The gateway is deployed in the Google Cloud environment to monitor and manage your resources.


  1. Download the gateway for Google Cloud Platform.
  2. Go to Setup > Downloads > Gateway.
  3. Download the file from the Google Cloud Gateway widget.

Step 1: Create a storage bucket

Buckets are the basic containers that hold your data. Everything stored in cloud storage must be contained in a bucket.

  1. Log into GCP with your credentials.
  2. From the Projects list, select the project to deploy the gateway.
  3. On the left pane, from Storage menu, click Storage and click Create Bucket.
  4. From Create a bucket, enter a bucket name (Example: opsramp-gateway) and click Continue.
  5. From the available default storage class options, select Multi-Regional and click Continue.
  6. (Optional) Configure Control access to objects and Advanced settings.
  7. Click Create. The bucket you created is in the Buckets list.
  8. Click the name of the bucket in the Buckets list.
  9. From the Objects tab, click Upload Files and select the gateway image file. The gateway image file is uploaded to the bucket.

Step 2: Create an image

A virtual machine image is a single file that has a virtual disk with a bootable operating system. Google permits you to define virtual machine images or use pre-defined images that are used to create one or more virtual machine instances that look alike.

  1. On the left pane, from the Compute Engine menu, click Images. Images list is displayed.

  2. Click Create Image.

  3. Enter the following details:

    • Name: Enter a unique name for the gateway image.
    • Source: Select Cloud Storage file from the drop-down options.
    • Cloud Storage file: Select the gateway image file that is attached to the storage bucket.
    • Encryption: Google-managed key is selected by default.
  4. Click Create. The new image displays in the images list.

Step 3: Create a VM instance

An instance is a virtual machine hosted on the Google infrastructure. A virtual machine instance is created for the gateway using the gateway image.

  1. On the left pane, from Compute Engine menu, click VM Instances.

  2. Click Create Instance.

  3. Enter the following information:

    NameUnique gateway instance name
    RegionSelect US-central1
    Machine TypeMinimum requirement is two vCPU, 4GB
    Access scopesDefault: Allow default access
    FirewallEnsure port 22 and port 5480 are permitted on the gateway to access web and serial user interfaces
  4. Click Create.

  5. Verify if the gateway is installed in Google Cloud Platform (GCP).

You are now ready to register the gateway.

Step 4: Create a management profile

  1. Go to Setup > Resources > Management Profiles.
  2. Click +Add to create a profile.
  3. From the Management Profile page, select the Client Name for gateway registration.
  4. Select Gateway for the Profile type.
  5. Enter a Profile Name.
  6. Enter a Profile Description and click Submit. The activation token is automatically generated.
  7. In the Management Gateway Details section, click Copy to copy the activation token.

Step 5: Configure the gateway registration

After creating a management profile, configure the gateway registration using one of the following methods:

  • Gateway administration console
  • Gateway web user interface

Configure with the administration console

  1. Log into the gateway VM with the provided username and password. For default login credentials to log into the administration console, contact support.

  2. From the left pane, click General.

  3. Verify if the Registration Status is Not Registered and the Tunnel Status is Not Established.

    • During the installation of the gateway, the first screen prompts you to set a hostname for the gateway.
    • If the hostname is not provided, the gateway is identified based on the MAC Address that is displayed across the user interface.
  4. Click Network, select Use Static IP address and click Save.

  5. To configure the gateway to use Proxy, use CTRL+P to navigate to Proxy Settings. By default, Direct connection to the Internet is selected. You can configure the proxy if needed.

  6. Enter the details for the server ( and enter the Activation Token.

  7. Click Update Now to register the gateway to the platform.

  8. Verify if the gateway is registered.

Configure with the web user interface

  1. On the web browser, type the URL as https://<enter Gateway IP address>:5480.
  2. From the gateway login screen, provide a default Username and password.
  3. Click Network. If required, clear the Get an IP Address from DHCP selection and enter the static address.
  4. (Optional) Enter VLAN, Static Routing, Proxy details.
  5. From the Administration menu, click Registration.
  6. From the Registration screen, enter the activation token that you copied while creating the management profile.
  7. Enter the SaaS Endpoint details ( and click Activate.
  8. Verify if the Registration Status is displayed as Registered.
  9. Verify if the status is displayed as success.