Supported Metrics
Click here to view the supported metrics
Native Type | Metric Name | Metric Display Name | Metric Label | Units | Version | Description |
NsxT Edge Cluster | nsxt_edgecluster_Status | NSXT EdgeCluster Status | Availability | — | 2.0.0 | Returns the aggregated status for Edge Cluster Possible values: Up, Down, Degraded, Unknown. |
NsxT Edge Physical Network Interface | nsxt_edgenode_physicalinterface_AdminStatus | NSXT EdgeNode Physical Interface Admin Status | Availability | — | 2.0.0 | EdgeNode Network Interface Admin Status. Possible values: Up, Down, Degraded, Unknown. |
nsxt_edgenode_physicalinterface_LinkStatus | NSXT EdgeNode Physical Interface Link Status | Availability | — | 2.0.0 | EdgeNode Physical Interface Link Status. Possible values: Up, Down, Degraded, Unknown. | |
nsxt_edgenode_physicalinterface_TotalTransmittedPackets | NSXT EdgeNode Physical Interface Total Transmitted Packets | Availability | count | 8.0.0 | Number of packets transmitted. | |
nsxt_edgenode_physicalinterface_DroppedTransmittedPackets | NSXT EdgeNode Physical Interface Dropped Transmitted Packets | Availability | count | 8.0.0 | Number of transmitted packets dropped. | |
nsxt_edgenode_physicalinterface_TotalReceivedPackets | NSXT EdgeNode Physical Interface Total Received Packets | Availability | count | 8.0.0 | Number of packets received. | |
nsxt_edgenode_physicalinterface_DroppedReceivedPackets | NSXT EdgeNode Physical Interface Dropped Received Packets | Availability | count | 8.0.0 | Number of received packets dropped. | |
nsxt_edgenode_physicalinterface_TotalTransmittedBytes | NSXT EdgeNode Physical Interface Total Transmitted Bytes | Availability | GB | 8.0.0 | Number of bytes transmitted. | |
nsxt_edgenode_physicalinterface_TotalReceivedBytes | NSXT EdgeNode Physical Interface Total Received Bytes | Availability | GB | 8.0.0 | Number of bytes received. | |
nsxt_edgenode_physicalinterface_ReceiveErrors | NSXT EdgeNode Physical Interface Receive Errors | Availability | count | 8.0.0 | Number of receive errors. | |
nsxt_edgenode_physicalinterface_TransmitErrors | NSXT EdgeNode Physical Interface Transmit Errors | Availability | count | 8.0.0 | Number of transmit errors. | |
nsxt_edgenode_physicalinterface_Collisions | NSXT EdgeNode Physical Interface Collision | Availability | count | 8.0.0 | Number of collisions detected. | |
nsxt_edgenode_physicalinterface_CarrierLoss | NSXT EdgeNode Physical Interface Carrier Loss | Availability | count | 8.0.0 | Number of carrier losses detected. | |
NsxT Firewall | nsxt_firewall_RuleCount | NSXT Firewall Rule Count | Usage | count | 2.0.0 | Number of Rules associated with a Firewall. |
nsxt_firewall_SectionCount | NSXT Firewall Section Count | Usage | count | 2.0.0 | Number Of sessions within a firewall returns. Total Number Of Sections available for a Firewall. | |
NsxT Host Physical Network Interface | nsxt_hostnode_physicalinterface_AdminStatus | NSXT HostNode Physical Interface Admin Status | Availability | — | 2.0.0 | HostNode Network Interface Admin Status. Possible values: Up, Down, Degraded, Unknown. |
nsxt_hostnode_physicalinterface_LinkStatus | NSXT HostNode Physical Interface Link Status | Availability | — | 2.0.0 | HostNode Network Interface Link Status. Possible values: Up, Down, Degraded, Unknown. | |
nsxt_hostnode_physicalinterface_TotalTransmittedPackets | NSXT HostNode Physical Interface Total Transmitted Packets | Availability | count | 8.0.0 | Number of packets transmitted | |
nsxt_hostnode_physicalinterface_DroppedTransmittedPackets | NSXT HostNode Physical Interface Dropped Transmitted Packets | Availability | count | 8.0.0 | Number of transmitted packets dropped | |
