Agent G2 - Active Directory Free System Page Table Entries DotNet v4


Monitors Active Directory Free System Page Table Entries Counters



Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Agent G2 - Active Directory Free System Page Table Entries DotNet v4AD_Free_System_Page_Table_EntriesFreeSystemPageTableEntriesNULLFree System Page Table Entries is the number of page table entries not currently in used by the system. This counter displays the last observed value only; it is not an average

Agent G2 - Active Directory Performance Counters DotNet v4


Monitors AD Performance data



Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Agent G2 - Active Directory Performance Counters DotNet v4DRAInboundObjectsPersecDRAInboundObjectsPersecNULLThe number of objects received (per second) through inbound replication from replication partners.
DSServerBindsPersecDSServerBindsPersecNULLShows the number of DC-to-DC binds per second that are serviced by this DC.
DRAInboundBytesTotalPersecDRAInboundBytesTotalPersecBytes per secondIt is the sum of the number of bytes (per second) of uncompressed data (never compressed) and compressed data (after compression) received through replication. Lack of activity indicates that the network is slowing down replication.
DRAInboundObjectsAppliedPersecDRAInboundObjectsAppliedPersecNULLThis counter excludes changes that are received but not applied (for example, when the update is already made) and also how many replication updates are occurring on the server as a result of changes generated on other servers.
ABClientSessionsABClientSessionsNULLAB Client Sessions is the number of connected Address Book client sessions.
LDAPClientSessionsLDAPClientSessionsNULLThe number of sessions of connected LDAP clients. Lack of activity points to network problems.
DSDirectoryReadsPersecDSDirectoryReadsPersecNULLShows the number of directory reads per second.
DRAPendingReplicationSynchronizationsDRAPendingReplicationSynchronizationsNULLThe number of directory synchronizations that are queued for this server that are not yet processed. This counter helps in determining replication backlog - the larger the number, the larger the backlog. This value should be low, with a higher value indicating that the hardware is not adequately servicing replication.
NTLMAuthenticationsNTLMAuthenticationsNULLThe number of NTLM authentications (per second) serviced by this domain controller
DSDirectoryWritesPersecDSDirectoryWritesPersecNULLShows the number of directory writes per second.
LDAPActiveThreadsLDAPActiveThreadsNULLLDAP Active Threads is the current number of threads in use by the LDAP subsystem of the local direcotry service.
KerberosAuthenticationsKerberosAuthenticationsNULLThe number of times per second that clients use a client ticket to this domain controller to authenticate to this domain controller. A lack of activity can indicate network problems that are preventing authentication requests from succeeding.
DRAOutboundBytesTotalPersecDRAOutboundBytesTotalPersecBytes per secondIt is the sum of the number of bytes of uncompressed data (never compressed) and compressed data (after compression) sent per second. Lack of activity indicates that the hardware or network is slowing down replication.
LDAPWritesPersecLDAPWritesPersecNULLShows the rate at which LDAP clients perform write operations.
DSNotifyQueueSizeDSNotifyQueueSizeNULLThe number of pending update notifications that have been queued, but not yet transmitted to clients.
DSClientBindsPersecDSClientBindsPersecNULLShows the number of Ntdsapi.dll binds per second serviced by this DC.
LDAPUDPoperationsPersecLDAPUDPoperationsPersecNULLShows the number of UDP operations that the LDAP server is processing per second.
LDAPBindTimeLDAPBindTimeMillisecondsThis counter shows the time required for completion of the last LDAP binding, with a higher value pointing to either hardware or network performance problems.
LDAPSearchesPersecLDAPSearchesPersecNULLThe number of search operations per second performed by LDAP clients. A lack of activity points to network problems.
DRAOutboundObjectsPersecDRAOutboundObjectsPersecNULLThe number of objects sent (per second) through outbound replication to replication partners.
DRAInboundObjectUpdatesRemaininginPacketDRAInboundObjectUpdatesRemaininginPacketNULLThis counter tells you whether the monitored server is receiving changes, but is taking a long time applying them to the database. The value should be low, with a higher value indicating that the hardware is incapable of adequately servicing replication (warranting a server upgrade).

Agent G2 - AD Database Monitoring - v2


Monitor AD database metrics like DBFileSizeGrowth, DBFile_DiskUsage, DiskHealthStatus, FreeDiskSpace.

Note: Previous version “Agent G2 - AD Database Monitoring” template has a bug at the monitor level. We recommend using the latest template (Agent G2 - AD Database Monitoring - v2)



Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Agent G2 - AD Database Custom Monitor - v2AD_Database_DBFileSizeGrowthAD Database DBFile Size GrowthMBIt monitors the growth of the Active Directory database file size. It calculates the delta of the database file size from previous poll to current poll.
AD_Database_FreeDiskSpaceAD Database FreeDiskSpaceMBIt monitors the free disk space in MB for the drives which are having Active Directory Database file / Log file.
AD_Database_DiskHealthStatusAD Database Disk Health StatusnullIt monitors the disk health status of the drive which is having an Active Directory DB File. Below are the possible states: 0 - Healthy 1 - Warning 2 - Unhealthy 3 - Unknown
AD_Database_DBFile_DiskUsageAD Database DBFile DiskUsage%It monitors the disk usage% of the drive which is having Active Directory DB file.

Agent G2 - AD Performance Counters DotNet v4


Agent G2 - AD Performance Counters DotNet v4



Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Agent G2 - AD Performance Counters DotNet Services LDAPSuccessfulbindspersecNULLNumber of LDAP Binds per second Services DRAOutboundvaluesdnsonlypersecNULLNumber of object property values containing Distinguished Names sent to outbound replication partners. DN-values, such as group or distribution list memberships, are generally more expensive to read than other kinds of values Services DRAInboundvaluesdnsonlypersecNULLNumber of object property values received from inbound replication partners that are Distinguished Names; i.e., that reference other objects. DN-values, such as group or distribution list memberships, are generally more expensive to apply than other kind Services ThreadsinuseNULLDS Threads in Use is the current number of threads in use by the directory service (different than the number of threads in the directory service process). Threads in Use is the number of threads currently servicing client API calls and can be used to in Services DRAInboundfullsyncobjectsremainingNULLNumber of objects remaining until the full sync completes (when set)

Agent G2 - Backup Symantec Exec-11-Performance Counters DotNet v4


Template for Symantec backup exec. Monitors total bytes, total directories and total files. Also performs event log monitoring.



Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Agent G2 - Backup Symantec Exec-11-Performance Counters DotNet v4TotalDirectoriesTotalDirectoriesNULLThe total number of directories that have been backed up since the Backup Exec Engine Service last started.
TotalFilesTotalFilesNULLThe total number of files that have been backed up since the Backup Exec Engine Service last started.
TotalBytesTotalBytesNULLThe total number of bytes that have been backed up since the Backup Exec Engine Service last started.

Agent G2 - Backup-Symantec Exec-12.5-Performance Counters DotNet v4


12.5_Symantec_Backup_Exec. Monitors total bytes, total directories and total files.



Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Agent G2 - Backup-Symantec Exec-12.5-Performance Counters DotNet v4TotalBytesTotalBytesNULLThe total number of bytes that have been backed up since the Backup Exec Engine Service last started.
FailedJobsFailedJobsNULLThe number of jobs that have failed since the Backup Exec Engine Service last started.
TotalDirectoriesTotalDirectoriesNULLThe total number of directories that have been backed up since the Backup Exec Engine Service last started.
TotalFilesTotalFilesNULLThe total number of files that have been backed up since the Backup Exec Engine Service last started.

Agent G2 - Backup-Veritas-Job Performance Counters DotNet v4


Monitors the AbortedJobs, ActiveJobCount, BackupDeviceWaitTime, InUseSkippedObjects MountTime, TotalExchangeMailboxes, TotalSQLServerDatabases.



Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Agent G2 - Backup-Veritas-Job Performance Counters DotNet v4BackupDeviceWaitTimeBackupDeviceWaitTimeSecondsThe total time (in seconds) all backup jobs have spent waiting for a storage device since the Backup Exec Engine Service last started.
AbortedJobsAbortedJobsNULLThe number of jobs that have been aborted since the Backup Exec Engine Service last started.
MountTimeMountTimeSecondsThe total time (in seconds) all jobs have spent waiting for media to be mounted in a storage device since the Backup Exec Engine Service last started.
InUseSkippedObjectsInUseSkippedObjectsNULLThe number of objects that have been skipped because they were in use during backup since the Backup Exec Engine Service last started.
FailedJobsFailedJobsNULLThe number of jobs that have failed since the Backup Exec Engine Service last started.
ActiveJobCountActiveJobCountNULLThe number of jobs currently active (running or pending) in the Backup Exec Engine Service.

Agent G2 - Blackberry 501 Performance Counters DotNet v4


Monitor Blackberry 501 Performance Counters



Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Agent G2 - Blackberry 501 Performance Counters DotNet v4MessagesQueuedForDeliveryMessagesQueuedForDeliveryNULLBlackberry Agent displays queued messages for delivery
MessagesExpiredMessagesExpiredNULLBlackberry Agent displays expired messages
MessagesSentMessagesSentNULLBlackberry Agent displays sent messages
MessagesReceivedMessagesReceivedNULLBlackberry Agent displays received messages
MessagesFilteredMessagesFilteredNULLBlackberry Agent displays filtered messages

Agent G2 - Blackberry Enterprise Server


Template for BlackBerry enterprise server. Monitors messages expired, messages filtered, messages queued for delivery, messages received and messages sent. Also performs event log monitoring.



Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Agent G2 - Blackberry Enterprise ServerMessagesQueuedForDeliveryMessagesQueuedForDeliveryNULLBlackberry Agent displays queued messages for delivery
MessagesExpiredMessagesExpiredNULLBlackberry Agent displays expired messages
MessagesSentMessagesSentNULLBlackberry Agent displays sent messages
MessagesReceivedMessagesReceivedNULLBlackberry Agent displays received messages
MessagesFilteredMessagesFilteredNULLBlackberry Agent displays filtered messages

Agent G2 - Blackberry Performance Counters DotNet v4


Monitors Blackberry Performance Counters



Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Agent G2 - Blackberry Performance Counters DotNet v4MessagesQueuedForDeliveryMessagesQueuedForDeliveryNULLBlackberry Agent displays queued messages for delivery
MessagesExpiredMessagesExpiredNULLBlackberry Agent displays expired messages
MessagesSentMessagesSentNULLBlackberry Agent displays sent messages
MessagesReceivedMessagesReceivedNULLBlackberry Agent displays received messages
MessagesFilteredMessagesFilteredNULLBlackberry Agent displays filtered messages

Agent G2 - Cisco Unity Performance Counters DotNet v4


Monitors Cisco Unity Performance data



Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Agent G2 - Cisco Unity Performance Counters DotNet v4IncomingCallsExternalCurrentIncomingCallsExternalCurrentNULLThe current number of incoming calls from external callers.
PortsIdleCurrentPortsIdleCurrentNULLThe current number of integration ports that are not in use by the Cisco Unity Connection server.
TTSSessionsPersecTTSSessionsPersecNULLThe number of active TTS voice sessions per second.
MessageStoresOfflineCurrentMessageStoresOfflineCurrentNULLA current total of Cisco Unity Message Stores that are offline.
PortsUsedCurrentPortsUsedCurrentNULLThe current number of integration ports that are in use by the Cisco Unity Connection server.
AverageAuthenticationTimeAverageAuthenticationTimeNULLAverage time taken to authenticate.
TTSSessionDurationAverageTTSSessionDurationAverageNULLThe average duration of all TTS sessions in seconds.
MessageStoresOnlineCurrentMessageStoresOnlineCurrentNULLA current total of Cisco Unity Message Stores that are online.
PortsLockedCountPortsLockedCountNULLThe current count of the ports that no longer respond or are otherwise unusable by Cisco Unity Connection
UnityMTAMessageCountCurrentUnityMTAMessageCountCurrentNULLThe number of messages currently queued in the MTA(Message Transfer Agent).
IncomingCallsDurationAverageIncomingCallsDurationAverageNULLThe average duration in seconds of all incoming calls to the Cisco Unity Connection server.
DirectoryResynchronizationDurationAverageDirectoryResynchronizationDurationAverageNULLThe average duration of information directory synchronization, in seconds
PortsIdleDurationAveragePortsIdleDurationAverageNULLThe average time that any port remains idle between incoming calls to the Cisco Unity Connection server in seconds.
OutgoingCallsDurationAverageOutgoingCallsDurationAverageNULLThe average duration of all outgoing calls from the Cisco Unity Connection server in seconds.

Agent G2 - Citrix Broker Agent DotNet v4


Monitors Citrix Broker Agent role performance Counters



Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Agent G2 - Citrix Broker Agent DotNet TotalSessionsNULLTotal Number of Sessions NumberofRegistrationsNULLTotal Number of Registrations TotalAppSessionsNULLTotal Number of Seamless App Sessions TotalNotificationsNULLTotal Number of Notifications NumberofDeregistrationsNULLTotal Number of DeRegistrations TotalDesktopsSessionNULLTotal Number of Desktop Sessions

Agent G2 - Citrix Broker Service DotNet v4


Monitors Citrix Broker Service role performance counters



Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Agent G2 - Citrix Broker Service DotNet HardRegistrationsPerSecNULLHard Registrations/sec is the rate at which virtual desktop agents hard-register with Citrix Broker Service

Agent G2 - Citrix Licensing


Template for Citrix Licensing



Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Agent G2 - Citrix LicensingTotal_LicenseTotal_LicenseNULLThe sum of the total license count of the citrix concurrent licenses with the common name available in the citrix licensing server.
License_UsageLicense_UsageNULLThe sum of the license usage number of the citrix concurrent licenses being used currently with the common name.
License_Used_PercentageLicense_Used_PercentageNULLLicense percent used is the percentage of the license usage of the citrix concurrent licenses with the common name in the citrix licensing server.
License_SA_Expiry_in_daysLicense_SA_Expiry_in_daysNULLProvides the number of days remaining to expire subscription advantage (SA) of all the possible licenses of the citrix license server.

Agent G2 - Citrix Licensing Performance Counters


Monitors Citrix Licensing Performance data



Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Agent G2 - Citrix Licensing Performance CountersTotal_LicenseTotal_LicenseNULLThe sum of the total license count of the citrix concurrent licenses with the common name available in the citrix licensing server.
License_UsageLicense_UsageNULLThe sum of the license usage number of the citrix concurrent licenses being used currently with the common name.
License_Used_PercentageLicense_Used_PercentageNULLLicense percent used is the percentage of the license usage of the citrix concurrent licenses with the common name in the citrix licensing server.
License_SA_Expiry_in_daysLicense_SA_Expiry_in_daysNULLProvides the number of days remaining to expire subscription advantage (SA) of all the possible licenses of the citrix license server.

Agent G2 - Citrix Performance Counters DotNet v4


These performance counters should be used to monitor the key performance metrics of the Citrix infrastructure, application servers, and virtual desktops.



Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Agent G2 - Citrix Performance Counters DotNet v4citrix.percent.processor.timeCitrix Percent Processor Time%Percent Processor Time is the percentage of elapsed time that the processor spends to execute a non-Idle thread. It is calculated by measuring the duration of the idle thread is active in the sample interval, and subtracting that time from interval duration. (Each processor has an idle thread that consumes cycles when no other threads are ready to run). This counter is the primary indicator of processor activity, and displays the average percentage of busy time observed during the sample interval. It is calculated by monitoring the time that the service is inactive and subtracting that value from 100 Percent
citrix.logicaldisk.avg.disksecpertransferCitrix LogicalDisk Avg DiskSecPerTransferMSThe Average Disk Second counters show the average time in seconds of a transfer from or to a disk.
citrix.logicaldisk.currentdiskqueuelengthCitrix LogicalDisk CurrentDiskQueueLengthNULLCurrent disk queue length provides a primary measure of disk congestion. It is an indication of the number of transactions that are waiting to be processed.
citrix.logicaldisk.avg.disksecperwriteCitrix LogicalDisk Avg DiskSecPerWriteMSThe Average Disk Second counters show the average time in seconds of a write from or to a disk.
citrix.logicaldisk.percent.disktimeCitrix LogicalDisk Percent DiskTime%Percent Disk Time marks how busy the disk is. Network Interface BytesTotalPerSecNULLBytes Total/sec shows the rate at which the network adaptor is processing data bytes. This counter includes all application and file data, in addition to protocol information, such as packet headers.
citrix.system.processor.queuelengthCitirx System Processor Queue LengthNULLProcessor queue length is the number of threads in the processor queue. Unlike the disk counters, this counter shows ready threads only, not threads that are running. There is a single queue for processor time even on computers with multiple processors. Therefore, if a computer has multiple processors, you need to divide this value by the number of processors servicing the workload. A sustained processor queue of less than ten threads per processor is normally acceptable, dependent of the workload.
citrix.paging.file.percentusageCitrix Paging File Percent UsageNULLThis is the percentage amount of the Page File instance in use.
citrix.logicaldisk.percent.freespaceCitrix LogicalDisk Percent FreeSpace%Percent Free Space is the percentage of total usable space on the selected logical disk drive that is free.
citrix.memory.available.bytesCitrix Memory Available Bytes%Available memory indicates the amount of memory that is left after nonpaged pool allocations, paged pool allocations, process working sets, and the file system cache have all taken their piece.
citrix.logicaldisk.avg.disksecperreadCitrix LogicalDisk Avg DiskSecPerReadMSThe Average Disk Second counters show the average time in seconds of a read from or to a disk.

Agent G2 - Citrix XenApp 7.5 DotNet v4


Monitor Citrix XenApp Server 7.5 version performance counters.



Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Agent G2 - Citrix XenApp 7.5 DotNet v4Citrix_Conf_Logging_Database_StateCitrix_Conf_Logging_Database_StateNULLDatabase Connected indicates whether this service is in contact with its database (1 is connected; 0 is not connected).

Agent G2 - Citrix XenApp 7.6 DotNet v4


Monitor Citrix XenApp Server 7.6 version performance counters.



Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Agent G2 - Citrix XenApp 7.6 DotNet v4citrix.conf.loggingdatabase.avgtransactiontimeCitirx Conf Logging Database Avg Transaction TimeNULLThe time on average, in seconds, taken to execute a database transaction. A baseline needs to be established in the environment in order to accurately establish threshold values.
citrix.monitor.database.connectedCitrix Monitor Database ConnectedNULLDatabase Connected indicates whether this service is in contact with its database (1 is connected; 0 is not connected)
citrix.conf.loggingdatabase.transactionerrorspersecCitrix Conf Logging Database Transaction Errors Per secNULLThe rate at which database transactions are failing.
citrix.env.test.database.connectedCitrix Env Test Database ConnectedNULLDatabase Connected indicates whether this service is in contact with its database (1 is connected; 0 is not connected)

Agent G2 - Citrix XenApp Advanced Performance Check


XenApp Advanced Monitoring



Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Agent G2 - Citrix XenApp Advanced Performance CheckXADisconnectedSessionsXADisconnectedSessionsCountLists sessions in disconnected state. This helps identify if there are any sporadic disconnects from the server.
XAOfflineServersXAOfflineServersCountA server can be taken offline either for maintenance or because the Server is unstable and is removed from available servers. These servers will not service any user requests.
XAServerLoadXAServerLoadNULLThis monitor displays the load on each Citrix XenApp Servers. These load values can identify issues with your servers in addition to determining which server is the least/most loaded in your farm. A trending value of this monitor helps identify peak usage of the servers. A value greater than 9000 indicates a heavily loaded server
XAServerApplicationXAServerApplicationCountNumber of applications hosted on each server. This help you decide if the load is distributed evenly across all your servers.
XASessionsXASessionsCountNumber of active sessions per server.

Agent G2 - Citrix XenApp Performance Check DotNet v4


XenApp Standard Monitoring



Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Agent G2 - Citrix XenApp Performance Check DotNet v4LicenseServerConnectionFailureLicenseServerConnectionFailureNULLThe number of minutes that the XenApp server has been disconnected from the License Server. The time returned should be less than 30 minutes. Ideally the returned time should be zero.
WorkItemQueueExecutingCountWorkItemQueueExecutingCountNULLThe number of work items that are ready to be executed.
DataStorewritesPersecDataStorewritesPersecNULLThe number of times data was written to the data store per second.
ZoneElectionsTriggeredZoneElectionsTriggeredNULLThe number of times a server triggers a zone election.
STATicketTimeoutCountSTATicketTimeoutCountNULLThe total number of ticket time-outs that occur during the lifetime of the STA.
AverageLicenseCheckInResponseTimemsAverageLicenseCheckInResponseTimemsNULLThis component monitor returns the average response time for a license check-in operation in milliseconds.
LatencySessionDeviationLatencySessionDeviationNULLThis component monitor returns the difference between the minimum and the maximum session latency values. This value should be as low as possible.
BytesReceivedPersecBytes Received Per secNULLThis component monitor returns the data rate of incoming Independent Management Architecture(IMA) network traffic.
NetworkConnectionsNetworkConnectionsNULLThis component monitor returns the number of active network IMA connections to IMA servers.
LocalHostCachewritesPersecLocalHostCachewritesPersecNULLThe number of times data was written to the IMA local host cache per second.
ResolutionWorkItemQueueExecutingCountResolutionWorkItemQueueExecutingCountNULLThe number of work items that are currently being executed.
WorkItemQueuePendingCountWorkItemQueuePendingCountNULLThe number of work items that are not yet ready to be executed.
NumberofbusyXMLthreadsNumberofbusyXMLthreadsNULLThe number of busy threads.
DataStorereadsPersecDataStorereadsPersecNULLThe number of times data was read from the data store per second.
CPUEntitlementCPUEntitlementNULLThe percentage of CPU resource that Citrix CPU Utilization Management makes available to a user at a given time.
CPUUsageCPUUsageNULLThe percentage of CPU resource consumed by a user at a given time averaged over a few seconds.
STAPeakTicketRequestRateSTAPeakTicketRequestRateNULLThe maximum rate of ticket generation requests per second during the lifetime of the STA.
LongtermCPUUsageLongtermCPUUsageNULLThe percentage of CPU resource consumed by a user averaged over a longer period than the CPU Usage counter.
ApplicationResolutionsPersecApplicationResolutionsPersecNULLThe number of resolutions completed per second.
DynamicStorewritesPersecDynamicStorewritesPersecNULLThe number of times data was written to the dynamic store per second.
ApplicationEnumerationsPersecApplicationEnumerationsPersecNULLEnumeration is the process in which a client transmits data to locate servers on the network and retrieves information about the server farms published applications. During enumeration the XenApp Plug-in for Hosted Apps communicates with the Citrix XML Service or the ICA browser depending on the browsing protocol selected in the plug-in. This monitor provides the number of application enumerations per second.
DataStoreConnectionFailureDataStoreConnectionFailureNULLThe number of minutes that the XenApp server has been disconnected from the data store. This value should be zero at all times.
LastRecordedLicenseCheckOutResponseTimemsLastRecordedLicenseCheckOutResponseTimemsNULLThe last recorded license check-out response time in milliseconds.
WorkItemQueueReadyCountWorkItemQueueReadyCountNULLThe number of work items that are not yet ready to be executed.
STAPeakAllRequestRateSTAPeakAllRequestRateNULLSecure Ticket Authority (STA) is responsible for issuing session tickets in response to connection requests for published resources on XenApp. These session tickets form the basis of authentication and authorization for access to published resources.
LatencySessionAverageLatencySessionAverageNULLThe average client latency over the lifetime of a session.
LatencyLastRecordedLatencyLastRecordedNULLThis component monitor returns the last recorded latency value of the session.
ICARoundtripLatencyMedianICARoundtripLatencyMedianNULLThe median time of ICA roundtrip latency for all sessions on the server.
BytesSentPersecBytesSentPersecNULLThis component monitor returns the data rate of outgoing IMA network traffic.
STAPeakTicketRefreshRateSTAPeakTicketRefreshRateNULLThe maximum rate of refresh requests per second during the lifetime of the STA.
ResolutionWorkItemQueueReadyCountResolutionWorkItemQueueReadyCountNULLThe number of work items that are ready to be executed.
CPUReservationCPUReservationNULLThe percentage of total computer CPU resource reserved for a user, should that user require it.
CPUSharesCPUSharesNULLThe proportion of CPU resource assigned to a user.
LocalHostCachereadsPersecLocalHostCachereadsPersecNULLThe number of times data was read from the IMA local host cache per second.
MaximumnumberofXMLthreadsMaximumnumberofXMLthreadsNULLThe maximum number of threads allocated to service Web-based sessions since the server restarted.
AverageLicenseCheckOutResponseTimemsAverageLicenseCheckOutResponseTimemsNULLThis component monitor returns the average response time for a license check-out operation in milliseconds.
ApplicationResolutionsFailedPersecApplicationResolutionsFailedPersecNULLThe number of application resolutions failed per second.
DynamicStorereadsPersecDynamicStorereadsPersecNULLThe number of times data was read from the dynamic store per second.
STAPeakDataRequestRateSTAPeakDataRequestRateNULLThe maximum rate of data requests per second during the lifetime of the STA.
ZoneElectionsWonZoneElectionsWonNULLThe number of times a server wins a zone election.
ApplicationResolutionTimemsApplicationResolutionTimemsmsThe time in milliseconds that a resolution took to complete. A baseline would be needed in order to establish increases during peak logon times before an accurate threshold can be defined.

Agent G2 - Citrix XenDesktop Advanced Performance Check


Citrix XenDesktop advanced monitoring based on performance counters.



Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Agent G2 - Citrix XenDesktop Advanced Performance CheckDesktopsWithRegistrationStateAsAgentErrorDesktopsWithRegistrationStateAsAgentErrorNULLLists all Virtual Desktops which have not registered with the controller due to Agent Error. The state of being in communication is referred to as the VDA being registered with a controller. If communication fails for any reason the VDA is said to have failed to register with a controller and it will not be possible for DDC to broker a connection to the VDM in question; the VDM becomes a wasted resource.
DesktopsUnRegisteredDesktopsUnRegisteredNULLLists all Virtual Desktops in the Unregistered state. The state of being in communication is referred to as the VDA being registered with a controller. If communication fails for any reason the VDA is said to have failed to register with a controller and it will not be possible for DDC to broker a connection to the VDM in question; the VDM becomes a wasted resource.
DesktopsWithUnknownPowerStateDesktopsWithUnknownPowerStateNULLThe Virtual desktop power state and issuing of power commands to the VM depends on the DDC services being able to communicate with the hypervisor that hosts the VM. The unknown power state is a result of the DDC never having received a notification of the power state of the VM from the hypervisor (hence state unknown).
DesktopsNeverRegisteredDesktopsNeverRegisteredNULLVirtual desktop machine which never registered with the Desktop Controllers. An unregistered desktop cannot be used by an end-user.
TotalDesktopsTotalDesktopsNULLThe total number of desktops in a given Desktop Group.
BrokerHypervisorAlertSeverityRedBrokerHypervisorAlertSeverityRedNULLLists the current alerts objects reported by the hypervisors that the controller is monitoring.
DesktopsFacingICALatencyDesktopsFacingICALatencyNULLDesktop Receiver on the client PCs communicates with the Virtual Desktop Agent(VDA) on the Virtual Desktops using the ICA (Independent Computing Architecture). High latency on this communication channel would result in slowness/freezing of sessions.
DesktopsDisconnectedDesktopsDisconnectedNULLNumber of Virtual Desktops whose summary state is in disconnected state.
DesktopsFacingHighProfileLoadTimeDesktopsFacingHighProfileLoadTimeNULLDesktop Receiver on the client PCs communicates with the Virtual Desktop Agent(VDA) on the Virtual Desktops using the ICA (Independent Computing Architecture). Profile Load time is directly impacted with the profile size. This results in users experiencing logon delays.
DesktopsAvailableDesktopsAvailableNULLThe number of desktops available in a desktop group.
DesktopGroupsUsageDesktopGroupsUsageNULL% of virtual desktop machines used within a group.
DesktopsInUseDesktopsInUseNULLThe number of desktops currently in use in a given Desktop Group.
ActiveSessionsActiveSessionsNULLThe number of Desktop sessions currently streamed.
DesktopsinMaintenanceModeDesktopsinMaintenanceModeNULLPutting a desktop in maintenance mode temporarily stops connections to the desktop so that maintenance tasks can be carried out. A user trying to connect to a desktop in maintenance mode will receive a message telling them the desktop is currently unavailable and to try reconnecting. XenDesktop has no control over desktops in maintenance mode. No user can log on to a desktop in this state. If a user is already logged on, maintenance mode takes effect as soon as they log off.
DesktopsWithImageOutOfDateDesktopsWithImageOutOfDateNULLShows Desktop Groups that have desktops with Out Of Date Images

Agent G2 - Citrix XenDesktop Performance Counters


Monitors the XenDesktop System, Power status, Available system count, Delivery Group Desktops available count, unregistered count along with the Controller details like State, Services 7 Licensing details etc., Applicable on the XenApp/Xendesktop 7.x versions.



Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Agent G2 - Citrix XenDesktop Performance DesktopsAvailable%Number of available desktops DesktopsDisconnected%Number of disconnected desktops
broker.catalog.available.countBrokerCatalog AvailableCountNULLNumber of available systems DesktopsUnregistered%Number of unregistered desktops Desktops NeverRegistered%Number of desktops never registered DesktopsPreparing%Number of desktops in preparing state

Agent G2 - Citrix XenDesktop Status and Performance Check DotNet v4


Applicable on XenDesktop - Desktop Delivery Controller



Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Agent G2 - Citrix XenDesktop Status and Performance Check DotNet v4RegistrationRequestsPersecRegistrationRequestsPersecNULLRegistration Requests/sec is the rate at which Citrix Broker Service receives registration requests from virtual desktops.
RegistrationAvgRequestTimeRegistrationAvgRequestTimeNULLRegistration Avg. Request Time is the time on average in seconds taken to process a virtual desktop registration request in Citrix Broker Service. This delay is a one time daily expense
BrokeredSessionsBrokeredSessionsNULLBrokered Sessions is the number of virtual desktop sessions brokered by the Citrix Broker Service.

Agent G2 - CPU - Run Queue Monitor DotNet v4


Number of threads in queue waiting for processor time. Threshold for this metric is based on the number of processors on the system. Ideal value range from one to three threads per processor.



Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Agent G2 - CPU - Run Queue Monitor DotNet Run Queue MonitorNULLNumber of threads in queue waiting for processor time. Threshold for this metric is based on the number of processors on the system. Ideal value range from one to three threads per processor.

Agent G2 - DB-Oracle DotNet v4


Monitors Oracle Performance Counters



Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Agent G2 - DB-Oracle DotNet v4Oracle_UserRollbacksOracle User RollbacksCountValidates the Number of User Roll backs.
Oracle_DataFileDiskWritesOracle Data File Disk WritesCountValidates the Number of Data file disk writes to database.
Oracle_CacheInvalidationsOracle Cache InvalidationsCountValidates the how many Cache invalidations on particular database.
Oracle_TableSpaceFreeOracle Table Space FreeMBValidates free table space available
Oracle_UsersCommitOracle Users CommitCountValidates Number of User commits
Oracle_TableSpaceAllocatedOracle Table Space AllocatedMBValidates the Size allocated for the table by database.
Oracle_SessionsOracle SessionsCountValidates how many sessions currently on particular database.
Oracle_DataFileDiskReadsOracle Data File Disk ReadsCountValidates the Number of Data file disk reads by database.
Oracle_LibraryCacheReloadsOracle Library Cache ReloadsCountValidates the Number of Library Cache Reloads by database.
Oracle_DataFilelesizeAllocatedOracle Data File size AllocatedMBValidates the Data File Size Allocated for the database.
Oracle_LibraryCacheGetsOracle Library Cache GetsCountValidates the Number of Library Cache gets by database.
Oracle_LongRunningQueriesOracle Long Running QueriesCountValidates the how many long running queries on particular database.
Oracle_TablescanBlocksOracle Table scan BlocksCountValidates the Number of Table scan blocks by database.
Oracle_BlockingLockQueriesOracle Blocking Lock QueriesCountValidates the how many block lock queries on particular database.
oracle_processesOracle ProcessesCountValidates the how many processes on particular database.

Agent G2 - Dell Hardware Health - WMI DotNet v4


Monitors the Dell hardware health parameters like CPU Status, Memory status, Fan status, Fan reading, Temperature status, Temperature reading, Power consumption watts sensor status, Power consumption watts sensor reading, Power consumption amps sensor status, Power consumption amps sensor reading, voltage status and voltage reading.


Validated on Dell PowerEdge R710, Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard Edition Service Pack 1, 64-bit.

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Agent G2 - Dell Hardware Health - WMI DotNet v4dell.voltage.sensor.readingVoltage ReadingNULLDell Voltage sensor current reading in millivolts.
dell.temperature.readingTemperature ReadingNULLDell Temperature sensor current reading in centigrade.
dell.power.consumption.ampssensor.readingPower Consumption Amps Sensor ReadingNULLDell Power consumption amps sensor current reading.

Agent G2 - DFS NameSpace Replication Performance Counters DotNet v4


DFS Monitoring - Namespace and Replication Check



Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Agent G2 - DFS NameSpace Replication Performance Counters DotNet v4dfsnamespaceserviceapirequests.requestsprocessedDFSNamespaceServiceAPIRequests RequestsProcessedNULLRequests Processed shows the number of requests to one API that were processed by the DFS Namespace service.
dfsreplicatedfolders.deletedspaceinuseDFSReplicatedFolders DeletedSpaceInUseNULLDeleted Space in Use shows the total size (in bytes) of the deleted files and folders currently in the Conflict and Deleted folder used by the DFS Replication service. The DFS Replication service detects remote deletes from its sending partner and moves the file or folder to the Conflict and Deleted folder. The service automatically cleans up the Conflict and Deleted folder when it exceeds a pre-configured threshold of the quota.
dfsreplicatedfolders.deletedfilesgeneratedDFSReplicatedFolders DeletedFilesGeneratedNULLDeleted Files Generated shows the number of replicated deleted files and folders that were moved to the Conflict and Deleted folder after they were deleted from a replicated folder on a sending member. The DFS Replication service automatically cleans up the Conflict and Deleted folder when it exceeds a pre-configured threshold of the quota.
dfsreplicationconnections.totalfilesreceivedDFSReplicationConnections TotalFilesReceivedNULLTotal Files Received shows the number of files that were received on the connection.
dfsreplicatedfolders.conflictfoldercleanupscompletedDFSReplicatedFolders ConflictFolderCleanupsCompletedNULLConflict Folder Cleanups Completed shows the number of times conflict loser files and folders in the Conflict and Deleted folder were deleted by the DFS Replication service. The DFS Replication service automatically detects and resolves conflicts encountered in replicated folders and moves the losing version to the Conflict and Deleted folder. The service automatically cleans up the Conflict and Deleted folder when it exceeds a pre-configured threshold of the quota.
dfsreplicationconnections.rdcbytesreceivedDFSReplicationConnections RDCBytesReceivedNULLRDC Bytes Received shows the bytes that were received on this connection while replicating files using remote differential compression (RDC). This is the actual bytes received over the network without the networking protocol overhead.
dfsreplicatedfolders.stagingspaceinuseDFSReplicatedFolders StagingSpaceInUseNULLStaging Space In Use shows the total size (in bytes) of the files and folders currently in the staging folder used by the DFS Replication service. This counter will fluctuate as staging space is reclaimed. The DFS Replication service stages files and folders in the staging folder before they are replicated, and automatically cleans up the staging folder when it exceeds a pre-configured threshold of the quota.
dfsreplicationconnections.sizeoffilesreceivedDFSReplicationConnections SizeofFilesReceivedNULLSize of Files Received shows the uncompressed size (in bytes) of the files received on this connection. This is the number of bytes that would have been received had DFS Replication compression not been used.
dfsnamespaceservicereferrals.requestsprocessedpersecDFSNamespaceServiceReferrals RequestsProcessedPersecNULLRequests Per Sec. shows the number of referral requests per second that were processed by the DFS Namespace service.
dfsreplicationservicevolumes.usnjournalrecordsreadDFSReplicationServiceVolumes USNJournalRecordsReadNULLUSN Journal Records Read shows the number of update sequence number (USN) journal records that were read by the DFS Replication service.
dfsreplicatedfolders.deletedbytesgeneratedDFSReplicatedFolders DeletedBytesGeneratedNULLDeleted Bytes Generated shows the total size (in bytes) of replicated deleted files and folders that were moved to the Conflict and Deleted folder after they were deleted from a replicated folder on a sending member. The DFS Replication service automatically cleans up the Conflict and Deleted folder when it exceeds a pre-configured threshold of the quota.
dfsreplicatedfolders.stagingfilescleanedupDFSReplicatedFolders StagingFilesCleanedupNULLStaging Files Cleaned up shows the number of files and folders that were cleaned up from the staging folder by the DFS Replication service. The DFS Replication service stages files and folders in the staging folder before they are replicated, and automatically cleans up the staging folder when it exceeds a pre-configured threshold of the quota.
dfsreplicationconnections.rdcsizeoffilesreceivedDFSReplicationConnections RDCSizeofFilesReceivedNULLRDC Size of Files Received shows the uncompressed size (in bytes) of files received with remote differential compression (RDC) for this connection. This is the number of bytes that would have been received had neither compression nor RDC been used. This is not the actual number of bytes received over the network.
dfsreplicatedfolders.conflictspaceinuseDFSReplicatedFolders ConflictSpaceInUseNULLConflict Space in Use shows the total size (in bytes) of the conflict loser files and folders currently in the Conflict and Deleted folder used by the DFS Replication service. The DFS Replication service automatically detects and resolves conflicts encountered in replicated folders and moves the losing version to the Conflict and Deleted folder. The service automatically cleans up the Conflict and Deleted folder when it exceeds a pre-configured threshold of the quota.
dfsreplicatedfolders.rdcbytesreceivedDFSReplicatedFolders RDCBytesReceivedNULLRDC Bytes Received shows the number of bytes that were received in replicating files using remote differential compression (RDC) for this replicated folder. This is the actual bytes received over the network without the networking protocol overhead.
dfsreplicationconnections.compressedsizeoffilesreceivedDFSReplicationConnections CompressedSizeofFilesReceivedNULLCompressed Size of Files Received shows the compressed size of files (in bytes) received on the connection.
dfsreplicatedfolders.conflictbytesgeneratedDFSReplicatedFolders ConflictBytesGeneratedNULLConflict Bytes Generated shows the total size (in bytes) of the files and folders in this replicated folder that were moved to the Conflict and Deleted folder by the DFS Replication service. The DFS Replication service automatically detects and resolves conflicts encountered in replicated folders and moves the losing version to the Conflict and Deleted folder. The service automatically cleans up the Conflict and Deleted folder when it exceeds a pre-configured threshold of the quota.
dfsreplicatedfolders.rdcnumberoffilesreceivedDFSReplicatedFolders RDCNumberofFilesReceivedNULLRDC Number of Files Received shows the number files that were received for this replicated folder.
dfsreplicatedfolders.conflictfilescleanedupDFSReplicatedFolders ConflictFilesCleanedupNULLConflict Files Cleaned up shows the number the conflict loser files and folders that were deleted from the Conflict and Deleted folder by the DFS Replication service. The DFS Replication service automatically detects and resolves conflicts encountered in replicated folders and moves the losing version to the Conflict and Deleted folder. The service automatically cleans up the Conflict and Deleted folder when it exceeds a pre-configured threshold of the quota.
dfsreplicatedfolders.fileinstallssucceededDFSReplicatedFolders FileInstallsSucceededNULLFile Installs Succeeded shows the number of files that were successfully received from sending members and installed locally on this server. The DFS Replication service replicates staged files into the staging folder, uncompresses them in the Installing folder, and renames them to the target location. The second and third steps of this process are known as installing the file.
dfsreplicatedfolders.conflictbytescleanedupDFSReplicatedFolders ConflictBytesCleanedupNULLConflict Bytes Cleaned up shows the total size (in bytes) of the conflict loser files and folders that were deleted from the Conflict and Deleted folder by the DFS Replication service. The DFS Replication service automatically detects and resolves conflicts encountered in replicated folders and moves the losing version to the Conflict and Deleted folder. The service automatically cleans up the Conflict and Deleted folder when it exceeds a pre-configured threshold of the quota.
dfsreplicatedfolders.stagingbytescleanedupDFSReplicatedFolders StagingBytesCleanedupNULLStaging Bytes Cleaned up shows the total size (in bytes) of the files and folders that were cleaned up from the staging folder by the DFS Replication service. The DFS Replication service stages files and folders in the staging folder before they are replicated, and automatically cleans up the staging folder when it exceeds a pre-configured threshold of the quota.
dfsreplicationservicevolumes.databasecommitsDFSReplicationServiceVolumes DatabaseCommitsNULLDatabase Commits shows the number of database commit operations performed by the DFS Replication service. This counter indicates how intensive the DFS Replication service is from a database perspective.
dfsreplicatedfolders.fileinstallsretriedDFSReplicatedFolders FileInstallsRetriedNULLFile Installs Retried shows the number of file installs that are being retried due to sharing violations or other errors encountered when installing the files. The DFS Replication service replicates staged files into the staging folder, uncompresses them in the Installing folder, and renames them to the target location. The second and third steps of this process are known as installing the file.
dfsreplicatedfolders.stagingfilesgeneratedDFSReplicatedFolders StagingFilesGeneratedNULLStaging Files Generated shows the number of times replicated files and folders were staged by the DFS Replication service. The DFS Replication service stages files and folders in a staging folder before they are replicated, and automatically cleans up the staging folder when it exceeds a pre-configured threshold of the quota.
dfsreplicatedfolders.totalfilesreceivedDFSReplicatedFolders TotalFilesReceivedNULLTotal Files Received shows the number of files that were received by this replicated folder.
dfsnamespaceservicereferrals.requestsprocessedDFSNamespaceServiceReferrals RequestsProcessedNULLRequests Processed shows the number of referral requests that were processed by the DFS Namespace service.
dfsreplicatedfolders.deletedbytescleanedupDFSReplicatedFolders DeletedBytesCleanedupNULLDeleted Bytes Cleaned up shows the total size (in bytes) of replicating deleted files and folders (in bytes) that were cleaned up from the Conflict and Deleted folder by the DFS Replication service. The service automatically cleans up the Conflict and Deleted folder when it exceeds a pre-configured threshold of the quota.
dfsreplicatedfolders.rdccompressedsizeoffilesreceivedDFSReplicatedFolders RDCCompressedSizeofFilesReceivedNULLRDC Compressed Size of Files Received shows the compressed size (in bytes) of the files received with remote differential compression (RDC) for this replicated folder. This is the number of bytes that would have been received had RDC not been used. This is not the actual bytes received over the network.
dfsreplicationconnections.bytesreceivedpersecondDFSReplicationConnections BytesReceivedPerSecondNULLBytes Received Per Second shows an estimate of the average number of bytes that were received each second over the past 30 seconds.
dfsreplicationservicevolumes.usnjournalunreadpercentageDFSReplicationServiceVolumes USNJournalUnreadPercentageNULLUSN Journal Unread Percentage shows the percent of the update sequence number (USN) journal that has not yet been read and processed by the DFS Replication service. A journal wrap will occur if this counter reaches 100.
dfsreplicatedfolders.compressedsizeoffilesreceivedDFSReplicatedFolders CompressedSizeofFilesReceivedNULLCompressed Size of Files Received shows the compressed size of files (in bytes) received for this replicated folder.
dfsreplicatedfolders.deletedfilescleanedupDFSReplicatedFolders DeletedFilesCleanedupNULLDeleted Files Cleaned up shows the number of replicated deleted files and folders that were cleaned up from the Conflict and Deleted folder by the DFS Replication service. The service automatically cleans up the Conflict and Deleted folder when it exceeds a pre-configured threshold of the quota.
dfsnamespaceservicereferrals.requestsfailedDFSNamespaceServiceReferrals RequestsFailedNULLRequests Failed shows the number of referral requests that were failed by the DFS Namespace service.
dfsreplicatedfolders.updatesdroppedDFSReplicatedFolders UpdatesDroppedNULLUpdates Dropped shows the number of redundant file replication update records that were ignored by the DFS Replication service because they did not change the replicated file or folder. For example, dropped updates can occur when access control lists (ACLs) are overwritten with identical ACLs on a file or folder.
dfsreplicationconnections.rdccompressedsizeoffilesreceivedDFSReplicationConnections RDCCompressedSizeofFilesReceivedNULLCompressed Size of Files Received shows the compressed size (in bytes) of files received for this replicated folder.
dfsnamespaceserviceapirequests.requestsfailedDFSNamespaceServiceAPIRequests RequestsFailedNULLRequests Failed shows the number of requests to one API that were failed by the DFS Namespace service.
dfsreplicatedfolders.bandwidthsavingsusingdfsreplicationDFSReplicatedFolders BandwidthSavingsUsingDFSReplicationNULLBandwidth Savings Using DFS Replication shows the percentage of bandwidth that was saved by the DFS Replication service for this replicated folder using a combination of remote differential compression (RDC) and other compression technologies that minimize network bandwidth. For example, a value of 20 indicates that the DFS Replication service used 20% less bandwidth than it would have used if it had transmitted the entire files uncompressed over the network.
dfsnamespaceservicereferrals.avgresponsetimeDFSNamespaceServiceReferrals AvgResponseTimeNULLAvg Response Time shows the average response time to the referral requests that were processed by the DFS Namespace service.
dfsreplicationconnections.rdcnumberoffilesreceivedDFSReplicationConnections RDCNumberofFilesReceivedNULLRDC Number of Files Received shows the number files that were received on this connection.
dfsreplicationconnections.bandwidthsavingsusingdfsreplicationDFSReplicationServiceVolumes BandwidthSavingsUsingDFSReplicationNULLBandwidth Savings Using DFS Replication shows the percentage of bandwidth that was saved by the DFS Replication service for this connection using a combination of remote differential compression (RDC) and other compression technologies that minimize network bandwidth use. For example, a value of 20 indicates that the DFS Replication service used 20% less bandwidth than it would have used if it had transmitted the entire files uncompressed over the network.
dfsnamespaceserviceapirequests.requestsprocessedpersecDFSNamespaceServiceAPIRequests RequestsProcessedPersecNULLRequests Per Sec. Rate shows the number of API requests per second that were processed by the DFS Namespace service.
dfsreplicationconnections.totalbytesreceivedDFSReplicationConnections TotalBytesReceivedNULLTotal Bytes Received shows the total number of bytes received on the connection. The bytes received value includes file data and replication metadata.
dfsreplicatedfolders.conflictfilesgeneratedDFSReplicatedFolders ConflictFilesGeneratedNULLConflict Files Generated shows the number of files and folders in this replicated folder that were moved to the Conflict and Deleted folder by the DFS Replication service. The DFS Replication service automatically detects and resolves conflicts encountered in replicated folders and moves the losing version to the Conflict and Deleted folder. The service automatically cleans up the Conflict and Deleted folder when it exceeds a pre-configured threshold of the quota.
dfsreplicationservicevolumes.usnjournalrecordsacceptedDFSReplicationServiceVolumes USNJournalRecordsAcceptedNULLUSN Journal Records Accepted shows the number of update sequence number (USN) journal records that were processed by the DFS Replication service. The DFS Replication service processes all USN journal records for replicated content on a volume and ignores records for non-replicated files and folders on the volume.
dfsnamespaceserviceapirequests.avgresponsetimeDFSNamespaceServiceAPIRequests AvgResponseTimeNULLAvg Response Time shows the average response time to the requests to one API that were processed by the DFS Namespace service.
dfsnamespace.foldercountDFSNamespace FolderCountNULLFolder count shows the number of DFS folders or links in a namespace.
dfsreplicatedfolders.sizeoffilesreceivedDFSReplicatedFolders SizeofFilesReceivedNULLSize of Files Received shows the uncompressed size (in bytes) of the files received for this replicated folder. This is the number of bytes that would have been received had DFS Replication compression not been used.
dfsreplicatedfolders.rdcsizeoffilesreceivedDFSReplicatedFolders RDCSizeofFilesReceivedNULLRDC Size of Files Received shows the uncompressed size (in bytes) of the files received with remote differential compression (RDC) for this replicated folder. This is the number of bytes that would have been received had neither compression nor RDC been used. This is not the actual bytes received over the network.
dfsreplicationservicevolumes.databaselookupsDFSReplicationServiceVolumes DatabaseLookupsNULLDatabase Lookups shows the number of database search operations performed by the DFS Replication service This counter indicates how intensive the DFS Replication service is from a database perspective.
dfsreplicatedfolders.stagingbytesgeneratedDFSReplicatedFolders StagingBytesGeneratedNULLStaging Bytes Generated shows the total size (in bytes) of replicated files and folders in the staging folder created by the DFS Replication service since last restart and is monotonically increasing counter. The DFS Replication service stages files and folders in the staging folder before they are replicated, and automatically cleans up the staging folder when it exceeds a pre-configured threshold of the quota.

Agent G2 - Disk Performance Monitoring DotNet v4


Disk Performance Monitoring



Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Agent G2 - Disk Performance Monitoring DotNet v4AverageDiskWriteQueueLengthAverageDiskWriteQueueLengthNULLAvg. Disk Write Queue Length is the average number of write requests that were queued for the selected disk during the sample interval.
AvgDisksecPerReadAvgDisksecPerReadNULLAvg. Disk sec/Read is the average time, in seconds, of a read of data from the disk.
PercentDiskTimePercentDiskTimeNULL% Disk Time is the percentage of elapsed time that the selected disk drive was busy servicing read or write requests.
AverageDiskReadQueueLengthAverageDiskReadQueueLengthNULLAvg. Disk Read Queue Length is the average number of read requests that were queued for the selected disk during the sample interval.
AvgDisksecPerWriteAvgDisksecPerWriteNULLAvg. Disk sec/Write is the average time, in seconds, of a write of data to the disk.
AvgDiskBytesPerTransferAvgDiskBytesPerTransferNULLAvg. Disk Bytes/Transfer is the average number of bytes transferred to or from the disk during write or read operations. The disk is efficient if it transfers large amounts of data relatively quickly.
AverageDiskQueueLengthAverageDiskQueueLengthNULLAvg. Disk Queue Length is the average number of both read and write requests that were queued for the selected disk during the sample interval.

Agent G2 - DNS Performance Counters DotNet v4


Monitors DNS performance counters



Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Agent G2 - DNS Performance Counters DotNet v4dns.dynamic.update.requests.receivedDNS DynamicUpdateRequestsReceivedNULLDynamic Update Received is the total number of dynamic update requests received by the DNS server. TotalQueriesReceivedPerSecNULLTotal Query Received/sec is the average number of queries received by DNS server in each second.
dns.dynamic.update.requests.empty.persecDNS DynamicUpdateRequestsEmptyPerSecNULLDynamic Update NoOperation/sec is the average number of No-operation/Empty dynamic update requests received by the DNS server in each second.
dns.nb.stat.memory.usedDNS NbStatMemoryUsedNULLNbstat Memory is the total Nbstat memory used by DNS server.
dns.udp.queries.received.per.secDNS UDPQueriesReceivedPerSecNULLUDP Query Received/sec is the average number of UDP queries received by DNS server in each second. ZoneTransfersSuccessNULLZone Transfer Success is the total number of successful zone transfers of the master DNS server.
dns.tcp.queries.received.per.secDNS TCPQueriesReceivedPerSecNULLTCP Query Received/sec is the average number of TCP queries received by DNS server in each second.
dns.caching.memory.usedDNS CachingMemoryUsedNULLCaching Memory is the total caching memory used by DNS server. SecureUpdatesFailedNULLSecure Update Failure is the total number of secure updates failed of the DNS server.
dns.tcp.message.memory.usedDNS TCPMessageMemoryUsedNULLTCP Message Memory is the total TCP message memory used by DNS server.
dns.database.node.memory.usedDNS DatabaseNodeMemoryUsedNULLDatabase Node Memory is the total database node memory used by DNS server.
dns.dynamic.update.requests.rejectedDNS DynamicUpdateRequestsRejectedNULLDynamic Update Rejected is the total number of dynamic updates rejected by the DNS server. DynamicUpdateswrittentodatabaseNULLDynamic Update Written to Database is the total number of dynamic updates written to the database by the DNS server. SecureUpdateRequestsReceivedNULLSecure Update Received is the total number of secure update requests received by the DNS server.
dns.udp.responses.sent.per.secDNS UDPResponsesSentPerSecNULLUDP Response Sent/sec is the average number of UDP reponses sent by DNS server in each second.
dns.udp.message.memory.usedDNS UDPMessageMemoryUsedNULLUDP Message Memory is the total UDP message memory used by DNS server.
dns.record.flow.memory.usedDNS RecordFlowMemoryUsedNULLRecord Flow Memory is the total record flow memory used by DNS server.
dns.tcp.responses.sent.per.secDNS TCPResponsesSentPerSecNULLTCP Response Sent/sec is the average number of TCP reponses sent by DNS server in each second. ZoneTransfersFailedNULLZone Transfer Failure is the total number of failed zone transfers of the master DNS server. TotalResponsesSentPerSecNULLTotal Response Sent/sec is the average number of reponses sent by DNS server in each second.
dns.dynamic.update.timeoutsDNS DynamicUpdateTimeoutsNULLDynamic Update TimeOuts is the total number of dynamic update timeouts of the DNS server.

Agent G2 - DNS Recursive Performance Counters DotNet v4


Monitors DNS Recursive Class WMI Performance data



Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Agent G2 - DNS Recursive Performance Counters DotNet v4DNS_RecursiveTimeOutPerSecDNS_RecursiveTimeOutPerSecNULLProvides the average number of recursive query sending timeouts in each second.
DNS_RecursiveQueryFailurePerSecDNS_RecursiveQueryFailurePerSecNULLProvides the average number of recursive query failures in each second.
DNS_RecursiveQueriesPerSecDNS_RecursiveQueriesPerSecNULLProvides the average number of recursive queries received by DNS server in each second.

Agent G2 - Fujitsu PRIMERGY Health - Windows


Monitor the following metrics for Fujitsu PRIMERGY Health on Windows servers: fujitsu_primergy_host_raidController_healthState, fujitsu_primergy_host_raidController_primaryStatus, fujitsu_primergy_diskDrive_healthState, fujitsu_primergy_diskDrive_primaryStatus, fujitsu_primergy_temperature_healthState, fujitsu_primergy_temperature_currentState, fujitsu_primergy_temperature_currentReading, fujitsu_primergy_voltage_healthState, fujitsu_primergy_voltage_currentState, fujitsu_primergy_voltage_currentReading, fujitsu_primergy_powerSupply_healthState, fujitsu_primergy_powerConsumptionSensor_healthState, fujitsu_primergy_powerConsumptionSensor_currentState, fujitsu_primergy_fan_healthState, fujitsu_primergy_fan_sensor_healthState, fujitsu_primergy_fan_sensor_currentState, fujitsu_primergy_fan_sensor_currentReading, fujitsu_primergy_managementController_healthState, fujitsu_primergy_processor_healthState, fujitsu_primergy_memory_healthState, fujitsu_primergy_cache_memory_healthState, fujitsu_primergy_physical_memory_healthState

Note: This template will be applicable only for the Agent version 14.0.0 or later.


This template will be applicable only for the Agent version 14.0.0 or later.

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Agent G2 - Fujitsu PRIMERGY Health - Windowsfujitsu_primergy_host_raidController_healthStatefujitsu_primergy_host_raidController_healthStatenullMonitors Fujitsu PGY Raid Controller Current Health State. The possible values are 0 to 30, where 5 means that the object is entirely healthy and 30 means that the object is completely non-functional.. Supported values: 0: Unknown, 10: Degraded / Warning - Warning; 15: Predictive Failure, 20: Major failure, 25: Critical failure, 30: Non-functional - Critical; 5: OK - Ok
fujitsu_primergy_host_raidController_primaryStatusfujitsu_primergy_host_raidController_primaryStatusnullMonitors Fujitsu PGY Host Raid Controller PrimaryStatus, high-level status value intended to align with Red-Yellow-Green type representation of status. Supported values: 0: Unknown, 2: Warning - Warning; 3: Error - Critical; 1: OK - Ok
fujitsu_primergy_diskDrive_primaryStatusfujitsu_primergy_diskDrive_primaryStatusnullMonitors Fujitsu PGY DiskDrive Primary Status, high-level status value intended to align with Red-Yellow-Green type representation of status. Supported values: 0: Unknown, 2: Warning - Warning; 3: Error - Critical; 1: OK - Ok
fujitsu_primergy_temperature_healthStatefujitsu_primergy_temperature_healthStatenullMonitors Fujitsu PGY Temperature HealthState.The possible values are 0 to 30, where 5 means that the object is entirely healthy and 30 means that the object is completely non-functional.. Supported values: 0: Unknown, 10: Degraded / Warning - Warning; 15: Predictive Failure, 20: Major failure, 25: Critical failure, 30: Non-functional - Critical; 5: OK - Ok
fujitsu_primergy_temperature_currentStatefujitsu_primergy_temperature_currentStatenullCurrent state indicated by the Sensor. Lower Critical, Upper Critical, Critical - Critical; Unknown, Upper Non-Critical, Non-Critical - Warning; Normal - Ok
fujitsu_primergy_temperature_currentReadingfujitsu_primergy_temperature_currentReadingCCurrent value indicated by the Sensor.
fujitsu_primergy_voltage_healthStatefujitsu_primergy_voltage_healthStatenullMonitors Fujitsu PGY Voltage HealthState.The possible values are 0 to 30, where 5 means that the object is entirely healthy and 30 means that the object is completely non-functional.. Supported values: 0: Unknown, 10: Degraded / Warning - Warning; 15: Predictive Failure, 20: Major failure, 25: Critical failure, 30: Non-functional - Critical; 5: OK - Ok
fujitsu_primergy_voltage_currentStatefujitsu_primergy_voltage_currentStatenullCurrent state indicated by the Sensor. Lower Critical, Upper Critical, Critical - Critical; Unknown, Upper Non-Critical, Non-Critical - Warning; Normal - Ok
fujitsu_primergy_voltage_currentReadingfujitsu_primergy_voltage_currentReadingvCurrent value indicated by the Sensor
fujitsu_primergy_powerSupply_healthStatefujitsu_primergy_powerSupply_healthStatenullMonitors Fujitsu PGY PowerSupply HealthState.The possible values are 0 to 30, where 5 means that the object is entirely healthy and 30 means that the object is completely non-functional.. Supported values: 0: Unknown, 10: Degraded / Warning - Warning; 15: Predictive Failure, 20: Major failure, 25: Critical failure, 30: Non-functional - Critical; 5: OK - Ok
fujitsu_primergy_powerConsumptionSensor_healthStatefujitsu_primergy_powerConsumptionSensor_healthStatenullMonitors Fujitsu PGY Consumption Sensor HealthState.The possible values are 0 to 30, where 5 means that the object is entirely healthy and 30 means that the object is completely non-functional.. Supported values: 0: Unknown, 10: Degraded / Warning - Warning; 15: Predictive Failure, 20: Major failure, 25: Critical failure, 30: Non-functional - Critical; 5: OK - Ok
fujitsu_primergy_powerConsumptionSensor_currentStatefujitsu_primergy_powerConsumptionSensor_currentStatenullCurrent state indicated by the Sensor. Lower Critical, Upper Critical, Critical - Critical; Unknown, Upper Non-Critical, Non-Critical - Warning; Normal - Ok
fujitsu_primergy_fan_healthStatefujitsu_primergy_fan_healthStatenullMonitors Fujitsu PGY Fan HealthState.The possible values are 0 to 30, where 5 means that the object is entirely healthy and 30 means that the object is completely non-functional.. Supported values: 0: Unknown, 10: Degraded / Warning - Warning; 15: Predictive Failure, 20: Major failure, 25: Critical failure, 30: Non-functional - Critical; 5: OK - Ok
fujitsu_primergy_fan_sensor_healthStatefujitsu_primergy_fan_sensor_healthStatenullMonitors Fujitsu PGY Fan Sensor HealthState.The possible values are 0 to 30, where 5 means that the object is entirely healthy and 30 means that the object is completely non-functional.. Supported values: 0: Unknown, 10: Degraded / Warning - Warning; 15: Predictive Failure, 20: Major failure, 25: Critical failure, 30: Non-functional - Critical; 5: OK - Ok
fujitsu_primergy_fan_sensor_currentStatefujitsu_primergy_fan_sensor_currentStatenullCurrent state indicated by the Sensor. Lower Critical, Upper Critical, Critical - Critical; Unknown, Upper Non-Critical, Non-Critical - Warning; Normal - Ok
fujitsu_primergy_fan_sensor_currentReadingfujitsu_primergy_fan_sensor_currentReadingrpmCurrent value indicated by the Sensor
fujitsu_primergy_managementController_healthStatefujitsu_primergy_managementController_healthStatenullMonitors Fujitsu PGY Management Controller HealthState.The possible values are 0 to 30, where 5 means that the object is entirely healthy and 30 means that the object is completely non-functional.. Supported values: 0: Unknown, 10: Degraded / Warning - Warning; 15: Predictive Failure, 20: Major failure, 25: Critical failure, 30: Non-functional - Critical; 5: OK - Ok
fujitsu_primergy_processor_healthStatefujitsu_primergy_processor_healthStatenullMonitors Fujitsu PGY Processor HealthState.The possible values are 0 to 30, where 5 means that the object is entirely healthy and 30 means that the object is completely non-functional.. Supported values: 0: Unknown, 10: Degraded / Warning - Warning; 15: Predictive Failure, 20: Major failure, 25: Critical failure, 30: Non-functional - Critical; 5: OK - Ok
fujitsu_primergy_memory_healthStatefujitsu_primergy_memory_healthStatenullMonitors Fujitsu PGY Memory HealthState.The possible values are 0 to 30, where 5 means that the object is entirely healthy and 30 means that the object is completely non-functional.. Supported values: 0: Unknown, 10: Degraded / Warning - Warning; 15: Predictive Failure, 20: Major failure, 25: Critical failure, 30: Non-functional - Critical; 5: OK - Ok
fujitsu_primergy_physical_memory_healthStatefujitsu_primergy_physical_memory_healthStatenullMonitors Fujitsu PGY Physical Memory HealthState.The possible values are 0 to 30, where 5 means that the object is entirely healthy and 30 means that the object is completely non-functional.. Supported values: 0: Unknown, 10: Degraded / Warning - Warning; 15: Predictive Failure, 20: Major failure, 25: Critical failure, 30: Non-functional - Critical; 5: OK - Ok

Agent G2 - Fujitsu PRIMERGY Health - Linux


Template for Linux environment to monitor Fujitsu PRIMERGY Health Monitoring metrics like: Fujitsu PGY Host Raid Controller HealthState, Fujitsu PGY Host Raid Controller PrimaryStatus, Fujitsu PGY DiskDrive HealthState, Fujitsu PGY DiskDrive PrimaryStatus, Fujitsu PGY Temperature HealthState, Fujitsu PGY Temperature CurrentState, Fujitsu PGY Temperature CurrentReading, Fujitsu PGY Voltage HealthState, Fujitsu PGY Voltage CurrentState, Fujitsu PGY Voltage CurrentReading, Fujitsu PGY PowerSupply HealthState, Fujitsu PGY Power Consumption Sensor HealthState, Fujitsu PGY Power Consumption Sensor CurrentState, Fujitsu PGY Fan HealthState, Fujitsu PGY Fan Sensor HealthState, Fujitsu PGY Fan Sensor CurrentState, Fujitsu PGY Fan Sensor CurrentReading, Fujitsu PGY Management Controller HealthState, Fujitsu PGY Processor HealthState, Fujitsu PGY Memory HealthState, Fujitsu PGY Cache Memory HealthState, Fujitsu PGY Physical Memory HealthState.



Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Agent G2 - Fujitsu PRIMERGY Health - Linuxfujitsu_pgy_management_controller_health_statePGY Management Controller Health StateNULLPGY Management Controller Health State
fujitsu_pgy_temperature_health_statePGY Temperature Health StateNULLPGY Temperature Health State
fujitsu_pgy_powerConsumption_sensor_health_statePGY Power Consumption Health StateNULLPGY Power Consumption Health State
fujitsu_pgy_voltage_health_statePGY Voltage Health StateNULLPGY Voltage Health State
fujitsu_pgy_diskdrive_health_statePGY Disk Drive Health StateNULLPGY Disk Drive Health State
fujitsu_pgy_temperature_current_statePGY Temperature Current StateNULLPGY Temperature Current State
fujitsu_pgy_fan_sensor_health_statePGY Fan Sensor Health StateNULLPGY Fan Sensor Health State
fujitsu_pgy_powersupply_health_statePGY Power Supply Health StateNULLPGY Power Supply Health State
fujitsu_pgy_cache_memory_health_statePGY Cache Memory Health StateNULLPGY Cache Memory Health State
fujitsu_pgy_diskdrive_primary_statusPGY Disk Drive Primary StatusNULLPGY Disk Drive Primary Status
fujitsu_pgy_voltage_current_valuePGY Voltage Current ValuevPGY Voltage Current Value
fujitsu_pgy_memory_health_statePGY Memory Health StateNULLPGY Memory Health State
fujitsu_pgy_fan_sensor_current_statePGY Fan Sensor Current StateNULLPGY Fan Sensor Current State
fujitsu_pgy_voltage_current_statePGY Voltage Current StateNULLPGY Voltage Current State
fujitsu_pgy_temperature_valuePGY Temperature ValueNULLPGY Temperature Value
fujitsu_pgy_fan_sensor_current_valuePGY Fan Sensor Current ValuerpmPGY Fan Sensor Current Value
fujitsu_pgy_powerConsumption_sensor_current_statePGY Power Consumption Current StateNULLPGY Power Consumption Current State
fujitsu_pgy_physical_memory_health_statePGY Physical Memory Health StateNULLPGY Physical Memory Health State
fujitsu_pgy_host_raidcontroller_health_statePGY Host Raid Controller Health StateNULLPGY Host Raid Controller Health State
fujitsu_pgy_host_raidcontroller_primary_statusPGY Host Raid Controller Primary StatusNULLPGY Host Raid Controller Primary Status
fujitsu_pgy_fan_health_statePGY Fan Health StateNULLPGY Fan Health State
fujitsu_pgy_processor_health_statePGY Processor Health StateNULLPGY Processor Health State

Agent G2 - Fujitsu PRIMERGY Health - Windows - DotNet v4

This template will be deprecated soon.


Template for Windows environment (for .NET v4 or later) to monitor Fujitsu PRIMERGY Health Monitoring metrics like: Fujitsu PGY Host Raid Controller HealthState, Fujitsu PGY Host Raid Controller PrimaryStatus, Fujitsu PGY DiskDrive HealthState, Fujitsu PGY DiskDrive PrimaryStatus, Fujitsu PGY Temperature HealthState, Fujitsu PGY Temperature CurrentState, Fujitsu PGY Temperature CurrentReading, Fujitsu PGY Voltage HealthState, Fujitsu PGY Voltage CurrentState, Fujitsu PGY Voltage CurrentReading, Fujitsu PGY PowerSupply HealthState, Fujitsu PGY Power Consumption Sensor HealthState, Fujitsu PGY Power Consumption Sensor CurrentState, Fujitsu PGY Fan HealthState, Fujitsu PGY Fan Sensor HealthState, Fujitsu PGY Fan Sensor CurrentState, Fujitsu PGY Fan Sensor CurrentReading, Fujitsu PGY Management Controller HealthState, Fujitsu PGY Processor HealthState, Fujitsu PGY Memory HealthState, Fujitsu PGY Cache Memory HealthState, Fujitsu PGY Physical Memory HealthState.



Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Agent G2 - Fujitsu PRIMERGY Health - Windows - DotNet v4fujitsu.pgy.temperature.currentreadingFujitsu PGY Temperature CurrentReadingNULLCurrent value indicated by the Sensor
fujitsu.pgy.voltage.currentreadingFujitsu PGY Voltage CurrentReadingNULLCurrent value indicated by the Sensor PGY Fan Sensor CurrentReadingNULLCurrent value indicated by the Sensor

Agent G2 - HyperV processorratio


HyperV processorratio monitor Template



Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Agent G2 - HyperV processorratioHyperv_VirtualtoLogicalProcessorRatioHyperv_VirtualtoLogicalProcessorRatioNULLShows the count ratio of HyperV Virtual and Logical Processors.

Agent G2 - K8s ApiServer Requests Advanced Metrics


Monitors Apiserver Request Total and Apiserver Request Duration Seconds Bucket (verb = get, put, post) Metrics.



Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Agent G2 - K8s ApiServer Requests Advanced apiserver Post Requests Duration SecondsSecondsTime taken for POST API responses.
apiserver.get.requests.duration.secondsKube apiserver Get Requests Duration SecondsSecondsTime taken for GET API responses. apiserver Requests Success RatePercentagePercentage of success API requests.
apiserver.put.requests.duration.secondsKube apiserver Put Requests Duration SecondsSecondsTime taken for PUT API responses.

Agent G2 - Kubernetes Pods Monitor


Monitors pods of different kinds of kubernetes like Deployment, Daemonset, Replicasets and Statefulsets



Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Agent G2 - k8spodsmonitorkubernetes_statefulset_pods_running_percentageStatefulSet Pods Running PercentagePercentagePercentage of pods running by desired pods of Statefulset.
kubernetes_daemonset_pods_running_percentageDaemonset Pods Running PercentagePercentagePercentage of pods running by desired pods of Daemonset.
kubernetes_deployment_pods_running_percentageDeployment Pods Running PercentagePercentagePercentage of pods running by desired pods of Deployment.
kubernetes_daemonset_pods_runningDaemonset Pods RunningCountThe number of nodes that should be running the daemon pod and have one or more of the daemon pod running and ready.
kubernetes_statefulset_pods_running_percentageStatefulSet Pods Running PercentagePercentagePercentage of pods running by desired pods of Statefulset.
kubernetes_daemonset_pods_desiredDaemonset Pods DesiredCountThe number of nodes that should be running the daemon pod.
kubernetes_statefulset_pods_desiredStatefulSet Pods DesiredCountNumber of desired pods for a StatefulSet.
kubernetes_deployment_pods_runningDeployment Pods RunningCountThe number of ready replicas per deployment.
kubernetes_replicaset_pods_desiredReplicaset Pods DesiredCountNumber of desired pods for a ReplicaSet.
kubernetes_statefulset_pods_desiredStatefulSet Pods DesiredCountNumber of desired pods for a StatefulSet.
kubernetes_deployment_pods_running_percentageDeployment Pods Running PercentagePercentagePercentage of pods running by desired pods of Deployment.
kubernetes_deployment_pods_runningDeployment Pods RunningCountThe number of ready replicas per deployment.
kubernetes_statefulset_pods_runningStatefulSet Pods RunningCountThe number of ready replicas per StatefulSet.
kubernetes_daemonset_pods_desiredDaemonset Pods DesiredCountThe number of nodes that should be running the daemon pod.
kubernetes_replicaset_pods_runningReplicaset Pods RunningCountThe number of ready replicas per ReplicaSet.
kubernetes_deployment_pods_desiredDeployment Pods DesiredCountNumber of desired pods for a deployment.
kubernetes_replicaset_pods_desiredReplicaset Pods DesiredCountNumber of desired pods for a ReplicaSet.
kubernetes_daemonset_pods_runningDaemonset Pods RunningCountThe number of nodes that should be running the daemon pod and have one or more of the daemon pod running and ready.
kubernetes_deployment_pods_desiredDeployment Pods DesiredCountNumber of desired pods for a deployment.
kubernetes_replicaset_pods_runningReplicaset Pods RunningCountThe number of ready replicas per ReplicaSet.
kubernetes_replicaset_pods_running_percentageReplicaset Pods Running PercentagePercentagePercentage of pods running by desired pods of Replicaset
kubernetes_replicaset_pods_running_percentageReplicaset Pods Running PercentagePercentagePercentage of pods running by desired pods of Replicaset.
kubernetes_daemonset_pods_running_percentageDaemonset Pods Running PercentagePercentagePercentage of pods running by desired pods of Daemonset.
kubernetes_statefulset_pods_runningStatefulSet Pods RunningCountThe number of ready replicas per StatefulSet.

Agent G2 - Linux - ActiveMQ Monitors


Monitors ActiveMQ application metrics



Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Agent G2 - Linux - ActiveMQ percent of memory limit used. space used by the store for temporary messages. space used by the Message Store.
activemq.jvm.gc.collection_countActiveMQ-JVM.GC.collection_countNULLNumber of garbage objects collected
activemq.queue.consumer_countActiveMQ-ConsumerCountNULLNumber of consumers subscribed to this destination
activemq.queue.inflight_countActiveMQ-InFlightCountNULLNumber of messages sent to a destination and have not received an acknowledgement.
activemq.queue.producer_countActiveMQ-ProducerCountNULLNumber of producers
activemq.queue.enqueue_countActiveMQ-EnqueueCountNULLNumber of messages that have been sent to the destination since the last restart.
activemq.queue.dequeue_countActiveMQ-DequeueCountNULLNumber of messages that have been acknowledged (and removed) from the destination since last restart.
activemq.queue.sizeActiveMQ-QueueSizeNULLThe number of messages that currently reside in the queue. Potentially dispatched but unacknowledged.
activemq.jvm.threadsActiveMQ-JVM.ThreadsNULLNumber of threads.
activemq.jvm.uptimeActiveMQ-UptimeNULLUptime of the server
activemq.jvm.mem.non_heap_committedActiveMQ-JVM.Mem.non_heap_committedNULLNon-heap memory committed (in MB) for the server of Open file descriptors of the server
activemq.jvm.mem.heap_usedActiveMQ-JVM.Mem.heap_usedNULLHeap memory usage (in MB) of the server
activemq.queue.avg_enqueuetimeActiveMQ-AverageEnqueueTimeNULLOn average, the amount of time (ms) that messages remained enqueued. Or average time it is taking the consumers to successfully process messages.
activemq.queue.memory.prctActiveMQ-QueueMemoryPercentUsageNULLThe percentage of the memory limit used by queues.
activemq.jvm.mem.non_heap_usedActiveMQ-JVM.Mem.non_heap_usedNULLNon-heap memory usage (in MB) of the server
activemq.queue.dispatch_countActiveMQ-DispatchCountNULLNumber of messages that have been dispatched (Dequeue + Inflight).
activemq.queue.expired_countActiveMQ-ExpiredCountNULLNumber of messages that were expired.
activemq.jvm.gc.collection_timeActiveMQ-JVM.GC.collection_timeNULLTime taken for collection of the garbage objects.
activemq.queue.max_enqueuetimeActiveMQ-MaxEnqueueTimeNULLThe maximum amount of time that messages remained enqueued.
activemq.jvm.mem.heap_committedActiveMQ-JVM.Mem.heap_committedNULLHeap memory committed (in MB) for the server

Agent G2 - Linux - ActiveMQ Performance Check


Monitors ActiveMQ application metrics uses MBeans exposed via the JMX console. Please refer to OpsRamp documentation on how to enable JMX on your application.



Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Agent G2 - Linux - ActiveMQ Performance percent of memory limit used. space used by the store for temporary messages. space used by the Message Store.
activemq.jvm.gc.collection_countActiveMQ-JVM.GC.collection_countNULLNumber of garbage objects collected
activemq.queue.consumer_countActiveMQ-ConsumerCountNULLNumber of consumers subscribed to this destination
activemq.queue.inflight_countActiveMQ-InFlightCountNULLNumber of messages sent to a destination and have not received an acknowledgement.
activemq.queue.producer_countActiveMQ-ProducerCountNULLNumber of producers
activemq.queue.enqueue_countActiveMQ-EnqueueCountNULLNumber of messages that have been sent to the destination since the last restart.
activemq.queue.dequeue_countActiveMQ-DequeueCountNULLNumber of messages that have been acknowledged (and removed) from the destination since last restart.
activemq.queue.sizeActiveMQ-QueueSizeNULLThe number of messages that currently reside in the queue. Potentially dispatched but unacknowledged.
activemq.jvm.threadsActiveMQ-JVM.ThreadsNULLNumber of threads.
activemq.jvm.uptimeActiveMQ-UptimeNULLUptime of the server
activemq.jvm.mem.non_heap_committedActiveMQ-JVM.Mem.non_heap_committedNULLNon-heap memory committed (in MB) for the server of Open file descriptors of the server
activemq.jvm.mem.heap_usedActiveMQ-JVM.Mem.heap_usedNULLHeap memory usage (in MB) of the server
activemq.queue.avg_enqueuetimeActiveMQ-AverageEnqueueTimeNULLOn average, the amount of time (ms) that messages remained enqueued. Or average time it is taking the consumers to successfully process messages.
activemq.queue.memory.prctActiveMQ-QueueMemoryPercentUsageNULLThe percentage of the memory limit used by queues.
activemq.jvm.mem.non_heap_usedActiveMQ-JVM.Mem.non_heap_usedNULLNon-heap memory usage (in MB) of the server
activemq.queue.dispatch_countActiveMQ-DispatchCountNULLNumber of messages that have been dispatched (Dequeue + Inflight).
activemq.queue.expired_countActiveMQ-ExpiredCountNULLNumber of messages that were expired.
activemq.jvm.gc.collection_timeActiveMQ-JVM.GC.collection_timeNULLTime taken for collection of the garbage objects.
activemq.queue.max_enqueuetimeActiveMQ-MaxEnqueueTimeNULLThe maximum amount of time that messages remained enqueued.
activemq.jvm.mem.heap_committedActiveMQ-JVM.Mem.heap_committedNULLHeap memory committed (in MB) for the server

Agent G2 - Linux - Apache CouchDB Monitors


Monitors CouchDB application metrics using the CouchDB’s API which is normally accessible via



Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Agent G2 - Linux - Apache CouchDB Monitorscouchdb.httpd_status_codes.412CouchDB-Httpd412StatusNULLNumber of HTTP 412 Precondition Failed responses
couchdb.httpd_status_codes.404CouchDB-Httpd404StatusNULLNumber of HTTP 404 Not Found responses
couchdb.httpd.temporary_view_readsCouchDB-HttpTemporaryViewReadsNULLNumber of temporary view reads
couchdb.request_timeCouchDB-RequestTimemsLength of a request inside CouchDB without MochiWeb
couchdb.httpd_status_codes.202CouchDB-Httpd202StatusNullNumber of HTTP 202 Accepted responses
couchdb.disk_sizeCouchDB-DiskSizeNULLTotal size Disk for all dbs
couchdb.database_readsCouchDB-DatabaseReadsNULLNumber of times a document was read from a database
couchdb.databases_openCouchDB-OpenDatabasesNULLNumber of open databases
couchdb.httpd_request_methods_deleteCouchDB-DELETERequestsNULLNumber of HTTP DELETE requests
couchdb.httpd_status_codes.403CouchDB-Httpd403StatusNULLNumber of HTTP 403 Forbidden responses
couchdb.httpd_status_codes.201CouchDB-Httpd201StatusNULLNumber of HTTP 201 Created responses
couchdb.httpd.clients_requesting_changesCouchDB-HttpClientsRequestingChangesNULLNumber of clients for continuous _changes
couchdb.database_writesCouchDB-DatabaseWritesNULLNumber of times a database was changed
couchdb.open_fdsCouchDB-OpenFDsNULLNumber of file descriptors CouchDB has open
couchdb.httpd_status_codes.405CouchDB-Httpd405StatusNULLNumber of HTTP 405 Method Not Allowed responses
couchdb.httpd_request_methods_headCouchDB-HEADRequestsNULLNumber of HTTP HEAD requests
couchdb.httpd.requestsCouchDB-HttpRequestsNULLNumber of HTTP requests
couchdb.httpd_status_codes.301CouchDB-Httpd301StatusNULLNumber of HTTP 301 Moved Permanently responses
couchdb.httpd_request_method_postCouchDB-POSTRequestsNULLNumber of HTTP POST requests
couchdb.cache_hitsCouchDB-CacheHitsNULLNumber of authentication cache hits
couchdb.httpd_request_methods_getCouchDB-GETRequestsNULLNumber of HTTP GET requests
couchdb.httpd_status_codes.400CouchDB-Httpd400StatusNULLNumber of HTTP 400 Bad Request responses
couchdb.httpd.bulk_requestsCouchDB-HttpBulkRequestsNULLNumber of bulk requests
couchdb.doc_countCouchDB-DocCountNULLNumber doc's in all dbs
couchdb.cache_missesCouchDB-CacheMissesNULLNumber of authentication cache misses
couchdb.httpd_status_codes.304CouchDB-Httpd304StatusNULLNumber of HTTP 304 Not Modified responses
couchdb.httpd.view_readsCouchDB-HttpViewReadsNULLNumber of view reads
couchdb.httpd_status_codes.401CouchDB-Httpd401StatusNULLNumber of HTTP 401 Unauthorized responses
couchdb.httpd_status_codes.200CouchDB-Httpd200StatusNULLNumber of HTTP 200 OK responses
couchdb.httpd_status_codes.409CouchDB-Httpd409StatusNULLNumber of HTTP 409 Conflict responses
couchdb.httpd_request_methods_putCouchDB-PUTRequestsNULLNumber of HTTP PUT requests
couchdb.httpd_request_methods_copyCouchDB-COPYRequestsNULLNumber of HTTP COPY requests
couchdb.httpd_status_codes.500CouchDB-Httpd500StatusNULLNumber of HTTP 500 Internal Server Error responses

Agent G2 - Linux - Apache Httpd Monitors


Monitoring Template for Apache application. Monitors Apache busy workers, bytes per request, bytes per second, etc.



Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Agent G2 - Linux - Apache Httpd Monitorsapache.performance.idle_workersApache-IdleWorkersNULLProvides the number of idle workers the number of requests made per second the number of bytes transferred per second the number of bytes transferred per request
apache.performance.cpu_loadApache-CPULoadNULLProvides the CPU Load of the apache service
apache.performance.scoreboardApache-ScoreBoardNULLProvides the scoreboard metrics
apache.performance.uptimeApache-UptimeNULLChecks the uptime apache service the number of total kbytes
apache.performance.total_accessesApache-TotalAccessesNULLProvides the total number of accesses made.
apache.performance.open_slotsApache-OpenSlotsNULLProvides the number of open slots
apache.performance.busy_workersApache-BusyWorkersNULLProvides the number of busy workers

Agent G2 - Linux - Apache Pulsar Bookkeeper Monitoring


Monitors Apache Pulsar Bookkeeper metrics for components like Server, Journal and Storage metrics



Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Agent G2 - Pulsar Bookkeeper Monitorpulsar_bookie_server_statusPulsar Bookie Server StatusNULLThe server status for bookie server. 1: the bookie is running in writable mode.0: the bookie is running in readonly mode.
pulsar_bookie_ledgers_countPulsar Bookie Ledgers CountNULLThe total number of ledgers stored in the bookie.
pulsar_bookie_write_cache_sizePulsar Bookie Write Cache SizebytesThe bookie write cache size.
pulsar_bookie_journal_journal_sync_countPulsar Bookie Journal Journal Sync CountNULLThe total number of journal fsync operations happening at the bookie. The success label is used to distinguish successes and failures.
pulsar_bookie_journal_journal_cb_queue_sizePulsar Bookie Journal Journal Cb Queue SizeNULLThe total number of callbacks pending in the callback queue.
pulsar_bookie_entries_countPulsar Bookie Entries CountNULLThe total number of entries stored in the bookie.
pulsar_bookie_journal_journal_force_write_queue_sizePulsar Bookie Journal Journal Force Write Queue SizeNULLThe total number of force write (fsync) requests pending in the force-write queue.
pulsar_bookie_flushPulsar Bookie FlushNULLThe table flush latency of bookie memory.
pulsar_bookie_read_bytes_countPulsar Bookie Read Bytes CountbytesThe total number of bytes read from the bookie.
pulsar_bookie_write_bytes_countPulsar Bookie Write Bytes CountbytesThe total number of bytes written to the bookie.
pulsar_bookie_throttled_write_requests_countPulsar Bookie Throttled Write Requests CountNULLThe number of write requests to be throttled.
pulsar_bookie_ledger_writable_dirsPulsar Bookie Ledger Writable DirsNULLThe number of writable directories in the bookie.
pulsar_bookie_journal_journal_queue_sizePulsar Bookie Journal Journal Queue SizeNULLThe total number of requests pending in the journal queue.
pulsar_bookie_read_cache_sizePulsar Bookie Read Cache SizebytesThe bookie read cache size.
pulsar_bookkeeper_server_add_entry_countPulsar Bookkeeper Server Add Entry CountNULLThe total number of ADD_ENTRY requests received at the bookie. The success label is used to distinguish successes and failures.
pulsar_bookkeeper_server_read_entry_countPulsar Bookkeeper Server Read Entry CountNULLThe total number of READ_ENTRY requests received at the bookie. The success label is used to distinguish successes and failures.
pulsar_bookie_deleted_ledger_countPulsar Bookie Deleted Ledger CountNULLThe total number of ledgers deleted since the bookie has started.

Agent G2 - Linux - Apache Pulsar Broker Monitoring


Monitors Apache Pulsar Broker metrics for components like Namespace, Topic, Lookup, Connection and Jetty.



Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Agent G2 - Pulsar Broker Monitorpulsar_ml_cache_pool_usedPulsar Ml Cache Pool UsedNULLThe total used memory of chunk lists in direct arena.
pulsar_broker_lookup_sumPulsar Broker Lookup SumNULLTotal latency of all lookup operations.
pulsar_connection_created_total_countPulsar Connection Created Total CountNULLThe total number of connections.
pulsar_broker_lookup_failures_countPulsar Broker Lookup Failures CountNULLThe number of lookup failures.
pulsar_ml_cache_pool_allocatedPulsar Ml Cache Pool AllocatedNULLThe total allocated memory of chunk lists in direct arena.
pulsar_ml_cache_pool_active_allocations_normalPulsar Ml Cache Pool Active Allocations NormalNULLThe number of currently active normal allocations in direct arena.
pulsar_broker_lookup_answers_countPulsar Broker Lookup Answers CountNULLThe number of lookup responses (i.e. not redirected requests).
pulsar_storage_write_ratePulsar Storage Write RateNULLThe total message batches (entries) written to the storage for this namespace (message batches / second).
pulsar_jetty_async_requests_waiting_maxPulsar Jetty Async Requests Waiting MaxNULLMaximum number of waiting async requests.
pulsar_jetty_dispatched_activePulsar Jetty Dispatched ActiveNULLNumber of dispatches currently active.
pulsar_jetty_requests_activePulsar Jetty Requests ActiveNULLNumber of requests currently active.
pulsar_connection_create_fail_countPulsar Connection Create Fail CountNULLThe number of failed connections.
pulsar_jetty_dispatched_active_maxPulsar Jetty Dispatched Active MaxNULLMaximum number of active dispatches being handled.
pulsar_ml_cache_pool_active_allocationsPulsar Ml Cache Pool Active AllocationsNULLThe number of currently active allocations in direct arena.
pulsar_throughput_outPulsar Throughput OutNULLThe total throughput of the namespace going out from this broker (bytes/second).
pulsar_broker_throttled_connectionsPulsar Broker Throttled ConnectionsNULLThe number of throttled connections.
pulsar_ml_countPulsar Ml CountNULLThe number of currently opened managed ledgers.
pulsar_ml_cache_misses_throughputPulsar Ml Cache Misses ThroughputNULLThe amount of data is not retrieved from the cache on the broker side (in byte/s).
pulsar_ml_cache_pool_active_allocations_hugePulsar Ml Cache Pool Active Allocations HugeNULLThe number of currently active huge allocation in direct arena.
pulsar_rate_inPulsar Rate InNULLThe total message rate of the namespace coming into this broker (messages/second).
pulsar_throughput_inPulsar Throughput InNULLThe total throughput of the namespace coming into this broker (bytes/second).
pulsar_active_connectionsPulsar Active ConnectionsNULLThe number of active connections.
pulsar_storage_logical_sizePulsar Storage Logical SizebytesThe storage size of topics in the namespace owned by the broker without replicas.
pulsar_ml_cache_pool_active_allocations_smallPulsar Ml Cache Pool Active Allocations SmallNULLThe number of currently active small allocations in direct arena.
pulsar_broker_lookup_pending_requestsPulsar Broker Lookup Pending RequestsNULLThe number of pending lookups in broker. When it is up to the threshold, new requests are rejected.
pulsar_jetty_requests_active_maxPulsar Jetty Requests Active MaxNULLMaximum number of requests that have been active at once.
pulsar_subscriptions_countPulsar Subscriptions CountNULLThe number of Pulsar subscriptions of the namespace served by this broker.
pulsar_producers_countPulsar Producers CountNULLThe number of active producers of the namespace connected to this broker.
pulsar_jetty_stats_secondsPulsar Jetty Stats SecondssecondsTime in seconds stats have been collected for.
pulsar_ml_cache_hits_throughputPulsar Ml Cache Hits ThroughputNULLThe amount of data is retrieved from the cache on the broker side (in byte/s).
pulsar_ml_cache_hits_ratePulsar Ml Cache Hits RateNULLThe number of cache hits per second on the broker side.
pulsar_ml_cache_used_sizePulsar Ml Cache Used SizeNULLThe size in byte used to store the entries payloads.
pulsar_broker_throttled_connections_global_limitPulsar Broker Throttled Connections Global LimitNULLThe number of throttled connections because of per-connection limit.
pulsar_consumers_countPulsar Consumers CountNULLThe number of active consumers of the namespace connected to this broker.
pulsar_ml_cache_misses_ratePulsar Ml Cache Misses RateNULLThe number of cache misses per second on the broker side.
pulsar_broker_lookup_countPulsar Broker Lookup CountNULLNumber of samples of the latency of all lookup operations.
pulsar_broker_lookup_redirects_countPulsar Broker Lookup Redirects CountNULLThe number of lookup redirected requests.
pulsar_connection_create_success_countPulsar Connection Create Success CountNULLThe number of successfully created connections.
pulsar_jetty_async_requests_waitingPulsar Jetty Async Requests WaitingNULLCurrently waiting async requests.
pulsar_storage_read_ratePulsar Storage Read RateNULLThe total message batches (entries) read from the storage for this namespace (message batches / second).
pulsar_jetty_request_time_max_secondsPulsar Jetty Request Time Max SecondssecondsMaximum time spent handling requests.
pulsar_topics_countPulsar Topics CountNULLThe number of Pulsar topics of the namespace owned by this broker.
pulsar_connection_closed_total_countPulsar Connection Closed Total CountNULLThe total number of closed connections.
pulsar_broker_topic_load_pending_requestsPulsar Broker Topic Load Pending RequestsNULLThe load of pending topic operations.
pulsar_rate_outPulsar Rate OutNULLThe total message rate of the namespace going out from this broker (messages/second).
pulsar_jetty_dispatched_time_maxPulsar Jetty Dispatched Time MaxsecondsMaximum time spent in dispatch handling.
pulsar_storage_sizePulsar Storage SizebytesThe total storage size of the topics in this namespace owned by this broker.
pulsar_ml_cache_evictionsPulsar Ml Cache EvictionsNULLThe number of cache evictions during the last minute.

Agent G2 - Linux - Apache Spark Monitors


Monitors spark metrics



Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Agent G2 - Linux - Apache Spark Monitorsspark.coresSpark CoresNULLThe number of CPUs available for all workers
spark.memorySpark MemoryNULLCalculates the total memory available on spark master
spark.workersSpark WorkersNULLThe number of workers connected to the master
spark.applications.activeSpark Applications ActiveNULLThe number of applications waiting or running
spark.memory.usedSpark Memory UsedNULLCalculates the memory used by the applications on spark master
spark.drivers.activeSpark Drivers ActiveNULLThe number of drivers available
spark.applications.completedSpark Applications CompletedNULLThe number of application completed
spark.cores.usedSpark Cores UsedNULLThe number of CPUs used for all applications

Agent G2 - Linux - Apache Spark Performance Check


Monitors Spark metrics using Spark REST API



Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Agent G2 - Linux - Apache Spark Performance Checkspark.coresSpark CoresNULLThe number of CPUs available for all workers
spark.memory.usedSpark Memory UsedNULLCalculates the memory used by the applications on spark master
spark.cores.usedSpark Cores UsedNULLThe number of CPUs used for all applications
spark.memorySpark MemoryNULLCalculates the total memory available on spark master
spark.drivers.activeSpark Drivers ActiveNULLThe number of drivers available
spark.applications.completedSpark Applications CompletedNULLThe number of application completed
spark.applications.activeSpark Applications ActiveNULLThe number of applications waiting or running
spark.workersSpark WorkersNULLThe number of workers connected to the master

Agent G2 - Linux - Apache Status Check - Agent


Checks the server-status page and monitors metrics from that page.



Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Agent G2 - Linux - Apache Status Check - the number of bytes transferred per request
apache.performance.idle_workersApache-IdleWorkersNULLProvides the number of idle workers
apache.performance.cpu_loadApache-CPULoadNULLProvides the CPU Load of the apache service
apache.performance.uptimeApache-UptimeNULLChecks the uptime apache service the number of bytes transferred per second
apache.performance.open_slotsApache-OpenSlotsNULLProvides the number of open slots the number of total kbytes
apache.performance.total_accessesApache-TotalAccessesNULLProvides the total number of accesses made the number of requests made per second
apache.performance.busy_workersApache-BusyWorkersNULLProvides the number of busy workers
apache.performance.scoreboardApache-ScoreBoardNULLProvides the scoreboard metrics

Agent G2 - Linux - Apache Tomcat Monitors


Monitors tomcat application metrics



Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Agent G2 - Linux - Apache Tomcat Monitorstomcat.req.processor.error_countTomcat-ReqProcessorErrorCountNULLErrors per second on all the request processors running on the Apache Tomcat
tomcat.active_sessions.countTomcat-ActiveSessionsNULLNumber of active sessions to the server
tomcat.jvm.mem.non_heap_committedTomcat-JVM.Mem.non_heap_committedNULLNon-heap memory committed (in MB) for the server
tomcat.req.processor.processing_timeTomcat-ReqProcessorProcessingTimeNULLThe amount of processing time taken per second
tomcat.servlet.error_countTomcat-ServletErrorCountNULLNumber of erroneous requests received by the servlet per second
tomcat.jvm.uptimeTomcat-UptimeNULLUptime of the server
tomcat.jvm.mem.heap_usedTomcat-JVM.Mem.heap_usedNULLHeap memory usage (in MB) of the server
tomcat.cache.hits_countTomcat-CacheHitsCountNULLNumber of times the cache was hit per second
tomcat.cache.access_countTomcat-CacheAccessCountNULLNumber of times the cache was accessed per second
tomcat.servlet.request_countTomcat-ServletRequestCountNULLNumber of requests served by the servlet per second
tomcat.jvm.gc.collection_timeTomcat-JVM.GC.collection_timeNULLTime taken for collection of the garbage objects
tomcat.servlet.processing_timeTomcat-ServletProcessingTimeNULLThe amount of processing time taken per second
tomcat.jvm.mem.heap_committedTomcat-JVM.Mem.heap_committedNULLHeap memory committed (in MB) for the server
tomcat.threads.busyTomcat-ThreadsBusyNULLNumber of busy threads
tomcat.jvm.mem.non_heap_usedTomcat-JVM.Mem.non_heap_usedNULLNon-heap memory usage (in MB) of the server
tomcat.req.processor.request_countTomcat-ReqProcessorRequestCountNULLRequests per second on all the request processors running on the Apache Tomcat
tomcat.threads.countTomcat-ThreadCountNULLNumber of threads created
tomcat.jvm.threads.countTomcat-JVM.ThreadsNULLNumber of threads
tomcat.jvm.gc.collection_countTomcat-JVM.GC.collection_countNULLNumber of garbage objects collected
tomcat.jvm.open_fds_countTomcat-JVM.OpenFDsNULLNumber of Open file descriptors of the server
tomcat.req.processor.mbytes_sentTomcat-ReqProcessorDataSentNULLMBytes sent per second by all the request processors running on the Apache Tomcat
tomcat.req.processor.mbytes_receivedTomcat-ReqProcessorDataReceivedNULLMBytes received per second by all the request processors running on the Apache Tomcat
tomcat.jsp.reload_countTomcat-JspReloadCountNULLNumber of times JSPs were reloaded on all the applications per second
tomcat.jsp.countTomcat-JspCountNULLNumber of times JSPs were accessed on all the applications per second

Agent G2 - Linux - Apache Tomcat Performance Check


Monitors tomcat application metrics. This monitor uses MBeans exposed via the JMX console. Please refer to Visatar documentation on how to enable JMX on your application.



Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Agent G2 - Linux - Apache Tomcat Performance Checktomcat.req.processor.error_countTomcat-ReqProcessorErrorCountNULLErrors per second on all the request processors running on the Apache Tomcat
tomcat.cache.hits_countTomcat-CacheHitsCountNULLNumber of times the cache was hit per second
tomcat.jvm.gc.collection_timeTomcat-JVM.GC.collection_timeNULLTime taken for collection of the garbage objects
tomcat.jvm.uptimeTomcat-UptimeNULLUptime of the server
tomcat.jvm.mem.heap_committedTomcat-JVM.Mem.heap_committedNULLHeap memory committed (in MB) for the server
tomcat.req.processor.request_countTomcat-ReqProcessorRequestCountNULLRequests per second on all the request processors running on the Apache Tomcat
tomcat.jsp.reload_countTomcat-JspReloadCountNULLNumber of times JSPs were reloaded on all the applications per second
tomcat.req.processor.mbytes_sentTomcat-ReqProcessorDataSentNULLMBytes sent per second by all the request processors running on the Apache Tomcat
tomcat.jvm.open_fds_countTomcat-JVM.OpenFDsNULLNumber of Open file descriptors of the server
tomcat.jvm.mem.non_heap_usedTomcat-JVM.Mem.non_heap_usedNULLNon-heap memory usage (in MB) of the server
tomcat.jvm.mem.non_heap_committedTomcat-JVM.Mem.non_heap_committedNULLNon-heap memory committed (in MB) for the server
tomcat.cache.access_countTomcat-CacheAccessCountNULLNumber of times the cache was accessed per second
tomcat.jsp.countTomcat-JspCountNULLNumber of times JSPs were accessed on all the applications per second
tomcat.servlet.request_countTomcat-ServletRequestCountNULLNumber of requests served by the servlet per second
tomcat.jvm.mem.heap_usedTomcat-JVM.Mem.heap_usedNULLHeap memory usage (in MB) of the server
tomcat.servlet.processing_timeTomcat-ServletProcessingTimeNULLThe amount of processing time taken per second
tomcat.threads.countTomcat-ThreadCountNULLNumber of threads created
tomcat.req.processor.processing_timeTomcat-ReqProcessorProcessingTimeNULLThe amount of processing time taken per second
tomcat.req.processor.mbytes_receivedTomcat-ReqProcessorDataReceivedNULLMBytes received per second by all the request processors running on the Apache Tomcat
tomcat.jvm.threads.countTomcat-JVM.ThreadsNULLNumber of threads
tomcat.jvm.gc.collection_countTomcat-JVM.GC.collection_countNULLNumber of garbage objects collected
tomcat.threads.busyTomcat-ThreadsBusyNULLNumber of busy threads
tomcat.active_sessions.countTomcat-ActiveSessionsNULLNumber of active sessions to the server
tomcat.servlet.error_countTomcat-ServletErrorCountNULLNumber of erroneous requests received by the servlet per second

Agent G2 - Linux - Apache ZooKeeper Monitors


Monitors zoo keeper metrics



Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Agent G2 - Linux - Apache ZooKeeper Monitorszookeeper.packets_receivedZooKeeper Total Packets ReceivedNULLThe number of packets received
zookeeper.connectionsZooKeeper Total ConnectionsNULLThe total count of client connections
zookeeper.nodesZooKeeper Total Node CountNULLThe number of znodes in the ZooKeeper namespace
zookeeper.packets_sentZooKeeper Total Packets sentNULLThe number of packets sent
zookeeper.node.countZooKeeper Total Node CountNULLCounts the number of zookeeper nodes
zookeeper.outstanding_requestsZooKeeper OutStanding RequestsNULLThe number of queued requests when the server is under load and is receiving more sustained requests than it can process
zookeeper.latency.maxZooKeeper Max Request LatencyNULLThe amount of time it takes for the server to respond to a client request
zookeeper.latency.minZooKeeper Min Request LatencyNULLThe amount of time it takes for the server to respond to a client request
zookeeper.zxid.countZooKeeper Zxid CountNULLZxid Count
zookeeper.max.client.cnxns.perhostZooKeeper Max client connections perhostNULLCounts the number of max client connections perhost on the zookeeper server
zookeeper.zxid.epochZooKeeper Zxid EpochNULLZxid Epoch
zookeeper.latency.avgZooKeeper Average Request LatencyNULLThe amount of time it takes for the server to respond to a client request
zookeeper.packets.sentZooKeeper Total Packets sentNULLCalculates the number of packets sent from the server
zookeeper.bytes_receivedZooKeeper Total Bytes ReceivedNULLThe number of bytes received
zookeeper.outstanding.requestsZooKeeper Out Standing RequestsNULLCounts the number of outstanding client requests on the zookeeper server
zookeeper.packets.receivedZooKeeper Total Packets ReceivedNULLCalculates the number of packets received from the server
zookeeper.bytes_sentZooKeeper Total Bytes SentNULLThe number of bytes sent
zookeeper.request.latencyZooKeeper Request LatencymsAverage latency time for client requests on the zookeeper server in milliseconds

Agent G2 - Linux - Cassandra2 Monitors


Monitors cassandra version 2.x metrics



Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Agent G2 - Linux - Cassandra2 Monitorcassandra.tasks_completedCassandra Request Completed TasksNULLApproximate number of tasks thread pool has completed execution per second on path - request
cassandra.bloom_filter_false_ratioCassandra Bloom Filter False RatioNULLThe ratio of Bloom filter false positives to total checks
cassandra.jvm.open_fdsCassandra JVM OpenFDsNULLNumber of Open file descriptors of the server
cassandra.compression_ratioCassandra Compression RatioNULLThe compression ratio for all SSTables in a column family
cassandra.write.request_timeoutsCassandra Write Request TimeoutsNULLCount of write requests not acknowledged within configurable timeout window
cassandra.commitlog.tasks_completedCassandra Commitlog Completed TasksNULLApproximate number of completed task per second
cassandra.dropped.messagesCassandra Dropped MessagesNULLNumber of dropped message for each verb per second.
cassandra.compaction.tasks_completedCassandra Compaction Completed TasksNULLEstimated number of completed compaction tasks per second.
cassandra.bloom_filter_false_positivesCassandra Cassandra Bloom Filter False PositivesNULLThe number of Bloom filter false positives
cassandra.compaction.tasks_pendingCassandra Compaction Pending TasksNULLEstimated number of pending compaction tasks.
cassandra.streaming.bytes_outgoingCassandra Data SentNULLOutgoing data per second in megabytes
cassandra.load_countCassandra Disk Space UsedNULLDisk space used on a node
cassandra.internal.pending_tasksCassandra Internal Pending TasksNULLApproximate number of pending tasks thread pool has on path - internal
cassandra.cache.requestsCassandra Requests CountNULLThe number of requests to a cache
cassandra.jvm.mem_heap_usedCassandra JVM Mem heap_usedNULLHeap memory usage (in MB) of the server
cassandra.memtable_live_data_sizeCassandra Memtable Live Data SizeNULLSize of data stored in memtable
cassandra.tasks_activeCassandra Request Active TasksNULLApproximate number of tasks thread pool is actively executing on path - request
cassandra.compaction_completedCassandra Compactions CompletedNULLNumber of compactions completed per second
cassandra.capacityCassandra CapacityNULLThe capacity of the caches, such as the key cache and row cache
cassandra.jvm.threadsCassandra JVM ThreadsNULLNumber of threads
cassandra.cache.sizeCassandra SizeNULLSize of cache
cassandra.live_disk_space_used.countCassandra Live Disk Space Used CountNULLDisk space used by "live" SSTables (only counts non-obsolete files).
cassandra.max_row_sizeCassandra Max Row SizeNULLSize of the largest compacted row
cassandra.jvm.gc_collection_countCassandra JVM GC collection_countNULLNumber of garbage objects collected Read RequestsNULLNumber of read requests
cassandra.tasks_pendingCassandra Request Pending TasksNULLApproximate number of pending tasks thread pool has on path - request
cassandra.internal.currently_blocked_tasksCassandra Internal Current Blocked TasksNULLNumber of currently blocked tasks on path - internal Read Request LatencymsRead latency for all client requests
cassandra.jvm.mem_non_heap_committedCassandra JVM Mem non_heap_committedNULLNon-heap memory committed (in MB) for the server
cassandra.live_ss_table_countCassandra Live SS Table CountNULLNumber of "live" (non-obsolete) SSTables
cassandra.total_disk_space_used.countCassandra Total Disk Space Used CountNULLDisk space used by a column family
cassandra.cache.hitrateCassandra Cache Hit RateNULLCache hit rate.
cassandra.exceptions_countCassandra Data ExceptionsNULLThe number of exceptions thrown
cassandra.internal.tasks_completedCassandra Internal Completed TasksNULLApproximate number of tasks thread pool has completed execution per second on path - internal
cassandra.tasks_currently_blockedCassandra Request Current Blocked TasksNULLNumber of currently blocked tasks on path - request
cassandra.memtable_switch_count.countCassandra Memtable Switch CountNULLNumber of times a full memtable has been switched out for an empty one due to flushing
cassandra.jvm.uptimeCassandra UptimeNULLUptime of the server
cassandra.memtable_columns_countCassandra Memtable Columns CountNULLNumber of columns in memtable
cassandra.write.request_unavailablesCassandra Write Request UnavailablesNULLCount write of requests for which the required number of nodes was unavailable
cassandra.compaction_bytes_written.countCassandra Compacted BytesNULLCompacted bytes size
cassandra.write.request_latencyCassandra Write Request LatencymsWrite latency for all client requests
cassandra.internal.tasks_activeCassandra Internal Active TasksNULLApproximate number of tasks thread pool is actively executing on path - internal
cassandra.tasks_blockedCassandra Request Blocked TasksNULLNumber of blocked tasks per second on path - request Read Request UnavailablesNULLCount read of requests for which the required number of nodes was unavailable
cassandra.commitlog.tasks_pendingCassandra Commitlog Pending TasksNULLApproximate number of pending task
cassandra.mean_row_sizeCassandra Mean Row SizeNULLAverage size of compacted rows
cassandra.write.requestsCassandra Write RequestsNULLNumber of writes requests
cassandra.internal.tasks_blockedCassandra Internal Blocked TasksNULLNumber of blocked tasks per second on path - internal Read Request TimeoutsNULLCount of read requests not acknowledged within configurable timeout window
cassandra.streaming.bytes_incomingCassandra Data ReceivedNULLIncoming data per second in megabytes
cassandra.min_row_sizeCassandra Min Row SizeNULLSize of the smallest compacted row
cassandra.connection.timeoutsCassandra Cassandra Connection TimeoutsNULLNumber of timeouts occurred for this node per second
cassandra.bloom_filter_disk_space_usedCassandra Bloom Filter Disk Space UsedNULLDisk space used by the Bloom filters
cassandra.commitlog.total_sizeCassandra Commitlog SizeNULLCurrent data size of all commit log segments in megabytes
cassandra.jvm.mem_heap_committedCassandra JVM Mem heap_committedNULLHeap memory committed (in MB) for the server
cassandra.streaming.active_outboundsCassandra Active Outbound StreamsNULLCurrently active outbound streams.
cassandra.cache.hits_countCassandra Hits CountNULLThe number of hits to a cache
cassandra.jvm.gc_collection_timeCassandra JVM GC collection_timeNULLTime taken for collection of the garbage objects.
cassandra.jvm.mem_non_heap_usedCassandra JVM Mem non_heap_usedNULLNon-heap memory usage (in MB) of the server

Agent G2 - Linux - ClickHouse


Monitors both ClickHouse application server and cluster devices



Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Agent G2 - Linux - ClickHouseclickhouse_jemalloc_retainedJemalloc RetainedbyteThe amount of memory in virtual memory mappings that were retained rather than being returned to the operating system.
clickhouse_ReplicasMaxInsertsInQueueReplicas Max Inserts In QueueNULLThis metric will be renamed in a future minor release.
clickhouse_S3WriteRequestsCount_per_secS3 Write Requests Countrequests/secNumber of POST, DELETE, PUT and PATCH requests to S3 storage.
clickhouse_MergeTreeDataWriterUncompressedBytes_per_secMerge Tree Data Writer Uncompressed Bytesbytes/secUncompressed bytes (for columns as they stored in memory) INSERTed to MergeTree tables.
clickhouse_MergeTreeDataWriterCompressedBytes_per_secMerge Tree Data Writer Compressed Bytesbytes/secCompressed bytes (for columns as they stored on disk) INSERTed to MergeTree tables.
clickhouse_MergeTreeDataWriterRows_per_secMerge Tree Data Writer Rowsrows/secNumber of rows INSERTed to MergeTree tables.
clickhouse_MergeTreeDataWriterBlocks_per_secMerge Tree Data Writer Blocksblocks/secNumber of blocks INSERTed to MergeTree tables.
clickhouse_MergeTreeDataWriterBlocksAlreadySorted_per_secMerge Tree Data Writer Blocks Already Sortedblocks/secNumber of blocks that were already sorted by primary key or index of MergeTree tables.
clickhouse_MergeTreeDataWriterBlocksAverageSize_bytesMerge Tree Data Writer Blocks Average SizebytesAverage size of blocks INSERTed to MergeTree tables.
clickhouse_MergeTreeDataWriterBlocksCompressed_bytesMerge Tree Data Writer Blocks CompressedbytesCompressed size of blocks INSERTed to MergeTree tables.
clickhouse_MergeTreeDataWriterBlocksUncompressed_bytesMerge Tree Data Writer Blocks UncompressedbytesUncompressed size of blocks INSERTed to MergeTree tables.
clickhouse_MergeTreeDataWriterRows_compressed_bytesMerge Tree Data Writer Rows CompressedbytesSize of rows INSERTed to MergeTree tables, compressed.
clickhouse_MergeTreeDataWriterMarksMerge Tree Data Writer MarksmarksNumber of marks INSERTed to MergeTree tables.
clickhouse_MergeTreeDataWriterMaxMarkSize_bytesMerge Tree Data Writer Max Mark SizebytesMaximum size of a mark INSERTed to MergeTree tables.
clickhouse_MergeTreeDataWriterRowsPerMarkMerge Tree Data Writer Rows Per MarkrowsNumber of rows INSERTed per mark to MergeTree tables.
clickhouse_MergeTreeDataWriterCompressedBytesPerMark_bytesMerge Tree Data Writer Compressed Bytes Per MarkbytesCompressed size of marks INSERTed to MergeTree tables.
clickhouse_MergeTreeDataWriterUncompressedBytesPerMark_bytesMerge Tree Data Writer Uncompressed Bytes Per MarkbytesUncompressed size of marks INSERTed to MergeTree tables.
clickhouse_MergeTreeDataWriterRowsPerByteMerge Tree Data Writer Rows Per Byterows/byteNumber of rows INSERTed per byte to MergeTree tables.
clickhouse_MergeTreeDataWriterCompressionRatioMerge Tree Data Writer Compression RatioratioCompression ratio for rows INSERTed to MergeTree tables.
clickhouse_MergeTreeDataWriterAverageCompressedBytesPerByteMerge Tree Data Writer Average Compressed Bytes Per Bytebytes/byteAverage compressed size of a byte INSERTed to MergeTree tables.
clickhouse_MergeTreeDataWriterCompressedRows_bytesMerge Tree Data Writer Compressed RowsrowsNumber of rows INSERTed to MergeTree tables, compressed.
clickhouse_MergeTreeDataWriterUncompressedRows_bytesMerge Tree Data Writer Uncompressed RowsrowsNumber of rows INSERTed to MergeTree tables, uncompressed.
clickhouse_MergeTreeDataWriterFinalCompressedBytes_bytesMerge Tree Data Writer Final Compressed BytesbytesCompressed size of final data INSERTed to MergeTree tables.
clickhouse_MergeTreeDataWriterFinalUncompressedBytes_bytesMerge Tree Data Writer Final Uncompressed BytesbytesUncompressed size of final data INSERTed to MergeTree tables.
clickhouse_MergeTreeDataWriterDiskWritePerformance_bytes_per_secMerge Tree Data Writer Disk Write Performancebytes/secDisk write speed for rows INSERTed to MergeTree tables.
clickhouse_MergeTreeDataWriterRowsPerDiskWriteMerge Tree Data Writer Rows Per Disk WriterowsNumber of rows INSERTed per disk write to MergeTree tables.
clickhouse_MergeTreeDataWriterWritePerformance_rows_per_secMerge Tree Data Writer Write Performancerows/secWrite performance of rows INSERTed to MergeTree tables.
clickhouse_MergeTreeDataWriterElapsedMerge Tree Data Writer ElapsedsecondsTime taken to write data to MergeTree tables.
clickhouse_MergeTreeDataWriterRows_before_markMerge Tree Data Writer Rows Before MarkrowsNumber of rows INSERTed to MergeTree tables before a mark.
clickhouse_MergeTreeDataWriterRows_before_sampleMerge Tree Data Writer Rows Before SamplerowsNumber of rows INSERTed to MergeTree tables before a sample.
clickhouse_MergeTreeDataWriterMergeElapsedMerge Tree Data Writer Merge ElapsedsecondsTime taken to perform merge operations on MergeTree tables.
clickhouse_MergeTreeDataWriterFinalMergeElapsedMerge Tree Data Writer Final Merge ElapsedsecondsTime taken to perform final merge operations on MergeTree tables.
clickhouse_MergeTreeDataWriterPartsMergedMerge Tree Data Writer Parts MergedpartsNumber of parts merged during MergeTree operations.
clickhouse_MergeTreeDataWriterFinalPartsMerge Tree Data Writer Final PartspartsNumber of final parts after merge operations on MergeTree tables.
clickhouse_MergeTreeDataWriterPartMutationMerge Tree Data Writer Part MutationNULLInformation about part mutations during MergeTree operations.
clickhouse_MergeTreeDataWriterPartMutationAddMerge Tree Data Writer Part Mutation AddNULLInformation about added part mutations during MergeTree operations.
clickhouse_MergeTreeDataWriterPartMutationRemoveMerge Tree Data Writer Part Mutation RemoveNULLInformation about removed part mutations during MergeTree operations.
clickhouse_MergeTreeDataWriterPartMutationClearMerge Tree Data Writer Part Mutation ClearNULLInformation about cleared part mutations during MergeTree operations.
clickhouse_MergeTreeDataWriterPartMutationAlterMerge Tree Data Writer Part Mutation AlterNULLInformation about altered part mutations during MergeTree operations.
clickhouse_MergeTreeDataWriterTableRowsInsertedMerge Tree Data Writer Table Rows InsertedrowsNumber of rows INSERTed to MergeTree tables.
clickhouse_MergeTreeDataWriterTableRowsDeletedMerge Tree Data Writer Table Rows DeletedrowsNumber of rows DELETed from MergeTree tables.
clickhouse_MergeTreeDataWriterTableRowsUpdatedMerge Tree Data Writer Table Rows UpdatedrowsNumber of rows UPDATed in MergeTree tables.
clickhouse_MergeTreeDataWriterTableTTLRowsMerge Tree Data Writer Table TTL RowsrowsNumber of rows with expired TTL settings in MergeTree tables.
clickhouse_MergeTreeDataWriterPartMutationsMerge Tree Data Writer Part MutationsmutationsNumber of part mutations during MergeTree operations.
clickhouse_MergeTreeDataWriterZooKeeperCheckMerge Tree Data Writer ZooKeeper CheckNULLInformation about ZooKeeper checks during MergeTree operations.
clickhouse_MergeTreeDataWriterTableTTLCheckMerge Tree Data Writer Table TTL CheckNULLInformation about TTL checks during MergeTree operations.
clickhouse_MergeTreeDataWriterSettingsMerge Tree Data Writer SettingsNULLInformation about settings used during MergeTree operations.

Agent G2 - Linux - ContainerD_v2


Agent G2 - Linux - ContainerD_v2



Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Agent G2 - Linux - ContainerD_v2containerd_cpu_throttling_throttledTimeCPU Throttled TimePercentagecpu throttled time
containerd_memory_usage_limitMemory Usage LimitMegabyteslimit of memory usage
containerd_memory_swap_limitSwap Usage LimitMegabyteslimit of swap usage
containerd_memory_usage_failcntMemory Usage fail RateNULLrate of number of times that the cgroup limit was exceeded
containerd_blkio_sectors_recursiveBlkIO SectorsBytesnumber of sectors transferred to/from disk by the group
containerd_memory_kernel_tcp_usageContinaerD Kernel TCP UsageMegabytescurrent tcp buf memory allocation
containerd_hugetlb_failcntHugeTLB fail RateNULLRate of allocation failure due to HugeTLB limit
containerd_cpu_usage_totalCPU Total UsagePercentagetotal Cpu usage of container with respect to host system
containerd_memory_dirtyMemory DirtyMegabytesbytes that are waiting to get written back to the disk
containerd_cpu_usage_total_over_limitCPU Total Usage Over LimitPercentagecontainer total cpu usage with respect to limit. (if limit is not set the metric is not sent)
containerd_memory_kernel_usageContinaerD Kernel UsageMegabytescurrent kernel memory allocation
containerd_memory_rssMemory RSSMegabytesbytes of anonymous and swap cache memory (includes transparent hugepages)
containerd_containers_stoppedStopped ContainersCountTotal number of Stopped Containers
containerd_blkio_wait_time_recursiveBlkIO Wait TimeBytesTotal amount of time the IOs for this cgroup spent waiting in the scheduler queues for service
containerd_memory_cacheMemory CacheMegabytesbytes of page cache memory
containerd_containers_runningRunning ContainersCountTotal number of running containers
containerd_memory_rss_hugeMemory RSS HugeMegabytesbytes of anonymous transparent hugepages
containerd_cpu_usage_userCPU User UsagePercentageuser Cpu usage of container with respect to host system
containerd_memory_usage_over_limitMemory Usage Over LimitPercentageMemory Usage percentage with respect to limit(if limit is not set then node total memory is used)
containerd_memory_kernel_maxKernel MaxMegabytesmax kernel memory usage recorded
containerd_container_uptimeContainer UptimeSecondsUptime of the Current Container
containerd_cpu_usage_systemCPU System UsagePercentagesystem Cpu usage of container with respect to host system
containerd_proc_open_fdsnumber of open fdCountNumber of open file descriptors
containerd_memory_usage_maxMemory Usage MaxMegabytesshow max memory usage recorded
containerd_blkio_queued_recursiveBlkIO QueuedBytesTotal number of requests queued up at any given instant for the cgroup
containerd_memory_swap_maxSwap Usage MaxMegabytesshow max swap usage recorded
containerd_memory_kernel_tcp_failcntKernel TCP fail rateNULLrate of number of tcp buf memory usage hits limits
containerd_hugetlb_usageContianerD HugeTLB usageBytescurrent usage for "hugepagesize" hugetlb
containerd_blkio_merged_recursiveBlkIO MergedBytesTotal number of bios/requests merged into requests belonging to this cgroup
containerd_blkio_service_time_recursiveBlkIO Service TimeBytesTotal amount of time between request dispatch and request completion for the IOs
containerd_blkio_serviced_recursiveBlkIO ServicedBytesNumber of IOs (bio) issued to the disk by the group
containerd_blkio_service_bytes_recursiveBlkIO Service BytesBytesNumber of bytes transferred to/from the disk
containerd_memory_swap_failcntSwap Usage fail RateNULLrate of number of times that the cgroup swap limit was exceeded
containerd_memory_kernel_failcntKernel fail countNULLrate of the number of kernel memory usage hits limits
containerd_image_sizeImage SizeBytesImage sizes of different container images
containerd_memory_swap_usageContinaerD Swap UsageMegabytesswap Usage in Bytes
containerd_hugetlb_maxHugeTLB max usageBytesmax "hugepagesize" hugetlb usage recorded
containerd_memory_usageMemory UsageMegabytesmemory Usage in Bytes
containerd_blkio_time_recursiveBlkIO TimeBytesdisk time allocated to cgroup per device in milliseconds
containerd_memory_kernel_tcp_limitKernel TCP LimitMegabytesshow hard limit for tcp buf memory
containerd_memory_kernel_limitKernel LimitMegabyteshard limit for kernel memory
containerd_memory_kernel_tcp_maxKernel TCP MaxMegabytesmax tcp buf memory usage recorded

Agent G2 - Linux - Couchbase Monitors


Applicable on Couchbase servers



Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Agent G2 - Linux - ContainerD_v2containerd_memory_usage_failcntMemory Usage fail RateNULLrate of number of times that the cgroup limit was exceeded
containerd_blkio_sectors_recursiveBlkIO SectorsBytesnumber of sectors transferred to/from disk by the group
containerd_memory_kernel_tcp_usageContinaerD Kernel TCP UsageMegabytescurrent tcp buf memory allocation
containerd_hugetlb_failcntHugeTLB fail RateNULLRate of allocation failure due to HugeTLB limit
containerd_cpu_usage_totalCPU Total UsagePercentagetotal Cpu usage of container with repect to host system
containerd_memory_dirtyMemory DirtyMegabytesbytes that are waiting to get written back to the disk
containerd_cpu_usage_total_over_limitCPU Total Usage Over LimitPercentagecontainer total cpu usage with respect to limit. (if limit is not set the metric is not sent)
containerd_memory_kernel_usageContinaerD Kernel UsageMegabytescurrent kernel memory allocation
containerd_memory_rssMemory RSSMegabytesbytes of anonymous and swap cache memory (includes transparent hugepages)
containerd_containers_stoppedStopped ContainersCountTotal number of Stopped Containers
containerd_blkio_wait_time_recursiveBlkIO Wait TimeBytesTotal amount of time the IOs for this cgroup spent waiting in the scheduler queues for service
containerd_memory_cacheMemory CacheMegabytesbytes of page cache memory
containerd_containers_runningRunning ContainersCountTotal number of running containers
containerd_memory_rss_hugeMemory RSS HugeMegabytesbytes of anonymous transparent hugepages
containerd_cpu_usage_userCPU User UsagePercentageuser Cpu usage of container with repect to host system
containerd_memory_usage_over_limitMemory Usage Over LimitPercentageMemory Usage percentage with respect to limit(if limit is not set then node total memory is used)
containerd_memory_kernel_maxKernel MaxMegabytesmax kernel memory usage recorded
containerd_container_uptimeContainer UptimeSecondsUptime of the Current Container
containerd_cpu_usage_systemCPU System UsagePercentagesystem Cpu usage of container with repect to host system
containerd_proc_open_fdsnumber of open fdCountNumber of open file descriptors
containerd_memory_usage_maxMemory Usage MaxMegabytesshow max memory usage recorded
containerd_blkio_queued_recursiveBlkIO QueuedBytesTotal number of requests queued up at any given instant for the cgroup
containerd_memory_swap_maxSwap Usage MaxMegabytesshow max swap usage recorded
containerd_memory_kernel_tcp_failcntKernel TCP fail rateNULLrate of number of tcp buf memory usage hits limits
containerd_hugetlb_usageContianerD HugeTLB usageBytescurrent usage for "hugepagesize" hugetlb
containerd_blkio_merged_recursiveBlkIO MergedBytesTotal number of bios/requests merged into requests belonging to this cgroup
containerd_blkio_service_time_recursiveBlkIO Service TimeBytesTotal amount of time between request dispatch and request completion for the IOs
containerd_blkio_serviced_recursiveBlkIO ServicedBytesNumber of IOs (bio) issued to the disk by the group
containerd_blkio_service_bytes_recursiveBlkIO Service BytesBytesNumber of bytes transferred to/from the disk
containerd_memory_swap_failcntSwap Usage fail RateNULLrate of number of times that the cgroup swap limit was exceeded
containerd_memory_kernel_failcntKernel fail countNULLrate of the number of kernel memory usage hits limits
containerd_image_sizeImage SizeBytesImage sizes of different container images
containerd_memory_swap_usageContinaerD Swap UsageMegabytesswap Usage in Bytes
containerd_hugetlb_maxHugeTLB max usageBytesmax "hugepagesize" hugetlb usage recorded
containerd_memory_usageMemory UsageMegabytesmemory Usage in Bytes
containerd_blkio_time_recursiveBlkIO TimeBytesdisk time allocated to cgroup per device in milliseconds
containerd_memory_kernel_tcp_limitKernel TCP LimitMegabytesshow hard limit for tcp buf memory
containerd_memory_kernel_limitKernel LimitMegabyteshard limit for kernel memory
containerd_memory_kernel_tcp_maxKernel TCP MaxMegabytesmax tcp buf memory usage recorded

Agent G2 - Linux - CRI-O Monitoring


Monitoring of OCI-based implementation of Kubernetes Container Runtime Interface



Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Agent G2 - Linux - CRI-O Monitoringcrio_operations_latency_microsecondsOperations Latency MicrosecondsNULLLatency in microseconds of CRI-O operations. Broken down by operation type
crio_memory_working_setMemory Working SetBytesThe amount of working set memory in bytes.
crio_image_pulls_failuresImage Pulls FailuresNULLFailed image pulls by image name and their error category.
crio_operations_errorsOperations ErrorsNULLCumulative number of CRI-O operation errors by operation type.
crio_mem_residentMem ResidentBytesResident memory size in bytes.
crio_inodes_usedInodes UsedNULLrepresents the inodes used by the images. (This may not equal InodesCapacity - InodesAvailable because the underlying filesystem may also be used for purposes other than storing images.)
crio_cpu_usage_coreCPU UsageNanosecondsCumulative CPU usage (sum across all cores) since object creation.
crio_cpu_timeCpu TimeNULLTotal user and system CPU time spent in seconds.
crio_operations_latency_microseconds_countOperations Latency Microseconds CountMicrosecondsLatency in microseconds of CRI-O operations. Broken down by operation type. count value
crio_operations_latency_microseconds_sumOperations Latency Microseconds SumMicrosecondsLatency in microseconds of CRI-O operations. Broken down by operation type. sum value
crio_mem_virtualMem VirtualBytesVirtual memory size in bytes.
crio_filesystem_usedFilesystem UsedBytesrepresents the bytes used for images on the filesystem. (This may differ from the total bytes used on the filesystem and may not equal CapacityBytes - AvailableBytes.)
crio_operationsOperations CountNULLCumulative number of CRI-O operations by operation type.
crio_process_open_fdsProcess Open FdsNULLNumber of open file descriptors.

Agent G2 - Linux - Docker Host Monitoring Template


Docker Host Monitoring Template



Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Agent G2 - Linux - Docker Host Monitoring Templatedocker.cpuDocker CpuNULLCPU usage of the Docker Container
docker.container.statesDocker Container statesNULLThe state of Container
docker.mem.cache.95percentileCache Size 95percentileNULL95th percentile value of docker.mem.cache
docker.mem.inactive_fileInactive Cache MemoryNULLThe amount of "inactive" cache memory. Inactive memory may be reclaimed first when the system needs memory
docker.cpu.sharesShares of CPUNULLShares of CPU usage allocated to the container
docker.image.virtual_sizeImage Virtual SizeNULLSize of all layers of the image on disk
docker.mem.rss.95percentileRSS Memory 95percentileNULL95th percentile value of docker.mem.rss
docker.mem.sw_limitSwap Memory LimitNULLThe swap + memory limit for the container, if set Tx BytesNULLThe amount of bytes per second transmitted
docker.cpu.systemCPU SystemNULLThe percent of time the CPU is executing system calls on behalf of processes of this container, unnormalized
docker.cpu.throttledCPU ThrottledNULLNumber of times the cgroup has been throttled
docker.image.sizeImage SizeNULLSize of all layers of the image on disk
docker.mem.in_useMemory In UseNULLThe fraction of used memory to available memory, IF THE LIMIT IS SET Write BytesNULLBytes written per second to disk by the processes of the container
docker.mem.active_fileActive Cache MemoryNULLThe amount of "active" cache memory. Active memory is reclaimed by the system only after "inactive" has been reclaimed
docker.containers.runningContainers Running by ImageNULLThe number of containers running on this host tagged by image
docker.mem.mapped_fileMemory Mapped by ProcessNULLThe amount of memory mapped by the processes in the control group
kubernetes.memory.usageMemory UsageNULLThe amount of memory used
docker.mem.cacheCache SizeNULLThe amount of memory that is being used to cache data from disk (e.g. memory contents that can be associated precisely with a block on a block device)
docker.cpu.usageCPU UsageNULLThe percent of CPU time obtained by this container
docker.mem.sw_in_useSwap Memory In UseNULLThe fraction of used swap + memory to available swap + memory, if the limit is set
docker.mem.in_use.95percentileMemory In Use 95percentileNULL95th percentile of docker.mem.in_use
docker.images.intermediateImages intermediateNULLThe number of intermediate images, which are intermediate layers that make up other images
docker.containers.running_totalDocker Container Running TotalNULLThe total number of containers running on this host
docker.mem.active_anonActive RSS MemoryNULLThe amount of "active" RSS memory. Active memory is not swapped to disk Read Bytes 95percentileNULL95th percentile of
docker.mem.sw_limit.95percentileSwap Memory Limit 95percentileNULL95th percentile of docker.mem.sw_limit. Ordinarily this value will not change Rx BytesNULLThe amount of bytes per second received
docker.container.size_rootfsRoot Filesystem SizeNULLTotal size of all the files in the container
kubernetes.memory.limitsMemory LimitsNULLThe limit of memory set
docker.mem.inactive_anonInactive RSS MemoryNULLThe amount of "inactive" RSS memory. Inactive memory is swapped to disk when necessary
docker.mem.pgpgoutPages Uncharged RateNULLThe rate at which pages are "uncharged" (removed from the accounting) of a cgroup
docker.mem.rssRSS MemoryNULLThe amount of non-cache memory that belongs to the container's processes. Used for stacks, heaps, etc. Read BytesNULLBytes read per second from disk by the processes of the container
docker.mem.pgpginPages Charged RateNULLThe rate at which pages are "charged" (added to the accounting) of a cgroup
docker.container.size_rw.95percentileTotal Files Size 95PercentileNULL95th percentile of docker.container.size_rw
docker.mem.pgfaultMemory Page FaultsNULLThe rate that processes in the container trigger page faults by accessing a nonexistent or protected part of its virtual address space. Usually a page fault of this type results in a segmentation fault
docker.container.size_rwTotal Files SizeNULLTotal size of all the files in the container which have been created or changed by processes running in the container
docker.images.availableImages AvailableNULLThe number of top-level images
docker.containers.stoppedContainers Stopped by ImageNULLThe number of containers stopped on this host tagged by image
docker.memoryDocker MemoryNULLMemory usage of the Docker Container
docker.cpu.system.95percentileCPU System 95PercentileNULL95th percentile of docker.cpu.system
docker.mem.limitMemory LimitNULLThe memory limit for the container, if set Write Bytes 95percentileNULL95th percentile of
docker.mem.pgmajfaultMemory Page Faults VirtualNULLThe rate that processes in the container trigger page faults by accessing a part virtual address space that was swapped out or corresponded to a mapped file. Usually a page fault of type results in fetching data from disk instead of from memory
docker.cpu.user.95percentileCPU User 95PercentileNULL95th percentile of docker.cpu.user
docker.cpu.userCPU UserNULLThe percent of time the CPU is under direct control of processes of this container, unnormalized
docker.mem.limit.95percentileMemory Limit 95percentileNULL95th percentile of docker.mem.limit. Ordinarily this value will not change
docker.disk.ioDocker Disk IopsNULLDisk IOPS of the Docker Container
docker.container.size_rootfs.95percentileRoot Filesystem Size 95PercentileNULL95th percentile of docker.container.size_rootfs
docker.mem.sw_in_use.95percentileSwap Memory In Use 95percentileNULL95th percentile of docker.mem.sw_in_use

Agent G2 - Linux - Docker Monitoring Template


Template to monitor docker host metrics and containers.



Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Agent G2 - Linux - Docker Monitoring Templatedocker.containers.running.totalDocker Total ContainersNULL
docker.cpuDocker CpuNULLCPU usage of the Docker Container
docker.memoryDocker MemoryNULLMemory usage of the Docker Container
docker.networkDocker NetworkNULLNetwork usage of the Docker Container
docker.disk.ioDocker Disk IopsNULLDisk IOPS of the Docker Container

Agent G2 - Linux - Docker Monitors


Docker Monitoring Template



Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Agent G2 - Linux - Docker Monitorsdocker.containers.running.totalDocker Total ContainersNULL
docker.disk.ioDocker Disk IopsNULLDisk IOPS of the Docker Container
docker.cpuDocker CpuNULLCPU usage of the Docker Container
docker.networkDocker NetworkNULLNetwork usage of the Docker Container
docker.memoryDocker MemoryNULLMemory usage of the Docker Container

Agent G2 - Linux - Elasticsearch Monitors


Monitors various performance metrics on the Elasticsearch servers



Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Agent G2 - Linux - Elasticsearch Monitorses.flush.timeElasticSearch Flush timeNULL
es.jvm.gc.collection_timeESJVM GC collection_timeNULL
es.merges.opsElasticSearch Merges opsNULL Search fetch opsNULL
es.cache.field.sizeElasticSearch Cache field sizeNULL
es.jvm.gc.par_new.collection_timeESJVM GC par_new collection_timeNULL
es.cluster.initializing_shardsElasticSearch Cluster Initializing shardsNULL Search query timeNULL
es.process.openfdsElasticSearch Process OpenFDsNULL
es.jvm.gc.copy.countESJVM GC copy countNULL
es.cluster.unassigned_shardsElasticSearch Cluster Unassigned shardsNULL Docs deletedNULL
es.refresh.timeElasticSearch Refresh timeNULL Search fetch timeNULL
es.failure.domainsElasticSearch Failure DomainsNULL
es.jvm.gc.par_new.countESJVM GC par_new countNULL Merged docs sizeNULL
es.cache.filter.sizeElasticSearch Cache filter sizeNULL Search query opsNULL Cluster Active primary shardsNULL
es.jvm.mem.heap_committedESJVM Mem heap_committedNULL
es.cache.filter.evictionsElasticSearch Cache filter evictionsNULL
es.cluster.nodesElasticSearch Cluster NodesNULL Docs totalNULL
es.cache.field.evictionsElasticSearch Cache field evictionsNULL
es.cluster.data_nodesElasticSearch Cluster Data nodesNULL
es.jvm.mem.non_heap_usedESJVM Mem non_heap_usedNULL
es.Store.sizeElasticSearch Store sizeNULL
es.cluster.relocating_shardsElasticSearch Cluster Relocating shardsNULL
es.jvm.gc.concurrent_mark_sweep.collection_timeESJVM GC concurrent_mark_sweep collection_timeNULL
es.cache.filter.countElasticSearch Cache filter countNULL
es.cluster.shards.activeElasticSearch Cluster Active shardsNULL
es.jvm.mem.non_heap_committedESJVM Mem non_heap_committedNULL
es.jvm.gc.copy.collection_timeESJVM GC copy collection_timeNULL
es.merges.timeElasticSearch Merges timeNULL
es.refresh.opsElasticSearch Refresh opsNULL
es.indexing.index.timeElasticSearch Indexing index timeNULL
es.indexing.index.countElasticSearch Indexing index countNULL
es..master.eligible.nodesElasticSearch Master Eligible NodesNULL
es.jvm.gc.collection_countESJVM GC collection_countNULL
es.flush.opsElasticSearch Flush opsNULL Merged docs countNULL
es.jvm.gc.concurrent_mark_sweep.countESJVM GC concurrent_mark_sweep countNULL
es.jvm.mem.heap_usedESJVM Mem heap_usedNULL
es.jvm.threadsESJVM ThreadsNULL

Agent G2 - Linux - etcd - v2


Agent G2 - Linux - etcd - v2



Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Agent G2 - Linux - etcd - v2etcd_debugging_snap_save_marshalling_duration_seconds_bucketSnap Save Marshalling DurationNULLThe marshalling cost distributions of save called by snapshot.
etcd_go_threadsGo ThreadsNULLNumber of OS threads created.
etcd_network_peer_sent_bytes_total_per_secNetwork Peer Sent Bytes TotalNULLThe total number of bytes sent to peers per sec
etcd_go_memstats_stack_inuse_bytesGo Memstats Stack Inuse BytesNULLNumber of bytes in use by the stack allocator.
etcd_debugging_store_watchersStore WatchersNULLCount of currently active watchers.
etcd_debugging_mvcc_keys_totalMvcc KeysNULLTotal number of keys.
etcd_go_memstats_heap_idle_bytesGo Memstats Heap Idle BytesNULLNumber of heap bytes waiting to be used.
etcd_grpc_server_handled_totalGrpc Server Handled TotalNULLTotal number of RPCs completed on the server, regardless of success or failure.
etcd_grpc_proxy_events_coalescing_totalGrpc Proxy Events CoalescingNULLTotal number of events coalescing
etcd_disk_wal_fsync_duration_seconds_bucketDisk Wal Fsync DurationNULLThe latency distributions of fsync called by wal.
etcd_network_peer_round_trip_time_secondsNetwork Peer Round Trip Time SecondsNULLRound-Trip-Time histogram between peers
etcd_server_proposals_failed_totalServer Proposals FailedNULLThe total number of failed proposals seen.
etcd_debugging_store_expires_total_per_secStore ExpiresNULLTotal number of expired keys per sec
etcd_grpc_proxy_cache_hits_totalGrpc Proxy Cache HitsNULLTotal number of cache hits
etcd_debugging_mvcc_db_total_size_in_bytesMvcc Db Size In BytesNULLTotal size of the underlying database in bytes.
etcd_go_memstats_mspan_sys_bytesGo Memstats Mspan Sys BytesNULLNumber of bytes used for mspan structures obtained from system.
etcd_debugging_snap_save_total_duration_seconds_bucketSnap Save DurationNULLThe total latency distributions of save called by snapshot.
etcd_debugging_mvcc_delete_totalMvcc DeleteNULLTotal number of deletes seen by this member.
etcd_go_memstats_gc_cpu_fractionGo Memstats Gc Cpu FractionNULLThe fraction of this program's available CPU time used by the GC since the program started.
etcd_debugging_mvcc_db_compaction_total_duration_milliseconds_bucketMvcc Db Compaction DurationNULLBucketed histogram of db compaction total duration.
etcd_network_client_grpc_sent_bytes_total_per_secNetwork Client Grpc Sent BytesNULLThe total number of bytes sent to grpc clients per sec
etcd_go_memstats_heap_alloc_bytesGo Memstats Heap Alloc BytesNULLNumber of heap bytes allocated and still in use.
etcd_network_client_grpc_sent_bytes_totalNetwork Client Grpc Sent BytesNULLThe total number of bytes sent to grpc clients.
etcd_debugging_store_expires_totalStore ExpiresNULLTotal number of expired keys.
etcd_debugging_mvcc_db_compaction_keys_totalMvcc Db Compaction KeysNULLTotal number of db keys compacted.
etcd_debugging_server_lease_expired_totalServer Lease ExpiredNULLThe total number of expired leases.
etcd_network_client_grpc_received_bytes_total_per_secNetwork Client Grpc Received BytesNULLThe total number of bytes received from grpc clients per sec
etcd_debugging_store_writes_totalStore WritesNULLTotal number of writes (e.g. set/compareAndDelete) seen by this member.
etcd_go_memstats_buck_hash_sys_bytesGo Memstats Buck Hash Sys BytesNULLNumber of bytes used by the profiling bucket hash table.
etcd_server_leader_changes_seen_total_per_secServer Leader Changes SeenNULLThe number of leader changes seen per sec
etcd_network_peer_received_bytes_total_per_sedNetwork Peer Received Bytes TotalBytes Per SecThe total number of bytes received from peers per sec
etcd_server_proposals_applied_totalServer Proposals AppliedNULLThe total number of consensus proposals applied.
etcd_grpc_proxy_watchers_coalescing_totalGrpc Proxy Watchers CoalescingNULLTotal number of current watchers coalescing
etcd_server_is_leaderServer Is LeaderNULLWhether or not this member is a leader. 1 if is, 0 otherwise.
etcd_process_start_time_secondsProcess Start Time SecondsNULLStart time of the process since unix epoch in seconds.
etcd_debugging_mvcc_events_totalMvcc EventsNULLTotal number of events sent by this member.
etcd_debugging_mvcc_txn_totalMvcc TxnNULLTotal number of txns seen by this member.
etcd_debugging_store_watch_requests_totalStore Watch RequestsNULLTotal number of incoming watch requests (new or reestablished).
etcd_go_memstats_lookups_total_per_secGo Memstats Lookups TotalNULLTotal number of pointer lookups per sec
etcd_server_versionServer VersionNULLWhich version is running. 1 for 'server_version' label with current version
etcd_grpc_server_started_totalGrpc Server Started TotalNULLTotal number of RPCs started on the server.
etcd_go_memstats_alloc_bytesGo Memstats Alloc BytesNULLNumber of bytes allocated and still in use.
etcd_disk_backend_commit_duration_seconds_bucketDisk Backend Commit DurationNULLThe latency distributions of commit called by backend.
etcd_debugging_store_reads_total_per_secStore ReadsNULLTotal number of reads action by (get/getRecursive), local to this member per sec
etcd_process_open_fdsProcess Open FdsNULLNumber of open file descriptors.
etcd_disk_wal_fsync_duration_seconds_countDisk Wal Fsync Duration Seconds CountNULLThe latency distributions of fsync called by wal.
etcd_go_memstats_heap_inuse_bytesGo Memstats Heap Inuse BytesNULLNumber of heap bytes that are in use.
etcd_go_memstats_next_gc_bytesGo Memstats Next Gc BytesNULLNumber of heap bytes when next garbage collection will take place.
etcd_debugging_mvcc_range_total_per_secMvcc RangeNULLTotal number of ranges seen by this member per sec
etcd_process_cpu_seconds_total_per_secProcess Cpu Seconds TotalNULLTotal user and system CPU time spent per sec
etcd_debugging_mvcc_db_compaction_keys_total_per_secMvcc Db Compaction KeysNULLTotal number of db keys compacted per sec
etcd_go_memstats_heap_released_bytesGo Memstats Heap Released BytesNULLNumber of heap bytes released to OS.
etcd_server_leader_changes_seen_totalServer Leader Changes SeenNULLThe number of leader changes seen.
etcd_debugging_mvcc_put_totalMvcc PutNULLTotal number of puts seen by this member.
etcd_process_resident_memory_bytesProcess Resident Memory BytesNULLResident memory size in bytes.
etcd_debugging_mvcc_slow_watcher_totalMvcc Slow WatcherNULLTotal number of unsynced slow watchers.
etcd_debugging_mvcc_index_compaction_pause_duration_milliseconds_bucketMvcc Index Compaction Pause DurationNULLBucketed histogram of index compaction pause duration.
etcd_debugging_mvcc_db_compaction_pause_duration_milliseconds_bucketMvcc Db Compaction Pause DurationNULLBucketed histogram of db compaction pause duration.
etcd_grpc_proxy_cache_keys_totalGrpc Proxy Cache KeysNULLTotal number of keys/ranges cached
etcd_go_memstats_alloc_bytes_total_per_secGo Memstats Alloc Bytes TotalNULLTotal number of bytes allocated, even if freed per sec
etcd_go_memstats_mcache_inuse_bytesGo Memstats Mcache Inuse BytesNULLNumber of bytes in use by mcache structures.
etcd_debugging_store_reads_totalStore ReadsNULLTotal number of reads action by (get/getRecursive), local to this member.
etcd_go_memstats_heap_objectsGo Memstats Heap ObjectsNULLNumber of allocated objects.
etcd_server_has_leaderServer Has LeaderNULLWhether or not a leader exists. 1 is existence, 0 is not.
etcd_debugging_mvcc_watch_stream_totalMvcc Watch StreamNULLTotal number of watch streams.
etcd_go_memstats_sys_bytesGo Memstats Sys BytesNULLNumber of bytes obtained from system.
etcd_network_peer_received_bytes_total_per_secNetwork Peer Received Bytes TotalNULLThe total number of bytes received from peers per sec
etcd_debugging_mvcc_put_total_per_secMvcc PutNULLTotal number of puts seen by this member per sec
etcd_go_memstats_mspan_inuse_bytesGo Memstats Mspan Inuse BytesNULLNumber of bytes in use by mspan structures.
etcd_debugging_mvcc_range_totalMvcc RangeNULLTotal number of ranges seen by this member.
etcd_go_memstats_other_sys_bytesGo Memstats Other Sys BytesNULLNumber of bytes used for other system allocations.
etcd_debugging_store_writes_total_per_secStore WritesNULLTotal number of writes (e.g. set/compareAndDelete) seen by this member per sec
etcd_network_client_grpc_received_bytes_totalNetwork Client Grpc Received BytesNULLThe total number of bytes received from grpc clients.
etcd_go_infoGo InfoNULLInformation about the Go runtime.
etcd_debugging_mvcc_slow_watcher_total_per_secMvcc Slow WatcherNULLTotal number of unsynced slow watchers per sec
etcd_debugging_store_watch_requests_total_per_secStore Watch RequestsNULLTotal number of incoming watch requests (new or reestablished) per sec
etcd_debugging_snap_save_marshalling_duration_seconds_countSnap Save Marshalling DurationNULLThe marshalling cost distributions of save called by snapshot.
etcd_debugging_snap_save_total_duration_seconds_countSnap Save DurationNULLThe total latency distributions of save called by snapshot.
etcd_network_client_grpc_sent_bytes_total_per_secNetwork Client Grpc Sent BytesNULLThe total number of bytes sent to grpc clients per sec
etcd_disk_backend_commit_duration_seconds_countDisk Backend Commit DurationNULLThe latency distributions of commit called by backend.
etcd_debugging_store_reads_bytes_totalStore Reads BytesNULLTotal number of bytes read out for reads action by (get/getRecursive), local to this member
etcd_debugging_mvcc_slow_watcher_total_per_secMvcc Slow WatcherNULLTotal number of unsynced slow watchers per sec
etcd_debugging_snap_save_total_duration_seconds_bucketSnap Save DurationNULLThe total latency distributions of save called by snapshot.
etcd_disk_wal_fsync_duration_seconds_countDisk Wal Fsync Duration Seconds CountNULLThe latency distributions of fsync called by wal.
etcd_debugging_store_reads_bytes_total_per_secStore Reads BytesNULLTotal number of bytes read out for reads action by (get/getRecursive), local to this member per sec
etcd_debugging_store_writes_bytes_totalStore Writes BytesNULLTotal number of bytes written out for writes action by (set/compareAndDelete), local to this member
etcd_disk_backend_commit_duration_seconds_bucketDisk Backend Commit DurationNULLThe latency distributions of commit called by backend.
etcd_debugging_store_writes_bytes_total_per_secStore Writes BytesNULLTotal number of bytes written out for writes action by (set/compareAndDelete), local to this member per sec

Agent G2 - Linux - Hadoop JobTracker Service Monitors


Monitors Hadoop Job tracker metrics



Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Agent G2 - Linux - Hadoop JobTracker Service Monitorshadoop.jobtracker.reduce.slots.usedHadoop JobTracker Reduce Slots UsedNULLThe Number of currently occupied/reserved used reduce slots
hadoop.jobtracker.rpc.latencyHadoop JobTracker RPC LatencyNULLCalculates the average time spent by an RPC request in the queue
hadoop.jobtracker.nodes.aliveHadoop JobTracker Alive NodesNULLThe Total Number of Alive Nodes in the cluster
hadoop.jobtracker.nodes.totalHadoop JobTracker Total NodesNULLThe Total Number of Nodes in the cluster JobTracker Map Slots UsedNULLThe Number of Currently occupied/reserved used map slots JobTracker Black ListedNULLThe Number of BlackListed trackers in the cluster
hadoop.jobtracker.nodes.gray.listedHadoop JobTracker Gray ListedNULLThe Number of Graylisted trackers in the cluster JobTracker Map SlotsNULLThe Total Number of Map Slots in the cluster
hadoop.jobtracker.jobsHadoop JobTracker Total JobsNULLThe Total Number of jobs in the cluster
hadoop.jobtracker.reduce.slots.totalHadoop JobTracker Reduce SlotsNULLThe Number of Currently occupied/reserved reduce slots
hadoop.jobtracker.failuresHadoop JobTracker Failure NodesNULLThe Number of Decommissioned trackers in the cluster
hadoop.jobtracker.dir.failuresHadoop JobTracker Dir FailuresNULLThe Number of Failure directories in the cluster
hadoop.jobtracker.nodes.deadHadoop JobTracker Dead NodesNULLThe Total Number of Dead Nodes in the Cluster

Agent G2 - Linux - HAProxy Monitors


Monitors HAProxy application metrics



Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Agent G2 - Linux - HAProxy Monitorshaproxy.http.errors_3xxHAProxy 3xx HTTP ErrorNULLNumber of http error responses with 3xx code
haproxy.session_currentHAProxy Sessions ActiveNULLCurrent number of concurrent connections.
haproxy.errors_resp_rateHAProxy Response ErrorsNULLThe rate of response errors.
haproxy.requests_queueHAProxy Queued RequestsNULLNumber of requests in the server queue.
haproxy.http.errors_1xxHAProxy 1xx HTTP ErrorNULLNumber of http error responses with 1xx code
haproxy.http.errors_5xxHAProxy 5xx HTTP ErrorNULLNumber of http error responses with 5xx code
haproxy.denied_resp_rateHAProxy Denied ResponsesNULLThe rate of denied responses.
haproxy.warning.retr_rateHAProxy Warn RetriesNULLThe rate of retries (warning).
haproxy.warning.redis_rateHAProxy Warn Redis patchesNULLThe rate of dispatches (warning).
haproxy.servers_backupHAProxy Backup ServersNULLNumber of current backup servers (backend). Validates against total backup servers.
haproxy.mbytes_in_rateHAProxy Data ReceivedNULLThe rate at which the data is received per server in MB.
haproxy.http.errors_2xxHAProxy 2xx HTTP ErrorNULLNumber of http error responses with 2xx code
haproxy.http.errors_4xxHAProxy 4xx HTTP ErrorNULLNumber of http error responses with 4xx code
haproxy.errors_con_rateHAProxy Connection ErrorsNULLThe rate of connection errors.
haproxy.requests_rateHAProxy RequestsNULLThe rate of received HTTP requests.
haproxy.denied_req_rateHAProxy Denied RequestsNULLThe rate of denied requests.
haproxy.errors_req_rateHAProxy Request ErrorsNULLThe rate of request errors.
haproxy.mbytes_out_rateHAProxy Data SentNULLThe rate at which the data is sent per server in MB.
haproxy.session_rateHAProxy SessionsNULLNumber of sessions per second.
haproxy.lastchk_timeHAProxy Last Health Check TimeNULLTime in ms took to finish last health check.
haproxy.servers_activeHAProxy Active ServersNULLNumber of current active servers (backend). Validates against total active servers.

Agent G2 - Linux - HAProxy Performance Statistics


Monitors HAProxy stats module



Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Agent G2 - Linux - HAProxy Performance Statisticshaproxy.denied_resp_rateHAProxy Denied ResponsesNULLThe rate of denied responses.
haproxy.servers_backupHAProxy Backup ServersNULLNumber of current backup servers (backend). Validates against total backup servers.
haproxy.warning.redis_rateHAProxy Warn Redis patchesNULLThe rate of dispatches (warning).
haproxy.warning.retr_rateHAProxy Warn RetriesNULLThe rate of retries (warning).
haproxy.lastchk_timeHAProxy Last Health Check TimeNULLTime in ms took to finish last health check.
haproxy.denied_req_rateHAProxy Denied RequestsNULLThe rate of denied requests.
haproxy.http.errors_4xxHAProxy 4xx HTTP ErrorNULLNumber of http error responses with 4xx code
haproxy.requests_rateHAProxy RequestsNULLThe rate of received HTTP requests.
haproxy.errors_resp_rateHAProxy Response ErrorsNULLThe rate of response errors.
haproxy.errors_req_rateHAProxy Request ErrorsNULLThe rate of request errors.
haproxy.http.errors_1xxHAProxy 1xx HTTP ErrorNULLNumber of http error responses with 1xx code
haproxy.servers_activeHAProxy Active ServersNULLNumber of current active servers (backend). Validates against total active servers.
haproxy.errors_con_rateHAProxy Connection ErrorsNULLThe rate of connection errors.
haproxy.mbytes_out_rateHAProxy Data SentNULLThe rate at which the data is sent per server in MB.
haproxy.http.errors_2xxHAProxy 2xx HTTP ErrorNULLNumber of http error responses with 2xx code
haproxy.mbytes_in_rateHAProxy Data ReceivedNULLThe rate at which the data is received per server in MB.
haproxy.http.errors_3xxHAProxy 3xx HTTP ErrorNULLNumber of http error responses with 3xx code
haproxy.http.errors_5xxHAProxy 5xx HTTP ErrorNULLNumber of http error responses with 5xx code
haproxy.session_rateHAProxy SessionsNULLNumber of sessions per second.
haproxy.requests_queueHAProxy Queued RequestsNULLNumber of requests in the server queue.
haproxy.session_currentHAProxy Sessions ActiveNULLCurrent number of concurrent connections.

Agent G2 - Linux - HBase Monitors


Monitors HBase application metrics



Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Agent G2 - Linux - HBase Monitorshbase.dead.region.serversHBase Dead Region ServersNULLThe number of dead region servers. Live Region ServersNULLThe number of online region servers.
hbase.average.loadHBase Average LoadNULLAverage number of regions served by each region server.
hbase.cluster.requestsHBase Cluster RequestsNULLThe total number of requests from all region servers to a cluster.

Agent G2 - Linux - HBase Performance Check


Monitors HBase application metrics via MBeans exposed by the JMX Console



Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Agent G2 - Linux - HBase Performance Live Region ServersNULLThe number of online region servers.
hbase.dead.region.serversHBase Dead Region ServersNULLThe number of dead region servers.
hbase.cluster.requestsHBase Cluster RequestsNULLThe total number of requests from all region servers to a cluster.
hbase.average.loadHBase Average LoadNULLAverage number of regions served by each region server.

Agent G2 - Linux - HDFS Datanode Template


Monitor HDFS Datanodes



Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Agent G2 - Linux - HDFS Datanode Templatehdfs.datanode.num_blocks_failed_to_uncacheHDFS Datanode NumBlocksFailedToUncacheNULLThe number of failed blocks to remove from cache.
hdfs.datanode.last_volume_failure_dateHDFS Datanode LastVolumeFailureDateNULLThe date/time of the last volume failure in milliseconds since epoch.
hdfs.datanode.cache_usedHDFS Datanode Cache UsedNULLCache used in bytes.
hdfs.datanode.num_blocks_cachedHDFS Datanode NumBlocksCachedNULLThe number of blocks cached.
hdfs.datanode.cache_capacityHDFS Datanode Cache CapacityNULLCache capacity in bytes.
hdfs.datanode.dfs_remaining_percentHDFS Datanode Dfs Remaining PercentNULLThe remaining disk space left in Percent.
hdfs.datanode.estimated_capacity_lost_totalHDFS Datanode EstimatedCapacityLostTotalNULLThe estimated capacity lost in bytes.
hdfs.datanode.num_blocks_failed_to_cacheHDFS Datanode NumBlocksFailedToCacheNULLThe number of blocks that failed to cache.
hdfs.datanode.process_cpu_loadHDFS Datanode Process CpuLoadNULLThe CPU Load of the Process.
hdfs.datanode.dfs_capacityHDFS Datanode Dfs CapacityNULLDisk capacity in bytes.
hdfs.datanode.num_failed_volumesHDFS Datanode NumFailedVolumesNULLNumber of failed volumes.
hdfs.datanode.dfs_used_percentHDFS Datanode Dfs Used PercentNULLDisk usage in Percent.

Agent G2 - Linux - HDFS Namenode Template


Monitor HDFS Namenodes



Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Agent G2 - Linux - HDFS Namenode Templatehdfs.namenode.capacity_totalHDFS Namenode CapacityTotalNULLTotal disk capacity in bytes.
hdfs.namenode.num_live_data_nodesHDFS Namenode NumLiveDataNodesNULLTotal number of live data nodes.
hdfs.namenode.pending_deletion_blocksHDFS Namenode PendingDeletionBlocksNULLNumber of pending deletion blocks.
hdfs.namenode.files_totalHDFS Namenode FilesTotalNULLTotal number of files.
hdfs.namenode.volume_failures_totalHDFS Namenode VolumeFailuresTotalNULLTotal volume failures.
hdfs.namenode.under_replicated_blocksHDFS Namenode UnderReplicatedBlocksNULLNumber of under replicated blocks.
hdfs.namenode.scheduled_replication_blocksHDFS Namenode ScheduledReplicationBlocksNULLNumber of blocks scheduled for replication.
hdfs.namenode.num_stale_data_nodesHDFS Namenode NumStaleDataNodesNULLNumber of stale data nodes.
hdfs.namenode.nondfs_used_percentHDFS Namenode NonDfsUsedPercentNULLTotal space used by NonDfs in Percentage.
hdfs.namenode.blocks_totalHDFS Namenode BlocksTotalNULLTotal number of blocks.
hdfs.namenode.num_decom_dead_data_nodesHDFS Namenode NumDecomDeadDataNodesNULLNumber of decommissioning dead data nodes.
hdfs.namenode.num_failed_data_nodesHDFS Namenode NumFailedDataNodesNULLTotal number of failed data nodes.
hdfs.namenode.estimated_capacity_lost_totalHDFS Namenode EstimatedCapacityLostTotalNULLEstimated capacity lost in bytes.
hdfs.namenode.num_stale_storagesHDFS Namenode NumStaleStoragesNULLNumber of stale storages.
hdfs.namenode.total_loadHDFS Namenode TotalLoadNULLTotal load on the file system.
hdfs.namenode.missing_blocksHDFS Namenode MissingBlocksNULLNumber of missing blocks.
hdfs.namenode.corrupt_blocksHDFS Namenode CorruptBlocksNULLNumber of corrupt blocks.
hdfs.namenode.num_dead_data_nodesHDFS Namenode NumDeadDataNodesNULLTotal number of dead data nodes.
hdfs.namenode.num_decom_live_data_nodesHDFS Namenode NumDecomLiveDataNodesNULLNumber of decommissioning live data nodes.
hdfs.namenode.max_objectsHDFS Namenode MaxObjectsNULLMaximum number of files HDFS supports.
hdfs.namenode.pending_replication_blocksHDFS Namenode PendingReplicationBlocksNULLNumber of blocks pending replication.
hdfs.namenode.num_decommissioning_data_nodesHDFS Namenode NumDecommissioningDataNodesNULLNumber of decommissioning data nodes.
hdfs.namenode.capacity_used_percentHDFS Namenode CapacityUsedPercentNULLDisk usage in Percent.
hdfs.namenode.capacity_remaining_percentHDFS Namenode CapacityRemainingPercentNULLRemaining disk space left in Percent.

Agent G2 - Linux - IPTables Monitors


Monitoring Template for IP Tables application. Monitors chain bandwidth, close connections, established connections, filter failures, etc.



Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Agent G2 - Linux - IPTables Monitorsiptables.chain_bandwidthIPTables-ChainBandwidthNULLCaptures traffic following through the IPTables which matches a given Chain.
iptables.mangle_rulesIPTables-MangleRulesNULLChecks a given table for a specific number of rules. If the number of rules in that table is less than what is specified in the argument it throws an alert.
iptables.nat_rulesIPTables-NatRulesNULLChecks a given table for a specific number of rules. If the number of rules in that table is less than what is specified in the argument it throws an alert.
iptables.established_connectionsIPTables-ESTABLISHEDConnectionsNULLProvides the number of active ESTABLISHED connections.
iptables.icmp_connectionsIPTables-ICMPConnectionsNULLProvides the number of active ICMP connections.
iptables.udp_connectionsIPTables-UDPConnectionsNULLProvides the number of active UDP connections.
iptables.tcp_connectionsIPTables-TCPConnectionsNULLProvides the number of active TCP connections.
iptables.syn_connectionsIPTables-SYNConnectionsNULLProvides the number of active SYN connections.
iptables.close_connectionsIPTables-CLOSEConnectionsNULLProvides the number of active CLOSE connections.
iptables.filter_rulesIPTables-FilterRulesNULLChecks a given table for a specific number of rules. If the number of rules in that table is less than what is specified in the argument it throws an alert.
iptables.time_wait_connectionsIPTables-TIME_WAITConnectionsNULLProvides the number of active TIME_WAIT connections.

Agent G2 - Linux - K3S ApiServer


Template for monitoring K3S through Kubernetes API server



Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Agent G2 - Linux - K3S apiserver Dropped Requests Total CountNULLMonotonic count of requests dropped with Try-again-later response.
apiserver.http.requests.totalKube apiserver HTTP Requests TotalNULLTotal number of HTTP requests made.
apiserver.audit.event.totalKube apiserver Audit Event TotalNULLCounter of audit events generated and sent to the audit backend.
apiserver.authenticated.user.requestsKube apiserver Authenticated User RequestsNULLCounter of authenticated requests broken out by username.
apiserver.request.duration.seconds.bucketKube apiserver Request Duration Seconds BuckethistogramResponse latency distribution in seconds for each verb, dry run value, group, version, resource, subresource, scope, and component.
apiserver.go.threads.totalKube apiserver Go Threads TotalNULLNumber of OS threads created.
apiserver.inflight.requestsKube apiserver Inflight RequestsNULLMaximal number of currently used inflight request limit of this apiserver per request kind in the last second.
apiserver.request.countKube apiserver Request CountNULLCounter of apiserver requests broken out for each verb, group, version, resource, scope, component, client, and HTTP response contentType and code. apiserver HTTP Requests Total CountNULLTotal number of HTTP requests made.
apiserver.go.goroutinesKube apiserver GoroutinesNULLNumber of goroutines that currently exist.
apiserver.request.count.countKube apiserver Request Count CountNULLCounter of apiserver requests broken out for each verb, group, version, resource, scope, component, client, and HTTP response contentType and code. apiserver Rest Client Requests Total CountNULLNumber of HTTP requests, partitioned by status code, method, and host.
apiserver.APIServiceRegistrationController.depthKube apiserver APIService Registration Controller DepthNULLCurrent depth of workqueue: APIServiceRegistrationController.
apiserver.etcd.object.countsKube apiserver ETCD Object CountsNULLNumber of stored objects at the time of the last check split by kind.
apiserver.authenticated.user.requests.countKube apiserver Authenticated User Requests CountNULLCounter of authenticated requests broken out by username.

Agent G2 - Linux - K3S CoreDNS


Kubernetes CoreDNS



Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Agent G2 - Linux - K3S CoreDNScoredns.response_size.bytes.sumResponse Size Bytes SumNULLSize of the returned response in bytes.
coredns.query.countQuery countNULLTotal query count.
coredns.request_duration.seconds.sumRequest Duration Seconds SumNULLDuration to process each query.
coredns.panicsTotal PanicsNULLTotal number of panics.
coredns.request_duration.seconds.countRequest Duration Seconds CountNULLDuration per upstream interaction.

Agent G2 - Linux - K3S Kube State


Template for monitoring K3S using Kube State



Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Agent G2 - Linux - K3S Kube Statekubernetes_state.container.cpu_limitContainer Cpu LimitNULLThe limit on cpu cores to be used by a container
kubernetes_state.resourcequota.pods.usedResourcequota Pods UsedNULLObserved number of pods used for a resource quota
kubernetes_state.replicaset.replicas_desiredReplicaset Replicas DesiredNULLNumber of desired pods for a ReplicaSet
kubernetes_state.node.cpu_capacityNode Cpu CapacityNULLThe total CPU resources of the node.
kubernetes_state.deployment.replicas_desiredDeployment Replicas DesiredNULLThe number of desired replicas per deployment wrong help in kube-state-metrics.cross check Services Loadbalancers LimitNULLHard limit of the number of loadbalancers for a resource quota
kubernetes_state.node.memory_capacityNode Memory CapacityNULLThe total memory resources of the node.
kubernetes_state.daemonset.readyDaemonset ReadyNULLThe number of nodes that should be running the daemon pod and have one or more of the daemon pod running and ready.
kubernetes_state.replicaset.replicasReplicaset ReplicasNULLThe number of replicas per ReplicaSet. Services Nodeports LimitNULLHard limit of the number of node ports for a resource quota
kubernetes_state.container.cpu_requestedContainer Cpu RequestedNULLThe number of requested cpu cores by a container
kubernetes_state.resourcequota.requests.cpu.limitResourcequota Requests Cpu LimitNULLHard limit on the total of CPU core requested for a resource quota Requests Storage LimitNULLHard limit on the total of storage bytes requested for a resource quota
kubernetes_state.resourcequota.limits.memory.usedResourcequota Limits Memory UsedNULLObserved sum of limits for memory bytes for a resource quota
kubernetes_state.node.pods_capacityNode Pods CapacityNULLThe total pod resources of the node.
kubernetes_state.deployment.replicasDeployment ReplicasNULLThe number of replicas per deployment.
kubernetes_state.deployment.replicas_availableDeployment Replicas AvailableNULLThe number of available replicas per deployment.
kubernetes_state.resourcequota.requests.memory.usedResourcequota Requests Memory UsedNULLObserved sum of memory bytes requested for a resource quota
kubernetes_state.resourcequota.persistentvolumeclaims.limitResourcequota Persistentvolumeclaims LimitNULLHard limit of the number of PVC for a resource quota
kubernetes_state.container.memory_requestedContainer Memory RequestedNULLThe number of requested memory bytes by a container Services UsedNULLObserved number of services used for a resource quota
kubernetes_state.resourcequota.limits.memory.limitResourcequota Limits Memory LimitNULLHard limit on the sum of memory bytes limits for a resource quota
kubernetes_state.deployment.replicas_unavailableDeployment Replicas UnavailableNULLThe number of unavailable replicas per deployment.
kubernetes_state.node.memory_allocatableNode Memory AllocatableNULLThe memory resources of a node that are available for scheduling.
kubernetes_state.resourcequota.pods.limitResourcequota Pods LimitNULLHard limit of the number of pods for a resource quota
kubernetes_state.container.memory_limitContainer Memory LimitNULLThe limit on memory to be used by a container
kubernetes_state.deployment.rollingupdate.max_unavailableDeployment Rollingupdate Max UnavailableNULLMaximum number of unavailable replicas during a rolling update of a deployment.
kubernetes_state.resourcequota.persistentvolumeclaims.usedResourcequota Persistentvolumeclaims UsedNULLObserved number of persistent volume claims used for a resource quota
kubernetes_state.daemonset.misscheduledDaemonset MisscheduledNULLThe number of nodes running a daemon pod but are not supposed to. Services Loadbalancers UsedNULLObserved number of loadbalancers used for a resource quota
kubernetes_state.resourcequota.requests.cpu.usedResourcequota Requests Cpu UsedNULLObserved sum of CPU cores requested for a resource quota Services Nodeports UsedNULLObserved number of node ports used for a resource quota Requests Storage UsedNULLObserved sum of storage bytes requested for a resource quota
kubernetes_state.node.cpu_allocatableNode Cpu AllocatableNULLThe CPU resources of a node that are available for scheduling.
kubernetes_state.resourcequota.requests.memory.limitResourcequota Requests Memory LimitNULLHard limit on the total of memory bytes requested for a resource quota
kubernetes_state.container.restartsContainer RestartsNULLThe number of restarts per container
kubernetes_state.replicaset.fully_labeled_replicasReplicaset Fully Labeled ReplicasNULLThe number of fully labeled replicas per ReplicaSet.
kubernetes_state.deployment.replicas_updatedDeployment Replicas UpdatedNULLThe number of updated replicas per deployment.
kubernetes_state.resourcequota.limits.cpu.limitResourcequota Limits Cpu LimitNULLHard limit on the sum of CPU core limits for a resource quota Services LimitNULLHard limit of the number of services for a resource quota
kubernetes_state.resourcequota.limits.cpu.usedResourcequota Limits Cpu UsedNULLObserved sum of limits for CPU cores for a resource quota
kubernetes_state.replicaset.replicas_readyReplicaset Replicas ReadyNULLThe number of ready replicas per ReplicaSet
kubernetes_state.node.pods_allocatableNode Pods AllocatableNULLThe pod resources of a node that are available for scheduling.
kubernetes_state.daemonset.desiredDaemonset DesiredNULLThe number of nodes that should be running the daemon pod.
kubernetes_state.daemonset.scheduledDaemonset ScheduledNULLThe number of nodes running at least one daemon pod and are supposed to.

Agent G2 - Linux - K3S Master Agent


Agent G2 - Linux - K3S Master Agent



Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Agent G2 - Linux - K3S Master Agent - K8scorednscoredns.request_duration.seconds.sumRequest Duration Seconds SumNULLDuration to process each query.
coredns.panicsTotal PanicsNULLTotal number of panics.
coredns.query.countQuery countNULLTotal query count.
coredns.response_size.bytes.sumResponse Size Bytes SumNULLSize of the returns response in bytes.
coredns.request_duration.seconds.countRequest Duration Seconds CountNULLDuration per upstream interaction
Agent G2 - Linux - K3S Master Agent - K8sApiServerapiserver.http.requests.totalKube apiserver HTTP Requests TotalNULLTotal number of HTTP requests made.
apiserver.request.duration.seconds.bucketKube apiserver Request Duration Seconds BuckethistogramResponse latency distribution in seconds for each verb, dry run value, group, version, resource, subresource, scope and component.
apiserver.authenticated.user.requestsKube apiserver Authenticated User RequestsNULLCounter of authenticated requests broken out by username. apiserver Rest Client Requests TotalNULLNumber of HTTP requests, partitioned by status code, method, and host.
apiserver.dropped.requests.totalKube apiserver Dropped Requests TotalNULLAccumulated number of requests dropped with Try-again-later response
apiserver.request.count.countKube apiserver Request Count CountNULLCounter of apiserver requests broken out for each verb, group, version, resource, scope, component, client, and HTTP response contentType and code.
apiserver.go.goroutinesKube apiserver GoroutinesNULLNumber of goroutines that currently exist.
apiserver.request.countKube apiserver Request CountNULLCounter of apiserver requests broken out for each verb, group, version, resource, scope, component, client, and HTTP response contentType and code.
apiserver.etcd.object.countsKube apiserver ETCD Object CountsNULLNumber of stored objects at the time of last check split by kind.
apiserver.APIServiceRegistrationController.depthKube apiserver APIService Registration Controller DepthNULLCurrent depth of workqueue: APIServiceRegistrationController
apiserver.audit.event.totalKube apiserver Audit Event TotalNULLCounter of audit events generated and sent to the audit backend.
apiserver.go.threads.totalKube apiserver Go Threads TotalNULLNumber of OS threads created.
apiserver.inflight.requestsKube apiserver Inflight RequestsNULLMaximal number of currently used inflight request limit of this apiserver per request kind in last second. apiserver Rest Client Requests Total CountNULLNumber of HTTP requests, partitioned by status code, method, and host. apiserver Dropped Requests Total CountNULLMonotonic count of requests dropped with Try-again-later response
apiserver.authenticated.user.requests.countKube apiserver Authenticated User Requests CountNULLCounter of authenticated requests broken out by username. apiserver HTTP Requests Total CountNULLTotal number of HTTP requests made.

Agent G2 - Linux - Kafka Consumer Monitors


Agent G2 - Linux - Kafka Consumer Monitors



Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Agent G2 - Linux - Kafka Consumer Broker OffsetsNULLBroker offsets
kafka.consumer.offsetsKafka Consumer OffsetsNULLConsumer offsets
kafka.consumer.lagKafka Consumer Lag%Lag in the consumer data

Agent G2 - Linux - Kafka Monitors


Monitors performance related metrics via MBeans exposed by the JMX console



Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Agent G2 - Linux - Kafka Monitorskafka.jvm.threadsKafka JVM ThreadsNULLNumber of threads.
kafka.metrics.fetch.requestsKafka Fetch RequestsNULLRequest rate
kafka.jvm.uptimeKafka UptimeNULLUptime of the server
kafka.metrics.produce_remote_timeKafka Producer Remote TimemsTime the request waits for the follower
kafka.metrics.offset_commit_resp_queue_timeKafka Offset Commit Response Queue TimemsTime the request waiting in the response queue
kafka.metrics.controlled_shutdown.requestsKafka Controlled Shutdown RequestsNULLRequest rate
kafka.producer.requests_delayedKafka Producer Delayed RequestsNULLRequests delayed in the producer purgatory
kafka.fetch.requests_waitingKafka Fetch Purgatory SizeNULLRequests waiting in the fetch purgatory
kafka.metrics.fetch_follower.resp_queue_timeKafka Fetch Follower Response Queue TimemsTime the request waiting in the response queue
kafka.metrics.controlled_shutdown.total_timeKafka Controlled Shutdown Total TimemsRequest total time Request Queue SizeNULL
kafka.metrics.controlled_shutdown.resp_send_timeKafka Controlled Shutdown Response Send TimemsTime to send the response
kafka.controller.active_controller_countKafka Active Controller CountNULLIs controller active on broker
kafka.metrics.leader_isr.local_timeKafka Leader And Isr Local TimemsTime the request being processed at the leader
kafka.metrics.offset_commit.remote_timeKafka Offset Commit Remote TimemsTime the request waits for the follower
kafka.metrics.fetch_follower.local_timeKafka Fetch Follower Local TimemsTime the request being processed at the leader Response Queue SizeNULL
kafka.metrics.metadata.req_queue_timeKafka Metadata Request Queue TimemsTime the request waiting in the request queue
kafka.metrics.controlled_shutdown.req_queue_timeKafka Controlled Shutdown Request Queue TimemsTime the request waiting in the request queue
kafka.metrics.leader_isr.remote_timeKafka Leader And Isr Remote TimemsTime the request waits for the follower
kafka.metrics.update_metadata.requestsKafka Update Metadata RequestsNULLRequest rate
kafka.metrics.fetch_consumer.resp_send_timeKafka Fetch Consumer Response Send TimemsTime to send the response
kafka.metrics.update_metadata.remote_timeKafka Update Metadata Remote TimemsTime the request waits for the follower
kafka.producer.requests_waitingKafka Producer Purgatory SizeNULLRequests waiting in the producer purgatory
kafka.metrics.fetch_consumer.total_timeKafka Fetch Consumer Total TimemsRequest total time
kafka.metrics.offsets.req_queue_timeKafka Offsets Request Queue TimemsTime the request waiting in the request queue
kafka.metrics.fetch_consumer.req_queue_timeKafka Fetch Consumer Request Queue TimemsTime the request waiting in the request queue
kafka.metrics.offsets.resp_queue_timeKafka Offsets Response Queue TimemsTime the request waiting in the response queue
kafka.fetch.requests_delayedKafka Fetch Delayed RequestsNULLRequests delayed in the fetch purgatory
kafka.metrics.stop_replica_total_timeKafka Stop Replica Total TimemsRequest total time
kafka.log.flush_rateKafka LogFlush Rate And TimeNULLLog flush rate and time

Agent G2 - Linux - Kong Monitoring - V2


Monitors kong application related metrics like Connections Accepted,Connections Active,Connections Handled,Connections Reading,Connections Waiting,Connections Writing,Connections Total,Database Reachable,Db Entities Total,Db Entity Count Errors,Enterprise License Errors,Memory Lua Shared Dict Bytes,Memory Lua Shared Dict Total Bytes,Memory Workers Lua Vms Bytes,Nginx Http Current Connections,Nginx Metric Errors Total,Nginx Timers



Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Agent G2 - Linux - Kong Monitoring - V2kong_nginx_timersKong Nginx TimersNULLNumber of nginx timers
kong_db_entity_count_errorsKong Db Entity Count ErrorsNULLErrors during entity count collection
kong_memory_lua_shared_dict_bytesKong Memory Lua Shared Dict BytesbytesAllocated slabs in bytes in a shared_dict
kong_enterprise_license_errorsKong Enterprise License ErrorsNULLErrors when collecting license info
kong_memory_workers_lua_vms_bytesKong Memory Workers Lua Vms BytesbytesAllocated bytes in worker Lua VM
kong_connections_totalKong Connections TotalRequestsTotal number of client requests.
kong_connections_handledConnections HandledNULLTotal number of handled connections. (Same as accepts unless resource limits were reached).
kong_memory_lua_shared_dict_total_bytesKong Memory Lua Shared Dict Total BytesbytesTotal capacity in bytes of a shared_dict
kong_nginx_http_current_connectionsKong Nginx Http Current ConnectionsConnectionsNumber of HTTP connections
kong_db_entities_totalKong Db Entities TotalNULLTotal number of Kong db entities
kong_nginx_metric_errors_totalKong Nginx Metric Errors TotalNULLNumber of nginx-lua-prometheus errors
kong_connections_readingConnections ReadingNULLCurrent number of connections where Kong is reading the request header.
kong_connections_activeConnections ActiveNULLCurrent number of active client connections including Waiting connections.
kong_connections_acceptedConnections AcceptedNULLTotal number of accepted client connections.
kong_connections_waitingConnections WaitingNULLCurrent number of idle client connections waiting for a request.
kong_connections_writingConnections WritingNULLCurrent number of connections where nginx is writing the response back to the client.

Agent G2 - Linux - Kubernetes ApiServer


Template for monitoring Kubernetes through Kubernetes API server



Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Agent G2 - Linux - Kubernetes ApiServerapiserver.authenticated.user.requests.countKube apiserver Authenticated User Requests CountNULLCounter of authenticated requests broken out by username.
apiserver.go.goroutinesKube apiserver GoroutinesNULLNumber of goroutines that currently exist.
apiserver.audit.event.totalKube apiserver Audit Event TotalNULLCounter of audit events generated and sent to the audit backend.
apiserver.inflight.requestsKube apiserver Inflight RequestsNULLMaximal number of currently used inflight request limit of this apiserver per request kind in last second.
apiserver.http.requests.totalKube apiserver HTTP Requests TotalNULLTotal number of HTTP requests made. apiserver Rest Client Requests Total CountNULLNumber of HTTP requests, partitioned by status code, method, and host. apiserver Dropped Requests Total CountNULLMonotonic count of requests dropped with Try-again-later response apiserver Rest Client Requests TotalNULLNumber of HTTP requests, partitioned by status code, method, and host.
apiserver.etcd.object.countsKube apiserver ETCD Object CountsNULLNumber of stored objects at the time of last check split by kind.
apiserver.request.duration.seconds.bucketKube apiserver Request Duration Seconds BuckethistogramResponse latency distribution in seconds for each verb, dry run value, group, version, resource, subresource, scope and component.
apiserver.request.count.countKube apiserver Request Count CountNULLCounter of apiserver requests broken out for each verb, group, version, resource, scope, component, client, and HTTP response contentType and code.
apiserver.APIServiceRegistrationController.depthKube apiserver APIService Registration Controller DepthNULLCurrent depth of workqueue: APIServiceRegistrationController
apiserver.authenticated.user.requestsKube apiserver Authenticated User RequestsNULLCounter of authenticated requests broken out by username.
apiserver.request.countKube apiserver Request CountNULLCounter of apiserver requests broken out for each verb, group, version, resource, scope, component, client, and HTTP response contentType and code.
apiserver.dropped.requests.totalKube apiserver Dropped Requests TotalNULLAccumulated number of requests dropped with Try-again-later response
apiserver.go.threads.totalKube apiserver Go Threads TotalNULLNumber of OS threads created. apiserver HTTP Requests Total CountNULLTotal number of HTTP requests made.

Agent G2 - Linux - Kubernetes Controller


Template for monitoring default Kubenetes Controller



Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Agent G2 - Linux - Kubernetes Controllercontroller.go.goroutinesKube Controller Go GoroutinesNULLNumber of goroutines that currently exist.
controller.workqueue.nodes.evictionsKube Controller Node Collector Evictions NumberNULLNumber of Node evictions that happened since current instance of NodeController started.
controller.workqueue.work_longest_durationKube Controller Workqueue Longest Running Processor SecondsNULLHow many seconds has the longest running processor for workqueue been running.
controller.workqueue.work_duration.sumKube Controller Workqueue Work Duration Seconds SumNULLHow long in seconds processing an item from workqueue takes.
controller.rate_limiter.useKube Controller Node Lifecycle Controller Rate Limiter UseNULLA metric measuring the saturation of the rate limiter for node_lifecycle_controller.
controller.workqueue.depthKube Controller Workqueue DepthNULLCurrent depth of workqueue.
controller.process.open_fdsKube Controller Process Open FdsNULLNumber of open file descriptors.
controller.workqueue.nodes.countKube Controller Registered NodesNULLNumber of registered Nodes per zones.
controller.workqueue.queue_duration.countKube Controller Workqueue Queue Duration Seconds CountNULLTotal how long in seconds an item stays in workqueue before being requested.
controller.workqueue.nodes.unhealthyKube Controller Node Collector Unhealthy Nodes in ZoneNULLNumber of not Ready Nodes per zones.
controller.process.max_fdsKube Controller Process Max FdsNULLMaximum number of open file descriptors.
controller.workqueue.retriesKube Controller Workqueue Retries TotalNULLTotal number of retries handled by workqueue.
controller.workqueue.work_duration.countKube Controller Workqueue Work Duration Seconds CountNULLTotal time in seconds processing an item from workqueue takes.
controller.workqueue.addsKube Controller Workqueue Adds TotalNULLTotal number of adds handled by workqueue.
controller.workqueue.queue_duration.sumKube Controller Workqueue Queue Duration Seconds SumNULLHow long in seconds an item stays in workqueue before being requested.
controller.workqueue.work_unfinished_durationKube Controller Workqueue Unfinished Work SecondsNULLHow many seconds of work has done that is in progress and hasn't been observed by work_duration. Large values indicate stuck threads.
controller.threadsKube Controller Os ThreadsNULLNumber of OS threads created.

Agent G2 - Linux - Kubernetes CoreDNS Monitoring


Kubernetes CoreDNS



Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Agent G2 - Linux - Kubernetes CoreDNS Monitoringcoredns.request_duration.seconds.countRequest Duration Seconds CountNULLDuration per upstream interaction
coredns.request_duration.seconds.sumRequest Duration Seconds SumNULLDuration to process each query.
coredns.response_size.bytes.sumResponse Size Bytes SumNULLSize of the returns response in bytes.
coredns.panicsTotal PanicsNULLTotal number of panics.
coredns.query.countQuery countNULLTotal query count.

Agent G2 - Linux - Kubernetes DNS Monitoring


Agent G2 - Linux - Kubernetes DNS Monitoring



Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Agent G2 - Linux - Kubernetes DNS Monitoringkubedns.request_duration.seconds.sumRequest Duration Seconds SumNULLTime (in seconds) each request took to resolve.
kubedns.response_size.bytes.countResponse Size Bytes CountNULLNumber of responses on which the kubedns.response_size.bytes.sum metric is evaluated.
kubedns.request_duration.seconds.countRequest Duration Seconds CountNULLNumber of requests on which the kubedns.request_duration.seconds.sum metric is evaluated.
kubedns.error_countError CountNULLNumber of DNS requests resulting in an error.
kubedns.request_countRequest CountNULLTotal number of DNS requests made.
kubedns.response_size.bytes.sumResponse Size Bytes SumNULLSize of the returned response in bytes.
kubedns.cachemiss_countCachemiss CountNULLNumber of DNS cache misses (from the start of the process).

Agent G2 - Linux - Kubernetes Kubelet


Template for monitoring Kubernetes metrics from Kubelet for each Node



Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Agent G2 - Linux - Kubernetes Kubeletkube_memory_requestsMemory RequestsNULLThe requested memory
kube_cpu_cfs_periodsCpu Cfs PeriodsNULLNumber of elapsed enforcement period intervals
kube_kubelet_volume_stats_inodes_usedKubelet Volume Stats Inodes UsedNULLThe number of used inodes in the volume
kube_node_memory_usageNode Memory UsageNULLMemory usage of node (Plotted in Megabytes)
kube_memory_sw_limitMemory Sw LimitNULLMemory swap limit for the container.
kube_io_write_bytesIo Write BytesNULLThe amount of bytes written to the disk
kube_node_cpu_allocatableNode Cpu AllocatableNULLCpu allocatable of node
kube_cpu_cfs_throttled_periodsCpu Cfs Throttled PeriodsNULLNumber of throttled period intervals
kube_memory_swapMemory SwapNULLContainer swap usage in bytes.
kube_kubelet_container_log_filesystem_used_bytesKubelet Container Log Filesystem Used BytesNULLBytes used by the container's logs on the filesystem (requires kubernetes 1.14+)
kube_cpu_usage_totalCpu Usage TotalNULLCpu time consumed in seconds.
kube_network_rx_bytesNetwork Rx BytesNULLThe amount of bytes per second received
kube_node_memory_capacityNode Memory CapacityNULLMemory capacity of node (Plotted in Megabytes)
kube_containers_restartsContainers RestartsNULLThe number of times the container has been restarted
kube_node_memory_allocatableNode Memory AllocatableNULLMemory allocatable of node
kube_memory_limitsMemory LimitsNULLMemory limit for the container.
kube_node_cpu_usageNode Cpu UsageNULLCpu usage of node (Plotted in Millicores)
kube_filesystem_usage_pctFilesystem Usage PctNULLNumber of megabytes that can be consumed by the container on this filesystem.
kube_kubelet_volume_stats_capacity_bytesKubelet Volume Stats Capacity BytesNULLThe capacity in bytes of the volume
kube_network_tx_bytesNetwork Tx BytesNULLThe amount of bytes per second transmitted
kube_runtime_memory_rssRuntime Memory RssNULLSize of runtime RSS in megabytes
kube_kubelet_memory_rssKubelet Memory RssNULLSize of kubelet RSS in megabytes
kube_cpu_cfs_throttled_secondsCpu Cfs Throttled SecondsNULLTotal time duration the container has been throttled
kube_runtime_cpu_usageRuntime Cpu UsageNULLThe number of cores used by the runtime
kube_kubelet_cpu_usageKubelet Cpu UsageNULLThe number of cores used by kubelet
kube_network_rx_droppedNetwork Rx DroppedNULLThe amount of rx packets dropped per second
kube_io_read_bytesIo Read BytesNULLThe amount of bytes read from the disk
kube_pods_runningPods RunningNULLThe number of running pods
kube_filesystem_usageFilesystem UsageNULLNumber of megabytes that are consumed by the container on this filesystem.
kube_node_ephemeral_storage_capacityNode Ephemeral Storage CapacityMBEphemeral storage capacity of node
kube_network_rx_errorsNetwork Rx ErrorsNULLThe amount of rx errors per second
kube_kubelet_evictionsKubelet EvictionsNULLThe number of pods that have been evicted from the kubelet (ALPHA in kubernetes v1.16)
kube_rest_client_latencyRest Client LatencyNULLAvg Request latency in seconds. Broken down by verb and URL since last pool.
kube_network_tx_droppedNetwork Tx DroppedNULLThe amount of tx packets dropped per second
kube_apiserver_certificate_expirationApiserver Certificate ExpirationNULLAvg Distribution of the remaining lifetime on the certificate used to authenticate a request since last pool.
kube_kubelet_volume_stats_available_bytesKubelet Volume Stats Available BytesNULLThe number of available bytes in the volume
kube_cpu_requestsCpu RequestsNULLThe requested cpu cores
kube_cpu_user_totalCpu User TotalNULLUser cpu time consumed in seconds.
kube_kubelet_volume_stats_inodes_freeKubelet Volume Stats Inodes FreeNULLThe number of free inodes in the volume
kube_kubelet_runtime_errorsKubelet Runtime ErrorsNULLThe number of runtime operations errors
kube_memory_working_setMemory Working SetNULLCurrent working set in megabytes - this is what the OOM killer is watching for
kube_node_cpu_capacityNode Cpu CapacityNULLCpu capacity of Node (Plotted in Millicores)
kube_memory_usageMemory UsageNULLCurrent memory usage in bytes including all memory regardless of when it was accessed
kube_kubelet_volume_stats_inodesKubelet Volume Stats InodesNULLThe maximum number of inodes in the volume
kube_memory_rssMemory RssNULLSize of RSS in bytes
kube_node_ephemeral_storage_allocatableNode Ephemeral Storage AllocatableMBEphemeral storage allocatable of node
kube_network_tx_errorsNetwork Tx ErrorsNULLThe amount of tx errors per second
kube_node_memory_usage_percentageNode Memory Usage PercentageNULLMemory usage percentage of node
kube_kubelet_runtime_operationsKubelet Runtime OperationsNULLThe number of runtime operations
kube_cpu_limitsCpu LimitsNULLThe limit of cpu cores set
kube_rest_client_requestsRest Client RequestsNULLThe number of HTTP requests
kube_memory_cacheMemory CacheNULLNumber of bytes of page cache memory.
kube_kubelet_volume_stats_used_bytesKubelet Volume Stats Used BytesNULLThe number of used bytes in the volume
kube_containers_runningContainers RunningNULLThe number of running containers
kube_cpu_system_totalCpu System TotalNULLSystem cpu time consumed in seconds.
kube_ephemeral_storage_usageEphemeral Storage UsageNULLEphemeral storage usage of the POD
kube_kubelet_network_plugin_latencyKubelet Network Plugin LatencyNULLAvg Latency in seconds of network plugin operations. Broken down by operation type since last pool.
kube_cpu_load_10s_avgCpu Load 10S AvgNULLContainer cpu load average over the last 10 seconds
kube_node_cpu_usage_percentageNode Cpu Usage PercentageNULLCpu usage percentage of node

Agent G2 - Linux - Kubernetes Master Agent


Agent G2 - Linux - Kubernetes Master Agent



Supported Metrics

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Agent G2 - Linux - Kubernetes Master Agent - K8sSchedulerscheduler.binding.duration.secondsKube Scheduler Binding Duration Seconds SumNULLBinding duration in seconds sum
scheduler.threadsKube Scheduler OS ThreadsNULLNumber of OS threads created
scheduler.gc_duration_seconds.sumKube Scheduler Go GC Duration Seconds SumNULLA summary of the GC invocation durations
scheduler.gc_duration_seconds.countKube Scheduler Go GC Duration Seconds CountNULLA summary of the GC invocation durations
scheduler.binding.latency.sumKube Scheduler Binding Latency Microseconds SumNULLBinding latency in microseconds sum
scheduler.scheduling.algorithm.predicate_duration.countKube Scheduler Scheduling Algorithm Predicate Evaluation CountNULLScheduling algorithm predicate evaluation duration
scheduler.client.http.requests_duration.countKube Scheduler Rest Client Request Latency Seconds CountNULLTotal request latency in seconds. Broken down by verb and URL
scheduler.scheduling.scheduling_latency.countKube Scheduler Scheduling Latency Seconds CountNULLScheduling latency in seconds split by sub-parts of the scheduling operation
scheduler.volume_scheduling_duration.countKube Scheduler Volume Scheduling Duration Seconds CountNULLVolume scheduling stage latency count
scheduler.scheduling.scheduling_duration.quantileKube Scheduler Scheduling Duration SecondsNULLScheduling latency in seconds split by sub-parts of the scheduling operation
scheduler.scheduling.algorithm_latency.sumKube Scheduler Scheduling Algorithm Latency Microseconds SumNULLScheduling algorithm latency in microseconds sum
scheduler.scheduling.algorithm.preemption_duration.countKube Scheduler Scheduling Algorithm Preemption Evaluation CountNULLScheduling algorithm preemption evaluation duration
scheduler.pod_preemption.attemptsKube Scheduler Total Preemption AttemptsNULLTotal preemption attempts in the cluster till now
scheduler.schedule_attempts.totalKube Scheduler Schedule Attempts TotalNULLNumber of attempts to schedule pods, by the result. 'unschedulable' means a pod could not be scheduled, while 'error' means an internal scheduler problem
scheduler.scheduling.algorithm.priority_duration.countKube Scheduler Scheduling Algorithm Priority Evaluation CountNULLScheduling algorithm priority evaluation duration
scheduler.scheduling.algorithm.priority_duration.sumKube Scheduler Scheduling Algorithm Priority Evaluation SumNULLScheduling algorithm priority evaluation duration
scheduler.scheduling.scheduling_latency.quantileKube Scheduler Scheduling Latency SecondsNULLScheduling latency in seconds split by sub-parts of the scheduling operation
scheduler.binding.latency.countKube Scheduler Binding Latency Microseconds CountNULLTotal Binding latency in microseconds count
scheduler.e2e.scheduling_duration.sumKube Scheduler E2E Scheduling Duration Seconds SumNULLE2e scheduling latency in seconds (scheduling algorithm + binding)
scheduler.cache.lookupsKube Scheduler Equiv Cache Lookups TotalNULLTotal number of equivalence cache lookups, by whether or not a cache entry was found
scheduler.go.goroutinesKube Scheduler Go GoroutinesNULLNumber of goroutines that currently exist
scheduler.scheduling.scheduling_duration.countKube Scheduler Scheduling Duration Seconds CountNULLScheduling latency in seconds split by sub-parts of the scheduling operation
scheduler.scheduling.algorithm_duration.sumKube Scheduler Scheduling Algorithm Duration Seconds SumNULLScheduling algorithm latency in seconds sum
scheduler.gc_duration_seconds.quantileKube Scheduler Go GC Duration SecondsNULLA summary of the GC invocation durations
scheduler.e2e.scheduling_duration.countKube Scheduler E2E Scheduling Duration Seconds CountNULLTotal E2e scheduling latency in seconds (scheduling algorithm + binding)
scheduler.client.http.requestsKube Scheduler Rest Client Requests TotalNULLNumber of HTTP requests, partitioned by status code, method, and host
scheduler.process.open_fdsKube Scheduler Process Open FdsNULLNumber of open file descriptors
scheduler.client.http.requests_duration.sumKube Scheduler Rest Client Request Latency Seconds SumNULLRequest latency in seconds sum. Broken down by verb and URL
scheduler.pod_preemption.victimsKube Scheduler Pod Preemption VictimsNULLNumber of selected preemption victims
scheduler.process.max_fdsKube Scheduler Process Max FdsNULLMaximum number of open file descriptors
scheduler.scheduling.scheduling_duration.sumKube Scheduler Scheduling Duration Seconds SumNULLScheduling latency in seconds split by sub-parts of the scheduling operation
scheduler.volume_scheduling_duration.sumKube Scheduler Volume Scheduling Duration Seconds SumNULLVolume scheduling stage latency sum
scheduler.e2e.scheduling_latency.countKube Scheduler E2E Scheduling Latency Microseconds CountNULLTotal E2e scheduling latency in microseconds (scheduling algorithm + binding)
scheduler.scheduling.algorithm_duration.countKube Scheduler Scheduling Algorithm Duration Seconds CountNULLTotal Scheduling algorithm latency in seconds count
scheduler.scheduling.algorithm_latency.countKube Scheduler Scheduling Algorithm Latency Microseconds CountNULLTotal Scheduling algorithm latency in microseconds count
scheduler.e2e.scheduling_latency.sumKube Scheduler E2E Scheduling Latency Microseconds SumNULLE2e scheduling latency in microseconds (scheduling algorithm + binding)
scheduler.scheduling.algorithm.predicate_duration.sumKube Scheduler Scheduling Algorithm Predicate Evaluation SumNULLScheduling algorithm predicate evaluation duration
scheduler.scheduling.algorithm.preemption_duration.sumKube Scheduler Scheduling Algorithm Preemption Evaluation SumNULLScheduling algorithm preemption evaluation duration
scheduler.scheduling.scheduling_latency.sumKube Scheduler Scheduling Latency Seconds SumNULLScheduling latency in seconds split by sub-parts of the scheduling operation
scheduler.binding.duration.countKube Scheduler Binding Duration Seconds CountNULLTotal Binding duration in seconds count
Agent G2 - Linux - Kubernetes Master Agent - K8sApiServerapiserver.go.goroutinesKube apiserver GoroutinesNULLNumber of goroutines that currently exist.
apiserver.authenticated.user.requests.countKube apiserver Authenticated User Requests CountNULLCounter of authenticated requests broken out by username. apiserver Rest Client Requests TotalNULLNumber of HTTP requests, partitioned by status code, method, and host. apiserver Rest Client Requests Total CountNULLNumber of HTTP requests, partitioned by status code, method, and host.
apiserver.request.count.countKube apiserver Request Count CountNULLCounter of apiserver requests broken out for each verb, group, version, resource, scope, component, client, and HTTP response contentType and code.
apiserver.APIServiceRegistrationController.depthKube apiserver APIService Registration Controller DepthNULLCurrent depth of workqueue: APIServiceRegistrationController
apiserver.audit.event.totalKube apiserver Audit Event TotalNULLCounter of audit events generated and sent to the audit backend.
apiserver.go.threads.totalKube apiserver Go Threads TotalNULLNumber of OS threads created. apiserver HTTP Requests Total CountNULLTotal number of HTTP requests made.
apiserver.http.requests.totalKube apiserver HTTP Requests TotalNULLTotal number of HTTP requests made.
apiserver.inflight.requestsKube apiserver Inflight RequestsNULLMaximal number of currently used inflight request limit of this apiserver per request kind in the last second.
apiserver.request.countKube apiserver Request CountNULLCounter of apiserver requests broken out for each verb, group, version, resource, scope, component, client, and HTTP response contentType and code.
apiserver.etcd.object.countsKube apiserver ETCD Object CountsNULLNumber of stored objects at the time of the last check split by kind.
apiserver.dropped.requests.totalKube apiserver Dropped Requests TotalNULLAccumulated number of requests dropped with Try-again-later response apiserver Dropped Requests Total CountNULLMonotonic count of requests dropped with Try-again-later response
apiserver.authenticated.user.requestsKube apiserver Authenticated User RequestsNULLCounter of authenticated requests broken out by username.
apiserver.request.duration.seconds.bucketKube apiserver Request Duration Seconds BuckethistogramResponse latency distribution in seconds for each verb, dry run value, group, version, resource, subresource, scope, and component.
Agent G2 - Linux - Kubernetes Master Agent - K8scorednscoredns.request_duration.seconds.countRequest Duration Seconds CountNULLDuration per upstream interaction
coredns.request_duration.seconds.sumRequest Duration Seconds SumNULLDuration to process each query.
coredns.panicsTotal PanicsNULLTotal number of panics.
coredns.query.countQuery countNULLTotal query count.
coredns.response_size.bytes.sumResponse Size Bytes SumNULLSize of the returns response in bytes.
Agent G2 - Linux - Kubernetes Master Agent - K8sControllercontroller.workqueue.work_duration.sumKube Controller Workqueue Work Duration Seconds SumNULLHow long in seconds processing an item from workqueue takes
controller.process.open_fdsKube Controller Process Open FdsNULLNumber of open file descriptors
controller.go.goroutinesKube Controller Go GoroutinesNULLNumber of goroutines that currently exist
controller.workqueue.work_duration.countKube Controller Workqueue Work Duration Seconds CountNULLTotal time in seconds processing an item from workqueue takes
controller.workqueue.queue_duration.sumKube Controller Workqueue Queue Duration Seconds SumNULLHow long in seconds an item stays in workqueue before being requested.
controller.workqueue.nodes.countKube Controller Registered NodesNULLNumber of registered Nodes per zones.
controller.threadsKube Controller Os ThreadsNULLNumber of OS threads created.
controller.workqueue.retriesKube Controller Workqueue Retries TotalNULLTotal number of retries handled by workqueue.
controller.workqueue.work_unfinished_durationKube Controller Workqueue Unfinished Work SecondsNULLHow many seconds of work has done that is in progress and hasn't been observed by work_duration. Large values indicate stuck threads.
controller.workqueue.work_longest_durationKube Controller Workqueue Longest Running Processor SecondsNULLHow many seconds has the longest running processor for workqueue been running.
controller.workqueue.depthKube Controller Workqueue DepthNULLCurrent depth of workqueue.
controller.workqueue.nodes.unhealthyKube Controller Node Collector Unhealthy Nodes in ZoneNULLNumber of not Ready Nodes per zones.
controller.rate_limiter.useKube Controller Node Lifecycle Controller Rate Limiter UseNULLA metric measuring the saturation of the rate limiter for node_lifecycle_controller.
controller.workqueue.addsKube Controller Workqueue Adds TotalNULLTotal number of adds handled by workqueue.
controller.process.max_fdsKube Controller Process Max FdsNULLMaximum number of open file descriptors.
controller.workqueue.queue_duration.countKube Controller Workqueue Queue Duration Seconds CountNULLTotal how long in seconds an item stays in workqueue before being requested.
controller.workqueue.nodes.evictionsKube Controller Node Collector Evictions NumberNULLNumber of Node evictions that happened since current instance of NodeController started.

Agent G2 - Linux - Kubernetes Monitoring Template


Agent G2 - Linux - Kubernetes Monitoring Template



Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Agent G2 - Linux - Kubernetes Monitoring Template - K8scorednscoredns.response_size.bytes.sumResponse Size Bytes SumNULLSize of the returns response in bytes.
coredns.request_duration.seconds.sumRequest Duration Seconds SumNULLDuration to process each query.
coredns.panicsTotal PanicsNULLTotal number of panics.
coredns.query.countQuery countNULLTotal query count.
coredns.request_duration.seconds.countRequest Duration Seconds CountNULLDuration per upstream interaction
Agent G2 - Linux - Kubernetes Monitoring Template - K8sstatekubernetes_state.resourcequota.requests.cpu.limitResourcequota Requests Cpu LimitNULLHard limit on the total of CPU core requested for a resource quota
kubernetes_state.resourcequota.requests.memory.limitResourcequota Requests Memory LimitNULLHard limit on the total of memory bytes requested for a resource quota
kubernetes_state.daemonset.desiredDaemonset DesiredNULLThe number of nodes that should be running the daemon pod.
kubernetes_state.node.cpu_capacityNode Cpu CapacityNULLThe total CPU resources of the node.
kubernetes_state.container.restartsContainer RestartsNULLThe number of restarts per container
kubernetes_state.deployment.replicas_unavailableDeployment Replicas UnavailableNULLThe number of unavailable replicas per deployment.
kubernetes_state.daemonset.scheduledDaemonset ScheduledNULLThe number of nodes running at least one daemon pod and are supposed to
kubernetes_state.replicaset.fully_labeled_replicasReplicaset Fully Labeled ReplicasNULLThe number of fully labeled replicas per ReplicaSet.
kubernetes_state.node.pods_capacityNode Pods CapacityNULLThe total pod resources of the node.
kubernetes_state.daemonset.readyDaemonset ReadyNULLThe number of nodes that should be running the daemon pod and have one or more of the daemon pod running and ready.
kubernetes_state.resourcequota.persistentvolumeclaims.usedResourcequota Persistentvolumeclaims UsedNULLObserved number of persistent volume claims used for a resource quota
kubernetes_state.replicaset.replicasReplicaset ReplicasNULLThe number of replicas per ReplicaSet.
kubernetes_state.deployment.replicas_desiredDeployment Replicas DesiredNULLThe number of desired replicas per deployment wrong help in kube-state-metrics.cross check
kubernetes_state.container.cpu_limitContainer Cpu LimitNULLThe limit on cpu cores to be used by a container Services Loadbalancers LimitNULLHard limit of the number of loadbalancers for a resource quota
kubernetes_state.resourcequota.limits.memory.usedResourcequota Limits Memory UsedNULLObserved sum of limits for memory bytes for a resource quota
kubernetes_state.container.memory_limitContainer Memory LimitNULLThe limit on memory to be used by a container
kubernetes_state.deployment.replicasDeployment ReplicasNULLThe number of replicas per deployment. Services UsedNULLObserved number of services used for a resource quota
kubernetes_state.deployment.replicas_availableDeployment Replicas AvailableNULLThe number of available replicas per deployment. Services Loadbalancers UsedNULLObserved number of loadbalancers used for a resource quota
kubernetes_state.resourcequota.limits.cpu.limitResourcequota Limits Cpu LimitNULLHard limit on the sum of CPU core limits for a resource quota
kubernetes_state.resourcequota.limits.cpu.usedResourcequota Limits Cpu UsedNULLObserved sum of limits for CPU cores for a resource quota
kubernetes_state.replicaset.replicas_desiredReplicaset Replicas DesiredNULLNumber of desired pods for a ReplicaSet Services LimitNULLHard limit of the number of services for a resource quota
kubernetes_state.daemonset.misscheduledDaemonset MisscheduledNULLThe number of nodes running a daemon pod but are not supposed to.
kubernetes_state.resourcequota.requests.cpu.usedResourcequota Requests Cpu UsedNULLObserved sum of CPU cores requested for a resource quota Requests Storage LimitNULLHard limit on the total of storage bytes requested for a resource quota
kubernetes_state.resourcequota.pods.usedResourcequota Pods UsedNULLObserved number of pods used for a resource quota
kubernetes_state.node.memory_allocatableNode Memory AllocatableNULLThe memory resources of a node that are available for scheduling. Services Nodeports UsedNULLObserved number of node ports used for a resource quota
kubernetes_state.resourcequota.limits.memory.limitResourcequota Limits Memory LimitNULLHard limit on the sum of memory bytes limits for a resource quota
kubernetes_state.node.pods_allocatableNode Pods AllocatableNULLThe pod resources of a node that are available for scheduling.
kubernetes_state.deployment.rollingupdate.max_unavailableDeployment Rollingupdate Max UnavailableNULLMaximum number of unavailable replicas during a rolling update of a deployment.
kubernetes_state.container.memory_requestedContainer Memory RequestedNULLThe number of requested memory bytes by a container
kubernetes_state.resourcequota.requests.memory.usedResourcequota Requests Memory UsedNULLObserved sum of memory bytes requested for a resource quota
kubernetes_state.deployment.replicas_updatedDeployment Replicas UpdatedNULLThe number of updated replicas per deployment. Requests Storage UsedNULLObserved sum of storage bytes requested for a resource quota
kubernetes_state.replicaset.replicas_readyReplicaset Replicas ReadyNULLThe number of ready replicas per ReplicaSet
kubernetes_state.resourcequota.persistentvolumeclaims.limitResourcequota Persistentvolumeclaims LimitNULLHard limit of the number of PVC for a resource quota
kubernetes_state.container.cpu_requestedContainer Cpu RequestedNULLThe number of requested cpu cores by a container
kubernetes_state.resourcequota.pods.limitResourcequota Pods LimitNULLHard limit of the number of pods for a resource quota Services Nodeports LimitNULLHard limit of the number of node ports for a resource quota
kubernetes_state.node.memory_capacityNode Memory CapacityNULLThe total memory resources of the node.
kubernetes_state.node.cpu_allocatableNode Cpu AllocatableNULLThe CPU resources of a node that are available for scheduling.
Agent G2 - Linux - Kubernetes Monitoring Template - K8sdns
kubedns.response_size.bytes.countResponse Size Bytes CountNULLNumber of responses on which the kubedns.response_size.bytes.sum metric is evaluated.
kubedns.request_countRequest CountNULLTotal number of DNS requests made.
kubedns.request_duration.seconds.sumRequest Duration Seconds SumNULLTime (in seconds) each request took to resolve.
kubedns.request_duration.seconds.countRequest Duration Seconds CountNULLNumber of requests on which the kubedns.request_duration.seconds.sum metric is evaluated.
kubedns.cachemiss_countCachemiss CountNULLNumber of DNS cache misses (from the start of the process).
kubedns.error_countError CountNULLNumber of DNS requests resulting in an error.
kubedns.response_size.bytes.sumResponse Size Bytes SumNULLSize of the returned response in bytes.

Agent G2 - Linux - Kubernetes Metric Server - v2


Template for monitoring Kubernetes using Kubernetes Metric Server. Template “Agent G2 - Linux - Kubernetes Metric Server” does not currently support customizing the namespace. In this v2 template, there is an option to monitor the “kube-system” namespace by default, and customers could specify a different namespace if needed.


No Prerequisites.

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Agent G2 - Kubernetes Metric Server Monitor - v2metrics_server.authenticated_user_requestsAuthenticated User RequestsnullCounter of authenticated requests broken out by username.
metrics_server.go_gc_duration_seconds_countGo GC Duration Seconds CountnullA summary of the GC invocation durations.
metrics_server.go_gc_duration_seconds_quantileGo GC Duration Seconds QuantileSecondsA summary of the GC invocation durations.
metrics_server.go_gc_duration_seconds_sumGo GC Duration Seconds SumnullA summary of the GC invocation durations.
metrics_server.go_goroutinesGo GoroutinesnullNumber of goroutines that currently exist.
metrics_server.kubelet_summary_request_duration_countKubelet Summary Request Duration CountnullThe Kubelet summary request latencies in seconds.
metrics_server.kubelet_summary_request_duration_sumKubelet Summary Request Duration SumnullThe Kubelet summary request latencies in seconds.
metrics_server.kubelet_summary_scrapes_totalKubelet Summary Scrapes TotalnullTotal number of attempted Summary API scrapes done by Metrics Server.
metrics_server.manager_tick_duration_countManager Tick Duration CountnullThe total time spent collecting and storing metrics in seconds.
metrics_server.manager_tick_duration_sumManager Tick Duration SumnullThe total time spent collecting and storing metrics in seconds.
metrics_server.process_cpu_seconds_totalProcess Cpu Seconds TotalnullTotal user and system CPU time spent in seconds.
metrics_server.process_max_fdsProcess Max FdsnullMaximum number of open file descriptors.
metrics_server.process_open_fdsProcess Open FdsnullNumber of open file descriptors.
metrics_server.scraper_duration_countScraper Duration CountnullTime spent scraping sources in seconds.
metrics_server.scraper_duration_sumScraper Duration SumnullTime spent scraping sources in seconds.
metrics_server.scraper_last_timeScraper Last TimenullLast time metrics-server performed a scrape since unix epoch in seconds.

