Active Directory Free System Page Table Entries DotNet v4
Monitors Active Directory Free System Page Table Entries Counters
Supported Metric
Monitor Name | Metric Name | Metric Display Name | Unit | Description |
Agent G2 - Active Directory Free System Page Table Entries DotNet v4 | AD_Free_System_Page_Table_Entries | FreeSystemPageTableEntries | NULL | Free System Page Table Entries is the number of page table entries not currently in used by the system. This counter displays the last observed value only; it is not an average |
Active Directory Performance Counters DotNet v4
Monitors AD Performance data
Supported Metric
Monitor Name | Metric Name | Metric Display Name | Unit | Description |
Agent G2 - Active Directory Performance Counters DotNet v4 | DRAInboundObjectsPersec | DRAInboundObjectsPersec | NULL | The number of objects received (per second) through inbound replication from replication partners. |
DSServerBindsPersec | DSServerBindsPersec | NULL | Shows the number of DC-to-DC binds per second that are serviced by this DC. | |
DRAInboundBytesTotalPersec | DRAInboundBytesTotalPersec | Bytes per second | It is the sum of the number of bytes (per second) of uncompressed data (never compressed) and compressed data (after compression) received through replication. Lack of activity indicates that the network is slowing down replication. | |
DRAInboundObjectsAppliedPersec | DRAInboundObjectsAppliedPersec | NULL | This counter excludes changes that are received but not applied (for example, when the update is already made) and also how many replication updates are occurring on the server as a result of changes generated on other servers. | |
ABClientSessions | ABClientSessions | NULL | AB Client Sessions is the number of connected Address Book client sessions. | |
LDAPClientSessions | LDAPClientSessions | NULL | The number of sessions of connected LDAP clients. Lack of activity points to network problems. | |
DSDirectoryReadsPersec | DSDirectoryReadsPersec | NULL | Shows the number of directory reads per second. | |
DRAPendingReplicationSynchronizations | DRAPendingReplicationSynchronizations | NULL | The number of directory synchronizations that are queued for this server that are not yet processed. This counter helps in determining replication backlog - the larger the number, the larger the backlog. This value should be low, with a higher value indicating that the hardware is not adequately servicing replication. | |
NTLMAuthentications | NTLMAuthentications | NULL | The number of NTLM authentications (per second) serviced by this domain controller | |
DSDirectoryWritesPersec | DSDirectoryWritesPersec | NULL | Shows the number of directory writes per second. | |
LDAPActiveThreads | LDAPActiveThreads | NULL | LDAP Active Threads is the current number of threads in use by the LDAP subsystem of the local direcotry service. | |
KerberosAuthentications | KerberosAuthentications | NULL | The number of times per second that clients use a client ticket to this domain controller to authenticate to this domain controller. A lack of activity can indicate network problems that are preventing authentication requests from succeeding. | |
DRAOutboundBytesTotalPersec | DRAOutboundBytesTotalPersec | Bytes per second | It is the sum of the number of bytes of uncompressed data (never compressed) and compressed data (after compression) sent per second. Lack of activity indicates that the hardware or network is slowing down replication. | |
LDAPWritesPersec | LDAPWritesPersec | NULL | Shows the rate at which LDAP clients perform write operations. | |
DSNotifyQueueSize | DSNotifyQueueSize | NULL | The number of pending update notifications that have been queued, but not yet transmitted to clients. | |
DSClientBindsPersec | DSClientBindsPersec | NULL | Shows the number of Ntdsapi.dll binds per second serviced by this DC. | |
LDAPUDPoperationsPersec | LDAPUDPoperationsPersec | NULL | Shows the number of UDP operations that the LDAP server is processing per second. | |
LDAPBindTime | LDAPBindTime | Milliseconds | This counter shows the time required for completion of the last LDAP binding, with a higher value pointing to either hardware or network performance problems. | |
LDAPSearchesPersec | LDAPSearchesPersec | NULL | The number of search operations per second performed by LDAP clients. A lack of activity points to network problems. | |
DRAOutboundObjectsPersec | DRAOutboundObjectsPersec | NULL | The number of objects sent (per second) through outbound replication to replication partners. | |
DRAInboundObjectUpdatesRemaininginPacket | DRAInboundObjectUpdatesRemaininginPacket | NULL | This counter tells you whether the monitored server is receiving changes, but is taking a long time applying them to the database. The value should be low, with a higher value indicating that the hardware is incapable of adequately servicing replication (warranting a server upgrade). |
AD Database Monitoring - v2
Monitor AD database metrics like DBFileSizeGrowth, DBFile_DiskUsage, DiskHealthStatus, FreeDiskSpace.
Note: Previous version “Agent G2 - AD Database Monitoring” template has a bug at the monitor level. We recommend using the latest template (Agent G2 - AD Database Monitoring - v2)
Supported Metric
Monitor Name | Metric Name | Metric Display Name | Unit | Description |
Agent G2 - AD Database Custom Monitor - v2 | AD_Database_DBFileSizeGrowth | AD Database DBFile Size Growth | MB | It monitors the growth of the Active Directory database file size. It calculates the delta of the database file size from previous poll to current poll. |
AD_Database_FreeDiskSpace | AD Database FreeDiskSpace | MB | It monitors the free disk space in MB for the drives which are having Active Directory Database file / Log file. | |
AD_Database_DiskHealthStatus | AD Database Disk Health Status | null | It monitors the disk health status of the drive which is having an Active Directory DB File. Below are the possible states: 0 - Healthy 1 - Warning 2 - Unhealthy 3 - Unknown | |
AD_Database_DBFile_DiskUsage | AD Database DBFile DiskUsage | % | It monitors the disk usage% of the drive which is having Active Directory DB file. |
AD Performance Counters DotNet v4
Agent G2 - AD Performance Counters DotNet v4
Supported Metric
Monitor Name | Metric Name | Metric Display Name | Unit | Description |
Agent G2 - AD Performance Counters DotNet v4 | | Directory Services LDAPSuccessfulbindspersec | NULL | Number of LDAP Binds per second | | Directory Services DRAOutboundvaluesdnsonlypersec | NULL | Number of object property values containing Distinguished Names sent to outbound replication partners. DN-values, such as group or distribution list memberships, are generally more expensive to read than other kinds of values | | | Directory Services DRAInboundvaluesdnsonlypersec | NULL | Number of object property values received from inbound replication partners that are Distinguished Names; i.e., that reference other objects. DN-values, such as group or distribution list memberships, are generally more expensive to apply than other kind | | | Directory Services Threadsinuse | NULL | DS Threads in Use is the current number of threads in use by the directory service (different than the number of threads in the directory service process). Threads in Use is the number of threads currently servicing client API calls and can be used to in | | | Directory Services DRAInboundfullsyncobjectsremaining | NULL | Number of objects remaining until the full sync completes (when set) |
Backup Symantec Exec-11-Performance Counters DotNet v4
Template for Symantec backup exec. Monitors total bytes, total directories and total files. Also performs event log monitoring.
Supported Metric
Monitor Name | Metric Name | Metric Display Name | Unit | Description |
Agent G2 - Backup Symantec Exec-11-Performance Counters DotNet v4 | TotalDirectories | TotalDirectories | NULL | The total number of directories that have been backed up since the Backup Exec Engine Service last started. |
TotalFiles | TotalFiles | NULL | The total number of files that have been backed up since the Backup Exec Engine Service last started. | |
TotalBytes | TotalBytes | NULL | The total number of bytes that have been backed up since the Backup Exec Engine Service last started. |
Backup-Symantec Exec-12.5-Performance Counters DotNet v4
12.5_Symantec_Backup_Exec. Monitors total bytes, total directories and total files.
Supported Metric
Monitor Name | Metric Name | Metric Display Name | Unit | Description |
Agent G2 - Backup-Symantec Exec-12.5-Performance Counters DotNet v4 | TotalBytes | TotalBytes | NULL | The total number of bytes that have been backed up since the Backup Exec Engine Service last started. |
FailedJobs | FailedJobs | NULL | The number of jobs that have failed since the Backup Exec Engine Service last started. | |
TotalDirectories | TotalDirectories | NULL | The total number of directories that have been backed up since the Backup Exec Engine Service last started. | |
TotalFiles | TotalFiles | NULL | The total number of files that have been backed up since the Backup Exec Engine Service last started. |
Backup-Veritas-Job Performance Counters DotNet v4
Monitors the AbortedJobs, ActiveJobCount, BackupDeviceWaitTime, InUseSkippedObjects MountTime, TotalExchangeMailboxes, TotalSQLServerDatabases.
Supported Metric
Monitor Name | Metric Name | Metric Display Name | Unit | Description |
Agent G2 - Backup-Veritas-Job Performance Counters DotNet v4 | BackupDeviceWaitTime | BackupDeviceWaitTime | Seconds | The total time (in seconds) all backup jobs have spent waiting for a storage device since the Backup Exec Engine Service last started. |
AbortedJobs | AbortedJobs | NULL | The number of jobs that have been aborted since the Backup Exec Engine Service last started. | |
MountTime | MountTime | Seconds | The total time (in seconds) all jobs have spent waiting for media to be mounted in a storage device since the Backup Exec Engine Service last started. | |
InUseSkippedObjects | InUseSkippedObjects | NULL | The number of objects that have been skipped because they were in use during backup since the Backup Exec Engine Service last started. | |
FailedJobs | FailedJobs | NULL | The number of jobs that have failed since the Backup Exec Engine Service last started. | |
ActiveJobCount | ActiveJobCount | NULL | The number of jobs currently active (running or pending) in the Backup Exec Engine Service. |
Blackberry 501 Performance Counters DotNet v4
Monitor Blackberry 501 Performance Counters
Supported Metric
Monitor Name | Metric Name | Metric Display Name | Unit | Description |
Agent G2 - Blackberry 501 Performance Counters DotNet v4 | MessagesQueuedForDelivery | MessagesQueuedForDelivery | NULL | Blackberry Agent displays queued messages for delivery |
MessagesExpired | MessagesExpired | NULL | Blackberry Agent displays expired messages | |
MessagesSent | MessagesSent | NULL | Blackberry Agent displays sent messages | |
MessagesReceived | MessagesReceived | NULL | Blackberry Agent displays received messages | |
MessagesFiltered | MessagesFiltered | NULL | Blackberry Agent displays filtered messages |
Blackberry Enterprise Server
Template for BlackBerry enterprise server. Monitors messages expired, messages filtered, messages queued for delivery, messages received and messages sent. Also performs event log monitoring.
Supported Metric
Monitor Name | Metric Name | Metric Display Name | Unit | Description |
Agent G2 - Blackberry Enterprise Server | MessagesQueuedForDelivery | MessagesQueuedForDelivery | NULL | Blackberry Agent displays queued messages for delivery |
MessagesExpired | MessagesExpired | NULL | Blackberry Agent displays expired messages | |
MessagesSent | MessagesSent | NULL | Blackberry Agent displays sent messages | |
MessagesReceived | MessagesReceived | NULL | Blackberry Agent displays received messages | |
MessagesFiltered | MessagesFiltered | NULL | Blackberry Agent displays filtered messages |
Blackberry Performance Counters DotNet v4
Monitors Blackberry Performance Counters
Supported Metric
Monitor Name | Metric Name | Metric Display Name | Unit | Description |
Agent G2 - Blackberry Performance Counters DotNet v4 | MessagesQueuedForDelivery | MessagesQueuedForDelivery | NULL | Blackberry Agent displays queued messages for delivery |
MessagesExpired | MessagesExpired | NULL | Blackberry Agent displays expired messages | |
MessagesSent | MessagesSent | NULL | Blackberry Agent displays sent messages | |
MessagesReceived | MessagesReceived | NULL | Blackberry Agent displays received messages | |
MessagesFiltered | MessagesFiltered | NULL | Blackberry Agent displays filtered messages |
Cisco Unity Performance Counters DotNet v4
Monitors Cisco Unity Performance data
Supported Metric
Monitor Name | Metric Name | Metric Display Name | Unit | Description |
Agent G2 - Cisco Unity Performance Counters DotNet v4 | IncomingCallsExternalCurrent | IncomingCallsExternalCurrent | NULL | The current number of incoming calls from external callers. |
PortsIdleCurrent | PortsIdleCurrent | NULL | The current number of integration ports that are not in use by the Cisco Unity Connection server. | |
TTSSessionsPersec | TTSSessionsPersec | NULL | The number of active TTS voice sessions per second. | |
MessageStoresOfflineCurrent | MessageStoresOfflineCurrent | NULL | A current total of Cisco Unity Message Stores that are offline. | |
PortsUsedCurrent | PortsUsedCurrent | NULL | The current number of integration ports that are in use by the Cisco Unity Connection server. | |
AverageAuthenticationTime | AverageAuthenticationTime | NULL | Average time taken to authenticate. | |
TTSSessionDurationAverage | TTSSessionDurationAverage | NULL | The average duration of all TTS sessions in seconds. | |
MessageStoresOnlineCurrent | MessageStoresOnlineCurrent | NULL | A current total of Cisco Unity Message Stores that are online. | |
PortsLockedCount | PortsLockedCount | NULL | The current count of the ports that no longer respond or are otherwise unusable by Cisco Unity Connection | |
UnityMTAMessageCountCurrent | UnityMTAMessageCountCurrent | NULL | The number of messages currently queued in the MTA(Message Transfer Agent). | |
IncomingCallsDurationAverage | IncomingCallsDurationAverage | NULL | The average duration in seconds of all incoming calls to the Cisco Unity Connection server. | |
DirectoryResynchronizationDurationAverage | DirectoryResynchronizationDurationAverage | NULL | The average duration of information directory synchronization, in seconds | |
PortsIdleDurationAverage | PortsIdleDurationAverage | NULL | The average time that any port remains idle between incoming calls to the Cisco Unity Connection server in seconds. | |
OutgoingCallsDurationAverage | OutgoingCallsDurationAverage | NULL | The average duration of all outgoing calls from the Cisco Unity Connection server in seconds. |
Citrix Broker Agent DotNet v4
Monitors Citrix Broker Agent role performance Counters
Supported Metric
Monitor Name | Metric Name | Metric Display Name | Unit | Description |
Agent G2 - Citrix Broker Agent DotNet v4 | | CitrixBrokerAgent TotalSessions | NULL | Total Number of Sessions | | CitrixBrokerAgent NumberofRegistrations | NULL | Total Number of Registrations | | | CitrixBrokerAgent TotalAppSessions | NULL | Total Number of Seamless App Sessions | | | CitrixBrokerAgent TotalNotifications | NULL | Total Number of Notifications | | | CitrixBrokerAgent NumberofDeregistrations | NULL | Total Number of DeRegistrations | | | CitrixBrokerAgent TotalDesktopsSession | NULL | Total Number of Desktop Sessions |
Citrix Broker Service DotNet v4
Monitors Citrix Broker Service role performance counters
Supported Metric
Monitor Name | Metric Name | Metric Display Name | Unit | Description |
Agent G2 - Citrix Broker Service DotNet v4 | | CitrixBrokerService HardRegistrationsPerSec | NULL | Hard Registrations/sec is the rate at which virtual desktop agents hard-register with Citrix Broker Service |
Citrix Licensing
Template for Citrix Licensing
Supported Metric
Monitor Name | Metric Name | Metric Display Name | Unit | Description |
Agent G2 - Citrix Licensing | Total_License | Total_License | NULL | The sum of the total license count of the citrix concurrent licenses with the common name available in the citrix licensing server. |
License_Usage | License_Usage | NULL | The sum of the license usage number of the citrix concurrent licenses being used currently with the common name. | |
License_Used_Percentage | License_Used_Percentage | NULL | License percent used is the percentage of the license usage of the citrix concurrent licenses with the common name in the citrix licensing server. | |
License_SA_Expiry_in_days | License_SA_Expiry_in_days | NULL | Provides the number of days remaining to expire subscription advantage (SA) of all the possible licenses of the citrix license server. |
Citrix Licensing Performance Counters
Monitors Citrix Licensing Performance data
Supported Metric
Monitor Name | Metric Name | Metric Display Name | Unit | Description |
Agent G2 - Citrix Licensing Performance Counters | Total_License | Total_License | NULL | The sum of the total license count of the citrix concurrent licenses with the common name available in the citrix licensing server. |
License_Usage | License_Usage | NULL | The sum of the license usage number of the citrix concurrent licenses being used currently with the common name. | |
License_Used_Percentage | License_Used_Percentage | NULL | License percent used is the percentage of the license usage of the citrix concurrent licenses with the common name in the citrix licensing server. | |
License_SA_Expiry_in_days | License_SA_Expiry_in_days | NULL | Provides the number of days remaining to expire subscription advantage (SA) of all the possible licenses of the citrix license server. |
Citrix Performance Counters DotNet v4
These performance counters should be used to monitor the key performance metrics of the Citrix infrastructure, application servers, and virtual desktops.
Supported Metric
Monitor Name | Metric Name | Metric Display Name | Unit | Description |
Agent G2 - Citrix Performance Counters DotNet v4 | citrix.percent.processor.time | Citrix Percent Processor Time | % | Percent Processor Time is the percentage of elapsed time that the processor spends to execute a non-Idle thread. It is calculated by measuring the duration of the idle thread is active in the sample interval, and subtracting that time from interval duration. (Each processor has an idle thread that consumes cycles when no other threads are ready to run). This counter is the primary indicator of processor activity, and displays the average percentage of busy time observed during the sample interval. It is calculated by monitoring the time that the service is inactive and subtracting that value from 100 Percent |
citrix.logicaldisk.avg.disksecpertransfer | Citrix LogicalDisk Avg DiskSecPerTransfer | MS | The Average Disk Second counters show the average time in seconds of a transfer from or to a disk. | |
citrix.logicaldisk.currentdiskqueuelength | Citrix LogicalDisk CurrentDiskQueueLength | NULL | Current disk queue length provides a primary measure of disk congestion. It is an indication of the number of transactions that are waiting to be processed. | |
citrix.logicaldisk.avg.disksecperwrite | Citrix LogicalDisk Avg DiskSecPerWrite | MS | The Average Disk Second counters show the average time in seconds of a write from or to a disk. | |
citrix.logicaldisk.percent.disktime | Citrix LogicalDisk Percent DiskTime | % | Percent Disk Time marks how busy the disk is. | | | Citrix Network Interface BytesTotalPerSec | NULL | Bytes Total/sec shows the rate at which the network adaptor is processing data bytes. This counter includes all application and file data, in addition to protocol information, such as packet headers. | |
citrix.system.processor.queuelength | Citirx System Processor Queue Length | NULL | Processor queue length is the number of threads in the processor queue. Unlike the disk counters, this counter shows ready threads only, not threads that are running. There is a single queue for processor time even on computers with multiple processors. Therefore, if a computer has multiple processors, you need to divide this value by the number of processors servicing the workload. A sustained processor queue of less than ten threads per processor is normally acceptable, dependent of the workload. | |
citrix.paging.file.percentusage | Citrix Paging File Percent Usage | NULL | This is the percentage amount of the Page File instance in use. | |
citrix.logicaldisk.percent.freespace | Citrix LogicalDisk Percent FreeSpace | % | Percent Free Space is the percentage of total usable space on the selected logical disk drive that is free. | |
citrix.memory.available.bytes | Citrix Memory Available Bytes | % | Available memory indicates the amount of memory that is left after nonpaged pool allocations, paged pool allocations, process working sets, and the file system cache have all taken their piece. | |
citrix.logicaldisk.avg.disksecperread | Citrix LogicalDisk Avg DiskSecPerRead | MS | The Average Disk Second counters show the average time in seconds of a read from or to a disk. |
Citrix XenApp 7.5 DotNet v4
Monitor Citrix XenApp Server 7.5 version performance counters.
Supported Metric
Monitor Name | Metric Name | Metric Display Name | Unit | Description |
Agent G2 - Citrix XenApp 7.5 DotNet v4 | Citrix_Conf_Logging_Database_State | Citrix_Conf_Logging_Database_State | NULL | Database Connected indicates whether this service is in contact with its database (1 is connected; 0 is not connected). |
Citrix XenApp 7.6 DotNet v4
Monitor Citrix XenApp Server 7.6 version performance counters.