nsxt_hostnode_physicalinterface_TotalReceivedPackets | NSXT HostNode Physical Interface Total Received Packets | Availability | count | 8.0.0 | Number of packets received | |
nsxt_hostnode_physicalinterface_DroppedReceivedPackets | NSXT HostNode Physical Interface Dropped Received Packets | Availability | count | 8.0.0 | Number of recieved packets dropped | |
nsxt_hostnode_physicalinterface_TotalTransmittedBytes | NSXT HostNode Physical Interface Total Transmitted Bytes | Availability | GB | 8.0.0 | Number of bytes transmitted | |
nsxt_hostnode_physicalinterface_TotalReceivedBytes | NSXT HostNode Physical Interface Total Received Bytes | Availability | GB | 8.0.0 | Number of bytes received. | |
nsxt_hostnode_physicalinterface_ReceiveErrors | NSXT HostNode Physical Interface Receive Errors | Availability | count | 8.0.0 | Number of receive errors. | |
nsxt_hostnode_physicalinterface_TransmitErrors | NSXT HostNode Physical Interface Transmit Errors | Availability | count | 8.0.0 | Number of transmit errors. | |
nsxt_hostnode_physicalinterface_Collisions | NSXT HostNode Physical Interface Collisions | Availability | count | 8.0.0 | Number of collisions detected. | |
nsxt_hostnode_physicalinterface_CarrierLoss | NSXT HostNode Physical Interface Carrier Loss | Availability | count | 8.0.0 | Number of carrier losses detected. | |
NsxT Logical Switch | nsxt_logicalswitch_DroppedReceivedPackets | NSXT LogicalSwitch Dropped Received Packets | Usage | count | 2.0.0 | Number of received packets received by Logical Switch. |
nsxt_logicalswitch_DroppedTransmittedPackets | NSXT LogicalSwitch Dropped Transmitted Packets | Usage | count | 2.0.0 | Number of transmitted packets dropped by Logical Switch. | |
nsxt_logicalswitch_FullyRealizedSwitchCount | NSXT LogicalSwitch Fully Realized Switch Count | Usage | count | 2.0.0 | Number of Logical switches in fully realized state | |
nsxt_logicalswitch_LogicalPortCount | NSXT LogicalSwitch LogicalPorts Count | Usage | count | 2.0.0 | Number of Logical ports associated with a logical switch | |
nsxt_logicalswitch_TotalReceivedBytes | NSXT LogicalSwitch Total Received Byttes | Usage | GB | 2.0.0 | Number of transmitted packets dropped by Logical Switch | |
nsxt_logicalswitch_TotalReceivedPackets | NSXT LogicalSwitch Total Received Packets | Usage | count | 2.0.0 | Number of packets received by Logical Switch | |
nsxt_logicalswitch_TotalSwitchCount | NSXT LogicalSwitch Total Count | Usage | count | 2.0.0 | Total Number of Logical Switches | |
nsxt_logicalswitch_TotalTransmittedBytes | NSXT LogicalSwitch Total Transmitted Bytes | Usage | GB | 2.0.0 | Number of bytes transmitted by Logical Switch | |
nsxt_logicalswitch_TotalTransmittedPackets | NSXT LogicalSwitch Total Transmitted Packets | Usage | count | 2.0.0 | Total number of Packets transmitted by Logical Switch | |
NsxT Manager | nsxt_manager_CPUCount | NSXT Manager CPU Count | Usage | count | 2.0.0 | Total Number Of CPU's on the NSXT Manager |
nsxt_manager_DiskSpaceUsed | NSXT Manager Disk Space Used | Usage | GB | 10.0.0 | Amount of disk space in use on the system | |
nsxt_manager_DiskSpaceTotal | NSXT Manager Disk Space Total | Usage | GB | 10.0.0 | Amount of disk space available on the system | |
nsxt_manager_DiskSpaceUtilization | NSXT Manager Disk Space Utilization | Usage | % | 10.0.0 | The Percentage of Disk Space utilized | |
nsxt_manager_ControllerNodeStatus | NSXT Manager ControllerNodeStatus | Availability | — | 2.0.0 | Defines whether controller node is running or not | |
nsxt_manager_CpuPercentageUtilization | NSXT Manager CPU Percentage Utiization | percent | 2.0.0 | Fifteen minute load averages for the system utilization | ||
