
The Hitachi Operations Center Analyzer detail view (Analyzer detail view) database is a high speed, size-optimized NoSQL database with extremely effective storage and retrieval capabilities. It has the capacity to store time series data with a fine precision for an extended duration, including minute-level data. An expressive, potent, and succinct query language can be used to query this data (MQL). MQL differs from the widely used Structured Query Language because of its distinctive design (SQL).

The Analyzer detail view REST API allows you to build an application around the Analyzer detail view database.

The following diagram shows the architecture of the analyzer detail view REST API server.


  • OpsRamp Classic Gateway (Linux) 14.0.0 and above.
  • OpsRamp NextGen Gateway 14.0.0 and above.
  • Note: OpsRamp recommends using the latest Gateway version for full coverage of recent bug fixes, enhancements, etc.

Resource Hierarchy

  • Hitachi VSP Storage Array
    • Hitachi VSP Parity Group
    • Hitachi VSP Pool
    • Hitachi VSP LDEV
    • Hitachi VSP Cache
    • Hitachi VSP MPB
    • Hitachi VSP Port
    • Hitachi VSP Tier LDEV
    • Hitachi VSP MP
    • Hitachi VSP MPB CLPR

Supported Metrics

Click here to view the supported metrics
Native TypeMetric NamesUnitApplication VersionDefault MetricDescription
Hitachi VSP Storage Arrayhitachivsp_cha_Avg_Transfer_RateMBps4.0.0Yesvsp cha avg transfer rate
hitachivsp_dynamic_provision_Provisioning_Efficiency_Rate%4.0.0Yesvsp dynamic provision provisioning efficiency rate
hitachivsp_raidStorage_writePendingMB1.0.0NoOf the cache memory, the cache memory size used by write pending data.
hitachivsp_raidStorage_cacheUsageMB1.0.0NoOf the cache memory in the storage system, the amount that is being used.
hitachivsp_raidStorage_sideFileUsageMB1.0.0NoOf the cache memory, the cache memory size used by the side file.
hitachivsp_raidStorage_chaCachePathUsageRate%1.0.0YesAverage (%) of the access path usage rate in the device between the channel adapter and cache switch.
hitachivsp_raidStorage_dkaCachePathUsageRate%1.0.0YesAverage (%) of the access path usage rate in the device between the disk adapter and cache switch.
hitachivsp_raidStorage_transferRateKB/sec1.0.0YesTransfer speed
hitachivsp_raidStorage_readTransRateKB/sec1.0.0NoRead transfer speed
hitachivsp_raidStorage_writeTransRateKB/sec1.0.0NoWrite transfer speed
hitachivsp_raidStorage_totalIOPSOperations/sec1.0.0YesFrequency of operations (number of times per second).
hitachivsp_raidStorage_readIOPSOperations/sec1.0.0NoFrequency of read operations (number of times per second).
hitachivsp_raidStorage_writeIOPSOperations/sec1.0.0NoFrequency of write operations (number of times per second).
hitachivsp_raidStorage_readHit%1.0.0NoCache hit rate of read operations.
Hitachi VSP Porthitachivsp_port_Read_IO_Rate4.0.0Yesvsp port read io rate
hitachivsp_port_Read_Response_Rate4.0.0Yesvsp port read response rate
hitachivsp_port_Read_Xfer_Rate4.0.0Yesvsp port read xfer rate
hitachivsp_port_Write_IO_Rate4.0.0Yesvsp port write io rate
hitachivsp_port_Write_Response_Rate4.0.0Yesvsp port write response rate
hitachivsp_port_Write_Xfer_Rate4.0.0Yesvsp port write xfer rate
hitachivsp_raidPort_totalIOPSOperations/sec1.0.0YesAverage frequency of read and write operations for the storage system port (number of times per second).
hitachivsp_raidPort_initiatorResponseTimems1.0.0NoAverage processing time per read/write processing request for a storage system port (Initiator port value/External port value).
hitachivsp_raidPort_initiatorTotalIOPSOperations/sec1.0.0NoAverage frequency of read and write operations for a storage system port (number of operations per second) (Initiator port value/External port value).
hitachivsp_raidPort_initiatorTransferRateKB/sec1.0.0NoAverage transfer rate of read and write operations for a storage system port (Initiator port value/External port value).
hitachivsp_raidPort_maxIOPSOperations/sec1.0.0NoMaximum frequency of read and write.
hitachivsp_raidPort_transferRateKB/sec1.0.0YesAverage read and write transfer speed for the storage system port.
hitachivsp_raidPort_maxTransferRateKB/sec1.0.0YesMaximum read and write transfer speed for the storage system port

Notes: If either of the following conditions is satisfied, the average value is used for this field when the data is stored in a record every minute or when the data is displayed as the real-time report:
  • The storage system to be monitored is an HUS100 series, or a Hitachi AMS2000/AMS/WMS/SMS series storage system.
  • The monitored storage system is a VSP Gx00 models, VSP Fx00 models, HUS VM, VSP G1000, G1500, VSP F1500, Virtual Storage Platform series, or Universal Storage Platform V/VM series storage system, and the value of Collection Interval is set to 60 or larger.
Note: no Read Response times available via SDK 2.0
ms1.0.0YesAverage processing time per read/write processing request for a storage system port.
Hitachi VSP Poolhitachivsp_virtual_volume_Pool_Free_Capacity_Rate%4.0.0Yesvsp virtual volume pool free capacity rate
hitachivsp_pool_Physical_Fmc_Capacity_Utilization%4.0.0Yesvsp pool physical fmc capacity utilization
hitachivsp_raidPool_tierRelocationProgressRate%1.0.0YesProgress of tier relocation (%).

