Supported Metrics
The following tabs represent the Metric Category of Scality
Native Type | Metric Name | Display Name | Units | Application Version | Description |
Scality Supervisor | scality_supervisor_Status | Scality Supervisor Status | 1.0.0 | Server status criticality level. Possible values: CRITICAL : 0, WARNING : 1, OK : 2 | |
scality_supervisor_State | Scality Supervisor State | 1.0.0 | Sagentd status. Possible values: OFFLINE : 0, ONLINE : 1, MISSING : 2 | ||
scality_supervisor_ServiceStatus | Scality Supervisor ServiceStatus | 1.0.0 | Whether we can access the Bizstoresup daemon. Possible values are - Unknown : 0, Unreacheable : 1, Invalid BizstoreSup credentials : 2, Running : 3 | ||
Scality Server | scality_server_Status | Scality Server Status | 1.0.0 | Server status criticality level. Possible values: CRITICAL : 0, WARNING : 1, OK : 2 | |
scality_server_State | Scality Server State | 1.0.0 | Sagentd status. Possible values: OFFLINE : 0, ONLINE : 1, MISSING : 2 | ||
Scality Disk | scality_disk_State | Scality Disk State | 1.0.0 | Disk status criticality level. Possible values: CRITICAL: 0, WARNING: 1, OK: 2, DISKFULL: 3, CONNTIMEOUT: 4, CONNERR: 5, STOREERR: 6, OOS_SYS: 7, OOS_PERM: 8, OOS_TEMP: 9, OFFLINE: 10 | |
Scality Ring | scality_ring_State | Scality Ring State | 1.0.0 | Ring states. Possible values are - RUN: 0, OTHER: 1, ARC_REBUILD_NOK: 2, BALANCING: 3, CONFIG MISMATCH: 4, OFFLINE: 5, MISSING NODE: 6, INCOMPLETE: 7, NOT STABILIZED: 8, OUT OF SERVICE: 9, DUPE KEY: 10, DISK FULL: 11, DISK USAGE: 12, WARNING: 13, SPLIT: 14, LOOP: 15, LOW STORAGE: 16, CRITICAL LOW STORAGE: 17 | |
scality_ring_Status | Scality Ring Status | 1.0.0 | Ring status. Possible values: CRITICAL : 0, WARNING : 1, OK : 2 | ||
scality_ring_NumOfNodes | Scality Ring NumOfNodes | 1.0.0 | The number of store nodes in this RING | ||
Scality Ring Store Node | scality_ring_storenode_State | Scality Ring StoreNode State | 1.0.0 | RING store node status. Possible values are - RUN: 0, AVAILABLE: 1,OTHER: 2, NEW: 3, CONF MISMATCH: 4, ARC_REBUILD_NOK: 5, BAL(SRC): 6, BAL(DST): 7, TASKS_BLOCKED: 8, LOOP: 9, OFFLINE: 10, OUT_OF_SERVICE: 11, LOADING: 12, NEED RELOAD: 13, LEAVING: 14, DSO CHANGING: 15, SPLIT: 16, DUPKEY: 17, DISKERR: 18, DISKOFFLINE: 19, DISKFULL: 20, DISKWARN:21 | |
scality_ring_storenode_Reachability | Scality Ring StoreNode Reachability | 1.0.0 | Whether it is possible to communicate with this node. Possible values are - false : 0, true : 1 | ||
scality_ring_storenode_NumOfStoredObjects | Scality Ring StoreNode NumOfStoredObjects | 1.0.0 | Number of stored objects | ||
scality_ring_storenode_NumOfPendingTasks | Scality Ring StoreNode NumOfPendingTasks | 1.0.0 | Number of pending tasks | ||
Scality Volume Configuration Group | scality_volumeCG_Status | Scality VolumeCG Status | 1.0.0 | Aggregated status of all connectors in the volume configuration group. Possible values are - OK : 0 . Other : 1 | |
Scality Volume | scality_volume_Status | Scality Volume Status | 1.0.0 | Volume status. Possible values - OK : 0, WARNING : 1, NO CONNECTOR : 2, CRITICAL : 3 | |
Scality S3 Cluster | scality_s3_ClusterHealth | Scality S3 ClusterHealth | 1.0.0 | S3 Cluster Global Service Health. Possible values are - NOMINAL : 0 , DEGRADED : 1, Other : 2,UNAVAILABLE : 3,NOT_DEPLOYED : 4,ERROR : 5 |
Native Type | Metric Name | Display Name | Units | Application Version | Description |
