The HPE Alletra 5000/6000 Series represents a line of enterprise-grade storage solutions offered by Hewlett Packard Enterprise (HPE). These storage systems are designed to cater to the demands of modern data-intensive workloads and applications in various industries. For business-critical workloads, HPE Alletra 6000 delivers fast, consistent performance and industry leading data efficiency.
- Alletra 6000 is developed from the foundation of HPE Nimble Storage architecture, proven to deliver speed, efficiency, and resiliency with cloud agility.
- It delivers up to 3X faster performance than previous HPE Nimble Storage All Flash Arrays.
- OpsRamp Classic Gateway(Linux) 14.0.0 and above.
- OpsRamp NextGen Gateway 14.0.0 and above.
- Customer need to provide End Device API and SSH user credentials with minimum operator level to fetch data from end device.
Note: OpsRamp recommends using the latest Gateway version for full coverage of recent bug fixes, enhancements, etc..
Hierarchy of HPE Alletra 5000/6000 Series
The following Hierarchy is for 6000, however, this applies equally for 5000 as well.
• HPE Alletra Group
• HPE Alletra Pool
• HPE Alletra Volume
• HPE Alletra Array
• HPE Alletra Shelf
• HPE Alletra Disk
• HPE Alletra Controller
• HPE Alletra FC Port
• HPE Alletra FC Interface
• HPE Alletra Network Interface
• HPE Alletra Fan
• HPE Alletra Temperature Sensor
• HPE Alletra Power Supply
• HPE Alletra NVMe Port
Supported Target Versions
- Alletra 6070 (extended model: 6070-2MQPQY-23T)
- Alletra 5050 (extended model: 5050-4P2X-42T-4320F)
Supported Metrics
Click here to view the supported metrics
Native Type | Metric Name | Display Name | Units | Application Version | Is Default Metric | Description |
HPE Alletra Group | hpe_alletra_Group_FreeSpace | HPE Alletra Group Free Space | GB | 2.0.0 | Yes | Free space of the group |
hpe_alletra_Group_CompressedVolumeUsage | HPE Alletra Group Compressed Volume Usage | MB | 1.0.0 | Yes | Compressed usage of volumes in the group. | |
hpe_alletra_Group_CompressedSnapUsage | HPE Alletra Group Compressed Snap Usage | MB | 1.0.0 | Yes | Compressed usage of snapshots in the group. | |
hpe_alletra_Group_UncompressedVolumeUsage | HPE Alletra Group Uncompressed Volume Usage | MB | 1.0.0 | Yes | Uncompressed usage of volumes in the group. | |
hpe_alletra_Group_UncompressedSnapUsage | HPE Alletra Group Uncompressed Snap Usage | MB | 1.0.0 | Yes | Uncompressed usage of snapshots in the group. | |
hpe_alletra_Group_UsableCapacity | HPE Alletra Group Usable Capacity | GB | 1.0.0 | Yes | Usable capacity bytes of the group. | |
hpe_alletra_Group_Usage | HPE Alletra Group Usage | MB | 1.0.0 | Yes | Compressed usage of volumes in the group. | |
hpe_alletra_Group_RawCapacity | HPE Alletra Group Raw Capacity | GB | 1.0.0 | Yes | Total capacity of the group. | |
hpe_alletra_Group_UsableCacheCapacity | HPE Alletra Group Usable Cache Capacity | KB | 1.0.0 | Yes | Usable cache capacity of the group. | |
hpe_alletra_Group_RawCacheCapacity | HPE Alletra Group Raw Cache Capacity | KB | 1.0.0 | Yes | Total cache capacity of the group. | |
hpe_alletra_Group_SnapUsagePopulated | HPE Alletra Group Snap Usage Populated | GB | 1.0.0 | Yes | Total snapshot usage as if each snapshot is deep copy of the volume. | |
hpe_alletra_Group_PendingDeletes | HPE Alletra Group Pending Deletes | Bytes | 1.0.0 | Yes | Usage for blocks that are not yet deleted. | |
hpe_alletra_Group_NumConnections | HPE Alletra Group Number Of Connections | count | 1.0.0 | Yes | Number of connections to the group. | |
hpe_alletra_Group_VolumeCompressionRatio | HPE Alletra Group Volume Compression Ratio | 1.0.0 | Yes | Compression ratio of volumes in the group. | ||
hpe_alletra_Group_SnapCompressionRatio | HPE Alletra Group Snap Compression Ratio | 1.0.0 | Yes | Compression ratio of snapshots in the group. | ||
