This section provides detailed instructions on how to Upgrade the Kubernetes 2.0 Agent.

Updating the Kubernetes 2.0 Agent Using Helm

  1. To upgrade your Kubernetes 2.0 Agent, use the following command:
    helm upgrade <release-name> <helm-repo-url>
    For example, if your release name is opsramp, run:
    helm upgrade opsramp oci://

The above command will upgrade the Agent to the latest helm version available in the OpsRamp Agent Helm Repository.

  1. If you need to upgrade the Agent to a specific Helm version, use the --version flag in the command.
    For example, to upgrade to helm version 0.1.0, use:
helm upgrade opsramp oci:// --version 0.1.0
  1. If the opsramp-master agent pod does not restart automatically after the upgrade, you can manually restart it using:
kubectl rollout restart deployment opsramp-master

Changing Agent Configuration Keys

To modify any keys in the opsramp-agent-config configMap, you can use the helm upgrade command with your existing agent/Helm version.

For example, if you want to change the proxy server and port, you can use the following command:

helm upgrade opsramp-agent durga-helm-repo/agent --version 0.1.0 --reuse-values --set agent.config.proxy.server="",agent.config.proxy.port="3128"