
The WMI protocol is used to discover and collect performance and health metrics from WMI-enabled devices. Agent-based and agentless WMI-enabled device discovery are supported.

Agent-based Discovery

Agent-based discovery uses an Agent to discover remote WMI-enabled Windows devices.

Agent-based discovery prerequisites

  • Install an agent on a Windows server where it is used to discover other Windows servers.
  • Enable the WMI service on target devices.
  • Allow WMI service through the firewall.

Discover WMI-enabled devices using Agent

  1. Install the agent on one of your network Windows servers.

  2. Go to Setup > Resources > Management profile > + Add.

  3. Enter a profile name and select:

    • Select Profile type as Agent
    • Select Device Type as Windows
  4. Click Save.

    A master agent is a legacy concept and it is recommended that you not use an agent as a master agent.

  5. Go to Setup > Resources > Discovery deployment > Create New and:

    • Select Discovery Type as Agent.
    • Select Discovery Profile Type as WMI.
  6. Select credentials, specify the IPs you want to discover, and click Submit.

  7. Open the Discovery profile and click Scan.

All discovered devices are visible on the same page.

Agentless Discovery

Agentless discovery uses a Windows gateway instead of an agent to discover WMI-enabled devices.

If any of the following are true, the gateway does not discover the device:

  • Port 5985 is not open.
  • An agent is installed on the devices.

Agentless Discovery prerequisites

On OpsRamp Gateway devices:

  • Ensure that the WinRM service is enabled on the OpsRamp Gateway.
  • Configure the firewalls to allow WinRM traffic.
  • Add the IP addresses of the target remote devices as trusted hosts on the gateway, as discovery operates within the specified IP range.
  • Ensure that PowerShell Remoting (PS-Remoting) is enabled on OpsRamp Gateway device.
  • Confirm that you can access PowerShell from the command prompt.

On target devices:

  • Enable WinRM service.
  • Configure the firewall to allow WinRM traffic.
  • Enable PowerShell Remoting (PS-Remoting) on the target devices.

Discover WMI-enabled devices using Windows Gateway

  1. Install the Windows gateway.
  2. Go to Setup > Resources > Management profile > +Add.
  3. Enter a profile name and, select Profile type as Gateway.
  4. Click Save.

Configure and Install the Microsoft Windows (WMI) Integration

  1. From All Clients, select a client.
  2. Go to Setup > Account.
  3. Select the Integrations and Apps tab.
  4. The Installed Integrations page, where all the installed applications are displayed.
    Note: If there are no installed applications, it will navigate to the Available Integrations and Apps page.
  5. Click + ADD on the Installed Integrations page. The Available Integrations and Apps page displays all the available applications along with the newly created application with the version.
    Note: You can even search for the application using the search option available. Also you can use the All Categories option to search.
Dell PowerFlex
  1. Click ADD in Microsoft Windows (WMI).
  2. In the Configurations page, click + ADD. The Add Configuration page appears.
  3. Enter the below mentioned BASIC INFORMATION:
NameEnter the name for the integration.
Host Name/IP AddressHost name or the IP address provided from the installation.
WMI CredentialSelect an existing credential or create a new credential.
(Optional) Click + ADD to create a new credential. In the ADD CREDENTIAL window that appears, enter the following information:
  • Name - Enter the name.
  • Description - Provide a description.
  • Domain Name - Enter the domain name.
  • User Name - Enter the username.
  • Password - Enter the password. To ensure that you have typed the correct password, click the eye icon to view the password that you entered.
  • Confirm Password - Reenter the password. To ensure that you have typed the correct password, click the eye icon to view the password that you entered.
  • Connection Timeout(ms) - Enter a value.
  • Click ADD.
Discover only WMI enabled devicesIf you choose this option, only WMI-enabled devices are discovered.
  • If this option is not selected, the device is ping-able from the gateway, and WMI is not responding or does not exist, the device is onboarded as the Other device.
  • If the device is managed, the device is shown in the Infrastructure > Resources > Desktop/Server screen.
  • If the device is not managed, the device is shown in the Infrastructure > Resources > Discovered screen.
Perform ActionsSelect the Manage Device checkbox, to manage the devices. The +Query option is displayed.
  • Use queries to filter the resources you want to manage.
    Note: If you do not select the Manage Device option, the devices will be in the discovered state.
  1. In the Discovery Schedule section, select Recurrence Pattern to add one of the following patterns:

