkDfreeMcafee Gateway System Fs Wk DfreeKBMonitors the working partition free disk space [MCAFEE-MEG-MIB :: fs-wk-dfree :]
mcafee_gateway_system_FsVarIfreeMcafee Gateway System Fs Var IfreeKBMonitors the VAR partition files free [MCAFEE-MEG-MIB :: fs-var-ifree :]
mcafee_gateway_system_FsVarItotalMcafee Gateway System Fs Var ItotalKBMonitors the VAR partition total files [MCAFEE-MEG-MIB :: fs-var-itotal :]

Mcafee NSP


Monitors McAfee NSP (Network Security Platform) sensor health, performance statistics, chassis modules (fan, power, temperature) status and sensor packets count that have been sent/received with bad CRC on interface ports.


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
McAfee NSP Sensor Monitoringmcafee.nsp.sensor.avg.tcp.and.udp.flowsNSP Sensor TCP and UDP Flows Average Utilization%Gives the average percentage of the used TCP and UDP flows across all PEs. [OID:]
mcafee.nsp.sensor.avg.ip.fragment.flowsNSP Sensor IP Fragment Flows Average Utilization%Gives the average percentage of the used IP Fragment flows across all PEs. [OID:]
mcafee.nsp.sensor.avg.icmp.flowNSP Sensor ICMP Flows Average Utilization%Gives average percentage of the used ICMP flows across all PEs. [OID:]
mcafee.nsp.sensor.avg.ssl.flowNSP Sensor SSL Flows Average Utilization%Gives the average percentage of the used SSL flows across all PEs. [OID:]
mcafee.nsp.sensor.avg.fragment.reassembly.bufferNSP Sensor Fragment Reassembly Buffers Average Utilization%Gives the average percentage of the used fragment reassembly buffers across all PEs. [OID:]
mcafee.nsp.sensor.avg.packet.bufferNSP Sensor Packet Buffers Average Utilization%Gives the average percentage of the used packet buffers across all PEs. [OID:]
mcafee.nsp.sensor.avg.attack.marker.nodesNSP Sensor Attack Marker Nodes Average Utilization%Gives the average percentage of the used attack marker nodes across all PEs. [OID:] Sensor Shell Marker Nodes Average Utilization%Gives the average percentage of the used shell marker nodes across all PEs. [OID:] Primary Power Supply StatusGives the present state of the primary power supply. Possible values are not-present (0), present-operational (1), present-nonoperational (2). Secondary Power Supply StatusGives the present status of the secondary power supply. Possible values are not-present (0), present-operational (1), present-nonoperational (2). [OID:] Sensor Fan StatusGives the present state of the fan status. Possible values are normal (0), abnormal (1). [OID:]
mcafee.nsp.temperature.statusNSP Sensor Temperature StatusGives the present state of the temperature status. Possible values are normal (0), abnormal (1). [OID:]
mcafee.nsp.sensor.avg.loadNSP Sensor Average Load%Provides average percentage utilization of the sensor processors. [OID:]
mcafee.nsp.number.of.malwares.blockedNSP Blocked Malwares CountProvides number of malwares blocked. [OID:]
mcafee.nsp.malware.protocol.errorNSP Malware Protocol Errors CountProvides protocol errors count. Nameserver returned malformed reply is called protocol error. [OID:]
mcafee.nsp.malware.out.of.memory.errorNSP Malware Out of Memory Errors CountProvides out of memory errors count while processing request. [OID:]
mcafee.nsp.sensor.healthNSP Sensor Health StatusProvides the health of the sensor. uninitialized means that the sensor does not have signatures hence does not detect attacks. Possible values are bad (0), good (1), uninitialized(2). [OID:]
mcafee.nsp.sensor.crcerror.pkts.outNSP Sensor Bad CRC Packets Sent CountProvides total count of packets that have been sent with bad CRC. [OID:]
mcafee.nsp.sensor.crcerror.pkts.inNSP Sensor Bad CRC Packets Received CountProvides total count of packets that have been received with bad CRC. [OID:]

McAfee Web Gateway Performance Check - G2


This template assesses the overall performance of McAfee Web Gateway installed on a Linux/Unix based computer.


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
McAfee Web Gateway Performance Checkmcafee.http.traffic.clienttoproxyHTTP - Client to ProxyIt monitors the change in number of bytes transferred from client to proxy using the HTTP protocol. [OID: ]
mcafee.http.traffic.proxytoclientHTTP - Proxy to ClientThis monitors the change in no.of bytes transferred from Proxy to Client using HTTP protocol. [OID:]
mcafee.https.traffic.clienttoproxyHTTPS - Client to ProxyMonitors the Change in number of bytes transferred from client(s) to proxy using the HTTPS protocol. [OID:]
mcafee.https.traffic.proxytoserverHTTPS - Proxy to ServerMonitors the change in number of bytes transferred from proxy to server(s) and proxy using the HTTPS protocol. [OID: ]
mcafee.cpu.loadCPU Utilization%Current overall CPU usage in percent. [OID:]
mcafee.connected.socketsNetwork sockets in use by the proxyNumber of open network sockets in use by the proxy. [OID:]
mcafee.ftp.traffic.clienttoproxyFTP - Client to ProxyMonitors the change in number of bytes transferred from Client to Proxy using FTP protocol. [OID:]
mcafee.ftp.traffic.proxytoclientFTP - Proxy to ClientMonitors the change in number of bytes transferred from proxy to client(s) using the FTP protocol. [OID:]
mcafee.ftp.traffic.proxytoserverFTP - Proxy to ServerMonitors the change in Number of bytes transferred from proxy to server(s) using the FTP protocol. [OID:]
mcafee.ftp.traffic.servertoproxyFTP - Server to ProxyMonitors the change in number of bytes transferred from server(s) to proxy using the FTP protocol. [OID:]
mcafee.http.traffic.proxytoserverHTTP - Proxy to ServerMonitors the change in number of bytes transferred from proxy to server(s) using the HTTP protocol. [OID:]
mcafee.http.traffic.servertoproxyHTTP - Server to ProxyMonitors the change in number of bytes transferred from server to proxy using the HTTP protocol. [OID: ]
mcafee.https.traffic.servertoproxyHTTPS - Server to ProxyMonitors the change in number of bytes transferred from server(s) to proxy using the HTTPS protocol. [OID: ]
mcafee.numberof.antimalware.blocked.connectionsNo.of Anti-Malware Blocked ConnectionsMonitors the change in number of connections blocked by Anti-Malware. [OID: ]
mcafee.numberof.blocked.connectionsNo.of Blocked ConnectionsMonitors the Change in number of blocked connections. [OID:]
mcafee.connected.clientsNo.of currently connected clientsMonitors the number of currently connected clients. [OID:]
mcafee.ftp.traffic.between.proxyandserverFTP - proxy and serverMonitors the change in number of bytes transmitted between proxy and server(s) using the FTP protocol. [OID:]
mcafee.http.traffic.between.proxyandserverHTTP - proxy and serverMonitors the change in number of bytes transferred between proxy and server(s) using the HTTP protocol. [OID:]
mcafee.https.traffic.between.proxyandserverHTTPS - proxy and serverMonitors the change in number of bytes transferred between proxy and server(s) using the HTTPS protocol. [OID:]
mcafee.https.traffic.proxytoclientHTTPS - Proxy to ClientMonitors the change in number of bytes transferred from proxy to client(s) and proxy using the HTTPS protocol. [OID:]
mcafee.numberof.detected.infectionsNo.of Detected InfectionsMonitors the change in number of infections detected by the McAfee Gateway Antimalware Engine. [OID:]
mcafee.numberof.http.requestsNo.of HTTP RequestsMonitors the change in number of HTTP Requests. [OID:]
mcafee.numberof.https.requestsNo.of HTTPS RequestsMonitors the change in number of HTTPS requests. [OID:]
mcafee.numberof.mediafilter.blocked.connectionsNo.of Media Filter Blocked ConnectionsMonitors the change in number of connections that have been blocked by the Media-Type filter. [OID:]
mcafee.numberof.notblocked.connectionsNo.of Not Blocked ConnectionsMonitors the change in number of Not Blocked Connections. [OID:]
mcafee.numberof.urlfilter.blocked.connectionsNo.of URL Filter Blocked ConnectionsMonitors the change in the number of connections that have been blocked by the URL filter. [OID:]
mcafee.numberof.urlfilter.detected.categoriesNo.of URL Filter Detected CategoriesMonitors the change in number of categories detected by the URL filter. [OID:]

Mellonox Voltaire InfiniBand SMA Monitors


[Using SMA-MIB.mib] It monitors the Voltaire InfiniBand Subnet Management Agent (SMA) System Module attributes like sysModuleState, sysModuleTempValue, sysModuleTempState, sysModuleRate, sysModulePowerConsumption and also monitors the state of a remote action. Tested on MellanoxVoltaire-4036E-Infiniband [SysObjID:].


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Voltaire InfiniBand SMA Remote Action Statevol.infiniband.sma.remote.stateRemote Action StateQuerries the state of a remote action. [OIDs:,,]
Voltaire InfiniBand SMA System Module Monitorsvol.infiniband.sma.sys.module.stateModule StateState of the module. Possible values "1=>notPresent, 2=>ok, 3=>fault, 4=>dcFault, 5=>acFault, 6=>unknown, 7=>io-fault". [OID:]
vol.infiniband.sma.sys.module.temp.valueModule TemperatureCA module holds multiple heat sensors. This metric holds the maximum temperature measured across the module. [OID:]
vol.infiniband.sma.sys.module.temp.stateModule Temperature StatusState of module according to temperature. Possible values are "1: alarm, 2: warning, 3: normal, 4: sensorFault, 5: notAvalible". [OID:]
vol.infiniband.sma.sys.module.power.usageModule Power UsageWThe system DC power consumption is Watt. [OID:] Fan RateThe fan rate of the module. [OID:]

Memcached Availability and Connections


Template to monitor the Memcached Availability and Connections attributes like Bytes, Current connections, Current items, Threads, Total items, Uptime.


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Memcached Availability and Connectionsmemcache.threadsMemcache ThreadsNULLNumber of threads used by the current Memcached server process.
memcache.total_itemsMemcache Total ItemsNULLTotal number of items stored by this server since it started.
memcache.uptimesMemcache UptimesNumber of seconds this server has been running.
memcache.bytesMemcache BytesBytesCurrent number of bytes used by this server to store items.
memcache.curr_connectionsMemcache Current ConnectionsNULLNumber of open connections to this server.
memcache.curr_itemsMemcache Current ItemsNULLCurrent number of items stored by the server.

Memcached Inventory


Template to monitor the Memcached Inventory attributes like Memcache slabs get hits rate Memcache slabs command set rate, Memcache Slabs Delete Hits Rate, Memcache Slabs Incr Hits Rate, Memcache Slabs Decrease Hits Rate, Memcache Slabs CAS Hits Rate, Memcache slabs CAS Bad Value Rate, Memcache Slabs Touch Hits Rate, Memcache Slabs Used Chunks Rate, Memcache Slabs Chunk Size, Memcache Slabs Chunks Per Page, Memcache Slabs Total Pages, Memcache Slabs Total Chunks, Memcache Slabs Used Chunks, Memcache Slabs Free Chunks, Memcache Slabs Free Chunks End, Memcache Slabs Memory Requested, Memcache Slabs Active Slabs, Memcache Slabs Total Memory Allocated.


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Memcached Inventorymemcache.slabs.cas_badval_rateMemcache slabs CAS Bad Value RatesRate at which CAS commands failed to modify a value due to a bad CAS id
memcache.slabs.chunk_sizeMemcache Slabs Chunk SizeBytesThe amount of space each chunk uses
memcache.slabs.decr_hits_rateMemcache Slabs Decrease Hits RatesRate at which decrease commands modified this slab class
memcache.slabs.cas_hits_rateMemcache Slabs CAS Hits RatesRate at which CAS commands modified this slab class
memcache.slabs.delete_hits_rateMemcache Slabs Delete Hits RatesRate at which delete commands succeeded in this slab class
memcache.slabs.used_chunksMemcache Slabs Used ChunksNULLHow many chunks have been allocated to items
memcache.slabs.touch_hits_rateMemcache Slabs Touch Hits RatesRate of touches serviced by this slab class
memcache.slabs.total_mallocatedMemcache Slabs Total Memory AllocatedBytesTotal amount of memory allocated to slab pages
memcache.slabs.total_pagesMemcache Slabs Total PagesNULLTotal number of pages allocated to the slab class
memcache.slabs.free_chunksMemcache Slabs Free ChunksNULLChunks not yet allocated to items or freed via delete
memcache.slabs.free_chunks_endMemcache Slabs Free Chunks EndNULLNumber of free chunks at the end of the last allocated page
memcache.slabs.incr_hits_rateMemcache Slabs Incr Hits RatesRate at which incrs commands modified this slab class
memcache.slabs.cmd_set_rateMemcache Slabs Command Set RatesRate at which set requests stored data in this slab class
memcache.slabs.used_chunks_rateMemcache Slabs Used Chunks RatesRate at which chunks have been allocated to items
memcache.slabs.total_chunksMemcache Slabs Total ChunksNULLTotal number of chunks allocated to the slab class
memcache.slabs.get_hits_rateMemcache Slabs Get Hits RatesRate at which get requests were serviced by this slab class
memcache.slabs.active_slabsMemcache Slabs Active SlabsNULLTotal number of slab classes allocated
memcache.slabs.mem_requestedMemcache Slabs Memory RequestedBytesNumber of bytes requested to be stored in this slab
memcache.slabs.chunks_per_pageMemcache Slabs Chunks Per PageNULLHow many chunks exist within one page

Memcached Performance


Template to monitor the Memcached Performance attributes like Bytes read rate, Bytes written rate, Cas Badval Rate, Cas Hit Rate, Cas Misses Rate, Command Flush Rate, Command Get Rate, Command Put Rate, Connection Structures, Delete Hits Rate, Delete Misses Rate, Evictions Rate, Fill Percentage, Get Hit Percentage, Get Hits Rate, Get Misses Rate, Listen Disabled Number Rate, Rusage System Rate, Rusage User Rate, Total Connections Rate, Items Evicted Rate, Items Evicted Nonzero Rate, Items Expired Unfected Rate, Items Evicted Unfetched Rate, Items Out of Memory Rate, Items Tailrepairs Rate, Items Reclaimed Rate, Items Number, Items Age, Items Evicted Time.


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Memcached Performancememcache.get_hit_percentMemcache Get hit Percentage%Memcache Get hit percentage
memcache.items.evicted_nonzero_rateMemcache Items Evicted Nonzero RatesRate at which nonzero items which had an explicit expire time set had to be evicted from the LRU before expiring
memcache.rusage_system_ratememcached-performanceNULLFraction of user time the CPU spent executing this server process.
memcache.listen_disabled_num_rateMemcache Disabled Number RatesRate at which the server has reached the max connection limit.
memcache.items.evicted_rateMemcache Items Evicted RatesRate st which items had to be evicted from the LRU before expiring
memcache.items.tailrepairs_rateMemcache Items Tailrepairs RatesRate at which memcache self-healed a slab with a refcount leak
memcache.items.evicted_timeMemcache Items Evicted TimesSeconds since the last access for the most recent item evicted from this class
memcache.connection_structuresMemcache Connection StructuresNULLNumber of connection structures allocated by the server.
memcache.cas_hits_rateMemcache Hits RatesRate at which keys are compared and swapped and found present.
memcache.cas_badval_rateMemcache Bad Value RatesRate at which keys are compared and swapped where the comparison (original) value did not match the supplied value.
memcache.delete_misses_rateMemcache Delete Misses RatesRate at which delete commands result in no items being removed.
memcache.bytes_read_rateMemcache Bytes Read RateNULLRate of bytes read from the network by this server.
memcache.cmd_set_rateMemcache Command Set RatesMemcache command set rate
memcache.items.numberMemcache Items NumberNULLNumber of items presently stored in this slab class
memcache.fill_percentMemcache Fill Percentage%Amount of memory being used by the server for storing items as a percentage of the max allowed.
memcache.delete_hits_rateMemcache Delete Hits RatesRate at which delete commands result in items being removed.
memcache.items.evicted_unfetched_rateMemcache Items Evicted UnFetched RatepsecRate at which valid items evicted from the LRU which were never touched after being set.
memcache.cmd_flush_rateMemcache Command Flush RatesRate of "flush_all" commands.
memcache.items.expired_unfetched_rateMemcache Items Expired Unfetched RatesRate at which expired items reclaimed from the LRU which were never touched after being set.
memcache.cmd_get_rateMemcache Command Get RatesRate of "get" commands.
memcache.rusage_user_rateMemcache Rusage User RateNULLFraction of time the CPU spent executing kernel code on behalf of this server process.
memcache.cas_misses_rateMemcache Misses RatesRate at which keys are compared and swapped and not found present.
memcache.items.reclaimed_rateMemcache Items Reclaimed RatesRate at which entries were stored using memory from an expired entry.
memcache.items.outofmemory_rateMemcache Items Out of Memory RatesRate at which the underlying slab class was unable to store a new item.
memcache.get_hits_rateMemcache Hits RatesRate at which keys are requested and found present.
memcache.total_connections_rateMemcache Total Connections RateNULLRate at which connections to this server are opened.
memcache.items.ageMemcache Items AgesAge of the oldest item in the LRU
memcache.get_misses_rateMemcache Get Missed RatessRate at which keys are requested and not found.
memcache.bytes_written_rateMemcache Bytes Written RateBpsRate of bytes written to the network by this server.
memcache.evictions_rateMemcache Evictions RatesRate at which valid items are removed from cache to free memory for new items.

Meraki Controller


Monitors status of the device’s connection to the Meraki Cloud Controller.


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Meraki Controller Device Connection Connection StatusThe status of the device's connection to the Meraki Cloud Controller [OID :] ClientsThe amount of clients connected to this Access Point. [OID:]
System Uptimesystem.uptimeSystem UptimesThe time since the SNMP agent in the system was last re-initialized.[OID :]

Meru - Wireless LAN Controller


Template for Meru Wireless LAN Controllers. This template is applicable on Meru Controllers 1550, 3200, 4200 and 6000. Monitors WLAN availability status, AP availability status, AP throughput, AP total stations count and statistics for top 10 access points.


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Meru - Access Point Availability Statuswlan.access.point.availability.statusAccess Point Availability StatusThis monitor tells the availability status of the APs connected to meru WLAN controller. Possible values are 1:PowerOff, 2:Offline , 3:Online ,4:Failed ,5:InTest and 6:NotInstalled. [OIDs:,,,,\n1.]
Meru - Call Admission Control (CAC) AP Admission Control(CAC) AP Active CallsThis is equivalent of the 'show statistics call-admission-control ap' command. It shows the current number of active calls. [OIDs:,] Admission Control(CAC) AP Rejected CallsThis is equivalent of the 'show statistics call-admission-control ap' command. It shows the cumulative number of calls that have been rejected as a result of reaching the maximum number of calls setting for a given Access Point (AP). The cumulative number of rejected calls per AP are reset when the controller reboots and the AP reboots, respectively. [OIDs:,]
Meru - Call Admission Control (CAC) Base Station Subsystem Admission Control(CAC) BSS Active CallsThis is equivalent of the 'show statistics call-admission-control bss' command. It shows the current number of active calls on a Base Station Subsystem (BSS). [OIDs:,] Admission Control(CAC) BSS Rejected CallsThis is equivalent of the 'show statistics call-admission-control bss' command. It shows the cumulative number of calls that have been rejected as a result of reaching the maximum number of calls setting on a Base Station Subsystem (BSS) . The cumulative number of rejected calls per BSS are reset when the controller reboots and the AP reboots, respectively. [OIDs:,]
Meru - Quality of Service Statisticswlan.qos.sessionsQuality of Service Session CountProvides Quality of service (QOS) session count. [OID:]
wlan.qos.sessions.rejectedQuality of Service Rejected SessionsProvides Quality of service (QOS) rejected session count. [OID:]
wlan.qos.sessions.pendingQuality of Service Pending SessionsProvides Quality of service (QOS) pending session count. [OID:]
Meru - Top 10 AP Station TxRX packets 10 Access Points Rx packets countThis is equivalent of the 'show statistics top10-station-talker' command. Displays the 10 most active stations,based on the sum of reception packet rates per minute during the last polling period. Provides the unique ID number, name, interface number and the MAC address of the Access Point (AP) to which the station is currently communicating and the number of packets received during the last polling period. [OID:,] 10 Access Points Tx packets countThis is equivalent of the 'show statistics top10-station-talker' command. Displays the 10 most active stations,based on the sum of transmission packet rates per minute during the last polling period. Provides the unique ID number, name, interface number and the MAC address of the Access Point (AP) to which the station is currently communicating and the number of packets transmitted during the last polling period. [OID:,]
Meru - Top 10 AP TxRx frames 10 Access Points Rx frames countThis is equivalent of the 'show statistics top10-ap-talker' command. Displays the 10 most active access points, based on the sum of reception packet rates per minute during the last polling period. Provides the unique ID number, name, interface number of the Access Point (AP) and the number of frames received during the last polling period. [OID:,,,] 10 Access Points Tx frames countThis is equivalent of the 'show statistics top10-ap-talker' command. Displays the 10 most active access points, based on the sum of transmission packet rates per minute during the last polling period. Provides the unique ID number, name, interface number of the Access Point (AP) and the number of frames transmitted during the last polling period. [OID:,,,]
Meru - Top 10 problem AP 10 Access Points Tx Loss Percentage%Provides the unique ID number, name, interface number of the Access Point (AP). This is the result of the 'show statistics top10-ap-problem' command to display a list of the top problem access points. Ten access points with the highest number of packet retransmissions, with a minimum of 20% for transmissions are listed. It is based on the percentage of packets lost during transmission. [OID:,,,]
Meru - Total Wireless Stationswlan.wireless.stations.countTotal Wireless StationsIt monitors the total wireless stations connected to all AP's. [OID: - mwSystemGeneralTotalWirelessStations]
Meru - WLAN Availability Statuswlan.availability.statusWLAN Availability StatusThis monitor tells the availability status Meru WLAN controller. Possible values are 1:PowerOff, 2:Offline , 3:Online ,4:Failed ,5:InTest and 6:NotInstalled. [OIDs:,,]
Meru - WLAN Throughput RX and TXwlan.throughput.rxWLAN Throughput RXIt monitors the Meru WLAN RX Throughput. [OIDs: - mwSystemThruputWlanRxThroughput]
wlan.throughput.txWLAN Throughput TXIt monitors the Meru WLAN TX Throughput. [OIDs: - mwSystemThruputWlanTxThroughput]

Microsemi Syncserver S650 - System Stats


Template to monitor the symmetricom ntp system statistics like leap indicator,stratum level,precision,rootdelay,rootdispersion,peer name,PktsReceived,SysMode,clock status,GNSS receiver status,GNSS position status.[S650::ntpSysLeap:,ntpSysStratum:,ntpSysPrecision:,ntpSysRootDelay:,ntpSysRootDispersion:,ntpSysPeer:,ntpSysPktsReceived:,ntpSysMode:,clockStatus:,gnssReceiverStatus:,gnssPositionStatus:]


Device must support S650 mib

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Symmetricom NTP System Statssymmetricom_ntp_SysLeapSymmetricom NTP System LeapIt monitors the NTP system leap indicator.[S650::ntpSysLeap:]
symmetricom_ntp_SysStratumSymmetricom NTP System StratumIt monitors the NTP system stratum level.[S650::ntpSysStratum:]
symmetricom_ntp_SysPrecisionSymmetricom NTP System PrecisionIt monitors the NTP system precision.[S650::ntpSysPrecision:]
symmetricom_ntp_SysRootDispersionSymmetricom NTP System Root DispersionmsIt monitors the NTP system root dispersion.[S650::ntpSysRootDispersion:]
symmetricom_ntp_SysPeerSymmetricom NTP System PeerIt give the NTP system peer.[S650::ntpSysPeer:]
symmetricom_ntp_SysPktsReceivedSymmetricom NTP System Packets ReceivedcountIt provides the NTP system packets received.[S650::ntpSysPktsReceived:]
symmetricom_ntp_SysRootDelaySymmetricom NTP System Root DelaymsIt monitors the NTP system root delay.[S650::ntpSysRootDelay:]
symmetricom_ntp_SysModeSymmetricom NTP System ModeIt monitors the symmetricom NTP system mode.[S650::ntpSysMode:]
Symmetricom System Statssymmetricom_system_ClockStatusSymmetricom System Clock StatusIt monitors the system clock status.[S650::clockStatus:]
symmetricom_system_GnssReceiverStatusSymmetricom System GNSS Receiver StatusIt monitors the symmetricom system GNSS receiver status.[S650::gnssReceiverStatus:]
symmetricom_system_GnssPositionStatusSymmetricom System GNSS Position StatusIt monitors the symmetricom system GNSS position status.[S650::gnssPositionStatus:]

MongoDB Performance Template


MongoDB Performance Template


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
MongoDB Performance Monitormongo.currentqueue.writersMongo CurrentQueue WriterscountCurrent writers in Queue
mongo.currentqueue.readersMongo CurrentQueue ReaderscountCurrent readers in Queue
mongo.pagefaultsMongo Page FaultscountNumber of page faults per second that require disk operations. Network RequestscountNumber of network requests per second
mongo.lock.percentMongo Lock Percent%Lock percentage
mongo.replication.stateMongo Replication StateNULLReplication states will be the following cases: StartingPhase1(0),Primary(1),Secondary(2),Recoverying(3),Fatal Error(4),StartingPhase2(5),Arbiter(7),Down(8),Not_Running_with_Replication(-1)
mongo.index.sizeMongo Index SizeKBProvides the Index size of databases in KBs
mongo.asserts.messageMongo Asserts MessagecountNumber of messages assertions per second
mongo.asserts.rolloversMongo Asserts RolloverscountNumber of rollovers assertions raised per second
mongo.asserts.warningMongo Asserts WarningcountNumber of warnings raised per second.
mongo.asserts.userMongo Asserts UsercountNumber of user assertions raised per second.
mongo.asserts.regularMongo Asserts RegularcountNumber of regular assertions raised per second
mongo.avg.flushMongo Avg FlushmsAverage time for each flush to disk.
mongo.uptimeMongo UptimemUptime in minutes
mongo.sizeMongo SizeGBProvides the size of individual databases in Gigabytes
mongo.cursors.client.sizeMongo Cursors Client SizecountThe number of cursors that the server is maintaining for clients
mongo.cursors.timeoutMongo Cursors TimeoutcountNumber of cursors that time out,per second.
mongo.cursors.openMongo Cursors OpencountNumber of cursors that MongoDB is maintaining for clients. Active Clients ReadcountCount of the active client connections performing read operations. Active Clients WritecountCount of active client connections performing write operations
mongo.opCounters.getMongo Opcounters GetcountNumber of get operations per second.
mongo.opCounters.insertMongo Opcounters InsertcountNumber of insert operations per second.
mongo.opCounters.commandMongo opcounters commandcountTotal number of commands per second issued to the database.
mongo.opCounters.queryMongo Opcounters QuerycountTotal number of queries per second.
mongo.opCounters.updateMongo Opcounters UpdatecountNumber of update operations per second.
mongo.opCounters.deleteMongoDB Opcounters DeletecountNumber of delete operations per second.
mongo.connections.currentMongo Connections CurrentcountNumber of connections to the database server from clients.
mongo.connections.availableMongo Connections AvaliableNULLNumber of unused available incoming connections the database can provide.
mongo.journal.commitsMongo Journal CommitscountProvides the number of journal commits that occurred in the write loc
mongo.heap.usageMongo Heap UsageBytesHeap Usage
mongo.memory.residentMongo Memory ResidentGBAmount of memory currently used by the database process.
mongo.memory.virtualMongo Memory VirtualGBAmount of virtual memory used by the mongod process.
mongo.memory.mappedMongo Memory MappedGBAmount of mapped memory by the database.
mongo.journaled.status.writeMongo Journaled Status WriteMBThe average amount of data in megabytes written to the recovery log in the last four seconds is the JournaledMB and the data written to the databases datafiles in the last four seconds is writeToDataFilesMB
mongo.journaled.statusMongo Journaled StatusMBProvides the journal status
mongo.btree.accessMongo Btree AccesscountProvides Index Counters details as Accesses
mongo.btree.hitsMongo Btree HitscountProvides Index Counters details as Hits
mongo.btree.missesMongo Btree MissescountProvides Index Counters details as Misses
mongo.btree.resetsMongo BTree ResetscountProvides Index Counters details as Resets
mongo.btree.misses.ratioMongo BTree Misses RatiocountProvides Index Counters details as Miss_ratio
mongo.replicaprimaryMongo ReplicaprimaryNULLCheck if the primary server of a replica set has changed Active ClientscountTotal number of active client connections to the database.
mongo.memoryMongo MemoryGBAmount of memory for database
mongo.current.queueMongo Current QueuecountCurrent Queue
mongo.op.countersMongo OP CounterscountMongo OP Counters
mongo.trafficMongo TrafficNULLMongo Traffic
mongo.cursorsMongo CursorscountTotal number of cursors for clients
mongo.index.miss.ratioMongo Index Miss RatioNULLProvides Index Counters details as Miss_ratio
mongo.asserts.totalMongo Asserts TotalcountTotal number of assertions per second
mongo.avg.flush.timeMongo Avg Flush TimemsNumber of times the database has flushed all writes to disk.
mongo.last.flush.timeMongo Last Flush TimemsAmount of time that the last flush operation took to complete.

MongoDB Performance Template - V2


This version 2 template will be available from gateway 13.0.0 and later version of the classic gateway. Below are removed deprecated metrics from the version 1 template: 1.MongoDB OP Counters,2.MongoDB Traffic,3.mongo.journaled.status.write,4.MongoDB Index Size,5.MongoDB Size,6.MongoDB Journaled Status,7.MongoDB Memory,8.MongoDB Index Miss Ratio.


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
MongoDB Performance Monitor - v2mongo.currentqueue.writersMongo CurrentQueue WriterscountCurrent writers in Queue
mongo.currentqueue.readersMongo CurrentQueue ReaderscountCurrent readers in Queue
mongo.pagefaultsMongo Page FaultscountNumber of page faults per second that require disk operations.
mongo.cursors.timeoutMongo Cursors TimeoutcountNumber of cursors that time out,per second. Network RequestscountNumber of network requests per second
mongo.lock.percentMongo Lock Percent%Lock percentage
mongo.replication.stateMongo Replication StateNULLReplication states will be the following cases: StartingPhase1(0),Primary(1),Secondary(2),Recoverying(3),Fatal Error(4),StartingPhase2(5),Arbiter(7),Down(8),Not_Running_with_Replication(-1)
mongo.asserts.messageMongo Asserts MessagecountNumber of messages assertions per second
mongo.asserts.rolloversMongo Asserts RolloverscountNumber of rollovers assertions raised per second
mongo.asserts.warningMongo Asserts WarningcountNumber of warnings raised per second.
mongo.asserts.userMongo Asserts UsercountNumber of user assertions raised per second.
mongo.asserts.regularMongo Asserts RegularcountNumber of regular assertions raised per second
mongo.avg.flushMongo Avg FlushmsAverage time for each flush to disk.
mongo.uptimeMongo UptimemUptime in minutes
mongo.cursors.client.sizeMongo Cursors Client SizecountThe number of cursors that the server is maintaining for clients
mongo.cursors.openMongo Cursors OpencountNumber of cursors that MongoDB is maintaining for clients. Active Clients ReadcountCount of the active client connections performing read operations. Active Clients WritecountCount of active client connections performing write operations
mongo.opCounters.getMongo Opcounters GetcountNumber of get operations per second.
mongo.opCounters.insertMongo Opcounters InsertcountNumber of insert operations per second.
mongo.opCounters.commandMongo opcounters commandcountTotal number of commands per second issued to the database.
mongo.opCounters.queryMongo Opcounters QuerycountTotal number of queries per second.
mongo.opCounters.updateMongo Opcounters UpdatecountNumber of update operations per second.
mongo.opCounters.deleteMongoDB Opcounters DeletecountNumber of delete operations per second.
mongo.connections.currentMongo Connections CurrentcountNumber of connections to the database server from clients.
mongo.connections.availableMongo Connections AvaliableNULLNumber of unused available incoming connections the database can provide.
mongo.journal.commitsMongo Journal CommitscountProvides the number of journal commits that occurred in the write loc
mongo.heap.usageMongo Heap UsageBytesHeap Usage
mongo.memory.residentMongo Memory ResidentGBAmount of memory currently used by the database process.
mongo.memory.virtualMongo Memory VirtualGBAmount of virtual memory used by the mongod process.
mongo.memory.mappedMongo Memory MappedGBAmount of mapped memory by the database.
mongo.btree.accessMongo Btree AccesscountProvides Index Counters details as Accesses
mongo.btree.hitsMongo Btree HitscountProvides Index Counters details as Hits
mongo.btree.missesMongo Btree MissescountProvides Index Counters details as Misses
mongo.btree.resetsMongo BTree ResetscountProvides Index Counters details as Resets
mongo.btree.misses.ratioMongo BTree Misses RatiocountProvides Index Counters details as Miss_ratio
mongo.replicaprimaryMongo ReplicaprimaryNULLCheck if the primary server of a replica set has changed Active ClientscountTotal number of active client connections to the database.
mongo.current.queueMongo Current QueuecountCurrent Queue
mongo.cursorsMongo CursorscountTotal number of cursors for clients
mongo.asserts.totalMongo Asserts TotalcountTotal number of assertions per second
mongo.avg.flush.timeMongo Avg Flush TimemsNumber of times the database has flushed all writes to disk.
mongo.last.flush.timeMongo Last Flush TimemsAmount of time that the last flush operation took to complete.



Template to monitor MRV CMMC chassis parameters like CMMC Chassis Power Supply1 Status,CMMC Chassis Power Supply2 Status,CMMC Chassis Power Supply3 Status,CMMC Chassis Power Supply4 Status,CMMC Chassis Fan1 Status,CMMC Chassis Fan2 Status,CMMC Chassis Fan3 Status,CMMC Chassis Fan4 Status,CMMC Chassis Temperature,CMMC Chassis Fan5 Status,CMMC Chassis Fan6 Status,CMMC Chassis Fan7 Status,CMMC Chassis Fan8 Status,CMMC Chassis Power Status,port parameters like Temperature,Tx Power,Rx Power,Bias Current,Voltage,Temperature Level,Tx Power level,Rx Power Level,Bias Current Level,Voltage Level,slot temperature.sysObjectID:,OD-NM,v5.13.1,Firmware : 20.1b,EM316


Device should have support for NBS-CMMC-MIB.

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
MRV - CMMC Chassisnbs.cmmc.chassis.powersupply1.statusCMMC Chassis Power Supply1 StatusIt monitors the status of Power Supply 1. Possible values are 1: notInstalled,2: acBad,3: dcBad,4: acGood,5: dcGood,6: notSupported,7: good,8: bad.[NBS-CMMC-MIB::nbsCmmcChassisPS1Status:].
nbs.cmmc.chassis.powersupply2.statusCMMC Chassis Power Supply2 StatusIt monitors the status of Power Supply 2. Possible values are 1: notInstalled,2: acBad,3: dcBad,4: acGood,5: dcGood,6: notSupported,7: good,8: bad.[NBS-CMMC-MIB::nbsCmmcChassisPS2Status:].
nbs.cmmc.chassis.powersupply3.statusCMMC Chassis Power Supply3 StatusIt monitors the status of Power Supply 3.Possible values are 1: notInstalled,2: acBad,3: dcBad,4: acGood,5: dcGood,6: notSupported,7: good,8: bad(8).[NBS-CMMC-MIB::nbsCmmcChassisPS3Status:].
nbs.cmmc.chassis.powersupply4.statusCMMC Chassis Power Supply4 StatusIt monitors the status of Power Supply 4.Possible values are 1: notInstalled,2: acBad,3: dcBad,4: acGood,5: dcGood,6: notSupported,7: good,8: bad(8).[NBS-CMMC-MIB::nbsCmmcChassisPS4Status:].
nbs.cmmc.chassis.fan1.statusCMMC Chassis Fan1 StatusIt monitors the status of Fan 1. Possible values are 1: notSupported,2: bad,3: good,4: notInstalled(4).[NBS-CMMC-MIB::nbsCmmcChassisFan1Status:].
nbs.cmmc.chassis.fan2.statusCMMC Chassis Fan2 StatusIt monitors the status of Fan 2. Possible values are 1: notSupported,2: bad,3: good,4: notInstalled(4).[NBS-CMMC-MIB::nbsCmmcChassisFan2Status:].
nbs.cmmc.chassis.fan3.statusCMMC Chassis Fan3 StatusIt monitors the status of Fan 3.Possible values are 1: notSupported,2: bad,3: good,4: notInstalled(4).[NBS-CMMC-MIB::nbsCmmcChassisFan3Status:].
nbs.cmmc.chassis.fan4.statusCMMC Chassis Fan4 StatusIt monitors the status of Fan 4. Possible values are 1: notSupported,2: bad,3: good,4: notInstalled(4).[NBS-CMMC-MIB::nbsCmmcChassisFan4Status:].
nbs.cmmc.chassis.temperatureCMMC Chassis TemperatureCelsiusIt monitors the temperature in celsius of the Chassis.[NBS-CMMC-MIB::nbsCmmcChassisTemperature:].
nbs.cmmc.chassis.fan5.statusCMMC Chassis Fan5 StatusIt monitors the status of Fan 5.Possible values are 1: notSupported,2: bad,3: good,4: notInstalled(4).[NBS-CMMC-MIB::nbsCmmcChassisFan5Status:].
nbs.cmmc.chassis.fan6.statusCMMC Chassis Fan6 StatusIt monitors the status of Fan 6.Possible values are 1: notSupported,2: bad,3: good,4: notInstalled(4).[NBS-CMMC-MIB::nbsCmmcChassisFan6Status:].
nbs.cmmc.chassis.fan7.statusCMMC Chassis Fan7 StatusIt monitors the status of Fan 7.Possible values are 1: notSupported,2: bad,3: good,4: notInstalled(4).[NBS-CMMC-MIB::nbsCmmcChassisFan7Status:].
nbs.cmmc.chassis.fan8.statusCMMC Chassis Fan8 StatusIt monitors the status of Fan 8.Possible values are 1: notSupported,2: bad,3: good,4: notInstalled(4).[NBS-CMMC-MIB::nbsCmmcChassisFan8Status:].
nbs.cmmc.chassis.power.statusCMMC Chassis Power StatusIt monitors whether the total power in the chassis is sufficient or insufficient.Insufficient means that the chassis won't work in a correct mode.Possible values are 1: notSupported,2: sufficient,3: insufficient(3).[NBS-CMMC-MIB::nbsCmmcChassisPowerStatus:].
MRV - CMMC Portnbs.cmmc.port.temperatureCMMC Port TemperatureCelsiusIt monitors the temperature (in degrees celsius) of this transceiver.[NBS-CMMC-MIB::nbsCmmcPortTemperature:].
nbs.cmmc.port.tx.powerCMMC Port Tx Power(milli dBm)It monitors the output power (in milli dBm) of this transmitter.[NBS-CMMC-MIB::nbsCmmcPortTxPower:].
nbs.cmmc.port.rx.powerCMMC Port Rx Power (milli dBm)It monitors the received optical power (in milli dBm) of this receiver.[NBS-CMMC-MIB::nbsCmmcPortRxPower:].
nbs.cmmc.port.bias.currentCMMC Port Bias Current(microAmps)It monitors the bias current (in microAmps) of this transmitter.[NBS-CMMC-MIB::nbsCmmcPortBiasAmps:].
nbs.cmmc.port.voltageCMMC Port VoltagemVIt monitors the supply voltage (in milliVolts) of this transmitter.[NBS-CMMC-MIB::nbsCmmcPortSupplyVolts:].
nbs.cmmc.port.temperature.levelCMMC Port Temperature LevelIt monitors whether this port has a temperature problem. Possible values are 1: notSupported,2: lowAlarm,3: lowWarning,4: ok,5: highWarning,6: highAlarm.[NBS-CMMC-MIB::nbsCmmcPortTemperatureLevel:].
nbs.cmmc.port.tx.power.levelCMMC Port Tx Power levelIt monitors whether this port has a problem with its transmitter power.Possible values are 1: notSupported,2: lowAlarm,3: lowWarning,4: ok,5: highWarning,6: highAlarm.[NBS-CMMC-MIB::nbsCmmcPortTxPowerLevel:].
nbs.cmmc.port.rx.power.levelCMMC Port Rx Power LevelIt monitors whether this port has a problem with the power of its received signal.Possible values are 1: notSupported,2: lowAlarm,3: lowWarning,4: ok,5: highWarning,6: highAlarm.[NBS-CMMC-MIB::nbsCmmcPortRxPowerLevel:].
nbs.cmmc.port.bias.current.levelCMMC Port Bias Current LevelIt monitors whether this port has a problem with the electric current going through the port.Possible values are 1: notSupported,2: lowAlarm,3: lowWarning,4: ok,5: highWarning,6: highAlarm.[NBS-CMMC-MIB::nbsCmmcPortBiasAmpsLevel:].
nbs.cmmc.port.voltage.levelCMMC Port Voltage LevelIt monitors whether this port has a problem with the electric voltage across the port.Possible values are 1: notSupported,2: lowAlarm,3: lowWarning,4: ok,5: highWarning,6: highAlarm.[NBS-CMMC-MIB::nbsCmmcPortSupplyVoltsLevel:].
MRV - CMMC Slot Temperaturenbs.cmmc.slot.temperatureCMMC Slot TemperatureCelsiusIt monitors the temperature (in degrees celsius) of this slot.[NBS-CMMC-MIB::nbsCmmcSlotTemperature:].