Note: Depending on the current status of data placement among the tiers, the amount of time required for tier relocation (as predicted by the progress percentage) might not match the actual time required.
hitachivsp_raidPool_totalPoolCapacityMBMB1.0.0NoVirtual capacity of all Dynamic Provisioning VVOLs mapped to the pool. This value is not exactly the same as the device capacity information that is recognized by the host because this capacity information is managed by the storage system.
hitachivsp_raidPool_touchedCapacityInGBGB1.0.0NoAmount of pool capacity that is actually being used.

  • This value is not exactly the same as the device capacity information that is recognized by the host because this capacity information is managed by the storage system.
  • If the settings of the capacity saving function (dedupe and compression) are enabled, the amount is the amount actually used after the the size of the capacity is reduced. Note that if the pool contains a parity group whose drive type is FMC and also Accelerated Compression is enabled, the value does not include the compressed amount.
For the Dynamic Provisioning VVOLs for which pool areas are reserved, the value includes the capacity for the reserved pages.
hitachivsp_raidPool_unTouchedCapacityInGBGB1.0.0NoUnused capacity in the pool.

  • If the capacity saving function (dedupe and compression) is enabled, the amount is the amount of capacity after the capacity size is reduced.
  • If the pool contains a parity group whose drive type is FMC and also Accelerated Compression is enabled, the amount is the amount that includes the capacity of the expanded area.
  • This value is not exactly the same as the device capacity information that is recognized by the host because this capacity information is managed by the storage system.
hitachivsp_raidPool_subRate%1.0.0NoPool Subscription Rate Total Actual Capacity: Capacity of the pool.

Note: If the pool contains a parity group whose drive type is FMC and also Accelerated Compression is enabled, the value is the amount that includes the capacity of the expanded area.

Total Managed Capacity: Virtual capacity of all Dynamic Provisioning VVOLs mapped to the pool.

Note: This value is not exactly the same as the device capacity information that is recognized by the host because this capacity information is managed by the storage system.
hitachivsp_raidPool_managedCapacityInGBGB1.0.0NoVirtual capacity of all Dynamic Provisioning VVOLs mapped to the pool.

Note: This value is not exactly the same as the device capacity information that is recognized by the host because this capacity information is managed by the storage system.
hitachivsp_raidPool_physicalcapacityInGBGB1.0.0NoTotal amount of the physical capacity of the parity groups that make up the pool.
hitachivsp_raidPool_percentUsageRate%1.0.0YesUsage rate of the pool capacity.

Note: This value is not exactly the same as the device capacity information that is recognized by the host because this capacity information is managed by the storage system.

For the Dynamic Provisioning VVOLs for which pool areas are reserved, the percentage includes the capacity for the reserved pages.
hitachivsp_raidPool_percentUsedCapacity%1.0.0YesPercentage of pool Used capacity Used Capacity: Amount of pool capacity that is actually being used.

Note: This value is not exactly the same as the device capacity information that is recognized by the host because this capacity information is managed by the storage system. If the settings of the capacity saving function (dedupe and compression) are enabled, the amount is the amount actually used after the size of the capacity is reduced. Note that if the pool contains a parity group whose drive type is FMC and also Accelerated Compression is enabled, the value does not include the compressed amount.

Total Actual Capacity: Capacity of the pool.

Note: If the pool contains a parity group whose drive type is FMC and also Accelerated Compression is enabled, the value is the amount that includes the capacity of the expanded area.
hitachivsp_raidPool_transferRateKB/sec1.0.0YesTotal data transfer rate

Read Xfer Rate: Total read data transfer rate for virtual volumes mapped to the Dynamic Provisioning pool

Write xfer Rate: Total write data transfer rate for virtual volumes mapped to the Dynamic Provisioning pool

Note: Performance values do not include information about virtual volumes that are used as S-VOLs of Thin Image.
hitachivsp_raidPool_readTransRateKB/sec1.0.0NoTotal read data transfer rate for virtual volumes mapped to the Dynamic Provisioning pool.

NotePerformance values do not include information about virtual volumes that are used as S-VOLs of Thin Image.
hitachivsp_raidPool_writeTransRateKB/sec1.0.0NoTotal write data transfer rate for virtual volumes mapped to the Dynamic Provisioning pool.

Note: Performance values do not include information about virtual volumes that are used as S-VOLs of Thin Image.
hitachivsp_raidPool_readIOPSOperations/sec1.0.0YesFrequency of read operations (times per second) for virtual volumes mapped to the Dynamic Provisioning pool.

Note: Performance values do not include information about virtual volumes that are used as S-VOLs of Thin Image.
hitachivsp_raidPool_writeIOPSOperations/sec1.0.0YesFrequency of write operations (times per second) for virtual volumes mapped to the Dynamic Provisioning pool.

Note: Performance values do not include information about virtual volumes that are used as S-VOLs of Thin Image.
hitachivsp_raidPool_totalIOPSOperations/sec1.0.0YesFrequency of operations (times per second) for virtual volumes mapped to the Dynamic Provisioning pool.

Note: Performance values do not include information about virtual volumes that are used as S-VOLs of Thin Image.
hitachivsp_raidPool_readResponseTimems1.0.0YesAverage processing time per read request for virtual volumes mapped to the Dynamic Provisioning pool.

Note: Performance values do not include information about virtual volumes that are used as S-VOLs of Thin Image.
hitachivsp_raidPool_writeResponseTimems1.0.0YesAverage processing time per write request for virtual volumes mapped to the Dynamic Provisioning pool.

Note: Performance values do not include information about virtual volumes that are used as S-VOLs of Thin Image.
hitachivsp_raidPool_responseTimems1.0.0YesRead Response Time Rate: Average processing time per read request for virtual volumes mapped to the Dynamic Provisioning pool.

Write Response Time Rate: Average processing time per write request for virtual volumes mapped to the Dynamic Provisioning pool.