nsxt_manager_FilesystemUtlization | NSXT Manager Filesyestem Utilization | Usage | percent | 2.0.0 | FileSystems utilization on the VMware NSXT Manager | |
nsxt_manager_FreeMemory | NSXT Manager Free Memory | Usage | kilobytes | 2.0.0 | The amount of free memory on the VMware NSXT Manager | |
nsxt_manager_MemoryUtilization | NSXT Manager Memory Utilization | Usage | percent | 2.0.0 | The amount of memory used by the VMware NSXT Manager in percentage | |
nsxt_manager_TotalMemory | NSXT Manager Total Memory | Usage | kilobytes | 2.0.0 | The amount of Total memory on the VMware NSXT Manager. | |
nsxt_manager_UsedMemory | NSXT Manager Used Memory | Usage | kilobytes | 2.0.0 | The amount of Used memory on the VMware NSXT Manager. | |
nsxt_manager_CPUUtilization | NSXT Manager CPU Utilization | Usage | Percentage | 2.0.0 | Fifteen minute load averages for the system utilization | |
nsxt_manager_ControllerStatus | NSXT Manager Controller Status | — | 2.0.0 | Controller Status. Possible values are Running(1),Not Running(0) | ||
NsxT Manager Cluster | nsxt_managercluster_BackupConfiguration | NSX Manager Backup Configuration | Usage | per hour | 2.0.0 | Get backup configuration,get a configuration of a file server and timers for automated backup. Fields that contain secrets (password, passphrase) are not returned. |
nsxt_resource_APIStats | NSXT Resource API Statistics | — | 4.0.0 | Provides the number of API calls made within the frequency and resources | ||
nsxt_alert_statistics | NSXT Alert Statistics | — | 3.0.0 | Provides NSXT Alert Statistics | ||
NsxT Transport Node | nsxt_transportNode_BfdAdminDownCount | NSXT TransportNode BFD Admin Down Count | Availability | count | 2.0.0 | Returns Bidirectional Forwarding Admin Down Count |
nsxt_transportNode_BfdAdministrativelyDownCount | NSXT TransportNode BFD Administrative Path Down Count | count | 2.0.0 | Returns BFD Administrative Path Down Count | ||
nsxt_transportNode_BfdConcatenatedPathDownCount | NSXT TransportNode BFD Concatenated Path Down Count | Availability | count | 2.0.0 | Returns BFD Concatenated Path Down Count | |
nsxt_transportNode_BfdControlDetectionTimeExpiredCount | NSXT TransportNode BFD Control Detection TimeExpired Count | Availability | count | 2.0.0 | Returns Bi-directional Forwarding Control Detection TimeExpired Count. | |
nsxt_transportNode_BfdDownCount | NSXT TransportNode BFD Down Count | Availability | count | 2.0.0 | Returns Bidirectional Forwarding Down Count. | |
nsxt_transportNode_BfdEchoFunctionFailedCount | NSXT TransportNode BFD Echo Function Failed Count | Availability | count | 2.0.0 | Returns Bidirectional Forwarding Detection Of Echo Function Failed Count. | |
nsxt_transportNode_BfdForwardPlaneResetCount | NSXT TransportNode BFD Echo Function Failed Count | Availability | count | 2.0.0 | Returns BFD Forward Plane Reset Count. | |
nsxt_transportNode_BfdInitCount | NSXT TransportNode BFD Init Count | Availability | count | 2.0.0 | Returns Bidirectional Forwarding Init Count. | |
nsxt_transportNode_BfdNeighbourSignalledSessionDownCount | NSXT TransportNode BFD Neighbour Signalled Session Down Count | Availability | count | 2.0.0 | Returns BFD Neighbour Signalled Session Down Count. | |
nsxt_transportNode_BfdNoDiagnosticCount | NSXT TransportNode BFD No Diagnostic Count | Availability | count | 2.0.0 | Returns Bidirectional Forwarding NoDiagnostic Count. | |
nsxt_transportNode_BfdPathDownCount | NSXT TransportNode BFD Path Down Count | Availability | count | 2.0.0 | Returns BFD Path Down Count. | |
nsxt_transportNode_BfdReverseConcatenatedPathDownCount | NSXT TransportNode BFD Reverse Concatenated Path Down Count | Availability | count | 2.0.0 | Returns BFD Reverse Concatenated Path Down Count. | |
