
OpsRamp supports the installation of a collector in both virtualized and cloud-native environments. The installation process in both environments is achieved in a single unified flow as shown below.

Install a collector

Follow these steps to install a collector:

  1. Navigate to Setup > Account. The Account Details page is displayed.

  2. Click the Collector Profiles tile. The Collector Profiles page is displayed.

  3. Click +Add.

  4. Enter following details in the gateway collector profile page:

    • Enter a profile name
    • Provide the short description (Optional)
    • Select a profile type
  5. Select one of the collector from below as per your requirement:

    • Amazom Machine Image
    • Virtual Appliance (ISO)
    • Virtual Appliance (OVA)
    • Azure Blob Container
    • Google Image
    • Virtual Appliance (ISO) - NextGen
    • Virtual Appliance (OVA) - NextGen
    • Cloud-Native Application (Installer) - NextGen
    • Installer for Windows OS
  6. Click Next.

  7. Download the required file.

  8. Follow the instructions to install and register the Gateway Collector.

  9. Click Finish. The gateway is added to the collector profile.

See Classic Gateways and NextGen Gateways for more information on installing a gateway.

After creating the collector profile and installing the gateway and registering it, you can see all the available collector profiles in the Collector Profiles listing page.

The Collector Profiles listing page consists of the following columns:

NameName of the Collector Profile.
StatusDisplays the status of the collector profile:
  • Not Installed
  • Disconnected: It displays the time (in days, hours, and minutes) it has been in the disconnected status.
  • Connected: It displays the time (in days, hours, and minutes) the gateway is connected.
Resource NameName of the gateway.
Installed AppsNumber of Apps or Integrations that are installed.
Discovery ProfilesNumber of mapped Discovery Profiles.
Managed ResourcesNumber of resources that are managed by the gateway.
VersionCurrent gateway version.
SIP AgentClick the toggle button to enable or disable the SIP Agent.
Synthetics AgentClick the toggle button to enable or disable the Synthetics Agent.

Actions on a collector profile

RenameTo rename a collector profile:
  1. Search for the collector profile.
  2. Hover over the row and click the action menu (three dots).
  3. Select Rename.
  4. Enter a name and click Rename.
DetachTo detach a collector profile:
  1. Search for the collector profile.
  2. Hover over the row and click the action menu (three dots).
  3. Select Detach. A confirmation message appears, "The detach gateway will disconnect from the OpsRamp and stop monitoring the resources. The gateway will be reset to factory defaults."
  4. Click Detach.
ReinstallTo reinstall a collector profile:
  1. Search for the collector profile.
  2. Hover over the row and click the action menu (three dots).
  3. Select Reinstall. A confirmation popup appears.
  4. Click Install. Follow the instructions to install and register the gateway.
RemoveTo remove a collector profile:
  1. Search for the collector profile.
  2. Hover over the row and click the action menu (three dots).
  3. Select Remove. A confirmation popup appears. The Gateway Collector profile will not be deleted if the profile has Installed App, Discovery Profiles, or Managed Resources.
    Note: The Remove button is disabled, if there are installed apps, discovery profiles, or managed resources.
  4. Click Remove.
Scale UpTo scale up:
  1. Search for the collector profile.
  2. Hover over the row and click the action menu (three dots).
  3. Select Scale Up. A confirmation popup appears, "The Scale Up action will create one more gateway child profile, and this action will increase the capacity of the gateway profile. You need to run Re-balance after doing the Scale Up action to distribute the load equally."
  4. Click Scale Up.
Reconnect TunnelTo reconnect tunnel:
  1. Search for the collector profile.
  2. Hover over the row and click the action menu (three dots).
  3. Select Reconnect Tunnel. A confirmation popup appears, "Reconnecting the tunnel will cut off the current connection and start it up again. The gateway will be disconnected and monitoring will stop for a short while during this operation."
  4. Click Reconnect Tunnel.
Reboot GatewayTo reboot the gateway:
  1. Search for the collector profile.
  2. Hover over the row and click the action menu (three dots).
  3. Select Reboot Gateway. A confirmation popup appears.
  4. Click Reboot Gateway. The gateway is restarted.
Reset PasswordTo reset the gateway password:
  1. Search for the collector profile.
  2. Hover over the row and click the action menu (three dots).
  3. Select Reset Password. A confirmation popup appears.
  4. Click Reset Password. The gateway password is set to default password.
Update NowTo update the gateway:
  1. Search for the collector profile.
  2. Hover over the row and click the action menu (three dots).
  3. Select Update Now. A confirmation popup appears, "This action will instantly initiate the update on the gateway to the latest version.
  4. Click Update Now.
  5. Note: You must have gateway firmware permission to update the gateway.