Supported Metric
Monitor Name | Metric Name | Metric Display Name | Unit | Description |
Agent G2 - Citrix XenApp 7.6 DotNet v4 | citrix.conf.loggingdatabase.avgtransactiontime | Citirx Conf Logging Database Avg Transaction Time | NULL | The time on average, in seconds, taken to execute a database transaction. A baseline needs to be established in the environment in order to accurately establish threshold values. |
citrix.monitor.database.connected | Citrix Monitor Database Connected | NULL | Database Connected indicates whether this service is in contact with its database (1 is connected; 0 is not connected) | |
citrix.conf.loggingdatabase.transactionerrorspersec | Citrix Conf Logging Database Transaction Errors Per sec | NULL | The rate at which database transactions are failing. | |
citrix.env.test.database.connected | Citrix Env Test Database Connected | NULL | Database Connected indicates whether this service is in contact with its database (1 is connected; 0 is not connected) |
Citrix XenApp Advanced Performance Check
XenApp Advanced Monitoring
Supported Metric
Monitor Name | Metric Name | Metric Display Name | Unit | Description |
Agent G2 - Citrix XenApp Advanced Performance Check | XADisconnectedSessions | XADisconnectedSessions | Count | Lists sessions in disconnected state. This helps identify if there are any sporadic disconnects from the server. |
XAOfflineServers | XAOfflineServers | Count | A server can be taken offline either for maintenance or because the Server is unstable and is removed from available servers. These servers will not service any user requests. | |
XAServerLoad | XAServerLoad | NULL | This monitor displays the load on each Citrix XenApp Servers. These load values can identify issues with your servers in addition to determining which server is the least/most loaded in your farm. A trending value of this monitor helps identify peak usage of the servers. A value greater than 9000 indicates a heavily loaded server | |
XAServerApplication | XAServerApplication | Count | Number of applications hosted on each server. This help you decide if the load is distributed evenly across all your servers. | |
XASessions | XASessions | Count | Number of active sessions per server. |
Citrix XenApp Performance Check DotNet v4
XenApp Standard Monitoring
Supported Metric
Monitor Name | Metric Name | Metric Display Name | Unit | Description |
Agent G2 - Citrix XenApp Performance Check DotNet v4 | LicenseServerConnectionFailure | LicenseServerConnectionFailure | NULL | The number of minutes that the XenApp server has been disconnected from the License Server. The time returned should be less than 30 minutes. Ideally the returned time should be zero. |
WorkItemQueueExecutingCount | WorkItemQueueExecutingCount | NULL | The number of work items that are ready to be executed. | |
DataStorewritesPersec | DataStorewritesPersec | NULL | The number of times data was written to the data store per second. | |
ZoneElectionsTriggered | ZoneElectionsTriggered | NULL | The number of times a server triggers a zone election. | |
STATicketTimeoutCount | STATicketTimeoutCount | NULL | The total number of ticket time-outs that occur during the lifetime of the STA. | |
AverageLicenseCheckInResponseTimems | AverageLicenseCheckInResponseTimems | NULL | This component monitor returns the average response time for a license check-in operation in milliseconds. | |
LatencySessionDeviation | LatencySessionDeviation | NULL | This component monitor returns the difference between the minimum and the maximum session latency values. This value should be as low as possible. | |
BytesReceivedPersec | Bytes Received Per sec | NULL | This component monitor returns the data rate of incoming Independent Management Architecture(IMA) network traffic. | |
NetworkConnections | NetworkConnections | NULL | This component monitor returns the number of active network IMA connections to IMA servers. | |
LocalHostCachewritesPersec | LocalHostCachewritesPersec | NULL | The number of times data was written to the IMA local host cache per second. | |
ResolutionWorkItemQueueExecutingCount | ResolutionWorkItemQueueExecutingCount | NULL | The number of work items that are currently being executed. | |
WorkItemQueuePendingCount | WorkItemQueuePendingCount | NULL | The number of work items that are not yet ready to be executed. | |
NumberofbusyXMLthreads | NumberofbusyXMLthreads | NULL | The number of busy threads. | |
DataStorereadsPersec | DataStorereadsPersec | NULL | The number of times data was read from the data store per second. | |
CPUEntitlement | CPUEntitlement | NULL | The percentage of CPU resource that Citrix CPU Utilization Management makes available to a user at a given time. | |
CPUUsage | CPUUsage | NULL | The percentage of CPU resource consumed by a user at a given time averaged over a few seconds. | |
STAPeakTicketRequestRate | STAPeakTicketRequestRate | NULL | The maximum rate of ticket generation requests per second during the lifetime of the STA. | |
LongtermCPUUsage | LongtermCPUUsage | NULL | The percentage of CPU resource consumed by a user averaged over a longer period than the CPU Usage counter. | |
ApplicationResolutionsPersec | ApplicationResolutionsPersec | NULL | The number of resolutions completed per second. | |
DynamicStorewritesPersec | DynamicStorewritesPersec | NULL | The number of times data was written to the dynamic store per second. | |
ApplicationEnumerationsPersec | ApplicationEnumerationsPersec | NULL | Enumeration is the process in which a client transmits data to locate servers on the network and retrieves information about the server farms published applications. During enumeration the XenApp Plug-in for Hosted Apps communicates with the Citrix XML Service or the ICA browser depending on the browsing protocol selected in the plug-in. This monitor provides the number of application enumerations per second. | |
DataStoreConnectionFailure | DataStoreConnectionFailure | NULL | The number of minutes that the XenApp server has been disconnected from the data store. This value should be zero at all times. | |
LastRecordedLicenseCheckOutResponseTimems | LastRecordedLicenseCheckOutResponseTimems | NULL | The last recorded license check-out response time in milliseconds. | |
WorkItemQueueReadyCount | WorkItemQueueReadyCount | NULL | The number of work items that are not yet ready to be executed. | |
STAPeakAllRequestRate | STAPeakAllRequestRate | NULL | Secure Ticket Authority (STA) is responsible for issuing session tickets in response to connection requests for published resources on XenApp. These session tickets form the basis of authentication and authorization for access to published resources. | |
LatencySessionAverage | LatencySessionAverage | NULL | The average client latency over the lifetime of a session. | |
LatencyLastRecorded | LatencyLastRecorded | NULL | This component monitor returns the last recorded latency value of the session. | |
ICARoundtripLatencyMedian | ICARoundtripLatencyMedian | NULL | The median time of ICA roundtrip latency for all sessions on the server. | |
BytesSentPersec | BytesSentPersec | NULL | This component monitor returns the data rate of outgoing IMA network traffic. | |
STAPeakTicketRefreshRate | STAPeakTicketRefreshRate | NULL | The maximum rate of refresh requests per second during the lifetime of the STA. | |
ResolutionWorkItemQueueReadyCount | ResolutionWorkItemQueueReadyCount | NULL | The number of work items that are ready to be executed. | |
CPUReservation | CPUReservation | NULL | The percentage of total computer CPU resource reserved for a user, should that user require it. | |
CPUShares | CPUShares | NULL | The proportion of CPU resource assigned to a user. | |
LocalHostCachereadsPersec | LocalHostCachereadsPersec | NULL | The number of times data was read from the IMA local host cache per second. | |
MaximumnumberofXMLthreads | MaximumnumberofXMLthreads | NULL | The maximum number of threads allocated to service Web-based sessions since the server restarted. | |
AverageLicenseCheckOutResponseTimems | AverageLicenseCheckOutResponseTimems | NULL | This component monitor returns the average response time for a license check-out operation in milliseconds. | |
ApplicationResolutionsFailedPersec | ApplicationResolutionsFailedPersec | NULL | The number of application resolutions failed per second. | |
DynamicStorereadsPersec | DynamicStorereadsPersec | NULL | The number of times data was read from the dynamic store per second. | |
STAPeakDataRequestRate | STAPeakDataRequestRate | NULL | The maximum rate of data requests per second during the lifetime of the STA. | |
ZoneElectionsWon | ZoneElectionsWon | NULL | The number of times a server wins a zone election. | |
ApplicationResolutionTimems | ApplicationResolutionTimems | ms | The time in milliseconds that a resolution took to complete. A baseline would be needed in order to establish increases during peak logon times before an accurate threshold can be defined. |
Citrix XenDesktop Advanced Performance Check
Citrix XenDesktop advanced monitoring based on performance counters.
Supported Metric
Monitor Name | Metric Name | Metric Display Name | Unit | Description |
Agent G2 - Citrix XenDesktop Advanced Performance Check | DesktopsWithRegistrationStateAsAgentError | DesktopsWithRegistrationStateAsAgentError | NULL | Lists all Virtual Desktops which have not registered with the controller due to Agent Error. The state of being in communication is referred to as the VDA being registered with a controller. If communication fails for any reason the VDA is said to have failed to register with a controller and it will not be possible for DDC to broker a connection to the VDM in question; the VDM becomes a wasted resource. |
DesktopsUnRegistered | DesktopsUnRegistered | NULL | Lists all Virtual Desktops in the Unregistered state. The state of being in communication is referred to as the VDA being registered with a controller. If communication fails for any reason the VDA is said to have failed to register with a controller and it will not be possible for DDC to broker a connection to the VDM in question; the VDM becomes a wasted resource. | |
DesktopsWithUnknownPowerState | DesktopsWithUnknownPowerState | NULL | The Virtual desktop power state and issuing of power commands to the VM depends on the DDC services being able to communicate with the hypervisor that hosts the VM. The unknown power state is a result of the DDC never having received a notification of the power state of the VM from the hypervisor (hence state unknown). | |
DesktopsNeverRegistered | DesktopsNeverRegistered | NULL | Virtual desktop machine which never registered with the Desktop Controllers. An unregistered desktop cannot be used by an end-user. | |
TotalDesktops | TotalDesktops | NULL | The total number of desktops in a given Desktop Group. | |
BrokerHypervisorAlertSeverityRed | BrokerHypervisorAlertSeverityRed | NULL | Lists the current alerts objects reported by the hypervisors that the controller is monitoring. | |
DesktopsFacingICALatency | DesktopsFacingICALatency | NULL | Desktop Receiver on the client PCs communicates with the Virtual Desktop Agent(VDA) on the Virtual Desktops using the ICA (Independent Computing Architecture). High latency on this communication channel would result in slowness/freezing of sessions. | |
DesktopsDisconnected | DesktopsDisconnected | NULL | Number of Virtual Desktops whose summary state is in disconnected state. | |
DesktopsFacingHighProfileLoadTime | DesktopsFacingHighProfileLoadTime | NULL | Desktop Receiver on the client PCs communicates with the Virtual Desktop Agent(VDA) on the Virtual Desktops using the ICA (Independent Computing Architecture). Profile Load time is directly impacted with the profile size. This results in users experiencing logon delays. | |
DesktopsAvailable | DesktopsAvailable | NULL | The number of desktops available in a desktop group. | |
DesktopGroupsUsage | DesktopGroupsUsage | NULL | % of virtual desktop machines used within a group. | |
DesktopsInUse | DesktopsInUse | NULL | The number of desktops currently in use in a given Desktop Group. | |
ActiveSessions | ActiveSessions | NULL | The number of Desktop sessions currently streamed. | |
DesktopsinMaintenanceMode | DesktopsinMaintenanceMode | NULL | Putting a desktop in maintenance mode temporarily stops connections to the desktop so that maintenance tasks can be carried out. A user trying to connect to a desktop in maintenance mode will receive a message telling them the desktop is currently unavailable and to try reconnecting. XenDesktop has no control over desktops in maintenance mode. No user can log on to a desktop in this state. If a user is already logged on, maintenance mode takes effect as soon as they log off. | |
DesktopsWithImageOutOfDate | DesktopsWithImageOutOfDate | NULL | Shows Desktop Groups that have desktops with Out Of Date Images |
Citrix XenDesktop Performance Counters
Monitors the XenDesktop System, Power status, Available system count, Delivery Group Desktops available count, unregistered count along with the Controller details like State, Services 7 Licensing details etc., Applicable on the XenApp/Xendesktop 7.x versions.
Supported Metric
Monitor Name | Metric Name | Metric Display Name | Unit | Description |
Agent G2 - Citrix XenDesktop Performance Counters | | BrokerDesktopGroup DesktopsAvailable | % | Number of available desktops | | BrokerDesktopGroup DesktopsDisconnected | % | Number of disconnected desktops | |
broker.catalog.available.count | BrokerCatalog AvailableCount | NULL | Number of available systems | | | BrokerDesktopGroup DesktopsUnregistered | % | Number of unregistered desktops | | | BrokerDesktopGroup Desktops NeverRegistered | % | Number of desktops never registered | | | BrokerDesktopGroup DesktopsPreparing | % | Number of desktops in preparing state |
Citrix XenDesktop Status and Performance Check DotNet v4
Applicable on XenDesktop - Desktop Delivery Controller
Supported Metric
Monitor Name | Metric Name | Metric Display Name | Unit | Description |
Agent G2 - Citrix XenDesktop Status and Performance Check DotNet v4 | RegistrationRequestsPersec | RegistrationRequestsPersec | NULL | Registration Requests/sec is the rate at which Citrix Broker Service receives registration requests from virtual desktops. |
RegistrationAvgRequestTime | RegistrationAvgRequestTime | NULL | Registration Avg. Request Time is the time on average in seconds taken to process a virtual desktop registration request in Citrix Broker Service. This delay is a one time daily expense | |
BrokeredSessions | BrokeredSessions | NULL | Brokered Sessions is the number of virtual desktop sessions brokered by the Citrix Broker Service. |
CPU - Run Queue Monitor DotNet v4
Number of threads in queue waiting for processor time. Threshold for this metric is based on the number of processors on the system. Ideal value range from one to three threads per processor.
Supported Metric
Monitor Name | Metric Name | Metric Display Name | Unit | Description |
Agent G2 - CPU - Run Queue Monitor DotNet v4 | | CPU Run Queue Monitor | NULL | Number of threads in queue waiting for processor time. Threshold for this metric is based on the number of processors on the system. Ideal value range from one to three threads per processor. |
DB-Oracle DotNet v4
Monitors Oracle Performance Counters
Supported Metric
Monitor Name | Metric Name | Metric Display Name | Unit | Description |
Agent G2 - DB-Oracle DotNet v4 | Oracle_UserRollbacks | Oracle User Rollbacks | Count | Validates the Number of User Roll backs. |
Oracle_DataFileDiskWrites | Oracle Data File Disk Writes | Count | Validates the Number of Data file disk writes to database. | |
Oracle_CacheInvalidations | Oracle Cache Invalidations | Count | Validates the how many Cache invalidations on particular database. | |
Oracle_TableSpaceFree | Oracle Table Space Free | MB | Validates free table space available | |
Oracle_UsersCommit | Oracle Users Commit | Count | Validates Number of User commits | |
Oracle_TableSpaceAllocated | Oracle Table Space Allocated | MB | Validates the Size allocated for the table by database. | |
Oracle_Sessions | Oracle Sessions | Count | Validates how many sessions currently on particular database. | |
Oracle_DataFileDiskReads | Oracle Data File Disk Reads | Count | Validates the Number of Data file disk reads by database. | |
Oracle_LibraryCacheReloads | Oracle Library Cache Reloads | Count | Validates the Number of Library Cache Reloads by database. | |
Oracle_DataFilelesizeAllocated | Oracle Data File size Allocated | MB | Validates the Data File Size Allocated for the database. | |
Oracle_LibraryCacheGets | Oracle Library Cache Gets | Count | Validates the Number of Library Cache gets by database. | |
Oracle_LongRunningQueries | Oracle Long Running Queries | Count | Validates the how many long running queries on particular database. | |
Oracle_TablescanBlocks | Oracle Table scan Blocks | Count | Validates the Number of Table scan blocks by database. | |
Oracle_BlockingLockQueries | Oracle Blocking Lock Queries | Count | Validates the how many block lock queries on particular database. | |
oracle_processes | Oracle Processes | Count | Validates the how many processes on particular database. |
Dell Hardware Health - WMI DotNet v4
Monitors the Dell hardware health parameters like CPU Status, Memory status, Fan status, Fan reading, Temperature status, Temperature reading, Power consumption watts sensor status, Power consumption watts sensor reading, Power consumption amps sensor status, Power consumption amps sensor reading, voltage status and voltage reading.
Validated on Dell PowerEdge R710, Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard Edition Service Pack 1, 64-bit.