Scality Disk | scality_disk_AvailableDiskSpace | Scality Disk AvailableDiskSpace | MB | 1.0.0 | Available capacity on the disk. |
scality_disk_TotalDiskSpace | Scality Disk TotalDiskSpace | MB | 1.0.0 | Total capacity on the disk. | |
Scality Ring | scality_ring_diskspaceAvailable | Scality Ring DiskspaceAvailable | MB | 1.0.0 | Available capacity on the RING's disks. |
scality_ring_diskspace_Total | Scality Ring Diskspace_Total | MB | 1.0.0 | Total capacity on the RING's disks. | |
scality_ring_diskspace_EstimatedNetAvailable | Scality Ring Diskspace_EstimatedNetAvailable | MB | 1.0.0 | Estimated available net storage, considering storage overhead (in MB) |
Native Type | Metric Name | Display Name | Units | Application Version | Description |
Scality Disk | scality_disk_StoredDiskSpace | Scality Disk StoredDiskSpace | MB | 1.0.0 | Disk space used by the RING. |
scality_disk_UsedDiskSpace | Scality Disk UsedDiskSpace | MB | 1.0.0 | Used capacity on the disk. | |
scality_disk_NumOfInodes | Scality Disk NumOfNodes | count | 1.0.0 | Number of existing inodes. | |
scality_disk_Utilisation | Scality Disk Utilisation | % | 3.0.0 | Disk Utilisation of the Scality Disk. | |
Scality Ring | scality_ring_diskspaceStored | Scality Ring DiskspaceStored | MB | 1.0.0 | Disk space used by the RING. |
scality_ring_diskspaceUsed | Scality Ring DiskspaceUsed | MB | 1.0.0 | Used capacity on the RING's disks. | |
scality_ring_diskspaceNet | Scality Ring DiskspaceNet | MB | 1.0.0 | Disk space used by unique objects on the RING. | |
scality_ring_UniqueNumOfObjects | Scality Ring uniqueNumOfObjects | count | 1.0.0 | Number of unique stored objects. | |
scality_ring_NumOfObjects | Scality Ring NumOfObjects | count | 1.0.0 | Number of stored objects. | |
scality_ring_disk_Utilisation | Scality Ring Disk Utilisation | % | 3.0.0 | Disk Utilisation of the Scality Ring. |
Default Monitoring Configurations
Scality has default Global Device Management Policies, Global Templates, Global Monitors and Global Metrics in OpsRamp. You can customize these default monitoring configurations as per your business requirement by cloning respective Global Templates and Global Device Management Policies. It is recommended to clone them before installing the application to avoid noise alerts and data.
Default Global Device Management Policies
You can find the Device Management Policy for each Native Type at Setup > Resources > Device Management Policies. Search with suggested names in global scope:
{appName nativeType - version}
Ex: scality Scality Supervisor - 1 (i.e, appName = scality, nativeType =Scality Supervisor, version = 1)
Default Global Templates
You can find the Global Templates for each Native Type at Setup > Monitoring > Templates. Search with suggested names in global scope. Each template adheres to the following naming convention:
{appName nativeType 'Template' - version}
Ex: scality Scality Supervisor Template - 1 (i.e, appName = scality , nativeType = Scality Supervisor Template, version = 1)
Default Global Monitors
You can find the Global Monitors for each Native Type at Setup > Monitoring > Monitors. Search with suggested names in global scope. Each Monitors adheres to the following naming convention:
{monitorKey appName nativeType - version}
Ex: Scality Supervisor Monitor scality Scality Supervisor 1(i.e, monitorKey = Scality Supervisor Monitor, appName = scality, nativeType = Scality Supervisor, version = 1)