
This document explains the difference between the Basic and Advanced modes of querying.

Using OpsQL, you can perform advanced search operations to fetch the results. These results help you analyze and make better decisions.

The Advanced Search feature allows you to:

  • Quickly and easily build queries.
  • Search for resources at the partner or the client level.

Follow these steps to navigate to the Advanced Search query box and build queries:

  1. Log in to OpsRamp.

  2. Navigate to Infrastructure > Search.

  3. From the Infrastructure Search page, click the search (magnifying glass) icon next to the Home tab. The New View tab is displayed.

  4. Click +Query. The Search box displays the list of resource attributes.

Build a query using the basic query mode.

Basic Query Mode

  1. Select the attribute and the operator from the dynamically populated matching operator list.

  2. Type in (or select) a value from the VALUES drop-down. The values are populated based on the selected attribute and operator.

    The query result is displayed.

  3. Click + to add another expression.

  4. The AND logical operator is selected by default. Click and select the desired operator.

  5. Follow the steps mentioned above to form another expression – attribute, operator and value. The query result is displayed.

For more examples, click here.

Advanced Query Mode

Alternatively, use the Advanced Query Mode to start building more complex queries with nested expressions.

  1. Click </> to switch to the Advanced query mode.

  2. As soon as you start typing in the Search box, the available attributes are displayed automatically.
    You can search using a keyword / string and then click on search for " “. The keyword search will search for occurrence of that string across multiple fields. The result is displayed.

    Enter a string, Linux and click on search for “Linux”. The search result is displayed. The string “Linux” may occur in one or more fields, like Name, description, OS.
    Click here to view the list of attributes.

  3. Select the attribute and the operator from the dynamically populated matching operator list and then type in (or select) a value.

  4. Select the logical operators, AND or OR

  5. Follow the steps mentioned above – select the attribute, operator, and value, to add another expression. You can add as many valid expressions as possible.

  6. Click the Search icon or press Enter. The query result is displayed.


  • Your most recent query is added to the Recent Queries list, which shows the query string used for the search.
  • To repeat a previous query, click the (magnifying glass) search icon to create a new tab, and then click the tile for that search string. The search results are displayed.

For more information on how to use OpsQL, click here


Save your query results as Views. This helps you to save the complex queries and modify them as and when needed.

Managing Views

Create and manage (Add, Copy, Set as default, etc.) views from the Infrastructure search page.

You can do the following actions after performing a search operation:

Save a ViewOnce you execute a query, you can save the query results as a view.
To save a view:
  1. Click the hamburger menu icon at the upper-left corner of the Infrastructure search page.
  2. From the slide-out, click the + icon. The Add Current View popup is displayed.
  3. Enter a name for the view and click Add.
  4. The view is saved and displayed in the slide-out.
    • Use the up/down arrow icons to hide/show the views in the slide-out.
    • The Save and Restore icons appear after you create a view. Click them to perform the Save and Restore views respectively.
Set FavoriteTo mark a view as favorite:
  1. Hover over the view name on the slide-out.
  2. Click the star icon. The view is added as favorite and appears under the Favorite category. The blue colored star icon indicates that the view is added as favorite.
  • To unfavorite a view, click the blue colored star against the view. The view is removed from the Favorite category.
RestoreThe Restore option reverts to the previous query.
Once you have made changes to a specific query, which is already saved as a view:
  1. Hover over the view name on the slide-out.
  2. Click the actions menu. The View Options popup is displayed.
  3. Click the Restore option. The previous query automatically appears in the Search box.
Note: You must not save the changes you made to the query for the view. Otherwise, the query will not be reverted.
RenameThe Rename option allows you to rename the name of the view.
To rename a view:
  1. Hover over the view name on the slide-out.
  2. Click the actions menu. The View Options popup is displayed.
  3. Click the Rename option. The Rename View popup is displayed.
  4. Enter a new name for the view in the Name box and click Save.
CopyThe Copy option allows you to create a copy of a view.
To create a copy of a view:
  1. Hover over the view name on the slide-out.
  2. Click the actions menu. The View Options popup is displayed.
  3. Click the Copy option. The Copy View popup is displayed.
  4. Enter a name for the view in the Name box and click Save. The view is copied and is displayed in the slide-out.
Set Default ViewThe Set Default View option allows you to set a view as a default view for the current user.
To set a view as a default:
  1. Hover over the view name on the slide-out.
  2. Click the actions menu. The View Options popup is displayed.
  3. Click the Set Default View option. The Set Default View dialog box is displayed.
  4. Turn on the My Default View option and click the Set Default button.
  5. Refresh the browser. You can see that the view is set as default for the current user.
  6. To set the default view for other users, share the view and make it default for the user you want to set as default.
ShareThe Share option allows you to share a view with other users.
To share a view:
  1. Hover over the view name on the slide-out.
  2. Click the actions menu. The View Options popup is displayed.
  3. Click the Share option. The Share View dialog box is displayed.