Supported Metric
Monitor Name | Metric Name | Metric Display Name | Unit | Description |
Agent G2 - Dell Hardware Health - WMI DotNet v4 | dell.voltage.sensor.reading | Voltage Reading | NULL | Dell Voltage sensor current reading in millivolts. |
dell.temperature.reading | Temperature Reading | NULL | Dell Temperature sensor current reading in centigrade. | |
dell.power.consumption.ampssensor.reading | Power Consumption Amps Sensor Reading | NULL | Dell Power consumption amps sensor current reading. |
DFS NameSpace Replication Performance Counters DotNet v4
DFS Monitoring - Namespace and Replication Check
Supported Metric
Monitor Name | Metric Name | Metric Display Name | Unit | Description |
Agent G2 - DFS NameSpace Replication Performance Counters DotNet v4 | dfsnamespaceserviceapirequests.requestsprocessed | DFSNamespaceServiceAPIRequests RequestsProcessed | NULL | Requests Processed shows the number of requests to one API that were processed by the DFS Namespace service. |
dfsreplicatedfolders.deletedspaceinuse | DFSReplicatedFolders DeletedSpaceInUse | NULL | Deleted Space in Use shows the total size (in bytes) of the deleted files and folders currently in the Conflict and Deleted folder used by the DFS Replication service. The DFS Replication service detects remote deletes from its sending partner and moves the file or folder to the Conflict and Deleted folder. The service automatically cleans up the Conflict and Deleted folder when it exceeds a pre-configured threshold of the quota. | |
dfsreplicatedfolders.deletedfilesgenerated | DFSReplicatedFolders DeletedFilesGenerated | NULL | Deleted Files Generated shows the number of replicated deleted files and folders that were moved to the Conflict and Deleted folder after they were deleted from a replicated folder on a sending member. The DFS Replication service automatically cleans up the Conflict and Deleted folder when it exceeds a pre-configured threshold of the quota. | |
dfsreplicationconnections.totalfilesreceived | DFSReplicationConnections TotalFilesReceived | NULL | Total Files Received shows the number of files that were received on the connection. | |
dfsreplicatedfolders.conflictfoldercleanupscompleted | DFSReplicatedFolders ConflictFolderCleanupsCompleted | NULL | Conflict Folder Cleanups Completed shows the number of times conflict loser files and folders in the Conflict and Deleted folder were deleted by the DFS Replication service. The DFS Replication service automatically detects and resolves conflicts encountered in replicated folders and moves the losing version to the Conflict and Deleted folder. The service automatically cleans up the Conflict and Deleted folder when it exceeds a pre-configured threshold of the quota. | |
dfsreplicationconnections.rdcbytesreceived | DFSReplicationConnections RDCBytesReceived | NULL | RDC Bytes Received shows the bytes that were received on this connection while replicating files using remote differential compression (RDC). This is the actual bytes received over the network without the networking protocol overhead. | |
dfsreplicatedfolders.stagingspaceinuse | DFSReplicatedFolders StagingSpaceInUse | NULL | Staging Space In Use shows the total size (in bytes) of the files and folders currently in the staging folder used by the DFS Replication service. This counter will fluctuate as staging space is reclaimed. The DFS Replication service stages files and folders in the staging folder before they are replicated, and automatically cleans up the staging folder when it exceeds a pre-configured threshold of the quota. | |
dfsreplicationconnections.sizeoffilesreceived | DFSReplicationConnections SizeofFilesReceived | NULL | Size of Files Received shows the uncompressed size (in bytes) of the files received on this connection. This is the number of bytes that would have been received had DFS Replication compression not been used. | |
dfsnamespaceservicereferrals.requestsprocessedpersec | DFSNamespaceServiceReferrals RequestsProcessedPersec | NULL | Requests Per Sec. shows the number of referral requests per second that were processed by the DFS Namespace service. | |
dfsreplicationservicevolumes.usnjournalrecordsread | DFSReplicationServiceVolumes USNJournalRecordsRead | NULL | USN Journal Records Read shows the number of update sequence number (USN) journal records that were read by the DFS Replication service. | |
dfsreplicatedfolders.deletedbytesgenerated | DFSReplicatedFolders DeletedBytesGenerated | NULL | Deleted Bytes Generated shows the total size (in bytes) of replicated deleted files and folders that were moved to the Conflict and Deleted folder after they were deleted from a replicated folder on a sending member. The DFS Replication service automatically cleans up the Conflict and Deleted folder when it exceeds a pre-configured threshold of the quota. | |
dfsreplicatedfolders.stagingfilescleanedup | DFSReplicatedFolders StagingFilesCleanedup | NULL | Staging Files Cleaned up shows the number of files and folders that were cleaned up from the staging folder by the DFS Replication service. The DFS Replication service stages files and folders in the staging folder before they are replicated, and automatically cleans up the staging folder when it exceeds a pre-configured threshold of the quota. | |
dfsreplicationconnections.rdcsizeoffilesreceived | DFSReplicationConnections RDCSizeofFilesReceived | NULL | RDC Size of Files Received shows the uncompressed size (in bytes) of files received with remote differential compression (RDC) for this connection. This is the number of bytes that would have been received had neither compression nor RDC been used. This is not the actual number of bytes received over the network. | |
dfsreplicatedfolders.conflictspaceinuse | DFSReplicatedFolders ConflictSpaceInUse | NULL | Conflict Space in Use shows the total size (in bytes) of the conflict loser files and folders currently in the Conflict and Deleted folder used by the DFS Replication service. The DFS Replication service automatically detects and resolves conflicts encountered in replicated folders and moves the losing version to the Conflict and Deleted folder. The service automatically cleans up the Conflict and Deleted folder when it exceeds a pre-configured threshold of the quota. | |
dfsreplicatedfolders.rdcbytesreceived | DFSReplicatedFolders RDCBytesReceived | NULL | RDC Bytes Received shows the number of bytes that were received in replicating files using remote differential compression (RDC) for this replicated folder. This is the actual bytes received over the network without the networking protocol overhead. | |
dfsreplicationconnections.compressedsizeoffilesreceived | DFSReplicationConnections CompressedSizeofFilesReceived | NULL | Compressed Size of Files Received shows the compressed size of files (in bytes) received on the connection. | |
dfsreplicatedfolders.conflictbytesgenerated | DFSReplicatedFolders ConflictBytesGenerated | NULL | Conflict Bytes Generated shows the total size (in bytes) of the files and folders in this replicated folder that were moved to the Conflict and Deleted folder by the DFS Replication service. The DFS Replication service automatically detects and resolves conflicts encountered in replicated folders and moves the losing version to the Conflict and Deleted folder. The service automatically cleans up the Conflict and Deleted folder when it exceeds a pre-configured threshold of the quota. | |
dfsreplicatedfolders.rdcnumberoffilesreceived | DFSReplicatedFolders RDCNumberofFilesReceived | NULL | RDC Number of Files Received shows the number files that were received for this replicated folder. | |
dfsreplicatedfolders.conflictfilescleanedup | DFSReplicatedFolders ConflictFilesCleanedup | NULL | Conflict Files Cleaned up shows the number the conflict loser files and folders that were deleted from the Conflict and Deleted folder by the DFS Replication service. The DFS Replication service automatically detects and resolves conflicts encountered in replicated folders and moves the losing version to the Conflict and Deleted folder. The service automatically cleans up the Conflict and Deleted folder when it exceeds a pre-configured threshold of the quota. | |
dfsreplicatedfolders.fileinstallssucceeded | DFSReplicatedFolders FileInstallsSucceeded | NULL | File Installs Succeeded shows the number of files that were successfully received from sending members and installed locally on this server. The DFS Replication service replicates staged files into the staging folder, uncompresses them in the Installing folder, and renames them to the target location. The second and third steps of this process are known as installing the file. | |
dfsreplicatedfolders.conflictbytescleanedup | DFSReplicatedFolders ConflictBytesCleanedup | NULL | Conflict Bytes Cleaned up shows the total size (in bytes) of the conflict loser files and folders that were deleted from the Conflict and Deleted folder by the DFS Replication service. The DFS Replication service automatically detects and resolves conflicts encountered in replicated folders and moves the losing version to the Conflict and Deleted folder. The service automatically cleans up the Conflict and Deleted folder when it exceeds a pre-configured threshold of the quota. | |
dfsreplicatedfolders.stagingbytescleanedup | DFSReplicatedFolders StagingBytesCleanedup | NULL | Staging Bytes Cleaned up shows the total size (in bytes) of the files and folders that were cleaned up from the staging folder by the DFS Replication service. The DFS Replication service stages files and folders in the staging folder before they are replicated, and automatically cleans up the staging folder when it exceeds a pre-configured threshold of the quota. | |
dfsreplicationservicevolumes.databasecommits | DFSReplicationServiceVolumes DatabaseCommits | NULL | Database Commits shows the number of database commit operations performed by the DFS Replication service. This counter indicates how intensive the DFS Replication service is from a database perspective. | |
dfsreplicatedfolders.fileinstallsretried | DFSReplicatedFolders FileInstallsRetried | NULL | File Installs Retried shows the number of file installs that are being retried due to sharing violations or other errors encountered when installing the files. The DFS Replication service replicates staged files into the staging folder, uncompresses them in the Installing folder, and renames them to the target location. The second and third steps of this process are known as installing the file. | |
dfsreplicatedfolders.stagingfilesgenerated | DFSReplicatedFolders StagingFilesGenerated | NULL | Staging Files Generated shows the number of times replicated files and folders were staged by the DFS Replication service. The DFS Replication service stages files and folders in a staging folder before they are replicated, and automatically cleans up the staging folder when it exceeds a pre-configured threshold of the quota. | |
dfsreplicatedfolders.totalfilesreceived | DFSReplicatedFolders TotalFilesReceived | NULL | Total Files Received shows the number of files that were received by this replicated folder. | |
dfsnamespaceservicereferrals.requestsprocessed | DFSNamespaceServiceReferrals RequestsProcessed | NULL | Requests Processed shows the number of referral requests that were processed by the DFS Namespace service. | |
dfsreplicatedfolders.deletedbytescleanedup | DFSReplicatedFolders DeletedBytesCleanedup | NULL | Deleted Bytes Cleaned up shows the total size (in bytes) of replicating deleted files and folders (in bytes) that were cleaned up from the Conflict and Deleted folder by the DFS Replication service. The service automatically cleans up the Conflict and Deleted folder when it exceeds a pre-configured threshold of the quota. | |
dfsreplicatedfolders.rdccompressedsizeoffilesreceived | DFSReplicatedFolders RDCCompressedSizeofFilesReceived | NULL | RDC Compressed Size of Files Received shows the compressed size (in bytes) of the files received with remote differential compression (RDC) for this replicated folder. This is the number of bytes that would have been received had RDC not been used. This is not the actual bytes received over the network. | |
dfsreplicationconnections.bytesreceivedpersecond | DFSReplicationConnections BytesReceivedPerSecond | NULL | Bytes Received Per Second shows an estimate of the average number of bytes that were received each second over the past 30 seconds. | |
dfsreplicationservicevolumes.usnjournalunreadpercentage | DFSReplicationServiceVolumes USNJournalUnreadPercentage | NULL | USN Journal Unread Percentage shows the percent of the update sequence number (USN) journal that has not yet been read and processed by the DFS Replication service. A journal wrap will occur if this counter reaches 100. | |
dfsreplicatedfolders.compressedsizeoffilesreceived | DFSReplicatedFolders CompressedSizeofFilesReceived | NULL | Compressed Size of Files Received shows the compressed size of files (in bytes) received for this replicated folder. | |
dfsreplicatedfolders.deletedfilescleanedup | DFSReplicatedFolders DeletedFilesCleanedup | NULL | Deleted Files Cleaned up shows the number of replicated deleted files and folders that were cleaned up from the Conflict and Deleted folder by the DFS Replication service. The service automatically cleans up the Conflict and Deleted folder when it exceeds a pre-configured threshold of the quota. | |
dfsnamespaceservicereferrals.requestsfailed | DFSNamespaceServiceReferrals RequestsFailed | NULL | Requests Failed shows the number of referral requests that were failed by the DFS Namespace service. | |
dfsreplicatedfolders.updatesdropped | DFSReplicatedFolders UpdatesDropped | NULL | Updates Dropped shows the number of redundant file replication update records that were ignored by the DFS Replication service because they did not change the replicated file or folder. For example, dropped updates can occur when access control lists (ACLs) are overwritten with identical ACLs on a file or folder. | |
dfsreplicationconnections.rdccompressedsizeoffilesreceived | DFSReplicationConnections RDCCompressedSizeofFilesReceived | NULL | Compressed Size of Files Received shows the compressed size (in bytes) of files received for this replicated folder. | |
dfsnamespaceserviceapirequests.requestsfailed | DFSNamespaceServiceAPIRequests RequestsFailed | NULL | Requests Failed shows the number of requests to one API that were failed by the DFS Namespace service. | |
dfsreplicatedfolders.bandwidthsavingsusingdfsreplication | DFSReplicatedFolders BandwidthSavingsUsingDFSReplication | NULL | Bandwidth Savings Using DFS Replication shows the percentage of bandwidth that was saved by the DFS Replication service for this replicated folder using a combination of remote differential compression (RDC) and other compression technologies that minimize network bandwidth. For example, a value of 20 indicates that the DFS Replication service used 20% less bandwidth than it would have used if it had transmitted the entire files uncompressed over the network. | |
dfsnamespaceservicereferrals.avgresponsetime | DFSNamespaceServiceReferrals AvgResponseTime | NULL | Avg Response Time shows the average response time to the referral requests that were processed by the DFS Namespace service. | |
dfsreplicationconnections.rdcnumberoffilesreceived | DFSReplicationConnections RDCNumberofFilesReceived | NULL | RDC Number of Files Received shows the number files that were received on this connection. | |
dfsreplicationconnections.bandwidthsavingsusingdfsreplication | DFSReplicationServiceVolumes BandwidthSavingsUsingDFSReplication | NULL | Bandwidth Savings Using DFS Replication shows the percentage of bandwidth that was saved by the DFS Replication service for this connection using a combination of remote differential compression (RDC) and other compression technologies that minimize network bandwidth use. For example, a value of 20 indicates that the DFS Replication service used 20% less bandwidth than it would have used if it had transmitted the entire files uncompressed over the network. | |
dfsnamespaceserviceapirequests.requestsprocessedpersec | DFSNamespaceServiceAPIRequests RequestsProcessedPersec | NULL | Requests Per Sec. Rate shows the number of API requests per second that were processed by the DFS Namespace service. | |
dfsreplicationconnections.totalbytesreceived | DFSReplicationConnections TotalBytesReceived | NULL | Total Bytes Received shows the total number of bytes received on the connection. The bytes received value includes file data and replication metadata. | |
dfsreplicatedfolders.conflictfilesgenerated | DFSReplicatedFolders ConflictFilesGenerated | NULL | Conflict Files Generated shows the number of files and folders in this replicated folder that were moved to the Conflict and Deleted folder by the DFS Replication service. The DFS Replication service automatically detects and resolves conflicts encountered in replicated folders and moves the losing version to the Conflict and Deleted folder. The service automatically cleans up the Conflict and Deleted folder when it exceeds a pre-configured threshold of the quota. | |
dfsreplicationservicevolumes.usnjournalrecordsaccepted | DFSReplicationServiceVolumes USNJournalRecordsAccepted | NULL | USN Journal Records Accepted shows the number of update sequence number (USN) journal records that were processed by the DFS Replication service. The DFS Replication service processes all USN journal records for replicated content on a volume and ignores records for non-replicated files and folders on the volume. | |
dfsnamespaceserviceapirequests.avgresponsetime | DFSNamespaceServiceAPIRequests AvgResponseTime | NULL | Avg Response Time shows the average response time to the requests to one API that were processed by the DFS Namespace service. | |
dfsnamespace.foldercount | DFSNamespace FolderCount | NULL | Folder count shows the number of DFS folders or links in a namespace. | |
dfsreplicatedfolders.sizeoffilesreceived | DFSReplicatedFolders SizeofFilesReceived | NULL | Size of Files Received shows the uncompressed size (in bytes) of the files received for this replicated folder. This is the number of bytes that would have been received had DFS Replication compression not been used. | |
dfsreplicatedfolders.rdcsizeoffilesreceived | DFSReplicatedFolders RDCSizeofFilesReceived | NULL | RDC Size of Files Received shows the uncompressed size (in bytes) of the files received with remote differential compression (RDC) for this replicated folder. This is the number of bytes that would have been received had neither compression nor RDC been used. This is not the actual bytes received over the network. | |
dfsreplicationservicevolumes.databaselookups | DFSReplicationServiceVolumes DatabaseLookups | NULL | Database Lookups shows the number of database search operations performed by the DFS Replication service This counter indicates how intensive the DFS Replication service is from a database perspective. | |
dfsreplicatedfolders.stagingbytesgenerated | DFSReplicatedFolders StagingBytesGenerated | NULL | Staging Bytes Generated shows the total size (in bytes) of replicated files and folders in the staging folder created by the DFS Replication service since last restart and is monotonically increasing counter. The DFS Replication service stages files and folders in the staging folder before they are replicated, and automatically cleans up the staging folder when it exceeds a pre-configured threshold of the quota. |
Disk Performance Monitoring DotNet v4
Disk Performance Monitoring
Supported Metric
Monitor Name | Metric Name | Metric Display Name | Unit | Description |
Agent G2 - Disk Performance Monitoring DotNet v4 | AverageDiskWriteQueueLength | AverageDiskWriteQueueLength | NULL | Avg. Disk Write Queue Length is the average number of write requests that were queued for the selected disk during the sample interval. |
AvgDisksecPerRead | AvgDisksecPerRead | NULL | Avg. Disk sec/Read is the average time, in seconds, of a read of data from the disk. | |
PercentDiskTime | PercentDiskTime | NULL | % Disk Time is the percentage of elapsed time that the selected disk drive was busy servicing read or write requests. | |
AverageDiskReadQueueLength | AverageDiskReadQueueLength | NULL | Avg. Disk Read Queue Length is the average number of read requests that were queued for the selected disk during the sample interval. | |
AvgDisksecPerWrite | AvgDisksecPerWrite | NULL | Avg. Disk sec/Write is the average time, in seconds, of a write of data to the disk. | |
AvgDiskBytesPerTransfer | AvgDiskBytesPerTransfer | NULL | Avg. Disk Bytes/Transfer is the average number of bytes transferred to or from the disk during write or read operations. The disk is efficient if it transfers large amounts of data relatively quickly. | |
AverageDiskQueueLength | AverageDiskQueueLength | NULL | Avg. Disk Queue Length is the average number of both read and write requests that were queued for the selected disk during the sample interval. |
DNS Performance Counters DotNet v4
Monitors DNS performance counters
Supported Metric
Monitor Name | Metric Name | Metric Display Name | Unit | Description |
Agent G2 - DNS Performance Counters DotNet v4 | dns.dynamic.update.requests.received | DNS DynamicUpdateRequestsReceived | NULL | Dynamic Update Received is the total number of dynamic update requests received by the DNS server. | | DNS TotalQueriesReceivedPerSec | NULL | Total Query Received/sec is the average number of queries received by DNS server in each second. | |
dns.dynamic.update.requests.empty.persec | DNS DynamicUpdateRequestsEmptyPerSec | NULL | Dynamic Update NoOperation/sec is the average number of No-operation/Empty dynamic update requests received by the DNS server in each second. | |
dns.nb.stat.memory.used | DNS NbStatMemoryUsed | NULL | Nbstat Memory is the total Nbstat memory used by DNS server. | |
dns.udp.queries.received.per.sec | DNS UDPQueriesReceivedPerSec | NULL | UDP Query Received/sec is the average number of UDP queries received by DNS server in each second. | | | DNS ZoneTransfersSuccess | NULL | Zone Transfer Success is the total number of successful zone transfers of the master DNS server. | |
dns.tcp.queries.received.per.sec | DNS TCPQueriesReceivedPerSec | NULL | TCP Query Received/sec is the average number of TCP queries received by DNS server in each second. | |
dns.caching.memory.used | DNS CachingMemoryUsed | NULL | Caching Memory is the total caching memory used by DNS server. | | | DNS SecureUpdatesFailed | NULL | Secure Update Failure is the total number of secure updates failed of the DNS server. | |
dns.tcp.message.memory.used | DNS TCPMessageMemoryUsed | NULL | TCP Message Memory is the total TCP message memory used by DNS server. | |
dns.database.node.memory.used | DNS DatabaseNodeMemoryUsed | NULL | Database Node Memory is the total database node memory used by DNS server. | |
dns.dynamic.update.requests.rejected | DNS DynamicUpdateRequestsRejected | NULL | Dynamic Update Rejected is the total number of dynamic updates rejected by the DNS server. | | | DNS DynamicUpdateswrittentodatabase | NULL | Dynamic Update Written to Database is the total number of dynamic updates written to the database by the DNS server. | | | DNS SecureUpdateRequestsReceived | NULL | Secure Update Received is the total number of secure update requests received by the DNS server. | |
dns.udp.responses.sent.per.sec | DNS UDPResponsesSentPerSec | NULL | UDP Response Sent/sec is the average number of UDP reponses sent by DNS server in each second. | |
dns.udp.message.memory.used | DNS UDPMessageMemoryUsed | NULL | UDP Message Memory is the total UDP message memory used by DNS server. | |
dns.record.flow.memory.used | DNS RecordFlowMemoryUsed | NULL | Record Flow Memory is the total record flow memory used by DNS server. | |
dns.tcp.responses.sent.per.sec | DNS TCPResponsesSentPerSec | NULL | TCP Response Sent/sec is the average number of TCP reponses sent by DNS server in each second. | | | DNS ZoneTransfersFailed | NULL | Zone Transfer Failure is the total number of failed zone transfers of the master DNS server. | | | DNS TotalResponsesSentPerSec | NULL | Total Response Sent/sec is the average number of reponses sent by DNS server in each second. | |
dns.dynamic.update.timeouts | DNS DynamicUpdateTimeouts | NULL | Dynamic Update TimeOuts is the total number of dynamic update timeouts of the DNS server. |
DNS Recursive Performance Counters DotNet v4
Monitors DNS Recursive Class WMI Performance data
Supported Metric
Monitor Name | Metric Name | Metric Display Name | Unit | Description |
Agent G2 - DNS Recursive Performance Counters DotNet v4 | DNS_RecursiveTimeOutPerSec | DNS_RecursiveTimeOutPerSec | NULL | Provides the average number of recursive query sending timeouts in each second. |
DNS_RecursiveQueryFailurePerSec | DNS_RecursiveQueryFailurePerSec | NULL | Provides the average number of recursive query failures in each second. | |
DNS_RecursiveQueriesPerSec | DNS_RecursiveQueriesPerSec | NULL | Provides the average number of recursive queries received by DNS server in each second. |
Fujitsu PRIMERGY Health - Windows
Monitor the following metrics for Fujitsu PRIMERGY Health on Windows servers: fujitsu_primergy_host_raidController_healthState, fujitsu_primergy_host_raidController_primaryStatus, fujitsu_primergy_diskDrive_healthState, fujitsu_primergy_diskDrive_primaryStatus, fujitsu_primergy_temperature_healthState, fujitsu_primergy_temperature_currentState, fujitsu_primergy_temperature_currentReading, fujitsu_primergy_voltage_healthState, fujitsu_primergy_voltage_currentState, fujitsu_primergy_voltage_currentReading, fujitsu_primergy_powerSupply_healthState, fujitsu_primergy_powerConsumptionSensor_healthState, fujitsu_primergy_powerConsumptionSensor_currentState, fujitsu_primergy_fan_healthState, fujitsu_primergy_fan_sensor_healthState, fujitsu_primergy_fan_sensor_currentState, fujitsu_primergy_fan_sensor_currentReading, fujitsu_primergy_managementController_healthState, fujitsu_primergy_processor_healthState, fujitsu_primergy_memory_healthState, fujitsu_primergy_cache_memory_healthState, fujitsu_primergy_physical_memory_healthState
Note: This template will be applicable only for the Agent version 14.0.0 or later.
This template will be applicable only for the Agent version 14.0.0 or later.