hpe_alletra_Group_CompressionRatio | HPE Alletra Group Compression Ratio | 1.0.0 | Yes | Compression savings for the group expressed as ratio. | ||
hpe_alletra_Group_DedupeRatio | HPE Alletra Group Dedupe Ratio | 1.0.0 | Yes | Dedupe savings for the group expressed as ratio | ||
hpe_alletra_Group_CloneRatio | HPE Alletra Group Clone Ratio | 1.0.0 | Yes | Clone savings for the group expressed as ratio. | ||
hpe_alletra_Group_VolumeThinProvisioningRatio | HPE Alletra Group Volume Thin Provisioning Ratio | 1.0.0 | Yes | Thin pro visioning savings for volumes in the group expressed as ratio. | ||
hpe_alletra_Group_SavingsRatio | HPE Alletra Group Savings Ratio | 1.0.0 | Yes | Overall savings in the group expressed as ratio. | ||
hpe_alletra_Group_DataReductionRatio | HPE Alletra Group Data Reduction Ratio | 1.0.0 | Yes | Space savings in the group that does not include thin-provisioning savings expressed as ratio. | ||
hpe_alletra_Group_SavingsDedupe | HPE Alletra Group Savings Dedupe | MB | 1.0.0 | Yes | Space usage savings in the group due to deduplication. | |
hpe_alletra_Group_SavingsCompression | HPE Alletra Group Savings Compression | MB | 1.0.0 | Yes | Space usage savings in the group due to compression. | |
hpe_alletra_Group_SavingsClone | HPE Alletra Group Savings Clone | MB | 1.0.0 | Yes | Space usage savings in the group due to cloning of volumes | |
hpe_alletra_Group_SavingsVolThinProvisioning | HPE Alletra Group Savings Vol Thin Provisioning | GB | 1.0.0 | Yes | Space usage savings in the group due to thin provisioning of volumes. | |
hpe_alletra_Group_SavingsDataReduction | HPE Alletra Group Savings Data Reduction | MB | 1.0.0 | Yes | Space usage savings in the group that does not include thin-provisioning savings. | |
hpe_alletra_Group_Savings | HPE Alletra Group Savings | GB | 1.0.0 | Yes | Overall space usage savings in the group. | |
hpe_alletra_Group_UnusedReserveBytes | HPE Alletra Group Unused Reserve Bytes | Bytes | 1.0.0 | Yes | Reserved space that is not utilized. | |
hpe_alletra_Group_UsageValid | HPE Alletra Group Usage Valid | 1.0.0 | Yes | Indicates whether the usage of group is valid. Possible values: TRUE : 1, FALSE : 0 | ||
hpe_alletra_Group_SpaceInfoValid | HPE Alletra Group Space Info Valid | MB | 1.0.0 | Yes | Is space info for this group valid. Possible values: TRUE : 1, FALSE : 0 | |
hpe_alletra_Group_UpdateState | HPE Alletra Group Update State | 1.0.0 | Yes | Group update state. Possible values: INVALID : 0, NORMAL : 1, UPDATING : 2, TIMED_OUT : 3, FAILED : 4, PAUSED : 5 | ||
hpe_alletra_Group_SnapsCount | HPE Alletra Group Snaps Count | count | 1.0.0 | Yes | Number of snapshots in the group. | |
hpe_alletra_Group_SnapCollectionsCount | HPE Alletra Group Snap Collections Count | count | 1.0.0 | Yes | Number of snapshot collections in this group. | |
hpe_alletra_resource_APIStats | HPE Alletra Resource API Statistics | 1.0.0 | No | Provides the number of API calls made within the frequency and resources. | ||
hpe_alletra_event_Statistics | HPE Alletra Event Statistics | 1.0.0 | Yes | Provides HPE Alletra Event Statistics | ||
HPE Alletra Pool | hpe_alletra_pool_CacheCapacity | HPE Alletra Pool Cache Capacity | KB | 1.0.0 | Yes | Total usable cache capacity of the pool in bytes. |
hpe_alletra_pool_Capacity | HPE Alletra Pool Capacity | GB | 1.0.0 | Yes | Total storage space of the pool in bytes. | |
hpe_alletra_pool_CloneRatio | HPE Alletra Pool Clone Ratio | 1.0.0 | Yes | Clone savings for the pool expressed as ratio. | ||
hpe_alletra_pool_CompressionRatio | HPE Alletra Pool Compression Ratio | 1.0.0 | Yes | Compression savings for the pool expressed as ratio. | ||
