
  • OpsRamp Classic Gateway 15.0.0 and above.

  • OpsRamp Nextgen Gateway 15.0.0 and above.
    Note: OpsRamp recommends using the latest Gateway version for full coverage of recent bug fixes, enhancements, etc..

  • Should be able to connect to IBM-AIX portal via SSH with the provided IpAddress/Hostname and the credentials.

  • Credential Set: root users & non-root users member of system user group.

  • Non-root users should have a home directory and make sure the user has read, write & execute permissions to that directory for log file monitoring. (As part of log file monitoring, the application will copy the .sh script file into the AIX device which is responsible for log file monitoring. This will copy the file into user’s home directory)

  • Non-root user should have read permissions to monitor “.pid” files (to read the file data).

  • We recommend you to provide IBM AIX Node persistant IpAddresses and SSH login credentials (This credentials should be same for all nodes)

  • IBM AIX nodes should be reachable from the gateway and SSH access must be opened.

  • The assigned SSH credentials should have privileges to execute CLI commands.

Roles and Permissions

Users with monitor roles are required to fetch discovery and monitoring related data.

Application Migration

  1. Check for the gateway version as a prerequisite step - classic gateway-12.0.1 and above.

    • You only have to follow these steps when you want to migrate from sdk 1.0 to sdk 2.0.
    • For first time installation below steps are not required.
      • Application name should be the same.
      • Disable all installed integrations configurations for that application. This is to make sure no discovery and monitoring requests are processed.
      • Install and Add the configuration to that sdk 2.0 application.
        Note: refer to Configure IBM AIX Integration & Discover Resources in IBM AIX Integration sections of this document.
      • During the migration from SDK 1.0 to SDK 2.0, ensure that you uncheck the Bypass Resource Reconciliation checkbox.
  2. Once all discoveries are completed with the sdk 2.0 applicaion, follow any one of the approaches.

    • Direct uninstallation of the sdk1.0 adaptor application through the uninstall API with skipDeleteResources=true in the post request.

End-Point: https://{{host}}/api/v2/tenants/{tenantId}/integrations/installed/{installedIntgId}

Request Body:

    "uninstallReason": "Test",
    "skipDeleteResources": true


  • Delete the configuration one by one through the Delete adaptor config API with the request parameter as skipDeleteResources=true.

End-Point: https://{{host}}/api/v2/tenants/{tenantId}/integrations/installed/config/{configId}?skipDeleteResources=true.

  • Finally, uninstall the adaptor application through API with skipDeleteResources=true in the post request.



Request Body:

    "uninstallReason": "Test",
    "skipDeleteResources": true

Configure IBM AIX Integration

Click here to Configure and Install the IBM AIX Integration
  1. To select your client, navigate to All Clients, and click the Client/Partner dropdown menu.
    Note: You may either type your client’s name in the search bar or select your client from the list.
  2. Navigate to Setup > Account. The Account Details screen is displayed.
  3. Click Integrations. The Installed Integrations screen is displayed with all the installed applications.
    Note: If you do not have any installed applications, you will be navigated to the Available Integrations and Apps page with all the available applications along with the newly created application with the version.
  4. Click + ADD on the Installed Integrations page.
    Note: Search for the integration either by entering the name of the integration in the search bar or by selecting the category of the integration from the All Categories dropdown list.
  5. Click ADD in the IBM AIX application.
  6. In the Configuration screen, click + ADD. The Add Configuration screen appears.
  7. Enter the following BASIC INFORMATION:

Field NameDescriptionField Type
NameEnter the name for the configuration.String
ModelSelect either
  • IBM AIXPowerHA Cluster
    • Note: IBM AIX Persistant IP Address(s) is displated. Enter the required information.
  • IBM AIX Server
    • Note: IP Address/ Host Name is displayed. Enter the IP address/host name of the IBM AIX. It should be accessible from Gateway.