nsxt_transportNode_BfdUpCount | NSXT TransportNode BFD Up Count | Availability | count | 2.0.0 | Returns Bidirectional Forwarding Up Count. | |
nsxt_transportNode_DataPathHeapUsage | NSXT TransportNode Data Path Heap Usage | Usage | percent | 2.0.0 | Returns Heap usage of the data path of a Transport Node. | |
nsxt_transportNode_DataPathTotalUsage | NSXT TransportNode Data Path Total Usage | Usage | percent | 2.0.0 | Returns Total usage of data path of a Transport Node. | |
nsxt_transportNode_LCPConnectionStatus | NSXT TransportNode LCP Connection Status | Availability | — | 2.0.0 | Returns the connection status of transportnode with local control plane. Possible values: Up, Down, Unknown, Degraded. | |
nsxt_transportNode_MPAConnectionStatus | NSXT TransportNode MPA Connection Status | Availability | — | 2.0.0 | Returns the connection status of transportnode with Management Plane Agent. Possible values: Up, Down, Unknown, Degraded. | |
nsxt_transportNode_PnicDegradedCount | NSXT TransportNode PNIC Degraded Count | Availability | count | 2.0.0 | Returns Count of Physical NIC's in Degraded State. | |
nsxt_transportNode_PnicDownCount | NSXT TransportNode PNIC Down Count | Availability | count | 2.0.0 | Returns Physical NIC's Down Count. | |
nsxt_transportNode_PnicStatus | NSXT TransportNode PNIC Status | Availability | — | 2.0.0 | TransportNode PNIC Status. Possible values: Up, Down, Unknown and Degraded. | |
nsxt_transportNode_PnicUpCount | NSXT TransportNode PNIC Up Count | Availability | count | 2.0.0 | Returns Physical NIC's Up Count. | |
nsxt_transportNode_Status | NSXT TransportNode Status | Availability | — | 2.0.0 | TransportNode Status. Possible values: Up, Down, Unknown and Degraded. | |
nsxt_transportNode_TunnelDownCount | NSXT TransportNode Tunnel Down Count | Availability | count | 2.0.0 | Returns Tunnel Count which is in Down State. | |
nsxt_transportNode_TunnelStatus | NSXT TransportNode Tunnel Status | Availability | — | 2.0.0 | Defines Connectivity Status Of a TransportNode with Another Remote TransportNodes Possible values: Up, Down, Unknown, Degraded. | |
nsxt_transportNode_TunnelUpCount | NSXT TransportNode Tunnel Up Count | Availability | count | 2.0.0 | Returns Tunnel Count which is in Up State. | |
nsxt_transportnode_AvgDpdkCpuCoreUtilization | NSXT TransportNode Avg Dpdk Cpu Core Utilization | Usage | percent | 2.0.0 | Average Utilization of DPDK CPU cores in a TransportNode. | |
nsxt_transportnode_AvgNonDpdkCpuCoreUtilization | NSXT TransportNode Avg Non Dpdk Cpu Core Utilization | Usage | percent | 2.0.0 | Average Utilization of Non-DPDK CPU cores in a TransportNode. | |
nsxt_transportnode_CacheMemory | NSXT TransportNode Cache Memory | Usage | megabytes | 2.0.0 | Cache Memory allocated to a TransportNode. | |
nsxt_transportnode_CacheUtilization | NSXT TransportNode Cache Utilization | Usage | percent | 2.0.0 | Cache Memory Utilization of a TransportNode. | |
nsxt_transportnode_CpuCoresCount | NSXT TransportNode Cpu Cores Count | Usage | count | 2.0.0 | The number of CPU cores in a TransportNode. | |
nsxt_transportnode_DpdkCpuCoresCount | NSXT TransportNode Dpdk Cpu Cores Count | Usage | count | 2.0.0 | The number of DPDK CPU cores in a TransportNode. | |
nsxt_transportnode_FileSystemUtlization | NSXT TransportNde FileSystem Utilization | Usage | percent | 2.0.0 | File System Utilization Of a TransportNode. | |
nsxt_transportnode_HighestDpdkCpuCoreUtilization | NSXT TransportNode Highest Dpdk Cpu Core Utilization | Usage | percent | 2.0.0 | Highest Utilization of DPDK CPU cores in a TransportNode. | |
nsxt_transportnode_HighestNonDpdkCpuCoreUtilization | NSXT TransportNode Highest Non Dpdk Cpu Core Utilization | Usage | percent | 2.0.0 | Highest Utilization of Non-DPDK CPU cores in a TransportNode. | |