hpe_alletra_pool_DataReductionRatio | HPE Alletra Pool Data Reduction Ratio | 1.0.0 | Yes | Space usage savings in the pool expressed as ratio that does not include thin-provisioning savings. | ||
hpe_alletra_pool_DedupeCapable | HPE Alletra Pool Dedupe Capable | 1.0.0 | Yes | Indicates whether the pool is capable of hosting deduped volumes. Possible values: TRUE : 1, FALSE : 0 | ||
hpe_alletra_pool_DedupeCapacity | HPE Alletra Pool Dedupe Capacity | Bytes | 1.0.0 | Yes | The dedupe capacity of a hybrid pool. Does not apply to all-flash pools. | |
hpe_alletra_pool_DedupeRatio | HPE Alletra Pool Dedupe Ratio | 1.0.0 | Yes | Dedupe savings for the pool expressed as ratio. | ||
hpe_alletra_pool_DedupeUsageBytes | HPE Alletra Pool Dedupe Usage Bytes | Bytes | 1.0.0 | Yes | The dedupe usage of a hybrid pool. Does not apply to all-flash pools. | |
hpe_alletra_pool_FreeSpace | HPE Alletra Pool Free Space | GB | 1.0.0 | Yes | Free space of the pool in bytes. | |
hpe_alletra_pool_PinnableCacheCapacity | HPE Alletra Pool Pinnable Cache Capacity | Bytes | 1.0.0 | Yes | Total pinnable cache capacity of the pool in bytes. | |
hpe_alletra_pool_PinnedCacheCapacity | HPE Alletra Pinned Cache Capacity | Bytes | 1.0.0 | Yes | Total pinned cache capacity of the pool in bytes. | |
hpe_alletra_pool_Savings | HPE Alletra Pool Savings | GB | 1.0.0 | Yes | Overall space usage savings in the pool. | |
hpe_alletra_pool_SavingsClone | HPE Alletra Pool Savings Clone | KB | 1.0.0 | Yes | Space usage savings in the pool due to cloning of volumes. usage of volumes in the group. | |
hpe_alletra_pool_SavingsCompression | HPE Alletra Pool Savings Compression | MB | 1.0.0 | Yes | Space usage savings in the pool due to compression. | |
hpe_alletra_pool_SavingsDataReduction | HPE Alletra Pool Savings Data Reduction | MB | 1.0.0 | Yes | Space usage savings in the pool that does not include thin-provisioning savings. | |
hpe_alletra_pool_SavingsDedupe | HPE Alletra Pool Savings Dedupe | MB | 1.0.0 | Yes | Space usage savings in the pool due to deduplication. | |
hpe_alletra_pool_SavingsRatio | HPE Alletra Pool Savings Ratio | 1.0.0 | Yes | Overall space usage savings in the pool expressed as ratio. | ||
hpe_alletra_pool_SavingsVolThinProvisioning | HPE Alletra Pool Savings Volume Thin Provisioning | GB | 1.0.0 | Yes | Space usage savings in the pool due to thin provisioning of volumes. | |
hpe_alletra_pool_SnapCount | HPE Alletra Pool Snap Count | count | 1.0.0 | Yes | Snapshot count. | |
hpe_alletra_pool_SnapCollectionCount | HPE Alletra Pool Snap Collection Count | count | 1.0.0 | Yes | Snapshot collection count. | |
hpe_alletra_pool_UnusedReserve | HPE Alletra Pool Unused Reserve | KB | 1.0.0 | Yes | Unused reserve space of the pool in bytes. | |
hpe_alletra_pool_Usage | HPE Alletra Pool Usage | MB | 1.0.0 | Yes | Used space of the pool in bytes | |
hpe_alletra_pool_UsageValid | HPE Alletra Pool Usage Valid | 1.0.0 | Yes | Indicates whether the usage of pool is valid. Possible values: TRUE : 1, FALSE : 0 | ||
hpe_alletra_pool_VolThinProvisioningRatio | HPE Alletra Pool Volume Thin Provisioning Ratio | 1.0.0 | Yes | Thin provisioning savings for volumes in the pool expressed as ratio. | ||
hpe_alletra_pool_Utilization | HPE Alletra Pool Utilization | % | 1.0.0 | Yes | Pool Utilization in percentage | |
HPE Alletra Array | hpe_alletra_array_Status | HPE Alletra Array Status | 1.0.0 | Yes | Reachability status of the array in the group. Reachability status of the array in the group, possible values - UNREACHABLE : 0 REACHABLE : 1 | |
hpe_alletra_array_Usage | HPE Alletra Array Usage | MB | 1.0.0 | Yes | Used space of the array in bytes. | |
hpe_alletra_array_PendingDeleteBytes | HPE Alletra Array Pending Delete Bytes | Bytes | 1.0.0 | Yes | The pending delete bytes in array. | |
