
SAP HANA serves as an in-memory platform designed for conducting real-time analytics and facilitating the development and deployment of real-time applications. When deployed on-premise, SAP HANA is available either as a pre-installed solution on certified hardware offered by SAP hardware partners (known as the appliance delivery model) or it can be installed on certified hardware by a qualified administrator following the tailored data center integration model.

However, SAP HANA extends beyond being solely a database management system. It serves as a comprehensive platform for building and executing native data-intensive applications that operate efficiently within SAP HANA’s in-memory architecture and parallel execution capabilities.

At its core, SAP HANA features a high-performance, in-memory database.

Functioning as an in-memory platform, SAP HANA integrates an ACID-compliant database with advanced data processing, application services, and adaptable data integration services. The SAP HANA database is capable of functioning as a standard SQL-based relational database. In this capacity, it can serve as both the data provider for traditional transactional applications (OLTP) and the data source for analytical queries (OLAP). Access to database functionality is achieved through an SQL interface.

Key Use cases

Discovery Use cases

  • It discovers the SAP HANA System and its components HANA DB instances.
  • Publishes relationships between resources to have a topological view and ease of maintenance.

Monitoring Use cases

  • Provides metrics related to job scheduling time and status etc..
  • Concern alerts will be generated for each metric to notify the administrator regarding the issue with the resource.

Supported Target Versions (fa/hana2sp05)


  • OpsRamp Classic Gateway (Linux) 16.0.0 and above.
  • OpsRamp NextGen Gateway 16.0.0 and above.
  • Provided IpAddress/hostname, Credentials should work for SAP HANA DB
  • The SAP HANA DB credentials should be same for all the HANA DB instances.
  • sapcontrol command should be executing from SAP HANA Host System, if not able to execute the sapcontrol command, add SAP HANA System Path to /etc/bash.bashrc
    Example: $PATH=/usr/sap/PSL/HDB10/exe:/usr/sap/PSL/HDB10

Hierarchy of SAP HANA resources

    · SAP HANA Host
        Note: For now this can be removed, however, this host can be         discovered under the SAP HANA system in the future.
            · SAP HANA System
                   · SAP HANA Database