MRV - Fan


Template to monitor the MRV Fan Status and Speed. Validated on sysObjectID:,OD-NM,v5.13.1,Firmware : 20.1b,EM316.


The device should have support for NBS-FAN-MIB.

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
MRV - Fan Status and StatusIt monitors operational status of this fan.Possible values are 1: notSupported,2: bad,3: good,4: notInstalled(4).[NBS-FAN-MIB::nbsFanFanStatus:]. SpeedIt monitors the speed level of this fan.Possible values are 1: notSupported,2: off,3: low,4: medium,5: high.[NBS-FAN-MIB::nbsFanFanSpeed:].

MRV - Opti-Driver System


Template to monitor the MRV Opti-Driver System Control Card Temperature and Temperature Level,Fan Tray Temperature and Temperature Level,Power Supply parameters like Temperature Level,Temperature,Voltage In,Voltage In Level,Voltage Out,Voltage Out Level,Current In,Current In Level,Current Out,Current Out Level.sysObjectID:,OD-NM,v5.13.1,Firmware : 20.1b,EM316.


The device should have support for NBS-ODSYS-MIB.

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
MRV - Opti-Driver System Control Card Temperaturenbs.od.sys.control.card.temperatureOpti-Driver System Control Card TemperatureCelsiusIt monitors the current temperature reading in degrees celsius.Here the component name will be Opti-Driver System Control Card Chassis Index and Opti-Driver System Control Card Bay Index with dotted separation.[NBS-ODSYS-MIB::nbsOdsysCcThermActual:].
nbs.od.sys.control.card.temperature.levelOpti-Driver System Control Card Temperature LevelIt monitors the level of current temperature reading.Here the component name will be Opti-Driver System Control Card Chassis Index and Opti-Driver System Control Card Bay Index with dotted separation.Possible values are 1: notSupported,2: statusLowError,3: statusLowWarning,4: statusGood,5: statusHighWarning,6: statusHighError.[NBS-ODSYS-MIB::nbsOdsysCcThermLevel:]. System Fan Tray Temperature LevelIt monitors the level of current temperature reading.Here the component name will be Opti-Driver System Fan Tray Chassis Index and Opti-Driver System Fan Tray Bay Index with dotted separation.Possible values are 1: notSupported,2: statusLowError,3: statusLowWarning,4: statusGood,5: statusHighWarning,6: statusHighError.[NBS-ODSYS-MIB::nbsOdsysFtThermLevel:]. System Fan Tray TemperatureCelsiusIt monitors the current temperature reading in degrees celsius.Here the component name will be Opti-Driver System Fan Tray Chassis Index and Opti-Driver System Fan Tray Bay Index with dotted separation.[NBS-ODSYS-MIB::nbsOdsysFtThermActual:].
nbs.od.sys.powersupply.temperature.levelOpti-Driver System Power Supply Temperature LevelIt monitors the level of current temperature reading of Opti-Driver System Power Supply. Here the component name will be Opti-Driver System Power Supply Chassis Index and Opti-Driver System Power Supply Bay Index with dotted separation.Possible values are 1: notSupported,2: statusLowError,3: statusLowWarning,4: statusGood,5: statusHighWarning,6: statusHighError.[NBS-ODSYS-MIB::nbsOdsysPsThermLevel:].
nbs.od.sys.powersupply.temperatureOpti-Driver System Power Supply TemperatureCelsiusIt monitors the current temperature reading in degrees celsius.Here the component name will be Opti-Driver System Power Supply Chassis Index and Opti-Driver System Power Supply Bay Index with dotted separation.[NBS-ODSYS-MIB::nbsOdsysPsThermActual:].
nbs.od.sys.powersupply.input.voltageOpti-Driver System Power Supply Input VoltagemVIt monitors the input voltage reading in millivolts.Here the component name will be Opti-Driver System Power Supply Chassis Index and Opti-Driver System Power Supply Bay Index with dotted separation.[NBS-ODSYS-MIB::nbsOdsysPsVInActual:].
nbs.od.sys.powersupply.input.voltage.levelOpti-Driver System Power Supply Input Voltage LevelIt monitors the level of input voltage reading.Here the component name will be Opti-Driver System Power Supply Chassis Index and Opti-Driver System Power Supply Bay Index with dotted separation.Possible values are 1: notSupported,2: statusLowError,3: statusLowWarning,4: statusGood,5: statusHighWarning,6: statusHighError.[NBS-ODSYS-MIB::nbsOdsysPsVInLevel:].
nbs.od.sys.powersupply.output.voltageOpti-Driver System Power Supply Output VoltagemVIt monitors the output voltage reading in millivolts.Here the component name will be Opti-Driver System Power Supply Chassis Index and Opti-Driver System Power Supply Bay Index with dotted separation.[NBS-ODSYS-MIB::nbsOdsysPsVOutActual:].
nbs.od.sys.powersupply.output.voltage.levelOpti-Driver System Power Supply Output Voltage LevelIt monitors the level of output voltage reading.Here the component name will be Opti-Driver System Power Supply Chassis Index and Opti-Driver System Power Supply Bay Index with dotted separation.Possible values are 1: notSupported,2: statusLowError,3: statusLowWarning,4: statusGood,5: statusHighWarning,6: statusHighError.[NBS-ODSYS-MIB::nbsOdsysPsVOutLevel:].
nbs.od.sys.powersupply.input.currentOpti-Driver System Power Supply Input CurrentmAIt monitors the input current reading in milliamps.Here the component name will be Opti-Driver System Power Supply Chassis Index and Opti-Driver System Power Supply Bay Index with dotted separation.[NBS-ODSYS-MIB::nbsOdsysPsIInActual:].
nbs.od.sys.powersupply.input.current.levelOpti-Driver System Power Supply Input Current LevelIt monitors the level of input current reading.Here the component name will be Opti-Driver System Power Supply Chassis Index and Opti-Driver System Power Supply Bay Index with dotted separation.Possible values are 1: notSupported,2: statusLowError,3: statusLowWarning,4: statusGood,5: statusHighWarning,6: statusHighError.[NBS-ODSYS-MIB::nbsOdsysPsIInLevel:].
nbs.od.sys.powersupply.output.currentOpti-Driver System Power Supply Output CurrentmAIt monitors the output current in milliamps.Here the component name will be Opti-Driver System Power Supply Chassis Index and Opti-Driver System Power Supply Bay Index with dotted separation.[NBS-ODSYS-MIB::nbsOdsysPsIOutActual:].
nbs.od.sys.powersupply.output.current.levelOpti-Driver System Power Supply Output Current LevelIt monitors the level of output current reading.Here the component name will be Opti-Driver System Power Supply Chassis Index and Opti-Driver System Power Supply Bay Index with dotted separation.Possible values are 1: notSupported,2: statusLowError,3: statusLowWarning,4: statusGood,5: statusHighWarning,6: statusHighError.[NBS-ODSYS-MIB::nbsOdsysPsIOutLevel:].

MRV - SFF(Small Form Factor) Diagnostics


Template to monitor MRV SFF(Small Form Factor) Diagnostics parameters like Temperature,Voltage,Bias Current,Tx Power,Rx Power. sysObjectID:,OD-NM,v5.13.1,Firmware : 20.1b,EM316.


Device should have support for NBS-SFF-MIB.

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
MRV - SFF(Small Form Factor) Diagnosticsnbs.sff.diagnostic.temperatureSFF Diagnostic TemperatureCIt monitors the module temperature in centigradese of SFF(Small Form Factor) Diagnostic.[NBS-SFF-MIB::nbsSffDiagsTemperature:].
nbs.sff.diagnostic.voltageSFF Diagnostic VoltagevIt monitors the internally measured supply voltage in transceiver of SFF(Small Form Factor) Diagnostic in the units of Volts.[NBS-SFF-MIB::nbsSffDiagsVoltage:].
nbs.sff.diagnostic.bias.currentSFF Diagnostic Bias CurrentmAIt monitors the internally measured TX Bias Current of SFF(Small Form Factor) Diagnostic in the units of mA.[NBS-SFF-MIB::nbsSffDiagsBiasCurrent:].
nbs.sff.diagnostic.tx.powerSFF Diagnostic Tx PowerdBmIt monitors the measured TX output power of SFF(Small Form Factor) Diagnostic in the units of dBm.[NBS-SFF-MIB::nbsSffDiagsTxPower:].
nbs.sff.diagnostic.rx.powerSFF Diagnostic Rx Power(uW)It monitors the measured received optical power of SFF(Small Form Factor) Diagnostic in uW .Rx_PWR (uW) = Rx_PWR(4) * Rx_PWR AD 4 (16 bit unsigned integer) + Rx_PWR(3) * Rx_PWR AD 3 (16 bit unsigned integer) + Rx_PWR(2) * Rx_PWR AD 2 (16 bit unsigned integer) + Rx_PWR(1) * Rx_PWR AD (16 bit unsigned integer) + Rx_PWR(0).[NBS-SFF-MIB::nbsSffDiagsRxPower:].

MRV - Signal Conditioning Port Statistics


Template to monitor MRV - Signal Conditioning Port Statistics like Rx Power,Tx Power and Noise.sysObjectID:,OD-NM,v5.13.1,Firmware : 20.1b,EM316


Device should have support for NBS-SIGCOND-MIB.

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
MRV - Signal Conditioning Port Statisticsnbs.signal.cond.port.rx.powerSignal Conditioning Port Rx Power (milli dBm)It monitors the measured receiver power,in millidecibels (mdBm).[NBS-SIGCOND-MIB::nbsSigCondPortRxPower:].
nbs.signal.cond.port.tx.powerSignal Conditioning Port Tx Power(milli dBm)It monitors the measured transmitter power,in millidecibels (mdBm).[NBS-SIGCOND-MIB::nbsSigCondPortTxPower:].
nbs.signal.cond.port.noiseSignal Conditioning Port Noise(milli dB)It monitors the measured Noise Figure value,in millidecibels (mdB).[NBS-SIGCOND-MIB::nbsSigCondPortNoiseFigure:].

MS Windows Performance - Basic


MS Windows Performance. Basic CPU,Mem(Virt,Phy),Uptime,Disk Usage.


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
MS Windows Performance - Basicwindows.system.cpu.utilSystem CPU Utilization%System CPU Utilisation collected with WMI
windows.system.virtual.mem.freeSystem Free Virtual MemoryGBSystem Free Virtual Memory
windows.system.virtual.mem.utilSystem Virtual Memory Utilization%System Virtual Memory Utilisation
windows.system.mem.utilSystem Memory Utilization%System Memory Utilisation
windows.system.mem.freeSystem Free MemoryGBSystem Free Memory
windows.system.uptimeSystem UptimemsSystem Uptime Drive Utilization%System Drive Utilisation Drive Free SpaceGBSystem Drive Free Space

Multiple IPs Ping Reachability Monitor


Monitors device reachability state by pinging management ip at the first step. If management ip is not reachable,this monitor tries to get the reachability info using multiple ips if provided as part of custom parameter at the time of template assignment. If custom IPs list is not provided,this monitor will try to get the device ip’s list through SNMP by querying IP-MIB OID “” and check for the device reachability state. If any of the IPs are being pinged,then the metric values would be 1 (“REACHABLE”) else 0 - (UNREACHABLE"). It will work with OpsRamp Gateway version 12.0.0 or above and OpsRamp SaaS Version 11.0.0 HF U05 or above.


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Multiple IPs Ping Reachability Monitorresource.icmp.reachabilityMulti IP PingNULLMonitors device reachability state by pinging management ip at the first step. If management ip is not reachable,this monitor tries to get the reachability info using multiple ips if provided as part of custom parameter at the time of template assignment. If custom IPs list is not provided,this monitor will try to get the device ip's list through SNMP by querying IP-MIB OID "" and check for the device reachability state. If any of the IPs are being pinged,then the metric values would be 1 ("REACHABLE") else 0 - (UNREACHABLE").

NE-VT-Cluster Performance


NE-VT-Cluster Performance


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
VMware Cluster Performance - Deprecatedvmware.cpu.usage.averageVMware CPU usage%Cpu usage average
vmware.mem.usage.averageVMware memory usage%Memory usage average
vmware.mem.consumed.averageVMware memory consumedGBMemory consumed average
vmware.mem.vmmemctl.averageVMware memory balloonKBMemory Balloon Average net throughput usageKBpsnet throughput usage average
vmware.vm.suspended.countVMware VM suspended countVMware VM suspended count
vmware.vm.poweroff.countVMware VM poweroff countVMware VM poweroff count
vmware.vm.poweron.countVMware VM poweron countVMware VM poweron count
vmware.disk.throughput.usage.averageVMware disk throughput usage averageKbpsVMware disk throughput usage average
vmware.disk.throughput.contention.averageVMware disk throughput contention averagemsVMware disk throughput contention average
vmware.vmop.numVMotion.latestVMware vMotion countVMotion count
vmware.vmop.numSVMotion.latestVMware storage vMotion CountStorage vMotion Count

NE-VT-VirtualMachine Performance


NE-VT-VirtualMachine Performance


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
VMware VirtualMachine Performance - Deprecatedvmware.disk.write.averageVMware disk write averageKBpsVMware disk write average net usageKBpsNet usage average
vmware.mem.vmmemctl.averageVMware memory balloonKBMemory Balloon Average
vmware.mem.usage.averageVMware memory usage%Memory usage average
vmware.cpu.usage.averageVMware CPU usage%Cpu usage average

Netgate pfSense - Packet Filter Interface Statistics


Template to monitor the pfSense packet filter interface statistics like Interfaces Referencing Rules , Interfaces IPv4 Bytes In Pass , Interfaces IPv4 Bytes In Block , Interfaces IPv4 Bytes Out Pass , Interfaces IPv4 Bytes Out Block , Interfaces IPv4 Packets In Pass , Interfaces IPv4 Packets In Block , Interfaces IPv4 Packets Out Pass , Interfaces IPv4 Packets Out Block , Interfaces IPv6 Bytes In Pass , Interfaces IPv6 Bytes In Block , Interfaces IPv6 Bytes Out Pass , Interfaces IPv6 Bytes Out Block , Interfaces IPv6 Packets In Pass , Interfaces IPv6 Packets In Block , Interfaces IPv6 Packets Out Pass , Interfaces IPv6 Packets Out Block.[BEGEMOT-PF-MIB :: pfInterfacesIfRefsRule : , pfInterfacesIf4BytesInPass : , pfInterfacesIf4BytesInBlock : , pfInterfacesIf4BytesOutPass : , pfInterfacesIf4BytesOutBlock : , pfInterfacesIf4PktsInPass : , pfInterfacesIf4PktsInBlock : , pfInterfacesIf4PktsOutPass : , pfInterfacesIf4PktsOutBlock : , pfInterfacesIf6BytesInPass : , pfInterfacesIf6BytesInBlock : , pfInterfacesIf6BytesOutPass : , pfInterfacesIf6BytesOutBlock : , pfInterfacesIf6PktsInPass : , pfInterfacesIf6PktsInBlock : , pfInterfacesIf6PktsOutPass : , pfInterfacesIf6PktsOutBlock :]


Device must support BEGEMOT-PF-MIB

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Netgate pfSense - Packet Filter Interface Statisticsnetgate_pfsense_PfInterfacesIfRefsRulePfSense Packet Filter Interfaces Referencing RulescountMonitors the number of rules referencing this interface.[BEGEMOT-PF-MIB :: pfInterfacesIfRefsRule :]
netgate_pfsense_PfInterfacesIf4BytesInPassPfSense Packet Filter Interfaces IPv4 Bytes In PasspsecMonitors the number of IPv4 bytes passed coming in on this interface.[BEGEMOT-PF-MIB :: pfInterfacesIf4BytesInPass :]
netgate_pfsense_PfInterfacesIf4BytesInBlockPfSense Packet Filter Interfaces IPv4 Bytes In BlockpsecMonitors the number of IPv4 bytes blocked coming in on this interface.[BEGEMOT-PF-MIB :: pfInterfacesIf4BytesInBlock :]
netgate_pfsense_PfInterfacesIf4BytesOutPassPfSense Packet Filter Interfaces IPv4 Bytes Out PasspsecMonitors the number of IPv4 bytes passed going out on this interface.
netgate_pfsense_PfInterfacesIf4BytesOutBlockPfSense Packet Filter Interfaces IPv4 Bytes Out BlockpsecMonitors the number of IPv4 bytes blocked going out on this interface.[BEGEMOT-PF-MIB :: pfInterfacesIf4BytesOutBlock :]
netgate_pfsense_PfInterfacesIf4PktsInPassPfSense Packet Filter Interfaces IPv4 Packets In PasspsecMonitors the number of IPv4 packets passed coming in on this interface.[BEGEMOT-PF-MIB :: pfInterfacesIf4PktsInPass :]
netgate_pfsense_PfInterfacesIf4PktsInBlockPfSense Packet Filter Interfaces IPv4 Packets In BlockpsecMonitors the number of IPv4 packets blocked coming in on this interface.[BEGEMOT-PF-MIB :: pfInterfacesIf4PktsInBlock :]
netgate_pfsense_PfInterfacesIf4PktsOutPassPfSense Packet Filter Interfaces IPv4 Packets Out PasspsecMonitors the number of IPv4 packets passed going out on this interface.[BEGEMOT-PF-MIB :: pfInterfacesIf4PktsOutPass :]
netgate_pfsense_PfInterfacesIf4PktsOutBlockPfSense Packet Filter Interfaces IPv4 Packets Out BlockpsecMonitors the number of IPv4 packets blocked going out on this interface.[BEGEMOT-PF-MIB :: pfInterfacesIf4PktsOutBlock :]
netgate_pfsense_PfInterfacesIf6BytesInPassPfSense Packet Filter Interfaces IPv6 Bytes In PasspsecMonitors the number of IPv6 bytes passed coming in on this interface.[BEGEMOT-PF-MIB :: pfInterfacesIf6BytesInPass :]
netgate_pfsense_PfInterfacesIf6BytesInBlockPfSense Packet Filter Interfaces IPv6 Bytes In BlockpsecMonitors the The number of IPv6 bytes blocked coming in on this interface.[BEGEMOT-PF-MIB :: pfInterfacesIf6BytesInBlock :]
netgate_pfsense_PfInterfacesIf6BytesOutPassPfSense Packet Filter Interfaces IPv6 Bytes Out PasspsecMonitors the number of IPv6 bytes passed going out on this interface.[BEGEMOT-PF-MIB :: pfInterfacesIf6BytesOutPass :]
netgate_pfsense_PfInterfacesIf6BytesOutBlockPfSense Packet Filter Interfaces IPv6 Bytes Out BlockpsecMonitors the number of IPv6 bytes blocked going out on this interface.[BEGEMOT-PF-MIB :: pfInterfacesIf6BytesOutBlock :]
netgate_pfsense_PfInterfacesIf6PktsInPassPfSense Packet Filter Interfaces IPv6 Packets In PasspsecMonitors the number of IPv6 packets passed coming in on this interface.[BEGEMOT-PF-MIB :: pfInterfacesIf6PktsInPass :]
netgate_pfsense_PfInterfacesIf6PktsInBlockPfSense Packet Filter Interfaces IPv6 Packets In BlockpsecMonitors the number of IPv6 packets blocked coming in on this interface.[BEGEMOT-PF-MIB :: pfInterfacesIf6PktsInBlock :]
netgate_pfsense_PfInterfacesIf6PktsOutPassPfSense Packet Filter Interfaces IPv6 Packets Out PasspsecMonitors the number of IPv6 packets passed going out on this interface.[BEGEMOT-PF-MIB :: pfInterfacesIf6PktsOutPass :]
netgate_pfsense_PfInterfacesIf6PktsOutBlockPfSense Packet Filter Interfaces IPv6 Packets Out BlockpsecMonitors the number of IPv6 packets blocked going out on this interface.[BEGEMOT-PF-MIB : pfInterfacesIf6PktsOutBlock :]

Netgate pfSense - Source & State Table Statistics


Template to monitors the State Table Statistics like State Table Count , Running Status , Packet Filter States Limits , States table utilization in % and Source statistics like Source Nodes Count , Source Nodes Limits.[BEGEMOT-PF-MIB :: pfStatusRunning : , pfStateTableCount : , pfLimitsStates : , pfSrcNodesCount : , pfLimitsSrcNodes :]


Device must support BEGEMOT-PF-MIB

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Netgate pfSense - Source & State Table Statisticsnetgate_pfsense_PfStatusRunningPfSense Packet Filter Running StatusMonitors the status of packet filter .True if pf is currently enabled. Possible values are true(1) , false(2) .[BEGEMOT-PF-MIB :: pfStatusRunning :]
netgate_pfsense_PfStateTableCountPfSense Packet Filter State Table CountcountMonitors the Number of entries in the state table.[BEGEMOT-PF-MIB :: pfStateTableCount :]
netgate_pfsense_PfLimitsStatesPfSense Packet Filter States LimitscountMonitors the maximum number of 'keep state' rules in the ruleset.[BEGEMOT-PF-MIB :: pfLimitsStates :]
netgate_pfsense_PfStateTableUtilizationPfSense Packet Filter State Table Utilization%Monitors the PfSense Packet Filter State Table Utilization.[BEGEMOT-PF-MIB :: pfStateTableCount : , pfLimitsStates :]
netgate_pfsense_PfSrcNodesCountPfSense Packet Filter Source Nodes CountcountMonitors the number of entries in the source tracking table.[BEGEMOT-PF-MIB :: pfSrcNodesCount :]
netgate_pfsense_PfLimitsSrcNodesPfSense Packet Filter Source Nodes LimitscountMonitors the maximum number of 'sticky-address' or 'source-track' rules in the ruleset.[BEGEMOT-PF-MIB :: pfLimitsSrcNodes :]
netgate_pfsense_PfSrcNodesUtilizationPfSense Packet Filter Source Nodes Utilization%Monitors PfSense Packet Filter Source Nodes Utilization.[BEGEMOT-PF-MIB :: pfSrcNodesCount : , pfLimitsSrcNodes :]

Netgear 700 - Switch Hardware


Monitors the Netgear 700 Series Switch Hardware statistics like Fan and Power Supply. [ NETGEAR-BOXSERVICES-PRIVATE-MIB :: boxServicesFanItemState : , boxServicesPowSupplyItemState : ]


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Netgear 700 - Box Services Fannetgear_700_BoxServicesFanItemStateNetgear 700 Switch Box Services Fan StateMonitors the status of fan. [ NETGEAR-BOXSERVICES-PRIVATE-MIB :: boxServicesFanItemState : ] Possible values are : 1 : notpresent , 2 : operational , 3 : failed , 4 : powering , 5 : nopower , 6 : notpowering , 7 : incompatible.
Netgear 700 - Box Services Power Supplynetgear_700_BoxServicesPowSupplyItemStateNetgear 700 Switch Box Services Power Supply StateMonitors the status of power supply. [ NETGEAR-BOXSERVICES-PRIVATE-MIB :: boxServicesPowSupplyItemState : ] Possible values are : 1 : notpresent , 2 : operational , 3 : failed , 4 : powering , 5 : nopower , 6 : notpowering , 7 : incompatible.

Netgear 700 - Switch Performance


Monitors the Netgear 700 Series Switch Performance statistics like CPU and Memory utilization. [ NETGEAR-SWITCHING-MIB :: agentSwitchCpuProcessMemFree : , agentSwitchCpuProcessMemAvailable : , agentSwitchCpuProcessPercentageUtilization : ]


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Netgear 700 - Switch CPU Utilizationnetgear_700_AgentSwitchCpuProcessPercentageUtilizationNetgear 700 Switch CPU Process Percentage Utilization%Monitors the CPU utilization per task in Percentage over a period of 300 seconds and the Rising threshold period also in seconds, if configured. [NETGEAR-SWITCHING-MIB :: agentSwitchCpuProcessPercentageUtilization : ]
Netgear 700 - Switch Memory Utilizationnetgear_700_MemoryUtilizationNetgear 700 Switch CPU Process Memory Utilization%Monitors the Netgear 700 Switch CPU Process Memory Utilization. [NETGEAR-SWITCHING-MIB :: agentSwitchCpuProcessMemFree : , agentSwitchCpuProcessMemAvailable : ]

Netgear 7000 - Switch Hardware


Monitors the Netgear 7000 Series Switch Hardware statistics like Fan, Power Supply and Temperature sensor. [ FASTPATH-BOXSERVICES-PRIVATE-MIB :: boxServicesFanItemState : , boxServicesFanSpeed : , boxServicesPowSupplyItemState : , boxServicesTempSensorState : , boxServicesTempSensorTemperature : ]


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Netgear 7000 - Box Services Fannetgear_7000_BoxServicesFanSpeedNetgear 7000 Switch Box Services Fan SpeedrpmMonitors the speed of fan. [ FASTPATH-BOXSERVICES-PRIVATE-MIB :: boxServicesFanSpeed : ]
netgear_7000_BoxServicesFanItemStateNetgear 7000 Switch Box Services Fan StateMonitors the status of fan. [ FASTPATH-BOXSERVICES-PRIVATE-MIB :: boxServicesFanItemState : ] Possible values are : 1 : operational , 2 : failed , 3 : powering , 4 : notpowering , 5 : notpresent.
Netgear 7000 - Box Services Power Supplynetgear_7000_BoxServicesPowSupplyItemStateNetgear 7000 Switch Box Services Power Supply StateMonitors the status of power supply. [ FASTPATH-BOXSERVICES-PRIVATE-MIB :: boxServicesPowSupplyItemState : ] Possible values are : 1 : operational , 2 : failed , 3 : powering , 4 : notpowering , 5 : notpresent.
Netgear 7000 - Box Services Temperature Sensornetgear_7000_BoxServicesTempSensorStateNetgear 7000 Switch Box Services Temperature Sensor StateMonitors the state of temperature sensor. [ FASTPATH-BOXSERVICES-PRIVATE-MIB :: boxServicesTempSensorState : ] Possible values are : 1 : normal , 2 : warning , 3 : critical , 4 : shutdown , 5 : notpresent , 6 : notoperational.
netgear_7000_BoxServicesTempSensorTemperatureNetgear 7000 Switch Box Services Temperature Sensor TemperatureCelsiusMonitors the temperature value reported by sensor. [ FASTPATH-BOXSERVICES-PRIVATE-MIB :: boxServicesTempSensorTemperature : ]

Netgear 7000 - Switch Performance


Monitors the Netgear 7000 Series Switch Performance statistics like CPU and Memory utilization. [ FASTPATH-SWITCHING-MIB :: agentSwitchCpuProcessMemFree : , agentSwitchCpuProcessMemAvailable : , agentSwitchCpuProcessPercentageUtilization : ]


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Netgear 7000 - Switch CPU Utilizationnetgear_7000_AgentSwitchCpuProcessPercentageUtilizationNetgear 7000 Switch CPU Process Percentage Utilization%Monitors the Percentage of CPU Utilized. [ FASTPATH-SWITCHING-MIB :: agentSwitchCpuProcessPercentageUtilization : ]
Netgear 7000 - Switch Memory Utilizationnetgear_7000_MemoryUtilizationNetgear 7000 Switch CPU Process Memory Utilization%Monitors the Netgear 7000 Switch CPU Process Memory Utilization. [ FASTPATH-SWITCHING-MIB :: agentSwitchCpuProcessMemFree : , agentSwitchCpuProcessMemAvailable : ]

Netgear Hardware Monitoring


Monitors the Hardware statistics like Fan, Power Supply and Temperature sensor. [ FASTPATH-BOXSERVICES-PRIVATE-MIB :: boxServicesFanItemState : , boxServicesFanSpeed : , boxServicesPowSupplyItemState : , boxServicesTempSensorState : , boxServicesTempSensorTemperature : ]



Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Netgear Box Services Fannetgear_BoxServicesFanItemStateNetgear Box Services Fan StateMonitors the status of fan. [ FASTPATH-BOXSERVICES-PRIVATE-MIB :: boxServicesFanItemState : ] Possible values are : 1 : operational , 2 : failed , 3 : powering , 4 : notpowering , 5 : notpresent.
netgear_BoxServicesFanSpeedNetgear Box Services Fan SpeedrpmMonitors the speed of fan. [ FASTPATH-BOXSERVICES-PRIVATE-MIB :: boxServicesFanSpeed : ]
Netgear Box Services Temperature Sensornetgear_BoxServicesTempSensorTemperatureNetgear Box Services Temperature Sensor TemperatureCelsiusMonitors the temperature value reported by sensor. [ FASTPATH-BOXSERVICES-PRIVATE-MIB :: boxServicesTempSensorTemperature : ]
netgear_BoxServicesTempSensorStateNetgear Box Services Temperature Sensor StateMonitors the state of temperature sensor. [ FASTPATH-BOXSERVICES-PRIVATE-MIB :: boxServicesTempSensorState : ] Possible values are : 1 : normal , 2 : warning , 3 : critical , 4 : shutdown , 5 : notpresent , 6 : notoperational.
Netgear Box Services Power Supplynetgear_BoxServicesPowSupplyItemStateNetgear Box Services Power Supply StateMonitors the status of power supply. [ FASTPATH-BOXSERVICES-PRIVATE-MIB :: boxServicesPowSupplyItemState : ] Possible values are : 1 : operational , 2 : failed , 3 : powering , 4 : notpowering , 5 : notpresent.

Netgear Performance Monitoring


Monitors the Performance statistics like CPU and Memory utilization. [ FASTPATH-SWITCHING-MIB :: agentSwitchCpuProcessMemFree : , agentSwitchCpuProcessMemAvailable : , agentSwitchCpuProcessPercentageUtilization : ]



Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Netgear Memory Utilizationnetgear_MemoryUtilizationNetgear CPU Process Memory Utilization%Monitors the Netgear Memory Utilization. [ FASTPATH-SWITCHING-MIB :: agentSwitchCpuProcessMemFree : , agentSwitchCpuProcessMemAvailable : ]
Netgear CPU Utilizationnetgear_cpu_AgentSwitchCpuProcessPercentageUtilizationNetgear CPU Process Utilization%Monitors the Percentage of CPU Utilized. [ FASTPATH-SWITCHING-MIB :: agentSwitchCpuProcessPercentageUtilization : ]

Nginx Performance Template


Nginx Performance Template


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Nginx Performance Monitornginx.connections.activeNginx Active ConnectionsNULLNumber of all open connections including connections to backends
nginx.connections.readingNginx Reading ConnectionsNULLNginx reads the request header
nginx.connections.writingNginx Writing ConnectionsNULLNginx reads the request body, processes the request or writes response to a client
nginx.connections.waitingNginx Waiting ConnectionsNULLKeep-alive connections, actually it will be active - (reading + writing)
nginx.requests.handledNginx Requests HandledNULLThe number of requests served by connections handled by Nginx
nginx.requests_rateNginx Requests Rate PerSecReq per SecAverage number of requests per second
nginx.connections_rateNginx Connections Rate PerSecAverage number of connections per second
nginx.perconnections_requestsNginx Requests Per ConnectionNULLAverage number of requests per connection.

Nginx Statistics

This template will be deprecated soon.


Nginx Statistics


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Ngnix Statisticsnginx.response.timeNginx-ResponseTimemsTime taken for Nginx request-response.

Nginx Statistics - v2


Nginx Statistics



Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Nginx Statistics - v2nginx.connections_rateNginx Connections Rate PerSecNULLAverage number of connections per second
nginx.connections.waitingNginx Waiting ConnectionsNULLKeep-alive connections, actually it will be active - (reading + writing)
nginx.connections.writingNginx Writing ConnectionsNULLNginx reads the request body, processes the request or writes response to a client
nginx.requests.handledNginx Requests HandledNULLThe number of requests served by connections handled by Nginx
nginx.requests_rateNginx Requests Rate PerSecReq per SecAverage number of requests per second
nginx.connections.readingNginx Reading ConnectionsNULLNginx reads the request header
nginx.response.timeNginx-ResponseTimemsTime taken for Nginx request-response.
nginx.perconnections_requestsNginx Requests Per ConnectionNULLAverage number of requests per connection.
nginx.connections.activeNginx Active ConnectionsNULLNumber of all open connections including connections to backends

Nimble Storage - Performance


Template to monitor Nimble Storage performance metrics like volume IOPS, global IOPS , Volume online status, volume iSCSI connections, volume disk usage, volume snapshot usage, volume usage, system uptime etc. Validated on Nimble Storage software version sysObjectID :


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Nimble Storage - Global Seq Read BytesBpsIt monitors the number of Sequential Read I/O bytes.[NIMBLE-MIB::ioSeqReadBytes:] ReadsrpsIt monitors the total cumulative number of read I/Os (sequential and random).[NIMBLE-MIB::ioReads:]. Seq Write BytesBpsIt monitors the number of Sequential Write I/O bytes.[NIMBLE-MIB::ioSeqWriteBytes:] WriteswpsIt monitors the total cumulative number of Write I/Os.[NIMBLE-MIB::ioWrites:]. Seq readsrpsIt monitors the total Number of Sequential Read I/O operations.[NIMBLE-MIB::ioSeqReads:] Write BytesBpsIt monitors the total cumulative number of Write I/O bytes (sequential and random).[NIMBLE-MIB::ioWriteBytes:]. Read BytesBpsIt monitors the total cumulative number of Read I/O bytes (sequential and random).[NIMBLE-MIB::ioReadBytes:]. Seq WriteswpsIt monitors the total Number of Sequential Write I/O operations.[NIMBLE-MIB::ioSeqWrites:].
Nimble Storage - Utilization (%)%It monitors the volume utilization in percentage.[NIMBLE-MIB::volSizeHigh:,volSizeLow:,volUsageLow:,volUsageHigh:]. Disk Used(GB) - VolumeGBIt monitors the used size on disk for volumes in GB.[NIMBLE-MIB::volDiskVolBytesUsedLow:,volDiskVolBytesUsedHigh:]. Total (GB)GBIt monitors the total volume in GB.[NIMBLE-MIB::volSizeHigh:, volSizeLow:]. Disk Used(GB) - SnapshotsGBIt monitors the used size on disk for snapshots in GB [NIMBLE-MIB::volDiskSnapBytesUsedLow:,volDiskSnapBytesUsedHigh:]. Used (GB)GBIt monitors the volume used size in GB.[NIMBLE-MIB::volUsageLow:,volUsageHigh:]. ConnectionscountIt monitors the number of iSCSI connections to the volume.[NIMBLE-MIB::volNumConnections:]. OnlineIt monitors whether the volume is online or not. Possible values are true(1), false(2).[NIMBLE-MIB::volOnline:].
Nimble Storage - Volume I/O ReadsrpsIt monitors the total cumulative number of Read I/Os (sequential and random).[NIMBLE-MIB::volIoReads:]. I/O Non Seq Read SSD HitshpsIt monitors the total number of Nonsequential Read I/O hits to SSD.[NIMBLE-MIB::volIoNonseqReadSSDHits:]. I/O Seq ReadsrpsIt monitors the total Number of Sequential Read I/O operations.[NIMBLE-MIB::volIoSeqReads:]. I/O Non Seq Read Mem HitshpsIt monitors the total number of Nonsequential Read I/O hits to Memory.[NIMBLE-MIB::volIoNonseqReadMemHits:]. I/O Seq Write BytesBpsIt monitors the number of Sequential Write I/O bytes.[NIMBLE-MIB::volIoSeqWriteBytes:]. I/O Non Seq Read Total HitshpsIt monitors the total number of Nonsequential Read I/O hits (to Memory and SSD).[NIMBLE-MIB::volIoNonseqReadTotalHits:]. I/O Seq Read bytesBpsIt monitors the total cumulative number of Sequential Read I/O bytes.[NIMBLE-MIB::volIoSeqReadBytes:]. I/O Seq WriteswpsIt monitors the total Number of Sequential Write I/O operations.[NIMBLE-MIB::volIoSeqWrites:]. I/O Write BytesBpsIt monitors the total cumulative number of Write I/O bytes (sequential and random).[NIMBLE-MIB::volIoWriteBytes:] I/O WriteswpsIt monitors the total cumulative number of Write I/Os.[NIMBLE-MIB::volIoWrites:]. I/O Read BytesBpsIt monitors the total cumulative number of Read I/O bytes (sequential and random).[NIMBLE-MIB::volIoReadBytes:].
System Uptimesystem.uptimeSystem UptimesThe time since the SNMP agent in the system was last re-initialized.[OID :]

Nokia Timetra - Fan & Power Supply


Monitors the Nokia Timetra Fan and Power Supply. [TIMETRA-CHASSIS-MIB :: tmnxChassisFanOperStatus : , tmnxChassisFanSpeed : , tmnxChassisPowerSupplyACStatus : , tmnxChassisPowerSupplyDCStatus : , tmnxChassisPowerSupplyTempStatus : , tmnxChassisPowerSupply1Status : , tmnxChassisPowerSupply2Status : , tmnxChassisPowerSupplyInputStatus : , tmnxChassisPowerSupplyOutputStatus : ]


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Nokia Timetra - Fan Statusnokia_timetra_TmnxChassisFanOperStatusNokia Timetra Chassis Fan Operation StatusMonitors the Nokia Timetra Chassis Fan Operation Status.[TIMETRA-CHASSIS-MIB :: tmnxChassisFanOperStatus : ] Possible values are : 1 : deviceStateUnknown , 2 : deviceNotEquipped , 3 : deviceStateOk , 4 : deviceStateFailed , 5 : deviceStateOutOfService.
nokia_timetra_TmnxChassisFanSpeedNokia Timetra Chassis Fan SpeedMonitors the Nokia Timetra Fan Speed.[TIMETRA-CHASSIS-MIB :: tmnxChassisFanSpeed : ] Possible values are : 0 : notApplicable , 1 : unknown , 2 : halfSpeed , 3 : fullSpeed , 4 : lowSpeed.
Nokia Timetra - Power Supplynokia_timetra_TmnxChassisPowerSupplyTempStatusNokia Timetra Chassis PowerSupply Temperature StatusMonitors the Nokia Timetra Chassis PowerSupply Temperature Status. [TIMETRA-CHASSIS-MIB :: tmnxChassisPowerSupplyTempStatus :] Possible values are : 1 : deviceStateUnknown , 2 : deviceNotEquipped , 3 : deviceStateOk , 4 : deviceStateFailed , 5 : deviceStateOutOfService.
nokia_timetra_TmnxChassisPowerSupplyInputStatusNokia Timetra Chassis PowerSupply Input StatusMonitors the Nokia Timetra Chassis PowerSupply Input Status. [TIMETRA-CHASSIS-MIB :: tmnxChassisPowerSupplyInputStatus : ] Possible values are : 1 : deviceStateUnknown , 2 : deviceNotEquipped , 3 : deviceStateOk , 4 : deviceStateFailed , 5 : deviceStateOutOfService.
nokia_timetra_TmnxChassisPowerSupplyOutputStatusNokia Timetra Chassis PowerSupply Output StatusMonitors the Nokia Timetra Chassis PowerSupply Output Status. [TIMETRA-CHASSIS-MIB :: tmnxChassisPowerSupplyOutputStatus : ] Possible values are : 1 : deviceStateUnknown , 2 : deviceNotEquipped , 3 : deviceStateOk , 4 : deviceStateFailed , 5 : deviceStateOutOfService.
nokia_timetra_TmnxChassisPowerSupply1StatusNokia Timetra Chassis PowerSupply1 StatusMonitors the Nokia Timetra Chassis PowerSupply1 Status. [TIMETRA-CHASSIS-MIB :: tmnxChassisPowerSupply1Status : ] Possible values are : 1 : deviceStateUnknown , 2 : deviceNotEquipped , 3 : deviceStateOk , 4 : deviceStateFailed , 5 : deviceStateOutOfService.
nokia_timetra_TmnxChassisPowerSupplyDCStatusNokia Timetra Chassis PowerSupply DC StatusMonitors the Nokia Timetra Chassis PowerSupply DC Status. [TIMETRA-CHASSIS-MIB :: tmnxChassisPowerSupplyDCStatus : ] Possible values are : 1 : deviceStateUnknown , 2 : deviceNotEquipped , 3 : deviceStateOk , 4 : deviceStateFailed , 5 : deviceStateOutOfService.
nokia_timetra_TmnxChassisPowerSupplyACStatusNokia Timetra Chassis PowerSupply AC StatusMonitors the Nokia Timetra Chassis PowerSupply AC Status. [TIMETRA-CHASSIS-MIB :: tmnxChassisPowerSupplyACStatus : ] Possible values are : 1 : deviceStateUnknown , 2 : deviceNotEquipped , 3 : deviceStateOk , 4 : deviceStateFailed , 5 : deviceStateOutOfService.
nokia_timetra_TmnxChassisPowerSupply2StatusNokia Timetra Chassis PowerSupply2 StatusMonitors the Nokia Timetra Chassis PowerSupply2 Status. [TIMETRA-CHASSIS-MIB :: tmnxChassisPowerSupply2Status : ] Possible values are : 1 : deviceStateUnknown , 2 : deviceNotEquipped , 3 : deviceStateOk , 4 : deviceStateFailed , 5 : deviceStateOutOfService.

