Python-based agent deployment script for Linux and FreeBSD-based operating systems.

This guide describes how to install the OpsRamp Agent using Linux Agent Script.

  • Step 1: Install the Linux OS Integration
  • Step 2: Choose connection type and download the Agent for python script.
  • Step 3: Install the Agent for:
    • Root User Agent
    • Default Non-root User Agent
    • Non-root Custom User Agent


  • Processor: 1 GHz CPU or greater
  • Memory: 2 GB RAM
  • Disk Space: 200 MB
  • CURL or WGET should be available on the server.
  • The host machine should have access to the OpsRamp API server to download the installer.

Install the Linux OS Integration

Refer to Install Linux OS Integration document.

Download the Agent

Refer Download Linux Agent document.

Download and save the script.

Install the Agent

Tabbed Interface with Table
Root User Agent
Default Non-root User Agent
Non-root Custom User Agent
1. Run the file with the authentication tokens generated for your organization. See the Instructions page in OpsRamp portal to get your authentication tokens.
  • Enable all features
  •     python {accessKey} -S {securityKey} -s -F {Integration ID} -L true 
  • Specific features
  •     python -K {accessKey} -S {securityKey} -s -F {Integration ID} -L true -f "agent:RemoteCommand,agent:PatchManagement,agent:Automation,agent:RemoteConsole"
3. The server appears on the OpsRamp Infrastructure page within a few seconds.

See the /tmp/opsramp-agent_install.log file for installation progress.

The default, non-root agent installation automatically creates the default user.

1. Run the file with the authentication tokens generated for your organization. See the Instructions page in OpsRamp portal to get your authentication tokens.
  • Enable all features
  •     python -n yes -K {accessKey} -S {securityKey} -s -F {Integration ID} -L true 
  • Specific features
  •     python -n yes -K {accessKey} -S {securityKey} -s -F {Integration ID} -L true -f "agent:RemoteCommand,agent:PatchManagement,agent:Automation,agent:RemoteConsole"
2. The server appears on the OpsRamp Infrastructure page within a few seconds.

See the /tmp/opsramp-agent_install.log file for installation progress.
To install the agent as a custom user with non-root privilege, create a new user group and custom user before installing the agent.

  1. Create a new user group:
        groupadd --system {username}
  2. Create a custom user:
        useradd -g {username} -d /opt/opsramp -m {username} -s /bin/sh --system
  3. Set the user password:
        echo {username}:{password} | chpasswd
  4. Run the file with the authentication tokens generated for your organization. See the Instructions page in OpsRamp portal to get your authentication tokens.
    • Enable all features
    •     python -R username -K {accessKey} -S {securityKey} -s -F {Integration ID} -L true 
    • Specific features
    •     python -R username -K {accessKey} -S {securityKey} -s -F {Integration ID} -L true -f "agent:RemoteCommand,agent:PatchManagement,agent:Automation,agent:RemoteConsole"
  5. The server appears on the OpsRamp Infrastructure page within a few seconds.

    See the /tmp/opsramp-agent_install.log file for installation progress.

Uninstall the Agent

To uninstall the agent run the following command:

  • Debian-based operating systems:
    dpkg -P opsramp-agent
  • Red Hat-based operating systems:
    rpm -e opsramp-agent
  • FreeBSD-based operating system:
    sudo pkg delete opsramp-agent

See the /tmp/opsramp-agent_uninstall.log file for uninstall progress.