nsxt_transportnode_LoadAverages | NSXT TransportNode Load Averages | Usage | percent | 2.0.0 | Fifteen minute load averages for the system utilization. | |
nsxt_transportnode_NonDpdkCpuCoresCount | NSXT TransportNode Non Dpdk Cpu Cores Count | Usage | count | 2.0.0 | The number of NON-DPDK CPU cores in a TransportNode. | |
nsxt_transportnode_SwapUtilization | NSXT TransportNode Swap Utilization | Usage | percent | 2.0.0 | Swap Memory utilization of a TransportNode. | |
nsxt_transportnode_SystemMemoryUtilization | NSXT TransportNode System Memory Utilization | Usage | percent | 2.0.0 | Total Memory utilization of a TransportNode. | |
nsxt_transportnode_TotalDiskSpace | NSXT TransportNode Total Disk Space | Usage | kilobytes | 2.0.0 | Total Disk Space of a TransportNode. | |
nsxt_transportnode_TotalMemory | NSXT TransportNode Total Memory | Usage | megabytes | 2.0.0 | Total Memory allocated to a TransportNode. | |
nsxt_transportnode_UsedDiskSpace | NSXT TransportNode Used Disk Space | Usage | kilobytes | 2.0.0 | NSXT TransportNode Used Disk Space. | |
nsxt_transportnode_UsedMemory | NSXT TransportNode Used Memory | Usage | megabytes | 2.0.0 | Amount of memory used by a Transport Node. | |
nsxt_transportnodes_DegradedCount | NSXT TransportNodes Degraded Count | Availability | count | 2.0.0 | The number of transport nodes in DegradedState. | |
nsxt_transportnodes_DownCount | NSXT TransportNodes Down Count | Availability | count | 2.0.0 | The number of transport nodes are down. | |
nsxt_transportnodes_UnknownStateCount | NSXT TransportNodes Unknown State Count | Availability | count | 2.0.0 | The number of transport nodes in Unknown State. | |
nsxt_transportnodes_UpCount | NSXT TransportNodes Up Count | Availability | count | 2.0.0 | The number of transport nodes are running. | |
nsxt_transportNode_BfdAdministrativeDownCount | NSXT TransportNode BFD Administrative Path Down Count | Availability | count | 2.0.0 | Returns BFD Administrative Path Down Count | |
NsxT Transport Zone | nsxt_transportzone_DegradedCount | NSXT TransportZone Degraded Count | Availability | count | 2.0.0 | The number of transport zones in DegradedState. |
nsxt_transportzone_DownCount | NSXT TransportZone Down Count | Availability | count | 2.0.0 | The number of transport zones are down. | |
nsxt_transportzone_LogicalSwitchesCount | NSXT TransportZone LogicalSwitches Count | Availability | count | 2.0.0 | The number of logicalswitches associated with a transportzone. | |
nsxt_transportzone_TransportNodeCount | NSXT TransportZone TransportNode Count | Availability | count | 2.0.0 | The number of transportnodes associated with a transportzone | |
nsxt_transportzone_UnknownStateCount | NSXT TransportZone Unknown Count | Availability | count | 2.0.0 | The number of transport zones in Unknown State. | |
nsxt_transportzone_UpCount | NSXT TransportZone Up Count | Availability | count | 2.0.0 | The number of transport zones are running. | |
nsxt_transportzones_LogicalSwitchCount | NSXT TransportZones Logical Switch Count | count | 2.0.0 | The number of Logical Switches associated with a transport zone | ||
nsxt_transportzones_TransportNodeCount | NSXT TransportZones TransportNode Count | count | 2.0.0 | The number of transportnodes. both HostNode and EdgeNode associated with a transportzone | ||
nsxt_transportzones_UpCount | NSXT TransportZones Up Count | count | 2.0.0 | The number of transport zones in Up(Running) state | ||
nsxt_transportzones_DownCount | NSXT TransportZones Down Count | count | 2.0.0 | The number of transport zones in Down state | ||
nsxt_transportzones_DegradedCount | NSXT TransportZones Degraded Count | count | 2.0.0 | The number of transport zones in Degraded State | ||