Supported Metric
Monitor Name | Metric Name | Metric Display Name | Unit | Description |
Agent G2 - Fujitsu PRIMERGY Health - Windows | fujitsu_primergy_host_raidController_healthState | fujitsu_primergy_host_raidController_healthState | null | Monitors Fujitsu PGY Raid Controller Current Health State. The possible values are 0 to 30, where 5 means that the object is entirely healthy and 30 means that the object is completely non-functional.. Supported values: 0: Unknown, 10: Degraded / Warning - Warning; 15: Predictive Failure, 20: Major failure, 25: Critical failure, 30: Non-functional - Critical; 5: OK - Ok |
fujitsu_primergy_host_raidController_primaryStatus | fujitsu_primergy_host_raidController_primaryStatus | null | Monitors Fujitsu PGY Host Raid Controller PrimaryStatus, high-level status value intended to align with Red-Yellow-Green type representation of status. Supported values: 0: Unknown, 2: Warning - Warning; 3: Error - Critical; 1: OK - Ok | |
fujitsu_primergy_diskDrive_primaryStatus | fujitsu_primergy_diskDrive_primaryStatus | null | Monitors Fujitsu PGY DiskDrive Primary Status, high-level status value intended to align with Red-Yellow-Green type representation of status. Supported values: 0: Unknown, 2: Warning - Warning; 3: Error - Critical; 1: OK - Ok | |
fujitsu_primergy_temperature_healthState | fujitsu_primergy_temperature_healthState | null | Monitors Fujitsu PGY Temperature HealthState.The possible values are 0 to 30, where 5 means that the object is entirely healthy and 30 means that the object is completely non-functional.. Supported values: 0: Unknown, 10: Degraded / Warning - Warning; 15: Predictive Failure, 20: Major failure, 25: Critical failure, 30: Non-functional - Critical; 5: OK - Ok | |
fujitsu_primergy_temperature_currentState | fujitsu_primergy_temperature_currentState | null | Current state indicated by the Sensor. Lower Critical, Upper Critical, Critical - Critical; Unknown, Upper Non-Critical, Non-Critical - Warning; Normal - Ok | |
fujitsu_primergy_temperature_currentReading | fujitsu_primergy_temperature_currentReading | C | Current value indicated by the Sensor. | |
fujitsu_primergy_voltage_healthState | fujitsu_primergy_voltage_healthState | null | Monitors Fujitsu PGY Voltage HealthState.The possible values are 0 to 30, where 5 means that the object is entirely healthy and 30 means that the object is completely non-functional.. Supported values: 0: Unknown, 10: Degraded / Warning - Warning; 15: Predictive Failure, 20: Major failure, 25: Critical failure, 30: Non-functional - Critical; 5: OK - Ok | |
fujitsu_primergy_voltage_currentState | fujitsu_primergy_voltage_currentState | null | Current state indicated by the Sensor. Lower Critical, Upper Critical, Critical - Critical; Unknown, Upper Non-Critical, Non-Critical - Warning; Normal - Ok | |
fujitsu_primergy_voltage_currentReading | fujitsu_primergy_voltage_currentReading | v | Current value indicated by the Sensor | |
fujitsu_primergy_powerSupply_healthState | fujitsu_primergy_powerSupply_healthState | null | Monitors Fujitsu PGY PowerSupply HealthState.The possible values are 0 to 30, where 5 means that the object is entirely healthy and 30 means that the object is completely non-functional.. Supported values: 0: Unknown, 10: Degraded / Warning - Warning; 15: Predictive Failure, 20: Major failure, 25: Critical failure, 30: Non-functional - Critical; 5: OK - Ok | |
fujitsu_primergy_powerConsumptionSensor_healthState | fujitsu_primergy_powerConsumptionSensor_healthState | null | Monitors Fujitsu PGY Consumption Sensor HealthState.The possible values are 0 to 30, where 5 means that the object is entirely healthy and 30 means that the object is completely non-functional.. Supported values: 0: Unknown, 10: Degraded / Warning - Warning; 15: Predictive Failure, 20: Major failure, 25: Critical failure, 30: Non-functional - Critical; 5: OK - Ok | |
fujitsu_primergy_powerConsumptionSensor_currentState | fujitsu_primergy_powerConsumptionSensor_currentState | null | Current state indicated by the Sensor. Lower Critical, Upper Critical, Critical - Critical; Unknown, Upper Non-Critical, Non-Critical - Warning; Normal - Ok | |
fujitsu_primergy_fan_healthState | fujitsu_primergy_fan_healthState | null | Monitors Fujitsu PGY Fan HealthState.The possible values are 0 to 30, where 5 means that the object is entirely healthy and 30 means that the object is completely non-functional.. Supported values: 0: Unknown, 10: Degraded / Warning - Warning; 15: Predictive Failure, 20: Major failure, 25: Critical failure, 30: Non-functional - Critical; 5: OK - Ok | |
fujitsu_primergy_fan_sensor_healthState | fujitsu_primergy_fan_sensor_healthState | null | Monitors Fujitsu PGY Fan Sensor HealthState.The possible values are 0 to 30, where 5 means that the object is entirely healthy and 30 means that the object is completely non-functional.. Supported values: 0: Unknown, 10: Degraded / Warning - Warning; 15: Predictive Failure, 20: Major failure, 25: Critical failure, 30: Non-functional - Critical; 5: OK - Ok | |
fujitsu_primergy_fan_sensor_currentState | fujitsu_primergy_fan_sensor_currentState | null | Current state indicated by the Sensor. Lower Critical, Upper Critical, Critical - Critical; Unknown, Upper Non-Critical, Non-Critical - Warning; Normal - Ok | |
fujitsu_primergy_fan_sensor_currentReading | fujitsu_primergy_fan_sensor_currentReading | rpm | Current value indicated by the Sensor | |
fujitsu_primergy_managementController_healthState | fujitsu_primergy_managementController_healthState | null | Monitors Fujitsu PGY Management Controller HealthState.The possible values are 0 to 30, where 5 means that the object is entirely healthy and 30 means that the object is completely non-functional.. Supported values: 0: Unknown, 10: Degraded / Warning - Warning; 15: Predictive Failure, 20: Major failure, 25: Critical failure, 30: Non-functional - Critical; 5: OK - Ok | |
fujitsu_primergy_processor_healthState | fujitsu_primergy_processor_healthState | null | Monitors Fujitsu PGY Processor HealthState.The possible values are 0 to 30, where 5 means that the object is entirely healthy and 30 means that the object is completely non-functional.. Supported values: 0: Unknown, 10: Degraded / Warning - Warning; 15: Predictive Failure, 20: Major failure, 25: Critical failure, 30: Non-functional - Critical; 5: OK - Ok | |
fujitsu_primergy_memory_healthState | fujitsu_primergy_memory_healthState | null | Monitors Fujitsu PGY Memory HealthState.The possible values are 0 to 30, where 5 means that the object is entirely healthy and 30 means that the object is completely non-functional.. Supported values: 0: Unknown, 10: Degraded / Warning - Warning; 15: Predictive Failure, 20: Major failure, 25: Critical failure, 30: Non-functional - Critical; 5: OK - Ok | |
fujitsu_primergy_physical_memory_healthState | fujitsu_primergy_physical_memory_healthState | null | Monitors Fujitsu PGY Physical Memory HealthState.The possible values are 0 to 30, where 5 means that the object is entirely healthy and 30 means that the object is completely non-functional.. Supported values: 0: Unknown, 10: Degraded / Warning - Warning; 15: Predictive Failure, 20: Major failure, 25: Critical failure, 30: Non-functional - Critical; 5: OK - Ok |
Fujitsu PRIMERGY Health - Linux
Template for Linux environment to monitor Fujitsu PRIMERGY Health Monitoring metrics like: Fujitsu PGY Host Raid Controller HealthState, Fujitsu PGY Host Raid Controller PrimaryStatus, Fujitsu PGY DiskDrive HealthState, Fujitsu PGY DiskDrive PrimaryStatus, Fujitsu PGY Temperature HealthState, Fujitsu PGY Temperature CurrentState, Fujitsu PGY Temperature CurrentReading, Fujitsu PGY Voltage HealthState, Fujitsu PGY Voltage CurrentState, Fujitsu PGY Voltage CurrentReading, Fujitsu PGY PowerSupply HealthState, Fujitsu PGY Power Consumption Sensor HealthState, Fujitsu PGY Power Consumption Sensor CurrentState, Fujitsu PGY Fan HealthState, Fujitsu PGY Fan Sensor HealthState, Fujitsu PGY Fan Sensor CurrentState, Fujitsu PGY Fan Sensor CurrentReading, Fujitsu PGY Management Controller HealthState, Fujitsu PGY Processor HealthState, Fujitsu PGY Memory HealthState, Fujitsu PGY Cache Memory HealthState, Fujitsu PGY Physical Memory HealthState.
Supported Metric
Monitor Name | Metric Name | Metric Display Name | Unit | Description |
Agent G2 - Fujitsu PRIMERGY Health - Linux | fujitsu_pgy_management_controller_health_state | PGY Management Controller Health State | NULL | PGY Management Controller Health State |
fujitsu_pgy_temperature_health_state | PGY Temperature Health State | NULL | PGY Temperature Health State | |
fujitsu_pgy_powerConsumption_sensor_health_state | PGY Power Consumption Health State | NULL | PGY Power Consumption Health State | |
fujitsu_pgy_voltage_health_state | PGY Voltage Health State | NULL | PGY Voltage Health State | |
fujitsu_pgy_diskdrive_health_state | PGY Disk Drive Health State | NULL | PGY Disk Drive Health State | |
fujitsu_pgy_temperature_current_state | PGY Temperature Current State | NULL | PGY Temperature Current State | |
fujitsu_pgy_fan_sensor_health_state | PGY Fan Sensor Health State | NULL | PGY Fan Sensor Health State | |
fujitsu_pgy_powersupply_health_state | PGY Power Supply Health State | NULL | PGY Power Supply Health State | |
fujitsu_pgy_cache_memory_health_state | PGY Cache Memory Health State | NULL | PGY Cache Memory Health State | |
fujitsu_pgy_diskdrive_primary_status | PGY Disk Drive Primary Status | NULL | PGY Disk Drive Primary Status | |
fujitsu_pgy_voltage_current_value | PGY Voltage Current Value | v | PGY Voltage Current Value | |
fujitsu_pgy_memory_health_state | PGY Memory Health State | NULL | PGY Memory Health State | |
fujitsu_pgy_fan_sensor_current_state | PGY Fan Sensor Current State | NULL | PGY Fan Sensor Current State | |
fujitsu_pgy_voltage_current_state | PGY Voltage Current State | NULL | PGY Voltage Current State | |
fujitsu_pgy_temperature_value | PGY Temperature Value | NULL | PGY Temperature Value | |
fujitsu_pgy_fan_sensor_current_value | PGY Fan Sensor Current Value | rpm | PGY Fan Sensor Current Value | |
fujitsu_pgy_powerConsumption_sensor_current_state | PGY Power Consumption Current State | NULL | PGY Power Consumption Current State | |
fujitsu_pgy_physical_memory_health_state | PGY Physical Memory Health State | NULL | PGY Physical Memory Health State | |
fujitsu_pgy_host_raidcontroller_health_state | PGY Host Raid Controller Health State | NULL | PGY Host Raid Controller Health State | |
fujitsu_pgy_host_raidcontroller_primary_status | PGY Host Raid Controller Primary Status | NULL | PGY Host Raid Controller Primary Status | |
fujitsu_pgy_fan_health_state | PGY Fan Health State | NULL | PGY Fan Health State | |
fujitsu_pgy_processor_health_state | PGY Processor Health State | NULL | PGY Processor Health State |
Fujitsu PRIMERGY Health - Windows - DotNet v4
This template will be deprecated soon.
Template for Windows environment (for .NET v4 or later) to monitor Fujitsu PRIMERGY Health Monitoring metrics like: Fujitsu PGY Host Raid Controller HealthState, Fujitsu PGY Host Raid Controller PrimaryStatus, Fujitsu PGY DiskDrive HealthState, Fujitsu PGY DiskDrive PrimaryStatus, Fujitsu PGY Temperature HealthState, Fujitsu PGY Temperature CurrentState, Fujitsu PGY Temperature CurrentReading, Fujitsu PGY Voltage HealthState, Fujitsu PGY Voltage CurrentState, Fujitsu PGY Voltage CurrentReading, Fujitsu PGY PowerSupply HealthState, Fujitsu PGY Power Consumption Sensor HealthState, Fujitsu PGY Power Consumption Sensor CurrentState, Fujitsu PGY Fan HealthState, Fujitsu PGY Fan Sensor HealthState, Fujitsu PGY Fan Sensor CurrentState, Fujitsu PGY Fan Sensor CurrentReading, Fujitsu PGY Management Controller HealthState, Fujitsu PGY Processor HealthState, Fujitsu PGY Memory HealthState, Fujitsu PGY Cache Memory HealthState, Fujitsu PGY Physical Memory HealthState.
Supported Metric
Monitor Name | Metric Name | Metric Display Name | Unit | Description |
Agent G2 - Fujitsu PRIMERGY Health - Windows - DotNet v4 | fujitsu.pgy.temperature.currentreading | Fujitsu PGY Temperature CurrentReading | NULL | Current value indicated by the Sensor |
fujitsu.pgy.voltage.currentreading | Fujitsu PGY Voltage CurrentReading | NULL | Current value indicated by the Sensor | | | Fujitsu PGY Fan Sensor CurrentReading | NULL | Current value indicated by the Sensor |
HyperV processorratio
HyperV processorratio monitor Template
Supported Metric
Monitor Name | Metric Name | Metric Display Name | Unit | Description |
Agent G2 - HyperV processorratio | Hyperv_VirtualtoLogicalProcessorRatio | Hyperv_VirtualtoLogicalProcessorRatio | NULL | Shows the count ratio of HyperV Virtual and Logical Processors. |
K8s ApiServer Requests Advanced Metrics
Monitors Apiserver Request Total and Apiserver Request Duration Seconds Bucket (verb = get, put, post) Metrics.
Supported Metric
Monitor Name | Metric Name | Metric Display Name | Unit | Description |
Agent G2 - K8s ApiServer Requests Advanced Metrics | | Kube apiserver Post Requests Duration Seconds | Seconds | Time taken for POST API responses. |
apiserver.get.requests.duration.seconds | Kube apiserver Get Requests Duration Seconds | Seconds | Time taken for GET API responses. | | | Kube apiserver Requests Success Rate | Percentage | Percentage of success API requests. | |
apiserver.put.requests.duration.seconds | Kube apiserver Put Requests Duration Seconds | Seconds | Time taken for PUT API responses. |
Kubernetes Pods Monitor
Monitors pods of different kinds of kubernetes like Deployment, Daemonset, Replicasets and Statefulsets
Supported Metric
Monitor Name | Metric Name | Metric Display Name | Unit | Description |
Agent G2 - k8spodsmonitor | kubernetes_statefulset_pods_running_percentage | StatefulSet Pods Running Percentage | Percentage | Percentage of pods running by desired pods of Statefulset. |
kubernetes_daemonset_pods_running_percentage | Daemonset Pods Running Percentage | Percentage | Percentage of pods running by desired pods of Daemonset. | |
kubernetes_deployment_pods_running_percentage | Deployment Pods Running Percentage | Percentage | Percentage of pods running by desired pods of Deployment. | |
kubernetes_daemonset_pods_running | Daemonset Pods Running | Count | The number of nodes that should be running the daemon pod and have one or more of the daemon pod running and ready. | |
kubernetes_statefulset_pods_running_percentage | StatefulSet Pods Running Percentage | Percentage | Percentage of pods running by desired pods of Statefulset. | |
kubernetes_daemonset_pods_desired | Daemonset Pods Desired | Count | The number of nodes that should be running the daemon pod. | |
kubernetes_statefulset_pods_desired | StatefulSet Pods Desired | Count | Number of desired pods for a StatefulSet. | |
kubernetes_deployment_pods_running | Deployment Pods Running | Count | The number of ready replicas per deployment. | |
kubernetes_replicaset_pods_desired | Replicaset Pods Desired | Count | Number of desired pods for a ReplicaSet. | |
kubernetes_statefulset_pods_desired | StatefulSet Pods Desired | Count | Number of desired pods for a StatefulSet. | |
kubernetes_deployment_pods_running_percentage | Deployment Pods Running Percentage | Percentage | Percentage of pods running by desired pods of Deployment. | |
kubernetes_deployment_pods_running | Deployment Pods Running | Count | The number of ready replicas per deployment. | |
kubernetes_statefulset_pods_running | StatefulSet Pods Running | Count | The number of ready replicas per StatefulSet. | |
kubernetes_daemonset_pods_desired | Daemonset Pods Desired | Count | The number of nodes that should be running the daemon pod. | |
kubernetes_replicaset_pods_running | Replicaset Pods Running | Count | The number of ready replicas per ReplicaSet. | |
kubernetes_deployment_pods_desired | Deployment Pods Desired | Count | Number of desired pods for a deployment. | |
kubernetes_replicaset_pods_desired | Replicaset Pods Desired | Count | Number of desired pods for a ReplicaSet. | |
kubernetes_daemonset_pods_running | Daemonset Pods Running | Count | The number of nodes that should be running the daemon pod and have one or more of the daemon pod running and ready. | |
kubernetes_deployment_pods_desired | Deployment Pods Desired | Count | Number of desired pods for a deployment. | |
kubernetes_replicaset_pods_running | Replicaset Pods Running | Count | The number of ready replicas per ReplicaSet. | |
kubernetes_replicaset_pods_running_percentage | Replicaset Pods Running Percentage | Percentage | Percentage of pods running by desired pods of Replicaset | |
kubernetes_replicaset_pods_running_percentage | Replicaset Pods Running Percentage | Percentage | Percentage of pods running by desired pods of Replicaset. | |
kubernetes_daemonset_pods_running_percentage | Daemonset Pods Running Percentage | Percentage | Percentage of pods running by desired pods of Daemonset. | |
kubernetes_statefulset_pods_running | StatefulSet Pods Running | Count | The number of ready replicas per StatefulSet. |
Linux - ActiveMQ Monitors
Monitors ActiveMQ application metrics
Supported Metric
Monitor Name | Metric Name | Metric Display Name | Unit | Description |
Agent G2 - Linux - ActiveMQ Monitors | | ActiveMQ-BrokerMemoryPercentUsage | NULL | The percent of memory limit used. | | ActiveMQ-BrokerTempPercentUsage | NULL | The space used by the store for temporary messages. | | | ActiveMQ-BrokerStorePercentUsage | NULL | The space used by the Message Store. | |
activemq.jvm.gc.collection_count | ActiveMQ-JVM.GC.collection_count | NULL | Number of garbage objects collected | |
activemq.queue.consumer_count | ActiveMQ-ConsumerCount | NULL | Number of consumers subscribed to this destination | |
activemq.queue.inflight_count | ActiveMQ-InFlightCount | NULL | Number of messages sent to a destination and have not received an acknowledgement. | |
activemq.queue.producer_count | ActiveMQ-ProducerCount | NULL | Number of producers | |
activemq.queue.enqueue_count | ActiveMQ-EnqueueCount | NULL | Number of messages that have been sent to the destination since the last restart. | |
activemq.queue.dequeue_count | ActiveMQ-DequeueCount | NULL | Number of messages that have been acknowledged (and removed) from the destination since last restart. | |
activemq.queue.size | ActiveMQ-QueueSize | NULL | The number of messages that currently reside in the queue. Potentially dispatched but unacknowledged. | |
activemq.jvm.threads | ActiveMQ-JVM.Threads | NULL | Number of threads. | |
activemq.jvm.uptime | ActiveMQ-Uptime | NULL | Uptime of the server | |
activemq.jvm.mem.non_heap_committed | ActiveMQ-JVM.Mem.non_heap_committed | NULL | Non-heap memory committed (in MB) for the server | | | ActiveMQ-JVM.OpenFDs | NULL | Number of Open file descriptors of the server | |
activemq.jvm.mem.heap_used | ActiveMQ-JVM.Mem.heap_used | NULL | Heap memory usage (in MB) of the server | |
activemq.queue.avg_enqueuetime | ActiveMQ-AverageEnqueueTime | NULL | On average, the amount of time (ms) that messages remained enqueued. Or average time it is taking the consumers to successfully process messages. | |
activemq.queue.memory.prct | ActiveMQ-QueueMemoryPercentUsage | NULL | The percentage of the memory limit used by queues. | |
activemq.jvm.mem.non_heap_used | ActiveMQ-JVM.Mem.non_heap_used | NULL | Non-heap memory usage (in MB) of the server | |
activemq.queue.dispatch_count | ActiveMQ-DispatchCount | NULL | Number of messages that have been dispatched (Dequeue + Inflight). | |
activemq.queue.expired_count | ActiveMQ-ExpiredCount | NULL | Number of messages that were expired. | |
activemq.jvm.gc.collection_time | ActiveMQ-JVM.GC.collection_time | NULL | Time taken for collection of the garbage objects. | |
activemq.queue.max_enqueuetime | ActiveMQ-MaxEnqueueTime | NULL | The maximum amount of time that messages remained enqueued. | |
activemq.jvm.mem.heap_committed | ActiveMQ-JVM.Mem.heap_committed | NULL | Heap memory committed (in MB) for the server |
Linux - ActiveMQ Performance Check
Monitors ActiveMQ application metrics uses MBeans exposed via the JMX console. Please refer to OpsRamp documentation on how to enable JMX on your application.
