Supported Metrics
The following tabs represent the metric category of IBM AIX Server.
Native Type | Metric Name | Display Name | Units | Version | Description |
IBM AIX Server | ibmaix_server_fileSystem_Mount_ChangeDetection | IBM-AIX Server filesystem mount change detection | 2.0.0 | File system mount point change detection. It detects if any file system mount point is removed and if any new mount point added into the system. Below are the possible values: 0 - Available, 1 - Newly Added, 2 - Removed. | |
ibmaix_server_network_interface_InDiscards | IBM-AIX Server network interface In discards | psec | 2.0.0 | Monitors Network in discards of each interface for IBM AIX Devices. | |
ibmaix_server_network_interface_OutErrors | IBM-AIX Server network interface Out errors | count | 2.0.0 | Monitors network out errors of each interface for IBM AIX Devices. | |
ibmaix_server_network_interface_OutDiscards | IBM-AIX Server network interface Out discards | psec | 2.0.0 | Monitors network Out Discards of each interface for IBM AIX Devices. | |
ibmaix_server_network_interface_Status | IBM-AIX Server network interface status | 2.0.0 | Monitors status of each interface for IBM AIX Devices. Possible values 0-down, 1-up. | ||
ibmaix_server_network_interface_InErrors | IBM-AIX Server network interface In errors | count | 2.0.0 | Monitors network in errors of each interface for IBM AIX Devices | |
ibmaix_server_process_RunningStatus | IBM-AIX Server process running status | 2.0.0 | Monitors status of each user mentioned process. Possible values 0-Not Running, 1- Running. | ||
IBM AIX Cluster | ibmaix_cluster_State | IBM-AIX Cluster State | 4.0.0 | Current state of the IBM AIX cluster. Possible values 0-ST_STABLE, 1-ST_UNSTABLE, 2-NOT_CONFIGURED, 3-ST_INIT, 4-ST_JOINING, 5-ST_VOTING, 6-ST_RP_RUNNING, 7-RP_FAILED, 8-ST_BARRIER, 9-ST_CBARRIER | |
ibmaix_cluster_online_NodeCount | IBM-AIX Cluster Online Nodes Count | count | 4.0.0 | Count of IBM AIX Cluster nodes which are in Online state | |
ibmaix_cluster_activeVolumes_Count | IBM-AIX Cluster Active Volumes Count | count | 4.0.0 | Count of Total Active Volumes available in the cluster | |
ibmaix_cluster_ServicesStatus | IBM-AIX Cluster Services Status | 4.0.0 | Status of the available IBM AIX Cluster services.Possible values are 0-Active, 1-Inactive, 2-Failed, 3-Starting, 4-Stopping, 5-Unstable, 6-Stable, 7-Pending | ||
IBM AIX Resource Group | ibmaix_resourceGroup_State | IBM-AIX Resource Group State | 4.0.0 | To monitor the state of the each Resource Group.Possible values are ONLINE:0, OFFLINE:1 |
Native Type | Metric Name | Display Name | Units | Application Version | Description |
IBM AIX Server | ibmaix_server_realMemory_ScanRate | IBM-AIX Server real memory scan rate | psec | 2.0.0 | Memory scan rate in pages per second. |
ibmaix_server_realMemory_pageOuts_PagesPerSec | IBM-AIX Server real memory page outs (pages/sec) | psec | 2.0.0 | Memory page out rate in pages per second. | |
ibmaix_server_realMemory_pageOuts_KiloBytesPerSec | IBM-AIX Server real memory page outs (KB/sec) | KBps | 2.0.0 | Memory pages page out rate in KiloBytes per second. | |
ibmaix_server_network_interface_OutTraffic | IBM-AIX Server network interface Out traffic | Kbps | 2.0.0 | Monitors Out traffic of each interface for IBM AIX Devices. | |
ibmaix_server_network_interface_OutPackets | IBM-AIX Server network interface Out packets | packets/sec | 2.0.0 | Monitors Out packets of each interface for IBM AIX Devices. | |
ibmaix_server_network_interface_InPackets | IBM-AIX Server network interface In packets | packets/sec | 2.0.0 | Monitors in Packets of each interface for IBM AIX Devices. | |
ibmaix_server_network_interface_Collisions | IBM-AIX Server network interface collisions | count | 2.0.0 | Monitors network collisions of each interface for IBM AIX Devices. | |
ibmaix_server_network_interface_InTraffic | IBM-AIX Server network interface In traffic | Kbps | 2.0.0 | Monitors In traffic of each interface for IBM AIX Devices. |
Native Type | Metric Name | Display Name | Units | Application Version | Description |
IBM AIX Server | ibmaix_server_openFileDescriptors_Utilization | IBM-AIX Server open file descriptor utilization | % | 2.0.0 | Open File Descriptors Used Percentage. |
ibmaix_server_fileSystem_FreeSpace | IBM-AIX Server filesystem Free Space | MB | 5.0.0 | File System free space in MB | |
ibmaix_server_fileSystem_Space_Utilization | IBM-AIX Server filesystem space utilization | % | 5.0.0 | File System Used Percentage | |
ibmaix_server_openFileDescriptors_UsedCount | IBM-AIX Server open file descriptor used count | count | 2.0.0 | Current number of Open File Descriptors. | |
