This guide describes how to install the OpsRamp Agent on windows using Agent MSI file.

  • Step 1: Install the Microsoft Windows OS Integration
  • Step 2: Choose connection type (Direct or Proxy) and download the MSI file:
  • Step 3: Install the Agent using command line arguments

Install Microsoft Windows OS Integration

Refer to Install Microsoft Windows OS Integration document.

Download the Agent MSI File

Refer Download Windows Agent document.

Install the Agent using command line Arguments

  1. Navigate to the downloaded MSI file.
  2. Open the command prompt with administrator privileges.
  3. Using the authentication credentials from the Instructions page, run the following command to install the agent:
    • Enable all features
          msiexec.exe /i {.msi file path in quotes} /quiet WRAPPED_ARGUMENTS="/silent /apiserver={apiserver} /key={key} /secret={secret} /clientid={clientid} /installedappid={installedappid} /logmonitorable=true"
    • Enable all features with proxy
          msiexec.exe /i {.msi file path in quotes} /quiet WRAPPED_ARGUMENTS="/silent /apiserver={apiserver} /key={key} /secret={secret} /clientid={clientid} /installedappid={installedappid} /proxyip=proxyIP /proxyport=proxyport  /gatewayprofileuuid={profile_UUID_of_the_gate} /logmonitorable=true"
    • Specific features
          msiexec.exe /i {.msi file path in quotes} /quiet WRAPPED_ARGUMENTS="/silent /apiserver={apiserver} /key={key} /secret={secret} /clientid={clientid} /installedappid={installedappid} /features=agent:RemoteConsole,agent:RemoteCommand /logmonitorable=true"
    • Only core agent functionality
          msiexec.exe /i {.msi file path in quotes} /quiet WRAPPED_ARGUMENTS="/silent /apiserver={apiserver} /key={key} /secret={secret} /clientid={clientid} /installedappid={installedappid} /features=agent:Core /logmonitorable=true"
    • Install agent in custom path
          msiexec.exe /i {.msi file path in quotes} /quiet WRAPPED_ARGUMENTS="/silent /apiserver={apiserver} /key={key} /secret={secret} /clientid={clientid} /installedappid={installedappid} /features=agent:Core /logmonitorable=true /custominstallationpath={custominstallationpath}"

      Note: Provide your preferred path for /custominstallationpath parameter. If the preferred installation folder is not found, the installation process of the agent will stop and the agent will not be installed.

    • Install with default user(Non System Account)
          msiexec.exe /i {.msi file path in quotes} /quiet WRAPPED_ARGUMENTS="/silent /apiserver={apiserver} /key={key} /secret={secret} /clientid={clientid} /installedappid={installedappid} /features=agent:Core /logmonitorable=true /isnonadmin=YES"
    • Install with custom user
          msiexec.exe /i {.msi file path in quotes} /quiet WRAPPED_ARGUMENTS="/silent /apiserver={apiserver} /key={key} /secret={secret} /clientid={clientid} /installedappid={installedappid} /features=agent:Core /logmonitorable=true /isnonadmin=YES /domain={Domain Name} /username={user name} /password={user password}"

The server appears on the OpsRamp Infrastructure page within a few seconds.