nsxt_transportzones_UnknownStateCount | NSXT TransportZones Unknown State Count | count | 2.0.0 | The number of transport zones in Unknown State | ||
NsxT Virtual Machine | nsxt_virtualmachines_Statuss | NSXT VirtualMachine Status | Availability | — | 2.0.0 | VirtualMachine Status. Possible values: VM_Running, VM_Stopped |
NsxT Logical Router | nsxt_logicalrouter_BGP_neighbor_connection_State | NSXT LogicalRouter BGP Neighbor Connection State | — | 2.0.0 | Current state of the BGP session. Possible values 0-UNKNOWN, 1-INVALID, 2-IDLE, 3-CONNECT, 4-ACTIVE, 5-OPEN_SENT, 6-OPEN_CONFIRM, 7-ESTABLISHED. | |
nsxt_logicalrouter_NodeHAStatus | NSXT LogicalRouter Node HA Status | 11.0.0 | A service router's HA status on each edge node. Possible values are ACTIVE(0), STANDBY(1), DOWN(2), SYNC(3), UNKNOWN(4), ADMIN_DOWN(5)", "metricCategory": "Availability",. | |||
nsxt_logicalrouter_BGP_neighbor_established_connection_Count | NSXT LogicalRouter BGP Neighbor Established Connection Count | count | 2.0.0 | Count of connections established. | ||
nsxt_logicalrouter_BGP_neighbor_connection_drop_Count | NSXT LogicalRouter BGP Neighbor Connection Drop Count | count | 2.0.0 | Count of connection drop. | ||
nsxt_logicalrouter_Status | NSXT LogicalRouter Status | 6.0.0 | Overall state of desired configuration. The success states are NODE_READY and TRANSPORT_NODE_READY, pending states are {VM_DEPLOYMENT_QUEUED, VM_DEPLOYMENT_IN_PROGRESS, REGISTRATION_PENDING} and other values indicate failures.in_sync state indicates that the desired configuration has been received by the host to which it applies, but is not yet in effect. When the configuration is actually in effect, the state will change to success. Please note, failed state is deprecated. Possible values 0-SUCCESS, 1-IN_PROGRESS, 2-ERROR, 3-UNINITIALIZED, 4-UP, 5-DOWN, 6-UNKNOWN, 7-IN_SYNC, 8-PENDING, 9-FAILURE | |||
nsxt_logicalrouter_HA_Mode | NSXT LogicalRouter HA Mode | 6.0.0 | Logical Router High availability mode. Possible values 0-ACTIVE_ACTIVE, 1-ACTIVE_STANDBY, 2-DISTRIBUTED ONLY |
Default Monitoring Configurations
VMware-NSX-T has default Global Device Management Policies, Global Templates, Global Monitors and Global Metrics in OpsRamp. You can customize these default monitoring configurations as per your business requirement by cloning respective Global Templates and Global Device Management Policies. It is recommended to clone them before installing the application to avoid noise alerts and data.
Default Global Device Management Policies
You can find the Device Management Policy for each Native Type at Setup > Resources > Device Management Policies. Search with suggested name in global scope. Each Device Management Policy follows below naming convention:
{appName nativeType - version}
Ex: vmware-nsx-t NsxT Manager Cluster - 2 (i.e, appName = vmware-nsx-t, nativeType = NsxT Manager Cluster, version = 2)
Default Global Templates
You can find the Global Templates for each Native Type at Setup > Monitoring > Templates. Search with suggested names in global scope. Each template follows below naming convention:
{appName nativeType 'Template' - version}
Ex: vmware-nsx-t NsxT Manager Cluster Template - 2 (i.e, appName = vmware-nsx-t, nativeType = NsxT Manager Cluster, version = 2)
Default Global Monitors
You can find the Global Monitors for each Native Type at Setup > Monitoring > Monitors. Search with suggested name in global scope. Each Monitors follows below naming convention:
{monitorKey appName nativeType - version}
Ex: NsxT Manager Cluster Monitor vmware-nsx-t NsxT Manager Cluster 2 (i.e, monitorKey = NsxT Manager Cluster Monitor, appName = vmware-nsx-t, nativeType = NsxT Manager Cluster, version = 2)