
Citrix VDI are virtualization solutions that give IT control of virtual machines, applications, licensing, and security while providing access for any device.

Citrix Virtual Applications and Desktops allow:

  • End users to run applications and desktops independently of the device’s operating system and interface.
  • Administrators to manage the network and control access from selected devices or all devices.
  • Administrators to manage an entire network from a single data center.

Citrix Virtual Applications and Desktops share a unified architecture called FlexCast Management Architecture (FMA). FMA’s key feature is to run multiple versions of Citrix Virtual Applications or Citrix Virtual Desktops from a single site and integrated provisioning.

Citrix OnPrem VDI

Discovery Use cases

Discovery Citrix VDI elements delivery groups and machines.

Monitoring Use cases

Using the REST APIs of the Citrix Monitor Service to collect, analyze, and categorize data from Citrix Virtual Applications and Desktops.

Hierarchy of Citrix VDI

Hypervisor (Xen server)
     - Delivery Groups
      - Machines(desktops)

Version History

Application VersionBug fixes / Enhancements
1.0.5Enhancements related to Latest snapshot, Activity Log and DebugHandler.
1.0.4Metric labels.
1.0.3Full discovery Support.
1.0.2Alert custom Macros support to the Metric and Component level.
Click here to view the earlier version updates
Application VersionBug fixes / Enhancements
1.0.5Enhancements related to Latest snapshot, Activity Log and DebugHandler Changes.
1.0.1Notification Alert support in case of ODataClient Error Exception.