Supported Metric
Monitor Name | Metric Name | Metric Display Name | Unit | Description |
Agent G2 - Linux - ActiveMQ Performance Check | | ActiveMQ-BrokerMemoryPercentUsage | NULL | The percent of memory limit used. | | ActiveMQ-BrokerTempPercentUsage | NULL | The space used by the store for temporary messages. | | | ActiveMQ-BrokerStorePercentUsage | NULL | The space used by the Message Store. | |
activemq.jvm.gc.collection_count | ActiveMQ-JVM.GC.collection_count | NULL | Number of garbage objects collected | |
activemq.queue.consumer_count | ActiveMQ-ConsumerCount | NULL | Number of consumers subscribed to this destination | |
activemq.queue.inflight_count | ActiveMQ-InFlightCount | NULL | Number of messages sent to a destination and have not received an acknowledgement. | |
activemq.queue.producer_count | ActiveMQ-ProducerCount | NULL | Number of producers | |
activemq.queue.enqueue_count | ActiveMQ-EnqueueCount | NULL | Number of messages that have been sent to the destination since the last restart. | |
activemq.queue.dequeue_count | ActiveMQ-DequeueCount | NULL | Number of messages that have been acknowledged (and removed) from the destination since last restart. | |
activemq.queue.size | ActiveMQ-QueueSize | NULL | The number of messages that currently reside in the queue. Potentially dispatched but unacknowledged. | |
activemq.jvm.threads | ActiveMQ-JVM.Threads | NULL | Number of threads. | |
activemq.jvm.uptime | ActiveMQ-Uptime | NULL | Uptime of the server | |
activemq.jvm.mem.non_heap_committed | ActiveMQ-JVM.Mem.non_heap_committed | NULL | Non-heap memory committed (in MB) for the server | | | ActiveMQ-JVM.OpenFDs | NULL | Number of Open file descriptors of the server | |
activemq.jvm.mem.heap_used | ActiveMQ-JVM.Mem.heap_used | NULL | Heap memory usage (in MB) of the server | |
activemq.queue.avg_enqueuetime | ActiveMQ-AverageEnqueueTime | NULL | On average, the amount of time (ms) that messages remained enqueued. Or average time it is taking the consumers to successfully process messages. | |
activemq.queue.memory.prct | ActiveMQ-QueueMemoryPercentUsage | NULL | The percentage of the memory limit used by queues. | |
activemq.jvm.mem.non_heap_used | ActiveMQ-JVM.Mem.non_heap_used | NULL | Non-heap memory usage (in MB) of the server | |
activemq.queue.dispatch_count | ActiveMQ-DispatchCount | NULL | Number of messages that have been dispatched (Dequeue + Inflight). | |
activemq.queue.expired_count | ActiveMQ-ExpiredCount | NULL | Number of messages that were expired. | |
activemq.jvm.gc.collection_time | ActiveMQ-JVM.GC.collection_time | NULL | Time taken for collection of the garbage objects. | |
activemq.queue.max_enqueuetime | ActiveMQ-MaxEnqueueTime | NULL | The maximum amount of time that messages remained enqueued. | |
activemq.jvm.mem.heap_committed | ActiveMQ-JVM.Mem.heap_committed | NULL | Heap memory committed (in MB) for the server |
Linux - Apache CouchDB Monitors
Monitors CouchDB application metrics using the CouchDB’s API which is normally accessible via
Supported Metric
Monitor Name | Metric Name | Metric Display Name | Unit | Description |
Agent G2 - Linux - Apache CouchDB Monitors | couchdb.httpd_status_codes.412 | CouchDB-Httpd412Status | NULL | Number of HTTP 412 Precondition Failed responses |
couchdb.httpd_status_codes.404 | CouchDB-Httpd404Status | NULL | Number of HTTP 404 Not Found responses | |
couchdb.httpd.temporary_view_reads | CouchDB-HttpTemporaryViewReads | NULL | Number of temporary view reads | |
couchdb.request_time | CouchDB-RequestTime | ms | Length of a request inside CouchDB without MochiWeb | |
couchdb.httpd_status_codes.202 | CouchDB-Httpd202Status | Null | Number of HTTP 202 Accepted responses | |
couchdb.disk_size | CouchDB-DiskSize | NULL | Total size Disk for all dbs | |
couchdb.database_reads | CouchDB-DatabaseReads | NULL | Number of times a document was read from a database | |
couchdb.databases_open | CouchDB-OpenDatabases | NULL | Number of open databases | |
couchdb.httpd_request_methods_delete | CouchDB-DELETERequests | NULL | Number of HTTP DELETE requests | |
couchdb.httpd_status_codes.403 | CouchDB-Httpd403Status | NULL | Number of HTTP 403 Forbidden responses | |
couchdb.httpd_status_codes.201 | CouchDB-Httpd201Status | NULL | Number of HTTP 201 Created responses | |
couchdb.httpd.clients_requesting_changes | CouchDB-HttpClientsRequestingChanges | NULL | Number of clients for continuous _changes | |
couchdb.database_writes | CouchDB-DatabaseWrites | NULL | Number of times a database was changed | |
couchdb.open_fds | CouchDB-OpenFDs | NULL | Number of file descriptors CouchDB has open | |
couchdb.httpd_status_codes.405 | CouchDB-Httpd405Status | NULL | Number of HTTP 405 Method Not Allowed responses | |
couchdb.httpd_request_methods_head | CouchDB-HEADRequests | NULL | Number of HTTP HEAD requests | |
couchdb.httpd.requests | CouchDB-HttpRequests | NULL | Number of HTTP requests | |
couchdb.httpd_status_codes.301 | CouchDB-Httpd301Status | NULL | Number of HTTP 301 Moved Permanently responses | |
couchdb.httpd_request_method_post | CouchDB-POSTRequests | NULL | Number of HTTP POST requests | |
couchdb.cache_hits | CouchDB-CacheHits | NULL | Number of authentication cache hits | |
couchdb.httpd_request_methods_get | CouchDB-GETRequests | NULL | Number of HTTP GET requests | |
couchdb.httpd_status_codes.400 | CouchDB-Httpd400Status | NULL | Number of HTTP 400 Bad Request responses | |
couchdb.httpd.bulk_requests | CouchDB-HttpBulkRequests | NULL | Number of bulk requests | |
couchdb.doc_count | CouchDB-DocCount | NULL | Number doc's in all dbs | |
couchdb.cache_misses | CouchDB-CacheMisses | NULL | Number of authentication cache misses | |
couchdb.httpd_status_codes.304 | CouchDB-Httpd304Status | NULL | Number of HTTP 304 Not Modified responses | |
couchdb.httpd.view_reads | CouchDB-HttpViewReads | NULL | Number of view reads | |
couchdb.httpd_status_codes.401 | CouchDB-Httpd401Status | NULL | Number of HTTP 401 Unauthorized responses | |
couchdb.httpd_status_codes.200 | CouchDB-Httpd200Status | NULL | Number of HTTP 200 OK responses | |
couchdb.httpd_status_codes.409 | CouchDB-Httpd409Status | NULL | Number of HTTP 409 Conflict responses | |
couchdb.httpd_request_methods_put | CouchDB-PUTRequests | NULL | Number of HTTP PUT requests | |
couchdb.httpd_request_methods_copy | CouchDB-COPYRequests | NULL | Number of HTTP COPY requests | |
couchdb.httpd_status_codes.500 | CouchDB-Httpd500Status | NULL | Number of HTTP 500 Internal Server Error responses |
Linux - Apache Httpd Monitors
Monitoring Template for Apache application. Monitors Apache busy workers, bytes per request, bytes per second, etc.
The Apache status module is a required prerequisite. It allows a server administrator to find out how well their server is performing.
For more information on the Apache status module, refer to the Apache Module .
Enable status module:
sudo a2enmod status
Make sure you have the following configuration in
once the status module is enabled: `<Location /server-status> SetHandler server-status Order deny,allow Deny from all Allow from </Location> ExtendedStatus On <IfModule mod_proxy.c> ProxyStatus On </IfModule>
- Restart the Apache service.
service apache2 restart
Supported Metric
Monitor Name | Metric Name | Metric Display Name | Unit | Description |
Agent G2 - Linux - Apache Httpd Monitors | apache.performance.idle_workers | Apache-IdleWorkers | NULL | Provides the number of idle workers | | Apache-RequestsPerSec | NULL | Provides the number of requests made per second | | | Apache-BytesPerSec | NULL | Provides the number of bytes transferred per second | | | Apache-BytesPerRequest | NULL | Provides the number of bytes transferred per request | |
apache.performance.cpu_load | Apache-CPULoad | NULL | Provides the CPU Load of the apache service | |
apache.performance.scoreboard | Apache-ScoreBoard | NULL | Provides the scoreboard metrics | |
apache.performance.uptime | Apache-Uptime | NULL | Checks the uptime apache service | | | Apache-TotalkBytes | NULL | Provides the number of total kbytes | |
apache.performance.total_accesses | Apache-TotalAccesses | NULL | Provides the total number of accesses made. | |
apache.performance.open_slots | Apache-OpenSlots | NULL | Provides the number of open slots | |
apache.performance.busy_workers | Apache-BusyWorkers | NULL | Provides the number of busy workers |
Linux - Apache Pulsar Bookkeeper Monitoring
Monitors Apache Pulsar Bookkeeper metrics for components like Server, Journal and Storage metrics
Supported Metric
Monitor Name | Metric Name | Metric Display Name | Unit | Description |
Agent G2 - Pulsar Bookkeeper Monitor | pulsar_bookie_server_status | Pulsar Bookie Server Status | NULL | The server status for bookie server. 1: the bookie is running in writable mode.0: the bookie is running in readonly mode. |
pulsar_bookie_ledgers_count | Pulsar Bookie Ledgers Count | NULL | The total number of ledgers stored in the bookie. | |
pulsar_bookie_write_cache_size | Pulsar Bookie Write Cache Size | bytes | The bookie write cache size. | |
pulsar_bookie_journal_journal_sync_count | Pulsar Bookie Journal Journal Sync Count | NULL | The total number of journal fsync operations happening at the bookie. The success label is used to distinguish successes and failures. | |
pulsar_bookie_journal_journal_cb_queue_size | Pulsar Bookie Journal Journal Cb Queue Size | NULL | The total number of callbacks pending in the callback queue. | |
pulsar_bookie_entries_count | Pulsar Bookie Entries Count | NULL | The total number of entries stored in the bookie. | |
pulsar_bookie_journal_journal_force_write_queue_size | Pulsar Bookie Journal Journal Force Write Queue Size | NULL | The total number of force write (fsync) requests pending in the force-write queue. | |
pulsar_bookie_flush | Pulsar Bookie Flush | NULL | The table flush latency of bookie memory. | |
pulsar_bookie_read_bytes_count | Pulsar Bookie Read Bytes Count | bytes | The total number of bytes read from the bookie. | |
pulsar_bookie_write_bytes_count | Pulsar Bookie Write Bytes Count | bytes | The total number of bytes written to the bookie. | |
pulsar_bookie_throttled_write_requests_count | Pulsar Bookie Throttled Write Requests Count | NULL | The number of write requests to be throttled. | |
pulsar_bookie_ledger_writable_dirs | Pulsar Bookie Ledger Writable Dirs | NULL | The number of writable directories in the bookie. | |
pulsar_bookie_journal_journal_queue_size | Pulsar Bookie Journal Journal Queue Size | NULL | The total number of requests pending in the journal queue. | |
pulsar_bookie_read_cache_size | Pulsar Bookie Read Cache Size | bytes | The bookie read cache size. | |
pulsar_bookkeeper_server_add_entry_count | Pulsar Bookkeeper Server Add Entry Count | NULL | The total number of ADD_ENTRY requests received at the bookie. The success label is used to distinguish successes and failures. | |
pulsar_bookkeeper_server_read_entry_count | Pulsar Bookkeeper Server Read Entry Count | NULL | The total number of READ_ENTRY requests received at the bookie. The success label is used to distinguish successes and failures. | |
pulsar_bookie_deleted_ledger_count | Pulsar Bookie Deleted Ledger Count | NULL | The total number of ledgers deleted since the bookie has started. |
Linux - Apache Pulsar Broker Monitoring
Monitors Apache Pulsar Broker metrics for components like Namespace, Topic, Lookup, Connection and Jetty.
Supported Metric
Monitor Name | Metric Name | Metric Display Name | Unit | Description |
Agent G2 - Pulsar Broker Monitor | pulsar_ml_cache_pool_used | Pulsar Ml Cache Pool Used | NULL | The total used memory of chunk lists in direct arena. |
pulsar_broker_lookup_sum | Pulsar Broker Lookup Sum | NULL | Total latency of all lookup operations. | |
pulsar_connection_created_total_count | Pulsar Connection Created Total Count | NULL | The total number of connections. | |
pulsar_broker_lookup_failures_count | Pulsar Broker Lookup Failures Count | NULL | The number of lookup failures. | |
pulsar_ml_cache_pool_allocated | Pulsar Ml Cache Pool Allocated | NULL | The total allocated memory of chunk lists in direct arena. | |
pulsar_ml_cache_pool_active_allocations_normal | Pulsar Ml Cache Pool Active Allocations Normal | NULL | The number of currently active normal allocations in direct arena. | |
pulsar_broker_lookup_answers_count | Pulsar Broker Lookup Answers Count | NULL | The number of lookup responses (i.e. not redirected requests). | |
pulsar_storage_write_rate | Pulsar Storage Write Rate | NULL | The total message batches (entries) written to the storage for this namespace (message batches / second). | |
pulsar_jetty_async_requests_waiting_max | Pulsar Jetty Async Requests Waiting Max | NULL | Maximum number of waiting async requests. | |
pulsar_jetty_dispatched_active | Pulsar Jetty Dispatched Active | NULL | Number of dispatches currently active. | |
pulsar_jetty_requests_active | Pulsar Jetty Requests Active | NULL | Number of requests currently active. | |
pulsar_connection_create_fail_count | Pulsar Connection Create Fail Count | NULL | The number of failed connections. | |
pulsar_jetty_dispatched_active_max | Pulsar Jetty Dispatched Active Max | NULL | Maximum number of active dispatches being handled. | |
pulsar_ml_cache_pool_active_allocations | Pulsar Ml Cache Pool Active Allocations | NULL | The number of currently active allocations in direct arena. | |
pulsar_throughput_out | Pulsar Throughput Out | NULL | The total throughput of the namespace going out from this broker (bytes/second). | |
pulsar_broker_throttled_connections | Pulsar Broker Throttled Connections | NULL | The number of throttled connections. | |
pulsar_ml_count | Pulsar Ml Count | NULL | The number of currently opened managed ledgers. | |
pulsar_ml_cache_misses_throughput | Pulsar Ml Cache Misses Throughput | NULL | The amount of data is not retrieved from the cache on the broker side (in byte/s). | |
pulsar_ml_cache_pool_active_allocations_huge | Pulsar Ml Cache Pool Active Allocations Huge | NULL | The number of currently active huge allocation in direct arena. | |
pulsar_rate_in | Pulsar Rate In | NULL | The total message rate of the namespace coming into this broker (messages/second). | |
pulsar_throughput_in | Pulsar Throughput In | NULL | The total throughput of the namespace coming into this broker (bytes/second). | |
pulsar_active_connections | Pulsar Active Connections | NULL | The number of active connections. | |
pulsar_storage_logical_size | Pulsar Storage Logical Size | bytes | The storage size of topics in the namespace owned by the broker without replicas. | |
pulsar_ml_cache_pool_active_allocations_small | Pulsar Ml Cache Pool Active Allocations Small | NULL | The number of currently active small allocations in direct arena. | |
pulsar_broker_lookup_pending_requests | Pulsar Broker Lookup Pending Requests | NULL | The number of pending lookups in broker. When it is up to the threshold, new requests are rejected. | |
pulsar_jetty_requests_active_max | Pulsar Jetty Requests Active Max | NULL | Maximum number of requests that have been active at once. | |
pulsar_subscriptions_count | Pulsar Subscriptions Count | NULL | The number of Pulsar subscriptions of the namespace served by this broker. | |
pulsar_producers_count | Pulsar Producers Count | NULL | The number of active producers of the namespace connected to this broker. | |
pulsar_jetty_stats_seconds | Pulsar Jetty Stats Seconds | seconds | Time in seconds stats have been collected for. | |
pulsar_ml_cache_hits_throughput | Pulsar Ml Cache Hits Throughput | NULL | The amount of data is retrieved from the cache on the broker side (in byte/s). | |
pulsar_ml_cache_hits_rate | Pulsar Ml Cache Hits Rate | NULL | The number of cache hits per second on the broker side. | |
pulsar_ml_cache_used_size | Pulsar Ml Cache Used Size | NULL | The size in byte used to store the entries payloads. | |
pulsar_broker_throttled_connections_global_limit | Pulsar Broker Throttled Connections Global Limit | NULL | The number of throttled connections because of per-connection limit. | |
pulsar_consumers_count | Pulsar Consumers Count | NULL | The number of active consumers of the namespace connected to this broker. | |
pulsar_ml_cache_misses_rate | Pulsar Ml Cache Misses Rate | NULL | The number of cache misses per second on the broker side. | |
pulsar_broker_lookup_count | Pulsar Broker Lookup Count | NULL | Number of samples of the latency of all lookup operations. | |
pulsar_broker_lookup_redirects_count | Pulsar Broker Lookup Redirects Count | NULL | The number of lookup redirected requests. | |
pulsar_connection_create_success_count | Pulsar Connection Create Success Count | NULL | The number of successfully created connections. | |
pulsar_jetty_async_requests_waiting | Pulsar Jetty Async Requests Waiting | NULL | Currently waiting async requests. | |
pulsar_storage_read_rate | Pulsar Storage Read Rate | NULL | The total message batches (entries) read from the storage for this namespace (message batches / second). | |
pulsar_jetty_request_time_max_seconds | Pulsar Jetty Request Time Max Seconds | seconds | Maximum time spent handling requests. | |
pulsar_topics_count | Pulsar Topics Count | NULL | The number of Pulsar topics of the namespace owned by this broker. | |
pulsar_connection_closed_total_count | Pulsar Connection Closed Total Count | NULL | The total number of closed connections. | |
pulsar_broker_topic_load_pending_requests | Pulsar Broker Topic Load Pending Requests | NULL | The load of pending topic operations. | |
pulsar_rate_out | Pulsar Rate Out | NULL | The total message rate of the namespace going out from this broker (messages/second). | |
pulsar_jetty_dispatched_time_max | Pulsar Jetty Dispatched Time Max | seconds | Maximum time spent in dispatch handling. | |
pulsar_storage_size | Pulsar Storage Size | bytes | The total storage size of the topics in this namespace owned by this broker. | |
pulsar_ml_cache_evictions | Pulsar Ml Cache Evictions | NULL | The number of cache evictions during the last minute. |
Linux - Apache Spark Monitors
Monitors spark metrics
Supported Metric
Monitor Name | Metric Name | Metric Display Name | Unit | Description |
Agent G2 - Linux - Apache Spark Monitors | spark.cores | Spark Cores | NULL | The number of CPUs available for all workers |
spark.memory | Spark Memory | NULL | Calculates the total memory available on spark master | |
spark.workers | Spark Workers | NULL | The number of workers connected to the master | | | Spark Applications Active | NULL | The number of applications waiting or running | |
spark.memory.used | Spark Memory Used | NULL | Calculates the memory used by the applications on spark master | | | Spark Drivers Active | NULL | The number of drivers available | |
spark.applications.completed | Spark Applications Completed | NULL | The number of application completed | |
spark.cores.used | Spark Cores Used | NULL | The number of CPUs used for all applications |
Linux - Apache Spark Performance Check
Monitors Spark metrics using Spark REST API
Supported Metric
Monitor Name | Metric Name | Metric Display Name | Unit | Description |
Agent G2 - Linux - Apache Spark Performance Check | spark.cores | Spark Cores | NULL | The number of CPUs available for all workers |
spark.memory.used | Spark Memory Used | NULL | Calculates the memory used by the applications on spark master | |
spark.cores.used | Spark Cores Used | NULL | The number of CPUs used for all applications | |
spark.memory | Spark Memory | NULL | Calculates the total memory available on spark master | | | Spark Drivers Active | NULL | The number of drivers available | |
spark.applications.completed | Spark Applications Completed | NULL | The number of application completed | | | Spark Applications Active | NULL | The number of applications waiting or running | |
spark.workers | Spark Workers | NULL | The number of workers connected to the master |
Linux - Apache Status Check - Agent
Checks the server-status page and monitors metrics from that page.