ibmaix_server_loggedInUsers_Pct | IBM-AIX Server logged in users percentage | % | 2.0.0 | Current number of logged in users percentage. | |
ibmaix_server_loggedInUsers_Count | IBM-AIX Server logged in users count | count | 2.0.0 | Current number of logged in users. | |
ibmaix_server_runningProcesses_Pct | IBM-AIX Server running processes percentage | % | 2.0.0 | Current running processes percentage. | |
ibmaix_server_runningProcesses_Count | IBM-AIX Server running processes count | count | 2.0.0 | Current number of running processes. | |
ibmaix_server_Semaphores_UsedCount | IBM-AIX Server semaphores IDs used count | count | 2.0.0 | Current number of semaphore ID’s in use. | |
ibmaix_server_messageQueueIDs_UsedCount | IBM-AIX Server message queue IDs used count | count | 2.0.0 | Current number of message queue ID’s in use. | |
ibmaix_server_sharedMemoryIDs_UsedCount | IBM-AIX Server shared memory IDs used count | count | 2.0.0 | Current number of shared memory ID’s in use. | |
ibmaix_server_cpu_total_Utilization | IBM-AIX Server total CPU utilization | % | 2.0.0 | System CPU Utilization. | |
ibmaix_server_cpu_logicalProcessor_Utilization | IBM-AIX Server CPU logical processor utilization | % | 2.0.0 | System CPU logical processor Utilization. | |
ibmaix_server_cpu_Load | IBM-AIX Server CPU load | 2.0.0 | Average cpu load for 1 min, 5 min and 15 min. | ||
ibmaix_server_realMemory_memory_Utilization | IBM-AIX Server real memory Utilization | % | 2.0.0 | Memory Utilization. | |
ibmaix_server_swapMemory_Utilization | IBM-AIX Server swap memory utilization | % | 2.0.0 | Swap memory utilization in percent. | |
ibmaix_server_individual_SwapArea_Utilization | IBM-AIX Server individual swap area utilization | % | 2.0.0 | Individual swap area utilization in percent. | |
ibmaix_server_fileSystem_Space_UsedInMB | IBM-AIX Server filesystem space used (MB) | MB | 2.0.0 | File system space usage in MB. | |
ibmaix_server_fileSystem_Space_DeltaInKB | IBM-AIX Server filesystem space delta (MB) | MB | 2.0.0 | File system space usage(KB) delta. | |
ibmaix_server_fileSystem_Inodes_Utilization | IBM-AIX Server filesystem Inodes utilization | % | 2.0.0 | File system Inodes utilization percent. | |
ibmaix_server_fileSystem_Inodes_Usage_Number | IBM-AIX Server filesystem Inodes usage number | count | 2.0.0 | File system Inodes usage number. | |
ibmaix_server_fileSystem_Inodes_Delta | IBM-AIX Server filesystem Inodes Delta | count | 2.0.0 | File system Inodes usage delta. | |
ibmaix_server_logFile_AlertStatistics | IBM-AIX Server Log file alert Statistics | 4.0.0 | IBM AIX server log file monitoring alert statistics | ||
IBM AIX Cluster | ibmaix_cluster_failOver_State | IBM-AIX Cluster Failover State | 4.0.0 | This metric represents the Failover state of the IBM AIX Cluster. Component name will be like groupName:nodeName. Possible values are 0-ONLINE, 1-OFFLINE |
Default Monitoring Configurations
IBM AIX Server has default Global Device Management Policies, Global Templates, Global Monitors and Global Metrics in OpsRamp. You can customize these default monitoring configurations as per your business requirement by cloning respective Global Templates and Global Device Management Policies. It is recommended to clone them before installing the application to avoid noise alerts and data.
Default Global Device Management Policies
You can find the Device Management Policy for each Native Type at Setup > Resources > Device Management Policies. Search with suggested names in global scope:
{appName nativeType - version - Type}
Ex: ibm-aix-server IBM AIX Cluster - 4 - IBM AIX PowerHA Cluster (i.e, appName = ibm-aix-server, nativeType = IBM AIX Cluster, version = 4, Type = IBM AIX PowerHA Cluster)
Default Global Templates
You can find the Global Templates for each Native Type at Setup > Monitoring > Templates. Search with suggested names in global scope. Each template adheres to the following naming convention:
{appName Type nativeType 'Template' - version}
Ex: ibm-aix-server IBM AIX PowerHA Cluster Template - 4 g(i.e, appName = ibm-aix-server, Type = IBM AIX PowerHA Cluster, nativeType = IBM AIX Cluster, version = 4)
Default Global Monitors
You can find the Global Monitors for each Native Type at Setup > Monitoring > Monitors. Search with suggested names in global scope. Each Monitors adheres to the following naming convention:
{monitorKey appName nativeType - version}
Ex: IBM AIX Cluster Monitor ibm-aix-server IBM AIX Cluster 4(i.e, monitorKey = IBM AIX Cluster Monitor, appName = ibm-aix-server, nativeType = IBM AIX Cluster, version = 4).
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