Agent G2 - Linux - Kubernetes Scheduler


Template for monitoring default Kubernetes Scheduler



Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Agent G2 - Linux - Kubernetes Schedulerscheduler.schedule_attempts.totalKube Scheduler Schedule Attempts TotalNULLNumber of attempts to schedule pods, by the result. 'unschedulable' means a pod could not be scheduled, while 'error' means an internal scheduler problem
scheduler.scheduling.algorithm.priority_duration.countKube Scheduler Scheduling Algorithm Priority Evaluation CountNULLScheduling algorithm priority evaluation duration
scheduler.client.http.requests_duration.countKube Scheduler Rest Client Request Latency Seconds CountNULLTotal request latency in seconds. Broken down by verb and URL
scheduler.gc_duration_seconds.countKube Scheduler Go GC Duration Seconds CountNULLA summary of the GC invocation durations
scheduler.scheduling.scheduling_latency.sumKube Scheduler Scheduling Latency Seconds SumNULLScheduling latency in seconds split by sub-parts of the scheduling operation
scheduler.pod_preemption.attemptsKube Scheduler Total Preemption AttemptsNULLTotal preemption attempts in the cluster till now
scheduler.client.http.requests_duration.sumKube Scheduler Rest Client Request Latency Seconds SumNULLRequest latency in seconds sum. Broken down by verb and URL
scheduler.e2e.scheduling_latency.sumKube Scheduler E2E Scheduling Latency Microseconds SumNULLE2e scheduling latency in microseconds (scheduling algorithm + binding)
scheduler.scheduling.algorithm.preemption_duration.countKube Scheduler Scheduling Algorithm Preemption Evaluation CountNULLScheduling algorithm preemption evaluation duration
scheduler.scheduling.algorithm.predicate_duration.countKube Scheduler Scheduling Algorithm Predicate Evaluation CountNULLScheduling algorithm predicate evaluation duration
scheduler.scheduling.algorithm.predicate_duration.sumKube Scheduler Scheduling Algorithm Predicate Evaluation SumNULLScheduling algorithm predicate evaluation duration
scheduler.pod_preemption.victimsKube Scheduler Pod Preemption VictimsNULLNumber of selected preemption victims
scheduler.binding.duration.countKube Scheduler Binding Duration Seconds CountNULLTotal Binding duration in seconds count
scheduler.scheduling.algorithm.priority_duration.sumKube Scheduler Scheduling Algorithm Priority Evaluation SumNULLScheduling algorithm priority evaluation duration
scheduler.binding.duration.secondsKube Scheduler Binding Duration Seconds SumNULLBinding duration in seconds sum
scheduler.volume_scheduling_duration.countKube Scheduler Volume Scheduling Duration Seconds CountNULLVolume scheduling stage latency count
scheduler.e2e.scheduling_latency.countKube Scheduler E2E Scheduling Latency Microseconds CountNULLTotal E2e scheduling latency in microseconds (scheduling algorithm + binding)
scheduler.binding.latency.countKube Scheduler Binding Latency Microseconds CountNULLTotal Binding latency in microseconds count
scheduler.volume_scheduling_duration.sumKube Scheduler Volume Scheduling Duration Seconds SumNULLVolume scheduling stage latency sum
scheduler.scheduling.scheduling_duration.quantileKube Scheduler Scheduling Duration SecondsNULLScheduling latency in seconds split by sub-parts of the scheduling operation
scheduler.threadsKube Scheduler OS ThreadsNULLNumber of OS threads created
scheduler.process.open_fdsKube Scheduler Process Open FdsNULLNumber of open file descriptors
scheduler.go.goroutinesKube Scheduler Go GoroutinesNULLNumber of goroutines that currently exist
scheduler.process.max_fdsKube Scheduler Process Max FdsNULLMaximum number of open file descriptors

Scheduler Binding Latency Microseconds Sum

NULLBinding latency in microseconds sum
scheduler.scheduling.algorithm_latency.sumKube Scheduler Scheduling Algorithm Latency Microseconds SumNULLScheduling algorithm latency in microseconds sum
scheduler.e2e.scheduling_duration.sumKube Scheduler E2E Scheduling Duration Seconds SumNULLE2e scheduling latency in seconds (scheduling algorithm + binding)
scheduler.scheduling.algorithm_latency.countKube Scheduler Scheduling Algorithm Latency Microseconds CountNULLTotal Scheduling algorithm latency in microseconds count
scheduler.scheduling.scheduling_duration.sumKube Scheduler Scheduling Duration Seconds SumNULLScheduling latency in seconds split by sub-parts of the scheduling operation
scheduler.client.http.requestsKube Scheduler Rest Client Requests TotalNULLNumber of HTTP requests, partitioned by status code, method, and host
scheduler.e2e.scheduling_duration.countKube Scheduler E2E Scheduling Duration Seconds CountNULLTotal E2e scheduling latency in seconds (scheduling algorithm + binding)
scheduler.scheduling.algorithm.preemption_duration.sumKube Scheduler Scheduling Algorithm Preemption Evaluation SumNULLScheduling algorithm preemption evaluation duration
scheduler.cache.lookupsKube Scheduler Equiv Cache Lookups TotalNULLTotal number of equivalence cache lookups, by whether or not a cache entry was found
scheduler.gc_duration_seconds.sumKube Scheduler Go GC Duration Seconds SumNULLA summary of the GC invocation durations
scheduler.scheduling.algorithm_duration.countKube Scheduler Scheduling Algorithm Duration Seconds CountNULLTotal Scheduling algorithm latency in seconds count
scheduler.scheduling.scheduling_latency.countKube Scheduler Scheduling Latency Seconds CountNULLScheduling latency in seconds split by sub-parts of the scheduling operation
scheduler.scheduling.algorithm_duration.sumKube Scheduler Scheduling Algorithm Duration Seconds SumNULLScheduling algorithm latency in seconds sum
scheduler.scheduling.scheduling_duration.countKube Scheduler Scheduling Duration Seconds CountNULLScheduling latency in seconds split by sub-parts of the scheduling operation
scheduler.scheduling.scheduling_latency.quantileKube Scheduler Scheduling Latency SecondsNULLScheduling latency in seconds split by sub-parts of the scheduling operation
scheduler.gc_duration_seconds.quantileKube Scheduler Go GC Duration SecondsNULLA summary of the GC invocation durations

Agent G2 - Linux - Kubernetes State


Template for monitoring Kubernetes using Kube State



Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Agent G2 - Linux - Kubernetes Statekubernetes_state.node.memory_capacityNode Memory CapacityNULLThe total memory resources of the node.
kubernetes_state.resourcequota.limits.memory.limitResourcequota Limits Memory LimitNULLHard limit on the sum of memory bytes limits for a resource quota
kubernetes_state.node.cpu_capacityNode Cpu CapacityNULLThe total CPU resources of the node.
kubernetes_state.container.memory_limitContainer Memory LimitNULLThe limit on memory to be used by a container
kubernetes_state.daemonset.scheduledDaemonset ScheduledNULLThe number of nodes running at least one daemon pod and are supposed to
kubernetes_state.deployment.replicas_availableDeployment Replicas AvailableNULLThe number of available replicas per deployment.
kubernetes_state.node.memory_allocatableNode Memory AllocatableNULLThe memory resources of a node that are available for scheduling.
kubernetes_state.resourcequota.persistentvolumeclaims.usedResourcequota Persistentvolumeclaims UsedNULLObserved number of persistent volume claims used for a resource quota
kubernetes_state.deployment.rollingupdate.max_unavailableDeployment Rollingupdate Max UnavailableNULLMaximum number of unavailable replicas during a rolling update of a deployment.
kubernetes_state.deployment.replicas_desiredDeployment Replicas DesiredNULLThe number of desired replicas per deployment wrong help in kube-state-metrics.cross check Services Loadbalancers LimitNULLHard limit of the number of loadbalancers for a resource quota
kubernetes_state.resourcequota.pods.limitResourcequota Pods LimitNULLHard limit of the number of pods for a resource quota Services LimitNULLHard limit of the number of services for a resource quota Services UsedNULLObserved number of services used for a resource quota
kubernetes_state.resourcequota.requests.cpu.usedResourcequota Requests Cpu UsedNULLObserved sum of CPU cores requested for a resource quota
kubernetes_state.resourcequota.limits.memory.usedResourcequota Limits Memory UsedNULLObserved sum of limits for memory bytes for a resource quota
kubernetes_state.resourcequota.persistentvolumeclaims.limitResourcequota Persistentvolumeclaims LimitNULLHard limit of the number of PVC for a resource quota
kubernetes_state.resourcequota.pods.usedResourcequota Pods UsedNULLObserved number of pods used for a resource quota
kubernetes_state.resourcequota.requests.memory.limitResourcequota Requests Memory LimitNULLHard limit on the total of memory bytes requested for a resource quota Requests Storage LimitNULLHard limit on the total of storage bytes requested for a resource quota
kubernetes_state.daemonset.misscheduledDaemonset MisscheduledNULLThe number of nodes running a daemon pod but are not supposed to.
kubernetes_state.deployment.replicas_unavailableDeployment Replicas UnavailableNULLThe number of unavailable replicas per deployment.
kubernetes_state.resourcequota.limits.cpu.limitResourcequota Limits Cpu LimitNULLHard limit on the sum of CPU core limits for a resource quota
kubernetes_state.daemonset.readyDaemonset ReadyNULLThe number of nodes that should be running the daemon pod and have one or more of the daemon pod running and ready.
kubernetes_state.node.pods_capacityNode Pods CapacityNULLThe total pod resources of the node.
kubernetes_state.replicaset.fully_labeled_replicasReplicaset Fully Labeled ReplicasNULLThe number of fully labeled replicas per ReplicaSet.
kubernetes_state.deployment.replicasDeployment ReplicasNULLThe number of replicas per deployment.
kubernetes_state.resourcequota.requests.cpu.limitResourcequota Requests Cpu LimitNULLHard limit on the total of CPU core requested for a resource quota
kubernetes_state.replicaset.replicas_readyReplicaset Replicas ReadyNULLThe number of ready replicas per ReplicaSet
kubernetes_state.container.memory_requestedContainer Memory RequestedNULLThe number of requested memory bytes by a container
kubernetes_state.node.cpu_allocatableNode Cpu AllocatableNULLThe CPU resources of a node that are available for scheduling.
kubernetes_state.replicaset.replicas_desiredReplicaset Replicas DesiredNULLNumber of desired pods for a ReplicaSet
kubernetes_state.container.cpu_limitContainer Cpu LimitNULLThe limit on cpu cores to be used by a container
kubernetes_state.replicaset.replicasReplicaset ReplicasNULLThe number of replicas per ReplicaSet. Services Nodeports UsedNULLObserved number of node ports used for a resource quota
kubernetes_state.container.cpu_requestedContainer Cpu RequestedNULLThe number of requested cpu cores by a container Services Loadbalancers UsedNULLObserved number of loadbalancers used for a resource quota
kubernetes_state.resourcequota.limits.cpu.usedResourcequota Limits Cpu UsedNULLObserved sum of limits for CPU cores for a resource quota
kubernetes_state.resourcequota.requests.memory.usedResourcequota Requests Memory UsedNULLObserved sum of memory bytes requested for a resource quota
kubernetes_state.daemonset.desiredDaemonset DesiredNULLThe number of nodes that should be running the daemon pod.
kubernetes_state.container.restartsContainer RestartsNULLThe number of restarts per container Services Nodeports LimitNULLHard limit of the number of node ports for a resource quota
kubernetes_state.deployment.replicas_updatedDeployment Replicas UpdatedNULLThe number of updated replicas per deployment. Requests Storage UsedNULLObserved sum of storage bytes requested for a resource quota

Agent G2 - Linux - Kubernetes State Monitoring


Monitors to collect kube-state-metrics from Kubernetes cluster.



Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Agent G2 - Linux - Kubernetes State Monitoringkubernetes_state.resourcequota.limits.memory.usedResourcequota Limits Memory UsedNULLObserved sum of limits for memory bytes for a resource quota
kubernetes_state.deployment.replicas_availableDeployment Replicas AvailableNULLThe number of available replicas per deployment.
kubernetes_state.deployment.replicas_unavailableDeployment Replicas UnavailableNULLThe number of unavailable replicas per deployment.
kubernetes_state.resourcequota.persistentvolumeclaims.limitResourcequota Persistentvolumeclaims LimitNULLHard limit of the number of PVC for a resource quota
kubernetes_state.resourcequota.limits.cpu.limitResourcequota Limits Cpu LimitNULLHard limit on the sum of CPU core limits for a resource quota Services LimitNULLHard limit of the number of services for a resource quota Requests Storage LimitNULLHard limit on the total of storage bytes requested for a resource quota
kubernetes_state.daemonset.misscheduledDaemonset MisscheduledNULLThe number of nodes running a daemon pod but are not supposed to.
kubernetes_state.node.cpu_capacityNode Cpu CapacityNULLThe total CPU resources of the node. Services Loadbalancers LimitNULLHard limit of the number of loadbalancers for a resource quota
kubernetes_state.container.memory_requestedContainer Memory RequestedNULLThe number of requested memory bytes by a container
kubernetes_state.deployment.replicasDeployment ReplicasNULLThe number of replicas per deployment.
kubernetes_state.resourcequota.requests.memory.limitResourcequota Requests Memory LimitNULLHard limit on the total of memory bytes requested for a resource quota
kubernetes_state.resourcequota.requests.memory.usedResourcequota Requests Memory UsedNULLObserved sum of memory bytes requested for a resource quota
kubernetes_state.replicaset.replicasReplicaset ReplicasNULLThe number of replicas per ReplicaSet.
kubernetes_state.deployment.rollingupdate.max_unavailableDeployment Rollingupdate Max UnavailableNULLMaximum number of unavailable replicas during a rolling update of a deployment.
kubernetes_state.deployment.replicas_updatedDeployment Replicas UpdatedNULLThe number of updated replicas per deployment.
kubernetes_state.node.pods_allocatableNode Pods AllocatableNULLThe pod resources of a node that are available for scheduling.
kubernetes_state.resourcequota.limits.cpu.usedResourcequota Limits Cpu UsedNULLObserved sum of limits for CPU cores for a resource quota Services UsedNULLObserved number of services used for a resource quota
kubernetes_state.daemonset.desiredDaemonset DesiredNULLThe number of nodes that should be running the daemon pod.
kubernetes_state.daemonset.scheduledDaemonset ScheduledNULLThe number of nodes running at least one daemon pod and are supposed to Services Nodeports UsedNULLObserved number of node ports used for a resource quota
kubernetes_state.replicaset.fully_labeled_replicasReplicaset Fully Labeled ReplicasNULLThe number of fully labeled replicas per ReplicaSet.


Resourcequota Requests Cpu LimitNULLHard limit on the total of CPU core requested for a resource quota Services Nodeports LimitNULLHard limit of the number of node ports for a resource quota
kubernetes_state.node.memory_capacityNode Memory CapacityNULLThe total memory resources of the node.
kubernetes_state.daemonset.readyDaemonset ReadyNULLThe number of nodes that should be running the daemon pod and have one or more of the daemon pod running and ready.
kubernetes_state.deployment.replicas_desiredDeployment Replicas DesiredNULLThe number of desired replicas per deployment wrong help in kube-state-metrics.cross check
kubernetes_state.replicaset.replicas_desiredReplicaset Replicas DesiredNULLNumber of desired pods for a ReplicaSet
kubernetes_state.resourcequota.requests.cpu.usedResourcequota Requests Cpu UsedNULLObserved sum of CPU cores requested for a resource quota Services Loadbalancers UsedNULLObserved number of loadbalancers used for a resource quota
kubernetes_state.container.restartsContainer RestartsNULLThe number of restarts per container Requests Storage UsedNULLObserved sum of storage bytes requested for a resource quota
kubernetes_state.node.pods_capacityNode Pods CapacityNULLThe total pod resources of the node.
kubernetes_state.resourcequota.pods.limitResourcequota Pods LimitNULLHard limit of the number of pods for a resource quota
kubernetes_state.node.memory_allocatableNode Memory AllocatableNULLThe memory resources of a node that are available for scheduling.
kubernetes_state.node.cpu_allocatableNode Cpu AllocatableNULLThe CPU resources of a node that are available for scheduling.
kubernetes_state.replicaset.replicas_readyReplicaset Replicas ReadyNULLThe number of ready replicas per ReplicaSet
kubernetes_state.container.memory_limitContainer Memory LimitNULLThe limit on memory to be used by a container
kubernetes_state.resourcequota.pods.usedResourcequota Pods UsedNULLObserved number of pods used for a resource quota
kubernetes_state.container.cpu_limitContainer Cpu LimitNULLThe limit on cpu cores to be used by a container
kubernetes_state.resourcequota.limits.memory.limitResourcequota Limits Memory LimitNULLHard limit on the sum of memory bytes limits for a resource quota
kubernetes_state.container.cpu_requestedContainer Cpu RequestedNULLThe number of requested cpu cores by a container
kubernetes_state.resourcequota.persistentvolumeclaims.usedResourcequota Persistentvolumeclaims UsedNULLObserved number of persistent volume claims used for a resource quota

Agent G2 - Linux - KVM Monitoring Template


Agent G2 - Linux - KVM Monitoring Template



Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Agent G2 - Linux - KVM Monitoring Templatekvm.diskKvm DiskNULL
kvm.disk.iopsKvm Disk IopsNULL
kvm.networkKvm NetworkNULL
kvm.domain.statesKvm Domain StatesNULL
kvm.memoryKvm MemoryNULL
kvm.cpuKvm CpuNULL Total DomainsNULL

Agent G2 - Linux - KVM Monitors


Linux KVM Monitoring Template



Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Agent G2 - Linux - KVM Monitorskvm.diskKvm DiskNULL
kvm.disk.iopsKvm Disk IopsNULL
kvm.networkKvm NetworkNULL
kvm.domain.statesKvm Domain StatesNULL
kvm.memoryKvm MemoryNULL
kvm.cpuKvm CpuNULL Total DomainsNULL

Agent G2 - Linux - Lighttpd Monitors


Monitors Lighttpd application metrics from the server-status module.



Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Agent G2 - Linux - Lighttpd Monitorslighttpd.busy_serversLighttpd Busy ServersNULLProvides the number of busy servers
lighttpd.uptimeLighttpd UptimeNULLChecks the uptime lighttpd service
lighttpd.bytes_per_requestLighttpd-BytesPerRequestNULLProvides the number of bytes transferred per request
lighttpd.bytes_per_requestLighttpd Bytes per requestNULLProvides the number of bytes transferred per request
lighttpd.idle_serversLighttpd Idle ServersNULLProvides the number of idle servers Open SlotsNULLProvides the number of open slots Total AccessesNULLProvides the total number of accesses made
lighttpd.bytes_rateLighttpd Bytes RateNULLProvides the number of bytes transferred per second
lighttpd.requests_rateLighttpd Requests RateNULLProvides the number of requests made per second Total kBytesNULLProvides the number of total kbytes

Agent G2 - Linux - Memcache Monitors


Monitors Memcache application metrics



Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Agent G2 - Linux - Memcache Monitorsmemcache.curr_connectionsMemcache-CurrentConnectionsNULLNumber of open connections
memcache.memory_usedMemcache-MemoryUsedNULLTotal memory used by the server engine
memcache.uptimeMemcache-UptimeNULLNumber of minutes this server has been running
memcache.tempoom_rateMemcache-TempOOMPersecNULLNumber of temporary out-of-memory errors sent to clients per second.
memcache.gets_rateMemcache-GetsPersecNULLCumulative number of get requests for node per second
memcache.sets_rateMemcache-SetsPersecNULLCumulative number of set requests for node per second
memcache.avg_item_sizeMemcache-AvgItemSizeNULLAverage size of an item
memcache.misses_rateMemcache-MissesPersecNULLNumber of items that have been requested but not found per second.
memcache.bytes_written_rateMemcache-WrittenBytesPersecNULLAverage data written by this server in a second from the network in MB
memcache.fill_percentMemcache-FillPercentNULLPercentage of bytes used by this server
memcache.ratio.resident.itemMemcache-ResidentItemRatioNULLPercentage of items that are resident (in RAM)
memcache.cas_hits_rateMemcache-CASHitsPersecNULLNumber of successful CAS operations per second.
memcache.evictions_rateMemcache-EvictionsPersecNULLNumber of valid items removed per second, from cache to free memory for new items.
memcache.bytes_read_rateMemcache-ReadBytesPersecNULLAverage data read by this server in a second from the network in MB.
memcache.get_hit_percentMemcache-GetHitPercentNULLPercentage number of keys that have been requested and found. This value must be more for an optimal performance.
memcache.connections_rateMemcache-ConnectionsPersecNULLAverage number of connections per second
memcache.ops_rateMemcache-OpsPersecNULLNumber of total operations for node per second.
memcache.hits_rateMemcache-HitsPersecNULLNumber of keys that have been requested and found per second.
memcache.disk_reads_rateMemcache-DiskReadsPersecNULLNumber of items fetched from disk.
memcache.cas_badval_rateMemcache-CASBadvalPersecNULLNumber of CAS operations per second that failed to modify a value due to a bad CAS id
memcache.curr_itemsMemcache-CurrentItemsNULLCurrent number of items stored by the server.
memcache.ratio.cache.missMemcache-CacheMissRatioNULLPercentage number of items fetched from disk against total requests.
memcache.cas_misses_rateMemcache-CASMissesPersecNULLNumber of CAS operations per second against missing keys.
memcache.delete_hits_rateMemcache-DeletesPersecNULLNumber of successful deletions per second

Agent G2 - Linux - Memcached Performance Check


Monitors Memcache application metrics



Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Agent G2 - Linux - Memcached Performance Checkmemcache.curr_connectionsMemcache-CurrentConnectionsNULLNumber of open connections
memcache.memory_usedMemcache-MemoryUsedNULLTotal memory used by the server engine
memcache.uptimeMemcache-UptimeNULLNumber of minutes this server has been running
memcache.tempoom_rateMemcache-TempOOMPersecNULLNumber of temporary out-of-memory errors sent to clients per second.
memcache.gets_rateMemcache-GetsPersecNULLCumulative number of get requests for node per second
memcache.sets_rateMemcache-SetsPersecNULLCumulative number of set requests for node per second
memcache.avg_item_sizeMemcache-AvgItemSizeNULLAverage size of an item
memcache.misses_rateMemcache-MissesPersecNULLNumber of items that have been requested but not found per second.
memcache.bytes_written_rateMemcache-WrittenBytesPersecNULLAverage data written by this server in a second from the network in MB
memcache.fill_percentMemcache-FillPercentNULLPercentage of bytes used by this server
memcache.ratio.resident.itemMemcache-ResidentItemRatioNULLPercentage of items that are resident (in RAM)
memcache.cas_hits_rateMemcache-CASHitsPersecNULLNumber of successful CAS operations per second.
memcache.evictions_rateMemcache-EvictionsPersecNULLNumber of valid items removed per second, from cache to free memory for new items.
memcache.bytes_read_rateMemcache-ReadBytesPersecNULLAverage data read by this server in a second from the network in MB.
memcache.get_hit_percentMemcache-GetHitPercentNULLPercentage number of keys that have been requested and found. This value must be more for an optimal performance.
memcache.connections_rateMemcache-ConnectionsPersecNULLAverage number of connections per second
memcache.ops_rateMemcache-OpsPersecNULLNumber of total operations for node per second.
memcache.hits_rateMemcache-HitsPersecNULLNumber of keys that have been requested and found per second.
memcache.disk_reads_rateMemcache-DiskReadsPersecNULLNumber of items fetched from disk.
memcache.cas_badval_rateMemcache-CASBadvalPersecNULLNumber of CAS operations per second that failed to modify a value due to a bad CAS id
memcache.curr_itemsMemcache-CurrentItemsNULLCurrent number of items stored by the server.
memcache.ratio.cache.missMemcache-CacheMissRatioNULLPercentage number of items fetched from disk against total requests.
memcache.cas_misses_rateMemcache-CASMissesPersecNULLNumber of CAS operations per second against missing keys.
memcache.delete_hits_rateMemcache-DeletesPersecNULLNumber of successful deletions per second

Agent G2 - Linux - Memory Statistics


Agent G2 - Linux - Memory Statistics



Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Agent G2 - Linux - Memory StatisticsPhysicalMemoryPhysical MemoryMBPhysical memory information
memory.stats.swapping.rateVirtual Memory Swapping RateKB/sRate of swapping the entire process from physical memory to disk and vice-versa.
memory.stats.swap.util.rateSwap Memory Usage RateNULLRate of swap memory utilization.
memory.stats.physical.util.ratePhysical Memory Usage RateNULLRate of physical memory utilization.
SwapMemorySwap MemoryMBSwap memory information.
memory.stats.paging.rateVirtual Memory Paging RateKB/sRate of swapping least used process memory blocks from physical memory to disk and vice-versa.

Agent G2 - Linux - Mesos Agent Monitoring Template


Agent G2 - Linux - Mesos Agent Monitoring Template



Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Agent G2 - Linux - Mesos Agent Monitoring Templatemesos.slave.tasks_runningTasks runningNULLNumber of running tasks
mesos.slave.invalid_framework_messagesInvalid framework messagesNULLNumber of invalid framework messages
mesos.slave.frameworks_activeFrameworks activeNULLNumber of active frameworks
mesos.slave.disk_percentAllocated disk space percentNULLPercentage of allocated disk space
mesos.slave.tasks_lostTasks lostNULLNumber of lost tasks
mesos.slave.executors_terminatedExecutors terminatedNULLNumber of executors terminated
mesos.slave.gpus_percentAllocated GPUs percentNULLPercentage of allocated GPUs
mesos.slave.cpus_usedNumber of CPUs usedNULLNumber of allocated CPUs
mesos.slave.tasks_startingTasks startingNULLNumber of starting tasks
mesos.slave.valid_framework_messagesValid framework messagesNULLNumber of valid framework messages
mesos.state.task.cpuTask cpuNULLTask cpu
mesos.slave.invalid_status_updatesInvalid status updatesNULLNumber of invalid status updates
mesos.slave.valid_status_updatesMesos slave valid_status_updatesNULLNumber of valid status updates
mesos.stats.system.load_15minMesos stats system load_15minNULLLoad average for the past 15 minutes
mesos.slave.disk_totalDisk space totalNULLDisk space
mesos.slave.mem_totalMemory totalNULLTotal memory
mesos.slave.recovery_errorsRecovery errorsNULLNumber of errors encountered during slave recovery
mesos.stats.uptime_secsUptime secondsNULLSlave uptime
mesos.slave.executors_runningExecutors runningNULLNumber of executors running
mesos.slave.mem_percentAllocated memory percentNULLPercentage of allocated memory
mesos.stats.system.mem_total_bytesMesos stats system mem_total_bytesNULLTotal memory
mesos.slave.disk_usedAllocated disk spaceNULLAllocated disk space
mesos.slave.executors_terminatingExecutors terminatingNULLNumber of executors terminating
mesos.slave.tasks_finishedTasks finishedNULLNumber of finished tasks
mesos.slave.gpus_usedNumber of GPUs usedNULLNumber of allocated GPUs
mesos.slave.cpus_totalCPUs totalNULLNumber of CPUs
mesos.slave.mem_usedAllocated memoryNULLUsed memory
mesos.stats.system.load_1minMesos stats system load_1minNULLLoad average for the past 1 minute
mesos.slave.tasks_stagingTasks stagingNULLNumber of staging tasks
mesos.state.task.memTask memNULLTask memory
mesos.slave.executors_registeringExecutors registeringNULLNumber of executors registering
mesos.slave.tasks_failedTasks failedNULLNumber of failed tasks
mesos.slave.cpus_percentAlloated CPUs percentNULLPercentage of allocated CPUs
mesos.stats.system.mem_free_bytesMesos stats system mem_free_bytesNULLFree memory
mesos.stats.system.load_5minMesos stats system load_5minNULLLoad average for the past 5 minutes
mesos.state.task.diskTask diskNULLTask disk
mesos.stats.system.cpus_totalNumber of CPUsNULLNumber of CPUs
mesos.slave.gpus_totalGPUs totalNULLNumber of GPUs
mesos.slave.tasks_killedTasks killedNULLNumber of killed tasks

Agent G2 - Linux - Mesos Master Monitoring Template


Mesos Master Monitoring Template



Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Agent G2 - Linux - Mesos Master Monitoring Templatemarathon.queue.offers.reject.lastMarathon Queue Offeres Reject LastNULLSummary of unused offers for all last offers
mesos.role.diskMesos Role DiskNULLMesos Role Disk
marathon.queue.offers.unusedMarathon Queue Offers UnusedNULLThe number of unused offers for this launch attempt router agent service healthNULLAdmin Router Agent
mesos.cluster.slaves_unreachableAgents unreachableNULLNumber of unreachable agents. Unreachable agents are periodically garbage collected from the registry, which will cause this value to decrease. socket healthNULLTelegraf Socket
marathon.instancesMarathon InstancesNULLNumber of instances of a given application
marathon.queue.sizeMarathon Queue SizeNULLNumber of app offer queues Package Manager (Pkgpanda) service healthNULLDC/OS Component Package Manager (Pkgpanda)
mesos.stats.electedElected as masterNULLWhether this is the elected master
mesos.cluster.mem_percentAllocated memory percentNULLPercentage of allocated memory
mesos.registrar.state_store_ms.p9999Registrar state_store_ms.p9999NULL99.99th percentile registry write latency in ms
marathon.backoffSecondsMarathon Backoff SecondsNULLTask backoff period service healthNULLTelegraf
mesos.cluster.mem_usedAllocated memoryNULLAllocated memory in MB
mesos.cluster.frameworks_activeFrameworks activeNULLNumber of active frameworks Timer service healthNULLDC/OS Signal Timer
marathon.queue.countMarathon Queue CountNULLNumber of instances left to launch service healthNULLDC/OS Signal service healthNULLMarathon
mesos.cluster.invalid_status_updatesInvalid status updatesNULLNumber of invalid status updates
mesos.registrar.state_store_ms.p999Registrar state_store_ms.p999NULL99.9th percentile registry write latency in ms Log service healthNULLDC/OS Log Agent Agent socket healthNULLDC/OS Diagnostics Agent Socket
mesos.cluster.disk_usedAllocated disk spaceNULLAllocated disk space in MB
mesos.cluster.gpus_usedNumber of GPUs usedNULLNumber of allocated GPUs
mesos.cluster.tasks_errorInvalid tasksNULLNumber of tasks that were invalid
mesos.registrar.state_store_ms.maxMax registry write latencyNULLMaximum registry write latency in ms service healthNULLDC/OS Authentication (OAuth)
mesos.cluster.event_queue_http_requestsEvent queue HTTP requestsNULLNumber of HTTP requests in the event queue
marathon.queue.offers.reject.launchMarathon Queue Offeres Reject LaunchNULLSummary of unused offers for the launch attempt
mesos.cluster.event_queue_messagesEvent queue messagesNULLNumber of messages in the event queue
mesos.registrar.state_store_ms.p50Registrar state_store_ms.p50NULLMedian registry write latency in ms
mesos.cluster.frameworks_disconnectedFrameworks disconnectedNULLNumber of disconnected frameworks
mesos.cluster.slaves_inactiveAgents inactiveNULLNumber of inactive agents
mesos.stats.system.load_5minMesos stats system load_5minNULLLoad average for the past 5 minutes
mesos.cluster.tasks_failedFailed tasksNULLNumber of failed tasks
mesos.cluster.cpus_totalCPUs totalNULLNumber of CPUs Master service healthNULLMesos Master Public Agent service healthNULLMesos Agent Public
mesos.stats.system.load_15minMesos stats system load_15minNULLLoad average for the past 15 minutes
mesos.cluster.valid_status_update_acknowledgementsValid status update acknowledgement messagesNULLNumber of valid status update acknowledgement messages
mesos.registrar.state_store_ms.countRegistry write countNULLRegistry write count
mesos.cluster.slaves_connectedAgents connectedNULLNumber of connected agents
mesos.cluster.tasks_finishedTasks finishedNULLNumber of finished tasks Agent service healthNULLMesos Agent DNS service healthNULLMesos DNS
mesos.cluster.frameworks_inactiveFrameworks inactiveNULLNumber of inactive frameworks
mesos.cluster.gpus_totalGPUs totalNULLNumber of GPUs
mesos.registrar.state_store_msRegistry write latencyNULLRegistry write latency in ms
mesos.framework.memMesos Framework MemoryNULLMesos Framework Memory
marathon.tasksHealthyMarathon Tasks HealthyNULLNumber of healthy tasks for a given application TimerNULLLogrotate Timer Watchdog service healthNULLDC/OS Net Watchdog router master service healthNULLAdmin Router Master (Metronome) service healthNULLDC/OS Jobs (Metronome) resolv.conf Timer service healthNULLGenerate resolv.conf Timer
mesos.cluster.tasks_startingTasks startingNULLNumber of starting tasks
marathon.deploymentsMarathon DeploymentsNULLNumber of running or pending deployments Manager (Cosmos) service healthNULLDC/OS Package Manager (Cosmos) Log socket healthNULLDC/OS Log Socket Timer service healthNULLDC/OS Checks Timer
mesos.cluster.cpus_usedNumber of CPUs usedNULLNumber of allocated CPUs Agent service healthNULLDC/OS Diagnostics Agent
marathon.taskRateLimitMarathon Task Rate LimitNULLThe task rate limit for a given application
mesos.cluster.recovery_slave_removalsAgents removalsNULLNumber of agent removed for various reasons, including maintenance.
mesos.stats.system.cpus_totalNumber of CPUsNULLNumber of CPUs
marathon.tasksStagedMarathon Tasks StagedNULLNumber of tasks staged for a given application
mesos.role.cpuMesos Role CPUNULLMesos Framework Disk
marathon.queue.offers.processedMarathon Queue Offers ProcessedNULLThe number of processed offers for this launch attempt
mesos.cluster.tasks_runningTasks runningNULLNumber of running tasks
mesos.cluster.event_queue_dispatchesDispatches in the event queueNULLNumber of dispatches in the event queue Log service healthNULLDC/OS Log Master Checks service healthNULLDC/OS Poststart Checks
mesos.stats.system.mem_free_bytesMesos stats system mem_free_bytesNULLFree memory
mesos.stats.uptime_secsUptime secondsNULLSlave uptime
marathon.diskMarathon DISKNULLConfigured DISKs for each instance of a given application
mesos.registrar.log.recoveredRegistrar log recoveredNULLWhether the replicated log for the registrar has caught up with the other masters in the cluster. A cluster is operational as long as a quorum of "recovered" masters is available in the cluster.
mesos.registrar.queued_operationsMesos Registrar queued_operationsNULLMesos Registrar queued_operations Logrotate service healthNULLLogrotate Mesos Master
mesos.cluster.mem_totalMemory totalNULLMemory in MB
marathon.cpusMarathon CPUsNULLConfigured CPUs for each instance of a given application
mesos.cluster.cpus_percentAlloated CPUs percentNULLPercentage of allocated CPUs
mesos.cluster.outstanding_offersOutstanding resource offersNULLNumber of outstanding resource offers
mesos.cluster.slaves_disconnectedAgents disconnectedNULLNumber of disconnected agents
mesos.stats.system.mem_total_bytesMesos stats system mem_total_bytesNULLTotal memory
mesos.cluster.slave_shutdowns_scheduledSlave shutdowns scheduledNULLNumber of slaves which have failed their health check and are scheduled to be removed
mesos.registrar.state_store_ms.p99Registrar state_store_ms.p99NULL99th percentile registry write latency in ms
mesos.cluster.gpus_percentAllocated GPUs percentNULLPercentage of allocated GPUs
marathon.backoffFactorMarathon Backoff FactorNULLBackoff time multiplication factor for each consecutive failed task launch. service healthNULLDC/OS History API service healthNULLDC/OS Checks API
mesos.cluster.tasks_lostTasks lostNULLNumber of lost tasks resolv.conf service healthNULLGenerate resolv.conf
mesos.cluster.valid_framework_to_executor_messagesValid framework to executor messagesNULLNumber of valid framework to executor messages service healthNULLDC/OS Net
mesos.framework.diskMesos Framework DiskNULLMesos Framework Disk
marathon.tasksUnhealthyMarathon Tasks UnhealthyNULLNumber of unhealthy tasks for a given application
mesos.cluster.valid_status_updatesValid status update messagesNULLNumber of valid status update messages
mesos.framework.cpuMesos Framework CPUNULLMesos Framework CPU
mesos.cluster.frameworks_connectedFrameworks connectedNULLNumber of connected frameworks Log socket healthNULLDC/OS Log Socket
mesos.cluster.invalid_status_update_acknowledgementsNumber of invalid operation status update acknowledgementsNULLNumber of invalid operation status update acknowledgements
mesos.cluster.invalid_framework_to_executor_messagesInvalid framework to executor messagesNULLNumber of invalid framework to executor messages GC TimerNULLDocker GC Timer
mesos.cluster.tasks_killedTasks killedNULLNumber of killed tasks
mesos.stats.system.load_1minMesos stats system load_1minNULLLoad average for the past 1 minute service healthNULLExhibitor
mesos.cluster.slave_shutdowns_canceledSlave shutdowns canceledNULLNumber of cancelled slave shutdowns
mesos.role.memMesos Role MemoryNULLMesos Role Memory
mesos.cluster.slave_registrationsSlave registrationsNULLNumber of agent registrations
mesos.cluster.disk_percentAllocated disk space percentNULLPercentage of allocated disk space
mesos.registrar.state_store_ms.p95Registrar state_store_ms.p95NULL95th percentile registry write latency in ms TimerNULLLogrotate Timer service healthNULLREX-Ray
mesos.cluster.dropped_messagesDropped messagesNULLNumber of dropped messages
marathon.queue.delayMarathon Queue DelayNULLWait before the next launch attempt
marathon.memMarathon MemoryNULLConfigured memory for each instance of a given application API socket healthNULLDC/OS Checks API Socket
mesos.cluster.slave_removalsSlave removalsNULLNumber of agent removed for various reasons, including maintenance
marathon.tasksRunningMarathon Tasks RunningNULLNumber of tasks running for a given application
mesos.registrar.state_fetch_msRegistry read latencyNULLRegistry read latency in ms
mesos.registrar.state_store_ms.p90Registrar state_store_ms.p90NULL90th percentile registry write latency in ms
mesos.cluster.tasks_stagingTasks stagingNULLNumber of staging tasks
mesos.registrar.registry_size_bytesMesos Registrar registry_size_bytesNULLMesos Registrar registry_size_bytes
mesos.cluster.disk_totalDisk space totalNULLDisk space in MB
mesos.cluster.slaves_activeAgents activeNULLNumber of active agents Logrotate service healthNULLLogrotate Mesos Agent
mesos.cluster.slave_reregistrationsSlave reregistrationsNULLNumber of agent re-registrations
mesos.registrar.state_store_ms.minMin registry write latencyNULLMinimum registry write latency in ms GCNULLDocker GC
marathon.appsMarathon Applications CountNULLNumber of applications

Agent G2 - Linux - MicroK8s Kubelite


Template for monitoring MicroK8s Apiserver, Scheduler and Controller-Manager metrics from Microk8s Kubelite process.



Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Agent G2 - Linux - Kubernetes Kubeletmicrok8s_apiserver_authenticated_user_requestsMicroK8s Apiserver Authenticated User RequestsNULLCounter of authenticated requests broken out by username.
microk8s_apiserver_authenticated_user_requests_countMicroK8s Apiserver Authenticated User Requests CountNULLCounter of authenticated requests broken out by username .
microk8s_apiserver_rest_client_requests_totalMicroK8s Apiserver Rest Client Requests TotalNULLNumber of HTTP requests, partitioned by status code, method, and host.
microk8s_apiserver_request_countMicroK8s Apiserver Request CountNULLCounter of API server requests broken out for each verb, group, version, resource, scope, component, client, and HTTP response contentType and code.
microk8s_apiserver_request_duration_seconds_bucketMicroK8s Apiserver Request Duration Seconds BucketNULLThe Response latency distribution in seconds for each verb, dry run value, group, version, resource, sub-resource, scope, and component.
microk8s_apiserver_rest_client_requests_total_countMicroK8s Apiserver Rest Client Requests Total CountNULLNumber of HTTP requests, partitioned by status code, method, and host.
microk8s_apiserver_request_duration_seconds_sumMicroK8s Apiserver Request Duration Seconds SumNULLThe response latency distribution in seconds for each verb, dry run value, group, version, resource, sub-resource, scope, and component.
microk8s_apiserver_request_duration_seconds_countMicroK8s Apiserver Request Duration Seconds CountNULLThe response latency distribution in seconds for each verb, dry run value, group, version, resource, sub-resource, scope, and component count.
microk8s_scheduler_client_http_requestsMicroK8s Scheduler Rest Client Requests TotalNULLNumber of HTTP requests, partitioned by status code, method, and host.
microk8s_scheduler_scheduling_algorithm_duration_countMicroK8s Scheduler Scheduling Algorithm Duration Seconds CountSecondsTotal Scheduling algorithm latency.
microk8s_scheduler_scheduling_algorithm_duration_sumMicroK8s Scheduler Scheduling Algorithm Duration Seconds SumSecondsScheduling algorithm latency.
microk8s_controller_workqueue_work_duration_sumMicroK8s Controller Workqueue Work Duration Seconds SumSecondsDuration taken in seconds to process an item from workqueue.
microk8s_controller_workqueue_work_duration_countMicroK8s Controller Workqueue Work Duration Seconds CountSecondsTotal time taken in seconds to process an item from workqueue.
microk8s_controller_workqueue_work_unfinished_durationMicroK8s Controller Workqueue Longest Running Processor SecondsSecondsTime in seconds for which the longest running processor for workqueue is running
microk8s_controller_workqueue_work_longest_durationMicroK8s Controller Workqueue Unfinished Work SecondsSecondsTime in seconds for which the longest running processor for workqueue is running
microk8s_controller_workqueue_queue_duration_sumMicroK8s Controller Workqueue Queue Duration Seconds SumSecondsDuration in seconds for which an item remains in workqueue before being requested.
microk8s_controller_workqueue_queue_duration_countMicroK8s Controller Workqueue Queue Duration Seconds CountSecondsTotal duration in seconds for which an item remains in workqueue before being requested.
microk8s_controller_workqueue_nodes_countMicroK8s Controller Registered NodesNULLNumber of registered Nodes per zone.
microk8s_controller_workqueue_nodes_unhealthyMicroK8s Controller Node Collector Unhealthy Nodes in ZoneNULLNumber of Nodes not ready per zone.
microk8s_controller_workqueue_depthMicroK8s Controller Workqueue DepthNULLCurrent depth of workqueue.
microk8s_controller_workqueue_addsMicroK8s Controller Workqueue Adds TotalNULLTotal number of additions/insertions handled by workqueue.
microk8s_controller_workqueue_retriesMicroK8s Controller Workqueue Retries TotalNULLTotal number of retries handled by workqueue.

Agent G2 - Linux - MicroK8s CoreDns


This template monitors the MicroK8s Coredns metrics.



Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Agent G2 - Linux - MicroK8s CoreDnscoredns.panicsTotal PanicsNULLTotal number of panics.
coredns.query.countQuery countNULLTotal number of query count.
coredns.request_duration.seconds.sumRequest Duration Seconds SumNULLDuration to process each query.
coredns.request_duration.seconds.countRequest Duration Seconds CountNULLDuration per upstream interaction.
coredns.response_size.bytes.sumResponse Size Bytes SumbytesSize of the returns response .

Agent G2 - Linux - Microk8s ContainerD


Monitors the containerd containers under a mcirok8s node.



Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Agent G2 - Linux - Microk8s ContainerDcontainerd_hugetlb_failcntContainerD HugeTLB fail RatepercentRate of allocation failure due to HugeTLB limit
containerd_cpu_usage_total_over_limitCPU Total Usage Over LimitpercentContainer total cpu usage with respect to limit. (if limit is not set the metric is not sent)
containerd_memory_usage_over_limitMemory Usage Over LimitpercentThe percentage of used memory out of memory limit ( If limit is not set , this metric will not be monitored & even < metric value >/graph will not be plotted )
containerd_hugetlb_maxContainerD HugeTLB max usagebytesMax hugepagesize hugetlb usage recorded
containerd_hugetlb_usageContainerD HugeTLB usagebytesCurrent usage for hugepagesize hugetlb
containerd_memory_usageContainerD Memory UsagebytesMemory Usage
containerd_memory_usage_failcntContainerD Memory Usage fail RateNULLRate of number of times the cgroup limit exceeded
containerd_memory_usage_limitContainerD Memory Usage LimitbytesLimit of memory usage
containerd_memory_usage_maxContainerD Memory Usage MaxbytesShow maximum memory usage recorded
containerd_memory_cacheContainerD Memory CachebytesBytes of page cache memory
containerd_memory_rssContainerD Memory RSSbytesBytes of anonymous and swap cache memory (includes transparent huge pages)
containerd_memory_rss_hugeContainerD Memory RSS HugebytesBytes of anonymous transparent huge pages
containerd_memory_dirtyContainerD Memory DirtybytesBytes that are waiting to get written back to the disk
containerd_memory_swap_usageContainerD Swap UsagebytesSwap Usage
containerd_memory_swap_failcntContainerD Swap Usage fail RateRate of number of times the cgroup swap limit exceededNULL
containerd_memory_swap_limitContainerD Swap Usage LimitbytesLimit of swap usage
containerd_memory_swap_maxContainerD Swap Usage MaxbytesShow maximum swap usage recorded
containerd_memory_kernel_usageContainerD Kernel UsagebytesCurrent kernel memory allocation
containerd_memory_kernel_failcntContainerD Kernel fail countNULLRate of the number of kernel memory usage hits limits
containerd_memory_kernel_limitContainerD Kernel LimitbytesHard limit for kernel memory
containerd_memory_kernel_maxContainerD Kernel MaxbytesMax kernel memory usage recorded
containerd_memory_kernel_tcp_usageContainerD Kernel TCP UsagebytesCurrent TCP buffer memory allocation
containerd_memory_kernel_tcp_failcntContainerD Kernel TCP fail rateNULLRate of number of TCP buf memory usage hits limits
containerd_memory_kernel_tcp_limitContainerD Kernel TCP LimitbytesShow hard limit for TCP buffer memory
containerd_memory_kernel_tcp_maxContainerD Kernel TCP MaxbytesMaximum TCP buffer memory usage recorded
containerd_cpu_throttling_throttledTimeContainerD CPU Throttled TimepercentCPU throttled time
containerd_cpu_usage_systemContainerD CPU System UsagepercentSystem CPU usage of container with respect to host system
containerd_cpu_usage_totalContainerD CPU Total UsagepercentTotal CPU usage of container with respect to host system
containerd_cpu_usage_userContainerD CPU User UsagepercentUser CPU usage of container with respect to host system
containerd_blkio_service_bytes_recursiveContainerD BlkIO Service BytesbytesNumber of bytes transferred to/from the disk
containerd_blkio_serviced_recursiveContainerD BlkIO ServicedbytesNumber of IOs (bio) issued to the disk by the group
containerd_blkio_queued_recursiveContainerD BlkIO QueuedbytesTotal number of requests queued up at any given instant for the cgroup
containerd_blkio_service_time_recursiveContainerD BlkIO Service TimebytesTotal amount of time between request dispatch and request completion for the IOs
containerd_blkio_wait_time_recursiveContainerD BlkIO Wait TimebytesTotal amount of time the IOs for this cgroup spent waiting in the scheduler queues for service
containerd_blkio_merged_recursiveContainerD BlkIO MergedbytesTotal number of bios/requests merged into requests belonging to this cgroup
containerd_blkio_time_recursiveContainerD BlkIO TimebytesDisk time allocated to cgroup per device in milliseconds
containerd_blkio_sectors_recursiveContainerD BlkIO SectorsbytesNumber of sectors transferred to/from disk by the group
containerd_proc_open_fdsContainerD Number of Open File DescriptorsNULLNumber of open file descriptors
containerd_container_uptimeContainerD Container UptimesecondUptime of the Current Container
containerd_containers_runningContainerD Running ContainersNULLTotal number of running containers
containerd_containers_stoppedContainerD Stopped ContainersNULLTotal number of Stopped Containers
containerd_image_sizeContainerD Image SizebytesImage sizes of different container image

Agent G2 - Linux – Microk8s Kubelet


Template for monitoring Microk8s metrics from Kubelet for each Node.



Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Agent G2 - Linux – Microk8s Kubeletkube_pods_runningPods RunningNULLThe number of running pods
kube_containers_runningContainers RunningNULLThe number of running containers
kube_containers_restartsContainers RestartsNULLThe number of times the container is restarted
kube_cpu_load_10s_avgCpu Load 10S AvgNULLContainer CPU load average over the last 10 seconds
kube_cpu_system_totalCpu System Totalper secondSystem CPU time consumed in seconds
kube_cpu_user_totalCpu User Totalper secondUser cpu time consumed in seconds
kube_cpu_cfs_periodsCpu Cfs Periodsper secondNumber of elapsed enforcement period intervals
kube_cpu_cfs_throttled_periodsCpu Cfs Throttled Periodsper secondNumber of throttled period intervals
kube_cpu_cfs_throttled_secondsCpu Cfs Throttled Secondsper secondTotal duration of the container being throttled
kube_node_cpu_capacityNode Cpu CapacitymillicoresCPU capacity of Node (Plotted in Millicores)
kube_node_memory_capacityNode Memory CapacitymegabytesMemory capacity of node (Plotted in Megabytes)
kube_node_cpu_usage_percentageNode Cpu Usage PercentagepercentCPU usage percentage of node
kube_node_memory_usage_percentageNode Memory Usage PercentagepercentMemory usage percentage of node
kube_node_cpu_allocatableNode Cpu AllocatablemillicoresCPU allocatable of node
kube_node_memory_allocatableNode Memory AllocatablemegabytesMemory allocatable of node
kube_node_cpu_usageNode Cpu UsagemillicoresCPU usage of node (Plotted in Millicores)
kube_node_memory_usageNode Memory UsagemegabytesMemory usage of node (Plotted in Megabytes)
kube_cpu_usage_totalCpu Usage Totalper secondCPU time consumed in seconds
kube_cpu_limitsCpu LimitsmillicoresThe limit of CPU cores set
kube_cpu_requestsCpu RequestsmillicoresThe requested CPU cores
kube_filesystem_usageFilesystem UsagemegabytesNumber of megabytes that are consumed by the container on this filesystem
kube_filesystem_usage_pctFilesystem Usage PctFractionNumber of megabytes that can be consumed by the container on this filesystem
kube_io_read_bytesIo Read Bytesbytes/secondThe amount of bytes read from the disk
kube_io_write_bytesIo Write Bytesbytes/secondThe amount of bytes written to the disk
kube_memory_limitsMemory LimitsmegabytesMemory limit for the container
kube_memory_sw_limitMemory Sw LimitbytesMemory swap limit for the container
kube_memory_requestsMemory RequestsmegabytesThe requested memory
kube_memory_usageMemory UsagebytesCurrent memory usage in bytes including all memory regardless of when it was accessed
kube_memory_working_setMemory Working SetmegabytesCurrent working set in megabytes, for which the OOM killer is watching
kube_memory_cacheMemory CachebytesNumber of bytes of page cache memory
kube_memory_rssMemory RssbytesSize of RSS in bytes
kube_memory_swapMemory SwapbytesContainer swap usage in bytes
kube_network_rx_bytesNetwork Rx Bytesbytes/secondThe amount of bytes received per second
kube_network_rx_droppedNetwork Rx Droppedpackets/secondThe amount of Rx packets dropped per second
kube_network_rx_errorsNetwork Rx Errorserrors/secondThe amount of Rx errors per second
kube_network_tx_bytesNetwork Tx Bytesbytes/secondThe number of bytes transmitted per second
kube_network_tx_droppedNetwork Tx Droppedpackets/secondThe amount of tx packets dropped per second
kube_network_tx_errorsNetwork Tx Errorserrors/secondThe amount of tx errors per second
kube_apiserver_certificate_expirationApiserver Certificate ExpirationsecondsAverage distribution of the remaining lifetime on the certificate used to authenticate a request since last pool
kube_rest_client_requestsRest Client Requestsoperations/secondThe number of HTTP requests
kube_rest_client_latencyRest Client LatencysecondsAverage Request latency in seconds. Broken down by verb and URL since last pool
kube_kubelet_runtime_operationsKubelet Runtime Operationsoperations/secondThe number of runtime operations
kube_kubelet_runtime_errorsKubelet Runtime Errorsoperations/secondThe number of runtime operations errors
kube_kubelet_network_plugin_latencyKubelet Network Plugin LatencysecondsAverage latency in seconds of network plugin operations. Broken down by operation type since the last pool
kube_kubelet_volume_stats_available_bytesKubelet Volume Stats Available BytesbytesThe number of available bytes in the volume
kube_kubelet_volume_stats_capacity_bytesKubelet Volume Stats Capacity BytesbytesThe capacity in bytes of the volume
kube_kubelet_volume_stats_used_bytesKubelet Volume Stats Used BytesbytesThe number of used bytes in the volume
kube_kubelet_volume_stats_inodesKubelet Volume Stats InodesInodeThe maximum number of inodes in the volume
kube_kubelet_volume_stats_inodes_freeKubelet Volume Stats Inodes FreeInodeThe number of free inodes in the volume
kube_kubelet_volume_stats_inodes_usedKubelet Volume Stats Inodes UsedInodeThe number of used inodes in the volume
kube_ephemeral_storage_usageEphemeral Storage UsagemegabytesEphemeral storage usage of the POD
kube_kubelet_evictionsKubelet EvictionsNULLThe number of pods that have been evicted from the kubelet (ALPHA in kubernetes v1.16)
kube_kubelet_cpu_usageKubelet Cpu UsagemillicoresThe number of cores used by kubelet
kube_kubelet_memory_rssKubelet Memory RssmegabytesSize of kubelet RSS in megabytes
kube_runtime_cpu_usageRuntime Cpu UsagemillicoresThe number of cores used by the runtime
kube_runtime_memory_rssRuntime Memory RssmegabytesSize of runtime RSS
kube_kubelet_container_log_filesystem_used_bytesKubelet Container Log Filesystem Used BytesbytesBytes used by the container's logs on the filesystem (requires kubernetes 1.14+)

Agent G2 - Linux - MongoDB API Based Status and Performance Check


Monitors the MongoDB using the MongoDB API.



Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Agent G2 - Linux - MongoDB API Based Status and Performance Network RequestsNULLNetwork Requests per second
mongo.btreeMongoDB BTreeNULLProvides Index Counters details as Accesses, Hits, Misses, Resets, Miss_ratio
mongo.heap.usageMongoDB Heap UsageNULLHeap Usage
mongo.assertsMongoDB AssertsNULLProvides the Mongo DB asserts
mongo.sizeMongoDB SizeNULLProvides the size of individual databases in Gigabytes
mongo.journaled.statusMongoDB Journaled StatusNULLProvides the Mongo DB journaledstatus
mongo.memoryMongoDB MemoryNULLMongo DB resident, virtual, mapped memory
mongo.index.miss.ratioMongoDB Index Miss RatioNULLProvides the Mongo DB index miss ratio
mongo.pagefaultsMongoDB Page FaultsNULLPage Faults
mongo.current.queueMongoDB Current QueueNULLCurrent readers and writers in Queue
mongo.lock.percentMongoDB Lock PercentNULLLock percentage
mongo.index.sizeMongoDB Index SizeNULLProvides the Index size of databases in KBs
mongo.journal.commitsMongoDB Journal Commits In WLNULLProvides the number of journal commits that occurred in the write lock
mongo.replication.lagMongoDB Replication LagNULLChecks the replication lag
mongo.op.countersMongoDB OP CountersNULLProvides opcounts for operations like insert, update, query, delete, getmore, command
mongo.cursorsMongoDB CursorsNULLProvides the Mongo DB cursors
mongo.trafficMongoDB TrafficNULLMongoDB current available traffic Active ClientsNULLCurrent active, read and write clients
mongo.connectionsMongoDB ConnectionsNULLMongo DB current and available connections
mongo.avg.flushMongoDB Background Avg FlushNULLProvides the background average flush of dbs
mongo.uptimeMongoDB UptimeNULLUptime in minutes

Agent G2 - Linux - MongoDB Shard (mongos) Performance Check


Monitors the mongos metric. This requires the python-pymongo package to be install. Check OpsRamp documents for more information



Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Agent G2 - Linux - MongoDB Shard Mongos Performance Checkmongos.chunksMongos ChunksNULLTotal number of mongos chunks
mongos.chunks.balanceMongos Chunks BalanceNULLProvides Mongos chunks balance b/w database and collections
mongos.shardsMongos ShardsNULLTotal number of mongos shards
mongos.collectionsMongos CollectionsNULLTotal number of mongos sharded collections

Agent G2 - Linux - MongoDB Shard(Mongos) Monitors


Monitors the mongos metric. This requires the python-pymongo package to be install. Check OpsRamp documents for more information.



Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Agent G2 - Linux - MongoDB Shard Mongos Monitorsmongos.chunks.balanceMongos Chunks BalanceNULLProvides Mongos chunks balance b/w database and collections
mongos.shardsMongos ShardsNULLTotal number of mongos shards
mongos.chunksMongos ChunksNULLTotal number of mongos chunks
mongos.collectionsMongos CollectionsNULLTotal number of mongos sharded collections

Agent G2 - Linux - MongoDB Status and Performance Check


Monitoring Template for Mongo database application. This monitor requires the python-pymongo package to be installed on the server. Check OpsRamp documentation for more information.



Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Agent G2 - Linux - MongoDB Status and Performance Checkmongodb.networkrequestsMongoDB-NetworkRequestsNULLNetwork Requests per second
mongodb.sizeMongoDB-SizeNULLProvides the size of individual databases in Gigabytes
mongodb.activeclientsMongoDB-ActiveClientsNULLCurrent active, read and write clients
mongodb.pagefaultsMongoDB-PageFaultsNULLPage Faults
mongodb.replicaprimaryMongoDB-ReplicaPrimaryNULLCheck if the primary server of a replica set has changed
mongodb.btreeMongoDB-BTreeNULLProvides Index Counters details as Accesses, Hits, Resets, Miss_ratio
mongodb.replicationlagMongoDB-ReplicationLagNULLChecks the replication lag
mongodb.opcountersMongoDB-OPCountersNULLProvides opcounts for operations like insert, update, query, delete, getmore, command
mongodb.lockMongoDB-LockNULLLock percentage
mongodb.assertsMongoDB-AssertsNULLThe number of regular, warning, msg, user and rollovers asserts raised since this process started
mongodb.cursorsMongoDB-CursorsNULLThe number of cursors that the server is maintaining for clients and that have timed out since this server was started
mongodb.uptimeMongoDB-UptimeNULLUptime in minutes
mongodb.heapusageMongoDB-HeapUsageNULLHeap Usage
mongodb.connectionsMongoDB-ConnectionsNULLMongoDB current and available connections
mongodb.replicationstateMongoDB-ReplicationStateNULLReplication states will be the following cases: StartingPhase1(0), Primary(1), Secondary(2), Recoverying(3), Fatal Error(4), StartingPhase2(5), Arbiter(7), Down(8), Not_Running_with_Replication(-1)
mongodb.indexsizeMongoDB-IndexSizeNULLProvides the Index size of databases in KBs
mongodb.background_avg_flushMongoDB-BackgroundAvgFlushNULLmongod writes to and flushes (fsyncs) the journal immediately. Data files are flushes only occasionally and in the background. By default these flushes occur every 60 seconds.
mongodb.memoryMongoDB-MemoryNULLMongoDB resident, virtual, mapped memory
mongodb.currentqueueMongoDB-CurrentQueueNULLCurrent readers and writers in Queue
mongodb.journaled_statusMongoDB-JournaledStatusNULLThe average amount of data in megabytes written to the recovery log in the last four seconds is the JournaledMB and the data written to the databases datafiles in the last four seconds is writeToDataFilesMB.

Agent G2 - Linux - MongoDB(API) Monitors


Monitors the mongodb by getting the metrics using mongo API



Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Agent G2 - Linux - MongoDB API Monitorsmongo.index.sizeMongoDB Index SizeKBProvides the Index size of databases in KBs
mongo.memoryMongoDB MemoryNULLMongo DB resident, virtual, mapped memory
mongo.sizeMongoDB SizeGBProvides the size of individual databases in Gigabytes
mongo.current.queueMongoDB Current QueueNULLCurrent readers and writers in Queue
mongo.heap.usageMongoDB Heap UsageNULLHeap Usage
mongo.index.miss.ratioMongoDB Index Miss RatioNULLProvides the Mongo DB index miss ratio
mongo.assertsMongoDB AssertsNULLProvides the Mongo DB asserts Network RequestsNULLNetwork Requests per second
mongo.connectionsMongoDB ConnectionsNULLMongo DB current and available connections
mongo.trafficMongoDB TrafficNULLMongoDB current available traffic
mongo.uptimeMongoDB UptimeNULLUptime in minutes Active ClientsNULLCurrent active, read and write clients
mongo.journaled.statusMongoDB Journaled StatusNULLProvides the Mongo DB journaled status
mongo.lock.percentMongoDB Lock PercentNULLLock percentage
mongo.avg.flushMongoDB Background Avg FlushNULLProvides the background average flush of databases
mongo.pagefaultsMongoDB Page FaultsNULLPage Faults
mongo.replication.lagMongoDB Replication LagNULLChecks the replication lag
mongo.journal.commitsMongoDB Journal Commits In WLNULLProvides the number of journal commits that occurred in the write lock
mongo.btreeMongoDB BTreeNULLProvides Index Counters details as Accesses, Hits, Misses, Resets, Miss_ratio
mongo.cursorsMongoDB CursorsNULLProvides the Mongo DB cursors
mongo.op.countersMongoDB OP CountersNULLProvides opcounts for operations like insert, update, query, delete, getmore, command

Agent G2 - Linux - Mongos Monitors


Monitors the mongos metric



Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Agent G2 - Linux - Mongos Monitorsmongos.chunksMongos ChunksNULLTotal number of mongos chunks
mongos.chunks.balanceMongos Chunks BalanceNULLProvides Mongos chunks balance between database and collections
mongos.shardsMongos ShardsNULLTotal number of mongos shards
mongos.collectionsMongos CollectionsNULLTotal number of mongos sharded collections

Agent G2 - Linux - MySQL Advanced Monitors


It monitors the mysql.Innodb_log_waits, mysql.long_running_procs, and mysqlindex_usage metrics.


Provide database names as input arguments separated by commas when applying the template at the device level.

Syntax: DBName1,DBName2


NameDescriptionDefault value
MySQL DBnameDbnames to collect the metric dataNA
MySQL IPAddressIPAddress of the server where mysql is running127.0.0.1
MySQL PasswordPassword of the given usernameNA
MySQL PortPort on which mysql is running3306
MySQL UsernameUsername to connect to mysqlNA

Note: All field attributes are mandatory. Please use default values wherever applicable.

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Agent G2 - Linux - MySQL Advanced Monitorsmysql.Innodb_log_waitsMysql Innodb log waitsNULLThe number of times that the log buffer was too small, and a wait was required for it to be flushed before continuing.
mysql.long_running_procsMysql long running processNULLTotal running process longer than 1 minute in a specific db.
mysqlindex_usageMysql Index UsageNULLThe sum of index lengths for the tables within the specified database.

Agent G2 - Linux - MySQL Global Performance Statistics


Monitoring template for MySQL application. Monitors command statistics, select statistics, slave status, threads, etc.



Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Agent G2 - Linux - MySQL Global Performance Statisticsmysql.trafficMySQL-TrafficNULL
mysql.threads_connectedMySQL-ThreadsConnectedNULLThe number of currently open connections.
mysql.slave_statusMySQL-SlaveStatusNULLIf a database has replication configured, then this monitor checks the status of the slave instance which is returned by the command SHOW SLAVE STATUS. It also checks the number of seconds the slave is behind the master and if IO and SQL is running on the slave
mysql.threadsMySQL-ThreadsNULLCached threads - The number of threads in the thread cache. Connected threads - The number of currently open connections. Running threads- The number of threads that are not sleeping.

Agent G2 - Linux - MySQL InnoDB Statistics


Monitoring template for MySQL InnoDB application statistics. Monitors InnoDB buffer pool hit rate, buffer pool pages data, buffer pool pages dirty, etc.



Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Agent G2 - Linux - MySQL InnoDB Statisticsmysql.inno.db_buffer_pool_pages_freeMySQL-InnoDBBufferPoolPagesFreeNULLThe number of free pages.
mysql.inno.db_data_readMySQL-InnoDBDataReadNULLThe amount of data read since the server was started.
mysql.inno.db_buffer_pool_pages_flushedMySQL-InnoDBBufferPoolPagesFlushedNULLThe number of buffer pool page-flush requests.
mysql.inno.db_log_flushed_uptoMySQL-InnoDBLogFlushedUptoNULLLog flushed up to.
mysql.mutex_spin_waitsMySQL-MutexSpinWaitsNULLSemaphores-Mutex Spin Waits.
mysql.inno.db_data_writesMySQL-InnoDBDataWritesNULLThe total number of data writes.
mysql.inno.db_buffer_pool_hit_rateMySQL-InnoDBBufferPoolHitRateNULLBuffer Pool hit rate.
mysql.inno.db_data_writtenMySQL-InnoDBDataWrittenNULLThe amount of data written so far, in bytes.
mysql.inno.db_row_lock_timeMySQL-InnoDBRowLockTimeNULLThe total time spent in acquiring row locks, in milliseconds.
mysql.log_sequence_numberMySQL-LogSequenceNumberNULLLog Sequence number.
mysql.queries_inside_innodb_coreMySQL-QueriesInsideInnoDBCoreNULLRow Operations - Queries inside InnoDB core.
mysql.inno.db_buffer_pool_pages_miscMySQL-InnoDBBufferPoolPagesMiscNULLThe number of pages that are busy because they have been allocated for administrative overhead such as row locks or the adaptive hash index.
mysql.inno.db_queries_queueMySQL-InnoDBQueriesQueueNULLRow Operations - Queries in queue.
mysql.inno.db_row_lock_waitsMySQL-InnoDBRowLockWaitsNULLThe number of times a row lock had to be waited for.
mysql.inno.db_data_readsMySQL-InnoDBDataReadsNULLThe total number of data reads.
mysql.open_read_views_inside_innodb_coreMySQL-OpenReadViewsInsideInnoDBCoreNULLRow Operations - Read views open inside InnoDB.
mysql.mutex_spin_roundsMySQL-MutexSpinRoundsNULLSemaphores-Mutex Spin Rounds.
mysql.inno.db_buffer_pool_pages_dataMySQL-InnoDBBufferPoolPagesDataNULLThe number of pages containing data (dirty or clean).
mysql.inno.db_buffer_pool_pages_dirtyMySQL-InnoDBBufferPoolPagesDirtyNULLThe number of pages currently dirty.
mysql.inno.db_log_last_check_pointMySQL-InnoDBLogLastCheckPointNULLLog Last check point.
mysql.inno.db_buffer_pool_read_requestsMySQL-InnoDBBufferPoolReadRequestsNULLThe number of logical read requests InnoDB has done.
mysql.inno.db_non_hash_searchesMySQL-InnoDBNonHashSearchesNULLNon-Hash Searches.
mysql.inno.db_hash_searchesMySQL-InnoDBHashSearchesNULLHash Searches.
mysql.inno.db_force_recoveryMySQL-InnoDBForceRecoveryNULLCrash recovery mode, the possible values are 0-6: Normal Startup(0), Server Starts even if it detects a corrupt page(1), Prevent Master Thread from running(2), No Transaction Rollbacks after crash recovery(3), Prevent insert buffer merge Operations(4), Ignores undo logs-InnoDB treats incomplete Transactions as Committed(5), Ignores Redo log roll-forward in connection with recovery.(6).
mysql.inno.db_buffer_pool_sizeMySQL-InnoDBBufferPoolSizeNULLThe size in bytes of the memory buffer InnoDB uses to cache data and indexes of its tables. The default value is 8MB. The larger you set this value, the less disk I/O is needed to access data in tables.
mysql.inno.db_data_fsyncsMySQL-InnoDBDataFSyncsNULLThe number of fsync operations so far.
mysql.inno.db_buffer_pool_readsMySQL-InnoDBBufferPoolReadsNULLThe number of logical reads that InnoDB could not satisfy from the buffer pool, and had to read directly from the disk.
mysql.inno.db_log_file_sizeMySQL-InnoDBLogFileSizeNULLThe size in bytes of each log file in a log group. The combined size of log files must be less than 4GB. The default value is 5MB. Sensible values range from 1MB to 1/N-th of the size of the buffer pool, where N is the number of log files in the group.
mysql.mutex_os_waitsMySQL-MutexOSWaitsNULLSemaphores-Mutex OS Waits.
mysql.inno.db_buffer_pool_pages_totalMySQL-InnoDBBufferPoolPagesTotalNULLThe total size of the buffer pool, in pages.
mysql.inno.db_log_buffer_sizeMySQL-InnoDBLogBufferSizeNULLThe size in bytes of the buffer that InnoDB uses to write to the log files on disk. The default value is 1MB for the built-in InnoDB, 8MB for InnoDB Plugin. Sensible values range.

Agent G2 - Linux - MySQL Monitors


Monitoring template for MySQL application. Monitors command statistics, select statistics, slave status, threads, etc.



Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Agent G2 - Linux - MySQL Monitorsmysql.trafficMySQL-TrafficNULL
mysql.threads_connectedMySQL-ThreadsConnectedNULLThe number of currently open connections.
mysql.slave_statusMySQL-SlaveStatusNULLIf a database has replication configured, then this monitor checks the status of the slave instance which is returned by the command SHOW SLAVE STATUS. It also checks the number of seconds the slave is behind the master and if IO and SQL is running on the slave
mysql.threadsMySQL-ThreadsNULLCached threads - The number of threads in the thread cache. Connected threads - The number of currently open connections. Running threads- The number of threads that are not sleeping.

Agent G2 - Linux - MySQL Variable Statistics


Monitoring template for MySQL application statistics. Monitors aborted clients, aborted connects, command statistics, foreign key checks, log warnings, etc.



Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Agent G2 - Linux - MySQL Variable Statisticsmysql.threads_createdMySQL-ThreadsCreatedNULLThe number of threads created to handle connections.
mysql.query_cache_free_memoryMySQL-QueryCacheFreeMemoryNULLThe amount of free memory for the query cache.
mysql.max_heap_table_sizeMySQL-MaxHeapTableSizeNULLThis variable sets the maximum size to which user-created MEMORY tables are permitted to grow. The value of the variable is used to calculate MEMORY table MAX_ROWS values.
mysql.threads_cachedMySQL-ThreadsCachedNULLThe number of threads in the thread cache.
mysql.long_query_timeMySQL-LongQueryTimeNULLIf a query takes longer than this many seconds, the server increments the Slow_queries status variable.
mysql.tmp_table_sizeMySQL-TMPTableSizeNULLThe maximum size of internal in-memory temporary tables. If an in-memory temporary table exceeds the limit, MySQL automatically converts it to an on-disk MyISAM table.
mysql.aborted_connectsMySQL-AbortedConnectsNULLThe number of failed attempts to connect to the MySQL server.
mysql.query_cache_sizeMySQL-QueryCacheSizeNULLMax amount of data that can be stored in the cache.
mysql.threads_runningMySQL-ThreadsRunningNULLThe number of threads that are not sleeping.
mysql.query_cache_total_blocksMySQL-QueryCacheTotalBlocksNULLThe total number of blocks in the query cache.
mysql.query_cache_free_blocksMySQL-QueryCacheFreeBlocksNULLThe number of free memory blocks in the query cache.
mysql.max_used_connectionsMySQL-MaxUsedConnectionsNULLMax number of connections that have been in use simultaneously since the server started.
mysql.query_cache_low_memory_purnesMySQL-QueryCacheLowMemoryPurnesNULLThe number of queries that were deleted from the query cache because of low memory.
mysql.slave_statusMySQL-SlaveStatusNULLIf a database has replication configured, then this monitor checks the status of the slave instance which is returned by the command SHOW SLAVE STATUS. It also checks the number of seconds the slave is behind the master and if IO and SQL is running on the slave.
mysql.thread_cache_sizeMySQL-ThreadCacheSizeNULLHow many threads the server should cache for reuse. When a client disconnects, the client's threads are put in the cache if there are fewer than this monitor value.
mysql.query_cache_not_cachedMySQL-QueryCacheNotCachedNULLThe number of noncached queries.
mysql.query_cache_insertsMySQL-QueryCacheInsertsNULLThe number of queries added to the query cache.
mysql.table_definition_cacheMySQL-TableDefinitionCacheNULLThe number of table definitions (from .frm files) that can be stored in the definition cache.
mysql.log_warningsMySQL-LogWarningsNULLWhether to produce additional warning messages. It is enabled (1) by default and can be disabled by setting it to 0.
mysql.aborted_clientsMySQL-AbortedClientsNULLThe number of connections that were aborted because the client died without closing the connection properly.
mysql.query_cache_queries_in_cacheMySQL-QueryCacheQueriesInCacheNULLThe number of queries registered in the query cache.
mysql.threads_connectedMySQL-ThreadsConnectedNULLThe number of currently open connections.
mysql.foreign_key_checksMySQL-ForeignKeyChecksNULLBy default foreign key constraints for InnoDB tables are checked and the value will be 1. If set to 0, they are ignored. Disabling foreign key checking can be useful for reloading InnoDB tables in an order different from that required by their parent/child relationships.
mysql.query_cache_hitsMySQL-QueryCacheHitsNULLThe number of query cache hits.
mysql.open_table_cacheMySQL-OpenTableCacheNULLThe number of open tables for all threads.
mysql.max_user_connectionsMySQL-MaxUserConnectionsNULLMax number of simultaneous connections permitted to any given MySQL user. Default value is 0 (no limit).
mysql.thread_stack_sizeMySQL-ThreadStackSizeNULLThe stack size for each thread. Many of the limits detected by the crash-me test are dependent on this value.

Agent G2 - Linux - NFS Stats Monitors


Agent G2 - Linux - NFS Stats Monitors



Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Agent G2 - Linux - NFS Stats Monitorsnfs.lookup.opsNFS Lookup OperationsNULLThe number of lookup operations per second issued to the filesystem.
nfs.lookup.exeNFS Lookup Op Request Execution TimeNULLThe duration from the time that NFS client does the RPC lookup request to its kernel until the RPC request is completed, this includes the RTT time above.
nfs.server.write.mbytesNFS Server Written DataNULLThe number megabytes written to the NFS server by the NFS client via an NFS WRITE request. Read RetransmissionsNULLThe number of retransmissions.
nfs.write.rttNFS Write Op Request RTT TimeNULLThe duration from the time that client kernel sends the RPC write request until the time it receives the reply. Read OperationsNULLThe number of read operations per second issued to the filesystem.
nfs.lookup.retransmissionsNFS Lookup RetransmissionsNULLThe number of retransmissions.
nfs.lookup.kbytesNFS Lookup Op DataNULLThe amount of lookup data, in kB, per second.
nfs.write.opsNFS Write OperationsNULLThe number of write operations per second issued to the filesystem. Directory LookupsNULLThe number of name lookups in directories there have been.
nfs.write.kbytesNFS Write Op DataNULLThe amount of data, in kB, written per second. Application Written DataNULLThe number of megabytes written by applications using the NFS mounted filesystem with the write(2) system call. Application Written (O_DIRECT) DataNULLThe number of megabytes written to files opened with the O_DIRECT flag.
nfs.backlogNFS BacklogNULLThe length of the backlog queue. Read Op DataNULLThe amount of data, in kB, read per second. Server Read DataNULLThe number megabytes read from the NFS server by the NFS client via an NFS READ request.
nfs.lookup.rttNFS Lookup Op Request RTT TimeNULLThe duration from the time that client kernel sends the RPC lookup request until the time it receives the reply. Open OperationsNULLThe number of times files or directories have been opened.
nfs.write.sizeNFS Write Op Data SizeNULLThe average number of kB written per each operation.
nfs.write.exeNFS Write Op Request Execution TimeNULLThe duration from the time that NFS client does the RPC write request to its kernel until the RPC request is completed, this includes the RTT time above. Read Op Data SizeNULLThe average number of kB read per each operation. Application Read DataNULLThe number of megabytes read by applications using the NFS mounted filesystem with the read(2) system call.
nfs.opsNFS OperationsNULLThe number of operations per second issued to the filesystem.
nfs.ageNFS Mount AgeNULLThe duration of time that the share was mounted in minutes.
nfs.lookup.sizeNFS Lookup Op Data SizeNULLThe average amount of data size in kB for each lookup operation.
nfs.rpc.badxidsNFS RPC Bad XIDsNULLThe number of unmatchable XIDs that have been received. Read Op Request RTT TimeNULLThe duration from the time that client kernel sends the RPC read request until the time it receives the reply. Application Read(O_DIRECT) DataNULLThe number of megabytes read from files opened with the O_DIRECT flag. Read Op Request Execution TimeNULLThe duration from the time that NFS client does the RPC read request to its kernel until the RPC request is completed, this includes the RTT time above.
nfs.write.retransmissionsNFS Write RetransmissionsNULLThe number of retransmissions.

Agent G2 - Linux Network Interface


Monitors the performance and status of network interfaces on Linux systems. It captures and analyzes ten essential metrics, including traffic, packet rates, errors, discards, operational states, and output queue lengths.



Supported Metrics

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Agent G2 - Linux Network Interfacesystem_linux_network_interface_trafficInSystem Linux Network Interface TrafficInMonitors the incoming network traffic on a Linux network interface. It indicates the amount of data received by the interface.Kbps
system_linux_network_interface_trafficOutSystem Linux Network Interface TrafficOutMonitors the outgoing network traffic on a Linux network interface. It indicates the amount of data transmitted by the interface.Kbps
system_linux_network_interface_packetsInSystem Linux Network Interface PacketsInMonitors the incoming network packets (number of packets) on a Linux network interface. It counts the number of packets received by the interface.packets/sec
system_linux_network_interface_packetsOutSystem Linux Network Interface PacketsOutMonitors the outgoing network packets (number of packets) on a Linux network interface. It counts the number of packets transmitted by the interface.packets/sec
system_linux_network_interface_errorsInSystem Linux Network Interface ErrorsInMonitors the incoming network errors (number of errors) on a Linux network interface. It counts the number of errors encountered while receiving data.Errors per Sec
system_linux_network_interface_errorsOutSystem Linux Network Interface ErrorsOutMonitors the outgoing network errors (number of errors) on a Linux network interface. It counts the number of errors encountered while transmitting data.Errors per Sec
system_linux_network_interface_discardsInSystem Linux Network Interface DiscardsInMonitors the incoming discarded network packets (number of discarded packets) on a Linux network interface. It counts the number of packets that were discarded upon receipt.psec
system_linux_network_interface_discardsOutSystem Linux Network Interface DiscardsOutMonitors the outgoing discarded network packets (number of discarded packets) on a Linux network interface. It counts the number of packets that were discarded upon transmission.psec
system_linux_network_interface_operationalStateSystem Linux Network Interface OperationalStateMonitors operational state of a Linux network interface. It typically provides information such as whether the interface is up or down.NA
system_linux_network_interface_outputQueueLengthSystem Linux Network Interface OutputQueueLengthMonitors the length of the output queue on a Linux network interface. It indicates the number of packets queued up for transmission.count

Agent G2 - Linux Network Interface - v3


Monitors the performance and status of network interfaces on Linux systems. It captures and analyzes ten essential metrics, including traffic, packet rates, errors, discards, operational states, and output queue lengths, interface utilizations. Interface utilization exceeding 100% can occur due to short-term bursts of traffic, measurement intervals capturing peak activity, or aggregation of multiple interfaces' capacities. In version 3 of the template, we fixed a monitor-level bug and added support for bonded interfaces. This template only works on Agent version 17.1.2 or later.

Template Usage Guidelines

While applying this template on the device, users need to provide specific input parameters in below two formats only(Case-Insensitive) -

Format 1: Interfaces to monitor: All
(This format monitors all network interfaces present in /sys/class/net excuding the loopback interface)

Format 2: Interfaces to monitor: Interface1,interface2,interface3
(This format monitors only given interfaces)


Agent version 17.1.2 or later.

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Agent G2 - Linux Network Interface - v3system_linux_network_interface_trafficInSystem Linux Network Interface TrafficInKbpsMonitors the incoming network traffic on a Linux network interface. It indicates the amount of data received by the interface.
system_linux_network_interface_trafficOutSystem Linux Network Interface TrafficOutKbpsMonitors the outgoing network traffic on a Linux network interface. It indicates the amount of data transmitted by the interface.
system_linux_network_interface_packetsInSystem Linux Network Interface PacketsInpackets/secMonitors the incoming network packets (number of packets) on a Linux network interface. It counts the number of packets received by the interface.
system_linux_network_interface_packetsOutSystem Linux Network Interface PacketsOutpackets/secMonitors the outgoing network packets (number of packets) on a Linux network interface. It counts the number of packets transmitted by the interface.
system_linux_network_interface_errorsInSystem Linux Network Interface ErrorsInErrors per SecMonitors the incoming network errors (number of errors) on a Linux network interface. It counts the number of errors encountered while receiving data.
system_linux_network_interface_errorsOutSystem Linux Network Interface ErrorsOutErrors per SecMonitors the outgoing network errors (number of errors) on a Linux network interface. It counts the number of errors encountered while transmitting data.
system_linux_network_interface_discardsInSystem Linux Network Interface DiscardsInpsecMonitors the incoming discarded network packets (number of discarded packets) on a Linux network interface. It counts the number of packets that were discarded upon receipt.
system_linux_network_interface_discardsOutSystem Linux Network Interface DiscardsOutpsecMonitors the outgoing discarded network packets (number of discarded packets) on a Linux network interface. It counts the number of packets that were discarded upon transmission.
system_linux_network_interface_operationalStateSystem Linux Network Interface OperationalStateNAMonitors operational state of a Linux network interface. It typically provides information such as whether the interface is up or down.
system_linux_network_interface_outputQueueLengthSystem Linux Network Interface OutputQueueLengthcountMonitors the length of the output queue on a Linux network interface. It indicates the number of packets queued up for transmission.
system_linux_network_interface_utilization_receivedSystem Linux Network Interface Utilization ReceivedPercentage(%)Monitors the incoming network traffic utilization on a Linux network interface.
system_linux_network_interface_utilization_transmittedSystem Linux Network Interface Utilization TransmittedPercentage(%)Monitors the outgoing network traffic utilization on a Linux network interface.
system_linux_network_interface_utilization_totalSystem Linux Network Interface Utilization TotalPercentage(%)Monitors the total network traffic utilization of a Linux network interface.

Agent G2 - Linux Network Interface - v2

This template will be deprecated soon.


Monitors the performance and status of network interfaces on Linux systems. It captures and analyzes ten essential metrics, including traffic, packet rates, errors, discards, operational states, and output queue lengths, interface utilizations. Interface utilization exceeding 100% can occur due to short-term bursts of traffic, measurement intervals capturing peak activity, or aggregation of multiple interfaces' capacities. In version 2 of the template we added 3 new metrics to monitor received, transmitted and total utilizations. This template only works on Agent version 14.0.0 or later.

Template Usage Guidelines

While applying this template on the device, users need to provide specific input parameters in below two formats only(Case-Insensitive) -

Format 1: Interfaces to monitor: All
(This format monitors all network interfaces present in /sys/class/net excuding the loopback interface)

Format 2: Interfaces to monitor: Interface1,interface2,interface3
(This format monitors only given interfaces)


Agent version 14.0.0 or later.

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Agent G2 - Linux Network Interface - v2system_linux_network_interface_trafficInSystem Linux Network Interface TrafficInKbpsMonitors the incoming network traffic on a Linux network interface. It indicates the amount of data received by the interface.
system_linux_network_interface_trafficOutSystem Linux Network Interface TrafficOutKbpsMonitors the outgoing network traffic on a Linux network interface. It indicates the amount of data transmitted by the interface.
system_linux_network_interface_packetsInSystem Linux Network Interface PacketsInpackets/secMonitors the incoming network packets (number of packets) on a Linux network interface. It counts the number of packets received by the interface.
system_linux_network_interface_packetsOutSystem Linux Network Interface PacketsOutpackets/secMonitors the outgoing network packets (number of packets) on a Linux network interface. It counts the number of packets transmitted by the interface.
system_linux_network_interface_errorsInSystem Linux Network Interface ErrorsInErrors per SecMonitors the incoming network errors (number of errors) on a Linux network interface. It counts the number of errors encountered while receiving data.
system_linux_network_interface_errorsOutSystem Linux Network Interface ErrorsOutErrors per SecMonitors the outgoing network errors (number of errors) on a Linux network interface. It counts the number of errors encountered while transmitting data.
system_linux_network_interface_discardsInSystem Linux Network Interface DiscardsInpsecMonitors the incoming discarded network packets (number of discarded packets) on a Linux network interface. It counts the number of packets that were discarded upon receipt.
system_linux_network_interface_discardsOutSystem Linux Network Interface DiscardsOutpsecMonitors the outgoing discarded network packets (number of discarded packets) on a Linux network interface. It counts the number of packets that were discarded upon transmission.
system_linux_network_interface_operationalStateSystem Linux Network Interface OperationalStateNAMonitors operational state of a Linux network interface. It typically provides information such as whether the interface is up or down.
system_linux_network_interface_outputQueueLengthSystem Linux Network Interface OutputQueueLengthcountMonitors the length of the output queue on a Linux network interface. It indicates the number of packets queued up for transmission.
system_linux_network_interface_utilization_receivedSystem Linux Network Interface Utilization ReceivedPercentage(%)Monitors the incoming network traffic utilization on a Linux network interface.
system_linux_network_interface_utilization_transmittedSystem Linux Network Interface Utilization TransmittedPercentage(%)Monitors the outgoing network traffic utilization on a Linux network interface.
system_linux_network_interface_utilization_totalSystem Linux Network Interface Utilization TotalPercentage(%)Monitors the total network traffic utilization of a Linux network interface.

Agent G2 - Linux NFS Mount Point Monitoring - v5


Monitors the Linux NFS mount points availability, accessibility, and utilization. In Version 5 of the template, we introduced enhanced functionality to exclude specific users given in input while checking mount point writability. Additionally, users now have the flexibility to choose between monitoring all mounts or exclusively focusing on permanent mount points(i.e. only nfs mounts present in /etc/fstab).Pre-Requisites: NFS needs to be installed and 1 or more NFS Mount points should be available on target device. Agent must be installed as root.

Template Usage Guidelines

While applying this template on the device, users need to provide specific input parameters in below two formats only(Case-Insensitive) -

Format 1: MountType:All;ExcludedUsers:nobody,nfsnobody,anon
(This format monitors both temporary and permanent mount points, this is the default value)

Format 2: MountType:Permanent;ExcludedUsers:nobody,nfsnobody,anon
(This format monitors only Permanent Mounts which are available in \etc\fstab file)


  • NFS needs to be installed and NFS Mount points should be available on target device. Agent must be installed as root.
  • This template requiresAgent version 14.0.0. or later

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Agent G2 - Linux NFS Mount Point Custom Monitor - v5system_linux_nfs_mountpoint_utilizationSystem Linux NFS Mountpoint UtilizationPercentageMonitors the NFS Mount points utilization.
system_linux_nfs_mountpoint_accessibilitySystem Linux NFS Mountpoint Accessibility-Monitors the accessibility of NFS Mount points. An accessible NFS mount point typically means both read and write access(marked as "0" in output), and inaccessibility (marked as "1" in output) often means it's not writable.
system_linux_nfs_mountpoint_availabilitySystem Linux NFS Mountpoint Availability-Monitors the availability of NFS Mount points. The availability status of mount points is often determined by checking whether the NFS mount point is present in the current list of NFS shares compared to the list stored in the previous state. If a mount point was present in the previous state but is not in the current state, it is marked as "1" (not available). If it is present in both states, it is marked as "0" (available).

Agent G2 - Linux NFS Mount Point Monitoring - v4


Monitors the Linux NFS mount points availability, accessibility, and utilization.In Version 4 of the template, we introduced enhanced functionality to monitor user-specific mounts accessibility. Additionally, users now have the flexibility to choose between monitoring all mounts or exclusively focusing on permanent mount points (i.e. only nfs mounts present in /etc/fstab).

Template Usage Guidelines:

While applying this template on the device, users need to provide specific input parameters in below two formats only (Case-Insensitive).

  • Format 1: All (This format monitors both temporary and permanent mount points)

  • Format 2: Permanent (This format monitors only Permanent Mounts which are available in \etc\fstab file)


NFS needs to be installed and NFS Mount points should be available on target device.

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMonitor DescriptionMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitMetric Description
Agent G2 - Linux NFS Mount Point Custom Monitor - v4Monitors the Linux NFS mount points availability, accessibility, and utilizationsystem_linux_nfs_mountpoint_utilizationSystem Linux NFS Mountpoint UtilizationPercentageMonitors the NFS Mount points utilization.
system_linux_nfs_mountpoint_accessibilitySystem Linux NFS Mountpoint AccessibilityMonitors the accessibility of NFS Mount points.

An accessible NFS mount point typically means both read and write access(marked as “0” in output), and inaccessibility (marked as “1” in output) often means it’s not writable.

system_linux_nfs_mountpoint_availabilitySystem Linux NFS Mountpoint AvailabilityMonitors the availability of NFS Mount points. The availability status of mount points is often determined by checking whether the NFS mount point is present in the current list of NFS shares compared to the list stored in the previous state.

If a mount point was present in the previous state but is not in the current state, it is marked as “1” (not available).

If it is present in both states, it is marked as “0” (available).

Agent G2 - Linux - Nginx Monitors


Monitors Nginx application metrics



Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Agent G2 - Linux - Nginx Monitorsnginx.connections.writingNginx Writing ConnectionsNULLNginx reads the request body, processes the request or writes response to a client.
nginx.perconnections_requestsNginx Requests per connectionRequests / connAverage number of requests per connection.
nginx.connections.readingNginx Reading ConnectionsNULLNginx reads the request header.
nginx.connections.activeNginx ConnectionsActive ConnectionsNumber of all open connections including connections to backends.
nginx.requests.handledNginx Handled RequestsrequestsThe number of requests served by connections handled by Nginx.
nginx.requests_rateNginx Requests Raterequests / secAverage number of requests per second.
nginx.connections_rateNginx Connections RateConnections / secAverage number of connections per second.
nginx.response.timeNginx Response TimeSecondsTime taken for Nginx request-response.
nginx.connections.waitingNginx Waiting ConnectionsNULLKeep-alive connections, actually it will be active - (reading + writing).

Agent G2 - Linux - NGINX Perfomance Check


Monitors Nginx application metrics. This requires Nginx to be compiled with the Stub Status module.



Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Agent G2 - Linux - NGINX Perfomance Checknginx.requests.handledNginx Handled RequestsNULLThe number of requests served by connections handled by Nginx.
nginx.connections.readingNginx Reading ConnectionsNULLNginx reads the request header.
nginx.response.timeNginx Response TimeNULLTime taken for Nginx request-response.
nginx.requests_rateNginx Requests RateNULLAverage number of requests per second.
nginx.connections.writingNginx Writing ConnectionsNULLNginx reads the request body, processes the request or writes response to a client.
nginx.perconnections_requestsNginx Requests per connectionNULLAverage number of requests per connection.
nginx.connections.waitingNginx Waiting ConnectionsNULLKeep-alive connections, actually it will be active - (reading + writing).
nginx.connections_rateNginx Connections RateNULLAverage number of connections per second.
nginx.connections.activeNginx ConnectionsNULLNumber of all open connections including connections to backends.

Agent G2 - Linux - NTP Monitoring Offset


Monitoring delay in seconds



Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Agent G2 - Linux - NTP Monitoring Offsetntp.offsetNtp OffsetNULLThe time difference between the local clock and the NTP reference clock

Agent G2 - Linux NTP Statistics


Monitors the NTP offset and jitter values of only system peer (the remote NTP server marked with a * at the beginning) for Linux systems.


NTP needs to be installed and need Root privileges to execute the script.

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Agent G2 - Linux NTP Statisticssystem_linux_NTP_offsetSystem Linux NTP OffsetmillisecondsMonitors the time offset between the system clock and the Network Time Protocol (NTP) reference, indicating how much the system clock is ahead or behind the NTP reference.
system_linux_NTP_jitterSystem Linux NTP JittermillisecondsMonitors the jitter in the Network Time Protocol (NTP) synchronization, which reflects the variability in timekeeping accuracy. It measures the short-term fluctuations in the time offset between the system clock and the NTP reference.

Agent G2 - Linux - Nvidia GPU Monitoring


Monitors Nvidia GPU Metrics like Gpu utilization, Power usage, Memory usage and Temperature per Gpu instance



Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Agent G2 - Nvidia Gpu Monitornvidia_dcgm_fb_mem_usedNvidia Dcgm Framebuffer Memory UsedPercentageFramebuffer Memory Used
nvidia_dcgm_memory_tempNvidia Dcgm Memory TempCelsiusMemory temperature
nvidia_dcgm_gpu_utilNvidia Dcgm Gpu UtilPercentageGPU utilization
nvidia_dcgm_mem_copy_utilNvidia Dcgm Mem UtilPercentageMemory utilization
nvidia_dcgm_gpu_tempNvidia Dcgm Gpu TempCelsiusGPU temperature
nvidia_dcgm_power_usageNvidia Dcgm Power UsageWattsPower draw
nvidia_dcgm_mem_clockNvidia Dcgm Mem Clock FreqMegahertzMemory clock frequency

Agent G2 - Linux - OKD ApiServer


Template for monitoring OKD through Kubernetes API server



Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Agent G2 - Linux - OKD apiserver Rest Client Requests Total CountNULLNumber of HTTP requests, partitioned by status code, method, and host. apiserver Dropped Requests Total CountNULLMonotonic count of requests dropped with Try-again-later response.
apiserver.request.duration.seconds.bucketKube apiserver Request Duration Seconds BuckethistogramResponse latency distribution in seconds for each verb, dry run value, group, version, resource, subresource, scope, and component.
apiserver.request.countKube apiserver Request CountNULLCounter of apiserver requests broken out for each verb, group, version, resource, scope, component, client, and HTTP response contentType and code.
apiserver.APIServiceRegistrationController.depthKube apiserver APIService Registration Controller DepthNULLCurrent depth of workqueue: APIServiceRegistrationController. apiserver Rest Client Requests TotalNULLNumber of HTTP requests, partitioned by status code, method, and host.
apiserver.audit.event.totalKube apiserver Audit Event TotalNULLCounter of audit events generated and sent to the audit backend.
apiserver.go.goroutinesKube apiserver GoroutinesNULLNumber of goroutines that currently exist.
apiserver.inflight.requestsKube apiserver Inflight RequestsNULLMaximal number of currently used inflight request limit of this apiserver per request kind in the last second.
apiserver.go.threads.totalKube apiserver Go Threads TotalNULLNumber of OS threads created.
apiserver.authenticated.user.requestsKube apiserver Authenticated User RequestsNULLCounter of authenticated requests broken out by username.
apiserver.etcd.object.countsKube apiserver ETCD Object CountsNULLNumber of stored objects at the time of the last check split by kind. apiserver HTTP Requests Total CountNULLTotal number of HTTP requests made.
apiserver.request.count.countKube apiserver Request Count CountNULLCounter of apiserver requests broken out for each verb, group, version, resource, scope, component, client, and HTTP response contentType and code.
apiserver.authenticated.user.requests.countKube apiserver Authenticated User Requests CountNULLCounter of authenticated requests broken out by username.
apiserver.http.requests.totalKube apiserver HTTP Requests TotalNULLTotal number of HTTP requests made.

Agent G2 - Linux - OKD CoreDNS


Kubernetes CoreDNS



Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Agent G2 - Linux - OKD CoreDNScoredns.request_duration.seconds.sumRequest Duration Seconds SumNULLDuration to process each query.
coredns.query.countQuery countNULLTotal query count.
coredns.response_size.bytes.sumResponse Size Bytes SumNULLSize of the returned response in bytes.
coredns.request_duration.seconds.countRequest Duration Seconds CountNULLDuration per upstream interaction.
coredns.panicsTotal PanicsNULLTotal number of panics.

Agent G2 - Linux - OKD Kube Controller


Template for monitoring OKD using Kube Controller



Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Agent G2 - Linux - OKD Kube Controllercontroller.workqueue.work_unfinished_durationKube Controller Workqueue Unfinished Work SecondsNULLHow many seconds of work has done that is in progress and hasn't been observed by work_duration. Large values indicate stuck threads.
controller.go.goroutinesKube Controller Go GoroutinesNULLNumber of goroutines that currently exist.
controller.workqueue.addsKube Controller Workqueue Adds TotalNULLTotal number of adds handled by workqueue.
controller.process.open_fdsKube Controller Process Open FdsNULLNumber of open file descriptors.
controller.workqueue.retriesKube Controller Workqueue Retries TotalNULLTotal number of retries handled by workqueue.
controller.workqueue.nodes.countKube Controller Registered NodesNULLNumber of registered Nodes per zones.
controller.workqueue.work_duration.sumKube Controller Workqueue Work Duration Seconds SumNULLHow long in seconds processing an item from workqueue takes.
controller.workqueue.depthKube Controller Workqueue DepthNULLCurrent depth of workqueue.
controller.workqueue.work_duration.countKube Controller Workqueue Work Duration Seconds CountNULLTotal time in seconds processing an item from workqueue takes.
controller.workqueue.nodes.evictionsKube Controller Node Collector Evictions NumberNULLNumber of Node evictions that happened since the current instance of NodeController started.
controller.threadsKube Controller OS ThreadsNULLNumber of OS threads created.
controller.workqueue.work_longest_durationKube Controller Workqueue Longest Running Processor SecondsNULLHow many seconds has the longest running processor for workqueue been running.
controller.rate_limiter.useKube Controller Node Lifecycle Controller Rate Limiter UseNULLA metric measuring the saturation of the rate limiter for node_lifecycle_controller.
controller.process.max_fdsKube Controller Process Max FdsNULLMaximum number of open file descriptors.
controller.workqueue.queue_duration.sumKube Controller Workqueue Queue Duration Seconds SumNULLHow long in seconds an item stays in workqueue before being requested.
controller.workqueue.queue_duration.countKube Controller Workqueue Queue Duration Seconds CountNULLTotal how long in seconds an item stays in workqueue before being requested.
controller.workqueue.nodes.unhealthyKube Controller Node Collector Unhealthy Nodes in ZoneNULLNumber of not Ready Nodes per zones.

Agent G2 - Linux - Postfix Monitors

This template will be deprecated soon.


Monitors postfix queues



Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Agent G2 - Linux - Postfix Monitorspostfix.queues.deferredPostfix Queues DeferredNULLPostfix deferred mails queues count
postfix.queues.bouncePostfix Queues BounceNULLPostfix bounce mails queues count
postfix.queues.maildropPostfix Queues MaildropNULLPostfix maildrop mails queues count
postfix.queues.incomingPostfix Queues IncomingNULLPostfix incoming mail queues count
postfix.queues.activePostfix Queues ActiveNULLPostfix active mails queues count

Agent G2 - Linux - OKD Kube Scheduler


Template for monitoring OKD using Kube Scheduler



Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Agent G2 - Linux - OKD Kube Schedulerscheduler.client.http.requests_duration.countKube Scheduler Rest Client Request Latency Seconds CountNULLTotal request latency in seconds. Broken down by verb and URL.
scheduler.binding.latency.countKube Scheduler Binding Latency Microseconds CountNULLTotal Binding latency in microseconds count.
scheduler.scheduling.scheduling_latency.countKube Scheduler Scheduling Latency Seconds CountNULLScheduling latency in seconds split by sub-parts of the scheduling operation.
scheduler.scheduling.scheduling_duration.quantileKube Scheduler Scheduling Duration SecondsNULLScheduling latency in seconds split by sub-parts of the scheduling operation.
scheduler.volume_scheduling_duration.sumKube Scheduler Volume Scheduling Duration Seconds SumNULLVolume scheduling stage latency sum.
scheduler.volume_scheduling_duration.countKube Scheduler Volume Scheduling Duration Seconds CountNULLVolume scheduling stage latency count.
scheduler.go.goroutinesKube Scheduler Go GoroutinesNULLNumber of goroutines that currently exist.
scheduler.pod_preemption.victimsKube Scheduler Pod Preemption VictimsNULLNumber of selected preemption victims.
scheduler.scheduling.algorithm.preemption_duration.sumKube Scheduler Scheduling Algorithm Preemption Evaluation SumNULLScheduling algorithm preemption evaluation duration.
scheduler.gc_duration_seconds.sumKube Scheduler Go GC Duration Seconds SumNULLA summary of the GC invocation durations.
scheduler.client.http.requestsKube Scheduler Rest Client Requests TotalNULLNumber of HTTP requests, partitioned by status code, method, and host.
scheduler.e2e.scheduling_latency.sumKube Scheduler E2E Scheduling Latency Microseconds SumNULLE2e scheduling latency in microseconds (scheduling algorithm + binding).
scheduler.scheduling.scheduling_duration.sumKube Scheduler Scheduling Duration Seconds SumNULLScheduling latency in seconds split by sub-parts of the scheduling operation.
scheduler.e2e.scheduling_duration.sumKube Scheduler E2E Scheduling Duration Seconds SumNULLE2e scheduling latency in seconds (scheduling algorithm + binding).
scheduler.binding.latency.sumKube Scheduler Binding Latency Microseconds SumNULLBinding latency in microseconds sum.
scheduler.scheduling.scheduling_duration.countKube Scheduler Scheduling Duration Seconds CountNULLScheduling latency in seconds split by sub-parts of the scheduling operation.
scheduler.scheduling.scheduling_latency.quantileKube Scheduler Scheduling Latency SecondsNULLScheduling latency in seconds split by sub-parts of the scheduling operation.
scheduler.e2e.scheduling_duration.countKube Scheduler E2E Scheduling Duration Seconds CountNULLTotal E2e scheduling latency in seconds (scheduling algorithm + binding).
scheduler.binding.duration.countKube Scheduler Binding Duration Seconds CountNULLTotal Binding duration in seconds count.
scheduler.threadsKube Scheduler OS ThreadsNULLNumber of OS threads created.
scheduler.binding.duration.secondsKube Scheduler Binding Duration Seconds SumNULLBinding duration in seconds sum.
scheduler.pod_preemption.attemptsKube Scheduler Total Preemption AttemptsNULLTotal preemption attempts in the cluster till now.
scheduler.process.open_fdsKube Scheduler Process Open FdsNULLNumber of open file descriptors.
scheduler.scheduling.scheduling_latency.sumKube Scheduler Scheduling Latency Seconds SumNULLScheduling latency in seconds split by sub-parts of the scheduling operation.
scheduler.client.http.requests_duration.sumKube Scheduler Rest Client Request Latency Seconds SumNULLRequest latency in seconds sum. Broken down by verb and URL.
scheduler.schedule_attempts.totalKube Scheduler Schedule Attempts TotalNULLNumber of attempts to schedule pods, by the result. 'unschedulable' means a pod could not be scheduled, while 'error' means an internal scheduler problem.
scheduler.gc_duration_seconds.quantileKube Scheduler Go GC Duration SecondsNULLA summary of the GC invocation durations.
scheduler.scheduling.algorithm.preemption_duration.countKube Scheduler Scheduling Algorithm Preemption Evaluation CountNULLScheduling algorithm preemption evaluation duration.
scheduler.scheduling.algorithm.predicate_duration.sumKube Scheduler Scheduling Algorithm Predicate Evaluation SumNULLScheduling algorithm predicate evaluation duration.
scheduler.scheduling.algorithm_duration.sumKube Scheduler Scheduling Algorithm Duration Seconds SumNULLScheduling algorithm latency in seconds sum.
scheduler.scheduling.algorithm.preemption_duration.countKube Scheduler Scheduling Algorithm Preemption Evaluation CountNULLScheduling algorithm preemption evaluation duration.
scheduler.e2e.scheduling_latency.countKube Scheduler E2E Scheduling Latency Microseconds CountNULLTotal E2e scheduling latency in microseconds (scheduling algorithm + binding).
scheduler.scheduling.algorithm.predicate_duration.countKube Scheduler Scheduling Algorithm Predicate Evaluation CountNULLScheduling algorithm predicate evaluation duration.
scheduler.scheduling.algorithm_duration.countKube Scheduler Scheduling Algorithm Duration Seconds CountNULLTotal Scheduling algorithm latency in seconds count.
scheduler.scheduling.algorithm.priority_duration.sumKube Scheduler Scheduling Algorithm Priority Evaluation SumNULLScheduling algorithm priority evaluation duration.
scheduler.scheduling.algorithm_latency.sumKube Scheduler Scheduling Algorithm Latency Microseconds SumNULLScheduling algorithm latency in microseconds sum.
scheduler.gc_duration_seconds.countKube Scheduler Go GC Duration Seconds CountNULLA summary of the GC invocation durations.
scheduler.scheduling.algorithm_latency.countKube Scheduler Scheduling Algorithm Latency Microseconds CountNULLTotal Scheduling algorithm latency in microseconds count.
scheduler.cache.lookupsKube Scheduler Equiv Cache Lookups TotalNULLTotal number of equivalence cache lookups, by whether or not a cache entry was found.
scheduler.process.max_fdsKube Scheduler Process Max FdsNULLMaximum number of open file descriptors.