Supported Metrics

Click here to view the supported metrics
Native TypeMetric NameDisplay NameUnitsVersionDescription
SAP HANA Systemsap_hana_system_OperationalStateSAP HANA System Operational State1.0.0SAP Hana system operational state. Possible values are - GREEN : 0, YELLOW : 1, GRAY :2
sap_hana_system_DataDiskUsageSAP HANA System Data Disk UsageGB1.0.0Total disk space occupied on disk(s) containing dat
sap_hana_system_numanode_totalOpenJobCountSAP HANA - Total Open Jobs per NUMA Nodecount2.0.0Number of jobs waiting in the thread group (includes prio queue).
sap_hana_system_numanode_openNumaPrefJobCountSAP HANA - #Jobs with NUMA preferencecount2.0.0Number of jobs with NUMA preference in started job graphs ready to be executed.
sap_hana_system_numanode_noPrefJobCountSAP HANA - #Jobs without NUMA preferencecount2.0.0Number of jobs without specific NUMA preference in started job graphs ready to be executed.
sap_hana_system_LogDiskUsageSAP HANA System Log DIsk UsageGB1.0.0Total disk space occupied on disk(s) containing log files
sap_hana_system_TraceDiskUsageSAP HANA System Trace Disk UsageGB1.0.0Total disk space occupied on disk(s) containing trace files
sap_hana_system_ProcessStatusSAP HANA System Process Status1.0.0Running status of processes on instance. Possible values are - Running : 0, Stopped :1
sap_hana_system_isDistributedSAP HANA System isDistributed1.0.0SAP Hana system is distibuted or not. Possible values are - No :0, Yes : 1
SAP HANA Databasesap_hana_database_process_memoryFreeSizeSAP HANA DB Process Memory Free SizeGB1.0.0SAP HANA Database Process Memory Free Size
sap_hana_database_process_physicalMemorySizeSAP HANA DB Process Physical Memory SizeGB1.0.0SAP HANA Database Process Physical Memory Size
sap_hana_database_process_logicalMemorySizeSAP HANA DB Process Logical Memory SizeGB1.0.0SAP HANA Database Process Logical Memory Size
sap_hana_database_process_codeSizeSAP HANA DB Process Code SizeGB1.0.0SAP HANA Database Process Code Size
sap_hana_database_process_stackSizeSAP HANA DB Process Stack SizeGB1.0.0SAP HANA Database Process Stack Size
sap_hana_database_process_allocationLimitSAP HANA DB Process Allocation LimitGB1.0.0SAP HANA Database Process Allocation Limit
sap_hana_database_virtualAddressSpaceUsedSizeSAP HANA DB Virtual Address Space Used SizeGB1.0.0SAP HANA Database Virtual Address Space Used Size
sap_hana_database_process_effectiveAllocationLimitSAP HANA DB Effective Process Allocation LimitGB1.0.0SAP HANA Database Effective Process Allocation Limit
sap_hana_database_heapMemory_allocatedSizeSAP HANA DB HeapMemory Allocated SizeGB1.0.0SAP HANA Database HeapMemory Allocated Size
sap_hana_database_heapMemory_usedSizeSAP HANA DB HeapMemory UsedSizeGB1.0.0SAP HANA Database HeapMemory UsedSize
sap_hana_database_heapMemory_freeSizeSAP HANA DB HeapMemory FreeSizeGB1.0.0SAP HANA Database HeapMemory FreeSize
sap_hana_database_sharedMemory_allocatedSizeSAP HANA DB SharedMemory Allocated SizeGB1.0.0SAP HANA Database SharedMemory Allocated Size
sap_hana_database_sharedMemory_usedSizeSAP HANA DB SharedMemory Used SizeGB1.0.0SAP HANA Database SharedMemory Used Size
sap_hana_database_sharedMemory_freeSizeSAP HANA DB SharedMemory FreeSizeGB1.0.0SAP HANA Database SharedMemory FreeSize
sap_hana_database_totalMemoryUsedSizeSAP HANA DB Total Memory Used SizeGB1.0.0SAP HANA Database Total Memory Used Size
sap_hana_database_compactorsSizeSAP HANA DB CompactorsSizeGB1.0.0SAP HANA Database CompactorsSize
sap_hana_database_compactorsFreeableSizeSAP HANA DB Compactors Freeable SizeGB1.0.0SAP HANA Database Compactors Freeable Size
sap_hana_database_compactorsUsedSizeSAP HANA DB Compactors Used SizeGB1.0.0SAP HANA Database Compactors Used Size
sap_hana_database_process_cpuUtilizationSAP HANA DB Process CPU Utilization%1.0.0CPU Used by all processes
sap_hana_database_diskSizeSAP HANA DB DiskSizeBytes1.0.0Disk size
sap_hana_database_diskUsedSAP HANA DB DiskUsedBytes1.0.0Disk used
sap_hana_database_diskFreeSAP HANA DB DiskFreeBytes1.0.0Disk Free
sap_hana_database_memoryAllocationLimitSAP HANA DB Memory Allocation LimitBytes1.0.0Memory allocation limit for all processes of HANA instance
sap_hana_database_residentMemorySAP HANA DB Resident MemoryBytes1.0.0Physical memory used for all HANA processes
sap_hana_database_physicalMemorySizeSAP HANA DB Physical Memory SizeBytes1.0.0Physical memory size
sap_hana_database_physicalMemoryUsedSizeSAP HANA DB Physical Memory Used SizeBytes1.0.0Physical memory used size
sap_hana_database_physicalMemoryFreeSizeSAP HANA DB Physical Memory Free SizeBytes1.0.0Physical memory free size
sap_hana_database_totalResidentMemorySAP HANA DB Total Resident MemoryBytes1.0.0Physical memory used for all processes
sap_hana_database_hanaProcesses_memoryUsedSAP HANA DB HANA Processes memoryUsageBytes1.0.0Memory used for all HANA processes