hpe_alletra_array_UsableCacheCapacity | HPE Alletra Array Usable Cache Capacity | KB | 1.0.0 | Yes | The usable cache capacity bytes of array. | |
hpe_alletra_array_UsableCapacity | HPE Alletra Array Usable Capacity | GB | 1.0.0 | Yes | The usable capacity bytes of array. | |
hpe_alletra_array_VolumeCompression | HPE Alletra Array Volume Compression | 1.0.0 | Yes | The compression rate of volumes in array expressed as ratio. | ||
hpe_alletra_array_VolumeSavedBytes | HPE Alletra Array Volume Saved Bytes | MB | 1.0.0 | Yes | The saved space of volumes in array. | |
hpe_alletra_array_VolumeUsageBytes | HPE Alletra Array Volume Usage Bytes | MB | 1.0.0 | Yes | The compressed usage of volumes in array | |
hpe_alletra_array_VolumeUsageUncompressedBytes | HPE Alletra Array Volume Usage Uncompressed Bytes | MB | 1.0.0 | Yes | The uncompressed usage of volumes in array | |
hpe_alletra_array_SnapCompression | HPE Alletra Array Snap Compression | 1.0.0 | Yes | The compression rate of snapshots in array expressed as ratio. | ||
hpe_alletra_array_SnapSavedBytes | HPE Alletra Array Snap Saved Bytes | MB | 1.0.0 | Yes | The saved space of snapshots in array. | |
hpe_alletra_array_SnapSpaceReduction | HPE Alletra Array Snap Space Reduction | 1.0.0 | Yes | The space reduction rate of snapshots in array expressed as ratio. | ||
hpe_alletra_array_SnapUsage | HPE Alletra Array Snap Usage | MB | 1.0.0 | Yes | The compressed usage of snapshots in array. | |
hpe_alletra_array_SnapUsageUncompressedBytes | HPE Alletra Array Snap Usage Uncompressed Bytes | MB | 1.0.0 | Yes | The uncompressed usage of snapshots in array. | |
hpe_alletra_array_DedupeCapacity | HPE Alletra Array Dedupe Capacity | Bytes | 1.0.0 | Yes | The dedupe capacity of a hybrid array. Does not apply to all-flash arrays. | |
hpe_alletra_array_DedupeUsage | HPE Alletra Array Dedupe Usage | Bytes | 1.0.0 | Yes | The dedupe usage of a hybrid array. Does not apply to all-flash arrays. | |
HPE Alletra Shelf | hpe_alletra_shelf_PSUOverallStatus | HPE Alletra Shelf PSU Overall Status | 3.0.0 | Yes | The overall status for the PSUs. Shelf sensor state. Possible values: 'OK: 1', 'Alerted: 2', 'Failed: 0', 'Missing: 3'. | |
hpe_alletra_shelf_FanOverallStatus | HPE Alletra Shelf Fan Overall Status | 3.0.0 | Yes | The overall status for the fans on both controllers. Shelf sensor state. Possible values: 'OK:1', 'Alerted:2', 'Failed:0', 'Missing:3'. | ||
hpe_alletra_shelf_TemperatureOverallStatus | HPE Alletra Shelf Temperature Overall Status | 3.0.0 | Yes | The overall status for the temperature on both controllers. Shelf sensor state. Possible values: 'OK: (1)', 'Alerted', 'Failed', 'Missing'. | ||
HPE Alletra Disk | hpe_alletra_disk_State | HPE Alletra Disk State | 1.0.0 | Yes | Disk state. Possible values - VALID : 0 , IN USE : 1, FAILED : 2, ABSENT : 3, REMOVED : 4, VOID :5, T_FAIL :6, FOREIGN : 7 | |
hpe_alletra_disk_Size | HPE Alletra Disk Size | GB | 1.0.0 | Yes | Disk size. | |
hpe_alletra_disk_RaidState | HPE Alletra Disk RAID State | 1.0.0 | Yes | Disk RAID state. Possible values - N/A : 0 , RESYNCHRONIZING : 1, SPARE : 2, FAULTY : 3 , OKAY : 4 | ||
hpe_alletra_disk_reads | HPE Alletra Disk Reads | count | 1.0.0 | Yes | Disk reads. | |
hpe_alletra_disk_rdBytes | HPE Alletra Disk Read Bytes | GB | 1.0.0 | Yes | Disk read in Bytes | |
hpe_alletra_disk_rdAvgMSec | HPE Alletra Disk Read Avg Msec | MBps | 1.0.0 | Yes | Disk read avg Msec. | |
hpe_alletra_disk_writes | HPE Alletra Disk Writes | count | 1.0.0 | Yes | Disk writes | |
hpe_alletra_disk_wrBytes | HPE Alletra Disk Write Bytes | GB | 1.0.0 | Yes | Disk write in Bytes | |
hpe_alletra_disk_wrAvgMsec | HPE Alletra Disk Write Avg Msec | MBps | 1.0.0 | Yes | Disk write Avg Msec. | |
HPE Alletra Controller | hpe_alletra_controller_State | HPE Alletra Controller State | 1.0.0 | Yes | Controller state. Possible values are - STANDBY : 0, ACTIVE : 1 | |