Agent G2 - Linux - OKD Kube State


Template for monitoring OKD using Kube State



Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Agent G2 - Linux - OKD Kube Statekubernetes_state.node.cpu_allocatableNode Cpu AllocatableNULLThe CPU resources of a node that are available for scheduling. Requests Storage UsedNULLObserved sum of storage bytes requested for a resource quota.
kubernetes_state.resourcequota.persistentvolumeclaims.limitResourcequota Persistentvolumeclaims LimitNULLHard limit of the number of PVC for a resource quota.
kubernetes_state.node.cpu_capacityNode Cpu CapacityNULLThe total CPU resources of the node.
kubernetes_state.replicaset.replicas_desiredReplicaset Replicas DesiredNULLNumber of desired pods for a ReplicaSet.
kubernetes_state.resourcequota.pods.limitResourcequota Pods LimitNULLHard limit of the number of pods for a resource quota.
kubernetes_state.replicaset.replicas_readyReplicaset Replicas ReadyNULLThe number of ready replicas per ReplicaSet.
kubernetes_state.deployment.replicas_unavailableDeployment Replicas UnavailableNULLThe number of unavailable replicas per deployment.
kubernetes_state.resourcequota.requests.memory.limitResourcequota Requests Memory LimitNULLHard limit on the total of memory bytes requested for a resource quota.
kubernetes_state.resourcequota.limits.cpu.limitResourcequota Limits Cpu LimitNULLHard limit on the sum of CPU core limits for a resource quota.
kubernetes_state.resourcequota.requests.memory.usedResourcequota Requests Memory UsedNULLObserved sum of memory bytes requested for a resource quota.
kubernetes_state.replicaset.replicasReplicaset ReplicasNULLThe number of replicas per ReplicaSet.
kubernetes_state.resourcequota.limits.memory.limitResourcequota Limits Memory LimitNULLHard limit on the sum of memory bytes limits for a resource quota.
kubernetes_state.resourcequota.requests.cpu.usedResourcequota Requests Cpu UsedNULLObserved sum of CPU cores requested for a resource quota. Services Nodeports LimitNULLHard limit of the number of node ports for a resource quota.
kubernetes_state.daemonset.scheduledDaemonset ScheduledNULLThe number of nodes running at least one daemon pod and are supposed to.
kubernetes_state.deployment.replicas_updatedDeployment Replicas UpdatedNULLThe number of updated replicas per deployment.
kubernetes_state.container.memory_requestedContainer Memory RequestedNULLThe number of requested memory bytes by a container.
kubernetes_state.container.cpu_limitContainer Cpu LimitNULLThe limit on cpu cores to be used by a container.
kubernetes_state.container.restartsContainer RestartsNULLThe number of restarts per container.
kubernetes_state.resourcequota.pods.usedResourcequota Pods UsedNULLObserved number of pods used for a resource quota.
kubernetes_state.resourcequota.persistentvolumeclaims.usedResourcequota Persistentvolumeclaims UsedNULLObserved number of persistent volume claims used for a resource quota.
kubernetes_state.resourcequota.limits.memory.usedResourcequota Limits Memory UsedNULLObserved sum of limits for memory bytes for a resource quota.
kubernetes_state.deployment.replicas_availableDeployment Replicas AvailableNULLThe number of available replicas per deployment.
kubernetes_state.daemonset.misscheduledDaemonset MisscheduledNULLThe number of nodes running a daemon pod but are not supposed to.
kubernetes_state.resourcequota.requests.cpu.limitResourcequota Requests Cpu LimitNULLHard limit on the total of CPU core requested for a resource quota.
kubernetes_state.resourcequota.limits.cpu.usedResourcequota Limits Cpu UsedNULLObserved sum of limits for CPU cores for a resource quota. Services Loadbalancers LimitNULLHard limit of the number of loadbalancers for a resource quota.
kubernetes_state.container.memory_limitContainer Memory LimitNULLThe limit on memory to be used by a container. Services Nodeports UsedNULLObserved number of node ports used for a resource quota. Services LimitNULLHard limit of the number of services for a resource quota.
kubernetes_state.node.pods_capacityNode Pods CapacityNULLThe total pod resources of the node.
kubernetes_state.node.memory_allocatableNode Memory AllocatableNULLThe memory resources of a node that are available for scheduling.
kubernetes_state.container.cpu_requestedContainer Cpu RequestedNULLThe number of requested cpu cores by a container.
kubernetes_state.deployment.rollingupdate.max_unavailableDeployment Rollingupdate Max UnavailableNULLMaximum number of unavailable replicas during a rolling update of a deployment.
kubernetes_state.daemonset.readyDaemonset ReadyNULLThe number of nodes that should be running the daemon pod and have one or more of the daemon pod running and ready.
kubernetes_state.deployment.replicas_desiredDeployment Replicas DesiredNULLThe number of desired replicas per deployment wrong help in kube-state-metrics.cross check Services UsedNULLObserved number of services used for a resource quota.
kubernetes_state.daemonset.desiredDaemonset DesiredNULLThe number of nodes that should be running the daemon pod. Services Loadbalancers UsedNULLObserved number of loadbalancers used for a resource quota.
kubernetes_state.node.pods_allocatableNode Pods AllocatableNULLThe pod resources of a node that are available for scheduling. Requests Storage LimitNULLHard limit on the total of storage bytes requested for a resource quota.
kubernetes_state.replicaset.fully_labeled_replicasReplicaset Fully Labeled ReplicasNULLThe number of fully labeled replicas per ReplicaSet.
kubernetes_state.node.memory_capacityNode Memory CapacityNULLThe total memory resources of the node.
kubernetes_state.deployment.replicasDeployment ReplicasNULLThe number of replicas per deployment.

Agent G2 - Linux - OS DISKIOPS Template


Agent G2 - Linux - OS DISKIOPS Template



Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Agent G2 - Linux - OS DISKIOPS TemplateDISKIOPSDISKIOPSNULLMonitors the Disk I/O Read in MBps, Disk Write MBps and Disk busy percentage.

Agent G2 - Linux Postfix Statistics


Monitors the counts and sizes of specific mail queue types - namely, incoming, active, maildrop, deferred, and bounce queues.


Postfix needs to be installed and need Root privileges to execute the script.

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Agent G2 - Linux Postfix Statisticssystem_linux_postfix_active_mailqueue_sizeSystem Linux Postfix Active Mailqueue SizeBytesMonitors the size (in bytes) of active emails in the Postfix mail queue.
system_linux_postfix_deferred_mailqueue_sizeSystem Linux Postfix Deferred Mailqueue SizeBytes**Monitors the size (in bytes) of deferred emails in the Postfix mail queue.
system_linux_postfix_maildrop_mailqueue_sizeSystem Linux Postfix Maildrop Mailqueue SizeBytesMonitors the size (in bytes) of emails in the Postfix mail queue marked for maildrop.
system_linux_postfix_bounce_mailqueue_sizeSystem Linux Postfix Bounce Mailqueue SizeBytesMonitors the size (in bytes) of bounced emails in the Postfix mail queue.
system_linux_postfix_incoming_mailqueue_sizeSystem Linux Postfix Incoming Mailqueue SizeBytesMonitors the size (in bytes) of incoming emails in the Postfix mail queue.
system_linux_postfix_deferred_mailqueue_countSystem Linux Postfix Deferred Mailqueue CountCountMonitors the count of deferred emails in the Postfix mail queue.
system_linux_postfix_bounce_mailqueue_countSystem Linux Postfix Bounce Mailqueue CountCountMonitors the count of bounced emails in the Postfix mail queue.
system_linux_postfix_maildrop_mailqueue_countSystem Linux Postfix Maildrop Mailqueue CountCountMonitors the count of emails in the Postfix mail queue marked for maildrop.
system_linux_postfix_incoming_mailqueue_countSystem Linux Postfix Incoming Mailqueue CountCountMonitors the count of incoming emails in the Postfix mail queue.
system_linux_postfix_active_mailqueue_countsystem_linux_postfix_active_mailqueue_countCountMonitors the count of active emails in the Postfix mail queue.

Agent G2 - Linux - PostgresDB Aliveness Check Status

This template will be deprecated soon.


To monitor Postgresql db_aliveness, Supported versions of PostgreSQL 11 or later (Validated this template on version PostgreSQL-11 and 12 versions).


  • Agent installed on the target machine.
  • Create a Postgres environment file and provide the file path as input parameter while applying the template.
  • We need to provide env path for single instance - <env path> & for multiple instances - <env path1>, <env path2>,<env path3> Along with setting up postgres environment this env file should contain other parameters like PGDATABASE,PGARCHIVEDIR,PGDATADIR,PGWALDIR,PGPORT,SERVICENAME.
  • Agent must have permission to access the provided .env file

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Agent G2 - Linux - PostgresDB Aliveness Check Status Monitorpostgres_check_dbalivePostgres Check DBAliveNULLTo monitor the aliveness of the postgres database

Agent G2 - Linux - PostgresDB Aliveness Check Status - v2


To monitor the aliveness of the postgres database

Template Usage Guidelines:

  • Create a Postgres environment file and provide the file path as input parameter while applying the template.
  • We need to provide env path for single instance - <env path> & for multiple instances - <env path1>,<env path2>,<env path3>
  • Along with setting up postgres environment, this env file should contain other parameters like PGDATABASE,PGARCHIVEDIR,PGDATADIR,PGWALDIR,PGPORT,SERVICENAME.
  • Agent must have permission to access the provided .env file.
  • Sample pg_new_5432.env file data: export PATH=$PATH:/usr/pgsql-12/bin/ PGDATABASE=postgres PGPORT=5432 PGARCHIVEDIR=/var/lib/pgsql/backups_main/archive/ PGDATADIR=/var/lib/pgsql/12/data PGWALDIR=/var/lib/pgsql/12/data/pg_wal SERVICENAME=postgresql-12


Agent must be installed on the target machine.

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Agent G2 - Linux - PostgresDB Aliveness Check Status Monitor - v2postgres_check_dbalivePostgres Check DBAliveTo monitor the aliveness of the postgres database

Agent G2 - Linux - PostgreSQL Monitors


Agent G2 - Linux - PostgreSQL Monitors



Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Agent G2 - Linux - PostgreSQL Monitorspostgres.dbstat.commitPostgreSQL CommitsNULLThe total number of commits for this database since it was created or reset.
postgres.dbstat.readsPostgreSQL ReadsNULLReports information from the pg_stat_database view, The total number of disk blocks read.
postgres.conn.idlePostgreSQL Connections IdleNULLChecks number of connections idle in given state
postgres.db.sizePostgreSQL Database SizeMBTotal Size of all dbs
postgres.locks.not.grantedPostgreSQL Locks Not GrantedNULLChecks the total number of locks are not granted on one or more databases
postgres.conn.waitingPostgreSQL Connections WaitingNULLChecks number of connections waiting in given state
postgres.dbstat.tup.insertedPostgreSQL Tup InsertedNULLReports information from the pg_stat_database view, The total number of tuples inserted.
postgres.autovac.freezePostgreSQL Autovac Freeze%Provides the percentage of current transactions to the max freeze number.
postgres.backendsPostgreSQL Backends%Check the number of connections to the database. Compares it with the Max_connection provided in the postgres conf file
postgres.dbstat.tup.returnedPostgreSQL Tup ReturnedNULLReports information from the pg_stat_database view, The total number of tuples returned.
postgres.dbstat.hitsPostgreSQL HitsNULLReports information from the pg_stat_database view , The total number of buffer hits.
postgres.tnxage.runningPostgreSQL Tnxage RunningNULLChecks the number and duration of "running transaction" queries on one or more databases
postgres.locks.grantedPostgreSQL Locks GrantedNULLChecks the total number of locks are granted on one or more databases
postgres.bloatPostgreSQL BloatNULLChecks the amount of bloat in tables and indexes
postgres.dbstat.rollbackPostgreSQL RollbacksNULLThe total number of rollbacks for this database since it was created or reset.
postgres.dbstat.tup.deletedPostgreSQL Tup DeletedNULLReports information from the pg_stat_database view, The total number of tuples deleted.
postgres.conn.totalPostgreSQL Connections TotalNULLChecks total number of connections in given state
postgres.conn.runningPostgreSQL Connections RunningNULLChecks number of connections running in given state
postgres.pingPostgreSQL PingNULLProvides the Ping response time of PostgreSQL database.
postgres.dbstat.tup.fetchedPostgreSQL Tup FetchedNULLReports information from the pg_stat_database view, The total number of tuples fetched.
postgres.conn.idle.tnxPostgreSQL Connections Idle TnxNULLChecks the number connections "idle in transaction" state
postgres.locks.allPostgreSQL LocksNULLChecks the total number of locks on one or more databases
postgres.tnxage.idle.tnxPostgreSQL Tnxage IdleTnxNULLChecks the number and duration of "idle in transaction" queries on one or more databases
postgres.dbstat.tup.updatedPostgreSQL Tup UpdatedNULLReports information from the pg_stat_database view, The total number of tuples updated.
postgres.walPostgreSQL WalNULLChecks how many WAL files exist in the pg_xlog directory

Agent G2 - Linux PostgresDB Aliveness Check Status - v3


Monitors the PostgreSQL database aliveness status. The metric value is 1 if the PostgreSQL database is alive; otherwise, the value is 0.


  1. The Agent must be installed as Root on the target machine, with Agent version 14.0 or later.
  2. Create a PostgreSQL environment file and provide the file path as an input parameter when applying the template.
  3. For a single instance, provide the environment path as <env path>. For multiple instances, provide the environment paths as <env path1>, <env path2>, <env path3>.
  4. This env file should contain other parameters such as PGDATADIR, PGPORT, SERVICENAME, SERVICELEVEL, POSTGRESUSER, and POSTGRESPATH. The last three parameters (SERVICELEVEL, POSTGRESUSER, POSTGRESPATH) are necessary only for checking the status of PostgreSQL using pg_ctl; otherwise, they are optional.
  5. The agent must have execute permissions on the provided .env file.

The enhancements introduced in Version 3 (V3) of the script provide users with the flexibility to check the PostgreSQL aliveness status using either systemctl, pg_isready commands, or a combination of pg_isready and pg_ctl commands by giving respective parameters in env file as input.

Template Usage Guidelines: While assigning template on device, users need to pass specific input parameters -

For a single instance, provide the environment path as <env path>. For multiple instances, provide the environment paths as <env path1>, <env path2>, <env path3>.

Single Input Parameter:

Multiple Input Parameters: /var/lib/pgsql/pg_new_5432.env,/var/lib/pgsql/pg_new_5433.env

  • Create a Postgres environment file and provide the file path as input parameter while applying the template.
  • We need to provide env path for single instance - <env path> & for multiple instances - <env path1>,<env path2>,<env path3>
  • Along with setting up postgres environment, this env file should contain other parameters like PGDATABASE,PGARCHIVEDIR,PGDATADIR,PGWALDIR,PGPORT,SERVICENAME.
  • Agent must have permission to access the provided .env file Example content of the .env file -

SampleContent while checking postgres status with pg_ctl command:

export PATH=$PATH:/usr/pgsql-12/bin/        

SampleContent while checking postgres status without pg_ctl:

export PATH=$PATH:/usr/pgsql-12/bin/        

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Agent G2 - Linux PostgresDB Aliveness Check Status Monitor - v3postgres_check_dbalivePostgres Check DBAlive-To monitor the aliveness of the postgres database

Agent G2 - Linux OS Performance Monitoring - Advanced


Template to monitor Linux OS advanced performance metrics related to OS Resource parameters, Real memory (page outs & scan rate), Total and individual swap utilization. It has been validated on following Linux flavors: RHEL 7.9, Centos 7 ,Ubuntu 20.04, Open SUSE Linux.


Applicable on devices which is running Opsramp Agent ( v7.0.0 or above)

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Agent G2 - Linux OS Resource Parameterssystem_linux_openFileDescriptors_UsedCountSystem Linux OpenFileDescriptors Used CountcountCurrent number of Open File Descriptors
system_linux_messageQueueIDs_UtilizationSystem Linux MessageQueueIDs Utilization%Used percentage of current message queue ID's
system_linux_Semaphores_UtilizationSystem Linux Semaphores Utilization%Semaphore arrays or sets used percentage
system_linux_loggedInUsers_PctSystem Linux Logged In Users Pct%Current number of logged in users percentage
system_linux_sharedMemoryIDs_UtilizationSystem Linux SharedMemoryIDs Utilization%Used percentage of shared memory ID's
system_linux_messageQueueIDs_UsedCountSystem Linux MessageQueueIDs Used CountcountCurrent number of message queue ID’s in use
system_linux_openFileDescriptors_UtilizationSystem Linux OpenFileDescriptors Utilization%Linux Open File Descriptors Used Percentage
system_linux_runningProcesses_PctSystem Linux Running Processes Pct%Current running processes percentage
system_linux_Semaphores_UsedCountSystem Linux Semaphores Used CountcountCurrent number of semaphore arrays in use
system_linux_sharedMemoryIDs_UsedCountSystem Linux SharedMemoryIDs Used CountcountCurrent number of shared memory ID’s in use
system_linux_loggedInUsers_CountSystem Linux LoggedInUsers CountcountCurrent number of logged in users
system_linux_runningProcesses_CountSystem Linux RunningProcesses CountcountCurrent number of running processes
Agent G2 - Linux Real Memory Statssystem_linux_RealMemory_PageOuts_KiloBytesPerSecSystem Linux Real Memory PageOuts KiloBytesPerSecKBpsMemory pages page out rate in Kilo Bytes per second.
system_linux_RealMemory_PageOuts_PagesPerSecSystem Linux Real Memory PageOuts PagesPerSecpsecMemory page out rate in pages per second.
system_linux_RealMemory_Scan_RateSystem Linux Real Memory Scan RatepsecNumber of pages scanned (directly) per second. It will collect data for last 10 min (i.e time configured in /etc/cron.d/sysstat file).\n\nPrerequisite: sysstat package should be installed and sar -B command should respond
Agent G2 - Linux Swap Memory Utilizationsystem_linux_swapMemory_UtilizationSystem Linux Swap Memory Utilization%Swap memory utilization in percent.
system_linux_individual_SwapArea_UtilizationSystem Linux Individual Swap Area Utilization%Individual swap area utilization in percent.

Agent G2 - Linux OS Performance Monitoring - Advanced - V2


Template to monitor Linux OS advanced performance metrics related to OS Resource parameters, Real memory (page ins, page outs, swap in, swap out & scan rate), Total and individual swap utilization. It has been validated on following Linux flavors: RHEL 7.9, Centos 7 ,Ubuntu 20.04, Open SUSE Linux.


Applicable on devices which is running Opsramp Agent ( v7.0.0 or above)

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Agent G2 - Linux OS Resource Parameterssystem_linux_openFileDescriptors_UsedCountSystem Linux OpenFileDescriptors Used CountcountCurrent number of Open File Descriptors
system_linux_messageQueueIDs_UtilizationSystem Linux MessageQueueIDs Utilization%Used percentage of current message queue ID's
system_linux_Semaphores_UtilizationSystem Linux Semaphores Utilization%Semaphore arrays or sets used percentage
system_linux_loggedInUsers_PctSystem Linux Logged In Users Pct%Current number of logged in users percentage
system_linux_sharedMemoryIDs_UtilizationSystem Linux SharedMemoryIDs Utilization%Used percentage of shared memory ID's
system_linux_messageQueueIDs_UsedCountSystem Linux MessageQueueIDs Used CountcountCurrent number of message queue ID’s in use
system_linux_openFileDescriptors_UtilizationSystem Linux OpenFileDescriptors Utilization%Linux Open File Descriptors Used Percentage
system_linux_runningProcesses_PctSystem Linux Running Processes Pct%Current running processes percentage
system_linux_Semaphores_UsedCountSystem Linux Semaphores Used CountcountCurrent number of semaphore arrays in use
system_linux_sharedMemoryIDs_UsedCountSystem Linux SharedMemoryIDs Used CountcountCurrent number of shared memory ID’s in use
system_linux_loggedInUsers_CountSystem Linux LoggedInUsers CountcountCurrent number of logged in users
system_linux_runningProcesses_CountSystem Linux RunningProcesses CountcountCurrent number of running processes
Agent G2 - Linux Real Memory Stats - V2system_linux_RealMemory_PageOuts_KiloBytesPerSecSystem Linux Real Memory PageOuts KiloBytesPerSecKBpsMemory pages page out rate in Kilo Bytes per second.
system_linux_RealMemory_PageOuts_PagesPerSecSystem Linux Real Memory PageOuts PagesPerSecpsecMemory page out rate in pages per second.
system_linux_RealMemory_Scan_RateSystem Linux Real Memory Scan RatepsecNumber of pages scanned (directly) per second. It will collect data for last 10 min (i.e time configured in /etc/cron.d/sysstat file).\n\nPrerequisite: sysstat package should be installed and sar -B command should respond
system_linux_RealMemory_SwapOuts_KiloBytesPerSecSystem Linux Real Memory SwapOuts KiloBytesPerSecKBpsSwap out rate in Kilo Bytes per second.
system_linux_RealMemory_PageIns_PagesPerSecSystem Linux Real Memory PageIns PagesPerSecpsecMemory pages page in rate in Pages per second.
system_linux_RealMemory_PageIns_KiloBytesPerSecSystem Linux Real Memory PageIns KiloBytesPerSecKBpsMemory pages page in rate in Kilo Bytes per second.
system_linux_RealMemory_SwapIns_KiloBytesPerSecSystem Linux Real Memory SwapIns KiloBytesPerSecKBpsSwap in rate in Kilo Bytes per second.
Agent G2 - Linux Swap Memory Utilizationsystem_linux_swapMemory_UtilizationSystem Linux Swap Memory Utilization%Swap memory utilization in percent.
system_linux_individual_SwapArea_UtilizationSystem Linux Individual Swap Area Utilization%Individual swap area utilization in percent.

Agent G2 - Linux OS Performance Monitoring - Advanced - v3


Monitors the data related to OS resource parameters like Open FDs,Logge In users, Context Switches, Processes created, Running processes, Page Faults, Semaphores, Shared Memory IDs,Message queue IDs, TCP Connection states, Swap memory, Real memory Statistics and disk statistics. Ensure that the “ss” command is available in system to get TCP Connections data and util-linux package version 2.19 or higher, Kernel version above 2.6 be available on the system to get Disk Stats data.
Note: When the server is rebooted or when the disk counter’s valid range is exceeded, negative values for disk metrics will occur, as we are calculating rates.


Ensure that the “ss” command is available in system to get TCP Connections data and util-linux package version 2.19 or higher, Kernel version above 2.6 be available on the system to get Disk Stats data.

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Agent G2 - Linux Swap Memory Utilizationsystem_linux_swapMemory_UtilizationSystem Linux Swap Memory Utilization%Swap memory utilization in percent.
system_linux_individual_SwapArea_UtilizationSystem Linux Individual Swap Area Utilization%Individual swap area utilization in percent.
Agent G2 - Linux Real Memory Stats - V2system_linux_RealMemory_Scan_RateSystem Linux Real Memory Scan RatepsecNumber of pages scanned (directly) per second. It will collect data for last 10 min (i.e time configured in /etc/cron.d/sysstat file). Prerequisite: sysstat package should be installed and sar -B command should respond
system_linux_RealMemory_PageOuts_PagesPerSecSystem Linux Real Memory PageOuts PagesPerSecpsecMemory page out rate in pages per second.
system_linux_RealMemory_PageOuts_KiloBytesPerSecSystem Linux Real Memory PageOuts KiloBytesPerSecKBpsMemory pages page out rate in Kilo Bytes per second.
system_linux_RealMemory_PageIns_KiloBytesPerSecSystem Linux Real Memory PageIns KiloBytesPerSecKBpsMemory pages page in rate in Kilo Bytes per second.
system_linux_RealMemory_PageIns_PagesPerSecSystem Linux Real Memory PageIns PagesPerSecpsecMemory pages page in rate in Pages per second.
system_linux_RealMemory_SwapIns_KiloBytesPerSecSystem Linux Real Memory SwapIns KiloBytesPerSecKBpsSwap in rate in Kilo Bytes per second.
system_linux_RealMemory_SwapOuts_KiloBytesPerSecSystem Linux Real Memory SwapOuts KiloBytesPerSecKBpsSwap out rate in Kilo Bytes per second.
Agent G2 - Linux TCP Connection States Monitorsystem_linux_tcp_connection_statesSystem Linux TCP Connection StatescountMonitors the count of TCP connections in various states on the Linux system.
Agent G2 - Linux Disk Statisticssystem_linux_disk_IOQueueLengthSystem Linux Disk IOQueueLengthnullMonitors the length of the I/O queue for disk operations.
system_linux_disk_averageLatencySystem Linux Disk AverageLatencymicrosecMonitors the average response time of the disk subsystem to process I/O requests.
system_linux_disk_averageReadRequestSizeSystem Linux Disk AverageReadRequestSizeKBMonitors the average size of read requests issued to the disk.
system_linux_disk_averageRequestSizeSystem Linux Disk AverageRequestSizeKBMonitors the average size of all read and write requests issued to the disk.
system_linux_disk_averageWriteRequestSizeSystem Linux Disk AverageWriteRequestSizeKBMonitors the average size of write requests issued to the disk.
system_linux_disk_timeUtilizationSystem Linux Disk TimeUtilization%Monitors the utilization of the disk, measured as the percentage of time the disk is actively processing I/O operations.
system_linux_disk_readOperationsRateSystem Linux Disk ReadOperationsRatepsecMonitors the rate of read operations issued to the disk per second.
system_linux_disk_readThroughputSystem Linux Disk ReadThroughputKBpsMonitors the rate of data read from the disk per second.
system_linux_disk_averageReadWaitTimeSystem Linux Disk AverageReadWaitTimemicrosecMonitors the average wait time for read requests.
system_linux_disk_averageRequestWaitTimeSystem Linux Disk AverageRequestWaitTimemicrosecMonitors the time a disk operation (read and write) waits in the I/O queue before being processed.
system_linux_disk_writeOperationsRateSystem Linux Disk WriteOperationsRatepsecMonitors the rate of write operations issued to the disk per second.
system_linux_disk_writeThroughputSystem Linux Disk WriteThroughputKBpsMonitors the rate of data written to the disk per second.
system_linux_disk_averageWriteWaitTimeSystem Linux Disk AverageWriteWaitTimemicrosecMonitors the average wait time for write requests.
Agent G2 - Linux OS Resource Parameters - v2system_linux_openFileDescriptors_UtilizationSystem Linux OpenFileDescriptors Utilization%Linux Open File Descriptors Used Percentage
system_linux_openFileDescriptors_UsedCountSystem Linux OpenFileDescriptors Used CountcountCurrent number of Open File Descriptors
system_linux_loggedInUsers_PctSystem Linux Logged In Users Pct%Current number of logged in users percentage
system_linux_loggedInUsers_CountSystem Linux LoggedInUsers CountcountCurrent number of logged in users
system_linux_runningProcesses_PctSystem Linux Running Processes Pct%Current running processes percentage
system_linux_runningProcesses_CountSystem Linux RunningProcesses CountcountCurrent number of running processes
system_linux_Semaphores_UtilizationSystem Linux Semaphores Utilization%Semaphore arrays or sets used percentage
system_linux_Semaphores_UsedCountSystem Linux Semaphores Used CountcountCurrent number of semaphore arrays in use
system_linux_messageQueueIDs_UtilizationSystem Linux MessageQueueIDs Utilization%Used percentage of current message queue ID's
system_linux_messageQueueIDs_UsedCountSystem Linux MessageQueueIDs Used CountcountCurrent number of message queue ID?s in use
system_linux_sharedMemoryIDs_UtilizationSystem Linux SharedMemoryIDs Utilization%Used percentage of shared memory ID's
system_linux_sharedMemoryIDs_UsedCountSystem Linux SharedMemoryIDs Used CountcountCurrent number of shared memory ID?s in use
system_linux_createdProcessesPerSecSystem Linux CreatedProcesses PerSecCount per secProvides the count of processes created or managed per second on the Linux system since the system was rebooted.
system_linux_pageFaultsPerSecSystem Linux PageFaults PerSecCount per secMonitors the count of page faults per second on the Linux system.
system_linux_kernelContextSwitchesPerSecSystem Linux KernelContextSwitches PerSecCount per secMonitors the count of context switches per second on the Linux system.

Agent G2 - Linux Process Statistics Monitoring


Monitors the process statistics of given process list. Should give process list in configuration parameter - custom arguments param



Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Agent G2 - Linux Process Statistics Monitorsystem.process.stats.cpuSystem Process Stats Cpu Usage%Monitors Cpu Usage of each process of Linux Device.
system.process.stats.countSystem Process Stats Instance CountcountMonitors Instance count of each process of Linux Device.
system.process.stats.threadsSystem Process Stats Thread CountcountMonitors thread count of each process of Linux Device. Process Stats Open Fd countcountMonitors open fd count of each process of Linux Device.
system.process.stats.memorySystem Process Stats Memory Usage%Monitors Memory Usage of each process of Linux Device.

Agent G2 - Linux Process Statistics Monitoring - v2


Agent G2 - Linux Process Statistics Monitoring - v2



Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Agent G2 - Linux Process Statistics Monitor -v2system.process.stats.cpuSystem Process Stats Cpu Usage%Monitors Cpu Usage of each process of Linux Device.
system.process.stats.countSystem Process Stats Instance CountcountMonitors Instance count of each process of Linux Device.
system.process.stats.threadsSystem Process Stats Thread CountcountMonitors thread count of each process of Linux Device. Process Stats Open Fd countcountMonitors open fd count of each process of Linux Device.
system.process.stats.memorySystem Process Stats Memory Usage%Monitors Memory Usage of each process of Linux Device.

Agent G2 - Linux Veritas Cluster Monitoring


Template to monitor veritas Linux cluster parameters like cluster node state, service group state, resource state, service group failover status and this template need to assigned on all cluster nodes. This template tested with two node veritas Linux cluster (version - “Veritas_InfoScale_7.3.1”) running on CentOS7.



Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
G2 - Linux Veritas Cluster Monitorsystem_linux_veritas_cluster_resource_stateSystem Linux Veritas Cluster Resource StateSystem Linux Veritas Cluster Resource State - Below are the possible states of the resource:
system_linux_veritas_cluster_group_online_statusSystem Linux Veritas Cluster Group Online StatusSystem Linux Veritas Cluster Group Online Status - Below are the possible values :
0 - Service group online on cluster node.
1 - Service group not online on any cluster node.
system_linux_veritas_cluster_resource_online_statusSystem Linux Veritas Cluster Resource Online StatusSystem Linux Veritas Cluster Resource Online Status . Below are the possible values: 0 - Resource state in online on any cluster node, 1 - Resource state is not online on any cluster node
system_linux_veritas_cluster_node_stateSystem Linux Veritas Cluster Node StateSystem Linux Veritas Cluster Node State - Below are the possible states:
system_linux_veritas_cluster_group_stateSystem Linux Veritas Cluster Group StateSystem Linux Veritas Cluster Group State - Below are the possible values :
G2 - Linux Veritas Cluster Group Failover Monitorsystem_linux_veritas_cluster_group_failover_statusSystem Linux Veritas Cluster Group Failover StatusSystem Linux Veritas Cluster Group Failover Status - Below are the possible values:
0 - No change.
1 - Cluster group change from one node to another due to failover.
2 - The specific cluster group is not online on any cluster node.

Agent G2 - Linux - RabbitMQ Monitors


Monitors RabbitMQ monitor metrics using the rabbitmq-management plugin which provides a HTTP-based API.



Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Agent G2 - Linux - RabbitMQ Monitorsrabbitmq.node.disk.freeRabbitMQ Free DiskMBThe free disk of the rabbitmq node in MB.
rabbitmq.queue.consumers.activeRabbitMQ Active ConsumersNULLNumber of active consumers. An active consumer is one which could immediately receive any messages sent to the queue.
rabbitmq.node.mem.usedRabbitMQ Node Memory UtilizationMBThe memory used by the rabbitmq node in MB.
rabbitmq.node.fd.usedRabbitMQ OpenFDsNULLNumber of open file descriptors used.
rabbitmq.queue.consumersRabbitMQ ConsumersNULLNumber of consumers.
rabbitmq.queue.memoryRabbitMQ MemoryMBMemory consumed by the Erlang process associated with the queue, including stack, heap, and internal structures.
rabbitmq.node.uptimeRabbitMQ UptimeNULLUptime of the RabbitMQ server.
rabbitmq.queue.messagesRabbitMQ MessagesNULLSum of ready and unacknowledged messages (queue depth).
rabbitmq.node.sockets.usedRabbitMQ Sockets UsedNULLNumber of sockets used.
rabbitmq.queue.messages.unacknowledgedRabbitMQ Messages UnacknowledgedNULLNumber of messages delivered to clients but not yet acknowledged.
rabbitmq.objects.overviewRabbitMQ Overview ObjectsNULLOverview of all objects.
rabbitmq.queue.messages.readyRabbitMQ Messages ReadyNULLNumber of messages ready to be delivered to clients.
rabbitmq.node.proc.usedRabbitMQ Erlang Processes UsedNULLNumber of Erlang processes used.

Agent G2 - Linux - RedisDB Monitors


Monitors RedisDB application metrics



Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Agent G2 - Linux - RedisDB Monitorsredis.clients.biggest.inputbufRedis Clients Biggest InputBufNULLBiggest input buffer among current client connections.
redis.mem.fragmentation_ratioRedis-Mem.fragmentation_ratioNULLRatio between rss memory used and total memory used.
redis.mem.peakRedis Peak MemoryMBPeak memory consumed by Redis (in Mbytes).
redis.aof.last.rewritetimeRedis AOF Last Rewrite Op TimeNULLDuration of the last AOF rewrite operation in seconds.
redis.replica.sync_left_bytesRedis-Replica.sync_left_bytesNULLNumber of bytes left before SYNCing is complete
redis.rdb.last_bgsave_timeRedis-Rdb.last_bgsave_timeNULLDuration of the last RDB save operation in seconds.
redis.key.hits_rateRedis Key Hit RateNULLThe rate of successful lookup of keys in the main dictionary.
redis.clients.longest.outputlistRedis Clients Longest OutputListNULLLongest output list among current client connections.
redis.rdb.last.bgsavetimeRedis RDB Last Save Op TimeNULLDuration of the last RDB save operation in seconds. Connections RejectedNULLNumber of connections rejected because of maxclients limit.
redis.clients.biggest_input_bufRedis-Clients.biggest_input_bufNULLBiggest input buffer among current client connections.
redis.uptimeRedis UptimeNULLChecks the uptime of the Redis service.
redis.aof.sizeRedis AOF SizeMBAOF current file size in MB.
redis.pubsub.patternsRedis Pubsub PatternsNULLGlobal number of pub/sub pattern with client subscriptions.
redis.stats.keyspace_hitsRedis Keyspace HitsNULLNumber of successful lookup of keys in the main dictionary per second.
redis.clients.longest_output_listRedis-Clients.longest_output_listNULLLongest output list among current client connections.
redis.key.misses_rateRedis Key Miss RateNULLThe rate of failed lookup of keys in the main dictionary. CommandsNULLThe number of commands processed by the server
redis.replica.syncleftbytesRedis Replication Bytes LagNULLNumber of bytes left before SYNCing is complete
redis.keyspace.missesRedis Keyspace MissesNULLNumber of failed lookup of keys in the main dictionary per second.
redis.keys.evictedRedis Evicted KeysNULLNumber of evicted keys due to maxmemory limit.
redis.perf.latest_fork_usecRedis Latest Fork Op TimeNULLDuration of the latest fork operation in microseconds. Client ConnectionsNULLNumber of client connections (excluding connections from slaves).
redis.changesRedis ChangesNULLNumber of changes since the last save.
redis.keys.totalRedis Total KeysNULLProvides the total number of keys from all the DBs.
redis.mem.rssRedis RSS MemoryMBNumber of bytes that Redis allocated as seen by the operating system (a.k.a resident set size). This is the number reported by tools such as top and ps.
redis.rdb.changesRedis RDB ChangesNULLNumber of changes since the last dump.
redis.pubsub.channelsRedis Pubsub ChannelsNULLGlobal number of pub/sub channels with client subscriptions.
redis.replica.last_io_seconds_agoRedis-Replica.last_io_seconds_agoNULLNumber of seconds since the last interaction with master.
redis.clients.blockedRedis Clients BlockedNULLNumber of clients pending on a blocking call.
redis.mem.luaRedis LUA MemoryMBNumber of Mbytes used by the Lua engine.
redis.mem.usedRedis Used MemoryMBTotal number of Mbytes allocated by Redis using its allocator (either standard libc, jemalloc, or an alternative allocator such as tcmalloc). Replication LagNULLNumber of seconds since the last interaction with master.
redis.connectionsRedis ConnectionsNULLThe number of connections accepted by the server per second.
redis.mem.fragmentation.ratioRedis Memory Fragmentation RatioNULLRatio between rss memory used and total memory used.
redis.keys.expiredRedis Expired KeysNULLTotal number of key expiration events.
redis.aof.last_rewrite_timeRedis-Aof.last_rewrite_timeNULLDuration of the last AOF rewrite operation in seconds. Connected SlavesNULLNumber of connected slaves.

Agent G2 - Linux - Riak DB Monitors


Agent G2 - Linux - Riak DB Monitors



Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Agent G2 - Linux - Riak DB Monitorsriak.node_get_fsm_objsize_meanRiak Get Fsm Mean Object SizeNULLMean object size encountered by this node within the last minute
riak.redir_requestsRiak Redirected RequestsNULLAverage number of requests this node has redirected to other nodes for coordination per second
riak.pipe_vnodes.running.countRiak Running Pipe VnodesNULLNumber of pipe virtual node queues running in the last minute
riak.vnode_index_writesRiak Vnode Index WritesNULLAverage number of vnode index write operations performed per second
riak.node_get_fsm_objsize_95Riak Get Fsm 95 Object SizeNULL95th percentile object size encountered by this node within the last minute
riak.node_get_fsm_siblings_100Riak Get Fsm 100 SiblingsNULL100th percentile of siblings encountered during all GET operations by this node within the last minute
riak.node_getsRiak Node GETsNULLAverage number of GETs coordinated by this node per second, including GETs to non-local vnodes
riak.node_get_fsm_objsize_100Riak Get Fsm 100 Object SizeNULL100th percentile object size encountered by this node within the last minute
riak.vnode_index_readsRiak Vnode Index ReadsNULLAverage number of vnode index read operations performed per second
riak.ring_num_partitionsRiak Ring PartitionsNULLNumber of partitions in the ring
riak.pipeline.activeRiak Active PipelinesNULLThe number of pipelines active in the last 60 seconds
riak.vnode.putsRiak Vnode PUTsNULLAverage number of PUTS coordinated by local vnodes per second
riak.node_get_fsm_objsize_medianRiak Get Fsm Median Object SizeNULLMedian object size encountered by this node within the last minute
riak.node_put_fsm_time_95Riak Put Fsm 95 TimeNULL95th percentile time between reception of client PUT request and subsequent response to client
riak.sys.process_countRiak Process CountNULLNumber of Erlang processes
riak.node_get_fsm_time_100Riak Get Fsm 100 TimeNULL100th percentile time between reception of client GET request and subsequent response to client
riak.node_get_fsm_time_meanRiak Get Fsm Mean TimeNULLMean time between reception of client GET request and subsequent response to client
riak.node_get_fsm_siblings_meanRiak Get Fsm Mean SiblingsNULLMean number of siblings encountered during all GET operations by this node within the last minute
riak.vnode.getsRiak Vnode GETsNULLAverage number of GETs coordinated by local vnodes per second
riak.node_get_fsm_siblings_medianRiak Get Fsm Median SiblingsNULLMedian number of siblings encountered during all GET operations by this node within the last minute
riak.node_get_fsm_siblings_95Riak Get Fsm 95 SiblingsNULL95th percentile of siblings encountered during all GET operations by this node within the last minute
riak.precommit.failsRiak Pre-commit FailuresNULLNumber of pre commit hook failures
riak.node_get_fsm_time_medianRiak Get Fsm Median TimeNULLMedian time between reception of client GET request and subsequent response to client
riak.pipeline.errorsRiak Pipeline ErrorsNULLThe average number of pipeline creation errors per second
riak.kv_vnodes.running.countRiak Running KV VnodesNULLNumber of key/value virtual node queues running in the last minute
riak.postcommit.failsRiak Post-commit FailuresNULLNumber of post commit hook failures
riak.pbc_activeRiak Active PB ConnectionsNULLNumber of currently active protocol buffer connections
riak.node_put_fsm_time_medianRiak Put Fsm Median TimeNULLMedian time between reception of client PUT request and subsequent response to client
riak.vnode_index_deletesRiak Vnode Index DeletesNULLAverage number of vnode index delete operations performed per second
riak.node_put_fsm_time_meanRiak Put Fsm Mean TimeNULLMean time between reception of client PUT request and subsequent response to client
riak.node_put_fsm_time_100Riak Put Fsm 100 TimeNULL100th percentile time between reception of client PUT request and subsequent response to client
riak.node.putsRiak Node PUTsNULLAverage number of PUTs coordinated by this node per second, including PUTs to non-local vnodes
riak.pipeline.createsRiak Pipeline CreationsNULLThe average number of pipelines created per second
riak.node_get_fsm_time_95Riak Get Fsm 95 TimeNULL95th percentile time between reception of client GET request and subsequent response to client
riak.pbc_connectsRiak New PB ConnectionsNULLNumber of new protocol buffer connections established during the last minute
riak.memory.processes_usedRiak Memory UsedNULLTotal amount of memory used by Erlang processes
riak.read_repairsRiak Read RepairsNULLAverage number of read repair operations this node has coordinated per second

Agent G2 - Linux - RiakDB Monitors


It monitors DB parameters like Post-commit Failures, Pre-commit Failures, Node GETs, Vnode GETs, Memory Used, Get Fsm 100 Object Size, Get Fsm 100 Siblings, Get Fsm 100 Time, Get Fsm 95 Object Size, Get Fsm 95 Siblings, Get Fsm 95 Time, Get Fsm Mean Object Size, Get Fsm Mean Siblings, Get Fsm Mean Time, Get Fsm Median Object Size, Get Fsm Median Siblings, Get Fsm Median Time, Put Fsm 100 Time, Put Fsm 95 Time, Put Fsm Mean Time, Put Fsm Median Time, Active PB Connections, New PB Connections, Active Pipelines, Pipeline Creations, Pipeline Errors, Node PUTs, Vnode PUTs, Read Repairs, Redirected Requests, Ring Partitions, Running KV Vnodes, Running Pipe Vnodes, Process Count, Vnode Index Deletes, Vnode Index Reads, Vnode Index Writes



Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Agent G2 - Linux - RiakDB Monitorsriak.postcommit.failsRiak Post-commit FailuresNULLNumber of post commit hook failures
riak.pbc_activeRiak Active PB ConnectionsNULLNumber of currently active protocol buffer connections
riak.vnode_index_deletesRiak Vnode Index DeletesNULLAverage number of vnode index delete operations performed per second
riak.node_get_fsm_time_meanRiak Get Fsm Mean TimeNULLMean time between reception of client GET request and subsequent response to client
riak.node_get_fsm_objsize_medianRiak Get Fsm Median Object SizeNULLMedian object size encountered by this node within the last minute
riak.vnode_index_readsRiak Vnode Index ReadsNULLAverage number of vnode index read operations performed per second
riak.node_get_fsm_time_95Riak Get Fsm 95 TimeNULL95th percentile time between reception of client GET request and subsequent response to client
riak.node_put_fsm_time_95Riak Put Fsm 95 TimeNULL95th percentile time between reception of client PUT request and subsequent response to client
riak.pipeline.activeRiak Active PipelinesNULLThe number of pipelines active in the last 60 seconds
riak.pipe_vnodes.running.countRiak Running Pipe VnodesNULLNumber of pipe virtual node queues running in the last minute
riak.ring_num_partitionsRiak Ring PartitionsNULLNumber of partitions in the ring
riak.memory.processes_usedRiak Memory UsedNULLTotal amount of memory used by Erlang processes
riak.node_get_fsm_siblings_100Riak Get Fsm 100 SiblingsNULL100th percentile of siblings encountered during all GET operations by this node within the last minute
riak.node_get_fsm_objsize_meanRiak Get Fsm Mean Object SizeNULLMean object size encountered by this node within the last minute
riak.node_get_fsm_time_medianRiak Get Fsm Median TimeNULLMedian time between reception of client GET request and subsequent response to client
riak.pbc_connectsRiak New PB ConnectionsNULLNumber of new protocol buffer connections established during the last minute
riak.vnode.putsRiak Vnode PUTsNULLAverage number of PUTS coordinated by local vnodes per second
riak.node_put_fsm_time_meanRiak Put Fsm Mean TimeNULLMean time between reception of client PUT request and subsequent response to client
riak.redir_requestsRiak Redirected RequestsNULLAverage number of requests this node has redirected to other nodes for coordination per second
riak.node_put_fsm_time_medianRiak Put Fsm Median TimeNULLMedian time between reception of client PUT request and subsequent response to client
riak.node.getsRiak Node GETsNULLAverage number of GETs coordinated by this node per second, including GETs to non-local vnodes
riak.node_get_fsm_objsize_95Riak Get Fsm 95 Object SizeNULL95th percentile object size encountered by this node within the last minute
riak.kv_vnodes.running.countRiak Running KV VnodesNULLNumber of key/value virtual node queues running in the last minute
riak.node_get_fsm_siblings_medianRiak Get Fsm Median SiblingsNULLMedian number of siblings encountered during all GET operations by this node within the last minute
riak.read_repairsRiak Read RepairsNULLAverage number of read repair operations this node has coordinated per second
riak.node_put_fsm_time_100Riak Put Fsm 100 TimeNULL100th percentile time between reception of client PUT request and subsequent response to client
riak.sys.process_countRiak Process CountNULLNumber of Erlang processes
riak.vnode.getsRiak Vnode GETsNULLAverage number of GETs coordinated by local vnodes per second
riak.node_get_fsm_siblings_meanRiak Get Fsm Mean SiblingsNULLMean number of siblings encountered during all GET operations by this node within the last minute
riak.pipeline.errorsRiak Pipeline ErrorsNULLThe average number of pipeline creation errors per second
riak.precommit.failsRiak Pre-commit FailuresNULLNumber of pre commit hook failures
riak.pipeline.createsRiak Pipeline CreationsNULLThe average number of pipelines created per second
riak.node.putsRiak Node PUTsNULLAverage number of PUTs coordinated by this node per second, including PUTs to non-local vnodes
riak.vnode_index_writesRiak Vnode Index WritesNULLAverage number of vnode index write operations performed per second
riak.node_get_fsm_siblings_95Riak Get Fsm 95 SiblingsNULL95th percentile of siblings encountered during all GET operations by this node within the last minute
riak.node_get_fsm_objsize_100Riak Get Fsm 100 Object SizeNULL100th percentile object size encountered by this node within the last minute
riak.node_get_fsm_time_100Riak Get Fsm 100 TimeNULL100th percentile time between reception of client GET request and subsequent response to client

Agent G2 - Linux Services Monitoring


Monitors the status of the overall state the service is in. It can be active, reloading, inactive, failed, activating, or deactivating.

Template Usage Guidelines:

While applying this template on the device, users need to provide specific input parameters in below two formats only.

  • Format 1: all (case-insensitive) If “all” is specified as custom script arguments, the script monitors all available services along with alert tokens, that provide additional information, including the total count of services and the count of services in each available state.

  • Format 2: tuned,opsramp.*, systemd (provide service names without .service extension as shown here) Users can specify comma-separated service names or service regex patterns for a more focused monitoring approach. The script filters and retrieves status information about the mentioned services only.

Note: We strongly recommend specifying only particular service names in input parameters,(that is Format 2) as monitoring all services may significantly increase the system load, especially in environments with a large number of services.


This template only works on systems having Systemd as the default init system.

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Agent G2 - Linux Services Monitorsystem_linux_services_statusSystem Linux Services Status-Monitors the status of the overall state the service is in. It can be active, reloading, inactive, failed, activating, or deactivating.

Agent G2 - Linux - Squid Monitors


Monitoring template for squid proxy application



Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Agent G2 - Linux - Squid Monitorssquid.server.errorsSquid Server ErrorsNULLRate of server requests that resulted in error
squid.fqdn.cache.entriesSquid FQDN Cache EntriesNULLNumber of FQDN cache entries
squid.icp.packets.receivedSquid ICP Packets ReceivedNULLRate of ICP packets received
squid.icp.traffic.inSquid ICP Traffic InNULLAmount of ICP data received
squid.server.traffic.inSquid Server Traffic InNULLRate of traffic read by server for all protocols
squid.icp.packets.sentSquid ICP Packets SentNULLRate of ICP packets sent
squid.request.failure.ratioSquid Request Failure Ratio%The average ratio between the number of failed and successful requests
squid.service.timesSquid Service TimesNULLThe median of various service time (or response time) distributions
squid.server.traffic.outSquid Server Traffic OutNULLRate of traffic written to origin servers for all protocols Page FaultsNULLPage faults with physical i/o
squid.icp.replies.queuedSquid ICP Replies QueuedNULLThis counter shows how many times an ICP message was queued for re-transmission
squid.server.requestsSquid Server RequestsNULLRate of server-side requests to HTTP servers
squid.unlink.requestsSquid Unlink RequestsNULLRate of unlink requests
squid.client.http.requestsSquid Client Http RequestsNULLThe rate of the number of HTTP requests.
squid.client.http.traffic.outSquid Client Http Traffic OutNULLRate of response data traffic sent to clients
squid.aborted.requestsSquid Aborted RequestsNULLRate of aborted requests
squid.requests.disk.hit.ratioSquid Requests Disk Hit Ratio%These values represent the percentage of plain cache hits served from disk
squid.cache.hit.ratioSquid Cache Hit Ratio%The percentage of HTTP requests that result in a cache hit.
squid.clientsSquid ClientsNULLNumber of clients accessing cache, client actually means IP address. Squid assumes that each client has a unique IP address
squid.client.http.errorsSquid Client Http ErrorsNULLThe rate of the number of HTTP errors.
squid.client.http.traffic.inSquid Client Http Traffic InNULLRate of request data traffic received from clients
squid.fqdn.cache.statisticsSquid FQDN Cache StatisticsNULLThe FQDN cache is similar to the IP cache, except that it stores address-to-hostname lookups
squid.ip.cache.entriesSquid IP Cache EntriesNULLNumber of IP cache entries
squid.icp.messages.sentSquid ICP Messages SentNULLThe total number of ICP messages sent since Squid was started.
squid.icp.messages.receivedSquid ICP Messages ReceivedNULLThe total number of ICP messages received since Squid was started.
squid.cache.byte.hit.ratioSquid Cache Byte Hit Ratio%Squid calculates byte hit ratio by comparing the number of bytes received from origin servers (or neighbors) to the number of bytes sent to clients Select LoopsNULLRate of select loops called
squid.ip.cache.statisticsSquid IP Cache StatisticsNULLThe IP cache contains cached results of hostname-to-address lookups.
squid.request.memory.hit.ratioSquid Request Memory Hit Ratio%These values represent the percentage of all cache hits that were served from memory
squid.icp.traffic.outSquid ICP Traffic OutNULLAmount of ICP data sent

Agent G2 - Linux - Varnish Monitors


Varnish application monitoring



Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Agent G2 - Linux - Varnish Monitorsvarnish.uptimeVarnish UptimeNULLUptime in minutes
varnish.client.conns.acceptedVarnish Client Connections AcceptedNULLAverage number of client connections accepted per second
varnish.rate.esi.errorsVarnish ESI ErrorsNULLRate of ESI parsing errors
varnish.rate.hdrbytesVarnish Header SizeNULLRate of total header size in Kbytes
varnish.cache.hitsVarnish Cache HitsNULLCache hit rate
varnish.struct.objectsVarnish ObjectsNULLNumber of objects
varnish.backend.conns.success.ratioVarnish Backend Connections Success RatioNULLSuccessful backend server connections ratio
varnish.client.connections.ratioVarnish Client Connections RatioNULLClient accepted connections to received requests ratio
varnish.client.conns.droppedVarnish Client Connections DroppedNULLAverage number of client connections dropped per second
varnish.lru.objects.movedVarnish LRU Moved ObjectsNULLNumber of LRU moved objects Work Thread RatioNULLWorking threads to created threads ratio
varnish.rate.sessionsVarnish SessionsNULLRate of total sessions
varnish.backend.connectionsVarnish Backend ConnectionsNULLRate of backend connections success
varnish.rate.bodybytesVarnish Body SizeNULLRate of total body size in Kbytes Dropped Work RequestsNULLAverage number of abandoned work requests per second
varnish.client.requestsVarnish Client RequestsNULLAverage number of client requests received per second
varnish.cache.hit.ratioVarnish Cache Hit RatioNULLCache hit ratio
varnish.expired.objectsVarnish Expired ObjectsNULLNumber of expired objects
varnish.worker.threadsVarnish Worker ThreadsNULLNumber of worker threads
varnish.rate.requestsVarnish RequestsNULLRate of total received requests
varnish.rate.fetchesVarnish FetchesNULLRate of total fetches
varnish.backend.recycleVarnish Backend Connection RecyclesNULLRate of backend connection recycles
varnish.cache.miss.ratioVarnish Cache Miss RatioNULLCache miss ratio
varnish.backend.reqVarnish Backend RequestsNULLRate of backend requests made
varnish.lru.objects.nukedVarnish LRU Nuked ObjectsNULLNumber of LRU nuked objects
varnish.backend.failVarnish Backend Connections FailedNULLRate of backend connection failures
varnish.worker.threads.failedVarnish Failed Worker ThreadsNULLAverage number of failures per second, when creating worker threads
varnish.backend.busyVarnish Backend Connections BusyNULLRate of backend connections busy
varnish.backend.toolateVarnish Backend Connections ClosedNULLRate of backend connections closed
varnish.cache.missesVarnish Cache MissesNULLCache miss rate

Agent G2 - Linux - WebLogic Monitors


Agent G2 - Linux - WebLogic Monitors



Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Agent G2 - Linux - WebLogic Monitorsweblogic_ejp_transactions_committed_countTransactions Committed Count RatePer SecondEJB Transactions Committed Count Rate
weblogic_ejp_access_countAccess Count RatePer SecondEJBPool Access Count Rate
weblogic_jdbc_ds_curr_capacityCurr CapacityNULLJDBC DataSource Curr Capacity
weblogic_jta_transaction_rolled_back_countJTARuntime Transaction Rolled Back Count RatePer SecondJTARuntime Transaction Rolled Back Count Rate
weblogic_thread_countThread CountNULLThread Count Of The Server
weblogic_gc_collection_timeCollection TimeNULLTime Taken For Collection Of The Garbage Objects
weblogic_ejp_beans_in_use_current_countBeans In Use Current CountNULLEJBPool Beans In Use Current Count
weblogic_jdbc_ds_active_connections_current_countActive Connections Current CountNULLJDBC DataSource Active Connections Current Count
weblogic_ejp_transactions_rolled_back_countTransactions Rolled Back Count RatePer SecondEJB Transactions Rolled Back Count Rate
weblogic_jdbc_ds_leaked_connection_countLeaked Connection CountPer SecondJDBC DataSource Leaked Connection Count
weblogic_ejp_pooled_beans_current_countPooled Beans Current CountNULLEJBPool Pooled Beans Current Count
weblogic_ejp_destroyed_countDestroyed Count RatePer SecondEJBPool Destroyed Count Rate
weblogic_open_file_descriptor_countOpen File Descriptor CountNULLNumber Of Open File Descriptors Of The Server
weblogic_jdbc_ds_connections_countConnections Count RatePer SecondJDBC DataSource Connections Count Rate
weblogic_non_heap_memory_usage_usedNon Heap Memory Usage UsedMBNon Heap Memory Usage Of The Server
weblogic_thread_pool_standby_thread_countStandby Thread CountNULLStandby Thread Count
weblogic_ejp_transactions_timed_out_countTransactions Timed Out Count RatePer SecondEJB Transactions Timed Out Count Rate
weblogic_gc_collection_countCollection CountNULLNumber Of Garbage Objects Collected
weblogic_heap_memory_usage_committedHeap Memory Usage CommittedMBHeap Memory Committed For The Server
weblogic_uptimeWebLogic UptimeMinutesWebLogic Uptime
weblogic_ejp_waiter_current_countWaiter Current CountNULLEJBPool Waiter Current Count
weblogic_total_started_thread_countTotal Started Thread CountNULLTotal Started Thread Count
weblogic_thread_pool_hogging_thread_countHogging Thread CountNULLHogging Thread Count
weblogic_jdbc_ds_waiting_for_connection_successWaiting For Connection Success RatePer SecondJDBC DataSource Waiting For Connection Success Rate
weblogic_jdbc_ds_waiting_for_connectionWaiting For Connection RatePer SecondJDBC DataSource Waiting For Connection Rate
weblogic_jdbc_ds_num_availableNum AvailableNULLJDBC DataSource Num Available
weblogic_jdbc_ds_prep_stmt_cache_current_sizePrep Stmt Cache Current SizeNULLJDBC DataSource Prep Stmt Cache Current Size
weblogic_thread_pool_execute_thread_idle_countExecute Thread Idle CountNULLExecute Thread Idle Count
weblogic_ejp_miss_countMiss Count RatePer SecondEJBPool Miss Count Rate
weblogic_loaded_class_countLoaded Class CountNULLLoaded Class Count
weblogic_jta_transaction_countJTARuntime Transaction Count RatePer SecondJTARuntime Transaction Count Rate
weblogic_jdbc_ds_waiting_for_connection_failureWaiting For Connection Failure RatePer SecondJDBC DataSource Waiting For Connection Failure Rate
weblogic_jta_transaction_abandoned_countJTARuntime Transaction Abandoned Count RatePer SecondJTARuntime Transaction Abandoned Count Rate
weblogic_unloaded_class_countUnloaded Class CountNULLUnloaded Class Count
weblogic_jdbc_ds_waiting_for_connection_current_countWaiting For Connection Current CountNULLJDBC DataSource Waiting For Connection Current Count
weblogic_jta_transaction_committed_countJTARuntime Transaction Committed Count RatePer SecondJTARuntime Transaction Committed Count Rate
weblogic_heap_memory_usage_usedHeap Memory Usage UsedMBHeap Memory Usage Of The Server
weblogic_non_heap_memory_usage_committedNon Heap Memory Usage CommittedMBNon Heap Memory Committed For The Server

Agent G2 - Linux - WebSphere Monitors


Agent G2 - Linux - WebSphere Monitors



Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Agent G2 - Linux - WebSphere Monitorsibm_was_jdbc_FaultCountJDBC Fault CountNULLThe total number of faults, such as timeouts, in the connection pool.
ibm_was_servlet_session_LiveCountServlet Session Live CountNULLThe number of local sessions that are currently cached in memory from the time at which this metric is enabled.
ibm_was_jdbc_CreateCountJDBC Create CountNULLThe total number of managed connections that were created since pool creation.
ibm_was_servlet_session_NoRoomForNewSessionCountServlet Session No Room For New Session CountNULLApplies only to session in memory with AllowOverflow=false. The number of times that a request for a new session cannot be handled because it exceeds the maximum session count.
ibm_was_thread_pools_ActiveTimeThread Pools Active TimemsThe average time in milliseconds the threads are in active state
ibm_was_jvm_ProcessCpuUsageJVM Process Cpu Usage GaugeNULLThe CPU Usage (in percent) of the Java virtual machine.
ibm_was_thread_pools_ClearedThreadHangCountThread Pools Cleared Thread Hang CountNULLThe number of thread hangs cleared
ibm_was_servlet_session_LifeTimeServlet Session Life TimemsThe average session life time in milliseconds (time invalidated - time created)
ibm_was_servlet_session_ActiveCountServlet Session Active CountNULLThe number of concurrently active sessions. A session is active if the WebSphere Application Server is currently processing a request that uses that session.
ibm_was_thread_pools_DeclaredThreadHungCountThread Pools Declaredthread Hung CountNULLThe number of threads declared hung
ibm_was_thread_pools_ActiveCountThread Pools Active CountNULLThe number of concurrently active threads
ibm_was_servlet_session_CreateCountServlet Session Create CountNULLThe number of sessions that were created
ibm_was_servlet_session_CacheDiscardCountServlet Session Cache Discard CountNULLThe number of session objects that have been forced out of the cache. A least recently used (LRU) algorithm removes old entries to make room for new sessions and cache misses. Applicable only for persistent sessions.
ibm_was_jdbc_ReturnCountJDBC Return CountNULLThe total number of managed connections that were returned since pool creation.
ibm_was_jvm_UsedMemoryJVM Used Memory GaugeKBThe used memory in the JVM run time
ibm_was_jdbc_PrepStmtCacheDiscardCountJDBC Prep Stmt Cache Discard CountNULLThe total number of statements that are discarded by the least recently used (LRU) algorithm of the statement cache.
ibm_was_jdbc_FreePoolSizeJDBC Free Pool SizeNULLThe number of managed connections that are in the free pool.
ibm_was_jvm_UpTimeJVM Up Time GaugeSecondsThe amount of time that the JVM is running
ibm_was_jdbc_CloseCountJDBC Close CountNULLThe total number of managed connections that were destroyed since pool creation.
ibm_was_thread_pools_PoolSizeThread Pools Pool SizeNULLThe average number of threads in pool
ibm_was_servlet_session_InvalidateCountServlet Session Invalidate CountNULLThe number of sessions that were invalidated
ibm_was_servlet_session_ExternalWriteTimeServlet Session External Write TimemsThe time (milliseconds) taken to write the session data from the persistent store. Applicable only for (serialized) persistent sessions. Similar to external Read Time.
ibm_was_jdbc_WaitTimeJDBC Wait TimeNULLThe average waiting time in milliseconds until a connection is granted if a connection is not currently available.
ibm_was_thread_pools_CreateCountThread Pools Create CountNULLThe total number of threads created
ibm_was_jdbc_AllocateCountJDBC Allocate CountNULLThe total number of managed connections that were allocated since pool creation.
ibm_was_jdbc_JDBCTimeJDBC TimeNULLThe average time in milliseconds spent running in the JDBC driver that includes time that is spent in the JDBC driver, network, and database.
ibm_was_servlet_session_TimeSinceLastActivatedServlet Session Time Since Last ActivatedmsThe time difference in milliseconds between previous and current access time stamps. Does not include session time out.
ibm_was_jdbc_PercentUsedJDBC Percent UsedNULLThe percent of the pool that is in use.
ibm_was_thread_pools_DestroyCountThread Pools Destroy CountNULLThe total number of threads destroyed
ibm_was_jdbc_WaitingThreadCountJDBC Waiting Thread CountNULLThe number of threads that are currently waiting for a connection.
ibm_was_thread_pools_PercentMaxedThread Pools Percent MaxedNULLThe average percent of the time that all threads are in use
ibm_was_servlet_session_ExternalReadSizeServlet Session External Read SizeBytesSize of the session data read from persistent store. Applicable only for (serialized) persistent sessions
ibm_was_thread_pools_ConcurrentHungThreadCountThread Pools Concurrent Hung Thread CountNULLThe number of concurrently hung threads
ibm_was_jvm_FreeMemoryJVM Free Memory GaugeKBThe free memory in the JVM run time
ibm_was_jdbc_UseTimeJDBC Use TimeNULLThe average time in milliseconds that a connection is in use.
ibm_was_servlet_session_ExternalWriteSizeServlet Session External Write SizeBytesThe size of the session data written to persistent store. Applicable only for (serialized) persistent sessions. Similar to external Read Time.
ibm_was_servlet_session_SessionObjectSizeServlet Session Session Object SizeBytesThe size in bytes of (the serializable attributes of ) in-memory sessions. Only session objects that contain at least one serializable attribute object is counted. A session can contain some attributes that are serializable and some that are not. The size in bytes is at a session level.
ibm_was_jdbc_PoolSizeJDBC Pool SizeNULLThe size of the connection pool.
ibm_was_jdbc_PercentMaxedJDBC Percent MaxedNULLThe percent of the time that all connections are in use.
ibm_was_servlet_session_TimeoutInvalidationCountServlet Session Timeout Invalidation CountNULLThe number of sessions that are invalidated by timeout.
ibm_was_servlet_session_ExternalReadTimeServlet Session External Read TimemsThe time (ms) taken in reading the session data from the persistent store. For multirow sessions, the metrics are for the attribute; for single row sessions, the metrics are for the entire session. Applicable only for persistent sessions. When using a JMS persistent store, only available if replicated data is serialized.
ibm_was_jdbc_ConnectionHandleCountJDBC Connection Handle CountNULLThe number of connections that are in use. Can include multiple connections that are shared from a single managed connection.
ibm_was_jdbc_ManagedConnectionCountJDBC Managed Connection CountNULLThe total number of managed connections in the free, shared, and unshared pools.
ibm_was_servlet_session_AffinityBreakCountServlet Session Affinity Break CountNULLThe number of requests that are received for sessions that were last accessed from another web application. This value can indicate failover processing or a corrupt plug-in configuration.
ibm_was_jvm_HeapSizeJVM Heap Size GaugeKBThe total memory in the JVM run time
ibm_was_servlet_session_ActivateNonExistSessionCountServlet Session Activate Non Exist Session CountNULLThe number of requests for a session that no longer exists, presumably because the session timed out. Use this counter to help determine if the timeout is too short.

Agent G2 - Linux Directory Monitor - v2


Agent G2 - Linux Directory Monitor



Template Usage Guidelines

When applying this script template on the device, users need to provide specific input parameters in the following format:



  • DrivePath: The path to the drive or directory to monitor. It should match the exact path as reported by the df -T command.
  • FilePattern: The file name pattern (regex) to match. If not provided, the default value is “*”, meaning all files.
  • Depth: The directory depth to search for matching files. If not provided, the default depth is 1.


  1. Monitoring all files in a specific directory with a default depth of 1:
    • This monitors all files in /dev/sda1 at depth 1.

  2. Monitoring .log files in a specific directory with a depth of 2: /dev/sda1@@@*.log@@@2
    • This monitors all .log files in /dev/sda1 up to 2 levels deep.

  3. Monitoring multiple directories with different file patterns and depths: /dev/sda1@@@.log@@@2;;;/dev/sdb1@@@.txt@@@1;;;/dev/sdc1@@@*@@@3
    • This monitors .log files in /dev/sda1 at depth 2, .txt files in /dev/sdb1 at depth 1, and all files in /dev/sdc1 at depth 3.

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Linux Directory Monitor - v2system_directory_SizeSystem Directory SizeGBSystem Directory Size: To monitor the total size of the given directory/file path
system_directory_file_ReadOnlyStatusSystem Directory File ReadOnlyStatusNULLSystem Directory File ReadOnlyStatus - To monitor the Filtered File(s) Read Accessibility. 0 - Read Only, 1 - Other than Read Only
system_directory_FileCountSystem Directory File CountcountSystem Directory File Count: To monitor the file count in a given directory based on given regex pattern
system_directory_FileSizeSystem Directory File SizeKBSystem Directory File Size: To monitor the each file size in a given directory path and filtering files based given regex pattern.
system_directory_FileSizeTotalSystem Directory FileSizeTotalMBSystem Directory FileSizeTotal: To monitor the total size of filtered files in a given directory based on given regex pattern.
system_directory_AvailabilitySystem Directory AvailabilityNULLSystem Directory Availability: To monitor the availability of given Directory/File path. Below are the possible states: 1 - Available, 0 - Not Available

Agent G2 - Linux Network Monitoring


Agent G2 - Linux Network Monitoring


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Agent G2 - Linux Network Network In discardspsecMonitors Network in discards of each interface for Linux Devices Network Out DiscardspsecMonitors network Out Discards of each interface for Linux Devices Network In ErrorsErrors per SecMonitors network in errors of each interface for Linux Devices Network Out ErrorsErrors per SecMonitors Network Out traffic of each interface for Linux Devices Network In packetspackets/secMonitors in Packets of each interface for Linux Devices Network out packetspackets/secMonitors Out packets of each interface for Linux Devices Network In trafficKbpsMonitors In traffic of each interface for Linux Devices Network Out TrafficKbpsMonitors Out traffic of each interface for Linux Devices

Agent G2 - Linux NFS Mount Point Monitoring


Template to monitor linux nfs mount points availability, accessibility and utilization. This template need to assigned on all linux NFS client machines. This template tested in “CentOS7” + NFS mount points available.


  • NFS Mount points(which are related to NFS file system) available on target device.
  • This template requires agent version 14.0.0. or later.

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Agent G2 - Linux NFS Mount Point Custom Monitorsystem_linux_nfs_mountpoint_accessibilitySystem Linux NFS Mountpoint AccessibilityNULLSystem Linux NFS Mountpoint Accessibility - Below are the possible values: 1 - Read/Write access not available 0 - Read/Write access available
system_linux_nfs_mountpoint_utilizationSystem Linux NFS Mountpoint Utilization%System Linux NFS Mountpoint Utilization
system_linux_nfs_mountpoint_availabilitySystem Linux NFS Mountpoint AvailabilityNULLSystem Linux NFS Mountpoint Availability - Below are the possible values: 1 - NFS Mount Point Not Available 0 - NFS Mount Point Available

Agent G2 - Linux NFS Mount Point Monitoring - V2


Template to monitor linux NFS mount points availability, accessibility and utilization and . In this version-2, mountpoint name is set as the component in both graph and alert. where as, previously in version-1 ,the component is the file system name. This template need to assigned on all linux NFS client machines.


NFS Mount points(which are related to NFS file system) available on target device.

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Agent G2 - Linux NFS Mount Point Custom Monitor-V2system_linux_nfs_mountpoint_accessibilitySystem Linux NFS Mountpoint AccessibilitySystem Linux NFS Mountpoint Accessibility - Below are the possible values: 1 - Read/Write access not available 0 - Read/Write access available
system_linux_nfs_mountpoint_utilizationSystem Linux NFS Mountpoint Utilization%System Linux NFS Mountpoint Utilization
system_linux_nfs_mountpoint_availabilitySystem Linux NFS Mountpoint AvailabilitySystem Linux NFS Mountpoint Availability - Below are the possible values: 1 - NFS Mount Point Not Available 0 - NFS Mount Point Available

Agent G2 - Linux NFS Mount Point Monitoring - v3


Template to monitor Linux NFS mount points availability, accessibility and utilization. This template need to assigned on all linux NFS client machines.


NFS Mount points(which are related to NFS file system) available on target device.

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Agent G2 - Linux NFS Mount Point Custom Monitor - v3system_linux_nfs_mountpoint_accessibilitySystem Linux NFS Mountpoint AccessibilitySystem Linux NFS Mountpoint Accessibility - Below are the possible values: 1 - Read/Write access not available 0 - Read/Write access available
system_linux_nfs_mountpoint_utilizationSystem Linux NFS Mountpoint Utilization%System Linux NFS Mountpoint Utilization
system_linux_nfs_mountpoint_availabilitySystem Linux NFS Mountpoint AvailabilitySystem Linux NFS Mountpoint Availability - Below are the possible values: 1 - NFS Mount Point Not Available 0 - NFS Mount Point Available

Agent G2 - Linux OS File Systems Monitoring


Template to monitor Linux OS advanced performance metrics related to File systems (space, Inodes utilization and change in mount status of a file system). It has been validated on following Linux flavors: RHEL 7.9, Centos 7 ,Ubuntu 20.04, Open SUSE Linux.


  1. Applicable on devices which is running Opsramp Agent ( v7.0.0 or above)

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Agent G2 - Linux File Systemssystem_linux_fileSystem_Inodes_Usage_NumberSystem Linux FileSystem Inodes Usage NumbercountFile system Inodes usage number.
system_linux_fileSystem_Inodes_DeltaSystem Linux FileSystem Inodes DeltacountFile system Inodes usage delta.
system_linux_fileSystem_Space_UsedInMBSystem Linux FileSystem Space Used In MBMBFile system space usage in MB
system_linux_fileSystem_Space_DeltaInKBSystem Linux FileSystem Space Delta In KBKBFile system space usage(KB) delta
system_linux_fileSystem_Inodes_UtilizationSystem Linux FileSystem Inodes Utilization%File system Inodes utilization percent.
Agent G2 - Linux File Systems Mount Change Detectionsystem_linux_fileSystem_Mount_ChangeDetectionSystem Linux Filesystem Mount Change DetectionFile system mount point change detection. It detects if any file system mount point removed and if any new mount point added into the system. Below are the possible values: 0 - Available, 1 - Newly Added, 2 - Removed

Agent G2 - Linux OS File Systems Monitoring - V2


Template to monitor Linux OS advanced performance metrics related to File systems (Network and Local) (space, Inodes utilization and change in mount status of a file system). It has been validated on following Linux flavors: RHEL 7.9, Centos 7 ,Ubuntu 20.04, Open SUSE Linux.


  1. Applicable on devices which is running OpsRamp Agent ( v7.0.0 or above)

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Agent G2 - Linux File Systems - V2system_linux_fileSystem_Inodes_Usage_NumberSystem Linux FileSystem Inodes Usage NumbercountFile system Inodes usage number.
system_linux_fileSystem_Inodes_DeltaSystem Linux FileSystem Inodes DeltacountFile system Inodes usage delta.
system_linux_fileSystem_Space_UsedInMBSystem Linux FileSystem Space Used In MBMBFile system space usage in MB
system_linux_fileSystem_Space_DeltaInKBSystem Linux FileSystem Space Delta In KBKBFile system space usage(KB) delta
system_linux_fileSystem_Inodes_UtilizationSystem Linux FileSystem Inodes Utilization%File system Inodes utilization percent.
Agent G2 - Linux File Systems Mount Change Detection - V2system_linux_fileSystem_Mount_ChangeDetectionSystem Linux Filesystem Mount Change DetectionFile system mount point change detection. It detects if any file system mount point removed and if any new mount point added into the system. Below are the possible values: 0 - Available, 1 - Newly Added, 2 - Removed

Agent G2 - Linux OS File Systems Monitoring - v3


Template to monitor Linux OS advanced performance metrics related to File systems (Network and Local) (space, Inodes utilization and change in mount status of a file system). It has been validated on following Linux flavors: AlmaLinux release 8.6 (Sky Tiger), RHEL 9.0(Plow), RHEL 7.9(Maipo), Centos 8, Ubuntu 20.04, Open SUSE, SUSE SLES 15 sp2.


  1. Applicable on devices which is running OpsRamp Agent ( v7.0.0 or above)

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Agent G2 - Linux File Systems - V2system_linux_fileSystem_Inodes_Usage_NumberSystem Linux FileSystem Inodes Usage NumbercountFile system Inodes usage number.
system_linux_fileSystem_Inodes_DeltaSystem Linux FileSystem Inodes DeltacountFile system Inodes usage delta.
system_linux_fileSystem_Space_UsedInMBSystem Linux FileSystem Space Used In MBMBFile system space usage in MB
system_linux_fileSystem_Space_DeltaInKBSystem Linux FileSystem Space Delta In KBKBFile system space usage(KB) delta
system_linux_fileSystem_Inodes_UtilizationSystem Linux FileSystem Inodes Utilization%File system Inodes utilization percent.
Agent G2 - Linux File Systems Mount Change Detection - V3system_linux_fileSystem_Mount_ChangeDetectionSystem Linux Filesystem Mount Change DetectionFile system mount point change detection. It detects if any file system mount point removed and if any new mount point added into the system. Below are the possible values: 0 - Available, 1 - Newly Added, 2 - Removed

Agent G2 - Linux OS File Systems Monitoring - v4


Agent G2 - Linux OS File Systems Monitoring - v4


Applicable on devices which is running OpsRamp Agent ( v7.0.0 or above)

Template Usage Guidelines:

When applying this script template on the device, users need to provide a comma-separated file systems types in the format shown below:



By default, the template monitors the following file system types: ext3, ext4, xfs and nfs4.

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Agent G2 - Linux File Systems - v4system_linux_fileSystem_Inodes_Usage_NumberSystem Linux FileSystem Inodes Usage NumbercountFile system Inodes usage number.
system_linux_fileSystem_Inodes_DeltaSystem Linux FileSystem Inodes DeltacountFile system Inodes usage delta.
system_linux_fileSystem_Space_UsedInMBSystem Linux FileSystem Space Used In MBMBFile system space usage in MB
system_linux_fileSystem_Space_DeltaInKBSystem Linux FileSystem Space Delta In KBKBFile system space usage(KB) delta
system_linux_fileSystem_Inodes_UtilizationSystem Linux FileSystem Inodes Utilization%File system Inodes utilization percent.
Agent G2 - Linux File Systems Mount Change Detection - v4system_linux_fileSystem_Mount_ChangeDetectionSystem Linux Filesystem Mount Change DetectionFile system mount point change detection. It detects if any file system mount point removed and if any new mount point added into the system. Below are the possible values: 0 - Available, 1 - Newly Added, 2 - Removed

Agent G2 - Linux OS File Systems Monitoring - v5


Monitors given file system metrics like mount change detections, Space usage in MB, space delta in KB, Inodes usage, Inodes delta and Inodes Utilization in percentage.In version 5 of the template, we added flexibility for users by allowing them to specify the number of days they want to retain previous file system entries in the text file, through input parameters.

Template Usage Guidelines:

When applying this template on the device, users need to provide specific input parameters. These parameters should include the file systems as a comma-separated values and the number of days for which they want to retain previous values in the file.

SAMPLE CUSTOM SCRIPT ARGUMENTS: (Below given is the default value)



This template requires Agent version 14.0.0 or later.

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Agent G2 - Linux File Systems Mount Change Detection - v5system_linux_fileSystem_Mount_ChangeDetectionSystem Linux Filesystem Mount Change Detection-File system mount point change detection. It detects if any file system mount point removed and if any new mount point added into the system. Possible values: 0 - Available , 1 - Newly Added , 2 - Removed
Agent G2 - Linux File Systems - v4system_linux_fileSystem_Inodes_UtilizationSystem Linux FileSystem Inodes UtilizationPercentageFile system Inodes utilization percent.
system_linux_fileSystem_Inodes_DeltaSystem Linux FileSystem Inodes DeltaCountFile system Inodes usage delta.
system_linux_fileSystem_Inodes_Usage_NumberSystem Linux FileSystem Inodes Usage NumberCountFile system Inodes usage number.
system_linux_fileSystem_Space_DeltaInKBSystem Linux FileSystem Space Delta In KBCountFile system space usage(KB) delta
system_linux_fileSystem_Space_UsedInMBSystem Linux FileSystem Space Used In MBMega BytesFile system space usage in MB

Agent G2 - Linux OS Mount Point Monitoring


Template to monitor Linux OS advanced performance metrics related to Mount Points (space,Inodes utilization and Availability status of mount point). It has been validated on following Linux flavors: RHEL 7.9, Centos 7 ,Ubuntu 20.04, Open SUSE Linux.


  1. Applicable on devices which is running Opsramp Agent ( v7.0.0 or above)

Template Usage Guidelines

When applying this script template on the device, users need to provide a comma-separated mount points to monitor. The format and an example are provided below:


/tmp, /var/tmp

By default, the template monitors the following mount points: /tmp, /var/tmp.

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Agent G2 - Linux Mount Pointssystem_linux_mountpoint_Space_DeltaInKBSystem Linux Mount Point Space Delta In KBKBMount point space usage(KB) delta
system_linux_mountpoint_Inodes_Usage_NumberSystem Linux Mount Point Inodes Usage NumbercountMount point Inodes usage number.
system_linux_mountpoint_Availability_StatusSystem Linux Mount Point Availability StatusAvailability status of mount point. These are possible values: 0 - Not Available, 1 - Available
system_linux_mountpoint_Space_UsedInMBSystem Linux Mount Point Space Used In MBMBMount point usage in MB
system_linux_mountpoint_Inodes_UtilizationSystem Linux Mount Point Inodes Utilization%Mount point Inodes utilization percent.
system_linux_mountpoint_Inodes_DeltaSystem Linux Mount Point Inodes DeltacountMount point Inodes usage delta.

Agent G2 - Linux OS Mount Point Monitoring - V2


Template to monitor Linux OS advanced performance metrics related to Mount Points (space,Inodes utilization and Availability status of mount point). It has been validated on following Linux flavors: RHEL 7.9, Centos 7 ,Ubuntu 20.04, Open SUSE Linux.


  1. Applicable on devices which is running Opsramp Agent ( v7.0.0 or above)

Template Usage Guidelines

When applying this script template on the device, users need to provide a comma-separated mount points to monitor. The format and an example are provided below:


/tmp, /var/tmp

By default, the template monitors the following mount points: /tmp, /var/tmp.

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Agent G2 - Linux Mount Points - V2system_linux_mountpoint_Space_DeltaInKBSystem Linux Mount Point Space Delta In KBKBMount point space usage(KB) delta
system_linux_mountpoint_Inodes_Usage_NumberSystem Linux Mount Point Inodes Usage NumbercountMount point Inodes usage number.
system_linux_mountpoint_Availability_StatusSystem Linux Mount Point Availability StatusAvailability status of mount point. These are possible values: 0 - Not Available, 1 - Available
system_linux_mountpoint_Space_UsedInMBSystem Linux Mount Point Space Used In MBMBMount point usage in MB
system_linux_mountpoint_Inodes_UtilizationSystem Linux Mount Point Inodes Utilization%Mount point Inodes utilization percent.
system_linux_mountpoint_Inodes_DeltaSystem Linux Mount Point Inodes DeltacountMount point Inodes usage delta.

Agent G2 - Linux OS Performance Monitoring


Agent G2 - Linux OS Performance Monitoring


No prerequisite

Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Agent G2 - CPU Monitorsystem.cpu.usage.utilizationSystem CPU Utilization%The percentage of elapsed time that the processor spends to execute a non-Idle thread(This doesn't includes CPU steal time)
Agent G2 - Disk Monitorsystem.disk.usage.freespaceSystem FreeDisk UsageGBMonitors the Free Space usage in GB
system.disk.usage.usedspaceSystem Disk UsedSpaceGBMonitors disk used space in GB
system.disk.usage.utilizationSystem Disk Utilization%Monitors disk utilization in percentage
Agent G2 - Memory Monitorsystem.memory.usage.usedspaceSystem Memory Used SpaceGBPhysical and virtual memory usage in GB
system.memory.usage.utilizationSystem Memory Utilization%Physical and virtual memory usage in percentage.
Agent G2 - Uptime Monitorsystem.os.uptimeSystem UptimemTime lapsed since last reboot in minutes
Agent G2 - Linux CPU Load Monitorsystem.cpu.loadSystem CPU LoadMonitors the system's last 1min, 5min and 15min load. It sends per cpu core load average.
Agent G2 - Linux CPU Statistics Monitorsystem.cpu.usage.statsSystem CPU Usage Statistics%Monitors cpu time in percentage spent in various program spaces.\n\nUser - The processor time spent running user space processes \nSystem - The amount of time that the CPU spent running the kernel.\nIOWait - The time the CPU spends idle while waiting for an I/O operation to complete\nIdle - The time the processor spends idle\nSteal - The time virtual CPU has spent waiting for the hypervisor to service another virtual CPU running on a different virtual machine.\nKernal Time\nTotal Time
Agent G2 - Linux Disk Inode Utilization Monitorsystem.disk.inode.utilizationSystem Disk Inode Utilization%This monitor is to collect DISK Inode metrics for all physical disks in a server.

Agent G2 - Logfile Monitoring


The Logfile monitor is used to validate whether the given input string is found or not in the specified input logfile. It sends an alert based on the check type (yes or no), and regex patterns are also allowed in the input string. We have added support for alert tokens in G2 logfile monitoring. In the global template, we have included all tokens, and customers can choose the required tokens based on their requirements.

See G2 Log File Monitoring for Template Usage Guidelines.



Supported Metric

Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
Agent G2 Logfile Monitorsystem_logfile_search_monitorsystem_logfile_search_monitorUsing logfile monitor to validate given input string is found or not by from given input logfile and sends the alerts

Agent G2 - Linux StatsD Template


This monitor receives all application-specific statistics broadcasted over UDP and filters the metrics using the below mentioned parameters.

Collector Type : Agent


This template works from Agent version 18.0.0 and above.


NameInstance name of the StatsD
FilterkeyThe metric name whose data should be collected by the monitor (ex:nsgmon_db_poolsize).
ExpressionExpression to check the metric value against the threshold:
  • == : indicates Equals
  • != : indicates Not Equals
  • >= : indicates Greater than or Equal to
  • <= : indicates Less than or Equal to
  • > : indicates Greater than
  • < : indicates Less than
    WarningThresholdThe threshold value indicates the warning limit. A warning alert is generated when a metric reaches a specific threshold.
    CriticalThresholdThe threshold value indicates the critical limit. A critical alert is generated when a metric reaches a specific threshold.
    StatsD Monitoring Port8125 is assumed to be the default port.

    * : All field attributes are mandatory.

    Supported Metric

    Metric NameDescription
    system_statsdCollect the data with respect to filterkey by listening on specified port.

    Agent G2 - Microsoft Active Directory 2003 - Performance Counters


    Template for AD 2003 Servers.



    Supported Metric

    Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
    Agent G2 - Microsoft Active Directory 2003 - Performance CountersDSServerBindsPersecDSServerBindsPersecShows the number of DC-to-DC binds per second that are serviced by this DC.
    LDAPClientSessionsLDAPClientSessionsThe number of sessions of connected LDAP clients. Lack of activity points to network problems.
    DRAOutboundObjectsPersecDRAOutboundObjectsPersecThe number of objects sent (per second) through outbound replication to replication partners.
    ABClientSessionsABClientSessionsAB Client Sessions is the number of connected Address Book client sessions.
    DRAInboundObjectsPersecDRAInboundObjectsPersecThe number of objects received (per second) through inbound replication from replication partners.
    DRAInboundObjectsAppliedPersecDRAInboundObjectsAppliedPersecThis counter excludes changes that are received but not applied (for example, when the update is already made) and also how many replication updates are occurring on the server as a result of changes generated on other servers.
    KerberosAuthenticationsKerberosAuthenticationsThe number of times per second that clients use a client ticket to this domain controller to authenticate to this domain controller. A lack of activity can indicate network problems that are preventing authentication requests from succeeding.
    DRAInboundObjectUpdatesRemaininginPacketDRAInboundObjectUpdatesRemaininginPacketThis counter tells you whether the monitored server is receiving changes, but is taking a long time applying them to the database. The value should be low, with a higher value indicating that the hardware is incapable of adequately servicing replication (warranting a server upgrade).
    NTLMAuthenticationsNTLMAuthenticationsThe number of NTLM authentications (per second) serviced by this domain controller
    LDAPSearchesPersecLDAPSearchesPersecThe number of search operations per second performed by LDAP clients. A lack of activity points to network problems.
    DSDirectoryReadsPersecDSDirectoryReadsPersecShows the number of directory reads per second.
    DSDirectoryWritesPersecDSDirectoryWritesPersecShows the number of directory writes per second.
    LDAPActiveThreadsLDAPActiveThreadsLDAP Active Threads is the current number of threads in use by the LDAP subsystem of the local direcotry service.
    LDAPWritesPersecLDAPWritesPersecShows the rate at which LDAP clients perform write operations.
    DRAOutboundBytesTotalPersecDRAOutboundBytesTotalPersecBytes per secondIt is the sum of the number of bytes of uncompressed data (never compressed) and compressed data (after compression) sent per second. Lack of activity indicates that the hardware or network is slowing down replication.
    DSNotifyQueueSizeDSNotifyQueueSizeThe number of pending update notifications that have been queued, but not yet transmitted to clients.
    DRAInboundBytesTotalPersecDRAInboundBytesTotalPersecBytes per secondIt is the sum of the number of bytes (per second) of uncompressed data (never compressed) and compressed data (after compression) received through replication. Lack of activity indicates that the network is slowing down replication.
    LDAPUDPoperationsPersecLDAPUDPoperationsPersecShows the number of UDP operations that the LDAP server is processing per second.
    LDAPBindTimeLDAPBindTimeMillisecondsThis counter shows the time required for completion of the last LDAP binding, with a higher value pointing to either hardware or network performance problems.
    DSClientBindsPersecDSClientBindsPersecShows the number of Ntdsapi.dll binds per second serviced by this DC.
    DRAPendingReplicationSynchronizationsDRAPendingReplicationSynchronizationsThe number of directory synchronizations that are queued for this server that are not yet processed. This counter helps in determining replication backlog - the larger the number, the larger the backlog. This value should be low, with a higher value indicating that the hardware is not adequately servicing replication.

    Agent G2 - Microsoft Active Directory 2008 - Performance Counters


    Template for AD 2008 Servers.



    Supported Metric

    Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
    Agent G2 - Microsoft Active Directory 2008 - Performance CountersLDAPWritesPersecLDAPWritesPersecShows the rate at which LDAP clients perform write operations.
    NTLMAuthenticationsNTLMAuthenticationsThe number of NTLM authentications (per second) serviced by this domain controller
    LDAPClientSessionsLDAPClientSessionsThe number of sessions of connected LDAP clients. Lack of activity points to network problems.
    ABClientSessionsABClientSessionsAB Client Sessions is the number of connected Address Book client sessions.
    DSClientBindsPersecDSClientBindsPersecShows the number of Ntdsapi.dll binds per second serviced by this DC.
    LDAPActiveThreadsLDAPActiveThreadsLDAP Active Threads is the current number of threads in use by the LDAP subsystem of the local directory service.
    LDAPUDPoperationsPersecLDAPUDPoperationsPersecShows the number of UDP operations that the LDAP server is processing per second.
    LDAPBindTimeLDAPBindTimeMillisecondsThis counter shows the time required for completion of the last LDAP binding, with a higher value pointing to either hardware or network performance problems.
    DRAOutboundObjectsPersecDRAOutboundObjectsPersecThe number of objects sent (per second) through outbound replication to replication partners.
    DRAInboundObjectsPersecDRAInboundObjectsPersecThe number of objects received (per second) through inbound replication from replication partners.
    DRAPendingReplicationSynchronizationsDRAPendingReplicationSynchronizationsThe number of directory synchronizations that are queued for this server that are not yet processed. This counter helps in determining replication backlog - the larger the number, the larger the backlog. This value should be low, with a higher value indicating that the hardware is not adequately servicing replication.
    DSNotifyQueueSizeDSNotifyQueueSizeThe number of pending update notifications that have been queued, but not yet transmitted to clients.
    DSServerBindsPersecDSServerBindsPersecShows the number of DC-to-DC binds per second that are serviced by this DC.
    DSDirectoryReadsPersecDSDirectoryReadsPersecShows the number of directory reads per second.
    DRAInboundObjectUpdatesRemaininginPacketDRAInboundObjectUpdatesRemaininginPacketThis counter tells you whether the monitored server is receiving changes, but is taking a long time applying them to the database. The value should be low, with a higher value indicating that the hardware is incapable of adequately servicing replication (warranting a server upgrade).
    KerberosAuthenticationsKerberosAuthenticationsThe number of times per second that clients use a client ticket to this domain controller to authenticate to this domain controller. A lack of activity can indicate network problems that are preventing authentication requests from succeeding.
    DRAInboundObjectsAppliedPersecDRAInboundObjectsAppliedPersecThis counter excludes changes that are received but not applied (for example, when the update is already made) and also how many replication updates are occurring on the server as a result of changes generated on other servers.
    LDAPSearchesPersecLDAPSearchesPersecThe number of search operations per second performed by LDAP clients. A lack of activity points to network problems.
    DSDirectoryWritesPersecDSDirectoryWritesPersecShows the number of directory writes per second.
    DRAOutboundBytesTotalPersecDRAOutboundBytesTotalPersecBytes per secondIt is the sum of the number of bytes of uncompressed data (never compressed) and compressed data (after compression) sent per second. Lack of activity indicates that the hardware or network is slowing down replication.
    DRAInboundBytesTotalPersecDRAInboundBytesTotalPersecBytes per secondIt is the sum of the number of bytes (per second) of uncompressed data (never compressed) and compressed data (after compression) received through replication. Lack of activity indicates that the network is slowing down replication.

    Agent G2 - Microsoft Active Directory 2012 DotNet v4 - Performance Counters


    Monitors Microsoft Active Directory Performance Counters



    Supported Metric

    Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
    Agent G2 - Microsoft Active Directory 2012 DotNet v4 - Performance CountersLDAPWritesPersecLDAPWritesPersecShows the rate at which LDAP clients perform write operations.
    DRAOutboundBytesTotalPersecDRAOutboundBytesTotalPersecBytes per secondIt is the sum of the number of bytes of uncompressed data (never compressed) and compressed data (after compression) sent per second. Lack of activity indicates that the hardware or network is slowing down replication.
    DSClientBindsPersecDSClientBindsPersecShows the number of Ntdsapi.dll binds per second serviced by this DC.
    LDAPClientSessionsLDAPClientSessionsThe number of sessions of connected LDAP clients. Lack of activity points to network problems.
    DRAInboundObjectsPersecDRAInboundObjectsPersecThe number of objects received (per second) through inbound replication from replication partners.
    DSDirectoryReadsPersecDSDirectoryReadsPersecShows the number of directory reads per second.
    LDAPUDPoperationsPersecLDAPUDPoperationsPersecShows the number of UDP operations that the LDAP server is processing per second.
    LDAPActiveThreadsLDAPActiveThreadsLDAP Active Threads is the current number of threads in use by the LDAP subsystem of the local directory service.
    LDAPSearchesPersecLDAPSearchesPersecThe number of search operations per second performed by LDAP clients. A lack of activity points to network problems.
    LDAPBindTimeLDAPBindTimeMillisecondsThis counter shows the time required for completion of the last LDAP binding, with a higher value pointing to either hardware or network performance problems.
    DSDirectoryWritesPersecDSDirectoryWritesPersecShows the number of directory writes per second.
    DRAPendingReplicationSynchronizationsDRAPendingReplicationSynchronizationsThe number of directory synchronizations that are queued for this server that are not yet processed. This counter helps in determining replication backlog - the larger the number, the larger the backlog. This value should be low, with a higher value indicating that the hardware is not adequately servicing replication.
    ABClientSessionsABClientSessionsAB Client Sessions is the number of connected Address Book client sessions.
    DSServerBindsPersecDSServerBindsPersecShows the number of DC-to-DC binds per second that are serviced by this DC.
    DRAInboundBytesTotalPersecDRAInboundBytesTotalPersecBytes per secondIt is the sum of the number of bytes (per second) of uncompressed data (never compressed) and compressed data (after compression) received through replication. Lack of activity indicates that the network is slowing down replication.
    DSNotifyQueueSizeDSNotifyQueueSizeThe number of pending update notifications that have been queued, but not yet transmitted to clients.
    DRAInboundObjectsAppliedPersecDRAInboundObjectsAppliedPersecThis counter excludes changes that are received but not applied (for example, when the update is already made) and also how many replication updates are occurring on the server as a result of changes generated on other servers.
    DRAInboundObjectUpdatesRemaininginPacketDRAInboundObjectUpdatesRemaininginPacketThis counter tells you whether the monitored server is receiving changes, but is taking a long time applying them to the database. The value should be low, with a higher value indicating that the hardware is incapable of adequately servicing replication (warranting a server upgrade).
    DRAOutboundObjectsPersecDRAOutboundObjectsPersecThe number of objects sent (per second) through outbound replication to replication partners.

    Agent G2 - Microsoft Active Directory 2019 DotNet v4- Performance Counters


    Monitors Microsoft Active Directory Performance Counters



    Supported Metric

    Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
    Agent G2 - Microsoft Active Directory 2019 DotNet v4- Performance CountersDSNotifyQueueSizeDSNotifyQueueSizeThe number of pending update notifications that have been queued, but not yet transmitted to clients.
    DSServerBindsPersecDSServerBindsPersecShows the number of DC-to-DC binds per second that are serviced by this DC.
    DRAOutboundBytesTotalPersecDRAOutboundBytesTotalPersecBytes per secondIt is the sum of the number of bytes of uncompressed data (never compressed) and compressed data (after compression) sent per second. Lack of activity indicates that the hardware or network is slowing down replication.
    DRAPendingReplicationSynchronizationsDRAPendingReplicationSynchronizationsThe number of directory synchronizations that are queued for this server that are not yet processed. This counter helps in determining replication backlog - the larger the number, the larger the backlog. This value should be low, with a higher value indicating that the hardware is not adequately servicing replication.
    DRAInboundObjectsAppliedPersecDRAInboundObjectsAppliedPersecThis counter excludes changes that are received but not applied (for example, when the update is already made) and also how many replication updates are occurring on the server as a result of changes generated on other servers.
    DSDirectoryWritesPersecDSDirectoryWritesPersecShows the number of directory writes per second.
    DRAInboundBytesTotalPersecDRAInboundBytesTotalPersecBytes per secondIt is the sum of the number of bytes (per second) of uncompressed data (never compressed) and compressed data (after compression) received through replication. Lack of activity indicates that the network is slowing down replication.
    DSDirectoryReadsPersecDSDirectoryReadsPersecShows the number of directory reads per second.
    LDAPBindTimeLDAPBindTimeMillisecondsThis counter shows the time required for completion of the last LDAP binding, with a higher value pointing to either hardware or network performance problems.
    LDAPClientSessionsLDAPClientSessionsThe number of sessions of connected LDAP clients. Lack of activity points to network problems.
    DRAOutboundObjectsPersecDRAOutboundObjectsPersecThe number of objects sent (per second) through outbound replication to replication partners.
    LDAPWritesPersecLDAPWritesPersecShows the rate at which LDAP clients perform write operations.
    DRAInboundObjectUpdatesRemaininginPacketDRAInboundObjectUpdatesRemaininginPacketThis counter tells you whether the monitored server is receiving changes, but is taking a long time applying them to the database. The value should be low, with a higher value indicating that the hardware is incapable of adequately servicing replication (warranting a server upgrade).
    LDAPSearchesPersecLDAPSearchesPersecThe number of search operations per second performed by LDAP clients. A lack of activity points to network problems.
    ABClientSessionsABClientSessionsAB Client Sessions is the number of connected Address Book client sessions.
    DSClientBindsPersecDSClientBindsPersecShows the number of Ntdsapi.dll binds per second serviced by this DC.
    LDAPActiveThreadsLDAPActiveThreadsLDAP Active Threads is the current number of threads in use by the LDAP subsystem of the local directory service.
    DRAInboundObjectsPersecDRAInboundObjectsPersecThe number of objects received (per second) through inbound replication from replication partners.
    LDAPUDPoperationsPersecLDAPUDPoperationsPersecShows the number of UDP operations that the LDAP server is processing per second.

    Agent G2 - Microsoft DotNet Performance Counters DotNet v4


    Monitors Microsoft DotNet Performance Counters



    Supported Metric

    Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
    Agent G2 - Microsoft DotNet Performance Counters DotNet v4netclr.numberof.current.physicalthreadsNETCLR Number of Current Physical ThreadsShows the number of native OS threads created and owned by the CLR to act as underlying threads for .NET thread objects. This counter's value does not include the threads used by the CLR in its internal operations; it is a subset of the threads in the OS process.
    aspnet.requests.currentASPNET Requests CurrentShows the current number of requests, including those that are queued, currently executing, or waiting to be written to the client. Under the ASP.NET process model, when this counter exceeds the requestQueueLimit defined in the processModel configuration section, ASP.NET will begin rejecting requests.
    aspnet.request.wait.timeASPNET Request Wait TimeMSShows the number of milliseconds the most recent request was waiting in the queue.
    netclr.current.queue.lengthNETCLR Current Queue LengthShows the total number of threads currently waiting to acquire some managed lock in the application. This counter is not an average over time; it displays the last observed value.
    netclr.numberofexceps.thrown.persecNETCLR Number of Exceps Thrown Per secShows the number of exceptions thrown per second. These include both .NET exceptions and unmanaged exceptions that get converted into .NET exceptions e.g. null pointer reference exception in unmanaged code would get re-thrown in managed code as a .NET System.NullReferenceException; this counter includes both handled and unhandled exceptions.
    webservice.get.requests.persecWeb Service Get Requests Per secShows the rate HTTP requests using the GET method are made. Get requests are the most common HTTP request.
    netclr.numberof.current.logicalthreadsNETCLR Number of Current Logical ThreadsShows the number of current .NET thread objects in the application. A .NET thread object is created either by new System.Threading.Thread or when an unmanaged thread enters the managed environment. This counter maintains the count of both running and stopped threads. This counter is not an average over time; it just displays the last observed value.
    webservice.current.connectionsWeb Service Current ConnectionsShows the current number of connections established with the Web service.
    netclr.contention.rate.persecNETCLR Contention Rate Per secRate at which threads in the runtime attempt to acquire a managed lock unsuccessfully. Managed locks can be acquired in many ways; by the "lock" statement in C# or by calling System.Monitor. Enter or by using MethodImplOptions.Synchronized custom attribute. Service Post Requests Per secShows the rate HTTP requests using the POST method are made.

    Agent G2 - Microsoft Exchange System Performance and Availability


    Monitors Microsoft Exchange System Performance and Availability metrics like LDAPReadTime, LDAPSearchTime, LDAPReadTime, LDAPSearchTime, ApplicationRestarts, WorkerProcessRestarts, RequestsCurrent, RequestWaitTime, RequestsInApplicationQueue, AverageTimetoProcessaFreeBusyRequest, AvailabilityRequestssec, AverageResponseTime, AverageSearchTime, RequestsPersec, CurrentUniqueUsers, RequestsPersec, SyncCommandsPersec, PingCommandsPending, CurrentConnections, ConnectionAttemptsPersec, OtherRequestMethodsPersec, ActiveMailboxDeliveryQueueLength, SubmissionQueueLength, ActiveNonSmtpDeliveryQueueLength, RetryMailboxDeliveryQueueLength, RetryNonSmtpDeliveryQueueLength, UnreachableQueueLength, PoisonQueueLength, MessagesSubmittedPerSecond, MessagesCompletedDeliveryPerSecond, MessagesQueuedforDeliveryPerSecond, AggregateShadowQueueLength, InternalActiveRemoteDeliveryQueueLength, ExternalActiveRemoteDeliveryQueueLength, RPCRequests, RPCAverageLatency, RPCOperationsPersec, DirectoryAccessLDAPSearchesPersec, RPCLatencyaveragemsec, RPCRequestsoutstanding, CopyQueueLength, ReplayQueueLength, OperationsoverSixSeconds, CallsDisconnectedbyCallersDuringUMAudioHourglass, IOLogWritesAverageLatency, IODatabaseReadsRecoveryAverageLatency, IODatabaseWritesRecoveryAverageLatency, DatabaseMounted, RequestsPersec


    This template requires Agent version 14.0.0 or later.

    Supported Metric

    Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
    Agent G2 - Microsoft Exchange System Performance and Availabilitymicrosoft_exchange_ADAccessDomainControllers_LDAPReadTimeMicrosoft Exchange ADAccessDomainControllers LDAPReadTimemsLDAP Read Time for a given DC is the time (in milliseconds) taken to send an LDAP read request to the specified DC and receive a response.
    microsoft_exchange_ADAccessDomainControllers_LDAPSearchTimeMicrosoft Exchange ADAccessDomainControllers LDAPSearchTimemsLDAP Search Time is the time (in milliseconds) taken to send an LDAP search request and receive a response.
    microsoft_exchange_ADAccessProcesses_LDAPReadTimeMicrosoft Exchange ADAccessProcesses LDAPReadTimemsLDAP Read Time is the time (in milliseconds) taken to send an LDAP read request and receive a response.
    microsoft_exchange_ADAccessProcesses_LDAPSearchTimeMicrosoft Exchange ADAccessProcesses LDAPSearchTimemsLDAP Search Time is the time (in milliseconds) taken to send an LDAP search request and receive a response.
    microsoft_exchange_AvailabilityService_AverageTimetoProcessaFreeBusyRequestMicrosoft Exchange AvailabilityService AverageTimetoProcessaFreeBusyRequestsAverage Time to Process a Free Busy Request is the average time to process a free busy request in seconds. One request may contain multiple mailboxes. Free busy responses do not have meeting suggestions.
    microsoft_exchange_AvailabilityService_AvailabilityRequestssecMicrosoft Exchange AvailabilityService AvailabilityRequestssecRequests Per SecAvailability Requests per second is the number of requests serviced per second. The request can be only for free busy or include suggestions. One request may contain multiple mailboxes.
    microsoft_exchange_OWA_AverageResponseTimeMicrosoft Exchange OWA AverageResponseTimemsAverage Response Time is the average time (in milliseconds) that elapsed between the beginning and end of an OEH or ASPX request.
    microsoft_exchange_OWA_AverageSearchTimeMicrosoft Exchange OWA AverageSearchTimemsAverage Search Time is the average time that elapsed while waiting for a search to complete.
    microsoft_exchange_OWA_RequestsPersecMicrosoft Exchange OWA RequestsPersecRequests Per SecRequests/sec is the number of requests handled by Outlook Web App per second.
    microsoft_exchange_OWA_CurrentUniqueUsersMicrosoft Exchange OWA CurrentUniqueUserscountCurrent Unique Users is the number of unique users currently signed in to Outlook Web App. This value monitors the number of unique active user sessions, so that users are only removed from this count after they sign out or their session times out.
    microsoft_exchange_ActiveSync_RequestsPersecMicrosoft Exchange ActiveSync RequestsPersecRequests Per SecRequests/sec is the number of HTTP requests that are received from the client via ASP.NET per second.
    microsoft_exchange_ActiveSync_SyncCommandsPersecMicrosoft Exchange ActiveSync SyncCommandsPersecCommands / secSync Commands/sec is the number of Sync commands that are processed per second. Clients use this command to synchronize items within a folder.
    microsoft_exchange_ActiveSync_PingCommandsPendingMicrosoft Exchange ActiveSync PingCommandsPendingcountPing Commands Pending is the number of Ping commands that are currently pending on the server.
    microsoft_exchange_TransportQueues_ActiveMailboxDeliveryQueueLengthMicrosoft Exchange TransportQueues ActiveMailboxDeliveryQueueLengthcountThe number of messages queued for delivery to an active mailbox. The value format is a 4byte integer.
    microsoft_exchange_TransportQueues_SubmissionQueueLengthMicrosoft Exchange TransportQueues SubmissionQueueLengthcountThe number of items in the submission queue when sample was taken.
    microsoft_exchange_TransportQueues_ActiveNonSmtpDeliveryQueueLengthMicrosoft Exchange TransportQueues ActiveNonSmtpDeliveryQueueLengthcountThe number of messages queued for delivery to a NonSMTP transport. The value format is a 4byte integer.
    microsoft_exchange_TransportQueues_RetryMailboxDeliveryQueueLengthMicrosoft Exchange TransportQueues RetryMailboxDeliveryQueueLengthcountRetry Mailbox Delivery Queue Length is the number of items in retry in the retry mailbox queues.
    microsoft_exchange_TransportQueues_RetryNonSmtpDeliveryQueueLengthMicrosoft Exchange TransportQueues RetryNonSmtpDeliveryQueueLengthcountRetry Non-SMTP Delivery Queue Length is the number of items in retry in the Non-SMTP queues.
    microsoft_exchange_TransportQueues_UnreachableQueueLengthMicrosoft Exchange TransportQueues UnreachableQueueLengthcountUnreachable Queue Length is the number of items in the unreachable queues.
    microsoft_exchange_TransportQueues_PoisonQueueLengthMicrosoft Exchange TransportQueues PoisonQueueLengthcountThe number of messages in the poison message queue.
    microsoft_exchange_TransportQueues_MessagesSubmittedPerSecondMicrosoft Exchange TransportQueues MessagesSubmittedPerSecondMessages / secMessages Submitted Per Second is the number of messages enqueued in the submission queue per second.
    microsoft_exchange_TransportQueues_MessagesCompletedDeliveryPerSecondMicrosoft Exchange TransportQueues MessagesCompletedDeliveryPerSecondMessages / secMessages Completed Delivery Per Second is the number of messages delivery per second.
    microsoft_exchange_TransportQueues_MessagesQueuedforDeliveryPerSecondMicrosoft Exchange TransportQueues MessagesQueuedforDeliveryPerSecondMessages / secMessages queued for delivery per second.
    microsoft_exchange_TransportQueues_AggregateShadowQueueLengthMicrosoft Exchange TransportQueues AggregateShadowQueueLengthcountCurrent count of messages in all shadow queues.
    microsoft_exchange_TransportQueues_InternalActiveRemoteDeliveryQueueLengthMicrosoft Exchange TransportQueues InternalActiveRemoteDeliveryQueueLengthcountInternal Active Remote Delivery Queue Length is the number of items in the active remote delivery queues to internal destinations.
    microsoft_exchange_TransportQueues_ExternalActiveRemoteDeliveryQueueLengthMicrosoft Exchange TransportQueues ExternalActiveRemoteDeliveryQueueLengthcountExternal Active Remote Delivery Queue Length is the number of items in the active remote delivery queues to external destinations.
    microsoft_exchange_ISClientType_RPCRequestsMicrosoft Exchange ISClientType RPCRequestscountRPC Operations/sec is the rate at which RPC operations occur.
    microsoft_exchange_ISClientType_RPCAverageLatencyMicrosoft Exchange ISClientType RPCAverageLatencymsAverage amount of time spent in a MAPI RPC in milliseconds.
    microsoft_exchange_ISClientType_RPCOperationsPersecMicrosoft Exchange ISClientType RPCOperationsPersecOperations / SecondRPC Operations/sec is the number of RPC operations that are processed each second.
    microsoft_exchange_ISClientType_DirectoryAccessLDAPSearchesPersecMicrosoft Exchange ISClientType DirectoryAccessLDAPSearchesPersecnullDirectory Access: LDAP Searches/sec is the rate LDAP searches occur while processing requests for the client.
    microsoft_exchange_StoreInterface_RPCLatencyaveragemsecMicrosoft Exchange StoreInterface RPCLatencyaveragemsecmsRPC Latency average (msec) is the average latency in milliseconds of RPC requests. Average is calculated over all RPCs since exrpc32 was loaded.
    microsoft_exchange_StoreInterface_RPCRequestsoutstandingMicrosoft Exchange StoreInterface RPCRequestsoutstandingcountRPC Requests outstanding is the current number of outstanding RPC requests.
    microsoft_exchange_Replication_CopyQueueLengthMicrosoft Exchange Replication CopyQueueLengthcountmCopy Queue Length is the number of log generations waiting to be both copied and inspected successfully.
    microsoft_exchange_Replication_ReplayQueueLengthMicrosoft Exchange Replication ReplayQueueLengthcountReplay Queue Length is the number of log generations waiting to be replayed.
    microsoft_exchange_UMPerformance_OperationsoverSixSecondsMicrosoft Exchange UMPerformance OperationsoverSixSecondsOperations / SecondOperations over Six Seconds is the number of all UM operations that took more than 6 seconds to complete. This is the time during which a caller was waiting for UM to respond.
    microsoft_exchange_UMCallAnswer_CallsDisconnectedbyCallersDuringUMAudioHourglassMicrosoft Exchange UMCallAnswer CallsDisconnectedbyCallersDuringUMAudioHourglasscountShows the number of calls during which the caller disconnected while Unified Messaging was playing the audio hourglass tones. This value should be 0 at all times. A nonzero value suggests excessive latency between a Unified Messaging server and targeted domain controller.
    microsoft_exchange_DatabaseInstances_IOLogWritesAverageLatencyMicrosoft Exchange DatabaseInstances IOLogWritesAverageLatencymsIO Log Writes Average Latency is the average length of time, in milliseconds, per log file write operation.
    microsoft_exchange_DatabaseInstances_IODatabaseReadsRecoveryAverageLatencyMicrosoft Exchange DatabaseInstances IODatabaseReadsRecoveryAverageLatencymsIO Database Reads (Recovery) Average Latency is the average length of time, in milliseconds, per database read operation.
    microsoft_exchange_DatabaseInstances_IODatabaseWritesRecoveryAverageLatencyMicrosoft Exchange DatabaseInstances IODatabaseWritesRecoveryAverageLatencymsIO Database Writes (Recovery) Average Latency is the average length of time, in milliseconds, per database write operation.
    microsoft_exchange_ActiveManager_DatabaseMountedMicrosoft Exchange ActiveManager DatabaseMountedcountShows the number of active database copies on the server.
    microsoft_exchange_Autodiscover_RequestsPersecMicrosoft Exchange Autodiscover RequestsPersecRequests Per SecRequests Per sec is the number of Autodiscover requests that are processed each second.

