Before troubleshooting, ensure all prerequisites prerequisites are met.
If Polycom AV integrations fail to discover or monitor, troubleshoot using the following steps:
- Check if any alerts have been generated on the Polycom AV resource or gateway, or if there are any error logs in vprobe.
- If there is an error or alert related to the end device connectivity or authentication, try checking the reachability of the end device from the gateway with the following commands:
- to ping the IP address provided in the configuration:
{ping <IP Address>}
- to try telnet:
{telnet <IP Adress> <Port>}
- To run an API:
Prepare the request payload by using the following sample request:
{ “apiVersion”: “debug/v1”, “module”: “Debug”, “app”: “poly-voip-phone”, “action”: “Reachability”, “payload”: { “protocol”: “
”, “ipAddressOrHostName”: “<ipAddressOrHostName”, “port”: “ ”, “userName”: “ ”, “password”: “ ”, “requestPath”: “ ”, “requestMethod”: “ ”, “version”: “ ” } } Encode the request payload to base64.
Log in to the gateway console and connect to the GCLI terminal using the
command.Run the command by using the generated base64 encoded string into the following command:
{sdkappdebug <base64 encoded string>}
- to ping the IP address provided in the configuration:
- If there are no connectivity or authentication issues, reach out to the support team for further assistance.