Migrating an integration from Monitoring Integration 1.0 to Monitoring Integration 2.0 is crucial to leverage enhanced monitoring capabilities, improved scalability, and better management options. However, this migration process requires careful planning and execution to ensure a seamless transition.

Key points to consider

  1. Irreversible Process: Once migration starts, it cannot be reverted.
  2. Handling Customizations:
    • If you have custom metrics or configurations in Monitoring Integration 1.0, they must be manually replicated in Monitoring Integration 2.0 before migration.
    • Clone Device Management Policies (DMPs) and Templates to retain customizations in Monitoring Integration 2.0. Refer to the following guide for cloning and customizing DMPs and templates.
  3. The Monitoring Integration 1.0 app will cease to function once the migration begins.
  4. Monitoring and discovery might pause temporarily depending on the number of resources being migrated.
  5. Criteria for Successful Migration:
    • All Monitoring Integration 1.0 resources must be linked to the Monitoring Integration 2.0 app.
    • Templates must be assigned automatically through the DMP flow, and the monitoring should resume.