    Agent G2 - Microsoft Exchange 2007 - Server Role - Client Access Servers (CAS) DotNet v4


    Applicable on Exchange Servers with the CAS role



    Supported Metric

    Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
    Agent G2 - Microsoft Exchange 2007 - Server Role - Client Access Servers DotNet v4SyncCommandsPersecSync Commands Per secSync Commands/sec is the number of Sync commands that are processed per second. Clients use this command to synchronize items within a folder.
    DownloadTasksCompletedDownload Tasks CompletedDownload Tasks Completed is the number of OAB download tasks completed.
    OWARequestsPersecOWA Requests Per secRequests/sec is the number of requests handled by Outlook Web App per second.
    DownloadTaskQueuedDownload Task QueuedDownload Task Queued is one(1) if task is queued for execution, otherwise zero(0).
    AverageSearchTimeAverage Search TimeAverage Search Time is the average time that elapsed while waiting for a search to complete.
    CurrentConnectionsCurrent ConnectionsThe number of active connections to the WWW service.
    AverageTimetoProcessaFreeBusyRequestAverage Time to Process a Free Busy RequestAverage Time to Process a Free Busy Request is the average time to process a free busy request in seconds. One request may contain multiple mailboxes. Free busy responses do not have meeting suggestions.
    AverageResponseTimeAverage Response TimeAverage Response Time is the average time (in milliseconds) that elapsed between the beginning and end of an OEH or ASPX request.
    ActiveSyncRequestsPersecActiveSync Requests Per secShows the number of HTTP requests that are received from the client via ASP.NET per second.
    AvailabilityRequestssecAvailability Requests per secAvailability Requests per second is the number of requests serviced per second. The request can be only for free busy or include suggestions. One request may contain multiple mailboxes.

    Agent G2 - Microsoft Exchange 2007 - Server Role - Client Access Servers ASPNET (CAS ASPNET) DotNet v4


    Applicable on Exchange Servers with CAS ASPNET role



    Supported Metric

    Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
    Agent G2 - Microsoft Exchange 2007 - Server Role - Client Access Servers ASPNET DotNet v4RequestWaitTimeRequest Wait TimeRPC Requests outstanding is the current number of outstanding RPC requests.
    WorkerProcessRestartsWorker Process RestartsNumber of times a worker process has restarted on the machine.
    RequestsCurrentRequests CurrentThe current number of requests both executing and queued.
    ApplicationRestartsApplication RestartsNumber of times the application has been restarted during the web server lifetime.
    RequestsInApplicationQueueRequests In Application QueueThe current number of requests, including those that are queued, currently executing, or waiting to be written to the client. Under the ASP.NET process model, when this counter exceeds the requestQueueLimit defined in the processModel configuration section, ASP.NET will begin rejecting requests.

    Agent G2 - Microsoft Exchange 2007 - Server Role - Edge Transport Server (ETS) DotNet v4


    Applicable on Exchange Servers with the ETS role



    Supported Metric

    Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
    Agent G2 - Microsoft Exchange 2007 - Server Role - Edge Transport Server DotNet v4LogThreadsWaitingLog Threads WaitingExchange is essentially a database application, relying upon transaction logs and database files for data integrity and storage. This monitor shows the number of threads waiting for their data to be written to the log to complete an update of the database. If this number is too high, the log may be a bottleneck. This value should be less than 10 on average. Regular spikes concurrent with log record stall spikes indicate that the transaction log disks are a bottleneck. If the value for log threads waiting is more than the spindles available for the logs, there is a bottleneck on the log disks.
    IODatabaseReadsPersecIO Database Reads Per secI/O Database Reads/sec is the rate of database read operations completed.
    RetryRemoteDeliveryQueueLengthRetry Remote Delivery Queue LengthRetry Remote Delivery Queue Length is the number of messages in retry in the remote delivery queues.
    SubmissionQueueLengthSubmission Queue LengthThe number of items in the submission queue when sample was taken.
    LargestDeliveryQueueLengthLargest Delivery Queue LengthThe number of items in the largest delivery queue.
    AggregateDeliveryQueueLengthAllQueuesAggregate Delivery Queue Length All QueuesThe number of messages queued for aggregate delivery.
    VersionbucketsallocatedVersion Buckets AllocatedIt provides the total number of version buckets allocated.
    ActiveRemoteDeliveryQueueLengthActive Remote Delivery Queue LengthThe number of messages queued for remote delivery.
    LogRecordStallsPersecLog Record Stalls Per secExchange is essentially a database application, relying upon transaction logs and database files for data integrity and storage. This monitor shows the number of log records that cannot be added to the log buffers per second because the log buffers are full. If this counter is non-zero most of the time, the log buffer size may be a bottleneck. If I/O log write latencies are high, check for RAID5 or sync replication on log devices. The average value should be below 10 per second. Spikes (maximum values) should not be higher than 100 per second.
    PoisonQueueLengthPoison Queue LengthThe number of messages in the poison message queue.
    IODatabaseWritesPersecIO Database Writes Per secI/O Database Writes/sec is the rate of database write operations completed.
    DatabaseCachePercentHitDatabase Cache Percent Hit%Exchange is essentially a database application, relying upon transaction logs and database files for data integrity and storage. This monitor shows the percentage of database file page requests that were fulfilled by the database cache without causing a file operation. If this percentage is too low, the database cache size may be too small. This value should be over 90% for companies with majority online mode clients. It should be over 99% for companies with majority cached mode clients. If the hit ratio is less than these numbers, the database cache may be insufficient.
    UnreachableQueueLengthUnreachable Queue LengthThe number of messages in Unreachable Queue when sample was taken.

    Agent G2 - Microsoft Exchange 2007 - Server Role - HUB Transport Servers (HTS) DotNet v4


    Applicable on Exchange Servers with the HTS role



    Supported Metric

    Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
    Agent G2 - Microsoft Exchange 2007 - Server Role - HUB Transport Servers DotNet v4ActiveNonSmtpDeliveryQueueLengthActive Non-SMTP Delivery Queue LengthThe number of messages queued for delivery to a Non-SMTP transport. The value format is a 4-byte integer.
    RetryNonSmtpDeliveryQueueLengthRetry Non-SMTP Delivery Queue LengthAssures the number of messages currently in the retry non-SMTP delivery queue. Messages in this queue are in a retry state because an issue prevented their delivery. If the issue is transient, a subsequent reattempt to send the message may be successful. A queue length < 200 can be considered as Ok.
    ActiveMailboxDeliveryQueueLengthActive Mailbox Delivery Queue LengthThe number of messages queued for delivery to an active mailbox. The value format is a 4-byte integer.
    MessagesCompletedDeliveryPerSecondMessages Completed Delivery Per SecondThis monitor is useful in assessing the efficiency and efficacy of the current design. They also provide insight into the interaction between different transport components, including the information store interface. It shows the number of messages that are delivered per second.
    RetryMailboxDeliveryQueueLengthRetry Mailbox Delivery Queue LengthMeasures the number of messages currently in the retry mailbox delivery queue. Messages in this queue are in a retry state because an issue prevented their delivery. If the issue is transient, a subsequent attempt to send the message may be successful. A queue length < 200 can be considered as OK.
    MessagesQueuedforDeliveryPerSecondMessages Queued for Delivery Per SecondThis monitor is useful in assessing the efficiency and efficacy of the current design. They also provide insight into the interaction between different transport components, including the information store interface. It shows the number of messages that have been queued for delivery per second.
    MessagesSubmittedPerSecondMessages Submitted Per SecondThis monitor is useful in assessing the efficiency and efficacy of the current design. They also provide insight into the interaction between different transport components, including the information store interface. It shows the number of messages that have been queued in the Submission queue per second.
    SubmissionQueueLengthSubmission Queue LengthThe number of items in the submission queue when the sample was taken.
    IODatabaseWritesPersecIO Database Writes Per secI/O Database Writes/sec is the rate of database write operations completed.
    MessagesQueuedforDeliveryPerSecondMessages Queued for Delivery Per SecondThis monitor is useful in assessing the efficiency and efficacy of the current design. They also provide insight into the interaction between different transport components, including the information store interface. It shows the number of messages that have been queued for delivery per second.
    LogRecordStallsPersecLog Record Stalls Per secExchange is essentially a database application, relying upon transaction logs and database files for data integrity and storage. This monitor shows the number of log records that cannot be added to the log buffers per second because the log buffers are full. If this counter is non-zero most of the time, the log buffer size may be a bottleneck. If I/O log write latencies are high, check for RAID5 or sync replication on log devices. The average value should be below 10 per second. Spikes (maximum values) should not be higher than 100 per second.
    AggregateDeliveryQueueLengthAllQueuesAggregate Delivery Queue Length All QueuesThe number of messages queued for aggregate delivery.
    IODatabaseReadsPersecIO Database Reads Per secI/O Database Reads/sec is the rate of database read operations completed.
    PoisonQueueLengthPoison Queue LengthThe number of messages in the poison message queue.
    LargestDeliveryQueueLengthLargest Delivery Queue LengthThe number of items in the largest delivery queue.
    LogThreadsWaitingLog Threads WaitingExchange is essentially a database application, relying upon transaction logs and database files for data integrity and storage. This monitor shows the number of threads waiting for their data to be written to the log to complete an update of the database. If this number is too high, the log may be a bottleneck. This value should be less than 10 on average. Regular spikes concurrent with log record stall spikes indicate that the transaction log disks are a bottleneck. If the value for log threads waiting is more than the spindles available for the logs, there is a bottleneck on the log disks.
    ActiveRemoteDeliveryQueueLengthActive Remote Delivery Queue LengthThe number of messages queued for remote delivery.
    UnreachableQueueLengthUnreachable Queue LengthThe number of messages in Unreachable Queue when the sample was taken.

    Agent G2 - Microsoft Exchange 2007 - Server Role - Mailbox Servers (MBS) DotNet v4


    Applicable on Exchange Servers with the MBS role



    Supported Metric

    Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
    Agent G2 - Microsoft Exchange 2007 - Server Role - Mailbox Servers DotNet v4IODatabaseWritesAverageLatencyIO Database Writes Average LatencyExchange is essentially a database application, relying upon transaction logs and database files for data integrity and storage. This monitor shows the average length of time, in milliseconds, per database write operation.
    DatabaseCachePercentHitDatabase Cache Percent Hit%Exchange is essentially a database application, relying upon transaction logs and database files for data integrity and storage. This monitor shows the percentage of database file page requests that were fulfilled by the database cache without causing a file operation. If this percentage is too low, the database cache size may be too small. This value should be over 90% for companies with a majority online mode clients. It should be over 99% for companies with majority cached mode clients. If the hit ratio is less than these numbers, the database cache may be insufficient.
    RPCLatencyaveragemsecRPC Latency Average msecExchange communicates with Hub Transport servers via RPC. This counter is useful in isolating and determining issues involving the interface between the Microsoft Exchange Information Store service on the Mailbox server and Hub Transport servers. This monitor shows the average latency, in milliseconds, of RPC requests. The average is calculated over all RPCs since exrpc32 was loaded. The value should be less than 100 ms at all times.
    MessagesDeliveredPersecMessages Delivered Per secExchange responds to client requests and attempts to fulfill them as quickly and efficiently as possible. This monitor shows the rate that messages are delivered to all recipients. It indicates the current message delivery rate to the store.
    MessagesQueuedForSubmissionISMailboxMessages Queued For Submission IS MailboxMailbox servers depend on Hub Transport servers for message delivery. This monitor shows the current number of submitted messages that are not yet processed by the transport layer. This value should be below 50 at all times. A higher value for more than 15 minutes may indicate that there are connectivity issues to the transport servers or that backpressure is occurring.
    DirectoryAccessLDAPReadsPersecDirectory Access LDAP Reads Per secExchange responds to client requests and attempts to fulfill them as quickly and efficiently as possible. This monitor shows the current rate that the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) reads occur while processing requests for the client.
    IODatabaseReadsAverageLatencyIO Database Reads Average LatencyExchange is essentially a database application, relying upon transaction logs and database files for data integrity and storage. This monitor shows the average length of time, in milliseconds, per database read operation.
    RPCClientBackoffPersecRPC Client Backoff Per secExchange throttles RPC clients to prevent individual clients from overusing server resources. This monitor shows the rate that the server notifies the client to back off. It indicates the rate at which client backoffs are occurring. Higher values may indicate that the server may be incurring a higher load resulting in an increase in overall averaged RPC latencies, causing client throttling to occur. This can also occur when certain client user actions are being performed. Depending on what the client is doing and the rate at which RPC operations are occurring, it may be normal to see backoffs occurring.
    RPCNumofSlowPacketsRPC Number of Slow PacketsWhen you use Microsoft Office Outlook in MAPI mode, Outlook executes client operations as RPCs between the client and the server. This monitor indicates the number of RPC packets in the past 1,024 packets that have latencies longer than 2 seconds. This value should be less than 1 on average, and should be less than 3 at all times.
    ClientRPCsFailedServerTooBusyPersecClient RPCs Failed Server Too Busy Per secExchange throttles RPC clients to prevent individual clients from overusing server resources. This monitor shows the client-reported rate of failed RPCs (since the store was started) due to the Server Too Busy ROC error. This value should be 0 at all times. Higher values may indicate RPC threads are exhausted or client throttling is occurring for clients running versions of Outlook earlier than Microsoft Office Outlook 2007.
    DirectoryAccessLDAPSearchesPersecDirectory Access LDAP Searches Per secExchange responds to client requests and attempts to fulfill them as quickly and efficiently as possible. This monitor shows the current rate that the LDAP searches occur while processing requests for the client.
    LogRecordStallsPersecLog Record Stalls Per secExchange is essentially a database application, relying upon transaction logs and database files for data integrity and storage. This monitor shows the number of log records that cannot be added to the log buffers per second because the log buffers are full. If this counter is non-zero most of the time, the log buffer size may be a bottleneck. If I/O log write latencies are high, check for RAID5 or sync replication on log devices. The average value should be below 10 per second. Spikes (maximum values) should not be higher than 100 per second.
    ReplicationReceiveQueueSizeReplication Receive Queue SizeThis monitor shows the number of replication messages waiting to be processed. This value should be less than 100 at all times. This value should return to a minimum value between replication intervals.
    MessagesQueuedForSubmissionISPublicMessages Queued For Submission IS PublicMailbox servers depend on Hub Transport servers for message delivery. This monitor shows the current number of submitted messages that are not yet processed by the transport layer. This value should be below 20 at all times.
    UserCountUser CountThis monitor shows the number of users connected to the information store. It can be used to determine the current user load.
    DatabaseCacheSizeMBDatabase Cache Size MBExchange is essentially a database application, relying upon transaction logs and database files for data integrity and storage. This monitor shows the amount of system memory, in megabytes, used by the database cache manager to hold commonly used information from the database files to prevent file operations. If the database cache size seems too small for optimal performance and there is little available memory on the system (check the value of Memory/Available Bytes), adding more memory to the system may increase performance. If there is ample memory on the system and the database cache size is not growing beyond a certain point, the database cache size may be capped at an artificially low limit. Increasing this limit may increase performance.
    RPCRequestsoutstandingRPC Requests outstandingRPC Requests outstanding is the current number of outstanding RPC requests.
    RPCAveragedLatencyRPC Averaged LatencyMillisecondsWhen you use Microsoft Office Outlook in MAPI mode, Outlook executes client operations as RPCs between the client and the server. This monitor indicates the RPC latency, in milliseconds, averaged for all operations in the last 1,024 packets. This value should not be higher than 25 ms on average. To determine if certain protocols are causing overall RPC latencies, monitor MSExchangeIS Client (*)RPC Average Latency to separate latencies based on client protocol. Cross-reference MSExchangeISRPC Client Backoff/sec to ensure higher latencies are not causing client throttling.
    RPCRequestsRPC RequestsRPC Operations/sec is the rate at which RPC operations occur.
    RPCOperationsPersecRPC Operations Per secWhen you use Microsoft Office Outlook in MAPI mode, Outlook executes client operations as RPCs between the client and the server. This monitor indicates the current number of RPC operations that are occurring per second. Should closely correspond to historical baselines. Values much higher than expected indicate that the workload has changed, while values much lower than expected indicate a bottleneck preventing client requests from reaching the server.
    LogThreadsWaitingLog Threads WaitingExchange is essentially a database application, relying upon transaction logs and database files for data integrity and storage. This monitor shows the number of threads waiting for their data to be written to the log to complete an update of the database. If this number is too high, the log may be a bottleneck. This value should be less than 10 on average. Regular spikes concurrent with log record stall spikes indicate that the transaction log disks are a bottleneck. If the value for log threads waiting is more than the spindles available for the logs, there is a bottleneck on the log disks.
    DatabasePageFaultStallsPersecDatabase Page Fault Stalls Per secExchange is essentially a database application, relying upon transaction logs and database files for data integrity and storage. This monitor shows the rate that database file page requests require of the database cache manager to allocate a new page from the database cache. This should be 0 at all times. If this value is non-zero, this indicates that the database is not able to flush dirty pages to the database file fast enough to make pages free for new page allocations.

    Agent G2 - Microsoft Exchange 2007 - Server Role - Mailbox Servers replication (MBSR) DotNet v4


    Applicable on Exchange Servers with the MBSR role



    Supported Metric

    Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
    Agent G2 - Microsoft Exchange 2007 - Server Role - Mailbox Servers replication DotNet v4ReplayQueueLengthReplay Queue LengthThis monitor indicates issues involving the replication engine and replication partners. These issues can be local or remote. This monitor shows the number of transaction log files waiting to be replayed into the passive copy. It indicates the current replay queue length. Higher values cause longer store mount times when a handoff, failover, or activation is performed.
    CopyQueueLengthCopy Queue LengthThis monitor indicates issues involving the replication engine and replication partners. These issues can be local or remote. This monitor shows the number of transaction log files waiting to be copied to the passive copy log file folder. A copy is not considered complete until it has been checked for corruption. This value should be less than 10 at all times for Continuous Cluster Replication(CCR). It should be less than 1 at all times for local continuous replication (LCR).

    Agent G2 - Microsoft Exchange 2010 DotNet v4 - Server Role - Unified Messaging Servers (UMS)


    Applicable on Exchange Servers with the UMS role



    Supported Metric

    Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
    Agent G2 - Microsoft Exchange 2007 - Server Role - Unified Messaging servers DotNet v4OperationsoverSixSecondsOperationsoverSixSecondsNULLShows the number of all Unified Messaging operations that took more than six seconds to complete. This is the time during which a caller was waiting for Unified Messaging to respond.
    MailboxServerAccessFailuresMailboxServerAccessFailuresNULLShows the number of times the system did not access a Mailbox server. This value should be 0 at all times. A non-zero value indicates that Unified Messaging is having problems with MAPI connectivity to mbx servers.
    CallsDisconnectedbyCallersDuringUMAudioHourglassCallsDisconnectedbyCallersDuringUMAudioHourglassNULLShows the number of calls during which the caller disconnected while Unified Messaging was playing the audio hourglass tones. This value should be 0 at all times. A non-zero value suggests excessive latency between a Unified Messaging server and targeted domain controller.

    Agent G2 - Microsoft Exchange 2007 General DotNet v4


    Monitors Microsoft Exchange 2007 General Performance Counters



    Supported Metric

    Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
    Agent G2 - Microsoft Exchange 2007 General DotNet v4ConnectionAttemptsPersecConnection Attempts Per SecondThe rate, in seconds, at which connections to the WWW service have been attempted since the service started.
    NumberBytesinallHeapsNumber Bytes in all HeapsShows the sum of four other counters: Gen 0 Heap Size, Gen 1 Heap Size, Gen 2 Heap Size, and the Large Object Heap Size. This counter indicates the current memory allocated in bytes on the GC Heaps.
    NumberofExcepsThrownPersecNumber of Exceptions Thrown Per SecondDisplays the number of exceptions thrown per second. These include both .NET exceptions and unmanaged exceptions that get converted into .NET exceptions.
    PercentTimeinGCPercent Time in GC%% Time in GC is the percentage of elapsed time that was spent in performing a garbage collection (GC) since the last GC cycle. This counter is usually an indicator of the work done by the Garbage Collector on behalf of the application to collect and compact memory. This counter is updated only at the end of every GC and the counter value reflects the last observed value; its not an average.

    Agent G2 - Microsoft Exchange 2010 AD Access DC DotNet v4


    Monitor Microsoft Exchange 2010 AD Access DC performance counters



    Supported Metric

    Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
    Agent G2 - Microsoft Exchange 2010 AD Access DC DotNet v4LDAPReadTimeLDAP Read TimeShows the time (in ms) to send an LDAP read request and receive a response.
    LDAPSearchTimeLDAP Search TimeMillisecondsShows the time (in ms) to send an LDAP search request and receive a response. Should be below 50 ms on average. Spikes (maximum values) shouldn't be higher than 100 ms.

    Agent G2 - Microsoft Exchange 2010 DotNet v4


    Monitor Microsoft Exchange 2010 performance counters



    Supported Metric

    Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
    Agent G2 - Microsoft Exchange 2010 DotNet v4ReceiveQueueSizeMailBoxReceive Queue Size MailboxMaximum allowed number of messages in the mailbox receive queue.
    LDAPSearchesTimedOutLDAP Searches Timed OutLDAP Searches timed out per minute is the number of LDAP searches returned LDAP_TIMEOUT during the last minute.
    RPCAveragedLatencyRPC Averaged LatencyMillisecondsWhen you use Microsoft Office Outlook in MAPI mode, Outlook executes client operations as RPCs between the client and the server. This monitor indicates the RPC latency, in milliseconds, averaged for all operations in the last 1,024 packets. This value should not be higher than 25 ms on average. To determine if certain protocols are causing overall RPC latencies, monitor MSExchangeIS Client (*)RPC Average Latency to separate latencies based on client protocol. Cross-reference MSExchangeISRPC Client Backoff/sec to ensure higher latencies are not causing client throttling.
    ActiveNonSmtpDeliveryQueueLengthActive Non-SMTP Delivery Queue LengthThe number of messages queued for delivery to a Non-SMTP transport. The value format is a 4-byte integer.
    MessagesQueuedForSubmissionMailBoxMessages Queued For Submission MailboxMessages Queued For Submission is the current number of submitted messages which are not yet processed by transport.
    PollingDelayPolling DelaySecondsPolling delay is the latency between when the most recent Mapi Event was polled and when the event was created in seconds.
    LDAPSearchTimeLDAP Search TimeMillisecondsShows the time (in ms) to send an LDAP search request and receive a response. Should be below 50 ms on average. Spikes (maximum values) shouldn't be higher than 100 ms.
    ClientLogonsMailBoxClient Logons MailboxThe number of client logons (including system processes). The average number of logons per client depends on the type and version of the client.
    MessagesSentPersecMailBoxMessages Sent Persec MailboxMessages Sent/sec is the rate that messages are sent to the transport.
    VersionbucketsallocatedVersion Buckets AllocatedIt provides the total number of version buckets allocated.
    SubmissionQueueLengthSubmission Queue LengthThe number of items in the submission queue when sample was taken.
    AverageDeliveryTimePublicFolderAverage Delivery Time Public FolderMillisecondsAverage Delivery Time is the average time in milliseconds between the submission of a message to the public store and the delivery to all local recipients (recipients on the same server) for the last 10 messages.
    UnreachableQueueLengthUnreachable Queue LengthThe number of messages in Unreachable Queue when sample was taken.
    MessagesDeliveredPersecMailBoxMessages Delivered Persec MailboxMessages Delivered/sec is the rate that messages are delivered to all recipients.
    AverageDeliveryTimeMailBoxAverage Delivery Time MailboxMillisecondsAverage Delivery Time is the average time in milliseconds between the submission of a message to the mailbox store and the delivery to all local recipients (recipients on the same server) for the last 10 messages.
    RPCRequestsRPC RequestsRPC Operations/sec is the rate at which RPC operations occur.
    MessagesDeliveredPersecPublicFolderMessages Delivered Persec Public FolderMessages Delivered Persec Public Folder
    ClientLogonsPublicFolderClient Logons Public FolderClient Logons is the number of clients (including system processes) currently logged on.
    RetryRemoteDeliveryQueueLengthRetry Remote Delivery Queue LengthRetry Remote Delivery Queue Length is the number of messages in retry in the remote delivery queues.
    LogGenerationCheckpointDepthLog Generation Checkpoint DepthLog Generation Checkpoint Depth represents the amount of work, in count of log files, that will need to be redone or undone to the database file(s) if the process crashes.
    LargestDeliveryQueueLengthLargest Delivery Queue LengthThe number of items in the largest delivery queue.
    IODatabaseReadsPersecI/O Database Reads PersecI/O Database Reads/sec is the rate of database read operations completed.
    ActiveMailboxDeliveryQueueLengthActive Mailbox Delivery Queue LengthThe number of messages queued for delivery to an active mailbox. The value format is a 4-byte integer.
    SendQueueSizeMailboxSend Queue Size MailboxIndicates the number of messages in the mailbox store's send queue.
    PercentageofFailedEventDispatchersPercentage of Failed Event Dispatchers%It is the percentage of Event Dispatchers that are in failure mode.
    PoisonQueueLengthPoison Queue LengthThe number of messages in the poison message queue.
    LogBytesWritePersecLog Bytes Write PersecBytes per secondLog Bytes Write per second is the rate bytes are written to the log.
    RetryMailboxDeliveryQueueLengthRetry Mailbox Delivery Queue LengthMeasures the number of messages currently in the retry mailbox delivery queue. Messages in this queue are in a retry state because an issue prevented their delivery. If the issue is transient, a subsequent attempt to send the message may be successful. A queue length < 200 can be considered as OK.
    SendQueueSizePublicFolderSend Queue Size Public FolderNumber of messages in a public folders send queue. The value should be less than 500.
    RetryNonSmtpDeliveryQueueLengthRetry Non-SMTP Delivery Queue LengthAssures the number of messages currently in the retry non-SMTP delivery queue. Messages in this queue are in a retry state because an issue prevented their delivery. If the issue is transient, a subsequent reattempt to send the message may be successful. A queue length < 200 can be considered as Ok.
    ReceiveQueueSizePublicFolderReceive Queue Size Public FolderIndicates the number of public folder replication messages waiting to be processed.
    MessagesSentPersecPublicFolderMessages Sent Persec Public FolderMessages Sent/sec is the rate that messages are sent to the transport.
    MessagesQueuedForSubmissionPublicFolderMessages Queued For Submission Public FolderMessages Queued For Submission is the current number of submitted messages which are not yet processed by transport.
    MessageRecipientsDeliveredPersecMailBoxMessage Recipients Delivered Persec MailboxShows the rate at which messages are delivered to all recipients. Indicates current message delivery rate to the store.
    AggregateDeliveryQueueLengthAllQueuesAggregate Delivery Queue Length All QueuesThe number of messages queued for aggregate delivery.
    ActiveRemoteDeliveryQueueLengthActive Remote Delivery Queue LengthThe number of messages queued for remote delivery.
    ClientRPCsSuccededClient RPCs SucceededThe client-reported total number of successful RPCs (since the store was started).
    ClientLatency10secRPCClient Latency 10 sec RPCMillisecondsThe client-reported number of successful RPCs with latencies > 10 seconds.
    ActiveClientLogonsPublicFolderActive Client Logons Public FolderActive Client Logons is the number of clients that performed any action within the last ten minute time interval.
    IODatabaseWritesPersecI/O Database Writes PersecI/O Database Writes/sec is the rate of database write operations completed.
    ActiveClientLogonsMailBoxActive Client Logons MailboxThe number of logons that have been active within the last ten minute time interval.
    MessageRecipientsDeliveredPersecPublicFolderMessage Recipients Delivered Persec Public FolderMessage Recipients Delivered/sec is the rate that recipients receive messages.
    LongRunningLDAPOperationsLong Running LDAP OperationsShows the number of LDAP operations on this domain controller that took longer than the specified threshold per minute. (Default threshold is 15 seconds.). Should be less than 50 at all times.

    Agent G2 - Microsoft Exchange 2010 DotNet v4 - Server Role - Client Access Servers (CAS)


    Applicable on Exchange Servers with the Client Access servers (CAS) role



    Supported Metric

    Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
    Agent G2 - Microsoft Exchange 2010 DotNet v4 - Server Role - Client Access ServersDownloadTasksCompletedDownload Tasks CompletedNULLDownload Tasks Completed is the number of OAB download tasks completed
    ActiveSyncRequestsPersecActiveSync Requests Per SecondNULLShows the number of HTTP requests that are received from the client via ASP.NET per second
    AverageSearchTimeAverage Search TimeNULLAverage Search Time is the average time that elapsed while waiting for a search to complete
    CurrentConnectionsCurrent ConnectionsNULLThe number of active connections to the WWW service.
    DownloadTaskQueuedDownload Task QueuedNULLDownload Task Queued is one(1) if task is queued for execution, otherwise zero(0)
    SyncCommandsPersecSync Commands Per SecondNULLSync Commands/sec is the number of Sync commands that are processed per second. Clients use this command to synchronize items within a folder
    AvailabilityRequestssecAvailability Requests Per SecondNULLAvailability Requests per second is the number of requests serviced per second. The request can be only for free busy or include suggestions. One request may contain multiple mailboxes
    OWARequestsPersecOWA Requests Per SecondNULLRequests/sec is the number of requests handled by Outlook Web App per second
    AverageTimetoProcessaFreeBusyRequestAverage Time to Process a Free Busy RequestNULLAverage Time to Process a Free Busy Request is the average time to process a free busy request in seconds. One request may contain multiple mailboxes. Free busy responses do not have meeting suggestions
    AverageResponseTimeAverage Response TimeNULLAverage Response Time is the average time (in milliseconds) that elapsed between the beginning and end of an OEH or ASPX request

    Agent G2 - Microsoft Exchange 2010 DotNet v4 - Server Role - Client Access Servers ASPNET (CAS ASPNET)


    Applicable on Exchange Servers with the Client Access servers ASPNET (CAS) role



    Supported Metric

    Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
    Agent G2 - Microsoft Exchange 2010 DotNet v4 - Server Role - Client Access Servers ASPNETApplicationRestartsApplication RestartsNULLNumber of times the application has been restarted during the web server lifetime
    RequestWaitTimeRequest Wait TimeNULLRPC Requests outstanding is the current number of outstanding RPC requests.
    RequestsInApplicationQueueRequests In Application QueueNULLThe current number of requests, including those that are queued, currently executing, or waiting to be written to the client. Under the ASP.NET process model, when this counter exceeds the requestQueueLimit defined in the processModel configuration section, ASP.NET will begin rejecting requests.
    WorkerProcessRestartsWorker Process RestartsNULLNumber of times a worker process has restarted on the machine.
    RequestsCurrentRequests CurrentNULLThe current number of requests both executing and queued

    Agent G2 - Microsoft Exchange 2010 DotNet v4 - Server Role - Edge Transport Server (ETS)


    Applicable on Exchange Servers with the Edge Transport servers (ETS) role



    Supported Metric

    Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
    Agent G2 - Microsoft Exchange 2010 DotNet v4 - Server Role - Edge Transport ServerLargestDeliveryQueueLengthLargest Delivery Queue LengthNULLThe number of items in the largest delivery queue.
    IODatabaseReadsPersecI/O Database Reads Per SecondNULLI/O Database Reads/sec is the rate of database read operations completed.
    UnreachableQueueLengthUnreachable Queue LengthNULLThe number of messages in Unreachable Queue when sample was taken.
    SubmissionQueueLengthSubmission Queue LengthNULLThe number of items in the submission queue when sample was taken.
    IODatabaseWritesPersecI/O Database Writes Per SecondNULLI/O Database Writes/sec is the rate of database write operations completed.
    LogThreadsWaitingLog Threads WaitingNULLExchange is essentially a database application, relying upon transaction logs and database files for data integrity and storage. This monitor shows the number of threads waiting for their data to be written to the log to complete an update of the database. If this number is too high, the log may be a bottleneck. This value should be less than 10 on average. Regular spikes concurrent with log record stall spikes indicate that the transaction log disks are a bottleneck. If the value for log threads waiting is more than the spindles available for the logs, there is a bottleneck on the log disks.
    DatabaseCachePercentHitDatabase Cache Percent Hit%Exchange is essentially a database application, relying upon transaction logs and database files for data integrity and storage. This monitor shows the percentage of database file page requests that were fulfilled by the database cache without causing a file operation. If this percentage is too low, the database cache size may be too small. This value should be over 90% for companies with majority online mode clients. It should be over 99% for companies with majority cached mode clients. If the hit ratio is less than these numbers, the database cache may be insufficient.
    LogRecordStallsPersecLog Record Stalls Per SecondNULLExchange is essentially a database application, relying upon transaction logs and database files for data integrity and storage. This monitor shows the number of log records that cannot be added to the log buffers per second because the log buffers are full. If this counter is non-zero most of the time, the log buffer size may be a bottleneck. If I/O log write latencies are high, check for RAID5 or sync replication on log devices. The average value should be below 10 per second. Spikes (maximum values) should not be higher than 100 per second.
    ActiveRemoteDeliveryQueueLengthActive Remote Delivery Queue LengthNULLThe number of messages queued for remote delivery.
    VersionbucketsallocatedVersion Buckets AllocatedNULLIt provides the total number of version buckets allocated.
    AggregateDeliveryQueueLengthAllQueuesAggregate Delivery Queue Length All QueuesNULLThe number of messages queued for aggregate delivery.
    RetryRemoteDeliveryQueueLengthRetry Remote Delivery Queue LengthNULLRetry Remote Delivery Queue Length is the number of messages in retry in the remote delivery queues.
    PoisonQueueLengthPoison Queue LengthNULLThe number of messages in the poison message queue.

    Agent G2 - Microsoft Exchange 2010 DotNet v4 - Server Role - HUB Transport Servers (HTS)


    Applicable on Exchange Servers with the HUB Transport servers (HTS) role



    Supported Metric

    Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
    Agent G2 - Microsoft Exchange 2010 DotNet v4 - Server Role - HUB Transport ServersIODatabaseReadsPersecI/O Database Reads Per SecondNULLI/O Database Reads/sec is the rate of database read operations completed.
    MessagesSubmittedPerSecondMessages Submitted Per SecondNULLThis monitor is useful in assessing the efficiency and efficacy of the current design. They also provide insight into the interaction between different transport components, including the information store interface. It shows the number of messages that have been queued in the Submission queue per second.
    SubmissionQueueLengthSubmission Queue LengthNULLThe number of items in the submission queue when sample was taken.
    UnreachableQueueLengthUnreachable Queue LengthNULLThe number of messages in Unreachable Queue when sample was taken.
    ActiveMailboxDeliveryQueueLengthActive Mailbox Delivery Queue LengthNULLThe number of messages queued for delivery to an active mailbox. The value format is a 4-byte integer.
    LogThreadsWaitingLog Threads WaitingNULLExchange is essentially a database application, relying upon transaction logs and database files for data integrity and storage. This monitor shows the number of threads waiting for their data to be written to the log to complete an update of the database. If this number is too high, the log may be a bottleneck. This value should be less than 10 on average. Regular spikes concurrent with log record stall spikes indicate that the transaction log disks are a bottleneck. If the value for log threads waiting is more than the spindles available for the logs, there is a bottleneck on the log disks.
    MessagesCompletedDeliveryPerSecondMessages Completed Delivery Per SecondNULLThis monitor is useful in assessing the efficiency and efficacy of the current design. They also provide insight into the interaction between different transport components, including the information store interface. It shows the number of messages that are delivered per second.
    AggregateDeliveryQueueLengthAllQueuesAggregate Delivery Queue Length All QueuesNULLThe number of messages queued for aggregate delivery.
    RetryMailboxDeliveryQueueLengthRetry Mailbox Delivery Queue LengthNULLMeasures the number of messages currently in the retry mailbox delivery queue. Messages in this queue are in a retry state because an issue prevented their delivery. If the issue is transient, a subsequent attempt to send the message may be successful. A queue length < 200 can be considered as OK.
    RetryNonSmtpDeliveryQueueLengthRetry Non-SMTP Delivery Queue LengthNULLAssures the number of messages currently in the retry non-SMTP delivery queue. Messages in this queue are in a retry state because an issue prevented their delivery. If the issue is transient, a subsequent reattempt to send the message may be successful. A queue length < 200 can be considered as Ok.
    VersionbucketsallocatedVersion Buckets AllocatedNULLIt provides the total number of version buckets allocated.
    ActiveNonSmtpDeliveryQueueLengthActive Non-SMTP Delivery Queue LengthNULLThe number of messages queued for delivery to a Non-SMTP transport. The value format is a 4-byte integer.
    IODatabaseWritesPersecI/O Database Writes Per SecondNULLI/O Database Writes/sec is the rate of database write operations completed.
    PoisonQueueLengthPoison Queue LengthNULLThe number of messages in the poison message queue.
    MessagesQueuedforDeliveryPerSecondMessages Queued for Delivery Per SecondNULLThis monitor is useful in assessing the efficiency and efficacy of the current design. They also provide insight into the interaction between different transport components, including the information store interface. It shows the number of messages that have been queued for delivery per second.
    LargestDeliveryQueueLengthLargest Delivery Queue LengthNULLThe number of items in the largest delivery queue.
    ActiveRemoteDeliveryQueueLengthActive Remote Delivery Queue LengthNULLThe number of messages queued for remote delivery.
    LogRecordStallsPersecLog Record Stalls Per SecondNULLExchange is essentially a database application, relying upon transaction logs and database files for data integrity and storage. This monitor shows the number of log records that cannot be added to the log buffers per second because the log buffers are full. If this counter is non-zero most of the time, the log buffer size may be a bottleneck. If I/O log write latencies are high, check for RAID5 or sync replication on log devices. The average value should be below 10 per second. Spikes (maximum values) should not be higher than 100 per second.

    Agent G2 - Microsoft Exchange 2010 DotNet v4 - Server Role - Mailbox Servers (MBS)


    Applicable on Exchange Servers with the Mailbox Servers (MBS) role



    Supported Metric

    Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
    Agent G2 - Microsoft Exchange 2010 DotNet v4 - Server Role - Mailbox ServersRPCLatencyaveragemsecRPC Latency Average (ms)NULLExchange communicates with Hub Transport servers via RPC. This counter is useful in isolating and determining issues involving the interface between the Microsoft Exchange Information Store service on the Mailbox server and Hub Transport servers. This monitor shows the average latency, in milliseconds, of RPC requests. The average is calculated over all RPCs since exrpc32 was loaded. The value should be less than 100 ms at all times.
    UserCountUser CountNULLThis monitor shows the number of users connected to the information store. It can be used to determine current user load.
    ReplicationReceiveQueueSizeReplication Receive Queue SizeNULLThis monitor shows the number of replication messages waiting to be processed. This value should be less than 100 at all times. This value should return to a minimum value between replication intervals.
    LogThreadsWaitingLog Threads WaitingNULLExchange is essentially a database application, relying upon transaction logs and database files for data integrity and storage. This monitor shows the number of threads waiting for their data to be written to the log to complete an update of the database. If this number is too high, the log may be a bottleneck. This value should be less than 10 on average. Regular spikes concurrent with log record stall spikes indicate that the transaction log disks are a bottleneck. If the value for log threads waiting is more than the spindles available for the logs, there is a bottleneck on the log disks.
    RPCAveragedLatencyRPC Averaged LatencyMillisecondsWhen you use Microsoft Office Outlook in MAPI mode, Outlook executes client operations as RPCs between the client and the server. This monitor indicates the RPC latency, in milliseconds, averaged for all operations in the last 1,024 packets. This value should not be higher than 25 ms on average. To determine if certain protocols are causing overall RPC latencies, monitor MSExchangeIS Client (*)RPC Average Latency to separate latencies based on client protocol. Cross-reference MSExchangeISRPC Client Backoff/sec to ensure higher latencies are not causing client throttling.
    RPCRequestsoutstandingRPC Requests OutstandingNULLRPC Requests outstanding is the current number of outstanding RPC requests
    MessagesQueuedForSubmissionISMailboxMessages Queued For Submission (IS Mailbox)NULLMailbox servers depend on Hub Transport servers for message delivery. This monitor shows the current number of submitted messages that are not yet processed by the transport layer. This value should be below 50 at all times. A higher value for more than 15 minutes may indicate that there are connectivity issues to the transport servers or that backpressure is occurring.
    RPCNumofSlowPacketsRPC Number of Slow PacketsNULLWhen you use Microsoft Office Outlook in MAPI mode, Outlook executes client operations as RPCs between the client and the server. This monitor indicates the number of RPC packets in the past 1,024 packets that have latencies longer than 2 seconds. This value should be less than 1 on average, and should be less than 3 at all times.
    RPCRequestsRPC RequestsNULLRPC Operations/sec is the rate at which RPC operations occur.
    DatabaseCacheSizeMBDatabase Cache Size (MB)NULLExchange is essentially a database application, relying upon transaction logs and database files for data integrity and storage. This monitor shows the amount of system memory, in megabytes, used by the database cache manager to hold commonly used information from the database files to prevent file operations. If the database cache size seems too small for optimal performance and there is little available memory on the system (check the value of Memory/Available Bytes), adding more memory to the system may increase performance. If there is ample memory on the system and the database cache size is not growing beyond a certain point, the database cache size may be capped at an artificially low limit. Increasing this limit may increase performance.
    DirectoryAccessLDAPSearchesPersecDirectory Access LDAP Searches PersecNULLExchange responds to client requests and attempts to fulfill them as quickly and efficiently as possible. This monitor shows the current rate that the LDAP searches occur while processing requests for the client.
    RPCOperationsPersecRPC Operations PersecNULLWhen you use Microsoft Office Outlook in MAPI mode, Outlook executes client operations as RPCs between the client and the server. This monitor indicates the current number of RPC operations that are occurring per second. Should closely correspond to historical baselines. Values much higher than expected indicate that the workload has changed, while values much lower than expected indicate a bottleneck preventing client requests from reaching the server.
    RPCClientBackoffPersecRPC Client Backoff PersecNULLExchange throttles RPC clients to prevent individual clients from overusing server resources. This monitor shows the rate that the server notifies the client to back off. It indicates the rate at which client backoffs are occurring. Higher values may indicate that the server may be incurring a higher load resulting in an increase in overall averaged RPC latencies, causing client throttling to occur. This can also occur when certain client user actions are being performed. Depending on what the client is doing and the rate at which RPC operations are occurring, it may be normal to see backoffs occurring.
    LogRecordStallsPersecLog Record Stalls PersecNULLExchange is essentially a database application, relying upon transaction logs and database files for data integrity and storage. This monitor shows the number of log records that cannot be added to the log buffers per second because the log buffers are full. If this counter is non-zero most of the time, the log buffer size may be a bottleneck. If I/O log write latencies are high, check for RAID5 or sync replication on log devices. The average value should be below 10 per second. Spikes (maximum values) should not be higher than 100 per second.
    DatabasePageFaultStallsPersecDatabase Page Fault Stalls PersecNULLExchange is essentially a database application, relying upon transaction logs and database files for data integrity and storage. This monitor shows the rate that database file page requests require of the database cache manager to allocate a new page from the database cache. This should be 0 at all times. If this value is non-zero, this indicates that the database is not able to flush dirty pages to the database file fast enough to make pages free for new page allocations.
    DatabaseCachePercentHitDatabase Cache Percent Hit%Exchange is essentially a database application, relying upon transaction logs and database files for data integrity and storage. This monitor shows the percentage of database file page requests that were fulfilled by the database cache without causing a file operation. If this percentage is too low, the database cache size may be too small. This value should be over 90% for companies with majority online mode clients. It should be over 99% for companies with majority cached mode clients. If the hit ratio is less than these numbers, the database cache may be insufficient.
    MessagesDeliveredPersecMessages Delivered PersecNULLExchange responds to client requests and attempts to fulfill them as quickly and efficiently as possible. This monitor shows the rate that messages are delivered to all recipients. It indicates current message delivery rate to the store.
    IODatabaseReadsAverageLatencyIO Database Reads Average LatencyNULLExchange is essentially a database application, relying upon transaction logs and database files for data integrity and storage. This monitor shows the average length of time, in milliseconds, per database read operation.
    MessagesQueuedForSubmissionISPublicMessages Queued For Submission (IS Public)NULLMailbox servers depend on Hub Transport servers for message delivery. This monitor shows the current number of submitted messages that are not yet processed by the transport layer. This value should be below 20 at all times.
    DirectoryAccessLDAPReadsPersecDirectory Access LDAP Reads PersecNULLExchange responds to client requests and attempts to fulfill them as quickly and efficiently as possible. This monitor shows the current rate that the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) reads occur while processing requests for the client.
    ClientRPCsFailedServerTooBusyPersecClient RPCs Failed Server Too Busy PersecNULLExchange throttles RPC clients to prevent individual clients from overusing server resources. This monitor shows the client-reported rate of failed RPCs (since the store was started) due to the Server Too Busy ROC error. This value should be 0 at all times. Higher values may indicate RPC threads are exhausted or client throttling is occurring for clients running versions of Outlook earlier than Microsoft Office Outlook 2007.
    IODatabaseWritesAverageLatencyIO Database Writes Average LatencyNULLExchange is essentially a database application, relying upon transaction logs and database files for data integrity and storage. This monitor shows the average length of time, in milliseconds, per database write operation.

    Agent G2 - Microsoft Exchange 2010 DotNet v4 - Server Role - Mailbox Servers Replication (MBSR)


    Applicable on Exchange Servers with the Mailbox Servers Replication (MBSR) role



    Supported Metric

    Agent G2 - Microsoft Exchange 2010 General DotNet v4


    Monitor Microsoft Exchange 2010 General performance counters



    Supported Metric

    Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
    Agent G2 - Microsoft Exchange 2010 DotNet v4 - Server Role - Mailbox Servers ReplicationReplayQueueLengthReplay Queue LengthNULLThis monitor indicate issues involving the replication engine and replication partners. These issues can be local or remote. This monitor shows the number of transaction log files waiting to be replayed into the passive copy. It indicates the current replay queue length. Higher values cause longer store mount times when a handoff, failover, or activation is performed.
    CopyQueueLengthCopy Queue LengthNULLThis monitor indicate issues involving the replication engine and replication partners. These issues can be local or remote. This monitor shows the number of transaction log files waiting to be copied to the passive copy log file folder. A copy is not considered complete until it has been checked for corruption. This value should be less than 10 at all times for Continuous Cluster Replication(CCR). It should be less than 1 at all times for local continuous replication (LCR).
    CallsDisconnectedbyCallersDuringUMAudioHourglassCalls Disconnected by Callers During UM Audio HourglassNULLShows the number of calls during which the caller disconnected while Unified Messaging was playing the audio hourglass tones. This value should be 0 at all times. A non-zero value suggests excessive latency between a Unified Messaging server and targeted domain controller.
    OperationsoverSixSecondsOperations over Six SecondsNULLShows the number of all Unified Messaging operations that took more than six seconds to complete. This is the time during which a caller was waiting for Unified Messaging to respond.
    MailboxServerAccessFailuresMailbox Server Access FailuresNULLShows the number of times the system did not access a Mailbox server. This value should be 0 at all times. A non-zero value indicates that Unified Messaging is having problems with MAPI connectivity to mbx servers.
    Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
    Agent G2 - Microsoft Exchange 2010 General DotNet v4NumberofExcepsThrownPersecNumberofExcepsThrownPersecNULLDisplays the number of exceptions thrown per second. These include both .NET exceptions and unmanaged exceptions that get converted into .NET exceptions.
    NumberBytesinallHeapsNumberBytesinallHeapsNULLShows the sum of four other counters: Gen 0 Heap Size, Gen 1 Heap Size, Gen 2 Heap Size, and the Large Object Heap Size. This counter indicates the current memory allocated in bytes on the GC Heaps.
    ConnectionAttemptsPersecConnectionAttemptsPersecNULLThe rate, in seconds, at which connections to the WWW service have been attempted since the service started.
    PercentTimeinGCPercentTimeinGC%% Time in GC is the percentage of elapsed time that was spent in performing a garbage collection (GC) since the last GC cycle. This counter is usually an indicator of the work done by the Garbage Collector on behalf of the application to collect and compact memory. This counter is updated only at the end of every GC and the counter value reflects the last observed value; its not an average.

    Agent G2 - Microsoft Exchange 2013 AD Access DC DotNet v4


    Monitor Microsoft Exchange 2013 AD Access DC performance counters



    Supported Metric

    Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
    Agent G2 - Microsoft Exchange 2013 AD Access DC DotNet v4ADAccessDomainControllersLDAPReadTimeLDAPReadTimeNULLLDAP Read Time for a given DC is the time (in milliseconds) taken to send an LDAP read request to the specified DC and receive a response.
    ADAccessDomainControllersLDAPSearchTimeLDAPSearchTimeNULLLDAP Search Time is the time (in milliseconds) taken to send an LDAP search request and receive a response.

    Agent G2 - Microsoft Exchange 2013 DotNet v4 - Server Role - Client Access Servers (CAS)


    Applicable on Exchange Servers with the Client Access Servers (CAS) role



    Supported Metric

    Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
    Agent G2 - Microsoft Exchange 2013 DotNet v4 - Server Role - Client Access ServersOWARequestsPersecOWA Requests Per SecondNULLRequests/sec is the number of requests handled by Outlook Web App per second
    ActiveSyncRequestsPersecActiveSync Requests Per SecondNULLShows the number of HTTP requests that are received from the client via ASP.NET per second
    AvailabilityRequestssecAvailability Requests Per SecondNULLAvailability Requests per second is the number of requests serviced per second. The request can be only for free busy or include suggestions. One request may contain multiple mailboxes
    SyncCommandsPersecSync Commands Per SecondNULLSync Commands/sec is the number of Sync commands that are processed per second. Clients use this command to synchronize items within a folder
    CurrentConnectionsCurrent ConnectionsNULLThe number of active connections to the WWW service.
    AverageResponseTimeAverage Response TimeNULLAverage Response Time is the average time (in milliseconds) that elapsed between the beginning and end of an OEH or ASPX request
    AverageSearchTimeAverage Search TimeNULLAverage Search Time is the average time that elapsed while waiting for a search to complete
    AverageTimetoProcessaFreeBusyRequestAverage Time to Process a Free Busy RequestNULLAverage Time to Process a Free Busy Request is the average time to process a free busy request in seconds. One request may contain multiple mailboxes. Free busy responses do not have meeting suggestions

    Agent G2 - Microsoft Exchange 2013 DotNet v4 - Server Role - Client Access Servers ASPNET (CAS ASPNET)


    Applicable on Exchange Servers with the Client Access Servers ASPNET (CAS ASPNET) role



    Supported Metric

    Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
    Agent G2 - Microsoft Exchange 2013 DotNet v4 - Server Role - Client Access Servers ASPNETRequestsInApplicationQueueRequests In Application QueueNULLThe current number of requests, including those that are queued, currently executing, or waiting to be written to the client. Under the ASP.NET process model, when this counter exceeds the requestQueueLimit defined in the processModel configuration section, ASP.NET will begin rejecting requests.
    ApplicationRestartsApplication RestartsNULLNumber of times the application has been restarted during the web server lifetime
    RequestWaitTimeRequest Wait TimeNULLRPC Requests outstanding is the current number of outstanding RPC requests.
    RequestsCurrentRequests CurrentNULLThe current number of requests both executing and queued
    WorkerProcessRestartsWorker Process RestartsNULLNumber of times a worker process has restarted on the machine.

    Agent G2 - Microsoft Exchange 2013 DotNet v4 - Server Role - Edge Transport Server (ETS)


    Applicable on Exchange Servers with the Edge Transport Servers (ETS) role



    Supported Metric

    Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
    Agent G2 - Microsoft Exchange 2013 DotNet v4 - Server Role - Edge Transport ServerLogRecordStallsPersecLog Record Stalls Per SecondNULLExchange is essentially a database application, relying upon transaction logs and database files for data integrity and storage. This monitor shows the number of log records that cannot be added to the log buffers per second because the log buffers are full. If this counter is non-zero most of the time, the log buffer size may be a bottleneck. If I/O log write latencies are high, check for RAID5 or sync replication on log devices. The average value should be below 10 per second. Spikes (maximum values) should not be higher than 100 per second.
    DatabaseCachePercentHitDatabase Cache Percent Hit%Exchange is essentially a database application, relying upon transaction logs and database files for data integrity and storage. This monitor shows the percentage of database file page requests that were fulfilled by the database cache without causing a file operation. If this percentage is too low, the database cache size may be too small. This value should be over 90% for companies with majority online mode clients. It should be over 99% for companies with majority cached mode clients. If the hit ratio is less than these numbers, the database cache may be insufficient.
    VersionbucketsallocatedVersion Buckets AllocatedNULLIt provides the total number of version buckets allocated.
    UnreachableQueueLengthUnreachable Queue LengthNULLThe number of messages in Unreachable Queue when sample was taken.
    PoisonQueueLengthPoison Queue LengthNULLThe number of messages in the poison message queue.
    LogThreadsWaitingLog Threads WaitingNULLExchange is essentially a database application, relying upon transaction logs and database files for data integrity and storage. This monitor shows the number of threads waiting for their data to be written to the log to complete an update of the database. If this number is too high, the log may be a bottleneck. This value should be less than 10 on average. Regular spikes concurrent with log record stall spikes indicate that the transaction log disks are a bottleneck. If the value for log threads waiting is more than the spindles available for the logs, there is a bottleneck on the log disks.
    SubmissionQueueLengthSubmission Queue LengthNULLThe number of items in the submission queue when sample was taken.
    IODatabaseWritesPersecI/O Database Writes Per SecondNULLI/O Database Writes/sec is the rate of database write operations completed.
    IODatabaseReadsPersecI/O Database Reads Per SecondNULLI/O Database Reads/sec is the rate of database read operations completed.

    Agent G2 - Microsoft Exchange 2013 DotNet v4 - Server Role - HUB Transport Servers (HTS)


    Applicable on Exchange Servers with the HUB Transport Servers (HTS) role



    Supported Metric

    Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
    Agent G2 - Microsoft Exchange 2013 DotNet v4 - Server Role - HUB Transport ServersIODatabaseWritesPersecI/O Database Writes Per SecondNULLI/O Database Writes/sec is the rate of database write operations completed.
    MessagesQueuedforDeliveryPerSecondMessages Queued for Delivery Per SecondNULLThis monitor is useful in assessing the efficiency and efficacy of the current design. They also provide insight into the interaction between different transport components, including the information store interface. It shows the number of messages that have been queued for delivery per second.
    SubmissionQueueLengthSubmission Queue LengthNULLThe number of items in the submission queue when sample was taken.
    ActiveNonSmtpDeliveryQueueLengthActive Non-SMTP Delivery Queue LengthNULLThe number of messages queued for delivery to a Non-SMTP transport. The value format is a 4-byte integer.
    MessagesSubmittedPerSecondMessages Submitted Per SecondNULLThis monitor is useful in assessing the efficiency and efficacy of the current design. They also provide insight into the interaction between different transport components, including the information store interface. It shows the number of messages that have been queued in the Submission queue per second.
    IODatabaseReadsPersecI/O Database Reads Per SecondNULLI/O Database Reads/sec is the rate of database read operations completed.
    RetryMailboxDeliveryQueueLengthRetry Mailbox Delivery Queue LengthNULLMeasures the number of messages currently in the retry mailbox delivery queue. Messages in this queue are in a retry state because an issue prevented their delivery. If the issue is transient, a subsequent attempt to send the message may be successful. A queue length < 200 can be considered as OK.
    UnreachableQueueLengthUnreachable Queue LengthNULLThe number of messages in Unreachable Queue when sample was taken.
    MessagesCompletedDeliveryPerSecondMessages Completed Delivery Per SecondNULLThis monitor is useful in assessing the efficiency and efficacy of the current design. They also provide insight into the interaction between different transport components, including the information store interface. It shows the number of messages that are delivered per second.
    LogRecordStallsPersecLog Record Stalls Per SecondNULLExchange is essentially a database application, relying upon transaction logs and database files for data integrity and storage. This monitor shows the number of log records that cannot be added to the log buffers per second because the log buffers are full. If this counter is non-zero most of the time, the log buffer size may be a bottleneck. If I/O log write latencies are high, check for RAID5 or sync replication on log devices. The average value should be below 10 per second. Spikes (maximum values) should not be higher than 100 per second.
    PoisonQueueLengthPoison Queue LengthNULLThe number of messages in the poison message queue.
    ActiveMailboxDeliveryQueueLengthActive Mailbox Delivery Queue LengthNULLThe number of messages queued for delivery to an active mailbox. The value format is a 4-byte integer.
    RetryNonSmtpDeliveryQueueLengthRetry Non-SMTP Delivery Queue LengthNULLAssures the number of messages currently in the retry non-SMTP delivery queue. Messages in this queue are in a retry state because an issue prevented their delivery. If the issue is transient, a subsequent reattempt to send the message may be successful. A queue length < 200 can be considered as Ok.
    VersionbucketsallocatedVersion Buckets AllocatedNULLIt provides the total number of version buckets allocated.
    LogThreadsWaitingLog Threads WaitingNULLExchange is essentially a database application, relying upon transaction logs and database files for data integrity and storage. This monitor shows the number of threads waiting for their data to be written to the log to complete an update of the database. If this number is too high, the log may be a bottleneck. This value should be less than 10 on average. Regular spikes concurrent with log record stall spikes indicate that the transaction log disks are a bottleneck. If the value for log threads waiting is more than the spindles available for the logs, there is a bottleneck on the log disks.

    Agent G2 - Microsoft Exchange 2013 DotNet v4 - Server Role - Mailbox Servers (MBS)


    Applicable on Exchange Servers with the Mailbox Servers (MBS) role



    Supported Metric

    Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
    Agent G2 - Microsoft Exchange 2013 DotNet v4 - Server Role - Mailbox ServersRPCRequestsRPC RequestsNULLRPC Operations/sec is the rate at which RPC operations occur.
    DatabaseCacheSizeMBDatabase Cache Size (MB)NULLExchange is essentially a database application, relying upon transaction logs and database files for data integrity and storage. This monitor shows the amount of system memory, in megabytes, used by the database cache manager to hold commonly used information from the database files to prevent file operations. If the database cache size seems too small for optimal performance and there is little available memory on the system (check the value of Memory/Available Bytes), adding more memory to the system may increase performance. If there is ample memory on the system and the database cache size is not growing beyond a certain point, the database cache size may be capped at an artificially low limit. Increasing this limit may increase performance.
    LogThreadsWaitingLog Threads WaitingNULLExchange is essentially a database application, relying upon transaction logs and database files for data integrity and storage. This monitor shows the number of threads waiting for their data to be written to the log to complete an update of the database. If this number is too high, the log may be a bottleneck. This value should be less than 10 on average. Regular spikes concurrent with log record stall spikes indicate that the transaction log disks are a bottleneck. If the value for log threads waiting is more than the spindles available for the logs, there is a bottleneck on the log disks.
    RPCAveragedLatencyRPC Averaged LatencyMillisecondsWhen you use Microsoft Office Outlook in MAPI mode, Outlook executes client operations as RPCs between the client and the server. This monitor indicates the RPC latency, in milliseconds, averaged for all operations in the last 1,024 packets. This value should not be higher than 25 ms on average. To determine if certain protocols are causing overall RPC latencies, monitor MSExchangeIS Client (*)RPC Average Latency to separate latencies based on client protocol. Cross-reference MSExchangeISRPC Client Backoff/sec to ensure higher latencies are not causing client throttling.
    DatabasePageFaultStallsPersecDatabase Page Fault Stalls Per SecondNULLExchange is essentially a database application, relying upon transaction logs and database files for data integrity and storage. This monitor shows the rate that database file page requests require of the database cache manager to allocate a new page from the database cache. This should be 0 at all times. If this value is non-zero, this indicates that the database is not able to flush dirty pages to the database file fast enough to make pages free for new page allocations.
    RPCOperationsPersecRPC Operations Per SecondNULLWhen you use Microsoft Office Outlook in MAPI mode, Outlook executes client operations as RPCs between the client and the server. This monitor indicates the current number of RPC operations that are occurring per second. Should closely correspond to historical baselines. Values much higher than expected indicate that the workload has changed, while values much lower than expected indicate a bottleneck preventing client requests from reaching the server.
    RPCLatencyaveragemsecRPC Latency Average (ms)NULLExchange communicates with Hub Transport servers via RPC. This counter is useful in isolating and determining issues involving the interface between the Microsoft Exchange Information Store service on the Mailbox server and Hub Transport servers. This monitor shows the average latency, in milliseconds, of RPC requests. The average is calculated over all RPCs since exrpc32 was loaded. The value should be less than 100 ms at all times.
    LogRecordStallsPersecLog Record Stalls Per SecondNULLExchange is essentially a database application, relying upon transaction logs and database files for data integrity and storage. This monitor shows the number of log records that cannot be added to the log buffers per second because the log buffers are full. If this counter is non-zero most of the time, the log buffer size may be a bottleneck. If I/O log write latencies are high, check for RAID5 or sync replication on log devices. The average value should be below 10 per second. Spikes (maximum values) should not be higher than 100 per second.
    IODatabaseReadsAverageLatencyI/O Database Reads Average LatencyNULLExchange is essentially a database application, relying upon transaction logs and database files for data integrity and storage. This monitor shows the average length of time, in milliseconds, per database read operation.
    RPCRequestsoutstandingRPC Requests OutstandingNULLRPC Requests outstanding is the current number of outstanding RPC requests.
    IODatabaseWritesAverageLatencyI/O Database Writes Average LatencyNULLExchange is essentially a database application, relying upon transaction logs and database files for data integrity and storage. This monitor shows the average length of time, in milliseconds, per database write operation.
    DatabaseCachePercentHitDatabase Cache Percent Hit%Exchange is essentially a database application, relying upon transaction logs and database files for data integrity and storage. This monitor shows the percentage of database file page requests that were fulfilled by the database cache without causing a file operation. If this percentage is too low, the database cache size may be too small. This value should be over 90% for companies with majority online mode clients. It should be over 99% for companies with majority cached mode clients. If the hit ratio is less than these numbers, the database cache may be insufficient.
    DirectoryAccessLDAPSearchesPersecDirectory Access LDAP Searches Per SecondNULLExchange responds to client requests and attempts to fulfill them as quickly and efficiently as possible. This monitor shows the current rate that the LDAP searches occur while processing requests for the client.

    Agent G2 - Microsoft Exchange 2013 DotNet v4 - Server Role - Mailbox Servers Replication (MBSR)


    Applicable on Exchange Servers with the Mailbox Servers replication (MBSR) role



    Supported Metric

    Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
    Agent G2 - Microsoft Exchange 2013 DotNet v4 - Server Role - Mailbox Servers ReplicationReplayQueueLengthReplayQueueLengthNULLThis monitor indicate issues involving the replication engine and replication partners. These issues can be local or remote. This monitor shows the number of transaction log files waiting to be replayed into the passive copy. It indicates the current replay queue length. Higher values cause longer store mount times when a handoff, failover, or activation is performed.
    CopyQueueLengthCopyQueueLengthNULLThis monitor indicate issues involving the replication engine and replication partners. These issues can be local or remote. This monitor shows the number of transaction log files waiting to be copied to the passive copy log file folder. A copy is not considered complete until it has been checked for corruption. This value should be less than 10 at all times for Continuous Cluster Replication(CCR). It should be less than 1 at all times for local continuous replication (LCR).

    Agent G2 - Microsoft Exchange 2013 DotNet v4 - Server Role - Unified Messaging Servers (UMS)


    Applicable on Exchange Servers with the Unified Messaging servers ( UMS) role



    Supported Metric

    Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
    Agent G2 - Microsoft Exchange 2013 DotNet v4 - Server Role - Unified Messaging ServersCallsDisconnectedbyCallersDuringUMAudioHourglassCallsDisconnectedbyCallersDuringUMAudioHourglassNULLShows the number of calls during which the caller disconnected while Unified Messaging was playing the audio hourglass tones. This value should be 0 at all times. A non-zero value suggests excessive latency between a Unified Messaging server and targeted domain controller.
    OperationsoverSixSecondsOperationsoverSixSecondsNULLShows the number of all Unified Messaging operations that took more than six seconds to complete. This is the time during which a caller was waiting for Unified Messaging to respond.


    Agent G2 - Microsoft Exchange 2013 General DotNet v4


    Microsoft Exchange 2013 General DotNet v4



    Supported Metric

    Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
    Agent G2 - Microsoft Exchange 2013 General DotNet v4NumberofExcepsThrownPersecNumber of Exceptions Thrown Per SecondNULLDisplays the number of exceptions thrown per second. These include both .NET exceptions and unmanaged exceptions that get converted into .NET exceptions.
    NumberBytesinallHeapsNumber of Bytes in all HeapsNULLShows the sum of four other counters: Gen 0 Heap Size, Gen 1 Heap Size, Gen 2 Heap Size, and the Large Object Heap Size. This counter indicates the current memory allocated in bytes on the GC Heaps.
    ConnectionAttemptsPersecConnection Attempts Per SecondNULLThe rate, in seconds, at which connections to the WWW service have been attempted since the service started.
    PercentTimeinGCPercent Time in GC%% Time in GC is the percentage of elapsed time that was spent in performing a garbage collection (GC) since the last GC cycle. This counter is usually an indicator of the work done by the Garbage Collector on behalf of the application to collect and compact memory. This counter is updated only at the end of every GC and the counter value reflects the last observed value; it's not an average.

    Agent G2 - Microsoft Exchange 2016 DotNet v4 - AD Access DC Performance Counters


    Monitor Microsoft Exchange 2016 AD Access DC performance counters



    Supported Metric

    Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
    Agent G2 - Microsoft Exchange 2016 DotNet v4 - AD Access DC Performance Countersmsmsexchange2016.adaccess.domaincontrollers.ldap.readtimeMSExchange2016 ADAccessDomainControllersLDAPReadTimeNULLLDAP Read Time for a given DC is the time (in milliseconds) taken to send an LDAP read request to the specified DC and receive a response.
    msexchange2016.adaccess.domaincontrollers.ldap.searchtimeMSExchange2016 ADAccessDomainControllersLDAPSearchTimeNULLLDAP Search Time is the time (in milliseconds) taken to send an LDAP search request and receive a response.
    msexchange2016.adaccess.processes.ldap.readtimeMSExchange2016 ADAccessProcessesLDAPReadTimeNULLLDAP Read Time is the time (in milliseconds) taken to send an LDAP read request and receive a response.
    msexchange2016.adaccess.processes.ldap.searchtimeMSExchange2016 ADAccessProcessesLDAPSearchTimeNULLLDAP Search Time is the time (in milliseconds) taken to send an LDAP search request and receive a response.

    Agent G2 - Microsoft Exchange 2016 DotNet v4 - Client Access Servers


    Monitors MSExchange 2016 CAS performance data using WMI Classes



    Supported Metric

    Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
    Agent G2 - Microsoft Exchange 2016 DotNet v4 - Client Access Serversmsexchange2016.owa.requests.per.secMSExchange2016 OWARequestsPersecNULLRequests/sec is the number of requests handled by Outlook Web App per second. ActiveSyncRequestsPersecNULLRequests/sec is the number of HTTP requests that are received from the client via ASP.NET per second.
    msexchange2016.current.connectionsMSExchange2016 CurrentConnectionsNULLCurrent Connections is the current number of connections established with the Web service.
    msexchange2016.availability.requests.secMSExchange2016 AvailabilityRequestssecNULLAvailability Requests per second is the number of requests serviced per second. The request can be only for free busy or include suggestions. One request may contain multiple mailboxes. AverageSearchTimeNULLAverage Search Time is the average time that elapsed while waiting for a search to complete.
    msexchange2016.average.response.timeMSExchange2016 AverageResponseTimeNULLAverage Response Time is the average time (in milliseconds) that elapsed between the beginning and end of an OEH or ASPX request.
    msexchange2016.sync.commands.per.secMSExchange2016 SyncCommandsPersecNULLSync Commands/sec is the number of Sync commands that are processed per second. Clients use this command to synchronize items within a folder. AverageTimetoProcessaFreeBusyRequestNULLAverage Time to Process a Free Busy Request is the average time to process a free busy request in seconds. One request may contain multiple mailboxes. Free busy responses do not have meeting suggestions.

    Agent G2 - Microsoft Exchange 2016 DotNet v4 - Client Access Servers ASPNET


    Monitors MSExchange 2016 CAS ASPNET performance data using WMI classes



    Supported Metric

    Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
    Agent G2 - Microsoft Exchange 2016 DotNet v4 - Client Access Servers ASPNETmsexchange2016.application.restartsMSExchange2016 ApplicationRestartsNULLNumber of times the application has been restarted during the web server's lifetime. RequestsInApplicationQueueNULLThe current number of requests, including those that are queued, currently executing, or waiting to be written to the client. Under the ASP.NET process model, when this counter exceeds the requestQueueLimit defined in the processModel configuration section, ASP.NET will begin rejecting requests.
    msexchange2016.requests.currentMSExchange2016 RequestsCurrentNULLThe current number of requests, including those that are queued, currently executing, or waiting to be written to the client. Under the ASP.NET process model, when this counter exceeds the requestQueueLimit defined in the processModel configuration section, ASP.NET will begin rejecting requests.
    msexchange2016.worker.process.restartsMSExchange2016 WorkerProcessRestartsNULLNumber of times a worker process has restarted on the machine.
    msexchange2016.request.wait.timeMSExchange2016 RequestWaitTimeNULLThe number of milliseconds the most recent request was waiting in the queue.

    Agent G2 - Microsoft Exchange 2016 DotNet v4 - General Performance Counters


    Monitors MSExchange 2016 general performance data using WMI classes



    Supported Metric

    Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
    Agent G2 - Microsoft Exchange 2016 DotNet v4 - General Performance Countersmsexchange2016.connection.attempts.per.secMSExchange2016 ConnectionAttemptsPersecNULLThe rate, in seconds, at which connections to the WWW service have been attempted since the service started.

    Agent G2 - Microsoft Exchange 2016 DotNet v4 - HUB Transport Servers (HTS)


    Monitors MSExchange 2016 HTS performance data using WMI classes



    Supported Metric

    Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
    Agent G2 - Microsoft Exchange 2016 DotNet v4 - HUB Transport Serversmsexchange2016.poison.queue.lengthMSExchange2016 PoisonQueueLengthNULLThe number of messages in the poison message queue. ActiveNonSmtpDeliveryQueueLengthNULLThe number of messages queued for delivery to a Non-SMTP transport. The value format is a 4-byte integer. RetryMailboxDeliveryQueueLengthNULLMeasures the number of messages currently in the retry mailbox delivery queue. Messages in this queue are in a retry state because an issue prevented their delivery. If the issue is transient, a subsequent attempt to send the message may be successful. A queue length < 200 can be considered as OK. MessagesCompletedDeliveryPerSecondNULLThis monitor is useful in assessing the efficiency and efficacy of the current design. They also provide insight into the interaction between different transport components, including the information store interface. It shows the number of messages that are delivered per second. RetryNonSmtpDeliveryQueueLengthNULLAssures the number of messages currently in the retry non-SMTP delivery queue. Messages in this queue are in a retry state because an issue prevented their delivery. If the issue is transient, a subsequent reattempt to send the message may be successful. A queue length < 200 can be considered as Ok. MessagesQueuedforDeliveryPerSecondNULLThis monitor is useful in assessing the efficiency and efficacy of the current design. They also provide insight into the interaction between different transport components, including the information store interface. It shows the number of messages that have been queued for delivery per second. ActiveMailboxDeliveryQueueLengthNULLThe number of messages queued for delivery to an active mailbox. The value format is a 4-byte integer.
    msexchange2016.submission.queue.lengthMSExchange2016 SubmissionQueueLengthNULLThe number of items in the submission queue when sample was taken.
    msexchange2016.messages.submitted.per.secondMSExchange2016 MessagesSubmittedPerSecondNULLThis monitor is useful in assessing the efficiency and efficacy of the current design. They also provide insight into the interaction between different transport components, including the information store interface. It shows the number of messages that have been queued in the Submission queue per second.
    msexchange2016.unreachable.queue.lengthMSExchange2016 UnreachableQueueLengthNULLThe number of messages in Unreachable Queue when sample was taken.

    Agent G2 - Microsoft Exchange 2016 DotNet v4 - Mailbox Servers (MBS)


    Monitors MSExchange MBS performance data using WMI classes



    Supported Metric

    Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
    Agent G2 - Microsoft Exchange 2016 DotNet v4 - Mailbox DirectoryAccessLDAPSearchesPersecNULLExchange responds to client requests and attempts to fulfill them as quickly and efficiently as possible. This monitor shows the current rate that the LDAP searches occur while processing requests for the client.
    msexchange2016.rpc.latency.average.msecMSExchange2016 RPCLatencyaveragemsecNULLRPC Latency average (msec) is the average latency in milliseconds of RPC requests. Average is calculated over all RPCs since exrpc32 was loaded.
    msexchange2016.rpc.operations.per.secMSExchange2016 RPCOperationsPersecNULLWhen you use Microsoft Office Outlook in MAPI mode, Outlook executes client operations as RPCs between the client and the server. This monitor indicates the current number of RPC operations that are occurring per second. Should closely correspond to historical baselines. Values much higher than expected indicate that the workload has changed, while values much lower than expected indicate a bottleneck preventing client requests from reaching the server.
    msexchange2016.rpc.averaged.latencyMSExchange2016 RPCAveragedLatencyNULLWhen you use Microsoft Office Outlook in MAPI mode, Outlook executes client operations as RPCs between the client and the server. This monitor indicates the RPC latency, in milliseconds, averaged for all operations in the last 1,024 packets. This value should not be higher than 25 ms on average. To determine if certain protocols are causing overall RPC latencies, monitor MSExchangeIS Client (*)RPC Average Latency to separate latencies based on client protocol. Cross-reference MSExchangeISRPC Client Backoff/sec to ensure higher latencies are not causing client throttling.
    msexchange2016.rpc.requestsMSExchange2016 RPCRequestsNULLRPC Operations/sec is the rate at which RPC operations occur.
    msexchange2016.rpc.requests.outstandingMSExchange2016 RPCRequestsoutstandingNULLRPC Requests outstanding is the current number of outstanding RPC requests.

    Agent G2 - Microsoft Exchange 2016 DotNet v4 - Mailbox Servers Replication (MBSR)


    Monitors MSExchange 2016 MBSR performance data using WMI classes



    Supported Metric

    Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
    Agent G2 - Microsoft Exchange 2016 DotNet v4 - Mailbox Servers Replicationmsexchange2016.replay.queue.lengthMSExchange2016 ReplayQueueLengthNULLThis monitor indicate issues involving the replication engine and replication partners. These issues can be local or remote. This monitor shows the number of transaction log files waiting to be replayed into the passive copy. It indicates the current replay queue length. Higher values cause longer store mount times when a handoff, failover, or activation is performed.
    msexchange2016.copy.queue.lengthMSExchange2016 CopyQueueLengthNULLThis monitor indicate issues involving the replication engine and replication partners. These issues can be local or remote. This monitor shows the number of transaction log files waiting to be copied to the passive copy log file folder. A copy is not considered complete until it has been checked for corruption. This value should be less than 10 at all times for Continuous Cluster Replication(CCR). It should be less than 1 at all times for local continuous replication (LCR).

    Agent G2 - Microsoft Exchange 2016 DotNet v4 - Unified Messaging Servers (UMS)


    Monitors MSExchange UMS performance data using WMI classes



    Supported Metric

    Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
    Agent G2 - Microsoft Exchange 2016 DotNet v4 - Unified Messaging CallsDisconnectedbyCallersDuringUMAudioHourglassNULLShows the number of calls during which the caller disconnected while Unified Messaging was playing the audio hourglass tones. This value should be 0 at all times. A non-zero value suggests excessive latency between a Unified Messaging server and targeted domain controller.
    msexchange2016.operations.over.six.secondsMSExchange2016 OperationsoverSixSecondsNULLShows the number of all Unified Messaging operations that took more than six seconds to complete. This is the time during which a caller was waiting for Unified Messaging to respond.

    Agent G2 - Microsoft Exchange AD Access DC DotNet v4


    Monitor Microsoft Exchange AD Access DC performance counters



    Supported Metric

    Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
    Agent G2 - Microsoft Exchange AD Access DC DotNet v4LDAPSearchTimeLDAPSearchTimeMillisecondsShows the time (in ms) to send an LDAP search request and receive a response. Should be below 50 ms on average. Spikes (maximum values) shouldn't be higher than 100 ms.

    Agent G2 - Microsoft Exchange DAG DB Performance Counters - WMI DotNet v4


    This Templates provide metric details for Hub, Transport, Delivery failures and connections, SMTP messages sent per second.



    Supported Metric

    Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
    Agent G2 - Microsoft Exchange DAG DB Performance Counters - WMI DotNet v4transportsmtpreceive.connectionscreatedpersecMSExchange TransportSMTPReceive ConnectionsCreatedPerSecondNULLNumber of new connections to the SMTP server that are established each second.
    replication.copyqueuelengthMSExchange ReplicationCopyQueueLength DAGNULLNumber of transaction log files waiting to be copied to the passive copy log file folder. A copy isn't considered complete until it has been checked for corruption.
    transportsmtpreceive.messagebytesreceivedpersecMSExchange TransportSMTPReceive MessageBytesReceivedPerSecondNULLNumber of bytes received in messages per second.
    deliverysmtpsend.connectionfailuresMSExchange TransportSMTPSend ConnectionFailuresNULLNumber of connection failures encountered by the SMTPSend connector.
    proxyhubselector.hubselectionroutingfailuresMSExchange ProxyHubSelector HubSelectionRoutingFailuresNULLNumber of messages that failed to be routed.
    transportsmtpavailability.failuresduetomaximumlocalloopcountMSExchange TransportSMPTAvailability FailuresDueToMaximumLocalLoopCountNULLTotal number of message delivery failures due to reaching maximum local loop count.
    frontendtransportsmtpblindproxy.totalproxyuserlookupfailuresMSExchange FrontEndTransportSMTPBlindProxy TotalProxyUserLookupFailuresNULLTotal number of user lookup failures (during the sliding time window) while trying to set up a proxy session.
    deliverystoredriver.inboundlocaldeliverycallspersecondMSExchange DeliveryStoreDriver InboundLocalDeliveryCallsPerSecondNULLNumber of local delivery calls per second.
    transportsmtpavailability.percentfailuresduetobackpressureMSExchange TransportSMPTAvailability PercentFailuresDueToBackPressure%Failure percentage of legitimate connections in the sliding window due to back pressure.
    replication.replayqueuelengthMSExchange ReplicationReplayQueueLength DAGNULLNumber of transaction log files waiting to be replayed into the passive copy.
    frontendtransportproxyroutingagent.messagesfailedtorouteMSExchange FrontEndTransportProxyRoutingAgent MessagesFailedToRouteNULLTotal number of messages failed to be routed.
    transportsmtpsend.messagesbytessentpersecMSExchange TransportSMTPSend MessageBytesSentPerSecondNULLNumber of bytes sent per second.
    deliverystoredriver.inboundmessagedeliveryattemptspersecondMSExchange DeliveryStoreDriver InboundMessageDeliveryAttemptsPerSecondNULLNumber of attempts that are made per second to deliver a message.
    deliverysmtpsend.protocolerrorsMSExchange TransportSMTPSend Protocol ErrorsNULLNumber of protocol errors encountered by the SMTPSend connector.
    frontendtransportsmtpblindproxy.totalproxyconnectionfailuresMSExchange FrontEndTransportSMTPBlindProxy TotalProxyConnectionFailuresNULLTotal number of connection failures (during the sliding time window) while trying to set up a proxy session.
    proxyhubselector.hubselectionorganizationmailboxfailuresMSExchange ProxyHubSelector HubSelectionOrganizationMailboxFailuresNULLNumber of messages that encountered organization mailbox lookup errors in Hub selection.
    ws.totalnumberofbytesproxiedMSExchange WS TotalBytesProxiedNULLTotal number of bytes proxied (after proxy session is set up.
    frontendtransportsmtpblindproxy.totalproxydnslookupfailuresMSExchange FrontEndTransportSMTPBlindProxy TotalProxyDNSLookupFailuresNULLTotal number of dns lookup failures (during the sliding time window) while trying to set up a proxy session.
    deliverysmtpavailability.percentfailuresduetomaxinboundconnectionlimitMSExchange DeliverySMTPAvailability PercentFailuresDueToMaxInboundConnectionLimit%Failure percentage of legitimate connections in the sliding window due to MaxInboundConnectionLimit.
    frontendtransportsmtpblindproxy.percentageproxysetupfailuresMSExchange FrontEndTransportSMTPBlindProxy PercentageProxySetupFailures%Percentage of sessions (during the sliding time window) that could not be proxied due to failures.
    deliverystoredriver.inboundrecipientsdeliveredpersecondMSExchange DeliveryStoreDriver InboundRecipientsDeliveredPerSecondNULLNumber of recipients to whom the message was delivered per second.
    transportsmtpsend.dnserrorsMSExchange TransportSMTPSend DNSErrorsNULLNumber of DNS errors encountered by the SMTPSend connector.
    frontendtransportsmtpavailability.percentfailuresduetowliddownMSExchange FrontEndTransportSMPTAvailability PercentFailuresDueToWLIDDown%Failure percentage of legitimate connections in the sliding window due to WLID down.
    proxyhubselector.hubselectionresolverfailuresMSExchange ProxyHubSelector HubSelectionResolverFailuresNULLNumber of messages that encountered recipient AD lookup errors in Hub selection.

    Agent G2 - Microsoft Exchange Server 2003 DotNet v4


    Template for Exchange 2003 performance counters.



    Supported Metric

    Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
    Agent G2 - Microsoft Exchange Server 2003 DotNet v4SendQueueSizePublicFolderSendQueueSizePublicFolderNULLNumber of messages in a public folders send queue. The value should be less than 500.
    WorkQueueLengthWorkQueueLengthNULLThe maximum number of recipients permitted in the MTA inbound and outbound queues for the information store, the Directory, and any connectors.
    TotalRecipientsQueuedTotalRecipientsQueuedNULLWork Queue Length is the number of outstanding messages in the Work Queue, which indicates the number of messages not yet processed to completion by the MTA.
    ClientLogonsPublicFolderClientLogonsPublicFolderNULLClient Logons is the number of clients (including system processes) currently logged on.
    SendQueueSizeMailboxSendQueueSizeMailboxNULLIndicates the number of messages in the mailbox store's send queue.
    ReceiveQueueSizeMailBoxReceiveQueueSizeMailBoxNULLMaximum allowed number of messages in the mailbox receive queue.
    ClientLogonsMailBoxClientLogonsMailBoxNULLThe number of client logons (including system processes). The average number of logons per client depends on the type and version of the client.
    AverageDeliveryTimeMailBoxAverageDeliveryTimeMailBoxMillisecondsAverage Delivery Time is the average time in milliseconds between the submission of a message to the mailbox store and the delivery to all local recipients (recipients on the same server) for the last 10 messages.
    ReceiveQueueSizePublicFolderReceiveQueueSizePublicFolderNULLIndicates the number of public folder replication messages waiting to be processed.
    ActiveClientLogonsMailBoxActiveClientLogonsMailBoxNULLThe number of logons that have been active within the last ten minute time interval.
    AverageDeliveryTimePublicFolderAverageDeliveryTimePublicFolderMillisecondsAverage Delivery Time is the average time in milliseconds between the submission of a message to the public store and the delivery to all local recipients (recipients on the same server) for the last 10 messages.

    Agent G2 - Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 DotNet v4


    Template for Exchange 2007 performance counters.



    Supported Metric

    Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
    Agent G2 - Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 DotNet v4HubServersInRetryMailSubHubServersInRetryMailSubNULLHub Servers In Retry is the number of hub servers in retry.
    MessagesDeliveredPersecMailBoxMessagesDeliveredPersecMailBoxNULLMessages Delivered/sec is the rate that messages are delivered to all recipients.
    AverageResponseTimeOWAAverageResponseTimeOWANULLAverage Response Time is the average time (in milliseconds) that elapsed between the beginning and end of an OEH or ASPX request.
    LDAPSearchTimeLDAPSearchTimeMillisecondsShows the time (in ms) to send an LDAP search request and receive a response. Should be below 50 ms on average. Spikes (maximum values) shouldn't be higher than 100 ms.
    CopyQueueLengthReplCopyQueueLengthReplNULLCopy Queue Length is the number of log generations waiting to be both copied and inspected successfully.
    RPCLatencyaveragemsecSIRPCLatencyaveragemsecSINULLRPC Latency average (msec) is the average latency in milliseconds of RPC requests. Average is calculated over all RPCs since exrpc32 was loaded.
    MessagesSentPersecMailBoxMessagesSentPersecMailBoxNULLMessages Sent/sec is the rate that messages are sent to the transport.
    LDAPSearchesTimedOutLDAPSearchesTimedOutNULLLDAP Searches timed out per minute is the number of LDAP searches returned LDAP_TIMEOUT during the last minute.
    RPCNumofSlowPacketsRPCNumofSlowPacketsNULLWhen you use Microsoft Office Outlook in MAPI mode, Outlook executes client operations as RPCs between the client and the server. This monitor indicates the number of RPC packets in the past 1,024 packets that have latencies longer than 2 seconds. This value should be less than 1 on average, and should be less than 3 at all times.
    PollingDelayPollingDelaySecondsPolling delay is the latency between when the most recent Mapi Event was polled and when the event was created in seconds.
    FailedSubmissionsPerSecondMailSubFailedSubmissionsPerSecondMailSubNULLFailed Submissions Per Second
    ReceiveQueueSizeMailBoxReceiveQueueSizeMailBoxNULLMaximum allowed number of messages in the mailbox receive queue.
    ClientLatency10secRPCsClientLatency10secRPCsMillisecondsShows a server RPC latency, in ms, averaged for the past 1,024 packets for a particular client protocol. Should be less than 50 ms on average for each client.
    VersionbucketsallocatedVersionbucketsallocatedNULLIt provides the total number of version buckets allocated.
    RPCRequestsRPCRequestsNULLRPC Operations/sec is the rate at which RPC operations occur.
    MessageRecipientsDeliveredPersecMailBoxMessageRecipientsDeliveredPersecMailBoxNULLShows the rate at which messages are delivered to all recipients. Indicates current message delivery rate to the store.
    ReceiveQueueSizePublicFolderReceiveQueueSizePublicFolderNULLIndicates the number of public folder replication messages waiting to be processed.
    AverageSearchTimeOWAAverageSearchTimeOWANULLAverage Search Time is the average time that elapsed while waiting for a search to complete.
    IODatabaseReadsPersecIODatabaseReadsPersecNULLI/O Database Reads/sec is the rate of database read operations completed.
    SendQueueSizeMailboxSendQueueSizeMailboxNULLIndicates the number of messages in the mailbox store's send queue.
    ActiveClientLogonsPublicFolderActiveClientLogonsPublicFolderNULLActive Client Logons is the number of clients that performed any action within the last ten minute time interval.
    AverageDeliveryTimePublicFolderAverageDeliveryTimePublicFolderMillisecondsAverage Delivery Time is the average time in miliseconds between the submission of a message to the public store and the delivery to all local recipients (recipients on the same server) for the last 10 messages.
    IODatabaseWritesPersecIODatabaseWritesPersecNULLI/O Database Writes/sec is the rate of database write operations completed.
    ActiveClientLogonsMailBoxActiveClientLogonsMailBoxNULLThe number of logons that have been active within the last ten minute time interval.
    RPCLatencyaveragemsecRPCLatencyaveragemsecNULLExchange communicates with Hub Transport servers via RPC. This counter is useful in isolating and determining issues involving the interface between the Microsoft Exchange Information Store service on the Mailbox server and Hub Transport servers. This monitor shows the average latency, in milliseconds, of RPC requests. The average is calculated over all RPCs since exrpc32 was loaded. The value should be less than 100 ms at all times.
    RPCAverageLatencyISClientRPCAverageLatencyISClientNULLRPC Average Latency is a server RPC latency in milliseconds averaged for the past 1024 packets.
    LogGenerationCheckpointDepthLogGenerationCheckpointDepthNULLLog Generation Checkpoint Depth represents the amount of work, in count of log files, that will need to be redone or undone to the database file(s) if the process crashes.
    AverageDeliveryTimeMailBoxAverageDeliveryTimeMailBoxMillisecondsAverage Delivery Time is the average time in miliseconds between the submission of a message to the mailbox store and the delivery to all local recipients (recipients on the same server) for the last 10 messages.
    ClientLogonsMailBoxClientLogonsMailBoxNULLThe number of client logons (including system processes). The average number of logons per client depends on the type and version of the client.
    MessageRecipientsDeliveredPersecPublicFolderMessageRecipientsDeliveredPersecPublicFolderNULLMessage Recipients Delivered/sec is the rate that recipients receive messages.
    ReplayQueueLengthReplReplayQueueLengthReplNULLReplay Queue Length is the number of log generations waiting to be replayed.
    LogBytesWritePersecLogBytesWritePersecBytes per secondLog Bytes Write per second is the rate bytes are written to the log.
    MessagesQueuedForSubmissionMailBoxMessagesQueuedForSubmissionMailBoxNULLMessages Queued For Submission is the current number of submitted messages which are not yet processed by transport.
    AverageTimetoProcessaFreeBusyRequestAverageTimetoProcessaFreeBusyRequestNULLAverage Time to Process a Free Busy Request is the average time to process a free busy request in seconds. One request may contain multiple mailboxes. Free busy responses do not have meeting suggestions
    LongRunningLDAPOperationsLongRunningLDAPOperationsNULLShows the number of LDAP operations on this domain controller that took longer than the specified threshold per minute. (Default threshold is 15 seconds.). Should be less than 50 at all times.
    ClientLogonsPublicFolderClientLogonsPublicFolderNULLClient Logons is the number of clients (including system processes) currently logged on.
    MessagesQueuedForSubmissionPublicFolderMessagesQueuedForSubmissionPublicFolderNULLMessages Queued For Submission is the current number of submitted messages which are not yet processed by transport.
    ClientRPCsSuccededClientRPCsSuccededNULLThe client-reported total number of successful RPCs (since the store was started).
    PercentageofFailedEventDispatchersPercentageofFailedEventDispatchers%It is the percentage of Event Dispatchers that are in failure mode.
    MessagesSentPersecPublicFolderMessagesSentPersecPublicFolderNULLMessages Sent/sec is the rate that messages are sent to the transport.
    SendQueueSizePublicFolderSendQueueSizePublicFolderNULLNumber of messages in a public folders send queue. The value should be less than 500.

    Agent G2 - Microsoft Hyper-V Memory Performance Counters DotNet v4


    Monitors HyperV Memory Performance Counters



    Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
    Agent G2 - Microsoft Hyper-V Memory Performance Counters DotNet v4Memory_HypervisorRootPartitionVirtualProcessorsMemory_HypervisorRootPartitionVirtualProcessorsNULLThe number of virtual processors that exist in the partition.
    Memory_HypervisorRootPartitionDepositedPagesMemory_HypervisorRootPartitionDepositedPagesNULLThis monitor returns the number of pages deposited into the partition. It shows how much memory the hypervisor is using for managing the system.
    Memory_HypervisorPartitionDepositedPagesMemory_HypervisorPartitionDepositedPagesNULLFor each partition, the hypervisor maintains a memory pool of RAM System physical address (SPA) pages. Pages can be deposited into or withdrawn from the pool. This monitor returns the number of pages deposited into the partition. It shows how much memory the hypervisor is using for managing the VM.
    Memory_availablebytesMemory_availablebytesNULLThe current amount of memory (in MB) that is available on the balancer node.
    Memory_RemotePhysicalPagesMemory_RemotePhysicalPagesNULLThe Virtual Interface Driver (VID) counters account for the guest address space and any additional memory the VID needs to manage the virtual machine. The number of physical pages that are not allocated from the preferred Non-Uniform Memory Access (NUMA) node. This counter lets you know on NUMA based systems if a VM is spanning multiple nodes.
    Memory_PhysicalPagesAllocatedMemory_PhysicalPagesAllocatedNULLThe Virtual Interface Driver (VID) counters account for the guest address space and any additional memory the VID needs to manage the virtual machine. This counter is the total number of guest pages and VID pages needed to manage the VM.
    Memory_averagepressureMemory_averagepressureNULLThe average pressure on the balancer node. This privides a view of the overall memory allocation of your system. A virtual machine with a pressure of 100 has exactly the amount of memory that it needs (this is equivalent to a memory availability of 0%). If the virtual machine pressure goes over 100,it now has less memory than it needs (equivalent to a negative memory availability) and if the virtual machine pressure is under 100 then the virtual machine has more memory than it needs. Ideally this value should be at 80 or lower. The closer this gets to 100, the closer you are to running out of memory. Once this number goes over 100 it indicates that there are virtual machines that are paging in the guest operating system.
    Memory_HypervisorRootPartitionValue2MGPApagesMemory_HypervisorRootPartitionValue2MGPApagesNULLThis monitor returns the number of 2M pages present in the Guest physical addresse GPA space of the partition. This counter indicates whether or not a VM is using large memory pages which improves overall VM performance.
    Memory_HypervisorPartitionValue2MGPApagesMemory_HypervisorPartitionValue2MGPApagesNULLThis monitor returns the number of 2M pages present in the Guest physical addresse GPA space of the partition. This counter indicates whether or not a VM is using large memory pages which improves overall VM performance.
    Memory_PagesPerSecondMemory_PagesPerSecondNULLThis performance monitor counter measures the rate at which pages are read from or written to disk to resolve hard page faults. To resolve hard page faults, the operating system must swap the contents of memory to disk, which negatively impacts performance. A high number of pages per second in correlation with low available physical memory may indicate a lack of physical memory. A value lesser than 500 is considered healthy.
    Memory_HypervisorPartitionVirtualProcessorsMemory_HypervisorPartitionVirtualProcessorsNULLThis monitor returns the number of virtual processors presented in the partition and configured to use by the VM.

    Agent G2 - Microsoft Hyper-V Network Performance Counters DotNet v4


    Monitors BytesPersec, BytesDropped, BytesSentPersec, BytesReceivedPersec



    Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
    Agent G2 - Microsoft Hyper-V Network Performance Counters DotNet v4Network_LegacyNetworkAdapterBytesDroppedNetwork_LegacyNetworkAdapterBytesDroppedNULLThe Hyper-V Legacy Network Adapter counters represents the ethernet controller of the virtual machine. The number of bytes that are dropped on the network adapter.
    Network_LegacyNetworkAdapterBytesSentPerSecNetwork_LegacyNetworkAdapterBytesSentPerSecNULLThe Hyper-V Legacy Network Adapter counters represents the ethernet controller of the virtual machine. The number of bytes that are sent per second on the network adapter.
    Network_VirtualNetworkAdapterBytesPerSecNetwork_VirtualNetworkAdapterBytesPerSecNULLThe total number of bytes that traversed the network adapter per second.
    Network_VirtualSwitchBytesPersecNetwork_VirtualSwitchBytesPersecNULLThe Hyper-V Virtual Switch counters represents the statistics for the Hyper-V virtual switch. This counter represents the total number of bytes per second traversing the virtual switch.
    Network_LegacyNetworkAdapterBytesReceivedPerSecNetwork_LegacyNetworkAdapterBytesReceivedPerSecNULLThe Hyper-V Legacy Network Adapter counters represents the ethernet controller of the virtual machine. The number of bytes that are received per second on the network adapter.

    Agent G2 - Microsoft Hyper-V OverallHealth Performance Counters DotNet v4


    Monitors VMHealthSummary, Hypervisor_NumberOfLogicalProcessors, Hypervisor_NumberOfVirtualMachines, Hypervisor_NumberOfVirtualProcessors, Hypervisor_TotalPages



    Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
    Agent G2 - Microsoft Hyper-V OverallHealth Performance Counters DotNet v4VMHealthSummaryVMHealthSummaryNULLHealth Critical - The number of virtual machines that display the state as critical. If Critical it means some resource (most likely disk) has been exhausted or other unrecoverable error has occurred. Health OK- The number of virtual machines that display the state as OK.
    Hypervisor_TotalPagesHypervisor_TotalPagesNULLThis monitor returns the number of bootstrap and deposited pages in the hypervisor. The Hypervisor needs memory in order to keep track of Virtual Processors, Guest Virtual address to System Physical Address translation entries in the virtual TLB, and so on. The total pages keep track of the total amount of memory the Hypervisor is using for management or partitions. A page is 4 KBytes.
    Hypervisor_NumberOfLogicalProcessorsHypervisor_NumberOfLogicalProcessorsNULLThe number of Logical Processors the system recognizes. The logical processors (LP) are important because they are where all the work is done. They are a representation of the physical processor.
    Hypervisor_NumberOfVirtualMachinesHypervisor_NumberOfVirtualMachinesNULLThis monitor returns the number of virtual machines, or partitions, present in the system. Each virtual machine on the system is run in a container called a partition. If you have no VMs running, this value will be set to 1 because the host OS, called the root in Hyper-V, is also running in a partition. So if you have 2 guest VMs running this value will be 3. +1 for each guest and +1 for the root.
    Hypervisor_NumberOfVirtualProcessorsHypervisor_NumberOfVirtualProcessorsNULLThe virtual processors (VPs) provides details about the guests and also if the system is overloaded.

    Agent G2 - Microsoft Hyper-V Storage Performance Counters DotNet v4


    Monitors Storage_VirtualIDEControllerReadBytesPerSec, Storage_VirtualIDEControllerWriteBytesPerSec, Storage_VirtualStorageDeviceReadBytesPerSec, Storage_VirtualStorageDeviceWriteBytesPerSec, Storage_FlushCount, Storage_ErrorCount



    Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
    Agent G2 - Microsoft Hyper-V Storage Performance Counters DotNet v4Storage_VirtualStorageDeviceWriteBytesPerSecStorage_VirtualStorageDeviceWriteBytesPerSecNULLHyper-V provides two virtual storage buses for virtual machines. One is IDE and the other is SCSI. The Hyper-V virtual storage device gives details for virtual storage read and write. The total number of write operations that occurred on the virtual storage device since the virtual machine was started.
    Storage_ErrorCountStorage_ErrorCountNULLThe number of errors that occurred on the virtual storage device. The Error count should always be zero for the virtual storage device.
    Storage_FlushCountStorage_FlushCountNULLThe number of flush operations that occurred on the virtual storage device.
    Storage_VirtualIDEControllerWriteBytesPerSecStorage_VirtualIDEControllerWriteBytesPerSecNULLHyper-V provides two virtual storage buses for virtual machines. One is IDE and the other is SCSI. The Hyper-V virtual IDE controller gives details on disk rates and commands. The number of bytes written per second to the disks that are attached to the IDE controller.
    Storage_VirtualIDEControllerReadBytesPerSecStorage_VirtualIDEControllerReadBytesPerSecNULLHyper-V provides two virtual storage buses for virtual machines. One is IDE and the other is SCSI. The Hyper-V virtual IDE controller gives details on disk rates and commands. The number of bytes read per second from the disks that are attached to the Integrated Drive Electronics (IDE) controller.
    Storage_VirtualStorageDeviceReadBytesPerSecStorage_VirtualStorageDeviceReadBytesPerSecNULLHyper-V provides two virtual storage buses for virtual machines. One is IDE and the other is SCSI. The Hyper-V virtual storage device gives details for virtual storage read and write. The total number of bytes that are currently read per second on the virtual storage device.

    Agent G2 - Microsoft IIS DotNet v4 - Performance Counters Extended


    Monitors Microsoft IIS Performance Counters using WMI classes



    Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
    Agent G2 - Microsoft IIS DotNet v4 - Performance Counters Extendedwebservicecache.output.cache.current.hits.percentWebServiceCache Output Cache Current Hits PercentNULLOutput Cache current hit ratio. Calculated as (H)/(H+M) where H and M represent Hits and Misses in previous sample interval respectively.
    webservicecache.current.file.cache.memory.usageWebServiceCache Current File Cache Memory UsageNULLCurrent number of bytes used for the user-mode file cache.
    webservicecache.metadata.cache.hits.percentWebServiceCache Metadata Cache Hits PercentNULLThe ratio of user-mode metadata cache hits to total cache requests (since service startup).
    webservicecache.kernel.uri.cache.hits.percentWebServiceCache Kernel URI Cache Hits PercentNULLThe ratio of kernel URI cache hits to total cache requests (since service startup).
    webservicecache.output.cache.current.memory.usageWebServiceCache Output Cache Current Memory UsageNULLCurrent memory usage by output cache.
    webservicecache.file.cache.hits.percentWebServiceCache File Cache Hits PercentNULLThe ratio of user-mode file cache hits to total cache requests (since service startup). Total Method Requests Per secNULLShows the rate HTTP requests are received.

    Agent G2 - Microsoft IIS Monitoring - v3


    Monitors various IIS metrics including webservice cache metrics, App Pool State, App Pool Usage, App Pool Worker Processes Elapsed Time, App Pool Worker Processes Lag count, Current Connections, Total Locked Errors, Request Wait Time, Logon Attempts per sec, Request Queued etc.. In this version 3 template added additonal metric support microsoft_iis_webservice_OtherRequestMethodsPersec


    This template requires Agent version 14.0.0 or later.

    Supported Metric

    Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
    Agent G2 - Microsoft Windows ASPNET Performance Counters - v2microsoft_windows_ASPNETAppsv2050727_RequestsPersecMicrosoft Windows ASPNETAppsv2050727 RequestsPerseccountThe number of requests executed per second.
    microsoft_windows_ASPNETApplications_CacheTotalHitRatioMicrosoft Windows ASPNETApplications CacheTotalHitRationullRatio of hits from all cache calls.
    microsoft_windows_ASPNET_ApplicationRestartsMicrosoft Windows ASPNET ApplicationRestartscountNumber of times the application has been restarted during the web server's lifetime.
    microsoft_windows_ASPNET_WorkerProcessRestartsMicrosoft Windows ASPNET WorkerProcessRestartscountNumber of times a worker process has restarted on the machine
    microsoft_windows_ASPNET_RequestsCurrentMicrosoft windows ASPNET RequestsCurrentcountThe current number of requests, including those that are queued, currently executing, or waiting to be written to the client. Under the ASP.NET process model, when this counter exceeds the requestQueueLimit defined in the processModel configuration section, ASP.NET will begin rejecting requests.
    microsoft_windows_ASPNET_RequestWaitTimeMicrosoft Windows ASPNET RequestWaitTimemsThe number of milliseconds the most recent request was waiting in the queue.