hpe_alletra_contoller_powerStatus | HPE Alletra Controller Power Status | 1.0.0 | Yes | Controller overall power supply status. Possible vlues are - PS_OKAY : 0 , PS_UNKNOWN : 1, PS_ALERTED: 2 , PS_FAILED: 3 | ||
hpe_alletra_contoller_fanStatus | HPE Alletra Controller Fan Status | 1.0.0 | Yes | Controller overall fan status. Possible values are - FAN_OKAY : 0 , FAN_UNKNOWN : 1, FAN_ALERTED: 2 , FAN_FAILED: 3 | ||
hpe_alletra_contoller_TempStatus | HPE Alletra Controller Temperature Status | 1.0.0 | Yes | Controller overall temperature status. Possible values are - TEMPERATURE_OKAY : 0 , TEMPERATURE_UNKNOWN : 1, TEMPERATURE_ALERTED: 2 , TEMPERATURE_FAILED: 3 | ||
HPE Alletra FC Port | hpe_alletra_fcport_rxBytes | HPE Alletra FC Port Receive Bytes | GB | 1.0.0 | Yes | Alletra fibre channel port receive bytes |
hpe_alletra_fcport_txBytes | HPE Alletra FC Port Transfer Bytes | GB | 1.0.0 | Yes | Alletra fibre channel port transfer bytes | |
hpe_alletra_fcport_CRCErrors | HPE Alletra FC Port CRC Errors | count | 1.0.0 | Yes | Alletra fibre channel port CRC errors | |
HPE Alletra FC Interface | hpe_alletra_fcInterface_OnlineState | HPE Alletra FCInterface Online State | 1.0.0 | Yes | Identify whether the Fibre Channel interface is online. Possible values - TRUE : 1, FALSE : 0 | |
HPE Alletra Network Interface | hpe_alletra_networkinterface_Status | HPE Alletra Network Interface Status | 1.0.0 | Yes | Status of the link. Possible values - LINK_STATUS_UNKNOWN : 1, LINK_STATUS_DOWN ; 0, LINK_STATUS_UP :2 | |
hpe_alletra_networkinterface_rxBytes | HPE Alletra Network Interface RxBytes | MB | 1.0.0 | Yes | Alletra network interface receive bytes | |
hpe_alletra_networkinterface_rxPackets | HPE Alletra Network Interface RxPackets | count | 1.0.0 | Yes | Alletra network interface receive packets | |
hpe_alletra_networkinterface_rxErrors | HPE Alletra Network Interface RxErrors | count | 1.0.0 | Yes | Alletra network interface receive errors | |
hpe_alletra_networkinterface_txBytes | HPE Alletra Network Interface TxBytes | MB | 1.0.0 | Yes | Alletra network interface transfer bytes | |
hpe_alletra_networkinterface_txPackets | HPE Alletra Network Interface TxPackets | count | 1.0.0 | Yes | Alletra network interface transfer packets | |
hpe_alletra_networkinterface_txErrors | HPE Alletra Network Interface TxErrors | count | 1.0.0 | Yes | Alletra network interface transfer errors | |
HPE Alletra Fan | hpe_alletra_fan_Rpm | HPE Alletra Fan Rpm | rpm | 1.0.0 | Yes | Individual rpm of the Controller Fan |
hpe_alletra_fan_Status | HPE Alletra Fan Status | 1.0.0 | Yes | Individual controller fan status. Possible values are : OK : 0 , ALERTED : 1, FAILING : 2 , MISSING : 3 | ||
HPE Alletra Temperature Sensor | hpe_alletra_tempsensor_TemperatureReading | HPE Alletra TempSensor Reading | Celsius | 1.0.0 | Yes | Controller Temperature sensor reading in Celsius |
hpe_alletra_tempsensor_Status | HPE Alletra TempSensor Status | 1.0.0 | Yes | Controller Temperature sensor status. Possible values are - OK : 0, ALERTED : 1, FAILING: 2 , MISSING: 3 | ||
HPE Alletra Power Supply | hpe_alletra_powersupply_Status | HPE Alletra PowerSupply Status | 1.0.0 | Yes | Controller individual power supply status. Possible values are - OK : 0, ALERTED : 1, FAILING: 2 , MISSING: 3 | |
HPE Alletra NVMe Port | hpe_alletra_NvmePort_Status | HPE Alletra NVMePort Status | 1.0.0 | Yes | Controller NVMe Port status. Possible values are - DISCONNECTED : 0, CONNECTED : 1, OTHER : 2 | |
HPE Alletra Volume | hpe_alletra_volumeState | HPE Alletra Volume State | 1.0.0 | Yes | Volume status. Possible values are - ONLINE : 0, OFFLINE : 1, NON_WRITABLE : 2, READ_ONLY : 3, LOGIN_ONLY : 4 | |
hpe_alletra_volume_IOPS | HPE Alletra Volume Combined IOPS | IOPS | 1.0.0 | Yes | Avg statistics Combined IOPS for volume | |