Nokia Timetra - Hardware


Monitors the Nokia Timetra Hardware Statistics. [TIMETRA-CHASSIS-MIB :: tmnxHwAdminState : , tmnxHwOperState : , tmnxHwTemperature : ]


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Nokia Timetra - Hardware Statisticsnokia_timetra_TmnxHwTemperatureNokia Timetra Hardware TemperatureCelsiusMonitors the Nokia Timetra Hardware Temperature. [TIMETRA-CHASSIS-MIB :: tmnxHwTemperature : ]
nokia_timetra_TmnxHwOperStateNokia Timetra Hardware Operation StateMonitors the Nokia Timetra Tmnx Hardware Operation State. [TIMETRA-CHASSIS-MIB :: tmnxHwOperState : ] \nPossible values are : 1 : unknown , 2 : inService , 3 : outOfService , 4 : diagnosing , 5 : failed , 6 : booting , 7 : empty , 8 : provisioned , 9 : unprovisioned , 10 : upgrade , 11 : downgrade , 12 : inServiceUpgrade , 13 : inServiceDowngrade , 14 : resetPending , 15 : softReset.
nokia_timetra_TmnxHwAdminStateNokia Timetra Hardware Administrative StateMonitors the Nokia Timetra Hardware Administrative State.[TIMETRA-CHASSIS-MIB :: tmnxHwAdminState :] Possible values are : 1 : noop , 2 : inService , 3 : outOfService , 4 : diagnose , 5 : operateSwitch.

Nokia Timetra - Performance


Monitors the Nokia Timetra CPU and Memory Utilization. [TIMETRA-SYSTEM-MIB :: sgiCpuUsage : , sgiKbMemoryUsed : , sgiKbMemoryAvailable : ]


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Nokia Timetra - System Performancenokia_timetra_SgiKbMemoryUsedNokia Timetra Memory UsedKBMonitors the Nokia Timetra Memory Used.\n[TIMETRA-SYSTEM-MIB :: sgiKbMemoryUsed : ]
nokia_timetra_SgiKbMemoryAvailableNokia Timetra Memory AvailableKBMonitors the Nokia Timetra Memory Available.[TIMETRA-SYSTEM-MIB :: sgiKbMemoryAvailable : ]
nokia_timetra_SgiCpuUsageNokia Timetra Cpu Usage%Monitors the Nokia Timetra CPU Utilization.[TIMETRA-SYSTEM-MIB :: sgiCpuUsage : ]
nokia_timetra_MemoryUtilizationNokia Timetra Memory Utilization%Monitors the Nokia Timetra Memory Utilization. [TIMETRA-SYSTEM-MIB :: sgiKbMemoryUsed : , sgiKbMemoryAvailable : ]

NTP Offset - SNMP Extended


Monitoring delay in seconds


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
NTP Offset - SNMP Extendedntp_offset_snmpNtp OffsetsThe time difference between the local clock and the NTP reference clock.

Nutanix Cluster Performance


Nutanix Cluster Performance


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Nutanix Cluster Read IOpsNULLNum Read IOps
nutanix.controller.num.iopsController Num IOpsNULLController Num IOps
nutanix.num.write.iopsNum Write IOpsNULLNum Write IOps
nutanix.data_reduction.overall.saving_ratio_ppmData Reduction Overall Saving RatIO PPMNULLData Reduction Overall Saving RatIO PPM Capacity BytesNULLStorage Capacity Bytes Free BytesNULLStorage Free Bytes

Nutanix Cluster Performance Extended


Extended template for Nutanix Cluster Performance monitoring. This template validated against Nutanix API Version : v1 and supported Gateway versions – 8.0.0 and above.


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Nutanix Cluster Performancenutanix.content.cache.physical.memory.usage.bytesContent Cache Physical Memory Usage BytesNULLContent Cache Physical Memory Usage Bytes Total IO Time UsecsNULLController Total IO Time Usecs
nutanix.storage_tier.das-sata.capacity_bytesStorage Tier Das-sata Capacity BytesNULLStorage Tier Das-sata Capacity Bytes
nutanix.hypervisor.kvm.cpu.usage.ppmHypervisor KVM CPU Usage ppmNULLHypervisor KVM CPU Usage ppm
nutanix.data_reduction.clone.saved_bytesData Reduction Clone Saved BytesNULLData Reduction Clone Saved Bytes Num Read IOpsNULLController Num Read IOps
nutanix.num.iopsNum IOpsNULLNum IOps Reserved Free BytesNULLStorage Reserved Free Bytes
nutanix.storage_tier.das-sata.free_bytesStorage Tier Das-sata Free BytesNULLStorage Tier Das-sata Free Bytes Num Read IOPSNULLHypervisor Num Read IOPS Read IO Bandwidth KBpsNULLController Read IO Bandwidth KBps Logical Usage BytesNULLStorage Logical Usage Bytes
nutanix.storage_tier.ssd.pinned_usage_bytesStorage Tier SSD Pinned Usage BytesNULLStorage Tier SSD Pinned Usage Bytes Reserved Usage BytesNULLStorage Reserved Usage Bytes
nutanix.data_reduction.compression.pre_reduction_bytesData Reduction Compression Pre Reduction BytesNULLData Reduction Compression Pre Reduction Bytes Read IO Time UsecsNULLTotal Read IO Time Usecs IO Size KBytesNULLTotal IO Size KBytes Total Read IO Time UsecsNULLController Total Read IO Time Usecs
nutanix.data_reduction.thin_provision.saving_ratio_ppmData Reduction Thin Provision Saving RatIO PPMNULLData Reduction Thin Provision Saving RatIO PPM
nutanix.controller.num.random.ioController Num Random IONULLController Num Random IO
nutanix.hypervisor.num.ioHypervisor Num IONULLHypervisor Num IO IO Bandwidth KBpsNULLController IO Bandwidth KBps
nutanix.data_reduction.erasure_coding.pre_reduction_bytesData Reduction Erasure Coding Pre Reduction BytesNULLData Reduction Erasure Coding Pre Reduction Bytes Avg Write IO Latency UsecsNULLHypervisor Avg Write IO Latency Usecs
nutanix.data_reduction.dedup.saved_bytesData Reduction Dedup Saved BytesNULLData Reduction Dedup Saved Bytes Write IO Bandwidth KBpsNULLHypervisor Write IO Bandwidth KBps
nutanix.content.cache.physical.ssd.usage.bytesContent Cache Physical SSD Usage BytesNULLContent Cache Physical SSD Usage Bytes
nutanix.data_reduction.dedup.post_reduction_bytesData Reduction Dedup Post Reduction BytesNULLData Reduction Dedup Post Reduction Bytes
nutanix.timespan.usecsTimespan UsecsNULLTimespan Usecs
nutanix.hypervisor.hyperv.cpu.usage.ppmHypervisor Hyperv CPU Usage ppmNULLHypervisor Hyperv CPU Usage ppm IO PPMNULLWrite IO PPM IO PPMNULLSeq IO PPM
nutanix.data_reduction.saving_ratio_ppmData Reduction Saving RatIO PPMNULLData Reduction Saving RatIO PPM Usage BytesNULLStorage Usage Bytes Avg Write IO Size KBytesNULLController Avg Write IO Size KBytes
nutanix.replication.received.bandwidth.kBpsReplication Received Bandwidth KBpsNULLReplication Received Bandwidth KBps
nutanix.data_reduction.dedup.saving_ratio_ppmData Reduction Dedup Saving RatIO PPMNULLData Reduction Dedup Saving RatIO PPM
nutanix.storage_tier.ssd.usage_bytesStorage Tier SSD Usage BytesNULLStorage Tier SSD Usage Bytes
nutanix.content.cache.hit.ppmContent Cache Hit PPMNULLContent Cache Hit PPM Write IO Bandwidth KBpsNULLController Write IO Bandwidth KBps
nutanix.hypervisor.timespan.usecsHypervisor Timespan UsecsNULLHypervisor Timespan Usecs
nutanix.storage_tier.das-sata.pinned_bytesStorage Tier Das-sata Pinned BytesNULLStorage Tier Das-sata Pinned Bytes Untransformed Usage BytesNULLTotal Untransformed Usage Bytes Write IO ppmNULLController Write IO ppm Read IO PPMNULLController Read IO PPM Read IONULLNum Read IO Total Read IO Time UsecsNULLHypervisor Total Read IO Time Usecs
nutanix.data_reduction.compression.saved_bytesData Reduction Compression Saved BytesNULLData Reduction Compression Saved Bytes
nutanix.hypervisor.esx.cpu.usage.ppmHypervisor ESX CPU Usage ppmNULLHypervisor ESX CPU Usage ppm
nutanix.hypervisor.esx.memory.usage.ppmHypervisor ESX Memory Usage ppmNULLHypervisor ESX Memory Usage ppm
nutanix.storage_tier.ssd.free_bytesStorage Tier SSD Free BytesNULLStorage Tier SSD Free Bytes
nutanix.content.cache.saved.memory.usage.bytesContent Cache Saved Memory Usage BytesNULLContent Cache Saved Memory Usage Bytes Bandwidth KBpsNULLIO Bandwidth KBps
nutanix.content.cache.num.hitsContent Cache Num HitsNULLContent Cache Num Hits
nutanix.content.cache.num.dedup.ref.count.pphContent Cache Num Dedup Ref Count PphNULLContent Cache Num Dedup Ref Count Pph
nutanix.hypervisor.num.write.iopsHypervisor Num Write IOpsNULLHypervisor Num Write IOps
nutanix.data_reduction.erasure_coding.saving_ratio_ppmData Reduction Erasure Coding Saving RatIO PPMNULLData Reduction Erasure Coding Saving RatIO PPM
nutanix.replication.num.transmitted.bytesReplication Num Transmitted BytesNULLReplication Num Transmitted Bytes Avg IO Latency UsecsNULLController Avg IO Latency Usecs
nutanix.controller.timespan.usecsController Timespan UsecsNULLController Timespan Usecs Total IO Size KBytesNULLController Total IO Size KBytes Total IO Size KBytesNULLHypervisor Total IO Size KBytes
nutanix.data_reduction.dedup.pre_reduction_bytesData Reduction Dedup Pre Reduction BytesNULLData Reduction Dedup Pre Reduction Bytes Total Read IO Size K BytesNULLHypervisor Total Read IO Size K Bytes Avg Read IO Size K BytesNULLController Avg Read IO Size K Bytes Avg Read IO Latency UsecsNULLHypervisor Avg Read IO Latency Usecs
nutanix.data_reduction.compression.saving_ratio_ppmData Reduction Compression Saving Ratio PPMNULLData Reduction Compression Saving Ratio PPM
nutanix.num.write.ioNum Write IONULLNum Write IO
nutanix.content.cache.logical.memory.usage.bytesContent Cache Logical Memory Usage BytesNULLContent Cache Logical Memory Usage Bytes Read IO Bandwidth KBpsNULLHypervisor Read IO Bandwidth KBps Seq IO PPMNULLController Seq IO PPM IO PPMNULLRead IO PPM Read IO Latency UsecsNULLAvg Read IO Latency Usecs IO Bandwidth KBpsNULLWrite IO Bandwidth KBps IO PPMNULLrandom IO PPM
nutanix.data_reduction.compression.post_reduction_bytesData Reduction Compression Post Reduction BytesNULLData Reduction Compression Post Reduction Bytes
nutanix.data_reduction.thin_provision.saved_bytesData Reduction Thin Provision Saved BytesNULLData Reduction Thin Provision Saved Bytes
nutanix.content.cache.saved.ssd.usage.bytesContent Cache Saved SSD Usage BytesNULLContent Cache Saved SSD Usage Bytes
nutanix.data_reduction.pre_reduction_bytesData Reduction Pre Reduction BytesNULLData Reduction Pre Reduction Bytes IO Bandwidth KBpsNULLRead IO Bandwidth KBps
nutanix.data_reduction.erasure_coding.saved_bytesData Reduction Erasure Coding Saved BytesNULLData Reduction Erasure Coding Saved Bytes Reserved Capacity BytesNULLStorage Reserved Capacity Bytes Total Read IO Size KBytesNULLController Total Read IO Size KBytes
nutanix.hypervisor.num.iopsHypervisor Num IOpsNULLHypervisor Num IOps Total IO Time UsecsNULLHypervisor Total IO Time Usecs
nutanix.num.random.ioNum Random IONULLNum Random IO
nutanix.controller.num.write.iopsController Num Write IOpsNULLController Num Write IOps
nutanix.controller.num.seq.ioController Num Seq IONULLController Num Seq IO
nutanix.storage_tier.das-sata.pinned_usage_bytesStorage Tier Das-sata Pinned Usage BytesNULLStorage Tier Das-sata Pinned Usage Bytes
nutanix.storage_tier.ssd.pinned_bytesStorage Tier SSD Pinned BytesNULLStorage Tier SSD Pinned Bytes IO Time UsecsNULLTotal IO Time Usecs IO Bandwidth KBpsNULLHypervisor IO Bandwidth KBps
nutanix.controller.num.write.ioController Num Write IONULLController Num Write IO
nutanix.num.ioNum ioNULLNum io
nutanix.hypervisor.hyperv.memory.usage.ppmHypervisor Hyperv Memory Usage ppmNULLHypervisor Hyperv Memory Usage ppm
nutanix.data_reduction.clone.saving_ratio_ppmData Reduction Clone Saving RatIO PPMNULLData Reduction Clone Saving RatIO PPM
nutanix.replication.transmitted.bandwidth.kBpsReplication Transmitted Bandwidth KBpsNULLReplication Transmitted Bandwidth KBps Avg Write IO Latency UsecsNULLController Avg Write IO Latency Usecs
nutanix.storage_tier.das-sata.usage_bytesStorage Tier Das-sata Usage BytesNULLStorage Tier Das-sata Usage Bytes
nutanix.replication.num.received.bytesReplication Num Received BytesNULLReplication Num Received Bytes
nutanix.hypervisor.kvm.memory.usage.ppmHypervisor KVM Memory Usage ppmNULLHypervisor KVM Memory Usage ppm Avg IO Latency UsecsNULLHypervisor Avg IO Latency Usecs
nutanix.controller.num.ioController Num IONULLController Num IO Read IO Size KBytesNULLTotal Read IO Size KBytes
nutanix.hypervisor.num.write.ioHypervisor Num Write IONULLHypervisor Num Write IO
nutanix.hypervisor.memory.usage.ppmHypervisor Memory Usage PPMNULLHypervisor Memory Usage PPM
nutanix.storage_tier.ssd.capacity_bytesStorage Tier SSD Capacity BytesNULLStorage Tier SSD Capacity Bytes Num Read IONULLController Num Read IO
nutanix.data_reduction.post_reduction_bytesData Reduction Post Reduction BytesNULLData Reduction Post Reduction Bytes
nutanix.data_reduction.saved_bytesData Reduction Saved BytesNULLData Reduction Saved Bytes Avg Read IO Latency UsecsNULLController Avg Read IO Latency Usecs
nutanix.num.seq.ioNum Seq IONULLNum Seq IO
nutanix.data_reduction.erasure_coding.post_reduction_bytesData Reduction Erasure Coding Post Reduction BytesNULLData Reduction Erasure Coding Post Reduction Bytes Total Transformed Usage BytesNULLController Total Transformed Usage Bytes

Nutanix Hardware Monitoring - V2


Monitors the Nutanix Storage health status and performance metrics of all components like CVM, disk, cluster, storage pool, VMs, Hypervisor along with Storage Container. SNMP based monitoring.


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Nutanix Cluster Statsmutanix.cluster.statusNutanix Cluster StatusMonitors the Current Status of the cluster. This will usually be none of started or stopped. [OID:] Cluster Storage Utilization%Monitors the Cluster Storage utilization. [OID:,]
Nutanix CVM Memorynutanix.cvm.available.memoryNutanix CVM Available MemoryGBMonitors the total memory available on a CVM. [OID:]
Nutanix CVM Status - Extnutanix_cvm_metadataService_statusNutanix CVM Meta Data Service StatusMonitors the Status of metadata services on the Controller VM. [OID:]
nutanix_cvm_statusNutanix CVM StatusMonitors the status of the node. [OID:]
nutanix_cvm_dataServices_statusNutanix CVM Core Data Service StatusMonitors the Status of core data services on the Controller VM. [OID:]
Nutanix Disk Statsnutanix.cvm.disk.avglatencyNutanix CVM Disk Avg LatencymsMonitors the Average IO latency of the disk per micro seconds. [OID:]
nutanix.cvm.disk.stateNutanix CVM Disk StateMonitors the Nutanix Controller VM Disk Status. [OID:,]
nutanix.cvm.disk.usageNutanix CVM Disk UsageKBpsMonitors the disk usage. [,] CVM Disk IOPSMonitors the Number IO per seconds for the disk. [OID:]
Nutanix Hypervisor Performancenutanix.hypervisor.write.iopsNutanix Hypervisor Write IOPSpsecMonitors the Number of write IO operations served per second on this hypervisor. [OID:]
nutanix.hypervisor.memory.usageNutanix Hypervisor Memory Usage%Monitors the Memory usage percentage of the hypervisor. [OID:]
nutanix.hypervisor.cpu.usageNutanix Hypervisor CPU Usage%Monitors the CPU usage percentage of the hypervisor. [OID:]
nutanix.hypervisor.configured.vmcountNutanix Hypervisor COnfigured VM CountShows the Total number of VM configured on the hypervisor. [OID:]
nutanix.hypervisor.avg.latencyNutanix Hypervisor Avg LatencymsMonitors the Average IO latency per micro seconds of the hypervisor. [OID:] Hypervisor IO BandwidthKBpsMonitors the IO bandwidth in KBps of the hypervisor. [OID:] Hypervisor Read IOPSpsecMonitors the Number of read IO operations served per second on this hypervisor. [OID:]
Nutanix Storage Container Storage Container Avg LatencymsMonitors the Average IO latency for this storage container in microseconds. [OID:] Storage Container IOPSpsecMonitors the Number of IO operations served per second from this storage container. [OID:] Storage Container Utilization%Monitors the Storage Container utillization. [OID:,,] Storage Container BandWidthKBpsMonitors the IO bandwidth in KBps for the storage container. [OID:]
Nutanix Storage Pool Performancenutanix.storagepool.utilizationNutanix Storage Pool Utilization%Monitors the Storage pool utilization. [OID:,,] Storage Pool IO BandWidthKBpsMonitors the IO bandwidth in KBps for the Storage pool. [OID:]
nutanix.storagepool.avglatencyNutanix Storage Pool Avg LatencymsMonitors the Average IO latency for this storage pool in microseconds. [OID:]
nutanix.storagepool.iopsNutanix Storage Pool IOPSpsecMonitors the number of IO operations served per second from this storage pool. [OID:]

Nutanix Hardware Monitoring - V3


Monitors the Nutanix Storage health status and performance metrics of all components like CVM, disk, cluster, storage pool, VMs, Hypervisor along with Storage Container. SNMP based monitoring.


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Nutanix Cluster Statusnutanix_cluster_statusNutanix Cluster StatusMonitors the Current Status of the cluster. This will usually be none of started or stopped. [OID:]
nutanix_cluster_storage_utilizationNutanix Cluster Storage Utilization%Monitors the Cluster Storage utilization. [OID:,]
Nutanix Hardware Monitoring - Extnutanix_hypervisor_memory_usageNutanix Hypervisor Memory Usage%Monitors the Memory usage percentage of the hypervisor. [OID:]
nutanix_cvm_dataServices_statusNutanix CVM Core Data Service StatusMonitors the Status of core data services on the Controller VM. [OID:]
nutanix_hypervisor_avg_latencyNutanix Hypervisor Avg LatencymsMonitors the Average IO latency per micro seconds of the hypervisor. [OID:]
nutanix_storage_container_iopsNutanix Storage Container IOPSpsecMonitors the Number of IO operations served per second from this storage container. [OID:]
nutanix_cvm_disk_avglatencyNutanix CVM Disk Avgerage latencymsMonitors the Average IO latency of the disk per micro seconds. [OID:]
nutanix_cvm_metadataService_statusNutanix CVM Meta Data Service StatusMonitors the Status of metadata services on the Controller VM. [OID:]
nutanix_cvm_available_memoryNutanix CVM Available MemoryGBMonitors the total memory available on a CVM. [OID:]
nutanix_hypervisor_read_iopsNutanix Hypervisor Read IOPSpsecMonitors the Number of read IO operations served per second on this hypervisor. [OID:]
nutanix_hypervisor_cpu_usageNutanix Hypervisor CPU Usage%Monitors the CPU usage percentage of the hypervisor. [OID:]
nutanix_hypervisor_configured_vmcountNutanix Hypervisor Configured VM CountShows the Total number of VM configured on the hypervisor. [OID:]
nutanix_cvm_statusNutanix CVM StatusMonitors the status of the node. [OID:]
nutanix_storage_container_bandwidthNutanix Storage Container BandWidthKBpsMonitors the IO bandwidth in KBps for the storage container. [OID:]
nutanix_storagepool_io_bandwidthNutanix Storage Pool IO BandWidthKBpsMonitors the IO bandwidth in KBps for the Storage pool. [OID:]
nutanix_storage_container_utilizationNutanix Storage Container Utilization%Monitors the Storage Container utillization. [OID:,,]
nutanix_cvm_diskStateNutanix CVM Disk StateMonitors the Nutanix Controller VM Disk Status. [OID:,]
nutanix_storagepool_utilizationNutanix Storage Pool Utilization%Monitors the Storage pool utilization. [OID:,,]
nutanix_cvm_disk_usageNutanix CVM Disk UsageKBpsMonitors the disk usage. [,]
nutanix_hypervisor_io_bandwidthNutanix Hypervisor IO BandwidthKBpsMonitors the IO bandwidth in KBps of the hypervisor. [OID:]
nutanix_storagepool_iopsNutanix Storage Pool IOPSpsecMonitors the number of IO operations served per second from this storage pool. [OID:]
nutanix_storage_container_avglatencyNutanix Storage Container Avg LatencymsMonitors the Average IO latency for this storage container in microseconds. [OID:]
nutanix_cvm_disk_totalIopsNutanix CVM Disk Total IopsMonitors the Number IO per seconds for the disk. [OID:]
nutanix_hypervisor_write_iopsNutanix Hypervisor Write IOPSpsecMonitors the Number of write IO operations served per second on this hypervisor. [OID:]
nutanix_storagepool_avglatencyNutanix Storage Pool Avg LatencymsMonitors the Average IO latency for this storage pool in microseconds. [OID:]

Nutanix Host Performance


Nutanix Host Performance


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Nutanix Host Read IOpsNULLNum Read IOps
nutanix.controller.num.iopsController Num IOpsNULLController Num IOps
nutanix.num.write.iopsNum Write IOpsNULLNum Write IOps
nutanix.data_reduction.overall.saving_ratio_ppmData Reduction Overall Saving RatIO PPMNULLData Reduction Overall Saving RatIO PPM Capacity BytesNULLStorage Capacity Bytes Free BytesNULLStorage Free Bytes

Nutanix Host Performance_Device


Nutanix Host Performance


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Nutanix Host Read IOpsNULLNum Read IOps
nutanix.controller.num.iopsController Num IOpsNULLController Num IOps
nutanix.num.write.iopsNum Write IOpsNULLNum Write IOps
nutanix.data_reduction.overall.saving_ratio_ppmData Reduction Overall Saving RatIO PPMNULLData Reduction Overall Saving RatIO PPM Capacity BytesNULLStorage Capacity Bytes Free BytesNULLStorage Free Bytes

Nutanix StorageController Performance


Nutanix StorageController Performance


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Nutanix StorageController Read IOpsNULLNum Read IOps
nutanix.controller.num.iopsController Num IOpsNULLController Num IOps
nutanix.num.write.iopsNum Write IOpsNULLNum Write IOps
nutanix.data_reduction.overall.saving_ratio_ppmData Reduction Overall Saving RatIO PPMNULLData Reduction Overall Saving RatIO PPM Capacity BytesNULLStorage Capacity Bytes Free BytesNULLStorage Free Bytes

Nutanix VirtualMachine Performance


Nutanix VirtualMachine Performance


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Nutanix VirtualMachine Read IOpsNULLNum Read IOps
nutanix.controller.num.iopsController Num IOpsNULLController Num IOps
nutanix.num.write.iopsNum Write IOpsNULLNum Write IOps
nutanix.data_reduction.overall.saving_ratio_ppmData Reduction Overall Saving RatIO PPMNULLData Reduction Overall Saving RatIO PPM Capacity BytesNULLStorage Capacity Bytes Free BytesNULLStorage Free Bytes

Opengear Operations Manager


Monitors the Opengear operations manager statistics like modem state ,UIM failover state , temperature and power supply statistics like input voltage , output current , output power and serial port statistics like Rx,,Tx Bytes,Traffic In,Traffic out, parity errors, over run errors,framing errors.[OG-OMTELEM-MIB :: ogOmCellularState : , ogOmCellularUimFailoverState :, ogOmPowerSupplyOutputPower : , ogOmPowerSupplyOutputCurrent : , ogOmPowerSupplyInputVoltage :, ogOmSerialPortRxBytes : , ogOmSerialPortTxBytes : , ogOmTempSensorValue :]


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Opengear Operations Manager - Cellular Modemopengear_om_CellularStateOpengear OM Cellular StateMonitors the overall current state of the modem.[OG-OMTELEM-MIB :: ogOmCellularState :].Possible values are failed(1), unknown(2), initializing(3), locked(4), disabled(5), disabling(6), enabling(7), enabled(8), searching(9), registered(10), disconnecting(11), connecting(12), connected(13).
opengear_om_CellularUimFailoverStateOpengear OM Cellular UIM Failover StateMonitors the current UIM failover state.[OG-OMTELEM-MIB :: ogOmCellularUimFailoverState :].Possible values are unavailable(1), disabled(2), enabled(3), failingOver(4), failedOver(5), failingBack(6).
Opengear Operations Manager - Power Supplyopengear_om_PowerSupplyOutputPowerOpengear OM Power Supply Output PowerWattsMonitors the power supply output power.[OG-OMTELEM-MIB :: ogOmPowerSupplyOutputPower :]
opengear_om_PowerSupplyOutputCurrentOpengear OM Power Supply Output CurrentampsMonitors the power supply output current.[OG-OMTELEM-MIB :: ogOmPowerSupplyOutputCurrent :]
opengear_om_PowerSupplyInputVoltageOpengear OM Power Supply Input VoltagevMonitors the power supply input voltage.[OG-OMTELEM-MIB :: ogOmPowerSupplyInputVoltage :]
Opengear Operations Manager - Serial Port Statisticsopengear_om_SerialPortParityErrorsOpengear OM Serial Port Parity ErrorsErrors per SecIt monitors Opengear serial port parity errors. [OG-OMTELEM-MIB :: ogOmSerialPortParityErrors :]
opengear_om_SerialPortRxBytesOpengear OM Serial Port Rx Bytes ReceivedBytesMonitors the Serial port bytes received.[OG-OMTELEM-MIB :: ogOmSerialPortRxBytes :]
opengear_om_SerialPortTrafficInOpengear OM Serial Port Traffic InbpsIt monitors the Opengear serial port traffic in.[OG-OMTELEM-MIB :: ogOmSerialPortRxBytes :]
opengear_om_SerialPortOverrunErrorsOpengear OM Serial Port Overrun ErrorsErrors per SecIt monitors Opengear serial port overrun errors.[OG-OMTELEM-MIB :: ogOmSerialPortOverrunErrors :]
opengear_om_SerialPortTrafficOutOpengear OM Serial Port Traffic OutbpsIt monitors the Opengear serial port traffic out.[OG-OMTELEM-MIB :: ogOmSerialPortTxBytes :]
opengear_om_SerialPortTxBytesOpengear OM Serial Port Tx Bytes TransmittedBytesMonitors the Serial port bytes transmitted.[OG-OMTELEM-MIB :: ogOmSerialPortTxBytes :]
opengear_om_SerialPortFramingErrorsOpengear OM Serial Port Framing ErrorsErrors per SecIt monitors the Opengear serial port framing errors.[OG-OMTELEM-MIB :: ogOmSerialPortFramingErrors :]
Opengear Operations Manager - Temperature Sensoropengear_om_TempSensorValueOpengear OM Temperature Sensor valueCelsiusMonitors the temperature sensor value.[OG-OMTELEM-MIB :: ogOmTempSensorValue :]

OpsRamp Gateway Performance Monitors




No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
CPU Load - UCD-SNMP-MIBsystem.unix.load.5minCPU Load 5 MinMonitors the 5 minute cpu load average.[OID:]
CPU Stats - UCD-SNMP-MIBunix.cpu.totalCPU Total TimesSum of CPU Time in all modes.[OIDs:,,,,,,]
system.unix.cpu.stats.userCPU User Time%CPU time in User mode.[OIDs:,,,,,,]
system.unix.cpu.stats.niceCPU Nice Time%CPU Time in Nice mode.[OIDs:,,,,,,]
system.unix.cpu.stats.systemCPU System Time%CPU Time in System mode.[OIDs:,,,,,,]
system.unix.cpu.stats.idleCPU Idle Time%CPU Time in Idle mode.[OIDs:,,,,,,]
system.unix.cpu.stats.iowaitCPU IOWait Time%CPU Time in iowait mode. This is primarily a SysV thingie.[OIDs:,,,,,,]
system.unix.cpu.stats.kernelCPU Kernel Time%CPU Time in Kernel mode.[OIDs:,,,,,,]
system.unix.cpu.stats.interruptCPU Interrupt Time%CPU time in interrupt level. This is primarily a BSD thingie.[OIDs:,,,,,,]
CPU Utilization - UCD-SNMP-MIBsystem.unix.cpu.util.percentCPU Utilization%CPU utilization is a key performance metric. It is the percentage of time the processor spends doing work (as opposed to being idle). It can be used to track CPU performance regressions or improvements.[OID:]
Host System Uptimesystem.uptimeSystem UptimesThe amount of time since this host was last initialized.[OID -]
Memory Utilization - UCD-SNMP-MIBsystem.unix.memoryUnix Physical Memory%Monitors the Unix Real Memory utilization.[OIDs:,,]
system.unix.memory.swapUnix Swap Memory%Monitors the Unix Swap Memory Utilization.[OIDs:,]
system.unix.memory.freeUnix Memory FreeKBMonitors the UNIX free memory.[OIDs:,,]
system.unix.memory.usedUnix Memory UsedKBMonitors the UNIX used memory.
system.unix.memory.swap.usedUnix Swap Memory UsedKBMonitors the amount of used swap memory.[OIDs:,]
system.unix.memory.swap.totalUnix Swap Memory TotalKBMonitors the total amount of swap space configured for this host.[OID:]
Storage Utilization - HR-MIBsystem.disk.util.percentDisk Utilization%Monitors the disk utilization.[OIDs:,,]

OpsRamp Gateway vProbe Performance


OpsRamp Gateway vProbe Performance


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
OpsRamp Gateway vProbe Performancevistara.vprobe.mem.prctvProbe memory usage%vProbe memory usage
vistara.vprobe.uptime.millisvProbe uptimeDaysvProbe uptime in Days free memoryGBvProbe free memory total threadsvProbe total threads
vistara.vprobe.msg.db.lengthvProbe message DB queue sizevProbe message DB queue size
vistara.vprobe.mon.recent.pkt.sent.timevProbe Monitor Packet sent timemsvProbe Monitor Packet sent time
8vistara.vprobe.msg.recent.pkt.sent.timevProbe Message Packet sent timemsvProbe Message Packet sent time
vistara.vprobe.msg.queue.lengthvProbe message Memory queue sizevProbe message Memory queue size
vistara.vprobe.mon.queue.lengthvProbe monitor Memory queue sizevProbe monitor Memory queue size
vistara.vprobe.msg.pkt.sendvProbe message packets sentvProbe message packets sent
vistara.vprobe.mon.pkt.sendvProbe monitor packets sentvProbe monitor packets sent message data sentMBvProbe message data sent monitor data sentMBvProbe monitor data sent
vistara.vprobe.datapoint.consumer.countvProbe Monitor Datapoint Consumer countvProbe Monitor Datapoint Consumer count
vistara.vprobe.rawdata.consumer.countvProbe Monitor Raw Datapoint Consumer countvProbe Monitor Raw Datapoint Consumer count
vistara.vprobe.mon.device.countvProbe Monitor device countvProbe Monitor device count
vistara.vprobe.mon.job.countvProbe Monitor Job countvProbe Monitor Job count
vistara.vprobe.running.service.countvProbe Running service countvProbe Running service count
vistara.vprobe.mon.db.lengthvProbe monitor DB queue sizevProbe monitor DB queue size
vistara.vprobe.threadpool.rejectedvProbe Rejected threadsvProbe Rejected threads
vistara.vprobe.cpu.loadvProbe CPU load%vProbe CPU load Open File descriptorsvProbe Open File descriptors

OpsRamp Gateway vProbe Performance - Overload Indication


In addition to OpsRamp Gateway vProbe Performance template use this template to monitor the gateway metrics and component count.


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
OpsRamp Gateway vProbe Performance - Overload Indicationvprobe.monitor.component.countvProbe Monitor Component CountNULLEvery time a components gets monitored it will be incremented by one.
vprobe.monitor.metric.countvProbe Monitor Metric CountNULLEvery time a metric gets monitored it will be incremented by one.

Oracle - Sun platform - Alarms - G2


Template for Oracle Sun Platform. Monitors Oracle Sun operational status, unknown status, alarm status and ILOM control firmware update status. Tested on SUN BLADE 6000 MODULAR SYSTEM.


