How do I add proxy settings to Node?

Step-1: Add the proxy settings to /etc/environments.

Step-2: Login again with the same user for the proxy settings to function properly. Step-3: Now, install the k3s.
Step-4: The proxy settings listed above will also be added to /etc/systemd/system/k3s.service.env

How do I change proxy settings at the node level after installing k3s?

Step-1: Edit the proxy settings in /etc/systemd/system/k3s.service.env
Step-2: Now, use the following command to restart the k3s service:

systemctl restart k3s

How can I enable “squid-proxy” after registering the NextGen gateway?

Use the following command to enable squid-proxy:

helm upgrade nextgen-gw oci:// --version 1.6.0 --set squidproxy=enable --reuse-values 
ISO download
After enabling squid-proxy
ISO download

How can I disable “squid-proxy” after registering the NextGen gateway?

Use the following command to disable squid-proxy:

helm upgrade nextgen-gw oci:// --version 1.6.0 --set squidproxy=disable --reuse-values 
ISO download
After disabling squid-proxy
ISO download

How to configure the SNMP V3 trap credential in NextGen gateway

Refer the Document to configure the SNMP V3 trap credential in NextGen gateway:

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