hpe_alletra_volume_Latency | HPE Alletra Volume Combined Latency | ms | 1.0.0 | Yes | Avg statistics Combined Latency for volume | |
hpe_alletra_volume_Throughput | HPE Alletra Volume Combined Throughput | MBps | 1.0.0 | Yes | Avg statistics Combined Throughput for volume | |
hpe_alletra_volume_ReadIops | HPE Alletra Volume Read IOPS | IOPS | 1.0.0 | Yes | Avg statistics Read IOPs for volume | |
hpe_alletra_volume_WriteIops | HPE Alletra Volume Write IOPS | IOPS | 1.0.0 | Yes | Avg statistics Write IOPS for volume | |
hpe_alletra_volume_ReadLatency | HPE Alletra Volume Read Latency | ms | 1.0.0 | Yes | Avg statistics Read latency for volume | |
hpe_alletra_volume_WriteLatency | HPE Alletra Volume Write Latency | ms | 1.0.0 | Yes | Avg statistics Write latency for volume | |
hpe_alletra_volume_ReadThroughput | HPE Alletra Volume Read Throughput | MBps | 1.0.0 | Yes | Avg statistics volume read throughput | |
hpe_alletra_volume_WriteThroughput | HPE Alletra Volume Write Throughput | MBps | 1.0.0 | Yes | Avg statistics volume write throughput | |
hpe_alletra_volume_TotalUsage | HPE Alletra Volume Total Usage | KB | 1.0.0 | Yes | Sum of compressed data and compressed backup data in bytes of this volume | |
hpe_alletra_volume_CompressedBytesUsage | HPE Alletra Volume Compressed Bytes Usage | KB | 1.0.0 | Yes | Compressed data in bytes for this volume | |
hpe_alletra_volume_UncompressedBytesUsage | HPE Alletra Volume Uncompressed Bytes Usage | KB | 1.0.0 | Yes | Uncompressed data in bytes for this volume. | |
hpe_alletra_volume_SnapCompressedBytesUsage | HPE Alletra Volume Snap Compressed Bytes Usage | KB | 1.0.0 | Yes | Sum of compressed backup data in bytes stored in snapshots of this volume | |
hpe_alletra_volume_SnapUncompressedBytesUsage | HPE Alletra Volume Snap Uncompressed Bytes Usage | KB | 1.0.0 | Yes | Sum of uncompressed unique backup data in bytes stored in snapshots of this volume. | |
hpe_alletra_volume_Utilization | HPE Alletra Volume Utilization | % | 1.0.0 | Yes | Volume Utilization |
Default Monitoring Configurations
HPE Alletra 6000 has default Global Device Management Policies, Global Templates, Global Monitors and Global Metrics in OpsRamp. You can customize these default monitoring configurations as per your business requirement by cloning respective Global Templates and Global Device Management Policies. It is recommended to clone them before installing the application to avoid noise alerts and data.
Default Global Device Management Policies
You can find the Device Management Policy for each Native Type at Setup > Resources > Device Management Policies. Search with suggested names in global scope:
{appName nativeType - version}
Ex: hpe-alletra-6000 HPE Alletra Group - 1(i.e, appName = hpe-alletra-6000, nativeType = HPE Alletra Group, version = 1)
Default Global Templates
You can find the Global Templates for each Native Type at Setup > Monitoring > Templates. Search with suggested names in global scope. Each template adheres to the following naming convention:
{appName nativeType 'Template' - version}
Ex: hpe-alletra-6000 HPE Alletra Group Template - 1(i.e, appName = hpe-alletra-6000, nativeType = HPE Alletra Group, version = 1)
Default Global Monitors
You can find the Global Monitors for each Native Type at Setup > Monitoring > Monitors. Search with suggested names in global scope. Each Monitors adheres to the following naming convention:
{monitorKey appName nativeType - version}
Ex: HPE Alletra Group Monitor hpe-alletra-6000 HPE Alletra Group 1 (i.e, monitorKey =HPE Alletra Group Monitor, appName = hpe-alletra-6000, nativeType = HPE Alletra Group, version = 1)
Configure and Install the HPE Alletra 6000 Integration
- From All Clients, select a client.