Note: Performance values do not include information about virtual volumes that are used as S-VOLs of Thin Image.
hitachivsp_raidPool_readKBPIOKB/IO1.0.0NoRead transfer per operation

Read Xfer Rate: Total read data transfer rate for virtual volumes mapped to the Dynamic Provisioning pool.

Read IO Rate: Frequency of read operations (times per second) for virtual volumes mapped to the Dynamic Provisioning pool.
hitachivsp_raidPool_writeKBPIOKB/IO1.0.0NoWrite transfer per Operation Write Xfer Rate: Total write data transfer rate for virtual volumes mapped to the Dynamic Provisioning pool.

Write IO Rate: Frequency of write operations (times per second) for virtual volumes mapped to the Dynamic Provisioning pool.
hitachivsp_raidPool_percentReadIOPS%1.0.0NoRead IOPS Percentage

Read IO Rate: Frequency of read operations (times per second) for virtual volumes mapped to the Dynamic Provisioning pool.

Write IO Rate: Frequency of write operations (times per second) for virtual volumes mapped to the Dynamic Provisioning pool.

Note: Performance values do not include information about virtual volumes that are used as S-VOLs of Thin Image.
hitachivsp_raidPool_dkcSavingCapacityGB1.0.0NoAmount of the data is reduced when the capacity saving function (dedupe and compression) is used for pools. The amount is stored only when the capacity saving function (dedupe and compression) is enabled. In other cases, the amount is 0.
hitachivsp_raidPool_physicalCapacityUsedGB1.0.0NoTotal amount of used capacity in the physical capacity of the parity groups that make up the pool.

Note: If the pool contains a parity group whose drive type is FMC and also Accelerated Compression is enabled, the value is the amount after compression.
hitachivsp_raidPool_physicalCapacityFreeGB1.0.0NoTotal amount of free capacity in the physical capacity of the parity groups that make up the pool