Note: By default 22 is displayed.
CredentialSelect the credential associated with your IBM AIX account. If you want to use the existing credentials, select them from the Select Credentials dropdown. Else, click + Add to create credentials. The ADD CREDENTIAL window is displayed. Select the credential type as Application or SSH from the drop-down list.
    Application: Enter the following information.
    • Name: Credential name.
    • Description: Brief description of the credential.
    • User Name: User name.
    • Password: Password.
    • Confirm Password: Confirm password.
    SSH: Enter the following information.
    • Name: Credential name.
    • Description: Brief description of the credential.
    • Authentication Type: Select Password or Keypair from the dropdown list.
    • User Name: User name.
    • Password: Password.
    • Confirm Password: Confirm password.
    • Port: Enter the port information
      Note: By default 22 is the port.
    • Connection Timeout: Enter the connection timeout information.
App Failure NotificationsWhen selected, you will be notified in case of an application failure such as Connectivity Exception, Authentication Exception.Checkbox
Log File MonitoringConfigure the values for below fields as per your log file monitoring use case:
  • Log File Configuration: [{"Name":"","File Name":"","Rotated File Name":"","Expression":"","Check Type":"","Threshold":"","Severity":""}].
  • Process monitoring support is available if user provides process name or pid file absolute path or combination of both as shown below:
    • "Processes": "sshd,cron,/etc/mail/,init,inetd,qdaemon,/etc/"

    • Note: Absolute path should be given for PID file & user should have read permissions to the file.
Additional ConfigurationEnter the additional configuration.

Note: By default {"File Systems":"JFS,JFS2,NameFS,nfs,GPFS","Mount Points":"/tmp,/usr","Processes": "sshd,syslogd,cron,init,inetd,qdaemon,sendmail"} is added.
  1. CUSTOM ATTRIBUTES: Custom attributes are the user-defined data fields or properties that can be added to the preexisting attributes to configure the integration.
Field NameDescriptionField Type
Custom AttributeSelect the custom attribute from the dropdown. You can add attributes by clicking the Add icon (+).Dropdown
ValueSelect the value from the dropdown.Dropdown

Note: The custom attribute that you add here will be assigned to all the resources that are created by the integration. You can add a maximum of five custom attributes (key and value pair).

  1. In the RESOURCE TYPE section, select:
    • ALL: All the existing and future resources will be discovered.
    • SELECT: You can select one or multiple resources to be discovered.
  2. In the DISCOVERY SCHEDULE section, select recurrence pattern to add one of the following patterns:
    • Minutes
    • Hourly
    • Daily
    • Weekly
    • Monthly
  3. Click ADD.

Now the configuration is saved and displayed on the configurations page after you save it.
Note: From the same page, you may Edit and Remove the created configuration.
12. Under the ADVANCED SETTINGS, Select the Bypass Resource Reconciliation option, if you wish to bypass resource reconciliation when encountering the same resources discovered by multiple applications.
Note: If two different applications provide identical discovery attributes, two separate resources will be generated with those respective attributes from the individual discoveries.
13. Click NEXT.
14. (Optional) Click +ADD to create a new collector. You can either use the pre-populated name or give the name to your collector.
15. Select an existing registered profile.

  1. Click FINISH.
    The integration is installed and displayed on the INSTALLED INTEGRATION page. Use the search field to find the installed integration.

Modify IBM AIX Integration

Click here to Modify the Configuration

Discover Resources in IBM AIX Integration

Click here to View the IBM AIX Details

To discover resources for IBM AIX:

  1. Navigate to Infrastructure > Search > OS > IBM AIX.
  2. The IBM AIX page is displayed, select the application name.
  3. The RESOURCE DETAILS page appears from the right.
  4. Click the ellipsis () on the top right and select View details.
  5. Navigate to the Attributes tab to view the discovery details.

  1. Click the Metrics tab to view the metric details for IBM AIX Server.