    Agent G2 - Microsoft IIS Monitoring - v2


    Monitors IIS counters


    Requires Agent version 14.0.0 or later.

    Supported Metric

    Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
    Agent G2 - Microsoft IIS Custom Monitormicrosoft.iis.webservicecache.output.cache.current.memory.usageMicrosoft IIS WebServiceCache Output Cache Current Memory UsagenullCurrent memory usage by output cache.
    microsoft.iis.webservicecache.current.file.cache.memory.usageMicrosoft IIS WebServiceCache Current File Cache Memory UsageBytesCurrent number of bytes used for the user-mode file cache.
    microsoft.iis.notfounderrorspersecMicrosoft IIS Not Found Errors Per SecnullThe rate of errors due to requests that couldn't be satisfied by the server because the requested document could not be found. These are generally reported as an HTTP 404 error code to the client.
    microsoft.iis.currentconnectionsMicrosoft IIS Current ConnectionscountCurrent Connections is the current number of connections established with the Web service.
    microsoft.iis.totallockederrorsMicrosoft IIS Total Locked ErrorscountTotal Locked Errors is the number of requests that couldn't be satisfied by the server because the requested was locked (since service startup). These are generally reported as an HTTP 423 error code to the client
    microsoft.iis.webservicecache.metadata.cache.hits.percentMicrosoft IIS WebServiceCache Metadata Cache Hits PercentnullThe ratio of user-mode metadata cache hits to total cache requests (since service startup).
    microsoft.iis.requestwaittime.aspnetMicrosoft IIS Request Wait Time ASPNETmsThe number of milliseconds the most recent request was waiting in the queue.
    microsoft.iis.logonattemptspersecMicrosoft IIS Logon Attempts Per SecnullThe rate that logons to the Web service are being attempted.
    microsoft.iis.requestsnotfound.aspMicrosoft IIS Requests Not Found ASPcountThe number of requests for files that were no found.
    microsoft.iis.requestwaittime.aspMicrosoft IIS Request Wait Time ASPmsThe number of milliseconds the most recent request was waiting in the queue. IIS Total Method Requests Per SecnullRate at which all HTTP requests are made per second.
    microsoft.iis.webservicecache.kernel.uri.cache.hits.percentMicrosoft IIS WebServiceCache Kernel URI Cache Hits PercentnullThe ratio of kernel URI cache hits to total cache requests (since service startup).
    microsoft.iis.application.pool.stateMicrosoft IIS Application Pool StatenullThe current status of the application pool (1 - Uninitialized, 2 - Initialized, 3 - Running, 4 - Disabling, 5 - Disabled, 6 - Shutdown Pending, 7 - Delete Pending)
    microsoft.iis.requestsqueued.aspnetMicrosoft IIS Requests Queued ASPNETcountThe number of requests waiting to be processed.
    microsoft.iis.totalnotfounderrorsMicrosoft IIS Total Not Found ErrorscountTotal Not Found Errors is the number of requests that couldn't be satisfied by the server because the requested document could not be found (since service startup). These are generally reported as an HTTP 404 error code to the client.
    microsoft.iis.totalconnectionattemptsallinstancesMicrosoft IIS Total Connection Attempts all InstancescountTotal Connection Attempts is the number of connections that have been attempted using the Web service (since service startup). This counter is for all instances listed.
    microsoft.iis.lockederrorspersecMicrosoft IIS Locked Errors Per SecnullThe rate of errors due to requests that couldn't be satisfied by the server because the requested document was locked. These are generally reported as an HTTP 423 error code to the client.
    microsoft.iis.connectionattemptspersecMicrosoft IIS Connection Attempts Per SecnullThe rate that connections to the Web service are being attempted.
    microsoft.iis.webservicecache.output.cache.current.hits.percentMicrosoft IIS WebServiceCache Output Cache Current Hits PercentnullOutput Cache current hit ratio. Calculated as (H)/(H+M) where H and M represent Hits and Misses in previous sample interval respectively.
    microsoft.iis.requestsqueued.aspMicrosoft IIS Requests Queued ASPcountThe number of requests waiting for service from the queue.
    microsoft.iis.webservicecache.file.cache.hits.percentMicrosoft IIS WebServiceCache File Cache Hits PercentnullThe ratio of user-mode file cache hits to total cache requests (since service startup).
    Agent G2 - Microsoft IIS AppPool CPU Usage and Worker Processesmicrosoft_iis_appPool_CPUUsageMicrosoft IIS AppPool CPUUsage%Monitors Microsoft IIS Application Pool CPU Usage in percentage.
    microsoft_iis_appPool_workerProcesses_requestsElapsedTimeMicrosoft IIS AppPool WorkerProcesses RequestsElapsedTimemMonitors Microsoft IIS Application Pool Worker Processes requests elapsed time (in minutes) for each request being handled by IIS, identified the metric name by a combination of request ID and URL. As request processes are created dynamically, we did not enable the graph for this metric.
    microsoft_iis_appPool_workerProcesses_requestsLagCountMicrosoft IIS AppPool WorkerProcesses RequestsLagCountcountMonitors Microsoft IIS Application Pool Worker Processes Lag Count. This metric provides data if there is a lag in the worker process. If no data is available, it indicates that the metric microsoft_iis_appPool_workerProcesses_requestsElapsedTime has no data.

    Agent G2 - Microsoft IIS Monitoring


    Agent G2 - Microsoft IIS Monitoring


    No prerequisite

    Supported Metric

    Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
    Agent G2 - Microsoft IIS Custom Monitormicrosoft.iis.application.pool.stateMicrosoft IIS Application Pool StateThe current status of the application pool (1 - Uninitialized, 2 - Initialized, 3 - Running, 4 - Disabling, 5 - Disabled, 6 - Shutdown Pending, 7 - Delete Pending)
    microsoft.iis.connectionattemptspersecMicrosoft IIS Connection Attempts Per SecNULLThe rate that connections to the Web service are being attempted.
    microsoft.iis.currentconnectionsMicrosoft IIS Current ConnectionscountCurrent Connections is the current number of connections established with the Web service.
    microsoft.iis.lockederrorspersecMicrosoft IIS Locked Errors Per SecNULLThe rate of errors due to requests that couldn't be satisfied by the server because the requested document was locked. These are generally reported as an HTTP 423 error code to the client.
    microsoft.iis.logonattemptspersecMicrosoft IIS Logon Attempts Per SecNULLThe rate that logons to the Web service are being attempted.
    microsoft.iis.notfounderrorspersecMicrosoft IIS Not Found Errors Per SecNULLThe rate of errors due to requests that couldn't be satisfied by the server because the requested document could not be found. These are generally reported as an HTTP 404 error code to the client.
    microsoft.iis.requestsnotfound.aspMicrosoft IIS Requests Not Found ASPcountThe number of requests for files that were not found.
    microsoft.iis.requestsqueued.aspMicrosoft IIS Requests Queued ASPcountThe number of requests waiting for service from the queue.
    microsoft.iis.requestsqueued.aspnetMicrosoft IIS Requests Queued ASPNETcountThe number of requests waiting to be processed.
    microsoft.iis.requestwaittime.aspMicrosoft IIS Request Wait Time ASPmsThe number of milliseconds the most recent request was waiting in the queue.
    microsoft.iis.requestwaittime.aspnetMicrosoft IIS Request Wait Time ASPNETmsThe number of milliseconds the most recent request was waiting in the queue.
    microsoft.iis.totalconnectionattemptsallinstancesMicrosoft IIS Total Connection Attempts all InstancescountTotal Connection Attempts is the number of connections that have been attempted using the Web service (since service startup). This counter is for all instances listed.
    microsoft.iis.totallockederrorsMicrosoft IIS Total Locked ErrorscountTotal Locked Errors is the number of requests that couldn't be satisfied by the server because the requested was locked (since service startup). These are generally reported as an HTTP 423 error code to the client.
    microsoft.iis.totalnotfounderrorsMicrosoft IIS Total Not Found ErrorscountTotal Not Found Errors is the number of requests that couldn't be satisfied by the server because the requested document could not be found (since service startup). These are generally reported as an HTTP 404 error code to the client. IIS Total Method Requests Per SecNULLRate at which all HTTP requests are made per second.
    microsoft.iis.webservicecache.current.file.cache.memory.usageMicrosoft IIS WebServiceCache Current File Cache Memory UsageBytesCurrent number of bytes used for the user-mode file cache.
    microsoft.iis.webservicecache.file.cache.hits.percentMicrosoft IIS WebServiceCache File Cache Hits PercentNULLThe ratio of user-mode file cache hits to total cache requests (since service startup).
    microsoft.iis.webservicecache.kernel.uri.cache.hits.percentMicrosoft IIS WebServiceCache Kernel URI Cache Hits PercentNULLThe ratio of kernel URI cache hits to total cache requests (since service startup).
    microsoft.iis.webservicecache.metadata.cache.hits.percentMicrosoft IIS WebServiceCache Metadata Cache Hits PercentNULLThe ratio of user-mode metadata cache hits to total cache requests (since service startup).
    microsoft.iis.webservicecache.output.cache.current.hits.percentMicrosoft IIS WebServiceCache Output Cache Current Hits PercentNULLOutput Cache current hit ratio. Calculated as (H)/(H+M) where H and M represent Hits and Misses in the previous sample interval respectively.
    microsoft.iis.webservicecache.output.cache.current.memory.usageMicrosoft IIS WebServiceCache Output Cache Current Memory UsageNULLCurrent memory usage by output cache.

    Agent G2 - Microsoft Lync 2013 DotNet v4 - Edge Servers


    Monitors MSLync 2013 Edge Servers performance data using WMI Classes



    Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
    Agent G2 - Microsoft Lync 2013 DotNet v4 - Edge Number of packets dropped by Secure RTP Per secNULLNumber of packets dropped in Secure RTP module per sec
    sipeps.numberofdns.resolutionfailures.persecondSipEps Number Of DNS Resolution Failures Per SecondNULLPer second rate of DNS resolution failures Number of occasions conference processing is delayed significantlyNULLNumber of occasions conference processing is delayed
    sipeps.failed.incomingmessages.persecSipEps Failed Incoming Messages Per secNULLThe per-second rate of Failed Incoming Messages
    sipeps.incoming.500.internalservererror.responsespersecSipEps Incoming 500 Internal Server Error Responses Per secNULLThe per-second rate of Incoming 500(Internal Server Error) Responses
    sipeps.numberofdns.resolution.failuresSipEps Number Of DNS Resolution FailuresNULLThe total number of DNS resolution failures
    sipeps.disconnections.persecSipEps Disconnections Per secNULLThe per-second rate of Disconnections
    sipeps.incoming.503.serviceunavailableresponsesSipEps Incoming 503 Service Unavailable ResponsesNULLThe total number of Incoming 503(Service Unavailable) Responses
    media.tcp.disconnects.because.remote.outofsyncMEDIA TCP disconnects because remote out of syncNULLNumber of TCP disconnects happening because the received packet is out of sync.
    media.numberofconferences.with.overloadedhealthMEDIA Number of conferences with OVERLOADED healthNULLTotal number of conferences with OVERLOADED health state. The audio/video quality for these conferences may be degraded. Number of packets dropped in transportNULLNumber of packets dropped in transport Number of audio mixes Per secNULLThe number of mixes performed by the audio mixer per sec.
    sipeps.failed.outgoingmessages.persecSipEps Failed Outgoing Messages Per secNULLThe per-second rate of Failed Outgoing Messages Global healthNULLGlobal health indicator - 0 means DISABLED, 1 is NORMAL, 2 is LIGHTLOAD, 3 is HEAVYLOAD and 4 is OVERLOADED

    Agent G2 - Microsoft Lync 2013 Mediation Servers DotNet v4


    Monitors MSLync 2013 Mediation Servers



    Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
    Agent G2 - Microsoft Lync 2013 Mediation Servers DotNet Server Total Failed Calls Caused by unexpected Interaction from a gatewayNULLThe number of calls that failed because of unexpected interaction from a gateway
    number.of.current.inbound.callsNumber of Current Inbound CallsNULLThe number of inbound calls in progress. Server Total Failed Calls Caused by unexpected Interaction from the proxyNULLThe number of calls that failed because of unexpected interaction from the Proxy
    number.of.current.outbound.callsNumber of Current Outbound CallsNULLThe number of outbound calls in progress. of Outbound Active Meda Bypass CallsNULLThe number of bypass calls in progress Server Current Audio Channels With PSM Quality ReportingNULLThe number of audio channels where PSM quality reporting is enabled. of Inbound Active Meda Bypass CallsNULLThe number of media bypass calls in progress Server Load Call Failure IndexNULLScaled index between zero and 100 that is related to all call failures due to heavy load Relay Media Connectivity Check FailureNULLNumber of media connectivity check failures.

    Agent G2 - Microsoft Lync Archiving and Monitoring Servers DotNet v4


    Archiving Server : Archiving Server enable you to archive IM communications and meeting content for compliance reasons. If you do not have legal compliance concerns, you do not need to deploy Archiving Server. An SQL Server Back End Server is required to implement Archiving. Monitoring Server : Monitoring Server collects data about the quality of your network media, in both Enterprise voice calls and A/V conferences. It also collects call error records (CERs), which you can use to troubleshoot failed calls. Additionally, it collects usage information in the form of call detail records (CDRs) about various Lync Server features so that you can calculate return on investment of your deployment and plan the future growth of your deployment. A monitoring server role can be deployed to collect statistical usage metrics for IM, conferencing and Enterprise voice by tracking call detail records. Monitoring Server is typically collocated with the Microsoft Lync Server 2010, Archiving Server. An SQL Server Back End Server is required to implement a Monitoring Server.



    Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
    Agent G2 - Microsoft Lync Archiving and Monitoring Servers DotNet v4Arch_service_RateOfArchivingMessagesThatWereDroppedFromMessageQueuingRate Of Archiving Messages That Were Dropped From Message QueuingNULLPer second rate of dropped messages from MSMQ queue. This may be caused if there is a version mismatch between server and the agent or if malformed messages are present in the message queue.
    Arch_service_NumberOfArchivingMessagesThatFailedValidationNumber Of Archiving Messages That Failed ValidationNULLPer second rate of messages that validation failed for. This may be caused if there is a version mismatch between server and the agent or if malformed messages are present in the message queue. Please check the agent and server version as well as the the security settings on the queue.
    MSMQService_totalmessagesinallqueuesTotal Messages In All QueuesNULLThe size of the queue will vary depending on load. Verify that the queue is not increasing unbounded. Establish a baseline for the counter, and monitor the counter to ensure that it does not exceed that baseline.
    Arch_service_RateOfArchivingMessagesThatWereNotWrittenToTheDatabaseRate Of Archiving Messages That Were Not Written To The DatabaseNULLPer second rate of messages failed to be written to SQL database. This could happen if the service failed to write a critical message to the back end SQL server.
    QMS_MessageTransactionsFailedMessage Transactions FailedNULLThis counter represents the total number of message queue/database transactions that failed since the server was started. A large number of database transactions have failed.

    Agent G2 - Microsoft Lync Audio/Video Conferencing servers DotNet v4


    A/V Conferencing Server provides A/V conferencing functionality to your deployment. It can be collocated with Front End Server or deployed separately as a single server or A/V Conferencing Server pool. Web conferencing enables users to view, share and collaborate on documents and to share their applications and desktops with each other. A/V conferencing enables users to communicate online with real-time audio. Either A/V and Web conferencing or just Web conferencing, can be enabled when deploying conferencing.



    Supported Metric

    Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
    Agent G2 - Microsoft Lync Audio/Video Conferencing servers DotNet v4AV_MCU_NumberOfConferenceProcessingDelaysAV_MCU_NumberOfConferenceProcessingDelaysNULLError Threshold = 30, Experiencing transient audio quality issues due to CPU load
    AV_MCU_NumberOfDNSResolutionFailuresAV_MCU_NumberOfDNSResolutionFailuresNULLError Threshold = 1

    Agent G2 - Microsoft Lync Back End Servers DotNet v4


    The Back End servers are database servers running Microsoft SQL server that provide the database services for the Front End pool. You can have a single Back End Server, but a cluster of two or more servers is recommended for failover. Back End Servers do not run any Lync Server software. The Back End Server is the second of two server roles required to be in any Lync Server 2010 Enterprise Edition deployment.



    Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
    Agent G2 - Microsoft Lync Back End Servers DotNet v4PhysicalDisk_AverageDiskWriteRateAverage Disk Write RateNULLAny average numbers above 1.5 msec usually indicate poor disk performance.
    ActiveTransactionsToTheRTCDYNDatabaseActive Transactions To The RTCDYN DatabaseNULLRtcdyn: stores dynamic Lync user data such as presence information.A high number of active transactions usually indicates database transaction contention.
    LogicalDisk_AverageDiskWriteRateAverage Disk Write RateNULLAny average numbers above 1.5 msec usually indicate poor disk performance.
    LogicalDisk_Percent_Idle_TimePercent Idle Time%A consistently small percentage of idle time is usually an indication of poor disk performance.
    LogicalDisk_AverageDiskQueueLengthAverage Disk Queue LengthNULLDisk Queue Length per drive should be no more than double the number of spindles backing up that drive.
    PercentCommittedBytesInUsePercent Committed Bytes In Use%Persentage Committed Bytes In Use is the ratio of Memory\\Committed Bytes to the Memory\\Commit Limit. Committed memory is the physical memory in use for which space has been reserved in the paging file should it need to be written to disk. The commit limit is determined by the size of the paging file. If the paging file is enlarged, the commit limit increases, and the ratio is reduced). This counter displays the current percentage value only; it is not an average
    PhysicalDisk_Percent_Idle_TimePercent Idle Time%A consistently small percentage of idle time is usually an indication of poor disk performance.
    MemoryAvailableMemory AvailableMBytesAvailable MBytes is the amount of physical memory, in Megabytes, immediately available for allocation to a process or for system use. It is equal to the sum of memory assigned to the standby (cached), free and zero page lists.
    LogicalDisk_AverageDiskReadRateAverage Disk Read RateNULLAny average numbers above 1.5 msec usually indicate poor disk performance.
    Processor_InterruptTimeInterrupt TimeNULLPersentage Interrupt Time is the time the processor spends receiving and servicing hardware interrupts during sample intervals. This value is an indirect indicator of the activity of devices that generate interrupts, such as the system clock, the mouse, disk drivers, data communication lines, network interface cards and other peripheral devices. These devices normally interrupt the processor when they have completed a task or require attention. Normal thread execution is suspended during interrupts. Most system clocks interrupt the processor every 10 milliseconds, creating a background of interrupt activity. suspends normal thread execution during interrupts. This counter displays the average busy time as a percentage of the sample time.
    ActiveTransactionsToTheTEMPDBDatabaseActive Transactions To The TEMPDB DatabaseNULLA high number of active transactions usually indicates database transaction contention.
    CPUUtilizationCPU Utilization%Indicates the CPU utilization in percentage of this subject. Zero if unavailable or inapplicable
    PhysicalDisk_AverageDiskReadRateAverage Disk Read RateNULLAny average numbers above 1.5 msec usually indicate poor disk performance.
    PhysicalDisk_AverageDiskQueueLengthAverage Disk Queue LengthNULLDisk Queue Length per drive should be no more than double the number of spindles backing up that drive.
    ActiveTransactionsToTheRTCDatabaseActive Transactions To The RTC DatabaseNULLRtc: stores persistent user data such as user contact lists, scheduled conferences, and access control lists. A high number of active transactions usually indicates database transaction contention.
    ProcessorPrivilegedTimePrivileged TimeNULLPersentage Privileged Time is the percentage of elapsed time that the process threads spent executing code in privileged mode. When a Windows system service in called, the service will often run in privileged mode to gain access to system-private data. Such data is protected from access by threads executing in user mode. Calls to the system can be explicit or implicit, such as page faults or interrupts. Unlike some early operating systems, Windows uses process boundaries for subsystem protection in addition to the traditional protection of user and privileged modes. Some work done by Windows on behalf of the application might appear in other subsystem processes in addition to the privileged time in the process.
    Memory_CachedBytesCached BytesBytesCache Bytes Peak is the maximum number of bytes used by the file system cache since the system was last restarted. This might be larger than the current size of the cache. This counter displays the last observed value only. it is not an average

    Agent G2 - Microsoft Lync Call Quality Monitoring DotNet v4


    This template is based on SQL queries. In order for this template to work you need to provide the SQL credentials in a text file with the name “LyncCallQualitySQLCred” under “\Agent\conf” folder in below format: username – test password – test@123 server – test



    Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
    Agent G2 - Microsoft Lync Call Quality Monitoring DotNet v4LyncCallQuality_StretchedLyncCallQuality StretchedNULLAverage ratio of stretched audio samples to the total to the total number of samples. (Stretched audio is audio that has been expanded to help maintain call quality when a dropped network packet has been detected.) High values indicate significant levels of sample stretching caused by jitter, and result in audio sounding robotic or distorted.
    LyncCallQuality_PacketLossLyncCallQuality Packet LossNULLAverage rate of RTP packet loss. (Packet loss occurs when RTP packets, a protocol used for transmitting audio and video across the Internet, failed to reach their destination.) High loss rates are generally caused by congestion, lack of bandwidth, wireless congestion or interference, or an overloaded media server. Packet loss typically results in distorted or lost audio.
    LyncCallQuality_JitterLyncCallQuality JitterNULLJitter (ms) measures the variability of packet delay and results in a distorted or choppy audio experience. (Jitter is a measure of the "shakiness" of a call.) High jitter values are typically caused by congestion or an overloaded media server, and result in distorted or lost audio.
    LyncCallQuality_NetworkMOSDegradationLyncCallQuality Network MOS DegradationNULLAverage network amount of mean opinion score (MOS) degradation is an integer represents the amount of the MOS value lost to network affects.
    LyncCallQuality_SuppressedLyncCallQuality SuppressedNULLAverage ratio of compressed audio samples to the total number of samples. (Compressed audio is audio that has been compressed to help maintain call quality when a dropped network packet has been detected.) High values indicate significant levels of sample compression caused by jitter, and result in audio sounding accelerated or distorted.
    LyncCallQuality_RoundTripTimeLyncCallQuality Round Trip TimeNULLNetwork Round Trip Time (RTT) is the most common measure of latency and is measured in ms. This measure is the average round trip time for RTP packets between endpoints. When latency is high, users will likely hear the words, but there will be delays in sentences and words.
    LyncCallQuality_ConcealedLyncCallQuality ConcealedNULLAverage ratio of concealed audio samples to the total to the total number of samples. (A concealed audio sample is a technique used to smooth out the abrupt transition that would usually be caused by dropped network packets.) High values indicate significant levels of loss concealment applied caused by packet loss or jitter, and results in distorted or lost audio.

    Agent G2 - Microsoft Lync Edge Monitoring DotNet v4


    Monitors Microsoft Lync Edge monitoring metrics



    Supported Metric

    Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
    Agent G2 - Microsoft Lync Edge Monitoring DotNet v4lssippeers.sipabovelimitconnectionsdroppedaccessproxiesonlyMSLync LSSIPPeers SIPAboveLimitConnectionsDroppedAccessProxiesOnlyNULLThe total number of connections that were dropped because the limit on number of incoming connections from a federated partner or clearinghouse was exceeded.

    Agent G2 - Microsoft Lync Edge Servers DotNet v4


    Edge Server enables users of the organization to communicate and collaborate with users outside the organization’s firewalls. These external users can include the organization’s own users who are currently working offsite, users from federated partner organizations, and outside users who have been invited to join conferences hosted on Lync Server deployment. Edge Server also enables connectivity to public IM connectivity services, including Windows Live, AOL, and Yahoo! Monitors TCP Active relay authentication, data sessions, etc.



    Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
    Agent G2 - Microsoft Lync Edge Servers DotNet v4AudioVideoEdge_UDPActiveRelayDataSessionsAudioVideoEdge UDP Active Relay Data SessionsNULLThis component monitor returns the number of active relay data sessions over UDP.
    SIP_ActiveConnectionsSIP Active ConnectionsNULLThis component monitor returns the number of established connections that are currently active. A connection is considered established when peer credentials are verified (e.g. via MTLS), or the peer receives a 2xx response. You will need to baseline this counter by testing and monitoring the user load. This returned value should be less than 15,000 connections per Front-End.
    AudioVideoEdge_UDPAllocateRequestRateAudioVideoEdge UDP Allocate Request RateNULLThis component monitor returns the per-second rate of Allocate Requests over UDP. You will need to baseline this counter by testing and monitoring the user load.
    SIP_IncomingRequestsRateSIP Incoming Requests RateNULLThis component monitor returns the rate of received requests, per second. You will need to baseline this counter by testing and monitoring the user load.
    AudioVideoEdge_UDPActiveRelaySessionsWithAllocatedPortAudioVideoEdge UDP Active Relay Sessions With Allocated PortNULLThis component monitor returns the number of active relay sessions with a UDP port allocation.
    SIP_AverageOutgoingQueueDelaySIP Average Outgoing Queue DelayNULLThis component monitor returns the average time, in seconds, that messages have been delayed in outgoing queues. Check the Outgoing Queue Delay for delays in sending messages to other servers or clients that could be causing messages to be accumulated in the server. The server will drop client connections if it is in a throttle state and messages stay in the outgoing queue for more than 32 seconds.
    AudioVideoEdge_TCPAveragePacketLatencyAudioVideoEdge TCP Average Packet LatencyNULLThis component monitor returns the average latency for a valid data request over TCP in milliseconds. The returned value should be as low as possible.
    SIP_AverageIncomingMessageProcessingTimeSIP Average Incoming Message Processing TimeNULLThe average time (in seconds) it takes to process an incoming message. This could indicate if this server is too busy and is unable to process user requests in timely fashion. This might be a temporary condition. If the problem persists, please ensure that hardware and software requirements for this server meet the user usage characteristics.
    AudioVideoEdge_UDPAveragePacketLatencyAudioVideoEdge UDP Average Packet LatencyNULLThis component monitor returns the average latency for a valid data request over UDP in milliseconds. The returned value should be as low as possible.
    AudioVideoEdge_TCPAllocateRequestsExceedingPortLimitAudioVideoEdge TCP Allocate Requests Exceeding Port LimitNULLThis component monitor returns the number of allocate requests over TCP that exceeded the port limit. If the value is greater than zero, this could indicate an attempt to misuse the port. This error occurs when there is an unexpectedly high rate of requests over TCP for ports associated with the same user ID. This could be an indication of an attempt to misuse the A/V Edge Server. Check that the profile of network traffic to the A/V Edge Server is in line with expected usage. A network level trace can be used to determine if there is unusual amount of traffic originating from a single source. If the situation persists then enable tracing to identify the originator of messages requesting more than the permitted number of ports to allow further troubleshooting of the cause.
    SIP_AverageHoldingTimeForIncomingMessageSIP Average Holding Time For Incoming MessageNULLThis component monitor returns the average time that the server held the incoming messages currently being processed. If this counter is more than 10 seconds (12 seconds maximum), then the server goes into throttling mode and only allows one outstanding transaction per client connection. If this value goes down to 3 seconds, then the server allows up to 20 outstanding transactions per client connection.
    AudioVideoEdge_TCPActiveRelayAuthenticatedSessionsAudioVideoEdge TCP Active Relay Authenticated SessionsNULLThis component monitor returns the number of active relay sessions over TCP
    SIP_ExternalMessagesWithInternallySupportedDomainSIP External Messages With Internally Supported DomainNULLThis component monitor returns the per-second rate of messages received at the external edge with an internally supported domain.
    SIP_ExternalMessagesWithAllowedPartnerDomainSIP External Messages With Allowed Partner DomainNULLThis component monitor returns the per-second rate of messages received at the external edge with an allowed partner server domain.
    AudioVideoEdge_TCPPacketReceiveRateAudioVideoEdge TCP Packet Receive RateNULLThis component monitor returns the number of packets received per second by the relay over TCP. You will need to baseline this counter by testing and monitoring the user load.
    WebConferencingEdge_CurrentNumberOfActiveConnectionsToWebConferencingServerWebConferencingEdge Current Number Of Active Connections To Web Conferencing ServerNULLThe total number of server connections that are currently active. Expected number of connections to each Web Conferencing Server is 4. If there are no connections currently active to Web Conferencing Server, the reason could be a incorrect configuration where the Web Conferencing Servers are not able to connect to the Web Conferencing Edge Server. It is also possible that the Web Conferencing Server has malfunctioned and is not running in a healthy state. Make sure that the Web Conferencing Server is in a healthy state
    SIP_503ResponseRateSIP 503 Response RateResponses per secThis component monitor returns the rate of 503 responses generated by the server, per second. The 503 code corresponds to the server being unavailable. On a healthy server, you should not receive this code at a steady rate. However, during ramp up, after a server has been brought back online, there may be some 503 responses. Once all users get back in and the server returns to a stable state, there should no longer be any 503 responses returned.
    SIP_IncomingMessageRateSIP Incoming Message RateMessages per secThis component monitor returns the rate of received messages, per second. You will need to baseline this counter by testing and monitoring the user load.
    AudioVideoEdge_TCPAllocateRequestRateAudioVideoEdge TCP Allocate Request RateNULLThis component monitor returns the per-second rate of Allocate Requests over TCP. You will need to baseline this counter by testing and monitoring the user load.
    AV_Authentication_Edge_BadRequestsReceivedPerSecondAV Authentication Edge Bad Requests Received Per SecondNULLThe number of bad requests received/sec. This error occurs when an unexpectedly high rate of invalid requests is received by the A/V Authentication Service. This could be the result of an attempt to misuse the A/V Authentication Service. If the situation persists then enable Microsoft Lync Server 2010 logging for SIP messages to the A/V Authentication Service to identify the source of the invalid requests.
    AudioVideoEdge_TCPActiveRelaySessionsWithAllocatedPortAudioVideoEdge TCP Active Relay Sessions With Allocated PortNULLThis component monitor returns the number of active relay sessions with a TCP port allocation.
    SIP_ExternalMessagesWithConfiguredAllowedDomainSIP External Messages With Configured Allowed DomainNULLThis component monitor returns the per-second rate of messages received at the external edge with a configured allowed domain.
    AudioVideoEdge_TCPAuthenticationFailureRateAudioVideoEdge TCP Authentication Failure RateNULLThis component monitor returns the per-second rate of failed attempts to authenticate with the relay over TCP. The returned value should be as low as possible.
    SIP_504ResponseRateSIP 504 Response RateResponses per secThis component monitor returns the rate of 504 responses generated by the server, per second. A few 504 responses to clients (for clients disconnecting abruptly) is to be expected, but this counter mainly indicates connectivity issues with other servers. It can indicate connection failures or delays connecting to remote servers. Check the number of SIP sends outstanding to validate this issue.
    AudioVideoEdge_UDPPortsInAllocatedPoolAudioVideoEdge UDP Ports In Allocated PoolNULLThis component monitor returns the number of UDP ports available in the Allocated Port Pool. This monitor should be more than zero. If it reaches zero there is a resource issue.
    AudioVideoEdge_UDPPacketSentRateAudioVideoEdge UDP Packet Sent RateNULLThis component monitor returns the number of packets sent per second by the relay over UDP. You will need to baseline this counter by testing and monitoring the user load.
    AudioVideoEdge_UDPPacketDropRateAudioVideoEdge UDP Packet Drop RateNULLThis component monitor returns the per-second rate of packets over UDP dropped by the relay. The returned value should be as low as possible. This error occurs when an unexpectedly high rate of User Datagram Protocol (UDP) packets is received at the Media Relay (A/V Edge server) causing some packets to be discarded. This could be the result of system overload or an indication of an attempt to misuse the MR. To resolve this, check that the profile of network traffic to the MR is in line with expected usage. If the traffic exceeds 250 Mbps per interface, increase the Receive and Transmit buffer size on the associated network adapter network adapters to three times the default values.If the cause is a general system overload, increase capacity of the deployed MR function. A network level trace can be used to determine if there is an unusual amount of traffic originating from a single source. If the situation persists, enable tracing to check the network source of sessions
    AudioVideoEdge_UDPPacketReceiveRateAudioVideoEdge UDP Packet Receive RateNULLThis component monitor returns the number of packets received per second by the relay over UDP. You will need to baseline this counter by testing and monitoring the user load.
    SIP_ConnectionsRefusedDueToServerOverloadSIP Connections Refused Due To Server OverloadNULLThe per-second rate of the connections that were refused with Service Unavailable response because the server was overloaded. If the problem persists, please ensure that hardware and software requirements for this server meets the user usage characteristics.
    SIP_ActiveTLSConnectionsSIP Active TLS ConnectionsNULLThis component monitor returns the number of established TLS connections that are currently active. A TLS connection is considered established when the peer certificate, and possibly the host name, are verified for a trust relationship. You will need to baseline this counter by testing and monitoring the user load.
    AudioVideoEdge_UDPActiveRelayAuthenticatedSessionsAudioVideoEdge UDP Active Relay Authenticated SessionsNULLThis component monitor returns the number of active relay sessions over UDP
    AudioVideoEdge_TCPPacketDropRateAudioVideoEdge TCP Packet Drop RateNULLThis component monitor returns the per-second rate of packets over UDP dropped by the relay. The returned value should be as low as possible. This error occurs when an unexpectedly high rate of TCP packets is received at the Media Relay (A/V Edge server) causing some packets to be discarded. This could be the result of system overload or an indication of an attempt to misuse the MR. To resolve this, check that the profile of network traffic to the MR is in line with expected usage. If the traffic exceeds 250 Mbps per interface, increase the Receive and Transmit buffer size on the associated network adapter network adapters to three times the default values.If the cause is a general system overload, increase capacity of the deployed MR function. A network level trace can be used to determine if there is an unusual amount of traffic originating from a single source. If the situation persists, enable tracing to check the network source of sessions
    AudioVideoEdge_UDPAuthenticationFailureRateAudioVideoEdge UDP Authentication Failure RateNULLThis component monitor returns the per-second rate of failed attempts to authenticate with the relay over UDP. The returned value should be as low as possible.
    AudioVideoEdge_TCPPortsInAllocatedPoolAudioVideoEdge TCP Ports In Allocated PoolNULLThis component monitor returns the number of TCP ports available in the Allocated Port Pool. This monitor should be more than zero. If it reaches zero there is a resource issue.
    AudioVideoEdge_UDPAllocateRequestsExceedingPortLimitAudioVideoEdge UDP Allocate Requests Exceeding Port LimitNULLThis component monitor returns the number of allocate requests over UDP that exceeded the port limit. If the value is greater than zero, this could indicate an attempt to misuse the port. This error occurs when there is an unexpectedly high rate of requests over UDP for ports associated with the same user ID. This could be an indication of an attempt to misuse the A/V Edge Server. Check that the profile of network traffic to the A/V Edge Server is in line with expected usage. A network level trace can be used to determine if there is unusual amount of traffic originating from a single source. If the situation persists then enable tracing to identify the originator of messages requesting more than the permitted number of ports to allow further troubleshooting of the cause.
    AudioVideoEdge_TCPPacketSentRateAudioVideoEdge TCP Packet Sent RateNULLThis component monitor returns the number of packets sent per second by the relay over TCP. You will need to baseline this counter by testing and monitoring the user load.
    AudioVideoEdge_TCPActiveRelayDataSessionsAudioVideoEdge TCP Active Relay Data SessionsNULLThis component monitor returns the number of active relay data sessions over TCP.

    Agent G2 - Microsoft Lync Front End Servers DotNet v4


    Monitors Microsoft Lync Front End Server metrics



    Supported Metric

    Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
    Agent G2 - Microsoft Lync Front End Servers DotNet Health StateNULLThe Multipoint Conferencing Units (MCU) health counters give an indication of the overall system health; these should be 0 at all times, indicating normal operation. The current health of the data sharing MCU. 0 = Normal. 1 = Loaded. 2 = Full. 3 = Unavailable.
    sip.avgholdingtime.for.incomingmessageSIP Avg Holding Time For Incoming MessageNULLThis component monitor returns the average time that the server held the incoming messages currently being processed. If this counter is more than 10 seconds (12 seconds maximum), then the server goes into throttling mode and only allows one outstanding transaction per client connection. If this value goes down to 3 seconds, then the server allows up to 20 outstanding transactions per client connection.
    sip.tls.connections.activeSIP TLS Connections ActiveNULLThis component monitor returns the number of established TLS connections that are currently active. A TLS connection is considered established when the peer certificate, and possibly the host name, are verified for a trust relationship. You will need to baseline this counter by testing and monitoring the user load. Video Conferencing Number Of Occasions Conference Processing Is DelayedNULLNumber of occasions conference processing is delayed. This issue may occur if the Audio Video Conferencing server is overloaded, or is not getting enough CPU resources to process audio in real time. To resolve this issue, please check the affected machine for overall CPU consumption and remove any unnecessary competing processes. If there are no competing issues, and there is a large number of users due to which Audio Video Conferencing Server is unable to process audio in real time, consider adding more hardware to service the usage with acceptable quality.
    datamcu.draining.stateDATAMCU Draining StateNULLThe Multipoint Conferencing Units (MCU) health counters give an indication of the overall system health; these should be 0 at all times, indicating normal operation. The current draining status of the data sharing MCU. 0 = Not requesting to drain. 1 = Requesting to drain. 2 = Draining. Events In ProcessingNULLThis component monitor returns the number of SIP transactions, or dialog state change events, that are currently being processed. You will need to baseline this counter by testing and monitoring the user load.
    sip.avg.outgoing.queuedelaySIP Avg Outgoing Queue DelayNULLThis component monitor returns the average time, in seconds, that messages have been delayed in outgoing queues. Check the Outgoing Queue Delay for delays in sending messages to other servers or clients that could be causing messages to be accumulated in the server. The server will drop client connections if it is in a throttle state and messages stay in the outgoing queue for more than 32 seconds.
    callpark.failed.callparkrequestsFailed Call Park RequestsNULLThe total number of park requests that failed.
    msmq.totalmessages.inall.queuesTotal Messages In All QueuesNULLThe size of the queue will vary depending on load. Verify that the queue is not increasing unbounded. Establish a baseline for the counter, and monitor the counter to ensure that it does not exceed that baseline.
    sip.sends.outstandingSIP Sends OutstandingNULLThis component monitor returns the number of messages that are currently present in the outgoing queues. If you receive error message 504, investigate the results from this counter. Doing so will indicate which servers are having problems. To do so, you will need to change the instance from _Total, to the server hostname. If this counter is high then the problem is probably not on this server. This counter can also be high if there are network latency issues.
    memory.pages.persecMemory Pages Per SecNULLIf a page has to be retrieved from the disk instead of from the memory, there is a negative impact to performance; the rate at which pages in memory are swapped with those in the disk needs to be below a 500 pages per second. If the rate is above this number, it indicates a lack of memory available to service requests quickly and will result in a substantial system slow-down. Book Search Failure RateNULLThe per-second rate of failed address book search requests. It could be due to backend database performance issues. Verify backend database is running and accessible.
    applicationsharing.mcu.drainingstateApplication Sharing MCU Draining StateNULLThe Multipoint Conferencing Units (MCU) health counters give an indication of the overall system health; these should be 0 at all times, indicating normal operation. The current draining status of the application sharing MCU. 0 = Not requesting to drain. 1 = Requesting to drain. 2 = Draining.
    sip.connectionsrefused.dueto.serveroverloadSIP Connections Refused Due To Server OverloadNULLThe per-second rate of the connections that were refused with Service Unavailable response because the server was overloaded. If the problem persists, please ensure that hardware and software requirements for this server meets the user usage characteristics. Services DBStore Sproc LatencyMSThis component monitor returns the average time, in milliseconds, it takes to execute a stored procedure call. A healthy state is considered to be less than 100 ms. Server health decreases as latency increases to 12 seconds, when server throttling begins.
    lscommunicatorwebapp.throttledclientdatacollaboration.connectionspersecondLS Communicator Web App Throttled Client Data Collaboration Connections Per SecondNULLThe number of Data Collaboration client connections closed due to throttling per second. Client Data Collaboration was closed because client failed to read data in a timely manner. This may indicate a network failure or organized attack. Check client network connectivity to Lync Web App.
    sip.incoming.messages.timedoutSIP Incoming Messages Timed OutNULLThe number of incoming messages currently being held by the server for processing for more than the maximum tracking interval. This server is too busy and is unable to process user requests in timely fashion.
    immcu.throttled.sip.connectionsIMMCU Throttled SIP ConnectionsNULLThe number of throttled Sip connections . Peer is not processing requests in a timely fashion.This can happen if the peer machine is overloaded.
    avmcu.number.of.audiovideoconferencesAVMCU Number of Audio video conferencesNULLNumber of audio-video conferences. Ideally it should be evenly distributed across all frontend servers.
    addressbook.filedownload.failedrequestspersecondAddress Book File Download Failed Requests Per SecondNULLThe per-second rate of failed Address Book file requests. High rate of failure can be caused by authentication issues or network connectivity issues. Check Lync Server event log for failure causes and correct
    sip.connections.activeSIP Connections ActiveNULLThis component monitor returns the number of established connections that are currently active. A connection is considered established when peer credentials are verified (e.g. via MTLS), or the peer receives a 2xx response. You will need to baseline this counter by testing and monitoring the user load. This returned value should be less than 15,000 connections per Front-End.
    sip.avg.flow.controldelaySIP Avg Flow Control DelayNULLThis component monitor returns the average delay, in seconds, in message processing when the socket is flow-controlled. You will need to baseline this counter by testing and monitoring the server's health. The returned value should be as low as possible.
    sip.incoming.request.rateSIP Incoming Request RateNULLThis component monitor returns the rate of received requests, per second. You will need to baseline this counter by testing and monitoring the user load.
    datamcu.stateofsession.queuesDataMCU State Of Session QueuesNULLThe state of the session queues. It indicates if the Data MCU is over loaded. Address Space UsageNULLThis component monitor returns the percentage of available address space currently in use by the server process. The returned value should be as low as possible.
    datamcu.estimated.conferenceworkitems.loadDataMCU Estimated Conference Work Items LoadNULLThe estimated time to process all pending items on the session queues measured in milliseconds.
    asmcu.number.of.applicationsharingconferencesASMCU Number Of Application Sharing ConferencesNULLNumber of application-sharing conferences. Ideally it should be evenly distributed across all frontend servers. Number Of Connected IM UsersNULLThis component monitor returns the number of connected instant messaging users in all conferences. You will need to baseline this counter by testing and monitoring the user load.
    applicationsharing.mcu.healthstateApplication Sharing MCU Health StateNULLThe Multipoint Conferencing Units (MCU) health counters give an indication of the overall system health; these should be 0 at all times, indicating normal operation. The current health of the application sharing MCU. 0 = Normal. 1 = Loaded. 2 = Full. 3 = Unavailable.
    dbstore.queue.latencyDB Store Queue LatencyNULLThis component monitor returns the average time, in milliseconds, that a request is held in the queue of the Back-End Database Server. If the topology is healthy, this counter averages less than 100 ms. Occasional spikes are acceptable. The value will be higher on Front-End Servers that are located at the site opposite the location of the Back-End Database Servers. This value can increase if the Back-End Database Server is having performance problems or if network latency is too high. If the returned value is high, check both network latency and the health of the Back-End Database Server. When server throttling begins, server health decreases as latency increases to 12 seconds.
    lscommunicatorwebapp.faileddatacollaboration.authentication.requestspersecondLS Communicator Web App Failed Data Collaboration Authentication Requests Per SecondNULLThe number of failed Data Collaboration authentication request per second. Attempts to authenticate incoming client connections for data collaboration failed. This may indicate a network attack.
    datamcu.numberof.datasharing.conferencesDATAMCU Number Of Data Sharing ConferencesNULLNumber of data-sharing conferences. Ideally it should be evenly distributed across all frontend servers. Park Failed Transfers To Fall Back URINULLThe total number of failed fallback attempts. The fallback destination might not be reachable. Services Number Of Failed HTTP ConnectionsNULLThis component monitor returns the rate of connection attempt failures, per second. You will need to baseline this counter by testing and monitoring the server's health. Book Search Response TimeNULLThe average processing time for a address book search request in milliseconds. It could be due to backend database performance issues. Verify CPU load on backend database machine. Upgrade hardware if needed.
    lscommunicatorwebapp.numberofdatacollaborationconnectionfailures.withdatacollaborationserversLS Communicator Web App Number Of Data Collaboration Connection Failures With Data Collaboration ServersNULLThe number of Data Collaboration connection failures with Data Collaboration servers. Connection closed by local party or remote party or network issues. Check availability of Web Conferencing Server servers. Messages Per Second Dropped Due To Unknown DomainNULLThe per-second rate of messages that could not be routed because the message domain is not configured and does not appear to belong to a federated partner. The Access Edge Server received SIP messages with an unknown domain. If the number is high then the Access Edge Server may be under attack.
    sip.incoming.message.rateSIP Incoming Message RateNULLThis component monitor returns the rate of received messages, per second. You will need to baseline this counter by testing and monitoring the user load.
    im.number.of.activeconferencesIM Number Of Active ConferencesNULLThis component monitor returns the number of active instant messaging conferences. You will need to baseline this counter by testing and monitoring the user load.
    sip.flowcontrolled.connections.droppedSIP Flow Controlled Connections DroppedNULLThis component monitor returns the total number of connections dropped because of excessive flow-control. You will need to baseline this counter by testing and monitoring the server's health. The returned value should be as low as possible.
    sip.503.response.rateSIP 503 Response RateNULLThis component monitor returns the rate of 503 responses generated by the server, per second. The 503 code corresponds to the server being unavailable. On a healthy server, you should not receive this code at a steady rate. However, during ramp up, after a server has been brought back online, there may be some 503 responses. Once all users get back in and the server returns to a stable state, there should no longer be any 503 responses returned.
    dbstore.queue.depthDB Store Queue DepthNULLThe average number of database requests waiting to be executed. The backend might be busy and is unable to respond to requests quickly.This might be a temporary condition. If the problem persists please ensure that the hardware and software requirements meet the user usage characteristics. Page File UsageNULLThis component monitor returns the percentage of available page file space currently in use by the server process. The returned value should be as low as possible.
    im.with.throttled.sipconnectionsIM With Throttled SIP ConnectionsNULLThis component monitor returns the number of throttled Sip connections. If the value is greater than ten, it could indicate that Peer is not processing requests in a timely fashion. This can happen if the peer machine is overloaded. Peer is defined as the connected servers, adjacent Front-End servers, or MCUs in the same EE Pool.
    sip.504.response.rateSIP 504 Response RateNULLThis component monitor returns the rate of 504 responses generated by the server, per second. A few 504 responses to clients (for clients disconnecting abruptly) is to be expected, but this counter mainly indicates connectivity issues with other servers. It can indicate connection failures or delays connecting to remote servers. Check the number of SIP sends outstanding to validate this issue.
    expand.distributionlist.soapexception.rateExpand Distribution List SOAP Exception RateNULLThe per-second rate of Soap exceptions.
    expand.distributionlist.responsetimeinmsExpand Distribution List Response Time In msNULLAverage processing time for a distribution list expansion request. This component monitor returns the average time, in milliseconds, it takes to expand a distribution list. Park Failed Requests Because No Orbit Is AvailableNULLThe total number of park requests failed because no orbit available. Consider adding more orbits using management console or the Power Shell commands to manage orbit ranges.
    sip.500.response.rateSIP 500 Response RateNULLThis component monitor returns the rate of 500 responses generated by the server, per second. This can indicate that there is a server component that is not functioning correctly.

    Agent G2 - Microsoft Lync Mediation Monitoring DotNet v4


    Monitors Microsoft Lync Mediation monitoring metrics



    Supported Metric

    Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
    Agent G2 - Microsoft Lync Mediation Monitoring DotNet v4lsmediationservermediarelay.candidatesmissingMSLync LSMediationServerMediaRelay CandidatesMissingNULLNumber of times Media stack does not have Media relay candidates.

    Agent G2 - Microsoft Lync Mediation Servers DotNet v4


    Mediation Server is a necessary component for implementing Enterprise Voice and dial-in conferencing. It translates signaling and, in some configurations, media between your internal Lync Server infrastructure and a public switched telephone network (PSTN) gateway, IP-PBX, or a Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) trunk. Mediation Server role be collocated with the Front End Server role in a similar manner as the Web and A/V conferencing roles. Monitors current audio channels with PSM quality reporting, load call failure index, etc.



    Supported Metric

    Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
    Agent G2 - Microsoft Lync Mediation Servers DotNet Relay Media Connectivity Check FailureNULLNumber of media connectivity check failures. Server Current Audio Channels With PSM Quality ReportingNULLThe number of audio channels where PSM quality reporting is enabled. Server Load Call Failure IndexNULLScaled index between zero and 100 that is related to all call failures due to heavy load of Outbound Active Meda Bypass CallsNULLThe number of bypass calls in progress of Inbound Active Meda Bypass CallsNULLThe number of media bypass calls in progress Server Total Failed Calls Caused by unexpected Interaction from a gatewayNULLThe number of calls that failed because of unexpected interaction from a gateway Server Total Failed Calls Caused by unexpected Interaction from the proxyNULLThe number of calls that failed because of unexpected interaction from the Proxy
    number.of.current.outbound.callsNumber of Current Outbound CallsNULLThe number of outbound calls in progress.
    number.of.current.inbound.callsNumber of Current Inbound CallsNULLThe number of inbound calls in progress.

    Agent G2 - Microsoft Lync Performance Monitoring DotNet v4


    Monitors Microsoft Lync Performance monitoring metrics



    Supported Metric

    Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
    Agent G2 - Microsoft Lync Performance Monitoring DotNet v4processor.percentusertimeProcessor PercentUserTime%% User Time is the percentage of elapsed time the processor spends in the user mode. User mode is a restricted processing mode designed for applications, environment subsystems, and integral subsystems. The alternative, privileged mode, is designed for operating system components and allows direct access to hardware and all memory. The operating system switches application threads to privileged mode to access operating system services. This counter displays the average busy time as a percentage of the sample time.
    processor.percentidletimeProcessor PercentIdleTime%% Idle Time is the percentage of time the processor is idle during the sample interval
    networkinterface.outputqueuelengthNetworkInterface OutputQueueLengthNULLOutput Queue Length is the length of the output packet queue (in packets). If this is longer than two, there are delays and the bottleneck should be found and eliminated, if possible. Since the requests are queued by the Network Driver Interface Specifica
    lsusrvendpointcache.usrvactiveregisteredendpointsMSLync LSUSrvEndPointCache UsrvActiveRegisteredEndPointsNULLTotal number of active endpoints connected to this Server.
    lsusrvregdbstore.usrvthrottledrequestspersecMSLync LSUSrvREGDBStore UsrvThrottledrequestsPersecNULLThe number of requests that were rejected/sec with a retry-after since the database queue latency was high.
    memory.cachebytespeakMemory CacheBytesPeakNULLCache Bytes Peak is the maximum number of bytes used by the system file cache since the system was last restarted. This might be larger than the current size of the cache. This counter displays the last observed value only; it is not an average.
    lssippeers.sipsendstimedoutpersecMSLync LSSIPPeers SIPSendsTimedOutPerSecNULLThe per-second rate of sends dropped because they stayed in outgoing (send) queue for too long.
    lswebauthproviderrelatedcalls.webtotalvalidatecertcallstothecertauthproviderMSLync LSWEBAuthProviderrelatedcalls WEBTotalvalidatecercallstothecertauthproviderNULLThe total number of validate cert calls to the cert auth provider
    mssqlrtclocalbuffermanager.pagelifeexpectancyMSLync MSSQLRTCLOCALBufferManager PagelifeexpectancyNULLNumber of seconds a page will stay in the buffer pool without references.
    lsusrvshareddbstore.usrvthrottledrequestspersecMSLync LSUSrvSHAREDDBStore UsrvThrottledrequestsPersecNULLThe number of requests that were rejected/sec with a retry-after since the database queue latency was high.
    lsusrvconferencemcuallocator.usrvcreateconferencerequeststimedoutMSLync LSUSrvConferenceMcuAllocator UsrvCreateConferenceRequestsTimedOutNULLNumber of Create Conference requests that did not receive a response in time.
    lsusrvdbstore.usrvthrottledrequestspersecMSLync LSUSrvDDBStore UsrvThrottledrequestsPersecNULLThe number of requests that were rejected/sec with a retry-after since the database queue latency was high.
    lsasmcuasmcuconferences.asmcuconnectedusersMSLync LSAsMcuAsMcuConferences ASMCUConnectedUsersNULLThe number of connected Users
    lssipauthentication.sipauthenticationsystemerrorspersecMSLync LSSIPAuthentication SIPAuthenticationSystemErrosPerSecNULLThe per-second rate of authentication failures caused by system errors (due to low memory conditions or otherwise).
    lssipprotocol.sipincomingrequestsdroppedpersecMSLync LSSIPProtocol SIPIncomingRequestsDroppedPersecNULLThe per-second rate of incoming requests dropped because they could not be processed (due to bad headers, insufficient routing information, server resource allocation failure).
    lsasmcucccpprocessing.asmcunumberofadduserrequestsfailedMSLync LSAsMcuCCCPProcessing ASMCUNumberofadduserrequestsfailedNULLNumber of add-user failed responses returned.
    lssippeers.sipflowcontrolledconnectionsMSLync LSSIPPeers SIPFlowControlledConnectionsNULLThe number of connections that are currently being flow-controlled (no socket receives are posted).
    lswebdistributionlistexpansion.webtimedoutactivedirectoryrequestspersecMSLync LSWEBDistributionListExpansion WEBTimedoutActiveDirectoryRequestsPersecNULLThe per-second rate of timed out Active Directory requests
    lsimmcuimmcuconferences.immcuconnectedusersMSLync LSImMcuIMMcuConferences IMMCUConnectedUsersNULLThe number of connected users in all conferences
    aspnetappsv4030319.requestsrejectedMSLync ASPNET4030319 RequestsRejectedNULLThe number of requests rejected because the application request queue was full.
    lsasmcucccpprocessing.asmcucccpmessagesretriedpersecMSLync LSAsMcuCCCPProcessing ASMCUCCCMessagesRetriedPerSecNULLThe total number of retried CCCP messages per second.
    lsasmcucccpprocessing.asmcucurrentcccpmessagequeuesizeMSLync LSAsMcuCCCPProcessing ASMCUCurrentCCCPMessageQueueSizeNULLThe number of CCCP messages currently in the send queue.
    lsroutingappsemergencycallrouting.routingappsnumberofincomingfailureresponsesMSLync LSRoutingAppsEmergencyCallRouting RoutingAppsNumberofincomingfailureresponsesNULLNumber of times an Emergency Call failure response was received from Gateway.
    lssipprotocol.sipincomingresponsesdroppedpersecMSLync LSSIPProtocol SIPIncomingResponsesDroppedPersecNULLThe per-second rate of incoming responses dropped because they could not be processed (due to bad headers, insufficient routing information, server resource allocation failure).
    lssiploadmanagement.sipincomingmessagesheldaboveoverloadwatermarkMSLync LSSIPLoadManagement SIPIncomingMessagesHeldAboveOverloadWatermarkNULLThe number of incoming messages currently being held by the server for processing for more than the overload watermark time threshold.
    lsusrvclustermanager.usrvnumberoffailuresofreplicationoperationssenttootherreplicaspersecondMSLync LSUSrvClusterManager USrvNumberoffailuresofreplicationoperationssenttootherReplicaspersecondNULLThe per-second rate of replication operation failures
    networkinterface.packetsreceiveddiscardedNetworkInterface PacketsReceivedDiscardedNULLPackets Received Discarded is the number of inbound packets that were chosen to be discarded even though no errors had been detected to prevent their delivery to a higher-layer protocol. One possible reason for discarding packets could be to free up buff
    networkinterface.packetsoutbounddiscardedNetworkInterface PacketsOutboundDiscardedNULLPackets Outbound Discarded is the number of outbound packets that were chosen to be discarded even though no errors had been detected to prevent transmission. One possible reason for discarding packets could be to free up buffer space.
    lsxmppfederationsipinstantmessaging.xmppfederationfailureimdnssentpersecMSLync LSXmppFederationSIPInstantMessaging XmppFederationFailureIMDNssentPersecNULLFailure IMDNs sent/sec
    lsjoinlauncherjoinlauncherservicefailures.joinlauncherjoinfailuresMSLync LSJoinLauncherJoinLauncherServiceFailures JOINLAUNCHERJoinFailuresNULLThe number of join failures

    Agent G2 - Microsoft SharePoint 2007 Performance Counters DotNet v4


    Monitors SharePoint 2007 Performance Counters



    Supported Metric

    Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
    Agent G2 - Microsoft SharePoint 2007 Performance Counters DotNet v4processor.percentprocessortimeProcessor PercentProcessorTimeNULL% Processor Time is the percentage of elapsed time that the processor spends to execute a non-Idle thread. It is calculated by measuring the percentage of time that the processor spends executing the idle thread and then subtracting that value from 100%.
    netclrdata.sqlclienttotalnumberfailedconnectsNETCLRData SqlClientTotalNumberfailedconnectsNULLThe total number of connection open attempts that have failed for any reason
    pagingfile.percentusagePagingFile PercentUsage%The amount of the Page File instance in use in percent.
    networkinterface.outputqueuelengthNetworkInterface OutputQueueLengthNULLOutput Queue Length is the length of the output packet queue (in packets). If this is longer than two, there are delays and the bottleneck should be found and eliminated, if possible. Since the requests are queued by the Network Driver Interface Specifica

    Agent G2 - Microsoft SharePoint 2007 Performance Counters Extended DotNet v4


    Microsoft SharePoint 2007 Performance Counters



    Supported Metric

    Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
    Agent G2 - Microsoft SharePoint 2007 Performance Counters Extended DotNet v4server.workitemshortagesServer WorkItemShortagesNULLThe number of times STATUS_DATA_NOT_ACCEPTED was returned at receive indication time. This occurs when no work item is available or can be allocated to service the incoming request. Indicates whether the InitWorkItems or MaxWorkItems parameters might need to be adjusted.
    aspnetapplications.requestsrejectedASPNETApplications RequestsRejectedNULLThe number of requests rejected because the application request queue was full.
    aspnet.workerprocessrestartsASPNET WorkerProcessRestartsNULLNumber of times a worker process has restarted on the machine.
    processor.percentprivilegedtimeProcessor PercentPrivilegedTime%% Privileged Time is the percentage of elapsed time that the process threads spent executing code in privileged mode. When a Windows system service in called, the service will often run in privileged mode to gain access to system-private data. Such data is protected from access by threads executing in user mode. Calls to the system can be explicit or implicit, such as page faults or interrupts. Unlike some early operating systems, Windows uses process boundaries for subsystem protection in addition to the traditional protection of user and privileged modes. Some work done by Windows on behalf of the application might appear in other subsystem processes in addition to the privileged time in the process.
    aspnetapplications.requestwaittimeASPNETApplications RequestWaitTimeMSThe number of milliseconds the most recent request was waiting in the queue.
    networkinterface.bytestotalpersecNetworkInterface BytesTotalPersecNULLBytes Total/sec is the rate at which bytes are sent and received over each network adapter, including framing characters. Network Interface\\Bytes Total/sec is a sum of Network Interface\\Bytes Received/sec and Network Interface\\Bytes Sent/sec.
    networkinterface.bytessentpersecNetworkInterface BytesSentPersecNULLBytes Sent/sec is the rate at which bytes are sent over each network adapter, including framing characters. Network Interface\\Bytes Sent/sec is a subset of Network Interface\\Bytes Total/sec.
    logicaldisk.currentdiskqueuelengthLogicalDisk CurrentDiskQueueLengthNULLCurrent Disk Queue Length is the number of requests outstanding on the disk at the time the performance data is collected. It also includes requests in service at the time of the collection. This is a instantaneous snapshot, not an average over the time interval. Multi-spindle disk devices can have multiple requests that are active at one time, but other concurrent requests are awaiting service. This counter might reflect a transitory high or low queue length, but if there is a sustained load on the disk drive, it is likely that this will be consistently high. Requests experience delays proportional to the length of this queue minus the number of spindles on the disks. For good performance, this difference should average less than two.
    officeserversearcharchivalplugin.totaldocsinfirstqueueOfficeServerSearchArchivalPlugin TotaldocsinfirstqueueNULLNumber of documents in the first queue of the archival plug-in. This should be less than 500 during a crawl, and very low at other times. If the counter is above 500, the search database drive on the database server is probably a bottleneck.
    memory.committedbytesMemory CommittedBytesNULLCommitted Bytes is the amount of committed virtual memory, in bytes. Committed memory is the physical memory which has space reserved on the disk paging file(s). There can be one or more paging files on each physical drive. This counter displays the last observed value only; it is not an average.
    aspnetapplications.requestsexecutingASPNETApplications RequestsExecutingNULLThe number of requests currently executing.
    networkinterface.packetsreceivederrorsNetworkInterface PacketsReceivedErrorsNULLPackets Received Errors is the number of inbound packets that contained errors preventing them from being deliverable to a higher-layer protocol.
    physicaldisk.percentidletimePhysicalDisk PercentIdleTime%% Idle Time reports the percentage of time during the sample interval that the disk was idle.
    process.workingsetProcess WorkingSetNULLWorking Set is the current size, in bytes, of the Working Set of this process. The Working Set is the set of memory pages touched recently by the threads in the process. If free memory in the computer is above a threshold, pages are left in the Working Set of a process even if they are not in use. When free memory falls below a threshold, pages are trimmed from Working Sets. If they are needed they will then be soft-faulted back into the Working Set before leaving main memory.
    process.pagefaultspersecProcess PageFaultsPersecNULLPage Faults/sec is the rate at which page faults by the threads executing in this process are occurring. A page fault occurs when a thread refers to a virtual memory page that is not in its working set in main memory. This may not cause the page to be fetched from disk if it is on the standby list and hence already in main memory, or if it is in use by another process with whom the page is shared.
    processor.percentusertimeProcessor PercentUserTime%% User Time is the percentage of elapsed time the processor spends in the user mode. User mode is a restricted processing mode designed for applications, environment subsystems, and integral subsystems. The alternative, privileged mode, is designed for operating system components and allows direct access to hardware and all memory. The operating system switches application threads to privileged mode to access operating system services. This counter displays the average busy time as a percentage of the sample time.
    process.handlecountProcess HandleCountNULLThe total number of handles currently open by this process. This number is equal to the sum of the handles currently open by each thread in this process.
    physicaldisk.currentdiskqueuelengthPhysicalDisk CurrentDiskQueueLengthNULLCurrent Disk Queue Length is the number of requests outstanding on the disk at the time the performance data is collected. It also includes requests in service at the time of the collection. This is a instantaneous snapshot, not an average over the time interval. Multi-spindle disk devices can have multiple requests that are active at one time, but other concurrent requests are awaiting service. This counter might reflect a transitory high or low queue length, but if there is a sustained load on the disk drive, it is likely that this will be consistently high. Requests experience delays proportional to the length of this queue minus the number of spindles on the disks. For good performance, this difference should average less than two.
    officeserversearchindexercatalogs.queriessucceededOfficeServerSearchIndexerCatalogs QueriesSucceededNULLNumber of queries that produce successful searches.
    process.privatebytesProcess PrivateBytesNULLPrivate Bytes is the current size, in bytes, of memory that this process has allocated that cannot be shared with other processes.
    memory.pagespersecMemory PagesPersecNULLPages/sec is the rate at which pages are read from or written to disk to resolve hard page faults. This counter is a primary indicator of the kinds of faults that cause system-wide delays.
    aspnetapplications.requestsinapplicationqueueASPNETApplications RequestsInApplicationQueueNULLThe number of requests in the application request queue.
    memory.availablebytesMemory AvailableBytesNULLAvailable Bytes is the amount of physical memory, in bytes, immediately available for allocation to a process or for system use. It is equal to the sum of memory assigned to the standby (cached), free and zero page lists.
    process.percentprocessortimeProcess PercentProcessorTime%% Processor Time is the percentage of elapsed time that all of process threads used the processor to execution instructions. An instruction is the basic unit of execution in a computer, a thread is the object that executes instructions, and a process is the object created when a program is run. Code executed to handle some hardware interrupts and trap conditions are included in this count.
    logicaldisk.percentidletimeLogicalDiskPercentIdleTime%% Idle Time reports the percentage of time during the sample interval that the disk was idle.
    logicaldisk.percentdisktimeLogicalDisk PercentDiskTime%% Disk Time is the percentage of elapsed time that the selected disk drive was busy servicing read or write requests.
    networkinterface.packetsoutbounderrorsNetworkInterface PacketsOutboundErrorsNULLPackets Outbound Errors is the number of outbound packets that could not be transmitted because of errors.
    system.contextswitchespersecSystem ContextSwitchesPersecNULLContext Switches/sec is the combined rate at which all processors on the computer are switched from one thread to another. Context switches occur when a running thread voluntarily relinquishes the processor, is preempted by a higher priority ready thread, or switches between user-mode and privileged (kernel) mode to use an Executive or subsystem service.
    memory.cachebytesMemory CacheBytesNULLCache Bytes the size, in bytes, of the portion of the system file cache which is currently resident and active in physical memory. The Cache Bytes and Memory\\\\System Cache Resident Bytes counters are equivalent. This counter displays the last observed value only; it is not an average.
    officeserversearchindexercatalogs.queriesOfficeServerSearchIndexerCatalogs QueriesNULLNumber of queries posted to the server.
    physicaldisk.percentdisktimePhysicalDisk PercentDiskTime%% Disk Time is the percentage of elapsed time that the selected disk drive was busy servicing read or write requests.
    redirector.serversessionshungRedirector ServerSessionsHungNULLNumber of active sessions that are timed out and unable to proceed due to a lack of response from the remote server.
    networkinterface.bytesreceivedpersecNetworkInterface BytesReceivedPersecNULLBytes Received/sec is the rate at which bytes are received over each network adapter, including framing characters. Network Interface\\Bytes Received/sec is a subset of Network Interface\\Bytes Total/sec.
    processor.interruptspersecProcessor InterruptsPersecNULLInterrupts/sec is the average rate, in incidents per second, at which the processor received and serviced hardware interrupts. It does not include deferred procedure calls (DPCs), which are counted separately. This value is an indirect indicator of the activity of devices that generate interrupts, such as the system clock, the mouse, disk drivers, data communication lines, network interface cards, and other peripheral devices. These devices normally interrupt the processor when they have completed a task or require attention. Normal thread execution is suspended. The system clock typically interrupts the processor every 10 milliseconds, creating a background of interrupt activity. This counter displays the difference between the values observed in the last two samples, divided by the duration of the sample interval.

    Agent G2 - Microsoft SharePoint 2010 - Performance Counters DotNet v4


    Template for Sharepoint 2010 monitors AvgDataAdapterQueryDuration, AvgDataConnectionSubmitDuration, AvgDiskQueueLength, AvgDiskReadQueueLength, AvgDiskWriteQueueLength, etc.



    Supported Metric

    Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
    Agent G2 - Microsoft SharePoint 2010 - Performance Counters DotNet v4PercentTimeinGCPercentTimeinGC%% Time in GC is the percentage of elapsed time that was spent in performing a garbage collection (GC) since the last GC cycle. This counter is usually an indicator of the work done by the Garbage Collector on behalf of the application to collect and compact memory. This counter is updated only at the end of every GC and the counter value reflects the last observed value; its not an average.
    RequestWaitTimeRequestWaitTimeNULLRPC Requests outstanding is the current number of outstanding RPC requests.
    DataConnectionSubmitCompletedRateDataConnectionSubmitCompletedRateNULLThe rate at which data connection submits completed in form filling sessions.
    AvgDataAdapterQueryDurationAvgDataAdapterQueryDurationNULLThe average time to complete a data connection query in form filling sessions.
    DataConnectionQueryFailureRateDataConnectionQueryFailureRateNULLThe rate of failures for data connection queries in form filling sessions.
    DiskReadsPersecDiskReadsPersecNULLDisk Reads/sec is the rate of read operations on the disk.
    PercentIdleTimePercentIdleTimeNULL% Idle Time reports the percentage of time during the sample interval that the disk was idle.
    PageFaultsPersecPageFaultsPersecpsecPage Faults/sec is the average number of pages faulted per second. It is measured in number of pages faulted per second because only one page is faulted in each fault operation, hence this is also equal to the number of page fault operations. This counter includes both hard faults (those that require disk access) and soft faults (where the faulted page is found elsewhere in physical memory.) Most processors can handle large numbers of soft faults without significant consequence. However, hard faults, which require disk access, can cause significant delays.
    TransactionsStartedRateTransactionsStartedRateNULLThe rate at which transactions started in form filling sessions.
    TransactionsCompletedRateTransactionsCompletedRateNULLThe rate at which transactions completed in form filling sessions.
    AvgSessionDurationAvgSessionDurationNULLThe average time to complete a form filling session, summed up over all transactions in the session.
    AvgTransactionDurationAvgTransactionDurationNULLThe average time to complete a transaction in form filling sessions.
    BytesSentPersecBytesSentPersecNULLThis component monitor returns the data rate of outgoing IMA network traffic.
    RequestsQueuedRequestsQueuedNULLThe number of requests waiting to be processed
    GetRequestsPersecGetRequestsPersecNULLThe rate HTTP requests using the GET method are made. Get requests are the most common HTTP request.
    AvgDataConnectionSubmitDurationAvgDataConnectionSubmitDurationNULLThe average time to complete a data connection submit in form filling sessions.
    AvgDiskReadQueueLengthAvgDiskReadQueueLengthNULLAverage Disk Read Queue Length is the average number of read requests that were queued for the selected disk during the sample interval. The value for this counter should always be under 2. This is the most reliable counter to use when the SQL instance is using external SAN storage for its databases.
    DataConnectionQueryCompletedRateDataConnectionQueryCompletedRateNULLThe rate at which data connection queries completed in form filling sessions.
    SessionCompletedRateSessionCompletedRateNULLThe average time to complete a data connection submit in form filling sessions.
    CurrentConnectionsCurrentConnectionsNULLThe number of active connections to the WWW service.
    DiskWritesPersecDiskWritesPersecNULLDisk Writes/sec is the rate of write operations on the disk.
    ContextSwitchesPersecContextSwitchesPersecNULLA context switch occurs when the kernel switches the processor from one thread to another-for example, when a thread with a higher priority than the running thread becomes ready. The System Context Switches/sec counter in System Monitor reports systemwide context switches
    SessionStartedRateSessionStartedRateNULLThe rate at which form filling sessions started.
    AvgDiskWriteQueueLengthAvgDiskWriteQueueLengthNULLAverage Disk Write Queue Length is the average number of write requests that were queued for the selected disk during the sample interval. The value for this counter should always be under 2. This is the most reliable counter to use when the SQL instance is using external SAN storage for its databases.
    BytesReceivedPersecBytesReceivedPersecNULLThis component monitor returns the data rate of incoming Independent Management Architecture(IMA) network traffic.
    ProcessorQueueLengthProcessorQueueLengthNULLThe System/Processor Queue Length counter shows how many threads are ready in the processor queue, but not currently able to use the processor.
    RequestsPerSecRequestsPerSecNULLThe number of requests executed per second.
    PercentUsagePercentUsageNULLThe amount of the Page File instance in use in percent.
    TotalConnectionsAttemptsallinstancesTotalConnectionsAttemptsallinstancesNULLcounter is for all instances listed.
    DataConnectionSubmitStartedRateDataConnectionSubmitStartedRateNULLThe rate at which data connection submits started in form filling sessions.
    DataConnectionSubmitFailureRateDataConnectionSubmitFailureRateNULLThe rate of failures for data connection submits in form filling sessions.

    Agent G2 - Microsoft SharePoint 2013 DotNet v4 - Extended


    Monitors SharePoint 2013 Performance data using WMI Classes



    Supported Metric

    Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
    Agent G2 - Microsoft SharePoint 2013 DotNet v4 - Extendedsynchronization.execresourceacquiresacqexcllitepersecSynchronization ExecResourceAcquiresAcqExclLitePersecNULLFrequency of first exclusive acquires from ExAcquireResourceExclusiveLite.
    searchcontentprocessing.numbercallbacksavailableSearchContentProcessing NumberCallbacksAvailableNULLCurrent number of callbacks available for consumption, but not yet consumed.
    ipsecdriver.activesecurityassociationsIPsecDriver ActiveSecurityAssociationsNULLActive Security Associations is the number of active quick mode security associations.
    sqlserverworkloadgroupstats.activeparallelthreadsSQLServerWorkloadGroupStats ActiveparallelthreadsNULLNumber of threads used by parallel queries in the workload group. Serial queries and the main thread of parallel queries are not included in this number.
    searchplatformservices.messagequeueavgblockedtimeSearchPlatformServices MessagequeueavgblockedtimeNULLMessage queue average blocked time
    httpserviceurlgroups.allrequestsHTTPServiceUrlGroups AllRequestsNULLTotal number of HTTP requests made for this site
    teredoserver.interedoservererrorpacketsauthenticationerrorTeredoServer InTeredoServerErrorPacketsAuthenticationErrorNULLTotal error packets( authentication error) received by the Teredo server.
    sqlserverssispipeline130.blobbytesreadSQLServerSSISPipeline130 BLOBbytesreadNULLThe number of bytes of binary large object (BLOB) data that the data flow engine has read from all sources.
    msdtcbridge4000.averageparticipantcommitresponsetimeMSDTCBridge4000 AverageparticipantcommitresponsetimeMSAverage time in milliseconds for the WS-AT service to receive a Commit message response from a participant.
    sqlserverfiletable.avgtimedeletefiletableitemSQLServerFileTable AvgtimedeleteFileTableitemMSAverage time (in milliseconds) taken to delete a FileTable item.
    netclrnetworking.bytesreceivedNETCLRNetworking BytesReceivedNULLThe cumulative total number of bytes received over all open socket connections since the process was started. This number includes data and any protocol information that is not defined by the TCP/IP protocol.
    sqlserverssispipeline110.blobbytesreadSQLServerSSISPipeline110 BLOBbytesreadNULLThe number of bytes of binary large object (BLOB) data that the data flow engine has read from all sources.
    searchsubmissionservice.numberabortedsessionsSearchSubmissionService NumberAbortedSessionsNULLThe total number of aborted sessions since the start of the component.
    w3svcw3wp.activeflushedentriesW3SVCW3WP ActiveFlushedEntriesNULLNumber of file handles cached in user-mode that will be closed when all current transfers complete.
    sqlserveravailabilityreplica.bytesreceivedfromreplicapersecSQLServerAvailabilityReplica BytesReceivedfromReplicaPersecNULLTotal bytes receieved from the availability replica
    sqlagentalerts.activatedalertsSQLAgentAlerts ActivatedalertsNULLThe number of Alerts that have activated since the last SQL Server restart.
    servicemodelservice4000.callsServiceModelService4000 CallsNULLThe number of calls to this service.
    ipsecikev1ipv6.activemainmodesasIPsecIKEv1IPv6 ActiveMainModeSAsNULLActive Main Mode SAs is the number of currently active main mode security associations.
    usbhub.percenttotalbandwidthusedforinterruptUSBHub PercentTotalBandwidthUsedforInterrupt%Displays the percentage of BW reserved for interrupt transfers
    ipsecikev1ipv4.activemainmodesasIPsecIKEv1IPv4 ActiveMainModeSAsNULLActive Main Mode SAs is the number of currently active main mode security associations.
    sqlservermemorynode.databasenodememorykbSQLServerMemoryNode DatabaseNodeMemoryKBNULLAmount of memory the server is using on this node for database pages.
    windowssharepointfoundation.activeheapcountSharePointFoundation ActiveHeapCountNULLThe number of native heaps in use by the process
    msrs2011windowsservicesharepointmode.activesessionsMSRS2011WindowsServiceSharePointMode ActiveSessionsNULLNumber of active sessions stored in the report server database. This counter provides a cumulative count of all usable browser sessions generated from report subscriptions, whether they are still active or not.
    teredoclient.interedobubbleTeredoClient InTeredoBubbleNULLTotal bubble packets received by the Teredo client.
    searchgathererdatabasecomponentssharepointserversearch.countcommittransactionsSearchGathererDatabaseComponentsSharePointServerSearch CountCommitTransactionsNULLCount Commit Transactions
    ipsecikev2ipv6.activemainmodesasIPsecIKEv2IPv6 ActiveMainModeSAsNULLActive Main Mode SAs is the number of currently active main mode security associations.
    searchsplookupservice.avgdocsumlookuptimeSearchSPLookupService AvgDocSumLookupTimeNULLThe average number of milliseconds required to perform just a docsum retrieval
    httpservice.currenturiscachedHTTPService CurrentUrisCachedNULLTotal number of URIs currently cached by the kernel
    securitysystemwidestatistics.activeschannelsessioncacheentriesSecuritySystemWideStatistics ActiveSchannelSessionCacheEntriesNULLThis counter tracks the number of Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) entries that are currently stored in the secure channel (Schannel) session cache and that are currently in use. The Schannel session cache stores information about successfully established sess
    sharepointservercacheinstances.cachehitratioSharePointServerCacheinstances CacheHitRatioNULLCache hit ratio
    msrs2016windowsservicesharepointmode.activesessionsMSRS2016WindowsServiceSharePointMode ActiveSessionsNULLNumber of active sessions stored in the report server database. This counter provides a cumulative count of all usable browser sessions generated from report subscriptions, whether they are still active or not.
    sqlagentstatistics.sqlserverrestartedSQLAgentStatistics SQLServerrestartedNULLThe number of times the SQL Server has been successfully restarted by SQL Server Agent, since the last SQL Server Agent restart.
    sqlserverbrokertostatistics.avglengthofbatchedwritesSQLServerBrokerTOStatistics AvgLengthofBatchedWritesNULLAverage Number of Transmission Objects saved in a batch.
    msrs2016webservicesharepointmode.activesessionsMSRS2016WebServiceSharePointMode ActiveSessionsNULLNumber of active sessions. This counter provides a cumulative count of all browser sessions generated from report executions, whether they are still active or not.
    wsmanquotastatistics.activeoperationsWSManQuotaStatistics ActiveOperationsNULLDisplays the current number of active operations for all users.
    searchgathererdatabasessharepointserversearch.databasesizeSearchGathererDatabasesSharePointServerSearch DatabaseSizeNULLDatabase Size
    sqlservermemorybrokerclerks.internalbenefitSQLServerMemoryBrokerClerks InternalbenefitNULLThe internal value of memory for entry count pressure, in ms per page per ms, multiplied by 10 billion and truncated to an integer
    searchflowstatistics.numberinbounditemstotalSearchFlowStatistics NumberInboundItemsTotalNULLTotal number of items placed on input queues
    searchhostcontroller.componentrestartsSearchHostController ComponentRestartsNULLNumber of restarts of a search component since start of the Host Controller
    searchcontentrouter.indextimeSearchContentRouter IndexTimeMSThe number of milliseconds it takes from submitting a document until a callback is received
    sqlagentjobs.activejobsSQLAgentJobs ActivejobsNULLNumber of running jobs
    wfpv6.activeinboundconnectionsWFPv6 ActiveInboundConnectionsNULLActive Inbound Connections is the number of current inbound connections allowed by the Windows Filtering Platform.
    sqlserverdeprecatedfeatures.usageSQLServerDeprecatedFeatures UsageNULLFeature usage since last SQL Server startup
    securityperprocessstatistics.contexthandlesSecurityPerProcessStatistics ContextHandlesNULLThis counter tracks the number of context handles in use by a given process. Context handles are associated with security contexts established between a client application and a remote peer.
    wasw3wp.activelistenerchannelsWASW3WP ActiveListenerChannelsNULLNumber of currently active listener channels in the worker process.
    smsvchost4000.connectionsacceptedovernetpipeSMSvcHost4000 ConnectionsAcceptedovernetpipeNULLThe total number of named pipe connections accepted over net.pipe.
    aspnetv4030319.applicationrestartsASPNETV4030319 ApplicationRestartsNULLNumber of times the application has been restarted during the web server's lifetime.
    genericikev1authipandikev2.authipmainmodenegotiationtimeGenericIKEv1AuthIPandIKEv2 AuthIPMainModeNegotiationTimeMSAuthIP Main Mode Negotiation Time is the number of milliseconds taken for the last Authenticated IP main mode security association negotiated.
    ipsecdosprotection.currentstateentriesIPsecDoSProtection CurrentStateEntriesNULLCurrent State Entries is the number of state entries in the table. A state entry is a pair of IPv6 addresses that is authorized to pass through from a public to an internal interface.
    searchanalysisengineanalyses.activefilesSearchAnalysisEngineAnalyses ActiveFilesNULLThe number of files stored on disk
    wfp.providercountWFP ProviderCountNULLProvider Count is the number of providers registered with the Windows Filtering Platform.
    sqlserverqueryexecution.localdataaccesspersecSQLServerQueryExecution LocaldataaccessPersecNULLTotal number of local data access per second
    sqlserverresourcepoolstats.activememorygrantamountkbSQLServerResourcePoolStats ActivememorygrantamountKBNULLTotal amount of granted memory in kilobytes in the resource pool.
    pacerpipe.averagepacketsinnetcardPacerPipe AveragepacketsinnetcardNULLThe average number of packets in the network card over the last sampling period.
    searchanalysisengineanalyticsprocessingcomponents.failedtasksSearchAnalysisEngineAnalyticsProcessingComponents FailedTasksNULLThe number of tasks that have failed since the analytics processing component was started
    searchanalysisengine.activeanalyticsprocessingcomponentsSearchAnalysisEngine ActiveAnalyticsProcessingComponentsNULLThe number of currently registered analytics processing components in the analysis engine
    wfpv4.activeinboundconnectionsWFPv4 ActiveInboundConnectionsNULLActive Inbound Connections is the number of current inbound connections allowed by the Windows Filtering Platform.
    teredorelay.interedorelayerrorpacketsdestinationerrorTeredoRelay InTeredoRelayErrorPacketsDestinationErrorNULLTotal error packets( destination error) received by the Teredo relay.
    httpservicerequestqueues.arrivalrateHTTPServiceRequestQueues ArrivalRateNULLTotal number of requests arriving at the server
    processorinformation.percentc1timeProcessorInformation PercentC1Time%% C1 Time is the percentage of time the processor spends in the C1 low-power idle state. % C1 Time is a subset of the total processor idle time. C1 low-power idle state enables the processor to maintain its entire context and quickly return to the running
    ipsecauthipipv6.activeextendedmodesasIPsecAuthIPIPv6 ActiveExtendedModeSAsNULLActive Extended Mode SAs is the number of currently active extended mode security associations.
    searchlinguistics.companyexclusiondictionaryentriesSearchLinguistics CompanyExclusionDictionaryEntriesNULLNumber of entries contained in the current exclusion dictionary for company extraction.
    msrs2011webservicesharepointmode.activesessionsMSRS2011WebServiceSharePointMode ActiveSessionsNULLNumber of active sessions. This counter provides a cumulative count of all browser sessions generated from report executions, whether they are still active or not.
    netmemorycache40.cacheentriesNetMemoryCache40 CacheEntriesNULLThe number of entries within the cache.
    ipsecikev2ipv4.activemainmodesasIPsecIKEv2IPv4 ActiveMainModeSAsNULLActive Main Mode SAs is the number of currently active main mode security associations.
    sqlserverdatabasereplica.filebytesreceivedpersecSQLServerDatabaseReplica FileBytesReceivedPersecNULLAmount of filestream data received by the availability replica for the database

    Agent G2 - Microsoft SharePoint 2013 DotNet v4 - Performance Counters


    Template for SharePoint 2013 application monitors.



    Supported Metric

    Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
    Agent G2 - Microsoft SharePoint 2013 DotNet v4 - Performance CountersDataConnectionSubmitStartedRateDataConnectionSubmitStartedRateNULLThe rate at which data connection submits started in form filling sessions.
    PercentIdleTimePercentIdleTimeNULL% Idle Time reports the percentage of time during the sample interval that the disk was idle.
    AvgSessionDurationAvgSessionDurationNULLThe average time to complete a form filling session, summed up over all transactions in the session.
    TotalConnectionsAttemptsallinstancesTotalConnectionsAttemptsallinstancesNULLcounter is for all instances listed.
    DataConnectionSubmitCompletedRateDataConnectionSubmitCompletedRateNULLThe rate at which data connection submits completed in form filling sessions.
    RequestsPerSecRequestsPerSecNULLThe number of requests executed per second.
    SessionStartedRateSessionStartedRateNULLThe rate at which form filling sessions started.
    TransactionsStartedRateTransactionsStartedRateNULLThe rate at which transactions started in form filling sessions.
    CurrentConnectionsCurrentConnectionsNULLThe number of active connections to the WWW service.
    DiskWritesPersecDiskWritesPersecNULLDisk Writes/sec is the rate of write operations on the disk.
    RequestWaitTimeRequestWaitTimeNULLRPC Requests outstanding is the current number of outstanding RPC requests.
    AvgDiskWriteQueueLengthAvgDiskWriteQueueLengthNULLAverage Disk Write Queue Length is the average number of write requests that were queued for the selected disk during the sample interval. The value for this counter should always be under 2. This is the most reliable counter to use when the SQL instance is using external SAN storage for its databases.
    DiskReadsPersecDiskReadsPersecNULLDisk Reads/sec is the rate of read operations on the disk.
    DataConnectionQueryCompletedRateDataConnectionQueryCompletedRateNULLThe rate at which data connection queries completed in form filling sessions.
    AvgDataAdapterQueryDurationAvgDataAdapterQueryDurationNULLThe average time to complete a data connection query in form filling sessions.
    ProcessorQueueLengthProcessorQueueLengthNULLThe System/Processor Queue Length counter shows how many threads are ready in the processor queue, but not currently able to use the processor.
    BytesSentPersecBytesSentPersecNULLThis component monitor returns the data rate of outgoing IMA network traffic.
    AvgDataConnectionSubmitDurationAvgDataConnectionSubmitDurationNULLThe average time to complete a data connection submit in form filling sessions.
    GetRequestsPersecGetRequestsPersecNULLThe rate HTTP requests using the GET method are made. Get requests are the most common HTTP request.
    TransactionsCompletedRateTransactionsCompletedRateNULLThe rate at which transactions completed in form filling sessions.
    DataConnectionSubmitFailureRateDataConnectionSubmitFailureRateNULLThe rate of failures for data connection submits in form filling sessions.
    BytesReceivedPersecBytes Received Per secNULLThis component monitor returns the data rate of incoming Independent Management Architecture(IMA) network traffic.
    AvgTransactionDurationAvgTransactionDurationNULLThe average time to complete a transaction in form filling sessions.
    RequestsQueuedRequestsQueuedNULLThe number of requests waiting to be processed
    PercentTimeinGCPercentTimeinGC%% Time in GC is the percentage of elapsed time that was spent in performing a garbage collection (GC) since the last GC cycle. This counter is usually an indicator of the work done by the Garbage Collector on behalf of the application to collect and compact memory. This counter is updated only at the end of every GC and the counter value reflects the last observed value; its not an average.
    DataConnectionQueryFailureRateDataConnectionQueryFailureRateNULLThe rate of failures for data connection queries in form filling sessions.
    PercentUsagePercentUsageNULLThe amount of the Page File instance in use in percent.
    ContextSwitchesPersecContextSwitchesPersecNULLA context switch occurs when the kernel switches the processor from one thread to another-for example, when a thread with a higher priority than the running thread becomes ready. The System Context Switches/sec counter in System Monitor reports systemwide context switches
    AvgDiskReadQueueLengthAvgDiskReadQueueLengthNULLAverage Disk Read Queue Length is the average number of read requests that were queued for the selected disk during the sample interval. The value for this counter should always be under 2. This is the most reliable counter to use when the SQL instance is using external SAN storage for its databases.
    SessionCompletedRateSessionCompletedRateNULLThe average time to complete a data connection submit in form filling sessions.
    PageFaultsPersecPageFaultsPersecpsecPage Faults/sec is the average number of pages faulted per second. It is measured in number of pages faulted per second because only one page is faulted in each fault operation, hence this is also equal to the number of page fault operations. This counter includes both hard faults (those that require disk access) and soft faults (where the faulted page is found elsewhere in physical memory.) Most processors can handle large numbers of soft faults without significant consequence. However, hard faults, which require disk access, can cause significant delays.

    Agent G2 - Microsoft SharePoint Performance Counters DotNet v4


    Monitors SharePoint Performance data using WMI Classes



    Supported Metric

    Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
    Agent G2 - Microsoft SharePoint Performance Counters DotNet v4QueriesSucceededQueriesSucceededNULLNULL
    RequestWaitTimeRequestWaitTimeNULLRPC Requests outstanding is the current number of outstanding RPC requests.
    RequestsPerSecRequestsPerSecNULLThe number of requests executed per second.
    ConnectionAttemptsPersecConnectionAttemptsPersecNULLThe rate, in seconds, at which connections to the WWW service have been attempted since the service started.
    RequestExecutionTimeRequestExecutionTimeNULLThe amount of time (in milliseconds) that it took to execute the most recent request
    WorkerProcessRestartsWorkerProcessRestartsNULLNumber of times a worker process has restarted on the machine.
    ApplicationRestartsApplicationRestartsNULLNumber of times the application has been restarted during the web server lifetime
    RequestsRejectedRequestsRejectedNULLThe number of requests rejected because the request queue was full
    RequestsQueuedRequestsQueuedNULLThe number of requests waiting to be processed
    CurrentConnectionsCurrentConnectionsNULLThe number of active connections to the WWW service.

    Agent G2 - Microsoft SQL 2000 - Performance Counters DotNet v4


    Template for Microsoft SQL 2000 Performance counters



    Supported Metric

    Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
    Agent G2 - Microsoft SQL 2000 - Performance Counters DotNet v4OpenConnectionCountOpenConnectionCountNULLThe total number of transport connections currently open
    LoginsPersecLoginsPersecNULLThe number of user logins per second. Any value over 2 may indicate insufficient connection pooling.
    LockTimeoutsPersecLockTimeoutsPersecNULLShows the number of lock requests per second that timed out, including internal requests for NOWAIT locks. A value greater than zero might indicate that user queries are not completing. The lower this value is, the better. Ideally should be <1
    NumberofDeadlocksPersecNumberofDeadlocksPersecNULLNumber of lock requests, per second, which resulted in a deadlock. Since only a COMMIT, ROLLBACK, or deadlock can terminate a transaction (excluding failures or errors), this is an important value to track. Excessive deadlocking indicates a table or index design error or bad application design. Use the Profiler's ability to track deadlocks.
    UsedLogSpaceUsedLogSpaceNULLThe cumulative used size of all the log files in the database.
    DataSpaceofDBDataSpaceofDB%Space utilization for the Data files.
    UserConnectionsUserConnectionsNULLThis shows the number of user connections, not the number of users, that are currently connected to SQL Server. A single user can have multiple connections open, and also that multiple people can share a single user connection. This indicates how busy the server is.
    TaskLimitReachedTaskLimitReachedNULLThis counter reports the total number of times that a queue monitor would have started a new task, but did not because the maximum number of tasks for the queue is already running.
    TasksAbortedPersecTasksAbortedPersecNULLThis reports the number of activation stored procedure tasks that end with an error, or are aborted by a queue monitor for failing to receive messages.
    ReceiveIPerOsPersecReceiveIPerOsPersecNULLThe number of transport receives I/O per second. Note that a transport receive I/O may contain more than one message fragment.
    SQLReCompilationsPersecSQLReCompilationsPersecNULLNumber of times, per second, that Transact-SQL objects attempted to be executed but had to be recompiled before completion. This number should be at or near zero, since recompiles can cause deadlocks and exclusive compile locks. This counter's value should follow in proportion to Batch Requests/sec and SQL Compilations/sec. This needs to be nil in your system as much as possible.
    BrokerTransactionRollbacksBrokerTransactionRollbacksNULLThe number of rolled-back transactions that contained DML statements related to Service Broker, such as SEND and RECEIVE.
    SQLRECEIVEsPersecSQLRECEIVEsPersecNULLThe number of Transact-SQL RECEIVE statements processed per second.
    AverageLatchWaitTimemsAverageLatchWaitTimemsMillisecondsThe average latch wait time, in milliseconds, for any latch requests that had to wait. This value should generally correlate to Latch Waits/sec and move up or down with it accordingly.
    SQLSENDsPersecSQLSENDsPersecNULLThe number of Transact-SQL SEND statements executed per second.
    SQLCompilationsPersecSQLCompilationsPersecNULLNumber of times that Transact-SQL compilations occurred, per second (including recompiles). The lower this value is the better. High values often indicate excessive adhoc querying and should be as low as possible. If excessive adhoc querying is happening, try rewriting the queries as procedures or invoke the queries using sp_executeSQL. When rewriting isn't possible, consider using a plan guide or setting the database to parameterization forced mode.
    LatchWaitsPersecLatchWaitsPersecNULLThe number of latches in the last second that had to wait. Latches are lightweight means of holding a very transient server resource, such as an address in memory. Ideally should be < 10.
    MSSQLCacheHitRatioMSSQLCacheHitRatioNULLRatio between cache hits and lookups.
    TransactionsPersecTransactionsPersecNULLNumber of transactions started for the database.
    SendIPerOsPersecSendIPerOsPersecNULLThe number of transport send I/Os per second. Note that a transport send I/O may contain more than one message fragment.
    LogoutsPersecLogoutsPersecNULLThe number of user logouts per second. Any value over 2 may indicate insufficient connection pooling.

    Agent G2 - Microsoft SQL 2005 - Performance Counters DotNet v4


    Template for MSSQL 2005 Performance Monitors



    Supported Metric

    Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
    Agent G2 - Microsoft SQL 2005 - Performance Counters DotNet v4ReceiveIPerOsPersecReceiveIPerOsPersecNULLThe number of transport receives I/O per second. Note that a transport receive I/O may contain more than one message fragment.
    SQLSENDsPersecSQLSENDsPersecNULLThe number of Transact-SQL SEND statements executed per second.
    SQLCompilationsPersecSQLCompilationsPersecNULLNumber of times that Transact-SQL compilations occurred, per second (including recompiles). The lower this value is the better. High values often indicate excessive adhoc querying and should be as low as possible. If excessive adhoc querying is happening, try rewriting the queries as procedures or invoke the queries using sp_executeSQL. When rewriting isn't possible, consider using a plan guide or setting the database to parameterization forced mode.
    UsedLogSpaceUsedLogSpaceNULLThe cumulative used size of all the log files in the database.
    BrokerTransactionRollbacksBrokerTransactionRollbacksNULLThe number of rolled-back transactions that contained DML statements related to Service Broker, such as SEND and RECEIVE.
    SendIPerOsPersecSendIPerOsPersecNULLThe number of transport send I/Os per second. Note that a transport send I/O may contain more than one message fragment.
    LogoutsPersecLogoutsPersecNULLThe number of user logouts per second. Any value over 2 may indicate insufficient connection pooling.
    MSSQLCacheHitRatioMSSQLCacheHitRatioNULLRatio between cache hits and lookups.
    UserConnectionsUserConnectionsNULLThis shows the number of user connections, not the number of users, that are currently connected to SQL Server. A single user can have multiple connections open, and also that multiple people can share a single user connection. This indicates how busy the server is.
    AverageLatchWaitTimemsAverageLatchWaitTimemsMillisecondsThe average latch wait time, in milliseconds, for any latch requests that had to wait. This value should generally correlate to Latch Waits/sec and move up or down with it accordingly.
    LockTimeoutsPersecLockTimeoutsPersecNULLShows the number of lock requests per second that timed out, including internal requests for NOWAIT locks. A value greater than zero might indicate that user queries are not completing. The lower this value is, the better. Ideally should be <1
    LatchWaitsPersecLatchWaitsPersecNULLThe number of latches in the last second that had to wait. Latches are lightweight means of holding a very transient server resource, such as an address in memory. Ideally should be < 10.
    OpenConnectionCountOpenConnectionCountNULLThe total number of transport connections currently open
    TaskLimitReachedTaskLimitReachedNULLThis counter reports the total number of times that a queue monitor would have started a new task, but did not because the maximum number of tasks for the queue is already running.
    TasksAbortedPersecTasksAbortedPersecNULLThis reports the number of activation stored procedure tasks that end with an error, or are aborted by a queue monitor for failing to receive messages.
    DataSpaceofDBDataSpaceofDB%Space utilization for the Data files.
    SQLRECEIVEsPersecSQLRECEIVEsPersecNULLThe number of Transact-SQL RECEIVE statements processed per second.
    TransactionsPersecTransactionsPersecNULLNumber of transactions started for the database.
    LoginsPersecLoginsPersecNULLThe number of user logins per second. Any value over 2 may indicate insufficient connection pooling.
    SQLReCompilationsPersecSQLReCompilationsPersecNULLNumber of times, per second, that Transact-SQL. objects attempted to be executed but had to. be recompiled before completion. This number should be at or near zero, since recompiles can cause deadlocks and exclusive compile locks. This counter's value should follow in proportion to Batch Requests/sec and SQL Compilations/sec. This needs to be nil in your system as much as possible.
    BufferCacheHitRatioBufferCacheHitRatio%Percentage of pages that were found in the buffer pool without having to incur a read from disk.
    NumberofDeadlocksPersecNumberofDeadlocksPersecNULLNumber of lock requests, per second, which resulted in a deadlock. Since only a COMMIT, ROLLBACK, or deadlock can terminate a transaction (excluding failures or errors), this is an important value to track. Excessive deadlocking indicates a table or index design error or bad application design. Use the Profiler's ability to track deadlocks.

    Agent G2 - Microsoft SQL 2008 DotNet v4 - Performance Counters


    Template for Microsoft SQL 2008 Performance counters



    Supported Metric

    Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
    Agent G2 - Microsoft SQL 2008 DotNet v4 - Performance CountersReceiveIPerOsPersecReceiveIPerOsPersecNULLThe number of transport receives I/O per second. Note that a transport receive I/O may contain more than one message fragment.
    LockTimeoutsPersecLockTimeoutsPersecNULLShows the number of lock requests per second that timed out, including internal requests for NOWAIT locks. A value greater than zero might indicate that user queries are not completing. The lower this value is, the better. Ideally should be <1
    DataSpaceofDBDataSpaceofDB%Space utilization for the Data files.
    TasksAbortedPersecTasksAbortedPersecNULLThis reports the number of activation stored procedure tasks that end with an error, or are aborted by a queue monitor for failing to receive messages.
    SQLSENDsPersecSQLSENDsPersecNULLThe number of Transact-SQL SEND statements executed per second.
    NumberofDeadlocksPersecNumberofDeadlocksPersecNULLNumber of lock requests, per second, which resulted in a deadlock. Since only a COMMIT, ROLLBACK, or deadlock can terminate a transaction (excluding failures or errors), this is an important value to track. Excessive deadlocking indicates a table or index design error or bad application design. Use the Profiler's ability to track deadlocks.
    LatchWaitsPersecLatchWaitsPersecNULLThe number of latches in the last second that had to wait. Latches are lightweight means of holding a very transient server resource, such as an address in memory. Ideally should be < 10.
    UsedLogSpaceUsedLogSpaceNULLThe cumulative used size of all the log files in the database.
    SendIPerOsPersecSendIPerOsPersecNULLThe number of transport send I/Os per second. Note that a transport send I/O may contain more than one message fragment.
    SQLCompilationsPersecSQLCompilationsPersecNULLNumber of times that Transact-SQL compilations occurred, per second (including recompiles). The lower this value is the better. High values often indicate excessive adhoc querying and should be as low as possible. If excessive adhoc querying is happening, try rewriting the queries as procedures or invoke the queries using sp_executeSQL. When rewriting isn't possible, consider using a plan guide or setting the database to parameterization forced mode.
    LogoutsPersecLogoutsPersecNULLThe number of user logouts per second. Any value over 2 may indicate insufficient connection pooling.
    BufferCacheHitRatioBufferCacheHitRatio%Percentage of pages that were found in the buffer pool without having to incur a read from disk.
    SQLReCompilationsPersecSQLReCompilationsPersecNULLNumber of times, per second, that Transact-SQL. objects attempted to be executed but had to. be recompiled before completion. This number should be at or near zero, since recompiles can cause deadlocks and exclusive compile locks. This counter's value should follow in proportion to Batch Requests/sec and SQL Compilations/sec. This needs to be nil in your system as much as possible.
    TaskLimitReachedTaskLimitReachedNULLThis counter reports the total number of times that a queue monitor would have started a new task, but did not because the maximum number of tasks for the queue is already running.
    OpenConnectionCountOpenConnectionCountNULLThe total number of transport connections currently open
    SQLRECEIVEsPersecSQLRECEIVEsPersecNULLThe number of Transact-SQL RECEIVE statements processed per second.
    MSSQLCacheHitRatioMSSQLCacheHitRatioNULLRatio between cache hits and lookups.
    AverageLatchWaitTimemsAverageLatchWaitTimemsMillisecondsThe average latch wait time, in milliseconds, for any latch requests that had to wait. This value should generally correlate to Latch Waits/sec and move up or down with it accordingly.
    UserConnectionsUserConnectionsNULLThis shows the number of user connections, not the number of users, that are currently connected to SQL Server. A single user can have multiple connections open, and also that multiple people can share a single user connection. This indicates that how busy the server is.
    BrokerTransactionRollbacksBrokerTransactionRollbacksNULLThe number of rolled-back transactions that contained DML statements related to Service Broker, such as SEND and RECEIVE.
    LoginsPersecLoginsPersecNULLThe number of user logins per second. Any value over 2 may indicate insufficient connection pooling.
    TransactionsPersecTransactionsPersecNULLNumber of transactions started for the database.

    Agent G2 - Microsoft SQL 2012 Advanced Performance Counters DotNet v4


    Microsoft SQL 2012 Advanced Performance Counters



    Supported Metric

    Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
    Agent G2 - Microsoft SQL 2012 Advanced Performance Counters DotNet Active TransactionsNULLShows number of active update transactions for the database.
    mssqldb.allocated.freespace.mbMSSQL DB Allocated Freespace MBMBShows the allocated freespace for memory manager.
    mssql.stolen.server.memorykbMSSQL Stolen Server Memory KBNULLShows the amount of memory the server is currently using for purposes other than the database pages.
    mssql.transactions.per.secMSSQL Transactions Per SecNULLShows number of transactions started for the database.
    mssql.average.wait.timemsMSSQL Average Wait Time MSMSShows the average amount of wait time (in milliseconds) for each lock request that resulted in a wait. PageLifeExpectancyNULLNumber of seconds a page will stay in the buffer pool without references.
    mssql.db.cpu.utilizationMSSQL DB CPU Utilization%Shows the percentage of CPU utilization for SQL database.