Note: If the pool contains a parity group whose drive type is FMC and also Accelerated Compression is enabled, the value is the amount after compression.
hitachivsp_raidPool_percentWriteIOPS%1.0.0NoFrequency of read and write operations for each volume (number of operations per second).
hitachivsp_raidPool_physicalCapacityUsageRate%1.0.0YesUsage percentage of the physical capacity of the parity groups that make up the pool.
hitachivsp_raidPool_poolCapacityGBGB1.0.0NoCapacity of the pool (GB). This value is not exactly the same as the device capacity information that is recognized by the host because this capacity information is managed by the storage system. If the pool contains a parity group whose drive type is FMC and also Accelerated Compression is enabled, the value is the amount that includes the capacity of the expanded area.
hitachivsp_raidPool_movedPagesNumber1.0.0NoTotal number of moved pages.
Hitachi VSP Raid Pool Tierhitachivsp_raidPoolTier_tierUsedCapacityMBMB1.0.0NoAmount of tier capacity that is actually being used.
Note: If the pool contains a parity group whose drive type is FMC and also Accelerated Compression is enabled, the value is the amount before compression.
hitachivsp_raidPoolTier_tierTotalCapacityGB1.0.0NoCapacity of the tier. If the pool contains a parity group whose drive type is FMC and also Accelerated Compression is enabled, the value is the amount that includes the capacity of the expanded area.
hitachivsp_raidPoolTier_tierTotalCapacityMBMB1.0.0NoCapacity of the tier.
Note: If the pool contains a parity group whose drive type is FMC and also Accelerated Compression is enabled, the value is the amount that includes the capacity of expanded area.
hitachivsp_raidPoolTier_performanceWorkingRatio%1.0.0NoActivity rate of the tier (%). Percentage of total I/Os that were actually processed by the tier compared to the number of I/Os that can be processed by the tier within the time period defined in the storage system.
Note: If the monitoring mode of the Dynamic Provisioning pool is Continuous Mode, the value is predicted based on the trends of past performance values.
hitachivsp_raidPoolTier_tierIOPSIOPS1.0.0NoFrequency of I/O operations (times per second) processed by the tier within the time period defined in the storage system.
Note: If the monitoring mode of the Dynamic Provisioning pool is Continuous Mode, the value is predicted based on the trends of past performance values.
hitachivsp_raidPoolTier_spaceUsageRate%1.0.0NoOf the capacity of the tier, the percentage of the capacity used
hitachivsp_raidPoolTier_pagePromotedNumber1.0.0NoNumber of pages moved to upper level tiers.
hitachivsp_raidPoolTier_pageDemotedNumber1.0.0NoNumber of pages moved to lower level tiers
hitachivsp_raidPoolTier_movedPagesNumber1.0.0NoTotal number of pages moved Promoted Pages: Number of pages moved to upper level tiers Demoted Pages: Number of pages moved to lower level tiers
hitachivsp_raidPoolTier_tierUsedCapacityGB1.0.0NoAmount of tier capacity that is actually being used.
Note: If the pool contains a parity group whose drive type is FMC and also Accelerated Compression is enabled, the value is the amount before compression.
hitachivsp_raidPoolTier_tierFreeCapacityGB1.0.0NoFree capacity of the tier.
Note: If the pool contains a parity group whose drive type is FMC and also Accelerated Compression is enabled, the value is the amount that includes the capacity of expanded area.
hitachivsp_raidPoolTier_spaceUsageRateInPool%1.0.0NoOf the total capacity of a Dynamic Provisioning pool that has tier management enabled, the percentage of the pool used by the tier.
Hitachi VSP raidPGhitachivsp_raidPG_utilization%1.0.0YesUsage rate of the parity group. The total usage rate of the logical devices that associate with the parity groups is stored in this field.
Note: For storage systems other than VSP G1000, G1500, VSP F1500, if storage systems use parity groups created from flash drives (FMD, FMC, or SSD), you cannot judge the load status from the usage rate of the parity group. Because of the characteristics of flash drives, larger values might be displayed regardless of the load status.
hitachivsp_raidPG_maxUtilization%1.0.0YesUsage rate of the parity group.
  • If the values of a smaller unit (e.g., minutes) are summarized to a greater unit (e.g., hours), the maximum value is stored rather than the average value.
  • For storage systems other than VSP G1000, G1500, VSP F1500, if storage systems use parity groups created from flash drives (FMD, FMC, or SSD), you cannot judge the load status from the usage rate of the parity group. Because of the characteristics of flash drives, larger values might be displayed regardless of the load status.
hitachvsp_raidPG_transferRateKB/sec1.0.0YesTotal data transfer rate
hitachvsp_raidPG_readTransRateKB/sec1.0.0NoRead data transfer rate
hitachvsp_raidPG_writeTransRateKB/sec1.0.0NoWrite data transfer rate
hitachvsp_raidPG_percentReadIOPS%1.0.0NoPercentage of the total number of read and write operations that are read operations.
hitachvsp_raidPG_readHit%1.0.0NoCache hit rate of read operations
hitachvsp_raidPG_readIOPSOperations/sec1.0.0NoFrequency of read operations
hitachvsp_raidPG_writeIOPSOperations/sec1.0.0NoFrequency of write operations
hitachvsp_raidPG_readResponseTimems1.0.0NoSum of processing times for read operation requests processed during the collection period
hitachvsp_raidPG_writeResponseTimems1.0.0NoSum of processing times for write operation requests processed during the collection period
hitachvsp_raidPG_randomReadIOPSOperations/sec1.0.0NoFrequency of random read operations
hitachvsp_raidPG_seqReadIOPSOperations/sec1.0.0NoFrequency of sequential read operations
hitachvsp_raidPG_randomWriteIOPSOperations/sec1.0.0NoFrequency of random write operations
hitachvsp_raidPG_seqWriteIOPSOperations/sec1.0.0NoFrequency of sequential write operations
hitachvsp_raidPG_randomIOPSOperations/sec1.0.0NoFrequency of random operations (sum of processing times for random read and write operations per second)
hitachvsp_raidPG_seqIOPSOperations/sec1.0.0NoFrequency of sequential operations (sum of processing times for sequential read and write operations per second)
hitachvsp_raidPG_randomTransRateKB/sec1.0.0NoTransfer rate of random operations
hitachvsp_raidPG_seqTransRateKB/sec1.0.0NoTransfer rate of sequential operations
hitachvsp_raidPG_totalIOPSOperations/sec1.0.0NoFrequency of read and write operations
hitachvsp_raidPG_percentWriteIOPS%1.0.0NoPercentage of the total number of read and write operations that are write operations.
Hitachi VSP raidClprhitachivsp_raidClpr_utilization%1.0.0YesOf the cache memory allocated for a CLPR, the percentage that is being used.
Note: For HUS100 series, Hitachi SMS series, and Hitachi AMS2000 series storage systems, this field stores the average value of the performance data over the collection interval. For Hitachi AMS/WMS series, VSP Gx00 models, VSP Fx00 models, HUS VM, VSP G1000, G1500, VSP F1500, Virtual Storage Platform series, and Universal Storage Platform V/VM series storage systems, this field stores the value that was the most recent at the time the record was created.
