The default, non-root agent installation automatically creates the default user.

  1. From All Clients choose a client.

  2. Go to Setup > Download > Agent.

  3. In the FreeBSD tile, choose the operating system version.

  4. Download and save the agent installer.

  5. Make sure that you verify the SHA-256 checksum of the downloaded file.

  6. Install the 64-bit agent. For example:

        sudo pkg -o ISNONROOT=y add -f opsramp-agent{version}_freebsd12-amd64.txz
  7. To start the agent with the authentication tokens generated for your organization, click Instructions in the FreeBSD tile and copy the authentication tokens for the features you want to install.

    The authentication token -K and -S argument values are populated for your organization. Copy-and-paste the values into the command line and run the command, depending on the features you want:

    You can choose to enable all features or only specific features.

  • Enable all features:

        sudo /opt/opsramp/agent/bin/configure -K {accessKey} -S {securityKey} -s client -M true
  • Enable specific features:

        sudo /opt/opsramp/agent/bin/configure -K {accessKey} -S {securityKey} -s client -M true -f "agent:RemoteCommand,agent:Automation,agent:RemoteConsole"

See the /tmp/opsramp-agent_install.log file for installation progress.