The examples used in these instructions show how to install the agent using RPM package management. Follow the same steps to install the agent on other Linux platforms using the appropriate package manager, such as the dpkg Debian package manager.

To install the agent as a custom user with non-root privilege, create a new user and group before installing the agent:

  1. Create a new user group:

        groupadd --system {username}
  2. Create a custom user:

        useradd -g {username} -d /opt/opsramp -m {username} -s /bin/sh --system
  3. Set the user password:

        echo {username}:{password} | chpasswd
  4. From All Clients choose a client.

  5. Go to Setup > Download > Agent.

  6. In the Amazon Linux tile or the tile for your Linux platform, click 32-bit or 64-bit for your operating system.

  7. Download the 32-bit or 64-bit agent for your operating system using the download links on this page.

  8. Make sure that you verify the SHA-256 checksum of the downloaded file.

  9. Install the agent:

    32 bit

        sudo AGENTUSER={username} rpm -i opsramp-agent_{version}_i386.rpm

    64 bit

        sudo AGENTUSER={username} rpm -i opsramp-agent_{version}_x86_64.rpm
  10. Start the agent with the authentication tokens generated for your organization, enabling the features you want.

    Click Instructions in the Amazon Linux tile to get the authentication tokens. The -K and -S argument values in the instructions are populated for your organization. The -M true argument is optional and enabling it enables auto-monitoring. Copy-and-paste the values into the command line.

    • Enable all features:
        sudo /opt/opsramp/agent/bin/configure -K {accessKey} -S {securityKey} -s -M true
    • Enable specific features:
        sudo /opt/opsramp/agent/bin/configure -K {accessKey} -S {securityKey} -s -M true -f "agent:RemoteCommand,agent:PatchManagement,agent:Automation,agent:RemoteConsole"

See the /tmp/opsramp-agent_install.log file for installation progress.