hitachivsp_raidClpr_writePendingRate%1.0.0YesOf the cache memory allocated for a CLPR, the percentage that is being used by write-pending data.
Note: For HUS100 series, Hitachi SMS series, and Hitachi AMS2000 series storage systems, this field stores the average value of the performance data over the collection interval. For Hitachi AMS/WMS series, VSP Gx00 models, VSP Fx00 models, HUS VM, VSP G1000, G1500, VSP F1500, Virtual Storage Platform series, and Universal Storage Platform V/VM series storage systems, this field stores the value that was the most recent at the time the record was created.
hitachivsp_raidClpr_sideFileUsageRate%1.0.0NoOf the cache memory allocated for a CLPR, the percentage that is being used by the side file.
hitachivsp_raidClpr_cacheUsageMB1.0.0NoOf the cache memory allocated for a CLPR, the amount that is being used.
Note: For HUS100 series, Hitachi SMS series, and Hitachi AMS2000 series storage systems, this field stores the average value of the performance data over the collection interval. For Hitachi AMS/WMS series, VSP Gx00 models, VSP Fx00 models, HUS VM, VSP G1000, G1500, VSP F1500, Virtual Storage Platform series, and Universal Storage Platform V/VM series storage systems, this field stores the value that was the most recent at the time the record was created.
hitachivsp_raidClpr_writePendingMB1.0.0NoOf the cache memory allocated for a CLPR, the amount that is being used by write-pending data.
Note: For HUS100 series, Hitachi SMS series, and Hitachi AMS2000 series storage systems, this field stores the average value of the performance data over the collection interval. For Hitachi AMS/WMS series, VSP Gx00 models, VSP Fx00 models, HUS VM, VSP G1000, G1500, VSP F1500, Virtual Storage Platform series, and Universal Storage Platform V/VM series storage systems, this field stores the value that was the most recent at the time the record was created.
hitachivsp_raidClpr_sideFileUsageMB1.0.0NoOf the cache memory allocated for a CLPR, the amount that is being used by the side file.
hitachivsp_raidClpr_maxWritePendingRate%1.0.0YesOf the cache memory allocated for a CLPR, the percentage that is being used by write-pending data.
hitachivsp_raidClpr_cacheSizeGBGB1.0.0NoAmount of cache memory allocated for a CLPR
hitachivsp_raidClpr_maxSideFileUsageRate%1.0.0NoOf the cache memory allocated for a CLPR, the percentage that is being used by the side file.
Hitachi VSP raidMPhitachivsp_raidMP_utilization%1.0.0YesUsage rate of the processor.
Hitachi VSP MPB CLPRhitachivsp_raidMpbClpr_writePendingRate%1.0.0YesOf the cache memory allocated for each MP blade in the CLPR, the percentage that is being used by the write pending data of the LDEV that is owned by the MP Blade of the MP Blade ID field.
hitachivsp_raidMpbClpr_utilization%1.0.0YesOf the cache memory allocated for each MP blade in the CLPR, the percentage that is being used by the LDEV that is owned by the MP Blade of the MP Blade ID field.
Hitachi VSP MPBhitachivsp_raidMPB_utilization%1.0.0YesUsage rate of the processor
hitachivsp_raidMPB_maxUtilization%1.0.0YesUsage rate of the processor
Hitachi VSP LDEVhitachivsp_ldev_Max_Busy_Rate%4.0.0Yesvsp ldev max busy rate
hitachivsp_Ldev_Status4.0.0Yesvsp ldev status
hitachivsp_raidLdev_totalIOPSOperations/sec1.0.0NoFrequency of read and write operations
hitachivsp_raidLdev_readHit%1.0.0NoCache hit rate of read operations
hitachivsp_raidLdev_readMiss%1.0.0NoCache hit rate of read operations
hitachivsp_raidLdev_readHitCountCount1.0.0NoNumber of times the cache is hit for read operations.
hitachivsp_raidLdev_writeHitCountCount1.0.0NoNumber of times the cache is hit for write operations.
hitachivsp_raidLdev_writeHit%1.0.0NoCache hit rate of write operations.
hitachivsp_raidLdev_writeMiss%1.0.0NoCache hit rate of write operations.
hitachivsp_raidLdev_readIOPSOperations/sec1.0.0NoFrequency of read operations
hitachivsp_raidLdev_randomReadHit%1.0.0NoCache hit rate of random read operations for each volume.
hitachivsp_raidLdev_randomReadIOPSOperations/sec1.0.0NoFrequency of random read operations
hitachivsp_raidLdev_randomWriteIOPSOperations/sec1.0.0NoFrequency of random write operations
hitachivsp_raidLdev_seqReadHit%1.0.0NoCache hit rate of sequential read operations for each volume
hitachivsp_raidLdev_seqReadIOPSOperations/sec1.0.0NoFrequency of sequential read operations
hitachivsp_raidLdev_seqWriteIOPSOperations/sec1.0.0NoFrequency of sequential write operations
hitachivsp_raidLdev_writeIOPSOperations/sec1.0.0NoFrequency of write operations
hitachivsp_raidLdev_backTransKB/sec1.0.0NoFrequency of data transfer operations between cache memory and a hard disk drive (number of operations per second)
hitachivsp_raidLdev_chToDrTransfer/sec1.0.0NoFrequency of data transfer operations from cache memory to a hard disk drive (number of operations per second)
hitachivsp_raidLdev_randomDrToChTransfer/sec1.0.0NoFrequency of random data transfer operations from a hard disk drive to cache memory (number of operations per second)
hitachivsp_raidLdev_seqDrToChTransfer/sec1.0.0NoFrequency of sequential data transfer operations from a hard disk drive to cache memory (number of operations per second)
hitachivsp_raidLdev_readTransRateKB/sec1.0.0NoRead data transfer rate
hitachivsp_raidLdev_transferRateKB/sec1.0.0NoTotal data transfer rate
hitachivsp_raidLdev_writeTransRateKB/sec1.0.0NoWrite transfer speed
hitachivsp_raidLdev_randomReadTransRateKB/sec1.0.0NoTransfer rate of random read operations
hitachivsp_raidLdev_randomWriteTransRateKB/sec1.0.0NoTransfer rate of random write operations
hitachivsp_raidLdev_seqReadTransRateKB/sec1.0.0NoTransfer rate of sequential read operations
hitachivsp_raidLdev_seqWriteTransRateKB/sec1.0.0NoTransfer rate of sequential write operations
hitachivsp_raidLdev_readResponseTimems1.0.0YesAverage processing time for each read operation request
hitachivsp_raidLdev_responseTimems1.0.0YesAverage processing time for each read and write operation request.
hitachivsp_raidLdev_writeResponseTimems1.0.0YesAverage processing time for each write operation request.
hitachivsp_raidLdev_utilization%1.0.0YesUsage rate of the logical device.
Note: For storage systems other than VSP G1000, G1500, VSP F1500, if storage systems use parity groups created from flash drives (FMD, FMC, or SSD), you cannot judge the load status from the usage rate of the parity group. Because of the characteristics of flash drives, larger values might be displayed regardless of the load status.
hitachivsp_raidLdev_randomIOPSOperations/sec1.0.0NoFrequency of random operations (sum of processing times for random read and write operations per second)
hitachivsp_raidLdev_readHitIOPSOperations/sec1.0.0NoCache hit Read operation hit IOPS
hitachivsp_raidLdev_readMissIOPSOperations/sec1.0.0NoCache miss Read operation IOPS
hitachivsp_raidLdev_percentReadIOPS%1.0.0NoRead IOPS Percentage
Read IO count: Number of read operations.
Write IO Count: Number of write operations.
