Open the dashboard menu to:

  • Create a dashboard using the dashboard builder tools.
  • Import a dashboard.
  • Upload a JSON file that can be used to instantiate a dashboard.


Create DashboardManually create a dashboard using the dashboard create tool.
Share DashboardShare a dashboard to users. A dashboard can be shared only to roles that have the View Shared Dashboard permission.
Import DashboardImport a JSON file previously exported using the dashboard export option.
Create CollectionCreate a folder for grouping dashboards.
Search for dashboards or collectionsSearch for a dashboard or collection by name.

Dashboard list

The dashboard list shows curated, pre-configured dashboards and user-created dashboards. Click the dashboard entry to view the dashboard. Dashboards are only displayed if the associated integration is installed.


Filter TypeDescription
filter on time rangeSelect a time range to filter the start time and end time for displaying data. Select pre-defined time intervals or use the date time-picker.
filter on variablesAssign a named variable to the value of an attribute to toggle between series to display.

Dashboard duration

The Last Hour option allows you to view data for the last 1 hour.
You can select a different duration for each dashboard. The selected duration will continue to display the data for that specific time till you clear the browser’s cache.
If you use a different browser to access the dashboard, the Last Hour is set as the default even though the account credentials are the same.

To select the duration:

  • Click a specific start and end date
  • Drag to select a range of days along with the time


Collection dashboards allow you to organize dashboards. You can copy and move dashboards to a collection.

Dashboard options

Set Default DashboardSelects a dashboard to be the first to be displayed when the main Dashboard page is visited.
Enable the My Default Dashboard toggle button to set the dashboard as the default dashboard.
CopyCopies a dashboard to the specified collection. Dashboards must have a unique name.
MoveMoves a dashboard to the specified collection.
ExportExports the dashboard as a JSON file, which can then be imported using the Import Dashboard menu option.
RenameRenames the dashboard.
RemoveRemoves the dashboard.