The process definitions page lists the created process definitions with all the details.

View Process Definitions

  1. Navigate to Automation > Process Automation > Process Definitions to view the list of saved process definitions.
  2. Click Filter to filter the process definitions list based on date, start event, enabled, deployed, and start event object.
  3. Click Search name to search the list for a specific process definition. You can select the number of process definitions to display per page.
patch management

The process definitions home page displays the following information for the created processes:

Process Definition AttributeDescription
NameName assigned to the process definition.
EnabledThe process definition enablement state.
Start TypeThe start type of the process definition.
Event/ScheduleThe event or schedule that starts the process definition.
Deployment TimeThe process was last deployed.
CategoryThe category of process definition:
  • Automation
  • Patch Management
  • Network Configuration
NotifyEnable to get the notifications.
Event TypeThe category of event type:
  • All
  • Not Deploy
  • Signal
  • Timer
  • None
  • Disabled

Process Details

On the Process Definition home page, when you hover over and click on a created process, a detailed pane appears on the left side of the page. This pane has two tabs:

  • Properties
  • Statistics

Process Properties

This section displays all the configured properties for the selected process. The table below describes each field:

Field NameDescription
Created ByThe user who created the process.
Created TimeThe date and time when the process was created.
Updated ByThe user who last updated the process.
Updated TimeThe date and time when the process was last updated.
TypeThe type of event that triggers the process.
EntityThe category or group the process belongs to.
Process IdThe unique identifier for the process.
patch management

Process Statistics

This section provides details about the instances of the selected process. The table below explains each field:

Field NameDescription
Intance IDA unique ID generated for each process instance. Clicking this Intance ID opens the process definition page, allowing you to modify the existing process.
StateThe current status of the process instance. Possible states include:
  • Complete
  • Active
  • Failed
  • Terminated
IDA unique ID for the alert generated by the process. Clicking this ID redirects to the Alert page with detailed information.
patch management