sap_hana_database_hanaProcesses_memoryPeakUsedSAP HANA DB HANA Processes memoryPeakUsageBytes1.0.0Memory peak used for all HANA processes
sap_hana_database_activeSqlExecutorsSAP HANA DB ActiveSqlExecutorscount1.0.0Number of active SqlExecutors
sap_hana_database_activeThreadsSAP HANA DB Active Threadscount1.0.0Number of active threads
sap_hana_database_admissionControl_AdmitsSAP HANA DB Admission Control Admitscount1.0.0Number of session requests admitted by admission control
sap_hana_database_admissionControl_QueueSizeSAP HANA DB Admission Control QueueSizecount1.0.0Number of session requests waiting in admission control queue
sap_hana_database_admissionControl_rejectsSAP HANA DB Admission Control Rejectscount1.0.0Number of session requests rejected by admission control
sap_hana_database_admissionControl_waitTimeSAP HANA DB Admission Control WaitTime1.0.0Total wait time of session requests queued in admission control queue
sap_hana_database_blockedTxnCountSAP HANA DB BlockedTxnCountcount1.0.0Number of blocked SQL transactions
sap_hana_database_commitIdRangeSAP HANA DB CommitIdRange1.0.0Range between newest and oldest active Commit ID
sap_hana_database_openSqlconnectionsSAP HANA DB OpenSqlConnectionscount1.0.0Number of open SQL connections
sap_hana_database_service_cpuUtilizationSAP HANA DB Service CpuUtilzation%1.0.0CPU used by Service
sap_hana_database_columnUnloadsSAP HANA DB ColumnUnloadscount1.0.0Number of column unloads
sap_hana_database_dataBackupWriteSizeSAP HANA DB DataBackupWriteSizeBytes1.0.0Bytes written to data backup
sap_hana_database_dataBackupWriteTimeSAP HANA DB DataBackupWriteTimemicrosec1.0.0Time used for writing to data backup
sap_hana_database_dataReadSizeSAP HANA DB DataReadSizeBytes1.0.0Bytes read from data area
sap_hana_database_dataReadTimeSAP HANA DB DataReadTimemicrosec1.0.0Time used for reading from data area
sap_hana_database_dataWriteSizeSAP HANA DB DataWriteSizeBytes1.0.0Bytes written to data area
sap_hana_database_dataWriteTimeSAP HANA DB DataWriteTimemicrosec1.0.0Time used for writing to data area
sap_hana_database_sqlExternalConnectionsSAP HANA DB SqlExternalConnectionscount1.0.0Number of open SQL external connections
sap_hana_database_externalTxnCountSAP HANA DB ExternalTxnCountcount1.0.0Number of external transactions
sap_hana_database_openHandlesSAP HANA DB OpenHandlescount1.0.0Number of open handles
sap_hana_database_sqlIdleConnectionsSAP HANA DB SqlIdleConnectionscount1.0.0Number of open SQL idle connections
sap_hana_database_sqlInternalConnectionsSAP HANA DB SqlInternalConnectionscount1.0.0Number of open SQL internal connections
sap_hana_database_internalTxnCountSAP HANA DB InternalTxnCountcount1.0.0Number of internal transactions
sap_hana_database_logBkupWriteSizeSAP HANA DB LogBackupWriteSizeBytes1.0.0Bytes written to log backup
sap_hana_database_logBkupWriteTimeSAP HANA DB LogBackupWriteTimemicrosec1.0.0Time used for writing to log backup
sap_hana_database_logReadSizeSAP HANA DB LogReadSizeBytes1.0.0Bytes read from log area
sap_hana_database_logReadTimeSAP HANA DB LogReadTimemicrosec1.0.0Time used for reading from log area
sap_hana_database_logWriteSizeSAP HANA DB LogWriteSizeBytes1.0.0Bytes written to log area
sap_hana_database_logWriteTimeSAP HANA DB LogWriteTimemicrosec1.0.0Time used for writing to log area
sap_hana_database_service_memoryAllocationLimitSAP HANA DB Service MemoryAllocationLimitBytes1.0.0Memory allocation limit for Service
sap_hana_database_service_memoryUsedSAP HANA DB Service MemoryUsedBytes1.0.0Memory used by Service
sap_hana_database_mutexCollisionCountSAP HANA DB MutexCollisionCountcount1.0.0Number of collisions on mutexes
sap_hana_database_mvccVersionCountSAP HANA DB MVCCVersionCountcount1.0.0Number of active MVCC versions
sap_hana_database_pendingSessionCountSAP HANA DB PendingSessionCountcount1.0.0Number of pending requests
sap_hana_database_readwriteLockCollisionCountSAP HANA DB ReadWriteLockCollisionCountcount1.0.0Number of collisions on read/write locks
sap_hana_database_recordLockCountSAP HANA DB RecordLockCountcount1.0.0Number of acquired record locks
sap_hana_database_statementCountSAP HANA DB StatementCountcount1.0.0Number of finished SQL statements
sap_hana_database_totalSqlExecutorCountSAP HANA DB TotalSqlExecutorCountcount1.0.0Total number of SqlExecutors
sap_hana_database_totalThreadCountSAP HANA DB TotalThreadCountcount1.0.0Total number of threads
sap_hana_database_txnCountSAP HANA DB TxnCountcount1.0.0Number of open SQL transactions
sap_hana_database_userTxnCountSAP HANA DB UserTxnCountcount1.0.0Number of user transactions
sap_hana_database_waitingSqlExecutorCountSAP HANA DB WaitingSqlExecutorCountcount1.0.0Number of waiting SqlExecutors
sap_hana_database_waitingThreadsSAP HANA DB WaitingThreadscount1.0.0Number of waiting threads