    Agent G2 - Microsoft SQL 2012 DotNet v4


    Template for Microsoft SQL 2012 counters



    Supported Metric

    Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
    Agent G2 - Microsoft SQL 2012 DotNet v4SQLSENDsPersecSQLSENDsPersecNULLThe number of Transact-SQL SEND statements executed per second.
    ReceiveIPerOsPersecReceiveIPerOsPersecNULLThe number of transport receives I/O per second. Note that a transport receive I/O may contain more than one message fragment.
    LockWaitsPersecLockWaitsPersecNULLThis counter reports how many times users waited to acquire a lock over the past second. Note that while you are actually waiting on the lock, this is not reflected in this counter. It gets incremented only when you 'wake up' after waiting on the lock. If this value is nonzero, then it is an indication that there is at least some level of blocking occurring. If you combine this with the Lock Wait Time counter, you can get some idea of how long the blocking lasted. A zero value for this counter can definitively rule out blocking as a potential cause; a nonzero value will require looking at other information to determine whether it is significant.
    TaskLimitReachedTaskLimitReachedNULLThis counter reports the total number of times that a queue monitor would have started a new task, but did not because the maximum number of tasks for the queue is already running.
    MSSQLCacheHitRatioMSSQLCacheHitRatioNULLRatio between cache hits and lookups.
    SQLRECEIVEsPersecSQLRECEIVEsPersecNULLThe number of Transact-SQL RECEIVE statements processed per second.
    FreeMemoryKBFreeMemoryKBNULLThis monitor returns the amount of memory the server is currently using for the database pages cache. This monitor returns the amount of committed memory currently not used by the server.
    LongestTransactionRunningTimeLongestTransactionRunningTimeNULLThe length of time in seconds the transaction that has been running the longest has been active.
    BufferCacheHitRatioBufferCacheHitRatio%Percentage of pages that were found in the buffer pool without having to incur a read from disk.
    UsedLogSpaceUsedLogSpaceNULLThe cumulative used size of all the log files in the database.
    BrokerTransactionRollbacksBrokerTransactionRollbacksNULLThe number of rolled-back transactions that contained DML statements related to Service Broker, such as SEND and RECEIVE.
    PagesPersecPagesPersecKBpsPages/sec is the rate at which pages are read from or written to disk to resolve hard page faults. This counter is a primary indicator of the kinds of faults that cause system-wide delays. It is the sum of Memory Pages Input/sec and Memory Pages Output/sec.
    TasksAbortedPersecTasksAbortedPersecNULLThis reports the number of activation stored procedure tasks that end with an error, or are aborted by a queue monitor for failing to receive messages.
    DatabaseCacheMemoryKBDatabaseCacheMemoryKBNULLThis monitor returns the amount of memory the server is currently using for the database pages cache.
    AverageLatchWaitTimemsAverageLatchWaitTimemsMillisecondsThe average latch wait time, in milliseconds, for any latch requests that had to wait. This value should generally correlate to Latch Waits/sec and move up or down with it accordingly.
    NumberofDeadlocksPersecNumberofDeadlocksPersecNULLNumber of lock requests, per second, which resulted in a deadlock. Since only a COMMIT, ROLLBACK, or deadlock can terminate a transaction (excluding failures or errors), this is an important value to track. Excessive deadlocking indicates a table or index design error or bad application design. Use the Profiler's ability to track deadlocks.
    UserConnectionsUserConnectionsNULLThis shows the number of user connections, not the number of users, that are currently connected to SQL Server. A single user can have multiple connections open, and also that multiple people can share a single user connection. This indicates that how busy the server is.
    LockTimeoutsPersecLockTimeoutsPersecNULLShows the number of lock requests per second that timed out, including internal requests for NOWAIT locks. A value greater than zero might indicate that user queries are not completing. The lower this value is, the better. Ideally should be <1
    OptimizerMemoryKBOptimizerMemoryKBNULLThis monitor returns the total amount of dynamic memory the server is using for query optimization.
    OpenConnectionCountOpenConnectionCountNULLThe total number of transport connections currently open
    LoginsPersecLoginsPersecNULLThe number of user logins per second. Any value over 2 may indicate insufficient connection pooling.
    LogoutsPersecLogoutsPersecNULLThe number of user logouts per second. Any value over 2 may indicate insufficient connection pooling.
    SQLReCompilationsPersecSQLReCompilationsPersecNULLNumber of times, per second, that Transact-SQL. objects attempted to be executed but had to. be recompiled before completion. This number should be at or near zero, since recompiles can cause deadlocks and exclusive compile locks. This counter's value should follow in proportion to Batch Requests/sec and SQL Compilations/sec. This needs to be nil in your system as much as possible.
    TransactionsPersecTransactionsPersecNULLNumber of transactions started for the database.
    SQLCompilationsPersecSQLCompilationsPersecNULLNumber of times that Transact-SQL compilations occurred, per second (including recompiles). The lower this value is the better. High values often indicate excessive adhoc querying and should be as low as possible. If excessive adhoc querying is happening, try rewriting the queries as procedures or invoke the queries using sp_executeSQL. When rewriting isn't possible, consider using a plan guide or setting the database to parameterization forced mode.
    DataSpaceofDBDataSpaceofDB%Space utilization for the Data files.
    SendIPerOsPersecSendIPerOsPersecNULLThe number of transport send I/Os per second. Note that a transport send I/O may contain more than one message fragment.
    LatchWaitsPersecLatchWaitsPersecNULLThe number of latches in the last second that had to wait. Latches are lightweight means of holding a very transient server resource, such as an address in memory. Ideally should be < 10.
    TotalServerMemoryKBTotalServerMemoryKBKBThe Total Server Memory is the current amount of memory that SQL Server is using. If this counter is still growing, the server has not yet reached its steady-state, and it is still trying to populate the cache and get pages loaded into memory. Performance will likely be somewhat slower during this time, since more disk I/O is required at this stage. This behavior is normal. Eventually Total Server Memory should approximate Target Server Memory.

    Agent G2 - Microsoft SQL 2012 DotNet v4 - Performance Counters


    Template for Microsoft SQL 2012 Performance counters



    Supported Metric

    Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
    Agent G2 - Microsoft SQL 2012 DotNet v4 - Performance Page Splits Per SecondNULLNumber of page splits per second that occur as a result of overflowing index pages. Free List Stalls Per SecondNULLNumber of requests that had to wait for a free page.
    mssql2012.probe.scans.per.secMSSQL2012 Probe Scans Per SecondNULLNumber of probe scans per second that are used to find at most one single qualified row in an index or base table directly.
    mssql2012.batch.requests.per.secMSSQL2012 Batch Requests Per SecondNULLNumber of SQL batch requests received by server.
    mssql2012.forwarded.records.per.secMSSQL2012 Forwarded Records Per SecondNULLNumber of records fetched through forwarded record pointers. Failed Auto Params Per SecondNULLNumber of failed auto-parameterizations.
    mssql2012.full.scans.per.secMSSQL2012 Full Scans Per SecondNULLNumber of unrestricted full scans. These can either be base table or full index scans.
    mssql2012.database.pagesMSSQL2012 Database PagesNULLNumber of pages in the buffer pool with database content.
    mssql2012.cache.object.countsMSSQL2012 Cache Object CountsNULLNumber of cache objects in the cache.
    mssql2012.worktables.created.per.secMSSQL2012 Worktables Created Per SecondNULLNumber of work tables created per second. For example, work tables could be used to store temporary results for query spool, LOB variables, XML variables, and cursors.
    mssql2012.granted.workspace.memory.kbMSSQL2012 Granted Workspace Memory KBKBTotal amount of memory granted to executing processes. This memory is used for hash, sort and create index operations. Page Reads Per SecondNULLNumber of physical database page reads issued.
    mssql2012.lock.requests.per.secMSSQL2012 Lock Requests Per SecondNULLNumber of new locks and lock conversions requested from the lock manager. Auto Param Attempts Per SecondNULLNumber of auto-parameterization attempts.
    mssql2012.range.scans.per.secMSSQL2012 Range Scans Per SecondNULLNumber of qualified range scans through indexes per second.
    mssql2012.workfiles.created.per.secMSSQL2012 Workfiles Created Per SecondNULLNumber of work files created per second. For example, work files could be used to store temporary results for hash joins and hash aggregates. Cache Objects in useNULLNumber of cache objects in use.
    mssql2012.lock.wait.time.msMSSQL2012 Lock Wait Time MSMSTotal wait time (milliseconds) for locks in the last second. Page Writes Per SecondNULLNumber of physical database page writes issued. Target Server Memory KBKBIdeal amount of memory the server is willing to consume.

    Agent G2 - Microsoft SQL 2012 Query DotNet v4


    Monitors MSSQL 2012 query based monitoring.


    Prepare a file ““SQLCred.txt”” with content in the below format and place the text file in “\Agent\conf”. username – sa password – sa server – localhost

    Supported Metric

    Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
    Agent G2 - Microsoft SQL 2012 Query DotNet v4SQLCompilationPercentageSQLCompilationPercentageNULLShows the current percentage of compilations to the number of batch requests.
    IdentifyDatabaseblockingsIdentifyDatabaseblockingsNULLDisplays the blocked processes count.
    AverageTaskCountsAverageTaskCountsNULLShows the average of current tasks count.
    NumberOfConnectionsToTheSQLServerInstanceNumberOfConnectionsToTheSQLServerInstanceNULLDisplays the number of connections established to the SQL Server Instance.
    PageLookupsPercentagePageLookupsPercentageNULLShows the average number of requests to find a page in the buffer.
    SignalWaitsPercentageSignalWaitsPercentageNULLShows the average wait time a session id spends waiting for the CPU to become available to run it.
    BufferPoolIORateBufferPoolIORateNULLShows the rate at which data pages are being cycled in the buffer pool.
    ReqeuestprocessedReqeuestprocessedNULLShows the requests processed count.

    Agent G2 - Microsoft SQL 2012 WMI DotNet v4 - Performance Counters


    Template for Microsoft SQL 2012 WMI quries performance counters



    Supported Metric

    Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
    Agent G2 - Microsoft SQL 2012 WMI DotNet v4 - Performance CountersUserConnectionsUserConnectionsNULLThis shows the number of user connections, not the number of users, that are currently connected to SQL Server. A single user can have multiple connections open, and also that multiple people can share a single user connection. This indicates that how busy the server is.
    LockMemoryKBLockMemoryKBNULLThis monitor returns the total amount of dynamic memory the server is using for locks.
    LogFilesSizeKBLogFilesSizeKBNULLThe total size of the database log files.
    OptimizerMemoryKBOptimizerMemoryKBNULLThis monitor returns the total amount of dynamic memory the server is using for query optimization.
    PagewritesPersecPagewritesPersecNULLPage Writes/sec is the rate at which pages are written to disk to free up space in physical memory. Pages are written to disk only if they are changed while in physical memory, so they are likely to hold data, not code. This counter shows write operations, without regard to the number of pages written in each operation. This counter displays the difference between the values observed in the last two samples, divided by the duration of the sample interval.
    LockTimeoutsPersecLockTimeoutsPersecNULLShows the number of lock requests per second that timed out, including internal requests for NOWAIT locks. A value greater than zero might indicate that user queries are not completing. The lower this value is, the better. Ideally should be <1
    PagelifeexpectancyPagelifeexpectancyNULLThis performance monitor counter tells you, on average, how long data pages are staying in the buffer. If this value gets below 300 seconds, this is a potential indication that your SQL Server could use more memory in order to boost performance.
    LoginsPersecLoginsPersecNULLThe number of user logins per second. Any value over 2 may indicate insufficient connection pooling.
    PagesPersecPagesPersecKBpsPages/sec is the rate at which pages are read from or written to disk to resolve hard page faults. This counter is a primary indicator of the kinds of faults that cause system-wide delays. It is the sum of Memory Pages Input/sec and Memory Pages Output/sec.
    LockWaitsPersecLockWaitsPersecNULLThis counter reports how many times users waited to acquire a lock over the past second. Note that while you are actually waiting on the lock, this is not reflected in this counter. It gets incremented only when you 'wake up' after waiting on the lock. If this value is nonzero, then it is an indication that there is at least some level of blocking occurring. If you combine this with the Lock Wait Time counter, you can get some idea of how long the blocking lasted. A zero value for this counter can definitively rule out blocking as a potential cause; a nonzero value will require looking at other information to determine whether it is significant.
    LazyWritesPerSecLazyWritesPerSecNULLThis is the number of times per second lazy writer has to flush dirty pages out of the buffer cache instead of waiting on a checkpoint. Typically dirty pages are flushed out of cache by the checkpoint process. If the value of this counter is higher than 20, then the server could use additional RAM.
    QueueLengthQueueLengthNULLQueue Length is the current length of the server work queue for this CPU. A sustained queue length greater than twice the number of CPU cores might indicate processor congestion
    TransactionsPersecTransactionsPersecNULLNumber of transactions started for the database.
    AvgDiskWriteQueueLengthAvgDiskWriteQueueLengthNULLAverage Disk Write Queue Length is the average number of write requests that were queued for the selected disk during the sample interval. The value for this counter should always be under 2. This is the most reliable counter to use when the SQL instance is using external SAN storage for its databases.
    SQLCacheMemoryKBSQLCacheMemoryKBNULLThis monitor returns the total amount of dynamic memory the server is using for the dynamic SQL cache.
    FreeMemoryKBFreeMemoryKBNULLThis monitor returns the amount of memory the server is currently using for the database pages cache. This monitor returns the amount of committed memory currently not used by the server.
    NumberofDeadlocksPersecNumberofDeadlocksPersecNULLNumber of lock requests, per second, which resulted in a deadlock. Since only a COMMIT, ROLLBACK, or deadlock can terminate a transaction (excluding failures or errors), this is an important value to track. Excessive deadlocking indicates a table or index design error or bad application design. Use the Profiler's ability to track deadlocks.
    PagereadsPersecPagereadsPersecNULLThe number of physical database page reads issued. 80 to 90 per second is normal, anything that is above indicates indexing or memory constraint. Values for this counter will vary between database applications, but this information is useful when determining if SQL Server is the primary application using the disk. If the Buffer Manager page read-writes are low but disk-queue lengths are high, there might be a disk bottleneck. If the Page read-writes are higher than normal, a memory shortage is likely to exist.
    MemoryGrantsPendingMemoryGrantsPendingNULLTotal number of processes waiting to acquire a workspace memory grant.
    DataFilesSizeKBDataFilesSizeKBNULLThe total size of the database data files.
    LatchWaitsPersecLatchWaitsPersecNULLThe number of latches in the last second that had to wait. Latches are lightweight means of holding a very transient server resource, such as an address in memory. Ideally should be < 10.
    ConnectionMemoryKBConnectionMemoryKBNULLThis monitor returns the total amount of dynamic memory the server is using for maintaining connections.
    SQLCompilationsPersecSQLCompilationsPersecNULLNumber of times that Transact-SQL compilations occurred, per second (including recompiles). The lower this value is the better. High values often indicate excessive adhoc querying and should be as low as possible. If excessive adhoc querying is happening, try rewriting the queries as procedures or invoke the queries using sp_executeSQL. When rewriting isn't possible, consider using a plan guide or setting the database to parameterization forced mode.
    AverageWaitTimemsAverageWaitTimemsNULLThe average wait time in milliseconds of each lock request that had a wait time.
    LogFlushesPersecLogFlushesPersecNULLThe total number of log bytes flushed.
    TotalServerMemoryKBTotalServerMemoryKBKBThe Total Server Memory is the current amount of memory that SQL Server is using. If this counter is still growing, the server has not yet reached its steady-state, and it is still trying to populate the cache and get pages loaded into memory. Performance will likely be somewhat slower during this time, since more disk I/O is required at this stage. This behavior is normal. Eventually Total Server Memory should approximate Target Server Memory.
    AvgDiskReadQueueLengthAvgDiskReadQueueLengthNULLAverage Disk Read Queue Length is the average number of read requests that were queued for the selected disk during the sample interval. The value for this counter should always be under 2. This is the most reliable counter to use when the SQL instance is using external SAN storage for its databases.
    LongestTransactionRunningTimeLongestTransactionRunningTimeNULLThe length of time in seconds the transaction that has been running the longest has been active.
    BufferCacheHitRatioBufferCacheHitRatio%Percentage of pages that were found in the buffer pool without having to incur a read from disk.
    BatchRequestsPersecBatchRequestsPersecNULLThis counter measures the number of batch requests that SQL Server receives per second, and generally follows in step to how busy your server's CPUs are. Generally speaking, over 1000 batch requests per second indicates a very busy SQL Server, and could mean that if you are not already experiencing a CPU bottleneck, that you may be experiencing one soon. Of course, this is a relative number, and the bigger your hardware, the more batch requests per second SQL Server can handle.
    DatabaseCacheMemoryKBDatabaseCacheMemoryKBNULLThis monitor returns the amount of memory the server is currently using for the database pages cache.

    Agent G2 - Microsoft SQL 2014 DotNet v4 - Performance Counters


    Template for Microsoft SQL 2014 Performance counters



    Supported Metric

    Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
    Agent G2 - Microsoft SQL 2014 DotNet v4 - Performance Countersmssql2014.locktimeouts.per.secLock Timeouts Per SecNULLShows the number of lock requests that timed out. This includes requests for NOWAIT locks.
    mssql2014.sqlreceives.per.secSQL Receives Per SecNULLShows the number of SQL RECEIVE commands processed by the Broker per second.
    mssql2014.logfiles.usedsize.kbLog Files Used Size KBNULLShows the cumulative used size of all the log files in the database.
    mssql2014.buffercache.hit.ratioBuffer Cache Hit Ratio%Shows the Percentage of pages that were found in the buffer pool without having to incur a read from disk.
    mssql2014.sqlrecompilations.per.secSQL ReCompilations Per SecNULLShows the number of SQL re-compiles.
    mssql2014.user.connectionsUser ConnectionsNULLShows the number of users connected to the system.
    mssql2014.datafilessize.kbData Files Size KBNULLShows the cumulative size of all the data files in the database.
    mssql2014.sqlcompilations.per.secSQL Compilations Per SecNULLShows the number of SQL compilations. Tranasaction Roll BacksNULLShows the number of Service Broker related transactions that have rolled back.
    mssql2014.sqlsends.per.secSQL Sends Per SecNULLShows the number of SQL SEND commands processed by the Broker per second.
    mssql2014.cachehit.ratioCache Hit RatioNULLShows the ratio between cache hits and lookups
    mssql2014.logouts.per.secLogouts Per SecNULLShows the total number of logouts started per second.
    mssql2014.numberofdeadlocks.per.secNumber of Deadlocks Per SecNULLShows the number of lock requests that resulted in a deadlock.
    mssql2014.tasksaborted.per.secTask Aborted Per SecNULLShows the number of activated tasks that are being aborted per second.
    mssql2014.transactions.per.secTransactions Per SecNULLShows the number of transactions started for the database.
    mssql2014.tasklimit.reachedTask Limit ReachedNULLShows the total number of times the activated task limit on a queue has been reached.
    mssql2014.logins.per.secLogins Per SecNULLShows the total number of logins started per second.
    mssql2014.latchwaits.per.secLatch Waits Per SecNULLShows the number of latch requests that could not be granted immediately and had to wait before being granted. Connection CountNULLShows the total number of transport connections currently open.
    mssql2014.sendiperos.per.secSend IO Per SecNULLShows the number of transport send I/Os per second. Note that a transport send I/O may contain more than one message fragment.
    mssql2014.average.latchwait.timemsAverage Latch Wait Time in MSNULLShows the Average latch wait time (milliseconds) for latch requests that had to wait.
    mssql2014.receiveiperos.per.secReceive IO Per SecNULLShows the number of transport receives I/O per second. Note that a transport receive I/O may contain more than one message fragment.

    Agent G2 - Microsoft SQL 2016 - Performance Counters DotNet v4


    Template for Microsoft SQL 2016 Performance counters



    Supported Metric

    Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
    Agent G2 - Microsoft SQL 2016 - Performance Counters DotNet v4mssql2016.latchwaits.per.secMSSQL2016 Latch Waits Per SecNULLShows the number of latch requests that could not be granted immediately and had to wait before being granted.
    mssql2016.numberofdeadlocks.per.secMSSQL2016 Number of Deadlocks Per SecNULLShows the number of lock requests that resulted in a deadlock.
    mssql2016.buffercache.hit.ratioMSSQL2016 Buffer Cache Hit Ratio%Shows the Percentage of pages that were found in the buffer pool without having to incur a read from disk.
    mssql2016.sqlsends.per.secMSSQL2016 SQL Sends Per SecNULLShows the number of SQL SEND commands processed by the Broker per second.
    mssql2016.sqlrecompilations.per.secMSSQL2016 SQL ReCompilations Per SecNULLShows the number of SQL re-compiles.
    mssql2016.tasklimit.reachedMSSQL2016 Task Limit ReachedNULLShows the total number of times the activated task limit on a queue has been reached.
    mssql2016.sqlcompilations.per.secMSSQL2016 SQL Compilations Per SecNULLShows the number of SQL compilations.
    mssql2016.sqlreceives.per.secMSSQL2016 SQL Receives Per SecNULLShows the number of SQL RECEIVE commands processed by the Broker per second.
    mssql2016.locktimeouts.per.secMSSQL2016 Lock Timeouts Per SecNULLShows the number of lock requests that timed out. This includes requests for NOWAIT locks.
    mssql2016.sendiperos.per.secMSSQL2016 Send IO Per SecNULLShows the number of transport send I/O per second. Note that a transport send I/O may contain more than one message fragment.
    mssql2016.logouts.per.secMSSQL2016 Logouts Per SecNULLShows the total number of logouts started per second. Broker Tranasaction Roll BacksNULLShows the number of Service Broker related transactions that have rolled back.
    mssql2016.cachehit.ratioMSSQL2016 Cache Hit RatioNULLShows the ratio between cache hits and lookups
    mssql2016.average.latchwait.timemsMSSQL2016 Average Latch Wait Time in MSNULLShows the Average latch wait time (milliseconds) for latch requests that had to wait.
    mssql2016.transactions.per.secMSSQL2016 Transactions Per SecNULLShows the number of transactions started for the database.
    mssql2016.logins.per.secMSSQL2016 Logins Per SecNULLShows the total number of logins started per second. Open Connection CountNULLShows the total number of transport connections currently open.
    mssql2016.tasksaborted.per.secMSSQL2016 Task Aborted Per SecNULLShows the number of activated tasks that are being aborted per second.
    mssql2016.datafilessize.kbMSSQL2016 Data Files Size KBNULLShows the cumulative size of all the data files in the database.
    mssql2016.logfiles.usedsize.kbMSSQL2016 Log Files Used Size KBNULLShows the cumulative used size of all the log files in the database.
    mssql2016.user.connectionsMSSQL2016 User ConnectionsNULLShows the number of users connected to the system.
    mssql2016.receiveiperos.per.secMSSQL2016 Receive IO Per SecNULLShows the number of transport receives I/O per second. Note that a transport receive I/O may contain more than one message fragment.

    Agent G2 - Microsoft SQL 2019 DotNet v4


    Monitors Microsoft SQL 2019 metrics LatchWaitsPersec, AverageLatchWaitTimems, DataFilesSizeKB, LogFilesUsedSizeKB, LockTimeoutsPersec, NumberofDeadlocksPersec, Buffercachehitratio, Pagelifeexpectancy, PhysicalDiskAvgDisksecPerRead, PhysicalDiskAvgDisksecPerWrite



    Supported Metric

    Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
    Agent G2 - Microsoft SQL 2019 DotNet v4mssql2019.datafilesizekbMSSQL2019 DataFilesSizeKBKBShows the cumulative size of all the data files in the database.
    mssql2019.physicaldisk.avgdisksecperreadMSSQL2019 PhysicalDisk AvgDisksecPerReadNULLAvg. Disk sec/Read is the average time, in seconds, of a read of data from the disk.
    mssql2019.locktimeoutspersecMSSQL2019 LockTimeoutsPersecCountShows the number of lock requests that timed out. This includes requests for NOWAIT locks.
    mssql2019.averagelatchwaittimemsMSSQL2019 AverageLatchWaitTimemsMillisecondsShows the Average latch wait time (milliseconds) for latch requests that had to wait.
    mssql2019.pagelifeexpectancyMSSQL2019 PagelifeexpectancyNULLNumber of seconds a page will stay in the buffer pool without references.
    mssql2019.physicaldisk.avgdisksecperwriteMSSQL2019 PhysicalDisk AvgDisksecPerWriteNULLAvg. Disk sec/Write is the average time, in seconds, of a write of data to the disk.
    mssql2019.buffercachehitratioMSSQL2019 Buffercachehitratio%Shows the Percentage of pages that were found in the buffer pool without having to incur a read from disk.
    mssql2019.latchwaitspersecMSSQL2019 LatchWaitsPersecCountShows the number of latch requests that could not be granted immediately and had to wait before being granted.
    mssql2019.numberofdeadlockspersecMSSQL2019 NumberofDeadlocksPersecCountShows the number of lock requests that resulted in a deadlock.
    mssql2019.logfilesusedsizekbMSSQL2019 LogFilesUsedSizeKBKBShows the cumulative used size of all the log files in the database.

    Agent G2 - Microsoft SQL Performance Counters DotNet v4


    Microsoft SQL Server Performance Counters



    Supported Metric

    Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
    Agent G2 - Microsoft SQL Performance Counters DotNet v4logicaldisk.average.disk.write.queue.lengthLogicalDisk AverageDiskWriteQueueLengthNULLAvg. Disk Write Queue Length is the average number of write requests that were queued for the selected disk during the sample interval. AverageDiskReadQueueLengthNULLAvg. Disk Read Queue Length is the average number of read requests that were queued for the selected disk during the sample interval.
    mssql.serverworkqueue.queuelengthMSSQL ServerWorkQueueQueueLengthNULLCurrent length of the server work queue for this CPU. A sustained queue length greater than four might indicate processor congestion. This is an instantaneous count, not an average over time.
    memory.pages.per.secMemory PagesPerSecNULLPages/sec is the rate at which pages are read from or written to disk to resolve hard page faults. This counter is a primary indicator of the kinds of faults that cause system-wide delays. It is the sum of Memory\\Pages Input/sec and Memory\\Pages Output.

    Agent G2 - Microsoft SQL Server 2016 DotNet v4 - Performance Counters


    Template for Microsoft SQL 2016 Performance counters



    Supported Metric

    Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
    Agent G2 - Microsoft SQL Server 2016 DotNet v4 - Performance Countersmssql2016.logfiles.usedsize.kbMSSQL2016 Log Files Used Size KBNULLShows the cumulative used size of all the log files in the database.
    mssql2016.user.connectionsMSSQL2016 User ConnectionsNULLShows the number of users connected to the system.
    mssql2016.cachehit.ratioMSSQL2016 Cache Hit RatioNULLShows the ratio between cache hits and lookups.
    mssql2016.latchwaits.per.secMSSQL2016 Latch Waits Per SecNULLShows the number of latch requests that could not be granted immediately and had to wait before being granted. Open Connection CountNULLShows the total number of transport connections currently open.
    mssql2016.logins.per.secMSSQL2016 Logins Per SecNULLShows the total number of logins started per second.
    mssql2016.sqlsends.per.secMSSQL2016 SQL Sends Per SecNULLShows the number of SQL SEND commands processed by the Broker per second.
    mssql2016.receiveiperos.per.secMSSQL2016 Receive IO Per SecNULLShows the number of transport receives I/O per second. Note that a transport receive I/O may contain more than one message fragment. Broker Tranasaction Roll BacksNULLShows the number of Service Broker related transactions that have rolled back.
    mssql2016.sqlcompilations.per.secMSSQL2016 SQL Compilations Per SecNULLShows the number of SQL compilations.
    mssql2016.locktimeouts.per.secMSSQL2016 Lock Timeouts Per SecNULLShows the number of lock requests that timed out. This includes requests for NOWAIT locks.
    mssql2016.numberofdeadlocks.per.secMSSQL2016 Number of Deadlocks Per SecNULLShows the number of lock requests that resulted in a deadlock.
    mssql2016.tasksaborted.per.secMSSQL2016 Task Aborted Per SecNULLShows the number of activated tasks that are being aborted per second.
    mssql2016.tasklimit.reachedMSSQL2016 Task Limit ReachedNULLShows the total number of times the activated task limit on a queue has been reached.
    mssql2016.datafilessize.kbMSSQL2016 Data Files Size KBNULLShows the cumulative size of all the data files in the database.
    mssql2016.average.latchwait.timemsMSSQL2016 Average Latch Wait Time in MSNULLShows the Average latch wait time (milliseconds) for latch requests that had to wait.
    mssql2016.sqlrecompilations.per.secMSSQL2016 SQL ReCompilations Per SecNULLShows the number of SQL re-compiles.
    mssql2016.buffercache.hit.ratioMSSQL2016 Buffer Cache Hit Ratio%Shows the Percentage of pages that were found in the buffer pool without having to incur a read from disk.
    mssql2016.transactions.per.secMSSQL2016 Transactions Per SecNULLShows the number of transactions started for the database.
    mssql2016.sqlreceives.per.secMSSQL2016 SQL Receives Per SecNULLShows the number of SQL RECEIVE commands processed by the Broker per second.
    mssql2016.logouts.per.secMSSQL2016 Logouts Per SecNULLShows the total number of logouts started per second.
    mssql2016.sendiperos.per.secMSSQL2016 Send IO Per SecNULLShows the number of transport send I/O per second. Note that a transport send I/O may contain more than one message fragment.

    Agent G2 - Microsoft SQL Server 2017 DotNet v4 - Performance Counters


    Microsoft SQL Server 2017 Performance Counters



    Supported Metric

    Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
    Agent G2 - Microsoft SQL Server 2017 DotNet v4 - Performance Countersmssql2017.latchwaitspersecMSSQL2017 LatchWaitsPersecNULLShows the number of latch requests that could not be granted immediately and had to wait before being granted.
    mssql2017.averagelatchwaittimemsMSSQL2017 AverageLatchWaitTimemsNULLShows the Average latch wait time (milliseconds) for latch requests that had to wait.
    mssql2017.physicaldisk.avgdisksecperwriteMSSQL2017 PhysicalDisk AvgDisksecPerWriteNULLAvg. Disk sec/Write is the average time, in seconds, of a write of data to the disk.
    mssql2017.logfilesusedsizekbMSSQL2017 LogFilesUsedSizeKBNULLShows the cumulative used size of all the log files in the database.
    mssql2017.buffercachehitratioMSSQL2017 Buffercachehitratio%Shows the Percentage of pages that were found in the buffer pool without having to incur a read from disk.
    mssql2017.locktimeoutspersecMSSQL2017 LockTimeoutsPersecNULLShows the number of lock requests that timed out. This includes requests for NOWAIT locks.
    mssql2017.pagelifeexpectancyMSSQL2017 PagelifeexpectancyNULLNumber of seconds a page will stay in the buffer pool without references.
    mssql2017.datafilesizekbMSSQL2017 DataFilesSizeKBNULLShows the cumulative size of all the data files in the database.
    mssql2017.physicaldisk.avgdisksecperreadMSSQL2017 PhysicalDisk AvgDisksecPerReadNULLAvg. Disk sec/Read is the average time, in seconds, of a read of data from the disk.
    mssql2017.numberofdeadlockspersecMSSQL2017 NumberofDeadlocksPersecNULLShows the number of lock requests that resulted in a deadlock.

    Agent G2 - Microsoft Terminal Services Performance Counters DotNet v4


    Monitors windows Terminal Services Performance data



    Supported Metric

    Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
    Agent G2 - Microsoft Terminal Services Performance Counters DotNet v4ActiveSessionsActiveSessionsNULLThe number of Desktop sessions currently streamed
    PrivateBytesPrivateBytesNULLPrivate Bytes is the current size, in bytes, of memory that this process has allocated that cannot be shared with other processes.
    TotalTransportErrorsTotalTransportErrorsNULLTotal number of Terminal Services transport-level errors.
    TotalTimeoutsTotalTimeoutsNULLThe total number of timeouts on the communication line from both the host and client sides of the connection. These are typically the result of a noisy line. On some high latency networks, this could be the result of the protocol timeout being too short. Increasing the protocol timeout on these types of lines will improve performance by reducing needless re-transmissions.
    InactiveSessionsInactiveSessionsNULLNumber of inactive Terminal Services sessions.
    TotalErrorsTotalErrorsNULLTotal number of errors of all types. Some example errors are lost ACK's, badly formed packets, etc.
    PercentProcessorTimePercentProcessorTime%% Processor Time is the percentage of elapsed time that all of process threads used the processor to execution instructions. An instruction is the basic unit of execution in a computer, a thread is the object that executes instructions, and a process is the object created when a program is run. Code executed to handle some hardware interrupts and trap conditions are included in this count.
    TotalSessionsTotalSessionsCountTotal number Terminal services sessions.
    OutputErrorsOutputErrorsNULLNumber of output errors of all types. Some example output errors are lost ACK's, badly formed packets, etc.

    Agent G2 - Microsoft Windows ASPNET Performance Counters - v2


    Monitors Microsoft Windows ASPNET Performance Counters. In this version of template we have added additional metrics support for microsoft_windows_ASPNET_RequestsCurrent & microsoft_windows_ASPNET_RequestWaitTime


    This template requires Agent version 14.0.0 or later.

    Supported Metric

    Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
    Agent G2 - Microsoft Windows ASPNET Performance Counters - v2microsoft_windows_ASPNETAppsv2050727_RequestsPersecMicrosoft Windows ASPNETAppsv2050727 RequestsPerseccountThe number of requests executed per second.
    microsoft_windows_ASPNETApplications_CacheTotalHitRatioMicrosoft Windows ASPNETApplications CacheTotalHitRatioNULLRatio of hits from all cache calls.
    microsoft_windows_ASPNET_ApplicationRestartsMicrosoft Windows ASPNET ApplicationRestartscountNumber of times the application has been restarted during the web server's lifetime.
    microsoft_windows_ASPNET_RequestsCurrentMicrosoft windows ASPNET RequestsCurrentcountThe current number of requests, including those that are queued, currently executing, or waiting to be written to the client. Under the ASP.NET process model, when this counter exceeds the requestQueueLimit defined in the processModel configuration section, ASP.NET will begin rejecting requests.
    microsoft_windows_ASPNET_WorkerProcessRestartsMicrosoft Windows ASPNET WorkerProcessRestartscountNumber of times a worker process has restarted on the machine
    microsoft_windows_ASPNET_RequestWaitTimeMicrosoft Windows ASPNET RequestWaitTimemsThe number of milliseconds the most recent request was waiting in the queue.

    Agent G2 - Microsoft Windows ASPNET Performance Counters


    Microsoft Windows ASPNET Performance Counters



    Supported Metric

    Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
    Agent G2 - Microsoft Windows ASPNET Performance Countersmicrosoft_windows_ASPNET_WorkerProcessRestartsMicrosoft Windows ASPNET WorkerProcessRestartscountNumber of times a worker process has restarted on the machine
    microsoft_windows_ASPNETApplications_CacheTotalHitRatioMicrosoft Windows ASPNETApplications CacheTotalHitRatioNULLRatio of hits from all cache calls.
    microsoft_windows_ASPNET_ApplicationRestartsMicrosoft Windows ASPNET ApplicationRestartscountNumber of times the application has been restarted during the web server's lifetime.
    microsoft_windows_ASPNETAppsv2050727_RequestsPersecMicrosoft Windows ASPNETAppsv2050727 RequestsPerseccountThe number of requests executed per second.

    Agent G2 - Microsoft Windows Basic Performance Counters - RSE


    Microsoft Windows Basic Performance Counters - RSE



    Supported Metric

    Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
    Agent G2 - Microsoft Windows Basic Performance Counters - RSEmicrosoft_windows_Synchronization_ExecResourceAcquiresAcqExclLitePersecMicrosoft Windows Synchronization ExecResourceAcquiresAcqExclLitePersecNULLFrequency of first exclusive acquires from ExAcquireResourceExclusiveLite.
    microsoft_windows_Server_WorkItemShortagesMicrosoft Windows Server WorkItemShortagescountThe number of times STATUS_DATA_NOT_ACCEPTED was returned at receive indication time. This occurs when no work item is available or can be allocated to service the incoming request. Indicates whether the InitWorkItems or MaxWorkItems parameters might need to be adjusted.
    microsoft_windows_DotNETCLRMemory_FinalizationSurvivorsMicrosoft Windows DotNETCLRMemory FinalizationSurvivorscountThis counter displays the number of garbage collected objects that survive a collection because they are waiting to be finalized. If these objects hold references to other objects then those objects also survive but are not counted by this counter; the "Promoted Finalization-Memory from Gen 0" and "Promoted Finalization-Memory from Gen 1" counters represent all the memory that survived due to finalization. This counter is not a cumulative counter; its updated at the end of every GC with count of the survivors during that particular GC only. This counter was designed to indicate the extra overhead that the application might incur because of finalization.
    microsoft_windows_WSManQuotaStatistics_ActiveOperationsMicrosoft Windows WSManQuotaStatistics ActiveOperationscountDisplays the current number of active operations for all users.
    microsoft_windows_MSDTCBridge4000_AverageParticipantCommitResponseTimeMicrosoft Windows MSDTCBridge4000 AverageParticipantCommitResponseTimemsAverage time in milliseconds for the WS-AT service to receive a Commit message response from a participant.
    microsoft_windows_SMSvcHost4000_ConnectionsAcceptedOverNetPipeMicrosoft Windows SMSvcHost4000 ConnectionsAcceptedOverNetPipecountThe total number of named pipe connections accepted over net.pipe.
    microsoft_windows_Redirector_ServerSessionsHungMicrosoft Windows Redirector ServerSessionsHungcountServer Sessions Hung counts the number of active sessions that are timed out and unable to proceed due to a lack of response from the remote server.

    Agent G2 - Microsoft Windows HTTP Service Counters


    Microsoft Windows HTTP Service Counters



    Supported Metric

    Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
    Agent G2 - Microsoft Windows HTTP Service Countersmicrosoft_windows_HTTPServiceRequestQueues_ArrivalRateMicrosoft Windows HTTPServiceRequestQueues ArrivalRateNULLRate at which requests are arriving in the queue
    microsoft_windows_HTTPServiceUrlGroups_AllRequestsMicrosoft Windows HTTPServiceUrlGroups AllRequestscountTotal number of HTTP requests made for this site

    Agent G2 - Microsoft Windows IPsec Performance Counters


    Microsoft Windows IPsec Performance Counters



    Supported Metric

    Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
    Agent G2 - Microsoft Windows IPsec Performance Countersmicrosoft_windows_IPsecIKEv2IPv4_ActiveMainModeSAsMicrosoft Windows IPsecIKEv2IPv4 ActiveMainModeSAscountActive Main Mode SAs is the number of currently active main mode security associations.
    microsoft_windows_IPsecIKEv2IPv6_ActiveMainModeSAsMicrosoft Windows IPsecIKEv2IPv6 ActiveMainModeSAscountActive Main Mode SAs is the number of currently active main mode security associations.
    microsoft_windows_IPsecIKEv1IPv4_ActiveMainModeSAsMicrosoft Windows IPsecIKEv1IPv4 ActiveMainModeSAscountActive Main Mode SAs is the number of currently active main mode security associations.
    microsoft_windows_IPsecDriver_ActiveSecurityAssociationsMicrosoft Windows IPsecDriver ActiveSecurityAssociationscountActive Security Associations is the number of active quick mode security associations.
    microsoft_windows_IPsecAuthIPIPv6_ActiveExtendedModeSAsMicrosoft Windows IPsecAuthIPIPv6 ActiveExtendedModeSAscountActive Extended Mode SAs is the number of currently active extended mode security associations.
    microsoft_windows_IPsecDoSProtection_CurrentStateEntriesMicrosoft Windows IPsecDoSProtection CurrentStateEntriescountCurrent State Entries is the number of state entries in the table. A state entry is a pair of IPv6 addresses that is authorized to pass through from a public to an internal interface.

    Agent G2 - Microsoft Windows LogicalDisk Defragmentation


    To monitor LogicalDisk Defragmentation



    Supported Metric

    Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
    System Windows LogicalDisk Defragmentation Monitorsystem_windows_logicaldisk_AverageFragmentsPerFileSystem Windows LogicalDisk Average Fragments PerFilecountAverage number of fragments per file on a volume.
    system_windows_logicaldisk_TotalPercentFragmentationSystem Windows LogicalDisk TotalPercent Fragmentation%Percent of the volume that is fragmented
    system_windows_logicaldisk_TotalFragmentedFilesSystem Windows LogicalDisk Total Fragmented FilescountNumber of fragmented files on a volume.
    system_windows_logicaldisk_ExcessFolderFragmentsSystem Windows LogicalDisk Excess FolderFragmentscountNumber of excess folder fragments on a volume.
    system_windows_logicaldisk_FragmentedFoldersSystem Windows LogicalDisk FragmentedFolderscountNumber of fragmented folders (subdirectories) on a volume.

    Agent G2 - Microsoft Windows Lsa counters


    Microsoft Windows Lsa counters



    Supported Metric

    Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
    Agent G2 - Microsoft Windows Lsa countersmicrosoft_windows__Lsa_SecuritySystemWideStatistics_ActiveSchannelSessionCacheEntriesMicrosoft Windows Lsa SecuritySystemWideStatistics ActiveSchannelSessionCacheEntriescountcount
    microsoft_windows_Lsa_SecurityPerProcessStatistics_ContextHandlesMicrosoft Windows Lsa SecurityPerProcessStatistics ContextHandlescountThis counter tracks the number of context handles in use by a given process. Context handles are associated with security contexts established between a client application and a remote peer.

    Agent G2 - Microsoft Windows Message Queuing service Counters


    Microsoft Windows Message Queuing service Counters



    Supported Metric

    Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
    Agent G2 - Microsoft Windows Message Queuing service Countersmicrosoft_windows_MSMQService_IncomingMessagesPersecMicrosoft Windows MSMQService IncomingMessagesPersecNULLThe rate at which incoming Message Queuing messages are placed in queues on the selected computer by the Message Queuing service.

    Agent G2 - Microsoft Windows MSOLAP Performance Counters


    Microsoft Windows MSOLAP Performance Counters



    Supported Metric

    Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
    Agent G2 - Microsoft Windows MSOLAP Performance Countersmicrosoft_windows_MSOLAPDUMMYINSTConnection_CurrentConnectionsMicrosoft Windows MSOLAPDUMMYINSTConnection CurrentConnectionscountCurrent number of client connections established.
    microsoft_windows_MSOLAPDUMMYINSTProcIndexes_CurrentpartitionsMicrosoft Windows MSOLAPDUMMYINSTProcIndexes CurrentpartitionscountCurrent number of partitions being processed.
    microsoft_windows_MSOLAPDUMMYINSTThreads_LongParsingBusyThreadsMicrosoft Windows MSOLAPDUMMYINSTThreads LongParsingBusyThreadscountNumber of busy threads in the long parsing thread pool.
    microsoft_windows_MSOLAPDUMMYINSTMemory_AggCacheKBCurrent memory allocated to aggregation cache, in KB.KB
    microsoft_windows_MSOLAPDUMMYINSTProcessing_RowsConvertedPersecMicrosoft Windows MSOLAPDUMMYINSTProcessing RowsConvertedPersecNULLRate of rows converted during processing.
    microsoft_windows_MSOLAPDUMMYINSTDataMiningPrediction_ConcurrentDMqueriesMicrosoft Windows MSOLAPDUMMYINSTDataMiningPrediction ConcurrentDMqueriescountCurrent number of Data Mining queries being actively worked on.
    microsoft_windows_MSOLAPDUMMYINSTCache_CurrentEntriesMicrosoft Windows MSOLAPDUMMYINSTCache CurrentEntriescountCurrent number of cache entries.
    microsoft_windows_MSOLAPDUMMYINSTProactiveCaching_NotificationsPersecMicrosoft Windows MSOLAPDUMMYINSTProactiveCaching NotificationsPersecNULLRate of notifications from relational database.
    microsoft_windows_MSOLAPDUMMYINSTLocks_CurrentLatchWaitsMicrosoft Windows MSOLAPDUMMYINSTLocks CurrentLatchWaitscountCurrent number of threads waiting for a latch. These are latch requests that could not be given immediate grants and are in a wait state.
    microsoft_windows_MSOLAPDUMMYINSTStorageEngineQuery_AggregationHitsPersecMicrosoft Windows MSOLAPDUMMYINSTStorageEngineQuery AggregationHitsPersecNULLRate of aggregation hits.
    microsoft_windows_MSOLAPDUMMYINSTProcAggregations_CurrentPartitionsMicrosoft Windows MSOLAPDUMMYINSTProcAggregations CurrentPartitionscountCurrent number of partitions being processed.
    microsoft_windows_MSOLAPDUMMYINSTMDX_CurrentNumberofCachedEvaluationNodesMicrosoft Windows MSOLAPDUMMYINSTMDX CurrentNumberofCachedEvaluationNodescountCurrent (approximate) number of cached evaluation nodes built by MDX execution plans
    microsoft_windows_MSOLAPDUMMYINST_DataMiningModelProcessing_CasesPersecMicrosoft Windows MSOLAPDUMMYINST DataMiningModelProcessing CasesPersecNULLRate of processing cases.

    Agent G2 - Microsoft Windows IIS App Pool State


    Monitors IIS App Pool States for the given app pool names by fetching the App Pool Names from Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager > Application Pools > Column ‘Name’. Status of the application pool (1 - Uninitialized, 2 - Initialized, 3 - Running, 4 - Disabling, 5 - Disabled, 6 - Shutdown Pending, 7 - Delete Pending).

    Template Usage Guidelines:

    While applying this template on the device, users need to provide specific input parameters in below formats only.
    Format 1: By default, it will monitor all the available App Pools, as the default value is ‘all’.
    Format 2: It will monitor the given exact app pool names separated by commas (avoid spaces for each app pool name).


    No prerequisite

    Supported Metric

    Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
    Agent G2 - Microsoft Windows IIS App Pool Statemicrosoft_windows_iis_appPool_stateMicrosoft Windows IIS App Pool StateStateMonitors IIS App Pool States for the given app pool names by fetching the App Pool Names from Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager > Application Pools > Column 'Name'. By default, it will monitor all the available App Pools because the default value is 'all.' Otherwise, it will monitor the given exact app pool names separated by commas (avoid spaces for each app pool name). Status of the application pool (1 - Uninitialized, 2 - Initialized, 3 - Running, 4 - Disabling, 5 - Disabled, 6 - Shutdown Pending, 7 - Delete Pending).

    Agent G2 - Microsoft Active Directory Domain Controller Performance and Availability


    Monitors Active Directory metrics like Global Catalog Bind Time, Global Catalog Search Time, DNS Servers Bind Time, Lost Object Count, SYSVol Share availability.


    No prerequisite.

    Template Usage Guidelines

    Monitor Name: Agent G2 - Microsoft AD DNS Server Bind Time.
    When applying this monitor on the device, users need to provide AD DNS Server IP to monitor.


    Monitor Name: Agent G2 - Microsoft AD Global Catalog Bind Time.
    When applying this monitor on the device, users need to provide AD Domain Controller IP along with its port seperated by colon.


    Monitor Name: Agent G2 - Microsoft AD Global Catalog Search Time

    When applying this monitor on the device, users need to provide Domain Controller IP:Port and LDAP Filter Name.

    AD_LDAP_Filter: organization

    Supported Metric

    Monitor NameMonitor DescriptionMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
    Agent G2 - Microsoft AD DNS Server Bind TimeMonitors network connectivity test to the specified DNS server IP's.
    microsoft_AD_DNS_server_bindTimeMicrosoft AD DNS Server BindTimemsMonitors Microsoft Active Directory network connectivity tests to the specified DNS server IPs.
    Agent G2 - Microsoft AD Global Catalog Bind TimeMonitors Active Directory Global Catalog Bind Time in Milliseconds. User need to provide AD Domain Controller IP along with its port with : separated.
    microsoft_AD_global_catalog_bindTimeMicrosoft AD Global Catalog BindTimemsMonitors Microsoft Active Directory Global Catalog Bind Time in milliseconds.
    Agent G2 - Microsoft AD Global Catalog Search TimeMonitors Active Directory Global catalog search time in milliseconds using given Domain Controller IPS's and its associated filter. It measures the time it takes to perform the search operation. User need to provide Domain Controller IP:port and LDAP Filter Name.
    Example: DomainControllerIP_and_Port: AD_LDAP_Filter: organization
    microsoft_AD_global_catalog_searchTimeMicrosoft AD Global Catalog SearchTimemsMonitors Microsoft Active Directory Global Catalog Search Time in milliseconds
    Agent G2 - Microsoft AD LostObjectCount_SYSVOLShareAvailabilityMonitor the count of deleted Active Directory objects and availability of the Active Directory SYSVOL share.microsoft_AD_lost_object_countMicrosoft AD Lost Object CountcountMonitors the count of deleted Active Directory objects.
    Agent G2 - Microsoft AD LostObjectCount_SYSVOLShareAvailabilityMonitor the count of deleted Active Directory objects and availability of the Active Directory SYSVOL share.microsoft_AD_SYSVOL_share_availabilityMicrosoft AD SYSVOL Share AvailabilitynullMonitors Microsoft Active Directory SYSVOL share is available or not.

    Agent G2 - Microsoft Active Directory Domain Controller Performance and Availability - v2


    Monitors Active Directory metrics like Global Catalog Bind Time, Global Catalog Search Time, DNS Servers Bind Time, Lost Object Count, SYSVol Share availability.


    No Prerequisites.

    Template Usage Guidelines

    Monitor Name: Agent G2 - Microsoft AD DNS Server Bind Time.
    When applying this monitor on the device, users need to provide AD DNS Server IP to monitor.


    Monitor Name: Agent G2 - Microsoft AD Global Catalog Bind Time.
    When applying this monitor on the device, users need to provide AD Domain Controller IP along with its port seperated by colon.


    Monitor Name: Agent G2 - Microsoft AD Global Catalog Search Time

    When applying this monitor on the device, users need to provide Domain Controller IP:Port and LDAP Filter Name.

    AD_LDAP_Filter: organization

    Supported Metric

    Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
    Agent G2 - Microsoft AD DNS Server Bind Timemicrosoft_AD_DNS_server_bindTimeMicrosoft AD DNS Server BindTimemsMonitors Microsoft Active Directory network connectivity tests to the specified DNS server IPs.
    Agent G2 - Microsoft AD Global Catalog Bind Timemicrosoft_AD_global_catalog_bindTimeMicrosoft AD Global Catalog BindTimemsMonitors Microsoft Active Directory Global Catalog Bind Time in milliseconds
    Agent G2 - Microsoft AD Global Catalog Search Timemicrosoft_AD_global_catalog_searchTimeMicrosoft AD Global Catalog SearchTimemsMonitors Microsoft Active Directory Global Catalog Search Time in milliseconds
    Agent G2 - Microsoft AD LostObjectCount_SYSVOLShareAvailabilitymicrosoft_AD_lost_object_countMicrosoft AD Lost Object CountcountMonitors the count of deleted Active Directory objects.
    Agent G2 - Microsoft AD LostObjectCount_SYSVOLShareAvailabilitymicrosoft_AD_SYSVOL_share_availabilityMicrosoft AD SYSVOL Share AvailabilitynullMonitors Microsoft Active Directory SYSVOL share is available or not.
    Agent G2 - Microsoft AD BindTimemicrosoft_AD_bindTimeMicrosoft AD BindTimemsMonitors Active Directory BindTime for Domain Controller, Infrastructure Master, Domain Naming Master, Primary Domain Controller Emulator (PDC), Relative ID master (RID), Schema Master (SCH) in milliseconds.
    Agent G2 - Microsoft AD LastSuccessful Synchronization Timemicrosoft_AD_lastSuccessfulSyncTimeMicrosoft AD LastSuccessfulSync TimemMonitors Microsoft Active Directory last successful synchronization time in minutes.

    Agent G2 - Microsoft Windows OS Counters - RSE

    This template will be deprecated soon.


    Microsoft Windows OS Counters - RSE



    Supported Metric

    Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
    Agent G2 - Microsoft Windows OS Counters - RSEmicrosoft_windows_Memory_PageFaultsPersecMicrosoft Windows Memory PageFaultsPersecNULLPage Faults/sec is the average number of pages faulted per second. It is measured in number of pages faulted per second because only one page is faulted in each fault operation, hence this is also equal to the number of page fault operations. This counter includes both hard faults (those that require disk access) and soft faults (where the faulted page is found elsewhere in physical memory.) Most processors can handle large numbers of soft faults without significant consequence. However, hard faults, which require disk access, can cause significant delays.
    microsoft_windows_System_ProcessorQueueLengthMicrosoft Windows System ProcessorQueueLengthNULLProcessor Queue Length is the number of threads in the processor queue. Unlike the disk counters, this counter counters, this counter shows ready threads only, not threads that are running. There is a single queue for processor time even on computers with multiple processors. Therefore, if a computer has multiple processors, you need to divide this value by the number of processors servicing the workload. A sustained processor queue of less than 10 threads per processor is normally acceptable, dependent of the workload.
    microsoft_windows_Processor_PercentPrivilegedTimeMicrosoft Windows Processor PercentPrivilegedTime%% Privileged Time is the percentage of elapsed time that the process threads spent executing code in privileged mode. When a Windows system service in called, the service will often run in privileged mode to gain access to systemprivate data. Such data is protected from access by threads executing in user mode. Calls to the system can be explicit or implicit, such as page faults or interrupts. Unlike some early operating systems, Windows uses process boundaries for subsystem protection in addition to the traditional protection of user and privileged modes. Some work done by Windows on behalf of the application might appear in other subsystem processes in addition to the privileged time in the process.
    microsoft_windows_ProcessorInformation_PercentC1TimeMicrosoft Windows ProcessorInformation PercentC1Time%% C1 Time is the percentage of time the processor spends in the C1 low-power idle state. % C1 Time is a subset of the total processor idle time. C1 low-power idle state enables the processor to maintain its entire context and quickly return to the running state. Not all systems support the % C1 state.
    microsoft_windows_PagingFile_PercentUsageMicrosoft Windows PagingFile PercentUsage%The amount of the Page File instance in use in percent. See also Process\\\\Page File Bytes.
    microsoft_windows_PhysicalDisk_AvgDiskBytesPerReadMicrosoft Windows PhysicalDisk AvgDiskBytesPerReadcountAvg. Disk Bytes/Read is the average number of bytes transferred from the disk during read operations.
    microsoft_windows_ASP_InMemoryTemplatesCachedMicrosoft Windows ASP InMemoryTemplatesCachedcountThe number of compiled templates cached in memory.
    microsoft_windows_LogicalDisk_PercentIdleTimeMicrosoft Windows LogicalDisk PercentIdleTime%% Idle Time reports the percentage of time during the sample interval that the disk was idle.

    Agent G2 - Microsoft Windows OS Counters - RSE - v2


    To Monitor OS related counters like disk,memory



    Supported Metric

    Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
    Agent G2 - Windows Memory Custom Monitor - Windows Memory AvailableMBAvailable MBytes is the amount of physical memory, in Megabytes, immediately available for allocation to a process or for system use. It is equal to the sum of memory assigned to the standby (cached), free and zero page lists.
    system_windows_Memory_committedBytesInuseSystem Windows Memory Committed Bytes Inuse%% Committed Bytes In Use is the ratio of Memory\\\\Committed Bytes to the Memory\\\\Commit Limit. Committed memory is the physical memory in use for which space has been reserved in the paging file should it need to be written to disk. The commit limit is determined by the size of the paging file. If the paging file is enlarged, the commit limit increases, and the ratio is reduced). This counter displays the current percentage value only; it is not an average.
    system_windows_pagesInputPerSecSystem Windows Pages Input PerSecpsecPages Input/sec is the rate at which pages are read from disk to resolve hard page faults. Hard page faults occur when a process refers to a page in virtual memory that is not in its working set or elsewhere in physical memory, and must be retrieved from disk. When a page is faulted, the system tries to read multiple contiguous pages into memory to maximize the benefit of the read operation. Compare the value of Memory\\\\Pages Input/sec to the value of Memory\\\\Page Reads/sec to determine the average number of pages read into memory during each read operation.
    microsoft_windows_Memory_PageFaultsPersecMicrosoft Windows Memory PageFaultsPersecpsecPage Faults/sec is the average number of pages faulted per second. It is measured in number of pages faulted per second because only one page is faulted in each fault operation, hence this is also equal to the number of page fault operations. This counter includes both hard faults (those that require disk access) and soft faults (where the faulted page is found elsewhere in physical memory.) Most processors can handle large numbers of soft faults without significant consequence. However, hard faults, which require disk access, can cause significant delays.
    system_windows_pagesOutputPerSecSystem Windows Pages Output PerSecpsecPages Output/sec is the rate at which pages are written to disk to free up space in physical memory. Pages are written back to disk only if they are changed in physical memory, so they are likely to hold data, not code. A high rate of pages output might indicate a memory shortage. Windows writes more pages back to disk to free up space when physical memory is in short supply. This counter shows the number of pages, and can be compared to other counts of pages, without conversion.
    system_windows_Memory_pagesPerSecSystem Windows Memory Pages PerSecpsecPages/sec is the rate at which pages are read from or written to disk to resolve hard page faults. This counter is a primary indicator of the kinds of faults that cause system-wide delays. It is the sum of Memory\\\\Pages Input/sec and Memory\\\\Pages Output/sec. It is counted in numbers of pages, so it can be compared to other counts of pages, such as Memory\\\\Page Faults/sec, without conversion. It includes pages retrieved to satisfy faults in the file system cache (usually requested by applications) non-cached mapped memory files.
    system_windows_Memory_CommittedBytesSystem Windows Memory CommittedBytesBytesCommitted Bytes is the amount of committed virtual memory, in bytes. Committed memory is the physical memory which has space reserved on the disk paging file(s). There can be one or more paging files on each physical drive. This counter displays the last observed value only; it is not an average.
    System_Windows_Memory_CommitLimitSystem Windows Memory CommitLimitBytesCommit Limit is the amount of virtual memory that can be committed without having to extend the paging file(s). It is measured in bytes. Committed memory is the physical memory which has space reserved on the disk paging files. There can be one paging file on each logical drive). If the paging file(s) are be expanded, this limit increases accordingly. This counter displays the last observed value only; it is not an average.
    System Windows LogicalDisk Monitorsystem_windows_logicaldisk_UsedSpaceInMegaBytesSystem Windows LogicalDisk UsedSpace In MegaBytesMBTotal usable space on the selected logical disk drive that was free in MB
    system_windows_logicaldisk_DiskReadPerSecondSystem Windows LogicalDisk DiskRead PerSecondropsDisk Reads/sec is the rate of read operations on the disk.
    system_windows_logicaldisk_AvgDiskSecPerReadSystem Windows LogicalDisk AvgDiskSec PerReadnullAvg. Disk sec/Read is the average time, in seconds, of a read of data from the disk.
    system_windows_logicaldisk_AvgDiskQueueLengthSystem Windows LogicalDisk AvgDiskQueueLengthnullAvg. Disk Queue Length is the average number of both read and write requests that were queued for the selected disk during the sample interval.
    system_windows_logicaldisk_FreeSpaceInPercentSystem Windows LogicalDisk FreeSpace In Percent%% Free Space is the percentage of total usable space on the selected logical disk drive that was free.
    system_windows_logicaldisk_FreeSpaceInMBSystem Windows LogicalDisk FreeSpace InMBMBFree Megabytes displays the unallocated space, in megabytes, on the disk drive in megabytes. One megabyte is equal to 1,048,576 bytes.
    system_windows_logicaldisk_DiskWriteBytesPerSecondSystem Windows Logicaldisk DiskWriteBytes PerSecondBpsDisk Write Bytes/sec is rate at which bytes are transferred to the disk during write operations.
    system_windows_logicaldisk_DiskWritePerSecondSystem windows LogicalDisk DiskWrite PerSecondwopsDisk Writes/sec is the rate of write operations on the disk.
    system_windows_logicaldisk_DiskReadBytesPerSecondSystem Windows LogicalDisk DiskReadBytes PerSecondBpsDisk Read Bytes/sec is the rate at which bytes are transferred from the disk during read operations.
    system_windows_logicaldisk_AvgDiskSecPerWriteSystem Windows LogicalDisk AvgDiskSec PerWritenullAvg. Disk sec/Write is the average time, in seconds, of a write of data to the disk.
    System Windows Processor Monitormicrosoft_windows_Processor_PercentPrivilegedTimeMicrosoft Windows Processor PercentPrivilegedTime%% Privileged Time is the percentage of elapsed time that the process threads spent executing code in privileged mode. When a Windows system service in called, the service will often run in privileged mode to gain access to system-private data. Such data is protected from access by threads executing in user mode. Calls to the system can be explicit or implicit, such as page faults or interrupts. Unlike some early operating systems, Windows uses process boundaries for subsystem protection in addition to the traditional protection of user and privileged modes. Some work done by Windows on behalf of the application might appear in other subsystem processes in addition to the privileged time in the process.
    system_windows_processorDPCrateSystem Windows Processor DPCratenullDPC Rate is the rate at which deferred procedure calls (DPCs) were added to the processors DPC queues between the timer ticks of the processor clock. DPCs are interrupts that run at alower priority than standard interrupts. Each processor has its own DPC queue. This counter measures the rate that DPCs were added to the queue, not the number of DPCs in the queue. This counter displays the last observed value only; it is not an average.
    system_windows_processor_percentprocessortimeSystem Windows Processor PercentProcessorTime%% Processor Time is the percentage of elapsed time that the processor spends to execute a non-Idle thread. It is calculated by measuring the percentage of time that the processor spends executing the idle thread and then subtracting that value from 100%. (Each processor has an idle thread that consumes cycles when no other threads are ready to run). This counter is the primary indicator of processor activity, and displays the average percentage of busy time observed during the sample interval. It should be noted that the accounting calculation of whether the processor is idle is performed at an internal sampling interval of the system clock (10ms). On todays fast processors, % Processor Time can therefore underestimate the processor utilization as the processor may be spending a lot of time servicing threads between the system clock sampling interval. Workload based timer applications are one example of applications which are more likely to be measured inaccurately as timers are signaled just after the sample is taken.
    system_windows_processorInterruptsPerSecSystem Windows ProcessorInterrupts PerSecpsecInterrupts/sec is the average rate, in incidents per second, at which the processor received and serviced hardware interrupts. It does not include deferred procedure calls (DPCs), which are counted separately. This value is an indirect indicator of the activity of devices that generate interrupts, such as the system clock, the mouse, disk drivers, data communication lines, network interface cards, and other peripheral devices. These devices normally interrupt the processor when they have completed a task or require attention. Normal thread execution is suspended. The system clock typically interrupts the processor every 10 milliseconds, creating a background of interrupt activity. This counter displays the difference between the values observed in the last two samples, divided by the duration of the sample interval.
    microsoft_windows_ProcessorInformation_PercentC1TimeMicrosoft Windows ProcessorInformation PercentC1Time%% C1 Time is the percentage of time the processor spends in the C1 low-power idle state. % C1 Time is a subset of the total processor idle time. C1 low-power idle state enables the processor to maintain its entire context and quickly return to the running state. Not all systems support the % C1 state
    microsoft_windows_ASP_InMemoryTemplatesCachedMicrosoft Windows ASP InMemoryTemplatesCachedcountThe number of compiled templates cached in memory.
    System Windows Server Monitorsystem_windows_server_logonsPerSecSystem Windows Server LogonsPerSecpsecLogon/sec is the rate of all server logons.
    system_windows_contextSwitchesPerSecSystem Windows ContextSwitchesPerSecpsec"Context Switches/sec is the combined rate at which all processors on the computer are switched from one thread to another. Context switches occur when a running thread voluntarily relinquishes the processor, is preempted by a higher priority ready thread, or switches between user-mode and privileged (kernel) mode to use an Executive or subsystem service. It is the sum of Thread Context Switches/sec for all threads running on all processors in the computer and is measured in numbers of switches. There are context switch counters on the System and Thread objects. This counter displays the difference between the values observed in the last two samples, divided by the duration of the sample interval."
    system_windows_bytesTransmittedPerSecSystem Windows BytesTransmitted PerSecpsecThe number of bytes the server has sent on the network. Indicates how busy the server is.
    microsoft_windows_System_ProcessorQueueLengthMicrosoft Windows System ProcessorQueueLengthnullProcessor Queue Length is the number of threads in the processor queue. Unlike the disk counters, this counter counters, this counter shows ready threads only, not threads that are running. There is a single queue for processor time even on computers with multiple processors. Therefore, if a computer has multiple processors, you need to divide this value by the number of processors servicing the workload. A sustained processor queue of less than 10 threads per processor is normally acceptable, dependent of the workload.
    system_windows_bytesReceivedPerSecSystem Windows BytesReceived PerSecpsecThe number of bytes the server has received from the network. Indicates how busy the server is.
    System Windows PhysicalDisk Monitorsystem_windows_PhysicalDisk_writesPerSecSystem Windows PhysicalDisk Writes PerSecpsecDisk Writes/sec is the rate of write operations on the disk.
    system_windows_PhysicalDisk_avgDiskSecPerReadSystem Windows PhysicalDisk AvgDiskSec PerReadnullAvg. Disk sec/Read is the average time, in seconds, of a read of data from the disk.
    system_windows_PhysicalDisk_writeBytesPerSecSystem Windows PhysicalDisk WriteBytes PerSecBpsDisk Write Bytes/sec is rate at which bytes are transferred to the disk during write operations.
    System_Windows_PhysicalDisk_readBytesPerSecSystem Windows PhysicalDisk ReadBytes PerSecBpsDisk Read Bytes/sec is the rate at which bytes are transferred from the disk during read operations.
    System_Windows_PhysicalDisk_avgDiskSecPerWriteSystem Windows PhysicalDisk AvgDiskSec PerWritenullAvg. Disk sec/Write is the average time, in seconds, of a write of data to the disk.
    system_windows_PhysicalDisk_readsPerSecSystem Windows PhysicalDisk ReadsPerSecpsecDisk Reads/sec is the rate of read operations on the disk.
    System_Windows_PhysicalDisk_avgDiskQueueLengthSystem Windows PhysicalDisk avgDiskQueueLengthnullAvg. Disk Queue Length is the average number of both read and write requests that were queued for the selected disk during the sample interval.
    microsoft_windows_PhysicalDisk_AvgDiskBytesPerReadMicrosoft Windows PhysicalDisk AvgDiskBytesPerReadnullAvg. Disk Bytes/Read is the average number of bytes transferred from the disk during read operations.
    microsoft_windows_PagingFile_PercentUsageMicrosoft Windows PagingFile PercentUsage%The amount of the Page File instance in use in percent

    Agent G2 - Microsoft Windows OS Counters - RSE - v3


    To Monitor OS related counters like disk, memory. In this version, added these additonal metrics support: system_windows_Memory_TotalInstalledRAM,system_windows_Memory_UsedRAM,system_windows_Memory_CommitCharge,system_windows_Memory_PageFileInstalled


    No Prerequisites

    Supported Metric

    Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
    System Windows LogicalDisk Monitorsystem_windows_logicaldisk_UsedSpaceInMegaBytesSystem Windows LogicalDisk UsedSpace In MegaBytesMBTotal usable space on the selected logical disk drive that was free in MB
    system_windows_logicaldisk_DiskReadPerSecondSystem Windows LogicalDisk DiskRead PerSecondropsDisk Reads/sec is the rate of read operations on the disk.
    system_windows_logicaldisk_AvgDiskSecPerReadSystem Windows LogicalDisk AvgDiskSec PerReadnullAvg. Disk sec/Read is the average time, in seconds, of a read of data from the disk.
    system_windows_logicaldisk_AvgDiskQueueLengthSystem Windows LogicalDisk AvgDiskQueueLengthnullAvg. Disk Queue Length is the average number of both read and write requests that were queued for the selected disk during the sample interval.
    system_windows_logicaldisk_FreeSpaceInPercentSystem Windows LogicalDisk FreeSpace In Percent%% Free Space is the percentage of total usable space on the selected logical disk drive that was free.
    system_windows_logicaldisk_FreeSpaceInMBSystem Windows LogicalDisk FreeSpace InMBMBFree Megabytes displays the unallocated space, in megabytes, on the disk drive in megabytes. One megabyte is equal to 1,048,576 bytes.
    system_windows_logicaldisk_DiskWriteBytesPerSecondSystem Windows Logicaldisk DiskWriteBytes PerSecondBpsDisk Write Bytes/sec is rate at which bytes are transferred to the disk during write operations.
    system_windows_logicaldisk_DiskWritePerSecondSystem windows LogicalDisk DiskWrite PerSecondwopsDisk Writes/sec is the rate of write operations on the disk.
    system_windows_logicaldisk_DiskReadBytesPerSecondSystem Windows LogicalDisk DiskReadBytes PerSecondBpsDisk Read Bytes/sec is the rate at which bytes are transferred from the disk during read operations.
    system_windows_logicaldisk_AvgDiskSecPerWriteSystem Windows LogicalDisk AvgDiskSec PerWritenullAvg. Disk sec/Write is the average time, in seconds, of a write of data to the disk.
    System Windows Processor Monitormicrosoft_windows_Processor_PercentPrivilegedTimeMicrosoft Windows Processor PercentPrivilegedTime%% Privileged Time is the percentage of elapsed time that the process threads spent executing code in privileged mode. When a Windows system service in called, the service will often run in privileged mode to gain access to system-private data. Such data is protected from access by threads executing in user mode. Calls to the system can be explicit or implicit, such as page faults or interrupts. Unlike some early operating systems, Windows uses process boundaries for subsystem protection in addition to the traditional protection of user and privileged modes. Some work done by Windows on behalf of the application might appear in other subsystem processes in addition to the privileged time in the process.
    system_windows_processorDPCrateSystem Windows Processor DPCratenullDPC Rate is the rate at which deferred procedure calls (DPCs) were added to the processors DPC queues between the timer ticks of the processor clock. DPCs are interrupts that run at alower priority than standard interrupts. Each processor has its own DPC queue. This counter measures the rate that DPCs were added to the queue, not the number of DPCs in the queue. This counter displays the last observed value only; it is not an average.
    system_windows_processor_percentprocessortimeSystem Windows Processor PercentProcessorTime%% Processor Time is the percentage of elapsed time that the processor spends to execute a non-Idle thread. It is calculated by measuring the percentage of time that the processor spends executing the idle thread and then subtracting that value from 100%. (Each processor has an idle thread that consumes cycles when no other threads are ready to run). This counter is the primary indicator of processor activity, and displays the average percentage of busy time observed during the sample interval. It should be noted that the accounting calculation of whether the processor is idle is performed at an internal sampling interval of the system clock (10ms). On todays fast processors, % Processor Time can therefore underestimate the processor utilization as the processor may be spending a lot of time servicing threads between the system clock sampling interval. Workload based timer applications are one example of applications which are more likely to be measured inaccurately as timers are signaled just after the sample is taken.
    system_windows_processorInterruptsPerSecSystem Windows ProcessorInterrupts PerSecpsecInterrupts/sec is the average rate, in incidents per second, at which the processor received and serviced hardware interrupts. It does not include deferred procedure calls (DPCs), which are counted separately. This value is an indirect indicator of the activity of devices that generate interrupts, such as the system clock, the mouse, disk drivers, data communication lines, network interface cards, and other peripheral devices. These devices normally interrupt the processor when they have completed a task or require attention. Normal thread execution is suspended. The system clock typically interrupts the processor every 10 milliseconds, creating a background of interrupt activity. This counter displays the difference between the values observed in the last two samples, divided by the duration of the sample interval.
    microsoft_windows_ProcessorInformation_PercentC1TimeMicrosoft Windows ProcessorInformation PercentC1Time%% C1 Time is the percentage of time the processor spends in the C1 low-power idle state. % C1 Time is a subset of the total processor idle time. C1 low-power idle state enables the processor to maintain its entire context and quickly return to the running state. Not all systems support the % C1 state
    microsoft_windows_ASP_InMemoryTemplatesCachedMicrosoft Windows ASP InMemoryTemplatesCachedcountThe number of compiled templates cached in memory.
    System Windows PhysicalDisk Monitorsystem_windows_PhysicalDisk_writesPerSecSystem Windows PhysicalDisk Writes PerSecpsecDisk Writes/sec is the rate of write operations on the disk.
    system_windows_PhysicalDisk_avgDiskSecPerReadSystem Windows PhysicalDisk AvgDiskSec PerReadnullAvg. Disk sec/Read is the average time, in seconds, of a read of data from the disk.
    system_windows_PhysicalDisk_writeBytesPerSecSystem Windows PhysicalDisk WriteBytes PerSecBpsDisk Write Bytes/sec is rate at which bytes are transferred to the disk during write operations.
    System_Windows_PhysicalDisk_readBytesPerSecSystem Windows PhysicalDisk ReadBytes PerSecBpsDisk Read Bytes/sec is the rate at which bytes are transferred from the disk during read operations.
    System_Windows_PhysicalDisk_avgDiskSecPerWriteSystem Windows PhysicalDisk AvgDiskSec PerWritenullAvg. Disk sec/Write is the average time, in seconds, of a write of data to the disk.
    system_windows_PhysicalDisk_readsPerSecSystem Windows PhysicalDisk ReadsPerSecpsecDisk Reads/sec is the rate of read operations on the disk.
    System_Windows_PhysicalDisk_avgDiskQueueLengthSystem Windows PhysicalDisk avgDiskQueueLengthnullAvg. Disk Queue Length is the average number of both read and write requests that were queued for the selected disk during the sample interval.
    microsoft_windows_PhysicalDisk_AvgDiskBytesPerReadMicrosoft Windows PhysicalDisk AvgDiskBytesPerReadnullAvg. Disk Bytes/Read is the average number of bytes transferred from the disk during read operations.
    microsoft_windows_PagingFile_PercentUsageMicrosoft Windows PagingFile PercentUsage%The amount of the Page File instance in use in percent
    System Windows Server Monitorsystem_windows_server_logonsPerSecSystem Windows Server LogonsPerSecpsecLogon/sec is the rate of all server logons.
    system_windows_contextSwitchesPerSecSystem Windows ContextSwitchesPerSecpsec"Context Switches/sec is the combined rate at which all processors on the computer are switched from one thread to another. Context switches occur when a running thread voluntarily relinquishes the processor, is preempted by a higher priority ready thread, or switches between user-mode and privileged (kernel) mode to use an Executive or subsystem service. It is the sum of Thread Context Switches/sec for all threads running on all processors in the computer and is measured in numbers of switches. There are context switch counters on the System and Thread objects. This counter displays the difference between the values observed in the last two samples, divided by the duration of the sample interval."
    system_windows_bytesTransmittedPerSecSystem Windows BytesTransmitted PerSecpsecThe number of bytes the server has sent on the network. Indicates how busy the server is.
    microsoft_windows_System_ProcessorQueueLengthMicrosoft Windows System ProcessorQueueLengthnullProcessor Queue Length is the number of threads in the processor queue. Unlike the disk counters, this counter counters, this counter shows ready threads only, not threads that are running. There is a single queue for processor time even on computers with multiple processors. Therefore, if a computer has multiple processors, you need to divide this value by the number of processors servicing the workload. A sustained processor queue of less than 10 threads per processor is normally acceptable, dependent of the workload.
    system_windows_bytesReceivedPerSecSystem Windows BytesReceived PerSecpsecThe number of bytes the server has received from the network. Indicates how busy the server is.
    Agent G2 - Windows Memory Custom Monitor - v3System_Windows_Pages_Output_PerSecSystem_Windows_Pages_Output_PerSecpsec
    System_Windows_Memory_AvailableMbytesSystem_Windows_Memory_AvailableMbytesMBCalculates the Memory Available in Mega Bytes of the System
    System_Windows_Memory_CommitLimitSystem_Windows_Memory_CommitLimitBytesCalculates the physical memory space reserved on the disk paging files
    System_Windows_Memory_CommittedBytesSystem_Windows_Memory_CommittedBytesBytesCalculates the Total Number of Committed Bytes of the System
    System_Windows_Memory_CommittedBytes_InuseSystem_Windows_Memory_CommittedBytes_InusePercentageCalculates the Percentage of the Committed Bytes In use of the System
    System_Windows_Memory_PageFaults_PerSecSystem_Windows_Memory_PageFaults_PerSecpsecCalculates the Total Number of Memory Page Faults Per Second of the System
    System_Windows_Memory_Pages_PerSecSystem_Windows_Memory_Pages_PerSecpsecCalculates the Total Number of Memory pages per second of the System
    system_windows_Memory_TotalInstalledRAMSystem Windows Memory TotalInstalledRAMGBTotal PhysicalMemory(RAM) in GB
    system_windows_Memory_UsedRAMSystem Windows Memory UsedRAMGBUsed PhysicalMemory(RAM) in GB
    system_windows_Memory_CommitChargeSystem Windows Memory CommitChargeGBCommit Charge is the amount of committed virtual memory. Committed memory is the physical memory which has space reserved on the disk paging file(s). There can be one or more paging files on each physical drive. This counter displays the last observed value only; it is not an average.
    system_windows_Memory_PageFileInstalledSystem Windows Memory PageFileInstalledGBPage File Installed(Commit Limit) is the amount of virtual memory that can be committed without having to extend the paging file(s). Committed memory is the physical memory which has space reserved on the disk paging files. There can be one paging file on each logical drive). If the paging file(s) are be expanded, this limit increases accordingly. This counter displays the last observed value only; it is not an average.

    Agent G2 - Microsoft Windows OS Counters - RSE - v4


    To Monitor OS related counters like disk, memory. In this version, added these additonal metrics support: system_windows_Memory_TotalInstalledRAM,system_windows_Memory_UsedRAM,system_windows_Memory_CommitCharge,system_windows_Memory_PageFileInstalled



    Supported Metric

    Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
    Agent G2 - Windows Memory Custom Monitor - v3System_Windows_Pages_Output_PerSecSystem_Windows_Pages_Output_PerSecpsec
    System_Windows_Memory_AvailableMbytesSystem_Windows_Memory_AvailableMbytesMBCalculates the Memory Available in Mega Bytes of the System
    System_Windows_Memory_CommitLimitSystem_Windows_Memory_CommitLimitBytesCalculates the physical memory space reserved on the disk paging files
    System_Windows_Memory_CommittedBytesSystem_Windows_Memory_CommittedBytesBytesCalculates the Total Number of Committed Bytes of the System
    System_Windows_Memory_CommittedBytes_InuseSystem_Windows_Memory_CommittedBytes_InuseBytesCalculates the Percentage of the Committed Bytes In use of the System
    System_Windows_Memory_PageFaults_PerSecSystem_Windows_Memory_PageFaults_PerSecpsecCalculates the Total Number of Memory Page Faults Per Second of the System
    System_Windows_Memory_Pages_PerSecSystem_Windows_Memory_Pages_PerSecpsecCalculates the Total Number of Memory pages per second of the System
    System Windows LogicalDisk Monitorsystem_windows_logicaldisk_UsedSpaceInMegaBytesSystem Windows LogicalDisk UsedSpace In MegaBytesMBTotal usable space on the selected logical disk drive that was free in MB
    system_windows_logicaldisk_DiskReadPerSecondSystem Windows LogicalDisk DiskRead PerSecondropsDisk Reads/sec is the rate of read operations on the disk.
    system_windows_logicaldisk_AvgDiskSecPerReadSystem Windows LogicalDisk AvgDiskSec PerReadnullAvg. Disk sec/Read is the average time, in seconds, of a read of data from the disk.
    system_windows_logicaldisk_AvgDiskQueueLengthSystem Windows LogicalDisk AvgDiskQueueLengthnullAvg. Disk Queue Length is the average number of both read and write requests that were queued for the selected disk during the sample interval.
    system_windows_logicaldisk_FreeSpaceInPercentSystem Windows LogicalDisk FreeSpace In Percent%% Free Space is the percentage of total usable space on the selected logical disk drive that was free.
    system_windows_logicaldisk_FreeSpaceInMBSystem Windows LogicalDisk FreeSpace InMBMBFree Megabytes displays the unallocated space, in megabytes, on the disk drive in megabytes.
    system_windows_logicaldisk_DiskWriteBytesPerSecondSystem Windows Logicaldisk DiskWriteBytes PerSecondBpsDisk Write Bytes/sec is rate at which bytes are transferred to the disk during write operations.
    system_windows_logicaldisk_DiskWritePerSecondSystem windows LogicalDisk DiskWrite PerSecondwopsDisk Writes/sec is the rate of write operations on the disk.
    System Windows PhysicalDisk Monitorsystem_windows_PhysicalDisk_writesPerSecSystem Windows PhysicalDisk Writes PerSecpsecDisk Writes/sec is the rate of write operations on the disk.
    system_windows_PhysicalDisk_avgDiskSecPerReadSystem Windows PhysicalDisk AvgDiskSec PerReadnullAvg. Disk sec/Read is the average time, in seconds, of a read of data from the disk.
    system_windows_PhysicalDisk_writeBytesPerSecSystem Windows PhysicalDisk WriteBytes PerSecBpsDisk Write Bytes/sec is rate at which bytes are transferred to the disk during write operations.
    System_Windows_PhysicalDisk_readBytesPerSecSystem Windows PhysicalDisk ReadBytes PerSecBpsDisk Read Bytes/sec is the rate at which bytes are transferred from the disk during read operations.
    System_Windows_PhysicalDisk_avgDiskSecPerWriteSystem Windows PhysicalDisk AvgDiskSec PerWritenullAvg. Disk sec/Write is the average time, in seconds, of a write of data to the disk.
    system_windows_PhysicalDisk_readsPerSecSystem Windows PhysicalDisk ReadsPerSecpsecDisk Reads/sec is the rate of read operations on the disk.
    System_Windows_PhysicalDisk_avgDiskQueueLengthSystem Windows PhysicalDisk avgDiskQueueLengthnullAvg. Disk Queue Length is the average number of both read and write requests that were queued for the selected disk during the sample interval.
    microsoft_windows_PhysicalDisk_AvgDiskBytesPerReadMicrosoft Windows PhysicalDisk AvgDiskBytesPerReadnullAvg. Disk Bytes/Read is the average number of bytes transferred from the disk during read operations.
    microsoft_windows_PagingFile_PercentUsageMicrosoft Windows PagingFile PercentUsage%The amount of the Page File instance in use in percent
    System Windows Processor Monitor - v2system_windows_processorDPCrateSystem Windows Processor DPCratenullDPC Rate is the rate at which deferred procedure calls (DPCs) were added to the processors DPC queues between the timer ticks of the processor clock. DPCs are interrupts that run at a lower priority than standard interrupts. Each processor has its own DPC queue. This counter measures the rate that DPCs were added to the queue, not the number of DPCs in the queue. This counter displays the last observed value only; it is not an average.
    system_windows_processorInterruptsPerSecSystem Windows Processor Interrupts PerSecpsecInterrupts/sec is the average rate, in incidents per second, at which the processor received and serviced hardware interrupts. It does not include deferred procedure calls (DPCs), which are counted separately. This value is an indirect indicator of the activity of devices that generate interrupts, such as the system clock, the mouse, disk drivers, data communication lines, network interface cards, and other peripheral devices. These devices normally interrupt the processor when they have completed a task or require attention. The system clock typically interrupts the processor every 10 milliseconds, creating a background of interrupt activity. This counter displays the difference between the values observed in the last two samples, divided by the duration of the sample interval.
    system_windows_processor_percentprocessortimeSystem Windows Processor PercentProcessorTime%% Processor Time is the percentage of elapsed time that the processor spends to execute a non-Idle thread. It is calculated by measuring the percentage of time that the processor spends executing the idle thread and then subtracting that value from 100%. (Each processor has an idle thread that consumes cycles when no other threads are ready to run). This counter is the primary indicator of processor activity, and displays the average percentage of busy time observed during the sample interval. It should be noted that the accounting calculation of whether the processor is idle is performed at an internal sampling interval of the system clock (10ms). On today's fast processors, % Processor Time can therefore underestimate the processor utilization as the processor may be spending a lot of time servicing threads between the system clock sampling interval.
    microsoft_windows_Processor_PercentPrivilegedTimeMicrosoft Windows Processor PercentPrivilegedTime%% Privileged Time is the percentage of elapsed time that the process threads spent executing code in privileged mode. When a Windows system service is called, the service will often run in privileged mode to gain access to system-private data. Such data is protected from access by threads executing in user mode. Calls to the system can be explicit or implicit, such as page faults or interrupts.
    microsoft_windows_ProcessorInformation_PercentC1TimeMicrosoft Windows ProcessorInformation PercentC1Time%% C1 Time is the percentage of time the processor spends in the C1 low-power idle state. % C1 Time is a subset of the total processor idle time. C1 low-power idle state enables the processor to maintain its entire context and quickly return to the running state. Not all systems support the % C1 state.
    microsoft_windows_ASP_InMemoryTemplatesCachedMicrosoft Windows ASP InMemoryTemplatesCachedcountThe number of compiled templates cached in memory.
    system_windows_processorInterruptsPerSec_TotalSystem Windows Processor Interrupts PerSec TotalpsecInterrupts/sec is the average rate, in incidents per second, at which the processor received and serviced hardware interrupts. It does not include deferred procedure calls (DPCs), which are counted separately.
    System Windows Server Monitorsystem_windows_server_logonsPerSecSystem Windows Server LogonsPerSecpsecLogon/sec is the rate of all server logons.
    system_windows_contextSwitchesPerSecSystem Windows ContextSwitchesPerSecpsecContext Switches/sec is the combined rate at which all processors on the computer are switched from one thread to another. Context switches occur when a running thread voluntarily relinquishes the processor, is preempted by a higher priority ready thread, or switches between user-mode and privileged (kernel) mode to use an Executive or subsystem service. It is the sum of Thread\\Context Switches/sec for all threads running on all processors in the computer and is measured in numbers of switches. There are context switch counters on the System and Thread objects. This counter displays the difference between the values observed in the last two samples, divided by the duration of the sample interval.
    system_windows_bytesTransmittedPerSecSystem Windows BytesTransmitted PerSecpsecThe number of bytes the server has sent on the network. Indicates how busy the server is.
    microsoft_windows_System_ProcessorQueueLengthMicrosoft Windows System ProcessorQueueLengthnullProcessor Queue Length is the number of threads in the processor queue. Unlike the disk counters, this counter shows ready threads only, not threads that are running. There is a single queue for processor time even on computers with multiple processors. Therefore, if a computer has multiple processors, you need to divide this value by the number of processors servicing the workload. A sustained processor queue of less than 10 threads per processor is normally acceptable, dependent on the workload.
    system_windows_bytesReceivedPerSecSystem Windows BytesReceived PerSecpsecThe number of bytes the server has received from the network. Indicates how busy the server is.

    Agent G2 - MSSQL Database Availability Status - v2


    Monitors MSSQL Instance Connection Time in milliseconds and Database Instance status along with Database Status. If the Instance is in a running state and the Databases associated with the instance is offline, it considers the Instance as Down. Conversely, if the Instance is in a running state and the associated Database is up, it considers the Instance as Up.


    Database credentials must be added to the resource with the type set to “Database.”

    Template Usage Guidelines

    When applying this template, if user needs to monitor any particular databases, then provide the database names with comma separated.

    Example: master,msdb,temp.

    Default value is ‘all’ i.e., it will monitor all databases.

    Supported Metric

    Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
    Agent G2 - MSSQL Database Availability Status - v2mssql_database_availability_statusMSSQL Database Availability StatusStatusMSSQL Database Availability Status
    mssql_database_connection_timeMSSQL Database Connection TimemsMonitors MSSQL Database Instance Connection Time in milliseconds

    Agent G2 - MSSQL Database Data and Log Files Freespace and Utilization


    Monitors MSSQL Database Log & Data file Freespace and utilization.


    Requires Agent version 14.0.0 or later. MSSQL database credentials must be added to the device. When assigning the template, user need to provide the MSSQL Server name (if they have multiple instances, provide it in this format: ServerName InstanceName) and MSSQL instance name (instance names will be available in services.msc) and mention that the authentication type is Windows or SQL.

    Template Usage Guidelines:

    • Requires Agent version 14.0.0 or later.
    • MSSQL database credentials must be added to the device.
    • When assigning the template, user need to provide the MSSQL Server name (if they have multiple instances, provide it in this format: ServerName InstanceName) and MSSQL instance name (instance names will be available in services.msc) and mention that the authentication type is Windows or SQL.

    Supported Metric

    Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
    Agent G2 - MSSQL Database Data and Log Files Freespace and Utilizationmssql_database_logFilesFreeSpaceMSSQL Database LogFileFreeSpace%Monitors MSSQL database LogFiles free space
    mssql_database_dataFilesFreeSpaceMSSQL Database DataFilesFreeSpace%Monitors MSSQL datafiles free space regardless of auto-growth
    mssql_database_ldf_file_utilization_percentageMSSQL Database ldf File Utilization in Percentage%Monitors MSSQL .ldf files utilization in percentage
    mssql_database_ndf_file_utilization_percentageMSSQL Database ndf File Utilization Percentage%Monitors MSSQL .ndf files utilization in percentage
    mssql_database_mdf_file_utilization_percentageMSSQL Database mdf File Utilization Percentage%Monitors MSSQL .mdf files utilization in percentage

    Agent G2 - MSSQL Database Agent Job Status


    Monitors MSSQL Agent Job Status latest information (in last 15mins only): Below are the possible status values - 0 : Failed 1 : Successful 2 : Retry 3 : Cancelled 4 : InProgress.


    Requires Agent version 14.0.0 or later. MSSQL database credentials must be added to the device. When assigning the template, user need to provide the MSSQL Server name (if they have multiple instances, provide it in this format: ServerName InstanceName) and MSSQL instance name (instance names will be available in services.msc) and mention that the authentication type is Windows or SQL.

    Template Usage Guidelines:

    • Requires Agent version 14.0.0 or later.
    • MSSQL database credentials must be added to the device.
    • When assigning the template, user need to provide the MSSQL Server name (if they have multiple instances, provide it in this format: ServerName InstanceName) and MSSQL instance name (instance names will be available in services.msc) and mention that the authentication type is Windows or SQL.

    Supported Metric

    Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
    Agent G2 - MSSQL Database Agent Job Statusmssql_database_agentJobStatusMSSQL Database AgentJobStatusMSSQL DB Agent Jobs Status : This metric collects mssql agent job status latest information (in last 15mins only): Below are the possible status values - 0 : Failed 1 : Successful 2 : Retry 3 : Cancelled 4 : InProgress

    Agent G2 - Microsoft Windows MSSQL Performance and Statistics


    Monitors the various performance statistics of MSSQL from versions 2000 to 2022. Ensure that required WMI classes be available in system.

    Template Usage Guidelines:

    While applying this template on the device, users need to provide specific input parameters specifying version of MSSQL. The default value is set to “MSSQL2022.”

    Example 1: MSSQL2022

    This monitors the MSSQL 2022 statistics for given metrics.

    Example 2: MSSQL2019

    This monitors the MSSQL 2019 statistics for given metrics.

    Below are the Namespaces associated to MSSQL version.

    “MSSQL2000” namespace = “root\Microsoft\SqlServer\ComputerManagement” “MSSQL2005” namespace = “root\Microsoft\SqlServer\ComputerManagement” “MSSQL2008” namespace = “root\Microsoft\SqlServer\ComputerManagement10” “MSSQL2012” namespace = “root\Microsoft\SqlServer\ComputerManagement11” “MSSQL2014” namespace = “root\Microsoft\SqlServer\ComputerManagement12” “MSSQL2016” namespace = “root\Microsoft\SqlServer\ComputerManagement13” “MSSQL2017” namespace = “root\Microsoft\SqlServer\ComputerManagement14” “MSSQL2019” namespace = “root\Microsoft\SqlServer\ComputerManagement15” “MSSQL2022” namespace = “root\Microsoft\SqlServer\ComputerManagement16”

    To validate which namespaces exist on the device and provide the correct MSSQL version:

    1. Click Start and search for computer management.
    2. Under Services and Application, select WMI Control.
    3. Right click on WMI control and click Properties, select the security tab, see the Namespace in root\Microsoft\SqlServer.

    Please find the attached screenshot for your reference.


    Ensure that required WMI classes be available in system.

    Supported Metric

    Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
    Agent G2 - Microsoft Windows MSSQL Performance and Statisticsmicrosoft_windows_MSSQL_latchWaitsPerSecMicrosoft Windows MSSQL LatchWaits PerSecCount per secMonitors the number of latch requests that could not be granted immediately and had to wait before being granted.
    microsoft_windows_MSSQL_averageLatchWaitTimemsMicrosoft Windows MSSQL AverageLatchWaitTimemsmsMonitors the average latch wait time (milliseconds) for latch requests that had to wait.
    microsoft_windows_MSSQL_dataFilesSizeKBMicrosoft Windows MSSQL DataFilesSizeKBKBMonitors the cumulative size of all the data files in the database.
    microsoft_windows_MSSQL_logFilesUsedSizeKBMicrosoft Windows MSSQL LogFilesUsedSizeKBKBMonitors the cumulative used size of all the log files in the database.
    microsoft_windows_MSSQL_logFlushesPersecMicrosoft Windows MSSQL LogFlushesPersecCount per secMonitors the total number of log flushes.
    microsoft_windows_MSSQL_transactionsPersecMicrosoft Windows MSSQL TransactionsPersecCount per secMonitors the total number of transactions started for the database
    microsoft_windows_MSSQL_lockTimeoutsPersecMicrosoft Windows MSSQL LockTimeoutsPersecCount per secMonitors the number of lock requests that timed out. This includes requests for NOWAIT locks.
    microsoft_windows_MSSQL_numberofDeadlocksPersecMicrosoft Windows MSSQL NumberofDeadlocksPersecCount per secMonitors the number of lock requests that resulted in a deadlock.
    microsoft_windows_MSSQL_averageWaitTimemsMicrosoft Windows MSSQL AverageWaitTimemsmsMonitors the total average amount of wait time (milliseconds) for each lock request that resulted in a wait.
    microsoft_windows_MSSQL_lockWaitsPersecMicrosoft Windows MSSQL LockWaitsPersecCount per secMonitors the total number of lock requests that could not be satisfied immediately and required the caller to wait before being granted the lock.
    microsoft_windows_MSSQL_pagelifeexpectancyMicrosoft Windows MSSQL PagelifeexpectancysMonitors the number of seconds a page will stay in the buffer pool without references
    microsoft_windows_MSSQL_lazywritesPersecMicrosoft Windows MSSQL LazywritesPersecCount per secMonitors the number of buffers written by buffer manager's lazy writer.
    microsoft_windows_MSSQL_pagereadsPersecMicrosoft Windows MSSQL PagereadsPersecCount per secMonitors the number of physical database page reads issued.
    microsoft_windows_MSSQL_pagewritesPersecMicrosoft Windows MSSQL PagewritesPersecCount per secMonitors the number of physical database page writes issued.
    microsoft_windows_MSSQL_checkpointpagesPersecMicrosoft Windows MSSQL CheckpointpagesPersecCount per secMonitors the number of pages flushed by checkpoint or other operations that require all dirty pages to be flushed.
    microsoft_windows_MSSQL_connectionMemoryKBMicrosoft Windows MSSQL ConnectionMemoryKBKBMonitors the total amount of dynamic memory the server is using for maintaining connections.
    microsoft_windows_MSSQL_databaseCacheMemoryKBMicrosoft Windows MSSQL DatabaseCacheMemoryKBKBMonitors the amount of memory the server is currently using for the database cache.
    microsoft_windows_MSSQL_freeMemoryKBMicrosoft Windows MSSQL FreeMemoryKBKBMonitors the amount of memory the server is currently not using.
    microsoft_windows_MSSQL_lockMemoryKBMicrosoft Windows MSSQL LockMemoryKBKBMonitors the total amount of dynamic memory the server is using for locks.
    microsoft_windows_MSSQL_memoryGrantsPendingMicrosoft Windows MSSQL MemoryGrantsPendingcountMonitors the current number of processes waiting for a workspace memory grant.
    microsoft_windows_MSSQL_optimizerMemoryKBMicrosoft Windows MSSQL OptimizerMemoryKBKBMonitors the total amount of dynamic memory the server is using for query optimization.
    microsoft_windows_MSSQL_totalServerMemoryKBMicrosoft Windows MSSQL TotalServerMemoryKBKBMonitors the total amount of dynamic memory the server is currently consuming.
    microsoft_windows_MSSQL_SQLCacheMemoryKBMicrosoft Windows MSSQL SQLCacheMemoryKBKBMonitors the total amount of dynamic memory the server is using for the dynamic SQL cache.
    microsoft_windows_MSSQL_forwardedRecordsPersecMicrosoft Windows MSSQL ForwardedRecordsPersecCount per secMonitors the number of records fetched through forwarded record pointers.
    microsoft_windows_MSSQL_pageSplitsPersecMicrosoft Windows MSSQL PageSplitsPersecCount per secMonitors the number of page splits per second that occur as a result of overflowing index pages.
    microsoft_windows_MSSQL_fullScansPersecMicrosoft Windows MSSQL FullScansPersecCount per secMonitors the number of unrestricted full scans. These can either be base table or full index scans.
    microsoft_windows_MSSQL_processesBlockedMicrosoft Windows MSSQL ProcessesBlockedcountMonitors the Number of currently blocked processes.
    microsoft_windows_MSSQL_userConnectionsMicrosoft Windows MSSQL UserConnectionscountMonitors the number of users connected to the system.
    microsoft_windows_MSSQL_loginsPersecMicrosoft Windows MSSQL LoginsPersecCount per secMonitors the total number of logins started per second.
    microsoft_windows_MSSQL_logoutsPersecMicrosoft Windows MSSQL LogoutsPersecCount per secMonitors the total number of logouts started per second.
    microsoft_windows_MSSQL_longestTransactionRunningTimeMicrosoft Windows MSSQL LongestTransactionRunningTimesMonitors the longest running time of any transaction in seconds.
    microsoft_windows_MSSQL_receiveIPerOsPersecMicrosoft Windows MSSQL ReceiveIPerOsPersecCount per secMonitors the number of transport receives I/O per second. Note that a transport receive I/O may contain more than one message fragment
    microsoft_windows_MSSQL_sendIPerOsPersecMicrosoft Windows MSSQL SendIPerOsPersecCount per secMonitors the number of transport send I/Os per second. Note that a transport send I/O may contain more than one message fragment.
    microsoft_windows_MSSQL_openConnectionCountMicrosoft Windows MSSQL OpenConnectionCountCountMonitors the total number of transport connections currently open.
    microsoft_windows_MSSQL_SQLCompilationsPersecMicrosoft Windows MSSQL SQLCompilationsPersecCount per secMonitors the number of SQL compilations.
    microsoft_windows_MSSQL_SQLReCompilationsPersecMicrosoft Windows MSSQL SQLReCompilationsPersecCount per secMonitors the number of SQL re-compiles.
    microsoft_windows_MSSQL_batchRequestsPersecMicrosoft Windows MSSQL BatchRequestsPersecCount per secMonitors the number of SQL batch requests received by server.
    microsoft_windows_MSSQL_taskLimitReachedMicrosoft Windows MSSQL TaskLimitReachedcountMonitors the total number of times the activated task limit on a queue has been reached.
    microsoft_windows_MSSQL_tasksAbortedPersecMicrosoft Windows MSSQL TasksAbortedPersecCount per secMonitors the number of activated tasks that are being aborted per second.
    microsoft_windows_MSSQL_SQLRECEIVEsPersecMicrosoft Windows MSSQL SQLRECEIVEsPersecCount per secMonitors the number of SQL RECEIVE commands processed by the Broker per second.
    microsoft_windows_MSSQL_BrokerTransactionRollbacksMicrosoft Windows MSSQL BrokerTransactionRollbackscountMonitors the number of Service Broker related transactions that have rolled back.
    microsoft_windows_MSSQL_SQLSENDsPersecMicrosoft Windows MSSQL SQLSENDsPersecCount per secMonitors the number of SQL SEND commands processed by the Broker per second.
    microsoft_windows_MSSQL_logBytesFlushedPersecMicrosoft Windows MSSQL LogBytesFlushedPersecBpsMonitors the total number of log bytes flushed.
    microsoft_windows_MSSQL_percentLogUsedMicrosoft Windows MSSQL PercentLogUsed%Monitors the percent of space in the log that is in use.
    microsoft_windows_MSSQL_logFilesSizeKBMicrosoft Windows MSSQL LogFilesSizeKBKBMonitors the cumulative size of all the log files in the database.
    microsoft_windows_MSSQL_logFlushWaitsPersecMicrosoft Windows MSSQL LogFlushWaitsPersecCount per secMonitors the number of commits waiting on log flush.
    microsoft_windows_MSSQL_logGrowthsMicrosoft Windows MSSQL LogGrowthscountMonitors the total number of log growths for this database.
    microsoft_windows_MSSQL_logShrinksMicrosoft Windows MSSQL LogShrinkscountMonitors the total number of log shrinks for this database.
    microsoft_windows_MSSQL_cacheHitRatioPercentageMicrosoft Windows MSSQL CacheHitRatio Percentage%Monitors the percentage of cache hits relative to cache lookups.
    microsoft_windows_MSSQL_bufferCacheHitRatioPercentageMicrosoft Windows MSSQL Buffercachehitratio Percentage%Monitors the percentage of pages that were found in the buffer pool without having to incur a read from disk.

    Agent G2 - Microsoft Windows Sharepoint Performance Counters


    Microsoft Windows Sharepoint Performance Counters



    Supported Metric

    Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
    Agent G2 - Microsoft Windows Sharepoint Performance Countersmicrosoft_windows_SharePointFoundation_ActiveHeapCountMicrosoft Windows SharePointFoundation ActiveHeapCountcountThe number of native heaps in use by the process
    microsoft_windows_sharepoint_SearchLinguistics_CompanyExclusionDictionaryEntriesMicrosoft Windows SharePoint SearchLinguistics CompanyExclusionDictionaryEntriescountNumber of entries contained in the current exclusion dictionary for company extraction.
    microsoft_windows_SharePointServerCacheinstances_CacheHitRatioMicrosoft Windows SharePointServerCacheinstances CacheHitRatioNULLCache hit ratio

    Agent G2 - Microsoft Windows SMBServer Traffic


    To Monitor SMB Server Traffic, this Works in Windows OS Versions of 2016 and above



    Supported Metric

    Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
    System Windows SMBServer Monitorsystem_windows_smbserver_readbytespersecSystem Windows SMBServer ReadBytesPerSecBpsThe rate, in seconds, at which data is being read in this session.
    system_windows_smbserver_writebytespersecSystem Windows SMBServer WriteBytesPerSecBpsThe rate, in seconds, at which data is being written in this session.

    Agent G2 - Microsoft Windows SQL Counters


    Microsoft Windows SQL Counters



    Supported Metric

    Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
    Agent G2 - Microsoft Windows SQL Countersmicrosoft_windows_SQLServerFileTable_AvgTimeDeleteFileTableItemMicrosoft Windows SQLServerFileTable AvgTimeDeleteFileTableItemmsAverage time (in milliseconds) taken to delete a FileTable item.
    microsoft_windows_SharePointServerSearch_CountCommitTransactionsMicrosoft Windows SharePointServerSearch CountCommitTransactionscountCount Commit Transactions
    microsoft_windows_ReportServerService_ActiveConnectionsMicrosoft Windows ReportServerService ActiveConnectionscountNumber of connections active against server.
    microsoft_windows_SQLServerSSISPipeline110_BLOBbytesreadMicrosoft Windows SQLServerSSISPipeline110 BLOBbytesreadNULLThe number of bytes of binary large object (BLOB) data that the data flow engine has read from all sources.
    microsoft_windows_SQLAgentStats_SQLServerRestartedmicrosoft_windows_SQLAgentStats_SQLServerRestartedcountThe number of times the SQL Server has been successfully restarted by SQL Server Agent, since the last SQL Server Agent restart.
    microsoft_windows_SQLServerBrokerTOStatistics_AvgLengthofBatchedWritesMicrosoft Windows SQLServerBrokerTOStatistics AvgLengthofBatchedWritesNULLAverage Number of Transmission Objects saved in a batch.
    microsoft_windows_SQLAgentAlerts_ActivatedalertsMicrosoft Windows SQLAgentAlerts ActivatedalertscountThe number of Alerts that have activated since the last SQL Server restart.
    microsoft_windows_SQLServerQueryExecution_LocalDataAccessPersecMicrosoft Windows SQLServerQueryExecution LocalDataAccessPerseccountTotal number of local data access per second

    Agent G2 - Microsoft Windows W3SVC Counters


    Microsoft Windows W3SVC Counters



    Supported Metric

    Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
    Agent G2 - Microsoft Windows W3SVC Countersmicrosoft_windows_W3SVC_WebService_ConnectionAttemptsPersecMicrosoft Windows W3SVC WebService ConnectionAttemptsPersecNULLThe rate that connections to the Web service are being attempted.
    microsoft_windows_W3SVCW3WP_ActiveFlushedEntriesMicrosoft Windows W3SVCW3WP ActiveFlushedEntriescountNumber of file handles cached in user-mode that will be closed when all current transfers complete.

    Agent G2 - Microsoft Windows WAS Counters


    Microsoft Windows WAS Counters



    Supported Metric

    Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
    Agent G2 - Microsoft Windows WAS Countersmicrosoft_windows_WASW3WP_ActiveListenerChannelsMicrosoft Windows WASW3WP ActiveListenerChannelscountNumber of currently active listener channels in the worker process.

    Agent G2 - Microsoft Windows WFP Performance Counters


    Microsoft Windows WFP Performance Counters



    Supported Metric

    Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
    Agent G2 - Microsoft Windows WFP Performance Countersmicrosoft_windows_WFP_ProviderCountMicrosoft Windows WFP ProviderCountcountProvider Count is the number of providers registered with the Windows Filtering Platform.
    microsoft_windows_WFPv4_ActiveInboundConnectionsMicrosoft Windows WFPv4 ActiveInboundConnectionscountActive Inbound Connections is the number of current inbound connections allowed by the Windows Filtering Platform.
    microsoft_windows_WFPv6_ActiveInboundConnectionsMicrosoft Windows WFPv6 ActiveInboundConnectionscountActive Inbound Connections is the number of current inbound connections allowed by the Windows Filtering Platform.

    Agent G2 - MountPoints Instance DotNet v4


    Provide the parameters for both the monitors like below: (Instance Name means ‘Caption Name’ of mounted disk) InstanceName1,Warning,Critical^InstanceName2,warning,Critical^InstanceName3,Warning,Critical



    Supported Metric

    Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
    Agent G2 - MountPoints Instance DotNet v4mounted.disks.freespaceMounted Disks FreeSpaceNULLShows the free space of mounted disks in MB
    mounted.disks.utilizationMounted Disks Utilization%Shows the utilization space of mounted disks in percentage

    Agent G2 - MSExchange 2016 Extended DotNet v4


    Monitor MSExchange 2016 metric like MSExchange 2016 IO Log Writes Average Latency, MSExchange 2016 IO Database Reads Recovery Average Latency, MSExchange 2016 IO Database Writes Recovery Average Latency, MSExchange 2016 ActiveManager DatabaseMounted, MSExchange 2016 ActiveSync PingCommandsPending, MSExchange 2016 OWA CurrentUniqueUsers, MSExchange 2016 Autodiscover RequestsPerSec, MSExchange 2016 OtherRequestMethodsPerSec



    Supported Metric

    Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
    Agent G2 - MSExchange 2016 Extended DotNet v4msexchange2016_IOLogWritesAverageLatencyMSExchange 2016 IO Log Writes Average LatencyMillisecondsIO Log Writes Average Latency is the average length of time, in milliseconds, per log file write operation.
    msexchange2016_IODatabaseReadsRecoveryAverageLatencyMSExchange 2016 IO Database Reads Recovery Average LatencyMillisecondsIO Database Reads (Recovery) Average Latency is the average length of time, in milliseconds, per database read operation.
    msexchange2016_ActiveSync_PingCommandsPendingMSExchange 2016 ActiveSync PingCommandsPendingCountPing Commands Pending is the number of Ping commands that are currently pending on the server.
    msexchange2016_IODatabaseWritesRecoveryAverageLatencyMSExchange 2016 IO Database Writes Recovery Average LatencyMillisecondsIO Database Writes (Recovery) Average Latency is the average length of time, in milliseconds, per database write operation.
    msexchange2016_OtherRequestMethodsPersecMSExchange 2016 OtherRequestMethodsPerSecNULLThe rate HTTP requests are made that do not use the OPTIONS, GET, HEAD, POST, PUT, DELETE, TRACE, MOVE, COPY, MKCOL, PROPFIND, PROPPATCH, SEARCH, LOCK or UNLOCK methods.
    msexchange2016_ActiveManager_DatabaseMountedMSExchange 2016 ActiveManager DatabaseMountedCountShows the number of active database copies on the server.
    msexchange2016_OWA_CurrentUniqueUsersMSExchange 2016 OWA CurrentUniqueUsersCountCurrent Unique Users is the number of unique users currently signed in to Outlook Web App. This value monitors the number of unique active user sessions, so that users are only removed from this count after they sign out or their session times out.
    msexchange2016_Autodiscover_RequestsPersecMSExchange 2016 Autodiscover RequestsPerSecRequests Per SecRequests Per sec is the number of Autodiscover requests that are processed each second.