hitachivsp_raidLdev_percentWriteIOPS%1.0.0NoWrite IOPS Percentage.
Write IO Count: Number of write operations.
Read IO count: Number of read operations.
hitachivsp_raidLdev_readKBPIOKB/IO1.0.0NoRead transfer per Operation.
Read Transfer Rate: Read data transfer rate
Read IO Rate: Frequency of read operations
hitachivsp_raidLdev_writeKBPIOKB/IO1.0.0NoWrite transfer per Operation.
Write Transfer Rate: Write transfer speed
Write IO Rate: Frequency of write operations
hitachivsp_raidLdev_randomReadKBPIOKB/IO1.0.0NoRandom read transfer per operation.
Random Read Transfer Rate: Transfer rate of random read operations.
Random Read IO Rate: Frequency of random read operations
hitachivsp_raidLdev_randomWriteKBPIOKB/IO1.0.0NoRandom write transfer per operation.
Random Write Transfer Rate: Transfer rate of random write operations
Random Write IO Rate: Frequency of random write operations
hitachivsp_raidLdev_seqReadKBPIOKB/IO1.0.0NoSequential read transfer per operation.
Sequential Read Transfer Rate: Transfer rate of sequential read operations
Sequential Read IO Rate: Frequency of sequential read operations
hitachivsp_raidLdev_seqWriteKBPIOKB/IO1.0.0NoSequential write transfer per operation.
Sequential Write Transfer Rate: Transfer rate of sequential write operations
Sequential Write IO Rate: Frequency of sequential write operations
hitachivsp_raidLdev_percentUsageRate%1.0.0NoOf the virtual capacity of the VVOL, the percentage of the capacity actually used (the usage rate of the pool capacity).
Note: This value is not exactly the same as the device capacity information that is recognized by the host because this capacity information is managed by the storage system.
If pool areas are reserved, the percentage includes the capacity for the reserved pages.
hitachivsp_raidLdev_touchedCapacityInGBGB1.0.0NoThe actual amount of V-VOL capacity being used.
Note: This value is not exactly the same as the device capacity information that is recognized by the host because this capacity information is managed by the storage system.
If pool areas are reserved, the value includes the capacity for the reserved pages.
hitachivsp_raidLdev_unTouchedCapacityInGBGB1.0.0NoFree capacity of the V-VOL.
Note: This value is not exactly the same as the device capacity information that is recognized by the host because this capacity information is managed by the storage system.
hitachivsp_raidLdev_vvolCapacityInGBGB1.0.0NoThe virtual capacity of the V-VOL
Note: This value is not exactly the same as the device capacity information that is recognized by the host because this capacity information is managed by the storage system.
hitachivsp_raidLdev_queueSizeCount1.0.0NoOperations queue length
hitachivsp_raidLdev_avgReadBytebyte/IO1.0.0NoAverage read bytes per operation
hitachivsp_raidLdev_avgWriteBytebyte/IO1.0.0NoAverage write bytes per operation
hitachivsp_raidLdev_writeIOCountOperations/sec1.0.0NoNumber of write operations
hitachivsp_raidLdev_readIOCountOperations/sec1.0.0NoNumber of read operations
hitachivsp_raidLdev_ldevMpbUtilization%1.0.0NoIndicates the MPB utilization by LDEV. This metric will have value only when LDEV belongs to top20 LDEVs which are highly utilizing the MPB.
hitachivsp_raidLdev_readIOPSPercent%1.0.0NoPercentage of read operations per second.
Operation: (readIOPS/(readIOPS+writeIOPS))*100
hitachivsp_raidLdev_randomIOPSPercent%1.0.0NoPercentage of random operations per second.
((randomReadIOPS + randomWriteIOPS)/(randomReadIOPS + randomWriteIOPS+seqReadIOPS +seqWriteIOPS))*100
hitachivsp_raidLdev_seqBlockSizeKB/IO1.0.0NoSequential block size in KB per IO.
((seqReadTransRate + seqWriteTransRate)/(seqReadIOPS + seqWriteIOPS))*1024
hitachivsp_raidLdev_randomBlockSizeKB/IO1.0.0NoRandom block size in KB per IO.
((randomReadTransRate + randomWriteTransRate)/ (randomReadIOPS + randomWriteIOPS))*1024
Hitachi VSP Tier LDEVhitachivsp_raidLdevTier_tierUsedCapacityGB1.0.0NoOf the virtual capacity of the VVOL, the actual amount of V-VOL capacity used by the tier.
Note: This value is not exactly the same as the device capacity information that is recognized by the host because this capacity information is managed by the storage system.
hitachivsp_raidLdevTier_tierIOPSIOPS1.0.0NoAverage read and write processing rate (number of times per second) for the tier, excluding cache hits.
Note: This value will not match the performance information for virtual volumes because cache hits are not included.
hitachivsp_raidLdevTier_tierIopsPerGBIOPS/GB1.0.0NoAverage read and write processing rate (number of times per second) for the tier, excluding cache hits.
Note: this value will not match the performance information for virtual volumes because cache hits are not included.
raidMbhitachivsp_raidMb_accessPathUsage%1.0.0NoUsage rate of the access path for the cache path in the main blade
raidChaEswhitachivsp_raidChaEsw_accessPathUsage%1.0.0NoVSP G1500, VSP F1500, VSP G1000 and VSP: Usage rate of the access path between the channel adapter and the cache switch.
For HUS VM: Usage rate of the access path between the channel blade and the main blade.
raidChahitachivsp_raidCha_totalIOPSOperations/sec1.0.0NoThe aggregate value of the average frequency of read and write operations for the storage system port (number of times per second) for each CHA
hitachivsp_raidCha_transferRateKB/sec1.0.0NoThe aggregate value of the read and write transfer speed for the storage system port for each CHA.
raidDkaEswhitachivsp_raidDkaEsw_accessPathUsage%1.0.0NoVSP G1500, VSP F1500, VSP G1000 and VSP: Usage rate of the access path between the disk adapter and the cache switch.
For HUS VM: Usage rate of the access path between the disk blade and the main blade.
raidMpbEswhitachivsp_raidMpbEsw_accessPathUsage%1.0.0NoVSP G1500, VSP F1500, VSP G1000 and VSP: Usage rate of the access path between the MP Blade and the cache switch.
For HUS VM: Usage rate of the access path for the cache path in the main blade.
raidCacheEswhitachivsp_raidCacheEsw_accessPathUsage%1.0.0NoUsage rate of the access path between a cache switch and cache memory.
raidURJnlhitachivsp_raidURJnl_writeTransRateKB/sec1.0.0YesAmount of data written per second to the primary storage system in the journal group.
hitachivsp_raidURJnl_writeIOPSOperations/s1.0.0YesNumber of write I/O operations per second to the primary storage system in the journal group.
hitachivsp_raidURJnl_asyncCopyTransRateMB/s1.0.0NoThe amount of transferred data per second (megabytes per second) for asynchronous replication in the journal group.
hitachivsp_raidURJnl_masterJNLDataUsage%2.0.0YesMaster journal's data usage measured for each journal.
hitachivsp_raidURJnl_restoreJNLDataUsage%2.0.0YesRestore journal's data usage measured for each journal
hitachivsp_raidURJnl_rioResponseRateMicroseconds/Operations1.0.0YesAverage RIO response time (in microseconds per I/O operation) of the storage system among the journal groups.
raidConsistencyGrouphitachivsp_raidConsistencyGroup_delta1.0.0NoThe network transfer latency time between master JNL and restore JNL.

