The SSL synthetic monitor checks the number of days remaining for the expiry of the SSL certificate and informs the user.

Configure parameters of SSL synthetic monitor

AEnter the follwoing details to configure the RTT synthetic monitor:

SectionField NameDescriptionValues/ExampleField Type
Basic DetailsNameEnter a name for the synthetic monitor.Text
TypeSelect the type of synthetic monitor.SSLDropdown
SSL ConfigurationURLEnter the URL to be monitored.
Connection TimeoutMaximum time-out to connect to the SSL server.
  • Default value: not NULL
  • Valid values: 1 - 540 seconds
  • Example: 280
Proxy SettingsConfiguration TypeEnable Proxy Configuration option and select the configuration type.
  • System: Enter the credential name.
  • Custom: If selected, fill in the following fields:
    • URL: Enter the website URL.
    • Proxy Authentication Type: Choose None or Basic from the dropdown.
LocationsPublic LocationsSelect the public locations where the monitor will run.INT Public1Checkbox
Private LocationsSelect the private locations where the monitor will run.INT Private1Checkbox

After configuring, view metrics, and graphical representations for more information.

Graphical metrics representation

Graphical Representation

Supported metrics

Metric NameUnits

Location Count. Number of locations where the configured host is down.

Number of days remaining for SSL expiry.