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Sun ILOM Control Firmware Statusoraclefirmware.statusSun ILOM Control Firmware StatusThis property indicates the status of a firmware update. If a TFTP error occurred while attempting to upload a new firmware image, the value of this property will be tftpError(1). If the image was uploaded correctly but it did not pass verification, the value of this property will be imageVerificationFailed(2). Otherwise, the status will indicate that the update is inProgress(3) or is a success(4). A firmware update could take as long as 20 minutes. During this time, no other operations should be performed on the device. Upon success, the device will be reset. [OID:].
Sun Platform Equipmentoracle.unknown.statusSun Platform Unknown StatusProvides the unknown status of the managed object. Possible states are 1- True, 2- False. [OID:]
oracle.alarm.statusSun Platform Alarm StatusIndicates the alarm status of the managed object. Possible values are 1- Critical, 2- Major, 3- Minor, 4- Indeterminate, 5- Warning, 6- Pending, 7- Cleared. [OID:]
operational.stateOperational StateDescribes the Operational State and Administrative state of the managed object and . Possible values are 0:Admin Locked or Shutting down 1: disabled 2: enabled [OIDs:,]



Monitors Oracle RAC metrics like: Oracle ASM Archive pct, Oracle ASM Data pct, Oracle Blocking Session, Oracle BufferCacheHitRatio pct, Oracle Disk Sort Ratio pct, Oracle Duplicated Filename Count, Oracle Library Cache Hit Ratio pct, Oracle Max DB File pct usage, Oracle Max Open Cursor Username Count, Oracle Processes Used pct, Oracle Redolog Switch Count, Oracle Sequence Pct Used, Oracle Sessions Used pct, Oracle Table Lock Conflict Count, Oracle Temp Tablespace Utilization, Oracle UNDO tbs usage


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
ORACLE RACoracle.blocking.sessionOracle Blocking SessioncountOracle query to monitoring blocking valid sessions
oracle.maxdbfilepct.usageOracle Max DB File pct usage%Oracle query to monitoring the % of oracle files opened
oracle.redolog.switch.countOracle Redolog Switch CountcountOracle query to monitoring the number of redolog switch
oracle.maxopencursor.username.countOracle Max Open Cursor Username CountcountOracle query to monitoring max open cursor value for each db username
oracle.sequence.pctusedOracle Sequence Pct Used%Oracle query to monitoring sequence usage in Pct
oracle.procsused.pctOracle Processes Used pct%Oracle query to monitoring db processes usage in Pct
oracle.sessions.used.pctOracle Sessions Used pct%Oracle query to monitoring db sessions usage in Pct
oracle.table.lockconflict.countOracle Table Lock Conflict CountcountOracle query to identify locks at table level
oracle.BufferCacheHitRatio.pctOracle BufferCacheHitRatio pct%Oracle query to monitoring Buffer cache hit ratio value in Pct
oracle.librarycachehitratio.pctOracle Library Cache Hit Ratio pct%Oracle query to monitoring Library Cache Hit Ratio value in Pct
oracle.disk.sort.ratio.pctOracle Disk Sort Ratio pct%Oracle query to monitoring disk sort ratio value in pct
oracle.undo.tbs.usageOracle UNDO tbs usage%Oracle query to monitoring UNDO active extents usage in Pct
oracle.temp.tablespace.utilOracle Temp Tablespace Utilization%Oracle query to monitor Temp tablespace space usage in Pct
oracle.duplicated.filename.countOracle Duplicated Filename CountcountQuery to check if we have some duplicated db filename in different ASM paths
oracle.asm.archive.pctOracle ASM Archive pct%Oracle query for ASM ARCHIVE diskgroup ASM Data pct%Oracle query for ASM DATA diskgroup



This template supports both SID and Service name connection types Integration is done through JDBC and SQL queries.


Gateway 7.0.0 and above.

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
ORACLE RAC - v2.0oracle.blocking.sessionOracle Blocking SessioncountOracle query to monitoring blocking valid sessions
oracle.maxdbfilepct.usageOracle Max DB File pct usage%Oracle query to monitoring the % of oracle files opened
oracle.redolog.switch.countOracle Redolog Switch CountcountOracle query to monitoring the number of redolog switch
oracle.maxopencursor.username.countOracle Max Open Cursor Username CountcountOracle query to monitoring max open cursor value for each db username
oracle.sequence.pctusedOracle Sequence Pct Used%Oracle query to monitoring sequence usage in Pct
oracle.procsused.pctOracle Processes Used pct%Oracle query to monitoring db processes usage in Pct
oracle.sessions.used.pctOracle Sessions Used pct%Oracle query to monitoring db sessions usage in Pct
oracle.table.lockconflict.countOracle Table Lock Conflict CountcountOracle query to identify locks at table level
oracle.BufferCacheHitRatio.pctOracle BufferCacheHitRatio pct%Oracle query to monitoring Buffer cache hit ratio value in Pct
oracle.librarycachehitratio.pctOracle Library Cache Hit Ratio pct%Oracle query to monitoring Library Cache Hit Ratio value in Pct
oracle.disk.sort.ratio.pctOracle Disk Sort Ratio pct%Oracle query to monitoring disk sort ratio value in pct
oracle.undo.tbs.usageOracle UNDO tbs usage%Oracle query to monitoring UNDO active extents usage in Pct
oracle.temp.tablespace.utilOracle Temp Tablespace Utilization%Oracle query to monitor Temp tablespace space usage in Pct
oracle.duplicated.filename.countOracle Duplicated Filename CountcountQuery to check if we have some duplicated db filename in different ASM paths
oracle.asm.archive.pctOracle ASM Archive pct%Oracle query for ASM ARCHIVE diskgroup ASM Data pct%Oracle query for ASM DATA diskgroup

ORACLE RAC tablespace space


Monitors ORACLE RAC tablespace space in percentage


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
ORACLE RAC tablespace RAC Tablespace Space Used Top 20 Greaterthan 85%Oracle query to monitor TOP (20) RAC tablespace space usage where Pct > 85%

ORACLE RAC tablespace space - v2.0


This template supports both SID and Service name connection types. Integration is done through JDBC and SQL queries.


Gateway 7.0.0 and above.

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
ORACLE RAC tablespace space - RAC Tablespace Space Used Top 20 Greaterthan 85%Oracle query to monitor TOP (20) RAC tablespace space usage where Pct > 85%

OSPF Neighbor State - Ext - Auto Selection


Template to monitors the connection Status of the OSPF Neighbors. And if any Neighbor is available in previous poll and not available in the current poll results then it will posts connection status as ZERO(custom status), for which, we defined to generate a CRITICAL alert. Possible values are 0-NEIGHBOR_DOWN, 1- down, 2- attempt, 3- init, 4- twoWay, 5- exchangeStart, 6- exchange, 7- loading, 8- full. [OSPF-MIB::ospfNbrState -]


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
OSPF Neighbor State - Ext - Auto Selectionospf.neighbor.statusOSPF Neighbor StatusIt monitors the connection Status of the OSPF Neighbors. Possible values are 0-NEIGHBOR_NOT_FOUND, 1- down, 2- attempt, 3- init, 4- twoWay, 5- exchangeStart, 6- exchange, 7- loading, 8- full. [OSPF-MIB::ospfNbrState -]

OSPF Stats


Monitors the cumulative statistics like the total number of Area Border Routers reachable within this area, the total number of Autonomous System Border Routers reachable within this area, The number of times that the intra-area route table has been calculated using this area’s link state database, the total number of link state advertisementsin this area’s link state database, excluding AS-external LSAs of one of the router’s attached areas and also neighbor statistics like neighbor state,events count and re transmission queue length.


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
OSPF Areaospf.area.bdr.reachableroutercountNumber of Area Border Reachable RoutersThe total number of Area Border Routers reachable within this area. This is initially zero and is calculated in each Shortest Path First (SPF) pass. [OID:]
ospf.area.autonomous.sbr.reachableroutersAutonomous SBR(System Border Routers) reachable countThe total number of Autonomous System Border Routers reachable within this area. This is initially zero and is calculated in each SPF pass. [OID:]
ospf.spf.runs.countOSPF SPF Runs countThe number of times that the intra-area route table has been calculated using this area's link state database. This is typically done using Dijkstra's algorithm. [OID:]
ospf.area.lsa.countOSPF Area LSA CountThe total number of link state advertisements in this area's link state database, excluding AS-external LSAs. [OID:]
OSPF Neighbor Monitorsospf.neighbor.stateOSPF Neighbor StateMonitors the state of the relationship with this neighbor. Possible values are 1- down, 2- attempt, 3- init, 4- twoWay, 5- exchangeStart, 6- exchange, 7- loading, 8- full. [OIDs:,,] Neighbor Events CountpsecMonitors the number of times this neighbor relationship has changed state or an error has occurred. Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at re-initialization of the management system, and at other times as indicated by the value of ospfDiscontinuityTime. [OIDs:, ]
ospf.neighbor.retransque.lengthOSPF Neighbor Retransmission Queue LengthMonitors the current length of the re-transmission queue. [OID:]

Palo Alto - DOS Monitoring


Template to monitor DOS(Denial of Service for) Palo Alto


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Palo Alto Firewall - DOS Monitorpaloalto_Dos_ZoneRedMaxPalo Alto Dos Zone RED MaximumcountIt monitors the palo alto Dos zone RED Maximum.[PAN-COMMON-MIB::panFlowDosZoneRedMax:]
paloalto_Dos_RedUdpPalo Alto Dos Red UdpcountIt monitors the Paloalto Dos red udp.[panFlowDosRedUdp:]
paloalto_Dos_RedIpPalo Alto Dos Red IpcountIt monitors the palo alto Dos red Ip.[PAN-COMMON-MIB::panFlowDosRedIp:]
paloalto_Dos_RuleAgBlkDurPalo Alto Dos Aggregate Profile Bulk DurationcountIt monitors the palo alto Dos aggregate profile bulk duration.[PAN-COMMON-MIB::panFlowDosRuleAgBlkDur:]
paloalto_Dos_RuleDropClRedMaxPalo Alto Dos Classified RED MaximumcountIt monitors the palo alto Dos classified RED maximum.[PAN-COMMON-MIB::panFlowDosRuleDropClRedMax:]
paloalto_Dos_ZoneRedActPalo Alto Dos Zone RED ActivatecountIt monitors the palo alto Dos zone RED.[PAN-COMMON-MIB::panFlowDosZoneRedAct:]
paloalto_Dos_RedIcmpPalo Alto Dos Red IcmpcountIt monitors the Palo Alto Dos red Icmp.[PAN-COMMON-MIB::panFlowDosRedIcmp:]
paloalto_Dos_RuleDropClBlkDurPalo Alto Dos Classified Profile Bulk DurationcountIt monitors the palo alto Dos classified profile bulk duration.[PAN-COMMON-MIB::panFlowDosRuleDropClBlkDur:]
paloalto_Dos_ClMaxSessLimitPalo Alto Dos Classified Profile Bulk DurationcountIt monitors the palo alto Dos classified profile bulk duration.[PAN-COMMON-MIB::panFlowDosRuleDropClBlkDur:]
paloalto_Dos_RuleDenyPalo Alto Dos DenycountIt monitors the palo alto Dos deny.[PAN-COMMON-MIB::panFlowDosRuleDeny:]
paloalto_Dos_RuleAgRedMaxPalo Alto Dos Aggregate Profile RED MaximumcountIt monitors the palo alto Dos aggregate profile RED Maximum.[PAN-COMMON-MIB::panFlowDosRuleAgRedMax:]
paloalto_Dos_AgMaxSessLimitPalo Alto Dos Aggregate Profile Max Session LimitcountIt monitors the session limit for aggregate profile drop session.[PAN-COMMON-MIB::panFlowDosAgMaxSessLimit:]
paloalto_Dos_RuleDropClassifiedPalo Alto Dos classified Rate LimitingcountIt monitors the palo alto Dos classified rate limiting.[PAN-COMMON-MIB::panFlowDosRuleDropClassified:]
paloalto_Dos_RuleAgRedActPalo Alto Dos Aggregate Profile RED ActivatecountIt monitors the palo alto Dos aggregate profile.[PAN-COMMON-MIB::panFlowDosRuleAgRedAct:]
paloalto_Dos_RuleDropAggrPalo Alto Dos Aggregate Rate LimitingcountIt monitors the palo alto Dos aggregate rate limiting
paloalto_Dos_SyncookieMaxPalo Alto Dos Syn Cookie MaximumcountIt monitors the palo alto Dos syn Cookie.[PAN-COMMON-MIB::panFlowDosSyncookieMax:]
paloalto_Dos_DropIpBlockedPalo Alto Dos Drop Ip BlockedcountIt provides the palo alto Dos drop Ip blocked.[PAN-COMMON-MIB::panFlowDosDropIpBlocked:]
paloalto_Dos_SyncookieBlkDurPalo Alto Dos Syn Cookie Bulk DurationcountIt monitors the palo alto Dos syn cookie bulk duration.[PAN-COMMON-MIB::panFlowDosSyncookieBlkDur:]
paloalto_Dos_RedIcmp6Palo Alto Dos Red Icmp6countIt monitors the palo alto Dos red Icmp6.[PAN-COMMON-MIB::panFlowDosRedIcmp6:]
paloalto_Dos_RuleDropClRedActPalo Alto Dos Classified Profile RED ThresholdcountIt monitors the palo alto Dos classified profile RED threshold.[PAN-COMMON-MIB::panFlowDosRuleDropClRedAct:]
paloalto_Dos_ClSyncookieBlkDurPalo Alto Dos Classified Profile Syn Cookie Bulk DurationcountIt monitors the palo alto DOS classified profile syn cookie bulk duration.[PAN-COMMON-MIB::panFlowDosClSyncookieBlkDur:]
paloalto_Dos_RuleDropPalo Alto Dos DropcountIt monitors the palo alto Dos drop.[PAN-COMMON-MIB::panFlowDosRuleDrop:]
paloalto_Dos_ClSyncookieMaxPalo Alto Dos Classified Profile Syn Cookie Maximum ThresholdcountIt provides the palo alto Dos classified profile syn cookie maximum threshold.[panFlowDosClSyncookieMax:]
paloalto_Dos_RedTcpPalo Alto Dos Red TcpcountIt monitors the Palo Alto Dos red Tcp.[PAN-COMMON-MIB::panFlowDosRedTcp:]

Palo Alto - DOS Monitoring - V2


This monitors Denial of Service (DoS) metrics for Palo Alto Networks firewalls using specific OIDs from the PAN-COMMON-MIB:

Session Limits and Restrictions

  • Aggregate Maximum Session Limit

  • Classified Maximum Session Limit

Syncookie Protections

  • Classified Syncookie Block Duration

  • Classified Syncookie Maximum Limit

  • General Syncookie Block Duration

  • General Syncookie Maximum Limit

Traffic Drops and Blocks

  • Dropped IP Packets Blocked

  • Dropped Traffic Types

    • ICMP: panFlowDosRedIcmp:
    • ICMPv6: panFlowDosRedIcmp6:
    • IP: panFlowDosRedIp:
    • TCP: panFlowDosRedTcp:
    • UDP: panFlowDosRedUdp:

Policy-Based Drops and Denials

  • Policy Deny

  • Rule-Based Denial and Drop Metrics

    • Rule Deny: panFlowDosRuleDeny:
    • Rule Drop: panFlowDosRuleDrop:

Rule-Based Blocking and Reduction Actions

  • Aggregate Rule Block Duration

  • Aggregate Reduction Actions

  • Aggregate Maximum Reduction

  • Classified Rule Block Duration

  • Classified Reduction Actions

  • Classified Maximum Reduction

  • Classified Rule Drops

Zone-Based Reduction Actions

  • Zone Reduction Actions

  • Zone Maximum Reduction

Hardware and Software Block Entries

  • Hardware Blocked Entries

  • Software Blocked Entries

  • Number of Block Entries


Validated on Palo Alto Networks PA-400 series firewall
SysObjectOID: `


Device must have support for PAN-COMMON-MIB

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Palo Alto Firewall - DOS Monitor - v2paloalto_Dos_ZoneRedMaxPalo Alto Dos Zone RED MaximumcountIt monitors the palo alto Dos zone RED Maximum.[PAN-COMMON-MIB::panFlowDosZoneRedMax:]
paloalto_Dos_RedUdpPalo Alto Dos Red UdpcountIt monitors the Paloalto Dos red udp.[panFlowDosRedUdp:]
paloalto_Dos_RedIpPalo Alto Dos Red IpcountIt monitors the palo alto Dos red Ip.[PAN-COMMON-MIB::panFlowDosRedIp:]
paloalto_Dos_RuleAgBlkDurPalo Alto Dos Aggregate Profile Bulk DurationcountIt monitors the palo alto Dos aggregate profile bulk duration.[PAN-COMMON-MIB::panFlowDosRuleAgBlkDur:]
paloalto_Dos_RuleDropClRedMaxPalo Alto Dos Classified RED MaximumcountIt monitors the palo alto Dos classified RED maximum.[PAN-COMMON-MIB::panFlowDosRuleDropClRedMax:]
paloalto_Dos_ZoneRedActPalo Alto Dos Zone RED ActivatecountIt monitors the palo alto Dos zone RED.[PAN-COMMON-MIB::panFlowDosZoneRedAct:]
paloalto_Dos_RedIcmpPalo Alto Dos Red IcmpcountIt monitors the Palo Alto Dos red Icmp.[PAN-COMMON-MIB::panFlowDosRedIcmp:]
paloalto_Dos_RuleDropClBlkDurPalo Alto Dos Classified Profile Bulk DurationcountIt monitors the palo alto Dos classified profile bulk duration.[PAN-COMMON-MIB::panFlowDosRuleDropClBlkDur:]
paloalto_Dos_ClMaxSessLimitPalo Alto Dos Classified Profile Bulk DurationcountIt monitors the palo alto Dos classified profile bulk duration.[PAN-COMMON-MIB::panFlowDosRuleDropClBlkDur:]
paloalto_Dos_RuleDenyPalo Alto Dos DenycountIt monitors the palo alto Dos deny.[PAN-COMMON-MIB::panFlowDosRuleDeny:]
paloalto_Dos_RuleAgRedMaxPalo Alto Dos Aggregate Profile RED MaximumcountIt monitors the palo alto Dos aggregate profile RED Maximum.[PAN-COMMON-MIB::panFlowDosRuleAgRedMax:]
paloalto_Dos_AgMaxSessLimitPalo Alto Dos Aggregate Profile Max Session LimitcountIt monitors the session limit for aggregate profile drop session.[PAN-COMMON-MIB::panFlowDosAgMaxSessLimit:]
paloalto_Dos_RuleDropClassifiedPalo Alto Dos classified Rate LimitingcountIt monitors the palo alto Dos classified rate limiting.[PAN-COMMON-MIB::panFlowDosRuleDropClassified:]
paloalto_Dos_RuleAgRedActPalo Alto Dos Aggregate Profile RED ActivatecountIt monitors the palo alto Dos aggregate profile.[PAN-COMMON-MIB::panFlowDosRuleAgRedAct:]
paloalto_Dos_RuleDropAggrPalo Alto Dos Aggregate Rate LimitingcountIt monitors the palo alto Dos aggregate rate limiting
paloalto_Dos_SyncookieMaxPalo Alto Dos Syn Cookie MaximumcountIt monitors the palo alto Dos syn Cookie.[PAN-COMMON-MIB::panFlowDosSyncookieMax:]
paloalto_Dos_DropIpBlockedPalo Alto Dos Drop Ip BlockedcountIt provides the palo alto Dos drop Ip blocked.[PAN-COMMON-MIB::panFlowDosDropIpBlocked:]
paloalto_Dos_SyncookieBlkDurPalo Alto Dos Syn Cookie Bulk DurationcountIt monitors the palo alto Dos syn cookie bulk duration.[PAN-COMMON-MIB::panFlowDosSyncookieBlkDur:]
paloalto_Dos_RedIcmp6Palo Alto Dos Red Icmp6countIt monitors the palo alto Dos red Icmp6.[PAN-COMMON-MIB::panFlowDosRedIcmp6:]
paloalto_Dos_RuleDropClRedActPalo Alto Dos Classified Profile RED ThresholdcountIt monitors the palo alto Dos classified profile RED threshold.[PAN-COMMON-MIB::panFlowDosRuleDropClRedAct:]
paloalto_Dos_ClSyncookieBlkDurPalo Alto Dos Classified Profile Syn Cookie Bulk DurationcountIt monitors the palo alto DOS classified profile syn cookie bulk duration.[PAN-COMMON-MIB::panFlowDosClSyncookieBlkDur:]
paloalto_Dos_RuleDropPalo Alto Dos DropcountIt monitors the palo alto Dos drop.[PAN-COMMON-MIB::panFlowDosRuleDrop:]
paloalto_Dos_ClSyncookieMaxPalo Alto Dos Classified Profile Syn Cookie Maximum ThresholdcountIt provides the palo alto Dos classified profile syn cookie maximum threshold.[panFlowDosClSyncookieMax:]
paloalto_Dos_RedTcpPalo Alto Dos Red TcpcountIt monitors the Palo Alto Dos red Tcp.[PAN-COMMON-MIB::panFlowDosRedTcp:]
paloalto_Dos_PolicyDenyPalo Alto Dos Policy DenycountIt monitors the palo alto Policy Deny.[PAN-COMMON-MIB::panFlowPolicyDeny:]
paloalto_Dos_BlkHwEntriesPalo Alto Dos Hardware Block Entry CountcountIt monitors the palo alto dos hardware block entry count. [ PAN-COMMON-MIB::panFlowDosBlkHwEntries: ]
paloalto_Dos_BlkSwEntriesPalo Alto Dos Software Block Entry CountcountIt monitors the palo alto dos software block entry count. [PAN-COMMON-MIB::panFlowDosBlkSwEntries:]
paloalto_Dos_BlkNumEntriesPalo Alto Dos Block Entry CountcountIt monitors the palo alto dos block entry count. [PAN-COMMON-MIB:: panFlowDosBlkNumEntries : ]

Palo Alto Firewall


Template to monitor Palo Alto Firewall.


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
PA-FW - Global Protect Gateway Active Protect Gateway Active TunnelsProvides the number of active tunnels. [OID:]
PA-FW - Global Protect Gateway Protect Gateway Utilization%GlobalProtect Gateway utilization percentage
PA-FW - Panorama Server Connection Server Connection StatusProvides the current connection status to Panorama Server. Possible status values are connected and not-connected. [OID:] Server Connection StatusProvides the current connection status to Panorama 2 Server. Possible status values are connected and not-connected. [OID:]
PA-FW - Session Utilizationpaloalto.session.utilizationSession Utilization%Provides the session table utilization percentage. Values should be between 0 and 100. [OID:] TCP sessionsTotal number of active TCP sessions. [OID:] UDP sessionsTotal number of active UDP sessions. [OID:] ICMP sessionsTotal number of active ICMP sessions. [OID:]
paloalto.session.activeTotal Active SessionsTotal number of active sessions (including tcp, udp and icmp sessions). [OID:]
paloalto.ssl.proxy.utilizationSSL Proxy Utilization%Provides the SSL proxy Session utilization percentage. Values should be between 0 and 100.[OID:]
paloalto.session.maxMax Supported SessionsTotal number of sessions supported. []
PA-FW - Vsys Session Utilizationpaloalto.vsys.session.utilizationVsys Session Utilization%Vsys utilization percentage, if session limit is configured.If session limit is not configured, this value is '0'

Palo Alto Firewall - v2


Template to monitor Palo Alto Firewall.


Device should support PAN-COMMON-MIB

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
PA-FW - Global Protect Gateway Active Protect Gateway Active TunnelsProvides the number of active tunnels. [OID:]
PA-FW - Session Utilizationpaloalto.session.activeTotal Active SessionsTotal number of active sessions (including tcp, udp and icmp sessions). [OID:] TCP sessionsTotal number of active TCP sessions. [OID:]
paloalto.session.maxMax Supported SessionsTotal number of sessions supported. [] UDP sessionsTotal number of active UDP sessions. [OID:] ICMP sessionsTotal number of active ICMP sessions. [OID:]
paloalto.session.utilizationSession Utilization%Provides the session table utilization percentage. Values should be between 0 and 100. [OID:]
paloalto.ssl.proxy.utilizationSSL Proxy Utilization%Provides the SSL proxy Session utilization percentage. Values should be between 0 and 100.[OID:]
PA-FW - Panorama Server Connection Server Connection StatusProvides the current connection status to Panorama 2 Server. Possible status values are connected and not-connected. [OID:] Server Connection StatusProvides the current connection status to Panorama Server. Possible status values are connected and not-connected. [OID:]
PA-FW - Vsys Session Utilizationpaloalto.vsys.session.utilizationVsys Session Utilization%Vsys utilization percentage, if session limit is configured.If session limit is not configured, this value is '0'
PA-FW - Global Protect Gateway Protect Gateway Utilization%GlobalProtect Gateway utilization percentage
Palo Alto FW - Vsys Active Sessionpaloalto_vsys_ActiveSessionsPalo Alto vSys Active SessionscountIt monitor active sessions on the Vsys. [PAN-COMMON-MIB :: panVsysName : , panVsysActiveSessions :]

Palo Alto Firewall - HA State - Primary


Monitors the Palo Alto firewall’s high-availability(HA) state of Active/Primary node and this template should be applied only on Primary node. Apply this template only when failover configured on these nodes. [panSysHAState -]


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
PA-FW - HA State - Primarypaloalto.primary.node.ha.stateHA State - PrimaryMonitors the Palo Alto Active/Primary node's high-availability(HA) state and alerts if it equals to Passive. [OID: - panSysHAState]

Palo Alto Firewall - Performance - HR-MIB


Template to monitor cpu utilization and memory utilization for palo alto firewall.


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Memory Utilization - HR-MIBsystem.memory.util.percentMemory Utilization%This monitor provides physical and virtual memory utilization using HOST-RESOURCES-MIB. [OID:,,]
system.memory.usedMemory UsedBytesRepresents the amount of memory allocated. [OID:]
system.memory.freeMemory FreeBytesRepresents the free system memory. [OID:,,]
Palo Alto CPU Utilization - HR-MIBpaloalto_mgmtplane_cpu_UtilizationPalo Alto Management Plane CPU Utilization%It provides the CPU load average over last 60 seconds. This value will match the value shown on the GUI dashboard > resource information > % CPU in PAN-OS 3.x.[HOST-RESOURCES-MIB::hrProcessorLoad.1:]
paloalto_dataplane_cpu_UtilizationPalo Alto Data Plane CPU Utilization%It provides the CPU load average on data plane over last 60 seconds.[HOST-RESOURCES-MIB::hrProcessorLoad.2:]

Palo Alto Firewall - Performance - HR-MIB - v2


Template to monitor cpu utilization , memory utilization and disk utilization for palo alto firewall. [HOST-RESOURCES-MIB::hrProcessorLoad.1:, hrProcessorLoad.2: , hrStorageDescr:, hrStorageType:, hrStorageAllocationUnits : , hrStorageSize:, hrStorageUsed: ].


Device must have support for HOST-RESOURCES-MIB.

Supported Metrics

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Palo Alto CPU Utilization - HR-MIBpaloalto_mgmtplane_cpu_UtilizationPalo Alto Management Plane CPU Utilization%It provides the CPU load average over last 60 seconds. This value will match the value shown on the GUI dashboard-> resource information-> % CPU in PAN-OS 3.x.[HOST-RESOURCES-MIB::hrProcessorLoad.1:]
paloalto_dataplane_cpu_UtilizationPalo Alto Data Plane CPU Utilization%It provides the CPU load average on data plane over last 60 seconds.[HOST-RESOURCES-MIB::hrProcessorLoad.2:]
Memory Utilization - HR-MIBsystem.memory.util.percentMemory Utilization%This monitor provides physical and virtual memory utilization using HOST-RESOURCES-MIB. [OID:,,]
system.memory.freeMemory FreeBytesRepresents the free system memory. [OID:,,]
system.memory.usedMemory UsedBytesRepresents the amount of memory allocated. [OID:]
Storage Utilization - HR-MIBsystem.disk.util.percentDisk Utilization%Monitors the disk utilization. [OIDs:,,]

Palo Alto M-100 Appliance Monitors


Template to monitor Palo Alto M-100 appliance. It monitors the parameters like the number of Active Sessions (TCP, UDP and ICMP), Session Utilization Percentage, Maximum Sessions, Fan and Temperature Status, Log Collector Log Rate and Log Collector Disk Usage, vSys Session Utilization, Global Protect Gateway Active Tunnels, GlobalProtect Gateway utilization percentage, Panorama connection status and SSL proxy Session utilization percentage.


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
PA-FW - Global Protect Gateway Active Protect Gateway Active TunnelsProvides the number of active tunnels. [OID:]
PA-FW - Global Protect Gateway Protect Gateway Utilization%GlobalProtect Gateway utilization percentage
PA-FW - Panorama Server Connection Server Connection StatusProvides the current connection status to Panorama Server. Possible status values are connected and not-connected. [OID:] Server Connection StatusProvides the current connection status to Panorama 2 Server. Possible status values are connected and not-connected. [OID:]
PA-FW - Session Utilizationpaloalto.session.utilizationSession Utilization%Provides the session table utilization percentage. Values should be between 0 and 100. [OID:] TCP sessionsTotal number of active TCP sessions. [OID:] UDP sessionsTotal number of active UDP sessions. [OID:] ICMP sessionsTotal number of active ICMP sessions. [OID:]
paloalto.session.activeTotal Active SessionsTotal number of active sessions (including tcp, udp and icmp sessions). [OID:]
paloalto.ssl.proxy.utilizationSSL Proxy Utilization%Provides the SSL proxy Session utilization percentage. Values should be between 0 and 100.[OID:]
paloalto.session.maxMax Supported SessionsTotal number of sessions supported. []
PA-FW - Vsys Session Utilizationpaloalto.vsys.session.utilizationVsys Session Utilization%Vsys utilization percentage, if session limit is configured.If session limit is not configured, this value is '0'
PA-FW - Log Collector Disk Collector Disk UsageMBThe Log disk usage on the Log Collector. [OID:]
PA-FW - Log Collector Log Collector Write Log RatepsecRepresents the write rate in logs/s on the Log Collection. [OID:]

Palo Alto CPU Average Utilization - HR-MIB


Monitors the average, over the last minute, of the percentage of time that this processor was not idle. It will calculate average utilization of all cores. i.e (core1_util + core2_util + core3_util +..+ coreN_util)/no_of_cores). HOST-RESOURCES-MIB::hrProcessorLoad -


Device must have support for HOST-RESOURCES-MIB

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
CPU Average Utilization - HR-MIBsystem_cpu_avg_UtilizationCSystem CPU Average UtilizationThe average, over the last minute, of the percentage of time that this processor was not idle. It will calculate average utilization of all cores. i.e (core1_util + core2_util + core3_util +..+ coreN_util)/no_of_cores). HOST-RESOURCES-MIB::hrProcessorLoad -

Panasonic - Camera Health


Template to monitor the panasonic camera health status like Camera Power Status,RS-485 Status,Storage Status,Storage Free Percent,Temperature Sensor Status,Pan Status,Tilt Status, Zoom status,Focus Status,IR LED Status,Fan Status,Heater Status,Defroster Status. PANA-CAM-MIB


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Panasonic - Camera Defroster Defroster StatusIt monitors the panasonic camera defroster status. [PANA-CAM-MIB::defrosterState -]
Panasonic - Camera Fan Fan StatusIt monitors the panasonic camera fan status. [PANA-CAM-MIB::fanState -]
Panasonic - Camera RS-485 StatusIt monitors the panasonic camera RS-485 status[PANA-CAM-MIB::rs485State -] Power StatusIt monitors the panasonic camera power supply status[PANA-CAM-MIB::pwState -] Pan StatusIt monitors the panasonic camera pan status[PANA-CAM-MIB::panState -] Focus StatusIt monitors the panasonic camera focus status[PANA-CAM-MIB::focusState -] Zoom statusIt monitors the panasonic camera zoom status[PANA-CAM-MIB::zoomState -] Tilt StatusIt monitors the panasonic camera tilt status[PANA-CAM-MIB::tiltState -]
Panasonic - Camera Heater Heater StatusIt monitors the panasonic camera heater status. [PANA-CAM-MIB::heaterState -]
Panasonic - Camera IR LED IR LED StatusIt monitors the panasonic camera IR LED status. [PANA-CAM-MIB::irLEDState -]
Panasonic - Camera Storage Free Percent%It monitors the panasonic camera free storage in percentage. [PANA-CAM-MIB::storageRemainingCapacity -] Storage StatusIt monitors the panasonic camera storage status[PANA-CAM-MIB::storageState -]
Panasonic - Camera Temperature Sensor Temperature Sensor StatusIt monitors the panasonic camera temperature sensor status. [PANA-CAM-MIB::tempSensorState -]

Ping Monitor - G2


Checks the reachability of a device in a network and measures the packet loss and round-trip time for messages sent from the OpsRamp Gateway to the device and back with new engine.


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Ping Monitor - device connectivity using the ICMP. Measure the packet loss percent device connectivity using the ICMP. Measure the Round Trip time

Power Ethernet PSE Status - G2


Monitors the operational status of the main PSE. [POWER-ETHERNET-MIB]


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Power Source Entity(PSE) Statuspse.oper.statusPower Source Entity (PSE) Operational StatusMonitors the operational status of the main PSE. Possible values are 1- on, 2 - off, 3- faulty. [OID:]

Printer Error State - HR-MIB


Template to monitor the printer error conditions like low paper, no paper, low toner, no toner, door open, jammed, offline, service requested, input tray missing, output tray missing, marker supply missing, output near full, output full, input tray empty, and overdue preventive maintenance.



Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Printer Error State HR-MIBhr_printer_ServiceRequestedStateHR Printer ServiceRequested StateMonitors the HR Printer ServiceRequested State.[]
hr_printer_OfflineStateHR Printer Offline StateMonitors the HR Printer Offline State.[]
hr_printer_OutputNearFullStateHR Printer OutputNearFull StateMonitors the HR Printer OutputNearFull State.[]
hr_printer_NoTonerStateHR Printer NoToner StateHR Printer NoToner State.[]
hr_printer_InputTrayMissingStateHR Printer Input Tray Missing StateMonitors the HR Printer Input Tray Missing State
hr_printer_NoPaperStateHR Printer NoPaper StateMonitors the HR Printer NoPaper State.[]
hr_printer_LowTonerStateHR Printer LowToner StateMonitors the HR Printer LowToner State.[]
hr_printer_OverduePreventMaint_StateHR Printer OverduePreventMaintenance StateMonitors the HR Printer OverduePreventMaintenance State
hr_printer_JammedStateHR Printer Jammed StateMonitors the HR Printer Jammed State.[]
hr_printer_DoorOpenStateHR Printer DoorOpen StateMonitors the HR Printer DoorOpen State.[]
hr_printer_lowPaperStateHR Printer lowPaper StateMonitors the HR Printer lowPaper State.[]
hr_printer_MarkerSupplyStateHR Printer MarkerSupply StateMonitors the HR Printer MarkerSupply State.[]
hr_printer_OutputTrayMissingStateHR Printer Output Tray Missing StateMonitors the HR Printer Output Tray Missing State.[]
hr_printer_InputTrayEmptyStateHR Printer InputTrayEmpty StateMonitors the HR Printer InputTrayEmpty State.[]
hr_printer_OutputFullStateHR Printer OutputFull StateMonitors the HR Printer OutputFull State.[]

Process Monitor - SNMP

This template will be deprecated soon.


This monitor allows monitoring processes count, as well as CPU (%) and memory (Mbytes) usage for process matching the filter. This monitor looks up of the combined process name [] and parameters [] to find the unique match. This template is supported by VG v2.70 or above. [OIDs: Memory -, CPU -]


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Process Monitor - SNMPprocess.countProcess CountMonitors the running processes count which satisfies the match criteria. This monitor looks up of the combined process name and parameters to find the unique match. [Process Name -, Process Parameters -]
process.memory.usageProcess Memory UsageMBMonitors the total memory utilization of all processes which satisfies the match criteria. [OIDs: Process Name -, Process Parameters -, Process Memory -]
process.cpu.usageProcess CPU Usage%Monitors the total CPU utilization of all processes which satisfies the match criteria. [OIDs: Process Name -, Process Parameters -, Process CPU -]

Process Monitor - SNMP V2


This monitor allows monitoring processes count, as well as CPU (%) and memory (Mbytes) usage for process matching the filter. This monitor looks up of the combined process name [] and parameters [] to find the unique match. This template is supported by VG v2.70 or above. [OIDs: Memory -, CPU -]


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Process Monitor - SNMPprocess.countProcess CountMonitors the running processes count which satisfies the match criteria. This monitor looks up of the combined process name and parameters to find the unique match. [Process Name -, Process Parameters -]
process.memory.usageProcess Memory UsageMBMonitors the total memory utilization of all processes which satisfies the match criteria. [OIDs: Process Name -, Process Parameters -, Process Memory -]
process.cpu.usageProcess CPU Usage%Monitors the total CPU utilization of all processes which satisfies the match criteria. [OIDs: Process Name -, Process Parameters -, Process CPU -]

Process Monitor (Full Path) - SNMP

This template will be deprecated soon.


This monitor allows monitoring processes count, as well as CPU (%) and memory (Mbytes) usage for process matching the filter. This monitor looks up of the combined process full path [] and parameters [] to find the unique match. This template will be supported by VG v2.70 or above. [OIDs: Memory -, CPU -]


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Process Monitor (Full Path) - SNMPprocess.countProcess CountMonitors the running processes count which satisfies the match criteria. This monitor looks up of the combined process name and parameters to find the unique match. [Process Name -, Process Parameters -]
process.memory.usageProcess Memory UsageMBMonitors the total memory utilization of all processes which satisfies the match criteria. [OIDs: Process Name -, Process Parameters -, Process Memory -]
process.cpu.usageProcess CPU Usage%Monitors the total CPU utilization of all processes which satisfies the match criteria. [OIDs: Process Name -, Process Parameters -, Process CPU -]

Process Monitor (Full Path) - SNMP V2


This monitor allows monitoring processes count, as well as CPU (%) and memory (Mbytes) usage for process matching the filter. This monitor looks up of the combined process full path [] and parameters [] to find the unique match. This template will be supported by VG v2.70 or above. [OIDs: Memory -, CPU -].The updated monitor will involve the removal of whitespaces from the process name.


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Process Monitor (Full Path) - SNMPprocess.countProcess CountMonitors the total CPU utilization of all processes which satisfies the match criteria. [OIDs: Process Path -, Process Parameters -, Process CPU -].
process.memory.usageProcess Memory UsageMBMonitors the total memory utilization of all processes which satisfies the match criteria. [OIDs: Process Path -, Process Parameters -, Process Memory -]
process.cpu.usageProcess CPU Usage%Monitors the total CPU utilization of all processes which satisfies the match criteria. [OIDs: Process Name -, Process Parameters -, Process CPU -]

QCT Rack Server BMC - Hardware


Template to monitor QCT (Quanta Cloud Technology) Rack Server Baseboard Management Controller (BMC) hardware components like Agent Chassis Status, System Hardware Status - Overall, Fan Status and Fan speed, Temperature Status and Temperature Reading, Voltage Status and Voltage Reading, HDD Status, PowerWatt Status and PowerWatt reading. [QCT-RACK-MIB]


Device should support QCT-RACK-MIB OIDs and SNMP credentials should be enabled against to the device in portal.