Default Monitoring Configurations

Hitachi VSP OpCenter Detailview has default Global Device Management Policies, Global Templates, Global Monitors and Global Metrics in OpsRamp. You can customize these default monitoring configurations as per your business requirement by cloning respective Global Templates and Global Device Management Policies. It is recommended to clone them before installing the application to avoid noise alerts and data.

  1. Default Global Device Management Policies

    You can find the Device Management Policy for each Native Type at Setup > Resources > Device Management Policies. Search with suggested names in global scope:

    {appName nativeType - version}

    Ex: hitachi-vsp-opscenter-detailview Hitachi VSP Port - 1 (i.e, appName = hitachi-vsp-opscenter-detailview, nativeType = Hitachi VSP Port, version = 1)

  2. Default Global Templates

    You can find the Global Templates for each Native Type at Setup > Monitoring > Templates. Search with suggested names in global scope. Each template adheres to the following naming convention:

    {appName nativeType 'Template' - version}

    Ex: hitachi-vsp-opscenter-detailview Hitachi VSP Port Template - 1 (i.e, appName = hitachi-vsp-opscenter-detailview, nativeType = Hitachi VSP Port, version = 1)

  3. Default Global Monitors available

    You can find the Global Monitors for each Native Type at Setup > Monitoring > Monitors. Search with suggested names in global scope. Each Monitors adheres to the following naming convention:

    {monitorKey appName nativeType - version}

    Ex: Hitachi VSP Port Monitor hitachi-vsp-opscenter-detailview Hitachi VSP Port 1 (i.e, monitorKey = Hitachi VSP Port Monitor Monitor, appName = hitachi-vsp-opscenter-detailview, nativeType = Hitachi VSP Port, version = 1)

Configure and Install the Hitachi VSP OpCenter Detailview Integration

  1. From All Clients, select a client.
  2. Go to Setup > Account.
  3. Select the Integrations and Apps tab.
  4. The Installed Integrations page, where all the installed applications are displayed.
    Note: If there are no installed applications, it will navigate to the Available Integrations and Apps page.
  5. Click + ADD on the Installed Integrations page. The Available Integrations and Apps page displays all the available applications along with the newly created application with the version.
    Note: You can even search for the application using the search option available. Also you can use the All Categories option to search.
  6. Click ADD in the Hitachi VSP Opcenter Detailview tile.
  7. In the Configuration page, click + ADD. The Add Configuration page appears.
  8. Enter the below mentioned BASIC INFORMATION:
NameEnter the name for the configuration.
IP Address/Host NameEnter the Host name or the IP address.
PortAPI Port information
Serial NumberEnter the serial number.
CredentialsSelect the credentials from the drop-down list.

Note: Click + Add to create a credential.


  • By default the Is Secure checkbox is selected.
  • Ip Address/Host Name and Port should be accessible from Gateway.
  • Select App Failure Notifications: if turned on, you will be notified in case of an application failure that is, Connectivity Exception, Authentication Exception.
  1. Select the below mentioned CUSTOM ATTRIBUTE:
Custom AttributeSelect the custom attribute from the drop down list box.
ValueSelect the value from the drop down list box.

Note: The custom attribute that you add here will be assigned to all the resources that are created by the integration. You can add a maximum of five custom attributes (key and value pair).

  1. In the RESOURCE TYPE section, select:
    • ALL: All the existing and future resources will be discovered.
    • SELECT: You can select one or multiple resources to be discovered.
  2. In the DISCOVERY SCHEDULE section, select Recurrence Pattern to add one of the following patterns:
    • Minutes
    • Hourly
    • Daily
    • Weekly
    • Monthly
  3. Click ADD.

Now the configuration is saved and displayed on the configurations page after you save it.
Note: From the same page, you may Edit and Remove the created configuration.

  1. Under the ADVANCED SETTINGS, Select the Bypass Resource Reconciliation option, if you wish to bypass resource reconciliation when encountering the same resources discovered by multiple applications.

    Note: If two different applications provide identical discovery attributes, two separate resources will be generated with those respective attributes from the individual discoveries.

  2. Click NEXT.

  3. (Optional) Click +ADD to create a new collector by providing a name or use the pre-populated name.

  4. Select an existing registered profile.

  5. Click FINISH.

The application is installed and displayed on the INSTALLED INTEGRATION page. Use the search field to find the installed integration.

Modify the Configuration

View the Hitachi VSP Opcenter Detailview details

The discovered resource(s) are displayed in Infrastructure > Resources > Hitachi VSP, with Native Resource Type as Hitachi VSP Storage Array. You can navigate to the Attributes tab to view the discovery details, and the Metrics tab to view the metric details for Hitachi VSP.