Default Monitoring Configurations

SAP HANA DB has default Global Device Management Policies, Global Templates, Global Monitors and Global Metrics in OpsRamp. You can customize these default monitoring configurations as per your business requirement by cloning respective Global Templates and Global Device Management Policies. It is recommended to clone them before installing the application to avoid noise alerts and data.

  1. Default Global Device Management Policies

    You can find the Device Management Policy for each Native Type at Setup > Resources > Device Management Policies. Search with suggested name in global scope. Each Device Management Policy follows below naming convention:

    {appName nativeType - version}

    Ex: sap-hana-db SAP HANA System - 1(i.e, appName = sap-hana-db, nativeType = SAP HANA System , version = 1)

  2. Default Global Templates

    You can find the Global Templates for each Native Type at Setup > Monitoring > Templates. Search with suggested names in global scope. Each template follows below naming convention:

    {appName nativeType 'Template' - version}

    Ex: sap-hana-db SAP HANA System Template- 1(i.e, appName = sap-hana-db, nativeType = SAP HANA System, version = 1)

  3. Default Global Monitors

    You can find the Global Monitors for each Native Type at Setup > Monitoring > Monitors. Search with suggested name in global scope. Each Monitors follows below naming convention:

    {monitorKey appName nativeType - version}

    Ex: SAP HANA System Monitor sap-hana-db SAP HANA System 1 (i.e, monitorKey =SAP HANA System Monitor, appName = sap-hana-db, nativeType = SAP HANA System, version = 1)

Configure and Install the SAP HANA Integration

  1. From All Clients, select a client.
  2. Navigate to Setup > Account.
  3. Select the Integrations tab.
  4. The Installed Integrations page, where all the installed integrations are displayed. Click + ADD on the Installed Integrations page.
  5. If you do not have any installed applications, you will be navigated to the Available Integrations page. The Available Integrations page displays all the available applications along with the newly created application with the version.
    Note: Search for the application using the search option available. Alternatively, use the All Categories option to search.
  6. Click ADD in the SAP HANA DB application.
  7. In the Configurations page, click + ADD. The Add Configuration page appears.
  8. Enter the following BASIC INFORMATION:
Field NameDescription
NameEnter the name for the configuration.
IP Address/Host Name of SAP HANA HostIP Address/Host Name for the SAP HANA Host.
SSH PortSSH Port

Note: By default port is 22.
SAP HANA System ID(SID)Enter the SAP HANA system ID.
SAP HANA Instance NumberEnter the SAP HANA instance number.
SAP HANA Host SSH CredentialSelect the Credential from the drop-down list.

(Optional): Click + Add to create a credential. The ADD CREDENTIAL window is displayed. Enter the following information.
  • Name: Credential name.
  • Description: Brief description of the credential.
  • User Name: User name.
  • Password: Password.
  • Confirm Password: Confirm password
SAP HANA Database CredentialSelect the Credential from the drop-down list.