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
QCT Rack Server BMC - Agent Chassis Statusqct.rack.bmc.chassis.statusChassis StatusMonitors the QCT (Quanta Cloud Technology) rack server baseboard management controller (BMC) agent chassis status. [QCT-RACK-MIB::agentChassisStatus -]
QCT Rack Server BMC - Fan Status and StatusMonitors the QCT (Quanta Cloud Technology) rack server baseboard management controller (BMC) fan status. Possible status values are 1: other, 2: unknown, 3: ok, 4: nonCriticalUpper, 5: criticalUpper, 6: nonRecoverableUpper, 7: nonCriticalLower, 8: criticalLower, 9: nonRecoverableLower, 10: failed. [QCT-RACK-MIB::fanDeviceInfoLocationName -; fanDeviceInfoStatus -; fanDeviceReading -] SpeedrpmMonitors the QCT (Quanta Cloud Technology) rack server baseboard management controller (BMC) fan rotation speed. If this value cannot be determined by software, then a value of -99 will be returned. [QCT-RACK-MIB::fanDeviceInfoLocationName -; fanDeviceInfoStatus -; fanDeviceReading -]
QCT Rack Server BMC - HDDqct.rack.bmc.hdd.statusHDD StatusMonitors the QCT (Quanta Cloud Technology) rack server baseboard management controller (BMC) HDD status. Possible status values are 1: other, 2: unknown, 3: ok, 4: nonCriticalUpper, 5: criticalUpper, 6: nonRecoverableUpper, 7: nonCriticalLower, 8: criticalLower, 9: nonRecoverableLower, 10: failed. [QCT-RACK-MIB::hddDriveInfoLocationName -; hddDriveInfoStatus -]
QCT Rack Server BMC - PowerWattqct.rack.bmc.powerwatt.statusPowerWatt StatusMonitors the QCT (Quanta Cloud Technology) rack server baseboard management controller (BMC) powerWatt status. Possible status values are 1: other, 2: unknown, 3: ok, 4: nonCriticalUpper, 5: criticalUpper, 6: nonRecoverableUpper, 7: nonCriticalLower, 8: criticalLower, 9: nonRecoverableLower, 10: failed. [QCT-RACK-MIB::powerWattDeviceInfoLocationName -; powerWattDeviceInfoStatus -; powerWattDeviceReading -]
qct.rack.bmc.powerwatt.readingPowerWatt ReadingMonitors the QCT (Quanta Cloud Technology) rack server baseboard management controller (BMC) powerWatt reading. [QCT-RACK-MIB::powerWattDeviceInfoLocationName -; powerWattDeviceInfoStatus -; powerWattDeviceReading -]
QCT Rack Server BMC - System Hardware Status - Overallqct.rack.bmc.system.voltage.status.overallVoltage Status OverallMonitors the QCT (Quanta Cloud Technology) rack server baseboard management controller (BMC) system overall Voltage Status. [QCT-RACK-MIB::voltageStatusOverall -; voltageStatusList -] Status OverallMonitors the QCT (Quanta Cloud Technology) rack server baseboard management controller (BMC) system overall Fan Status. [QCT-RACK-MIB::fanStatusOverall -; fanStatusList -]
qct.rack.bmc.system.temperature.status.overallTemperature Status OverallMonitors the QCT (Quanta Cloud Technology) rack server baseboard management controller (BMC) system overall Temperature Status. [QCT-RACK-MIB::temperatureStatusOverall -; temperatureStatusList -]
qct.rack.bmc.system.powersupply.redundancy.statusPower Supply Redundancy StatusMonitors the QCT (Quanta Cloud Technology) rack server baseboard management controller (BMC) system overall Power Supply Redundancy Status. [QCT-RACK-MIB:: powerSupplyRedundancy -]
qct.rack.bmc.system.powersupply0.statusPower SUPPLY 0 StatusMonitors the QCT (Quanta Cloud Technology) rack server baseboard management controller (BMC) system Power SUPPLY 0 Status. [QCT-RACK-MIB:: powerSupply0Status -]
qct.rack.bmc.system.powersupply1.statusPower SUPPLY 1 StatusMonitors the QCT (Quanta Cloud Technology) rack server baseboard management controller (BMC) system Power SUPPLY 1 Status. [QCT-RACK-MIB::powerSupply1Status -]
qct.rack.bmc.system.powerwatt.status.overallPower Watt Status OverallMonitors the QCT (Quanta Cloud Technology) rack server baseboard management controller (BMC) system power Watt Status Overall. [QCT-RACK-MIB::powerWattStatusOverall -; powerWattStatusList -]
QCT Rack Server BMC - Temperature Status and Readingqct.rack.bmc.temperature.statusTemperature StatusMonitors the QCT (Quanta Cloud Technology) rack server baseboard management controller (BMC) temperature status. Possible status values are 1: other, 2: unknown, 3: ok, 4: nonCriticalUpper, 5: criticalUpper, 6: nonRecoverableUpper, 7: nonCriticalLower, 8: criticalLower, 9: nonRecoverableLower, 10: failed. [QCT-RACK-MIB::temperatureDeviceInfoLocationName -; temperatureDeviceInfoStatus -; temperatureDeviceReading -]
qct.rack.bmc.temperature.readingTemperature Reading (in Centigrade)CMonitors the QCT (Quanta Cloud Technology) rack server baseboard management controller (BMC) temperature reading in Centigrade. [QCT-RACK-MIB::temperatureDeviceInfoLocationName -; temperatureDeviceInfoStatus -; temperatureDeviceReading -]
QCT Rack Server BMC - Voltage Status and Readingqct.rack.bmc.voltage.statusVoltage StatusMonitors the QCT (Quanta Cloud Technology) rack server baseboard management controller (BMC) voltage status. Possible status values are 1: other, 2: unknown, 3: ok, 4: nonCriticalUpper, 5: criticalUpper, 6: nonRecoverableUpper, 7: nonCriticalLower, 8: criticalLower, 9: nonRecoverableLower, 10: failed. [QCT-RACK-MIB::voltageDeviceInfoLocationName -; voltageDeviceInfoStatus -; voltageDeviceReading -]
qct.rack.bmc.voltage.readingVoltage Reading (in Volts)vMonitors the QCT (Quanta Cloud Technology) rack server baseboard management controller (BMC) voltage reading in volts. [QCT-RACK-MIB::voltageDeviceInfoLocationName -; voltageDeviceInfoStatus -; voltageDeviceReading -]

QLogic - FC Qx Port Operational Status


Template to monitor QLogic FC Qx Port Operational Status. sysObjectID :


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
QLogic - FC Qx Port Operational Statusqlogic.fc.qx.port.operational.statusFC Qx Port Operational StatusIt monitors the current operational status of the QxPort.Possible values are online(1), offline(2), testing(3), linkFailure(4).Component or instance is represented as Module of the FC Qx Port and Index of the FC Qx Port with dotted notation.[QLOGIC-MIB::fcQxPortPhysOperStatus:].

Quantum Storage - Library & Drive Status


Monitors the quantum storage logical library status , physical drive SCSI state , drive health status , physical library’s overall online status..[ADIC-TAPE-LIBRARY-MIB :: logicalLibraryName : , logicalLibraryState : , phDriveState : , phDriveRasStatus : , physicalLibraryState :].


Device must support for ADIC-TAPE-LIBRARY-MIB

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Quantum Storage - Logical Library Statusquantum_storage_LogicalLibraryStateQuantum Storage Logical Library StateMonitors the quantum storage logical library status.[ADIC-TAPE-LIBRARY-MIB :: logicalLibraryState :].Possible values are online(1) , onlinePending(2) , offline(3), offlinePending(4), shutdownPending(5).
Quantum Storage - Physical Drive Statusquantum_storage_PhDriveStateQuantum Storage Physical Drive StateMonitors the quantum storage physical drive SCSI State.[ADIC-TAPE-LIBRARY-MIB :: phDriveState :].Possible values are online(1) , onlinePending(2) , offline(3), offlinePending(4), shutdownPending(5)
quantum_storage_PhDriveRasStatusQuantum Storage Physical Drive Health StatusMonitors the quantum storage physical drive health status.[ADIC-TAPE-LIBRARY-MIB :: phDriveRasStatus :].Possibe values are good(1) , failed(2), degraded(3), warning(4) , informational(5) , unknown(6) , invalid(7).
Quantum Storage - Physical Library Statusquantum_storage_PhysicalLibraryStateQuantum Storage Physical Library StateMonitors the quantum storage physical library's overall online status.[ADIC-TAPE-LIBRARY-MIB :: physicalLibraryState :].Possible values are online(1) , onlinePending(2) , offline(3), offlinePending(4), shutdownPending(5).

Quantum Storage - Ras Subsystem Status


Monitors the quantum storage Ras subsystem status like power status,cooling status,control status,connectivity status,robotics status,media status,drive status,libraryGlobalStatus,fibre channel port Ras status.[ADIC-TAPE-LIBRARY-MIB :: powerStatus : , coolingStatus : , controlStatus : , connectivityStatus : , roboticsStatus : , mediaStatus : , driveStatus : , libraryGlobalStatus : , fcPortRasStatus : ]


Device must support ADIC-TAPE-LIBRARY-MIB

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Quantum Storage - Fibre Channel Port Ras Statusquantum_storage_FcPortRasStatusQuantum Storage Fibre Channel Port Ras StatusMonitors the quantum storage fibre channel port Ras status.[ADIC-TAPE-LIBRARY-MIB :: fcPortRasStatus :].Possible values are good(1) , failed(2), degraded(3), warning(4) , informational(5) , unknown(6) , invalid(7).
Quantum Storage - Ras Subsystem Statusquantum_storage_ras_PowerStatusQuantum Storage Ras Power Supply StatusMonitors the overall quantum storage Ras power supply Status.[ADIC-TAPE-LIBRARY-MIB :: powerStatus :].Possible values are good(1) , failed(2), degraded(3), warning(4) , informational(5) , unknown(6) , invalid(7).
quantum_storage_ras_CoolingStatusQuantum Storage Ras cooling fans StatusMonitors the overall quantum storage Ras cooling fans Status.[ADIC-TAPE-LIBRARY-MIB :: coolingStatus :].Posssible values are good(1) , failed(2), degraded(3), warning(4) , informational(5) , unknown(6) , invalid(7).
quantum_storage_ras_ControlStatusQuantum Storage Ras control subsystem statusMonitors the overall quantum storage Ras control subsystem status.[ADIC-TAPE-LIBRARY-MIB :: controlStatus :].Possible values are good(1) , failed(2), degraded(3), warning(4) , informational(5) , unknown(6) , invalid(7).
quantum_storage_ras_ConnectivityStatusQuantum Storage Ras Connectivity StatusMonitors the overall quantum storage Ras connectivity Status.[ADIC-TAPE-LIBRARY-MIB :: connectivityStatus :].Possible values are good(1) , failed(2), degraded(3), warning(4) , informational(5) , unknown(6) , invalid(7).
quantum_storage_ras_RoboticsStatusQuantum Storage Ras robotics StatusMonitors the overall quantum storage Ras robotics Status.[ADIC-TAPE-LIBRARY-MIB :: roboticsStatus :].Possible values are good(1) , failed(2), degraded(3), warning(4) , informational(5) , unknown(6) , invalid(7).
quantum_storage_ras_MediaStatusQuantum Storage Ras Media StatusMonitors the overall quantum storage Ras media Status.[ADIC-TAPE-LIBRARY-MIB :: mediaStatus :]
quantum_storage_ras_DriveStatusQuantum Storage Ras drive StatusMonitors the overall quantum storage Ras drive Status.[ADIC-TAPE-LIBRARY-MIB :: driveStatus :].Possible values are good(1) , failed(2), degraded(3), warning(4) , informational(5) , unknown(6) , invalid(7).
quantum_storage_LibraryGlobalStatusQuantum Storage Library Global StatusMonitors the Current status of the entire library system (including all attached drive).[ADIC-TAPE-LIBRARY-MIB :: libraryGlobalStatus :].Possible values are good(1) , failed(2), degraded(3), warning(4) , informational(5) , unknown(6) , invalid(7)

RabbitMQ - Nodes Performance and Health


Template to monitor the RabbitMQ Nodes attributes like Nodes Disk Free Alarm, Nodes Disk Free Limit, Nodes FD Used, Nodes Memory Alarm, Nodes Memory Used, Nodes Running, Nodes Run Queue, Nodes Sockets Used. Validated on RabbitMQ v3.7.8


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
RabbitMQ - Nodes Performance and Healthrabbitmq.nodes.disk_free_alarmRabbitMQ Nodes Disk Free AlarmNULLDoes the node have disk alarm
rabbitmq.nodes.disk_free_limitRabbitMQ Nodes Disk Free LimitNULLFree limit disk space
rabbitmq.nodes.sockets_usedRabbitMQ Nodes Sockets UsedNULLNumber of file descriptors used as sockets
rabbitmq.nodes.runningRabbitMQ Nodes RunningNULLIs the node running or not
rabbitmq.nodes.mem_alarmRabbitmq Nodes Memory AlarmNULLDoes the host has memory alarm
rabbitmq.nodes.mem_usedRabbitMQ Nodes Memory UsedNULLMemory used in bytes
rabbitmq.nodes.fd_usedRabbitMQ Nodes FD UsedNULLUsed file descriptors
rabbitmq.nodes.run_queueRabbitMQ Nodes Run QueueNULLAverage number of Erlang processes waiting to run

RabbitMQ - Overall Statistics


Template to monitor the RabbitMQ Overall Statistics attributes like Overview Object Totals Connections, Overview Object Totals Consumers, Overview Object Totals Queues, Overview QueueTotals Messages Count, Overview QueueTotals Messages Details Rate, Overview QueueTotals Messages Ready count, Overview QueueTotals Messages Ready Details Rate, Overview QueueTotals Messages Unacknowledged Count, Overview QueueTotals Messages Unacknowledged Details Rate.


Validated on RabbitMQ v3.7.8

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
RabbitMQ - Overall Statisticsrabbitmq.overview.queue_totals.messages_unacknowledged.countRabbitMQ Overview QueueTotals Messages Unacknowledged CountNULLNumber of unacknowledged messages
rabbitmq.overview.object_totals.queuesRabbitMQ Overview Object Totals QueuesNULLTotal number of queues
rabbitmq.overview.queue_totals.messages_ready_details.rateRabbitMQ Overview QueueTotals Messages Ready Details RateNULLRate of number of messages ready for delivery
rabbitmq.overview.object_totals.channelsRabbitMQ Overview ObjectTotals ChannelsNULLTotal number of channels
rabbitmq.overview.object_totals.connectionsRabbitMQ Overview Object Totals ConnectionsNULLTotal number of object Connections
rabbitmq.overview.object_totals.consumersRabbitMQ Overview Object Totals ConsumersNULLTotal number of consumers
rabbitmq.overview.queue_totals.messages_details.rateRabbitMQ Overview QueueTotals Messages Details RateNULLRate of number of messages (ready plus unacknowledged)
rabbitmq.overview.queue_totals.messages.countRabbitMQ Overview QueueTotals Messages CountNULLTotal number of messages (ready plus unacknowledged)
rabbitmq.overview.queue_totals.messages_ready.countRabbitMQ Overview QueueTotals Messages Ready countNULLNumber of messages ready for delivery
rabbitmq.overview.queue_totals.messages_unacknowledged_details.rateRabbitMQ Overview QueueTotals Messages Unacknowledged Details RateNULLRate of number of unacknowledged messages

RabbitMQ - Overall Statistics - v2


Template to monitor the RabbitMQ Overall Statistics attributes like Overview Object Totals Connections, Overview Object Totals Consumers, Overview Object Totals Queues, Overview QueueTotals Messages Count, Overview QueueTotals Messages Details Rate, Overview QueueTotals Messages Ready count, Overview QueueTotals Messages Ready Details Rate, Overview QueueTotals Messages Unacknowledged Count, Overview QueueTotals Messages Unacknowledged Details Rate, Overview Object Totals Channels, Overview MessageStats Publish, Overview MessageStats Publish Details Rate, Overview MessageStats DeliverGet, Overview MessageStats DeliverGet Details Rate.


Validated on RabbitMQ v3.6.10 and and this requires gateway 14.1.0 or later.

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
RabbitMQ - Overall Statistics - v2rabbitmq.overview.queue_totals.messages_unacknowledged.countRabbitMQ Overview QueueTotals Messages Unacknowledged CountNULLNumber of unacknowledged messages
rabbitmq.overview.object_totals.queuesRabbitMQ Overview Object Totals QueuesNULLTotal number of queues
rabbitmq.overview.queue_totals.messages_ready_details.rateRabbitMQ Overview QueueTotals Messages Ready Details RateNULLRate of number of messages ready for delivery
rabbitmq.overview.object_totals.channelsRabbitMQ Overview ObjectTotals ChannelsNULLTotal number of channels
rabbitmq.overview.object_totals.connectionsRabbitMQ Overview Object Totals ConnectionsNULLTotal number of object Connections
rabbitmq.overview.object_totals.consumersRabbitMQ Overview Object Totals ConsumersNULLTotal number of consumers
rabbitmq.overview.queue_totals.messages_details.rateRabbitMQ Overview QueueTotals Messages Details RateNULLRate of number of messages (ready plus unacknowledged)
rabbitmq.overview.queue_totals.messages.countRabbitMQ Overview QueueTotals Messages CountNULLTotal number of messages (ready plus unacknowledged)
rabbitmq.overview.queue_totals.messages_ready.countRabbitMQ Overview QueueTotals Messages Ready countNULLNumber of messages ready for delivery
rabbitmq.overview.queue_totals.messages_unacknowledged_details.rateRabbitMQ Overview QueueTotals Messages Unacknowledged Details RateNULLRate of number of unacknowledged messages
rabbitmq.overview.message_stats.publish_details.rateRabbitMQ Overview MessageStats Publish Details RatepsecRate of messages published per second
rabbitmq.overview.message_stats.publish.countRabbitMQ Overview MessageStats Publish CountcountCount of messages published
rabbitmq.overview.message_stats.deliver_get_details.rateRabbitMQ Overview MessageStats DeliverGet Details RatepsecRate per second of the sum of messages delivered in acknowledgement mode to consumers, in no-acknowledgement mode to consumers, in acknowledgement mode in response to basic.get, and in no-acknowledgement mode in response to basic.get
rabbitmq.overview.message_stats.deliver_get.countRabbitMQ Overview MessageStats DeliverGet CountcountSum of messages delivered in acknowledgement mode to consumers, in no-acknowledgement mode to consumers, in acknowledgement mode in response to basic.get, and in no-acknowledgement mode in response to basic.get

RabbitMQ - Queues Statistics


Template to monitor the RabbitMQ Queue Statistics attributes like Queues Consumers, Queues Consumer Utilisation, Queues Memory, Queues Messages, Queues Messages Ready, Queues Messages Ready Details Rate, Queues Messages Unacknowledged, Queues Messages Unacknowledged Details Rate.


Validated on RabbitMQ v3.7.8

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
RabbitMQ - Queues Statisticsrabbitmq.queues.messages_unacknowledgedRabbitMQ Queues Messages UnacknowledgedNULLNumber of messages delivered to clients but not yet acknowledged
rabbitmq.queues.messagesRabbitMQ Queues MessagesNULLCount of the total messages in the queue
rabbitmq.queues.messages_readyRabbitMQ Queues Messages ReadyNULLNumber of messages ready to be delivered to clients
rabbitmq.queues.messages_ready_details.rateRabbitMQ Queues Messages Ready Details RateNULLNumber per second of messages ready to be delivered to clients
rabbitmq.queues.memoryRabbitMQ Queues MemoryNULLBytes of memory consumed by the Erlang process associated with the queue, including stack, heap and internal structures
rabbitmq.queues.consumersRabbitMQ Queues ConsumersNULLNumber of active consumers, consumers that can immediately receive any messages sent to the queue
rabbitmq.queues.messages_unacknowledged_details.rateRabbitMQ Queues Messages Unacknowledged Details RateNULLNumber per second of messages delivered to clients but not yet acknowledged
rabbitmq.queues.consumer_utilisationRabbitMQ Queues Consumer UtilisationNULLThe ratio of time that a queue's consumers can take new messages

RabbitMQ Aliveness Check Status


This template monitors the RabbitMQ aliveness-check status of vhosts.


Validated on RabbitMQ v3.6.10 and and this requires gateway 14.1.0 or later.

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
RabbitMQ Aliveness Check Statusrabbitmq.aliveness_check.statusRabbitMQ Aliveness Check StatusNULLstatus of a vhost

RADIUS Authentication Status Check


It monitors Radius attributes like Radius Authentication Status. Checks the authentication for access Success or Failure to the end device. Alerts when the status is FAILURE.


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
RADIUS Authentication Status Checkradius.auth.statusRADIUS Authentication StatusNULLMonitor tries to connect to end server via RADIUS check. If successful , the server/end device is reachable.

Radware Alteon Hardware


Monitors the Radware Alteon hardware statistics like temperature, fan and power supply. [ALTEON-CHEETAH-SWITCH-MIB :: hwTemperatureStatus : , hwFanStatus : , hwPowerSupplyStatus :]


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Radware Alteon - Hardwareradware_alteon_HwTemperatureStatusRadware Alteon Hardware Temperature StatusMonitors the Radware Alteon Hardware Temperature Status. [ALTEON-CHEETAH-SWITCH-MIB :: hwTemperatureStatus : ] Possible values are : 1 : ok , 2 : exceed .
radware_alteon_HwFanStatusRadware Alteon Hardware Fan StatusMonitors the Radware Alteon Hardware Fan Status. [ALTEON-CHEETAH-SWITCH-MIB :: hwFanStatus : ] Possible values are : 1 : ok , 2 : fail.
radware_alteon_HwPowerSupplyStatusRadware Alteon Hardware PowerSupply StatusMonitors the Radware Alteon Hardware PowerSupply Status. [ALTEON-CHEETAH-SWITCH-MIB :: hwPowerSupplyStatus : ] Possible values are : 1 : singlePowerSupplyOk , 2 : firstPowerSupplyFailed , 3 : secondPowerSupplyFailed , 4 : doublePowerSupplyOk , 5 : unknownPowerSupplyFailed.

Radware Alteon System Performance - MP & SP


Monitors the Radware Alteon Management Processor(MP) and Switch Processor(SP) System Performance statistics like cpu and memory. [ALTEON-CHEETAH-SWITCH-MIB :: mpCpuStatsUtil64Seconds : , mpMemStatsTotal : , mpMemStatsFree : , spStatsCpuUtil64Seconds : , spMemUsageStatsCurrentMemory : , spMemUsageStatsHiWaterMark : ]


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Radware Alteon Management Processor(MP) - System Performanceradware_alteon_MpMemoryUtilizationRadware Alteon Mp Memory Utilization%Monitors the Radware Alteon Mp Memory Utilization.[ALTEON-CHEETAH-SWITCH-MIB :: mpMemStatsTotal : , mpMemStatsFree : ]
radware_alteon_MpCpuStatsUtil64SecondsRadware Alteon Mp Cpu Statistics Utilization%Monitors the utilization of MP CPU over 64 seconds in percentage. [ALTEON-CHEETAH-SWITCH-MIB :: mpCpuStatsUtil64Seconds : ]
Radware Alteon Switch Processor(SP) - CPU Utilizationradware_alteon_SpStatsCpuUtil64SecondsRadware Alteon Sp Statistics Cpu Utilization%Monitors the utilization of this SP over 64 seconds in percentage. [ALTEON-CHEETAH-SWITCH-MIB :: spStatsCpuUtil64Seconds : ]
Radware Alteon Switch Processor(SP) - Memory Utilizationradware_alteon_SpMemUsageStatsHiWaterMarkRadware Alteon Sp Memory High WaterMarkKBMonitors the high watermark of memory usage in KiloBytes. [ALTEON-CHEETAH-SWITCH-MIB :: spMemUsageStatsHiWaterMark : ]
radware_alteon_SpMemUsageStatsCurrentMemoryRadware Alteon Sp Memory UsedKBMonitors the current memory usage of SP in KiloBytes. [ALTEON-CHEETAH-SWITCH-MIB :: spMemUsageStatsCurrentMemory : ]
radware_alteon_SpMemoryUtilizationRadware Alteon Sp Memory Utilization%Monitors the Radware Alteon Sp Memory Utilization. There is a chance utilization can cross 100%.

Radware Apsolute - CPU Utilization


Template to monitor the CPU utilization of Radware device models running on APSolute os.This template is applicable on radware switches,routers,load balancers and firewalls.


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Radware Apsolute CPU Utilizationradware_CPU_UtilizationRadware CPU Utilization%Monitors the Radware CPU utilization.[RADWARE-MIB::rsWSDRSResourceUtilization:]

Radware Defense Pro Firewall - Hardware


This template is applicable on Radware defense pro version Firewalls.Monitors the parameters like fan,power supply,temperature,Disk utilization.


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Radware Firewall CPU Temperatureradware_firewall_CPUTemperatureRadware Firewall CPU TemperatureCelsiusProvides the Radware firewall CPU temperature.[RADWARE-MIB::rsHWCPUTemperatureIndex:]
Radware Firewall Disk Utilizationradware_firewall_DiskUsedRadware Firewall Disk UsedGBProvides the Radware firewall disk used.[RADWARE-MIB::rsSysUtilDiskUsed:]
radware_firewall_DiskCapacityRadware Firewall Disk CapacityGBProvides the Radware firewall disk capacity.[RADWARE-MIB::rsSysUtilDiskCapacity:]
radware_firewall_DiskUtilizationRadware Firewall Disk Utilization%Provides the Radware firewall disk utilization.[RADWARE-MIB::rsSysUtilDiskUtilization:]
Radware Firewall Fan Statusradware_firewall_FansStatusRadware Firewall Fans StatusMonitors the Radware firewall fan status.Possible values are OK, Fail.[RADWARE-MIB::rsSystemFansStatus:]
Radware Firewall Power Supply Statusradware_firewall_DualPsuStatusRadware Firewall Power Supply StatusMonitors the Radware firewall Power supply status.Possible values are 0=singlePwrSupplyOk,1=firstPwrSupplyFailed,2=secondPwrSupplyFailed,3=doublePwrSupplyOk,4=unknownPwrSupplyFailed.[RADWARE-MIB::rdwrDualPsuStatus:]

Radware Defense Pro Firewall - Performance


This template is applicable on Radware defense pro version Firewalls.Monitors the parameters like CPU and memory statistics


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Radware Firewall Memory Utilizationradware_firewall_RAMCapacityRadware Firewall RAM CapacityGBProvides the Radware firewall RAM capacity.[RADWARE-MIB::rsSysUtilRAMCapacity:]
radware_firewall_RAMUtilizationRadware Firewall RAM Utilization%Provides the Radware firewall RAM utilization.[RADWARE-MIB::rsSysUtilRAMUtilization:]
radware_firewall_RAMUsedRadware Firewall RAM UsedGBProvides the Radware firewall RAM used.[RADWARE-MIB::rsSysUtilRAMUsed:]
Radware Firewall Resource CPU Utilizationradware_firewall_Resource_UtilizationRadware Firewall Resource CPU Utilization%Monitors the Radware firewall resource CPU utilization.[RADWARE-MIB::rsWSDRSResourceUtilization:]

Raritan PDU2


Template to monitor Raritan PDU2 parameters like Inlet Sensors Values, Inlet Sensors State, Outlet State, Overcurrent Protector Values, Overcurrent Protector State.Enterprise OID : PDU2-MIB


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Raritan PDU2raritan_pdu_outlet_stateRaritan PDU Outlet StateIt monitors the Raritan PDU Outlet Switching State.[PDU2-MIB :: outletSwitchingState :].Possible values are unavailable(-1) , open(0) , closed(1) , belowLowerCritical(2) , belowLowerWarning(3) , normal(4) , aboveUpperWarning(5) , aboveUpperCritical(6) , on(7) , off(8) , detected(9) , notDetected(10) , alarmed(11) , ok(12) , fail(14) , yes(15) , no(16) , standby(17) , one(18) , two(19) , inSync(20) , outOfSync(21) , i1OpenFault(22) , i1ShortFault(23) , i2OpenFault(24) , i2ShortFault(25) , fault(26) , warning(27) , critical(28) , selfTest(29) , nonRedundant(30).
raritan_pdu_inlet_rmsVoltage_sensorvalueRaritan PDU Inlet Rms Voltage SensorvaluevIt monitors the Raritan pdu2 inlet Rms Voltage Sensor Value.[PDU2-MIB :: measurementsUnitSensorValue :]
raritan_pdu_overcurrent_stateRaritan PDU Over Current StateIt monitors the Raritan PDU Over Current State.[PDU2-MIB :: measurementsOverCurrentProtectorSensorState :].Possible values are unavailable(-1) , open(0) , closed(1) , belowLowerCritical(2) , belowLowerWarning(3) , normal(4) , aboveUpperWarning(5) , aboveUpperCritical(6) , on(7) , off(8) , detected(9) , notDetected(10) , alarmed(11) , ok(12) , fail(14) , yes(15) , no(16) , standby(17) , one(18) , two(19) , inSync(20) , outOfSync(21) , i1OpenFault(22) , i1ShortFault(23) , i2OpenFault(24) , i2ShortFault(25) , fault(26) , warning(27) , critical(28) , selfTest(29) , nonRedundant(30).
raritan_pdu_inlet_activePower_sensorvalueRaritan PDU Inlet Active Power SensorvalueWIt monitors the Raritan Pdu2 Inlet Active Power Sensor Value.[PDU2-MIB :: measurementsUnitSensorValue :]
raritan_pdu_inlet_sensor_stateRaritan PDU Inlet Sensor StateMonitors the Raritan PDU Inlet Sensors State.[PDU2-MIB :: measurementsInletSensorState :].Possible values are unavailable(-1) , open(0) , closed(1) , belowLowerCritical(2) , belowLowerWarning(3) , normal(4) , aboveUpperWarning(5) , aboveUpperCritical(6) , on(7) , off(8) , detected(9) , notDetected(10) , alarmed(11) , ok(12) , fail(14) , yes(15) , no(16) , standby(17) , one(18) , two(19) , inSync(20) , outOfSync(21) , i1OpenFault(22) , i1ShortFault(23) , i2OpenFault(24) , i2ShortFault(25) , fault(26) , warning(27) , critical(28) , selfTest(29) , nonRedundant(30).
raritan_pdu_inlet_rmsCurrent_sensorvalueRaritan PDU Inlet Rms Current Sensor ValueampsIt monitors the Raritan pdu Inlet Rms Current Sensor Value.[PDU2-MIB :: measurementsUnitSensorValue :]
raritan_pdu_inlet_frequency_sensorvalueRaritan PDU Inlet Frequency SensorvalueIt monitors the Raritan Pdu2 Inlet Frequency Sensor Value.[PDU2-MIB :: measurementsUnitSensorValue :]

Redis Performance Template


Redis Performance Template


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Redis Performance Monitorredis.uptimeRedis-UptimemChecks the uptime of the Redis service.
redis.clients.blockedRedis Clients BlockedcountNumber of clients pending on a blocking call.
redis.clients.biggest.inputbufRedis Clients Biggest Input BufcountBiggest input buffer among current client connections.
redis.clients.longest.outputlistRedis Clients Longest Output ListcountLongest output list among current client connections.
redis.keys.totalRedis Total KeysNULLProvides the total number of keys from all the DBs.
redis.keys.evictedRedis Keys EvictedcountNumber of evicted keys due to maxmemory limit.
redis.keys.expiredredis.keys.expiredcountTotal number of key expiration events.
redis.pubsub.channelsRedis Pubsub ChannelscountGlobal number of pub/sub channels with client subscriptions.
redis.pubsub.patternsRedis Pubsub PatternscountGlobal number of pub/sub pattern with client subscriptions.
redis.perf.latest_fork_usecRedis Latest Fork UsecmicrosecDuration of the latest fork operation in microseconds. Connected ClientscountNumber of client connections (excluding connections from slaves). Connected SlavescountNumber of connected slaves. Connections RejectedcountNumber of connections rejected because of maxclients limit.
redis.changesRedis ChangescountNumber of changes since the last save.
redis.rdb.changesRedis RDB ChangescountNumber of changes since the last dump.
redis.rdb.last.bgsavetimeRedis RDB Last Bgsave TimesDuration of the last RDB save operation in seconds.
redis.aof.last.rewritetimeRedis AOF Last Rewrite TimesDuration of the last AOF rewrite operation in seconds.
redis.aof.sizeRedis AOF SizeBytesAOF current file size in MB.
redis.mem.usedRedis Mem UsedBytesTotal number of Mbytes allocated by Redis using its allocator (either standard libc, jemalloc, or an alternative allocator such as tcmalloc).
redis.mem.rssRedis Mem RSSBytesNumber of bytes that Redis allocated as seen by the operating system (a.k.a resident set size). This is the number reported by tools such as top and ps.
redis.mem.luaRedis Mem LUABytesNumber of Mbytes used by the Lua engine.
Number of Mbytes used by the Lua engine.Redis Mem PeakBytesPeak memory consumed by Redis (in Mbytes).
redis.mem.fragmentation.ratioRedis Mem Fragmentation Ratio%Ratio between rss memory used and total memory used. Replica Last IO Seconds AgosNumber of seconds since the last interaction with master.
redis.replica.syncleftbytesRedis Replica Sync Left BytesBytesNumber of bytes left before SYNCing is complete
redis.replica.linkstatusRedis Replica Link StatusNULLStatus of the link (0: up, 1: down).
redis.stats.keyspace_hitsRedis Keyspace HitscountNumber of successful lookup of keys in the main dictionary per second.
redis.keyspace.missesRedis Keyspace MissescountNumber of failed lookup of keys in the main dictionary per second.
redis.key.hits_rateRedis Key Hits RatehpsThe rate of successful lookup of keys in the main dictionary.
redis.key.misses_rateRedis Key Miss RatempsThe rate of failed lookup of keys in the main dictionary.
redis.connectionsRedis ConnectionscountThe number of connections accepted by the server per second. CommandscountThe number of commands processed by the server

Resin CacheStore -ClusterServer Template


Resin CacheStore -ClusterServer Template


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Resin CacheStore -ClusterServer CacheStore Data CountNULLGives datacount of cachestore CacheStore Load Fail Count TotalNULLGives loadfailcount of cachestore CacheStore Save Count TotalNULLGives savecounttotal of cache store CacheStore Save Fail Count TotalNULLGives savefail count total of cachestore
resin.clusterserver.server.cpu.load.averageResin ClusterServer Server CPU Load AvgNULLThe load average of the backend server ClusterServer Connection Fail Count TotalNULLThe total number of failed connections attempts to the target server
resin.clusterserver.latency.factorResin ClusterServer Latency FactormsThe latency factor of the backend server

Resin Memory - Web App Template


Resin Memory - Web App Template


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Resin Memory Monitorresin.memory.eden.freeResin Memory Eden FreeMBCurrent free Eden memory
resin.memory.tenured.freeResin Memory Tenured FreeMBCurrent free Tenured memory
resin.memory.tenured.maxResin Memory Tenured MaxMBMax allocated Tenured memory
resin.memory.tenured.usedResin Memory Tenured UsedMBCurrent used Tenured memory
resin.memory.tenured.committedResin Memory Tenured CommittedMBCurrent allocated Tenured memory
resin.memory.perm.gen.maxResin Memory Perm Gen MaxMBMax allocated PermGen memory
resin.memory.survivor.committedResin Memory Survivor CommittedMBCurrent allocated Survivor memory
resin.memory.garbage.collection.timeResin Memory Garbage Collection TimemsCurrent total GC time
resin.memory.eden.maxResin Memory Eden MaxMBMax allocated Eden memory
resin.memory.perm.gen.committedResin Memory Perm Gen CommittedMBCurrent allocated PermGen memory
resin.memory.garbage.collection.countResin Memory Garbage Collection CountNULLCurrent total GC count
resin.memory.eden.usedResin Memory Eden UsedMBCurrent used Eden memory
resin.memory.survivor.freememory UtilizationMBCurrent free Survivor memory
resin.memory.perm.gen.freeResin Memory Perm Gen FreeMBCurrent free PermGen memory
resin.memory.eden.committedResin Memory Eden CommittedMBCurrent allocated Eden memory
resin.memory.survivor.maxResin Memory Survivor MaxMBMax allocated Survivor memory
resin.memory.survivor.usedResin Memory Survivor UsedMBCurrent used Survivor memory
resin.memory.perm.gen.usedResin Memory Perm Gen UsedMBCurrent used PermGen memory
resin.memory.code.cache.freeResin Memory Code Cache FreeMBCurrent free CodeCache memory
resin.memory.code.cache.maxResin Memory Code Cache MaxMBMax allocated CodeCache memory
resin.memory.code.cache.commmittedResin Memory Code Cache CommmittedMBCurrent allocated CodeCache memory
resin.memory.code.cache.usedResin Memory Code Cache UsedMBCurrent used CodeCache memory
Resin Webapp Monitorresin.webapp.request.countResin WebApp Request CountNULLThe current number of requests served by the web-app
resin.webapp.request.count.totalResin WebApp Request Count TotalNULLThe total number of requests served by the web-app since starting
resin.webapp.client.disconnect.count.totalResin WebApp Client Disconnect Count TotalNULLThe total number of times a client has disconnected before a request completed WebApp Request Read Bytes TotalBytesThe total number of bytes received in client requests
resin.webapp.redeploy.check.intervalResin WebApp Redeploy Check IntervalmsThe configured millisecond interval between checks for the need to redeploy
resin.webapp.request.time.totalResin WebApp Request Time TotalmsThe total real (wall-clock) time in milliseconds taken by requests served by the web-app
resin.webapp.request.write.bytes.totalResin WebApp Request Write Bytes TotalNULLThe total number of bytes sent to clients
resin.webapp.status500.count.totalResin WebApp Status500 Count TotalNULLThe total number of 500 status errors

Resin ThreadPool - Server Template


Resin ThreadPool and Server Template


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Resin Server Server Memory Free MinMBThe minimum free heap memory for GC and restart
resin.server.request.count.totalResin Server Request Count TotalNULLThe total number of requests serviced by the server since it started Server Run Time Memory FreeBytesThe current free amount of memory available for the JVM, in bytes
resin.server.thread.keep.alive.countResin Server Thread Keep Alive CountNULLThe current number of connections that are in the keepalive state and are using a thread to maintain the connection
resin.server.request.write.bytes.totalResin Server Request Write Bytes TotalNULLThe total number of bytes that requests serviced by this server have written
resin.server.uptimeResin Server UP TimemsThe time in milliseconds since the last start Server Thread Active CountNULLThe current number of threads that are servicing requests
resin.server.keep.alive.count.totalResin Server Keep Alive Count TotalNULLThe total number of requests that have ended up in the keepalive state
resin.server.cpu.load.avgResin Server CPU Load AvgmThe current CPU load average
Resin Thread Pool Monitorresin.threadpool.thread.wait.countResin ThreadPool Thread Wait CountNULLThe current number of wait threads
resin.threadpool.thread.idle.minResin ThreadPool Thread Idle MinNULLThe configured minimum number of idle threads
resin.threadpool.thread.idle.maxResin ThreadPool Thread Idle MaxNULLThe configured maximum number of idle threads
resin.threadpool.thread.priority.minResin ThreadPool Thread Priority MinNULLThe priority thread gap
resin.threadpool.thread.countResin ThreadPool Thread CountNULLThe current number of managed threads
resin.threadpool.thread.priority.queue.sizeResin ThreadPool Thread Priority Queue SizeNULLThe priority queue size
resin.threadpool.thread.idle.countResin ThreadPool Thread Idle CountNULLThe current number of idle threads
resin.threadpool.thread.maxResin ThreadPool Thread MaxNULLThe configured maximum number of threads
resin.threadpool.thread.create.count.totalResin ThreadPool Thread Create Count TotalNULLThe total number of created threads
resin.threadpool.thread.overflow.count.totalResin ThreadPool Thread Overflow Count TotalNULLThe total number of overflow threads
resin.threadpool.thread.task.queue.sizeResin ThreadPool Thread Task Queue SizeNULLThe task queue size
resin.threadpool.thread.executor.maxResin ThreadPool Thread Executor MaxNULLThe configured maximum number of executor threads ThreadPool Thread Active CountNULLThe current number of active threads
resin.threadpool.thread.starting.countResin ThreadPool Thread Starting CountNULLThe current number of starting threads

SNMP Engine Uptime


Template provides the number of seconds since the value of the snmpEngineBoots object last changed.