Supported Metric
Monitor Name | Metric Name | Metric Display Name | Unit | Description |
Agent G2 - Linux - Apache Status Check - Agent | | Apache-BytesPerRequest | NULL | Provides the number of bytes transferred per request |
apache.performance.idle_workers | Apache-IdleWorkers | NULL | Provides the number of idle workers | |
apache.performance.cpu_load | Apache-CPULoad | NULL | Provides the CPU Load of the apache service | |
apache.performance.uptime | Apache-Uptime | NULL | Checks the uptime apache service | | | Apache-BytesPerSec | NULL | Provides the number of bytes transferred per second | |
apache.performance.open_slots | Apache-OpenSlots | NULL | Provides the number of open slots | | | Apache-TotalkBytes | NULL | Provides the number of total kbytes | |
apache.performance.total_accesses | Apache-TotalAccesses | NULL | Provides the total number of accesses made | | | Apache-RequestsPerSec | NULL | Provides the number of requests made per second | |
apache.performance.busy_workers | Apache-BusyWorkers | NULL | Provides the number of busy workers | |
apache.performance.scoreboard | Apache-ScoreBoard | NULL | Provides the scoreboard metrics |
Linux - Apache Tomcat Monitors
Monitors tomcat application metrics
Supported Metric
Monitor Name | Metric Name | Metric Display Name | Unit | Description |
Agent G2 - Linux - Apache Tomcat Monitors | tomcat.req.processor.error_count | Tomcat-ReqProcessorErrorCount | NULL | Errors per second on all the request processors running on the Apache Tomcat |
tomcat.active_sessions.count | Tomcat-ActiveSessions | NULL | Number of active sessions to the server | |
tomcat.jvm.mem.non_heap_committed | Tomcat-JVM.Mem.non_heap_committed | NULL | Non-heap memory committed (in MB) for the server | |
tomcat.req.processor.processing_time | Tomcat-ReqProcessorProcessingTime | NULL | The amount of processing time taken per second | |
tomcat.servlet.error_count | Tomcat-ServletErrorCount | NULL | Number of erroneous requests received by the servlet per second | |
tomcat.jvm.uptime | Tomcat-Uptime | NULL | Uptime of the server | |
tomcat.jvm.mem.heap_used | Tomcat-JVM.Mem.heap_used | NULL | Heap memory usage (in MB) of the server | |
tomcat.cache.hits_count | Tomcat-CacheHitsCount | NULL | Number of times the cache was hit per second | |
tomcat.cache.access_count | Tomcat-CacheAccessCount | NULL | Number of times the cache was accessed per second | |
tomcat.servlet.request_count | Tomcat-ServletRequestCount | NULL | Number of requests served by the servlet per second | |
tomcat.jvm.gc.collection_time | Tomcat-JVM.GC.collection_time | NULL | Time taken for collection of the garbage objects | |
tomcat.servlet.processing_time | Tomcat-ServletProcessingTime | NULL | The amount of processing time taken per second | |
tomcat.jvm.mem.heap_committed | Tomcat-JVM.Mem.heap_committed | NULL | Heap memory committed (in MB) for the server | |
tomcat.threads.busy | Tomcat-ThreadsBusy | NULL | Number of busy threads | |
tomcat.jvm.mem.non_heap_used | Tomcat-JVM.Mem.non_heap_used | NULL | Non-heap memory usage (in MB) of the server | |
tomcat.req.processor.request_count | Tomcat-ReqProcessorRequestCount | NULL | Requests per second on all the request processors running on the Apache Tomcat | |
tomcat.threads.count | Tomcat-ThreadCount | NULL | Number of threads created | |
tomcat.jvm.threads.count | Tomcat-JVM.Threads | NULL | Number of threads | |
tomcat.jvm.gc.collection_count | Tomcat-JVM.GC.collection_count | NULL | Number of garbage objects collected | |
tomcat.jvm.open_fds_count | Tomcat-JVM.OpenFDs | NULL | Number of Open file descriptors of the server | |
tomcat.req.processor.mbytes_sent | Tomcat-ReqProcessorDataSent | NULL | MBytes sent per second by all the request processors running on the Apache Tomcat | |
tomcat.req.processor.mbytes_received | Tomcat-ReqProcessorDataReceived | NULL | MBytes received per second by all the request processors running on the Apache Tomcat | |
tomcat.jsp.reload_count | Tomcat-JspReloadCount | NULL | Number of times JSPs were reloaded on all the applications per second | |
tomcat.jsp.count | Tomcat-JspCount | NULL | Number of times JSPs were accessed on all the applications per second |
Linux - Apache Tomcat Performance Check
Monitors tomcat application metrics. This monitor uses MBeans exposed via the JMX console. Please refer to Visatar documentation on how to enable JMX on your application.
Supported Metric
Monitor Name | Metric Name | Metric Display Name | Unit | Description |
Agent G2 - Linux - Apache Tomcat Performance Check | tomcat.req.processor.error_count | Tomcat-ReqProcessorErrorCount | NULL | Errors per second on all the request processors running on the Apache Tomcat |
tomcat.cache.hits_count | Tomcat-CacheHitsCount | NULL | Number of times the cache was hit per second | |
tomcat.jvm.gc.collection_time | Tomcat-JVM.GC.collection_time | NULL | Time taken for collection of the garbage objects | |
tomcat.jvm.uptime | Tomcat-Uptime | NULL | Uptime of the server | |
tomcat.jvm.mem.heap_committed | Tomcat-JVM.Mem.heap_committed | NULL | Heap memory committed (in MB) for the server | |
tomcat.req.processor.request_count | Tomcat-ReqProcessorRequestCount | NULL | Requests per second on all the request processors running on the Apache Tomcat | |
tomcat.jsp.reload_count | Tomcat-JspReloadCount | NULL | Number of times JSPs were reloaded on all the applications per second | |
tomcat.req.processor.mbytes_sent | Tomcat-ReqProcessorDataSent | NULL | MBytes sent per second by all the request processors running on the Apache Tomcat | |
tomcat.jvm.open_fds_count | Tomcat-JVM.OpenFDs | NULL | Number of Open file descriptors of the server | |
tomcat.jvm.mem.non_heap_used | Tomcat-JVM.Mem.non_heap_used | NULL | Non-heap memory usage (in MB) of the server | |
tomcat.jvm.mem.non_heap_committed | Tomcat-JVM.Mem.non_heap_committed | NULL | Non-heap memory committed (in MB) for the server | |
tomcat.cache.access_count | Tomcat-CacheAccessCount | NULL | Number of times the cache was accessed per second | |
tomcat.jsp.count | Tomcat-JspCount | NULL | Number of times JSPs were accessed on all the applications per second | |
tomcat.servlet.request_count | Tomcat-ServletRequestCount | NULL | Number of requests served by the servlet per second | |
tomcat.jvm.mem.heap_used | Tomcat-JVM.Mem.heap_used | NULL | Heap memory usage (in MB) of the server | |
tomcat.servlet.processing_time | Tomcat-ServletProcessingTime | NULL | The amount of processing time taken per second | |
tomcat.threads.count | Tomcat-ThreadCount | NULL | Number of threads created | |
tomcat.req.processor.processing_time | Tomcat-ReqProcessorProcessingTime | NULL | The amount of processing time taken per second | |
tomcat.req.processor.mbytes_received | Tomcat-ReqProcessorDataReceived | NULL | MBytes received per second by all the request processors running on the Apache Tomcat | |
tomcat.jvm.threads.count | Tomcat-JVM.Threads | NULL | Number of threads | |
tomcat.jvm.gc.collection_count | Tomcat-JVM.GC.collection_count | NULL | Number of garbage objects collected | |
tomcat.threads.busy | Tomcat-ThreadsBusy | NULL | Number of busy threads | |
tomcat.active_sessions.count | Tomcat-ActiveSessions | NULL | Number of active sessions to the server | |
tomcat.servlet.error_count | Tomcat-ServletErrorCount | NULL | Number of erroneous requests received by the servlet per second |
Linux - Apache ZooKeeper Monitors
Monitors zoo keeper metrics
Supported Metric
Monitor Name | Metric Name | Metric Display Name | Unit | Description |
Agent G2 - Linux - Apache ZooKeeper Monitors | zookeeper.packets_received | ZooKeeper Total Packets Received | NULL | The number of packets received |
zookeeper.connections | ZooKeeper Total Connections | NULL | The total count of client connections | |
zookeeper.nodes | ZooKeeper Total Node Count | NULL | The number of znodes in the ZooKeeper namespace | |
zookeeper.packets_sent | ZooKeeper Total Packets sent | NULL | The number of packets sent | |
zookeeper.node.count | ZooKeeper Total Node Count | NULL | Counts the number of zookeeper nodes | |
zookeeper.outstanding_requests | ZooKeeper OutStanding Requests | NULL | The number of queued requests when the server is under load and is receiving more sustained requests than it can process | |
zookeeper.latency.max | ZooKeeper Max Request Latency | NULL | The amount of time it takes for the server to respond to a client request | |
zookeeper.latency.min | ZooKeeper Min Request Latency | NULL | The amount of time it takes for the server to respond to a client request | |
zookeeper.zxid.count | ZooKeeper Zxid Count | NULL | Zxid Count | |
zookeeper.max.client.cnxns.perhost | ZooKeeper Max client connections perhost | NULL | Counts the number of max client connections perhost on the zookeeper server | |
zookeeper.zxid.epoch | ZooKeeper Zxid Epoch | NULL | Zxid Epoch | |
zookeeper.latency.avg | ZooKeeper Average Request Latency | NULL | The amount of time it takes for the server to respond to a client request | |
zookeeper.packets.sent | ZooKeeper Total Packets sent | NULL | Calculates the number of packets sent from the server | |
zookeeper.bytes_received | ZooKeeper Total Bytes Received | NULL | The number of bytes received | |
zookeeper.outstanding.requests | ZooKeeper Out Standing Requests | NULL | Counts the number of outstanding client requests on the zookeeper server | |
zookeeper.packets.received | ZooKeeper Total Packets Received | NULL | Calculates the number of packets received from the server | |
zookeeper.bytes_sent | ZooKeeper Total Bytes Sent | NULL | The number of bytes sent | |
zookeeper.request.latency | ZooKeeper Request Latency | ms | Average latency time for client requests on the zookeeper server in milliseconds |
Linux - Cassandra2 Monitors
Monitors cassandra version 2.x metrics
Supported Metric
Monitor Name | Metric Name | Metric Display Name | Unit | Description |
Agent G2 - Linux - Cassandra2 Monitor | cassandra.tasks_completed | Cassandra Request Completed Tasks | NULL | Approximate number of tasks thread pool has completed execution per second on path - request |
cassandra.bloom_filter_false_ratio | Cassandra Bloom Filter False Ratio | NULL | The ratio of Bloom filter false positives to total checks | |
cassandra.jvm.open_fds | Cassandra JVM OpenFDs | NULL | Number of Open file descriptors of the server | |
cassandra.compression_ratio | Cassandra Compression Ratio | NULL | The compression ratio for all SSTables in a column family | |
cassandra.write.request_timeouts | Cassandra Write Request Timeouts | NULL | Count of write requests not acknowledged within configurable timeout window | |
cassandra.commitlog.tasks_completed | Cassandra Commitlog Completed Tasks | NULL | Approximate number of completed task per second | |
cassandra.dropped.messages | Cassandra Dropped Messages | NULL | Number of dropped message for each verb per second. | |
cassandra.compaction.tasks_completed | Cassandra Compaction Completed Tasks | NULL | Estimated number of completed compaction tasks per second. | |
cassandra.bloom_filter_false_positives | Cassandra Cassandra Bloom Filter False Positives | NULL | The number of Bloom filter false positives | |
cassandra.compaction.tasks_pending | Cassandra Compaction Pending Tasks | NULL | Estimated number of pending compaction tasks. | |
cassandra.streaming.bytes_outgoing | Cassandra Data Sent | NULL | Outgoing data per second in megabytes | |
cassandra.load_count | Cassandra Disk Space Used | NULL | Disk space used on a node | |
cassandra.internal.pending_tasks | Cassandra Internal Pending Tasks | NULL | Approximate number of pending tasks thread pool has on path - internal | |
cassandra.cache.requests | Cassandra Requests Count | NULL | The number of requests to a cache | |
cassandra.jvm.mem_heap_used | Cassandra JVM Mem heap_used | NULL | Heap memory usage (in MB) of the server | |
cassandra.memtable_live_data_size | Cassandra Memtable Live Data Size | NULL | Size of data stored in memtable | |
cassandra.tasks_active | Cassandra Request Active Tasks | NULL | Approximate number of tasks thread pool is actively executing on path - request | |
cassandra.compaction_completed | Cassandra Compactions Completed | NULL | Number of compactions completed per second | |
cassandra.capacity | Cassandra Capacity | NULL | The capacity of the caches, such as the key cache and row cache | |
cassandra.jvm.threads | Cassandra JVM Threads | NULL | Number of threads | |
cassandra.cache.size | Cassandra Size | NULL | Size of cache | |
cassandra.live_disk_space_used.count | Cassandra Live Disk Space Used Count | NULL | Disk space used by "live" SSTables (only counts non-obsolete files). | |
cassandra.max_row_size | Cassandra Max Row Size | NULL | Size of the largest compacted row | |
cassandra.jvm.gc_collection_count | Cassandra JVM GC collection_count | NULL | Number of garbage objects collected | | | Cassandra Read Requests | NULL | Number of read requests | |
cassandra.tasks_pending | Cassandra Request Pending Tasks | NULL | Approximate number of pending tasks thread pool has on path - request | |
cassandra.internal.currently_blocked_tasks | Cassandra Internal Current Blocked Tasks | NULL | Number of currently blocked tasks on path - internal | | | Cassandra Read Request Latency | ms | Read latency for all client requests | |
cassandra.jvm.mem_non_heap_committed | Cassandra JVM Mem non_heap_committed | NULL | Non-heap memory committed (in MB) for the server | |
cassandra.live_ss_table_count | Cassandra Live SS Table Count | NULL | Number of "live" (non-obsolete) SSTables | |
cassandra.total_disk_space_used.count | Cassandra Total Disk Space Used Count | NULL | Disk space used by a column family | |
cassandra.cache.hitrate | Cassandra Cache Hit Rate | NULL | Cache hit rate. | |
cassandra.exceptions_count | Cassandra Data Exceptions | NULL | The number of exceptions thrown | |
cassandra.internal.tasks_completed | Cassandra Internal Completed Tasks | NULL | Approximate number of tasks thread pool has completed execution per second on path - internal | |
cassandra.tasks_currently_blocked | Cassandra Request Current Blocked Tasks | NULL | Number of currently blocked tasks on path - request | |
cassandra.memtable_switch_count.count | Cassandra Memtable Switch Count | NULL | Number of times a full memtable has been switched out for an empty one due to flushing | |
cassandra.jvm.uptime | Cassandra Uptime | NULL | Uptime of the server | |
cassandra.memtable_columns_count | Cassandra Memtable Columns Count | NULL | Number of columns in memtable | |
cassandra.write.request_unavailables | Cassandra Write Request Unavailables | NULL | Count write of requests for which the required number of nodes was unavailable | |
cassandra.compaction_bytes_written.count | Cassandra Compacted Bytes | NULL | Compacted bytes size | |
cassandra.write.request_latency | Cassandra Write Request Latency | ms | Write latency for all client requests | |
cassandra.internal.tasks_active | Cassandra Internal Active Tasks | NULL | Approximate number of tasks thread pool is actively executing on path - internal | |
cassandra.tasks_blocked | Cassandra Request Blocked Tasks | NULL | Number of blocked tasks per second on path - request | | | Cassandra Read Request Unavailables | NULL | Count read of requests for which the required number of nodes was unavailable | |
cassandra.commitlog.tasks_pending | Cassandra Commitlog Pending Tasks | NULL | Approximate number of pending task | |
cassandra.mean_row_size | Cassandra Mean Row Size | NULL | Average size of compacted rows | |
cassandra.write.requests | Cassandra Write Requests | NULL | Number of writes requests | |
cassandra.internal.tasks_blocked | Cassandra Internal Blocked Tasks | NULL | Number of blocked tasks per second on path - internal | | | Cassandra Read Request Timeouts | NULL | Count of read requests not acknowledged within configurable timeout window | |
cassandra.streaming.bytes_incoming | Cassandra Data Received | NULL | Incoming data per second in megabytes | |
cassandra.min_row_size | Cassandra Min Row Size | NULL | Size of the smallest compacted row | |
cassandra.connection.timeouts | Cassandra Cassandra Connection Timeouts | NULL | Number of timeouts occurred for this node per second | |
cassandra.bloom_filter_disk_space_used | Cassandra Bloom Filter Disk Space Used | NULL | Disk space used by the Bloom filters | |
cassandra.commitlog.total_size | Cassandra Commitlog Size | NULL | Current data size of all commit log segments in megabytes | |
cassandra.jvm.mem_heap_committed | Cassandra JVM Mem heap_committed | NULL | Heap memory committed (in MB) for the server | |
cassandra.streaming.active_outbounds | Cassandra Active Outbound Streams | NULL | Currently active outbound streams. | |
cassandra.cache.hits_count | Cassandra Hits Count | NULL | The number of hits to a cache | |
cassandra.jvm.gc_collection_time | Cassandra JVM GC collection_time | NULL | Time taken for collection of the garbage objects. | |
cassandra.jvm.mem_non_heap_used | Cassandra JVM Mem non_heap_used | NULL | Non-heap memory usage (in MB) of the server |
Linux - ClickHouse
Monitors both ClickHouse application server and cluster devices
Supported Metric
Monitor Name | Metric Name | Metric Display Name | Unit | Description |
Agent G2 - Linux - ClickHouse | clickhouse_jemalloc_retained | Jemalloc Retained | byte | The amount of memory in virtual memory mappings that were retained rather than being returned to the operating system. |
clickhouse_ReplicasMaxInsertsInQueue | Replicas Max Inserts In Queue | NULL | This metric will be renamed in a future minor release. | |
clickhouse_S3WriteRequestsCount_per_sec | S3 Write Requests Count | requests/sec | Number of POST, DELETE, PUT and PATCH requests to S3 storage. | |
clickhouse_MergeTreeDataWriterUncompressedBytes_per_sec | Merge Tree Data Writer Uncompressed Bytes | bytes/sec | Uncompressed bytes (for columns as they stored in memory) INSERTed to MergeTree tables. | |
clickhouse_MergeTreeDataWriterCompressedBytes_per_sec | Merge Tree Data Writer Compressed Bytes | bytes/sec | Compressed bytes (for columns as they stored on disk) INSERTed to MergeTree tables. | |
clickhouse_MergeTreeDataWriterRows_per_sec | Merge Tree Data Writer Rows | rows/sec | Number of rows INSERTed to MergeTree tables. | |
clickhouse_MergeTreeDataWriterBlocks_per_sec | Merge Tree Data Writer Blocks | blocks/sec | Number of blocks INSERTed to MergeTree tables. | |
clickhouse_MergeTreeDataWriterBlocksAlreadySorted_per_sec | Merge Tree Data Writer Blocks Already Sorted | blocks/sec | Number of blocks that were already sorted by primary key or index of MergeTree tables. | |
clickhouse_MergeTreeDataWriterBlocksAverageSize_bytes | Merge Tree Data Writer Blocks Average Size | bytes | Average size of blocks INSERTed to MergeTree tables. | |
clickhouse_MergeTreeDataWriterBlocksCompressed_bytes | Merge Tree Data Writer Blocks Compressed | bytes | Compressed size of blocks INSERTed to MergeTree tables. | |
clickhouse_MergeTreeDataWriterBlocksUncompressed_bytes | Merge Tree Data Writer Blocks Uncompressed | bytes | Uncompressed size of blocks INSERTed to MergeTree tables. | |
clickhouse_MergeTreeDataWriterRows_compressed_bytes | Merge Tree Data Writer Rows Compressed | bytes | Size of rows INSERTed to MergeTree tables, compressed. | |
clickhouse_MergeTreeDataWriterMarks | Merge Tree Data Writer Marks | marks | Number of marks INSERTed to MergeTree tables. | |
clickhouse_MergeTreeDataWriterMaxMarkSize_bytes | Merge Tree Data Writer Max Mark Size | bytes | Maximum size of a mark INSERTed to MergeTree tables. | |
clickhouse_MergeTreeDataWriterRowsPerMark | Merge Tree Data Writer Rows Per Mark | rows | Number of rows INSERTed per mark to MergeTree tables. | |
clickhouse_MergeTreeDataWriterCompressedBytesPerMark_bytes | Merge Tree Data Writer Compressed Bytes Per Mark | bytes | Compressed size of marks INSERTed to MergeTree tables. | |
clickhouse_MergeTreeDataWriterUncompressedBytesPerMark_bytes | Merge Tree Data Writer Uncompressed Bytes Per Mark | bytes | Uncompressed size of marks INSERTed to MergeTree tables. | |
clickhouse_MergeTreeDataWriterRowsPerByte | Merge Tree Data Writer Rows Per Byte | rows/byte | Number of rows INSERTed per byte to MergeTree tables. | |
clickhouse_MergeTreeDataWriterCompressionRatio | Merge Tree Data Writer Compression Ratio | ratio | Compression ratio for rows INSERTed to MergeTree tables. | |
clickhouse_MergeTreeDataWriterAverageCompressedBytesPerByte | Merge Tree Data Writer Average Compressed Bytes Per Byte | bytes/byte | Average compressed size of a byte INSERTed to MergeTree tables. | |
clickhouse_MergeTreeDataWriterCompressedRows_bytes | Merge Tree Data Writer Compressed Rows | rows | Number of rows INSERTed to MergeTree tables, compressed. | |
clickhouse_MergeTreeDataWriterUncompressedRows_bytes | Merge Tree Data Writer Uncompressed Rows | rows | Number of rows INSERTed to MergeTree tables, uncompressed. | |
clickhouse_MergeTreeDataWriterFinalCompressedBytes_bytes | Merge Tree Data Writer Final Compressed Bytes | bytes | Compressed size of final data INSERTed to MergeTree tables. | |
clickhouse_MergeTreeDataWriterFinalUncompressedBytes_bytes | Merge Tree Data Writer Final Uncompressed Bytes | bytes | Uncompressed size of final data INSERTed to MergeTree tables. | |
clickhouse_MergeTreeDataWriterDiskWritePerformance_bytes_per_sec | Merge Tree Data Writer Disk Write Performance | bytes/sec | Disk write speed for rows INSERTed to MergeTree tables. | |