(Optional): Click + Add to create a credential. The ADD CREDENTIAL window is displayed. Enter the following information.
  • Name: Credential name.
  • Description: Brief description of the credential.
  • User Name: User name.
  • Password: Password.
  • Confirm Password: Confirm password


  • By default the Is Secure checkbox is selected.
  • Ip Address/Host Name and Port should be accessible from Gateway.
  • Select the following:
    • App Failure Notifications: if turned on, you will be notified in case of an application failure that is, Connectivity Exception, Authentication Exception.
    • Alert Configuration: map alert configuration for third party alerts into OpsRamp.
    • Alert On Root Resource: Checking this will generate event polling alerts on root resource.
      • Below are the default values set for:
        • Alert Severity: Possible values of Alert Severity filter configuration property are [“HIGH”,“ERROR”,“LOW”,“MEDIUM”]
        • Alert Severity Mapping: Provides alert severity mapping configuration. Default values for Alert Severity Mapping configuration are {“HIGH”:“Critical”,“ERROR”:“Critical”,“LOW”:“Warning”,“MEDIUM”:“Warning”}.
  1. Select the following Custom Attribute:
Field NameDescription
Custom AttributeSelect the custom attribute from the drop down list box.
ValueSelect the value from the drop down list box.

Note: The custom attribute that you add here will be assigned to all the resources that are created by the integration. You can add a maximum of five custom attributes (key and value pair).

  1. In the RESOURCE TYPE section, select:
    • ALL: All the existing and future resources will be discovered.
    • SELECT: You can select one or multiple resources to be discovered.
  2. In the DISCOVERY SCHEDULE section, select recurrence pattern to add one of the following patterns:
    • Minutes
    • Hourly
    • Daily
    • Weekly
    • Monthly
  3. Click ADD.

Now the configuration is saved and displayed on the configurations page after you save it.
Note: From the same page, you may Edit and Remove the created configuration.

  1. Under the ADVANCED SETTINGS, Select the Bypass Resource Reconciliation option, if you wish to bypass resource reconciliation when encountering the same resources discovered by multiple applications.

    Note: If two different applications provide identical discovery attributes, two separate resources will be generated with those respective attributes from the individual discoveries.

  2. Click NEXT.

  3. (Optional) Click +ADD to create a new collector. You can either use the pre-populated name or give the name to your collector.

  4. Select an existing registered profile.

  5. Click FINISH.

The integration is installed and displayed on the INSTALLED INTEGRATION page. Use the search field to find the installed integration.

Modify the Configuration

View the SAP HANA Details

To discover resources for SAP HANA:

  1. Navigate to Infrastructure > Search > DATABASES > SAP HANA DB. The SAP HANA DB page is displayed
  2. Select the application on the SAP HANA DB page
  3. The RESOURCE page appears from the right.
  4. Click the ellipsis () on the top right and select View Details.
  1. Navigate to the Attributes tab to view the discovery details.
  1. Click the Metrics tab to view the metric details for HPE SimpliVity.

View resource metrics

To confirm HPE SimpliVity monitoring, review the following:

  • Metric graphs: A graph is plotted for each metric that is enabled in the configuration.
  • Alerts: Alerts are generated for metrics that are configured as defined for integration.

Resource Filter Input Keys

SAP HANA DB application resources are filtered and discovered based on below keys.

Click here to view the Supported Input Keys
Resource TypeResource Type
All TypesresourceName
SAP HANA SystemPlatform

Supported Alert Custom Macros

Customize the alert subject and description with the following macros so that it can generate alerts accordingly.
Supported macros keys:

Click here to view the alert subject and description with macros














                                ${Custom attributes on the resource}

Risks, Limitations & Assumptions

  • The integration can manage critical/recovery failure alerts for the following two scenarios when the user activates App Failure Notifications in the settings:
    • Connectivity Exception
    • Authentication Exception
  • SAP HANA integration cannot control monitoring pause/resume actions based on above alerts. Metrics can be used to monitor resources and can generate alerts based on the threshold values.
  • The default value of the SSH Port is 22. You can modify this from the configuration page, if required.
  • Component level thresholds can be configured on each resource level.
  • No support of showing activity log and applied time.
  • The minimum supported version for the option to get the latest snapshot metric is Nextgen-14.0.0.
  • This integration supports both Classic Gateway and NextGen Gateway.

Version History

Application VersionBug fixes / Enhancements
2.0.0Added support for SAP HANA Numa Nodes Jobs count, Numa Pref Job Count and Numa No Pref Job CountMetrics for SAP HANA System native Type.
1.0.1Support for activity log changes and debug handler changes.
1.0.0Initial SDK2.0 application Discovery and Monitoring Implementations.