    Agent G2 - MSExchange CAS Performance Counters DotNet v4


    Monitors MSExchange CAS Performance Counters



    Supported Metric

    Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
    Agent G2 - MSExchange CAS Performance Counters DotNet v4rpcclientaccess.activeusercountMSExchange RpcClientAccess ActiveUserCountNULLActive User Count is the number of unique users that have shown some activity in the last 2 minutes.
    rpcclientaccess.rpcaveragedlatencyMSExchange RpcClientAccess RpcAveragedLatencyMSRPC Averaged Latency is the latency, in milliseconds, averaged for the past 1024 packets.
    autodiscover.requestspersecMSExchange Autodiscover RequestsPerSecNULLRequests/sec is the number of Autodiscover requests that are processed each second.

    Agent G2 - MSExchange Message Queue Monitoring - Powershell


    Monitors MSExchange Message Queue data using powershell command lets



    Supported Metric

    Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
    Agent G2 - MSExchange Message Queue Monitoring - PowershellSuspendedMessagesSuspendedMessagesNULLThe messages that have been suspended and these messages will not be processed further till the administrator resumes the messages.
    ActiveMessagesActiveMessagesNULLThe messages in the delivery queue that are being delivered to the next hop mail server.
    ReadyMessagesReadyMessagesNULLThe messages that are waiting to be processed.
    DelayedMessagesDelayedMessagesNULLThe Messages that could not be delivered the last time it tried. Exchange will try to deliver the messages again if the retry counter does not expire.

    Agent G2 - MSLync Performance Counters DotNet v4


    Monitors Microsoft Lync Performance counters



    Supported Metric

    Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
    Agent G2 - MSLync Performance Counters DotNet v4msmqservice.msmq.outgoing.messagesMSMQService MSMQOutgoingMessagesNULLThe total number of outgoing Message Queuing messages sent from the selected computer by the Message Queuing service
    msmqservice.outgoing.messages.per.secMSMQService OutgoingMessagesPerSecNULLThe rate at which outgoing Message Queuing messages are sent from the selected computer by the Message Queuing service TotalmessagesinallqueuesNULLThe total number of Message Queuing messages residing in active queues on the selected computer
    msmqservice.ip.sessionsMSMQService IPSessionsNULLThe number of open IP sessions involving the selected computer
    msmqservice.incoming.multicast.sessionsMSMQService IncomingMulticastSessionsNULLThe number of open incoming multicast sessions involving the selected computer TotalbytesinallqueuesNULLThe total number of bytes in all Message Queuing messages residing in active queues on the selected computer
    msmqservice.sessionsMSMQService SessionsNULLThe number of open IP sessions involving the selected computer
    msmqservice.msmq.incoming.messagesMSMQService MSMQIncomingMessagesNULLThe total number of incoming Message Queuing messages placed in queues on the selected computer by the Message Queuing service
    msmqservice.outgoing.http.sessionsMSMQService OutgoingHTTPSessionsNULLThe number of open outgoing HTTP sessions involving the selected computer
    msmqservice.incoming.messages.per.secMSMQService IncomingMessagesPerSecNULLThe rate at which incoming Message Queuing messages are placed in queues on the selected computer by the Message Queuing service
    msmqservice.outgoing.multicast.sessionsMSMQService OutgoingMulticastSessionsNULLThe number of open outgoing multicast sessions involving the selected computer

    Agent G2 - MSSQL - Data and Log Space Size - Config Parameters DotNet v4


    MSSQL_Data_Log_Space. Monitor SQL db data-space and log-space by providing the SQL db credentials from portal. No need to create any credentials file in the target device for this template.



    Supported Metric

    Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
    Agent G2 - MSSQL - Data and Log Space Size - Config Parameters DotNet Data Space Free%This monitor checks the amount of free space available in the data files(.mdf) for the selected databases. It creates an alert when the percent free space available is lesser than the configured threshold Log Space Free%This monitor checks the amount of free space available in the transaction log files(.ldf) for the selected databases. It creates an alert when the percent free space available is lesser than the configured threshold

    Agent G2 - MSSQL Performance Monitoring DotNet v4


    Monitors MSSQL WMI Performance Metrics



    Supported Metric

    Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
    Agent G2 - MSSQL Performance Monitoring DotNet v4mssql.batch.requests.per.secMSSQL BatchRequestsPerSecNULLNumber of SQL batch requests received by server.
    mssql.processes.blockedMSSQL ProcessesBlockedNULLNumber of currently blocked processes.
    mssql.checkpoint.pages.per.secMSSQL CheckPointPagesPerSecNULLNumber of pages flushed by checkpoint or other operations that require all dirty pages to be flushed.
    mssql.lock.waits.per.secMSSQL LockWaitsPerSecNULLNumber of lock requests that could not be satisfied immediately and required the caller to wait before being granted the lock. PageLifeExpectancyNULLNumber of seconds a page will stay in the buffer pool without references. PageSplitsPerSecNULLNumber of page splits per second that occur as the result of overflowing index pages.

    Agent G2 - MSSQL Thread Count Free DotNet v4


    Displays the available MSSQL Free Thread Count. SQLFreeThreadCount is calculated from max_worker_threads - Currently Active Threads. If max_worker_threads is not provided in the param, it will be the default configured value.



    Supported Metric

    Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
    Agent G2 - MSSQL Thread Count Free DotNet v4mssql.thread.count.freeMSSQL Thread Count FreeNULLShows the available SQL Free Thread Count. SQLFreeThreadCount is calculated from max_worker_threads - Currently Active Threads. \nIf max_worker_threads is not provided in the param, it will be the default configured value.

    Agent G2 - MySQL Global Monitors


    Template to monitor My SQL Server. Monitors the global windows monitors like Binlog cache disk status, cache use, bytes sent, bytes received, etc.



    Supported Metric

    Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
    Agent G2 - MySQL Global MonitorsMySQL_Bytes_ReceivedMySQL Bytes ReceivedNULLThe number of bytes received from all clients.
    MySQL_Command_DeleteMySQL Command DeleteNULLNumber of times Delete has executed.
    MySQL_Handler_Read_FirstMySQL Handler Read FirstNULLThe number of times the first entry in an index was read.
    MySQL_Command_Insert_SelectMySQL Command Insert SelectNULLNumber of times insert select has executed.
    MySQL_QuestionsMySQL QuestionsNULLThe number of statements executed by the server.
    MySQL_Open_Table_DefinitionsMySQL Open Table DefinitionsNULLThe number of cached .frm files.
    MySQL_Sort_RowsMySQL Sort RowsNULLThe number of sorted rows.
    MySQL_Command_Call_ProcedureMySQL Command Call ProcedureNULLNumber of times call procedure has executed.
    MySQL_Opened_TablesMySQL Opened TablesNULLThe number of tables that have been opened.
    MySQL_Created_Temporary_Disk_TablesMySQL Created Temporary Disk TablesNULLThe number of internal on-disk temporary tables created by the server while executing statements.
    MySQL_Handler_Read_PreviousMySQL Handler Read PreviousNULLThe number of requests to read the previous row in key order.
    MySQL_Command_InsertMySQL Command InsertNULLNumber of times Insert has executed.
    MySQL_Handler_Read_Ramdom_NextMySQL Handler Read Ramdom NextNULLThe number of requests to read the next row in the data file.
    MySQL_Handler_DeleteMySQL Handler DeleteNULLThe number of times that rows have been deleted from tables.
    MySQL_Open_TablesMySQL Open TablesNULLThe number of tables that are open.
    MySQL_Bytes_SentMySQL Bytes SentNULLThe number of bytes sent to all clients.
    MySQL_Binlog_Cache_UseMySQL Binlog Cache UseNULLThe number of transactions that used the temporary binary log cache.
    MySQL_Created_Temporary_TablesMySQL Created Temporary TablesNULLThe number of internal temporary tables created by the server while executing statements.
    MySQL_Sort_Merge_PassesMySQL Sort Merge PassesNULLThe number of merge passes that the sort algorithm has had to do.
    MySQL_Sort_RangeMySQL Sort RangeNULLThe number of sorts that were done using ranges.
    MySQL_Table_Locks_ImmediateMySQL Table Locks ImmediateNULLThe number of times that a request for a table lock could be granted immediately.
    MySQL_UptimeMySQL UptimeNULLThe number of seconds that the server has been up.
    MySQL_Sort_ScanMySQL Sort ScanNULLThe number of sorts that were done by scanning the table.
    MySQL_Slow_QueriesMySQL Slow QueriesNULLThe number of queries that have taken more than long_query_time seconds.
    MySQL_Command_ReplaceMySQL Command ReplaceNULLNumber of times replace has executed.
    MySQL_Handler_Read_RandomMySQL Handler Read RandomNULLThe number of requests to read a row based on a fixed position.
    MySQL_Created_Temporary_FilesMySQL Created Temporary FilesNULLHow many temporary files mysqld has created.
    MySQL_Binlog_Cache_Disk_UseMySQL Binlog Cache Disk UseNULLThe number of transactions that used the temporary binary log cache.
    MySQL_Command_Delete_MultiMySQL Command Delete MultiNULLNumber of times Delete has executed.
    MySQL_Handler_UpdateMySQL Handler UpdateNULLThe number of requests to update a row in a table.
    MySQL_Command_Replace_SelectMySQL Command Replace SelectNULLNumber of times replace select has executed.
    MySQL_Command_SelectMySQL Command SelectNULLNumber of times select has executed.
    MySQL_Handler_Read_KeyMySQL Handler Read KeyNULLThe number of requests to read a row based on a key.
    MySQL_Opened_FilesMySQL Opened FilesNULLThe number of files that have been opened.
    MySQL_Opened_Table_DefinitionsMySQL Opened Table DefinitionsNULLThe number of .frm files that have been cached.
    MySQL_Command_Update_MultiMySQL Command Update MultiNULLNumber of times update multiple has executed.
    MySQL_Handler_WriteMySQL Handler WriteNULLThe number of requests to insert a row in a table.
    MySQL_Command_UpdateMySQL Command UpdateNULLNumber of times update has executed.
    MySQL_Handler_Read_NextMySQL Handler Read NextNULLThe number of requests to read the next row in key order.
    MySQL_Table_Locks_WaitedMySQL Table Locks WaitedNULLThe number of times that a request for a table lock could not be granted immediately and a wait was needed.

    Agent G2 - MySQL InnoDB Monitors


    Template for My SQL InnoDB monitors. Monitors InnoDB buffer pool pages data, buffer pool pages dirty, buffer pool pages flushed, etc.



    Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
    Agent G2 - MySQL InnoDB MonitorsMySQL_Innodb_Data_WrittenMySQL InnoDB Data WrittenNULLThe amount of data written so far, in bytes.
    MySQL_Innodb_Data_WritesMySQL InnoDB Data WritesNULLThe total number of data writes.
    MySQL_Innodb_Buffer_Pool_Pages_TotalMySQL InnoDB Buffer Pool Pages TotalNULLThe total size of buffer pool, in pages.
    MySQL_Innodb_Buffer_Pool_Pages_DataMySQL InnoDB Buffer Pool Pages DataNULLThe number of pages containing data (dirty or clean).
    MySQL_Innodb_Buffer_Pool_ReadsMySQL InnoDB Buffer Pool ReadsNULLThe number of logical reads that InnoDB could not satisfy from the buffer pool, and had to read directly from the disk.
    MySQL_Innodb_Buffer_Pool_Pages_FreeMySQL InnoDB Buffer Pool Pages FreeNULLThe number of free pages.
    MySQL_Innodb_Flush_Log_At_Transaction_CommitMySQL InnoDB Flush Log At Transaction CommitNULLThe log buffer is written out to the log file once per second and the flush to disk operation is performed on the log file, but nothing is done at a transaction commit.
    MySQL_Innodb_Force_RecoveryMySQL InnoDB Force RecoveryNULLThe crash recovery mode.
    MySQL_Innodb_Buffer_Pool_Pages_DirtyMySQL InnoDB Buffer Pool Pages DirtyNULLThe number of pages currently dirty.
    MySQL_Innodb_Buffer_Pool_SizeMySQL InnoDB Buffer Pool SizeNULLThe size in bytes of the memory buffer InnoDB uses to cache data and indexes of its tables.
    MySQL_Innodb_Data_ReadsMySQL InnoDB Data ReadsNULLThe total number of data reads.
    MySQL_Innodb_Log_File_SizeMySQL InnoDB Log File SizeNULLThe size in bytes of each log file in a log group.
    MySQL_Innodb_Data_FsyncsMySQL InnoDB Data FsyncsNULLThe number of fsync() operations so far.
    MySQL_Innodb_Log_Buffer_SizeMySQL InnoDB Log Buffer SizeNULLThe size in bytes of the buffer that InnoDB uses to write to the log files on disk.
    MySQL_Innodb_Row_Lock_WaitsMySQL InnoDB Row Lock WaitsNULLThe number of times a row lock had to be waited for.
    MySQL_Innodb_Row_Lock_TimeMySQL InnoDB Row Lock TimeNULLThe total time spent in acquiring row locks, in milliseconds.
    MySQL_Innodb_Data_ReadMySQL InnoDB Data ReadNULLThe amount of data read since the server was started.
    MySQL_Innodb_Buffer_Pool_Read_RequestsMySQL InnoDB Buffer Pool Read RequestsNULLThe number of logical read requests.
    MySQL_Innodb_Buffer_Pool_Pages_MiscellaneousMySQL InnoDB Buffer Pool Pages MiscellaneousNULLThe number of pages that are busy because they have been allocated for administrative overhead such as row locks or the adaptive hash index.
    MySQL_Innodb_Buffer_Pool_Pages_FlushedMySQL InnoDB Buffer Pool Pages FlushedNULLThe number of buffer pool page-flush requests.

    Agent G2 - MySQL Variable Monitors


    Template for My SQL Variable monitors. Monitors aborted clients, aborted connects, log warnings, etc.



    MySQL Variable Monitors

    Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
    Agent G2 - MySQL Variable MonitorsMySQL_Threads_CreatedMySQL Threads CreatedNULLThe number of threads created to handle connections.
    MySQL_Qcache_LowMemory_PrunesMySQL Query Cache Low Memory PrunesNULLThe number of queries that were deleted from the query cache because of low memory.
    MySQL_Qcache_Free_BlocksMySQL Query Cache Free BlocksNULLThe number of free memory blocks in the query cache.
    MySQL_Threads_ConnectedMySQL Threads ConnectedNULLThe number of currently open connections.
    MySQL_Table_Open_CacheMySQL Table Open CacheNULLThe number of open tables for all threads.
    MySQL_Temporary_Table_SizeMySQL Temporary Table SizeNULLThe maximum size of internal in-memory temporary tables. (The actual limit is determined as the minimum of tmp_table_size and max_heap_table_size.)
    MySQL_Aborted_ConnectsMySQL Aborted ConnectsNULLThe number of failed attempts to connect to the MySQL server.
    MySQL_Threads_RunningMySQL Threads RunningNULLThe number of threads that are not sleeping.
    MySQL_Max_User_ConnectionsMySQL Max User ConnectionsNULLThe maximum number of simultaneous connections permitted to any given MySQL user account.
    MySQL_Foreign_Key_ChecksMySQL Foreign Key ChecksNULLIt will check the foreign key constraints.
    MySQL_Aborted_ClientsMySQL Aborted ClientsNULLThe number of connections that were aborted because the client died without closing the connection properly.
    MySQL_Qcache_Total_BlocksMySQL Query Cache Total BlocksNULLThe total number of blocks in the query cache.
    MySQL_Qcache_Not_CachedMySQL Query Cache Not CachedNULLThe number of noncached queries.
    MySQL_Qcache_InsertsMySQL Query Cache InsertsNULLThe number of queries added to the query cache.
    MySQL_Qcache_HitsMySQL Query Cache HitsNULLThe number of query cache hits.
    MySQL_Long_Query_TimeMySQL Long Query TimeNULLIf a query takes longer than this many seconds, the server increments the Slow_queries status variable. If the slow query log is enabled, the query is logged to the slow query log file. This value is measured in real time, not CPU time, so a query that is under the threshold on a lightly loaded system might be above the threshold on a heavily loaded one.
    MySQL_Table_Definition_CacheMySQL Table Definition CacheNULLThe number of table definitions (from .frm files) that can be stored in the definition cache.
    MySQL_Qcache_Free_MemoryMySQL Query Cache Free MemoryNULLThe amount of free memory for the query cache.
    MySQL_Query_Cache_SizeMySQL Query Cache SizeNULLThe amount of memory allocated for caching query results.
    MySQL_Log_WarningsMySQL Log WarningsNULLPrint out warnings to log file.
    MySQL_Thread_Cache_SizeMySQL Thread Cache SizeNULLHow many threads the server should cache for reuse.
    MySQL_Threads_CachedMySQL Threads CachedNULLThe number of threads in the thread cache.
    MySQL_Max_Heap_Table_SizeMySQL Max Heap Table SizeNULLThis variable sets the maximum size to which user-created MEMORY tables are permitted to grow.
    MySQL_Qcache_Queries_In_CacheMySQL Query Cache Queries In CacheNULLThe number of queries registered in the query cache.
    MySQL_Max_Used_ConnectionsMySQL Max Used ConnectionsNULLThe maximum number of connections that have been in use simultaneously since the server started.
    MySQL_Thread_StackMySQL Thread StackNULLThe stack size for each thread.

    Agent G2 - Netlogon Performance Counters DotNet v4


    Monitors Netlogon Performance Counters like Average Semaphore Hold Time, Semaphore Timeouts



    Supported Metric

    Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
    Agent G2 - Netlogon Performance Counters DotNet v4AverageSemaphoreHoldTimeAverage Semaphore Hold TimeNULLEach time the semaphore is acquired the timer is started and when it is released it is stopped. This value is taken and divided by the total number of times the semaphore has been acquired in order to provide the average number of the hold time in seconds.
    SemaphoreTimeoutsSemaphore TimeoutsNULLThis counter tracks the total number of threads that have timed out while waiting to acquire the semaphore for this Secure Channel since the last time it connected.

    Agent G2 - Network Interface Monitoring - DotNet v4


    Monitors Network Interface monitoring metrics like Interface Traffic In, Traffic Out, Utilization



    Network Interface Monitoring

    Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
    Agent G2 - Network Interface Monitoring - DotNet TCPIP Network Interface Traffic Out TCIP Network Interface Traffic In Network Interface Utilization in percentage

    Agent G2 - Operating System Performance Counters DotNet v4


    Monitors Operating System Performance Counters



    Operating System Performance Counters

    Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
    Agent G2 - Operating System Performance Counters DotNet v4processor.percent.dpc.timeProcessor Percent DPC Time%% DPC Time is the percentage of time that the processor spent receiving and servicing deferred procedure calls (DPCs) during the sample interval. DPCs are interrupts that run at a lower priority than standard interrupts. % DPC Time is a component of % Privileged Time because DPCs are executed in privileged mode. They are counted separately and are not a component of the interrupt counters. This counter displays the average busy time as a percentage of the sample time.
    processor.percent.privileged.timeProcessor Percent Privileged Time%Shows the percentage of processor time that is spent in privileged mode. Privileged mode is a processing mode designed for operating system components and hardware-manipulating drivers. It allows direct access to hardware and all memory.
    system.processor.queue.lengthSystem Processor Queue LengthNULLProcessor Queue Length can be used to identify if processor contention or high CPU utilization is caused by the processor capacity being insufficient to handle the workloads assigned to it. Processor Queue Length shows the number of threads that are delayed in the Processor Ready Queue and are waiting to be scheduled for execution. The value listed is the last observed value at the time the measurement was taken.
    processor.percent.user.timeProcessor Percent User Time%The percentage of time a process was running in user mode. User mode is a restricted processing mode designed for applications, environment subsystems, and integral subsystems.
    processor.percent.processor.timeProcessor Percent Processor Time%Shows the percentage of time that the processor is executing application or operating system processes. This is when the processor is not idle.
    process.percent.processor.timeProcess Percent Processor Time%Shows the percentage of elapsed processor time that all process threads used to execute instructions. An instruction is the basic unit of execution in a computer; a thread is the object that executes instructions; and a process is the object created when a program is run. Code executed to handle some hardware interruptions and trap conditions are included in this count.

    Agent G2 - Oracle Monitors Through Configuration Parameters DotNet v4


    Monitors oracle performance counters. Pass the below arguments to the script while applying the template in device level: Oracledbusername,Oracledbpassword,Oracledbhost,Oracledbport,Oracledbsid



    Oracle Monitors Through Configuration Parameters

    Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
    Agent G2 - Oracle Monitors Through Configuration Parameters DotNet v4oracle.sessionsOracle SessionsNULLValidates how many sessions currently on a particular database.
    oracle.library.cache.reloadsOracle Library Cache ReloadsNULLValidates the Number of Library Cache Reloads by the database.
    oracle.table.scan.blocksOracle Table Scan BlocksNULLNumber of blocks received via table scans.
    oracle_User.roll.backsOracle User RollbacksNULLThis metric represents the number of times, per transaction during the sample period, that users manually issue the ROLLBACK statement or an error occurred during a user's transactions. Table Space FreeNULLValidates the Size allocated for the table by the database. Data File Size AllocatedNULLValidates the Data File Size Allocated for the database.
    oracle.library.cache.getsOracle Library Cache GetsNULLValidates the Number of Library Cache gets by the database.
    oracle.cache.invalidationsOracle Cache InvalidationsNULLValidates how many Cache invalidations on a particular database. Data File Disk ReadsNULLValidates the Number of Data file disk reads by the database.
    oracle.users.commitOracle Users CommitNULLValidates Number of User commits. Data File Disk WritesNULLValidates the Number of Data file disk writes to the database.
    oracle.processesOracle ProcessesNULLValidates how many processes on a particular database.
    oracle.long.running.queriesOracle Long Running QueriesNULLValidates how many long-running queries on a particular database.
    oracle.blocking.lock.queriesOracle Blocking Lock QueriesNULLValidates how many block lock queries on a particular database. Table Space AllocatedNULLValidates the Size allocated for the table by the database.

    Agent G2 - Physical Disk Storage Monitors DotNet v4


    Monitors Storage_CurrentDiskQueueLength, Storage_DiskBytesPersec, Storage_DiskTransfersPersec



    Supported Metric

    Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
    Agent G2 - Physical Disk Storage Monitors DotNet v4Storage_DiskBytesPersecStorage_DiskBytesPersecNULLDisk Bytes/sec is the rate bytes are transferred to or from the disk during write or read operations.
    Storage_CurrentDiskQueueLengthStorage_CurrentDiskQueueLengthNULLCurrent Disk Queue Length is the number of requests outstanding on the disk at the time the performance data is collected. It also includes requests in service at the time of the collection. This is a instantaneous snapshot, not an average over the time interval. Multi-spindle disk devices can have multiple requests that are active at one time, but other concurrent requests are awaiting service. This counter might reflect a transitory high or low queue length, but if there is a sustained load on the disk drive, it is likely that this will be consistently high. Requests experience delays proportional to the length of this queue minus the number of spindles on the disks. For good performance, this difference should average less than two.
    Storage_DiskTransfersPersecStorage_DiskTransfersPersecNULLDisk Transfers/sec is the rate of read and write operations on the disk.

    Agent G2 - Symantec Backup 2010 - Performance Counters DotNet v4


    Template for Symantec Backup Exec - 2010



    Supported Metric

    Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
    Agent G2 - Symantec Backup 2010 - Performance Counters DotNet v4ServerActiveTimeServerActiveTimeNULLThe number of seconds the Backup Exec Engine Service has been active (one or more jobs running) since it last started.
    ActiveJobCountActiveJobCountNULLThe number of jobs currently active (running or pending) in the Backup Exec Engine Service.
    BackupDeviceWaitTimeBackupDeviceWaitTimeSecondsThe total time (in seconds) all backup jobs have spent waiting for a storage device since the Backup Exec Engine Service last started.
    TPWorkItemProcessRateTPWorkItemProcessRateNULLRate at which the general thread pool is processing work items.
    JMJobCompletionRateJMJobCompletionRateNULLThe rate at which job completions are processed.
    AbortedJobsAbortedJobsNULLThe number of jobs that have been aborted since the Backup Exec Engine Service last started.
    TPCurrentlyQueuedWorkItemsTPCurrentlyQueuedWorkItemsNULLThe number of work items currently queued to the general thread pool.
    FailedJobsFailedJobsNULLThe number of jobs that have failed since the Backup Exec Engine Service last started.
    DeviceWaitTimeDeviceWaitTimeSecondsThe total time (in seconds) all jobs have spent waiting for a storage device since the Backup Exec Engine Service last started.
    TPWorkerPoolThreadCountTPWorkerPoolThreadCountNULLThe number of threads currently allocated to the general thread pool.
    JMReadyJobCountJMReadyJobCountNULLThe number of jobs that are ready and waiting for dispatch.

    Agent G2 - System Performance Counters - Extended DotNet v4


    Monitor System Performance Counters using WMI classes



    Supported Metric

    Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
    Agent G2 - System Performance Counters - Extended DotNet v4processor.interrupts.per.secProcessor InterruptsPersecNULLDisplays the number of device interrupts encountered by the processor per second.
    networkinterface.kb.received.per.secNetworkInterface KBReceivedPersecNULLDisplays the number of kilobytes transferred in from a network interface per second.
    networkinterface.kb.sent.per.secNetworkInterface KBSentPersecNULLDisplays the number of kilobytes transferred out of a network interface per second.
    logicaldisk.percentidletimeLogicalDiskPercentIdleTime%% Idle Time reports the percentage of time during the sample interval that the disk was idle. PercentRegistryQuotaInUse%Displays the length of the processor queue in number of threads.
    process.handle.countProcess HandleCountNULLDisplays the number of handles associated with a process.
    memory.pages.output.per.secMemory PagesOutputPersecNULLDisplays a count of the number of pages written to disk because the pages have been modified in main memory.
    memory.pages.input.per.secMemory PagesInputPersecNULLDisplays the number of pages read from the disk to resolve memory references to pages that were not in memory at the time of the reference.
    process.working.set.size.kbProcess WorkingSetSizeKBNULLDisplays the working set size (in kilobytes) used by the process during the polling cycle.
    memory.pool.nonpaged.bytesMemory PoolNonpagedBytesNULLPool Nonpaged Bytes is the size, in bytes, of the nonpaged pool, an area of the system virtual memory that is used for objects that cannot be written to disk, but must remain in physical memory as long as they are allocated.
    networkinterface.packets.per.secNetworkInterface PacketsPersecNULLPackets/sec is the rate at which packets are sent and received on the network interface.
    memory.pool.paged.bytesMemory PoolPagedBytesNULLPool Paged Bytes is the size, in bytes, of the paged pool, an area of the system virtual memory that is used for objects that can be written to disk when they are not being used. KBTotalPersecNULLDisplays the rate at which kilobytes are sent and received on the interface. This rate includes framing characters.
    processor.idle.time.percentProcessor IdleTimePercent%% Idle Time is the percentage of time the processor is idle during the sample interval.

    Agent G2 - System Performance Counters DotNet v4


    Monitors System related performance counters



    System Performance Counters

    Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
    Agent G2 - System Performance Counters DotNet v4processor.idle.time.percentProcessor IdleTimePercent%% Idle Time is the percentage of time the processor is idle during the sample interval.
    process.working.set.size.kbProcess WorkingSetSizeKBNULLDisplays the working set size (in kilobytes) used by the process during the polling cycle.
    process.handle.countProcess HandleCountNULLDisplays the number of handles associated with a process.
    processor.interrupts.per.secProcessor InterruptsPersecNULLDisplays the number of device interrupts encountered by the processor per second.
    networkinterface.kb.sent.per.secNetworkInterface KBSentPersecNULLDisplays the number of kilobytes transferred out of a network interface per second.
    memory.pool.paged.bytesMemory PoolPagedBytesNULLPool Paged Bytes is the size, in bytes, of the paged pool, an area of the system virtual memory that is used for objects that can be written to disk when they are not being used.
    networkinterface.kb.received.per.secNetworkInterface KBReceivedPersecNULLDisplays the number of kilobytes transferred in from a network interface per second.
    memory.pool.nonpaged.bytesMemory PoolNonpagedBytesNULLPool Nonpaged Bytes is the size, in bytes, of the nonpaged pool, an area of the system virtual memory that is used for objects that cannot be written to disk, but must remain in physical memory as long as they are allocated.
    networkinterface.packets.per.secNetworkInterface PacketsPersecNULLPackets/sec is the rate at which packets are sent and received on the network interface.
    memory.pages.input.per.secMemory PagesInputPersecNULLDisplays the number of pages read from the disk to resolve memory references to pages that were not in memory at the time of the reference.
    memory.pages.output.per.secMemory PagesOutputPersecNULLDisplays a count of the number of pages written to disk because the pages have been modified in main memory.
    logicaldisk.percentidletimeLogicalDiskPercentIdleTime%% Idle Time reports the percentage of time during the sample interval that the disk was idle. PercentRegistryQuotaInUse%Displays the length of the processor queue in number of threads. KBTotalPersecNULLDisplays the rate at which kilobytes are sent and received on the interface. This rate includes framing characters.

    Agent G2 - TCPIP TCPv6 Performance Counters DotNet v4


    Monitors TCPIP TCPv4 Performance Counters



    Supported Metric

    Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
    Agent G2 - TCPIP TCPv4 Performance Counters DotNet v4tcpip.tcpv4.connections.resetTcpip TCPv4 Connections ResetNULLConnections Reset is the number of times TCP connections have made a direct transition to the CLOSED state from either the ESTABLISHED state or the CLOSE-WAIT state.
    tcpip.tcpv4.connection.failuresTcpip TCPv4 Connection FailuresNULLConnection Failures is the number of times TCP connections have made a direct transition to the CLOSED state from the SYN-SENT state or the SYN-RCVD state, plus the number of times TCP connections have made a direct transition to the LISTEN state from the
    tcpip_tcpv6_ConnectionsResetTcpip TCPv6 Connections ResetCountConnections Reset is the number of times TCP connections have made a direct transition to the CLOSED state from either the ESTABLISHED state or the CLOSE-WAIT state.
    tcpip_tcpv6_ConnectionFailuresTcpip TCPv6 Connection FailuresCountConnection Failures is the number of times TCP connections have made a direct transition to the CLOSED state from the SYN-SENT state or the SYN-RCVD state, plus the number of times TCP connections have made a direct transition to the LISTEN state from the SYN-RCVD state.

    Agent G2 - URI Performance Counters DotNet v4


    Monitors URI performance counters



    Supported Metric

    Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
    Agent G2 - URI Performance Counters DotNet v4inetinfoservicesglobal.uri.cache.missesInetInfoServicesGlobal URICacheMissesNULLTotal number of unsuccessful lookups in the URI cache
    inetinfoservicesglobal.uri.cache.hitsInetInfoServicesGlobal URICacheHitsNULLTotal number of successful lookups in the URI cache
    inetinfoservicesglobal.uri.cache.hits.percentInetInfoServicesGlobal URICacheHitsPercent%The ratio of URI Cache Hits to total cache requests
    inetinfoservicesglobal.uri.cache.flushesInetInfoServicesGlobal URICacheFlushesNULLURI Cache Flushes since server startup

    Agent G2 - Virtual Memory in GB DotNet v4


    Monitors Virtual Memory in GB on windows servers using “CommittedBytes” property from “Win32_PerfFormattedData_PerfOS_Memory” WMI class



    Supported Metric

    Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
    Agent G2 - Virtual Memory in GB DotNet v4virtual.memoryVirtual MemoryNULLAmount of committed virtual memory, in bytes. Committed memory is physical memory for which space has been reserved on the disk paging file in case it must be written back to disk. This property displays the last observed value only; it is not an average.

    Agent G2 - VMware Windows VCenter Certificates Expiry


    Monitors VMware Windows vCenter certificates expiry in days.


    This template will be applicable to VMware Windows vCenter Appliance and tested in vmware version: VMware VirtualCenter 6.5.0 build-16613358

    Supported Metric

    Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
    Agent G2 - VMware Windows vCenter Certificates Expiry Monitorvmware_windows_vcenter_certificates_expiry_inDaysVMware Windows vCenter Certificates Expiry In DaysDaysIt Monitors the VMware windows vCenter certificates expiry in days

    Agent G2 - VMWare-View VDI Performance Counters


    Monitors Connection Server status, Desktop VM Count, Number of DRS Migrations, ESXi Hosts without Lockdown mode enabled, etc.



    Supported Metric

    Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
    Agent G2 - VMWare-View VDI Performance CountersVMHostCPUAverage CPU Usage on ESX servers%Average CPU Usage on ESX servers (in %)
    DesktopVMCountDesktop VM CountNULLDesktop VM Count
    VMHostNetAverage Network Throughput on ESX serversKBpsAverage Network Throughput on ESX servers (in KBps)
    VMHostDiskAverage Disk Throughput on ESX serversKBpsAverage Disk Throughput on ESX servers (in KBps)
    InventoryDetailsInventory DetailsNULLNULL
    VcenterServerStatusVCenter Server StatusNULLVCenter Server Status. Possible values are 1 - Is Connected and 0 - Not Connected
    VMHostMemoryAverage Memory Usage on ESX servers%Average Memory Usage on ESX servers (in %)

    Agent G2 - Web Interface ASP Performance Counters DotNet v4


    Monitors ASP counters on the web interface



    Supported Metric

    Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
    Agent G2 - Web Interface ASP Performance Counters DotNet v4RequestsCurrentRequestsCurrentNULLThe current number of requests both executing and queued
    RequestsQueuedRequestsQueuedNULLThe number of requests waiting to be processed
    RequestExecutionTimeRequestExecutionTimeNULLThe amount of time (in milliseconds) that it took to execute the most recent request
    RequestsRejectedRequestsRejectedNULLThe number of requests rejected because the request queue was full

    Agent G2 - Windows Automatic Mode Services Status


    To monitor the status of window service(s) which are in automatic start mode. The service(s) which are given in “Excluded Service Name(s)” are not considered for monitoring.



    Template Usage Guidelines

    If a user wants to exclude any automatic mode services from monitoring, provide specific input parameters when assigning this template to a device. These parameters can be one or more service names. To specify multiple service names, separate them with commas.

    Format: ServiceName1,ServiceName2

    Example: opsramp-agent,Software Protection

    Supported Metric

    Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
    Agent G2 - Windows Automatic Mode Services Status Monitorsystem_windows_automaticMode_servicesStatusSystem Windows AutomaticMode Services StatusNULLIt monitors the status of the windows services which are in Automatic mode

    Agent G2 - Windows Automatic Mode Services Status - v2


    Monitor the status of Windows services set to automatic start mode. In this version 2 of the template added regex support, to exclude specified services from monitoring.

    Template Usage Guidelines

    If a user wants to exclude any automatic mode services from monitoring, provide specific input parameters when assigning this template to a device. These parameters can be one or more service names or regex patterns or none. To specify multiple service names or regex patterns, separate them with commas. Default Value is none (Monitors all services set to automatic start mode).


    Input with regex: GoogleUpdater.*,opsramp,power
    Input without regex: opsramp-agent,Software Protection
    Input to monitor all: none


    This template requires Agent version 14.0.0 or later.

    Supported Metric

    Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
    Agent G2 - Windows Automatic Mode Services Status Monitor - v2system_windows_automaticMode_servicesStatusSystem Windows AutomaticMode Services Status-It monitors the status of the windows services which are in Automatic mode

    Agent G2 - Windows CertStore Certificates Expiry

    This template will be deprecated soon.


    Monitors the windows cert store certificates expiry in days.


    This template will be applicable to all windows servers (which are having powershell 3.0 and above) and tested in windows server 2012.

    Supported Metric

    Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
    Agent G2 - Windows CertStore Certificates Expiry Monitorwindows_certStore_certificates_expiry_inDaysWindows CertStore Certificates Expiry In DaysDaysIt Monitors the windows cert store certificates expiry in days

    Agent G2 - Windows CertStore Certificates Expiry v2

    This template will be deprecated soon.


    To monitor certificate(s) expiry (in days) which are available in windows registry.



    Supported Metric

    Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
    Agent G2 - Windows CertStore Certificates Expiry Monitor v2windows_certStore_certificates_expiry_inDaysWindows CertStore Certificates Expiry In DaysDaysIt Monitors the windows cert store certificates expiry in days

    Agent G2 - Windows CertStore Certificates Expiry - v3


    To monitor certificate(s) expiry (in days) which are available in Certificate Manager and not yet expired. This template takes “Issued By” as component name.

    Note: Use this template only if the “Issued By” field is unique across all certificates. If it is not unique, use the template “Agent G2 - Windows CertStore Certificates Expiry - IssuedTo_SN as component”



    Template Usage Guidelines

    When applying this template, users need to provide the certificate store path and the thumbprints of certificates to exclude in encoded format. The default value is “all,” which will monitor all certificates.

    If you wish to monitor specific certificates, you must structure your path parameters in the format outlined below and then encode the string. The string consists of two parts, separated by a semicolon (;).

    1. Certificate Store Paths: These are comma-separated and are placed to the left of the semicolon.
    2. Excluded Thumbprints: These are comma-separated and are placed to the right of the semicolon.(Optional)

    The resulting error or warning alerts will include certificate details such as Issuer, Subject, and Serial Number.

    Example 1: Monitoring specific paths and excluding certain certificates by their thumbprints.

    • Before Encoding:

    • After Encoding: (Use a tool like Notepad++ or an online resource like Base64 Encode to encode your parameter string)


    Example 2: Monitoring specific paths

    • Before Encoding:

    • After Encoding: (Use a tool like Notepad++ or an online resource like Base64 Encode to encode your parameter string)


    Supported Metric

    Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
    Agent G2 - Windows CertStore Certificates Expiry Monitor - v3windows_certStore_certificates_expiry_inDaysWindows CertStore Certificates Expiry In DaysDaysIt Monitors the windows cert store certificates expiry in days

    Agent G2 - Windows CertStore Certificates Expiry - IssuedTo_SN as component


    To monitor certificate(s) expiry (in days) which are available in Certificate Manager and not yet expired. This template contains “Issued To and Serial Number” in alert subject.


    Powershell Version 3 and above.

    Template Usage Guidelines

    When applying this template, users need to provide the certificate store path and the thumbprints of certificates to exclude in encoded format. The default value is “all,” which will monitor all certificates.

    If you wish to monitor specific certificates, you must structure your path parameters in the format outlined below and then encode the string. The string consists of two parts, separated by a semicolon (;).

    1. Certificate Store Paths: These are comma-separated and are placed to the left of the semicolon.
    2. Excluded Thumbprints: These are comma-separated and are placed to the right of the semicolon.(Optional)

    The resulting error or warning alerts will include certificate details such as Issuer, Subject, and Serial Number.

    Example 1: Monitoring specific paths and excluding certain certificates by their thumbprints.

    • Before Encoding:

    • After Encoding: (Use a tool like Notepad++ or an online resource like Base64 Encode to encode your parameter string)


    Example 2: Monitoring specific paths

    • Before Encoding:

    • After Encoding: (Use a tool like Notepad++ or an online resource like Base64 Encode to encode your parameter string)


    Supported Metric

    Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
    Agent G2 - Windows CertStore Certificates Expiry - IssuedTo_SN as componentwindows_certStore_certificatesExpiryInDaysWindows CertStore CertificatesExpiry InDaysDaysTo monitor certificate(s) expiry (in days) which are available in Certificate Manager.

    Agent G2 - Windows Cluster Monitoring - V2


    Template to monitor windows cluster parameters like cluster node state, cluster group state, cluster group failover status and this template need to be assigned on all cluster nodes. In version 2 of the template, we enhanced support for monitoring all failover scenarios and introduced additional metrics for comprehensive cluster statistics.


    • Powershell 2.0 and above
    • “root\mscluster” namespace available on target device.
    • Requires Agent version 14.0.0 or later.


    Get same alerts on multiple nodes, If the user applies this template on multiple cluster nodes.

    Note: As the cluster commands return the same information on any of the cluster nodes.

    Supported Metric

    Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
    Agent G2 - Windows Cluster Custom Monitor - v2system_windows_cluster_node_stateSystem Windows Cluster Node StateNoneMonitoring windows cluster node state - Below are the possible states: -1:UNKNOWN 0:UP 1:DOWN 2:PAUSED 3:JOINING
    system_windows_cluster_group_stateSystem Windows Cluster Group StateNoneMonitoring windows cluster group state - Below are the possible states: -1:UNKNOWN 0:ONLINE 1:OFFLINE 2:FAILED 3:PARTIAL ONLINE 4:PENDING
    system_windows_cluster_service_statusSystem Windows Cluster Service StatusNoneSystem Windows Cluster Service Status - Below are the possible values. 1 - Cluster service down 0 - Cluster service up and running.
    system_windows_cluster_resource_stateSystem Windows Cluster Resource StateNoneSystem Windows Cluster Resource State - Below are the possible values: -1 - UNKNOWN 0 - INHERITED 1 - INITIALIZING 2 - ONLINE 3 - OFFLINE 4 - FAILED 128 - PENDING 129 - ONLINE PENDING 130 - OFFLINE PENDING
    system_windows_FailoverClusterStatusSystem Windows FailoverClusterStatusNoneMonitors Windows Cluster Group Failover Status - Below are the possible states: 1 - Cluster group changed from one node to another due to failover, 0 - No failover
    system_windows_cluster_networkMessages_bytesReceivedPersecSystem Windows Cluster NetworkMessages BytesReceivedPersecCount per secMonitors the number of cluster message bytes received on the network per second.
    system_windows_cluster_networkMessages_bytesSentPersecSystem Windows Cluster NetworkMessages BytesSentPersecCount per secMonitors the number of cluster message bytes sent over the network per second.
    system_windows_cluster_networkMessages_receivedPersecSystem Windows Cluster NetworkMessages ReceivedPersecCount per secMonitors the number of cluster messages received on the network per second.
    system_windows_cluster_networkMessages_sentPersecSystem Windows Cluster NetworkMessages SentPersecCount per secMonitors the number of cluster messages sent over the network per second.
    system_windows_cluster_databaseUpdateMessagesQueueLengthSystem Windows Cluster DatabaseUpdateMessagesQueueLengthcountMonitors the number of new cluster database update messages waiting to be sent over the network.
    system_windows_cluster_MRR_outstandingMessagesCountSystem Windows Cluster OutstandingMessagesCountcountMonitors the number of cluster Multicast Request-Response outstanding messages.
    system_windows_cluster_nodesReconnectCountSystem Windows Cluster NodesReconnectCountcountMonitors the number of times the nodes have reconnected.
    system_windows_cluster_normalMessageQueueLengthPersecSystem Windows Cluster NormalMessageQueueLengthPersecCount per secMonitors the number of normal messages that are in the queue waiting to be sent per second.
    system_windows_cluster_urgentMessageQueueLengthPersecSystem Windows Cluster UrgentMessageQueueLengthPersecCount per secMonitors the number of urgent messages that are in the queue waiting to be sent per second.
    system_windows_cluster_onlineResourceGroupsCountSystem Windows Cluster OnlineResourceGroupsCountcountMonitors the number of online cluster resource groups on the node.
    system_windows_cluster_RHS_restartsCountSystem Windows Cluster RHS RestartsCountcountMonitors the number of resource host subsystem process (rhs.exe) restarts.
    system_windows_cluster_RHS_processesCountSystem Windows Cluster RHS ProcessesCountcountMonitors the number of running resource host subsystem processes (rhs.exe).
    system_windows_cluster_resourceFailuresCausedByDeadlockSystem Windows Cluster ResourceFailuresCausedByDeadlockcountMonitors the number of resource failures caused by deadlock. Deadlocks are usually caused by the resource taking too long to execute certain operations.
    system_windows_cluster_resourceFailuresCausedByAccessViolationSystem Windows Cluster ResourceFailuresCausedByAccessViolationcountMonitors the number of resource failures caused by access violation.
    system_windows_cluster_resourceFailuresCountSystem Windows Cluster ResourceFailuresCountcountMonitors the number of resource failures.
    system_windows_cluster_nodeRoleSystem Windows Cluster NodeRolenullMonitors the active and passive status of nodes within each Windows cluster resource group, providing insight into node roles. Alerting is not enabled on this metric, as it is an informational metric, not intended for alert configuration.

    Agent G2 - Windows Cluster Monitoring


    Template to monitor windows cluster parameters like cluster node state, cluster group state, cluster group failover status and this template need to be assigned on all cluster nodes. This template is tested in "Microsoft Windows Server 2012 R2 Datacenter" cluster environment.


    • Powershell 2.0 and above
    • root\mscluster namespace available on target windows cluster machine.


    Get same alerts on multiple nodes, If the user applies this template on multiple cluster nodes.

    Note: As the cluster commands return the same information on any of the cluster nodes.

    Supported Metric

    Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
    Agent G2 - Windows Cluster Custom Monitorsystem_windows_cluster_node_stateSystem Windows Cluster Node StateNoneMonitoring windows cluster node state - Below are the possible states: -1:UNKNOWN 0:UP 1:DOWN 2:PAUSED 3:JOINING
    system_windows_cluster_group_stateSystem Windows Cluster Group StateNoneMonitoring windows cluster group state - Below are the possible states: -1:UNKNOWN 0:ONLINE 1:OFFLINE 2:FAILED 3:PARTIAL ONLINE 4:PENDING
    system_windows_cluster_group_failover_statusSystem Windows Cluster Group Failover StatusNoneSystem Windows Cluster Group Failover Status - Below are the possible states: 0 - Cluster group currently running on preferred node 1 - Preferred node(s) not defined 2 - Cluster group change from one node to another due to failover.
    system_windows_cluster_resource_stateSystem Windows Cluster Resource StateNoneSystem Windows Cluster Resource State - Below are the possible values: -1 - UNKNOWN 0 - INHERITED 1 - INITIALIZING 2 - ONLINE 3 - OFFLINE 4 - FAILED 128 - PENDING 129 - ONLINE PENDING 130 - OFFLINE PENDING
    system_windows_cluster_service_statusSystem Windows Cluster Service StatusNoneSystem Windows Cluster Service Status - Below are the possible values. 1 - Cluster service down 0 - Cluster service up and running.

    Agent G2 - Windows CPU Core Utilization - v2


    Agent G2 - Windows CPU Core Utilization: To monitor the CPU utilization in each core level.



    Supported Metric

    Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
    Windows CPU Core Utilization Monitor - v2system_windows_CPU_Core_UtilizationWindows Core CPU Utilization%To monitor the CPU utilization of each core level.

    Agent G2 - Windows CPU Monitors DotNet v4


    Monitors ProcessorQueueLength, PercentProcessorTime, PercentUserTime, PercentPrivilegedTime



    Supported Metric

    Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
    Agent G2 - Windows CPU Monitors DotNet v4PercentPrivilegedTimePercentPrivilegedTimeNULL% Privileged Time is the percentage of elapsed time that the process threads spent executing code in privileged mode. When a Windows system service in called, the service will often run in privileged mode to gain access to system-private data. Such data is protected from access by threads executing in user mode. Calls to the system can be explicit or implicit, such as page faults or interrupts. Unlike some early operating systems, Windows uses process boundaries for subsystem protection in addition to the traditional protection of user and privileged modes. Some work done by Windows on behalf of the application might appear in other subsystem processes in addition to the privileged time in the process.
    ProcessorQueueLengthProcessorQueueLengthNULLThe System/Processor Queue Length counter shows how many threads are ready in the processor queue, but not currently able to use the processor.
    PercentProcessorTimePercentProcessorTime%% Processor Time is the percentage of elapsed time that all of process threads used the processor to execution instructions. An instruction is the basic unit of execution in a computer, a thread is the object that executes instructions, and a process is the object created when a program is run. Code executed to handle some hardware interrupts and trap conditions are included in this count.

    Agent G2 - Windows DHCP Server


    Windows DHCP Server IPv4 Metrics



    Supported Metric

    Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
    Agent G2 - Windows DHCP Server Monitorwindows_dhcp_server_DeniedduetomatchWindows Dhcp Server Denied Due to MatchcountNumber of DHCP requests denied, based on matches from the Deny List.
    windows_dhcp_server_FailoverTransitionstoCOMMUNICATIONINTERRUPTEDstateWindows Dhcp Server Failover Transitions to COMMUNICATION INTERRUPTED StatecountNumber of transitions into COMMUNICATION INTERRUPTED state
    windows_dhcp_server_FailoverTransitionstoPARTNERDOWNstateWindows Dhcp Server Failover Transitions to PARTNER DOWN StatecountNumber of transitions into PARTNER DOWN state
    windows_dhcp_server_MillisecondsperpacketAvgWindows Dhcp Server Milliseconds PerPacket AvgmsThe average time per packet taken by the DHCP server to send a response.
    windows_dhcp_server_RequestsPersecWindows Dhcp Server Requests Perseccounts/sRate of DHCP Requests received by the DHCP server.
    windows_dhcp_server_OfferQueueLengthWindows Dhcp Server Offer Queue LengthcountThe Number of packets in the offer queue of the DHCP server.
    windows_dhcp_server_InformsPersecWindows Dhcp Server Informs Perseccounts/sRate of DHCP Informs received by the DHCP server.
    windows_dhcp_server_FailoverBndUpdreceivedPersecWindows Dhcp Server FailoverBnd Upd Received Perseccounts/sNumber of DHCP failover Binding Update messages received.
    windows_dhcp_server_DiscoversPersecWindows Dhcp Server Discovers Perseccounts/sRate of DHCP Discovers received by the DHCP server.
    windows_dhcp_server_ReleasesPersecWindows Dhcp Server Releases Perseccounts/sRate of DHCP Releases received by the DHCP server.
    windows_dhcp_server_FailoverBndUpdsentPersecWindows Dhcp Server Failover Bnd Upd Sent Perseccounts/sNumber of DHCP failover Binding Update messages sent.
    windows_dhcp_server_FailoverTransitionstoRECOVERstateWindows Dhcp Server Failover Transitions to RECOVER StatecountNumber of transitions into RECOVER state
    windows_dhcp_server_PacketsReceivedPersecWindows Dhcp Server Packets Received Perseccounts/sPackets Received/sec is the rate at which packets are received by the DHCP server.
    windows_dhcp_server_ActiveQueueLengthWindows Dhcp Server Active Queue LengthcountThe Number of packets in the processing queue of the DHCP server.
    windows_dhcp_server_FailoverBndAckreceivedPersecWindows Dhcp Server FailoverBndAck Received Perseccounts/sNumber of DHCP failover Binding Ack messages received.
    windows_dhcp_server_FailoverBndUpdpendinginoutboundqueueWindows Dhcp Server FailoverBnd Upd Pending InOutBound QueuecountNumber of pending outbound DHCP failover Binding Update messages.
    windows_dhcp_server_DuplicatesDroppedPersecWindows Dhcp Server Duplicates Dropped Perseccounts/sDuplicates Dropped/sec is the rate at which the DHCP server received duplicate packets.
    windows_dhcp_server_FailoverBndAcksentPersecWindows Dhcp Server FailoverBndAck Sent Perseccounts/sNumber of DHCP failover Binding Ack messages sent.
    windows_dhcp_server_OffersPersecWindows Dhcp Server Offers Perseccounts/sRate of DHCP Offers sent out by the DHCP server.
    windows_dhcp_server_DeclinesPersecWindows Dhcp Server Declines Perseccounts/sRate of DHCP Declines received by the DHCP server.
    windows_dhcp_server_NacksPersecWindows Dhcp Server Nacks Perseccounts/sRate of DHCP Nacks sent by the DHCP server.
    windows_dhcp_server_AcksPersecWindows Dhcp Server Acks Perseccounts/sRate of DHCP Acks sent by the DHCP server.
    windows_dhcp_server_FailoverBndUpdDroppedWindows Dhcp Server FailoverBnd Upd DroppedcountNumber of binding updates dropped
    windows_dhcp_server_PacketsExpiredPersecWindows Dhcp Server Packets Expired Perseccounts/sPackets Expired/sec is the rate at which packets get expired in the DHCP server message queue.
    windows_dhcp_server_DeniedduetononmatchWindows Dhcp Server Denied Due to NonMatchcountNumber of DHCP requests denied, based on non-matches from the Allow List.
    windows_dhcp_server_ConflictCheckQueueLengthWindows Dhcp Server Conflict Check Queue LengthcountThe Number of packets in the DHCP server queue waiting on conflict detection (ping).

    Agent G2 - Windows DHCP Server IPv4 Individual Scope


    Monitors various DHCP IPv4 Superscope metrics like addresses in use, free addresses, percentage of addresses in use, percentage of free addresses, for individual Superscope.


    Requires Agent version 18.0.0 or later

    Supported Metric

    Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
    Agent G2 - Windows DHCP Server IPv4 Individual Scopesystem_windows_dhcp_server_IPv4_scopeFreeAddressesSystem Windows DHCP Server IPv4 ScopeFreeAddressescountMonitors the count of IP addresses within the scope that are currently available for assignment to DHCP clients. These addresses are not currently leased, reserved, or pending.
    system_windows_dhcp_server_IPv4_scopePercentageInUseSystem Windows DHCP Server IPv4 ScopePercentageInUsePercentage(%)Monitors the percentage of IP addresses within the scope that are currently in use. It gives a quick overview of how much of the scope's address pool is currently utilized.
    system_windows_dhcp_server_IPv4_scopePercentageFreeSystem Windows DHCP Server IPv4 ScopePercentageFreePercentage(%)Monitors the percentage of IP addresses within the scope that are currently available for assignment to DHCP clients.
    system_windows_dhcp_server_IPv4_scopeStateSystem Windows DHCP Server IPv4 ScopeState-Monitors the current status of the scope. Possible values are Active - 0, Inactive -1, Disabled -2, Reconcile -3.
    system_windows_dhcp_server_IPv4_scopeAddressesInUseSystem Windows DHCP Server IPv4 ScopeAddressesInUsecountMonitors the count of IP addresses within the scope that are currently assigned to DHCP clients. These addresses are in active use.

    Agent G2 - Windows DHCP Server IPv4 Individual Superscope


    Monitors various DHCP IPv4 Superscope metrics like addresses in use, free addresses, percentage of addresses in use, percentage of free addresses, for individual Superscopes.


    Requires Agent version 14.0.0 or later.

    Supported Metric

    Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
    Agent G2 - Windows DHCP Server IPv4 Individual Superscopesystem_windows_dhcp_server_IPv4_superScopeFreeAddressesSystem Windows DHCP Server IPv4 SuperScope FreeAddressescountMonitors the count of IP addresses within the Super-scope that are currently available for assignment to DHCP clients. These addresses are not currently leased, reserved, or pending.
    system_windows_dhcp_server_IPv4_superScopeAddressesInUseSystem Windows DHCP Server IPv4 SuperScope AddressesInUsecountMonitors the count of IP addresses within the superscope that are currently assigned to DHCP clients. These addresses are in active use.
    system_windows_dhcp_server_IPv4_superScopePercentageFreeSystem Windows DHCP Server IPv4 SuperScope PercentageFreePercentage(%)Monitors the percentage of IP addresses within the Superscope that are currently available for assignment to DHCP clients.
    system_windows_dhcp_server_IPv4_superScopePercentageInUseSystem Windows DHCP Server IPv4 SuperScope PercentageInUsePercentage(%)Monitors the percentage of IP addresses within the superscope that are currently in use. It gives a quick overview of how much of the superscope's address pool is currently utilized.

    Agent G2 - Windows DHCP Server IPv4


    Windows DHCP Server IPv4 Statistics



    Supported Metric

    Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
    Agent G2 - Windows DHCP Server IPv4 Monitorwindows_dhcp_serverv4statistics_AddressesInUseWindows Dhcp Serverv4 Statistics Addresses InUsecountAddresses in use across IPV4 scopes on the DHCP server.
    windows_dhcp_serverv4statistics_FreeAddressesPercentageWindows Dhcp Serverv4 Statistics FreeAddresses Percentage%Percentage of addresses available.
    windows_dhcp_serverv4statistics_FreeAddressesWindows Dhcp Serverv4 Statistics Free AddressescountAddresses available across all scopes on the Dhcp server.
    windows_dhcp_serverv4_SuperScopeFreeAddressesWindows Dhcp Serverv4 SuperScope Free AddressescountNumber of free addresses that can be leased out to DHCPv4 clients in the Superscope.
    windows_dhcp_serverv4_SuperScopeAddressesInUseWindows Dhcp Serverv4 SuperScope Addresses InUsecountNumber of addresses leased out to DHCPv4 clients in the Superscope.
    windows_dhcp_serverv4_SuperScopeFreeAddressesPercentageWindows Dhcp Serverv4 SuperScope FreeAddresses Percentage%SuperScope addresses Free percentage.

    Agent G2 - Windows DHCP Server IPv6


    Windows DHCP Server IPv6 Statistics



    Supported Metric

    Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
    Agent G2 - Windows DHCP Server IPv6 Monitorwindows_dhcp_serverv6scopestatistics_ScopeFreeAddressesWindows Dhcp Serverv6 Scope Statistics Scope Free AddressescountAddresses available across IPV6 scopes on the Dhcp server.
    windows_dhcp_serverv6statistics_RebindsPerSecWindows Dhcp Serverv6 Statistics Rebinds PerSeccounts/sNumber of rebinds received by the Dhcp server.
    windows_dhcp_serverv6scopestatistics_ScopeUsedAddressesPercentageWindows Dhcp Serverv6 Scope Statistics Scope UsedAddresses Percentage%Percentage of addresses in use.
    windows_dhcp_serverv6_PacketsExpiredPersecWindows Dhcp Serverv6 Packets Expired Perseccounts/sPackets Expired/sec is the rate at which packets get expired in the DHCPv6 server message queue.
    windows_dhcp_serverv6statistics_DeclinesPerSecWindows Dhcp Serverv6 Statistics Declines PerSeccounts/sNumber of declines received by the Dhcp server.
    windows_dhcp_serverv6_AcksPersecWindows Dhcp Serverv6 Acks Perseccounts/sRate of DHCP Acks sent by the DHCP Server v6.
    windows_dhcp_serverv6statistics_InformsPerSecWindows Dhcp Serverv6 Statistics Informs PerSeccounts/sNumber of informs received by the Dhcp server.
    windows_dhcp_serverv6_MillisecondsperpacketAvgWindows Dhcp Serverv6 Milliseconds PerPacket AvgmsThe average time per packet taken by the DHCPv6 server to send a response.
    windows_dhcp_serverv6statistics_ReleasesPerSecWindows Dhcp Serverv6 Statistics Releases PerSeccounts/sNumber of releases received by the Dhcp server.
    windows_dhcp_serverv6statistics_FreeAddressesWindows Dhcp Serverv6 Statistics Free AddressescountAddresses available across all scopes on the Dhcp server.
    windows_dhcp_serverv6statistics_FreeAddressesPercentageWindows Dhcp Serverv6 Statistics FreeAddresses Percentage%Percentage of addresses available.
    windows_dhcp_serverv6_PacketsReceivedPersecWindows Dhcp Serverv6 Packets Received Perseccounts/sPackets Received/sec is the rate at which packets are received by the DHCPv6 server.
    windows_dhcp_serverv6statistics_AdvertisesPerSecWindows Dhcp Serverv6 Statistics Advertises PerSeccounts/sNumber of advertises received by the Dhcp server.
    windows_dhcp_serverv6statistics_RenewsPerSecWindows Dhcp Serverv6 Statistics Renews PerSeccounts/sNumber of renews received by the Dhcp server.
    windows_dhcp_serverv6_ActiveQueueLengthWindows Dhcp Serverv6 Active Queue LengthcountThe Number of packets in the processing queue of the DHCPv6 server.
    windows_dhcp_serverv6_DuplicatesDroppedPersecWindows Dhcp Serverv6 Duplicates Dropped Perseccounts/sDuplicates Dropped/sec is the rate at which the DHCPv6 server received duplicate packets.
    windows_dhcp_serverv6scopestatistics_ScopeAddressesInUseWindows Dhcp Serverv6 Scope Statistics ScopeAddresses InUsecountAddresses in use across IPV6 scopes on the DHCP server.
    windows_dhcp_serverv6statistics_solicitsPerSecWindows Dhcp Serverv6 Statistics Solicits PerSeccounts/sNumber of solicits received by the Dhcp server.
    windows_dhcp_serverv6statistics_AddressesInUseWindows Dhcp Serverv6 Statistics Addresses In UsecountAddresses in use across IPV6 scopes on the DHCP server.
    windows_dhcp_serverv6statistics_RequestsPerSecWindows Dhcp Serverv6 Statistics Requests Perseccounts/sNumber of requests received by the Dhcp server.
    windows_dhcp_serverv6statistics_ConfirmsPerSecWindows Dhcp Serverv6 Statistics Confirms PerSeccounts/sNumber of confirms received by the Dhcp server.

    Agent G2 - Windows DHCP Server IPv6 Individual Scope


    Monitors various DHCP IPv6 scope metrics like addresses in use, free addresses, percentage of addresses in use, percentage of free addresses, and scope state, for individual scopes.


    Requires Agent version 18.0.0 or later. While metrics data will still be collected with lower versions, AlertTokens, which provide extra information about the scopes, will not be shown in the alert description.

    Supported Metric

    Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
    Agent G2 - Windows DHCP Server IPv6 Individual Scopesystem_windows_dhcp_server_IPv6_scopeAddressesInUseSystem Windows DHCP Server IPv6 ScopeAddressesInUsecountMonitors the count of IP addresses within the IPv6 scope that are currently assigned to DHCP clients. These addresses are in active use.
    system_windows_dhcp_server_IPv6_scopeFreeAddressesSystem Windows DHCP Server IPv6 ScopeFreeAddressescountMonitors the count of IP addresses within the IPv6 scope that are currently available for assignment to DHCP clients. These addresses are not currently leased, reserved, or pending.
    system_windows_dhcp_server_IPv6_scopePercentageInUseSystem Windows DHCP Server IPv6 ScopePercentageInUse%Monitors the percentage of IP addresses within the IPv6 scope that are currently in use. It gives a quick overview of how much of the scope's address pool is currently utilized.
    system_windows_dhcp_server_IPv6_scopePercentageFreeSystem Windows DHCP Server IPv6 ScopePercentageFree%Monitors the percentage of IP addresses within the IPv6 scope that are currently available for assignment to DHCP clients.
    system_windows_dhcp_server_IPv6_scopeStateSystem Windows DHCP Server IPv6 ScopeStateMonitors the current status of the IPv6 scope. Possible values are Active - 0, Inactive -1, Disabled -2, Reconcile -3.

    Agent G2 - Windows Directory Monitor - v2

    This template will be deprecated soon.


    To monitor both directory/file(s) in windows local directories and network shares like UNC,NFS with regex support.


    1. If the user does not provide the depth value in that case we are not considering sub-directories.
    2. If the user wants to monitor different files in the same directory/sub-directory then they can provide that information as another input argument with proper regex pattern for file filtering.
    3. Donot have support for authentication based Network shares.

    Supported Metric

    Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
    Windows Directory Monitor - v2system_directory_FileSizeSystem Directory File SizeKBSystem Directory File Size: To monitor the each file size in a given directory path and filtering files based on the given regex pattern.
    system_directory_FileSizeTotalSystem Directory FileSizeTotalMBSystem Directory FileSizeTotal: To monitor the total size of filtered files in a given directory based on the given regex pattern.
    system_directory_SizeSystem Directory SizeGBSystem Directory Size: To monitor the total size of the given directory/file path.
    system_directory_FileCountSystem Directory File CountcountSystem Directory File Count: To monitor the file count in a given directory based on the given regex pattern.
    system_directory_file_ReadOnlyStatusSystem Directory File ReadOnlyStatusNULLSystem Directory File ReadOnlyStatus - To monitor the Filtered File(s) Read Accessibility. 0 - Read Only, 1 - Other than Read Only
    system_directory_AvailabilitySystem Directory AvailabilityNULLSystem Directory Availability: To monitor the availability of the given Directory/File path. Below are the possible states: 1 - Available, 0 - Not Available

    Agent G2 - Windows Directory Monitor - v3


    To monitor both directory/file(s) in windows local directories and network shares like UNC,NFS with regex support.


    1. If the user does not provide the depth value in that case we are not considering sub-directories.
    2. If the user wants to monitor different files in the same directory/sub-directory then they can provide that information as another input argument with proper regex pattern for file filtering.
    3. Donot have support for authentication based Network shares.

    Template Usage Guidelines

    When applying this template, users need to provide specific input parameters in the following format:


    • DirectoryPath: The path of the directory to be monitored.
    • FilePattern: The file name pattern (regex) to match. This must be provided.
    • Depth: The directory depth to search for matching files. If not provided, the default depth is 0.


    1. **Monitoring specific files in a specific directory with a default depth of 0:
      • This monitors all log and txt files in \WFCLUSTER2\Users\Administrator\Downloads at depth 0(Current directory).

    2. Monitoring specific files in a specific directory with specific depth: \WFCLUSTER2\Users\Administrator\Downloads;;;txt;;;2@@@\WFCLUSTER2\Users\Administrator\Documents;;;txt
      • This monitors all txt files in \WFCLUSTER2\Users\Administrator\Downloads up to 2 levels deep and all txt files in \WFCLUSTER2\Users\Administrator\Documents at depth 0(Current directory).

    Supported Metric

    Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
    Windows Directory Monitor - v3system_directory_FileSizeSystem Directory File SizeKBSystem Directory File Size: To monitor the each file size in a given directory path and filtering files based on the given regex pattern.
    system_directory_FileSizeTotalSystem Directory FileSizeTotalMBSystem Directory FileSizeTotal: To monitor the total size of filtered files in a given directory based on the given regex pattern.
    system_directory_SizeSystem Directory SizeGBSystem Directory Size: To monitor the total size of the given directory/file path.
    system_directory_FileCountSystem Directory File CountcountSystem Directory File Count: To monitor the file count in a given directory based on the given regex pattern.
    system_directory_file_ReadOnlyStatusSystem Directory File ReadOnlyStatusNULLSystem Directory File ReadOnlyStatus - To monitor the Filtered File(s) Read Accessibility. 0 - Read Only, 1 - Other than Read Only
    system_directory_AvailabilitySystem Directory AvailabilityNULLSystem Directory Availability: To monitor the availability of the given Directory/File path. Below are the possible states: 1 - Available, 0 - Not Available

    Agent G2 - Windows Disk Usage Performance Counters DotNet v4


    Monitors Windows Disk Usage Performance Counters



    Supported Metric

    Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
    Agent G2 - Windows Disk Usage Performance Counters DotNet v4LogicalDiskReadsPersecLogicalDiskReadsPersecNULLDisk Reads/sec is the rate of read operations on the disk.
    PhysicalDiskWritesPersecPhysicalDiskWritesPersecNULLDisk Writes/sec is the rate of write operations on the disk.
    PhysicalDiskReadsPersecPhysicalDiskReadsPersecNULLDisk Reads/sec is the rate of read operations on the disk.
    LogicalDiskWritesPersecLogicalDiskWritesPersecNULLDisk Writes/sec is the rate of write operations on the disk.

    Agent G2 - Windows Logical Disk Performance Counters DotNet v4


    Monitors Windows Logical Disk Performance Counters



    Supported Metric

    Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
    Agent G2 - Windows Logical Disk Performance Counters DotNet v4LogicalAvgDisksecPerWriteLogicalAvgDisksecPerWriteNULLAvg. Disk sec/Write is the average time, in seconds, for write operations to the disk.
    LogicalAvgDisksecPerReadLogicalAvgDisksecPerReadNULLAvg. Disk sec/Read is the average time, in seconds, for read operations on the disk.

    Agent G2 - Windows Memory Monitoring

    This template will be deprecated soon.


    Agent G2 - Windows Service Monitoring v2.0


    No prerequisite

    Supported Metric

    Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
    Agent G2 - Windows Memory Custom Windows Memory AvailableMBAvailable MBytes is the amount of physical memory, in Megabytes, immediately available for allocation to a process or for system use. It is equal to the sum of memory assigned to the standby (cached), free and zero page lists.

    Agent G2 - Windows Memory Performance Counters DotNet v4


    Monitors Windows Memory Performance Counters



    Supported Metric

    Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
    Agent G2 - Windows Memory Performance Counters DotNet v4PageFaultsPersecPageFaultsPersecpsecPage Faults/sec is the average number of pages faulted per second. It is measured in number of pages faulted per second because only one page is faulted in each fault operation, hence this is also equal to the number of page fault operations. This counter includes both hard faults (those that require disk access) and soft faults (where the faulted page is found elsewhere in physical memory.) Most processors can handle large numbers of soft faults without significant consequence. However, hard faults, which require disk access, can cause significant delays.
    PagesPersecPagesPersecKBpsPages/sec is the rate at which pages are read from or written to disk to resolve hard page faults. This counter is a primary indicator of the kinds of faults that cause system-wide delays. It is the sum of Memory Pages Input/sec and Memory Pages Output/sec.
    PercentUsagePercentUsageNULLThe amount of the Page File instance in use in percent.
    AvailableMBytesAvailableMBytesMBAvailable MBytes is the amount of physical memory, in Megabytes, immediately available for allocation to a process or for system use.

    Agent G2 - Windows MSFT Disk Health


    This template monitors Windows MSFT Disk Health status metrics like system_windows_MSFT_disk_operationalStatus, system_windows_MSFT_disk_healthStatus, system_windows_MSFT_physicalDisk_operationalStatus, system_windows_MSFT_physicalDisk_healthStatus, system_windows_MSFT_virtualDisk_operationalStatus, system_windows_MSFT_virtualDisk_healthStatus


    End device must have the below WMI namespace and classes to get the monitoring data: WMI Namespace: root\Microsoft\Windows\Storage system_windows_MSFT_disk Class: MSFT_Disk system_windows_MSFT_physicalDisk Class: MSFT_PhysicalDisk system_windows_MSFT_virtualDisk Class: MSFT_VirtualDisk

    Supported Metric

    Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
    Agent G2 - Windows MSFT Disk Healthsystem_windows_MSFT_disk_operationalStatusSystem Windows MSFT Disk OperationalStatusStatusMonitors the operational status of the disk device. Possible states: 0 - Unknown, 1 - Other, 2 - OK, 3 - Degraded, 4 - Stressed, 5 - Predictive Failure, 6 - Error, 7 - Non-Recoverable Error, 8 - Starting, 9 - Stopping, 10 - Stopped, 11 - In Service, 12 - No Contact, 13 - Lost Communication, 14 - Aborted, 15 - Dormant, 16 - Supporting Entity in Error, 17 - Completed, 53264 - Online, 53265 - Not Ready, 53266 - No Media, 53267 - Offline, 53268 - Failed
    system_windows_MSFT_disk_healthStatusSystem Windows MSFT Disk HealthStatusStatusMonitors the health status of the disk device. Possible States: 0 - Healthy, 1 - Warning, 2 - Unhealthy
    system_windows_MSFT_physicalDisk_operationalStatusSystem Windows MSFT PhysicalDisk OperationalStatusStatusMonitors the operational status of the PhysicalDisk. Possible States: 0 - Unknown, 1 - Other, 2 - OK, 3 - Degraded, 4 - Stressed, 5 - Predictive Failure, 6 - Error, 7 - Starting, 8 - Stopping, 9 - Stopped, 10 - In Service, 11 - No Contact, 12 - Lost Communication, 13 - Aborted, 14 - Dormant, 15 - Supporting Entity in Error, 16 - Completed, 17 - Power Mode, 18 - Relocating, 19 - Microsoft Reserved, 53252 - Failed Media, 53253 - Split, 53254 - Stale Metadata, 53255 - IO Error, 53256 - Unrecognized Metadata, 53257 - Microsoft Reserved
    system_windows_MSFT_physicalDisk_healthStatusSystem Windows MSFT PhysicalDisk HealthStatusStatusMonitors the health status of the physical disk. A high-level indication of device health. Possible State: 0 - Healthy, 1 - Warning, 2 - Unhealthy, 3 - Unknown
    system_windows_MSFT_virtualDisk_operationalStatusSystem Windows MSFT VirtualDisk OperationalStatusStatusMonitors the operational status of the Virtual Disk. Unlike HealthStatus, this property indicates the status of hardware, software, and infrastructure issues related to this virtual disk, and can contain multiple values. Possible Values: 0 - Unknown, 1 - Other, 2 - OK, 3 - Degraded, 4 - Stressed, 5 - Predictive Failure, 6 - Error, 7 - Non-Recoverable Error, 8 - Starting, 9 - Stopping, 10 - Stopped, 11 - In Service, 12 - No Contact, 13 - Lost Communication, 14 - Aborted, 15 - Dormant, 16 - Supporting Entity in Error, 17 - Completed, 18 - Power Mode, 19 - Relocating, 53250 - Detached, 53251 - Incomplete
    system_windows_MSFT_virtualDisk_healthStatusSystem Windows MSFT VirtualDisk HealthStatusStatusMonitors the health status of the virtual disk. Health of a virtual disk is derived from the health of the backing physical disks, and whether or not the virtual disk can maintain the required levels of resiliency. Possible States: 0 - Healthy, 1 - Warning, 2 - Unhealthy, 3 - Unknown

    Agent G2 - Windows Printer


    This template monitors Windows Printer metrics like system_windows_printer_status, system_windows_printer_spoolerPrintQueueJobs


    Device should contain the below WMI Namespace and classes to get the monitoring data. WMI Namespace: root\cimv2 system_windows_printer_status Class: Win32_Printer system_windows_printer_spoolerPrintQueueJobs Class: Win32_PerfFormattedData_Spooler_PrintQueue

    Supported Metric

    Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
    Agent G2 - Windows Printersystem_windows_printer_statusSystem Windows Printer StatusStatusMonitors the status information for a printer that is different from information specified in the logical device Availability property. Possible States: 1 - Other, 2 - Unknown, 3 - Idle, 4 - Printing, 5 - Warmup, 6 - Stopped Printing, 7 - Offline
    system_windows_printer_spoolerPrintQueueJobsSystem Windows Spooler PrintQueue JobscountMonitors the current number of jobs in a print queue.

    Agent G2 - Windows Network Interface Monitoring

    This template will be deprecated soon.


    Agent G2 - Windows Network Interface Monitoring


    No prerequisite

    Supported Metric

    Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
    Agent G2 - Windows Network Interface Custom Windows Network Interface Packets Per Secpackets/secPackets/sec is the rate at which packets are sent and received on the network interface. Windows Network Interface Traffic InbpsBytes Received/sec is the rate at which bytes are received over each network adapter, including framing characters. Network Interface\\Bytes Received/sec is a subset of Network Interface\\Bytes Total/sec. Windows Network Interface Traffic OutbpsBytes Sent/sec is the rate at which bytes are sent over each network adapter, including framing characters. Network Interface\\Bytes Sent/sec is a subset of Network Interface\\Bytes Total/sec. Windows Network Interface Traffic TotalbpsBytes Total/sec is the rate at which bytes are sent and received over each network adapter, including framing characters. Network Interface\\Bytes Total/sec is a sum of Network Interface\\Bytes Received/sec and Network Interface\\Bytes Sent/sec.

    Agent G2 - Windows Network Interface Monitoring - v3


    Monitors Windows Network Interface metrics. In this version of template, we have added support for new metrics, and we have also modified the metric names from the existing dotted notation to underscore format.



    Supported Metric

    Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
    Agent G2 - Windows Network Interface Custom Monitor - v3system_windows_network_interface_statusSystem Windows Network Interface StatusnullNetConnectionStatus is a string indicating the state of the network adapter's connection to the network. The value of the property is to be interpreted as follows: 0 - Disconnected 1 - Connecting 2 - Connected 3 - Disconnecting 4 - Hardware not present 5 - Hardware disabled 6 - Hardware malfunction 7 - Media disconnected 8 - Authenticating 9 - Authentication succeeded 10 - Authentication failed 11 - Invalid Address 12 - Credentials Required Other (13?65535)
    system_windows_network_interface_currentBandwidthSystem Windows Network Interface CurrentBandwidthbpsCurrent Bandwidth is an estimate of the current bandwidth of the network interface in bits per second (BPS). For interfaces that do not vary in bandwidth or for those where no accurate estimation can be made, this value is the nominal bandwidth.
    system_windows_network_interface_packetsReceivedPersecSystem Windows Network Interface PacketsReceivedPersecpsecPackets Received/sec is the rate at which packets are received on the network interface.
    system_windows_network_interface_packetsSentPersecSystem Windows Network Interface PacketsSentPersecpsecPackets Sent/sec is the rate at which packets are sent on the network interface.
    system_windows_network_interface_packetsReceivedNonUnicastPersecSystem Windows Network Interface PacketsReceivedNonUnicastPersecpsecPackets Received Non-Unicast/sec is the rate at which non-unicast (subnet broadcast or subnet multicast) packets are delivered to a higher-layer protocol.
    system_windows_network_interface_packetsReceivedUnicastPersecSystem Windows Network Interface PacketsReceivedUnicastPersecpsecPackets Received Unicast/sec is the rate at which (subnet) unicast packets are delivered to a higher-layer protocol.
    system_windows_network_interface_packetsSentNonUnicastPersecSystem Windows Network Interface PacketsSentNonUnicastPersecpsecPackets Sent Non-Unicast/sec is the rate at which packets are requested to be transmitted to non-unicast (subnet broadcast or subnet multicast) addresses by higher-level protocols. The rate includes the packets that were discarded or not sent.
    system_windows_network_interface_packetsSentUnicastPersecSystem Windows Network Interface PacketsSentUnicastPersecpsecPackets Sent Unicast/sec is the rate at which packets are requested to be transmitted to subnet-unicast addresses by higher-level protocols. The rate includes the packets that were discarded or not sent.
    system_windows_network_interface_offloadedConnectionsSystem Windows Network Interface OffloadedConnectionscountOffloaded Connections is the number of TCP connections (over both IPv4 and IPv6) that are currently handled by the TCP chimney offload capable network adapter.
    system_windows_network_interface_packetsOutboundErrorsSystem Windows Network Interface PacketsOutboundErrorscountPackets Outbound Errors is the number of outbound packets that could not be transmitted because of errors.
    system_windows_network_interface_packetsReceivedErrorsSystem Windows Network Interface PacketsReceivedErrorscountPackets Received Errors is the number of inbound packets that contained errors preventing them from being deliverable to a higher-layer protocol.
    system_windows_network_interface_outputQueueLengthSystem Windows Network Interface OutputQueueLengthcountOutput Queue Length is the length of the output packet queue (in packets). If this is longer than two, there are delays and the bottleneck should be found and eliminated, if possible. Since the requests are queued by the Network Driver Interface Specification (NDIS) in this implementation, this will always be 0.
    system_windows_network_interface_packetsReceivedDiscardedSystem Windows Network Interface PacketsReceivedDiscardedcountPackets Received Discarded is the number of inbound packets that were chosen to be discarded even though no errors had been detected to prevent their delivery to a higher-layer protocol. One possible reason for discarding packets could be to free up buffer space.
    system_windows_network_interface_packetsOutboundDiscardedSystem Windows Network Interface PacketsOutboundDiscardedcountPackets Outbound Discarded is the number of outbound packets that were chosen to be discarded even though no errors had been detected to prevent transmission. One possible reason for discarding packets could be to free up buffer space.
    system_windows_network_interface_utilizationSystem Windows Network Interface Utilization%Network Interface utilization in percentage.
    system_windows_network_interface_trafficInSystem Windows Network Interface TrafficInbpsBytes Received/sec is the rate at which bytes are received over each network adapter, including framing characters. Network Interface\Bytes Received/sec is a subset of Network Interface\Bytes Total/sec.
    system_windows_network_interface_trafficOutSystem Windows Network Interface TrafficOutbpsBytes Sent/sec is the rate at which bytes are sent over each network adapter, including framing characters. Network Interface\Bytes Sent/sec is a subset of Network Interface\Bytes Total/sec.
    system_windows_network_interface_trafficTotalSystem Windows Network Interface TrafficTotalbpsBytes Total/sec is the rate at which bytes are sent and received over each network adapter, including framing characters. Network Interface\Bytes Total/sec is a sum of Network Interface\Bytes Received/sec and Network Interface\Bytes Sent/sec.
    system_windows_network_interface_packetsPersecSystem Windows Network Interface PacketsPersecpackets/secPackets/sec is the rate at which packets are sent and received on the network interface.

    Agent G2 - Windows Network Interface Monitoring - v2


    Agent G2 - Windows Network Interface Monitoring - v2



    Supported Metric

    Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
    Agent G2 - Windows Network Interface Monitoring - Windows Network Interface Packets Received Per Secpackets/secPacketsReceived/sec is the rate at which packets are received on the network interface. Windows Network Interface Packets Sent Per Secpackets/secPacketsSentPerSec is the rate at which packets are sent on the network interface. Windows Network Interface Traffic OutbpsBytes Sent/sec is the rate at which bytes are sent over each network adapter, including framing characters. Network Interface\\Bytes Sent/sec is a subset of Network Interface\\Bytes Total/sec. Windows Network Interface Packets Per Secpackets/secPackets/sec is the rate at which packets are sent and received on the network interface. Windows Network Interface Traffic InbpsBytes Received/sec is the rate at which bytes are received over each network adapter, including framing characters. Network Interface\\Bytes Received/sec is a subset of Network Interface\\Bytes Total/sec. Windows Network Interface Traffic TotalbpsBytes Total/sec is the rate at which bytes are sent and received over each network adapter, including framing characters. Network Interface\\Bytes Total/sec is a sum of Network Interface\\Bytes Received/sec and Network Interface\\Bytes Sent/sec.

    Agent G2 - Windows NTP Offset


    Monitors the Network Time Protocol (NTP) offset on a specified server, provided as an argument. It calculates the time offset between the local machine and the NTP server in seconds.



    Template Usage Guidelines

    The script accepts a single string argument that must contain the following two components separated by a comma:

    1. NTP Server Address: The hostname of the NTP server.
    2. Timeout Value (in milliseconds): The maximum time allowed for sending and receiving data from the NTP server.



    Supported Metric

    Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
    Agent G2 - Windows NTP Offset Monitorwindows_ntp_offsetwindows_ntp_offsets

    Agent G2 - Windows TCP Port Response


    Monitors the response time in milliseconds for TCP ports on Windows for specified hosts and ports (separated by commas). A response of -1 indicates a failure to connect.

    Template Usage Guidelines: Monitors the response time in milliseconds for TCP ports on Windows for specified hosts and ports (separated by commas). A response of -1 indicates a failure to connect. The user must provide the same number of Hosts and Ports as parameters when assigning the template to the device.

    Example: Valid Input: (In this example we have given 5 hosts and 5 ports),,,, 80, 443, 443, 80, 156.

    Invalid Input: (In this example we have given 4 hosts and 5 ports),,, 80,443,443,80,156


    Requires Agent version 14.0.0 or later

    Supported Metric

    Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
    Agent G2 - Windows TCP Port Responsesystem_windows_TCP_Port_ResponseSystem Windows TCP Port ResponsemsMonitors the response time in milliseconds for TCP ports on Windows for specified hosts and ports (separated by commas). A response of -1 indicates a failure to connect.

    Agent G2 - Windows Registry Monitoring


    Agent G2 - Windows Registry Monitoring


    No prerequisite

    Supported Metric

    Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
    Agent G2 - Windows Registry Custom Windows Registry Quota Usage%% Registry Quota In Use is the percentage of the Total Registry Quota Allowed that is currently being used by the system. This counter displays the current percentage value only; it is not an average.

    Agent G2 - Windows Reliability Stability Index


    Monitors the Windows Reliability Stability Index Min, Max, Avg, and Latest Index values from the Win32_ReliabilityStabilityMetrics class for a specified number of past hours. The stability index ranges from 1 (least stable) to 10 (most stable). You can use the index to help evaluate the reliability of a computer.

    Template Usage Guidelines

    This template will calculate the reliability index Min, Max, Avg, and Latest values on last 2 hours data by default. If the user wants, they can get Min, Max, Avg, and Latest values on up to the last 48 hours of data.

    Examples: While assigning the template, user can specify 1 OR 2 OR 3 OR ……. OR 48


    Agent version 14.0.0 or later. The end device must contain the below WMI details to get the monitoring data: WMI Namespace: root\cimv2 WMI Class: Win32_ReliabilityStabilityMetrics

    Supported Metric

    Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
    Agent G2 - Windows Reliability Stability Indexsystem_windows_reliabilityStabilityIndexBestSystem Windows Reliability Stability Index BestnullMonitors the Windows Reliability Stability Index for Maximum Index value. The stability index ranges from 1 (least stable) to 10 (most stable). You can use the index to help evaluate the reliability of a computer.
    system_windows_reliabilityStabilityIndexWorstSystem Windows Reliability Stability Index WorstnullMonitors the Windows Reliability Stability Index for Minimum Index value. The stability index ranges from 1 (least stable) to 10 (most stable). You can use the index to help evaluate the reliability of a computer.
    system_windows_reliabilityStabilityIndexAvgSystem Windows Reliability Stability Index AveragenullMonitors the Windows Reliability Stability Index for Average Index value. The stability index ranges from 1 (least stable) to 10 (most stable). You can use the index to help evaluate the reliability of a computer.
    system_windows_reliabilityStabilityIndexLatestSystem Windows Reliability Stability Index LatestnullMonitors the Windows Reliability Stability Index for Latest Index value. The stability index ranges from 1 (least stable) to 10 (most stable). You can use the index to help evaluate the reliability of a computer.

    Agent G2 - Windows Services Monitoring

    This template will be deprecated soon.


    Agent G2 - Windows Services Monitoring


    Provide ServiceNames with comma separated as input parameters while applying the template at device level.
    Example: opsramp-agent,opsramp-shield,power.

    Supported Metric

    Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
    Agent G2 - Windows Services Custom Windows Service StatusNULLIt gives the current status of the given service name(s), In graph 1 - Running & 0 - Stopped

    Agent G2 - Windows Service Monitoring v2.0

    This template will be deprecated soon.


    It monitors the windows service monitoring with Regex support.


    Provide service names as input arguments separated by commas when applying the template at the device level, along with support for regular expressions.

    Syntax: serviceName1,serviceName2,regexPattern1,regexPattern2.

    Supported Metric

    Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
    Agent G2 - Windows Services Custom Monitor v2.0System_Windows_Service_Status_ExtSystem Windows Service Status ExtNULLIt gives the current status of the services by matching with the given service name(s) or regex patterns(s). Below are the possible values: Stopped - 0, Running - 1, Start Pending - 2, Stop Pending - 3, Continue Pending - 4, Pause Pending - 5, Paused - 6, Unknown - 7

    Agent G2 - Windows Service Monitoring - v3


    To monitor the windows services status

    Template Usage Guidelines:

    • When assigning this template on the device, users need to pass specific input parameters. These parameters should be provided as one or more service names (not the service display names) or service name regex patterns.
    • To provide multiple service names or service name regex patterns, seperate them with commas.
      Example 1(With regex): ^opsramp,agent$,Power
      Example 2(Without Regex): Netlogon,Dnscache,RpcEptMapper


    No prerequisite

    Supported Metric

    Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
    Agent G2 - Windows Services Custom Monitor - v3System_Windows_Service_Status_ExtSystem Windows Service Status ExtIt gives the current status of the services by matching with the given service name(s) or regex patterns(s). Below are the possible values: Stopped - 0, Running - 1, Start Pending - 2, Stop Pending - 3, Continue Pending - 4, Pause Pending - 5, Paused - 6, Unknown - 7

    Agent G2 - Windows Mountpoint Monitoring


    Agent G2 - Windows Mountpoint Monitoring


    No prerequisite

    Supported Metric

    Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
    Agent G2 - Windows Mountpoint Custom Windows MountPoint Disk FreeSpaceMBShows the free space of mounted disks in MB. Windows MountPoint Disk Usage%Shows the utilization space of mounted disks in percentage.

    Agent G2 - Windows MountPoint Monitoring DotNet v4


    Monitors Windows Mounted disks Freespace and Utilization



    Supported Metric

    Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
    Agent G2 - Windows MountPoint Monitoring DotNet v4UtilizationMount Point UtilizationNULLMount point drive disk utilization
    MountedDisks_FreeSpaceinBytesMounted Disks Free SpaceMBShows the free space of mounted disks in MB

    Agent G2 - Windows Network Performance Counters DotNet v4


    Monitors Windows Network Performance Counters



    Supported Metric

    Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
    Agent G2 - Windows Network Performance Counters DotNet v4Network_Interface_PacketsOutboundDiscardedNetwork Interface Packets Outbound DiscardedNULLNumber of outbound packets that were chosen to be discarded even though no errors had been detected to prevent transmission. One possible reason for discarding packets could be to free up buffer space.
    Network_Interface_BytesReceivedPersecNetwork Interface Traffic InNULLRate at which bytes are received over each network adapter, including framing characters. Network Interface Bytes Received/sec is a subset of Network Interface Bytes Total/sec.
    Network_Interface_BytesTotalPersecNetwork Interface Traffic TotalbpsBytes Total/sec is the rate at which bytes are sent and received over each network adapter, including framing characters. Network Interface Bytes Total/sec is a sum of Network Interface Bytes Received/sec and Network Interface Bytes Sent/sec. From the device we are getting the result in Bytes/Sec. So, we are converting the Bytes/Sec to Bits/Sec.
    Network_Interface_OffloadedConnectionsNetwork Interface Offloaded ConnectionsCountOffloaded Connections is the number of TCP connections (over both IPv4 and IPv6) that are currently handled by the TCP chimney offload capable network adapter.
    Network_Interface_PacketsReceivedErrorsNetwork Interface Packets Received ErrorsCountPackets Received Errors is the number of inbound packets that contained errors preventing them from being deliverable to a higher-layer protocol.
    Network_Interface_PacketsReceivedDiscardedNetwork Interface Packets Received DiscardedNULLNumber of inbound packets that were chosen to be discarded even though no errors had been detected to prevent delivery to a higher-layer protocol. One possible reason for discarding such a packet could be to free up buffer space.
    Network_Interface_OutputQueueLengthNetwork Interface Output Queue LengthNULLOutput Queue Length is the length of the output packet queue (in packets). If this is longer than two, there are delays and the bottleneck should be found and eliminated, if possible. Since the requests are queued by the Network Driver Interface Specification (NDIS) in this implementation, this will always be 0.
    Network_Interface_UtilizationNetwork Interface UtilizationPercentageRate of bytes transferred with respect to the speed of the interface. Formula used to get the Network Utilization Percentage for a specific interface is (((BytesTotalPersec x 8) / CurrentBandwidth) x 100)
    Network_Interface_PacketsOutboundErrorsNetwork Interface Packets Outbound ErrorsCountPackets Outbound Errors is the number of outbound packets that could not be transmitted because of errors.
    Network_Interface_BytesSentPersecNetwork Interface Traffic OutNULLBytes Sent/sec is the rate at which bytes are sent over each network adapter, including framing characters. Network Interface Bytes Sent/sec is a subset of Network Interface Bytes Total/sec. From the device we are getting the result in Bytes/Sec. So, we are converting the Bytes/Sec to Bits/Sec.

    Agent G2 - Windows NFS Mount Point Monitoring


    Template to monitor windows nfs mount points availability, accessibility and utilization. This template need to assigned on all windows machines which are having NFS mount points. This template tested in “Microsoft Windows Server 2019 Datacenter Evaluation” + NFS mount points available.


    Powershell 2.0 and above & Mount points(which are related to NFS file system) available on target device.

    Supported Metric

    Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
    Agent G2 - Windows NFS Mount Point Custom Monitorsystem_windows_nfs_mountpoint_accessibilitySystem Windows NFS Mount Point AccessibilityNULLSystem Windows NFS Mount Point Accessibility - Below are the possible values:\n1 - Read/Write access not available\n0 - Read/Write access available
    System Windows NFS Mount Point Accessibility - Below are the possible values:\n1 - Read/Write access not available\n0 - Read/Write access availableSystem Windows NFS Mount Point Utilization%System Windows NFS Mount Point Utilization
    system_windows_nfs_mountpoint_availabilitySystem Windows NFS Mount Point AvailabilityNULLSystem Windows NFS Mount Point Availability - Below are the possible values:\n1 - NFS Mount Point Not Available\n0 - NFS Mount Point Available

    Agent G2 - Windows OS Performance Monitoring


    Agent G2 - Windows OS Performance Monitoring


    No prerequisite

    Supported Metric

    Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
    Agent G2 - CPU Monitorsystem.cpu.usage.utilizationSystem CPU Utilization%The percentage of elapsed time that the processor spends to execute a non-Idle thread (This doesn't include CPU steal time).
    Agent G2 - Disk Monitorsystem.disk.usage.freespaceSystem Free Disk UsageGBMonitors the Free Space usage in GB.
    system.disk.usage.usedspaceSystem Disk Used SpaceGBMonitors disk used space in GB.
    system.disk.usage.utilizationSystem Disk Utilization%Monitors disk utilization in percentage.
    Agent G2 - Memory Monitorsystem.memory.usage.usedspaceSystem Memory Used SpaceGBPhysical and virtual memory usage in GB.
    system.memory.usage.utilizationSystem Memory Utilization%Physical and virtual memory usage in percentage.
    Agent G2 - Uptime Monitorsystem.os.uptimeSystem UptimemTime lapsed since last reboot in minutes.
    Agent G2 - Windows Network Network Utilization%Monitors Network Utilization of each interface for Windows Device.

    Agent G2 - Windows PhysicalDisk CurrentDiskQueueLength DotNet v4


    Monitors PhysicalDisk CurrentDiskQueueLength



    Supported Metric

    Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
    Agent G2 - Windows PhysicalDisk CurrentDiskQueueLength DotNet v4physicaldisk.currentdiskqueuelengthPhysicalDisk CurrentDiskQueueLengthNULLCurrent Disk Queue Length is the number of requests outstanding on the disk at the time the performance data is collected. It also includes requests in service at the time of the collection. This is a instantaneous snapshot, not an average over the time interval. Multi-spindle disk devices can have multiple requests that are active at one time, but other concurrent requests are awaiting service. This counter might reflect a transitory high or low queue length, but if there is a sustained load on the disk drive, it is likely that this will be consistently high. Requests experience delays proportional to the length of this queue minus the number of spindles on the disks. For good performance, this difference should average less than two.

    Agent G2 - Windows Process Monitoring


    Agent G2 - Windows Process Monitoring


    No prerequisite.

    Template Usage Guidelines

    When applying this template on the device, users need to provide service names regex patterns/service names and their respective optional friendly names. Service name regex patterns/service names are separated by @@@ and their optional friendly names separated by ;;;



    Example2: opsramp-.*@@@splunk-.*@@@patrol.*

    Supported Metric

    Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
    Agent G2 - Windows Process Custom Windows Process CountcountGives ProcessCount of the given Process. Windows Process HandlecountcountGives HandleCount of the given Process. Windows Process PageFileBytesBytesGives PageFileBytes of the given Process in Bytes. Windows Process Processor Core Time Percent%Gives Process ProcessorCoreTime of the given Process in Percentage. Windows Process Processor Time Percent%Monitors the CPU usage percentage of a given process. Windows Process ThreadCountcountGives ThreadCount of the given Process. Windows Process WorkingSetKBMonitors the current memory usage of a given process in KB

    Agent G2 - Windows Process Monitoring - v2 DotNet v4


    Monitors Windows Process Monitoring metrics like: Windows Process Count Windows Process HandleCount, Windows Process WorkingSet, Windows Process ProcessorTime Percent, Windows Process ThreadCount, Windows Process ProcessorCoreTime Percent, Windows Process PageFileBytes.

    Note: Provide regex patterns with delimiter (@@@) separation to monitor multiple processes and also provide Friendly Name of each process with delimiter (;;;). Here Friendly name will be used as a component in graph and alert. Eg1: chrome.;;;chrome Eg2: notepad.;;;notepad@@@chrome\.exe;;;chrome



    Supported Metric

    Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
    Agent G2 - Windows Process Monitoring - v2 DotNet v4windows.process.workingsetWindows Process WorkingSetKBGives WorkingSet of the given Process in KB.
    windows.process.processorcoretime.percentWindows Process ProcessorCoreTime Percent%Gives Process ProcessorCoreTime of the given Process in Percentage.
    windows.process.countWindows Process CountCountGives ProcessCount of the given Process.
    windows.process.pagefilebytesWindows Process PageFileBytesBytesGives PageFileBytes of the given Process in Bytes.
    windows.process.processortime.percentWindows Process ProcessorTime Percent%Gives Process ProcessorTime of the given Process in Percentage.
    windows.process.handlecountWindows Process HandleCountCountGives HandleCount of the given Process.
    windows.process.threadcountWindows Process ThreadCountCountGives ThreadCount of the given Process.

    Agent G2 - Windows Process Monitoring DotNet v4


    Monitors Windows Process Monitoring metrics like: Windows Process Count Windows Process HandleCount, Windows Process WorkingSet, Windows Process ProcessorTime Percent, Windows Process ThreadCount, Windows Process ProcessorCoreTime Percent, Windows Process PageFileBytes Note: Provides ProcessNames with Comma(,) separated



    Supported Metric

    Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
    Agent G2 - Windows Process Monitoring DotNet v4windows.process.pagefilebytesWindows Process PageFileBytesBytesGives PageFileBytes of the given Process in Bytes.
    windows.process.threadcountWindows Process ThreadCountCountGives ThreadCount of the given Process.
    windows.process.processorcoretime.percentWindows Process ProcessorCoreTime Percent%Gives Process ProcessorCoreTime of the given Process in Percentage.
    windows.process.processortime.percentWindows Process ProcessorTime Percent%Gives Process ProcessorTime of the given Process in Percentage.
    windows.process.handlecountWindows Process HandleCountCountGives HandleCount of the given Process.
    windows.process.workingsetWindows Process WorkingSetKBGives WorkingSet of the given Process in KB.
    windows.process.countWindows Process CountCountGives ProcessCount of the given Process.

    Agent G2 - Windows Remote Desktop Session Licenses DotNet v4


    Monitors Windows Remote Desktop Session Licenses



    Supported Metric

    Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
    Agent G2 - Windows Remote Desktop Session Licenses DotNet v4tslicensekeypack.availablelicensesTSLicenseKeyPack AvailableLicensesNULLTotal number of available licenses in the Remote Desktop Services license key pack.

    Agent G2 - Windows System Performance Counters DotNet v4


    Monitors Windows System Performance Counters



    Supported Metric

    Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
    Agent G2 - Windows System Performance Counters DotNet v4ProcessorQueueLengthProcessorQueueLengthNULLThe System/Processor Queue Length counter shows how many threads are ready in the processor queue, but not currently able to use the processor.
    CurrentDiskQueueLengthCurrentDiskQueueLengthNULLCurrent Disk Queue Length is the number of requests outstanding on the disk at the time the performance data is collected. It also includes requests in service at the time of the collection. This is a instantaneous snapshot, not an average over the time interval. Multi-spindle disk devices can have multiple requests that are active at one time, but other concurrent requests are awaiting service. This counter might reflect a transitory high or low queue length, but if there is a sustained load on the disk drive, it is likely that this will be consistently high. Requests experience delays proportional to the length of this queue minus the number of spindles on the disks. For good performance, this difference should average less than two.
    ContextSwitchesPersecContextSwitchesPersecNULLA context switch occurs when the kernel switches the processor from one thread to another-for example, when a thread with a higher priority than the running thread becomes ready. The System Context Switches/sec counter in System Monitor reports systemwide context switches

    Agent G2 - Windows VMware vCenter Service Status - v2


    Monitors VMware vCenter Service(s) status. It is applicable to Windows VMware vCenter vSphere 6.5 or later. Validated on: Microsoft Windows Server 2016 with vSphere 6.5



    Template Usage Guidelines

    When applying this template on the device, users need to provide the VMware vCenter installed path and the specific services to monitor. The format and examples are provided below:

    Format 1: vCenterInstalledPath::Service1,Service2,…
    Format 2: vCenterInstalledPath::all


    1. To monitor all services at the specified VMware path(this is the default value of template):
      C:\Program Files\VMware\vCenter Server\bin::all
    2. To monitor specific services (e.g., VPXD and MBCS):
      C:\Program Files\VMware\vCenter Server\bin::VPXD,MBCS

    Supported Metric

    Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
    Agent G2 - Windows VMware Vcenter Service Status Monitor - v2vmware_vcenter_service_Statusvmware_vcenter_service_StatusNULLMonitors VMware vCenter Service(s) status. \nService Running: Graph Value - 0, Alert Severity - Ok\nService Stopped: Graph Value - 2, Alert Severity - Critical\nService Unknown: Reasons for unknown could be any of these: \n1. The service could be changing from running to stopped or stopped to running \n2. Service name could be invalid

    Agent G2 - Windows WMI Performance Counters Monitoring


    This template is used to monitor the specified WMI details. Users need to provide the following parameters while assigning the template at the resource level, using the formats mentioned in Template Usage Guidelines:

    • WMI Namespace
    • WMI Class
    • WMI ComponentName
    • WMI PropertyName

    Template Usage Guidelines:

    While applying this template on the device, users need to provide specific input parameters in below formats only

    Format 1: root\cimv2@@@Win32_LogicalDisk@@@Name@@@FreeSpace;;;root\cimv2@@@Win32_PerfFormattedData_Tcpip_NetworkInterface@@@Name@@@BytesReceivedPersec

    Format 2: root\cimv2@@@Win32_PerfFormattedData_PerfOS_Processor@@@Name@@@PercentUserTime

    Detailed Explanation of above syntax: Namespace1@@@WMIQuery1@@@WMIClassComponentName1@@@WMIClassPropertyName1;;;Namespace2@@@WMIQuery2@@@WMIClassComponentName2@@@WMIClassPropertyName2


    No prerequisite

    Supported Metric

    Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
    Agent G2 - Windows WMI Counter Custom Windows WMI CounterNULLMonitors Windows WMI Performance counters data

    Agent G2 Linux Individual CPU Monitoring


    Agent G2 Linux Individual CPU Monitoring



    Supported Metric

    Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
    Linux CPU Core Utilization Monitorsystem_linux_CPU_Core_UtilizationSystem Linux CPU Core Utilization%System Linux CPU Core Utilization

    Agent G2 - Linux - Zookeeper Template - v2


    ZooKeeper is monitored through JMX.


    No Prerequisites

    Supported Metric

    Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
    Agent G2 - Linux - Zookeeper Template - v2zookeeper.bytes_receivedZooKeeper Total Bytes ReceivedMBThe number of bytes received
    zookeeper.bytes_sentZooKeeper Total Bytes SentMBThe number of bytes sent
    zookeeper.connectionsZooKeeper Total ConnectionsConnectionsThe total count of client connections
    zookeeper.latency.avgZooKeeper Average Request LatencyMSThe amount of time it takes for the server to respond to a client request
    zookeeper.latency.maxZooKeeper Max Request LatencyMSThe amount of time it takes for the server to respond to a client request
    zookeeper.latency.minZooKeeper Min Request LatencyMSThe amount of time it takes for the server to respond to a client request
    zookeeper.nodesZooKeeper Total Node CountNodesThe number of znodes in the ZooKeeper namespace
    zookeeper.outstanding_requestsZooKeeper OutStanding RequestsRequestsThe number of queued requests when the server is under load and is receiving more sustained requests than it can process
    zookeeper.packets_receivedZooKeeper Total Packets Receivedpacket/secondThe number of packets received
    zookeeper.packets_sentZooKeeper Total Packets sentpacket/secondThe number of packets sent
    zookeeper.zxid.countZooKeeper Zxid CountcountZxid Count
    zookeeper.zxid.epochZooKeeper Zxid EpochvalueZxid Epoch

    G2 Microsoft Active Directory RID LDAP FSMO Response


    G2 Microsoft Active Directory RID LDAP FSMO Response



    Supported Metric

    Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
    G2 Microsoft Active Directory RID LDAP FSMO Responsemicrosoft_AD_RID_LDAP_FSMO_PingResponseMicrosoft Active Directory RID LDAP FSMO Ping Response in MillisecondsmsMicrosoft Active Directory RID LDAP FSMO ping response in milliseconds
    microsoft_AD_RID_LDAP_FSMO_BindResponseMicrosoft Active Directory RID LDAP FSMO Bind Response in MillisecondsmsMicrosoft Active Directory RID LDAP FSMO bind response in milliseconds

    G2 Microsoft Active Directory RID Master Status


    G2 Microsoft Active Directory RID Master Status



    Supported Metric

    Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
    G2 Microsoft Active Directory RID Master Statusmicrosoft_AD_RID_RIDMaster_OverallStatusMicrosoft AD RID RIDMaster Overall StatusNULLMicrosoft Active Directory RID master overall status. Test Passed - 0, Failed - 1
    microsoft_AD_RID_RIDMaster_BindstatusMicrosoft AD RID RIDMaster Bind StatusNULLMicrosoft Active Directory RID master bind status. Successful - 0, Failed - 1

    G2 Microsoft Active Directory RID Statistics


    G2 Microsoft Active Directory RID Statistics



    Template Usage Guidelines

    When applying this template on the device, users need to provide a distinguished name (DN) of the domain as an input parameter. The input should follow the format and example provided below:



    Supported Metric

    Monitor NameMetric NameMetric Display NameUnitDescription
    G2 Microsoft Active Directory RID Statisticsmicrosoft_AD_RID_RIDsIssuedMicrosoft AD RID RIDs IssuedcountMicrosoft Active Directory RIDs issued count
    microsoft_AD_RID_RIDsRemainingMicrosoft AD RID RIDs RemainingcountMicrosoft Active Directory RIDs remaining count