clickhouse_MergeTreeDataWriterRowsPerDiskWrite | Merge Tree Data Writer Rows Per Disk Write | rows | Number of rows INSERTed per disk write to MergeTree tables. | |
clickhouse_MergeTreeDataWriterWritePerformance_rows_per_sec | Merge Tree Data Writer Write Performance | rows/sec | Write performance of rows INSERTed to MergeTree tables. | |
clickhouse_MergeTreeDataWriterElapsed | Merge Tree Data Writer Elapsed | seconds | Time taken to write data to MergeTree tables. | |
clickhouse_MergeTreeDataWriterRows_before_mark | Merge Tree Data Writer Rows Before Mark | rows | Number of rows INSERTed to MergeTree tables before a mark. | |
clickhouse_MergeTreeDataWriterRows_before_sample | Merge Tree Data Writer Rows Before Sample | rows | Number of rows INSERTed to MergeTree tables before a sample. | |
clickhouse_MergeTreeDataWriterMergeElapsed | Merge Tree Data Writer Merge Elapsed | seconds | Time taken to perform merge operations on MergeTree tables. | |
clickhouse_MergeTreeDataWriterFinalMergeElapsed | Merge Tree Data Writer Final Merge Elapsed | seconds | Time taken to perform final merge operations on MergeTree tables. | |
clickhouse_MergeTreeDataWriterPartsMerged | Merge Tree Data Writer Parts Merged | parts | Number of parts merged during MergeTree operations. | |
clickhouse_MergeTreeDataWriterFinalParts | Merge Tree Data Writer Final Parts | parts | Number of final parts after merge operations on MergeTree tables. | |
clickhouse_MergeTreeDataWriterPartMutation | Merge Tree Data Writer Part Mutation | NULL | Information about part mutations during MergeTree operations. | |
clickhouse_MergeTreeDataWriterPartMutationAdd | Merge Tree Data Writer Part Mutation Add | NULL | Information about added part mutations during MergeTree operations. | |
clickhouse_MergeTreeDataWriterPartMutationRemove | Merge Tree Data Writer Part Mutation Remove | NULL | Information about removed part mutations during MergeTree operations. | |
clickhouse_MergeTreeDataWriterPartMutationClear | Merge Tree Data Writer Part Mutation Clear | NULL | Information about cleared part mutations during MergeTree operations. | |
clickhouse_MergeTreeDataWriterPartMutationAlter | Merge Tree Data Writer Part Mutation Alter | NULL | Information about altered part mutations during MergeTree operations. | |
clickhouse_MergeTreeDataWriterTableRowsInserted | Merge Tree Data Writer Table Rows Inserted | rows | Number of rows INSERTed to MergeTree tables. | |
clickhouse_MergeTreeDataWriterTableRowsDeleted | Merge Tree Data Writer Table Rows Deleted | rows | Number of rows DELETed from MergeTree tables. | |
clickhouse_MergeTreeDataWriterTableRowsUpdated | Merge Tree Data Writer Table Rows Updated | rows | Number of rows UPDATed in MergeTree tables. | |
clickhouse_MergeTreeDataWriterTableTTLRows | Merge Tree Data Writer Table TTL Rows | rows | Number of rows with expired TTL settings in MergeTree tables. | |
clickhouse_MergeTreeDataWriterPartMutations | Merge Tree Data Writer Part Mutations | mutations | Number of part mutations during MergeTree operations. | |
clickhouse_MergeTreeDataWriterZooKeeperCheck | Merge Tree Data Writer ZooKeeper Check | NULL | Information about ZooKeeper checks during MergeTree operations. | |
clickhouse_MergeTreeDataWriterTableTTLCheck | Merge Tree Data Writer Table TTL Check | NULL | Information about TTL checks during MergeTree operations. | |
clickhouse_MergeTreeDataWriterSettings | Merge Tree Data Writer Settings | NULL | Information about settings used during MergeTree operations. |
Linux - ContainerD_v2
Agent G2 - Linux - ContainerD_v2
Supported Metric
Monitor Name | Metric Name | Metric Display Name | Unit | Description |
Agent G2 - Linux - ContainerD_v2 | containerd_cpu_throttling_throttledTime | CPU Throttled Time | Percentage | cpu throttled time |
containerd_memory_usage_limit | Memory Usage Limit | Megabytes | limit of memory usage | |
containerd_memory_swap_limit | Swap Usage Limit | Megabytes | limit of swap usage | |
containerd_memory_usage_failcnt | Memory Usage fail Rate | NULL | rate of number of times that the cgroup limit was exceeded | |
containerd_blkio_sectors_recursive | BlkIO Sectors | Bytes | number of sectors transferred to/from disk by the group | |
containerd_memory_kernel_tcp_usage | ContinaerD Kernel TCP Usage | Megabytes | current tcp buf memory allocation | |
containerd_hugetlb_failcnt | HugeTLB fail Rate | NULL | Rate of allocation failure due to HugeTLB limit | |
containerd_cpu_usage_total | CPU Total Usage | Percentage | total Cpu usage of container with respect to host system | |
containerd_memory_dirty | Memory Dirty | Megabytes | bytes that are waiting to get written back to the disk | |
containerd_cpu_usage_total_over_limit | CPU Total Usage Over Limit | Percentage | container total cpu usage with respect to limit. (if limit is not set the metric is not sent) | |
containerd_memory_kernel_usage | ContinaerD Kernel Usage | Megabytes | current kernel memory allocation | |
containerd_memory_rss | Memory RSS | Megabytes | bytes of anonymous and swap cache memory (includes transparent hugepages) | |
containerd_containers_stopped | Stopped Containers | Count | Total number of Stopped Containers | |
containerd_blkio_wait_time_recursive | BlkIO Wait Time | Bytes | Total amount of time the IOs for this cgroup spent waiting in the scheduler queues for service | |
containerd_memory_cache | Memory Cache | Megabytes | bytes of page cache memory | |
containerd_containers_running | Running Containers | Count | Total number of running containers | |
containerd_memory_rss_huge | Memory RSS Huge | Megabytes | bytes of anonymous transparent hugepages | |
containerd_cpu_usage_user | CPU User Usage | Percentage | user Cpu usage of container with respect to host system | |
containerd_memory_usage_over_limit | Memory Usage Over Limit | Percentage | Memory Usage percentage with respect to limit(if limit is not set then node total memory is used) | |
containerd_memory_kernel_max | Kernel Max | Megabytes | max kernel memory usage recorded | |
containerd_container_uptime | Container Uptime | Seconds | Uptime of the Current Container | |
containerd_cpu_usage_system | CPU System Usage | Percentage | system Cpu usage of container with respect to host system | |
containerd_proc_open_fds | number of open fd | Count | Number of open file descriptors | |
containerd_memory_usage_max | Memory Usage Max | Megabytes | show max memory usage recorded | |
containerd_blkio_queued_recursive | BlkIO Queued | Bytes | Total number of requests queued up at any given instant for the cgroup | |
containerd_memory_swap_max | Swap Usage Max | Megabytes | show max swap usage recorded | |
containerd_memory_kernel_tcp_failcnt | Kernel TCP fail rate | NULL | rate of number of tcp buf memory usage hits limits | |
containerd_hugetlb_usage | ContianerD HugeTLB usage | Bytes | current usage for "hugepagesize" hugetlb | |
containerd_blkio_merged_recursive | BlkIO Merged | Bytes | Total number of bios/requests merged into requests belonging to this cgroup | |
containerd_blkio_service_time_recursive | BlkIO Service Time | Bytes | Total amount of time between request dispatch and request completion for the IOs | |
containerd_blkio_serviced_recursive | BlkIO Serviced | Bytes | Number of IOs (bio) issued to the disk by the group | |
containerd_blkio_service_bytes_recursive | BlkIO Service Bytes | Bytes | Number of bytes transferred to/from the disk | |
containerd_memory_swap_failcnt | Swap Usage fail Rate | NULL | rate of number of times that the cgroup swap limit was exceeded | |
containerd_memory_kernel_failcnt | Kernel fail count | NULL | rate of the number of kernel memory usage hits limits | |
containerd_image_size | Image Size | Bytes | Image sizes of different container images | |
containerd_memory_swap_usage | ContinaerD Swap Usage | Megabytes | swap Usage in Bytes | |
containerd_hugetlb_max | HugeTLB max usage | Bytes | max "hugepagesize" hugetlb usage recorded | |
containerd_memory_usage | Memory Usage | Megabytes | memory Usage in Bytes | |
containerd_blkio_time_recursive | BlkIO Time | Bytes | disk time allocated to cgroup per device in milliseconds | |
containerd_memory_kernel_tcp_limit | Kernel TCP Limit | Megabytes | show hard limit for tcp buf memory | |
containerd_memory_kernel_limit | Kernel Limit | Megabytes | hard limit for kernel memory | |
containerd_memory_kernel_tcp_max | Kernel TCP Max | Megabytes | max tcp buf memory usage recorded |
Linux - Couchbase Monitors
Applicable on Couchbase servers
Supported Metric
Monitor Name | Metric Name | Metric Display Name | Unit | Description |
Agent G2 - Linux - ContainerD_v2 | containerd_memory_usage_failcnt | Memory Usage fail Rate | NULL | rate of number of times that the cgroup limit was exceeded |
containerd_blkio_sectors_recursive | BlkIO Sectors | Bytes | number of sectors transferred to/from disk by the group | |
containerd_memory_kernel_tcp_usage | ContinaerD Kernel TCP Usage | Megabytes | current tcp buf memory allocation | |
containerd_hugetlb_failcnt | HugeTLB fail Rate | NULL | Rate of allocation failure due to HugeTLB limit | |
containerd_cpu_usage_total | CPU Total Usage | Percentage | total Cpu usage of container with repect to host system | |
containerd_memory_dirty | Memory Dirty | Megabytes | bytes that are waiting to get written back to the disk | |
containerd_cpu_usage_total_over_limit | CPU Total Usage Over Limit | Percentage | container total cpu usage with respect to limit. (if limit is not set the metric is not sent) | |
containerd_memory_kernel_usage | ContinaerD Kernel Usage | Megabytes | current kernel memory allocation | |
containerd_memory_rss | Memory RSS | Megabytes | bytes of anonymous and swap cache memory (includes transparent hugepages) | |
containerd_containers_stopped | Stopped Containers | Count | Total number of Stopped Containers | |
containerd_blkio_wait_time_recursive | BlkIO Wait Time | Bytes | Total amount of time the IOs for this cgroup spent waiting in the scheduler queues for service | |
containerd_memory_cache | Memory Cache | Megabytes | bytes of page cache memory | |
containerd_containers_running | Running Containers | Count | Total number of running containers | |
containerd_memory_rss_huge | Memory RSS Huge | Megabytes | bytes of anonymous transparent hugepages | |
containerd_cpu_usage_user | CPU User Usage | Percentage | user Cpu usage of container with repect to host system | |
containerd_memory_usage_over_limit | Memory Usage Over Limit | Percentage | Memory Usage percentage with respect to limit(if limit is not set then node total memory is used) | |
containerd_memory_kernel_max | Kernel Max | Megabytes | max kernel memory usage recorded | |
containerd_container_uptime | Container Uptime | Seconds | Uptime of the Current Container | |
containerd_cpu_usage_system | CPU System Usage | Percentage | system Cpu usage of container with repect to host system | |
containerd_proc_open_fds | number of open fd | Count | Number of open file descriptors | |
containerd_memory_usage_max | Memory Usage Max | Megabytes | show max memory usage recorded | |
containerd_blkio_queued_recursive | BlkIO Queued | Bytes | Total number of requests queued up at any given instant for the cgroup | |
containerd_memory_swap_max | Swap Usage Max | Megabytes | show max swap usage recorded | |
containerd_memory_kernel_tcp_failcnt | Kernel TCP fail rate | NULL | rate of number of tcp buf memory usage hits limits | |
containerd_hugetlb_usage | ContianerD HugeTLB usage | Bytes | current usage for "hugepagesize" hugetlb | |
containerd_blkio_merged_recursive | BlkIO Merged | Bytes | Total number of bios/requests merged into requests belonging to this cgroup | |
containerd_blkio_service_time_recursive | BlkIO Service Time | Bytes | Total amount of time between request dispatch and request completion for the IOs | |
containerd_blkio_serviced_recursive | BlkIO Serviced | Bytes | Number of IOs (bio) issued to the disk by the group | |
containerd_blkio_service_bytes_recursive | BlkIO Service Bytes | Bytes | Number of bytes transferred to/from the disk | |
containerd_memory_swap_failcnt | Swap Usage fail Rate | NULL | rate of number of times that the cgroup swap limit was exceeded | |
containerd_memory_kernel_failcnt | Kernel fail count | NULL | rate of the number of kernel memory usage hits limits | |
containerd_image_size | Image Size | Bytes | Image sizes of different container images | |
containerd_memory_swap_usage | ContinaerD Swap Usage | Megabytes | swap Usage in Bytes | |
containerd_hugetlb_max | HugeTLB max usage | Bytes | max "hugepagesize" hugetlb usage recorded | |
containerd_memory_usage | Memory Usage | Megabytes | memory Usage in Bytes | |
containerd_blkio_time_recursive | BlkIO Time | Bytes | disk time allocated to cgroup per device in milliseconds | |
containerd_memory_kernel_tcp_limit | Kernel TCP Limit | Megabytes | show hard limit for tcp buf memory | |
containerd_memory_kernel_limit | Kernel Limit | Megabytes | hard limit for kernel memory | |
containerd_memory_kernel_tcp_max | Kernel TCP Max | Megabytes | max tcp buf memory usage recorded |
Linux - CRI-O Monitoring
Monitoring of OCI-based implementation of Kubernetes Container Runtime Interface
Supported Metric
Monitor Name | Metric Name | Metric Display Name | Unit | Description |
Agent G2 - Linux - CRI-O Monitoring | crio_operations_latency_microseconds | Operations Latency Microseconds | NULL | Latency in microseconds of CRI-O operations. Broken down by operation type |
crio_memory_working_set | Memory Working Set | Bytes | The amount of working set memory in bytes. | |
crio_image_pulls_failures | Image Pulls Failures | NULL | Failed image pulls by image name and their error category. | |
crio_operations_errors | Operations Errors | NULL | Cumulative number of CRI-O operation errors by operation type. | |
crio_mem_resident | Mem Resident | Bytes | Resident memory size in bytes. | |
crio_inodes_used | Inodes Used | NULL | represents the inodes used by the images. (This may not equal InodesCapacity - InodesAvailable because the underlying filesystem may also be used for purposes other than storing images.) | |
crio_cpu_usage_core | CPU Usage | Nanoseconds | Cumulative CPU usage (sum across all cores) since object creation. | |
crio_cpu_time | Cpu Time | NULL | Total user and system CPU time spent in seconds. | |
crio_operations_latency_microseconds_count | Operations Latency Microseconds Count | Microseconds | Latency in microseconds of CRI-O operations. Broken down by operation type. count value | |
crio_operations_latency_microseconds_sum | Operations Latency Microseconds Sum | Microseconds | Latency in microseconds of CRI-O operations. Broken down by operation type. sum value | |
crio_mem_virtual | Mem Virtual | Bytes | Virtual memory size in bytes. | |
crio_filesystem_used | Filesystem Used | Bytes | represents the bytes used for images on the filesystem. (This may differ from the total bytes used on the filesystem and may not equal CapacityBytes - AvailableBytes.) | |
crio_operations | Operations Count | NULL | Cumulative number of CRI-O operations by operation type. | |
crio_process_open_fds | Process Open Fds | NULL | Number of open file descriptors. |
Linux - Docker Host Monitoring Template
Docker Host Monitoring Template
Supported Metric
Monitor Name | Metric Name | Metric Display Name | Unit | Description |
Agent G2 - Linux - Docker Host Monitoring Template | docker.cpu | Docker Cpu | NULL | CPU usage of the Docker Container |
docker.container.states | Docker Container states | NULL | The state of Container | |
docker.mem.cache.95percentile | Cache Size 95percentile | NULL | 95th percentile value of docker.mem.cache | |
docker.mem.inactive_file | Inactive Cache Memory | NULL | The amount of "inactive" cache memory. Inactive memory may be reclaimed first when the system needs memory | |
docker.cpu.shares | Shares of CPU | NULL | Shares of CPU usage allocated to the container | |
docker.image.virtual_size | Image Virtual Size | NULL | Size of all layers of the image on disk | |
docker.mem.rss.95percentile | RSS Memory 95percentile | NULL | 95th percentile value of docker.mem.rss | |
docker.mem.sw_limit | Swap Memory Limit | NULL | The swap + memory limit for the container, if set | | | Network Tx Bytes | NULL | The amount of bytes per second transmitted | |
docker.cpu.system | CPU System | NULL | The percent of time the CPU is executing system calls on behalf of processes of this container, unnormalized | |
docker.cpu.throttled | CPU Throttled | NULL | Number of times the cgroup has been throttled | |
docker.image.size | Image Size | NULL | Size of all layers of the image on disk | |
docker.mem.in_use | Memory In Use | NULL | The fraction of used memory to available memory, IF THE LIMIT IS SET | | | IO Write Bytes | NULL | Bytes written per second to disk by the processes of the container | |
docker.mem.active_file | Active Cache Memory | NULL | The amount of "active" cache memory. Active memory is reclaimed by the system only after "inactive" has been reclaimed | |
docker.containers.running | Containers Running by Image | NULL | The number of containers running on this host tagged by image | |
docker.mem.mapped_file | Memory Mapped by Process | NULL | The amount of memory mapped by the processes in the control group | |
kubernetes.memory.usage | Memory Usage | NULL | The amount of memory used | |
docker.mem.cache | Cache Size | NULL | The amount of memory that is being used to cache data from disk (e.g. memory contents that can be associated precisely with a block on a block device) | |
docker.cpu.usage | CPU Usage | NULL | The percent of CPU time obtained by this container | |
docker.mem.sw_in_use | Swap Memory In Use | NULL | The fraction of used swap + memory to available swap + memory, if the limit is set | |
docker.mem.in_use.95percentile | Memory In Use 95percentile | NULL | 95th percentile of docker.mem.in_use | |
docker.images.intermediate | Images intermediate | NULL | The number of intermediate images, which are intermediate layers that make up other images | |
docker.containers.running_total | Docker Container Running Total | NULL | The total number of containers running on this host | |
docker.mem.active_anon | Active RSS Memory | NULL | The amount of "active" RSS memory. Active memory is not swapped to disk | | | IO Read Bytes 95percentile | NULL | 95th percentile of | |
docker.mem.sw_limit.95percentile | Swap Memory Limit 95percentile | NULL | 95th percentile of docker.mem.sw_limit. Ordinarily this value will not change | | | Network Rx Bytes | NULL | The amount of bytes per second received | |
docker.container.size_rootfs | Root Filesystem Size | NULL | Total size of all the files in the container | |
kubernetes.memory.limits | Memory Limits | NULL | The limit of memory set | |
docker.mem.inactive_anon | Inactive RSS Memory | NULL | The amount of "inactive" RSS memory. Inactive memory is swapped to disk when necessary | |
docker.mem.pgpgout | Pages Uncharged Rate | NULL | The rate at which pages are "uncharged" (removed from the accounting) of a cgroup | |
docker.mem.rss | RSS Memory | NULL | The amount of non-cache memory that belongs to the container's processes. Used for stacks, heaps, etc. | | | IO Read Bytes | NULL | Bytes read per second from disk by the processes of the container | |
docker.mem.pgpgin | Pages Charged Rate | NULL | The rate at which pages are "charged" (added to the accounting) of a cgroup | |
docker.container.size_rw.95percentile | Total Files Size 95Percentile | NULL | 95th percentile of docker.container.size_rw | |
docker.mem.pgfault | Memory Page Faults | NULL | The rate that processes in the container trigger page faults by accessing a nonexistent or protected part of its virtual address space. Usually a page fault of this type results in a segmentation fault | |
docker.container.size_rw | Total Files Size | NULL | Total size of all the files in the container which have been created or changed by processes running in the container | |
docker.images.available | Images Available | NULL | The number of top-level images | |
docker.containers.stopped | Containers Stopped by Image | NULL | The number of containers stopped on this host tagged by image | |
docker.memory | Docker Memory | NULL | Memory usage of the Docker Container | |
docker.cpu.system.95percentile | CPU System 95Percentile | NULL | 95th percentile of docker.cpu.system | |
docker.mem.limit | Memory Limit | NULL | The memory limit for the container, if set | | | IO Write Bytes 95percentile | NULL | 95th percentile of | |
docker.mem.pgmajfault | Memory Page Faults Virtual | NULL | The rate that processes in the container trigger page faults by accessing a part virtual address space that was swapped out or corresponded to a mapped file. Usually a page fault of type results in fetching data from disk instead of from memory | |
docker.cpu.user.95percentile | CPU User 95Percentile | NULL | 95th percentile of docker.cpu.user | |
docker.cpu.user | CPU User | NULL | The percent of time the CPU is under direct control of processes of this container, unnormalized | |
docker.mem.limit.95percentile | Memory Limit 95percentile | NULL | 95th percentile of docker.mem.limit. Ordinarily this value will not change | | | Docker Disk Iops | NULL | Disk IOPS of the Docker Container | |
docker.container.size_rootfs.95percentile | Root Filesystem Size 95Percentile | NULL | 95th percentile of docker.container.size_rootfs | |
docker.mem.sw_in_use.95percentile | Swap Memory In Use 95percentile | NULL | 95th percentile of docker.mem.sw_in_use |
Linux - Docker Monitoring Template
Template to monitor docker host metrics and containers.