  4. Based on the scope of the user, the options appear.
    For SP and Partner users:
    1. Select the role from the Partner Roles drop-down list. (The view is shared with all the partners with the role selected.)
    2. Under Client Roles, select the client and the role from the drop-down lists. If you select All Clients, it will show the client-level roles that are available across all clients. If you select a specific client, it will show the roles that are available for that client.
    3. Click + Add Client Users to share the view with multiple users.
    For Client users:
    1. Select the role from the drop-down list.
    2. Click Share. The view is shared.

    Copy URL: The Copy URL link is available on the Share View dialog box. Click this link and copy the URL, add the view as a bookmark on the browser. You can view the search result as required.
    Note: Only users with Resource View or Resource Manage permission have access to this link.
RemoveThe Remove option allows you to remove a view.
To remove a view:
  1. Hover over the view name on the slide-out.
  2. Click the actions menu. The View Options popup is displayed.
  3. Click the Remove option. A confirmation dialog box is displayed.
  4. Click Remove.
DownloadThe Download Resources functionality lets you download the resources at the client level, in CSV format.
To download resources:
  1. Click the Download Resources icon from the slide-out.

Customize columns

You can select resource attributes and custom attributes for listing from the Column Settings popup window.

  1. Navigate to InfrastructureSearch.

  2. Click the Settings (gear) icon available on the upper-right corner of the resource listing screen to view a list of 100 resource attributes including custom attributes.
    Note: A maximum of 100 custom attributes are displayed in the list. You can search for a custom attribute that is not listed but is available under the client.

  3. Search for the resource attribute or custom attribute. The search result can have resource attribute or custom attribute or both.

    Search attributes

  4. Select the resource attribute(s)/custom attribute(s) and click UPDATE.

  5. The resource attribute is added as a column in the list.
    Scroll to the right of the screen to view the column(s).

    • The custom attribute is listed as a column, with its value for the resource(s) it is assigned to.

      Search attribute result
      • In case a custom attribute is assigned to one or more resources, you will see the custom attribute value for all those resources.
      • Custom attributes are case-sensitive. The custom attribute must be entered in the search field with the exact capitalization as it was originally defined.
      • Refreshing the screen will clear all the selected columns. The default columns will be displayed. You can create Views to save the column listing. See Views for more information on saving a view.


Use the Filters option to filter and search.

To filter:

  1. Click Filters and then select the required attribute.
  2. Click Filter.

Multi-select capability

This feature is for pages that support multi-select.

You can select multiple items and perform actions.

  1. Search for the items and select the checkbox next to the item.

  2. Click the Actions menu and select the required option.

Note: Depending on the actions performed, there will be limitations. If there is a breach on the limit, then the UI will show you a message.

List of Attributes

Keyword search will search for occurrence of that string across the following fields:

softwareVersionLocationNameCloudInstance Public IpCloudInstance instance Id (Management Object Id)NetworkInterface NameNetworkInterface Ip address
NetworkInterface Mac addressNetworkInterface descriptionNetworkInterface aliasIpcustom attribute namecustom attribute value