    • None: Select this option, If you do not want to schedule the discovery.
    • Hourly: Select this option, If you want to apply the discovery on hourly basis. You can configure this option by choosing: Every hour.
    • Daily: Select this option, If you want to apply the discovery daily. You can configure this option by choosing: Every Weekday (Mon-Friday) or Everyday.
    • Weekly: Select this option, If you want to apply the discovery on a weekly basis. Configure weekly schedule by selecting: Time preference, Starting date, and Days.
    • Monthly: Select this option if you only want to apply discovery on a monthly basis. Configure this by selecting: Time preference, Starting date, and number of days in a month.

  2. Click ADD.

  3. Now the integration is saved and displayed on the configurations page after you save it. From the same page, you are able to Edit and Remove the created integration.

Dell PowerFlex
  1. Click Next. The Select Collectors Profile page is displayed.
    • Create a new collector by providing a new name or use the pre-populated name.
    • Select a collector from the existing list.
  3. Click Finish.
Dell PowerFlex

The integration is now installed and displayed on the Installed Integration page. Use the search field to find the installed integration.

Note: By default, the Discovery Status is displayed as Completed, for recurring schedules, but actual discovery scan will start at the scheduled time. The Discovery scheduling is updated in the Gateway when configuration is saved.

Modify an Installed Integration or Application

View the Microsoft Windows (WMI) Details

Navigate to Infrastructure > Resources > Server. You can go to the Attributes tab to view the below discovery details:

Basic Information

Device TypeDevice Type Information
Resource TypeResource Type information
OSOperating System information
Host NameThe name of the Host
DNS NameDNS Name
IP AddressIP Address
Mac AddressMac Address information
MakeMake of the device
ModelModel number of the device
DescriptionDescription of the device.
Serial NumberSerial number information.

More Information

OS ArchitectureInformation related to Operating System architecture.
Build NumberInformation to Build Number
Registered UserInformation of the registered user
Product KeyProduct Key information

Hardware Information

The below mentioned attributes are displayed against each component:

Device InfoDevice Type
Domain Name
System Caption
BIOS version
SMBIOS Present
SMBIOS Version
Processor Name
Processor Version
Power Management
L2 Cache Size
Max Clock Speed
Data Width
Number Of Cores
Socket Designation
Physical Disk Drive DetailsName
Interface Type
Media Type
Logical Disk Drive DetailsDrive Caption
Drive Name
Total Space (GB)
File System
Video CardsName
Bits per Pixel
Network InformationName
IP Address
MAC Address
DHCP Status
OOB Interface Cards-


How do you view and save discovered devices manually?

If you cannot view the discovered devices, follow these steps to view and save the discovered devices:

  1. Open a PowerShell window and navigate to the default discovery script location: C:\Program Files\OpsRamp\Gateway\scripts\wmi\discovery

  2. Enter the following command:

        .\scriptname <IPAddress> <domain\username> <password>


        {{ .\windowsdiscovery.ps1 opsramp\admin Pass@123 }}

    This populates the console discovered device list.

  3. Enter the following command if you want to save the result in a file:

        .\windowsdiscovery.ps1 opsramp\admin Pass@123 > D:\result.txt


        {{ .\windowsdiscovery.ps1 opsramp\admin Pass@123 > D:\result.txt }}

    In this example, the discovered device list is saved in the result.txt text file.

How do you troubleshoot remote connections?

To troubleshoot remote connections or debug environment-related permissions and authentication issues, see Microsoft documentation about remote troubleshooting.

How to check for proxy and disable it?

Open a PowerShell window with Administrator privileges and execute the following commands:

  1. To check for proxy: netsh winhttp show proxy
  2. To disable the proxy: netsh winhttp reset proxy

This should be done in both gateway and target device as well.

External References