Supported Alert Custom Macros

Customize the alert subject and description with below macros then it will generate alert based on customisation.
Supported macros keys:

Click here to view the alert subject and description with macros













                                ${Custome Attributes in the resource}


Risks, Limitations & Assumptions

  • Application can handle Critical/Recovery failure notifications for below two cases when user enables App Failure Notifications in configuration
    • Connectivity Exception
    • Authentication Exception
  • If App Failure Notifications are enabled, an alert will be sent, however, either OpsCenter Detailview Gateway IP Address configurations or OpsCenter Detailview Manager IP Address configurations should be provided.
  • Application will send any duplicate/repeat failure alert notification for every 6 hours.
  • Application cannot control monitoring pause/resume actions based on above alerts Metrics can be used to monitor OpsCenter Detailview resources and can generate alerts based on the threshold values.
  • OpsCenter Detailview Event/Alert polling will start only if the user enables Alert Polling in configuration. Possible values of Alert Severity Filter configuration property are ALERT_LOW,ALERT_MEDIUM,ALERT_HIGH.
  • OpsRamp has given sample mappings to map OpsCenter Detailview Severity with OpsRamp Severities as part of Alert Severity Mapping configuration file. Users can modify them as per their use-case at any point of time from the application configuration page. Possible OpsRamp Severities are Critical, Warning, Ok, Info.
  • In OpsCenter Detailview, few resource names are null. For them, we are mapping id as resource name.
  • Support for Macro replacement for threshold breach alerts (i.e, customisation for threshold breach alert’s subject, description).
  • Component level thresholds can be configured on each resource level.
  • No support of showing activity logs.
  • The Template Applied Time will only be displayed if the collector profile (Classic and NextGen Gateway) is version 18.1.0 or higher.
  • Support for the option to get Latest snapshot metric.


Before troubleshooting Hitachi VSP DetailView integration issues, ensure that all prerequisites and limitations are cross-checked as per the setup guidelines.

If the Hitachi VSP DetailView integration fails to discover or monitor resources, follow these troubleshooting steps:

  • Inspect if any alerts have been generated on the VSP resource, the gateway, or if any error logs are present in the vprobe.

  • If the alert/error is related to connectivity or authentication, check the reachability of the end device from the gateway:

    • Use the ping command to check the device’s IP address:
      ping <IP Address>
    • Use the telnet command to check connectivity to the specific port:
      telnet <IP Address> <port>
  • In some cases, the DetailView APIs may not return data for the last 15 minutes due to internal issues. When running curl commands, ensure that you use the last 15-minute UTC timestamp to fetch accurate data.

  • Follow the steps in SDK App Debug GCLI Command Requests (Target API / SSH Command) and check for any errors during execution.

  1. Use the following sample request to prepare the request payload:
      "apiVersion": "debug/v1",
      "module": "Debug",
      "app": "hitachi-vsp-opscenter-detailview",
      "action": "Reachability",
      "payload": {
        "protocol": "<http (or) https>",
        "ipAddressOrHostName": "<ipAddressOrHostName>",
        "port": "<port>",
        "tokenApiport": "<port of the token API>",
        "accessToken": "<base64 decode of username and password>",
        "userName": "<Username>",
        "password": "<Password>",
        "requestBody": "<RequestBody mentioned in the table below>",
        "requestMethod": "<POST (or) GET mentioned in the table below>",
        "authenticationType": "<Access Token (or) Bearer>"
  2. Encode the request payload to Base64 format.
  3. Login to the gateway console and connect to the GCLI terminal using the following command:
  4. gcli
  5. Execute the command by replacing the <base64 encoded string> with the Base64-encoded request payload generated in Step 2:
  6. sdkappdebug base64 encoded string

    Refer to the following table for preparing the request payload for the REST API:

    Native TypeDiscoveryMonitoring
    Hitachi VSP Storage Arrayv1/cluster/meinternal/stats/runway_remaining
    Hitachi VSP Parity Groupinternal/cluster/me/node
    Hitachi VSP Poolinternal/cluster/me/disk
    Event Polling-v1/event/latest?order_by_time=desc&before_date={from_date}&after_date={to_date}&event_series_status=Failure

    For example, to verify the Hitachi VSP Storage Array Discovery, use the following payload:

      "apiVersion": "debug/v1",
      "module": "Debug",
      "app": "hitachi-vsp-opscenter-detailview",
      "action": "Reachability",
      "payload": {
        "protocol": "https",
        "ipAddressOrHostName": "",
        "port": "443",
        "tokenApiport": "8443",
        "accessToken": "",
        "userName": "admin",
        "password": "test",
        "requestBody": "{\"query\":\"raidStorage[=serialNumber rx %s][=modelName rx .*][=vendorName rx .*]/raidAgentInstance[=instanceName rx .*][=hostName rx .*][=raHost rx .*]\",\"startTime\":\"20240503_100000\",\"endTime\":\"20240503_110000\"}",
        "requestMethod": "POST",
        "authenticationType": "Access Token"

Version History

Application VersionBug fixes / Enhancements
6.0.2Optimization for memory and CPU utilization and updating units for hitachivsp_raidPort_transferRate metric from KBPS to MBPS.
6.0.1Activity log changes & latest metric snapshot changes.
6.0.0Seperate Hitachi VSP MPB native type to Hitachi VSP MBP , Hitachi VSP MP, Hitachi VSP MBP CLPR
5.0.1Added Timezone parameter in API Calls
  • Added support for Opscenter version 11.0.1
  • Corrected the metric value of hitachivsp_raidMpbClpr_writePendingRate
  • Removing LU Paths, Port WWN and Host Groups from Resource discovery
  • Fixing issues with memory
4.0.1Giving Hostname and resource name of root resource as VSP array instance name
Click here to view the earlier version updates
Application VersionBug fixes / Enhancements
  • New Metrics support for the Detailview.
  • Additional Default metrics added.
3.0.0New default metrics added.
2.0.0Initial SDK2.0 application Discovery and Monitoring Implementations.