- Go to Setup > Account.
- Select the Integrations and Apps tab.
- The Installed Integrations page, where all the installed applications are displayed. If there are no installed applications, it will navigate to the Available Integrations and Apps page.
- Click + ADD on the Installed Integrations page. The Available Integrations and Apps page displays all the available applications along with the newly created application with the version.
Note: Search for the application using the search option available. Alternatively, use the All Categories option to search. - Click ADD on the HPE Alletra 5000/6000 Series tile.
- From the Configurations page, click + ADD. The Add Configuration page appears.
- Enter the below mentioned BASIC INFORMATION:
Functionality | Description |
Name | Enter the name for the configuration. |
IP Address/ Host Name | IP address/host name of the HPE Alletra. |
API Credentials | Provide the API Credentials details. |
API Port | API Port details. |
SSH Port | SSH Port |
SSH Credentials | Select the Credential from the drop-down list. Notes:
- By default the Is Secure checkbox is selected.
- IP Address/Host Name and Port Should be accessible from Gateway.
- Select the following:
- App Failure Notifications: if turned on, you will be notified in case of an application failure that is, Connectivity Exception, Authentication Exception.
- Event/Alert Polling: enables integrating third party alerts into OpsRamp using further configurations.
- Below are the default values set for:
- Alert Severity Filter: Possible values of Alert Severity Filter configuration property are “[WARNING”,“CRITICAL]”.
- Alert Cleared Status: “[ACKNOWLEDGED]”
- Alert Severity Mapping: Possible values of Alert Severity Mapping Filter configuration property is {“WARNING”:“Warning”,“CRITICAL”:“Critical”}.
- Select the below mentioned Custom Attribute:
Functionality | Description |
Custom Attribute | Select the custom attribute from the drop down list box. |
Value | Select the value from the drop down list box. |
Note: The custom attribute that you add here will be assigned to all the resources that are created by the integration. You can add a maximum of five custom attributes (key and value pair).
In the RESOURCE TYPE section, select:
- ALL: All the existing and future resources will be discovered.
- SELECT: You can select one or multiple resources to be discovered.
In the DISCOVERY SCHEDULE section, select Recurrence Pattern to add one of the following patterns:
- Minutes
- Hourly
- Daily
- Weekly
- Monthly
Click ADD.

Now the configuration is saved and displayed on the configurations page after you save it.
Note: From the same page, you may Edit and Remove the created configuration.
- Click NEXT
- Below are the optional steps you can perform on the Installation page.
Under the ADVANCED SETTINGS, Select the Bypass Resource Reconciliation option, if you wish to bypass resource reconciliation when encountering the same resources discovered by multiple applications.
Note: If two different applications provide identical discovery attributes, two separate resources will be generated with those respective attributes from the individual discoveries.
Click +ADD to create a new collector by providing a name or use the pre-populated name.
Select an existing registered profile.
The integration is installed and displayed on the INSTALLED INTEGRATION page. Use the search field to find the installed integration.
Modify the Configuration
See Modify an Installed Integration or Application article.
Note: Select the HPE Alletra 6000 application.
View the HPE Alletra Details
To discover resources for HPE Alletra 6000.
- Navigate to Infrastructure > Search > STORAGE > HPE Alletra 6000.
- The HPE ALLETRA 6000 page is displayed, select the application name.
- The RESOURCE DETAILS page appears from the right.
- Click the ellipsis (…) on the top right and select View details.
- Navigate to the Attributes tab to view the discovery details.

- Click the Metrics tab to view the metric details for HPE Alletra 6000.

Resource Filter Input Keys
Dell Power Store application Resources are filtered and discovered based on few resource attributes.