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
SNMP Engine Uptimesystem.uptimeSNMP Engine UptimesThe number of seconds since the value of the snmpEngineBoots object last changed.[OID :]

SNMP Interface - 32-bit Counter


Monitors the Interface Status,Utilization,Traffic,Errors and Discards Rate. It uses the 32 bit counter oids to monitor Traffic and Utilization.


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
SNMP Interface - 32-bit Counternetwork.interface.statusInterface StatusThis metric represents the status of the interface based on the values derived from ifAdminStatus and ifOperStatus. It generates alerts if interface operational status is not in Up or Dormant state even interface admin status is Up.[OID: ifOperStatus-; ifAdminStatus-]
network.interface.traffic.inInterface Traffic InbpsThis metric calculates the network interface Octets received on the interface. Raw value from the interface will be captured which comes in bytes and will be converted to bits using the expression.[OID: ifInOctets -]
network.interface.traffic.outInterface Traffic OutbpsThis metric calculates the network interface Octets transmitted on the interface. Raw value from the interface will be captured which comes in bytes and will be converted to bits using the expression.[OID: ifOutOctets -]
network.interface.utilization.inInterface Utilization In%This metric calculates the network traffic in utilization. To calculate this,Interface speed is required. Raw interface speed is captured from interface and expression calculates the incoming utilization percentage based on the Traffic in metric.[OID: ifSpeed -; ifInOctets -]
network.interface.utilization.outInterface Utilization Out%This metric calculates the network traffic out utilization. To calculate this,Interface speed is required. SNMP based Interface speed is considered as input for this expression calculates the outgoing utilization percentage based on the Traffic out metric.[OID: ifSpeed -,ifOutOctets -]
network.interface.errors.inInterface Errors Inpacket/minIt monitors the number of inbound packets that contained errors preventing them from being deliverable to a higher-layer protocol. Raw values from the interface is captured and the expression converts it to minutes.[OID: ifInErrors -]
network.interface.errors.outInterface Errors Outpacket/minIt monitors the number of outbound packets that could not be transmitted because of errors. Raw values from the interface is captured and the expression converts it to minutes.[OID: ifOutErrors -]
network.interface.discards.inInterface Discards Inpacket/minIt monitors the number of inbound packets which were chosen to be discarded even though no errors had been detected to prevent their being deliverable to a higher-layer protocol. One possible reason for discarding such a packet could be to free up buffer space.[OID: ifInDiscards -]
network.interface.discards.outInterface Discards Outpacket/minIt monitors the number of outbound packets which were chosen to be discarded even though no errors had been detected to prevent their being transmitted. One possible reason for discarding such a packet could be to free up buffer space.[OID: ifOutDiscards -]

SNMP Interface - 32-bit Counter - v2


Monitors the Interface Status,Utilization,Traffic,Errors and Discards Rate. It uses the 32 bit counter oids to monitor Traffic and Utilization.


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
SNMP Interface - 32-bit Counter - v2network.interface.statusInterface StatusThis metric represents the status of the interface based on the values derived from ifAdminStatus and ifOperStatus. It generates alerts if interface operational status is not in Up or Dormant state even interface admin status is Up.[OID: ifOperStatus-; ifAdminStatus-]
network.interface.traffic.inInterface Traffic InbpsThis metric calculates the network interface Octets received on the interface. Raw value from the interface will be captured which comes in bytes and will be converted to bits using the expression.[OID: ifInOctets -]
network.interface.traffic.outInterface Traffic OutbpsThis metric calculates the network interface Octets transmitted on the interface. Raw value from the interface will be captured which comes in bytes and will be converted to bits using the expression.[OID: ifOutOctets -]
network.interface.utilization.inInterface Utilization In%This metric calculates the network traffic in utilization. To calculate this,Interface speed is required. Raw interface speed is captured from interface and expression calculates the incoming utilization percentage based on the Traffic in metric.[OID: ifSpeed -; ifInOctets -]
network.interface.utilization.outInterface Utilization Out%This metric calculates the network traffic out utilization. To calculate this,Interface speed is required. SNMP based Interface speed is considered as input for this expression calculates the outgoing utilization percentage based on the Traffic out metric.[OID: ifSpeed -,ifOutOctets -]
network.interface.errors.inInterface Errors Inpacket/minIt monitors the number of inbound packets that contained errors preventing them from being deliverable to a higher-layer protocol. Raw values from the interface is captured and the expression converts it to minutes.[OID: ifInErrors -]
network.interface.errors.outInterface Errors Outpacket/minIt monitors the number of outbound packets that could not be transmitted because of errors. Raw values from the interface is captured and the expression converts it to minutes.[OID: ifOutErrors -]
network.interface.discards.inInterface Discards Inpacket/minIt monitors the number of inbound packets which were chosen to be discarded even though no errors had been detected to prevent their being deliverable to a higher-layer protocol. One possible reason for discarding such a packet could be to free up buffer space.[OID: ifInDiscards -]
network.interface.discards.outInterface Discards Outpacket/minIt monitors the number of outbound packets which were chosen to be discarded even though no errors had been detected to prevent their being transmitted. One possible reason for discarding such a packet could be to free up buffer space.[OID: ifOutDiscards -]

SNMP Interface - 64-bit Counter


Monitors the Interface Status,Utilization,Traffic,Errors and Discards Rate. It uses 64 bit counter snmp oids to monitor Traffic and Utilization.


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
SNMP Interface - 64-bit Counternetwork.interface.statusInterface StatusThis metric represents the status of the interface based on the values derived from ifAdminStatus and ifOperStatus. It generates alerts if interface operational status is not in Up or Dormant state even interface admin status is Up.[OID: ifOperStatus-; ifAdminStatus-]
network.interface.traffic.inInterface Traffic InbpsThis metric calculates the network interface Octets received on the interface. Raw value from the interface will be captured which comes in bytes and will be converted to bits using the expression.[OID: ifInOctets -]
network.interface.traffic.outInterface Traffic OutbpsThis metric calculates the network interface Octets transmitted on the interface. Raw value from the interface will be captured which comes in bytes and will be converted to bits using the expression.[OID: ifOutOctets -]
network.interface.utilization.inInterface Utilization In%This metric calculates the network traffic in utilization. To calculate this,Interface speed is required. Raw interface speed is captured from interface and expression calculates the incoming utilization percentage based on the Traffic in metric.[OID: ifSpeed -; ifInOctets -]
network.interface.utilization.outInterface Utilization Out%This metric calculates the network traffic out utilization. To calculate this,Interface speed is required. SNMP based Interface speed is considered as input for this expression calculates the outgoing utilization percentage based on the Traffic out metric.[OID: ifSpeed -,ifOutOctets -]
network.interface.errors.inInterface Errors Inpacket/minIt monitors the number of inbound packets that contained errors preventing them from being deliverable to a higher-layer protocol. Raw values from the interface is captured and the expression converts it to minutes.[OID: ifInErrors -]
network.interface.errors.outInterface Errors Outpacket/minIt monitors the number of outbound packets that could not be transmitted because of errors. Raw values from the interface is captured and the expression converts it to minutes.[OID: ifOutErrors -]
network.interface.discards.inInterface Discards Inpacket/minIt monitors the number of inbound packets which were chosen to be discarded even though no errors had been detected to prevent their being deliverable to a higher-layer protocol. One possible reason for discarding such a packet could be to free up buffer space.[OID: ifInDiscards -]
network.interface.discards.outInterface Discards Outpacket/minIt monitors the number of outbound packets which were chosen to be discarded even though no errors had been detected to prevent their being transmitted. One possible reason for discarding such a packet could be to free up buffer space.[OID: ifOutDiscards -]

SNMP Interface - 64-bit Counter - v2


Monitors the Interface Status,Utilization,Traffic,Errors and Discards Rate. It uses 64 bit counter snmp oids to monitor Traffic and Utilization.


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
SNMP Interface - 64-bit Counter - v2network.interface.statusInterface StatusThis metric represents the status of the interface based on the values derived from ifAdminStatus and ifOperStatus. It generates alerts if interface operational status is not in Up or Dormant state even interface admin status is Up.[OID: ifOperStatus-; ifAdminStatus-]
network.interface.traffic.inInterface Traffic InbpsThis metric calculates the network interface Octets received on the interface. Raw value from the interface will be captured which comes in bytes and will be converted to bits using the expression.[OID: ifInOctets -]
network.interface.traffic.outInterface Traffic OutbpsThis metric calculates the network interface Octets transmitted on the interface. Raw value from the interface will be captured which comes in bytes and will be converted to bits using the expression.[OID: ifOutOctets -]
network.interface.utilization.inInterface Utilization In%This metric calculates the network traffic in utilization. To calculate this,Interface speed is required. Raw interface speed is captured from interface and expression calculates the incoming utilization percentage based on the Traffic in metric.[OID: ifSpeed -; ifInOctets -]
network.interface.utilization.outInterface Utilization Out%This metric calculates the network traffic out utilization. To calculate this,Interface speed is required. SNMP based Interface speed is considered as input for this expression calculates the outgoing utilization percentage based on the Traffic out metric.[OID: ifSpeed -,ifOutOctets -]
network.interface.errors.inInterface Errors Inpacket/minIt monitors the number of inbound packets that contained errors preventing them from being deliverable to a higher-layer protocol. Raw values from the interface is captured and the expression converts it to minutes.[OID: ifInErrors -]
network.interface.errors.outInterface Errors Outpacket/minIt monitors the number of outbound packets that could not be transmitted because of errors. Raw values from the interface is captured and the expression converts it to minutes.[OID: ifOutErrors -]
network.interface.discards.inInterface Discards Inpacket/minIt monitors the number of inbound packets which were chosen to be discarded even though no errors had been detected to prevent their being deliverable to a higher-layer protocol. One possible reason for discarding such a packet could be to free up buffer space.[OID: ifInDiscards -]
network.interface.discards.outInterface Discards Outpacket/minIt monitors the number of outbound packets which were chosen to be discarded even though no errors had been detected to prevent their being transmitted. One possible reason for discarding such a packet could be to free up buffer space.[OID: ifOutDiscards -]

SNMP Interface - 64-bit Counter - Traffic in Mbps


SNMP Interface - 64-bit Counter - Traffic in Mbps


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
SNMP Interface - 64-bit Counter - v2network.interface.statusInterface StatusThis metric represents the status of the interface based on the values derived from ifAdminStatus and ifOperStatus. It generates alerts if interface operational status is not in Up or Dormant state even interface admin status is Up.[OID: ifOperStatus-; ifAdminStatus-]
network.interface.traffic.inInterface Traffic InbpsThis metric calculates the network interface Octets received on the interface. Raw value from the interface will be captured which comes in bytes and will be converted to bits using the expression.[OID: ifInOctets -]
network.interface.traffic.outInterface Traffic OutbpsThis metric calculates the network interface Octets transmitted on the interface. Raw value from the interface will be captured which comes in bytes and will be converted to bits using the expression.[OID: ifOutOctets -]
network.interface.utilization.inInterface Utilization In%This metric calculates the network traffic in utilization. To calculate this,Interface speed is required. Raw interface speed is captured from interface and expression calculates the incoming utilization percentage based on the Traffic in metric.[OID: ifSpeed -; ifInOctets -]
network.interface.utilization.outInterface Utilization Out%This metric calculates the network traffic out utilization. To calculate this,Interface speed is required. SNMP based Interface speed is considered as input for this expression calculates the outgoing utilization percentage based on the Traffic out metric.[OID: ifSpeed -,ifOutOctets -]
network.interface.errors.inInterface Errors Inpacket/minIt monitors the number of inbound packets that contained errors preventing them from being deliverable to a higher-layer protocol. Raw values from the interface is captured and the expression converts it to minutes.[OID: ifInErrors -]
network.interface.errors.outInterface Errors Outpacket/minIt monitors the number of outbound packets that could not be transmitted because of errors. Raw values from the interface is captured and the expression converts it to minutes.[OID: ifOutErrors -]
network.interface.discards.inInterface Discards Inpacket/minIt monitors the number of inbound packets which were chosen to be discarded even though no errors had been detected to prevent their being deliverable to a higher-layer protocol. One possible reason for discarding such a packet could be to free up buffer space.[OID: ifInDiscards -]
network.interface.discards.outInterface Discards Outpacket/minIt monitors the number of outbound packets which were chosen to be discarded even though no errors had been detected to prevent their being transmitted. One possible reason for discarding such a packet could be to free up buffer space.[OID: ifOutDiscards -]

SNMP Interface - 64-bit Counter - Traffic in Mbps - v2


SNMP Interface - 64-bit Counter - Traffic in Mbps


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
SNMP Interface - 64-bit Counter - Traffic in Mbps - v2network.interface.statusInterface StatusThis metric represents the status of the interface based on the values derived from ifAdminStatus and ifOperStatus. It generates alerts if interface operational status is not in Up or Dormant state even interface admin status is Up.[OID: ifOperStatus-; ifAdminStatus-]
network.interface.traffic.inInterface Traffic InbpsThis metric calculates the network interface Octets received on the interface. Raw value from the interface will be captured which comes in bytes and will be converted to bits using the expression.[OID: ifInOctets -]
network.interface.traffic.outInterface Traffic OutbpsThis metric calculates the network interface Octets transmitted on the interface. Raw value from the interface will be captured which comes in bytes and will be converted to bits using the expression.[OID: ifOutOctets -]
network.interface.utilization.inInterface Utilization In%This metric calculates the network traffic in utilization. To calculate this,Interface speed is required. Raw interface speed is captured from interface and expression calculates the incoming utilization percentage based on the Traffic in metric.[OID: ifSpeed -; ifInOctets -]
network.interface.utilization.outInterface Utilization Out%This metric calculates the network traffic out utilization. To calculate this,Interface speed is required. SNMP based Interface speed is considered as input for this expression calculates the outgoing utilization percentage based on the Traffic out metric.[OID: ifSpeed -,ifOutOctets -]
network.interface.errors.inInterface Errors Inpacket/minIt monitors the number of inbound packets that contained errors preventing them from being deliverable to a higher-layer protocol. Raw values from the interface is captured and the expression converts it to minutes.[OID: ifInErrors -]
network.interface.errors.outInterface Errors Outpacket/minIt monitors the number of outbound packets that could not be transmitted because of errors. Raw values from the interface is captured and the expression converts it to minutes.[OID: ifOutErrors -]
network.interface.discards.inInterface Discards Inpacket/minIt monitors the number of inbound packets which were chosen to be discarded even though no errors had been detected to prevent their being deliverable to a higher-layer protocol. One possible reason for discarding such a packet could be to free up buffer space.[OID: ifInDiscards -]
network.interface.discards.outInterface Discards Outpacket/minIt monitors the number of outbound packets which were chosen to be discarded even though no errors had been detected to prevent their being transmitted. One possible reason for discarding such a packet could be to free up buffer space.[OID: ifOutDiscards -]

SNMP Interface(All UP) - 32-bit Counter-Rule Based


Monitors the Interface Status,Utilization,Traffic,Errors and Discards Rate. It uses the 32 bit counter oids to monitor Traffic and Utilization. It monitors interfaces that has operational status up.


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
SNMP Interface - 32-bit Counter - Rule basednetwork.interface.statusInterface StatusThis metric represents the status of the interface based on the values derived from ifAdminStatus and ifOperStatus. It generates alerts if interface operational status is not in Up or Dormant state even interface admin status is Up.[OID: ifOperStatus-; ifAdminStatus-]
network.interface.traffic.inInterface Traffic InbpsThis metric calculates the network interface Octets received on the interface. Raw value from the interface will be captured which comes in bytes and will be converted to bits using the expression.[OID: ifInOctets -]
network.interface.traffic.outInterface Traffic OutbpsThis metric calculates the network interface Octets transmitted on the interface. Raw value from the interface will be captured which comes in bytes and will be converted to bits using the expression.[OID: ifOutOctets -]
network.interface.utilization.inInterface Utilization In%This metric calculates the network traffic in utilization. To calculate this,Interface speed is required. Raw interface speed is captured from interface and expression calculates the incoming utilization percentage based on the Traffic in metric.[OID: ifSpeed -; ifInOctets -]
network.interface.utilization.outInterface Utilization Out%This metric calculates the network traffic out utilization. To calculate this,Interface speed is required. SNMP based Interface speed is considered as input for this expression calculates the outgoing utilization percentage based on the Traffic out metric.[OID: ifSpeed -,ifOutOctets -]
network.interface.errors.inInterface Errors Inpacket/minIt monitors the number of inbound packets that contained errors preventing them from being deliverable to a higher-layer protocol. Raw values from the interface is captured and the expression converts it to minutes.[OID: ifInErrors -]
network.interface.errors.outInterface Errors Outpacket/minIt monitors the number of outbound packets that could not be transmitted because of errors. Raw values from the interface is captured and the expression converts it to minutes.[OID: ifOutErrors -]
network.interface.discards.inInterface Discards Inpacket/minIt monitors the number of inbound packets which were chosen to be discarded even though no errors had been detected to prevent their being deliverable to a higher-layer protocol. One possible reason for discarding such a packet could be to free up buffer space.[OID: ifInDiscards -]
network.interface.discards.outInterface Discards Outpacket/minIt monitors the number of outbound packets which were chosen to be discarded even though no errors had been detected to prevent their being transmitted. One possible reason for discarding such a packet could be to free up buffer space.[OID: ifOutDiscards -]

SNMP Interface(All UP) - 32-bit Counter-Rule Based - v2


Monitors the Interface Status,Utilization,Traffic,Errors and Discards Rate. It uses the 32 bit counter oids to monitor Traffic and Utilization. It monitors interfaces that has operational status up.


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
SNMP Interface - 32-bit Counter - Rule based - v2network.interface.statusInterface StatusThis metric represents the status of the interface based on the values derived from ifAdminStatus and ifOperStatus. It generates alerts if interface operational status is not in Up or Dormant state even interface admin status is Up.[OID: ifOperStatus-; ifAdminStatus-]
network.interface.traffic.inInterface Traffic InbpsThis metric calculates the network interface Octets received on the interface. Raw value from the interface will be captured which comes in bytes and will be converted to bits using the expression.[OID: ifInOctets -]
network.interface.traffic.outInterface Traffic OutbpsThis metric calculates the network interface Octets transmitted on the interface. Raw value from the interface will be captured which comes in bytes and will be converted to bits using the expression.[OID: ifOutOctets -]
network.interface.utilization.inInterface Utilization In%This metric calculates the network traffic in utilization. To calculate this,Interface speed is required. Raw interface speed is captured from interface and expression calculates the incoming utilization percentage based on the Traffic in metric.[OID: ifSpeed -; ifInOctets -]
network.interface.utilization.outInterface Utilization Out%This metric calculates the network traffic out utilization. To calculate this,Interface speed is required. SNMP based Interface speed is considered as input for this expression calculates the outgoing utilization percentage based on the Traffic out metric.[OID: ifSpeed -,ifOutOctets -]
network.interface.errors.inInterface Errors Inpacket/minIt monitors the number of inbound packets that contained errors preventing them from being deliverable to a higher-layer protocol. Raw values from the interface is captured and the expression converts it to minutes.[OID: ifInErrors -]
network.interface.errors.outInterface Errors Outpacket/minIt monitors the number of outbound packets that could not be transmitted because of errors. Raw values from the interface is captured and the expression converts it to minutes.[OID: ifOutErrors -]
network.interface.discards.inInterface Discards Inpacket/minIt monitors the number of inbound packets which were chosen to be discarded even though no errors had been detected to prevent their being deliverable to a higher-layer protocol. One possible reason for discarding such a packet could be to free up buffer space.[OID: ifInDiscards -]
network.interface.discards.outInterface Discards Outpacket/minIt monitors the number of outbound packets which were chosen to be discarded even though no errors had been detected to prevent their being transmitted. One possible reason for discarding such a packet could be to free up buffer space.[OID: ifOutDiscards -]

SNMP Interface(All UP) - 64-bit Counter-Rule Based


SNMP Interface(All UP) - 64-bit Counter-Rule Based. It monitors interfaces that has operational status up.


SNMP should be enabled in end device and device should support IF-MIB.mib OIDs and SNMP credentials should be attached against the device in portal.

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
SNMP Interface - 64-bit Counter - Rule basednetwork.interface.statusInterface StatusNoneThis metric represents the status of the interface based on the values derived from ifAdminStatus and ifOperStatus. It generates alerts if interface operational status is not in Up or Dormant state even interface admin status is Up.[OID: ifOperStatus-; ifAdminStatus-]
network.interface.traffic.inInterface Traffic InbpsThis metric calculates the network interface Octets received on the interface. Raw value from the interface will be captured which comes in bytes and will be converted to bits using the expression.[OID: ifHCInOctets -]
network.interface.traffic.outInterface Traffic OutbpsThis metric calculates the network interface Octets transmitted on the interface. Raw value from the interface will be captured which comes in bytes and will be converted to bits using the expression.[OID: ifHCOutOctets -]
network.interface.utilization.inInterface Utilization In%This metric calculates the network traffic in utilization. To calculate this,Interface speed is required. Raw interface speed is captured from interface and expression calculates the incoming utilization percentage based on the Traffic in metric.[OID: ifHighSpeed -; ifHCInOctets -]
network.interface.utilization.outInterface Utilization Out%This metric calculates the network traffic out utilization. To calculate this,Interface speed is required. SNMP based Interface speed is considered as input for this expression calculates the outgoing utilization percentage based on the Traffic out metric.[OID: ifHighSpeed -,ifHCOutOctets -]
network.interface.errors.inInterface Errors Inpacket/minIt monitors the number of inbound packets that contained errors preventing them from being deliverable to a higher-layer protocol. Raw values from the interface is captured and the expression converts it to minutes.[OID: ifInErrors -]
network.interface.errors.outInterface Errors Outpacket/minIt monitors the number of outbound packets that could not be transmitted because of errors. Raw values from the interface is captured and the expression converts it to minutes.[OID: ifOutErrors -]
network.interface.discards.inInterface Discards Inpacket/minIt monitors the number of inbound packets which were chosen to be discarded even though no errors had been detected to prevent their being deliverable to a higher-layer protocol. One possible reason for discarding such a packet could be to free up buffer space.[OID: ifInDiscards -]
network.interface.discards.outInterface Discards Outpacket/minIt monitors the number of outbound packets which were chosen to be discarded even though no errors had been detected to prevent their being transmitted. One possible reason for discarding such a packet could be to free up buffer space.[OID: ifOutDiscards -]

SNMP Interface(All UP) - 64-bit Counter-Rule Based - v2


SNMP Interface(All UP) - 64-bit Counter-Rule Based. It monitors interfaces that has operational status up.


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
SNMP Interface - 64-bit Counter - Rule based - v2network.interface.statusInterface StatusNoneThis metric represents the status of the interface based on the values derived from ifAdminStatus and ifOperStatus. It generates alerts if interface operational status is not in Up or Dormant state even interface admin status is Up.[OID: ifOperStatus-; ifAdminStatus-]
network.interface.traffic.inInterface Traffic InbpsThis metric calculates the network interface Octets received on the interface. Raw value from the interface will be captured which comes in bytes and will be converted to bits using the expression.[OID: ifHCInOctets -]
network.interface.traffic.outInterface Traffic OutbpsThis metric calculates the network interface Octets transmitted on the interface. Raw value from the interface will be captured which comes in bytes and will be converted to bits using the expression.[OID: ifHCOutOctets -]
network.interface.utilization.inInterface Utilization In%This metric calculates the network traffic in utilization. To calculate this,Interface speed is required. Raw interface speed is captured from interface and expression calculates the incoming utilization percentage based on the Traffic in metric.[OID: ifHighSpeed -; ifHCInOctets -]
network.interface.utilization.outInterface Utilization Out%This metric calculates the network traffic out utilization. To calculate this,Interface speed is required. SNMP based Interface speed is considered as input for this expression calculates the outgoing utilization percentage based on the Traffic out metric.[OID: ifHighSpeed -,ifHCOutOctets -]
network.interface.errors.inInterface Errors Inpacket/minIt monitors the number of inbound packets that contained errors preventing them from being deliverable to a higher-layer protocol. Raw values from the interface is captured and the expression converts it to minutes.[OID: ifInErrors -]
network.interface.errors.outInterface Errors Outpacket/minIt monitors the number of outbound packets that could not be transmitted because of errors. Raw values from the interface is captured and the expression converts it to minutes.[OID: ifOutErrors -]
network.interface.discards.inInterface Discards Inpacket/minIt monitors the number of inbound packets which were chosen to be discarded even though no errors had been detected to prevent their being deliverable to a higher-layer protocol. One possible reason for discarding such a packet could be to free up buffer space.[OID: ifInDiscards -]
network.interface.discards.outInterface Discards Outpacket/minIt monitors the number of outbound packets which were chosen to be discarded even though no errors had been detected to prevent their being transmitted. One possible reason for discarding such a packet could be to free up buffer space.[OID: ifOutDiscards -]

Solaris Performance Monitoring


Solaris Basic Monitoring Template


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Solaris Basic Monitoring TemplateSolaris_Process_CountSolaris Process CountNULL
Solaris_CPU_UsageSolaris CPU Usage%
Solaris_Pag_IN_OUTSolaris PagingMB
Solaris_Memory_MetricSolaris MemoryMBSolaris_Memory

Solaris ZFS Storage Pool Health and Capacity


Monitors Solaris ZFS Storage Pool health status and usage capacity in percentage. [NET-SNMP-EXTEND-MIB::nsExtendOutLine-] [Prerequisites: Need to add following Zpool command to snmpd.conf in end device: extend zpool_name /bin/bash -c “zpool list -H -o name” extend zpool_capacity /bin/bash -c “zpool list -H -o capacity” extend zpool_health /bin/bash -c “zpool list -H -o health”]


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Solaris ZFS Storage Pool Health and Storage Pool Health StatusIt represents the Solaris ZFS Storage pool health status. A pool's health status is described by one of following states:\nDEGRADED: A pool with one or more failed devices, but the data is still available due to a redundant configuration.\nONLINE: A pool that has all devices operating normally.\nSUSPENDED: A pool that is waiting for device connectivity to be restored. A suspended pool remains in the wait state until the device issue is resolved.\nUNAVAIL: A pool with corrupted metadata, or one or more unavailable devices and insufficient replicas to continue functioning.\nUNKNOWN: A pool is not imported and its actual status has not been verified. This health status is used by zpool label command.\nCLEARED: A pool has at least one device with ZFS metadata cleared by using zpool label -C command. A cleared pool cannot be imported. [NET-SNMP-EXTEND-MIB::nsExtendOutLine-] Storage Pool Capcacity%It represents the amount of disk space used, expressed as a percentage of the total disk space. [NET-SNMP-EXTEND-MIB::nsExtendOutLine-]

Sun Hardware Monitors


Monitors the hardware sensors aggregated alarm status (such like FRU status, Agent and SP connection status, voltage, current, power supply, cooling unit, temperature, processors, memory, hard drives, IO, slots, power unit, power consumption, indicator) and power consumption information related to the Oracle server or blade.\n[using SUN-HW-MONITORING-MIB]


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Sun Hardware FRU Alarm statussun.hw.fru.alarmstatusFRU Alarm StatusMonitors the alarm status of the Oracle server's FRU. [OID:]
Sun Hardware Monitoring agent and SP Connection Statussun.hw.agent.sp.connectionstatusAgent and Service Processor (ILOM) Connection StatusMonitors the status of the connection between Oracle hardware monitoring agent and the Service Processor (ILOM). [OID:,]
Sun Hardware Sensors Aggregate Alarm Statussun.hw.cumulative.sensors.alarmstatusCumulative Status of all SensorsThis attribute defines the cumulative status of all sensors monitoring various parameters on a Oracle server. [OID:]
sun.hw.cumulative.voltagesensors.alarmstatusVoltage Sensors Cumulative StatusThis attribute defines the cumulative status of all sensors monitoring voltage on a Oracle server. [OID:]
sun.hw.cumulative.currentsensors.alarmstatusElectric Current Sensors Cumulative StatusThis attribute defines the cumulative status of all sensors monitoring electric current on a Oracle server. [OID:]
sun.hw.cumulative.powersupplysensors.alarmstatusPower Supplies Cumulative StatusThis attribute defines the cumulative status of all sensors monitoring power supplies on a Oracle server. [OID:]
sun.hw.cumulative.coolingunits.alarmstatusCooling Units Cumulative StatusThis attribute defines the cumulative status of all cooling units on a Oracle server. [OID:]
sun.hw.cumulative.temperaturesensors.alarmstatusTemperature Sensors Cumulative StatusThis attribute defines the cumulative status of all sensors monitoring temperature on a Oracle server. [OID:]
sun.hw.cumulative.processors.alarmstatusProcessors Cumilative StatusThis attribute defines the cumulative status of all processors on a Oracle server [OID:]
sun.hw.cumulative.memory.alarmstatusMemory Devices Cumulative StatusThis attribute defines the cumulative status of all memory devices on a Oracle server. [OID:]
sun.hw.cumulative.harddrives.alarmstatusHard Drives Cumulative StatusThis attribute defines the cumulative status of all hard drives on a Oracle server. [OID:] Sensors Cumulative StatusThis attribute defines the cumulative status of all IO sensors on a Oracle server. [OID:]
sun.hw.cumulative.slots.alarmstatusSlots / Connections Cumulative StatusThis attribute defines the cumulative status of all slots or connectors on a Oracle server. [OID:]
sun.hw.cumulative.uncategorisedsensors.alarmstatusUncategorised Sensors Cumulative StatusThis attribute defines the cumulative status of all sensors that do not fall into any defined category in sunHwMonOtherSensorsGroup. [OID:]
sun.hw.cumulative.powerunitsensors.alarmstatusPower Unit Sensors Cumulative StatusThis attribute defines the cumulative status of Power Unit sensors on an Oracle server. [OID:]
Sun Hardware Total Power Consumption Sensors Alarm StatusIt represents the status of the total power consumption sensor. [OID:,,] Consumption Sensors Current ValueThis attribute defines the current reading of the total power consumption sensor. [OIDs:,]

Sun Storage Monitors


It monitors the storage parameters like Raid controller status, controller alarm status, disk status, physical disk status and logical component Raid status [Using SUN-STORAGE-MIB].


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Sun Storage Controller Controller StatusThis attribute defines the operational status of the RAID controller. [OID:] Controller Alarm StatusThe alarm status of the controller. [OID:]
Sun Storage Disk StatusThis attribute defines the raid group-status of disk. [OID:]
Sun Storage Logical Component RAID Component RAID StatusThe status of this disk within the RAID configuration. One of:
  • Disk is online
  • Disk is offline per host request or for other reasons (disk is not compatible for use in volume)
  • Disk has failed
  • Disk is missing or not responding
  • Disk is being initialized or rebuilt.
Sun Storage Volume RAID RAID StatusThe status of the physical disk as a RAID member. This field is a mirror of the same field in the Logical Component node. [OIDs:,]

Synology - Storage and Space IO Statistics


Template to monitor Storage and Space IO Statistics like bytes read, bytes written, reads, writes, disk load, 1min avg disk load, 5min avg disk load, 15min avg disk load. [SYNOLOGY-STORAGEIO-MIB, SYNOLOGY-SPACEIO-MIB].


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Synology Space IO IO Average Disk Load - 5min%It monitors the 5 minutes average load of disk (%). [SYNOLOGY-SPACEIO-MIB::spaceIOLA5 -]. IO Disk Load%It monitors the load of disk (%). [SYNOLOGY-SPACEIO-MIB::spaceIOLA -]. IO Average Disk Load - 15min%It monitors the 15 minutes average load of disk (%). [SYNOLOGY-SPACEIO-MIB::spaceIOLA15 -]. IO Bytes WrittenBpsIt monitors the number of bytes written to the device in last monitoring poll period. [SYNOLOGY-SPACEIO-MIB::spaceIONWritten -]. IO Average Disk Load - 1min%It monitors the 1 minute average load of disk (%). [SYNOLOGY-SPACEIO-MIB::spaceIOLA1 -]. IO Bytes ReadBpsIt monitors the number of bytes read from the device in last monitoring poll period. [SYNOLOGY-SPACEIO-MIB::spaceIONRead -]. IO Writescounts/sIt monitors the number of write accesses to the device in last monitoring poll period. [SYNOLOGY-SPACEIO-MIB::spaceIOWrites -]. IO Readscounts/sIt monitors the number of read accesses from the device in last monitoring poll period. [SYNOLOGY-SPACEIO-MIB::spaceIOReads -].
Synology Storage IO IO Avg Disk Load - 15min%It monitors the 15 minute average load of disk (%). [SYNOLOGY-STORAGEIO-MIB::storageIOLA15 -]. IO Avg Disk Load - 1min%It monitors the 1 minute average load of disk (%). [SYNOLOGY-STORAGEIO-MIB::storageIOLA1 -]. IO Writescounts/sIt monitors the number of write accesses to the device in last monitoring poll period. [SYNOLOGY-STORAGEIO-MIB::storageIOWrites -]. IO Bytes WrittenBpsIt monitors the number of bytes written to the device in last monitoring poll period.[SYNOLOGY-STORAGEIO-MIB::storageIONWritten -]. IO Readscounts/sIt monitors the number of read accesses from the device in last monitoring poll period. [SYNOLOGY-STORAGEIO-MIB::storageIOReads -]. IO Bytes ReadBpsIt monitors the number of bytes read from the device in last monitoring poll period.[SYNOLOGY-STORAGEIO-MIB::storageIONRead -]. IO Avg Disk Load - 5min%It monitors the 5 minutes average load of disk (%). [SYNOLOGY-STORAGEIO-MIB::storageIOLA5 -]. IO Disk Load%It monitors the load of disk (%). [SYNOLOGY-STORAGEIO-MIB::storageIOLA -].

Synology DSM Monitors

Monitors the Synology System Status, Power Status, System Temperature, System Fan Status, CPU Fan Status, Disk Status, Disk Temperature, and Raid Status.


Validated on Synology DSM 5.2-5592 version and RS3614xs+ model devices. Monitors the Synology System Status, Power Status, System Temperature, System Fan Status, CPU Fan Status, Disk Status, Disk Temperature, and Raid Status. Using SYNOLOGY-DISK-MIB, SYNOLOGY-SYSTEM-MIB, SYNOLOGY-RAID-MIB.


No prerequisite.

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Synology Disk Healthsynology.disk.statusSynology Disk StatusProvides the Synology disk status.
synology.disk.temperatureSynology Disk TemperatureCProvides the Synology disk temperature.
Synology Raid Raid StatusProvides the Synology RAID status.
Synology System Healthsynology.system.statusSynology System StatusProvides the Synology system status.
synology.system.temperatureSynology System TemperatureCProvides the Synology temperature.
synology.power.statusSynology Power StatusProvides the Synology power status. System Fan StatusProvides the Synology system fan status. CPU Fan StatusProvides the Synology CPU fan status.
synology.dsm.upgrade.availableSynology DSM Upgrade AvailableProvides the Synology DSM upgrade availability status.

System Application Status - SYSAPPL-MIB


It monitors the current state of the running application instance. The possible values are running(1),runnable(2) but waiting for a resource such as CPU,waiting(3) for an event,exiting(4),or other(5). This value is based on an evaluation of the running elements of this application instance (see sysApplElmRunState) and their Roles as defined by sysApplInstallElmtRole. An agent implementation may detect that an application instance is in the process of exiting if one or more of its REQUIRED elements are no longer running. Most agent implementations will wait until a second internal poll has been completed to give the system time to start REQUIRED elements before marking the application instance as exiting.[SYSAPPL-MIB::sysApplInstallPkgProductName,sysApplRunCurrentState]


Device should support SYSAPPL-MIB,sysApplInstallPkgProductName,,sysApplRunCurrentState,

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
System Application Status - App Current StateIt monitors the current state of the running application instance. The possible values are running(1),runnable(2) but waiting for a resource such as CPU,waiting(3) for an event,exiting(4),or other(5). This value is based on an evaluation of the running elements of this application instance (see sysApplElmRunState) and their Roles as defined by sysApplInstallElmtRole. An agent implementation may detect that an application instance is in the process of exiting if one or more of its REQUIRED elements are no longer running. Most agent implementations will wait until a second internal poll has been completed to give the system time to start REQUIRED elements before marking the application instance as exiting.[SYSAPPL-MIB::sysApplInstallPkgProductName,sysApplRunCurrentState]

System Health - Host Resource MIB


This template can be applied on any SNMP enabled device that support the HOST-RESOURCES-MIB. This includes Linux,Windows and other device types. Monitors system uptime,CPU utilization,memory utilization and disk utilization.


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
CPU Utilization - HR-MIBsystem.cpu.utilizationCPU Utilization%The average,over the last minute,of the percentage of time that this processor was not idle.[OIDs:,]
Host System Uptimesystem.uptimeSystem UptimesThe amount of time since this host was last initialized.[OID -]
Memory Utilization - HR-MIBsystem.memory.util.percentMemory Utilization%This monitor provides physical and virtual memory utilization using HOST-RESOURCES-MIB.[OID:,,]
system.memory.freeMemory FreeBytesRepresents the free system memory.[OID:,,]
system.memory.usedMemory UsedBytesRepresents the amount of memory allocated.[OID:]
Server Statistics - ConnectionsThe number of user sessions for which this host is storing state information. A session is a collection of processes requiring a single act of user authentication and possibly subject to collective job control.[OID:]
Storage Utilization - HR-MIBsystem.disk.util.percentDisk Utilization%Monitors the disk utilization.[OIDs:,,]
CPU Load -

Note: The metric acts as an intermediate measure used to calculate other CPU parameters such as CPU Nice Time,CPU Idle Time,and more. It doesn't generate any metric data on its own.
CPU Total TimesSum of CPU Time in all modes.[OIDs:,,,,,,].

System Uptime


NEW engine monitor for SYSTEM UPTIME.



Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
System Uptimesystem.uptimeSystem UptimesThe time since the SNMP agent in the system was last re-initialized.[OID :]

Trend Micro TippingPoint


Template to monitor Trend Micro TippingPoint paramaters like fan speed ,fan severity, resource parameters like Host processor Memory Utilization, Host Processor CPU Busy, Chassis Temperature,Resource File System Used, Resource Power Supply Status, Slot Status, temperature value, temperature severity,Voltage and voltage severity. sysobjid :


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Trend Micro TippingPoint - SpeedrpmIt monitors the speed of this fan in RPM. SeverityIt monitors whether this fan speed is normal or too slow.
Trend Micro TippingPoint - Resourcetpt.resource.chassis.temperatureResource Chassis TemperatureCelsiusIt monitors the chassis temperature in degrees C. Host Processor CPU Busy%It monitors the percentage of host processor CPU busy. Host Processor Memory Utilization%It monitors the percentage of host processor memory in use.
Trend Micro TippingPoint - Resource File System Usedtpt.resource.file.system.usedResource File System UsedMBIt monitors the resource file system usage in MB.
Trend Micro TippingPoint - Resource Power Supply Power Supply StatusIt monitors whether one or both power supplies is functional.
Trend Micro TippingPoint - Slot Statustpt.slot.statusSlot StatusIt monitors the status of the slot.
Trend Micro TippingPoint - Temperaturetpt.temperature.severityTemperature SeverityIt monitors whether this temperature is normal or too hot.
tpt.temperature.valueTemperatureCIt monitors the temperature in degrees centigrade at this sensor.
Trend Micro TippingPoint - Voltagetpt.voltage.severityVoltage SeverityIt monitors whether this voltage is within the normal operating range or not.
tpt.voltage.valueVoltagemVIt monitors the voltage reading in millivolts at this sensor.

UCD Disk IO Monitors


Template for UCD Disk IO monitors. Monitors disk IO percentage in last 5 minutes and 15 minutes, total disk read and write accesses, total disk read and write bytes. Tested on Isilon OneFS isi-demo-1 v7.0.1.1 Isilon OneFS v7.0.1.1 B_7_0_1_34(RELEASE) amd64.


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Disk IO Stats - IO Read AccessespsecMonitors the number of disk IO read accesses per second. [OIDs:,] IO Write AccessespsecMonitors the number of disk IO write accesses per second. [OIDs:,] IO Read Write AccessespsecMonitors the number of disk IO read and write accesses per second (read accesses + write accesses). IO Total BytesBpsMonitors the disk IO total (read + write) number of bytes per second. IO Read BytesBpsMonitors the number of bytes read per second from disk IO device. [OID:] IO Written BytesBpsMonitors the number of bytes written per second to disk IO device. [OID:] IO Last 5m Average Load (%)%Monitors the 5 minute average load of disk (%). [OID:] IO Last 15m Average Load (%)%Monitors the 15 minute average load of disk (%). [OID:]

URL Status


Monitors the given URL on the device. Supported metrics Http response code, Response time(ms), URL reachable or not(1:UP, 0:Down). Note: Only one URL on the device can be monitored.


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
URL Statusurl.http.response-codeURL HTTP response codeNULLHTTP response code
url.response-timeURL response timemsURL response time
url.statusURL Up Down statusNULLURL Up Down status

Vertiv Geist Watchdog Environmental Sensors


It Monitor Vertiv Geist Watchdog Internal Sensors like Temperature, Humidity, DewPoint and Device availability.[VERTIV-BB-MIB :: internalLabel : , internalAvail : , internalTemp : , internalHumidity : , internalDewPoint : , temperatureUnits :]


Device should support VERTIV-BB-MIB

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Vertiv Geist Watchdog - Internal Sensorsvertiv_geist_watchdog_InternalAvailVertiv Geist Watchdog Device availabilityIt monitor internal device availability [VERTIV-BB-MIB :: internalLabel : , internalAvail :] possible values are 0 : Unavailable, 1 : Available, 2 : Partially Unavailable
vertiv_geist_watchdog_InternalTempVertiv Geist Watchdog Internal TemperatureCentigradeIt monitor internal temperature [VERTIV-BB-MIB :: internalLabel : , internalTemp : , temperatureUnits :]
vertiv_geist_watchdog_InternalHumidityVertiv Geist Watchdog Internal Humidity%It monitor internal humidity [VERTIV-BB-MIB :: internalLabel : , internalHumidity : ]
vertiv_geist_watchdog_InternalDewPointVertiv Geist Watchdog Internal Dew PointCIt monitor internal dew point [VERTIV-BB-MIB :: internalLabel : , internalDewPoint : temperatureUnits :1 .]

VxRail Cluster Template


Works for Gateway with 9.0.0 and above version


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
VxRail Cluster Monitorvxrail_cluster_Operational_StatusVxrail Cluster Operational StatusNULLVxrail Cluster Operational Status
vxrail_cluster_chassis_stats_HealthVxrail Cluster Chassis Stats HealthNULLVxrail Cluster Chassis Stats Health

VxRail Host Template


Works for Gateway with 9.0.0 and above version


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
VxRail Hosts Monitorvxrail_host_disk_StateVxRail Disk StateNULLVxRail Disk State
vxrail_host_Operational_StatusVxrail Host Operational StatusVxrail Host Operational Status
vxrail_host_Power_StatusVxrail Host Power StatusVxrail Host Power Status
vxrail_host_disk_Write_EnduranceVxRail Disk Write EnduranceNULLVxRail Disk Write Endurance
vxrail_host_disk_Led_StatusVxRail Disk Led StatusNULLVxRail Disk Led Status
vxrail_host_Health_StatusVxrail Host Health StatusNULLVxrail Host Health Status
vxrail_host_powersupply_Health_StatusVxrail Host Powersupply Health StatusNULLVxrail Host Powersupply Health Status
vxrail_host_nics_Link_StatusVxRail Nics Link StatusNULLVxRail Nics Link Status
vxrail_host_boot_device_stats_HealthVxRail Boot Device Health%VxRail Boot Device Health

WAN Interface Utilization


This template is to be applied on the interfaces that connect to internet for monitoring the reserve bandwidth utilization. This template will be supported by VG v2.7.0 or above.


Device must support IF-MIB.mib and VG v2.7.0 or above.

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
WAN Interface Utilizationwan.utilization.inWAN Interface Utilization%WAN Interface In utilization. Speed of the interface and Inbound traffic will be considered to calculate incoming utilization.[OIDs: or].
wan.utilization.outWAN Interface Utilization%WAN Interface Out utilization. Speed of the interface and outbound traffic will be considered to calculate outgoing utilization.[OIDs: or].
wan.utilization.totalWAN Interface Utilization%It represents WAN interface total utilization. It will be calculated by using and wan.utilization.out metrics. Considering MAX of IN and OUT interface utilization as a Total interface utilization.



This template is to be applied on the interfaces that connect to internet for monitoring the reserve bandwidth utilization. While assigning this template on a device,it will ask for 3 inputs from user:

  1. Interface name/description.
  2. Interface Speed - In (ISP provided DOWNLOAD speed on interface in bps).
  3. Interface Speed - Out (ISP provided UPLOAD speed on interface in bps).


Device must support IF-MIB.mib

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
WAN Interface Utilization - FOR INDIVIDUAL IN AND OUT SPEEDSwan.utilization.inWAN Interface Utilization%WAN Interface In utilization. Speed of the interface and Inbound traffic will be considered to calculate incoming utilization.[OIDs: or].
wan.utilization.outWAN Interface Utilization%WAN Interface Out utilization. Speed of the interface and outbound traffic will be considered to calculate outgoing utilization.[OIDs: or].

Watchdog 100 environment monitors


Monitors the internal temperature sensor reading.[OIDs:,,].


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Watchdog 100 Environment Monitorswatchdog.internal.sensor.temperatureInternal TemperatureCCurrent reading of internal Temperature sensor.[OID:,].

Watchguard XTM Fireware - G2


Applicable on XTM fireware devices. Monitors the watch-guard system and policy statistics like CPU utilization,traffic rate,connection rate,connection drop rate and discarded packet rate.


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Watchguard Policy Statisticswatchguard.policy.trafficTotal Policy TrafficBpsTotal traffic in bytes since setting up this policy.[OIDs:,].
watchguard.policy.discarded.pktsPolicy Discarded Packets.packet/minTotal number of packets discarded since setting up this policy.[OIDs:,]. Active connectionspsecTotal number of the active connections since setting up this policy.[OIDs:,].
Watchguard System Statisticswatchguard.cpu.utilizationCPU Utilization%CPU utilization of the system in last 5 minutes. The value is measured in 0.01%.[OID:] Number of Active ConnectionsTotal number of currently active connections of the system.[OID:]
watchguard.connection.request.rateWatchguard Connection Request RateThe total number of the connection requests since system is up.[OID:]
watchguard.connection.request.drop.rateWatchguard Connection Request Drop RateThe total number of the connection requests being dropped since system is up.[OID:]
watchguard.traffic.inWatchguard Traffic InMBpsThe rate of total number of bytes received since system is up. This number includes both cut through traffic and host traffic.[OID:]
watchguard.traffic.outWatchguard Traffic OutMBpsThe rate of total number of bytes sent since system is up. This number includes both cut through traffic and host traffic.[OID:]

WebLogic - G2


Applicable on Oracle WebLogic servers. Please enable the SNMP agent on each of the managed servers in the WebLogic domain.


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Weblogic Cluster Statisticsweblogic.cluster.alive.serversCluster Runtime Alive ServersThe current total number of alive servers in this cluster.[OID:]
weblogic.cluster.runtime.fragment.sentCluster Runtime Fragment SentpsecThe total number of multicast fragments sent from this server into the cluster.[OID:]
weblogic.cluster.runtime.fragment.receivedCluster Runtime Fragment ReceivedpsecThe total number of multicast messages received on this server from the cluster.[OID:]
weblogic.cluster.runtime.lost.messagesCluster Runtime Multicast Lost MessagespsecThe total number of in-coming multicast messages that were lost according to this server.[OID:]
weblogic.cluster.runtime.resend.requestsCluster Runtime Resend RequestspsecThe number of state-delta messages that had to be resent because a receiving server in the cluster missed a message.[OID:]
Weblogic JDBC Connection Pool Statisticsweblogic.jdbc.connection.delay.avgJDBC Average Connection DelayAveraged time necessary to get a connection from the database.[OID:] Active ConnectionsThe current total active connections.[OID:]
weblogic.jdbc.waiting.threadsJDBC Waiting Threads for ConnectionThe current total waiting for a connection.[OID:]
weblogic.jdbc.connections.availJDBC Available ConnectionsReturns the number of available connections in this pool.[OID:]
Weblogic JDBC DataSource Statisticsweblogic.jdbc.ds.stateJDBC Data Source StateData source Runtime state - current state of the data source (Running,Suspended,Shutdown,Unhealthy,Unknown).[OID:] Data Source Active ConnectionsThe number of connections currently in use by applications.[OID:]
weblogic.jdbc.ds.waiting.connJDBC Data Source Waiting ConnectionsThe number of connection requests waiting for a database connection [OID:]
weblogic.jdbc.ds.avail.connJDBC Data Source DB Available ConnectionsThe number of database connections currently available (not in use) in this data source.[OID:]
weblogic.jdbc.ds.conn.delayJDBC Data Source DB Connection DelaymsThe average time in milliseconds that it takes to create a physical connection to the database.[OID:]
Weblogic JMS Consumer Runtime Statisticsweblogic.jms.consumer.pending.messagesJMS Consumer Pending MessagesThe number of messages pending (uncommitted and unacknowledged) by this consumer.[OID:]
weblogic.jms.consumer.received.messagesJMS Consumer Received MessagesThe number of messages received by this consumer since the last reset.[OID:]
weblogic.jms.consumer.pending.bytesJMS Consumer Pending BytesBytesThe number of bytes pending (uncommitted and unacknowledged) by this consumer.[OID:]
weblogic.jms.consumer.received.bytesJMS Consumer Received BytesBytesThe number of bytes received by this consumer since the last reset.[OID:]
Weblogic JMS Producer Runtime Statisticsweblogic.jms.producer.pending.messagesJMS Producer Pending MessagesThe number of messages pending (uncommitted and unacknowledged) by this producer.[OID:]
weblogic.jms.producer.sent.messagesJMS Producer Sent MessagesThe number of messages sent by this producer since the last reset.[OID:]
weblogic.jms.producer.pending.bytesJMS Producer Pending BytesBytesThe number of bytes pending (uncommitted and unacknowledged) by this producer.[OID:]
weblogic.jms.producer.sent.bytesJMS Producer Sent BytesBytesThe number of bytes sent by this producer since the last reset.[OID:]
Weblogic JMS Server Statisticsweblogic.jms.server.pending.messagesJMS Server Pending MessagesThe current number of messages pending (unacknowledged or uncommitted) stored on this JMS server. Pending messages are over and above the current number of messages.[]
weblogic.jms.server.current.destinationsJMS Server Current DestinationsThe current number of destinations for this JMS server.[OID:]
weblogic.jms.server.current.messagesJMS Server Current Stored MessagesThe current number of messages stored on this JMS server. This does not include the pending messages.[OID:]
weblogic.jms.server.current.bytesJMS Server Current Stored BytesBytesThe current number of bytes stored in this JMS Server. This does not include the pending bytes.[OID:]
weblogic.jms.server.pending.bytesJMS Server Pending BytesBytesThe number of pending bytes stored in this JMS Server. Pending bytes are over and above the current number of bytes.[OID:]
Weblogic JMS Service Statisticsweblogic.jms.server.current.connectionsJMS Server Current ConnectionsThe current number of connection to this JMS server.[OID:]
weblogic.jms.servers.current.countJMS Servers Connected to JMS ServicesThe current number of JMSServers connected to this JMS Services.[OID:]
Weblogic Jolt Performanceweblogic.jolt.avg.processor.loadJolt Average Processor LoadRepresents a snapshot of the average load of all processors.[OID:]
weblogic.jolt.jvm.processor.loadJolt JVM Processor LoadDouble that indicates the average load that the VM is placing on all processors.[OID:] the Java heap free memory in percentage.[,]
weblogic.jolt.heap.utilizationJolt Heap Utilization%Percentage of the heap memory utilization.[OID:]
weblogic.jolt.physical.memory.utilJolt Physical Memory Utilization%Represents the physical memory utilization on the host computer.[,,]
weblogic.jolt.jvm.gcNumber of GCs PerfomedThe number of GCs perfomed so far.[OID:]
weblogic.jolt.jvm.gc.timeTime spent in GCmsIndicates the number of milliseconds that the Virtual Machine has spent on all garbage collection runs since the VM was started.[OID:]
Weblogic Query Cache Statisticsweblogic.query.cache.statisticsQuery cache statisticsThe count of the number of cache hits of the query cache for this EJB.[OID:,,]
Weblogic Runtime Queue Statisticsweblogic.runtime.execute.threadsRuntime Execute ThreadsThe total number of execute threads assigned to the queue.[OID:]
weblogic.runtime.serviced.requestsRuntime Serviced RequestsThe number of requests which have been processed by this queue.[OID:]
weblogic.runtime.idle.threadsweblogic.runtime.idle.threadsThe number of idle threads assigned to the queue.[OID:]
weblogic.runtime.pending.requestsRuntime Pending RequestsThe number of waiting requests in the queue.[OID:]
Weblogic Runtime Thread ThreadsRepresents the total number of threads in the pool.[OID:]
weblogic.runtime.idle.threadsIdle ThreadsRepresents the number of idle threads in the pool.[OID:]
weblogic.runtime.pending.threadsPending ThreadsReturns the number of pending requests in the priority queue. This is the total of internal system requests and user requests.[OID:]
weblogic.runtime.throughputRequests CompletedpsecRepresents the mean number of requests completed per second.[OID:]
weblogic.runtime.request.manager.statusRequest Manager StatusReturns the Indicates if the RequestManager is suspended. A suspended manager will not dequeue work and dispatch threads till it is resumed.[OID:]
Weblogic Server Stateweblogic.server.stateServer stateThe current state of the server. Legal values are Initializing,Suspended,Running,Shutting Down. Represented as 1 -Running,0 -Initializing,Suspended and Shutting Down [OID:,,]

Wireless Interface


Monitors the IEEE 802.11 interface MAC layer statistics,connected client statistics,number of currently associated active devices and association statistics of the clients on each of the IEEE 802.11 radio interfaces.


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
IEEE 802.11 Client Statsdot11.client.bytes.receivedWLAN Client Bytes ReceivedBpsMonitors the number of bytes received from WLAN client.[OID:].
dot11.client.bytes.sentWLAN Client Bytes SentBpsMonitors the number of bytes sent to WLAN client.[OID:].
dot11.client.signal.qualityWLAN Client Signal Quality%Monitors the device-dependent measure of the signal quality of the most recently received packet from this client.[OID:].
dot11.client.connect.timeWLAN Client Connect TimesMonitors the time in seconds that this client has been associated with this device.[OID:].
IEEE 802.11 Interface Statsdot11.stations.authenticatedAuthenticated StationsMonitors the number of stations authenticated with this device on this interface since device re-started.[OID:]. Active BridgesMonitors the number of bridges currently associating with this device on this interface.[OID:]. Active RepeatersMonitors the number of repeaters currently associating with this device on this interface.[OID:]. Active Wireless ClientsMonitors the number of wireless clients currently associating with this device on this interface.[OID:].
dot11.deauthenticated.stationsDeauthenticated StationsMonitors the number of stations deauthenticated with this device on this interface since device re-started.[OID:].
dot11.disassociated.stationsDisassociated StationsMonitors the number of stations disassociated with this device on this interface since device re-started.[OID:].
dot11.roamedaway.stationsRoamed Away StationsMonitors the number of stations roamed away from this device on this interface since device re-started.[OID:].
dot11.roamedin.stationsRoamed In StationsMonitors the number of stations roamed from another device to this device on this interface since device re-started.[OID:].
dot11.stations.associatedAssociated StationsProvides the number of stations associated with this device on this interface since device re-started.[OID:].
dot11.ssid.mismatch.errorsSSID Mismatch ErrorsMonitors the number of received beacon or probe response frames for which ssid mismatch errors occured.[OID:]. Detection ErrorsMonitors the number of frames for which transmission is deferred due to energy detection.[OID:].
dot11.mac.crc.errorsMAC CRC ErrorsMonitors the number of received frames which are having MAC CRC error.[OID:].

XenServer Datastore Performance


XenServer Datastore Performance


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameDescriptionUnit
XenServer Datastore Performancexenserver.datastore.capacity.freespaceXenServer Datastore Capacity FreeSpaceXenServer Datastore Capacity FreeSpaceGB
xenserver.datastore.capacity.usageXenServer Datastore Capacity UsageXenServer Datastore Capacity Usage%
xenserver.datastore.freespace.averageXenServer Datastore FreeSpace AverageXenServer Datastore FreeSpace Average%

XenServer Dom0 Basic Monitor


XenServer Dom0 Basic Monitor


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
XenServer Dom0 Basic Monitorxenserver.xendom0.deadbeef.stateXenServer Xen Dom0 Deadbeef StateNULLXenServer Xen Dom0 Deadbeef State
xenserver.xendom0.cpu.usageXenServer XenDom0 CPU Usage%Monitors the CPU Utilization of the Xen Domain0 Host.
xenserver.xendom0.memory.usageXenServer XenDom0 Memory Usage%XenServer XenDom0 Memory Usage
xenserver.xendom0.nfs.mount.stateXenServer XenDmo0 NFS Mount StateNULLXenServer XenDmo0 NFS Mount State
xenserver.xendom0.disk.usageXenServer XenDom0 Disk Usage%XenServer XenDom0 Disk Usage

XenServer Host Performance


XenServer Host Performance


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
XenServer Host IO Queuesize AverageNULLXenServer IO Queuesize Average.
xenserver.cpu.time.cstateXenServer CPU time cstate%XenServer CPU time cstate.
xenserver.cpu.usageXenServer CPU Usage%XenServer CPU Usage.
xenserver.cpu.usage.averageXenServer CPU Usage Average%XenServer CPU Usage Average.
xenserver.loadavgXenServer Load Average%XenServer Load Average.
xenserver.memory.freespaceXenServer Memory Free SpaceGBXenServer Memory Free Space.
xenserver.memory.freespace.averageXenServer Memory Freespace Average%XenServer Memory Freespace Average.
xenserver.memory.totalXenServer Memory TotalGBXenServer Memory Total.
xenserver.pif.rxXenServer Pif ReceiveBpsXenServer Pif Receive.
xenserver.pif.txXenServer Pif TransferBpsXenServer Pif Transfer.
xenserver.pif.aggr.rxXenServer Pif aggregate ReceiveBpsXenServer Pif aggregate Receive.
xenserver.pif.aggr.txXenServer Pif aggregate TransferBpsXenServer Pif aggregate Transfer. Sr Cache HitshpsXenServer Sr Cache Hits. Sr Cache MissesmpsXenServer Sr Cache Misses. Sr Cache SizeBytesXenServer Sr Cache Size.
xenserver.xapi.healthcheck.latencyhealthXenServer xapi Health Check Latency HealthsXenServer xapi Health Check Latency Health. xapi live MemoryKBXenServer xapi live Memory.
xenserver.xapi.memory.allocationXenServer xapi Memory AllocationKBXenServer xapi Memory Allocation.
xenserver.xapi.memory.freespaceXenServer xapi Memory FreespaceKBXenServer xapi Memory Freespace.
xenserver.xapi.memory.usageXenServer xapi Memory UsageKBXenServer xapi Memory Usage.
xenserver.xapi.memory.usage.averageXenServer xapi Memory Usage Average%XenServer xapi Memory Usage Average.
xenserver.vm.poweroff.countXenServer VirtualMachines Poweroff CountNULLXenServer VirtualMachines Poweroff Count.
xenserver.vm.poweron.countXenServer VirtualMachines Poweron CountNULLXenServer VirtualMachines Poweron Count.
xenserver.vm.suspended.countXenServer VirtualMachines Suspended CountNULLXenServer VirtualMachines Suspended Count. Host License ExpiryDaysXenServer Host License Expiry.
xenserver.memory.usage.averageXenServer Memory Usage Average%XenServer Memory Usage Average.
xenserver.pif.lo.rxXenserver Pif Lo receiveBpsXenserver Pif Lo receive.
xenserver.pif.lo.rx.errorsXenServer Pif LO receive ErrorsErrors per SecXenServer Pif LO receive Errors.
xenserver.pif.lo.txXenServer Pif LO transferBpsXenServer Pif LO transfer.
xenserver.pif.lo.tx.errorsXenServer Pif LO transfer ErrorsErrors per SecXenServer Pif LO transfer Errors.
xenserver.pif.rx.errorsXenServer Pif Receive ErrorsErrors per SecXenServer Pif Receive Errors.
xenserver.pif.tx.errorsXenServer Pif Transfer ErrorsErrors per SecXenServer Pif Transfer Errors.
xenserver.latencyXenServer LatencymsXenServer Latency.
xenserver.memory.max.reclaimedXenServer Memory Max reclaimedBytesXenServer Memory Max reclaimed.
xenserver.memory.reclaimedXenServer Memory reclaimedBytesXenServer Memory reclaimed. Network LatencysXenServer Network Latency.
xenserver.statefile.latencyXenServer State file LatencysXenServer State file Latency.

XenServer Host Performance - Advanced


XenServer Host Performance - Advanced


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
XenServer Host Performance - Advancedxenserver.pif.lo.txXenServer Pif LO transferBpsXenServer Pif LO transfer.
xenserver.pif.lo.tx.errorsXenServer Pif LO transfer ErrorsErrors per SecXenServer Pif LO transfer Errors.
xenserver.pif.lo.rxXenserver Pif Lo receiveBpsXenserver Pif Lo receive.
xenserver.pif.lo.rx.errorsXenServer Pif LO receive ErrorsErrors per SecXenServer Pif LO receive Errors.
xenserver.pif.tx.errorsXenServer Pif Transfer ErrorsErrors per SecXenServer Pif Transfer Errors.
xenserver.pif.rx.errorsXenServer Pif Receive ErrorsErrors per SecXenServer Pif Receive Errors.
xenserver.latencyXenServer LatencymsXenServer Latency.
xenserver.memory.reclaimedXenServer Memory reclaimedBytesXenServer Memory reclaimed.
xenserver.memory.max.reclaimedXenServer Memory Max reclaimedBytesXenServer Memory Max reclaimed. Network LatencysXenServer Network Latency.
xenserver.statefile.latencyXenServer State file LatencysXenServer State file Latency.

XenServer Host Performance - Basic


XenServer Host Performance - Basic


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
XenServer Host Performance - IO Queuesize AverageNULLXenServer IO Queuesize Average.
xenserver.cpu.time.cstateXenServer CPU time cstate%XenServer CPU time cstate.
xenserver.cpu.usageXenServer CPU Usage%XenServer CPU Usage.
xenserver.cpu.usage.averageXenServer CPU Usage Average%XenServer CPU Usage Average.
xenserver.loadavgXenServer Load Average%XenServer Load Average.
xenserver.memory.freespaceXenServer Memory Free SpaceGBXenServer Memory Free Space.
xenserver.memory.totalXenServer Memory TotalGBXenServer Memory Total.
xenserver.pif.rxXenServer Pif ReceiveBpsXenServer Pif Receive.
xenserver.pif.txXenServer Pif TransferBpsXenServer Pif Transfer.
xenserver.pif.aggr.rxXenServer Pif aggregate ReceiveBpsXenServer Pif aggregate Receive.
xenserver.pif.aggr.txXenServer Pif aggregate TransferBpsXenServer Pif aggregate Transfer. Sr Cache HitshpsXenServer Sr Cache Hits. Sr Cache MissesmpsXenServer Sr Cache Misses. Sr Cache SizeBytesXenServer Sr Cache Size.
xenserver.xapi.memory.allocationXenServer xapi Memory AllocationKBXenServer xapi Memory Allocation.
xenserver.xapi.memory.freespaceXenServer xapi Memory FreespaceKBXenServer xapi Memory Freespace.
xenserver.xapi.healthcheck.latencyhealthXenServer xapi Health Check Latency HealthsXenServer xapi Health Check Latency Health. xapi live MemoryKBXenServer xapi live Memory.
xenserver.xapi.memory.usageXenServer xapi Memory UsageKBXenServer xapi Memory Usage.
xenserver.vm.poweroff.countXenServer VirtualMachines Poweroff CountNULLXenServer VirtualMachines Poweroff Count.
xenserver.vm.poweron.countXenServer VirtualMachines Poweron CountNULLXenServer VirtualMachines Poweron Count.
xenserver.vm.suspended.countXenServer VirtualMachines Suspended CountNULLXenServer VirtualMachines Suspended Count.
xenserver.memory.usage.averageXenServer Memory Usage Average%XenServer Memory Usage Average.
xenserver.xapi.memory.usage.averageXenServer xapi Memory Usage Average%XenServer xapi Memory Usage Average. Host License ExpiryDaysXenServer Host License Expiry.
xenserver.memory.freespace.averageXenServer Memory Freespace Average%XenServer Memory Freespace Average

XenServer VirtualMachine Performance


XenServer VirtualMachine Performance


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
XenServer VirtualMachine Performancexenserver.memory.allocatedXenServer Memory AllocatedGBXenServer Memory Allocated.
xenserver.memory.targetXenServer Memory TargetGBXenServer Memory Target.
xenserver.memory.internal.freeXenServer Memory Internal FreeGBXenServer Memory Internal Free.
xenserver.runstate.blockedXenServer Run state Blocked%XenServer Run state Blocked.
xenserver.runstate.concurrency.hazardXenServer Run state Concurrency Hazard%XenServer Run state Concurrency Hazard.
xenserver.runstate.full.contentionXenServer Run state Full contention%XenServer Run state Full contention.
xenserver.runstate.fullrunXenServer Run state Full Run%XenServer Run state Full Run.
XenServer Run state Full RunXenServer Run state partial contention%XenServer Run state partial contention.
xenserver.runstate.partial.runXenServer Run state partial run%XenServer Run state partial run.
xenserver.vbd.writeXenServer vbd WriteBpsXenServer vbd Write.
xenserver.vbd.write.latencyXenServer vbd Write LatencymicrosecXenServer vbd Write Latency.
xenserver.vbd.readXenServer vbd ReadBpsXenServer vbd Read. vbd Read LatencymicrosecXenServer vbd Read Latency.
xenserver.vbd.iops.readXenServer vbd IOPS ReadReq per SecXenServer vbd IOPS Read.
xenserver.vbd.iops.totalXenServer vbd IOPS TotalReq per SecXenServer vbd IOPS Total.
xenserver.vbd.iops.writeXenServer vbd IOPS WriteReq per SecXenServer vbd IOPS Write.
xenserver.vbd.iowaitXenServer vbd IOWait%XenServer vbd IOWait.
xenserver.vbd.inflightXenServer vbd InflightNULLXenServer vbd Inflight. vbd IO Queue SizeNULLXenServer vbd IO Queue Size.
xenserver.vif.rxXenServer vif ReceiveBpsXenServer vif Receive.
xenserver.vif.rx.errorsXenServer vif Receive ErrorsErrors per SecXenServer vif Receive Errors.
xenserver.vif.txXenServer vif TransferBpsXenServer vif Transfer.
xenserver.vif.tx.errorsXenServer vif Transfer ErrorsErrors per SecXenServer vif Transfer Errors. vbd IO Throughput TotalKBpsXenServer vbd IO Throughput Total
xenserver.cpu.usageXenServer CPU Usage%XenServer CPU Usage.
xenserver.cpu.usage.averageXenServer CPU Usage Average%XenServer CPU Usage Average.
xenserver.memory.usage.averageXenServer Memory Usage Average%XenServer Memory Usage Average.
xenserver.memory.freespace.averageXenServer Memory Freespace Average%XenServer Memory Freespace Average.

Yamaha Routers Monitors - G2


Template for Yamaha Routers. Monitors include memory utilization,CPU utilization,system alarm etc.,


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Yamaha Router Power Module Statusyamaha.router.power.module.statusYamaha Router Power Module StatusMonitors the status of a power module. Possible values are 1- up,2- down,3- notInstalled.[OIDs:,].
Yamaha Router Performanceyamaha.router.memory.utilizationYamaha Router Memory Utilization%Monitors the percentage utilization of the main memory.[OID:].
yamaha.router.cpu.utilization.5minutesYamaha Router CPU Utilization 5Minutes%Monitors the average utilization of CPU in 5 minutes.[OID:].
yamaha.router.cpu.typeYamaha Router CPU TypeProvides the cpu type.[OID:]
yamaha.router.system.alarmYamaha Router System AlarmMonitors the condition when the alarm LED is on or off.[OID:]
yamaha.router.inbox.temperatureYamaha Router Inbox TemperatureMonitors the temperature in the box.[OID:].
Yamaha Router Fan Module Router Fan Module StatusMonitors the status of a fan module. Possible values are 1-good,2- noGood.[OIDs:,].

Yarn NodeManager Jvm Template




No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Yarn NodeManager Jvm Monitoryarn.nodemanager.jvm.daemon.thread.countYarn Nodemanager JVM Daemon Thread CountcountNULL
yarn.nodemanager.jvm.gc.collection.countYarn Nodemanager JVM GC Collection CountcountNULL
yarn.nodemanager.jvm.heap_memory_committedYarn Nodemanager JVM Heap Memory CommittedBytesNULL
yarn.nodemanager.jvm.heap_memory_initYarn Nodemanager JVM Heap Memory InitBytesNULL
yarn.nodemanager.jvm.heap_memory_maxYarn Nodemanager JVM Heap Memory MaxBytesNULL
yarn.nodemanager.jvm.heap_memory_usedYarn Nodemanager JVM Heap Memory UsedBytesNULL
yarn.nodemanager.jvm.memorypool.codecache.peak_usage_usedYarn Nodemanager JVM Memorypool Codecache Peak Usage UsedBytesNULL
yarn.nodemanager.jvm.memorypool.codecache.peak_usage_committedYarn Nodemanager JVM Memorypool Codecache Peak Usage CommittedKBNULL
yarn.nodemanager.jvm.memorypool.codecache.peak_usage_initYarn Nodemanager JVM Memorypool Codecache Peak Usage InitKBNULL
yarn.nodemanager.jvm.memorypool.codecache.peak_usage_maxYarn Nodemanager JVM Memorypool Codecache Peak Usage MaxKBNULL
yarn.nodemanager.jvm.memorypool.edenspace.peak_usage_usedYarn Nodemanager JVM Memorypool Edenspace Peak Usage UsedKBNULL
yarn.nodemanager.jvm.memorypool.edenspace.peak_usage_committedYarn Nodemanager JVM Memorypool.edenspace Peak Usage CommittedKBNULL
yarn.nodemanager.jvm.memorypool.edenspace.peak_usage_initYarn Nodemanager JVM Memorypool Edenspace Peak Usage InitKBNULL
yarn.nodemanager.jvm.memorypool.edenspace.peak_usage_maxYarn Nodemanager JVM Memorypool Edenspace Peak Usage MaxKBNULL
yarn.nodemanager.jvm.memorypool.metaspace.peak_usage_usedYarn Nodemanager JVM Memorypool Metaspace Peak Usage UsedKBNULL
yarn.nodemanager.jvm.memorypool.metaspace.peak_usage_committedYarn Nodemanager JVM Memorypool.metaspace Peak Usage CommittedKBNULL
yarn.nodemanager.jvm.memorypool.metaspace.peak_usage_initYarn Nodemanager JVM Memorypool Metaspace Peak Usage InitKBNULL
yarn.nodemanager.jvm.memorypool.metaspace.peak_usage_maxYarn Nodemanager JVM Memorypool Metaspace Peak Usage MaxKBNULL
yarn.nodemanager.jvm.memorypool.survivorspace.peak_usage_usedYarn Nodemanager JVM Memorypool Survivorspace Peak UsageKBNULL
yarn.nodemanager.jvm.memorypool.survivorspace.peak_usage_committedYarn Nodemanager JVM Memorypool Survivorspace Peak Usage CommittedKBNULL
yarn.nodemanager.jvm.memorypool.survivorspace.peak_usage_initYarn Nodemanager JVM Memorypool Survivorspace Peak Usage InitKBNULL
yarn.nodemanager.jvm.memorypool.survivorspace.peak_usage_maxYarn Nodemanager JVM Memorypool Survivorspace Peak Usage MaxKBNULL
yarn.nodemanager.jvm.memorypool.tenuredgen.peak_usage_usedYarn Nodemanager JVM Memorypool Tenuredgen Peak Usage UsedKBNULL
yarn.nodemanager.jvm.memorypool.tenuredgen.peak_usage.initYarn Nodemanager JVM Memorypool Tenuredgen Peak Usage InitKBNULL
yarn.nodemanager.jvm.memorypool.tenuredgen.peak_usage.maxYarn Nodemanager JVM Memorypool Tenuredgen Peak Usage MaxKBNULL
yarn.nodemanager.jvm.memorypool.tenuredgen.peak_usage_committedYarn Nodemanager JVM Memorypool Tenuredgen Peak Usage CommittedKBNULL
yarn.nodemanager.jvm.non_heap_memory_committedYarn Nodemanager JVM Non Heap Memory CommittedBytesNULL
yarn.nodemanager.jvm.non_heap_memory_initYarn Nodemanager JVM Non Heap Memory InitBytesNULL
yarn.nodemanager.jvm.non_heap_memory_maxYarn Nodemanager JVM Non Heap Memory MaxBytesNULL
yarn.nodemanager.jvm.non_heap_memory_usedYarn Nodemanager JVM Non Heap Memory UsedBytesNULL
yarn.nodemanager.jvm.thread.countYarn Nodemanager JVM Thread CountcountNULL
yarn.nodemanager.jvm.thread.current_cpu_timeYarn Nodemanager JVM Thread Current Cpu TimemsNULL
yarn.nodemanager.jvm.thread.current_user_timeYarn Nodemanager JVM Thread Current User TimemsNULL
yarn.nodemanager.jvm.thread.peakcountYarn Nodemanager JVM Thread PeakCountcountNULL

Yarn ResourceManager JVM Template


This Template contains JVM monitors related to Yarn Resource Manager


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Yarn ResourceManager JVM Monitoryarn.resourcemanager.jvm.daemon.thread.countYarn Resourcemanager JVM Daemon Thread CountcountNULL
yarn.resourcemanager.jvm.gc.collection.countYarn Resourcemanager JVM GC Collection CountcountNULL
yarn.resourcemanager.jvm.heap_memory_committedYarn Resourcemanager JVM Heap Memory CommittedBytesNULL
yarn.resourcemanager.jvm.heap_memory_initYarn Resourcemanager JVM Heap Memory InitBytesNULL
yarn.resourcemanager.jvm.heap_memory_maxYarn Resourcemanager JVM Heap Memory MaxBytesNULL
yarn.resourcemanager.jvm.heap_memory_usedYarn Resourcemanager JVM Heap Memory UsedBytesNULL
yarn.resourcemanager.jvm.memorypool.codecache.peak_usage_usedYarn Resourcemanager JVM Memorypool Codecache Peak Usage UsedBytesNULL
yarn.resourcemanager.jvm.memorypool.codecache.peak_usage_committedYarn Resourcemanager JVM Memorypool Codecache Peak Usage CommittedKBNULL
yarn.resourcemanager.jvm.memorypool.codecache.peak_usage_initYarn Resourcemanager JVM Memorypool Codecache Peak Usage InitKBNULL
yarn.resourcemanager.jvm.memorypool.codecache.peak_usage_maxYarn Resourcemanager JVM Memorypool Codecache Peak Usage MaxKBNULL
yarn.resourcemanager.jvm.memorypool.edenspace.peak_usage_usedYarn Resourcemanager JVM Memorypool Edenspace Peak Usage UsedKBNULL
yarn.resourcemanager.jvm.memorypool.edenspace.peak_usage_committedYarn Resourcemanager JVM Memorypool.edenspace Peak Usage CommittedKBNULL
yarn.resourcemanager.jvm.memorypool.edenspace.peak_usage_initYarn Resourcemanager JVM Memorypool Edenspace Peak Usage InitKBNULL
yarn.resourcemanager.jvm.memorypool.edenspace.peak_usage_maxYarn Resourcemanager JVM Memorypool Edenspace Peak Usage MaxKBNULL
yarn.resourcemanager.jvm.memorypool.metaspace.peak_usage_usedYarn Resourcemanager JVM Memorypool Metaspace Peak Usage UsedKBNULL
yarn.resourcemanager.jvm.memorypool.metaspace.peak_usage_committedYarn Resourcemanager JVM Memorypool.metaspace Peak Usage CommittedKBNULL
yarn.resourcemanager.jvm.memorypool.metaspace.peak_usage_initYarn Resourcemanager JVM Memorypool Metaspace Peak Usage InitKBNULL
yarn.resourcemanager.jvm.memorypool.metaspace.peak_usage_maxYarn Resourcemanager JVM Memorypool Metaspace Peak Usage MaxKBNULL
yarn.resourcemanager.jvm.memorypool.survivorspace.peak_usage_usedYarn Resourcemanager JVM Memorypool Survivorspace Peak UsageKBNULL
yarn.resourcemanager.jvm.memorypool.survivorspace.peak_usage_committedYarn Resourcemanager JVM Memorypool Survivorspace Peak Usage CommittedKBNULL
yarn.resourcemanager.jvm.memorypool.survivorspace.peak_usage_initYarn Resourcemanager JVM Memorypool Survivorspace Peak Usage InitKBNULL
yarn.resourcemanager.jvm.memorypool.survivorspace.peak_usage_maxYarn Resourcemanager JVM Memorypool Survivorspace Peak Usage MaxKBNULL
yarn.resourcemanager.jvm.memorypool.tenuredgen.peak_usage_usedYarn Resourcemanager JVM Memorypool Tenuredgen Peak Usage UsedKBNULL
yarn.resourcemanager.jvm.memorypool.tenuredgen.peak_usage.initYarn Resourcemanager JVM Memorypool Tenuredgen Peak Usage InitKBNULL
yarn.resourcemanager.jvm.memorypool.tenuredgen.peak_usage.maxYarn Resourcemanager JVM Memorypool Tenuredgen Peak Usage MaxKBNULL
yarn.resourcemanager.jvm.memorypool.tenuredgen.peak_usage_committedYarn Resourcemanager JVM Memorypool Tenuredgen Peak Usage CommittedKBNULL
yarn.resourcemanager.jvm.non_heap_memory_committedYarn Resourcemanager JVM Non Heap Memory CommittedBytesNULL
yarn.resourcemanager.jvm.non_heap_memory_initYarn Resourcemanager JVM Non Heap Memory InitBytesNULL
yarn.resourcemanager.jvm.non_heap_memory_maxYarn Resourcemanager JVM Non Heap Memory MaxBytesNULL
yarn.resourcemanager.jvm.non_heap_memory_usedYarn Resourcemanager JVM Non Heap Memory UsedBytesNULL
yarn.resourcemanager.jvm.thread.countYarn Resourcemanager JVM Thread CountcountNULL
yarn.resourcemanager.jvm.thread.current_cpu_timeYarn Resourcemanager JVM Thread Current Cpu TimemsNULL
yarn.resourcemanager.jvm.thread.current_user_timeYarn Resourcemanager JVM Thread Current User TimemsNULL
yarn.resourcemanager.jvm.thread.peakcountYarn Resourcemanager JVM Thread PeakCountcountNULL

Yarn ResourceManager Template


This template contains monitors related to ResourceManager


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Yarn ResourceManager Monitoryarn.resourcemanager.apps.submittedYarn Resourcemanager Submitted AppscountThe number of submitted applications.
yarn.resourcemanager.apps.completedYarn Resourcemanager Completed AppscountThe number of completed applications.
yarn.resourcemanager.apps.pendingYarn Resourcemanager Pending AppscountThe number of pending applications.
yarn.resourcemanager.apps.runningYarn Resourcemanager Running AppscountThe number of running applications.
yarn.resourcemanager.apps.failedYarn Resourcemanager Failed AppscountThe number of failed applications
yarn.resourcemanager.apps.killedYarn Resourcemanager Killed AppscountThe number of killed applications.
yarn.resourcemanager.reserved.mbYarn Resourcemanager Reserved MBMBThe size of reserved memory.
yarn.resourcemanager.available.mbYarn Resourcemanager Available MBMBThe amount of available memory.
yarn.resourcemanager.allocated.mbYarn Resourcemanager Allocated MBMBThe amount of allocated memory.
yarn.resourcemanager.reserved.virtual.coresYarn Resourcemanager Reserved Virtual CorescountThe number of reserved virtual cores.
yarn.resourcemanager.available.virtual.coresYarn Resourcemanager Available Virtual CorescountThe number of available virtual cores.
yarn.resourcemanager.allocated.virtual.coresYarn Resourcemanager Allocated Virtual CorescountThe number of allocated virtual cores.
yarn.resourcemanager.containers.allocatedYarn Resourcemanager Containers AllocatedcountThe number of containers allocated
yarn.resourcemanager.containers.reservedYarn Resourcemanager Containers ReservedcountThe number of containers reserved.
yarn.resourcemanager.containers.pendingYarn Resourcemanager Containers PendingcountThe number of containers pending.
yarn.resourcemanager.usedAMResourcememoryYarn Resourcemanager AM Used Resource MemoryMBThe memory resources used for Application Masters (in MB).
yarn.resourcemanager.usedAMResource.vCoresYarn Resourcemanager AM Used Resource VCorescountThe vCpus used for Application Masters.
yarn.resourcemanager.AMResourceLimit.memoryYarn Resourcemanager AM Resource Limit MemoryMBThe maximum memory resources this queue can use for Application Masters (in MB).
yarn.resourcemanager.queue.AMResourceLimit.vCoresYarn Resourcemanager Queue AM Resource Limit VCorescountThe maximum vCpus this queue can use for Application Masters. Resourcemanager Active NodescountThe number of active nodes.
yarn.resourcemanager.decommissioned.nodesYarn Resourcemanager Decomissioned NodescountThe number of decommissioned nodes.
yarn.resourcemanager.lost.nodesYarn Resourcemanager Lost NodescountThe number of lost nodes.
yarn.resourcemanager.rebooted.nodesYarn Resourcemanager Rebooted NodescountThe number of rebooted nodes.
yarn.resourcemanager.unhealthy.nodesYarn Resourcemanager Unhealthy NodescountThe number of unhealthy nodes.