Supported Metric
Monitor Name | Metric Name | Metric Display Name | Unit | Description |
Agent G2 - Linux - Docker Monitoring Template | | Docker Total Containers | NULL | |
docker.cpu | Docker Cpu | NULL | CPU usage of the Docker Container | |
docker.memory | Docker Memory | NULL | Memory usage of the Docker Container | | | Docker Network | NULL | Network usage of the Docker Container | | | Docker Disk Iops | NULL | Disk IOPS of the Docker Container |
Linux - Docker Monitors
Docker Monitoring Template
Supported Metric
Monitor Name | Metric Name | Metric Display Name | Unit | Description |
Agent G2 - Linux - Docker Monitors | | Docker Total Containers | NULL | | | Docker Disk Iops | NULL | Disk IOPS of the Docker Container | |
docker.cpu | Docker Cpu | NULL | CPU usage of the Docker Container | | | Docker Network | NULL | Network usage of the Docker Container | |
docker.memory | Docker Memory | NULL | Memory usage of the Docker Container |
Linux - Elasticsearch Monitors
Monitors various performance metrics on the Elasticsearch servers
Supported Metric
Monitor Name | Metric Name | Metric Display Name | Unit | Description |
Agent G2 - Linux - Elasticsearch Monitors | es.flush.time | ElasticSearch Flush time | NULL | |
es.jvm.gc.collection_time | ESJVM GC collection_time | NULL | ||
es.merges.ops | ElasticSearch Merges ops | NULL | || | ElasticSearch Search fetch ops | NULL | ||
es.cache.field.size | ElasticSearch Cache field size | NULL | ||
es.jvm.gc.par_new.collection_time | ESJVM GC par_new collection_time | NULL | ||
es.cluster.initializing_shards | ElasticSearch Cluster Initializing shards | NULL | || | ElasticSearch Search query time | NULL | ||
es.process.openfds | ElasticSearch Process OpenFDs | NULL | ||
es.jvm.gc.copy.count | ESJVM GC copy count | NULL | ||
es.cluster.unassigned_shards | ElasticSearch Cluster Unassigned shards | NULL | || | ElasticSearch Docs deleted | NULL | ||
es.refresh.time | ElasticSearch Refresh time | NULL | || | ElasticSearch Search fetch time | NULL | || | ElasticSearch Failure Domains | NULL | ||
es.jvm.gc.par_new.count | ESJVM GC par_new count | NULL | || | ElasticSearch Merged docs size | NULL | ||
es.cache.filter.size | ElasticSearch Cache filter size | NULL | || | ElasticSearch Search query ops | NULL | || | ElasticSearch Cluster Active primary shards | NULL | ||
es.jvm.mem.heap_committed | ESJVM Mem heap_committed | NULL | ||
es.cache.filter.evictions | ElasticSearch Cache filter evictions | NULL | ||
es.cluster.nodes | ElasticSearch Cluster Nodes | NULL | || | ElasticSearch Docs total | NULL | ||
es.cache.field.evictions | ElasticSearch Cache field evictions | NULL | ||
es.cluster.data_nodes | ElasticSearch Cluster Data nodes | NULL | ||
es.jvm.mem.non_heap_used | ESJVM Mem non_heap_used | NULL | ||
es.Store.size | ElasticSearch Store size | NULL | ||
es.cluster.relocating_shards | ElasticSearch Cluster Relocating shards | NULL | ||
es.jvm.gc.concurrent_mark_sweep.collection_time | ESJVM GC concurrent_mark_sweep collection_time | NULL | ||
es.cache.filter.count | ElasticSearch Cache filter count | NULL | || | ElasticSearch Cluster Active shards | NULL | ||
es.jvm.mem.non_heap_committed | ESJVM Mem non_heap_committed | NULL | ||
es.jvm.gc.copy.collection_time | ESJVM GC copy collection_time | NULL | ||
es.merges.time | ElasticSearch Merges time | NULL | ||
es.refresh.ops | ElasticSearch Refresh ops | NULL | ||
es.indexing.index.time | ElasticSearch Indexing index time | NULL | ||
es.indexing.index.count | ElasticSearch Indexing index count | NULL | ||
es..master.eligible.nodes | ElasticSearch Master Eligible Nodes | NULL | ||
es.jvm.gc.collection_count | ESJVM GC collection_count | NULL | ||
es.flush.ops | ElasticSearch Flush ops | NULL | || | ElasticSearch Merged docs count | NULL | ||
es.jvm.gc.concurrent_mark_sweep.count | ESJVM GC concurrent_mark_sweep count | NULL | ||
es.jvm.mem.heap_used | ESJVM Mem heap_used | NULL | ||
es.jvm.threads | ESJVM Threads | NULL |
Linux - etcd - v2
Agent G2 - Linux - etcd - v2
Supported Metric
Monitor Name | Metric Name | Metric Display Name | Unit | Description |
Agent G2 - Linux - etcd - v2 | etcd_debugging_snap_save_marshalling_duration_seconds_bucket | Snap Save Marshalling Duration | NULL | The marshalling cost distributions of save called by snapshot. |
etcd_go_threads | Go Threads | NULL | Number of OS threads created. | |
etcd_network_peer_sent_bytes_total_per_sec | Network Peer Sent Bytes Total | NULL | The total number of bytes sent to peers per sec | |
etcd_go_memstats_stack_inuse_bytes | Go Memstats Stack Inuse Bytes | NULL | Number of bytes in use by the stack allocator. | |
etcd_debugging_store_watchers | Store Watchers | NULL | Count of currently active watchers. | |
etcd_debugging_mvcc_keys_total | Mvcc Keys | NULL | Total number of keys. | |
etcd_go_memstats_heap_idle_bytes | Go Memstats Heap Idle Bytes | NULL | Number of heap bytes waiting to be used. | |
etcd_grpc_server_handled_total | Grpc Server Handled Total | NULL | Total number of RPCs completed on the server, regardless of success or failure. | |
etcd_grpc_proxy_events_coalescing_total | Grpc Proxy Events Coalescing | NULL | Total number of events coalescing | |
etcd_disk_wal_fsync_duration_seconds_bucket | Disk Wal Fsync Duration | NULL | The latency distributions of fsync called by wal. | |
etcd_network_peer_round_trip_time_seconds | Network Peer Round Trip Time Seconds | NULL | Round-Trip-Time histogram between peers | |
etcd_server_proposals_failed_total | Server Proposals Failed | NULL | The total number of failed proposals seen. | |
etcd_debugging_store_expires_total_per_sec | Store Expires | NULL | Total number of expired keys per sec | |
etcd_grpc_proxy_cache_hits_total | Grpc Proxy Cache Hits | NULL | Total number of cache hits | |
etcd_debugging_mvcc_db_total_size_in_bytes | Mvcc Db Size In Bytes | NULL | Total size of the underlying database in bytes. | |
etcd_go_memstats_mspan_sys_bytes | Go Memstats Mspan Sys Bytes | NULL | Number of bytes used for mspan structures obtained from system. | |
etcd_debugging_snap_save_total_duration_seconds_bucket | Snap Save Duration | NULL | The total latency distributions of save called by snapshot. | |
etcd_debugging_mvcc_delete_total | Mvcc Delete | NULL | Total number of deletes seen by this member. | |
etcd_go_memstats_gc_cpu_fraction | Go Memstats Gc Cpu Fraction | NULL | The fraction of this program's available CPU time used by the GC since the program started. | |
etcd_debugging_mvcc_db_compaction_total_duration_milliseconds_bucket | Mvcc Db Compaction Duration | NULL | Bucketed histogram of db compaction total duration. | |
etcd_network_client_grpc_sent_bytes_total_per_sec | Network Client Grpc Sent Bytes | NULL | The total number of bytes sent to grpc clients per sec | |
etcd_go_memstats_heap_alloc_bytes | Go Memstats Heap Alloc Bytes | NULL | Number of heap bytes allocated and still in use. | |
etcd_network_client_grpc_sent_bytes_total | Network Client Grpc Sent Bytes | NULL | The total number of bytes sent to grpc clients. | |
etcd_debugging_store_expires_total | Store Expires | NULL | Total number of expired keys. | |
etcd_debugging_mvcc_db_compaction_keys_total | Mvcc Db Compaction Keys | NULL | Total number of db keys compacted. | |
etcd_debugging_server_lease_expired_total | Server Lease Expired | NULL | The total number of expired leases. | |
etcd_network_client_grpc_received_bytes_total_per_sec | Network Client Grpc Received Bytes | NULL | The total number of bytes received from grpc clients per sec | |
etcd_debugging_store_writes_total | Store Writes | NULL | Total number of writes (e.g. set/compareAndDelete) seen by this member. | |
etcd_go_memstats_buck_hash_sys_bytes | Go Memstats Buck Hash Sys Bytes | NULL | Number of bytes used by the profiling bucket hash table. | |
etcd_server_leader_changes_seen_total_per_sec | Server Leader Changes Seen | NULL | The number of leader changes seen per sec | |
etcd_network_peer_received_bytes_total_per_sed | Network Peer Received Bytes Total | Bytes Per Sec | The total number of bytes received from peers per sec | |
etcd_server_proposals_applied_total | Server Proposals Applied | NULL | The total number of consensus proposals applied. | |
etcd_grpc_proxy_watchers_coalescing_total | Grpc Proxy Watchers Coalescing | NULL | Total number of current watchers coalescing | |
etcd_server_is_leader | Server Is Leader | NULL | Whether or not this member is a leader. 1 if is, 0 otherwise. | |
etcd_process_start_time_seconds | Process Start Time Seconds | NULL | Start time of the process since unix epoch in seconds. | |
etcd_debugging_mvcc_events_total | Mvcc Events | NULL | Total number of events sent by this member. | |
etcd_debugging_mvcc_txn_total | Mvcc Txn | NULL | Total number of txns seen by this member. | |
etcd_debugging_store_watch_requests_total | Store Watch Requests | NULL | Total number of incoming watch requests (new or reestablished). | |
etcd_go_memstats_lookups_total_per_sec | Go Memstats Lookups Total | NULL | Total number of pointer lookups per sec | |
etcd_server_version | Server Version | NULL | Which version is running. 1 for 'server_version' label with current version | |
etcd_grpc_server_started_total | Grpc Server Started Total | NULL | Total number of RPCs started on the server. | |
etcd_go_memstats_alloc_bytes | Go Memstats Alloc Bytes | NULL | Number of bytes allocated and still in use. | |
etcd_disk_backend_commit_duration_seconds_bucket | Disk Backend Commit Duration | NULL | The latency distributions of commit called by backend. | |
etcd_debugging_store_reads_total_per_sec | Store Reads | NULL | Total number of reads action by (get/getRecursive), local to this member per sec | |
etcd_process_open_fds | Process Open Fds | NULL | Number of open file descriptors. | |
etcd_disk_wal_fsync_duration_seconds_count | Disk Wal Fsync Duration Seconds Count | NULL | The latency distributions of fsync called by wal. | |
etcd_go_memstats_heap_inuse_bytes | Go Memstats Heap Inuse Bytes | NULL | Number of heap bytes that are in use. | |
etcd_go_memstats_next_gc_bytes | Go Memstats Next Gc Bytes | NULL | Number of heap bytes when next garbage collection will take place. | |
etcd_debugging_mvcc_range_total_per_sec | Mvcc Range | NULL | Total number of ranges seen by this member per sec | |
etcd_process_cpu_seconds_total_per_sec | Process Cpu Seconds Total | NULL | Total user and system CPU time spent per sec | |
etcd_debugging_mvcc_db_compaction_keys_total_per_sec | Mvcc Db Compaction Keys | NULL | Total number of db keys compacted per sec | |
etcd_go_memstats_heap_released_bytes | Go Memstats Heap Released Bytes | NULL | Number of heap bytes released to OS. | |
etcd_server_leader_changes_seen_total | Server Leader Changes Seen | NULL | The number of leader changes seen. | |
etcd_debugging_mvcc_put_total | Mvcc Put | NULL | Total number of puts seen by this member. | |
etcd_process_resident_memory_bytes | Process Resident Memory Bytes | NULL | Resident memory size in bytes. | |
etcd_debugging_mvcc_slow_watcher_total | Mvcc Slow Watcher | NULL | Total number of unsynced slow watchers. | |
etcd_debugging_mvcc_index_compaction_pause_duration_milliseconds_bucket | Mvcc Index Compaction Pause Duration | NULL | Bucketed histogram of index compaction pause duration. | |
etcd_debugging_mvcc_db_compaction_pause_duration_milliseconds_bucket | Mvcc Db Compaction Pause Duration | NULL | Bucketed histogram of db compaction pause duration. | |
etcd_grpc_proxy_cache_keys_total | Grpc Proxy Cache Keys | NULL | Total number of keys/ranges cached | |
etcd_go_memstats_alloc_bytes_total_per_sec | Go Memstats Alloc Bytes Total | NULL | Total number of bytes allocated, even if freed per sec | |
etcd_go_memstats_mcache_inuse_bytes | Go Memstats Mcache Inuse Bytes | NULL | Number of bytes in use by mcache structures. | |
etcd_debugging_store_reads_total | Store Reads | NULL | Total number of reads action by (get/getRecursive), local to this member. | |
etcd_go_memstats_heap_objects | Go Memstats Heap Objects | NULL | Number of allocated objects. | |
etcd_server_has_leader | Server Has Leader | NULL | Whether or not a leader exists. 1 is existence, 0 is not. | |
etcd_debugging_mvcc_watch_stream_total | Mvcc Watch Stream | NULL | Total number of watch streams. | |
etcd_go_memstats_sys_bytes | Go Memstats Sys Bytes | NULL | Number of bytes obtained from system. | |
etcd_network_peer_received_bytes_total_per_sec | Network Peer Received Bytes Total | NULL | The total number of bytes received from peers per sec | |
etcd_debugging_mvcc_put_total_per_sec | Mvcc Put | NULL | Total number of puts seen by this member per sec | |
etcd_go_memstats_mspan_inuse_bytes | Go Memstats Mspan Inuse Bytes | NULL | Number of bytes in use by mspan structures. | |
etcd_debugging_mvcc_range_total | Mvcc Range | NULL | Total number of ranges seen by this member. | |
etcd_go_memstats_other_sys_bytes | Go Memstats Other Sys Bytes | NULL | Number of bytes used for other system allocations. | |
etcd_debugging_store_writes_total_per_sec | Store Writes | NULL | Total number of writes (e.g. set/compareAndDelete) seen by this member per sec | |
etcd_network_client_grpc_received_bytes_total | Network Client Grpc Received Bytes | NULL | The total number of bytes received from grpc clients. | |
etcd_go_info | Go Info | NULL | Information about the Go runtime. | |
etcd_debugging_mvcc_slow_watcher_total_per_sec | Mvcc Slow Watcher | NULL | Total number of unsynced slow watchers per sec | |
etcd_debugging_store_watch_requests_total_per_sec | Store Watch Requests | NULL | Total number of incoming watch requests (new or reestablished) per sec | |
etcd_debugging_snap_save_marshalling_duration_seconds_count | Snap Save Marshalling Duration | NULL | The marshalling cost distributions of save called by snapshot. | |
etcd_debugging_snap_save_total_duration_seconds_count | Snap Save Duration | NULL | The total latency distributions of save called by snapshot. | |
etcd_network_client_grpc_sent_bytes_total_per_sec | Network Client Grpc Sent Bytes | NULL | The total number of bytes sent to grpc clients per sec | |
etcd_disk_backend_commit_duration_seconds_count | Disk Backend Commit Duration | NULL | The latency distributions of commit called by backend. | |
etcd_debugging_store_reads_bytes_total | Store Reads Bytes | NULL | Total number of bytes read out for reads action by (get/getRecursive), local to this member | |
etcd_debugging_mvcc_slow_watcher_total_per_sec | Mvcc Slow Watcher | NULL | Total number of unsynced slow watchers per sec | |
etcd_debugging_snap_save_total_duration_seconds_bucket | Snap Save Duration | NULL | The total latency distributions of save called by snapshot. | |
etcd_disk_wal_fsync_duration_seconds_count | Disk Wal Fsync Duration Seconds Count | NULL | The latency distributions of fsync called by wal. | |
etcd_debugging_store_reads_bytes_total_per_sec | Store Reads Bytes | NULL | Total number of bytes read out for reads action by (get/getRecursive), local to this member per sec | |
etcd_debugging_store_writes_bytes_total | Store Writes Bytes | NULL | Total number of bytes written out for writes action by (set/compareAndDelete), local to this member | |
etcd_disk_backend_commit_duration_seconds_bucket | Disk Backend Commit Duration | NULL | The latency distributions of commit called by backend. | |
etcd_debugging_store_writes_bytes_total_per_sec | Store Writes Bytes | NULL | Total number of bytes written out for writes action by (set/compareAndDelete), local to this member per sec |