Click here to view the Supported Input Keys
Resource Type | Supported Input Keys |
All Types | resourceName |
hostName | |
aliasName | |
dnsName | |
ipAddress | |
macAddress | |
os | |
make | |
model | |
serialNumber | |
HPE Alletra Group | |
Current Version | |
Group Target Name | |
Leader Array Name | |
Leader Array Serial | |
Rollback Version | |
HPE Alletra Pool | |
Description | |
Is Default | |
Last modified | |
HPE Alletra Volume | |
App Category | |
Pool Name | |
Replication Role | |
HPE Alletra Array | |
Brand | |
All Flash | |
Extended Model | |
Model Subtype | |
Pool Name | |
Version | |
HPE Alletra Shelf | |
model_ext | |
Chassis Type | |
HPE Alletra Disk | |
Array Name | |
Firmware Version | |
Shelf Id | |
Shelf Location | |
Shelf Location Id | |
Type | |
Shelf Serial | |
HPE Alletra Controller | |
Array Name | |
Ctrlr Side | |
Support Nic | |
HPE Alletra FC Port | |
Array Name/Serial | |
Bus Location | |
Controller Name | |
HPE Alletra FC Interface | |
Array Name/Serial | |
FC Port ID | |
FC Port Name | |
Firmware Version | |
Logical Port Number | |
Port | |
WWNN | |
WWPN | |
HPE Alletra Network Interface | |
Array ID | |
Array Name/Serial | |
Controller Name | |
Is Present | |
Max Link Speed | |
MTU | |
NIC Type | |
Port | |
HPE Alletra Fan | |
CID | |
Location | |
HPE Alletra Temperature Sensor | |
CID | |
Location | |
HPE Alletra Power Supply | |
CID | |
Location | |
HPE Alletra NVMe Port | |
Port Type |
Supported Alert Custom Macros
Customize the alert subject and description with below macros then it will generate alert based on customisation. Supported macros keys:
Click here to view the alert subject and description with macros
${Custom attributes on the resource}
Risks, Limitations & Assumptions
- The integration can manage critical/recovery failure alerts for the following two scenarios when the user activates App Failure Notifications in the settings:
- Connectivity Exception
- Authentication Exception
- Integration will send any duplicate/repeat failure alert notification for every 6 hours.
- Integration can not control monitoring pause/resume actions based on above alerts. Metrics can be used to monitor resources and can generate alerts based on the threshold values.
- OpsRamp has provided 5392 as default API Port value for processing Alletra 6000 Rest APIs and 22 as default SSH Port to connect to Alletra command line through SSH. Users can modify these values from application configuration page at any point of time if requires.
- Event/Alert polling will be started only if the user enables Event/Alert Polling in configuration. Possible values of Alert Severity Filter configuration are “WARNING”,"CRITICAL". Based on these values alerts will be filtered and user can customize this at any point of time.
- OpsRamp has given default mappings to map Alletra Severity with OpsRamp Severities as part of Alert Severity Mapping configuration. User can modify them as per their use-case at any point of time from application configuration page. Possible OpsRamp Severities are Critical, Warning, Ok, Info. Provided below default severity mapping in configuration:
- {“WARNING”:“Warning”,“CRITICAL”:“Critical”}
- User can also mention possible alert cleared status. we are considering “ACKNOWLEDGED” status as default.
- Component level thresholds can be configured on each resource level.
- No support of showing activity logs.
- The Template Applied Time will only be displayed if the collector profile (Classic and NextGen Gateway) is version 18.1.0 or higher.
- This application supports both Classic Gateway and NextGen Gateway.
- Support for Macro replacement for threshold breach alerts (i.e, customisation for threshold breach alert’s subject, description).
- Latest snapshot metric is available from Gateway version 14.0.0.
Before troubleshooting, ensure all prerequisites prerequisites are met.
If HPE Alletra 6000 integrations fail to discover or monitor, troubleshoot using the following steps:
- Check if there are any alerts generated on the HPE Alletra Group or gateway, or if there are any error logs in vprobe.
- To rule out API/SSH specific failures like end device connectivity or authentication, try to check the reachability of end device from gateway using the below commands:
- Try to ping the IP address provided in the configuration from the gateway
ping <IP Address>
- Try telnet using
telnet <IP Address><port>
- Try SSH to the end device from the gateway
ssh <username>@<IP Address>
- If you still need assistance, reach out to the support team to check the API accessibility using the API commands used internally on the app side.
- Try to ping the IP address provided in the configuration from the gateway
- If there are no connectivity or authentication issues, reach out to the support team for further assistance.
Version History
Application Version | Bug fixes / Enhancements |
3.0.3 |
3.0.2 | API retry logic fix in case of connectivity related exceptions |
3.0.1 | The default metric alert state value is changed to OK from Unknown in latest metric snapshot |
3.0.0 | HPE Alletra Shelf discovery and monitoring |
Click here to view the earlier version updates
Application Version | Bug fixes / Enhancements |
2.0.0 | Added support for the metric "hpe_alletra_Group_FreeSpace" for the resource "HPE Alletra Group". |
1.0.0 | Initial version with discovery, monitoring, alerts. |