YarnNodeManager Template




No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
YarnNodeManager Monitoryarn.nodemanager.containers_launchedYarn Nodemanager Containers LaunchedcountNumber of containers launched.
yarn.nodemanager.containers_completedYarn Nodemanager Containers CompletedcountNumber of containers completed.
yarn.nodemanager.containers_failedYarn Nodemanager Containers FailedcountNumber of containers failed.
yarn.nodemanager.containers_killedYarn Nodemanager Containers KilledcountNumber of containers killed.
yarn.nodemanager.containers_initingYarn Nodemanager Containers InitingcountNumber of containers ininting.
yarn.nodemanager.containers_runningYarn Nodemanager Containers RunningcountNumber of containers running.
yarn.nodemanager.allocated_containersYarn Nodemanager Allocated ContainerscountCurrent number of allocated containers.
yarn.nodemanager.allocated_vcoresYarn Nodemanager Allocated VcorescountCurrent allocated Virtual Cores.
yarn.nodemanager.available_vcoresYarn Nodemanager Available VcorescountAvailable Virtual Cores.
yarn.nodemanager.container_launch_duration_num_opsYarn Nodemanager Container Launch Duration Num OpscountNumber of ops for container launch duration.
yarn.nodemanager.container_launch_duration_avg_timeYarn Nodemanager Container Launch Duration Avg TimecountAverage time for container launch duration.
Average time for container launch durationYarn Nodemanager Num Active SourcescountNumber of active metrics sources.
yarn.nodemanager.num_all_sourcesYarn Nodemanager Num All SourcescountNumber of all registered metrics sources.
yarn.nodemanager.num_active_sinksYarn Nodemanager Num Active SinkscountNumber of active metrics sinks.
yarn.nodemanager.num_all_sinksYarn Nodemanager Num All SinkscountNumber of all registered metrics sinks.
yarn.nodemanager.snapshot_num_opsYarn Nodemanager Snapshot Num OpscountNumber of ops for snapshot stats.
yarn.nodemanager.snapshot_avg_timeYarn Nodemanager Snapshot Avg TimemsAverage time for snapshot stats.
yarn.nodemanager.publish_num_opsYarn Nodemanager Publish Num OpscountNumber of ops for publishing stats.
yarn.nodemanager.publish_avg_timeYarn Nodemanager Publish Avg TimemsAverage time for publishing stats.

Zookeeper Replicated JVM Template


This template contains JVM monitors related to Zookeeper Replicated.


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Zookeeper Replicated JVM Monitorzookeper.replicated.jvm.daemon.thread.countZookeper Replicated JVM Daemon Thread CountcountNULL
zookeper.replicated.jvm.gc.collection.countZookeper Replicated JVM GC Collection CountcountNULL
zookeper.replicated.jvm.heap_memory_committedZookeper Replicated JVM Heap Memory CommittedBytesNULL
zookeper.replicated.jvm.heap_memory_initZookeper Replicated JVM Heap Memory InitBytesNULL
zookeper.replicated.jvm.heap_memory_maxZookeper Replicated JVM Heap Memory MaxBytesNULL
zookeper.replicated.jvm.heap_memory_usedZookeper Replicated JVM Heap Memory UsedBytesNULL
zookeper.replicated.jvm.memorypool.codecache.peak_usage_usedZookeper Replicated JVM Memorypool Codecache Peak Usage UsedBytesNULL
zookeper.replicated.jvm.memorypool.codecache.peak_usage_committedZookeper Replicated JVM Memorypool Codecache Peak Usage CommittedKBNULL
zookeper.replicated.jvm.memorypool.codecache.peak_usage_initZookeper Replicated JVM Memorypool Codecache Peak Usage InitKBNULL
zookeper.replicated.jvm.memorypool.codecache.peak_usage_maxZookeper Replicated JVM Memorypool Codecache Peak Usage MaxKBNULL
zookeper.replicated.jvm.memorypool.edenspace.peak_usage_usedZookeper Replicated JVM Memorypool Edenspace Peak Usage UsedKBNULL
zookeper.replicated.jvm.memorypool.edenspace.peak_usage_committedZookeper Replicated JVM Memorypool.edenspace Peak Usage CommittedKBNULL
zookeper.replicated.jvm.memorypool.edenspace.peak_usage_initZookeper Replicated JVM Memorypool Edenspace Peak Usage InitKBNULL
zookeper.replicated.jvm.memorypool.edenspace.peak_usage_maxZookeper Replicated JVM Memorypool Edenspace Peak Usage MaxKBNULL
zookeper.replicated.jvm.memorypool.metaspace.peak_usage_usedZookeper Replicated JVM Memorypool Metaspace Peak Usage UsedKBNULL
zookeper.replicated.jvm.memorypool.metaspace.peak_usage_committedZookeper Replicated JVM Memorypool.metaspace Peak Usage CommittedKBNULL
zookeper.replicated.jvm.memorypool.metaspace.peak_usage_initZookeper Replicated JVM Memorypool Metaspace Peak Usage InitKBNULL
zookeper.replicated.jvm.memorypool.metaspace.peak_usage_maxZookeper Replicated JVM Memorypool Metaspace Peak Usage MaxKBNULL
zookeper.replicated.jvm.memorypool.survivorspace.peak_usage_usedZookeper Replicated JVM Memorypool Survivorspace Peak UsageKBNULL
zookeper.replicated.jvm.memorypool.survivorspace.peak_usage_committedZookeper Replicated JVM Memorypool Survivorspace Peak Usage CommittedKBNULL
zookeper.replicated.jvm.memorypool.survivorspace.peak_usage_initZookeper Replicated JVM Memorypool Survivorspace Peak Usage InitKBNULL
zookeper.replicated.jvm.memorypool.survivorspace.peak_usage_maxZookeper Replicated JVM Memorypool Survivorspace Peak Usage MaxKBNULL
zookeper.replicated.jvm.memorypool.tenuredgen.peak_usage_usedZookeper Replicated JVM Memorypool Tenuredgen Peak Usage UsedKBNULL
zookeper.replicated.jvm.memorypool.tenuredgen.peak_usage.initZookeper Replicated JVM Memorypool Tenuredgen Peak Usage InitKBNULL
zookeper.replicated.jvm.memorypool.tenuredgen.peak_usage.maxZookeper Replicated JVM Memorypool Tenuredgen Peak Usage MaxKBNULL
zookeper.replicated.jvm.memorypool.tenuredgen.peak_usage_committedZookeper Replicated JVM Memorypool Tenuredgen Peak Usage CommittedKBNULL
zookeper.replicated.jvm.non_heap_memory_committedZookeper Replicated JVM Non Heap Memory CommittedBytesNULL
zookeper.replicated.jvm.non_heap_memory_initZookeper Replicated JVM Non Heap Memory InitBytesNULL
zookeper.replicated.jvm.non_heap_memory_maxZookeper Replicated JVM Non Heap Memory MaxBytesNULL
zookeper.replicated.jvm.non_heap_memory_usedZookeper Replicated JVM Non Heap Memory UsedBytesNULL
zookeper.replicated.jvm.thread.countZookeper Replicated JVM Thread CountcountNULL
zookeper.replicated.jvm.thread.current_cpu_timeZookeper Replicated JVM Thread Current Cpu TimemsNULL
zookeper.replicated.jvm.thread.current_user_timeZookeper Replicated JVM Thread Current User TimemsNULL
zookeper.replicated.jvm.thread.peakcountZookeper Replicated JVM Thread PeakCountcountNULL

Zookeeper Replicated Template


This template contains monitor related to replicated zookeeper


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Zookeeper Replicated Monitorzookeeper.replicated.min.session.timeoutZookeeper Replicated Min Session TimeoutmicrosecMinimum session timeout.
zookeeper.replicated.max.session.timeoutZookeeper Replicated Max Session TimeoutmicrosecMaximum session timeout.
zookeeper.replicated.client.connections_per_host.maxZookeeper Replicated Max Client Connections Per HostcountMaximum client connections per host.
zookeeper.replicated.outstanding.requestsZookeeper Replicated Outstanding RequestsZookeeper Replicated Outstanding RequestscountThe number of queued requests when the server is under load and is receiving more sustained requests than it can process.
zookeeper.replicated.connections.aliveZookeeper Replicated Alive ConnectionscountThe ZooKeeper connection count.
zookeeper.replicated.request.latency.averageZookeeper Replicated Average Request LatencymicrosecThe average request latency
zookeeper.replicated.request.latency.maxZookeeper Replicated Max Request LatencymicrosecThe max request latency.
zookeeper.replicated.request.latency.minZookeeper Replicated Min Request LatencymicrosecThe min request latency.
zookeeper.replicated.packets.sentZookeeper Replicated Packets SentpsecThe number of packets sent.
zookeeper.replicated.packets.receivedZookeeper Replicated Packets ReceivedpsecThe number of packets received. number of watchers on the ZooKeeper nodes.
zookeeper.replicated.inmemory.datatree.node.countZookeeper Replicated Inmemory Datatree Node CountcountThe ZooKeeper node count.

Zookeper Standalone  Jvm Template




No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Zookeper Standalone Jvm Monitorzookeper.standalone.jvm.daemon.thread.countZookeper Standalone JVM Daemon Thread CountcountNULL
zookeper.standalone.jvm.gc.collection.countZookeper Standalone JVM GC Collection CountcountNULL
zookeper.standalone.jvm.heap_memory_committedZookeper Standalone JVM Heap Memory CommittedBytesNULL
zookeper.standalone.jvm.heap_memory_initZookeper Standalone JVM Heap Memory InitBytesNULL
zookeper.standalone.jvm.heap_memory_maxZookeper Standalone JVM Heap Memory MaxBytesNULL
zookeper.standalone.jvm.heap_memory_usedZookeper Standalone JVM Heap Memory UsedBytesNULL
zookeper.standalone.jvm.memorypool.codecache.peak_usage_usedZookeper Standalone JVM Memorypool Codecache Peak Usage UsedBytesNULL
zookeper.standalone.jvm.memorypool.codecache.peak_usage_committedZookeper Standalone JVM Memorypool Codecache Peak Usage CommittedKBNULL
zookeper.standalone.jvm.memorypool.codecache.peak_usage_initZookeper Standalone JVM Memorypool Codecache Peak Usage InitKBNULL
zookeper.standalone.jvm.memorypool.codecache.peak_usage_maxZookeper Standalone JVM Memorypool Codecache Peak Usage MaxKBNULL
zookeper.standalone.jvm.memorypool.edenspace.peak_usage_usedZookeper Standalone JVM Memorypool Edenspace Peak Usage UsedKBNULL
zookeper.standalone.jvm.memorypool.edenspace.peak_usage_committedZookeper Standalone JVM Memorypool.edenspace Peak Usage CommittedKBNULL
zookeper.standalone.jvm.memorypool.edenspace.peak_usage_initZookeper Standalone JVM Memorypool Edenspace Peak Usage InitKBNULL
zookeper.standalone.jvm.memorypool.edenspace.peak_usage_maxZookeper Standalone JVM Memorypool Edenspace Peak Usage MaxKBNULL
zookeper.standalone.jvm.memorypool.metaspace.peak_usage_usedZookeper Standalone JVM Memorypool Metaspace Peak Usage UsedKBNULL
zookeper.standalone.jvm.memorypool.metaspace.peak_usage_committedZookeper Standalone JVM Memorypool.metaspace Peak Usage CommittedKBNULL
zookeper.standalone.jvm.memorypool.metaspace.peak_usage_initZookeper Standalone JVM Memorypool Metaspace Peak Usage InitKBNULL
zookeper.standalone.jvm.memorypool.metaspace.peak_usage_maxZookeper Standalone JVM Memorypool Metaspace Peak Usage MaxKBNULL
zookeper.standalone.jvm.memorypool.survivorspace.peak_usage_usedZookeper Standalone JVM Memorypool Survivorspace Peak UsageKBNULL
zookeper.standalone.jvm.memorypool.survivorspace.peak_usage_committedZookeper Standalone JVM Memorypool Survivorspace Peak Usage CommittedKBNULL
zookeper.standalone.jvm.memorypool.survivorspace.peak_usage_initZookeper Standalone JVM Memorypool Survivorspace Peak Usage InitKBNULL
zookeper.standalone.jvm.memorypool.survivorspace.peak_usage_maxZookeper Standalone JVM Memorypool Survivorspace Peak Usage MaxKBNULL
zookeper.standalone.jvm.memorypool.tenuredgen.peak_usage_usedZookeper Standalone JVM Memorypool Tenuredgen Peak Usage UsedKBNULL
zookeper.standalone.jvm.memorypool.tenuredgen.peak_usage.initZookeper Standalone JVM Memorypool Tenuredgen Peak Usage InitKBNULL
zookeper.standalone.jvm.memorypool.tenuredgen.peak_usage.maxZookeper Standalone JVM Memorypool Tenuredgen Peak Usage MaxKBNULL
zookeper.standalone.jvm.memorypool.tenuredgen.peak_usage_committedZookeper Standalone JVM Memorypool Tenuredgen Peak Usage CommittedKBNULL
zookeper.standalone.jvm.non_heap_memory_committedZookeper Standalone JVM Non Heap Memory CommittedBytesNULL
zookeper.standalone.jvm.non_heap_memory_initZookeper Standalone JVM Non Heap Memory InitBytesNULL
zookeper.standalone.jvm.non_heap_memory_maxZookeper Standalone JVM Non Heap Memory MaxBytesNULL
zookeper.standalone.jvm.non_heap_memory_usedZookeper Standalone JVM Non Heap Memory UsedBytesNULL
zookeper.standalone.jvm.thread.countZookeper Standalone JVM Thread CountcountNULL
zookeper.standalone.jvm.thread.current_cpu_timeZookeper Standalone JVM Thread Current Cpu TimemsNULL
zookeper.standalone.jvm.thread.current_user_timeZookeper Standalone JVM Thread Current User TimemsNULL
zookeper.standalone.jvm.thread.peakcountZookeper Standalone JVM Thread PeakCountcountNULL

Zookeper Standalone Template




No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Zookeper Standalone Monitorzookeper.standalone.alive.connectionsZookeper Standalone Alive ConnectionscountThe ZooKeeper connection count.
zookeper.standalone.request.latency.maxZookeper Standalone Request Latency MaxmsThe max request latency.
zookeper.standalone.request.latency.averageZookeper Standalone Request Latency AveragemsThe average request latency.
zookeper.standalone.request.latency.minZookeper Standalone Request Latency MinmsThe min request latency.
zookeper.standalone.packets.sentZookeper Standalone Packets SentpsecThe number of packets sent.
zookeper.standalone.packets.receivedZookeper Standalone Packets ReceivedpsecThe number of packets received.
zookeper.standalone.outstanding.requestsZookeper Standalone Outstanding RequestscountThe number of queued requests when the server is under load and is receiving more sustained requests than it can process.
zookeper.standalone.client.connections_per_host.maxZookeper Standalone Client Connections Per Host MaxcountMaximum client connections per host.
zookeper.standalone.connections.latency.minZookeper Standalone Connections Latency MinmsThe min connections latency.
zookeper.standalone.connections.latency.maxZookeper Standalone Connections Latency MaxmsThe max connections latency.
zookeper.standalone.connections.latency.averageZookeper Standalone Connections Latency AveragemsThe average connections latency.
zookeper.standalone.connections.packets.sentZookeper Standalone Connections Packets SentpsecThe number of packets sent.
zookeper.standalone.connections.packets.receivedZookeper Standalone Connections Packets ReceivedpsecThe number of packets received.
zookeper.standalone.connections.outstanding requestsZookeper Standalone Connections Outstanding RequestspsecThe number of outstanding requests.. Standalone Inmemory Datatree Watch CountcountThe number of watchers on the ZooKeeper nodes.
zookeper.standalone.inmemory.datatree.node.countZookeper Standalone Inmemory Datatree Node CountcountThe ZooKeeper node count.

Zyxel 2024PWR Switch - Hardware Monitoring


Template to monitor the zyxel 2024PWR switch parameters like temperature,voltage and fan speed.


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Zyxel 2024PWR Fan Speedzyxel_2024pwr_FanRpmCurValueZyxel 2024PWR Fan SpeedrpmMonitors the zyxel 2024PWR switch fan speed.[ZYXEL-ES2024PWR-MIB::fanRpmCurValue:].
Zyxel 2024PWR Voltagezyxel_2024pwr_VoltageCurValueZyxel 2024PWR Voltage ValuevMonitors the zyxel 2024PWR switch voltage.[ZYXEL-ES2024PWR-MIB::voltageCurValue:].
Zyxel 2024PWR Temperaturezyxel_2024pwr_TempCurValueZyxel 2024PWR Temperature ValueCelsiusMonitors the zyxel 2024PWR temperature.[ZYXEL-ES2024PWR-MIB::tempCurValue:].

Zyxel 2024PWR Switch - Performance Monitoring


Template to monitor the 2024PWR switch CPU Utilization.


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Zyxel 2024PWR CPU Utilizationzyxel_2024pwr_SysMgmtCPUUsageZyxel 2024PWR CPU Usage%Provides the zyxel 2024PWR switch CPU utilization.[ZYXEL-ES2024PWR-MIB::sysMgmtCPUUsage:].

Zyxel ES2024A - System Performance


Template to monitor the zyxel ES2024A system performance parameters like CPU Utilization,Memory Pool Utilization.


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
ZYXEL ES2024A - System CPU Utilizationzyxel_es2024a_SysMgmtCPUUsageZyxel ES2024A CPU Usage%Monitors the CPU load in %.[ZYXEL-ES2024A-MIB :: sysMgmtCPUUsage :]
ZYXEL ES2024A - System Memory Pool Utilizationzyxel_es2024a_SysMemoryPoolUtilZyxel ES2024A Memory Pool Utilization%Provides the utilization of memory pool.[ZYXEL-ES2024A-MIB :: sysMemoryPoolTotal :,sysMemoryPoolUsed :]
zyxel_es2024a_SysMemoryPoolTotalZyxel ES2024A Memory Pool TotalBytesProvides the total size of memory pool in bytes.[ZYXEL-ES2024A-MIB :: sysMemoryPoolTotal :]
zyxel_es2024a_SysMemoryPoolUsedZyxel ES2024A Memory Pool UsedBytesProvides the used size of memory pool in bytes.[ZYXEL-ES2024A-MIB :: sysMemoryPoolUsed :]

Zyxel GS2200-24 Switch - Performance Monitoring


Template to monitor the zyxel GS2200-24 performance parameters like CPU Utilization,Memory Utilization.


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Zyxel GS2200-24 CPU Utilizationzyxel_gs2200-24_sysMgmtCPUUsageZyxel GS2200-24 CPU Utilization%Monitors the zyxel GS2200-24 CPU utilization.[ZYXEL-GS2200-24-MIB::sysMgmtCPUUsage:]
Zyxel GS2200-24 Memory Utilizationzyxel_gs2200-24_sysMemoryPoolUsedZyxel GS2200-24 Memory Pool UsedBytesProvides the used size of memory pool in bytes.[ZYXEL-GS2200-24-MIB::sysMemoryPoolUsed:]
zyxel_gs2200-24_sysMemoryPoolTotalZyxel GS2200-24 Memory Pool TotalBytes/SecProvides the total size of memory pool in bytes.[ZYXEL-GS2200-24-MIB::sysMemoryPoolTotal:].
zyxel_gs2200-24_SysMemoryPoolUtilZyxel GS2200-24 Memory Utilization%Provides the utilization of memory pool.[ZYXEL-GS2200-24-MIB::sysMemoryPoolTotal:,sysMemoryPoolUsed:].

Zyxel GS2200-24 Switch - Hardware Monitoring


Template to monitor the zyxel GS2200-24 switch parameters like temperature,voltage.


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Zyxel GS2200-24 Temperaturezyxel_gs2200-24_tempCurValueZyxel GS2200-24 Temperature ValueCelsiusMonitors the zyxel GS2200-24 temperature.[ZYXEL-GS2200-24-MIB::tempCurValue:].
Zyxel GS2200-24 Voltagezyxel_gs2200-24_voltageCurValueZyxel GS2200-24 Voltage ValuevMonitors the zyxel GS2200-24 switch voltage.[ZYXEL-GS2200-24-MIB::voltageCurValue:].

Zyxel GS4012F Switch - Hardware Monitoring


Template to monitor the zyxel GS4012F switch parameters like temperature,voltage and fan speed.


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Zyxel GS4012F Fan Speedzyxel_gs4012f_fanRpmCurValueZyxel GS4012F Fan SpeedrpmMonitors the zyxel GS4012F fan speed[.ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB::fanRpmCurValue:].
Zyxel GS4012F Temperaturezyxel_gs4012f_tempCurValueZyxel GS4012F TemperatureCelsiusMonitors the zyxel GS4012F switch temperature.[ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB::tempCurValue:].
Zyxel GS4012F Voltagezyxel_gs4012f_voltageCurValueZyxel GS4012F VoltagevMonitors the zyxel GS4012F voltage.[ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB::voltageCurValue:].

Zyxel GS4012F Switch - Performance Monitoring


Template to monitor the zyxel GS4012F switch CPU Utilization.


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Zyxel GS4012F CPU Utilizationzyxel_gs4012f_sysMgmtCPUUsageZyxel GS4012F CPU Utilization%Monitors the zyxel GS4012F switch cpu utilization.[ZYXEL-GS4012F-MIB::sysMgmtCPUUsage:].

Zyxel IE5000 Switch - Hardware Monitoring


Template to monitor the zyxel IE5000 switch parameters like temperature,voltage and fan speed.


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Zyxel IE5000 Fan Speedzyxel_ie5000_FanRpmCurValueZyxel IE5000 Fan SpeedrpmMonitors the zyxel IE5000 switch fan speed.[ZYXEL-IES5000-MIB::fanRpmCurValue:].
Zyxel IE5000 Temperaturezyxel_ie5000_TemperatureCurValueZyxel IE5000 Temperature ValueCelsiusMonitors the zyxel IE5000 switch temperature.[ZYXEL-IES5000-MIB::temperatureCurValue:].
Zyxel IE5000 Voltagezyxel_ie5000_VoltageCurValueZyxel IE5000 Voltage ValuevMonitors the zyxel IE5000 switch voltage.[ZYXEL-IES5000-MIB::voltageCurValue:].

Zyxel IE5000 Switch - Performance Monitoring


Template to monitor the zyxel IE5000 performance parameters like CPU Utilization,Memory Utilization.


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Zyxel IE5000 CPU Utilizationzyxel_ie5000_CpuCurValueZyxel IE5000 CPU Utilization%Monitors the CPU load in %.[ZYXEL-IES5000-MIB::cpuCurValue:].
Zyxel IE5000 Memory Utilizationzyxel_ie5000_MemoryCurValueZyxel IE5000 Memory Utilization%Monitors the zyxel IE5000 switch memory utilization.[ZYXEL-IES5000-MIB::memoryCurValue:].

Zyxel MGS3712 Switch - Hardware Monitoring


Template to monitor the zyxel MGS3712 switch parameters like temperature,voltage and fan speed.


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Zyxel MGS3712 Fan Speedzyxel_mgs3712_FanRpmCurValueZyxel MGS3712 Fan SpeedrpmMonitors the zyxel MGS3712 fan speed.[ZYXEL-MGS3712-MIB::fanRpmIndex:,fanRpmCurValue:].
Zyxel MGS3712 Temperaturezyxel_mgs3712_TemperatureCurValueZyxel MGS3712 Temperature ValueCelsiusMonitors the zyxel MGS3712 switch temperature.[ZYXEL-MGS3712-MIB::tempCurValue:].
Zyxel MGS3712 Voltagezyxel_mgs3712_VoltageCurValueZyxel MGS3712 Voltage ValuevMonitors the zyxel MGS3712 voltage.[ZYXEL-MGS3712-MIB::voltageIndex:,voltageCurValue:].

Zyxel MGS3712 Switch - Performance Monitoring


Template to monitor the zyxel GS3712 performance parameters like CPU Utilization.


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
ZYXEL MGS3712 CPU Utilizationzyxel_mgs3712_SysMgmtCPUUsageZyxel MGS3712 CPU Utilization%Monitors zyxel MGS3712 switch CPUutilization.[ZYXEL-MGS3712-MIB::sysMgmtCPUUsage:].

Zyxel Performance


Template to monitor zyxel performance parameters like CPU Utilization & Memory Utilization.[ZYXEL-ES-COMMON :: sysMgmtCPU5MinUsage :,sysMgmtMemUsage :].Validated on Zyxel GS 1900(1900-24E) series switch.


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Zyxel Performance Monitorzyxel_mem_SysMgmtMemUsageZyxel Memory Utilization%Monitors the device memory usage (%).[ZYXEL-ES-COMMON :: sysMgmtMemUsage :].
zyxel_cpu_SysMgmtCPU5MinUsageZyxel CPU Utilization%Monitors the Average CPU usage in 5 minutes. (%).[ZYXEL-ES-COMMON :: sysMgmtCPU5MinUsage :].

Zyxel VES-1608FE-57 Switch - Hardware Monitoring


Template to monitor the zyxel VES-1608FE-57 switch parameters like temperature,voltage and fan speed.


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Zyxel VES-1608FE-57 Fan Speedzyxel_ves1608fe-57_FanRpmCurValueZyxel VES-1608FE-57 Fan SpeedrpmMonitors the zyxel VES-1608FE-57 switch fan speed.[ZYXEL-ves1608FE57-MIB::fanRpmCurValue:].
Zyxel VES-1608FE-57 Temperaturezyxel_ves1608fe-57_TempCurValueZyxel VES-1608FE-57 Temperature ValueCelsiusMonitors the zyxel VES-1608FE-57 switch temperature.[ZYXEL-ves1608FE57-MIB::tempCurValue:].
Zyxel VES-1608FE-57 Voltagezyxel_ves1608fe-57_VoltageCurValueZyxel VES-1608FE-57 Voltage ValuevMonitors the zyxel VES-1608FE-57 switch voltage.[ZYXEL-ves1608FE57-MIB::voltageIndex:,voltageCurValue:].

Zyxel VES-1608FE-57 Switch - Performance Monitoring


Template to monitor the zyxel VES-1608FE-57 performance parameters like CPU Utilization,Memory Utilization.


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Zyxel VES-1608FE-57 Performance Monitoringzyxel_ves1608fe-57_SysMgmtCPUUsageZyxel VES-1608FE-57 CPU Utilization%Provides the zyxel VES-1608FE-57 switch CPU utilization.[ZYXEL-ves1608FE57-MIB::sysMgmtCPUUsage:].
zyxel_ves1608fe-57_SysMgmtMemoryUsageZyxel VES-1608FE-57 Memory Utilization%Provides the zyxel VES-1608FE-57 switch memory utilization[ZYXEL-ves1608FE57-MIB::sysMgmtMemoryUsage:].

Zyxel VES1724-56 - Hardware Monitoring


Template to monitor the zyxel VES1724-56 parameters like temperature,voltage and fan speed.


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Zyxel VES1724-56 Fan Speedzyxel_ves1724_FanRpmCurValueZyxel VES1724 Fan SpeedrpmMonitors the zyxel VES1724 switch fan speed.[ZYXEL-ves1724-56-MIB::fanRpmCurValue:].
Zyxel VES1724-56 Temperaturezyxel_ves1724_TempCurValueZyxel VES1724 Temperature ValueCelsiusMonitors the zyxel VES1724 switch temperature.[ZYXEL-ves1724-56-MIB::tempCurValue:]
Zyxel VES1724-56 Voltagezyxel_ves1724_VoltageCurValueZyxel VES1724 Voltage ValuevMonitors the zyxel VES1724 switch voltage.[ZYXEL-ves1724-56-MIB::voltageCurValue:].

Zyxel VES1724-56 - Performance Monitoring


Template to monitor the zyxel VES1724-56 performance parameters like CPU Utilization,Memory Utilization.


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Zyxel VES1724-56 Performance Monitoringzyxel_ves1724_SysMgmtCPUUsageZyxel VES1724 CPU Utilization%Provides the Zyxel VES1724 switch CPU utilization.[ZYXEL-ves1724-56-MIB::sysMgmtCPUUsage:].
zyxel_ves1724_SysMgmtMemoryUsageZyxel VES1724 Memory Utilization%Provides the zyxel VES1724 switch memory utilization.[ZYXEL-ves1724-56-MIB::sysMgmtMemoryUsage:].

Zyxel XGS4526 Switch - Hardware Monitoring


Template to monitor the zyxel XGS4526 switch parameters like temperature,voltage and fan speed.


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Zyxel XGS4526 Fan Speedzyxel_xgs4526_FanRpmCurValueZyxel XGS4526 Fan SpeedrpmMonitors the zyxel XGS4526 switch fan speed.[ZYXEL-XGS4526-MIB::fanRpmCurValue:].
Zyxel XGS4526 Temperaturezyxel_xgs4526_TempCurValueZyxel XGS4526 Temperature ValueCelsiusMonitors the Zyxel XGS4526 switch temperature.[ZYXEL-XGS4526-MIB::tempCurValue:].
Zyxel XGS4526 Voltagezyxel_xgs4526_VoltageCurValueZyxel XGS4526 Voltage ValuevMonitors the zyxel XGS4526 switch voltage.[ZYXEL-XGS4526-MIB::voltageCurValue:].

Zyxel XGS4526 Switch - Performance Monitoring


Template to monitor the zyxel XGS4526 Switch performance parameters like CPU Utilization,Memory Utilization.


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Zyxel XGS4526 Switch - Performance Monitoringzyxel_xgs4526_SysMemoryPoolUsedZyxel XGS4526 Memory Pool UsedBytesProvides the used size of memory pool in bytes.[ZYXEL-XGS4526-MIB::sysMemoryPoolUsed:]
zyxel_xgs4526_SysMemoryPoolUtilZyxel XGS4526 Memory Utilization%Provides the utilization of memory pool.[ZYXEL-XGS4526-MIB::sysMemoryPoolTotal:,sysMemoryPoolUsed:]
zyxel_xgs4526_SysMgmtCPUUsageZyxel XGS4526 CPU Utilization%Monitors the zyxel XGS4526 switch cpu utilization.[ZYXEL-XGS4526-MIB::sysMgmtCPUUsage:].
zyxel_xgs4526_SysMemoryPoolTotalZyxel XGS4526 Memory Pool TotalBytesProvides the total size of memory pool in bytes.[ZYXEL-XGS4526-MIB::sysMemoryPoolTotal:].

Zyxel ZyWALL - Performance Monitoring


This template is applicable on Zyxel Zywall Firewalls. Monitors the prameters like CPU utilization,memory utilization.


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Zyxel ZyWALL Performance Monitoringzyxel_zywall_SysCPUUsageZyxel Zywall CPU Utilization%Provides the zyxel zywall firwall cpu utilization.[ZYXEL-ZYWALL-MIB::sysCPUUsage:].
zyxel_zywall_SysRAMUsageZyxel Zywall Memory Utilization%Provides the Zyxel zywall firewall memory utilization.[ZYXEL-ZYWALL-MIB::sysRAMUsage:].

IMCI Open-i Station Environmental Statistics


Monitors the IMCI Open-i Station Environmental Statistics like temperature state, temperature value, moisture sensor state, interface operational status, humdity sensor metrics like humidity state, humidity value. analog input humdity sensor metrics like humidity state and humidity value[ I-Station-MIB :: sensorCurrentValue :, sensorState :, alarmLogicalState :, intOperStatus :, aiUnitValue : , aiLogicalState : ].


Device must have support for I-Station-MIB.

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
IMCI Istation Analog Input Humdity Sensoristation_analoginput_HumidityStateIstation Analog Input Humidity StateMonitors the istation analog input statistics like humidity state.[ I-Station-
MIB :: aiLogicalState : ] Possible Values are 1: Normal State; 2: Warning Low State; 3: WarningHighState; 4: DangerLowState; 5:Danger High State; 6: Range Low State; 7: Range High State; 8: Input Low State; 9: Input High State;10: Error State.
istation_analoginput_HumidityValueIstation Analoginput Humidity Value%Monitors the istation analog input statistics like humidity value.[ I-Station-
MIB :: aiUnitValue : ]
IMCI Istation Humidity Sensoristation_sensor_HumidityValueIstation Sensor Humidity Value%Monitors the i-station humdity sensor metric humidity value.[ I-Station-
MIB :: sensorCurrentValue :]
istation_sensor_HumidityStateIstation Sensor Humidity StateMonitors the i-station humdity sensor metric humidity State.[ I-Station-MIB :: sensorState :].Possible Values are 1: Normal; 2: Danger High; 4: Warning High; 5: Warning Low; 6: dangerLow; 7: notRead.
IMCI Istation Temperature Sensoristation_sensor_TemperatureValueIstation Sensor Temperature ValueCMonitors the i-station temperature sensor metric temperature value.[ I-Station-
MIB :: sensorCurrentValue :]
istation_sensor_TemperatureStateIstation Sensor Temperature StateMonitors the i-station temperature sensor metric temperature state.[ I-Station-
MIB :: sensorState :].Possible Values are 1: Normal; 2: Danger High; 4: Warning High; 5: Warning Low; 6: dangerLow; 7: notRead.
IMCI Istation Moisture Sensoristation_moisture_SensorStateIstation Moisture Sensor StateMonitors the i-station moisture sensor state.[ I-Station-
MIB :: alarmLogicalState : ].Possible Values are 1: No Alarm; 2:Active Alarm; 3:Not Applicable.
IMCI Istation Link Status Monitoristation_interface_OperationalStatusIstation Interface Operational StatusMonitors the i-station interface operational status.[ I-Station-
MIB :: intOperStatus :].Possible Values are 1: unknown; 2: Offline; 3: Online; 4: NotApplicable.